E O T H T E’ «ajflgéfld KINGS C A BIN ET; ANIMADVERSI ONS tiugon W the three Printed Speeches , of Mii t.£.{/le, Ml‘ Tara, and M“ Browne, fpcxken at at Commtm Hall inbaredow, W43» ?wév. I6 gs.“ ‘J V my " V M, cteélirtg_th::: Malice attdFalf1f;ood of A t their Blafyhemnus Ofifcrvations * made upon the KI N G and Q_V E EN E .3 LETTERS. XF 0 R D, Printed by LEONARD 'LICHFIE_LD5; “.?.€iQ§§§§9‘h¢w*‘iV§*.fi‘Ya «iv %%@%% ~ ‘V. «- rv;''§'!’ W2 A ‘ % éfi» .9/1 in tbe flag’: C46in5t;, A % «O R " %CertamcJ Anifmadverfions upon the Three ..Printed4 Spgcches of M‘ Lzfle, ‘ ‘I _Mr Tate, and Mr Browne, fpakcfn W at a Cammon-{Hall in London, . :s~%?v£7. ‘I464 A . ~ * Hen the e/e{t'5mVian:wagedA4'VVarre againfl ' " J ‘P/oi/ip King_9fzP1¢ml,¢fl;%%%mong{t many fc-. ’ " varall advantages ofchc ;dicc,w»hich Fortunc 4 A cafik upon them; ThVc%»5,:VhMag 1§:cd due day to F . " 1‘illtcrcepta-‘i"aCkc§"tA‘50f'tl?1fh King's”LLéCfE3%fi",'gO- ~I-Ie//ate? ‘IV , ‘A A ; I ling onrhc way;~which,withxgrcat'I'.riuVmpli Beflwtiwu; and Qltentaciah , They prcfcncly fcntunto their grcarcoun-V ” ,:%cc1A1;atAe/:'srtfixcn;: ,5 there to be qpencd ,; in a Full Ha»/1», before mam: An%o’thi‘z1g\A“doubting, buothat, bcfidca*thc»Cmli: of the .f_m:priicE_, t:hitz ~ :;jt;,h¢ ma1*1agcmyanck,&:arryi4ng 'ono£thatprcfcnt Warm, which " «_;cot;]dV.x1o;h;Mu: hayggoodaimflutencc Aupontheir‘ owm: Aifaircie, % , Whlchwcrc tbcn in hot difpucc..va1"«Ld§aagimion. ’Wh§:h‘—‘%4t~he hgljp= Ho»/"¢ waafért, =a7h%d.fll1%e” Pé.c*kVcr opem-d% ;“ hm~ew‘erA¢ in... ’ gjdfiqd ,4 fimdAry“yLcct&rn fdund ,h faith our Am'bo7v*‘,3 and‘toI'ui'idry A Pcrfqna of Note and Trail at Court , addreflkd : but none of ~- them; ware any thing ccmfidcrablc in chair ‘Cotmtcnmin rcfpeflr A ofany; light which they” gavc, "”orumbra'gc of dwifrsovcry which “ A they made“, Jconecrningpithcr f73[2ilip.;"Aé'tionaorCo~uncalls.. % A 2% ' ‘ ' V‘ % VJM} %1;¢7t?e'H_§;3 E‘iji~'1fmP37; a§t31€Y;F1iugh,thcm.. - {elves m umlerffimad thflln.‘ But the Tracey’ knowledge, doth {fill fii-3lL1:"c£"h<‘5‘ luck in avail men to be defircd, before: the Tree of Lsfi‘; And,{o faflious and {editions Pcrfor3s,can get anyfiwmsf A to maimainc: Rebellion bucin the credit ofa flame a they can: xmr whether they 1 ranfack Heawn or H:/no fetch it. They care not , ‘whether shay break do wnc thc~Hcdgc1 of Nations, or of Natnrc (for lb they call the Lmgx) if burcither of them will aflbrd a few crackling th0r11€s,0r 3I1YCOiI"3-bllfiiblc matxecs V V N A lwbatlbcver,tl1a.twi;lllfqm:mandfccdir..l l A , sf; hM£jfl?i jifndgcd _, lwhpfc’ ;Rclj;g;ian‘.; will allow ‘ ll: ». lltolranlfaélé lll%GagJ’: Cabinet;lnqmarvailllcs A ifthey qluiclglylfingl rggfipnqc mg l I'pa:c*thc IG7vg’:, A The grcaccilzlcomplaim: is , Tllhcy at; not; e/Eqlzzum’ lVil~la1nes;thcy anclgxot lads’ %erwr;no,not in their vary .;Rz'a:‘,g-.l They glofcnor ufe bath Par:i€3azh'k_¢, For, what jPnpcr: lrocver which th , .find;iiz ~god’: 9abia:txalsb29gh;t12¢y.lb.rl¢a2b nothing but the: gvcrc and four: exprcfliuns ol‘Haté-, and of’ D.efz’~rm5Zion , and tbalzlldcllitlmflziotlgtféu b"c:‘.,cxtenclcd to !l”lCgI'Ca." l.tc&p;alrc o£lal1llM¢~6~d.*lyct if they Pflbmi théfe TP3P¢Ws "rim? ~ ldomc men‘, of fuch an al1—fufficient pride; that, ifthey fa V a thing, ;nevcr fo Jvfoolifl-rand ridicu'!ous%,vand r_ccc~ivc no prciént Anfwr to that which they-have faid; Thcy “make nhatad v-*antagc of their get. gtingfino Anfwtr,» which Cato, theyVfay,made ,wwhenhc cemld égecm Smme; who gave out, thaci: was more for: “hxs.Honom_~ V and Reputation, that.po£¥crity~fl10a“Id cnquirc , n Why JC2m”bad ;:a*$ratuc,;1;h¢n awhyahc; had. I And themfore I fluaflgwtaékc i:h»:m}, ;-all three in ordcr as they lyscg beginning fix-It w'ith[M.L£]Ze-w 0&- aration . wlwfc ma fculinctcloqucnce it ~fccms , wasthought worthieft to enjoy the Maydcn-head of thc.Cittics‘ Attc.ntioh‘fl % gvvhobefpcaka thgmjn th ,c~m:anng:r ”fo}lowing, 2 A A ' Lord Major, and jauwort/1‘; gz,-u’t91enimt waif‘ tfigfimmm. Citty of London, 1'4»: comiivsamdcd, the :,£.m*aI: mid Cammém: >fi2cf3£L¢.ttCrSw’Jic5}du l.74zI¢.‘fré?ard";‘ 4);“ flafligzge-J? ~2",a§t,§£‘ 2mmre , though if fiemfl happy to this Kingdom aub{4*P$1rI£hnE53'éi& to lawn’ t/;r:m,]et ml wry bear: détbélead 1.0? rqbprt tbtnu. élzvflimiadaeofiami. = v ' ' We) 1 flaid,gbbd éiediear om-our Hagan: Yollifihayfféid mag, in f§_cms,bu;’w.ha; yog y§ler€.fgm#aknd:d; Bhr,I fly ‘hat; % 7% A We-I! * when you do: ? can tell you, the “ may chance prove grcaterxthen the War/kip; you lfe’c,l M.%LijZe'u~; (5) V J WEI! ‘lddne my Lord Maj-maand yourworthy@(:1f1tli:lm‘cWbflliéafl fgmgu; ; City of Landau; for, you lhavc dom: a thing which nd bad, ¢ou1d cmmumd you ;" you have rcfigned and given up‘ yotir{'ei1c¢s and your undcrllanding heart, to three Ember: off‘ the Ohéférmmre; as if you were-~abl"c to mark: “nothingwaf your fclves,lbutwhatchéy‘06j%rw"uhto yoti. What my Mafia;-gar’ am «the We“/lame: that ca me over lately, crept already frorn the fitmpa. into your ['03.3'345‘¢// . that I hCamm‘6!1-Hall at Lokdrzlir‘ A cannot underfland Eng/i/5 when they hcarc1t?l:I-Iavc you noel A only Iafi: your Laygltyj but your very Llxguagt, that you mull I have an Interpreter to your own Mother: tongue 2‘ Stake my ward foric, the Ificttcrs, although they were not the old Enfg..s lilh foremppc in their forehead, of, Afftcr m] btarrj comnmxu A datianxhrtmemérrd murojmv, hoping to god tbatjoulare in good health, in I am at the wiring /u-roof; yet, they are writ in no... thing but errand .Engli7I:;%Thc Kihg and the Q_Jecn;* my much as A V y;ou~l*u*fpe£t them for fupcrairion . are not ‘yet come tothac A lrcight of Popery, as :0 write their mutuall private Letters, in ‘ anlanégowp A7'a2gae. For fhalmc then, be not liich Wittallls to youpown ulnderllandinhg .1 as~to”f:'1y,(!ou$ know- not Englilhl ajl“ of thisllmzcrprctcr, hcartéleed: in the vcxfy bcgining of the bufincffegl It Wamcver" known.but,'Blat(dlwould have 'B1ond,“ynu know; and vIl ~£c?arc,h‘l A your Hum alfo,< (thatislyour Purlcg) will 61:;-d, ,‘bGfOl‘:C .4-:ve"r;h. itébc done; Thhctrnis fa much of the A‘?