r;_4. _ I" "-17 y.--u—-rr ‘ .. 1.... - ‘ “'95 . -r 1.1- ...g \ ‘W _-nu--1 ‘ —-""“- Z. 1; _._.._.. _, _.,_. __ _ “N r -‘_,——.w-. L0«7\L®% V Printed 1”rS4muelGelZz’6ra22d,énd areto be TOM 3‘? his H10? at the fign of the Brazen-Scrpcnt V% in fluls Church-yard. A I '6 4 <3) I Tl-re Unaeceivér. %V TNeuters are in a flare qr 1=micy_, and Atfihepe:-fofg 1n_an actrurfed co11d,1mon; He gc/mgr is napwitkj me_, z§s C mfé ye Merdzv, f£*.?Aid the Angel, curfi {loam éittkfly, éecmzfi they Mme; not tr} the help of the Lord gz_g’m‘n_%/E; the mighty Judges 5. 23; Solén made a law, that in fueh unna.;. rural! divifions as were are Atod well aicqtlainced with %,aLa*!l:» that we-ulds ndt apply ”themfcI"vcs 1:9 0ncV,fidc~ or %other,*,; afhould be: put t:o death, bcVcat‘1fc'_1;hey wauld not adventure tflllxcjix private pcrfdns for thcpubliquz good-; for men11%ot~Vtb..dctIa»r€ .themfelve%s at fuch atime, was not accounc;:tI,Mdds-_rati%e>n,fl but ‘1‘rcach‘cry ; bc"c.aufe it is clear and:A‘Cvi?dent,that\;nTm ie>£V;t1ia-tiffiiain did butwait Afdr an opportunity to %adVvancc chemVf&‘lv'c§;anvd@ BVE4 tray the%Cdmmth;‘ employ all Hisfiorees and the A V t . fleetns, for the pB1’*p0f€ efforefaid, that is, the maintenance of the Proteftantkeligien ;, or Arathert it is out of.queftion,. that He doth not empl~oy%them- to thaf‘purpofe.H A A ‘A ' V A Thirdly,‘ titffis tol)etWOI;tClf€;’h{l~at,.tl1atEtl‘leAC3.ValiC1’5,,N€g1‘0“s,’; WelfhA.& IriIh;&c.l'hould<'endeav_ou r to procure the re—eft7ltal>_lillh— men: of the Peace and quiet at" thisliingdom 5. and that ftheyv R ‘ fltottldlfelp Hit; Majesllies Suh;"ei€&S;A Is thauthe way to- “ help them tottheir liberty ?ll~They take away: their Efiatesfls that AA A the wayto mtake-thcml‘ enjby their1Pto.perty? And;is.allAthisldone ‘ .W‘-‘0fI'dAing' to the L2,:\VaOfth€ Land "P43? ‘ he 2 11?omfth;lyg. they vow that they will‘noAttel1-infier AorAp:rej‘ltdice the A fignes;of Hlis Majfifiys in the! cot17dt;El: or’ employment of His 4 [A Ilrmy. * Now, w-hatjD”e1fi§hes His-Maijefty li8l;Cl.'l.1p.l()lvAI1*L3‘:2*rfl(}*l/1-lllafli V Mareh-, iatnclf? what; l D€3figttcs= He ‘A had ttponr” Ecmdoribut the f.othe-r . d-3Y_a’AiS'well.knowngaPihld”fhalltl9anyl Man lnitntle himfelf frem he hmdring ‘fit-ehhlhiltekh andéhlooclytDlefitgncs,tlnay bind eh ‘himfelf by‘ a Covenant made. with (3od,from hli“n‘drit1"gDefigmTes Afotextreme;=.l L‘ AA_Y difpleafing to the Gedrof A Heaven; 9f Letfeven Heathens judge , 11"!‘ this pa*rtici1la1+; for iris aegaihflc the » very light: (if Natu“re,i% to Protlflete this unnatural"! ‘Wart, raind A. fucht1nc.hrifl:ianl,, nay inhu-=4 mane La-md"’ba1'bla1’01IS:D€figfl6SA._ A V ’ “ ‘A “ A F-iftly,t' is-AAvelrytfi‘ralzi.*ge that:atay.tt‘ EhAglifl1m'm.At1lfAfl1oullclfllaeleevcg, VA that the Sttbjcflrs of‘E§¢_tgiml2dl"érett1‘ottbound*.t§hy.tahy- Order qr Oti- tdmartce of Pa rliamenfig for an %0rcle'r of» th‘e Hamfelt ‘of A Commons A t d,Qth.obl-ig_e all tfhe.A_C_;_o1mtnort55téfwfiitagjmzdg, atltlcl git Orclinancerof h :1_':g0.l‘ C15 Lo tcis and Commonsdoth oblige Fall the ySAubj'e€’cs of Engfwcii { V Silxthlygyiteis beyondiadtniration, that theltoyfiers or Caxr'at~3_ “fliers vow that they will not obey any A& or Declaration méid_e: by the Kings Majeity folely, which is not according to tome A ~k,nownI.aw, Cefiome of the