%F F % flfgz‘ : j T ta??? ‘F . r-sT % 3' Hi? % %é % f»é%=f»§' 3%» cgaaeg ;@% @@%?J ~ ve. L w ‘ ‘ “ ‘ 1“ ‘ 4.3? ‘ " ‘f M: V . V?’ ’‘‘i- ‘ r ‘ l‘ ‘ . '5 4 "' ' H 7 ‘uh I . ‘ ‘ M ob I E ._R\ l H % Againfla Prcténded ALL1 MN Y. In AnfwertbfomePa£I'a.gesin M ‘ iv o ‘ Q fl 3-‘ ma PREH-EM IN EN ¢ PARLEMENT; Newly publlfhfid by fdrnes Hm2aell%Efquire,” oncof 1thederksofhiaMajgflicsmofl:Honourable A A 4 _ é « Privy Councell. W A \ Vvherein a.Reafon is rendered, why The 73912;;//5 ‘A Qayal? Favourite Rilcd him,Na Frienfl to P4rlipzm¢nts,anda*M£t-% A of a Letter written by “Gear ge Gage from 3 0;" .1 @% A lzgnant“; And the copy Rome to King Iames, inf‘,-rted,to manifcfi an Agency between Ah im and Rome, to procure the Popes Difpenfation for V A the Spanifh Match. A A -ha V *1‘ @@ [L By ?f’ifliar»”1t’ryAnnc of Limjolnes Innc, Efquigc,’ opefn refiwb ix épgrter than _/Ea-m lava, Faithful! 4.»: tin’ A _ Vqfan Exam} are dcceitfgll. ” f H . .,"3g;%. ‘. 1.p—- Printgd at London for Michael Spdrkeé Senior. 1644.. ’€n%?3€(‘%?’-”@%?’-’W‘%?*P%?-*‘>%§*-3%=.t‘“*rJ ‘ . “ . OI! @fiW@ 3Vvord:%gfa_fii:;4xd, 5»; (lie w « I ....; - V .. w , H. . , I ‘ I ~- h . «'3: \ R » V . ( . ‘ V l ' .,'. V . ._ ‘l ‘l ..-m." . ‘ ". .‘ V '3,“ "‘l in 3:, #3.‘ _ ' .0 ‘ - ‘- ..,... inn. " : x ‘I “,7: , .w ,5, V . ' ‘ 1‘ V ‘i‘‘ .‘ r_ .. . ‘ ‘ V . _ l. _ ‘ l . _ ,_,.y _ ha, - _ V VI.\ ‘''-M‘4,‘ ‘ . ' 9 ' . ‘ u ‘ ‘!4-‘,_«'‘ 5 ‘ ' I" '~ " . n ‘ _ my \ - , l . ‘ ‘ \ ‘M ‘at, ". . V I , . __ -' but ‘ 4 Q -_ ‘ . - ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . ,- , r \. ~ . A V ‘ 5 , _. .l, ‘‘ lb “ ‘ , v ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ , Modfirate p , AprctencleclCalu‘rmy. Ml A AA A l ‘a .._ H on flaqlwzalt ra;féa..fallfel-fepqm, féorpztt Fimtl nzitzbl l A 2» wicked to 5.3 ;4nJzamfzg:l2.tcalz¢s lladgq, E xogzz’. 2 3 . I. is 2. Cl iv ifilé 4. A «' cvcgry nlanltrpl bcag; tender olihis Braltberr 1-gputg, ; "r.ion «as his lowag. Agalod n4%mej;s éetrertb ear: prériowls 'oz'mme:zt,,Ec:lefl 7. I. andmtber ta be claafim than great ricbe§,.lPra133.2:.I. ‘therefore not rafhly to bee bla£led,.traduceJ with flmszlerous defa-3 matxons- V l l l I Bcingl than lpublikely taxed by Mallet flamles Héwez7, thoughlinlfi &mod<;1’c canclid manner, in his Preslsremmem'e‘4md Pedegree 0f'Pa-rliwu lmez2ts,ll%p4g.l1 o. 1 1. sac. (newly printeb A byitsflurhoriirx aqdrdiresfiipn aprrebmled W’ wemtitred re the near (swim; fgxbatb cazztmued. PrzfonernatfbndryAmontbgandyet remg,-m 35;; 1 A rapers feifea', bis lLettiers intercepteal,for thiscaufe efpeciallyA(as1w-as it credibly informed from fotne Members of Parliament; who: had the a t perufall of his Papers) that he had been in armes againii the Parliament, landwasa'dangeram*’MAL1GNAN'r,Mucu DISAFFECTED To THE nPRiE..SiENT PARLIAMENT, who 5} reafonfi of his Aév'li-tiegazm’acquaintance 4 with