/mi/5:: bfctwccn you,r:that:; _ illhis Trump¢htfl1ouldgoclbcforc,% and y.0Ill'7(41M€Jifl10'laIld.’hDC‘ V A follow after,-, I, would fwcarc one of you were: very much out.“ if: playing of his part: but M.L:fjZ:"is not our; lot he gocsl on.l l '7'/Jé :bixg9‘t/7.4! I fldflaiéfirln to you , zkhcakcarnlngtfit King’: ,eml:4:z'1aur.': to l firing Farraigne Forte: , 4 Farmégnm Prince witlk 4:: Arm] inta t/nit K s}agdam~ : B } Him Létt~cr.r to the’ % ,'Q¢_:c.m,*wbiclgjanllvawtllgbtardrum’, He cndmvourr ta.lm.F1'm tizéfi “ .D'z.~£;afLorainc with an Arm] am Ehgland . ?t‘ it well kva1vmL 92 W ‘3‘?*!?1!'W!€?'?»l~£""£ the DvkebfIé9§aim»lll9l—"4I?ri*¢*”ig/3&3» A v/Midi M» E/;Z_c”;d$ a‘t1Rc,mAe“; the mo]? compliyigg witfg ~7efm'te: 4:3): \ fiérince in C‘/ar1'fifendom.e: andjez t/ac Kmg write: to r‘l’é€'}Q_J§5’€’_f_‘x % “ Epgland. I V‘ to A1“./},,,% ;;,,y¢]),,k§;gfi%Lorainc. to came_. with aw 9/{rm} tritcf A A % jf ‘ ~ eflniwaklwrjianr. M 4Ma;¢”-and ghis Brethren mufi a5fi»rm‘and*%notc ‘thi's,";‘ aw :1 piece ofNo21e1t], which they knew not of bcfcsrcgname. 4 lg, that the King did intend to bring in .Farre£gm"Forter ;' "me 1_-hinkcs , the .Exc*lamzg:% had been affitcr Theatre , ‘then thg W _ gm-;_,,1..c;,;1z, to have Call’d the Citizens together to have heard 4-” it, and M" L1:/Ze’.thCart nccdcd not to élerd for that‘ Btltifthcy mufl: ééfirve -and notethis 393 piece of Tyranny in thé.KiDg9aS _ abrcach and violaticm of any knoWnc"I.aW in the‘ Land:::f( and A to that cnd,it is«m0’& hkcly,he would have them to bbfiervcvit; ._'1°hen tru1Iy<1ocsAM1~' Ltfle dcfcrvc to havc%%his“1\(afi‘Ile:’d ,%a3 ~,wc1Ias hEs~Hmrt;;' he deffcxv¢c r*obc%~wc‘Il Abeabvccngfor éfli-ring f .;_._fl:ch‘,a. Cheat untc2~thc7'Common‘People.‘;:;For"@dds fikc . why §5mafiy1m@'E %:4:;:he«z:i mg-hruing aver «~‘1~7»arreigm: . * ~Whc:n”Hc,§Afl1a]%l be '1 % ;<fié2fc:;_Kc:(;§g«and d—erc1i«t°tcd ofhis own Sséje§fi‘:‘”‘? y, may not -« himfcife by~.Forcc , « than have the Rebels gmhcr-King .‘inv.ite afirrefgna Fame: hither , -andwat thciafi, for bisi1‘Pieaf&:éw4t£on R:lie;‘f2= ,-«%»wi3om‘the-L‘-Rdbéls ‘thVcmfclvesA_ have cntertain%'dA already , -thisrWo*vY~ho1.cyeares~and ovqr for bjgpaflreéfiox and ARm'na~! ”I"—cannot1mag1nc, why the min/9} citizen: 0f"La;¢:[on are to note and abfcrvcthis, as anyunla w- E111 thing.4Aunlcflé:=tM’:»Li/16’v-Wiflvunlicrtdkc-=toprove, that ‘A % % -« the-rKing, bysb-ringing i»n’of 1:fuch%Forccs~§w*o~the ‘land , date-s4 - trcfpaffc upon their fevcrall 1&1 againfi‘ Farraigfltfl . which ,,__ar‘c of [0 grcatwfcrca in Landon; ”='F<:r I -know .110 othtr ‘Law V awrittcng, again& which He docs oflfmd. For I demand ,~,~ either it: is Jawfu1l:fo§r% the‘K§ng to saw {End -' himfclfe by ~For’cc, aiainfithofcthat doe rA¢bé1l‘agafn{i him, or ic is not lawful! . If: cy fa”y,icis%notIawfuH‘for him to dssfzrnd % againfit the: King’: raifing of his ~‘Dom:fliqI¢e Forccs , from a.. ma! fame argumemnz A ;.mongfll1}'s:%owne Subicéfs hem athome; whichthey havc,,, A ggasnfg Ins brmgmg in cf fvrrqégnc, {rgm abggagi ; .~Fg:' if ic~b4c A . ‘:1 429g 2&9 *3'3Vc3fiat%1fL1T!Afarh§m to deféwd himfirlfe by Foréifg men is is m':;‘i_-' lawful! fer him :0 raife may éjnd of Forcca ; if they fay, M5 lawfasfli fmhim to defend E;-imfefle byFo::c»c , than donbzlem, ar::.-Aall kind or Forces in Vth¢,m{7c1vc*s cfqmkfiy Eawfufii . Becsmfc in this great ..4e‘i?£m 0% Defamre, no bady hm: éthszt 3 3§n”:f't§i‘t:', inde6&,% ia a proper Agent A ; All othfim , wE:acti1%cr_ mawfons or Things , are but nearcr ér remcater Iwflzwmmtx, nfed and em; .pIoyed by Him, for his bcfi advantage; and rimrefare, he: that faies, i 1: is lawfuil far the*K§ngtc3 dufIc‘nd hiimfelfce againfk Ra. Fbeis , Wxrh a name Englz;/7: «.:-.r a Welcé man 9 {mt mm: WM: a Sllatcéz or French man; not Wltba Tmrke or few: and fiuinkes A he hath fpoken high rcafbn tcthc point tharis in queflriozig -H: {éies nmhing more in cfi”:-é’c, than this : That,it is lawfizll forth: King to defcnd hiznfdfe égainfl the Rebels , with an ‘E>'zglfl5_Sword,but not with {a Spamfl: Blade; omhat it is law--» fuli for him to {hoot powder at them , which is made for him here in England 5 but not to fl1oot:that,which is {Em him hi-‘ thenout of Fmmc. “Or laftly, that it is lawful! for him to charge the Rebels upon a Horfe, that hath been bredfor him hare at 'Zi’ra:é_lay, but not upon a I-Iorfc that hath been brought him over hither, from Bar-hzr}. For, as ailforts of Weapons, fo an kinds of mm, arcbut the Kings Inflrumcnts in this great: Afiiow «:3? his Dcfmce ; anditisas1awfu1lforhim,to ufc the age forhis defence , as to ufc the-Other. 