Realm,‘ or Statute enaetedj by the X |‘ King, Lords and Commons in Pmliamettt :: When astheir taking A tip of ArtnsAagainfl:.. the Parliamentyand fuch as are quiet in the Land, is direétly contrary to the Laws of theland, and to 211“? . “ enaéted Cuf’C0m(’2S', as {ball be fiaewnianon; may {me they are not able to prove, that it hath been a Ctuftome to take up Arms L V agatnft. the Parliament, we need not put them to prove-that it:A::: ha-thbeen a Legali Cuftome. A A to V F‘naIIy,..though the Covenant didh"e“eia1'e but now, that a Be-=- elaratiop, made by the Kings Majefiy folely, doth not ob1ige,yet:;' herein the clofe there is a fly-Alrewel intimation,that Hie Maj tyAPgyA:,;es 4 L twarrant is to fufficient to ju{3;ifie.a.mans bearing of Arms 5 their: ’ ii . piratfiife doth declare their intention; for if theyyhavebnt the. Kings VVarrant, they prefently take up Arms,an~d are lnotfo vain M to Ray till the Lords and Commons give them leave to take up i Arms againft the Pa rIiAament.. But as wife asthey-are in fA'raming~ Aa». Covenant, a Parliament-Captain may aITent.to theilait words-A.o of the Covenant; forthe that takes: up Arms by theAA-uthority of I M Ilarliaimentydoth takeup‘ Arms by ‘Authority juftly. defivved from T}-leis Majefizies immediateWarrat1t; for they are His} tMa1'e&ies~« ' higheft Court an"d.Councel1, called.by“HisAMa1'efiies Writ ;, andii“ A ' what they Ado as the.SupremeCourt,ttheydobyytheliings own __ .Auth0fiCyo; . it My V so nitieh forthef com.ca§;;~;¢;n¢:, taken bythe R oyftets;tCea~ véliets, Papifis, Delinquents, bee. in?thAe: Kings A‘rimy,an~du1 bytoo A many fimple an-yd “cowardly men,..wi1o..;.at*e.Aund.ieAt theipowet of * the Army~fye0if,1‘,h.e._yKit3g or ;§Z_L1}e ezns ‘u A. The P?arZiz:menmry— Ca't2e.m2:¢tt: ~- ¥ In the next .ypla~'ee=,~ :1 *{ha'H give CA1»€€r.AfatisfaC7C1’0I1~‘t0*'fu‘ChiOb§€=- ~- AE-tionse base are urged againfl: the ‘Parliamentary -Covenant ; fomfl. A1: flfumblei at the Penitentiall,Aothetaa.t..;theA.:Ci\zi11; .o ii yvenya‘t1t.;tyAi A v A e A i A * ‘A i ‘ A A . '‘FirPC,’th€y’' fay they aI‘€'::nOt.‘pI‘€!par‘€(i to~vente:tIirito-fo~£t*ti&ha y:@ovenant.,‘%Totthisjit isanfivetedA;fty;“Ty,hat they have above twice IL A 'a5h“£I11LChiti1nC.gj:Yenth€m £0..g1fC_§)f:lr€.,aS=1§ }J.tfi1a1Iy*.giM€HAt0 3:» eepege ‘V .‘0“£-v.E“}1‘€"€fi‘y" -A 6) o for ghee :3 ;1e_;::fa?11e€ont.-eot»2. Or-.1rr§Co«veneante ofoRefo rmation, ‘Z15 a*‘C0-‘ v._e;nax:}t of"_G-race; and therefore we do fl0EeeC1‘1:C1‘ieK‘itI5CI~“1i1S Cove- o,;n_;o1r_.,‘gpfefiimoingeuponour own, but ttjufiirig upon the ‘free ande _ :4erff‘eI?a,I‘l echaftifemen £75. TIT rca‘d-'o£h.ju: the hca;.rt ofuffiwvas pelt- éfefl aflxhis. o es, and the_r:fo;1::c: he,.w}1?s,a« Be1iewer:,“z 'C‘;J1*§fl_¢;e 15*. 17. but I orcad Iikewife, thamrhe Kingdomwas troubledo“ with e=wer5;;é:ca:z:;‘a 7A;’2zn‘«¥«s-4/:_;‘?:ai:;(/yl;§,- ::r_. ron;'1§¢9i9. e ands the rfo;fe~'t;hc A A whole K~1ngdom:1na_yoFare the worfeelfoeersaaBe.1eeversofakc;Iefiyou A X. oiseeli nrlgy £11E.‘I7W.@1fd..§§fi$iEh0t.C1€pgI}ff-[Om Z);zrge£sir;ho1zfe, ;the;;.treafon ooeoxs M A 717$ g1_V%Chn5§£‘tc!rz;tgfi.t be }>.r:;'/E*tc1t""C?orl3 zmd took’ t1Je%Wifi" V3‘£;zFJ, 2- 3 ant. 'It2;;”Iito, hflathrrnot E3061 written W bitten things cttough agmfc ’I1i;s~ ¢peoplc‘Aof.late, rto recétll~tltemt.h~bm this e;rt'our'?