, Treaty ctw 5,‘ and jtlib LT’®7td A mayT,bc pNub14i1fl1eda; is. &»t[hc reFore¢AA%my% pleafu _S'érgeanjQrj‘GTcn A Ahathdc-fired megxhat «the:-paAHagcs‘";%o%~F V Eliétt fthé ifaid? flié.4.l1%% Vt¢d%a.eg;o.rdi;An W ‘V ' 7 . a p; u i ’‘5'*'» _ . I * 34 .mf}. . ‘ % T T~ « «M at . 4* . “ _ ‘Va . . ‘ A’ w ‘ '- ‘ b 5.’ V ., _ . 3 5 * ' #T1aeLQra.zgwe: TV Betra#y 1L VL % L K A I N G D N, A LCarryed on fr ivcrs VVcck-s by an i%ntetcour1?¢ 91’ Letters. Which arc&lm;%c%44%%11Alifhcd For _thcf‘aci{1% * ‘faction f all Men 1, Y Sermnt f\/{ajor gezéem/1 rwn. "’ * % * in A Toeflhm‘ with the C 1;? H E R Whiéh -the Lord D 1 G B Y fem: hirfi it t11*at¢urfc&‘ V P1'in7tc_fO1‘ Leiurence I thc;;&;S»iginc@f“ the ’ 1Sh3PP1‘AY ~*a%_P§£i0d- 3-"5h‘A?3€fl“ifi1fM£h€ _1 Emile 1 v9 ' - x - “ V >3;-‘.., V 1 MC g, ‘ ‘ .1» ~ ‘ '* 34 ‘ ‘ . ’ ,;;« r. R “ ‘ " w ‘ “E? am? ‘4‘'' »\ ,ww‘,“L¢ Kw" " H.272 ‘ ~ ' \ - q iv “\ ‘ " ‘ vu ‘ ‘ A um, ‘ ~ J vow. ~,\ ..,, -M‘ andAeverfince havfifl fear ofAbor:ion) 1i:h%;fe 1“fficu%lt tim ‘H at intcLrg0mfc%%¢twv€€11 thc J :¢fP‘“¢Vai1i11:§»3-n fortifyimg,- €%C1n«AmhcrD b1€{T€CTd)Qfl our fidfis % 0 \a*baV‘ ,2 ‘ \ \ ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ mu I ‘,3 _ w . >1 . " . “ I . "M, fig ‘H, H \ “ ‘K. ‘ . -' ‘ ‘ m 9 « “ ‘.x, » ‘~ V‘ }‘%. > ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ w ‘ of his Iaft f0rgCd”Le%tter%%,_ I 157611 i’S fO-W;fL1“ % ‘W1 3*‘ 1°“.é‘&"f3°°%f2&.an‘h? Iflmthie ‘ % Bf1*at‘ Whicla I1eho1.»Ve;_1Vf+for , pre¢f¢I1€Iy~ % ;nvouI4hdi:i@§iadiea‘wAay;y %by.the*P~iLfoA:f1 J 0? m9~1i¢<:. that I %Wof!d%erk 11e§*:11‘1“9t31oWt% with ’ it, [beam he cop1jd*"1a*a*<§eT time avail‘: it I A ‘ ,«,. - _‘\ ‘v ‘ w‘ m “gm 1’:iéIaf’c étté:%; ereinf%“.y idally wmkedljrbyfiw . 1 ‘ « ‘kw ,\ ‘ y 3... ‘mm. war?‘ 6 f 3 ‘ _«*,1"‘ ‘ ‘ Va: " » ‘ . ‘ . ‘I \ , 4,. V‘ R‘-_ VA am’ 1 ~ ; A 9'» VJ. ,.,. % é ‘ » ~=GOI1C@3:*1* t111s»»jWna~a1is&11»a%za »e~t4 'fff’@W& it A Own’? ‘aH7%ns% -’ %co%u’1d$ Q r %1i11d%C_d P1333457 % A _ %c«ariage@ Vlmisg 41’: his~c©1ot;i%sV»1th¢y«¢; A 9-A Pa~mc11a~e%: es%u&~o£ :1" _ “Ma head,and.fu%bfcribe‘s»m%=f a mlfing hand W-hi fmP?u€1‘e%nt“"' 7 ram ParIiame_ nc “%th19ive rior51’“méy‘W%]rcé?A‘n:e%eo~make» Fe 93g¢r5“%P.ub1iqIJe;anda ve2Tothers; 4 led I1at11e:v%%4;%. W as lfiffiféiéig éeme W R :1¢:av'gémd%g;%p~g. pm F6f3,X>gIi5iS¥ t1a”a‘uils:?fLa:11a:};:z:imvé« "W?-‘115V¥1C; 1 % ‘ particularly géarevb ’” ~ :»*\ ‘ V gfl . A var r M $ 1'“ ' ' I ‘F’. lg." W 9 ) [5‘TheI4ordi1Dt;glviés”D efignw betf&y”iX5irg__gdon;i A gfféeifizxfiiry the 2S'toryA) that ‘:30/aeeitlja iEmémy lwzdidma g. " ’ Mvlaxw/ac amid in the .14/efl, hand Wmnregzdy to rettmig 7 1 A mightbe madeeathiAeirs,,agaihbye Policy rathei: then " A‘ Pm3verA,andmy feiFi:voniou=ir~ ofit byi'goo'd}woA:rds, 1' ,Q?AiCi ifoidhet‘sthéfl7rWa1‘r’dnut[of itgiiixfnd therefore,‘ ii: A , Vi - Septemberlafl, t/oeyiwadawfi: ofa/fzirituaflifingine, we J1/1'r.Ber~nard,ifametime;r 4 Perms/arr ix-2‘ Londongnaw it gzppearx) ‘A’. great, Clea?/1 at Oixfnrdi ;iTiai:manéeing my former acqmintance, ivy .;méazfl2:£¢ affomiei%re’maté m’l£;zme,itookipppbrtmnéty, £2; 4 Tran2pet,\32Iaa;,c§eme from st/mzcei mm: Eflxb/mnge‘af Prf/imam, taflwdwe Letter :5 i f7 eblesit,‘ IF: my Nagme Ihouldhe tad light, yetfor our Alliance , A I a_m"}boldi’tovrépirefent to you a%Requefi:-, which from you ‘A 1,; uwfaixzciad, 'ThaciiAbingdon, as weakas it wasj, \g§'i1iifori i!:§ idwn 'juPcice fake granted ,ivnaiIiie1y5 tqiA‘~AreAliee;AfeAw_A(if prifo~A- e ners)A andi to AA CiondeiiéhiehyAh’weayi‘ofiP:ifl’ei; coma Women, and A a Childe of Mr. Dofior D ",1@fom',A” whd are now in Abi7¢ga'an,thC one ioifthe women is aANm:fe, ithe other a Maid:-fervanr. A A ; I am g"i‘ztAdi»,i for your own'fake,and‘ my refpefli alfo (who am grieved W iihéartilygthatwee afe notibothofione fidg) ethiat yen carry on theParty Ayou e%dieLai ‘"‘in|§i":W*‘i£hiy,jf0 hoinouredecandofland ingenuity. hope God will one day Wrecoincile all the Differences now on foot, that we mayiimeet our friends as friends. I have had no heat, butpure confci-Q hence in this cohtenition, neither ha-veil, any;eam‘bition , ;;hcTnV by the‘ Agrantingiof this Réq’ue~{’c, as ‘an addirionrif‘ mifoyreiitoimany former fav ivouirs, robe acknowledged inerhequaleicy of ' he Tam m'ofl'“ indeméed a;zda]j‘Te6Z£on:zrieKi;¢/finafi omdiiB’r9t/mi infirm ym, «Oxfo rd, Sept. 14. I 644. V V i Nath: Bmznard. Pafiféript. A Sir, If youiwould grant fafe Condufl ted me,_Iiwou.id¢ ,beeig1estdAito kifl'e yam: A hands eat: "Aéz‘22gdm., 4 that may enquire of the A *we*ifa.re ofiou: Bfiorlzersieaihd ASiPcers,&c. and toxg.ive you accountihow A +1: foriced .hith”er Afrhm heme, mvidfomeéther Pafl’a‘ges.AA i i his I looked fipan 5f1tifligJ2tly,% giviifg laimmzitber Pnjfe my Anfwer, fiizdiézgg it ea £119 hm‘theLwggmgéeéfaprivatégiam! “t7m¢_g19t») qéfinrg ; Aperflaée, iAieVbmplem¢#ti;¢giWitbiAme (aw A¢zsC*4ifc'Wiii Line; Wtmld fir, aid .ecqmzintm2ce_/%zke,i and like art‘ ‘Divine éemomzing L%t]v7€,‘»‘i7'1.?73€Jm; 450:1: fig A A V i i i ]lIa:m:$,7g’ to») Manetk be mu quiet‘, andmben came“ tv/0:27 fécond,~j'u-ended with 4 lintle moire lglttdrj, iii tbcfi: War-d.r%:7 l ~ *‘ < g l » V V! Ir, Whczi I wrote lift unto; you, I fuopofe I received no Anfwer, , forfthc pllaccs fake whence it came; but,to~ remove all doubt from wo;you,when I came thitherl was :2. prifonennowll amremovccl out of it; May you oboe plcafcd to grant me 3. Pall": to comertol you; Ifhave a oRcq,ucf’c to jpropl-ofclto you, which is for my fafety andlylomf H“onour.v =AndlI will likewife prcallurc you, 'cis no m.ore thcnlwha; lhatli‘ bclen granted‘ by/mylLord of Eflhx and Sir Williamo Walier both , nei. thcr of Whorn,lyouMcome bchindel in valour, and I hope will’ not coamcfhort :.:Of them in Honourable lo Courtefie, I will not how l~i1amcl%it,lll that; I “may not be prevented of luifling your ‘hand-, who A am ,ofo75rfylo1m,ncvm:lltolbceforgottenrconrtcfie whlenl lalll: {aw you at W403; o 4 * . %‘ A. , fi - ~ * ~ Tatar moflobligcd .S’cérzmnr,, A V Wdtelr-Eaton‘,.iOEkob.o1 A v 3 A A A M Nath:Ber_nar_cl. 1,; :1»; yam: 2;; };;-(mtg: me M. sazw,-be~ mag»; wpner 4} l o Oxford; flow-at libert], and in ajcathdr TaWn,1frorb"”’Wben¢g /we; dataex, l and again m-get/a l34?J€’:t0 cam:-dudfiie me,;¢nJpwk,4fu22our,§Wbiqb Wm lonlyfar‘lhi1fafc»jand%my VHa_noaurlltagr4nt.l.g % % H W % fupan t/913.:Lliampmlintedlfomefricnd: aéozxttlmcgl with N1? Rl¢q14é'fl,l ACM- editiazmand ‘=Q4zt%lit£e: iof,tl/aclmswal “imd4ltben%fZ'nn 4 R.¢fl'-e*,.. W/sic/9 éraug/.1: :7/oimlavli your Léflijre dazyl; \%7/yenlf/o%el‘c'.»;u:a1t I received‘1Jiff1“éaz4rtl¢oIt_fly;~ be 51:. ,6red%ro Plredc/agliut Wear ldenyed,-,/obedincci Wit/9 meundfame ofm} Ofiicerx, and at l4f3,z;pan bzlgcoing away, drfired «Word or wool linit/9 me bprivatly, Md zhey_l1acfaa.0;r4pan7t/ac Errand ‘(Which-fl*em.r% be my’ fmt gm») and 'w:IjZ;etl: we on their fide, layinglaéout him; md “lav£f]ying om lawlslérgat/9 iapainringx landflattcricm at m‘—nd,om.“ % l l V l o N ow I found my gabd*Co2aen to bewlmt the Eccltfiafiicafl Ducficnj-,let fifé from 4 b£gber_Gam:fler, andfortbwitla I bairedmyhaak 44 well 4: be * ha} VI ml; Mr..Bemardl1 pmylfor nothing more ‘t/new 4' good " A in leaving in At At/ali4,tbe G:I461g_80}1.£‘dP6f61g,?