_i A ‘3 ‘ ‘ ,_ ~ ‘ M‘...,.. ‘ ‘.‘,,.,..‘3fr.y,‘,“,,, ,,m_ ‘»,':‘;.)‘,,.._,M”m ‘ my 3.,‘ _.‘. H,” ‘xlrfl ' ‘ N wr fir I . ‘V PETITION% OF THE LQR DS andogo MM 0 N S PA RL IAMaNT, « Arrc,%1:.b1cd PrefcnfcdfiA t0His M A LE %‘s:~Af'f the day 4 befo-i~eA;Iae¢AV1?§;éc¢{4Te, 4 4 ' : V ‘ V \ " ‘.‘ \ n- ’ ' \ 4' “ «,- Wu‘ " ‘ ‘ w" u With formerly W ¢ agame réprxnte*d%att‘he’d¢firc,L by we advice of ‘ bath Houss%s_ M % L11“ eXpreflZ3P1,eaIi1rc is, That this Petition, with Our An... A rate, in every Chugch and Cbappell, Within ow: Kingdom: of ;En‘gl;wd,andDOm111iQn 0f'W41::, % ‘ A m. . Printed by "His MI)‘ 2 s T x 2 s élommand: at thedcfire Of the Lard: and Common: of Parliament Aflztmbled at Oxford. A . 1 By Leonard Licbficld, Printer to the Vzaiverfity. x644. IE s 3 L $%?Pr0tcfiatioh, % ’ '«fh¢iH‘€‘3d¢ His T Army, -andA now f A ‘ CHARLESR. ’ "' ’ fiver and Proteflation, be read by the Parfbn, Vicar cr Cu- __ r‘ A I/£73,!’/"’:%'[/-,_ ‘x... ,« r u 4_3‘ - 1.: .5.-. %. ,.._!@‘$.‘.-'!1@“l??'5‘*I ’ rm!’ muuilazulx ‘ Tothe K I N. G s mo{tExce1[lent »-M~AjEsTxE. % , The hu1’nbllePe%ziti0n of the Lords and Comgiqdn e of P A 1&1. t A M EN‘-Tl Aflemlbled at Qe».%sfo2j¢_i3e2,%iccQ:1-diggfg ‘on fa .Ta,z7‘ 5 T I E 5 I’?"0c‘/%.¢.v,'7;3gpM"zz‘2%:vc';¢A.rmer':P£eaceg1nd fefizxritygll cw filemqe-1}: _ the -Religion; Iaxlve-5?, and lE2;fEty1l0f’lth’e;Ki c:;dg5m, ’ 3153 m A %.~...:,.w¢. 1y welmc {bughlt a ;Pcace‘with"lYou”’rllMajefiies email, gracious ¢on¢urrcnf:e,%doth eappearebwy the -P1".512l»nf,=“d~I3elclgratlon our proceedings, c01_1Ch1I3g 31 T_5¢é1t,V {Of PE‘&C¢e 5 V'f’_f’3fi‘m1" 31$ Weaymed at a fi‘«;-_c and full conventxon of'Paf11am€nt, as thermal} lhopefizlle wa”yf‘tloe*Lmilce_ ghefé unhappy .5 tl1aWz:;,hatll1 §f.’EI‘l€ ,% We hayc‘ applyed our "Advxcesfor Ii1ppo;t1.11g}*Our Arrz:':1€s',> ‘the # wfible meanes mow lefit for‘ 1mi1-ltaimng qur Rel1g1o22, {eflox'1.ngle the Llaaveg , and pro_, curixagthe fiaféty dflchel Kxngdome :l‘ laefmg aflured ffoih Your.iMaj¢~[%y You doeéndwi1l‘i'mploy Your AArm%1e%S“tl.c>‘*no* other end. ” : f A And alth ovueh our iélvecs are moi‘: fi1lIyl‘£:tisf:eFd ofYeur Majefliesl pi...¥~ bus al1d_~)'uPir€l'Ol11ti01j$ he-rein, yet became A Feares‘ and Iealoufieshavc b‘e"é“ne, and are malitiotxflyléattered amongfl Your Subjeéisj topoyfgn lthleir .afFr'e’:'L"ci<:V1a:s’ an:l= eorrziptl their Loyalty "t0 Ydut ’ Majeflyl: There; ‘fore, tO'th€ end we maylmay‘$be enabled by Your ‘gracious Axjfiééer to fétisfie all the'WOr1d_,o_1*toleave themuI1eXcu”fablelwl:’O xyil ztdt be i':Za'r:is..l ‘ fied,We doei;;Va11%11u.miljcy preléilac to Your Majefly rhefe P€t.l[f0j*_e_ l l e That‘ Your; =Ma;'e1£y will give Adi re5°:1'on Fozj tlie re-1’1‘ii~:§ng2; Your’ A fPré5t飒€étioh_madeeinthe l1eadfi0fYoL1rlAfmy, a1§:{'Your0iher Decla... li ’ Ia-t1.0:I]‘9:A wl1e"reir3Yo:1rl <;r.