4 :%.An1ofi terrible yet true 1‘c}at.i0i1 of tlxcniatav @&&&&&@&g§ FOR. It 3 NHMAGNANT& Q % “’~ % €33 Gods handagzrmft(%_:iod»»h;=-:!fer%*s%. c”oNTA'1m1-IG '~ 1.x ‘*4’ 9 as» nmfl fwreiuxll per1<.‘:n..:;a}l exz1x.n;>l«a+sM4” (in theft: pxc::f‘:*.%:V~xt”M ‘#3 times, finct: mt: ycrctrg. 164.0.) of G(:)d5.—: 11-1«r.%:»{% c:vie:.1”«:zxt arid ' i1.11mcdiate wrath agaiufl mu): mrxlcsvolc-znt Mflignants. "3 Together with a Caveat for Gawards and ilnwortfiy *_~‘€“1.3 -1-.~_r‘.. ‘1"\"l‘~ ‘ ’ ” (whet tirnotoua or Atrcac!-xcx*onss)Ncwtex 3. COLLECTED or Garb‘ bor2omr,zmdAtlJe nngoclliey borrow, A -4£‘a¢'.sT7_ {fig 213%; a 2 % Pfalm. 120. 3, 4. ¢ ~ V Wlmt final! 6}: given, or damumo that than tangup? gmnflmrpg. % %.Arrcm-m mtb but 0Mlc'.r.of‘It£nip:r. 1 A _ A Ir.-1'cm. 18.18. ” _ % x % .. H Tbmfaid tbaj (I/hie;/5 malzgnants) fame, amdlet am dwife device: A-» % A gainfl'§1¢r¢miaI);co1na and let mfmirc him with 1/9: tongm, and [at -W‘ W I ¢.~ V 156 not give bu-ad tummy aféid warir. V % Jmprimacuxfiic Liber ’? v m,m €:3 “? . 1obn‘W/cite. %“LON$0N, »A {A Printed for Iafimkathwc/l,at the figne af the Sunne kin Paws Q‘? « Church-yard. I 6 4 3. A U! 4 ée '%w®%W%W@?%w%@%%w%%%i ]OHNVICAR&», g“ ~—~ “FY M W M _. W .§3@(?:‘?::’ 9.» Eh :&&&&&&&&@%%%@&&@&%%%7 #3 . % fig- :§LOOKING~Gi,ASSE§° ‘.5. tlbé nialig ‘ Vourfifly aindfvm I , .‘ 7 ," I. ‘ " \ ~ -"‘ u ' J ‘ ' ‘ <4 . W ._ ‘ at M “ " . . v. - . . .. ‘ . r. u -* l t . 1. « A‘ ,. V ‘ ‘_ Y ‘ , 3 ‘v 9 ‘- , Y’ . ‘ ,1 V _ -I” ,‘_ A , , r,_, ,., u H m .. , “ ‘. M H m ‘ ' ‘~ 1 ‘ ' ' ‘ W ‘ ‘ 0 ‘ C . .‘ ». mm -. ‘Iv ~- ' "‘ ““ ‘ "‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ _ . ~~ -4 sl it z3.c.J £a%5”fr¢é“.¢”Af&b %.42zt1f4"’51':4*1J kzmne‘¢ (%b=Mr .. h. “‘ ‘ _‘ vo.lent.{o4r‘ Amalevolent .R.€4d‘?‘ a l”’.’9”€‘*”’~;‘/4"”»“’;‘ 9: ' j :24; :oI%zbeVhearing of God; War-¢=:?19¢" come%a4.wcIt4 cage.‘ },£r¢orn¢4; cares of cornc; Ste. I male: no “ 4';;/,,,5,‘z*m; tp/011.5%] Loo'king-Glalfte .1724” 4 meter cyesa 3 vh'.f¢:a}r£I!gof» I‘aI_1Q(_)}1l79, “ 5’. 9f: V 'fii;m.% Capg1qr,"%T‘Hamez2tf%,$ éemg‘-car:lt_flZ-.bfl W9,“ th‘ a.t;’9m‘gn”y‘?f tbg" other 1%../flare i5%2zi‘t:_J?t«/ae}a 'ta-Athqfuzew thcrwfs‘ ”.’”’7W’ "‘_’""" /73”]? ./‘A’ “ .-.pnfZmd to.¢/ainapyca audundenfianding, Various, f¢f10“9s'“”d 133" A fofiablé fbr “them both to 6‘071t0”,’Pl‘“.‘.: 7‘”m5”4"a 4"“, .f""d ape». %4var;ecy.1£éa.vf evidehccs and °xamP‘°fi of G9?“ "W!*1?‘£’ ‘A ‘immediate indigiatian againfi and uponjbc ummturall, maxim-A 5+ % A iflllw Malignmts ,;,,f, time: Cfqrfo /4):: the Pro-v ,,/;;~3.~MDavi¢i;f1’ cpmummhafihomuaablé 0*"%m°n Wantmgd h¢ahPfa1s4k9-u- venIy‘wif;iomk: and L1nderf’(a;_1din,8i%‘ar¢ compared ,to.b“eaffs tb37‘3;., f_ Hfidvvépgll ayarcj it with tlacpa too, were jtlacjv Mat 44 5nda4,6adfl.,r;; “Mad 5;: n:“tntiiesr”:a11 I6i;:1cs,:*V.-mfimMas3-:brai‘nes of hm hm Wofli fa//Z}, faolif/al},'a‘md blafirbammfl gone aéoutita pram madpmtc cf) ,,,},,i,,,P;,,,!j1).VAfr, Md {again God and/914 Caufe. Together aim/a ‘ “ AA Néwlfers Ana xmcamfartablt Cowardi, W50 Ima- t,.mc, . 42¢ grggyzddforfa/Q9 their God in the Parliaments ’(fi§:£)(%q§a3bi£h"?ctgqé£_Z/gkgngily is Gods. By all which find mdfcriam Examialcs (for, «war old efljxiame :3, Examples move more, and % are more prcvalcntthan Preccpta) Am] main: and qml] aim? 13 to , mdeawour (éy q‘od.mfl?fl4uce, for the Cbrzj/fian low I bear: In their fan!” ajjwciallf) .taJbe'1vtbem the crromrs and evils aftlacir courfca andcarriagtstbercin, akd 5? 5‘P‘fl;H‘ ) A 3? '”7'’'l(‘ 47“! W" ‘I‘’‘’;’’ A A x % 0 1*‘ E?- vf “ oéjffio Jnfw. ,4 mm: meam. I have, _/inf; di 1, l To the Reader. , [0 a trmlmdtimeljf A rethaflation for the goal qf {oaks and be. « dies éat/a /am: awdlaarmfter. 7 l l ‘ * l l But wlsercaa, it rm} 6:,aur Malignant: will lam oéj:&,_ citlaer wt :9" incrledulity, or malignancy, or 50:15, thatt 412 ills]; fmrful? exam- ples lam: allengedfltre 5fl£:C»hi‘ma?J§a’8, at l Bbgwbaars tofmfi cbilalzmloa:faa1;a,~ l llllfitflitykt/aclm'j}i3.1r£gmwdrliun;l»‘V pflll that I will amfavcr hereunto :3: tbzér, That I prafefl}: ( M in the prefmce of god) I ]r14"Z)‘c_'I4[£’d all care Md diligence to féarclumd be 3: aflizred of the truth of them‘ all; and Am 49le"t‘op?noal:tce wr} all: and .‘ bane]? teflimonies tlaema befide: what Ilan'z/c cxpre’gEa'2a§it/J the E x- anaiépélest/4engfcl2vc.ri;« I t/acrgfdrv mr 4m1”l3ood- winkt M align» 1§a‘nts,‘tlJr&ugl}z*l;”r:iz‘a2vlwic flinty obflimcy, 4’or*“Bcm1mmed ignorance incredu1*iry- ( wbn-cl] etiamfi pcrfua‘i"cris- ;. non perfuadebis, #Tl3a»glJ1]ou.mAk_e thing: czrcrfa clcltrcgjet llltbayl vbii’ll‘li3ot 6: convinlccdjq willnat/it er :19;/a tiring: M work; Igindéfir oI¢“:t“l:‘e'x‘r Canfijienccx M ficrainldcl med ; yet" confidently pqrfiamdcd fbjfiadt gmiam aflffldéitt} tbgyv may jmdam 1:15‘ ‘t5!‘u‘¢e!’oI¢d am“: and ¢ffe‘&. Firfl, they my—ée~ tlmmriti tollconfirm:“'2éig¢z1.%_fl5’éaigtbevi"ll‘t[7e* fzitlafull and? friegiic tlam MP3»-li».¢m:u¢~ in theirrfadlj and well- gromsdcd rfo» riot: And’ fi7:rn:/liancdit mffimfi.zz~;,wred*mw Awhmfi my lhéedé fvworfirf fear .groa'tar*cand¢-mnutiqmf u£r~'difpeh¢tallM~a1li‘g_inancs“,’ and to law: tlnm-*~ (tlaerc-51 fittarlj imxcpftllc-,ll if‘_/h"ll~ t-kg‘ in their pcrvcrfi fivawnrdaédmmcia. But what :7/arlfie til»: i we ' Libcmvj ffiwmkg 4ndmwmur)byl¢ni;gpmmamm‘m‘ lThinVe¢lii:1tjhelLord, V K A NE NW: R § 16*“ Mal M?’ 41% v " éfrilw. S:aobm'§‘l 4 V 1}, to rwluce rqfi2mvefa"me~at léafl‘ bfvlla Atmflw,-“ ? ‘ ]4_:t fimlaer‘ RIQHT HONOURABLE Sir Iiorn N o L L A s T 0 NE, Knight5Lord Maja< )r% dftqhe rcnowyncd A . % City‘%ofLQNDON.- A V V {Tothe '.R1ght%H.9noprLab1£ 1y‘ ‘cleft Lad the Lady 0 LVLA gs 'r=~0 N ~:E,1—1is ~ 7 V A mo vertuous and truly p1ousj (_;o,nfort5 A Vmflmwur hem,andth¢51efl?deflvtrMve A we! aHM‘vCm'h¢;!fl:l‘lfl‘». A % AA %% I‘§iglvt Honourable, 1110.3: humbly and heartily praycth all 2. A V Our awn: fimigular. ‘and mm Gonn,ativc‘ v ~i A‘ “ ‘ ' matador, pm}, tandVwnrufi&:_wAfi4 ; and an “av” . w ‘ ‘ ‘ . * I » -‘ . ‘ '" x‘ ‘ _ _g .1‘ .'E?r ' many and mofiimmeréccd fa'WMr,c,.~dccp¢Iy and duely ingaging Me to both your Ho- ‘ A ' ndmar, have inwduccd,y‘ca oampellcd me to " A A be ever ma “fludious .Qf i.b0lJl’ld3I'1 79'rat«i- imdc. 1! mherefionrc "~(.miclm:=hat Ahoncfl %po%<;ufe w M 5‘ounam;;» mm, of wlmm I hm »nAe4ami. who V A“ _ fleeing many Prince: and N oblax prefcnting to ghcir E very**tIic‘hAVA%ancIramJ’wcyfMt:A; He, alfo to thaw his love, broughtonely his own: Fiffurt painted, and holding forgh in bi! h2!id“'€h" figll’l'¢0f I and rich Iewell, with this Mottb ovcr; it, Etbac rm-/lam: That is, And I wauldi give fuck as Iewell 4: tin}: is, , were I 461:: Sol (1 fay)having no bettera prefmt (as yet) to prc-% I A 3 % ‘ ’ fem: j,,_/ Akii % V tainéand ufe thi§AIhvVe¢e%/1i7gr%G143W.~;vl?«§?z LA }0fu3.I1 Io$,e* M HCbnI3-f- The Epfllv P9‘ %47v4torie- fenttq y0lil'»«%HananrAp,A*hhv3;r13p(t,A AAA ‘V A A bath gnu: H'ohaur'fC’fié.g£:t”h.e‘iff'f«siuifi " “ , A A ~, 'p]~:;_d;w 3zetufefu-H Lo§)@§ng.‘g[:zfl}fs A VVh$ich’ théugh iAnbAc bu%tL%df% a'lmm“eI%y n E‘. 1’~< 3 9 2* .5; II. 8 E- E . O, at 3-. 3‘ u. ‘ I 3% “E9”: ,v éz '5 Q, 6% % § .mA.A; E‘: - “K. s Adra-H75, yet wi1l~~4:cprcfe.kiaV%-t’o youAr”&H¢nagr: Viriaiy' i)f‘_rema{kab]¢ obieéhs, touchingfthe um-e;%able /A1J_.gzlz'g]¢v.?_1¢t£ AérjA,Ad% ./fgritiy Pm;[;4m,g,,:.. tzzriamx of~*:hc_{‘c:A cshr cin*:%e*s‘”A; ""inofl’wc5rt4hy I“bcPéd“~1;.a~2zj«]Z¥ip:’~Jfi"fl” lg‘ as (3 many precious Pem'le.i§: 5Tl.i~§CdV.Lip in 'a.‘F&jA_m£zX¢'rz'e (lméinet, I meme. a mofl beroimll laol] Heart, cog;nhyg,j\vith_the con 1’: ancie and lay. “RY 0fbQ5h~)A€QU¥ A%.%¢NpI,t9 ‘.*?4..9Dd (:fi}(’0dW“€‘fl‘€AAin the ‘Z’amlif¢m:'nt:- cm»; ahd“ heart .211 1? is-» 1’ray)% §» ma,t2w;11;ng ea; 4 and CdUrEeA0L13‘A§v‘C:pr’agion , alfb am A A4 A A A protefl: it, A rgtpafilzint @'fntr£f9/i.r“ mdlzgfi ’ ‘i¥¢§ni’a‘u1¢‘g_‘}lifi23r.’v}.‘ from the.» ::**V*:5?