¢7161: Igmoe éim line; he dcflreuf iiéerry to write to me, I gwvt it im (.vm1a 4 Prfiatefiian of 1223 Lady H Lovclaces laoafcraat W’ater-Eaton froth plunder amd violence and Ice’ jog_g’t1 lfiofifljarundly tolloolwte/I /at? Lord George lam bzkfill land wraugba, émizlvzfavg dam-. Aft¢r=flentn.tbi¢tollwe-:.ll l l ” ” .N'ol>l'.e Co fczqnce; amdif I ‘thought in cm Efrem‘, I Wauldwést 6:703:13 N[0ble “Sir, I am emboldned( by y)qur laftgreat favolun and beref- ‘fi{1[_ed.by'fOm€l()fl~€, fince that tifrneylourfent my Lad your Pro-. tefiion, not withoutfome afliright, given~by:.fomc of Ma;orliTcmpIé: men, to our whole houfcr, together with theilapproaph ( as we hear); - l ofthc Armies towards us, to defire your advice, whetherthe Prote- A V - étion eyourgahve me will (in cafe the Armies come hither) keep my perfonf_free,orwhi:het,notwithflanding that, I am in danger of being ' m‘iPca.k.en fo‘r,;a.nd uled likeari Enemy». A The Anfwcr whereto will yet fiirtherl oblige . A A to V l Tourfinofl latlaawéle .S'er'wmt,i " wm;,;gagon,Nov;1. ‘I644. \ ; Nath: Bernard. W Lefttcr being accafiaoledg l"j3"?étcnJ&, C5] ]“6”i?}°?WWi_Mf;igIJt02tflt{ , 4 given from :19? great number i of Parliament °Sould%ier: W/no marched it/mt Ria},:;« lmixa private one, and had an A2z[_w:r mzfwerablc tlam : M G’ ("1 R”, Tihe”‘“tprote&j9%;;»t{enrrr by you to nf)? Indy*-rrLovelnm~J,tm1Src- l A fumefvvilllj kereeprlhero andhcr family fromlalli?-rilrregular Plunder, by i any under my Commaiindi; but Whether: ’twill prove a fecurity to hcrLadylhip,.or your fclftfrom Aot:hct13orces.“nowrhetcl, or to come A fcfrvc youin what I may it andrbe this way I know not, nor can I. thereinlradvifergr I lhall bewillingrto Tour; Frite_nd‘;;ag:diiSeroant;ri 4Alnin%gdon, Nomi. 1644. 4 A Rich. Browne. A « All tiarér While Mr; Bernardlaazh 756:5! ~fl‘0Wring, fircwing, and afl- i l ing 15:); Engine ; new be :2i~re/blvedtarc”lbar‘ge~ana’ giveefire : 31:: lm charge fiqr fear of fireaéing ortrécojling, pm]! [we only Tawder and " paper: W£tn:fl‘e,rbx2cWlaicla /2} lat fiyegatrmcz; " I R, Having received fo many fignall and robligingfavoursrfrom_V you, and thofe, fince thefate of thelfiingdom hath (together with our own) madie% us ltormrcontrary fortunes: I who abhorro nothing J more thenlingratitudcr, pitty'nothing~more then, fedurdtverrtue, and lmifplladd Gallantry‘; havehere as the onely way left me to teftifie A my lthankfulneffc, fotvtinkdicated your repiutatione, that All rbeleevemyottr tcredtci with rusrwillllbemogre ‘precious, then with thremifolrr whom you ' have hazafrdecl-i all;’lthat?ilsl~dear to jmaen. V ‘ - % Porproof whereoflas I amable to produce evidence fufficientof 7 neglefi and fecret [core from farm men,who owe thefafetjr of their B 2 evils i2 l ~ l mi;lllsl%to»..your valour :: So, Am» fimmxnded, cola: ylow ‘l(:’1oW,.‘tha;tm l youhave withius friends that . (as you are) will Honour you baclif you were ‘otherwife, would‘ be. proud really to fcrvc you: ‘And that thfoughourlendeavolurs,you are fa fairly lneportcd tothelhilglyellc. V That you are'dafired ~ Buc.i’le faylnolmorctill you anfwer olnc req uefi: ; and tlm%is*%&,% that you will prqmife not ta‘ bctrrtaey thofe ~ %:rl1ac Hondur§ylém,lto lcorn, my life to danger bylvdifcovering what‘ my undertakinglxaclh refolycdltgago onlwith ,to prtzferxrem yumxa glood . Con{cicnce,~a gaocl. name to fixture ages, andalfamring will: }’0!.1f‘f. l. Coumry aH€1Kl1‘l;g,Wl11aC’$JOCl hath blefl: you wxch in this world with our friends. V tl1ing:; TWa rd affd aligclod Confcicn cc and !fl1lcPeace ofthis Kingclaim do lrcquire ofyou ;.: Blefidcsl What other Ilnd~ufcements.l l jl am tolacqmilxut you with when you have aifurcdl me; Ihatiwiflthreugh lllviiolént {way oflcontrary {afi¢&ionll”weV fhoulgdnot; fatisfie each other; whichis a11.a:p;mrencl1 do de_fire,% yzcp wérfhall lnei.tl1’eit ch1:0‘fT§lipva:llion betrajg onelll: another We fmlrhlllélr thelfavoulr Qffi“’{a\fVe"‘|‘ aCccfl'e l=andl-.£ce1feof ’ “I my old’ m;__;AgdQI do» again lprelafl”ure,thatll by this I will engage yolilto §el§i&I¢s*“:he commuance bf l bxgazalyounHonlouciwigha11;:1mss l3l5l0d,l,landl guiclc all our feggjnco :hlexvayloflPcaccj.l ;;lv$1r,lIll&1allll?cver:lbIel. l A A - A TM? lmafi:k%m6Z¢lSer'wlnt; ‘Watcr~Ez1to.n,~ ;N;0V.l 4.ll,Ié«M~+~_ll Nash. Bc'mard.% ézoi ib&cl;5Vrettlywé1l farl ff/Boat, to layme at Nae wiry jofmt, l and st’ d£v£fiané¢;*:W:e?; %fi*ie22:L5j?%: Saawel zf A-tho]? ,for Wham jazz; 53. 2..4;m'ed¢zZ{ V »»N€gllé£? yaagfagrnlyaul £;’7'~&‘.l ‘Ti; lmrely lzdgwn z’l<(ac/ail:-+1. A zgeglg, 4;" [Evan ‘lad rec egZ=z2:a1t/ififlfirflll/s'&zd~llfhslmszlwica af fame .g.é:m.~l me, aw" mrmy‘ might fie-gag full-llTej?i3s¢a2;2yfiéf 1‘Z"?.3H££”;gé7"'£t)l.A;vllllWad yet ’ awz;l2:zaraV_t1.v'3n fl’;*_ig/7t».;\17;of;t757'.é?I¢t lfécrecyl)“ flaw we fax» Plaziaeljfl :3 ~PZctl: m;,£?a;.¢nc.a£1g.;‘{zg¢la" mt‘ t/Jé mttemptnfgg fl2¢gZe'l7?ri¢_/i‘ lam) ; "a£‘“723l:~'Ll]96’fft$‘t.’§5’¢‘6«‘:?3’.6£'¥ gtlatr fa¢a;..pleepi;a‘g 5ely£nd¢~~HJ€.‘c;/ffrad, wlmgfarimg V for? t/9:: Cm; ta ,5r:5z'g » ¢iww[o#!~l 5: *‘ V Q . A.Zi;t!¢l5cfZwre»t/9z3*,,Wh1.rc;¢ their Earcaxwetfl$'::zt:rmtl;l Nexvbleryflvelj zvfsmrgéedl am‘ m¢d;;eril)'r At/mt! /Mveumind ta c/a¢z_7j"ér,rznd F-«ev‘zfl9”WBfa,re ed0 ?Té fapk, and éringx om fmo/1 pazrce/Zrqf filken %.R*é"E?bric1(A _fi>éc oamd».cawrfwcampl6’W¢flef3“;edwiptserexA wmzmt at Ox-o Afoorde, TafimfqwiPrar0g.z%zi»zJ:,,1('i§§§ggi.r»eoi1?;!i€t/a"ViV€lcROy, «mi Lawn Slaeexef, :w/nick he /aajm‘ 7tb'We;dr "/vimfelf; for 67 this m~z’o you Wi,/Z .g/aink be had his C'~oA2¢(gede=_/liar ht}: élazcfi Bax alrcadfifor cam/erting me, A oHe qmatfir the Kings, Excémmunicates ipfo faflo‘ (44 log call: the Kiflgdéms, oamz fllamnq: the ?Parli¢mmr, om««c*anfid:nt/)5 as G be bad“, V 55?” Pri£flfo¢t‘Lambeth, aézbwat LeéfwrerM‘Wool!-eChL1rche;-A»witmjjii zj/sztlrdimhe c/aomlméla campofureo. v I am commanded tofét‘ you know‘tha*to His Maeierfiy cannot“ eobut wooden; that y'oueIwho being recommended “to him for many* worthy pazjts and aftions, d~eclaring= you no“ fl":aVnger to vertue and; A Noble qualxotiese, as ofneono wayvafpcorfede‘ with any Ainfamous V faflio us‘ fintolioationo In your felt in tirnyeso opafc, onewhom hemor his“ formeti A A ofiooyernmenteoharh ever wrAo«n;geod : haviong nevAerAtakeen’the'Stafl’E ‘ of Lord Cbztméerfatin ff:OflT"y0l1,. norwereyotx eve:* fined moo. I. in %the"S£ar«Chimbér,»»at th‘e:+I°uit'of Si1?o"‘2'7/Jamar: ooRe;rA7zaldx,¥%as theoeeéafeise‘ “ of afnd %Wafi’er, (whereinoyet ehe"de%nies4rhar Cithfirfhf t"he”’m were‘ A4 “ wrong’»d~ or in ju ryed; )=»no Wife "taken from you in his Fathers dayes,“ “ nor] yAou{r Fame: ebe‘headed ‘in the dayes of ‘eQ;t§eeoeneeEl£z;wért!:; A That you who was nevere*eet?houg.ht of» fo broken orvlowoa forotune ft-3fi”erersf)to beer ymzooanofionoarabieeoo«Tefiimonyt, . A . ‘ asfome Seotifh :..Bpéforni7ers: Thatyou ewhoolwere To for ‘fromieo eSocl1ii”.; A A maticallfpirior, that you hdvee obliged Oftliodoizi %D7iVines (now his ‘e q0€=f""" A i That you to whom he never fo much as in "thought, intended other to . then good when oclcalion‘yofl'er’d it felf. That you whofe moderation» in other things hath witnelTed,that you neither want valour nor cour- A tefie. Thatyou fl10llld=nQ'l§0l'l€‘ly-]'0yn with‘, but lead on his tSubj'e&sl armed againll: his Life, his Crown, and tKi“ngdorn,, when he hath de-at A clared tlvtthfo mt1ch'yehert1encoy, and (to his knowledge) inward in-— tegrity andiy finceri.t”y[, his A refolutions to perform all your defires‘con- cerning the" true Reformed Protcfltantt tReliigion, and juft Rights of Parliaments, the Liberty and, property of his Subjeéis ; when there is nothing left that may-tbc defired by ycquall and 1°t1l7b-dealing men} huthe hath yi?elded"to. That you Ihould be one of them that will ne- ver ygult him, till by their oymeancs he be,;kiIil’d ortnade at Prifoner, or mm v-—~ t~”w7hichiiis'worfe;‘fuohiiatti{lavelt'as mull: never fay*'(No)‘or [I yvillradvife] A M v foamy efithin he W {ball A be required. A A A _ K. l”He tdefires you to make the cafe your ovim, V and to judgetwhether l o t—}vou;jc'o”uldo ~withot1tdefencelfu&‘er alltthat youthave to be violently ta*#-1% y ken l‘roYfi“‘jyou; 85¢. Oritwhflfhff yotl could find e out a wlttyythatyou V I umtherfore in myiyvaygyiippcinted to letyou know, thatithilt plaice '"”t”i"r"o”“ult1-tltl‘tinlr, were it your cafe, more trquall and full for you to go» in. Pro2».24.21 . is part of that Wjord?ofvGod whichl {hall one day judge 'i h ‘ th'e"World,g and cloth (ipjbfafio) Excotnmuinicate that oPartiyH you are inlnared with; Thttttthat place,;2 Ti_m:.3I.5l." exprtfly comntando youfto tlilffl away fromfi:§b,;ft10tWlth&1nding their form of Godli- nefl}: And that you areiloolted upon ats Mordecaioi did onllyfjlbér,-t l chap.4. ve fl". 