0 AT hat whfichis szhbrc added , concerning the‘Dukc of Lora rain’: cflzimaticmand pa;-warm t“hc"Com*t ofRame,a11d cancer-i fling hiwompiyirng Witbthc ?efui:.e.r,is mcerc fiat/a and fume. ‘ 4 ;For,d%oes not all the World know, that the Rebels themfclves % A care notput czf what qufmzcr of the Compaflc: the wind blew, Io it doe but hoyfi: the Sayles up of -chair {editions Dcfignes 3 Alan! that; needs nee éreaking up of Caiafxzem, O1‘ forcing pr-1'-~ ‘ izxamtetrcrs , to come by this Intelligence , which ail the . % "‘WorId kmawcs; namely, that at chisvery inf%am,,the Rebels % have: their Faélarx and x!geg_zt.f ‘==..vith the King of Spain: : and the King of Spaiine queflinnlcffe is a Pyrincc fun of asgrcal: Aeflccmeatflam-,as the¢Duke %«:2fLormi;aeAcanbc; And‘%thatVhe " gompI,ies%Vfaircly withthc 7aBfin‘m :90, there is more then .a Q -.... ‘V fufpiciont. ifwfpitioh, ora fayinggg ; Forit 1s notorxonfly knowne , tbatthé R.£bc~1s o%fVW’kflmivfief ,% Whahave fopftcn cxcIaym'd and in- v¢igh°d"a_gaim‘t the 1zz.m, I may have fhpowcrg . % fun gm&a,.nc:% as n~;aVyfdcfcrvc fo grcata Favour. % 1 A “ Ffilmz we? onfldergtbat r}.ze'Stm#¢’te.f of IN: Kingdawc dtgdhg/2} ’ Wyepfis mag 62 make» Aaway 5} Force; when we canfldar tlmt fire V’ .;Em:;:w oft/vi: Ififizgdfiflfit dfé W Aée Repealed 5] P owcr : who cwmjq .,;ga;r, Ea: when he cal}: to mind:/aeDecZ4MtiaxJ'tkat lmw 55¢”, % "made 3'0 pmrlae Lmawm rxecmzau .«2gaux_/2 Papiflgof ti» pm. A t»«§,/z'.":atz7am.r , rim: fimm éem made , 4md/2541:/2 53:1: aflm mm, m . %% maimaimz rice Lame: af rim It pngdarngw/aw can aI'anfi- 6;¢;:‘g;g,,~.a,£ _ ¢?%0?»zf:ir2lg:-Wvfét. .. A ‘ V k vsZ'm€madwcrfiau.r.‘% ‘ I VArem¢mb&r4a%[report that goes of Sacmtex; Who, be’: :'in‘ginf_¥§g:=:.$:d once in adreame to make fame Vcrfcs; was V. »~vfe.ry mu-ch affiér.%:.;rd;%.thc new: day when he awak’t, how hc :fl10u1dd0ci”.4 .F%or,:accoun?ing Téfi , nothing but Calmr and F‘z'c5?£a.v2~, and having; %3cmAhimfcIf'c=:aI1 his lifelong, aA%profcf,E Wary £9 Tm/¢=: %H@.Af9uiV:d§i,w§-11¢.&va!I=§fh::fi"e,I am apt enough to zhinkuhat, that is new Relzgiaa, V which dethfqrceh men to Religion; and, thathtchofe men, who b the fence or exp:-fiation of any thing which is evili to the e,na- A {um of man, asfimg, i»;;«rm»‘n£xg, or the1i__ke, doc endeavour meompell the WM of man to an afifem of thofe cc»ne1ufions,.... whereofhe is net, in she ieafi me-afure convifled, in his undcr. §’z‘_ma’z':4g, doe but onlylet him fee, that they want b¢t§er_ar‘gua ‘ meats. ) Ihloc-koniy no}W;UFQ" Th’: R¢""J'5#,, why thofe Lawco »mm«-;1»aa:L2e;. and certaxnlygthofe Lawes were not madems: éceermirze the ‘Trm/9 of thofe poynts in controverfie , which then were,” and {H11 are, between the Church" of eieglandhand. Rome; for 5% fo, then doc we our felvcsg {hike againlfa Worfch heck ,% then tharhwhifeh hath aircady ihipwrackt them; for Whereas,they only mike their Chm:/.7, we make our State, In; taznihfc. The Swce may make Lawes againfle R;-cu/Zznrr , hand yet that, which thofelfiamfimtx doc believe and tcach.may be - ?'me;_ and the State may repmleh Lawcs made againft Rem... fiarx, andhyet that, wh 4 hhrhofe Recufimt: doc believe and teach.“ . may be H’ Lfaz/fig; And,itis no better argument, cofay,rhe King A Wm repeae ea}! the Lawec made ‘againfl If:-mfinmr , chm-aim-eh huh; King is a Tmpsrfl; then iris to 1ay;the King will make no ‘fleznm zigainfl the reading ofthc A/m2"zm',h therefore the King isa Tfzrlie. The making‘ orunmaking ofvimwex of thish nature; fsawfz mnm:”.§!nfiux¢» vane size -Wié 9.1: fflfibvdof 1 tb§:?.h~ ( In 3 the Thimgé; 61' that cozmcption , whichthofe iiiéh ha%*b~B thofcrhings , who make them Law; rubutonlyg upon the (bu. ‘mniexce: or Incomwemiencw, of Timcs. The necfifiity then, of thofe.» prcsfcrzttimes ,1 Was; «she rcafcm ofthe making 10! chute Lawcsgwthc _Qgeem’.r. pcrfma vans in manger fiom the Cat/Em liagmugand that danger. wasfomuchth-3 more, bccaufcthofs V C4:/qaliqm: ccsuld W153 W531 be: knowne .. To viifcawer them, 1 till and danger. and to dafwd hen: fclfs, were aii thofe Lwazww ena&ed;and,~as God Wcpuid have it, thcydid that, for which they were made; they di&£z1guifl1tTra7tor: f§'«:>rp good .S‘m’vjcfE.r;, they made hm laéfid of the one, andfe=.vsr”a.’of the other: and fo batwcen both, {he conzinucd a long and pmfpcrous Reigns amongfihxs. But novmthc Tables are clear: mm’d. And the Kings Per... fan is morcin danger from 2 peffilcnt Fafliz-m of Sc£wfm.mt:'qm.c,~ than ever the ‘2§_m#was,fEom her (‘mt/aalz'quc:. So rim, cea... % ting the rmfox ofihofé Lawe: ,%thcre can be no great o&‘cncc,~ if; ch:-M.LL;awe.c.tl1ezIx{:e1vcs, novggbe made toccafc; and other “Z4'.Aa%w<:s‘ cfiabfizflat ggamfl thofc; kind ofmcn, caf whom 4tht:\Pe['.-. [on of the King 1: fo nc:tor1oufly- knoWncwtoAbc 1n~grca:p¢...3: an A WACIIA: thc thing it felfc beingthusclcarflh, that a'ny’I.aW‘- made may be Repmlwl: the King, doth‘no:.:'c1*rein:hc Matter‘ of his promifc, when He bidd: the ,,Q_g§c=:n promife in His name, that he will take away afltbc Lamw in Exgldml ,; made u-- " gginfl Raczafimu; ( prqvidedthey £11311 defervcfo grcatafaa * vourat His hands) for he .pmmifcs nothing, but what may be p,:rformed.,without any ~brcach of % any «known Law uf the » Kingdom whatfocver. %A11tha fcruple is ,that hehath erred in ~ the Manner of it; and that in Mt'~Lz'fl'e’: opinion "thefi: two » A Wayes ; firfi pnizzatively, by f?fc3udi.n_g thofc, that 5wz*/a~ the right of Aérogqztian with him, that ifi" éorly His‘ H0145/I2: of Parliament, and aflizming the pawn‘ wholfiy to /aim/E-z§’e*; br:~ A A caufe, the Words of His Lctrcr doc mnnc thus , I am‘/1~ tmée‘ at- ya; cé-Land, fr}: [mm 44? God _//Ml! crmélrinfi mdoc it. % And_fi:~ A cpncfily,‘Z’0flrively, byfuperinducing thofe , that have mi right A of'aéragaz‘z£on.‘ either with him or wit/Jawthi%m, and :ha:is.% ¢ 5.€?’i€‘:'€*I1?!/{"”?"’s §=9a¢3f¢ he fwéaks in !