%»d‘fi’£“%%'W°‘ "*1 ~:*»«7'§a;°~»*z‘,;:_4 2“s¥:3»*%*9;m*:*- en A A_;zA%_zA:z:zn% 1.. Aoewgn‘ _ e« , A A m {E honoura‘bly‘“yo‘u? do, gL1ar&éd*ahd-g1.1icdgd by the%‘wAi{dom4é‘r’ic§‘~' L Mower gf ‘God:/9% Spirit, )and Fupporfied by the dai[AAAAVprE'y¢:[u:a A mg, 4171:: an erz/akntg Atp A A:% ‘ go ‘:1 A d to difcountemnce‘ and kecpgundcr the anemi&§~o‘*f Gadlingfifi-€2}>;ng, and T mils‘ even és your, f amfitrx «late mofc worthy Rn-dm M. did, to Go’ds lousy and-his cver1a.(Ali_.ng honour; cvte;1;f§;ccing§bé[f]“0,-,5: your Hanmr: eyes, and having in your bl¢AfT:‘d Brafi th%a!_:% /we/trfi-far; ti}’)ring{-;2.rami/E and admirabllf igcouragcmgnt given byGod himfielf to_his fa1tl}fu1lAfcrvant—§’_ofrta , 11.: 142%.: wztla mjfirvmmt Z110/2:, fir ml! I 6: mtla thee , AI wzllmt fulc Alan: narfarfakg rim. Byflyang. therefor: and afagaad caurge... VVhi'ch,Athat yourgoadLardfbip molt laolily and happily maybe, is and ey¢,r%£hallbc;;the dayly prayer of A; h M Ioflrgood -Hzfrnafétra ivzqflbgmbly devoted,” % pm. vm%’:». w.i%1%;Awfl3d' £5 Ratrénagc and . _% Ahdthat chi»: c F§}GLA SSE “~~*‘NANT " fiat; that that emg.4n aflfrmmhc b:8m- ~ ; mngothq ,orld,,%cv.:n avcrfigxccthqtgrnnd . N1‘ ‘Cg. A x§Hm'iFy W,l'!i¢'h2C;9d puAcbetw;cn+~;th¢ WWW g.;jd& the :,$’:rp;ptk.f¢;cd.a4 nacuxalldmipatlaip and. ~‘ if I invegcrdicffiialigpitj in :11; m'ck_gVz{of.t/21: Wafld *3 " . A iihcgadl], isaundcniablé and mofll clgaro H I A nning, %4£g»:“ry,* %m%Abauh:glmall placeaand t‘i111CI3;wbIj0k¢rl.0lJt inmmoft deadly fgud and pernicious Eerfecutiu , dfpccjglly, is as clean; and confpis ,,A. }h¢ir4=xc=in Izhcir. .h.=ad=~and~wi!l A V * A _ A ’car1;s,,an§!x}o£'hcwilfiallyblindV and obflipatehgiha::¢i»-hp3rteda4 Andw d_ all ‘I Q 0.”: x : “'?'-'3 01¢. % Srfia» 198*. V 7 ghacfio whachxcvcrmore mofi cuoufly an ewdfiritly and gminpptlx mauifefied hishigh indignation, and even im4mediat9»math «and difpleafure, «if ..¢da11yV0n T0”g~¢¢1Wfecu- 5; tar} of hi3p‘Eécibhé‘peoplc, and on bl: hengpm Tradxctrqapdibca £Amearer%4;pf'J1ja immacula%c%eTragtb“,al1£irn_at and,plaC.es can produce Ii1oflcop?&iusVnprefidwts and mail &d~c'xamplcs., M A H A Topafl}: and(§tjnl:¢rmic all 5}-pa]? pre_/idmt: and fqrme; fem-¢.. fizllfixémvles 05, Pia immediatemd r§m1a¢fi:'l Mud onfumh meégnam Pdifiqwéayjinfwrmer age» M%.Mnt3.,“addPfalfobfbbidihlnd Caivgrdb. AjCavcat cg _ i"titmI.r;'an’d of eithir frzflior «:*P‘j”__ Cowardly and zzmm hm/e , anaam: «s£a”11unrec1ea~anH unreftifllsfiedinweake elm. 1‘3}‘§,‘,;‘}:"““‘ flianeinn foure or five mofi fxepfordldfe; M ‘(a,.pm?y~fay)e Tm!“ cemzcall cxam}‘>{c:of Cgodejufime mlxt vylth march ,mjuflly wgun. J ding N,’ yet graclouflyhealmg tlneaconfcunces no {omen fuch as had“ V or weakeg deferteql ; the Parliament , v ‘iahd (hack, 9”’ n V ~»h~’»"'h?',""f"5".°"‘”“‘h‘””*’<““fh‘!WHO“ glorious. pure. and p10-us Rcfbrmattimof Csbambrsmnfl £‘fl¢te.h And {OI [hall [has 4 II? Phi: o;_1r Laolgsg-glafc with a b::i'c‘Fe hortatory conclufioa to a 1 crew {sauna} % women bothnulsgxant and émwolmt or ml» 4fi}&eJ.w 2 V ~ ~ A - _ fix 1:. And here now inthe“~fitflpsIecc;ruhbMip uur;,gg[,;g,,‘,,,,. . Ir, dullmemoricsh, (and that not imffirtincntly) and roflie u ’ their Gods“ 1{amM;n* dmufieeye-lids, and dead hearts,with the new iew and remem rance 3“i“a ““‘1h"§h‘.f h (if that moflnrcmarkable and memorable/7pafl3age ofGode ’provj.. “‘“'‘~ ’I J . , I dence hoWi_n»th“e5 beginning of thefé mail and MC.‘ '11-; q ' " A A ,n andfdgmmotions amongm, Wheri by thc .p]'evaI¢vnt 9013,, ?;hf' maltgnant Furrscsdex on the Kings part , an Army wag-fizpfl ggiredn to mm, ;,”[.e_ ’V goeinto the North againfi ours flonefi _ and harmlefli: A brethren of m-““8¢ b¢h1'”3 4 scammd, andxhait the Souldviers then prelfcd and provoked to ghonfirliglugi offhsn - I ' 1 Ao crsxn ‘ \ 2: V Gods mofi heai} n lorthm fightagainfi chem 5% in their march thithermagid (g=hQuEfi.firfiArmy 3, . w A . n hrm “WY '3”h°m"°l"°3 W35 but P"°Ph3u1d ndt.fifghc:for% 'thcA%po;5ifbh4party in Ertglmzd, (as they had not in Ireland) and thereupon‘-1 joymly refolved, form A their way (as they mQ.fi;fait.h{&i11N%A difl)i~4?fi‘at?h~vd3?**fl91“A»(Wh‘-W§h¢Y were firfi landed) to 4t.:1a¢,8¢; (hm.Glam*fl¢x,tafigh:A.onm :heV:»Par14iM mam: fidc , under the commind of that ever mofi highly to'bc”,h¢n 3,_ nouredcgqmmraudcrfiflolpnell Ma/]Eé» whcb gave them men free Jtlm in %;h%c% and friendly cx1tVertai%nmfint-N ~T9 Whichl mightj hcrefnofl: pdrtii-._ yvgcflxagné: 49:1’ neatly afpctll pregnarglg addeihc gm: 1E0»:-Slfite d1e;f5:&1<;; elf vet; 0“ 61"! P3‘ ‘many 0 c,ei;j~inte;n cw party ot in t c A c to zmcz, an; e, an :~ °“I“‘ KW" .1’-«limau:b,% can then when thcylhad bcem: ready armed for ,Hopé»~ tam-ffgpvigg in the S0t¢'&‘_/J. In the North alfo diircra both Ofthdifihn-; %g'¢¢r;;5aqg4fua_A~ cry and Gommans who b;avc_deIErted Nmmfilcg and in Waléx dnd*:, 6:36 them ('5;/biro alfq (now later, I fay) of the Engli/7a—Irz‘jl:-S%ouldicrS_. who“ V would by no maans fighta%gain1’c the Parliammt..Tegethcr wuch the 4- -5 £?5:§i‘cY£:,:;;,yvdemefiionand dilfimcry of many mofl mifchiesroua plm and bafc aIrq;.qmi%rably; dc/igmx of treat/a:ry,m0fi adm%i?m"bly and flrar§gclyldi_fcovered,and fo 1 di‘fcovemi,;;nd h,PPi1wy.andtim%¢ly frufiratccgevcn by the Immediate. mercy and‘: uoWcd.. ' ‘* .1 % A goo.d~.V ALaaIq‘ag-glafla fin» Ma12gm;s;%% % ;- good hxfid:‘o§"Gwo%d;as chit molt bkooelywlet agaiufl. thg Parliament; % }a,,_ 4_ §5T4,;,* Th; P1u.:of~th¢:Scat: Army at their f,oz1mcricom- mg in among us, co haw becnc {mt a;_;a%ix1£’c the Parliament and City Q.f Lcamim. THC: latt: HOE againfi HM/I by Sir Io/rm Hat/mm and higflcanne. » .c°u1d“_t.hfiihV«t:E£AllInfill.dange1‘0LmPlot.t (Linda: prcceru,A“c% " 05 2"rM,m:ia1fv5rp¢-zu-r-, iurlbfiuth) ag,~ai:';{k the ngu:-1.’: ;remo_wned and fa? [fit-,')U$ City Csf Lemdorc, as Athat dar~g.~;:rou3 Pint by Wa!ler,»’ Ch.¢z.€a- A ,;%,,,’%'1‘%aV%,,4@.¢;:%g3§»;; ,%\nd%%cha§,%morc1ac;::.ly nay! of Six: B.-¢z,iZ%h 'Br«9z:I§, % vi;.Z:z(0r rather ’E}mZJt't)al3dhypflflfiflcflu RU»’.¢'j 3 With V*‘-‘FY in 3Y1)’, otherzof tlitfe: kinda: alfl%M;W3 T331‘ 0V6!’ VEEMW h!’9W Ki‘{ir’:§i‘?"f‘ea 3”‘ two, m:11m;:;Wn4z. amd cssdicrus }i1z=r.4‘w mlam aAnd%‘.W:hWh 1 MIG trroibfisk‘§{,=a11sinP%rtiau1aVK1-V»Wm“ in ‘W Par1z'a%m:nrmy;4C1.a,~a,«im—,%A% i§?§ti‘.mI;c:,, Gad§nt1a¢~./140!/Pfif. M; ‘ .; .. 4... _ ~ V .7 « %. , - ,__ff]‘Qgm;1er auq with; the Lords mofl admirable d1fcount:‘cnancixmg, yq; (.‘u.r:fing ma;dzb§¥aI1i;3,g aa1itheme,.»~ as “the lik¢A:—Awar$ rloctverh rem’ in this Kilngdome. Belides, the rare and long defiredi and now happily efFe&ed mine and razing d~ow,_ne of papifb high place: among us, never (fince the firll P;eformation)tiIl pow takentawlay; indefacingl anddelltoyinrg Pepi/9 Images; 07g4’%§?'flfl?JA, _rim'fixe:,and fuch” likel albH¢:imlinalalAe and Idolatrous,fuperflitious,Popilh,apilhTrinketa A both in Churches and elléwhere; cfpecially the ruinatingeofthat 4‘ mofl infamous and mofi abominable Komifl: Monumenc ofidglg. l try Chmp~ji;{e Croflégin I;heA very heart; of ‘La'?1da:n’aepd burning abun- V dance pf thofe baleand Abeggarly R24")?/1?. f.R‘c;liq“MAe:,'> even in the my fa‘n;1ef)laAcewhelrethatacawfid ('r01Tc‘hadttWit2hta. Whores forehead V bin fo long advanced among us; and ( which isethe {am of all our.- “ iult aclmiratioxa in all forementienedjall thefe things done fol lbon, he and in {'0 fpeedy a fpaceAa8vwitl1:intl1e> compallcof two or three yfegreefqt thetnofl ¢M;ofi, gdmtirablel .de’monllrationaA ( ll lhould thinke) of gad: A band unqwflionaiéy Mm _fe:uo»4nal fit agginfi t lmz. r A « ‘A ,2 - A A ”'And mightllnot than AH the/is any one qft/aefi premifed fprelidelhts‘ if God: may? iugmediaee A and agniwfi them, mot} jullly ffrve to even wt-cl’: open the w:ilf,ullylhuu up», and .blindedAeyen of 5‘_ apt; ? S|,1re,Amethinke§, they l11m1ld,;fitve that 'tis great-+ 1 £6 be ” Axgtelgiweau we Meprdbme (care, if they flill M eaifl of, he .moAfiAA;lflmnge~ly Marya alzflinac . ‘ But yetfince they may pcradventure in their accufiomedfhardnclle of h::gtb¢m,li1;cl§; or nothing moved or prick: in Confcience with that”; "paegnanqprelideAnts4anall:eleare dunonlhsacionsof c;m—u;». Adiaitivle band l£‘g4\$.!1_fl'§b9H1,ww Ye4t,+I~l'Il7mWswill«c0meyct»moveJc2lol{e n7 on them, and give them ‘yet xmore home and heavy perfmfl '_ _/}€0hM'0zl‘Gad.