14,. as one atltzmzficedfiirfac/J any accafion as this, to reftorfi the KiI1g_‘COllhlS»SUbjé&S§find his Subjefls to their King. * ‘ n I fhould have come {'&cretl~y to you, to have given you evidence of. what I told by the lafi , eonycerning“ ~IIljHrlCS: yaouofufferlby your own tide, and tohave tmiacle Honourablevalndt advantagious Propofitionsl ' to you, both foryour own £lnd»tl1CV Kingdoms good, with the way of afllz rance; But though your Letter did infinitelytadde to you ; Yet the newes of hanging fame of ours at vféingdon hath (top: my Com- ~ million, and fomewhat daunted my refolution: to the prefcntt Onely I would pray you to furntlh with a reafonable iaccount‘ in your de-i fence, . y l ; Sir, your mofl faithful! semm, ' gNov.g8. 1644. ‘ l _i t i Nath: Bernard. Had it not Been that ‘M fin» no direff necrflfry ofvtrlailéxg Vvit/2 Iain; , “ 7'}.1£tL;tt£‘r( W/air‘/2 they made éittervg with theft Ingredientx to trylaaw” it xmdd workgg) /and made me break: of with fire/9 rm nnfuferable Rab- _fly:c_d_, but on We went and Irermfized gt/71$ : Si 1:, I R , Tis true, I ne_vercounteuanc’d , l§)l.1«t€Y6I'_abh0I‘I"d all Faéli- on, nor do or [hall Ifide with any contemning lawfull authority, A neither can Ibeileevethat revenge is the caufewhy the Lord Gene; ol;r:ill,lor Sir William Wafler are in Armes, I am allure-:d they as my felle have noother ends but the Kings and K.ingdom§ good , and am confi- dent the Patliaiments aymes are the fame, and _W'111 3'?-P631? f0 inthe end; lothervvife I fhould turne my fw"or;Ad againfi; them ,4 or any that A umuld fcekc His MajefiiAes;life,lor to imp tifon 1-Iis-perlongfl {hall in mothing morewillingly adventure mine, then in Arefcuing Him in Abofth; lh1llAAAchearAlully heafrken after all honourable and advantagi- ousPropofi:ions which may prove my own and the Kingdomsigood. I .d_¢ny;f1a: any of your parity in ~,/fféhagdonl have been h.«:u;g’.1;no,_- [hall Manly, cxceptby Order of1>axIiamcm:A~l zlhive alwgyesz g"WE'hf'l“Olr~ Ader fotchriltlian ufage of all prifonets wit _ me ,. Mitt wxfh you iwould ‘A‘A“d\°.‘ the like by ours. ‘ " ‘ ‘ i ' i ‘_ Sir, you he Ave twice fill"d your Lettersto me with “Riddles ,. Whiéh ‘ 'tIil‘”l" YG11.IIT3kCMPt5iT1 to my underftanditig I will fay no more, I am, Sir, Tour l'ow‘HglFrfiend ‘find Sefildzzt «Ahinlgduone,,Novem‘7h;lI Il._ 1644. Rich. Browne; A Pq/ffcript. Sir, I hold it uufaiié for your felf to come anygmoremo me, your laft beingehere was much difcaltedu ' I A~v2zz«t_/ifltizfire the ‘fieqder toinaw, tlattnow all my Letter: Went to H12: ;]Malj,cj?Aie.r. eyge« 45. t/Aa*:ir« Letter: afiexwarci tell “me and mnfl neceflkriz.-. ll} curry /2-eming Amfwcr: ta alamandy, and tlaerefare my hardq/3 tuxllge Mac: to ca mpila innocent Wardx, [ads ¢;.\1wouA_z_'d cjarr} douéle, witbfaméfieming A ‘ fktisfaiiion ,. fascism the]: :- Mydefigninihalnd I hope to bring all A to,pa{_l"e as I Adefite V: Settle my a&3i:'es at Lotmdou : i-~;«What‘I have un- *d€tftakCI‘,'[ willperform &c. All which are um mu» Anagram: of jmy aldiirefilutiaizx which I WM mm‘/1 “afraid they Wawldfifide but , and: "t12ere_fi22setaa¢£cVrbc Advantage of Working‘ »/Mud ,J and, A day or talk/o afmg, beamlfigam laim in t/sulfa, r Oble Six: , This is the half time I will troubleyou with any ges» \ .7 ner§a:lls,whichilyoumfe pleafedtolcalllRiddles;i And’ fince you %thinke it not fafe for mylfealffto mi: one you in I. am commanded A to Allentrcatt you would expreflie yourdoubts and felares o'no:ie fide i, and -your;ho,pes and defirres on th‘other, viz, The motives whereupon you “gengalged. Io imuchwotth as we fiudle in”you in the hp refent laeétion; that jifwc lcanlgiveiy.o.u no fatis f.1ESt.ion.,A we ma); fufgcéhour felvégy m_A,hg\,;¢}i 6 gone amilfe. '1jo_, 4 H 1 (:63 4 _ T5/.~5‘€§i§$v‘ emf am fL2’rtE§ero~toobéo[ecch ooyou to'Vaffi1reoo Tania %acc€fl"€ and teocfle to a dlifcrect third perfm, chatfilall wait upon your Honor W fogfi thof: purpofes whichol have oalready imsimoatedo, whercby you Ifhall A operceiovc how much“ 1 have laboured toocvidonce thatyourfavoouro have inviolaboly obliged _ oTam"mcyZ /mmlale Sewmzrzt, o V VVater-Eaton, Nov. ‘I5. I644. % Bernard». ‘Pqfl/crift. « Z I have authoricyto toil you,and you flidll fpoedilyand ‘ exaflly finde itmadeogood to you, th&a:%thm:e is no jufi or reafonablc A thing you can propofe,in whichyou {hall not be fatisfied. ZQW be éqginx to lea‘ve§?o]§¢fingZe.f&~[fi‘;A¢go.af it ,#¢¢z2§6loAWec’s ittéy M1:/':vori~ p , #114”?!/fiiifg rzsze-‘WA’;-1}: foWefi‘pr£c%e ofAbin;gdo*n‘$am{ m$ , med Wing A é_fléW£~_/0im_féZ;f5 4/yeooemre: to éziy mid fill Abingdon, and Canfcitma, and F flit/.1,“ évq. 21%/[etbaug/at I913 parg W4»: it grew; long om’, Wt ’1&dl,ta¢ro-4 ?'t?3ftWo Scenes longer éefare my other enter}§,__ fazlmw.»-. A “ S My doubts aondofeoarctson one fide, and my hoges onthfothefl are variousashthc m\otoiveso which%fir;fl:_ engaged omoc7inothisop,refcnt F Aflion’, Iftheroe%bcanyuhingofsecrecy om:_Lcttcr difcourfcs, I %. A conceivgz it unfeife to admica third Vmoam . »_I%am?gIad}roufprom-fifeirxctodoale no longer in genérailé, ~a»;:h_'ingo “ ~ defired, %IfThalo1 conVc%lud¢o,%i7voitIi‘iwj5$oiioAi‘: Words, That: the re is no jail: or oreafonablc thing-y‘ou% can%p”ropooofe,o in which you {hall not be fatisfi- * % ed, more I wi1'l:no:“fayVat~pr¢fentb’uYcotthat I am o A % L o. 1 r, » - :.f '7 o ‘ V VA ‘"Tgp;r Imméfile .S’er'wmr, . o *3“ ‘ 1Abingdon5Nov.16.o$I—644; " *Rich. Brown.‘ : V My deniéll ofiaz t.éird.mmai W}J£‘c'%l9%I M6'a7¢c:.ei7Jme:d Wvixlo’ mag; 4 tbozo fu_/1 pmfi me Zcfe, pretenafimg the dm2gerafit_i, ( though my mainao azyme W43 To 1 Wmrfdine to p‘_er[o2mt¢‘ " 7:;:t.ro meddle may t/sing but What W45 undo? their band: made them o V c‘0f¢_;"z1€1:9?2f.»,fZ57a'o5i6l'% :3 little /czg,e¢%,.3‘,;,,f,, _. % A % A‘ . 1 S IR ', Since youhauve giveon~meVI$ea:vc to dealewith youoio paftiou- I 31%, I muftbegin vyi‘th‘youoI1pon;th&sFoundation; ‘ That oyou do believe( or will befo jufco, as 1:0 {how regfons o to ‘theo contrary)the faz- : risfatE’tionsWher‘eo‘f fl1”§af?ll~ maké faith of that oProf‘e Fsoionsoand Protéfifi-% L tionsm»adc“by theKingmofhisoRefoloutions yidéfehod¢the’trfi€r¢fdrm§— oedProteflant‘Re1igion’eflablifliedby~Law,;theLiberty. and Property? A % i7) ' A. Iof°jhis Subjcfis and jufi‘%%Priyi}cdges,of~?~P A. R1"! A M xx ‘N ‘tr. 1 "And Athen Iv:IA1§1»tyou'I ‘will befo-farfrarm:opp*ofinghiminthis ,~Athé.t‘ you wi]l,likc a g"oodACh_"rifiian and a [good Subje&,afliB: him therein ; A AncAALth;at you]may»Akndiiv‘h%ow‘gogd an Aopinion MI»-IisNMajefiy 7 bath of ¢u;ifheAm4ay; k;nAowyourrefo1n1rgon by me,‘ {hall be left ‘voyeur W own elefliorg 1nwha%:wayyou%wr11 fg-rveA_HimAAforftheV prefent , %eithAc‘:f‘ ix; gfléingdan, o1AA'Aby_A finding fame mcanwzo remave to ~Landan,A 6: by inimcdi;ac:ly'iA[com1mgA om-~ Ato“aHiAm,'r b_efi:’kn¢wi%ng which way He may recAe:ivc«moB: a~dvantagefby_yotrr £'erv1¢¢.