%é§.1«et=~=r=% vffvmfi BN3 V ' % pwwarfialfi # 1(‘:7') « * f?5}5iwa%fs9:’M§?fl:méE; which furely can be théant oFnot?1fn§:éife; A {am 9% izlrmas and Fanw. ” But themu's;‘i: is,i&: imeither fo, nor fo. For firfi; conccmu ing His emzcaizzding efwe ‘Pmrimment; Is any man {:3 Iimplc, as” A m t‘h§;::mZz thai Kingis bomwli , ac write every private Lmer céf’ Campfemamfi, in that fevcre fiséic, and c§%oggirfg formc, as if he - wgm to s;fi*i%zae% an A5? of ‘Pazrimémmt ? and to cbaakc-V: up every %Iini‘:+, % with [Tim Ifimgs .w*?’ -A for mar/3c=r Rfiafofis at mzotéw" time: His R%e!,£_,gém¢ ah‘; ‘fihifi whim - being the {.'amc,, ahhoughhis Rezcfan be not. Ear his msfamcm ;: th L? onm was but theirfi;/};ition; Hm ma/2m for tbfl @z'Em:*'~, is his ~ ‘-= ownfafiay: which ce?’ra;ainJy is t.he.beu:c-':r~ r<:a.fox1~ef‘tEw awaineg .: xv in rcgard,:hat the obligation, which is upon“ tE1cKi'fig, Vtb~“fa:i3...~ AV ffy thefu/,§iz-z'on of a peevifl1f0rAmfPcop1c%, as 12: did in the one. = Iiibllt :4 '17’: wpar'g:!1ob}igar.ion”; butthat whicrh is uponthc VKing$.. ~ has g,o0d' ' toprovide for His ow11fizfin}r,% and the fafcty of all Subjcfisgas he did inthe oe:h.<=:r,is an»%ie:e:»nm‘§e’; 7-7 A The King hm;h%1nade D‘eclamt£om' in bthafife of the Smrram ‘ 2z'}5;1m5ér5V’amd of the Gamma» Prayer: and yetnhe‘R€b£1l%s¢%a«m%“ % “ well contcn ted, I-Iefhould quite: aérogagre the we ,-and at this infl:ant;'arcA as angry with him,wthat He will “no: aénlifla the a...» t»‘iz::»;<’**:Anay;%it%iu y at within the memory of Man, fince our dcam ’ brethren of»«Scatla‘>wl,%4wcre efiecmed and accounted I?eéel:,V‘by 3; Daclamtimzg and yétt theft: men, ‘neveryet qufifiioxfd, or ac.-.4 A cus’*d the King for Accepting and Tréating with them after-;* wards, like honcfl Snéjaflxg Wiwcsn they have a purpafc: to ran % A pram-be Laivcs made conccrning Epifcvp4vy,‘t"hm1, everyfivw « tame Oat}: which the King hath A made: agaiufl it, is cfimncdw A hm-a emu but whcmrhcy have a ptxrpafc not to Repeal: die Lawcs made againfi xemfm;r,$th::n, cvcry‘Dwlv¢rmtiam made for executing of Arhofc Lawcs, becomes a Camell. Tina is%1:_.éfl:: the r:ri<::k cfthc flagglarx ‘nuke, than £9 amazes; Ceumry People‘ T 3*3‘§~§?W%*E§¥15‘¥fV,1!i§.*! ‘wins turnféons 3.%zay«f11§W.cs 5’°”““"’ J " tghing C 171%; 3 flmg? bug ‘.3,/{mi 0? Womez1s Fame: , but. being tm‘n’d H15 ether way: is as fuflof horned Bea/?I.,01'D‘W"’?‘~ . ‘ And men, as touching the Kings Prate/hméiaznx whxch have bgen efmn made‘: :0 maihaine the Lmve: af this Kingdom: _,; fa-"(5oci’s fake, wkat mi ahem’? Hahziy means, Thatfbecaufc rm rotcfiazh §g,m4irtm'?ae the Lame: of the.Kmgdome,‘ zherefare V '1:-&m.m:: rg;¢:gu’e any one uf ahofe Lawes whom he , hath pr%0tcfiedm maintain: E vmy thcwic;se they prcfle him to rcpcale divers ancifimdry Lawsg maciec gmwccrning Epzflopdc}, and flue Book of Commm VPm}er A ? vieemg they are Lawcs, vvérxich he: fig bound to mmlnraixe‘, by this Prateflmiax ? But, if the meaning of thofc wordrcs be , Thamhc King prozcfheih iro %_ ,ma§m‘a157zet§‘latLaW,WhiChi3.%€&ab}ifl;z-% for Law 2 T0 be $111661 by that Lem? , and to doe mashing in an aréirrawy way ,, cm-I wttary to that Law '( as rm doubt, thatis the meaning ofiiis V worfls) then dam: not the Vepealifl; A t5hWart%.and croflc his Pratcfhztiazs of -maintaining the -Law; be-:33.-ufc._.Whcn it-E3 Rep:.a!ad,ir isno longer a Lam»; And, as the Diaimea M}: “£0 fiay,tha't our Savimr, when he came and touch- . ed thcdcad mans Coffin, offended not againft the Law, which haids fuch Perform undcanc; bccaufc hepurpofcd%-to -rcflore irximagainc tolifc-%:«So does not thcliing wfiend againfl His ‘Trataflatiax of maintaining the La w. of tht’: Land, ifh pon goat} nccafion ofikrcd , herfhould a little fufpcnd the Execution of [:hofc.La;wes made againffficcuiimzs forwthe prefcnt,-, which yhcreafcer Va fiw Cmwcntiani af~Parl£mzem, will find as good A occafion Wholly £0 take away , if their Afliflance” af the ~rKin%g in this his prefcm: cxigencfc and neccflizcy , {hall appears A to them ,.fq -vigorogas and lueartyjta dcfwm f”oV grcjat a Favour. J ‘V Mr Léfle. A" A A W The tévird rbiug (;G:.utlem¢'n IE;-:3! [fin]? 0&fl;=r¢Ir~M]aA¢ , ~13’ ,'¢=.a22ccr::z'7z;=_g the afl: and the and: that émem éma made, ( which 7 jut may aéflrggeaflt of tlmfi fiettem) afar Trrmsy with the Par... f:'am:x:.% I/in/I .2-and Hz: x”EI.m_§:aj?z€ex awards to }o..-ac in 4 Letters: J45: fifiemtlv %of*Fr:bt_'.‘ I643’, as ._l;:;"1‘z‘£’7‘f0t5;?(2§f£.£’:ga{., H _é:.=.! §F?°nfid§'3%‘z _t.h§£1m 9135593 PW» I1hai1wcrV%fl2cW ‘WY qflyndmérogntimg ofany Law, A W m§5i‘CQn{’whéyin adhe%ring:o'%Biflmp$g ‘andto al1duE'F’zieri6%§ &i7é‘d,I301§ forget to put a%fhr:>rt penodrto this perpcmail Par», léamrinzt. V A % p A e/ind ia:2bt§¢?.£et%ter»ta tr’.76“fi'l£’-671;.‘ oft/a:m'mb of Pebr. ’I64-4.. were 23 t/ax}; pazfi/Zzcge. -Br: Confidmt, I will newzsr quit%Epifcopacy;., not the Sword V» W’): did all hope ,~ 2“/mt 't%c'.e:-rd rt Treat): lam! é*ae'n¢tofltz‘Zc°'a£ r aédppy. 2'-’em:‘e_., aafirmemzd at-:we.!2"growoied Fmce: Em new wafieé Y7.‘ 26} z/ya [<'£»zgs‘ Enter ,% r/Mt /az2r?Re-W almiam are , /52/Z to (yep tha- Swaraf in kt? a22{ne_}Jmid.r. =%~~Wa»di at/t'"_/,vape,i%att the and cfa f.7"7~.-3.4- ‘ a} mu .1 o fiwie C/.mrc'-h-’ Gawmmmt according to 3/2.? ‘firatefi-44 L -t.~Io:«2,% t/ac’ Solemn: I/‘aw and ‘Cam-zmnt, ” -which we have ml! take». ‘.311: yam /ée 5] t£re"I(£ng~:‘ Latter; that /M avowm to :6: Qgeeue, ;¢£:4t;i3e will newr quit Epifcapacp ‘We didm’1”/nape , that 2/9: - mm’ bffi Tram «rm; mt/oer ta cmfisvmewtbe Parliament , térm ta % %a't'fl"olzr: it ; Ext the King fityex-in" "I':'2z-3‘ axiom’ 'La?tt:r , tbdifie xvii ¢ Jsotfarget at £161}: Trwggr , : ta_%pz¢t-ajZart.pert'odta, this prrpatxmlf .