“ Grodhmch put paft difputc, t—hatt th7e:,.tK1t1gdo‘n1 I fares the worft: for the ctat1*t1’atil « «confidence; fécurity, unthankfulncflég and‘ utnfruitfitinttffehevtnt bf" A Bttlcevcrs. if=any?d0.-}*ct'ma£tte*‘it Ci qucfltion, VV9hethe1‘ ‘O1‘“t'T0 whey fltould be ht: tabled? in “theft dayets; of hI~i‘*u_mi!ia‘ttit:11gfiodlawill 4.tfoon putit out of queffion; htlttttus‘ tffimhitf under the hand of . God‘, atadf fay witht David; Pf:-tl. I I 9. 1 at). 11/1} fl£'flrt?6m’5/étbfw ‘ fmr of t 1'bee,;}zntd~I ‘am zzfmid aft/1}..jud“gc1nrnN'. A % Another%Ohjt6t1on is, Tlmtthtthc King hath vtbwed.;t<‘: be révénw t gedton the Patlizunctxt, andVthercfbtc*we*muPc‘ttnrst‘ Ctovtetntanttto dfefiztndtt the I’~a«r1ia~mcnt ;:becatrfé:h ~by~ this: metarmour ®°ath' vvottfd ht: tconttra tyt to :thc I‘onelv ag2't:'nt{t 4| ‘V l the‘ Kings Qflthb‘, hut‘ againfi omf‘1ownj Oath; th“t;(i)a3th¢ '0f*tA;§1't-~ t L" tgttancc.t- 13 or anfwcr, tbeflééfcdt to cthfe=rtvc;tIfci.~ILé;vvf W . ; alfxvctfléast obfigc, tvhandfihwc - are t obh‘g¢d:t~ to {foll‘ewt »th.t: di’r6(9£i?)"t§ tut" the Lawgout duty then” according ‘to on-rt jAHcg~ian'c¢,r is not”hi~fig . V c1{e't?thutho~n=r~dh3ty acmrdtifig to “Law if‘"that‘thc‘ Kirtgttcomfmttid A a~n’}t%tthingagainfl:Latw,toht:dict1;ct: to fttch atp stH'10n'até »-"CT.(I»'1Q'I‘mt'1'::‘Ih"i”Iii« ” is tzottt'A~IIe-gia11cc,re>;ztoiitio%ns% %%c%g;qgeVrningA: ;I;¢%% Lea; V ef ‘gfaeefler denyetl te give up the city to mince 2‘{’.;2pe:*tt,ot Prhxce Vlg1:[¢mr£c.e,beCaL1l'eit was againll: his Oath 0fAllegiar1ce,to*fi1bjeéB himfelf and the C.it}‘r_to any Fg:>.rte_ilgn Prince, 3;. The 1’arliamé:nt—« ’ Forces were taifed for the defenceof_ King and Parliament. 4-T he V King is our Liege--Lord, as well as weare his Liege-people ;_ and ttherfore He is to cemmand accottlingto Law,and we tcmbey His Legall lcomtnands. _That tl1eilleegallS‘umm¢n§of aKing,ie not ta fegafdcd, 2”"KiflgI I. ff0m lllflth V€'§f€l'tCi I113 fixteenth, here is a.lRoyalleo%m1fiand fent by Military Olficers; the Summons was peremptory, Tlam mm; of Goa’, the Ifizzglmzip » ,f'»‘3f£',1C0;'?;6’ down} And yet the Prophets refufing toohéy this AL,€0mlnafid3 is jufcifyed by. two miracles from heaven- .5’. In- the 03th gf Allegiance we promife to defend theAuthorit:y of the King; new we are reaclyto obey the ‘lfiings Autherity, but we are V A ‘ « tnotbound to obey theKings plealute. If the King commaml he tthing which He hath no Authority to corhmand, and enforce His eommand upon His geods Sub 5 eé’cs by anAtmy._, theylthat refifjt, "fen, yet it is not a refilling; of the Supreme P0\V_Cr;, hecaufe the Kinghath no_Powet or” Aulthorlty,tomgive,muchleff‘e to enforce- , that ‘command. I.n.the Oath of Alle‘gia;1ce We pmmilfe t“Q‘.‘é_‘-fij fend cm-Governnaenc the Kitlgdom; new the Kinghimfelf in His anfwet to "the Nineteen tPrt>pofitions tellséus, That thelKif1g« elem is not governed by himfelf alone; but by the Latcjlé and Come mQns% a4lfo,¢,5 for thought inpne pIa,ce 1it_h,_ TheCommc>ns were :n'ev'er xntencled "for any flzate In Lxovetnmentt ; ” yetehe fai%th,tlThe Conferyere of Liberty, and hello not in this cafe tefifi the ordinanceof God, but the violation. V »tofhis ordinance; and though it be it refifihag of the Supreme PCS‘-w vies (Sf Monenthehfinetvslgf VV3g1*;AVantI with thee‘ I_:g;1'1pve;3’C1'1lIf'1_g{;)lZ. A gthofe, lwhofvfofirl lltheirtioxvnfitl ends ‘hmfe ‘got aw command lfmu the % Kn-lg to break the Law f: ,Ngy farther, that there .is,at B§We}i_‘.;Z¢4, ; film’ :v*e}’z"mz}z the palhléiw? hf pltacfed 37% éefézt Hgzag/h'é:?,f were these toprezzezzt. l l ‘ A eT)tMti¢%i¢.. l This Pox-vet of l_?h°¢»~\E’W_O H01E1*l fes, this fuffieient, ;this'llmere,;thenl .f11fiCicg3t1':Vp0W£Ctl—-Of.r€17Cf?.i£3*é~”__“ V ing Tyrannie, muil;’lhetll=”dfefes;'cle’dlby,lus,«aecotdingfre? our Oialthjpf Allegiance; t for the }{ing.doni.§$: h geverned byillti-16'”?‘C>9I1rt§1'0§£:I»\§giV‘&‘? V lftice, andlif the lhighefi Cotzttthe» Plat1ia‘gr1e;t1t[lbeeovefthrewfigl tthaltlllleiictl is film Ma @9964 ‘f<>rllitilietwctltCourtslg; V . A e l l M V m M. W‘ ‘l~‘5r‘i’c %IiV?l4:iVe1$,'511i1iy doth .4 1?‘-H0135 d3fig§€1‘7<>311flyV encmach upon the other two 1?.&ates)a%therc . ‘M11533 f0ta1Vifi1bve'rfion0F,‘ or ovcrth"row"ofth*c 1?und‘a*menta14l'. L&W53l and]Ath&t.AexceI1cnt CoufljEit12t*iVon ofrhis .King%don‘1,, wh‘ich' hath” m€iC{€fithiS Nation fo nuany xfecrs borfi‘Fam4ouVs and T7i~n31iyVw'e are.b0£.'!nd% by our Oaih ofAllegiance;;to'dV%:Fcndé the %51lb}‘€5T5 35 WY311 38 the Iiingy and thf.‘1‘€f0r"€“\’V€ arc“'pAer§ut:*ed5+ “if A \_"~"€ do 1319: new defifsnd our%%f}::1low..Subjeé’c‘s% fram%‘%that*vi:o1k:11cc Vwhich is Ci,&H(_}f offered tIiem,¢‘[)y*thofc. who pretend‘ fume“ com» mwiflionfrom ,tf51€* King; A \?\7‘<: are‘ thcrefore mucfi en%cou.1*ag’cd*i5y ; :I‘hCQath offAg11cgi4a11;:e, to cfefcndrhe Parliament a11douVr‘.C§ou'h-~ try from%a1I%¢$%i1I4eg:ag 1l csppreffions, and by the grace*~of‘G ad"VVw€%&w*ifl: kfep o11r0ath. A A _ I V , «N A. F‘ ;Th€irne-xtObf€5H%pnVis,. That there is rA1othin’gii1rg‘thiV_s %C%owr¢.—.~ giant: cVoncerningI’the Defence of the Kingsrperfon. 1 A 2 V I Toxvhith it %isanfx2vc1%edi, That%w%cfiI1avc a1re;.cf;v%eng;zgeid'% wt’ Q%_fc1v€s to defend7tIie%1{ing;s pcrfon in a formcriC4(>ven%anr, \;gvh“€.‘1f1; % %W€%t0Ok« the P rotcfcation, and therefore there was no n~ec~eIT1fty; _of V x'epearing~it~ix; thisCove1=zant&.% 2. The Kings pszffon ismoff md*i1n-~ ; .4s£%Cfict§fby thofc very forces who calltjhcmfclvcs tfie Kings Guard; ~~faQVr1.thc}}: thelfiiflg UVpo1im0fidangcrot1s attempts, thery urge} V: him g9%A4info~t?fieHel%daWhich. if they Ibvcdhim,:“hey. vwouldne-% ‘iD:}:%'zz£:£ wasbeloved pfhis %S¢uBjeEEs,,.§andV therefore iiis‘ SIirbje&s:%wouIdinot Mfufler hirfi to go down }:nto.tIic Batten. 17‘/as 1wfp_t'5:€p,aap[:,I Wi/Zvflrefy go fort/bi with yowg me 1» 'fi5Zf}:z/- xkfiflt Qjaétzplé afifwvfcd, 32:"/9}‘9zg%ff£;:Zt%:¢or g9%fb_rt19,,f22"rr/:‘g:4 .:2rt A A , \i:»tg;nti2 réfx%t1i25:;fénd pf :»;:.,%2 Sam.%.I 8.2,g%;, Iti§vtrué,;tfi€Kings ger- » fQn.i$~iri4dafigé13 b,ut.wVho?s.invth.e'%MAf3Z111t? Not: the Plariiament, for A ‘%1v%~x:f1aey%:-ha;xke§I%?ke hiS“‘~grf€at». Cat3unfe1Ie~aAdvifedvV%‘h1im,iI4i}{e Chri17tia.i1s * % pra_$’6d;.f{3r hirn,%.1ike$Subje<‘?ts p.ctiti¢>ned fiiffl»1i}€'e_'S“tati€S"’t}f€atEC¥ ~.Vhim,—,bt1;..afl11%inVaixj1.rr The DeIihq1I€nts’%,theVn are 131 fault, who (A Qliggk than 1zh¢*V;I{_4%_x.1,g., was, an ,da..r1gc.r,, axtci now md ted th.*i‘V “ good,fOxth?cKihg”\’vvas .irr.n£:t,4 d%EihgeratiII"h.é. c:§;.11f1‘ein3-- V _ ‘ _”.m¢hc%§r,;ha,nd%s,%W0n@1);;rhcj)*V,V*themfelvmnmf er;-:W.i«i1 c1é&pge‘r 95 L6 ; $334115 ;md_(t4hj:;gforc5.Lmd.c.z1..p1':€I611C‘€e:*0£}:gr0£§f3TII1g%_thV€*Tklflgs the €ndang.