«A A A A A _ A And? fotyour R%ecompAAwcc,A_y;(m fAh:&‘IR3;I= “?i11Be§~An€2¢<:f1*ffTe"io girékaany V*K¢’ApAf5*Vi=°i$f'rat f'éund atio:n A , ~~y‘ou in wVith;w'h1ch~muflmECcH‘arilyAifbe .it 1vo!véd inrhe 1fft1”eAof AKthis,o1;ii'A caty ;nor as yet.tQ*Apitcha upon my wpam:ic;i11a1: ‘way,wh¢;-gin ‘iiay;%£:c;gvice*“%ma~y be mdfi: ¢advant,agior;1s« ,-,, ;finte ¢4:h¢g;cqAf4_:whom %%IM1-efiga V An M V » V. lam MFf1’\il{a}{:_(_Ll1¥.A%mercern:iry réI§At:&sA»»;V~~yM¢t'I‘”K)3AR-- e‘dVfo«r a% gVreAaf:erM ~A.rg%umcnt of tfiatAEfl1Aimatiofl $7011 fat): I A21;“qrA;,in Aydu ,,._then thepAnopofedA"Ar64wax9th PartsA9f%y°uMr dema-n%ds. A §V:g,*po‘rf[4hbj_V*:égf{:3;;‘i<§‘bfgith “A‘.¢AzAyA?&A'.s*, ‘at’ j3AféfeAntA'féAnd A % €riCA1dAi}.:d_;tAh’ot htfr %b.e;a:g;x:aw:: at plféifc bf 1eflAt;7out,w fiiCh% y ou fl-1 11%} have A. fmfm .m>;:* as AfcA>¢o%n‘9.sT may} be,.I~‘< !Prfay§AI'€tL1fI1~ th_»is% aAgaitA1A by this be:14ife*A"r%*: % ; The" “cat? yoL1Vr fWde1i‘reé,= “vfrew arc‘ upon thAe"rk*':turx71; tochis ' re‘adym ’ A %fat-is%£ie§rhe hex: »dAaAYft ~ Tam; V‘ a &_ ;§fgvfim;@ _Mfi3, :“fl ;‘;w;‘- , Mr »iw%~/vwvW¢JASvrv4”#s Nov.23.H.I64§;; A A Nat1A;.}BeArnard§ AA ézcry timél?-tint: fRLipc§1‘t»zna:ll¢z2:fiarcg.v came neér dnalfacfd A _ gm; *\A?ae;(AiIob%2;g1a; m6g»¢;;:ars»e«>y«4:¢%Wa’];j “drew am azAparty;Au;zovif\iv/sic/:;_ be7mar6«»l‘a-3\ , ed .wa4;%f4‘; .md; I taicilg Aéoldnefl! t/édtin m}7%ArA:fwer=,% to éepcremlptbzny 4V%a7¢AgVlfland 2;;zéAA§AAit,At/aat‘Ife;s;¢re$d t56?7IV74%0tVi?r t/acfc'tW§7oroz'.sj;V R 4‘confidérAa N A " A _ & _ V % A A B%&fid§jsVAthar;%:i?c=i'§%i11jfi‘~cafon£1hl‘EAAAAVto ékpeA&7ftomA"4me,that prornife whiAchAn~may%AfdAAd4eeply :';i%c%%m7e Airxffcafc intentions éziytoa A1: fidé We-re“ Q A lc{i"e*+an1A e._rabIA j %%itOArEAxp‘f?é%fliAons 5 apd in thatV%partic;1l;ar, my Igaflo ufie 1: 4 5:5 excfiféa,ai1" Treat in Lermrs , y~our S 1;,A1n¢r;raomy[44urg1ngchatApoinro£.s2m,, Mao bu; ream A feridufly ;o%quempn r:1ydifCrC*iti0n,finc.é that my Li£‘e;nd1=orcun;ss.% are engAi%ed*i'i1‘the A%d1fc%overy¢;4and ybAu~ n_oranyA _.othCr:C:an run any 1ehazm:.%4. y, » Kn ‘« ‘ “ ‘ Fnrcés 7érA_e dd%v3flticingAtr kemback from my noup3?oL1 can imagine your fézlf" capz1blAe4of; Butthcre‘muGcbc;1co:a'- V fuk%aA7:EoAn_4;@nd;»pgoviifimp .aga. in;{t emgy %:qjwarLd.§A you;r%felf md: an*op iniifi; onA@f:[cmgicfid%whi%chV?»9th€.rs;mM 1caVke.r11>1.9v w «~» . ‘ . . ‘ U ‘\ . 'xhe,;;mg Ji§,;g;1E.qfiL»;;;1:y.,{tgkcn% Twi vyou; %‘"Letté an d :Vb¢1eev;-5 a.» 1‘! ‘hr w gfeat dV»ea1e%of worth ‘in you, in f€J mu tab‘, ‘that; Aprofcffrétli agr4eaV;j¢r W your f¢1€»~~thm*y49uV:‘Ga§rifma‘wring ra:herAt°A% ‘Em )’%ou~% his ;:hax::;€ w!1!;.he1p= to %botl%,~an<1:+ both». n Q. A :12 :his V be fined?“ ‘w=i9naxisr%s2u%4haa:¢TEms?1¢s*raA.Vtvidé‘nc¢ ¢dch)z¢s dang¢erm-is ih=*'~TP‘A*5r-9 rm}; who fpem tn your4n%%vthc%~enc1°f¢d«hath nr¢v€mc44 tI1anY%f°écib1er« defignes wanfléi*¢gd0~.and:hed~ofcenW665 0*‘ dmm~w11l frunhmv V<3w,u;t~£c1f¢A;’i a:AeVfi1AFp:éci9n.} :1 L 117%? d§én@d§?~ vW %§'¢%$13?*%4;.f3»i*5¢11iI3;:€% I Friends, mi ml ~rcp¢nt mfi w—¥*1ng we %:%ea:%am: eififnrflrédiis rakegxwxmaxxk, Cafift; %::1e:Gmy§éI~ ' ‘ AA ;n*g;_ A A ‘ A A (21) \ . A ding%A%wAI1is:h was taken ‘fi~omA_Mr. AT/ab: AHm/v tobe A returned: H: is in A-youi:%AASc<:A1:etaries~A % powAer»=A 1“ I iim Acbxlfidfin‘ Y W WCA1‘ *3 mifinfo fmfid Aconcerning Artie Horfcs imploymént, upon ahypart ’againft you B“. I %4 i’hal1Atakethe Gentlcmans. wdrd: before any oi-dinary mmas, or Pcran-~ AA gersdath knowthat forV{thAcAArck:ovec,y of ten Horfcs, he could no: b¢iVhired%AAAAtofa. 1yVe:»;And he~protePcsA the AHori'erwas Ancvcr%v%inAany feAtyice4at j~a‘1vl., ' ¢ A “A rAé:cciA A_AAyou11}v;PAafi'e,a.ndAItliimlc APArot¢&io‘n Am; ,L+:-gt’ Arhém be ' wxrgwm %Wi£%d‘WA5&YMA llamamy»mfmbm~msAwwi%of dcAaxerAAwith*}-'AoAurAHomm?,“thAcn;A thefarisfyi1A1gA Atheir mfndczs thjanhave.A _AA I AATaur_ fizqfi amaze Savant, W AN§v.»a8: VIGH-4* A A A A A A ,,Nath- Bfirmrd-AVA O f jiig Af}1ojL1117dAVwAA%*£1r:mL€;AbteuvmhA yto-u‘A“1;'l‘,;a4\ A=A.ni1LgAht,,~bu t~hAéu;AIA; AA_wjasA out; of: rbgfwzma ,;zen:i¢ng4AA;»A zgjz,Awfrom rig:La;-g:z4V13~;gby,;w1azc1a:A 4 f}2eak;£:&/9a(4;AA;;¢ “ hadf fig’htA Qf garu:;r*rfé*Ave1raAI1AAI;ett»e rs“Atd;yo»ur wcyflhy. AA A gflnfmanconcctAni‘ng";tAhe,‘1ateAANeg1éc‘iaAtiqn%between yA0u ,‘ I finds in. A thém foAAmu£hAiArAgnkne{fc:%, Afogmzgch reaf9nA , anAdVVfoAmuchA'of aAGcntle-I-A man , Athat I‘17ho..uld%VthAin~krmy€_{elféfaL1ItyA At_%o[a1AIlAAI:liofaA, %‘{h=ou°ld I in any. Y R ’an%%)z_,AA.fLii'_;hcfVr smp1cs:oA.AA AoAwAnmy,partinw?“1arA3'w-Ahaxfé A A a ;_A = fhgtll ,n9£‘ €;nt£:Ar imofifmy Arguniént A; 1}V€ith"‘ A[y:ouAtoA %al%te*1;: y.AouAr %j¢ud4ge-A.” men: from, zhge 1A:s;A :«Ae‘m¢zaAts ‘df gbayzig party, ,tgw:hich ~youA$A1A,havCA:Af9rrn*::rly adA-AA A A héred _;fin‘ce I. conceive A A ._ V A A’youAroo%Aworthy a mamio h§ave‘procceded»chus.AA Afar,hAad not that c‘onverfiot‘a~bcen‘already wrought; A ‘A s.. A V. ‘§h§@QL;fQl}§;’§Tu§ n£aat‘A1A*Afl'1;«ai1A:3;9Pl}* c1A;rco:.:gre%+A:o,m,ax1:Ab¢ mgivg you aAI7i1ztf*a%nA;:r: (%:w:.hicAh clyi. npoln’)AA efflzis Majeftics grciat A 1Tea;z1fea4r1;»d yalueAA&ofyAwr%dAifp4¢fiirion to‘Ahis:A»t?::rviAcAe4, V which~AAI affuf¢A yam A Of 3‘?iB£ig43dAfiv a.«nd+.Ai”aL»;;»A. Fur? ‘T*3;LI;~AC:Ah W-"°f1 tAAh@7f€%AAhaAnfifom€?%46Xpy£€ffii4ans which} AhIcAla:atAhAA4AAfeenAofAit A In,..}{,@;u]Z1:A—AL¢:£;¢ if$;,jA1;A;h9K hCY?fi;%Qm"A@¢jt >:r@€fi€m‘»:.-t«25”1§t.?K i9.im%Ifi1lf7;>.c‘ ’md%r¢%p&¢~aLcu5:afi?*< é A M v ' . ”_ 1 _ V %I11AV*;t5£1=_e: nx€an?euim2e;, 0-ni1y%‘adfié:séthis;th£atV{Jar ::ea%f¢n.§¥«wei1..cm;;? £€mi:§g4.¢}* 1’%{a~£e;y: iizg. ;v %:;N:egs;I£ijation¥ §otrJav&§m§skV‘ ane&.danfgc¢~ro%as) asvflis’ Majefiiesu f;ervicé::;:IAcisiflc:fire.d;%4vthacmh.ere%%Vm»ay % .b€fud%d¢nIy awmfinalltonciufioncafxiéis b,ufincfi7:,and ifP0“fi§i}~%,.}byfff$AfifT§§f day tzapagrziycuiarv A i>%F;&%14%*4’4aa*3*11%;: i§‘«§C{3t€§t”A_:¢.i'i~I‘€i?(%i’<3:>£i% .311 fwimaynu “And for m own\p%arci¢u1ar,;A% 1% %fl1&%ll‘ 7d€’fi¢r$eV%%% y»oI.‘t; member aha: among ax: tge impniationsvwhigh HisVMaj%e&iesMenem»i%es havecgafi aw £I'%vli}%z.-afeVj%12c4verVhéen% bIai?ce%d with fiiiing in my wordw0rah=onor 5 f" I bx: confident, I 3.1} wjnet % Yabavé H my MafceréwandVchekingddzjnks fi‘év'c% Abegottcn in ‘me ve;~yw'Ti :finc€1rc: re « of Rising you gnagap ac%ity% for me to av~<§w 4 A ” A ‘«?*a*trA4%J?W"”“*e 3 %16gi4A.A =._~:%~;,%e§:§%:f§¢Dj1g4b§;; _ y Com i2z5itw¢% I: i"§i"gé1apprehc%nfivewo¥;y»bfit :end7érne£fe‘Aroi:§yV%feI:f,* A “‘“LAan¢:1%y‘io1i‘r7di{crtt§”on in4aIl% rC1'p€&S%w=%%Ltl}r0*g!gh‘r“fthe’: w’ho1pMApurfuit‘*of% this éffiire, which; nowdtfeivéé 5 that ;I5: -ingenieg;fly%%proftflh there‘ flmil b€An0VPun&iiio.A C35 Awifely‘ %fiAdm0fiifh’£‘ 3 ‘PW? SW d€—%~ mur:Vu%pon pkrenr‘ rcfbIu‘tions;¢:f0ri::he%try: this, va1peVAnb%t%v3’.{:3? «;rnfirab1e;Ti*zl.eginLmfpefi%%bf Vaj rcpxgbzapigm? :3? ;md4A (which1hopcer6i1ohg,{A‘freely?and %¢confi%dem1yAi*c a avjoucfi Ma”jefl:ic‘s44favo1;r;’ A‘ 4 ¢ M W % \ ~*: Iwhac ourNegotiat§onV haiI1;;B€¢jn (WassyiauVintim“a~c¢»)* awp:cwven:Aion :45] mY%forcibIc4dcfiénagmfi ?W1%€fii?Hi5;?VM%fl13%11 peaceably Apeffeife this **44”arriFansit%w%11 byjrhis: AmC'3. I‘I$ ~‘h3;Ih. :Abcen;AAAprEfc;rvcd foer:ii%oreVI%"ffiafémble fe:rxg:%i:c;¢* grhg Verne :2 V kga%\wfi#K&LffiZI&W£}kE€i}‘w%fl“;‘. TC 3"’) e nclofed .T?,CQmméAnd:tVo¢y'oL17r* t;ru£tyicé:re£A, $1.51‘! 1Af€XPc&3‘i°“°f‘ihe &¢V’~T'4n', wh %¢AofIf%feifi A V, , , _ " :;E;AinAgdpn3.:]_\IQv_ A 1'A;T0}‘fl7'_ 'lam;ggV _f7~rge7£¥A€§«’?'