-T:LPd?”!3fii'?f}5JIl'o ' ~ % AA . %’~e/inimmfvxrjfanr. ‘ ; Here is a veryfinc'"Rhctorica]I’Ra£m5aw; much;is'Vrcprc*Mfi;=n- ted in,/6ewv,noughr, i11fu&fla:m-. M’ Lzflc knew wail enough % to whom he fpakc ; «:0 ma cammon fortof P¢opIc., fitifian qmrztér in (Mr ipfmn f4flezm'si%fimt,mc% errant, is gzfilintifiam 7 ijocakes of chcrm : who arcalwayes,t0b<*: cw/Zmed , Mano! evm tor thisvcry %purpof:*:~, often , That‘ thcyimay not be daceiwl. For I dare fay, M1‘ Lijleis no more perflwvaded, i«n~him{cifc, of X the truth of "theft: particular Afgxcrfinns , whicrh arc hcrecafl: upon tb:‘.'~King, men‘ IT/mpampm,.Awhcn.hc charsgedwcksazhes with has wifh, and fcaped ourofprifon , ~cmm1d bzalcivc him- «feIfc»a woman m, becaufiahe made ihfi v-kc:eV'pc3rs%~c<3’bVclcivc ir. »Wc%%w%i}1“%on1y (ii-Vida, a littlcg. between*his"Conclafiai2x and his % lawl:,a1:dA%thc11, you %wi1lthe mQrc%cafily pc~rCciv;cj 1' t. ;Oz1c‘: of ' the Cazwlafiam ‘whichwhe tak«ea~u»pcm'h§m t9‘p6~r{‘wad%e, and ~w”nrke in"the’mi'AndaAand afiP"&::é.'%ions of-zrhepmplcp is this: That: H A rt/ae%ICi:¢g 2ze'z(:r%£utem{_:d ‘7’;*ac: in t£zeA/afif‘ Treat}. %'1‘h:: (‘[01:31 % *whichAis%*caPc,abou: that 4C‘am:~l.r4/itm, to cover it from chair Lmdcr-_ mm&~e’rf’cg:?ni'fige,isVt*Eit»1§B";E—::cauf<:his R‘éfo»iu‘rfc>m are.fliIl,tQkccp xghe .§ward»in%%his_,ow%nxe hands. Now,rhc[Pmpic can doe mm A lLcflc,, zhtin fubfciribe tothizs Pmpofiticn, asbc«ingnceea’m1y4% gcrna .5 17$:-i¢tharFis.refo1ved~.Arol@¢p tla:5'wrd fii11inh‘is%hands, i‘a;rcfo*lved not tocshave a iPm.»:v. BV'z’.2;:‘*th1edostb%lc acceptation%ofAthamorion ,— [the Sword j A would cafily défpefl «this C/azm’,and fpr%ead it into nothing. For A xhe word Sword ,~= aw —w.cIl.in Sacred a:a%in Civil! Wr%icers,A 35 3; ~~ A fometimesimplyctla the mm‘erim? Swami , zhar%vIn&rumwAentof" 1- * mv-ialence , ,wherc with one p'rivaVre “man {mites and hurts am. xhcr, ofWh%ichour Savimxf Chrifi fp€al¢rZ z4mem of England; 1 A Wis» cannot ham ogragttpr «furnace ‘af¢;ga)!‘7‘ t/1ingfram,ot:/a4:K'i1zg3i M or/vow eftéiwPrwfi*WP«.r1i«me~t ;' Tbércoti #0 13-7 ‘mfl‘?’y0;z£'“£7’,*I¢‘t‘bddTyl gim::3z.1?;prap‘.c*rt;yo‘taz2:/at Sfléjoofi, vo.then¢1:k¢' L413? £1, to canfim: tézia fi*=fimtW*mliw»m . . to “the H/¢orlni , flzat K'£g¢gdame.:' and H 5. r Sum 4émo4d»a1¢mwg¢o¢ge;:, and nawfar tigao King In difimom i o Qzfigr étziqocomfirmod ¢n;od caf;2tinued 6y 24525 of ;,V ddaizdjv to % mds_'[.'w~zmv ” ~ Rpmc, in fame pbynt ofD‘;g'fl;£p/im- and A ~ £fifizzrli;zme:2t; aléarry, xvbichg havcfrighwd moamhe honcft 'M%cmbcrs‘ti1a'r arc prclirnt. ani ' fo_rced‘away moreor ‘thcm that arcabfenc; and ltHcrcfore,arc w more a.*7f"arl§’»2ment % rxudrtzd ,: rhcna m1t,‘1s a nut, whepc the, maggazhatb‘ care our the /Media; and th1sd:Praft1’ng of this’tur» . bu1cntFm>7im inthis Parliament, is branded by Mr Lyle; for a. difizvovvfing aftbis Parliament-,,to«b%e a Parliamant, Qn _pL3rpQfc: to draw the greater adtum upon the Iimg; who; I*thinkf,% is as rare iii‘ thrs unéappznefe, as m manyof h1s»VErt;:e:,‘ than he is, not ”onIy‘~*thc firfl,K£ng, but the firfi Man, that everfycr wcnta-‘sf _ bourto‘ pcrfwiildcthc People; andtohit them Ice. they were not nr:!!;gbzIdr{t’6‘l’ ; and could qatv‘-be &eA_[s"ezm‘1§% A The King dif‘, avowcs not this f2°arln;manr;’nor any one z1~6Z;tha¢t ever‘ He ye ‘ mrue: this Parliament; althou'gh~‘pcrc ‘ h A pat’: this Parliament; no, net: fa mL1c'i1,;a$“‘g;'~'t£;Al14a’**c A&‘}, which cm. % ‘ _ A _ emay think char r ~ A5? as lyable to a Repmié," as any1dtfihM&frA;%Va‘nd% fa fbrdivcrf: gm, :, fez, may repmle-~it:; 2.y,in cndeqvouri "and rcfolyjngflto‘ . ggalc it , he .do‘cs.acknoWIcdger_ican. A; .V , , ,;g;f,dg. A i ‘iflihdiiwhéffils N1A”’AL€/7? thinkes, heharh firuck ethi:A»fcand§s3_j i?ii»51s- afp erfion home ram their Memories, with this laammer'Ao;£. Ahi-;.EA1oquAei‘nCe,.thaici There time LAan% flronger , that gifyes an}, N 'R7"0Ap6’I’z‘}*t0 téw-A ‘1A§'a:&je2?ZiA,-t/7622 the Law is to cwctimve gt/at: prucfimt i2A'->m.zrlia.m:nr:~,%Ih{ha1IAoni.yh interpofe and lay this fifi Reply be- tween, to dead nayfé and fwyof the Blow ; and that is this: That. ‘ifthe zzaazmo continue this prefentAI>arA]iamenti, were no flfongpr, , then any Law ; which I knew in the Kingdomeaa h A which gives ainyi‘2"rapert)r to the ,5Aub)'c€‘l", is; The King need i not take fuch care to pA11tAAaperiodAAt0 in; For5_aa #94} have cione, it would flion can/if, and wnifly of it felfe, and come to nothing; The frmzimie-mm/I, indeed , of all ,A that M1‘ Liflcfi hath faid. I he Arid i:hereforc,.as D'~ema§’z‘/:'mne:r~ufedA-to fay of P/myom when e-‘-- A A veer he flaw him rifing up to fpeak“; :5 My Aégwrr Egfiv micoiuimrm; Ah fznema/7‘/53" Be/bold ,' ‘/aerrrwsr the Ham:/act ofa/I Amy mrdr' ;%i and fe w’euld- gee no farther. So does M“.Lz°fl‘e at the fight; at MriiiTim~,t=who* ‘ isenow ri[ing.A and ifthc Citizen: /mrdr {houldi preive 12;) hard T I ail a7ier,'. that neither A Hammer nor Han:/m‘ fhouldcioc any good upAon~t:hem, it were my ffrangre :ibutAcomtnon_ly, Where] there are two men chaehave A/mzlic-e‘enough WbiChi1SAtHe“Fn--£A' rim».-rA of a'Scanda.~Il ; Athefe will be twmtjgvghat will afibrd ref; A dw/1!} enough, ‘whlchis the -Mo¢k»c>r..A And nodoubt,ibucfoA1£'sei hapned herew - A A A; A A M377 arm ‘his Speech... A ‘L A T/a:kLc-tter: azrefifu/I, that“ I /5411 rather is ‘four’ remenw brancer, ofwAA/mtjau /ma: /ae4rd£n«t1:u=m»,v tbeugiw yam a;z]~afie'_-“A ‘A7 Afirvntson: upon t/Jelly‘ . A . he , ‘ A A A A 4 A A A A “ A AA ezfriig-uatalzzi-rfl%ii:3';i‘i« A A A ‘Then doea'Atiii'n Speeehcome nfier thofe ALetccrs,iii3eian Eire ’ Afiar 3131+-Iolyeday; which fhouid have come, i‘5£:fi1r:'it;e‘hEo1f,A:= fujrel am,irhof¢ Ixrctersearcinotfo Fry//5 him: this '{P€CChl:S\3~S; A Jimpty-. ‘I beginAAtohavAe a’cone’eit, thattheietbreehionefi xneg, ;.