§‘. full wrath and re-gauging hand, no‘: may “gag”/g d A V l them, butx)pan;Abcm,¢ even i,mm.ed1at~elyr0n»the very a& of their 51{‘4“‘l‘fl . ti~,1qllitr2pioAus and blafpbcmotza wonjdsamd wicked mifcatmiagestlto t,,§,,f; P§,}§;;,_— and againll the (aints.tmdfervanAts ofmbe Lord, making good ‘his ' ownetevierlaliingand unAperi{hAing Word by the Pmophct (mafkoich my z6_ , L Ibelecich ywou, 0 all gyreemolt defpenacely minded and wilfully A ' .blinAded- Ulfali mmt: , uaea Wm-d .ofAro’ufing :ten*our‘unto you) Lord, .wlam1hy/fiznd Aklifned mph again]? alum, they will Amtfer ; I130 [54/lftc andbe n/Imamd firmbeirmw fiatrlry people; yea, ¢*b:“*firé A memgm, E (of mgr) qf tbineentmierlflmll» mfplzmt, A A r: «- 2.} 5179'“-f fol‘ Malignmts — "" ‘Jug. ' A'Lool{iIzgaglaflEf£2n Maligizttntrz A i J ‘W Gods hand up« i One Charla: Rafi V ( 3 Rafe of_a?.veir W A “ ' A : A A” Exmpl¢:.Ai * A‘: ’ The firfi fearful! example band and avenging indignationi even moi} evident! byia {ore and.heart-piercingperfmall Mow upon% the ouxtragioué maligncrsghnd graccicfligand igodlefl}: ’inveéeratt ha of Pieny, and t_1'.u*ly and thbtowlyihifiitcnhdediujacfirmatian qf Rgligz. anfl1allbethis: A, !f*“«’-A“ ' V ‘ A A v % _ y uinfavoryfint ) an Appren- on a mofi 616- tice to one Mafler Charm]! a Carver 1'?“-‘="¢ maug‘ Eancburcbffxeet neere Algae iii Ea nant App1‘Cfl- ' ' (“then )¢df~ Gorlri ma‘ jufl vindiczifihe. y failing heavy ‘A tars ofthe wawyea A of VVood, attheupper and of" AL mian, who put; himfelfe into the ‘ tic: “London Parliaments fervicea little aFterA’Bart]aalom:w—tid:A1642. preteindihg " as a jug caveat to be willingAAtofidewfith the Parliament égainfl the common mam , :3 all malig- butfliécretlyintcndcd and! refolved Whenihic lhiouldifiddea fairco - 4 mm L0T}d°“ portunicy as he told his fellow- Apprentices. fgrvane )A" to joyne with Athe*K'ifzg 5 and his:AArmy agalnfl the fparliamcnt :* ‘And when he wario gee- f'orthh,,idcCl‘amclhfurth‘c%r. Gin -thié hearihg of his l\r]{¢, ing offofa r ‘andVefl"els from cumming info Ha/'1, and a Keele commingteladen Pm‘ °f 0”!" inthefiiver toward the Townc, the Mailer Gunner {hotat her,and mm“ mitt‘ her, whereupon being (it Terms) imaged, he fwore, god dmrme Jrim, he did natfieke her at the next//not : And prefisntly charging 21.3 Piecfeas he thought fit. and fnriouflytdifcharginglit, the Piece brake in pieces, and inflantly killéhthe Mailer Gunner himfelfc, . l‘ A l C2 r and ’ I «4Looki1¢gr*g14flr7’lJ”<>l* Mdligmw-V gnd fomctwo -or three ochlemthacl flood ncerclmto him ; but the Barks ::xr‘\I'¢:_H&ll paflizd lafelyiruzo HM/Z, vvl-tllnut any prejudice h:w't- A molt fcarefull «exaunple no teuifie ( Ilhould chinkc, if it . mightbc) fuch exccrablc curling and ("wearing ()1/laligndnth Th; uruchwhereof was (I {‘ay)_¢,<>nfi.n'r;cd by amt credible tcflimony fmm Hull, imrnediarcly afgtemhilslagcidcnmia11mx.d, A l L 3. A dlrln the ycqxfn alto 16421. §a,ti3e‘of P 0 «rice lfgtpert: #61" Cgcs facilng and I A Caprainc if! aflaulcing Wind/bf-[afllcg aridrnuakingrnzalny {hats at it, but Hill V l;:5*‘€¢ ff” njiflingwharthry aimed a£,l~;;ltflb¢ling$fa little aime, and (quot cafily ndfm, hut, acaptameamongll lhccm but hlfi name my honefi Intelligenp fwfuily mine car kncw not) from Enron,’ _whtzm they had made their Station, as he was fu— crycd out ch ch§Gunncr5 rrm’1£>.wa3lgoir1;g’I:o fire a Drake againfl riovfly Curfiflg theCaflle, Gtzw me thy Gun+fla6‘ke'l,:fi2r, Gem’ dwmne rm fay: rial}: wrote/a glfa ) I will fialflvme afth0fl‘Raund~brad Dog; and while V th:0,4tb0I‘ Wilt/16%‘ Cmrfi.rwa§~r.yetll_walrmein his rmouch, \V gm.-1 her i ceuld rfim the 9.111065 >3 (hot ldffl®h51Mlmc< Caltlr dalht him in the ‘face, brake his tcech imp his ghrolar,’ '_'~.o“f _;h:_: Vpavim: and finart whcxtmfrihc A lay lingring in much mifntyltnr Ewd or three dalycs, ahdl than died in a mifcrrabls i})d:Wll¢l.'&ll¢d rendition. This ml‘arion;;I had from an very hrmtfi Qnntkmahgfltbma Swldimand Qflicer in Wim1fam- ; CaWc)1:fi;Dd.my-mry gmd xflzicnd Mid acqr?Iaimancfx:J,< whore r teflie . n]0D~Y%,I ktjow~mb¢«michom 01¢c¢piti9n.~ ~ ; A ' r 4‘. AbqutrA r;illl.i3- 1:643-r being ch: LordslD-any, one Mailer ,Mor«- A malignant tan,Vicar 07 Slrbrifii’-H4l:;,l prcachin _upona»portir V Mgniflcr infhc put of mg, ,1 V‘ A gt“ ll -;;h§s A Sermon to ""“lP‘ °f h“ vent bitter imprccafons agam Kayak!-rlvaad: (that is,“ Gods faith» £u_ll lErv%amcs,r*and the King! and l‘7’4r1i»mé’e:nlt: loyall a_nd:faflc{l y « ‘awn-{Ragnar fgignds) charging them with Fa&ion,l Puzbelliomand fuchdlikh l_ fleads,fnddtnw opprobrious ‘fqandals, adding withallfiim cxprcllihtermcs, Than il"§“id““‘5" p,;P,]}_;, wen; naming to thifinlate Rowzdmaw-inmntion, Of’ thc . V hizandfiififfillli ch; Pqlwdarl-plot, and other Treafonsl that havebcénu prafiiféd by r time he mofl firangely on a {udden gafped and gapcd as h: flood Round-Ja4adJ..r%h At which Words (having flood? hardly half: hi! W’ in the Pulpit, and flared inthc At1ditorgfa~c:s, but could not‘ {peak l A , award more fora good (‘pace after , thcpcoplc all that while,l be- ing amazed at this ('0 fudden and-mofi .fl-range a dumbekflaew in him. Aclengrh he {looping downcé, has is were to take» up {ome- lwhat at his feet, rc.cre&¢:dhimfclfe,randzthépifiid, Lctusgivc Mthankesforl whatwehavg: heard, which hedacaqndinglydid, ‘all r ’ ti-1'3 autiiour of it , with his Roof: and licentious companions, ma-r AiLoak_ing—gl;zj]E'fc}i~ Mal1ig§1ant$.* J i I 3 A‘?%‘5 fumbling and hardly intclligiblc manner , , and {cone niade an end, and (2; Wm; home ; but what became of him (inc: I have mi: heard. A L A Aifo in the pariih of Hallqwcll in Oxfard, one of the inhabi:ahEs~ ef the {aid pariib being a imofi licevntiious and prophanc fcllowfec up a May-=po1e:in the Sumnier-t_iArnc,164AI¢ and than it might cranficcnd 5. the vanities and impieties of other May-_-poles, fa-I upon this thc G955 i-“d.%<=-_ pi&ure of a man in 21 Tab; thereby (as he faid) to dcfcribe a R amid» mmmn 3 "'9 _ , . A . A . , k (1 {ii i ' IaAe.wI;wh1ch p1&m:e,as 1: .W38”C!’cCi'lbiy repom:d,he made in denfion ggcxfofd Oi a; godly C‘ven.tic1nin,a M.inCipi€ of ONE Of the Culiedgcs in 0.3- ring up ,1 Maya” A fm~d5'amiti1c r¢afonA why it Amufi rcprefentthis Gcmleinan, was, P016 with a A bwauicihc was twaly religious and uicd repetition of Sermons, mi ‘fixigirig of Piiilmmand otherholy duiicsinhia houfc.% This pi- at in % ““%. &ii&::c bcingthzm far up on t“heMay~poic,” the faiid propbanci fcliow~ ‘A king thcmfbivea.mad~mqrry,abouc it , AacA_lali mruflnceds go: {hoot at i;:~h.r: Ratmri-1ve,a¢'u~pon it , and Jlaving {hi this Vpurpofu brougih'c A E\«I-Aiiskms with them and other picccs,onc of them, being the fcrvmt afthc C/Jicfir maflar of this wicked Majvgame, {hot and did hit the -i Pifiurc ; at which the {kid Mafler fell a lziilghing e~xtreamIy,am;i on a iiidjden {mike doiviie, falling into a {harps and terrible convulfion» ‘Em, amii;foAcoritini1¢da longtime iafter very figkesand in great painc arid mi:ferygi:=ibmAmh¢1:harihci bg “finch: alive or dcAd,I am uncertaincu i This relation I héidfcion-fiwmcd mime by an» h0flQ_li young Gentle- ‘man a Schollcr of Oxford, than refidcm: in Oxford, and an eycewic-~ nciTe ofmofl of it,befidi-as other credible inform anion. A » ~ In thcfimeicicy of Oxford aiAl'o,a company of prophane fellows» anddeepedrinkcrsmct tqgcther in a Taverna , mad being (as the A 6;. _ cutiomwib) mad-mm-ry,in the midi’: of their cu pa would medsigoe G°d5~‘h3“.d “P-3~ driniiei Aa heal: h to the confuiion of Roundhcads, which having ac» °I:‘;1d‘;f“k' cordfmglyigone round , orie among the raft not content therewith Hf c6,,;u‘E;§_ (be,ing,i:: lhould {'eem,_too ioundlywhitled with his caroufed cups) <)fitI1cROU$)d“.‘ would tiecds for ioy(for_footh) of this healib thmdrurike, rife up heads in a I A ‘ anddanccgand cut a caper, ufingthefe or fuchiike words , Cam: T“V¢m°—*.