_S er~;nwt,4 M A AA A ” VRvtch: Brown. '- \(wLm-;A{,;1 ‘account it 210% final! Honolm that any a&ion pf %minc W .s*-4\i$2i~tj@; ,§. :a'r}1~{flfli’fl?5 ifi7t'19efi'4s * % ’ 7% # "l?*If6;éi:prcfl'1t:>n"s ofy oL‘trA:Iaf¥‘”Let“tc~t*’ %to*~rhy‘¢VfeIéfi ?a"njd‘ ydur W'or- ihy’%Kinfm;‘m, ac_Id.ed to the .f<>%rfl;_nE1:‘CVharéLc‘_i:Ve_1rs'§whichl have rec eAiv‘.[ A *cd of your womb ,A hAav7¢ »1:a1fccf%=‘fuAch%ianAAafl'urance mjm”e ,‘ A that I amxno . m0I‘€‘Gapglfyzlfl‘.bf£f:§g‘"?lgifi'vdififu& dfyou 5 m:d?»I73?{«haa31lA$sf "rim decei‘ve>y'bu; ; t6:1et_ you khow%,:ft}ia£A‘His Majefiéy‘ pofl'efl5?*{wi%thAthe fame? confidence; rfi)~uhac%y%o‘1iA%arAe lookedupon now, a sAone wholly ‘jdcvcmtcd to His ferf- 3 v§ccV, %and:with'fo-muchTconfideratiormfytout perfon and abilities tharwe %c%annjot::.butV p romifle Aourffelves iy-ct greater advantages by them» A €hcn.t~hoféi that Van: A.p1.'fefent*%Aifi» view;A4 Itxiis v2«efT1%N~J‘11fiS;.ax:3&AAréafcingbléj, VT1iat youVA%‘A%.&xo1i1d'pfdvic§¢ in%tfi<é beff‘ A T,manne1*-”1:hat4[thc* condition }’of “a&7'airsV ~AwiAllA Ma-1lAoW“4, ftérzvwhat 4c.onceVr%ns% A Vrhatai11V%thisvwhilc.VI % _ A. A A ‘V A1 A A A A if: j,1a:t5I‘ .conju%:c”yqu, ftliagt you will ufe aflipofliblc expedicioLn in ;b*ringit1g“qu:rbufineffeto afinall _¢oncI~11fion , for .it:. would be an”ex-Q- T _ _ ~,_(;a; M A A ‘A V :»AA;yqu1¥jV%;Eor’tuncAat £m2&on,, d'm“d;;I %hqpV¢ yqu A [mew not whc-17y» ;negle8ced A 1 ;rea°m Ag1fi_cf to me, to he an bccafion bfmiisfortune to Emu ; And y9u.. AA~c%a;i?mt~bc1.ig»nox:a;nt,*"‘lww dafigerous fufpcnce is-in t V V A PC; A ; €fpT¢%cially;« whc,Pe.Aprc)v1d 1c§:s%and %;J*:a1>ou‘fies‘A‘aim:ei bxmm r ," .Aas;(b)[ Athfihecgar Awh1s:hAA was; fen: you; and by famc=wdi(mvfa"sA gcfmf ng$»¢hisAiaa~ .my‘ knowIed1g%e ~thé C6n1“ii1it:t;at:‘1l=:t-Afél:£\%Va.rtheirbeingthemj Air: is ‘rm.§mi- A «feitAjth;¢AyareL:aWa%rds yam: A%AA%%B%efide*sxha;t, ~the:i‘%~pIre"fi7une‘s4%‘ *oF%our“ Mili-A % tary memfhcre far f.0m@‘¢flHC€1'p1fiZfl”.,,‘flitlmr. for f the;AraAAkiwxg%onj bioddmg “P that WF°a4 A %d*i*¥ f‘1‘h< M *‘. W m¢bW®wfinz mm - ~ Alt; :b=¢A%1mmflihlc¢. :fql?%jm¢:d»tao*i¢»dm”¢€I.'%£*“them mug Aw.irhAom.:L~éam~ ‘V ‘ ‘ _ Whezfcfore%IAAg19 .; .ea=’m¢f|:_Iy c§cfir¢~yVo&jinyoup; um, rgoafligne i meA(1fX%9M%¥1 M1iMx>m 1? m-‘WA P«F°WcA1f0«m¢T%di- verficmof defigners 4dunng:hae~,z4 and that you mu1d,a1rofrank:r your {way Aa~nd*‘ ifltercfi with your ownmenis (T 9"‘ w aecamingkya. 1 A AA A _ iafmyoppofition,Awhom'I°am%re+-‘ f, It « at not: E9 >:V:waach:4fu£fl"at fecrena like”lyM»t‘o u? on that 2A1_V1te:ga%tioAnA; and wAhatA way %itMWAi1l necefWi'ary‘to £;HisMaxa.fi1¢sEofce9, my maybe ‘difP0ff€fi7¢d_0f V _.on:-,:hcAoneA§ro”b¢wari¢fAA: adm»£mtiAwm[apyvmw4~ Fmces into your" Gar- »ri{dp"fromthcPAaq:1Ai,am;§m A V” r.yoAwr pAomer;;;AA Thcmher, _IA:iqfb§ jfure fiutf N ; fwf:iIl1by+y¢3;u,.a§ in eétfcj you” fl1Aot1l:d ’}~~A¢i;£'c_\o“Mt€,‘Y any <;cfignvsgimim agaiA »:fcfm V0113: Y9 11‘%$. MggivAe® 4i*Mi&1§at % ,,notiAce ‘H7i-A- A Acher, with ithfie %w&yA_tA«fo rcfg:m,y&qu 3 AA. thwafi that AIA‘flaall.% I ture u’nto~gou baArcfaAc:’d,; therefore forfutu re eorrefpondcncy, I have M oAf‘tosVdifgVuife bcitlg. A A % M mrmyafiiémmewfiéendamrsekumt. ' ’ 7 J'£ ::éj ¢VVfcn;J;ofcdCiph'—ar l,xo§é= I :xAlAonMAg make Me IvfisA m MUM)» MMMMMuRMM.MNM.MMuUM rut» .Mw%«xM~»>u Mfnnhsusax ‘ MM5....aMM..MMM:..MM_&ma.MM.. m _..mMMM~a E3 a W .3 6 Wm J. w E. _ €39 3: a.MMM$MM«£ E mm @_ M M MM_M.Mf:M. (‘'1 M $7 3. HM M +3 Mm» we M5 xx; 3 Mm To MMMMMMMW M3. «MM MM .L.MuwMM Mua MMwMMuMMMM~m_ -umMM£.MMwwmMWoM Mxw . Wm M WMVMMMMX __M 3MM__ 3;: MMM :3 .MM$MM_...$»M MW» RM .3 Mt M. wMMMMM 1» MMwMmM.M1& MMrM._MMMwM$MMMMM.muMam _...l M M M. 6. M M. M M M M. .1 . M M. M M M M 14.1.. M .M M M M M M . ,MM.MMg 9 MM§MMmwwM§MMMwwM WM M M MMM an mM..mMmMMamMM MMwMmwnmm. M MMMwoMo wawmmu» M.MM$wMm.mfiMMMMMMoM MM, Mm. omM3m.rM».M mu m.M_UMMnmJMrM‘ EMmg%M%w9MWMMmmxwa§.Mm Mme,» wmmmm MMMMWMM MM M MM WM. MM MM M.w0w P MMUmMm$.MM M&MMmwoamM. M MM?“ nM MwMM9a_@. wom€%MMmm§mH Mmmenw M.MMmwM_m M IV mar gum. 3 mEfiMnMMM_.M M MM Mmammwmqag MM Momma MM MM Mmfiw ZomFBmn.mm §&H.w M»mMMMwMnpm§nMm m.%.%MMMw MM M M wowMw%:W.. MM M....~mMw Qwm. MM_.M3M MM MM mM.MMM .mMEM_.=mo...m . .m.wMMMM wMg§.MM MMMMMMw£MMMMMM.MM MMMM_mMoMw m§M Mwomm M Mm F.“ MMMMMM M%..MMm m.Mmw%MwmmMm Mv.MMMEMaa. M E Sean”. M MMMMEMMMMMM wuam wwum%MnuM. wawMmwMma%Mm«MM M3 M M m«.E$.M5uw%r. m H M WMmn.n.M_HM..MMMM_,MrM..MMMMMMMMM,MMMM O.»m»M.M..m?M M w MM?MMm@M— : flaps. MMMC omaaQM_.M 3 ~ MMMM_w. nmmm. m Mflozma M Mn...M....M_MM%MM,.MMMMM.MMMM w: nn&wM aw m,mM.MMwmMnW.Duanm4 E. MMMMM M Ooaflmwan. wmw mwwhfi M M MM MMMMMM. mMw...MMq.Mww._%M,. M W» wE.omnMm, MM wwmw. M M an H.MMU_.M«t*‘-aMM‘;fi~’M M, 7‘, ”-QW Own} a‘ "'§‘M* ‘ -A 9'“; ‘~*"I --P-M-MJ~“+ ::«. QM -I?» m."-“av ” G ‘O ,uM ————¢I%.. " 1 1'4 ,, > " '1',‘ N ‘ H Mi ‘ "'flIntI|fiMH““‘v7:1’*'ZI“Hrfi3fi‘*¢‘cQVQI:M‘?g‘:"Ij*! V Inéinf npw&A%mm«diMcJfimreeurfe 11 M ne¢«=dI'a much ch E3 15% Ttdtr913f>1a:;yi§t1iA; Iafgifn no*x.v~co‘:nmandcd‘t:o lat: Ayou.1mow t ¥«a*c% % 3 “~,‘ I z . ; %%érs.o€ficr ezw§zrds4,which came at t?:1%ef’2tit‘r3<%-'~ ch glwhcreagwé aive ce1’At:1inAe:i1&Aformari0n t{'mtAAAthe%reAAarcfbrces% and préviwk mun cq§r:j:;;14i:ig _: gci%ti_f'drc“c your Gatrifon ~,AWIcaEmuf§e$-.~ fall %hcwy.upon; V ‘ ¢yo%ur*Lxnfgi11edF;;c1nds«for%wha§%:hey haveValr¢a.dy% demand an lmpof; Afibilit¥Ar;tcxTu€iam¢Mthcmtglmwltheutswinganacwunt to“ Prince Rm» J R Iv 4: A A -5' is ihoulflfivtbémx “m‘d4"°tAinaa3e%;my AT¢1FcA~ForAA AV A%ygu;«fide11tg 1Jynu 111fg§ag1nAe theadyargatggcs,;.;<)u:«;v%111‘meet~4wir»h ’ ofithc bufiQ§fltg%VAyou«4%know, Awh%if*AA»¢«“¢*a:c¢cIa;z%xat.ions%A pgpu‘- % PA{hailgreix;e%;gtA44nomhigmt:A:then t§¢:;V~r<1 A fi:¢?; “Thé: maine. conIc%¢rrfitig thy 0 narman any pm tc ' A ma- A morc%;fbom‘n‘d Aiwovifions’AtoVme,‘otwhich-I A this afternoon: whic ALo;dA{‘p’ip1s faxfourabl-c_ opinion, Tim txqth is thatilaflz Saturday night there 7” dcr ef: the’ Corr11ttcr:ofboth; Ki_ngdomcs hi-ch I had before; of wh9m%by1A thqirr Ordgg A J %%gav¢»'accox;,j§nt it} a mufc A ab1c to d§£end_th1s placttg A Ihcfc additional! ‘Fore not Ay%¢%c$v¢¢11acquaintcd%) 7%znuPc&bf 4n;¢c9cffity rctardAAMthc%=Abnfincflc : A A;An d A W A A Q » °0ur1aPca dat€dAt'rre firfloF1—?fc§cmb¢rL.AA"cai11A¢ noeAto myhands rm h {o;n:§:thang*%amazAcs mg.“ And flyyémfu/gr’ A . 1nc~Rub8=a vyctl hop: will not aim youf I hich I admire at,’ fince: it%AcouIdAAnot$'bc p 55 being 3 C0m3i33fid€d.Rat§ic Qf J4n”n¢!aefl¢rf,'an&‘fh4c City, with I % am; A " "' Lordthips“adviVc¢byVthc Cipher you 1”cnt?mcA%Wi(l1 _ Arc.-qui-9 A 2 } Ahc?:rc1n%y011n I ';yT‘.‘”x@1.~o.l..‘kL'+t«vi’@'>%l-S. ‘;‘.% x%4am::nyLord;+ Wm: affaires at Law; I doc~ha[tcn,A,;< “ : Your Honour? Amofi Abumblc [5étvéfi§ “’%Ricb. ~iBireAWaé»A% | ér?G"'enéfaI1:w4£qgtéf'£n unf\%*ar*»tz3%’t‘w3:é » new fgorqcscamg to Amg, arebutijaalofifieséafliqfmuftout 9;‘ that fi.. A 1-we ,%iea1%ouri¢sydu~fpcakAur;which arif&%arn¥in%1'fié;bc;bloWp Ever by ydurfioficicg till A:§i :_;pppomini; A A tic: (Awghimh IAVwaAit for) AAf<’%f‘tlc‘;afl right. V Thcitruth is;the:re:caV 61?’ {E} AA‘Satnrday b3§‘o*rder*"fr6m §BAb§f¢< %:‘,mi%% A ( enclofcd,mdA1halA14e:tpeA&"advice*in2: 5 ‘ _ A A dmmic Sthgfe ap~p1au[':s~ you«talkc4_ % QE./aswcm§m:sA't1aat§¢az:xZmcgm; mém *A;A;i‘1c§.éI~:w dhder >that*y<;ni.,%( knowing * haifb giwsxa%accou~n:4znA:hc I ‘méajfiw 2:11 )_ flxopid {minke Affiém wcightieai-%;No;iitA;is t3otA7f;V§bpu1ar*ac~ A tbérs *?uAtTAbnc1yAAAAth¢d% A A A sham Am v1teAd“f13::cA1ntoA.