-, 4 A had A a dangerous" piorm ‘:he1c§;heads,A.and that wee; to make‘: A ¢Ame‘g0‘0d A01‘até3N1‘iiAb.CIw€€n AEl]tA':m.A‘A_AAfoI‘ Tate iecms.m'AAbc‘ iAdi£pQfed.iof, in the fldidd/:K¢g5W—'5»Ti here Rhemriék xscolde/hi: A wheréehenaeavcsfgrammy doe. inau1ge%mo&.A A %( are a3wn7d%rala;m:£ax¢~;‘ For this .vVer.ypu?rpofe ,.:ha~!:,%.acc0fding to ch;-3'1: éxVr%&inarydifl:ribution of 1?rca%chin-g-hourea, the =.M.:zjaru..¢;:za!s<~Vl::.?a ‘;B~rer9r¢n,~m*ay bsafila-at, a>t*rhebegiz2nAing , tillgthcy have vufcd ¢thc%m%fe}vcs a.1i:ctiIe tzohearc-:» fcncc; may ezyfiyre the; Latter end,f A as being tiacoszl y part of the fpcech which afiy ‘rememb%crW; L A and may flap about thamiddlc, while MVA Lmre fiheucizfrfig. _»mem5mm'er , may proceed in his new office , ?wiAthoL1tVmor-c: AI1nre~rrupt1'on. A A “MA” Tate. y It,/49:3/Z pre/égitée areym a -very/§¢a'fl2cE’z‘4v!e;;4T»9e% wéole ’I(i;ég- A Adams of Ircl¢an'd'éltedinr._, though he“ knows um: wlmtto (peak, 3;-e;g‘ llekrzowes W/mftltolmld lxis: Tolzguc. I will umlertake ,,a:ftetf this rate,‘l1§:mxgl1t“have tallkmll mxolmight. But findac you I thinks your Aldermen are awake‘? or rather, doe not you thmkl that you have liélllt all this §\Ilnilc,in yourlflccp ? Fer my pan, I“ gonfefifi;-, ‘I :2a1"x {ollarrea Cmzen mf th6"Ca—mmom.-Halli, that I A d.()I:2I1{)tI1r§C_l4r:‘Tll?£an(§'y0u ; and’! talrc:is cctii him zactigifigy flue fa libcrall to gggivc “.3 g;-wgtm {:§,m'3 ) C§z~€z«:'2ns could mt rake thés: fgyeene 3-or -A mtg, :,;i‘;a.;;:m a .5:;7m. T.m2c;’wiai;2e, and brfgaaz E0 think, N that is?‘ {he would necdsm=:a(3mapwn t1m‘r :24-ob ~, fl1c.mi;.ghtchanc€§712rt ; her %fc~«::.% , W I dam £‘2:=§.g Wren Ma‘ Taste rcfld thcm,¢Lthey mufl be ?”rm¢.€flarmcd imsa [rifi Reé5el;=., 4a¢2x1VP'az/vsfl.'r;,tZ7e% Londonsrs be» % 33-311 to co;«:;;':;;;am-%, m2;?:3n=.tE2cr it was not againfc “their Cluarter, and 1iIbertie;»;',‘=:icm:ang;r bcdy flmmki trmfzxfiwme them, befimcrs their owné ‘Wivc:s.; Smare fimpie men a.fl‘Z:*<9ced,and wrought l«1p0t?, I thev Emmv not wiz:h%wha%:-, mare, than with what they know, as évoemcaa , and Children arc: more aflfrightcd wvithaxaged Ghofi, then ivitb an wrmwz’ man. ¢ . , % Andfu-::hgnotI3$cr Razw bead dndélaadj éanexis thit Papifé % Party, wvhich, ifchfiy &:?»:.:at maflars of-betimcs, am}? /ax’/2 them-A all, in M*!'7'mas~opin:ion; .£hough%tm<:Iy how-they {hot-fld be nuaficrs at ch€i n,I doc not well me; for this Popt'fl6’1’:zrty con... fifiing of Horfe , Foot , and fame Dragooncs ;% The Her/é ' five in thca}r a,and have lately taken a great Ca/He thC!‘€;T_h€'. }'"a"ot, march mczdergronnd, “and have mad: wooden QrVdinanccs,' go? moi‘: of _:Mi.d:1 !efam- 1? 27,915: 54 and the Dragooncs, fwim with the: it A~m:.arches intheir mouthcsmzd havenothing but thcirvcry. % £:2~.r<=: heads above the avatar. Why, but harm: you mymaficrs,‘ \«VVi31 Ihfi-‘. CW6}? Fflpi/3Pa!rt]havc no mompitry , tfien tuwks}? I/J.~e'm .ce~::x£cc‘:i:11,,r:ar11y by that way of A miwé, VF“:.r,%beingiznpmmz%s’cH::yhim, m.k&‘1DfE¥ ?'t§3€1n€aa‘Tri!3g‘ %afxrm£e words iKiEL1C76‘h0f«5”E’» Now wpm N’-'Wfi>‘€""”d ~V"*’5A4‘ -.4 .5“??? (;.26;“') $3,} after ):béfirfl;“of wh§ch”‘word.s,~ev§:n 2\l'az£m%.z.¢n hfmféél lo,” gmgw nm,‘ the lpropctmeaniog go He bxd ham some to Clm‘rch~ lnextSunday,'whe:nllic Prcachrl and_th<:_n, he vz-zot:1«.l tell lumso becaufo he lmc;w,t_hat alzfioulgh he hunielfc: {hol3;da1or*:blc 4:9/elvl‘ to gi-V5 Qgyom: myjfiiisfééfian .- lyc-‘:1: theta, and 1:l1cre,l)c:* kzmw l H H ‘well enough Ttoo,tl)a1‘ férafiw would not be very ‘wi/limg Eflgltlfl himany Rcp/y;~ They are now growne fo cunning at. the Cit; L C'£7ggf"'thal’ thfy will never flirw amy Szufiés woilliogly, ml: by their oxyne Liqfl;vi.r..flAnd ll'l'H;"l1‘ Two ;»__i:{,rr:*ar fiig/'m.,are; Sarmoxm -' A and Speecfimlll, like the San , .to rulcthe $5] : and 8911;‘ .~3n&« Boawfires, liliéc’: the Jlvfflfiild, togow*cmc tlgc: A7.ég£rt; arlcl ,.l;>y thefo Laig/5t:,ar¢:' the 2l¢.4j"q».-ex ofmol’cofth§1rl€Z”bpz2z.Qcfg-szwiwlgx, mom ' ' wlafled. Wham prepamtionolis lmtc madoto fomegrcsalz Salem-l-o my 5’ wha'tOcmf’om and Cal1fe§of’]_oy, prcfcntcd, for fonoe A wo11derf‘ulll,oDzfiwwrj 3’ All Fchc Talc: Page: had not told us, tlw: mfg Sp;-gel}; was fpoken ,, tho t£7ird'of ]"t¢._!} ;’ vylio woulclnotz have thought, itlhadl been n‘:a‘clc*,.for" the fifrfi of Nam-méw: E. when in very deed ,_ the fowlezlueflls of the matter hare d 1’ [co... severed, does no more cxpiaw, that fowler unwortll'zi11efi"c of the V ‘1m'¢zr2M‘uflf'Cl', in the difcrovery: thcnthat famous Aim/inn Pail“:-v tcrllcould anfwcr, his killing ofar man ; BY m3,£’L~i:agl~la good V Piflurc ollaxman, newly killcd.. :B“ut,lM!' Erownclknowes, be A i 9,23 Zvazgflikanzzen-lwaslixm his Pul'pit,whcerc be ma y fay any z:l1ing,. A and not be cazdtradicfkdgand, (as the Fellow in ‘7?!r:Mrz'/.r,wl1o.» ‘ had’ wrafiled ‘will: one tluat haul good Tamngg, and gl'v'en him 1 found E212’ .