- ’ A I mifexy, _a“I1dAI1DEiO'I”1g after died thmgmf nhis alfo confirmed by cre- ("Ei.ies he) I wifl now our 4 caper to the confufim of Rczmailamdxs ~ but he heginningto dance andacgut his caper , his h»c*ad,ic fcemes, being too light to ru1ebisiheAcI§s,i fudciexrxiy fell down: and broke A his leggc, whereof (being camedA home) h: lay in great pains and i A dit is 7. Gocls mofi re- ! 4 A Lookmg-gldfli for Malignant!- dible tellimony _., In the time of the liege of Redding by the right honourable the Earle of Efex the Parlizvmenfl molt renowned Lord . Genera/1, there hapned (as is well ltnowne) a molt notable and remarkable sltirmifh between {ome of our Parliaments forces, and the Kings'Cormorants from Oxford; at a place called (‘aufirm-at . éridge, In which fight moflrlvaliantly and virftorioully (by Gods admirable alfifiance) performed by ours, there fell out a molt me- morable and flrange paffage, rnofl pertinent to this our prefent pur- pofe and worthy our moft fad and ferious com mcmoration,namely,» that among the many llainc and dead bodies on the Kings fide, (very many of them being prime Commanders and Olliccrs in mafkable hmd Armes,aas was clearely difcerned by their brave cloathes, pure ‘ fine Ho/land-lhi.rts and faire skins, being. llript naked at the end of smz;/,, flgine in the fight) there was found the body of Scrjemst-major Smirk Ge- thc fight at0m- netall of the Kings Army , a molt wicked and defperare Cormo- [‘“”‘ b“‘’E°- 3“ rant, who being a very fatand corpulent fellow, was found with ---flzrcctg dlfifiegc "med" his belly ript up , and his Greace taken away our of his body; "‘° — which very thing (as [had it by molt credible and that not fingle information) this wicked Smith had (about atwelvmnoneth be- fore, or not {'0 much) threatned to'a& upon the Ra1md~/mdrat Okcnlmm. where fame of the Kings forces were then quartered; but driven out by the Parliament: forces ;‘ where, and at which time of ‘his enforced departure thence he was heard in a furious thrcatning manner to lay , We/I, farewell Round-head: for this time 3 his Twill y return: again: amongfl Jere, 4ggf{%:n7i[l;.grip~#p”}aufir fktfpanc/2:1, and hmakg mediizinesbfjow rfeubegrbf pp p p -remarkable” patterne of the Lords jnfiice on him, in {'0 punfiually» repaying him (Adoailwzecla-lz'l»e) in his owne coyney And in the cxrlstoltltis effeéh A molt {tripping of him (as was credibly reported ) they found a Crucifix — about him and other markes of the Romzflaéraff, a ‘fit Champion 3 *3‘ . Gods wrath- Religion. . . r “ y _ l gill hind on In the yeere alfo, 1642; there hapned another very fearefull ‘ms 7"““g example or _C/‘odx rewegcfu/I hand upon thcfe mofl ur1g;';dIy and G’ l V ' . . r . 3 §I~n3tv:l:f:;é::_ -gracclefle 411.»;/er: and tongue-perfemtar: of Gods people, ‘which’ (among the refl) to fightfot the maintenance of the Prm_/lane a {ing the City was thus; Divers royflering and fwaggering yong Gallants, being A Trainedbands, dtinlting in the Cficiixe:--Tavern: in Fleet-flreet London, it lb fell as film)’ m~"Ch' out, that m the tune of their {wa gering, fwcaring,and carowfm g ‘d °"‘~i“ ‘hc in the {aid Tavetne,the Trm7nca2- mm’: of the City f ailing by , cm . 1, r V cf Lord? ghoicc ones, is thi8¢,_tha-it thexflrandmatbrr of that manfler t A Looking-glafléfbr Malignann. “I; A thefi: roarireg gallamscali out fomethingmofi unfiaemeiy out of the Chamber-window amongthe {hide fouldiera,’ ufingtualib fome , V very abufive language againfi them; whereupon , one of them ha- ving more Gentiliity and ingenuity of fpirit than the refi, reprovecl - them that did it; whereupon they furioufly asked him if he were a Kagmd-1:2_cau’5 andprefently drew their Swords one upon an other, and this Gentleman being fuddenly made at by one of them, puts by his thrufl, got within him; and fiab’d him with a Stiiletro; the other two alfo comming on him,he likewife wounded them both ; of which three wounded, two of them inirnerdiately died, and the i recoveryof thetthierd was very queflionablte and dangerous 5” Which T dwone,this Gentleman made away downe the flaires with his Sword in one hand, and the Stilletto in the other, and running downe. Ram-a/la] got to the water and {'0 efcaped away. This I had from . uuq_ue_{iionabl.e information, the very morning it was done , Imy C5139 goinginto,Fla:;t—flre:t betirnes that morning on; fomebufi-r é nePr.¢~of V mine ownea, iwhereand ;.vv;hen[I ‘h\ca‘rd\“it exiaétly and fully related to me. i A ~ « _ ArbQllt_th€ 29 of Imzealfo I 643, One Mrs Hangman wife to Mr-i Wil. Homgbton 0f7’ric/Q1¢m‘f7a within the parilh of K irldaam in Le]- . 9. A monflroufl i field Lqnraflairr, was delivered ofa child Frill-borne, whichhad and P"°digi°m child home in n"oghegd,f}getytw_q cares, two eyes,;an?de a mouth in the brefi of it,and Laficamgre of; V the‘::hia'ndI titirniu“g‘:~ biackwards t0:vChG elboweeawith a cleft down the moi_’5xnalig- backe; {o as it was not diifcerflablefwhether it were male or female . flan“ Parents: . After this child hadtbeene buried two or three daiea , the Midwife “ml the m°& i AVI‘ ‘_ , ‘ _ _ _ _ f. t d reportlngits monflrous and prodigious {hape 8: not being credited, iewes thereupon taken out ofthe graveand ‘reviewed,and was auppa- gin;-umfiances‘ rently found to be asris already defcribed, 8t{raewaa* reported to be ;”in and about it_.i ‘ onlryta bundle ofclouts was taken up with ir,whi<;h(it {:ems,8t was ‘0 ‘{'{W1‘f0ur.°f I V i r known )the parents had(m proportion of a head)cau{e_d to be fitted" ‘M ‘3““‘r““i i unto it. N ow that which is very remarkable herein is this,That the t A parent: of this mjonfier Were (even as their owne parents alfo and A _ :predecefl"ours were)i[notorioua profeli Papi/1:, impudently abufive towards Prateffdntx, curfingt and calling them familiarlytbythe name of Ramzd-Imzd: '; but that which is fyCl§‘!'HOI‘C memorable t herein 5 and molt remarkabiy worthy our. ferious confie!-eratiion, . ‘ and mofihteleareiy deem-or-nflrates that, forefaid prodigious birth to rb~e,4'direft_jud‘gementi oftbe Lord fordefperate malignancy againflthe was - $9 ~15 A Looking-glteflefiarMalignant}. was {he ( whom pious Mr ‘Prjnne (to her indeleble and: perpetual! infamy) hath already {at forth in print . in his famous Hiliory of t that pair-royall of heroicke fufferers, Dr. ‘.Baflm'c{e, Mr. Burton, and Mr.P»-June?) wholout of an inveterate malignity againfl , ‘and it 10 in divellifh deri n of thofi: three forefaid Worthiers , called three V -Cats(which fihe had at that time-)by the narneslof thofe three preci-e A ous Chriflians, and cut off the eares ofthtofi: her three.Cats, both in defpetate difclaint (as it {hould I'eem)of their glorious lufiletingsgand thereby alf'o(in feeming jollity)to afi again that more than Turkyfl- Tragedy. And was not here a mofi notable and cleare evidence of l Gods undoubted indignation againfi fuch intolerably impioua and t impudent malignant: as thefe, the Lord thus manifefiing than .-fooner or later he will meet witht theirinfoltnt and mofi audaci- ous impicties I i e In Nam-méer a*ll'o,i1643. a malignant Souldier (being intended a for {erviceof the Parliament) was hanged at famériafge forrunning. from his Colours, which came thus to palTe~: He with others alfo 1°, ’ in the fame condemnation being apprehended for the caufi: afore- . A malignant {aid and by tfllartiall-law to carfi'Dlce for their lives; this fell-low Souldicr h”-mg‘ comming to the Dice , when he threw them out, cryed at cam ‘d 3‘ Cam‘ Now, for God amdtlae King,I4ndGod reaeim mjlfaule. Whereupon "lid - o ‘ . 