Alaligmmtgmigbt pméaély dotmucb imifcbiefgaml very ill afifces flgdnfl a the Parlizmzem, zfmt refimz'md.ARecciving eherfore fuch a C/mmffer of‘ [ his unknown perifon and difpofition , from F0 lgood Authority, ‘and meeting with fundtySatyrica1Paffigesinshisfom Pare/hand in hisparlej fietnieen Patricia: agd Peregrine againlt thisand former Parlia ments (dfi; ‘covering a more then ordinary Malignity in him againft A Tuchelffléem. bliesfihgaving occafinn totranfcribe fome paflhges out ofhimitouchjn \ _, thgjg jngsyoyage into Spairgandfome occurren ces during his abodcthere _ V , _ ( to fatisfie1b1alzgn.wt5,zmd 0 ppafiteg to the prefémtPerliame2zt: proceedings) A A in form Letters and Complements then paired between the Popcland K‘ing;I imagined with myfelf that I could not probably fo clearly eon... vmce and refolve them in this particular by»-an A tint id. 1; " '. whatfgzever as by this of Mr Howls, reputed one-yo}; the: pix; ggutfz “Parliaimenti, and moi} who linen? him; and that other Malignant Rea.» ‘A dérs unacquainted with hisperfon or inclinatiotym-ight taltenoticg of A 'jhim,A as one addieted "tn the Kings party (without any thought toiinjumi or defame the Gentle man there then any other of the Kings adherents) I 1112-dlthcfe exprc fiions of him N «Am that far}; L enters .-mil} p,.vfl,,; 5% O at! p,,z,0,,,;;,_¢_, ttneenll libel Kizsg zmnaPopeatdm’¢ing hisaéader inSpaz1z, rzppezzres not only A 5} A A P. 42. flitierslildncieflfprintedte copies of them in ftmdry Languages, 5;”: 1"; dgf, was Aexpirg/Aglyfzttejied 5} Mrjames HoweIl(4natm2a’a;2t upon his Majgylj 5;, ;;,AM expedztzan) No FateN.D TO PARLIAMENTS, BUT AA MALIGNANI‘ _;y toAa[1Druina:. , 1 4 A , A A A » ‘ A :. % 5 ‘heft fatal-1 diflempers as they did much hurrto the body palm ug 3,thQm;3f:f07.‘.té5)’ were Me lmmwsfitmd #2 A i5¢NmWr4/1 éady Without 5;. §"WI‘A“%Am”A”A§fQ*dAid%% they pmductcdi{K1‘i3W2gC0t13 €rffi—‘¢’€3~a54r03%d A5 and beg. A A fret had it bccvn,_thatAthe ragzfers andAfc2menters¢%oftbem ha*dAneve19l})rung A fupF4inDrx£z'mt,8zc. A ‘ A ; A _ , , ¢ A i 4 a mi, 1:»,;m,,, pa~fl3ges agai1?tfia~A f01‘m€rParlAiamcnt,with all his vioIAe11c%‘VIAnve6tives if} I avowed, and his glaftc: ?‘»DifcQ4urf‘€ 0.1’ P=nf}cyAbetwcch %P4tw'cz'w.rA%anVdPeregrine.(upon thcfi {He 3 A6- “ A V M - -, V 1 n am e land:n%gm Fmme,) tauclaz_:2gtI9+e Czvzllwmrres%qfEng1Mg4,m(1,g¢;a,gd3fu ;_ fled this Dif- caurfe to bc Pfefl?=dat%t13¢%Prcf1é.sythe 1110P€«A7:1a“l?A£WA’“%iI2?zJe6¥i*LI£A5'45W- Lihave hither» V «1’3‘»A to %meJrwich;%againficheASovcraagwImirdi&ion4ofaA11omParliaments» iamdthc APr°c¢¢dingsafJrheApre=f¢hnPar1iam:nr.v againtt«c Am A _ A New whercas,MrA Howell endeavours to GXCU Ar §*AmrWeAlwguagevfyawrmaizfiyg ciekmqiy - ifichasiirakniiu 9‘iiiiEAAgd¢:M’a 1Afha11azAhenAcmdiali A A IAmuAfigp*pea1z0 hisA owniiAconf<:Aiericcia ml the wimjld,w‘i1¢tl‘ier‘AAI»haa;cA%fia n-’ c-i;;rc;dAoA—r miIficpAoz~ted him in the Ieafiadegree. A *4 A A I A Fe his .M4iefi£esjA.