- ‘when , he was ask’t who had the better on’c,; anfwercd , it wasvery uncertaine, becaufc,.faies he, although Elam furc, thatl hacl the better in throwing him, yet he hath. V !'llC.bCt€éI‘°Ol:tnC, in denying it, o and ‘p“erf'wading ofthét Spccftal. mrs,. there was nolfiach matter : So) ;he Citizens ofloiualaidg l although, by the lightlof choir ownc underfliancling, , otheyfcc ' ‘o well enough that thercwis nothing oflmomont i!1'tl‘lH“‘eW .» ti;-A varc Lctters , but what the King may openly iofiifie to,God§. and to the World ; Yc‘t,when M1‘ ?5’rowne obfervcs fubh horri- l blie: Dz'fcam*r£e.r unto them; when he tells them oT{£1ch .51-crct.:.. » brought to 1:36;; as were to belconcealed by the flréngtj/l’ mu gfgggnantflol I-fairly and Love; They b¢gip to;hinl;l.icfo,A lin-of 9* . “.2: 9 ~. 4. D (279 §;;c*eb}i;.';j>;u:sI:§1i?Ki'£'3g, m3t%on}y for the prsfcm, V A for ought any man kno\ycs,”th¢ onciy yyay,_undcr Hea- tea zneam: Whazha iiaicssg but for the future , to contimacin that xmanéng; and iffa, chasm there are two fcvemll Rules in the Civfli LawV,WhichWm,I!id bx‘: c:«;mfidcr¢:*d:A for, they will acquit» 7 tbs: King, {mm 3%: d ifi'e"putm:ion of Infid4§l£ty,* or breach of pm. mifiz; notwithfiaazdiinghis endeavours by rhe Q:/een’c,to bring % in Farrw'gne.Po1r(w. Tha firfi Rum, is; this?-: 0mm}: promflfia A’ % lywéet in fie maimm caazalitianem‘/m22:,v Réémficflmriém; 6- Menocbo} ' o2ligmo;,dN¢10?/0; W” f”P””"”i"’?‘6’. Thafis, Every ‘7°ram1'/E, hath this: :=:~ac:ix:¢3 «Condition , implyed and involved in it, of A fTb£zag:éeing 4:: Mac} 2:z>ere‘:] when the Pramifls was made;-for, ¢. ifitherc be any notorious change car mutation in the Condition, . either of me Pear/2259:, or Tbiagm; A man is not then, faith the . I.aw,bb1iged by his ‘2°romz'f£~. And, isthere not 2 remarlcablc % {Altcmtim Ofbothsifl our prefent Cafe 1° Are not haul‘; the ‘Per-A fin: changed, and the very Thing; ? when the Kingpromifcd he%wc:uId cmtcrtéliiae no fits/9 ‘defigne, 41 ta‘éring in Farwignc Forccr, he promifad that to Suéjeélxg and in the timeof ‘Peace; . but,the:yLthat"c1ay1nc ;this%pronwii"c: ofhim n0w,:mf: Reéeix, and % they claianc irsbcing zhsémfelves againfl him_.,in an open Wawe: - ‘ And is not this a fad Cévrvmge, and AA/termiau .3’ whcm:hcKing pmmifed 5 not t_o éring in Farrcigm Force; , the thing was a A matter offndzjflrcacj .- for, the: King was irmo vifible danger, » but tbachc might have fubfiftcd we” enough without them; Biir now, whenthey chime it, itis amatterof neceflizj : and ‘1. ‘3 »%n, A1é‘f'c‘to‘t'he King for to deszfuud himfclfe; AAnd'isi1ot I.‘h‘is_za"§* A'( so A) V r;(7.snfib}c Ammgu ?*chcrcf7ore the Condition ofzhe Times, Fm- _v:mm:.;azz. “A A aiizzmfit, qua minim id iVmp!.~zmr, gated off prawifiz _/Jam, and Things being changed : @hc: -0.5/égatidn of the promjfg aglfo, faies the: Law, is not in £,cafon3 I_o52ge1'_ to wnti:me. A A : '1" be fccond Rule amongfi the C~1v1h=ans 13 this .- fflz_¢oti:A-2: paw W1, 'I§wz£'etflr ~ illz¢d,qz4adpron2itzi:nr,acAJ&7j‘}¢£fl2ft .ifl;9P16“t#’m- h_f.‘i'1%_‘it: is long of A A .VAH£m, onlya to whom thc promxfe as made, whVy1t«zma:per;f'a;~. A " .AufoAas~ic§hau1d , a.»mmourAa-nd a whifper Afiycs amongfi them from G116-flfito another A, that then‘ flz1aflerAmcanc:s~t0 retain: A ‘ med; iris all one in cquit-y, wv {fit were p¢rformed,aCCOrding to that;ofth€~'1’17z'.j’?ar£an;, wha faies, pfrfa/M'~3fi6{-Maia per mm mm fiat}-t,". gm’: mimmpreflnmtnr, that IS; a? hav mg dfl/gap-gm! 1,5,3 ,}_‘«m':4/2 and _pram;{/79, (Iéith hag) becaufe 1:. was not éault, an y Vwayuzhat his Fairly was nbt d:Vcba'rg¢'d.V And! was it mjt long gf U _*tféem, that the King did notkeepljlls prmmfe ? Hctthat cannot A Lreachthe dcarcnfiffe of this Truth , ‘by reafon of that cmincn-A: ,A.dz'j}.m:¢ ,%bew.2een wthc-peop¢'e 0? a.1€1ngdonIc 3-%and%the»Prixm=-5 Wm comprehend; it Aeafiiy, : brought n%ecrC~r hemcmnto‘ him, b this mfiam-iliar Inflawce and &‘:Mmfle=. A: Maflemf a~FamiI y kc: pg ¢mAa_,z51y;;@rra2as=2t: in his Houfc , and - every -m-arhknowcs Wham ,mvg1gj§§:£‘3§ hath .t0,..a'a.e , and .ac:aording1yvhc they in Ar Iafl? ,, Abeingaomfciovus to themfclvcs ,, that &bx:ir~~wwrk~Went rm": on, fame '?0!&£rfie}uAm:n and .Hireii:agr , »of ‘his Neig/aéowr: , and will ham: thfiln 4;: together, firmmr:,A thathia workc may be the-!%e;tte"r%aAnd:-th efimmr done. Hereupon, they move thtA:itAzMafln'~ in rhfipaynt , and deqlarg unto him, that if cal! in any of his Neigb£aur:«to'thc Awork, itvvould éraed £1? 51434 ; He mufi looks to bavc hishoufc vc~....; ry much difiordarm’, and his.Ago%oda amémjl,-l'ai , Afi':3‘A”r+noz:r:A of his Sfifvants ‘H0314 takc charge of:Athe?m,norA%cam/dz So nzanyflz-gag; A gr: comming in and our, thatit was i-mpoffible. ha /14mf}g,~, A who was {hrs to have the warfl of ic,if any thing were /afl is [eafily "perAfwadcd.hcrcunto,not having indeed the lesfl Ikzmg/5t or Imnginattou of any finch I/sing : but ( being a man cw Ta Amucih gemtlcncffc and mccknefie ., as to letrhis ~07/rain: Servants, fikc 'thAcir mm times and Waycs) ‘ .andA2wr»é¢ tagéther, wigh big, A ef his ownc free accordg he ‘ 3* ,m2dm*:As7% AW M '~.§malH1is beixzg. A .19 and an 1125: De£la:mtia;z_, aozzcemémg 6:3 Refalmima ragga £;,m Ir&§anc3gwi3%iré 12: alfa ‘7’?‘i?itEd_., be mil: God to zvitneflé, tkrflficeu 5. wk} oflawés Pregfe/]’?am: téara Mada, with At/at} afl‘mru:mc:.% %. % That His Niéfcit wiil ifiéver Cc;~:‘afE:1z**z*t, umon whar fiarastan Y |\ . . , ce 4 foever to a T<;3'im5aEion of the P0pi{h'rPr0h:‘f{ic:2n thflféfig or to the fiboliriun mfthc Lawes now in force againft Popifl1%Recufams% . iufthat Kizzgdame. %Wlmt1cmZd bx} Maicflj lwzxefmkl more to/Gutéfigmir Pc~'ap!¢ 9' Naw, compare 9255 Aa°Zion:,whi1l: 172} )D%¢rl4r4tiTom ; and c"ompar¢- 112:3 L:t£er1%t,o the figiecnc, Aivif/9 13:21 Pramzfi and ‘Y’rotV%efz’:eiia;¢.r . to the Parliament , crmdjou wiflfa} ,, Qgantfim mu tacus P },7a;;3;a‘_ mgcé 533- /9155 ./lrfxzieflj cbamged. 