>nllam»t Reibllutionl isdeclaredefb ll 1¥;§afz:té'zill‘11az1:;i defénclthe‘I-mef-Refbrmede Protgeflant Religion, and tl1at~th,cléme 11225;’ be with more diligence pu‘JliH1edamong{’c the‘ People 5" that V {o A ‘flint “ J 15riucelyChriHianzea1e and afieelioxa to :l2at‘Reli;,;1:o1j,V2i1id ltOli'"na{1dtaim the fitne algainif all Popery,‘Sch1{ine,. and lPr*ophanenefle 3‘ may be mag.‘ ll xiiieefld, and which we bleféecfi YourMajefiy1u;:yi>fil1‘thisl: ‘(jut lP<:m'lti‘o:1l [ A to declare agame to all the World, to the d1l?:oum;enance and lixpprefi. % fl‘ n Qfthbfe fcandalls layd 11pon,.You.I‘ Majefly by theft 4-wllita ‘ d‘iIlurb€:~ A our Peace. A M A 2 ' A A % Thag (<20 Thalt‘rWfi€:fli»e*liet*e may bag full and {fee convention of Par“lia1neia;; 4 Nationall .SynQ:I may be llmvfizllly callhedwto aldvifialaf fame fit memes‘ forAltl1eefiablifl1iz13 th.(‘_:__ Goverxumexgt laz1dlPe;a_¢<;A_AoF our Church; CO'_ whommayEéTlr¢cOmnj_e1a;li;d§a" c:2z}te;Afo: ithe gealé bf‘ the ten.le1"Co11{&il; ' macs of’y*ouf fPfo'te{la1at Sub l A ” ~ A Touching our Lawes,l we cannot: ask: more of Your_Mlaje[ly , than l to declare and cantinuc Yourfb:rncrRe1blu:iox1s , to hold and keeps themlnviolable and uzzaltcrablc; but by Ad‘: of Parliament. AA A * Anjlfot avoydlng .thf_: llsanilall malitilozzfly inf'ufed into“ many of” Your Slubjefts, that if Your Majclly prcvailc againfl this Rebellion, ”You~i13.teninot to ufé the frequem: Councell lo£‘Pakr1iaments : we humbIy.Pray A*dvilE Your Majeily to declared-the Iincerity" ofa. Your Royalllxzam: the-rein, I0 lécisfie YbAur., féduced S‘ubje¢7cs ggainfl A l {itch f5'1f3l3.l3&n:ln)alitious afimrfions. ; . ‘ ' . ll A _' A '>—=:a A A3 in relfaeéf thelprc{Aént~ Connributiorlas, Loan-‘is,’ 'I’axe3§,~an;i 0théjtl}‘=.i Ii11po{i:ion.slbr maintenance of Your Armies , have beenez; fubmittejf ' untolllas-.exig¢13cc‘s ofwalrreazud ne'ceH}r~y,becau.’E: of this unc:>r;thellpls¢!E11t safe: and encomragemezut of thofe underlcoij- t«zibLttié>13s;by c:ontraé‘Acw1'tl1 "Your Majelly A, You will be? pAléAalE:d than l thoié cyoxggrafis may be lb C>'_1fervei, t" git Your Sub £2613 may1i0_t ham. jzzfl lcatili-*: ofcolmplalfnt=again1i the Commanders, A-AGov<=;rnors*,A omcep; ‘or -SoL1ll.dicrs..of‘Y<")l12r Army, or ofoc ii1anyA Your Gaz°rli1‘on.s,Ca£llcs,l orf Fogzs, fl): takirug any Money, Horlizs, or other Calttell , Provlfions lot i A «other goods; oqazay Timber c>r:’V§/odds: ofany Your Subjeciisl, or Frec.... Billet; Q1‘ Fr¢:e-O\gAarge:’~ in vA&1vl:/x}L,3a,C{(3 where: the Contxjiburionslll l A Taxesagrefid (mare paiclghumbly beléeching Your %Ma;'e[liesA gracious. ” Care hcreinA , aiicl rhat7th€,0l‘fencLers may rccleive.+e:szemplary 'paunif'h..... ll meat; Lafl1ygthatlYourMaj¢Pcy will rlcztaine Your pious enlleasmlars l.'l(')..P1f0j-I-_'l - ‘l«c.,uW the P6-‘ace oftffilanguiflling Kingdom, to betemdvcd A In trfidby aw, Q.C.iV§37_W3Ag€$"l01§ pmfperous lixcecgfié. 1: I . l . V ‘A AAA _ » " U l \ , ' 1 A A .- » ' v. V’ ' * l ' ‘ ‘ 4 MA-' ’ V 941$ V A , AA , may . A - A Ml‘ A‘ V up H ‘ , AC3) %.ge w@w%w@~ His A j: 1: is jj-41% 5 Grailcioxls 5 . AN 3 W El‘R">tOltheaf01‘€l3iCl _ill?]El1fIl1TIlC7l¢; e. A A oS1We=fl1all'alwayes ackhowledget=he4g1feéttoeorh- Afort and affifiance .VVcl1alvc received by your A CiounI?e‘Is,.