0 » '5 A f;;,§§,0$; it {o fell out that he calling the lead} chance of the Dxce, mufi (Lifer C910“,-5, death, and To was accordingly executed at the fame titneee N ow that which was very remarkable _in Gods hand t'hns;onttthhi?l’elib'w (bcfidesthe voluntary dififeowmy ol%hiw':av;vi'ieriamhearr,in more words, Nawfir God and-hie‘ King, whidh is the [‘awzlier.r co pfignail word) was this , that when he was firfl prcfi for a Souldigp he was heard often to lay , He mmld be b4ng’d éefarelae woqldfigbt far the Parliament. Even iufi like S-it ‘Iowa/é Eilmnieq once Lieu; l tenant of the Tower of Lwzdon in King Iammhis daies, who was hanged on Tawerv/aill,for being Wceflary cache poyfoningkoivl Sir “Thomas Omrbur}, then his prifoner inthe”? hm», abgm; {he Earn, .ofSom¢rfet.s‘ bulinelli-.. ‘Which“Sir farm/Evhlmllelfe , beingonlthe v 'I.adder at the Gallowes freely—con’le[’t., in his life rink he had . V ‘ oft (in his playing iateCards and Dice) wi/lat tlbalt he {be bang ‘:1 if it were mt fa andfo; and therefore ingienuoufl y conf*e{i'JGod3 hand upon himfor that finne. And fdfay I now here, SeeO than lunflexilble and flinty-hearrudamnllfignant, how ‘t‘l1e*l..ordtnofl jufll met withthis malignant Jjiiritcd Saarldier, paying him moli lpalpalbg I A LooLgng;g1a_g2fix'Maz2ga4e5. ~ 1:7 mhigowne Coyne; at this rnofl notable andperfonall example i hath mull clearly declared. This I received our of a Letter Tent by a religious young Gentleman, a Seholler of Cambridge, to his fair ther , a very reverend Minifier of the City of Landon, who gave me atranfsript ofit, and whole tefiimonyis, Iknow, without all excetptiotu. it A i i ‘ t A i g * x In Cree-cbfircb parifh alfo, by Algate in London, one fame; At. ‘t kinfbn: wifqwhowith her {aid husband, were both of them com- monly noted to be mnflc malignant anemic: of the power and purity 11; 3&5 of the Gofpell, and mothers of goodneflegand good men ;. which G°‘$‘fh3ng H her ungodly and ill» difpofinon flue-mamfefled in the Church of m“ em ” Y the {aid parifh , at a Sermon preached there by reverendand reli-~ gions Mr. Wefl: of New-England, who in his Sermonfdefired his Cre upon one Mrs. L-flt/,ji nfim in e-church auditors that they would not ileepe;8t (he being afleep at that time, Panifli in Lee M. and awakened by one Mrs. lurk: her neighbour , a godly Gentle- woman of the fame parifh, and that in par very lovingt and .neigh- e bourly way , by iogging of hertknee at they {ate together in the Pew; But (he prefently upon her awakening fell into firange exu preffionsiiof rage and fury, and infiantly belched out thefe wicked n words, 0 you bolddrmzlqm flats do: you me ? with divers other fuch uncivill fpeeches. All which the {aid Mrs. @l4r/{e very pioufl ly and »di£creetvby»(.£ot.p theprefent) -put up in modefi and grave li- lence, and onely acquainted her husband, in very religious Gentle- man, with Mrs. e/it/Qinfonx {aid ufage of her in the forenoone ,‘ and 1 therewith expreffizd her nnwillingnefle to fit againe with her in the :1?ew.; Whereupon (‘Jerks unwilling there {hould beany fur; ther difference between ~them*, at leaf’: to continue with any private “heartw-burning againfl each other , repaired to the Mimfler p of the {aid Church, and defired that he. with the Church~wardene and fome of the ancientefi of the Parzlh would after the afternoones t ‘Sermon fend for Mr. e/ftkinfon te fee whether ‘he would abet or w eicountehancee his wifein this her ill carria e. According to the fiid idefire he was fentltfonand came; where,a ter he had asked the caufe of hispbeing {em for; and Mr. Clarke beginning to relate.it: , At- kinfon wouldnot fuffer him to goe on, but he alfo brake forth into foulelWot§de,and told ‘him; Heilied; fiarcfl/[r.r.['l.4rk hfefaiidid ,£{'c/Q /azB.‘wt:fc‘f‘ inelaa Gee-rt’t‘-he hereuppon , the I;e&urei of the {aid _ gChurchiM‘r.'“ ¢Fallai5agb.gzm, defired in love to take him off, ’”intreaiting _ him that each of them might be heard, and fo the bufineffe woulde A V be 1 8 A Looking-glaflefilrM4l1gW”’~"°- be the better and fooner reconciled. ‘To whom At/ginfin reply ed, Sir, I/mm natbing to do: with you; nor yamwirla ;m.And to Captaine-. Comr, who reproved him for fuch ill behaviour, he laid, Tm are as ffllackbeadand a Raw¢dbma’;a.nd thereupon went hallily and fretfully out of tine]/e_/by, and letcht hiswife, who alfo came thither inga. gr"eat~heat,and (very probably) full of bitternelfe; and [0 me ere?- dibly reported, that {he had boafiedxbeing at l1{)mC*y»h0W lhe had gelled Mrs-Clarke. But mofl cerrtaineltls, that in the V5/fry,(being‘ queflioned of thefé things) /be ml/bed f/ye might never gee /some alive, Mr:.. Clarkes didlnot, /arr, and faid, flze wattle’. have the Law on her for it. And: both the and her husband did. utter many other bitter words , at,and before this molt evident token ofGods.di~{-.a pleafure .- for (as I before touched ) it was Well ltnowne that they both had been a long time much dilafl"e&cd to pure religion and were very ready oft-times ,, not onely to fpeake evil! of ordinary Chrifiians, but even of Gods owne Melfengers ; and now, I fay,at hi this time, (he efpecially, fuffering her tongue towander beyond its bounds , it pleafed the Lord that prefently afterthat fearefull imw precatlon upon her felfe, afore-mentioned 2 {he was flricken fo ill, a that {he began to falter in her {perch ;. infomuch that thofe refent tooke notice of_it,and thereupon the was led forth of the Vdlly into thcChurch-yard and let downe upon a bench there, where the had memes ufcd for her recovery ; but {The in a very {hort timethere died, and was carried home dead : y And which is yet more remark- A ablyfeatefull, itw,as;pred'ibly‘[-J83 ithis life; Thisl have alfo from very honeli and religiomyhalnds and te- ftirnony, who have faithfully informed me of the tgruth thereof, as 1 t havingbeen bathe eand ear-witrtncfles of the fame. s n In Scptémbér al '0 I 643- pne;:MaRer Wlaitle stginfialding-«lane in i ‘London, with, his.,wife Mlfif$K¢¥lWh5‘1‘i£.b‘al both Qflthamimy - is " A’ . E‘ ii religious l‘ 2§“. }ILt9okingl—g§Iafl2“fii~ggMali‘g:2£:ntr; religious Clvriflians, and truly fearing the Lord. Came with their 7 V 43 V l4?r¢m?f1‘~‘*l;l‘ foure childreng inotlong before )! to*I.ondantfrom Tewgrlmo-J in, t glmccflerflm-e,princi pally defiring toremove thencmbecaute of the W,”-,,£,,-g;', and wicked convetrfitibn of the”Cavalier.s billeted where he lived. his wifc,who And hee thaving~ formerly {crved in the Parliament: Army againfl deferred the the King: Forced, but bein now at Londmr and for about threwi moneths {'pa=cc void ofimapfioymeneqrelblved to, ire over fervice». A in the wars,‘ as findinga timomus rfearifulneflhvih liiwilfi to ad- ventureany more into the ‘PiarliamentrArmy, lithereurpon;at?la{iv he had fame‘ thoughts to goerinto Nm-England, andatlvifinig, t with his»Wife,g who alfo was imoifi gmwil-‘king hee {hould any more» p‘ut~himfell"e_-into the Ser«vice{of thejP;zr‘lt’»ament, but byiall meanest began to flrengthen his refolutio‘rr.to goe away for. Nm~England. , Whereupon heperemptorily now refolving to depart thither with his wife and children, prefently laid oht~ thirty pounds for their; paflage by Sea, and as much more for provifion of necefliries to; the voyage; But being ready to depart. theLord»f_uddenly flmck; i him very fielte, andwin his fickneflir he was very much.troubl¢d.ia~ his minde, lamenting and crying out ver much againli the finne of‘ Gowardifi: and Eearfulneflfi -( ‘which i hue conceived to been the A ground of his intended removallltoillew.-England). and therefomz: or Q - ‘i a much difh-ufiing: his forties eflaétieg ctyecl out? often , That he had? ~ fmneclsagainfl God in cowardiydeferting his bat} hC'zm/“e 1 s -, er ear-e. neflly praying the Lordto forgive him this finne, romifilhg g‘ protefling that if the Lord vouehfafed twtefioeee i F to health". anfigflrength ag§ihe,f‘ 71136 were refilutely got» on to fpend every»? drop of the blolotfih his veihesefore the Tarliangeht: Canfi ; and af-~ ~ t: ~ . terward‘ blaming his wife ‘for giving her c.onfent and inrcoutaging; "~57 him therein he lhortly after diechyet before hisdeparmreheten fiified abunclance of comfort. and aflhranricel of Godsfavour and V the pardon of his fin. Immediately nlfo after hisdeath, it {o plea-gs Tedthe Lord tha't his wife fellifo difirlcfied, that thru or foure ; women couldifcarcely hold l1*e.r:downs in her bed, and the taking» no fuflenance but what was forced intoher mouth for manytdayes, flieflill in allthis time of molt-fiid perplexity cryinguour, That V line had finned againfifiod in counfclling and incouraging her dc-. « i ceafetl husband to forfake God: ('41;/E, and thereby (lhe feared)‘lhe » i i had been: the cable-ofhis death‘. ; And itliusllre lay divers day as in :_ much mifery, ,cr}:ingg_‘out; olthis herfnne; craving pardog og ~ i i .9 2 ? V33.