%AcompIi.‘ gr (:65 With the1’0P€idurlD;g AhIASAAreifid€nce* in Spame .;,iaveirrin1gA,t/9AIl‘t“th,e 1)_:7f12ez¢_[azxw;2‘far tlazs M4 rriage; and A mpz‘mI4At1a1zs _fl;pul4tedtA£22‘fmvauz*A‘1y‘”% “ fie R mg {(-19 Caibalik (2: iii? Ezxglarzdmcre mA:g0tiAted0n{y 5] the K {mg q;‘.§'pA?i.2c?:‘ .[ Mm!“ A A daeiimitb‘Riame: I muff mi; Tpm.9.A:;,‘ 4 ii 16:3. p. 517.‘ A i riifh M a.tch,the Popes Dzlpenfiztiaxa fork-icwa,s robe procureci b;,y~x!ae”iKing;" A”'mi“°?"”?“ A inzfl er sficcaxcfi his M die}? )4 wo=u1di2MxeAnat/mtg to 1 ihfo-I me boph him and others, that thuugh bythc * Artic“Ieso;AfthAe Spa- of spams NAegotia:iOn,y€tKihg J4W35A’biAfl1fC1§AiiWrit Lertcm: m&iifenit1AAi+ 9 0fi'Amfi§ei‘Axu1Es,bAeingAi inthe battleffl 1i€Atra,&'mAy cnfme (lfhi*mi; 4tiA11ithieni 5'.r5,x§ i % ggz nits‘ t9R ameizo eX.pcditc ir,as is evident by this cnfl1ingLerter*0fGewarggi A qagec_oiKingA]ames from Rome An. 2 623, the ,copy wh¢,;mf (wgm 0...: thexs of this kind) was found aong Secretary Windeémksi awn papa;-.5, ' 1;. ‘b ; AA TAmaAya pleafe iyour Majefly to u1nder'fl:and,A ‘tb-a*::i in a CongtegationA ‘ ‘_ E116 1d the 2 2 of M'm°cb,fiila Anew, the ' ‘A f ‘A f 'Q1x;cd,and Ordc-rtaktn that _C;mrdinal Bardino fhould draw Athe AArti’- ‘ ‘cits in forms, the Cardinal! Law Sufanm, make :Ah¢VBrevei,and Man, "i ‘ ,5i£W Awsnhe Popes fiecrerazysmhowas prerenica: the rw*o1'a£tseII- ‘ {ions ) cira xvi ff0Ar'nei In(1ruéiA:iaAns for Mangfligrzoir deiijldafsimé tghc Nm?2tiagj‘A ‘nowrefidem in the C curt ofAASpaz”22e. And in thAAefoA11:owiAng C.ion:xegaA." ‘fiioin 15616 the 39- t11cfetb~%ingswC-mfcen and"a1i0wred7,and the nexriAday- °;§pre]emea*ita ti:‘ePope,A azzdallawed £3: him» CcmcernAinAg;thepmicwiairsA"' A‘*main,cth to be dO~nAc:,A I h_éxAv¢ 1g?§ivc;n: 21 iargc 2c;r;ouA£at ab:A Maafier .§?ecre¢aA- ‘ W} Calvert , by which if your Majeflj receive not that f3‘ti$%£30HWh1.€h;) ‘we who [Mm 1aé(2ztfedti2ereiazlaa«uemVa_/3' earzzefllj defireda I (11511 moi} ‘hu2fx1b1y’befcn€eiV¢»I h=dPI‘°~A babfc ifnot réallgrioundsforwharAIforAmer1YAPub1ifl1¢dawithour%Atlw‘mi’: intention A V ” m¢Fm:e%cr;%m1£iepo::himpxany OtherfptrAfgn4arcdin.-rhaVt‘[Irgatifé. ” % PINIS. gapd fmmfle, andgiwe ;1z:4} ta % V er 21{n}2ta.g:{¢ F W % % drbilrm atonh fiaV11:_lch;érc,%fand rec f*vA,ing.thrcc Papexjvgmyiaex fucccflivcly (Pm:mm‘,Cm,— and” ‘ AA A Rafitri) monnan: Refidcngtiaries here in Landw to reduce usbavck to Rome, to omic;AA ~ " ‘ aV1»I‘o:h:cr parcEcuIirs,; are Vprcgmnxt gcflimony, Lthat King jmu;:,andromeq€% his‘ gm: MVinif-‘vets *oF_AStflate (afs Ifhall nianiféfi by undcniablercfli-AAA A m¢n;c5)VVhaV¢ had ovcxjnuchVcemmtféc"Wj:rh‘.;Kpme;.wéhichais how no cimc“tbpa.l1ia:é; 4 A IA{}1aA11cifi¢rforc conc_,1udcAwith thc fame cm-..& to Mr Hmeil, which AAhe¢