§rV. tht‘ Vlimg, ,to.p.mtefl %tAh%em%e1vcs. from 41' /<»??%#A§b;1rt4 0ff¢1ufl‘4iC駓 If tliey didrnoc 10$ them "<":;I’i%';f¢:s4% ttmf tI1“;*r:=Ch€' A Kiag, 4 M (16) l ‘ King, they would adventugethemfitlvcs, afid} keep ‘the King out of danger. V l i ‘ It is farther Qbjgfifed, til+1.é_1t.,lt f:‘ei1isii1i1ilaii¢7fi‘ullA"to enteri.iutiic>iC€>-=Ii V menam again;l’c tliofc Fgrccs _which are raifedVby~the ‘King- ‘ 7:4 % fiTh€1'€ are tl1I:C-C things very confidejrablc {of the fatisfying.Qf' A :.this..ld¢;;ubt:;T .. 1.- XMhe,I:hs:r_ tl1é7.eForc<::s%% which are -raifedby the Kin%g,l1a$/gzbecanlegally riaiifed.l A :;>.;;Wha»tJ,i11clc...iof. Forces they arci which are miifcd. iflgainli wl1<2_in;tl1;:y employ[3:l)<:i;.l‘cp<:pgth V A %..anow the " 1.‘ ‘y i ‘/ _ ’ i A ; W ) 4 For t e fitfl:, It IS A kiiowzn Lavfioffthe Land, that‘t-heK1n;g ought not to raife ”agy.’Forccs, whileflz a Pgifliamcnt is fitting, ; wiitholm:,,confcnt“of Parliament. [2, The Ports, Eo.rts, N.avie,JAim-i xéntznitipn of 4E.jd_g1;12¢d, bélong to the Kiggdom inlipoint of Interefizi ’" ...and 1>.1=aopricty,l a’nd_tio thc 'Kin"g ohclyi‘ i%n“p1ji%ntio%f Trul’;,iforthc - ~ ufc=',{'cr»ice, and diiefcnce of the Kingdom. 3.“ It-lis againfi the in-=_ 7 ift'l1I'€€. E_€§atcs,; ixltifég be pélrcllgmcd all :Equity;and‘* 3321,» Jen: amlfcoipe of the late Law of Preflé or Lcvic, made thisiivcfy ij'1’arliiament ;.Thc I{inig%him[c1fthen hath delivered His delibcrajtci ..1*::Iudge111cnt con.ceLming this poiz;it,andl"dcclar¢d the .1-aifing of F012» M .. ceswzithouit Cc4>n_fcnt:V1o£lPa‘rliam4ent, tdfibc Il"le°ig5.ll. ',VV'hatfcruple A than can remain? _It:_b,ci;1g‘miolli;law;fi1ll to%deli:xid ouiiiifclves from :1 unlawfull force. ‘ I The fl-‘:CoI‘;d~pt)inAECO'fifiCl(i‘.ri{‘l5li':.i5, x‘%hafi'l{izi"cle.ipfiI3orces‘thiéy°. : are iwhich} are 1f;;.if'cdllj‘;_ Eiffi, there 4 ar*A““13i;<:i;;f%'1ff_c:A_i5g1i1$l Pfiincefk call 2.1661 in, Wh[c«r4do, ‘p1H11d¢1i‘x- rob,i,mtn:th<:.:fi; domiizifitria§llP1*=aifiIr¢iiand G._ all wife men will ponfeHE,tl1atthie ln’e€rcr thcivarizitqltliéiv cram, i ‘and the bicttcrl they arefcffeenigd and be‘lovéd in thé "Arn'fy,. the . more danger there is go the King.anid?’His"Royall1i, IlfL1¢i.l lSoinc~ . Statefinen, not long fince, W.Cre__fo ,jé3;l<.:)iisi4lt5ffitha-:‘ Family, that -thcy would not has/e.l1ald it .;iI-T_1C1V’}ti0n€d infi loin”? rayers ;7 but -Wx: are nowigrowiifo if€CL1‘F€,“tl1attl1€y‘fné}l be tri‘1fl:k:‘d :in"LAar~ lmygé Butiwc lhlave not oncly. “Forr‘e.ignP‘rin;ccs,‘afid bstlrba"ro‘,us » WeZl.l11—men,.Abut Wilde Irilh, profcflizd Rgbels,-arid more Black ;*%R__c_?g71n<§n;:s than one. 2;’.IThe.11,<—: aré’Dielin'q,ucntsl11pl inlgkrzns,’ ;.~3fomc Cl13EbfOl$'C prifozi, others _that fif:d'ib¢yori_d Scamp ‘avoid ‘, -;hc?{’c_¢1:okc.iofIulhqcg now.-th-Efe are protéflédi Contr~axfy' to Law, xitheycannop be pa_rd9ncd..bcforc t_rya-ill, nor~fhoiri1ld"t-hey ‘Vb: lgept A;!from tr_vZé1ll, may it-is a quéfiion wliether the King lalbne can»p§-rel “ ; don them after try%ill, for theywho have offcndcdl againftjthe A - i.l-{on (iii . ” fen th’a’3r"pi*evail;‘“ ‘~APap.ifi%llairel .a1*m'ed}coimtfary Alto‘ Lziwr. lNow;i: L ”w_héth'er the Coi11i1ien~wealtl1 of E(1gZ4m’,lega:l»1y lam-mblect jg,» Pa'rliament,i may not—»prot§€c theKingdemagai-nil: anAx:my ofi." ieti.l\/lalignants; Fugitives, Delinquents ,* eviwl-Counfellor.