‘ 4 “--*..“:°'i A Loafing»-gl¢z]Efar,;Mp«l;gm3ntJ. ~99 ‘God for it; And about the end of iseptem-bet aforefiid,my godly‘ friend, from whom I had thie relation, coniming-occafionly ito‘h¢‘r houfi: to fee her, found that her raging fits ~had-?left.nher,~ but her fpirite much fpent, and {be lying fpeeohlelfe, To that hefkncw no; how to adminifler a wordof comfort to her in thin: cafe ;. where- fore being -about to depart thence, thee looked >»fledl‘aflly»onl hitii, reached out her hand to'him hich he g[~OOk¢“~iII this, ‘bevingw; »cold as clay, and therewith A ‘I many comfortable words unto ' shfll‘, and are he departedfflielma’nifefled_ve~ry‘muchconfoiation «in hervfoule, “both by words (though _fain”tly9 and geiiures dlfo; and in a mofihappywand comfortable condition departed. this life “alfo, the vearylnext morning after hi-sdevpartulrel from her. This re- .latio;n,.I fay,I?had from a very religion: Citizen of London, and “faithful! férvant of the "Lord‘,who himfelfe was with Milhwi V ~‘Wbitleigb‘thuI do arting,and whofe ~oWniSifler livedvclofe by mt; ipartiele, was wel acquaimedllwith them both in their ‘lives and vdeatlb, andiwhofetefiimony Iknow”tobewilt=houtexce-ption. A ~ ., . t t V ‘ “II ‘ Theuewals alfo about the cc Tlofthe fit Ii vifioriee of ‘the fan oncmitcg " moms and renowned% lToWn¢,','e0l‘I/Ilancbe;/ler’l Lancgzfbire, in nth: 5"4”f_W,€_€ I‘ yeerc 1642. one M. .S‘t4»c¢Vi.{¢;eaGentlenaan of Lanca/birc, who .g““¢i‘l1‘¥?‘ . i had formerly ibelene eat ma‘n~«~mVuchingaged in his enficfiioneli for the 31$-::t§:::,;’c "'P4rli4‘mcnt: lcaufr’, and had‘ oftentimes exprcfled to much both maaammrg ihyhisl fii‘fi7e” ¢om‘encg!ings_%withlbmhe eh-at werevcry neere~anddeare fuddcnly am unto him, as ‘alfo hy"~hiewpra«3~ieee and=e~lla*fliflancelll given liid “Eh-‘l“-f 339*‘ o ‘Caufce But afterward, by the flyeinfinuations andpeerfwlafiom h“ ‘l‘f“‘3‘°"3 ‘dfl’l'ohief’eeming’friends neere about him ; but efpecially’ being at V "lal’c oeverfwaiveigll anhdlprwailed w1th~(eas*wa*s flronglyfnpplofed i;hée*L6id;wmrga («them great;-bq~t, blcfleé he'God, Au ~mo(t .532. .fi1ccefléf'ul’lfiick’lcr lfor«thewK1ngs%.patt_y_) the beingvery imimfitu wliihethle M3 Lord Strange. This {aid Gentleman did at lafi To mt-Arch c1*p‘fl'e‘hit:loxnrnle~l'ornmer ptafiice and goodiefleeme he hadand ’hi:‘l’d of the WorkeWhndl‘*(l1;n(:e“l of Godjin the ‘Parliament: rog- ’céedin§s,::thht’hémofiwhnworthily’quite deferred it, yea fofirrc a; co talké'up'l‘Amtes mgainfl it ;g;%am:l as he waejn petfon, in com. and,'£nci* going ggéinfirthat honéfifivmeous, éndfiidorione Town of iuamrwier Inn“irN= “Ear? -9‘rrwz.m= Army: the Rafa God A of . l=Hetn%én, inT~apparent*difp1é%ifnte*meI‘wjth“‘h‘rm‘inilthiemdfl diflo 3- elallwgiofiaciég hndiigbingagfinfi-Gwifandmhii5’cag:3'tE«:_ For [as A wasgding «Hotfeupon fomgdefigngimere to tficiiid 'I?diavi.af V ! % 2% A O n '4 é"" 28 t A Laolgjngéglafi: fi2rM4ligmzntr. oefetfilfanc/aeft‘:r,,a bu‘llet‘fu¢ldenly hit him, and *kil’di him pre- W afently, not direétly Axiom the Towne,. but the bullet glancing upon a wall, reached him with a gliding “ blow, and ('0 cut him fhort of his purpofc. and gave him the fad reward of his unhappy backfliding. _~ This I have from fuch unqueflionable and religious tefiflimony of godlyinfriendand neighbour of mine, as *1 knokwto i be With0l3t3ll iufl cxceptipn.. v - t -t ‘ ' t it Andtit not here. (one Wofithinke) ultimo enough for thee, O incredulous Malignant, ; yea, even from the ” lli“'i‘li6utheseo£ two V Convertsifotmerly,0f thine nownetranke and rotten econdittion, but snows,‘ and:+thatj,upon their tlefathgbeds (and the _wérds« of dying aim, we lgrgorv, doc, or ought to taeehrdeepc imprrflirin making ingeni- ous confeflion of their ‘and yourfolly and madncfle in (0 injuri- qufly oppofing the pious hand‘ full proceedings of the Parlia- ment .9 But now take onemore [to cleare sthefe truths yet more Amolli‘e- abundantly» yea. one¢of.no lcfle moment andmacerialicy chm markablc re- any of the former, and mofi ,:w_ortl1yn ferionst notice and obferva.¢- W30“ “Mar tion, namely, of one Malicr Iofi-pl: Larch, a Merchant in B4/bang. l Ezgtzifefier; hnIl—flreet_in,L_0fldM_,~; who having (ebryt Godgs blefling upon his en- chanr,hi;i‘gr’ca¢ tleavours in h1scall1ng).gotten_ agood eflate, and being a pious rnilerylfor deg ~§0.uug G=ntl¢m:an.:and W¢u3fl.€&&d am the..publ1k6lgQ0d;t«0f§ the fcr_ting_the A f P3r1i3l“,W5.t forth two Horfes for the faid fervice at his owne proper charge; anal his merci- funrccovcry. but having fome confiderable goods at -Briflqll, wihichvflhe nndefired to convey to Wamvfler by land. in l wzhith land-enaflins wane &ionfr°1m.; ‘J5 »gK;i.n.g;l"a,‘ln'g¢.°'fllfl.ry€:“l)1E«L'lhfl5't131%» convoy thorow ingdqmc in W? bflgillfllflg of nfihilBarliametntaryntwanre, and list ‘ 'lS]7rewgIwry,tt=ws itrfi a“lGarrif9n:sqf the Kings Cormoramzl: mph 1 0 ‘u y._ can thisoccafion: hee rccd hit-nfelfe to goe to Oxfard to procure fnch a Pl'0[§&l0IlI: Thus then he tooke his journey thither, wlrere the wglsinoifootiernnarrived,butit pleated the Lord .it (honld to fall - out,‘ tlhntrhet was prelentlyfi efpied bysone that: had beene Aa M37 . lignan-thneighbout of his in-;~Lt;W'd0”, “ 11.: L399)? C135 by A Wll~0fi:‘-lmennktp he wars prefentlfys ap_preh-ended as a Spie,.t_on-‘,yvhichA;u (ufpicion he: was inflantly clapt up prifoneri in the Cafi1e,and immedliailyaftcc A Was%fe.tch"%t-before r the Commll-9T 4513;! and in tlanger ‘of his life, But havingtherc very good friendstof llllf-:‘;..l{lI.‘§g$J)_i1l‘l3y:.. namely, Sir "george “Binian, SirtNic/pairs: ('ra'[fie,i.:.and Mr..\~,B¢mn éornqihis ltinfman, ‘ iandnothers, he was by the Kings. own: Wairrant {ct mastitis: liberty and tntcrtained at Sir George Einiamt lodging? gland yet agqinefor all Iilllfigavi ' A ALgoL\gng-glalfie for Malzgmmts, s :9; be this Smith that hellifh (warm , the Piovoa-tmarmall fetcht him '3‘ out ,0! Bjniom lodoings at eleven of the clocke at night, and carri- ed him to prifonagaine. Whercupon Bynion wcntagaxnvc to the King together with Mr.Bradbame, told H1sMa)'efly of it, who. _ fecmaed much difcontentedithereat , and prefentlyfent a Squire of , His body with a Commiflicpn to lay Smith by the heeles for his green fumption, and to enlarge Mr. Latch gyee, and thet without taking: [ha oxford Trot:-flation, lefi th rcby his eflate in Landau fhould have been feized on by thfi“ at @4719”? is F5 the 9&3“ Of 3 S”””””"" malignant i, yet with a private ferious promife and engagen-sent toss Bynion, that he would; neverhereaftcrfi put forth hzmfeife W10 any publique fervice for the Parliament. So he at lafl returned fafely t home 3 i and in order to his promfe wasvnow growen Very {by of - " h h‘ C ccordin to the Ordinance of the Mi- agn‘:infhortll.3r afotgifshzahgh the £1-advice of a very; malignant comrranion of his, made over his eftatcvinto H01.l¢3”d1“Pm 0ff“.hi5 houfi, in, Bafbin ii-‘fireet, and then withdrew his peribnalfoiéntvo I-1o[1.md,tintend'ing there to have lived till thefe times might change; ‘ % ‘ ' f » - ‘v x 0 ‘ 3118 than be quite deferted the Parliament. But he had not beene T;!1fll:5;g,U};'“3iI1g~’~ there abovethree weekes or a monetg a rfiufrthgt {1} Pieafed Ggddlg §,m,1d hm. fell ficke there , and had a greatfnl “he 5 ‘ “E .0 c.