{in<:_e‘your meeting here according ._to Our Proclamation; to We mull give youlovery particéue lat Thanks for the Expreflions -you have made in this he Petition, of your Confidence in11As5ea4ndjfor the Care A . you have therein ralcen‘, that all Ou‘rgooid»iSluljjea.‘;l:s may ~ receive ample fintisfaaion in thofe things, _upon which i %i%% the 9;.oadaand»'V\’el-fare ofthe.irllCondition {'0 much A A ‘depends. i A 'VV'e have long obfervecl (though not without whom- e l der‘) the fl‘ye,fuobtile and groundleffe Infinuoation infu fed; A .3.l1d:th o1:ll'l1.i;.},1 by an,yConnivence of Cars : Vveevszill-A ‘ A A3; _ * ta-lfieell ‘M3 % ’ aké:tI1cbe{’t'ca're VVe can (and We‘de firejrour af{iIEan'c*e:7 «‘ n it)’tO pl1blifl1 to all Our good Subjééts that u[° A Pf0$£f[f~d3Jf0}!,~%é1IVT1dthOf8 Detlmtatiam you m.cr1tiOn?;, And ‘As/Vedoe aflhrg you , there i%s,notfat;1‘ expreflion in either of them, for the maxntenanccand advancement of Our ReIigion,*..vithwhich Ourhearrdoth not fullyconcurrc, and in which ‘Ne Phallbe fo conffant ,‘that ‘if it (11311 not pleafe God to enable Usby %"~‘~orceto defend ir,Wc Gull ihtzw Our Aifcétidxl and Lovcto it, by dying for ‘it. vs/e may yvithout vanitie fa.yj;It hath p1:=afedGVodgo W enlighten Our under&anding,to difcem the class: Truéth 0fr11evPrmf/{amt -R:ligian,in"Aw11icl1r‘v’Ve have bcene borne mad bred, fromthe -M'1f%s%andA*Glc.11ds*of Paperia , Ylzé M which (ifit hath made any ‘growl: 01‘ program,‘ of. late within the Kingdomcgas Wéhope it hath not)is more bwolding to t&17;eunc»hri{’tianAr3ge and furieof %n2cr2,t!;2cnA. to my cor;nivd:1cc~or favou 1-of Ours. Fora N;1ti“on1l1 Synod‘ Wehave often promifedir, I an‘! u-fnen God fl1a_11_ give {,0 much Peace and quiet to this Kingdoms, that Regular and Lawtfull Cm-xventions % may be é{}.ec*'mc:d,{h;21lgl‘ad1y p:,=,-Vrforme th‘at&Promi{e,'a‘s the heft mt:-rancs to ~rc:-weftablifh Our Relxgxomand make A up thofe Breaches which are made; And We {ball then willing! y recommend unto them a fpccia1l*care0f%ch¢ ‘ ea fa r”)%FtcndefC0nfcicrcesA 0fOur Protcfiant Subjcéts, as VVge have often expreHéd« A A For the Lawes ofthu Land , WcAcanA fay no vmofe A then Weihavc faid in that Pratéjfldtiflfi Vou mentiomand thank: you» frfir bcfixzg fatisfied w.i'tl1it;% Inwhich A4 God knowesAO1ir"refoI~utVionv to be ‘fofirme and fledfafl, that VVC vvill give any fecumic under %Heafiven for the obféervation of it. %And Has“ (}ur%greatefi:‘defirc at this % preFe;1tis,to zn_eégiAn a:1§;1_“frce9n\g'¢§1§iOnofPag-v 5 ;1iament,'6 A nany%»Adv;§ntagesh'orprnfperousu Succhcifc. i . fig-f!.I‘!’i(‘3i"1.1'1,['Fa”5;:'»hihC.h' We. a re eon fitdent V‘v'OLIH~‘_(}I.I~iC}}C’1 )1 pm: an; end ro‘a11the{etronb}ees; So, when it final} phzax’-:3 God to rePcore‘;that bk:-ffingto L13, ‘We {h:21Hva'Iue a nd efieenm that Counceli, and” frequently Confult with is: , and be advis’d by inns 2 he bet’: meanes to rnake both King and V People truely happy; And