%tf11s:~Acoux:£c: wh;ch;AAA know A AA AD A2,, th‘3c%_fprrcfi:ntIafiixrc§y~o;:[ "of?fé1ith§ul!l5}i*,I*£1:i;:,” VW-3ArvW«*I4A A A p;::§cg1rc_ofanyAa¢%gAAQ£;%hQPc%.1i:ic;oh% fhMe:A§‘qg khargc of anAAhon¢&AA ami%IoyalIAcox1fé'iencc %Awh:%dh~» Q. And :hc1'¢a_n; H (§5§*’“ A Héfi’fF3?‘?t: ’%~1a;.a-:,;%%%:g~zz*:zm ¢;:;gmam ajmg 4aaz*2;gzi-Maya T: ;.: ,E1$‘;;mix.é~zm.»\xiw[rl§c£x é¢i¥?i§§é2¢,’1'a1z&’%}7rc;%¢22a.'k::f;v:}— Ac-mas»%v%:;.:;ras;g-;pa&e3;% m'¢dv%arJ%mem&;Mmi 5291?? 777)! :5fkire:%V4"ar Landon ( wbicb ax.- féré3fl~}“an.T€¢:i;g¥st:férw§€e)4. %§+£r:prer%fj iv??? 5fi3;[¢.;i #7 5% §’i£3-?g;—%9’ K viwiflvvfié/W0?iv‘:m’t°t.?"1%dW’*4L*5f’“W02%?" €W=k;=V%*’4 ’?*¢’9?"’ ‘ 1 um.“ mm‘ 3ax.;¢e.x:g¢;5gg%;;¢:aAzwazg V,::*m:vt 6y“myA%4£¢rter:A 3 I fi;~mp%5‘e: éaééiwp r/oey émgzv flier My :«-W1*4*~s?*¢ é“?/film’ to re ’ 6/7‘fi¢t}**”%*’/5?; T ‘ ;‘:yp,;i;:a::;‘¥ abs: Far‘z%}jir*p#7*p0fém ‘lJ{;i?$"l34 'I‘;£{¢;¢zrzd“.%,1?3"¢tna,td/1:’: "" ~d:w}:'#; gaw %~AVf.;::22r~a2.c”%g::?7;7'3’E":*r?:4:im= 27z;:::?$?$‘é’?f :95. 51'f¢:§V'é%:j2zzfl”d:;‘ . Z5 % % ‘ mwemé;vivgxtgwmglatrrzflcyzrfrjgéfl mw@Ad€, ".4: ms 152* ?fl&wg:#;h»¢w*é%g‘&f:md ‘ daxgar\'VAm§g‘A%*¢ 5flf=sc§g»£v£=;%g%m.é:in; gyrbi;5V;§4,‘;,m. %Hav=r:c=av¢d»%urswwftfie1’wa,umo which an an I ~ Aretu%1“ne ;i§,thatIairx1g*Iad oFyAc5uAr% VCdnfiden£::%%that our Icaldufics can, caningMrr¢move»£romVth2* Gavcrn meat; rai‘=dL A JraI1A1gtc11%i§;ch§e3are value; ”h0‘Wcvcr‘pra‘y car:-ym me. ~JjmmYfh<>T¢¢3*!$A10¥1$:»W%hi~§h~;§gmfi _ %gV§ad receive %:naé1*\-§—p*articu1a:a.t1{v\?¢fi?c;;unt(>thoig ; Q.1_<:riL=.:& in»it;con«- ‘ A ~ce%rnin_gJthcximamd X3'émri;'p¢i%fotfg;d *§r1ga7gc;trxfc1ats. V ;InV%wfii¢h;(h;W;¢v:r46193263 4-m:~ ;£ugg%s}=f¥,»% px:%otc&V : 1 yang prpf‘cfiio1is%Iszponrcafim.8I1d.'vfS33*§%§W5§a:v£é1Aa;CpnV}nGfg4and Vcvnfirgflé fcmis of" tbs Int:m¢ions%A6k;o£ Y;0l1$':i'; Sovsraigmf V thc;w.. gmd V05 his ~pcup1c:3,fI§c)w a1;ds; %thc*%.ba,%p“pinciTc4 V‘ ir1~%thAe:*vfct-g zxemana oftthc’ ‘miféf3‘51¢ Adifir.z&ixan§_ M7, ‘€_tfiu.:‘ KAin%g¢domc. , ‘ Elmo n;:1”t“;;1tF1y4#V;,x1a;j1hach.mQtgp@Wct=:%m~Teemribx.:t;e:.,th:r3 ye;;mxfc1§¢%%by:;[:this asgwfingaqiar» goad£or%tun¢:na' £bce%ma.eb_, ;,;3f¥19§“%¥m§fltA19V1ta~;;and»*?31raA ’ A % A A see; % 5Scrva rm§~ .3] Wfirfipgz V ‘ “ ” % g I %%E¢:&?cI¢-Ifitflfé &iMI3¢timésA:%%é;fiiacancs to acofivf [ cy&untoyouwhMat~i» ma-?b°fifA¢ ff?€513}fV?€5:r§1 %%§W0sx§jhich*u§on,my Ciedin; ~ r gfzm bemgdcufeofbut to yoxii*mf¢Ifc,_%‘ A " A A Békrnnrflf V ’ T/9mfir}5’e_yéaa3;ri¢g-;T % ( 2 A A A A ~,Eatz~*w;ArJi¢ Laaram~d4;»a47§¢;’§¢,wAa x.A€mA;;AV. ‘S57; 11'". ‘ , V A 1 V Aim to tnanfic you as Well For your reprehmfions as Favauursg; A _, L:nuP: tell you, I know you too wan to think; you un worthy A, ~Abw: '"chmmcifangwhatbzaught tlvsdaycslmcffagsraifivvégazs fare bold%;a§a~ta~,o.;bav%;:sz&< but :upon rcafon and good grcunds. A 9 a open my Letter For the Pafi}: cljlclofcd :And7but that I haw; curtain afi- fixrancmthat 'bQAdyvbut the .McfTengcrAand my fclfc A, ( wh(;mI Abafim taken order :9 rnAafl2?=: furcfor blabbing this gaod whiéef) he might hraw done mifchicfe Vtci our undoing. I bcfccch you %makr:.: uf: oE'thciperi}msA {end upon the prefmm m:%eafium: an:d:r kl1é3'¢*&71;1£‘i£J‘fl;E;;.I’%;£;{3a§a pcrlipd his«yoAur Eordfhip‘ir;1ay£-be&*;4»« a.£¥ured‘t153taI»4 ‘V ‘ 00I1f*3€ffl”W % tfpqwgr or Capaéityalhavc, A whereby toA§xomQ,m‘:%chc1:micc%of my M ;%}myAs0mg;gne, and*‘the”goo‘d o£hisoppren‘c&Jaoop1e: Anam that was (hall mofl g'1adly facrificc” both my £3315: an my'Lord% “ L " %:A s;asa_g4a»;~ 5, 25444. 4 ‘ YiomHan“ors mot} hugnwc s.mt% ViP4f%r%'fi:.W A % mnguem §3ro‘9p2:e%. Laftcr%&;aI%%B?rnarai'9at‘*tbqfaw:‘tiwa.. M AT A 6ur~¢kf§¢§§§2I¢dgeéfms-{1uai1.£1i11Abc‘fgnrtheBetta-as£haii*er¢A 1air;g,;% § T (GodWi11ingL)appd¢arc‘%0n1y Amyreprchcnfionsas youcaxlwem %<=am¢nottilhww-vJ*That ‘T . ’ “ A md;ga;q§%A4Vbcevvg!gaI1y'ymifcwy%ouV this “i aiccidmt’ “C Whiéh rnayibmaab d%as:%gc:s),£ha11 Vhaftcn.«my% refohztianginto; V avfpccdy,h,ndImpcbappy iiTuc- 2 “ 1 A And VA"iu:§tvE1c%V*quick:iing me;“o11% g makaudfcaf tmgoae-2% %=3Prs“i9I= ¥wrsvs~%Thatm¥ c°nfid¢ncr=%is’ that §raci@usMaJe:3Y_wh1?h 2nv1ted‘mcitvVaaydutywill beam mc mt. as hon9urmyJ we11~d¢£:r~ 1 As cndsarc FbiIinr§.l<)ving*% friend; : +5.‘ /krfli3713€g VtB1°=rné14d.:-eéx;£%i:s:*t13iréé’é§?%3t»$f fa» $£.¢;7I.gfi”;3»Wl« A x 4 ,4. ,4 '* Q ».. ..{\,‘_ J,‘ ”' ‘: ,» m fortunes, ands:remaine, ledger wlwiiz hanfd+a7nd.V.§%4 te«‘%/xme} awayfimeqf£»fi?%Vcgo:g.a;‘]%%%V ?vi~r%vMfir firm Wfixw ‘ ‘ ., _. as» , . P , . . > . . A. r K ,4 , _ A ( .~g~I ) h : with ]:e;%,¢?@%: Angffrtdthax -‘and 7 wasfld bum ‘W‘é:'g:r"d " €fdme~$ flér W¢1w“494WlW;’<,1$¢%?é4'=r: ; yet Iafi A ‘-wnrz¢ra:~ mzot rm‘, and finds Atlas: a/d»MejIe»;‘er z{ggz£.§c2;vit&xz9zl«. A % A ” ?<"«3 gA~%17e*e’n'e..2y2oui'*t1*l&firbs%A‘ifi”y‘6urIa&toj7éu4r«I¥:Viidf§:§iia;ij;"ihfifjfiéc V ;Wc$u1d:::ufc no“r’11o"n7¢i‘~iriCitc1II%énté5 as bcin‘g‘A’%11ri"ncgcciVflé’ry5tdc3 %§‘Mf";%c?- 0 Wn:~11*%réfo!v¢’dV%A‘§¢nhis jcfiics lfcrvice :! ’A”T7f1d”bgeing“ft>r5mirie own V 1 fujtly Aperfivaded oF’ti1cz‘tgalitAie of your4 irI71:‘*ct?1*€e'1'1‘¥tir1*.§,' IC’n%ve?b%E§’cn unwxhing _to preflé Vthcpgrfprmance pi"; you; 1n%g3g:.jgne;;~1ts,%%$Vfqfi 33 to :s.?:%5si‘i”§~;5?10.r1+1V%*;IE3c leétff; caufc%i§ tb;;:’:d mfg: céi 1é»'f4wam»of A p ‘ 4 ;.,‘1;g§,;;¢A'yguw};ia4:r;W;L4in& dqggér of:£i1fl?:ring muéh by;,yh¢delay;%;;;': A ‘ A Ht‘ M % ‘ " ' ah1¢,¢;V;‘”r:Irbmr3gzaH'% "-4 «7 W “‘dF'y 1.1 a pozitfilc rcioilutidfi 5‘ fl asT?;Q4¢AthV ,;t%ixndT?atid»;manficr df.3murA %Ap€£~ u ;{_the1=;:fo:¢L;I~ —hav¢ V knrborxacfltbtxswElongfgto %A%w1cnd% '3J;tft):Lzr”;*‘}"";®tl.‘_.,‘7 Aalthlough II? * Q ”acfiIacd?*t§n:~dgc”iti3*fdiéflée A forming Vthat,.%x5vbich %as‘it~imports (0, much good tothe pllblikq, qfo will gmyou :afl==aa:3,,c¢gJ%g9c%a~¢h%h¢r é§gr¢¢%;.tha:2.;hath%yst%:4& men-L 3% WIWL téQ7I%.' % M5 ~‘ %1m.1e».:;@:a a:mf% st: r»va:m ‘V;0+1%J'0xfl’~Dt¢i‘mi£ A ‘ ::[ £?eo7;ge 9135233 , H‘ M ‘ - = t( Jfi°e_ defifiifing 2§r;_L¢I’5a%\Xq*mA V %afrészm%t "af]z'gEt,f" WV Mme $40/15» ”%..«{g.q£;¢e», A ljgbic/2: /acgdvrt :9, dnsikfie _tI+?e Ot\.m¢¢’x.}}‘?QR*'M;? Ihc ‘I§inv¢g”vi?i11A%.%.d¢’%Vémoi*c.%r wmcthen wgsyet~;»i=bmi£éfa45?A; am BVAéh;.aM iA3:arL.4c/ax‘:/zix ms aftffrw ,«2g.'a:~ ‘sewn! om afrheVPmTb%w ck: qftfm A “G4 mg‘/33/1 Peafifqgng szI§d‘~5i/[mg ,1 1iszkfir"aa@«g‘eaL;¢4":a%¢;dV..;.gm oft zVw:A1ang:r. ; ‘I bi*’“fl»Ifi#”¥w*z9*Wa? * % * u;-:w%d3 wmkffifiriwg fiumrd‘-o»%*agw?%€* ;"«.b§g3mii§g?’ $2 M ;AF§%éage:eg»,d z»gr»m5z¢jM:m%afa;vV3452»;ea;v»;;waii;fwfié: £54; 4. ; ' ‘ % Jur Honour ca7:anoMt’%concciY%%é i1ew%muc§1[ I 3-m,»quickIicdtby your Iicttc-r .m rhenperfig;-mane: oflthat,’ whzch I am rc£o1md?to?go¢A “ % E .. % ~ ldttcr ‘ta myjxinfman unwritten :i:agtb¢r%%thcnA%:?that1tj fl‘10i11d?{p€3k€ any I mfimugmengs ?_AwaercA -bat;onccfita= wifhmy ; might gtrihdcr your VLor$ifhi4.ps mcaffgry ~influcnceunti}l%it% ~ M : ’ M1}$7;1\;,?I,ai4efiicA.(fis~Irhcarc) rhavijng fsnt Propofitionsup tcnding4»to%a Peace, might yon?1l¢{Te%to:{hafi¢n this about Afliugdag A,j howVcve”rA ‘ Rréfihunuflw I‘%amthc* aznc which Icxprcft - my TEAITé%”i“fi“m1yi‘;%;§(§A%t9yOln:«L<5rd£hip, ‘ ~"‘W“”‘f“‘”5““’?““*“‘*‘W‘ ;w*’Y‘~'”'W%m"g“"“f1 ,7 ‘ ‘ 1b.i§tpa*r1oamu£h:g0ad.~ tomt:l1'¢"I’¢ub1:I§kc4;m2}“{(b’c_n}"g/3§3‘f:{aiWh*m9m€t}t) » V-h‘ . wslw. ufa bc:g»ad;1i~$t¥6“mD!¢¢4t£imeJV 7?d2y;eSVfWi1i% pruca "1«m¢ mar: aaazjantiggsjnpt Ayn;-ly ix: rhispf Afznge dr*1 Vwotild notVbcVzniPcak€n, th‘at*I dcfircdyour .forbca%ra'ncea1togc~ % thcr, but only to ictyou 'kHOWa thatboth formyjudgcment and zzfle :"f'c(?ciom I had farisfafiion .ct2ough to carry me on, Without any mom L =of' your Rhetori%c.