°mr"; Sit fled from N;-- againe into England; and according %y,b av1ng‘a e t opglo u hyazcve. imbagkgd himfelfe , and was brought beck: _fick"u"may*n%0t mqfl properiy “ A’ and%per*tinem1y be callcd“:md‘coum:cd wilful! am! oéflirmre figbrcrx mgaiwgfi‘ God ‘and /:15: j.x¢/3 caznfq ? Scethen, Ibcfcechyou but ifmyou will not timely (7283 you fhall; (as I {aid before) {Tet arcflaffi and be afl1amc«;ianc.& {mart ton) and be tiznaly and wifely pcrfwaded (as the "truth is) that though you will“.-not acknowledge it , yet your %n1aIivgnant workcs plainely thew it, and e%{pcCiaIIyche%Spiric of God (the oncly tme fearcher and difcovuerer of thc hearts and \ rcinesxof all) hath mofi c1eare1y‘dctla?red to us in the fccond » Pfalme bod: yoI1r~‘wor$I(¢%'and your ‘mqgex, yourwicbd cmfc ,” and your iarretaljedczzfmviz. That allthe’ banding and binding of the heads and hearts tags;-that of G.»ézcl,L flmman and Amaltck, arc. of fottifh farmnll Proraflvzntxa Praldterand "Papfflr , with if}! Wh‘”“‘Kf“g °“” that Iqfuiticozllrnbéla, is mainely and oncly this, We will not have formal! Protc: - Rams chock thin? Wm;King It/"my; (but t:he—tyratmiczxllanddiabolicaflufmram ' and [g fufig. bafé lnjht, f(:rLV1l-flxying carruptizmsgfimnc ‘and Satan’) %ta%%rrA2fgn: aver aw ; awndethcrcfore let us (fay they) breaks: hmbands in fi1nder; that is, lefus zzio/ma and zzitmte his émgy and w}wfj?1*rIa'e Lawn: and Com-» mandemancs let us cafi away his cards from*u.s ; t‘hal1«im%t’fl'99’ A ' comcmm amcldcfpiflu his%%fom;lAwTMfi;ngw:mml‘e!s5fiw grade and love, and all A his}: !wzm»efl%7afibIAi%lhi%n'g*’ précioxis A promifcs : but all (hid While they hiin £7”)? and ‘bIfl{‘f{i{h3y" forget, A urwill not fee and, per- , ccive: (asnhc {lune Spirit and fcummirnc of Tmth cals them) Athét Lord now refolves in {en his oncly hv.-gdtten Somu C‘/trflffrfm , as Lord mzd\KingVto:L1‘.*~e a%nd%ra.igt1e (over thdwps Of allthc /Al/loam» v t.¢i,m of the earth) upon4%VSz'gn his mofiholy%1?71i"l2!; and thfaft hat therefma, even iuhc Lard, the gram: It~/aotwtb {icsin Heaven, fires, and fmilcmc, aindglaugha to {come all their c;ombin%a£ions and accurfiéd‘ A A L confcderacimcstallihcir{resting and fumiifig,» beating; and breaking w1=.mMg1;g. of chair bramcsr‘and»hmrAts toe, and telling them to their math, and wants %cau1'c {hcwing them , maugre weir bfizan bmwcs<, fthm: fill the while 9'31 °V‘*1'°°m"- they due ./mt imqgiqe 4 main: tlrififi jwh?ch they ncw:r?can. they nevcp’ {halifbring to %paflé;~Forof thi§1é‘t5”them’%bc§mOfi fié!re,that till tbcy can maklc it: appear! or ptobablcflriic may i8~flrc_u1ger and w*ifi:rV % A A A than. W A Looltingégld‘/fifiwr Maligmmtt. gt; than the Almighty , A that Antichrarfl is able to overcome the Lord Clam} , to whom the lFatlaetr hath committed all power in Heaven and E arth ; I {hall never believe, that they or their Cflflfi {hall pre- vailt. For, It fay . Gad hath put; into Chritlis hands antlron Mace, A i not onely to émife, but to lmm lg: in pieces (like (0 many paz»jl7.eard:) thazir earthen and {tony hearts though ever it) fctmingly i’t<;>utatid flubbome, as partly and pretty-well (one would thiake ) . I have here‘, ittthcic fotecitcd examples made nmfi plain: and cc:n{picu- 0118, butefpccially, at tl1e‘Lord God himieife “in all ages and times hath made timfl manifcfll to the whole Wmld,,evcn from the be in- V ning oflit to out prcfimt times 5 nay, not Onclyfflalttut that the Lord P"a1-75-"M imtl: mofl admiraél} niadc and that with a Witneilc too) tlae, wrath A qfztmtza to tzmézt to /airtawm big/9 glory andpr.zife,}m"and/E2 lrrflrainadand 4 canflrainedtbe remainder thereof to lteepcwithin limits and bounds”, as not to brealtc out to do that mifchiefe unto Hz’: which their man- lignant adverfaries molt clefperatcly and divellifhly intended to ‘ have done untrlo them. N any (whcrcin they are ygt farre mor¢%mi- - fitrable, yea mofl milfwable tiitill) Godfmofl wifqlyand Wonlder-e Malignants t fully makes them in this tlieir intended malice and mifcbiefe, to be art but Gods but as itwert-,i the very dmdge: and fiw/l-lmje: of his C/mrcla and d""1‘ll3l:5="“d clailclrm, and to doe thqm fart: more good than hurt , in {heating kg [3h(:,);:,51t° and refining them from their droffc and filth contraficd from the and chggdrm; rt1»htb{%~:oi tsnheleworld in this life; yea anclby their malignant p/at-t tin‘g:._;fig/sting andlf}tigbt£ng,&cm-fing,fwraring5 jcjflittg andjecring at Reverend and trmla and Imlineffe) they l‘ha*llI (as a mofi holy and rtvtrcndt Mi-tFC“g"0'“5 M1“ tfiatltof the Lord, {aid 3 exceedingly help: forward, promote M“¢’fl"‘”'% I and advama Got/.r«cczufl', yea more (many tir1~1es)tl1an many of tlca I A A‘ i that the depth of thaitll<‘lmifwfy)t whé“nthcy"h‘ave thus otnél'G"aa’,’t marét ( though tlmylsittlethdtrglttlit, and never intended it) they " t/nmg,’é'[-zre.rt (lllilkat the lblittttle huilclers of N oak: at who were t after it drowned in theDc/mtg: {hall he (0 fizrref from liat/in gtany patttl otporttibln sin il'i‘C’£‘am_flWrL‘fibf# ijfuc 8: proffierity or -hiawaml egthat they (hail. die in their. llttllfliflg-;5'fl'¥il ha cvetlafllingly dhtiintd perifh fifitt their pafncrat therein gififlliay, in the fntettim, C5'tddlinih~i'sir:finitc & lhxzauntileffa: tichtmcrcmgivea tltvhm noci{p;u:‘ef and gran; mpent. ; Whatan umax-prtzfiiblta fad coilndtitionllarelye‘ (then§i"tii,;lO mofl A clioiccfriandatlletcfillgl a-ndtyet (which, Iihy,’ is the Eight oyfra-if t l mifetablal Lfl’l'ozl1'gna»nt5,- if=yoLic1t$uld“l but fee this your wickgdti warlzgr,‘ and this your wrttp/atailnmggetwr, asafiyrefaidg even with pro-- .4» “'2. V tphane M 35 A Looking-glaflefbr Malignantr. Heb:-.n.x6. rphanc Efaug thus toltrive and Pcruggle to fell away as ’tWas 1 5303"‘-,2-°' {hid Of e/Y/945, that be-_/Zwld /aimfi-[fir to zivazrbg nz-ic,@a'u<.~fl‘e') your blclléd 35”/2~ri‘gbt‘of life and flslvation. (I Fptake htrc the pure language of Canaan, maugre (Le falfeamsl fl-{hie conceits and whimlies of our impious Aetinamimzx, thole flye and jugling 1121-- A jail; oBjtn'- derminere of Chriltian /aitmiliation for lime, and of all other how i gation to An-- 13, d”tig" tinom1ans,by my ofnbricfe ing and mifapplying of God: eternal! decree of falwztian and flea- dxgrellion, A . __ _ “ {candahzers of our venerable, plans, and molt paml'ull- Par/lorx, felfly terming them Legal! Preachers, and prelfsrs of performance under a colour of their either ignorant or perverfe wrefl- r t gmceto his children. Yea, Ifay‘ of thafc unjull and injurious r of /my dutie: in our own: flrengt/9 andaéilitiexg a moll grolh: ll:an- g dell and afperfion audacioully cafi on them by thele Same: .S‘eca]:r mm offiditian and die/{/fa»: in point of Religion. Pardon, good : Reader, this glancing cligrelllon of male in. me, and now to go on) ‘ to‘flruggle,Ifa y, with prophane Efim, to fell your blcfled Birt/9-l i right of Inf: and faltlatian, for a ‘poore, bafie, and beggarly morfell of meat, or mefl} ofpotrage of worldly pelfe, carnall pleafure, l and pretended peace forfooth, which (hall all perifh in the ufe of \ them, and prove unto you nothing but meere vani "y and vexation offpirlr. A ‘ A r r t it i Ceafe then, I befeech you, O molt unholy and unhappyijl/In-2 t Iigmmtx, ceafe I (lay, and that timely too, thus to fret and fame, to {wear and fwagger, and tolhew your (elves fuch palpable and ap- parent fighter: agazinfi Gad, fuch banders and combiner; Chrifl in his precious and peculiar mer.nbere,n;twhome‘tihotugb you The cpmmc doein your life and liehlthyietirnreeifcorne and contemne, yet in»; that Malig— times of ficknelle or extreme limits and heavy preflures, and cons ‘ mots have 05 fcieoce-diflrefles, thefe are the onely men youfare the betterwfot 5» r A R°““d',h°“‘l‘ thele are the men, lfisy, that you are often enforced ( even out of ‘in the times of l ‘hair fickmgc Confcience) to lend forin your fickn”efie(efpecially when you ,',,'d agarcfigg. think: ‘tie a fibknelfe to death) to pray forryout "icounfell and com- fort yo.1 go yea, and ofttimes in health too, are v conflrained to con- ’ !