°,v Papifl:s,. Rebeills, F0r1‘eigiier~s, Jwe appeal to the lconfciencei of ma.nkinde,,.: . iet'tl1e*worlcl-judge. A A L 4 i l % . ‘ ~VVe~are eiigagied laytlizitafolemn Proteftxtion wl1ii:hlwa;siiiit:1lt~ein' . hall l.E7WgZfi!7fid over, by the Kings confent, to Life our utlnofl-L.PO‘$VTC‘r. i and diligence to bring ficli petfons as-i theft ‘to‘:th€i.t‘ idieffervled. :1 punifliment 5 and the wifefh of.I{ings.afl'.iries.ius;, that thisgis the : onely means to cflaélijb the Ifingx Throne, V and confequently to ‘quiet the KinTgdoin,?Prae2.25"i.5.r T.*I1{e\al3M)' tlycwiie/¢e=d~firom Zmfore the IC‘in‘g"*, and H2i5*T/firm: v_/77;?/I-5:. g[f4z~’2lified,;£rzzigbrcoufmffe. The dir.eé’ci~on is eff9eciall}*_givth to Magifcrates and Coulrtslcof A iIuPcice, and therefore ti) the higheft Court the Parliament; f'C>I‘».«;<. ‘the King'being.blinded and feduced by them, is not likely to put them away,+ but rather to proteéhp refer them. i.NQwitl1e Pa1:lia— » ~ ~rnent hath ufed all famwayes to taikeyaway thefeilvialigiiants. from 1‘ be.£ore.ithe King, they have pr«:,felnted.,z’1nlhiumble Petitibn, they-. “have prefentedea ‘Legall Summons , ..they are now’ forced to {end a Legall Army, thatnth.fegprotet°ced Delinquents may be brfouglitto a. Leg}:illetr,}:a;ll‘; for their Le_gall-S*$ummons was deiia. . . ded,the Meilengier cemmitted anclabufed, witnefliz: thelsummons - fent to ;..the.l.Poi1tteen llYo.t:r;flai‘ne;Gent1emen-?*for\:tlii¥mibing fthe . -Peace; the Gentlemen being cited to appear before fiche Pai»lia- ment, refiifed, antlalleaged His Ma jeities Vlfa tram for their. fiziya. .i We ineed fay fnothihgilo£.tl1ae.,protec‘i:ion. and -lr‘e1‘CL1"€" lofiflecfliivirii i?ithat_.Iefiiited«Papifcg-tl;eiiStot~y issfizificientlyl knewn; . ehel third thing confiderableis, againit whom tl1l€l‘t?‘P0-{C699 l‘,',X‘ailfi€d,by the king af1£l;},‘_ZL_IiE€iF13;>€f_Fl‘1:5l<5ylZi1€i1‘1?Cf€ngEi1;Th&&KiI£3g hath new declair.e;d_i,.LTh*at:r,l1e wil'lrx1otTreat any more tvitlzilthé? A ;:,Lor'ds.i&and_ Con1me~ns-i-mlder the inotioimofita Parliament, and His :-;S,(¢>L1lcliei'is ;p1T€;f€i117Ele.yfl'~l]l0QC on app rehendissany‘ : mean lthatlicl eclaite-is M hiitifelf for King a~i1§i?I’atli;tnient:,artd fomfe 0i7r.them:5ci£inl§.1¥3§ettltll‘i$ A Ll}30flithCi»f l<_1'1€€‘S\_«t0:l:_l_"l.GCOI‘lfLIfiOI1liOfltl1€l17a‘1"lli3fI‘IE1i.E. . ‘A _¢T19~~N0\V to ':figl1,t« ag3..ifl.;P£"'t‘;.1C Parliamrznt, is.ito."fight'lagairi-fl: the * ” l_~Kii'~1g:,a11iCl;.tihe,Kingdom~A both at onCe;aigaiiiPtti1e Kiiig, becaiife .Ih"C-.P3iflri&L,i'l'l(?iit~.i.5».‘«ih€ iKingsiCourt“, i-Ii-s’“higheftCoi1rs, fmm ,,'L.,.Whfinc:c¥Ti thicrea; ‘15_;3fl0 a.ppic:;al__,.i a.ri:l.therefore they who .ep:.po..‘?<: ? B :2. ' he . th3t' ':tl'%z;a‘vt‘.1f(‘;scmt*t; l€'~°rI‘1C ‘lgulll 17)’ 7195 Eh? lhi~gh“& Rab gm-on ’ A Itlléy l . Qppofc {ht Kings hlllghfifil Power and Al1Eh0n:ty:. »1d:-~ l l meat ltl1,e.n l~fi,ghting for th=el&ma‘xn.tena1::c§? Pfthfi I_§¥‘f‘%3§ L fifixé” ltyin’ that‘ Court, and"th¢_Caval:cr5 figlmng 38”.