§<, which yet I may not forget to thankyou for. 1 ‘Sir, I defim my humble férvice m%;;y* by your mngujeas my hand he preicsztcdeccs his lordflnxp for Wbicwzg and otherfav0u1's ofyolfls, um still I fag you, you mufl be comengeni to micet%hAgg§;swfi=%£»m*»‘4%t§3m§:;P颣:fi%§T% H T 4 % f ‘ “ A 1 Your afluredfxiend toféfrve yam fléimgdow §. I 6 %%:ts54 g; “A ~JZial3Ard$%,B.mw22e« *1‘2%_4 at night; I *cam.’d " mot wit/J all ti:-22: Zwiyg mzra‘-aw my Mtrwm’ {'mflm,%wf&m fizw.:.’:.:' pawder like ;z Ffildegaofi, andfiipnr qgite awémy ;; 593$" ha} Lawzflfip 3 me me: Wei; M 13:: am; hatter dicteglg mm [wager érmtfid. . L A7:xrdaj"WW?V§#a4againa, ”tellz'nz_g we , this 1': 25%;: £4]? tmwr af»~zs4{vw£m;g; mud, I “mx4.5'2f new :‘7fiea.(2, i%orfCar war lwrmfiesw hold my paw. 3”‘w:: :.:wi,:’L,4*T A fimrk he Zwrm! dim Me; in thefiakt éjtbisfmddcmfiafkirxgg ' hzwc1'~ccv<:5ivcd ymxrs oFyeGerda'y-, but truly Iefic farisfafliom with it than I cxE¢&e:d,which (rogather with the accidcnt IVat:c:.¥y hapned} J TheLorcw1Z).igéiexLetterw»_% i§1a:%hpmitem:Aofmypowertdprcfervc in another that rcliancc ugom _ our real}: rwhichz-I am a t to have. - % 3’ Y P Y IOVi’FJg¢1‘ef}>eé’cs to.'yqu5&c§ I have rec;-ivcd ano::I1erI.e:¢¢;~ .4 A Fax: as lever ;deg1¢wi1:h much‘ flinceritiymy fi:1i’c,%fo%Iam fmt fab» V jeéf m fi.x:@c:eStot1aers ofthccontrary.% Th"c”a'cgidem1"ate1y hagmed, is thetaking and hanging ofka Spicqof yours, which hath raifcd 'fufpi:i'~ " 4 ms of you b.~:§ron~d%thc pojwer-A of my allaying, your afiions only gjam % doitnow, » A W “ % A ~ A %-In a WW5, ifin return ofchisl may hear from yet! ‘what and Wham you wiildoin plainc cermcs 3 all and more than hagh hem prmnifcci V ihallbia exfmtmczidn Kim: I -am c1carfrom% an Amisfbrcunczhat mew \ A 2 y \ J4 befall A A M 0.A:c:fEard~'Wcdncfday I-8¢DAccerr;b.4 16442» %eFa1lyou, f'm*AwhichIfl1aI‘1 be vwy ‘1‘0ffYaA‘s151‘A-3f%Vif!ggf€3-C ;difi3ofiA:»i‘bn'§~~: % L prvcpafd in me, tobe ‘ A A A A _ A. W A A M Your affcéfionare fr1cnd'aAnd’f:rva»nt,; ' ' ~ Gfiflrgfi A 3 HMAV ifhwen pqflféle, I wazz12;H2oz22e repri:fz§edA6Aim yet a;‘/ittlég ?tzA'lZ" amid. have bad dz'Ar::EZ£o}2:% A,A but am‘ warfi‘ ward new 7’¢5%'d)’, ag2d;owA-Amm in A flame plz'g.il:t,,m:rd ’t>va:.pit¢y he fiaauld djfl‘ fl-time?!) dmt/0-A Wfi Cowlfidad * ta-lzrmrflarc to ga ta.f§-zfleawe, and to bringbim to exemtfm, wbic/3 Ialid in A o my 1:Brd',A A Mdcfiae _A ;é*g§7¢£;_f:2:ta1lbpz22fiv'a1*; and bias rat/9:7, éecgzwfe the] bed /anmg'd 4 paw’: tnvcmmz. még¢12%é1aad1ie:wpan. whom ?"WA7' kzzew mar beazrd-W A A AO.ur~j'uPrA dA$ffidcnce hathbrqlic the 1T1_el}AVi¢1andfiafcfinnow at length: 9, Mn: defi neg WA ICA A 1‘ % 4 now fie; tc5Ab¢A tut AA%AAA’AAcAh.'AsA£’r”.% Isis pom bl: that your Lordfluip (my Lord Digéf.) fhould think His, Wig 1'oAa::tificiAa1ly.1nixt with hi%As~ink<::as not to betrayirs Ham-:ry,. or that it could catch like Birdlimc PA Alas my Lord, perfwading% your Afélfe thus, you declare to the wAor1d;&:hat 'cwas hon9urV;%AaadAjwmrffIm%i% A A ¢ than was the prevailing arguVmcVm:% IO fit’-Ch your Lordfhip out of'tThat A ‘V A honorab1eAAHoufe%%whcrc once youiA7ate,,bu:;icfha11gne"vcl::1urc%a me‘a.neAr man outofé.vf5i»gtw- . % A % ‘. A % A ' e % %My. Lord, 1:: this Letter be the Ciplpar to all my f'ormer;;[,rca%1de them. over aga.ine,and fie whether thcydo not all breachgboth in warm % and fénfé;1oyalcy‘to his Majcfly, and ye: ful1Arcf;>Iut:ion no go through A ‘A A A with what I have Aundertaken; and for the dvifigne. which I mention A A 2123' much, I1vin%g Lncvcr to ‘be out done byyou either Sin civiiity or Iufiice. V A ‘: A1’ ,Ac..1; fgekflwd thdf afier da"aftIe rmdzto him, tb ofiéndekflvawldbdve I92‘: loazrrdr, praidgood people to forgive I9z'm,V éeggflai t.»’:Ie¢5:mfit vf%lai:J£oo!(,, zgmrrfd other: to take laced éy his gmample, 1 Aéfa. }.8;¢t 5:-hold l:e.m*z_2c: andrallqgx id:/A), asmdfome: ¢ztmax;AtIaf:¢chfmrky fbrgerias and paarc ._li-:, as argm he .Imd Ana mama}-y left in him. 1 .4p-- pmle «tad/Z Iaix fizmd: gprboflmll-read: thefi’ twohff (yet am} is more lzheén i& »»Ge{z;rt[e7}5:4z}_¢: lam:/9%: otVh:%r)% what the} tlainégofhisLo.rdfkq2,A,wloetl1erbe A Vb-Vp;%CfIgr.fl£¢a:zw%ar rm. fZ'.I:gyAA6c-fizefi», A A @,Sir $ I A ; hopes of your .n1:’Ct*U1'I1iUgAAt:0yQI1I' duty and 1oialty%%AAix1 Afuch“AaV%u!'€fulI % j?$%h;a11AmaIc% w¢ll$ look f;>r,frqm a perfon tAh.at ha-fci ‘ . alrea dy far.fcircd% his aAlI:g&a’n%c¢ :*an;d youmufi *cxcuf¢ me from belie-A EQAA eds frpq; apy firmen%e£iEftfo‘ J M A yam» A A f‘ 35:‘; A AAAA M Q. . A %ym:’r @r~@%«*<:>:2W*ep;*:§m§sp‘i@?e«.g §As;*s%;tEm.tw§2ich«y:§311youtfélfé think Eoméih (Bow % cs*mz‘;~€’C:i§fl\y ilxssverj but rather‘frnmfomenéw'and greater >:;orr13ptio%fi%‘%., ‘ ‘ aafw ::§m:%% ma’ that Ede‘, #mez3T What was propqflad unm yo\i1v0r1.rhis,.’ A whm'eefI ma»keno%doubtb_uAt‘ the «world will baa right Iudge,~wh¢fi by m pub§;§fhing what hath paffcd betwegn us, in {hall appwr how Aindufirioufly yamd how_me£ce;mriIyryouImig courted your%aw_n,ccre .%%;~zmtioi1Vbef7ore I‘ evcr *provt:»k‘cd% yoi1mAit, iand‘ i3fl’cr’d to y¢{'e re?» g}#.7§a;re‘§s which I did,.as re a proflitutedgxégot foliéitc§Vpcrfjm. Who? hcncé fm.-warfls mini’: zxcmrflliriiy be infamous of 211 fidcs; on this," both for tmafbnand rrcachcry ;;~ o%nth’other,%for ha,v«ing%With fo1¢mzae*re;. = mzmiations ofwhat ~yOli"11OWVfi‘.'i€l‘R1VEflfhiflk hcxncff, fo1ong%a&ed’Vav-}4~v%V gar: whercszanta no ma%n4¢aVz1« be» tempted, wii:hom:i;:f'amy, fo far as yaw wc:j:3t% jtmirxvitcd, Lanleffcypqxga fizqccrcz altemcion ofjudgemmt, vthzch aaswpioéfgaaziifin can make ms 17:: uncharitab1c,as nm: to wiih flill gjpofi E“L5l£i’rt1 z’géies~ 1éflfLe c:ce:::.,= éfaaeéil J * “ % the firfl place I mufl extrcamly12menrt;heun1‘i.zcky burning ‘be ofmny thing-when this wilfcomc {Me to your hands. '*7«ghincc)'*<3Ft.h¢’Ciphe1',fwhercin a11%fm3zformer VL¢ttcrs,butonIy+ V V V tzfiaofew : which were mcaxxc ¢Vfm%.%your Vwe1l~ férxg ¢,;ver‘g wriztega ».wharcbyV*Iam; cm'z{%raiz1c"_d tab ”& naaagrs fupe£“viz~Ji:ag;V A vcnmm th effimy 1%mcs.%. “wit-hour a vaiit, which I flmuld not have done, but ;that the neccffi'ty svf?this'§nflanr timcpa“cflEz‘hit; and that Eam”'as cof1fi‘dr::% the nexcplawmi "%mufl= %;chidc yoaifof haza%rdin1g izryour Cdxzfim 55’rrnw-drgpaékct at othgrr papcszf af gzoumwhich wasfafiazlc me’an:: ' fbr ‘°§1~isVfight‘.‘¢Bm;y0uVr%§';ct*ter»0fdé5£E1ce37whi€.'h%Iread mace him 5 .a~:2W£5’ efche Trmwfurwwithim ‘Lien fma~..cic him {'0 mad , aha ha Vwobférwrei “um: £:!§éZf2é'g._ cm-;ey;;;:e~g.~}% » A % ¢ a3r~it:uiyZIE mmzm: give any* lczzthciz % M m‘ mrxmm thatA%%wh%iz:h »cm1:cC3;,f;”[<3% aémirafiiecoxztrizraasc anddgéifpoa-% » % A Viitiim M7 33725 @1*inC§P*§*3i;Sa:én\c¢dfwi2tJ}9x'. ow Q;-:s§§n§4:,~n:£:rtam t§achfegigé3iaJi::‘g3 » T me ‘as I ¢wc:;t; v% Lam r(»~a§ueavJgg»é»gs%zg;»L+ fih ifgmur rqpz2cation.a;1d$: i ism? ‘N %% ¢A€373 t»:-ufl with your mafifers caum; baa-“_1$y” ‘any arfi upheld) hisMajeHy% 1'h_ightA.€XP€&ffr0H7l73-1PCT{0Il: ‘of your dexrcrity ancHz1terePcsA ; and th;¢.:r§:foAre I willingiy confiantsd to the Adefigrm «of fécmingto make A mhoié with whom you W€1‘c.t0"imp1‘9V€ thg confidence ofyou,“ privy A toxallour Negotiations with me, thougf1»with the%i;1convcm‘wce of V Z’: Icflhffcafonabfc by {the dAe1A2iy.. A A -’ A But I,mu1?c\cAonfcITc rayon,witfiazlA1aI.nf'aincd:p1cai'ure,.to bé {'0 e~::<- cc-_Id, that it was beyondmy skill to finde outflxch a my ( as than making the Surrender of w§"6z'¢z'gto:z fornewhat more difficulc, and I whiéh y ou rcfolve on , by blowing up {'0 artificiaiiy youArMaIgazine) A 9&4 6 f A A A ~ e ca AA A 7 iamvin atxggyz mic ha:Ah;; fucAcqcdhg:d% rm make A’éz‘ngton_the Kimgg upon fuch Conditions, as rnight let you march away unfufpcfied and unblcmifht in youf power, to den héé V AMaj'cPty thofc greater 1'crvicA锧""”é”A33%rncd at by you. A F I will cnlargc no further, Athen to affure yaw @_gu;;Vg,w:r11eV;_§§;§fAzfi+and.A,AAAA hours: upun the blazing {igne given; fl1aILbcpg_;:3&ua;1IyAobfervccffi. cordingM59WAy,p_g;&%%agrcgmcht; with our incomp;_21'rabI&f (Ii.