%.v~2.~Mmmm§% _N I ' . I ‘_ 0 ‘ . , " \'I r ’ V “V 4 V ‘ 5‘. . “ ‘ ‘ ‘e’ M ‘ Cy ‘tr 5 ‘V ‘ V I V " " m f “‘-"}wwww$“m W ‘ Q "q-' ‘In. ‘N r: .4}. wk (5 -- 3 \ "'1 9 an ' -g .. .' “V ‘ ; ." ‘ I \ AND A , NIr.%...7\Qtt/Mniel M A J+u3x; '64.; % Chfl COflfCfli0fl Ttrflfifikfmx be pfintcd % lmdm, Printed ’for:i’cter 65!: at the Glfivc and Lyonhin Id Executitm. J i Togetberwitb tbs manner if £u';.coming W-Iv ‘ WW7‘ . ‘“ Ju1Y5- T1643» W T "”"“"“ 1, IT 12; zhxs day orcicarcd bfv the Committccofnhc Iiioufi V “O i _.. f C°m.m"m‘5 15“ PM amen! C0*?C‘31‘“5"§.3' Pfixxting » "’ F? L byfetcrcoie. ’;1oH,,%VV1Ha _z.B_. W-% rm-~. war war \ . I Comhiil met the Roya’1IExg11ar1g;&.-%' ' E E Macle upon the Laddcrat the fitnc of d 111.5Exc¢uti1m,onWcck1eFdaythcFiFch’of 3 *‘1‘~‘% ‘ gasazéezerzezaa V Q 3) J'35'f,;Z§’§L.i.§iJ .:Z*#¢;é;~i.‘*“ ‘g’ Q. % "‘ ~. " %f£‘.\‘?'/,i§'.% ’V flfififimww % « n , he t*W:c:z~Provofi-=~M.ar{Ea1s; viz. M 91.1» -‘ ‘ "" 3%.‘ an... 4. 5, ‘ -:me= ;1“ferL'Iob2z :V2\?l}1r§/7)&::£1l,‘:w and M 1‘; Qficger QI;c2«§c*}*main; . V ac_co.mp.:mi<:d Wirhf01ncDiVin_CS_, divers A, '1*1'o',Qps ofA}-Ioffc, 2.;1gi' cvc1'3Il4Aco1:ipa.r1ics of‘tIfl1cT1*ai_1;.ed—B2;nd§ of they <’:i:yo417" London, A .%é3;r3fj?éd”L"M{I‘.N;§tBa§1i€ZTom;::*k;Ensw.AAfifoffi2 Tezvgate on foot to Elolborm, and jufi in.{?tAI*7'etter[.-any find W33 jércéfcdia Gibbct 5 and IV1%%r~'1"o?vr}vkir2s , being» up%0nMtheA Ladd%e1f{,¢in {ight%:% ;3.1,'1d }5:'cfcn.cc 4o¢fma”n”y Citizc+z1 3, the Cbnfcfsionhtmade,was%‘4a.~;4J§9f‘01lo\?V%ét11:: — [ R‘ EhtI<:ftnr:n., I do HfiL1zi1bIV .2§.c1moW;» V 16356 in the figIm1t’of ‘A11nig11ty God , (.t0“\v1'1om, and ”to émd to death and: 1 humb1>é%JfL1%bmi 2 #09 i?t.,.: % rim «'1 V fC€*inga110U:"tiII1€SA aI‘ci:1Vhi$%hM1d»ami V % A ‘ { that I11 is great Wflénibl)? *5 9 PE 0P1<:»%1%»%11“1? WV " H fwftarclé) rh==1%rAII1>’finS11é$?'¢M€r\’€d qf”AI:1in14, this,%u‘x1ti1"neI’y A zmd fl1w;1ml.:fi.1ll A2,. 1' ‘ A MUM . ml "’ ‘ flfihji Wt, an‘ 1,; W was é *5. £11., 53 ‘tw"‘Z}. W, a’ in :3 "~'v-W ‘ 4; ".\.,,v,*" ‘)‘.VH4 Afr .. W 2- .1 M) 4., ~$. A "'1 -3,. 1?» %§!~ -9.“§?;;fi,¥3- % V A A- e/arm,e¢ar.m%¢{a§x9 V xhe‘i1%, bu.t.%é;~a:i:k11o A: H A ;zi1a:?%a{%S»£§mz»o%w:Ffa1s%nmto th%c%g1*%ou13Ad; ¥E3;:ut,Wi€}.1i11his-pi‘0V£d@nCC~, much more Th/1311 .1thaat %bAe¢a'r$"i.11%is-%image.%: 4 am.&i1“" A» pro:-ec’ti‘0m t0in%e;,,ha§1d his goodi1e{Te,at1d * his %me1*c;.y;‘to%%%m>c, Tin1tI1at.hehath.d.urii1g 9.11. this tro1ible~ lfl1aveunderg~o’ue,$%pr%c»- .ledg.§ Gedsxgreat. {E W ed «‘rr1)z:.1iCa1»"t‘, and kept ». it from fin; and f17on1thm1ghts of%:=dii‘tra<.§tion ,1 ac.» z;now1aa;,r‘c%?.1n;s fg§jcat;*:m=e”ra:iic 1 ammo M Pap;1a,1.nu&ce11‘yo¢u,w11y%IIhatlrpeak ai:%Iit,£1:s3 of? ~b£:»cauVfe% I ha§vc%Bin dcfird A..;y.a f’ri§cnd;'%%‘a1i%ax1ci¢i11t..:frie11d mine, ,_;ta~~d;ec¥{are my.%;fealfinh tlfis point, »a11d%_:;thercf7?::;:rc I flmlzl ayfomcwhat to you o<£—2t%hi-st, Iitfay;eE1m%;%I?:was«~n%cvcr ‘P a..; % A *xwrp0pifhl )7 in clih’%d,dand f®}I‘.