“ I 1:’ £1: “cafe” ‘ V 3.I1lCVid;6nt,lthatlthe ParllzamcntffiglhtlfoffhéKlflga3415 A 5 ha“ wlicrs againfi Him, b¢cauf<=rh<=5r_t~1m°PP°1f=tht‘ Kings-1“"°“ my in His Coimrts, do inatlifeflly Voppoffi Ehf King-l And if Fhé Kj.qgi11 perfon bhc lb far lfcduccdyfls 50 °PP°{"~' the Amhomtl Of that Conn, wgl ought? notto the King,-in oppofing 0*‘ ‘H515’ .own Authority ; for by that lmeans we 111ou_ld di1i?b€Y T155 Au“ ‘thmim that we miwghtobe), Hi5 plcafure, whtclx gvcgry w.1{¢eman and good ~SL1bj«e& will count:xno{*t‘ab.1u*rd- ~Ma11gnmtS and C5_‘~V3*' lli};clr»s might learn bylthe Lord of .S‘tmfi'0rd:- Caffi. That Eh‘? 1_{1“€‘5% perfonall orvlcrballl command w.1_ll n_ot bgar _d.3e_1Tl~ Out agamlf [ht Kings1Lcgall Power and Authonitv m H15 lhzghcfi Court. More. over,» to" fight: agailnll the Pa.rlia°1ment,lis rd fight againfi ll I116 . 1sI~invgdlLorn;;for the .P.arliarn em isllxhe -Reprtifentative Bodylllof the 1qingdezn,and if that Court be oVel‘thr«0’W.13j’ téhen fitrczwcll Reli» l. gion, LibIé:'rty,lLz1w andllall. .Finally,the Kings Army employ their firfzngrll againfi all fllriéi and pure Protefiants, lthcyl do c‘i;t:hr-ar »plunde1', iznprirfon, or murthssr ~th:cminAlal1 pllaccswfherc crfc thsfi ;c.ome; \‘?'."l'lCfCby.it is cvidenr",ut:hat they ,figl1t,againlhhc Religion :€‘flE&l>llill1€Cl by Lam smd cndcaiyour by foiceand lviolcncc to mo: arll corcliall la-nd fimtcrellP1'ott&ants +out.olf the Ixingdom In *9. &V.o'rd., they wq11ld byan abfqlutc Conquefl: make allthe Subjefts Df n_g1m¢d.flavcs, tlothalt {'0 much aifeélled abfolmte andArbitrary .i1’owcr,%—:an‘dl.malr thislmay bexzdionelby” an infi:r%iot1r ‘ V §CbIl:#,,’ if {there , be h, 2:4 mlolrtall l wouonldl the body, the -head dyes afW’£ll 3-5lthCVbOdY.5'+_f9_h islit iii the Body Politique, if_t«h€?r€' 1933 mt9hTi'3l1hW01indl.giVen7l£o the State atacl: C9lmm»10I1+Wea1tth, the kinlglaind the kingdom Weill both perifl1,ltogeh:tthetr,fotitjs imp0mbfl€'_HChfllQL11dmb.t? ‘a witlhouh la okingdom. V» ‘_ , _ __ V Q o ‘A 4_ 't1‘h¢ two Efiates of_Lotds and Commons’ have mofre power to pteferve the kingdozmtheh the king hath to fcleltroy it; for the etwo Ellzates, by the Very Fundatjnentalls of.Gove,rnment, are b0.U.l'1d to hp revem: the e clilTolution.of the eflcablilluedo frame, eandl the ;p rimaxyfintentlonof theframe in ft: ch States as ourjs, jufiziifies the "lexercife of a“nytPowet conducing to the fafety of tlietcoommu.nity . mantl Govemmtent e£tabl%iflaed, ¢as1is&Apto:/ed at lvatgc§.oin a modefl Ifreatife of Monarchy A, lately publilheclbv an eameifl: defircr A .th1’::F ill": atfl, ‘anti in that Tlhirtl and aptlers Ofrthel gecontl of his‘ Countries Peace, in the Second al1dl.1:011l:’El1*Ch3.p’lI€i‘S;OF 1 1 wt. .F0r.‘i€'r is Ac1fceer_and e’vid1enr,,1“cM11";»1.tfot11ettvo_‘E1“t_:1tes xvereAp;ut‘®: pokf_ek§roOrdainec1_§ to prfiovbentb or refifgtin Hie :cXée»fle’s"‘of°th1e t11ir駓l gifid therefoteb th'eirPower»is no: who11y dependent‘bupon,.a:1d' derived1 from the th11iC1a1?€cau1fe'then their; Power won 1d be einfuh‘ ie 1to~confi_PafI‘c'_th'atJJery .€1‘-xd for E116’? W€1‘€ O 1‘C1:»111"I‘l'CfC1.o;"."‘ _ For go go .about to orefirain and .1ifnit'3,146-overnour; byAea1’ower ivhoflyfubjoeéf to, j;1_nd'111depen~dipg on '11i;fnfe1f; 1 $1111 on e,‘ as to 1§eav1_e% large withc}ut_‘a_ny .1i1j 1i‘tation1‘aot 2111;. ;Befide.