VVe (‘hall then by an A& givenwypeeout thetootfieps of thote c—xtrao‘rc3.znarie A eS'upp!y’es,'¢vh-icdj nothingbut this rea11‘vifi'n1e neceffiry, V which oppreffes-us a1I,”c«ould” have compelled llstde make ufeof, and which (hail never mentioned or re; membredby 11s,tothe 1en&A1’rejudice of your Rights and Liberties. And in the‘ meme tinie, \/Ve fl-12111 lam notI1..i11g-qvundone forethe obfervationof paerticular «conv-‘ * tura é§ts,a11dh’prevention of the diforder and licenfe of the- Souldier, whichis in OutmPowerhto due, no panicuiaru Pcrfon enduring ha1fethatfadnefl‘e of %hem for thofe - Breachesnnd Preffures-, which We Ourfeife doe. For th::'pr¢ve'nt.,i0ne‘hand fuppreffion whereof, ‘Ne {hall pro-. cfecd Wit1"‘1_'£XHR’;igO‘Dfu an-dSeveri\tie.n ‘ A “ ‘Laftlyi, Ahstlzeuhfuhpport and m.aintenance of the Reh'- A gion, Lawes,Ahandfrivileciges of-Parliament, is,(as you well know} the one.1y Argumentxnof hOur defenfive Aiifmes gro ihofebuegneng rqcm-ea,x2\7c {hall man an ima+h ‘ginable Ihaji}ciQw'hhnc thou-fe A1-mes; V and as you hJ3ve : ‘ nbeeene"n%OurWirne£IE=.s and Our. nAffi{~’caunts».in Onrearnc-ft defi‘reshofhPeaCe, {O \/Vb promifefyouu, V;/‘M-’e»fl~'a5a11n0t 1 onely yvith.the fame: carnefineifc ‘ a1.vaies}~~im.bracee"it, hh flifirfliarllbe dff12’téd,bqt‘purfi1eand psreffc it up0nutheu—~ lea&h%V,likqé1y11aod A02?‘ .Opp«3rtunituie. A chi sh Om Rey. fo1nt~io‘hf, by Gédnsfi BIefIing3 fl1‘allnever_b<‘: wa1t~e_ned uh , HIS MA] ES TIES W P1'oteflati@I'1. 4 ~ I Doe Premf/Ezeiutlze prefence of Almighty God, mu! 11'1"‘ I7 opefor hi‘: blefling d7:de"pr0ff(3-5.1.073, that I will, to‘ them. mofi of" my power, defend and maintaine tketrue Refermel Proteflzme Relzgion, effa-blifbed in the Church offinglned, dud by eke Grace of G'od_,in #I9e[dm8»m'1’l five andefye. ‘ * V I dejire to govenze by the kmnmc‘ Liwge of the Land, and -flmt the L iéertyam Property of the Suéjeéf may be by t_bem‘~ pxefer-med, wftbethe fame care at my oxvnfl jufi Right: ,‘ end“ 4 if it plea]: Gael, liyn /J17I';5/£fl;flg- upme thi: Am; ruffed fin-. H my nee%ry dcfeneeato preferve me framtbi: ebellion ,§[ 1 due filemnely and AA faithfully premife, in rhefigbt of Ggafité L ~mm‘mfa?ineez=bejeuf£ePre'rvilee{g~e: and efreedme of Parliament: A 1 am! tegoverzee by. the 14-nomteldriveiv eof tf)e~~eland'.; t*0gmy,atmafl“ gzeweraveaedfxa rtieularlj to abjerve izwiolablj the lameeeoézféng “ ted ea 6} me tbiJ‘PerIig:ment. 3'72 the ma»: while ,\if tbi: A time of War, and thegreae neeefliey and flraie: I an. em; edrirvex to,“beget‘aeviee14»tion of nboflsi $lzepe itflaalllre impu- mlfij extend Man to ’t}:eAu'thor;rof my War, and not to me, whe have fin vearneflijr, laéazsredfar the prefervation of the A APAG-<16: af'%t'hie Kingdame. A ‘ ‘ e 4 €Wh4e’u I*1 villing{y~~fai1eeinVAthefl‘périieularxefilzvillexpeéi M eezaetaid or relief? from anyway, or2fraee8iene;. fray: ‘Heaven A Bar in viii: refialmtiofitel hope firehe cheereffiliafliflmee A ' gaadeeen, Andean eafeeadsefileflieg. ~ ‘A ” e[ A I M