%%f0mc relations l'1a‘S?'6.;h"%&‘t0-‘.{Om§3-that» gway, *=mvea«:%maké 3:33)‘ 2 df*~=*{the 1633 “§m.il§;ma&iAo11¢ son, Pfriricv § Kuhavc if0n'1C3-"' A V A V timfisiq canes Ahaa+ eonfere11ct;,and azrpuces with fame known Iefuits inworrazgn parts ¢nie%ay;% I manzgaaa mm; “ %_Affic*er mwemfomewhatg .% M Re"lig1Qn Werie.'%f‘"gfduiaded3 %%theyzt‘o%II& never mc ,3 1 have been Cal1edAby% fame o£:hem a Herctique in grain. in n<:_tplci;s of is’? mi? (’Afw%hich‘%::might%*r. make A *6 -at A AA Wc)r“t”hy%fi*ie% A ’ofmim=:*p11'.t me in minds" :9 e:l eeIr’n1y’felfi in this po:i11t)in**rega1f_d[. fefifdme relati0ns,&in regard I rc€‘cc:i*x_r}e. very civil ufageffimn :4}: off: efivthat Rcli» $1.9“ 1“f°”3j « gionrxs pwfe pa‘rts“;%where.thatRe1ié«- A I V*rem»rned‘~tht like » xrilneffijto them Im" that had czcafig» “ah , and ’¢IpieciaII}7%to" dwfe whom any civil %afi'aisi' brc;m~ght%;int‘o *converfati»- ?o»%x1~;Andtru1iy fpeakthivs; V-iiff-were to L V liyefl fhouldi dézlie fame thineg,havii1g% A cs‘='ca1I'iflg”t0'=th"¢iwntrary3; }*Je~:'c;‘a;4? n C6‘) he worxdamxd foigive *I“ou¢1xingthe#¥>ufin¢fi‘cf02* wvmch % fuffcr,iIdo a%ck¢@W1¢dg%e%rhat%¢8¥*‘¢%<3iozi afiBr<:thcr»in~3l?é1Ws 8r1@tafi‘¢ fimrl gratitude %te%;thc %¢Kizig,%Wh®f¢Vr€ad. ha V3 fiaiefiinowéb C>“~’Té’+A‘=?« “Yfifirs, I lmrc 56¢“ Scfvélit to HiH3‘«20$%%Y€ 61533 113% b€=€~11S€r~*a~ntVtoI%1im Whfih Hc‘w%a%s Prii?1C€,and cm:1i:a%ce, itwiil be 23¢ in. Augu%f’ene:>:Wt; I confeflé 4thof'e Mot iv<:-s dffiwnac into this4 ¢fb0li{h% b¢ufi¥ do%%forgivea11%t11Wrldzazfi dcfirc. 4 3311} 1 ‘IL 5 néffa I havcoftmz fince %d€C1ar¢:it<5, g®0dFri€AndS”%» t11atfWaS‘51+3d itmfdifw 44 c;Q;ver’d%, A vb%ecau1e, it xx: ight.hav.c ofiqafiqo} V*€rYA ill c0flf%’?¢1u%6%nC¢s;lmd tr‘1#1L§? I 1’1aV€ r€p,cntCd,; 11Q.Vi‘ng anyWha.ni1i V ~« .G<=n%t1€m€11.a %It11ar11e’I2'z‘e .[e4veVM%ta fiy, {AI hope to, be % a71e[)V..é} Fail/Jim. Tr:fzL5.Cl7rzj/3;. ‘4 ¢ , Ligfurcnant Colqnellwiraflvéarn asked M':_1£f¢.r* Taan;»k;;;;rhis mqu_eem‘on,~ 3J’9“'ifk719”fWi?éd4gE~utE;§';' "'Maficr’T:zmp;kinn: znfiwcrcd , 194%’? (éid ic_a{7a ; %$’tmz’y“danot4tran'ble;_me. A _ ¢ "4 Lic1itcnantColomc1’l w:gbbw~ne ”z£g~ai~n fpake % mMr. _k£m,.and%faid ;,_ FWhcrm_sA you have ‘ '¢¥iad:ahand thi 59$, if ¥°%ukVn0 W thcf “V Prcj.udicidll at?» liament o’r% State, pray xcmic it ‘? A " A met, I 1m«-we dug 1 It is tfibc %:i9tedt!1rat %Vi;11,4:xV§l‘A thisgtimg: Frbm CM»? M‘afir;r zgnf”-wkcr’d ,, A ‘Pm; %tr91$4€ befiiginnirig tq egdi vb; x;:yc: 1'0. rfiuch as 11;» tcrcd his coHnee1mncc,nor«by Bis outward ape ca%ra.11r:;;¢{‘cccdIo in 1831* nrgazmgr 3155.3-3 ." ‘ \ 3 ~ « % «A wk‘ M * we W-an w W 4 -' I . . » . V\ ,'II.:1s,_thx.s‘day%Q1fd:red thc_Cfiomm;ttccM ofjchp 7 “Hours q£’Cbmm¢nsV%1LnP~ar.1;ame:m coacAcrnmg;pr§n~ Au. ..4_u‘|fl.nH. Thatrhr: j,(30nfcBiQn.£$f Ngthggvicl‘ a%m};£im,be¢ .4 .4 fiur 7---W; —mr‘. -. '--r, -. M qrIH_. -v- PrEI1tcdby‘Perer¢f“z'€"K ,*A 4 41m Warm» ””et~é:¢¢:z:_¢a&eJ iv: Statianerivfia/lfiaoi Actarding ta0rJér.. % % §1z~a_Is,;.