¢, i:%1is1r'r1ani’fef15. t1.1at.it11e two lEf1:ates have_a"1'111a;fcin theh1ghefl"a&of t11e11igh'ei?:' Powe1‘,7t;o wit, the".makimgofI.aws, and therefore theybhave a b1fi'1afl1:e7in thee"heig;hef¥°Pow4er i_t [e1f;_’3§%ar1}vdoby VeArn‘_2e of that Poxvere mgy11flfi1ppL11y”the defe_}&:=',%“ andecurb t1ie%‘.*'\vi‘1%fu1ne11e of 11I’a1'fiox’i1éLtc:,. Iiiiigaewho afifls £111ihbromt-6°":§Arb13r.ét.ry.G°Vcmment'J . A1 3. 11T1'ief Parliameht I1at1h"a1:T’owet"‘1toe re-C311 all 1 the 1I1111eg'a11‘"’ oflommiflions whibcht111’e1"King ha%Vthgr’anT:%ed ~to‘For1"eign Princes, . -P"ap1ifl;s,~De1inquents,fC«ava11e‘r$, <_9'1:'1a"121y1_other, ando ‘to di1fanu11 or d§;un"11f thejn,1 by,p.ror1ounR::ing :them1;6«1be'j{roid“i1i Law,-1 and fthere-~ fore of ~none 1effeé’c.1+A1nd; 11othin1“g,'11‘is:”m‘oi“’e u'f.ia11;* then 1 for, a .Par«» 1- liament to efdamn Il1ega11eCommiffions,1‘ Parents, VVrits, &c. ancb; therefore no Comxnifiion of*A’rray jean jufltifie the proceedings ‘of thofe hot 1’pi'fi'ts who are 1*ife1?1inbRebe11[i_on abgainfi; the P’ar11~ 52ment,_*the State and Common-1-wealth eofethisbliealmg Bu; \ioLi’;1 fay,: that1in=r*Ihisi1Vow you -do eblikewifei prfom'if'e»t‘o ;defent1‘5ane1 brhaihtaiti others in whatfofcver thev 1hal1*<:1’o in pubs- ‘fuance of 1this Vow fand Covenant , ;_and-"you do not know xvhac :g*xcé{fes your Confederates may '1’l1fI1il'11'.'G_.“ 11 ‘ A ‘ ' ’ The atifwer is1e1afie1,}:Yo11 aré bounc1‘v*‘eo eaffiibtheme according . ’I:oy’our power or Voca1ti‘5n; if th‘en”they"c1emanc1.fome baflifianee Jchatis beyond your power_,yo11 are not bound to an1Impofl’ib¥i.‘.iw tie; vthisfyoke is eafie, and b1'1rt11en” 111%ght.e~A1gain, ifthey call upon you‘ to anybthingthatis4finfi111,‘that is’ not a Vobcationgbup-$1 ffempration, you may, 1refufe._ ;Befid1es1,‘ you are to; a‘fli1’c«hin1 in the fpu4%1‘fi1ance.e of £1113 "Vow 5 now;e%&fe1*y"1n;m ‘that "takes this Cove?- -:n%I111t, "C10th‘~1 in‘ bebginfiingb of it-, fleoven-ant remand ‘his wa}“es:;%o. and tberefore you m:ufirez11e1nber your friend or neieghbour, that “he mu”f1:fet 'npo11 a wo'r1-rworthy of :1 Reformed Protefiant, be- eaufe' he hat11*'entre‘c1’ireto a ~ Co\'e1n:m—t~1~of ,:1mend«ment or Refo’z:—— V mation, andthen You x5'vi11,accordeix1g to v}7()1.I§“ power and v~ocari.=:— wo.n,afiifi'hin1 in; t11bp11rfiza*nee of 11151 Vow 1 of7'Reformaitio:n,tf1oug;h 11?. A . A , l U 5} ~ T A ‘ A {it cofi you your life; for that Text mufi in thefe times ‘woflt powerfully upon all tender confciences l:t We «mg/Jr ta 1.1; dawn aw", . lizmfor r/ae lzmlaremx Ioh. 3.»; 6. notlonely for o'ur.Bretl1reninl : at fpirituall fence, but for our brethrenzlin civil refpe&s,; If Lwoulcl have mybrethrertof the fame «Town or-City;,Wmytbrother-ll Subjeét, my brothel:-l-Englifh—man, to lay down his life for me; 1? lamr bound by the Latvef Nature, To do as It VVOl.1-lCl.,l)€: done by; -namel'y,to lay down my). life for him: Let us;thelrefo‘rlet in obedi-— €I7.CC A-to”'the Law of God, the~.I.aws~1of the Lé1nd,; and the Authority of the highefi: Court oftheKingdom, according to our power and vocation", take away the wickedllfroxn. before the King; if we love the King let us do it, for by thatr means the lKings«Tlhronewill be e{tab;liihed : Let us lay down our livesfor .God and our bretlxren, that Religion, Kingdom, Throne, Law? ‘Liberty; Peace and all may be el’cabl.ifhecl, ; --e/ifmm, Amen. 1 I i J A it 1:Impi9imatur _fi__ 4:... w-pr ‘ $3 151.15, A fix: ‘cmrzfiarcll.