-'7}ngi11ceg_Beo/<35? ‘ A A “A " A A um .c.%AAA3zA,Was%%.Ato‘"you'tA%% even‘:Aiw.Mirac1,c.A%‘% ‘ % % In cafe there fluould mifé any4cii{‘Ec;uIty unf0xeI'écn’e‘§Vn the cotifii PmpofI=:d,.and that there fhould need a zzcézrgzr approach ofour Forces, 4'9 '2!‘ . either for afi'a uA1tMor fufprize, Qdirefiyour pkiafum to BeoI'm:xm2,Vby the ¢or;Vvcy'§;:1gg:(g:gAv1'§§§:9&n4by ygui, a‘21d”it fhali bcpu:1é‘cua1ly cxecurcd; for eh‘é!:"éifs no4roo1=§=icf'or diP:ruAfl+ when there a‘~rcAAfi1chHol%ages givcu 5; ¢ :5»? which takeitupon my word,the one (yomfriyend) £l1é;%ll‘be as 9 kindcly ufed as in your owne hoLafc,=a:1d the -other as faffi1yk¢3Pt;.for you as inycur owns coPEers.. % A A A Imufi not cguoxgclxzdc ‘Withoutadmiringyguri1jgg;ompaI'@I?§€ Lcttwr. {ofdefi_ancc,ww}1ithVa$ifit wc:e7tVb”pI;cvent; thg {'corn§:’s#Ab5cifL1g” put pppn me at I.oz*2don_;, I have $23; Agrcalt ragcffaufizd; tc‘f5éVprizi§:ed here with my Eloqucnt Anfvver, which I {end you here i%nc%1oIéd,.tobc pm?- Lié“ntcd“(wicIgLn1ode1'ate in1Fu1?ting)untc§ your ma‘£%cf’?s,tid, whoa] <3lc*rza"%%i%ix 5b; world could not havc filrnifhed you Wi.£h”',a, pIwic;a;Vfa;r;ter%cndcarmbnr, than to have fooled my Lorww. wmancx eA5%¥*?i1éiT¢»35t5é;$ bufinefih be ’g:’Ica.n1y %go1:i£A£'A%thAroug11fwith, 1:l:1;c"nfAtow cf¢y¢)fi~onc «of ‘t‘?1¢;h;.* A ‘ Gexmrals, fcfpctially new the ref’: aft: "diffawlakted by rhéif}a;f3c Vofiéa, Faréwtll-4% havé‘ A thaTtA dmiv€AdA [f¢aiFh5*1VW‘?i“"‘ IA'hGE“’f5*% é‘YA°”AéAW5i¢hh%¥h ‘J1 M?Fri:%:id may % ¢ 5*§7¢W&?A.D¢é€'5fi“r.A \ ~ Vsamj&che.wr4ic1ngVV°FeIwis;Irhav»ea fm3~11{A~g¢m Acome‘infi'°tn Ww %.gw;’W%hg“a fibres mmhac he Yaw you imarch om fi ms: nmnc to Rcazdirzg-,4 wh§ch I dc: :mtA‘b:e‘1ieve;% but yc5:for‘mmfe%{'ec‘urity I have fé-n1'thi%zh¢:r fhelafl aighwttn meet you, a- dupiicatc ofthis, and[o‘f:h.&c~ ing.:1o1E;d§;b_y '3 zvctvfafe Vmcffcnger, with uric 0fchg*b1'ank Pafl:cs§yomu gave me; AA ; I 7 1 fégggctotcllygu my opi :1 ion,%%thau, Regdwg isijzi fik%ctcr? %pIa.ccTf'a1‘. ;y¢m$¢g march unm%4up0n your%%C"§3zI1p0 fi:iom that? Alflfigj,’-aFndlies gaptcr for hi«sMVajcfi1’.cs;firv.iac. ‘A % A ‘ a A ;, % A % «L . ’;gg"l:?(‘8‘3 gm qggg ardi2z2zfry4—£3e4w%afl7ers Tlaefcapejw £1: is £op¢[]{fle%fhe marld%Vth;étI%%aJ appsaipzzed av ‘ .,. fl ‘ gay may Mg» macmmzim {he ; W 1*: q;¢.éea«my~’ng Trig“ 7” gm, 2-reg =m_y4 %Len:e:v' bf: A V knew Gaad% wémld é1g[]ef.j Am;e_:Wz%r’ig 4» éoppo_rtz{z¢ztj%22:IJi:Iywaztlgf feriqufly faa7ze%r%%or%;!azer yafiizm ¢+a1afzz:eir,; ;z;zdA£zz‘ta9e*4£i2fer£m, laughing M bi54 m%fi?¢é1e%flifi5 5*? 794?”? tag %n%itb%%/Jim .%1¢ermié3/,'Mzdr3t;Jr)zed £1215 , :22/955114 ;€§€¢‘51¢fl?~ { E?/13* LW,%% Y L; ar¢:féf3饥i¢&°‘i1V*W31i¥i3.¥ig%5Y.zéiayifigéfl 4f*:crga:itse, that Vypu aymc an: 2 by “it; for fianadera¢by'i”:J¢ ’y'%o‘11VdeeVitfvéry*$poorcIy, and dare not throwdfityour A dice, 44 I_finC3.%c?, yicu ‘arc4.%.%%fwel’d, and the ;:{c>yf2m you vent ‘is worié A than %$pi[dcrs%;% but your wEb% is {Q I;h"i*n,; that rhé Rcadcrs will gucfle by 9;hje wridi?¢uIg3*x,1fneff'C.0f‘yQur P10: ,%t13a: it was the Kings Icilfigr, tzot Sc}-7 _%crcta:xy{th1t cdntrii:f¢ki% is, and ygtgby thé Twickcdzfn-:fl‘e of it, VvgiA1IaigaiaV V }cOIjc1ud¢; at D%ivcI1%wm:ks jou%rg1e‘y" Wbrk toiy; iqrd * V.% A “Sir, my Magazincf”is fafe,andWi11 bc1}§z'h;n% y&ou t difholmourébfc flxndcrgrounéi dcajings {hall bee blown *1: within chef: few daygs you may .cx_pc& 3; V B;1az7¢,butit% mufl be of this ma“chiz1ation‘c$F40~x~ \¢{atds,whefci::iy%our Honour {hm go: for time: Fmzx and the Garnet, :£(~l%+:fiVnd§:eycu4can perfonatc thcrnboth) agaitiiétvche Kingdom}, and a: %;1i:ch%h :ii§1cAVas flow when youfcaggd his Majcfiy ( who I knowmch VA R. .% Afomd galuaayal oufjmaulalcolalcluda 3 peace witli l‘li§"pe(')P]*¢, “.g;Cg%y~w dare not pray Forflr l_,El‘laI)ik Gcdl dm:~dail}’l)l nayllwouldllravcll it; the fiml’cll{.t1icx:%ing. Yul! téll rm: yeur Cipher islburnt, in was of your V owne writing my I.-ord I“ fuppolévg I am flirty your Lordfhips handll flwuld be bu4tnt,litis‘a7fi1:urvy brand and ominous. But fear: not,“ your friends at London will {end your Honour a copy ofic in~prlnt;. A 3Y:'ou..fayv Barnum-d {aw um lymzr» cleanly” convéyVancc;« I-E amglad’ they take your Lordihip for a Iugler in Oxon,nl1cy}_;av¢ dong in Lon“. don along time gjbur bdngl your Familiar,.I much lwcmdcxhcllliould mt know your triclts. V _ A A ” M ‘ , VA _ I am lbrry your Humour ll1ould‘Bc.l‘iis M‘aj¢-files Hlocuus Focus, and havcfihe knack of c1¢anlllyl“*t”6'fi7ire3ra'ncc;; Now the World‘ may fan‘ which waythe King was ccmveyfcd from London; tl1¢AAjawelslll3:c§_;§&5nol:“A ASca;jthellrilh Rebels brou gliroverg whl§:h vvféijffmo ma.ny~*overtures of peace have aggeared and vlani{l1cd,l{'ureIy”by. ziiy Lard T:*5g_5i;Il trick of‘clea:il~y c0nv§y5ancce- Play a“b“’<:»~[,g,s: x1;;;{AlAAAImrl,d,AA%A,cl1at ‘ils'l”fi:tef’t” lfbral‘@eunc;I1l’FabTe-A l A , _ A My Lordfl tax you now forlyourlincomparalblebaléBeckmfifir efca'pe,I vtzrilyxhink he got away: by one ofyour Lardfhips tricks of cleanly cplnvley;m”ce.A, A You upbraid me much with my Mal’r&:rs,L gay, Lard they will anfwcr for§tbemf:lvcs,‘ and it is unworchi_ly+ddne_ £9 fcoffélllat fficmwfiqm your 1*/Iaficr and mine calls his._Parli‘amcm;A ;ggaim whether you will or no; and to‘ them I rcferrc you, who» are fittto fudge offuch language.) A l l~ ’ A X flfwerc a. Prbfiicutc, my Lord5 aslyou callmcgl why. your?‘ ll Humour aélc the. P5imp,l and offer me a reward with fucli follicltations.; 1f)f_'1.'equcntly,l.0 hoply, fo long a while: ?‘ Let thp "world judge gfyoun wc)oi’ngs,which“lfincc they failc, I "look now ycurlforcc fhoulcl vézlclzre l upon ampe. ; V W A A .4 -% % V‘ " A l H My Lm-d,.you fayla: Oxfotifltliat Londoners canpreach»(wl1ic~h: is nzorelch-an well "can fay ofllyoulvagafme, the rcll thereforcl flualllweur whalfomc, clxhorcatinn -) 'lDocl»l»n¢3c dcfiroy» a ‘Noble mans--fouls, A pi:yAA-¢ your {Elf}:-, though‘no: the Kln"”gcldilnc,“and let the feareof AGocl lbw inyou tolexpell forgeriesglevcn for your own: ( ifnot yours) Hfc;r:%f l'xis‘MajcflicAs fake andl l_mncmr,.vvho hath taken you lb near: to him-«~~A filfh; For ifyoulcountcrfcic hands and fealas of‘Subjc&s,..it will be A l1ifioricdl~*lthat" ydu wcrblno; tlo hlml ‘F01’ my IE:lf::l,ly.a%u fi:§e{~- my Lord, this; Plot Qfynursis fo fatrc §’rom;.malcl?cia&gmyrhoughxsw.Al *%hMi‘Ina1<¢§Fl‘9“3!?3§IrY;*T5 4'9? l?f¢¥v¢a§?94?ndl%l~?¢u&whié=hWllll mm£o iii.i1¢=rr1?A§r$'eta%Iiffirépe 4 A % ta“!w¢%to*iéc4mwr¢andmcremg i1%*wifl:A-caugh%t iI'1i:hé"ir *0wVn%%%Vcraf:in¢fl&.fi’\“IAatig,i% 1,031, Aéifigtw 2544*. YciirAH§%m1fs¥4Vi*fi°f% % A A A ’hu?mb1:iSer~van:; TA % Kirlmrd B?*‘a;vmr; Since tfiis 09vrMfi0*%a%%*?i¢JfewfiPW“%5f39¢Lt¢.?’Wt2fiéA bwfeg§f:M?.5P¢4éers4»tW$0*'4 Wfeic Wjkfiff ??¢:AA’?’%si44$1A”W45I badvoti?é%s—IVffiw* %’0itt»%fvm%¢0f%0m: W% ml’ lvofiwwrwz « %:Caz2=pafi¢fior24, Md w2e=€pe§¥ed!%%w&AJ?5’t*m?’ VP%5éck%man¢7m'rV g;4%4SwédifbA%A4E?¢giAi2e£r 5, _ whméeém 3AA»; ?:a.M'e;;A7?Ai”5“’ gfka a;gerfidianfly,¢a:;4;l&is .i:wm%z¢fi:lv;4c¢0M’ifl3‘~#4W5‘ ”A3f3E“$3Aaé2d ér ¢?P¢0*w#/wit W2‘ %z*yL0“a’5E¢W%WW? ' V‘ 4% A fébvrme mg; 2mAd!mjz¢gii2g‘;a{{ t£:¢zA?* <£m?f5AIVt;"e?éq;4%A¢@ Qw?;‘z.v~ c¥fivaéstIée% a:b¢mr:afflwdefigrmmimgm%M%~%%‘ ggf ;;ApAIa:qfgA.A;:92é7f¢;';AA;e;fAV)‘A’15V;£AlA8 Am: t0%deli