=3’3¥1‘-=43’7- fell? of them, and to fay with wicked Saul to holy David, ‘Ilam an-t more rig/cream than I, fl»? t/ma laaji rewarded me good, wberrmrf have rewardedt/aeeevi/1.. And thereforetruly friendi, in thefe liken V cafes, Imay greatly and mofi juflly fare (anal befeech you marke ‘ well whatlf now (hall fay unto you, and ft-are and tremble at it t 9 ‘ minably too)_thatn1oll%o_f. the Gmnrltexand (°ofmapolite:..of thefe our abo-.r A Looking-glaflé fbr .Malign4ntJ. t 37 minably 546/gfliding and ap-':ffo:tz'z.ire_g‘ timer: Qmwpc df them) 1 ragffi for I bclecvc thatthey due not 4!! fight againfl Gad upon me and the M _k 4} l _ fitmc principle jcfpeciall 3! our learned «Scknowing fhnrtirrrybrelareral Cu“; 1:1: 0 “ flandalow Prirflr, and intelliéertt Tram/l.«/mt: (rt Lzrgrya I greatly and timing fame, I fay, that they come as mate to that fitmeal that terrible and Mal’gn:.1ntS. unparclonablefirzrze rzgrzinfl the [9:21] "G/arfl, and are as deeply plun-A ged into it as ever any /Ipoflare befure them which fifme, C if I t t mlflake not) :3 wilf/rllyt, le_gaowingly5 ma/ic’iwr_{l)v, and pr-rfivrrintglj to The finne a- . prrflvmte prafecute with 4/lflzhig/rrt and éitycrnrjfe cffpirit tier Tm!/9 gainfl the ho- mzirrm I’rr,f»fl"..-rs I/am:-of, eo tmtnire, é«;m.sr/év it za, d.'J‘i£['Il9f‘] kr.r.,s2:rr";lyGl10R- l the t/ac‘Trmla of God, anfi therefore theylcannottabide it, becatzle he their own: wcrket being darknefl}-:. they leveldarkntfrte mo; e than t h light. And that there are [heir to be fOl1!1d5 the Apofile Pam! tt=f’ri- zTficF 1-Tm fies, and their defper;atec'r:;¢c{irio2r2 too) and I make ne Cl-3-fllbt but “=“" fomeof them have or will bee enforced are they dye to acknow- ledge and cry out, if not in true penitence, yet in darnmble de- » . r’ L fpairc, with that accurfrd Apo_,-am julirzn the lhcatlmenifh En3‘pe.‘Il11vEcr'<=3ib~hr A taint mm: awajhzls can from hearing the Law (that is, from la- heard that T3 rout, 'Uzcrfl: Galilee, wcrfla; So thele, Tax; /9411: overcame m, 0 {me Ofthe V Puritan: andhRom¢d—krrazdr_, you A/mm-‘o'vrrcomc ml; for Gods judge-‘ Kinoscorl-1:10“ ments have overtaken usin contending againfl you. And therefore x-anrisgor Cava- Imay and melt fay unto you all, who ever you be in this cdfe, liers have in and perfilt thertin, as‘Siman Peter {aid to Simen tflfrzgzos, ~_jr‘a;¢ are our late wars mrtninljin r/or gal! of birterneffe. in thus abufmg the Spirit of grace °';'; £15? and his pccultiairand precious jewels; pm} therefore, 0 yr: raj, if God fgghfs peradmnmrc t/9:3 jinn: may 6: forgiven you : which indee is the againfl us, as tylrimzrm rcfngium, the la ft and bell refuge and hope you have, yet 3CI'j€8flt-M3- mofl unlikely to helpc you, if not ferious and féafbnableg For,»/9:" be . . . H, I mug godandgoodnrfft, bu Canfi-, lair Samrr and Sermmtr) awn [mi Sh‘; dig-gfutgon -var] prayrr:Aar’; an aéamimztinn to tbs Lord. And then you may of the ficgc at with_wicl¢cd Eflm bcgge the blcfling y_ou fo carelcfly and com Plimoutb.fpak'c temptuoufly fold away . even with frxghtfull-cryes and teares *l‘°"“‘Y ""°’d" 9! and yet cverlallingly 04¢: Without it. 0 camfider rt/nit‘ tberqfirre,” all.»dC::';3 J: that t/amfargct Gal ,, 14,4‘ be firrldmly tear: you inpic cr.r,%and,t1::r: ‘ _ r V l‘ V . e , _ in our works be mncta drlmrjau. And line: all that‘: thmgs _are thus confpz- at his going I venous and evident by all tholfe‘ remarkable forementioned and re- awn’- cited examples, lét not any of the Malignant fellow-Jaétore of [0 A33 3- 23-’ lfuule abufcs to gm’: Carafe-, hittlltChurt;‘lh and Children, twilfully M“1‘“7" W elofe up the eyes of lthcirruundcrflanding, and [till harden their ' ' W fig; I . ‘ Pr0v.z8.9j 5'0: 12, V A heart A ‘ «M »d»A;A“‘ ‘ W ‘I R.c3vt~I43.18. Mark 7.34- ‘E;-’«Ckn 30 so ‘ will farther fay unto I Sa1n;1-2$- ¢ ' cfWtl2c1'rfim'9¢'r, - Pfa1.z.1o, ‘ I ;-J12, j M4V31-4:7“ V‘ V fecand repent. F or Iiugenuoufly ctunfefié, A can fl101't,_ and are but in vainc :‘ L iiavflmfied andtimtij V tt}.1eirAtr.u A him, V3 AAL00lQ?;zg-Ag*[;zfl2’fbr1W4:lzgim}:zt.t'.‘A A M ht:m‘cAsand A firtxtivecanavtétiwns ar.:dc«:>x1ft~fl3ons as theft: are, come fetifotv-feelers of the like cxempfary ons. But pray, O pray (as I will With ycu Lit thtzy aifo be... mad moi} jutjt t'orre&i-v that unlcfli: his Spirit: fpeafltcs thus, all the metanes in the tmrfd 611%-that may be ufed come yct give me leave to fpeakc unto you as the Lord did ta fiubborne Ifl-me! by the Prophet, Tm, aév/3.»-... z/J:r;raz;A2azi./1'/Jrarer or not Izmre {for you are 4 reéw/.«‘iaz¢:r mm’ aéjlingte people jjct _/7241! jot»: (gnaw that there /mt/9 [men a Awordamanjg yaw 3 that; the rneanes have not been: wanting to you, and if you ( notwith.-.; {handing all A Threats and Treats, Mercics, or judgcments) A will perfifi defpcrately in your malignant folly you aiI,g1s the Spirit (Inf God did of old Elias mofl wicked andmalignant two Tonnes, Notnvizlaflandixg 4/! that their aldgadly fat/acr /mdfizid unto them, t/mgr /amrfined wt to the voice and why ? Zwmu/c (fie;/ex the Spirit of Goa’) the Land _/and at pzzrpofe,for their incarrigiéle nriclgfdncfl}, ta_/lay and dr (Em)? z/amr. AAherefoz'c to conclude all, my ctounfizll (in brig-fie) lhallj but unto you all, potire miflcrable malxgnani men and Women, ‘ on ely that of the holy Spirit of God himtclfc by the holy Pwpbct David, Wm wife nmr therefore, 0 ]e malignant Prince: and Peer: of th: am~;a£tt:t Judy-' Mdgmat Qmmf the /am’. A ma’. r¢jo],avawiz.b traméliwg.~ K//]?r I/at Sam. adwyéd, 0 ya J'¢7"/Jc g/aed%z,m1m': fem-ta, A wen we Lardlcfm» Cbrififi 1:]? by [us angry, dml _/Zr ye pgwffly fwam g/M %w.4],wécnt /2:3" wmtb :3‘ é{'ndled,_ym but 4 limit : (0 W194: will it hm» wfacn :13 mzgktily infiamrdf) 0 than me]? 12/: mm all’ t/:my«anl} Mvatkpxxt A mszdrq/2 under t/me /zbadawwaf bzir wingx, aw/Mr: am»/y A zit trm /wdingfar had} andfaulv. The Lord give ua alt aflifling and p¢:rf;c'_ve17_itIg_ gtatctctlb to doc, Amen, and Aman. A A ,,_, A Omxim gloriafiliw 5/iflwvxiuio An {pil‘it‘$A ag.a§m.i filth protvidcntiall Mwtukings and demon‘ A and far you) that Gm’ M V ammo! msraizzt your tya: 23W.t‘/91/.751! Ca/lyrixx;-2:,»’ozkt;9rcc£m: R}:-fq[*y.?5t/_;r,gt A jazz 5"/‘m]fl*6_“; andttthat hcwouldtt fpcakc to ytwur Sczuitsst and Ct:m££:i. V emccs! with at powttfuilflpéwpéara, Bey: opm:dA; that {'0 you might, 8: madnemgl muff and] .‘-6‘2"'~‘.“l"«‘P‘$ A may heir M@wmmmflmwmM@em. An lfpilogue 1m>MemJGNANTa In the Language of Canaan. F now after the pea*ufa§1(iFat leaf’: thou hedfi enypiety 1. . or pxttietzoe therelunto)0f"all formerly {aid and fhewme Mi}l1l§“_3“'5 unto thee, thou are yet refraftorily refolved to fay,as rcifdfltion m _ the M’.«zl;Tgn.«mt: did in j'erez2zz‘ah: time to him: /1.: for the I‘3f~4‘l*!63‘7- word: which thou hoflfiolqm to M in the home of the Lord, we will not hearkerz unto thee, but we will certainly do whetfzezzer thing oommeth out of our ozmze mouth. e A , Then give me leave to tell thee the Lords refolxmtion Gods ’:fWu, concerning thee. Behold, I have firorne hy my great Name riontoM;11ig~ (fhith the Lord) ;h.:zt my name fluzll he no more mwzerl in the magi; may n/ottih’0fany malignant. Behold I will watch 02!¢S1"thl8?i3._fb?’ 1{~.1_'3 3 fm,’,_,." emmmd notfiorgood. re4,»mma1zzmfe(fizitb the mat.) may will I he exalted 5 now will I lzfi up my ye flmll eon»- 'p-l7'¢;e Chqfilgye/hall hritzg forth S!r£l)hlc', your omize (oztsfihg) A lbymth, 45fire,fl’)all devottreyott. A But, as for you my peop¥e,(x"nycordi;a1lCovenanters, G i 3;“ ti " ' . ' "v O($I1’GA “'t* yet that have finnedagatnfi true) for ymtr fins, I wzll ooufe on to hf you to pafle under the rods, 1 ml! lzrmgyott znto the howl of the diall Covenant C()'2')€I1;£7$t or f‘I0lj'*l€dgtt-'3 :7, Anol then I will purge out flow av 20 ° '37) monq you the Rehelt or Molignontx, and them that tratfgrcflé’ 33_ agoiltz/l me. I will hring them out of the Cotmtre}/where they ' fojom~ne,,.wd they flmll not enter into the Land of Ijmelwr hopn A H pimfl of my chilclrem F IWNI S.