1!!!!/J.;t.?‘we/Mwe“/9ezgrd;reozal,wa ma} divide into témea par¢;rLg V 7‘/.2efirfl,.commim:: %tbc%L¢ttcm3 ‘Z’rapafi:z'an.r, rawd’ Tra-nfkfiiowp cquaerning frelmm’. M . h ’ T/aejécand, the Letf%er.:_,*%»i~t/a:;,§.)_{_t2*rue‘to‘« the King,.A V A Tkatfzitd, Lcztemfrom 1%.)! King unto the Qteanc; 555%,. .» _ % V e/fuimadiverfianr. % ' % % Here are thtjcc charge: by M. Brmame», wherein His particumrs more, Iaid to His&Majefii¢g. ,«, primate L6 tiers, are made % I tocrofl7: andconctadifl HIS” Pwéliqm Pr0te{V}ari0ns.%, Achac fa with more colour, thcymay afpcrfe bimV +L¢wifgy, F4.//éaad_,and breach of Fairly; by uafl3,:,__ thcyhopc‘ to malgc him as izriie, in ail Hia }’:apl_ugyc,s, wjzh the finnrz M‘ which :4]; wickydw 653 . Him‘ .=- rm ‘5"His own 65/?in¢it& Gaahdmflné’ , hath made him clbedpyv in zlhéeirlr _ “The firfl isi, concerning His ~mnk§'ng Warn A againfl the hPar:}ia- mentg, The Iecond Iv‘, erazzuwrmng tla: Alteration affieligian; and the third? §s,cc.:11g:crnir.~g His Altemziog afL;awe:;Aga1nflthe{E: V three, they prroduce Hzs ‘Prareflatiam A and Bramife: , which; * may would have aha World bclicveh,He,%c1m:h fo direrftl y chick; J by His private mdeawmrshand praétifes; as ifhe cflcemed no ‘ A. more of what H6 promifzd,“ than that e/¥£'g}ptian’hKing,whotn‘ 1! thsey nickmxncd Dc/To, that is to fay, @4160, becauféz he would ~fDz'o;I. smu.’ pr-omifé any thingwhich men asked ofhim, and would be as fun':, tmvcr t0‘fi€rfirme any thing unto them , which he had promifed. V A g M A ._ “A ‘ M V Concerning the M’: of thcfe,’ His“ ‘making Warre aga‘inPc the Parhamcnt, ( which is fuck a r/arid-«hare piece of malice, that; as it newer had any TT%”tbfi %h'fo‘now,~ in bath worne away the: «.vc~:ry Sem~e}'I'hey prflfe theft: words of His Dealar-at£on,which they conx.;'civ«~: cxprcfly tnakasagainfl it , ‘wherein the hKinjg ; docs Mus‘: thé,‘ Wor'¥d, that ‘Ha-«lmth myhmarc tbaug/it of making h«:~Wm-re againflt/ya hParliammr, then, againfi H15‘ own ['/dilafrun; A ..ane73, témtbc /mt/:1 mat, nnr”~f54l!hnatl:§'z/e 3 any t/aauglat of ufiézg af .rm}‘*.F'orw_; uE1!‘¢{§t;? N‘: H1511 bf Jriwchh M ii , for ht/aeflrmritj of/at} h Terfbn; mztdfar the d¢fi'ncahoftbe*Relig”im;h which Words trul ‘ , d(;.r".‘.‘ rscmdemnc hthr: King to m y thinking , fufi: as Pi/me did .;(,f,‘/nrz_'fl,h name! 32, by waflving oflazk A/mud; ;“7 For, can an y thing be =.hp‘§ainc:r;,. thcin that, as*;hu£?;=: tesirhma of Ampiiatium, Walymwmt, nqrfiailnwtémwe, 4gyh;ba:£:gf.It,~h<>f izlfimg af«a‘rzy Farce, dot: calm; Ah pmhemiin‘tB*cm1',hahfM5m4!lZ pmfc ifimfi“, A thahhc=tht;*;*KiVhng wilfi’ n-of hwagfi Warrc agaisfiflz the PaY}i~33iI’I1§H't; fmfihofb W6!“-.?£§ of Lixhhitaa Eiflfl and cx‘ception,hmhlcfl'c hwefémll ire drim-nh to it gjror tbeflwud . mix] awfam ~P‘erflsmg dochcot'n:am~*in% them; a@z»%£rtu;=zI!~<~pjbha gffizflionhhaiw %V;%m,h t;ha;r Hg aaé£fl?a_wArxd. thm's£c)‘*t'~e:;“*’Wh«:;:z3 M. >*3g¢mmh‘, Will Cicjxt-A demnar: the1King, for maekgfmg Warra flagami-{the Pariwiamcnt, has hdaingcontrary%mV*Hiaéxpifefle: Dec/drutimg hdtudhh will take no ‘ anatmtgof that ?:Cwfi::ofRe/Ervatiorg ahzmchstczd thhcreto, ‘ (whicbgash icjxprdflyh iuflifics sxlhrhatixrhhss King hat:h_d‘onc.h) Has: faics fio 3 more, in :'rutb,aguinfl hthflgjaflgh ;* then the Wclch-man A did 4; h h . A , .5 z~h A. h h ‘gainfl ( 34A)" gmzfg gig; Imfige. who cnyed outupon him, For puttinghim (En Adgach forficalinga R0pe,but1§ftOutthc‘M4r§. . . % Conccmingche fccond, His Alteration 429’ Religion, they» produce Vtheic words out of another of the Kings Decla- W fatigngg if/‘gd;.fl2.d:alc with Me: and /¥r%{inar, M /Wyvthaufigbtx mt ‘A % #2.-2 c'ammm:zdufCa/one/I Fits+WAi,lliama:4 The warm” I/Mfr/at in tmtian.r.%art uprig/at,_far tbe,maz'nt:nanv& oftbe rm: ‘I’rat¢sffptn:*~: R_elig£an: and rhoit words in His ‘;D-eclaratioflg couccrnwmgw His going into Ireland: ThatHi: Jfajcfljzvfi/Z never canfimt, ttpam ;)rbatprct:{1pefae'v:r,A to .4 Taleratian nf Atlye Pepi/bprofcflfarzw H Wrbcr-e, or :12; Aéafitiax of-tic: Laws, nomin fare: againfiY£?eca_mA flint: in that Kingdama: AAnd_t‘hcn,AC.onccrning.the third, than» i‘, His e/flterdrian of_tl.ve Lgmm; ch: words of another Dcclaq mtianafc remcmbred a7r.Ld“cafl; in His teeth ; wherein He pro. fqffes, 'I'_ha‘c H: I2.r¢-fivlmd not only aim’; ro~oi_/‘err:/22 t/ac’ .L_ttWc'.f"- % I-Iimfirgfe, best to maintain t£2cm% agqinfi what; oppqfitianfo:vcr;; fhaflgb -might/,1: of/3!'a.5cing-.A HOW, hOW Kjng hath been to both thcfefizlmm Proféflions, by H15 fl-cxeg. jgt;a,6’¢ifc.-2,, lent-Iis Lc,tcc,rs and M. lirnnzzw: declare 3' :'*'% % n~ .. bi 6‘p‘ficer7‘1;15g'j[C]afld’j0U have heard the Pvflopofltioux madwaw the ,21_:lanc,far fie-ndinggixta I/:12: K in‘g'daru%e,da'1J:r;/2* I‘ri{h Reéaflx, .. under zém-command of two profifed P4piflJA;.fixAT/aouflznd of I/;em.m;-ra ta £2: xndcxtbe cam-wand-aftéia Lard GIarnorga11,t£w.' .Egrl; %.of,kWorceflers eldcfl Sa2;;..t/ya otbtr oftm T/1aa¢fl¢mi,x4ndc:m~~% aware totem»: upofi, wcx: read; to you in.tb:"73rapafitian_r ;';rb;'¢*£1(: %, ?l7_.d'7I1fé4"t!6’1 fiat to the A,,Q_.3wena. 270.3 zvi/I not t6i”k‘e'.’j t/J4-t theft‘ came to mdintatflt/1d.L423761.,45t£t ta dc;/Ira} them 3 rfawa maim A A mirufltbe ‘Prozqffant Re/tgiafi, 514': ta'a,mrt/.:raw~it; The/Q Pro ma. firiom écingfint ta tbe f2_{t:ene,;4nd» allumed «Her; Ami .5‘/aw, fi'#tr:9cmtark¢King- vi « A M A V Far,t/9eALettm' com°emingIrc1and,tbé]~ azwrewrittcn 6 we _IC_mg, to 1/75. ,E4r[: of Ormond , who i: am A. inflame aftgévem Letters, the Kinggivc: may to I/aé finflzcnding of Iieuminss _L‘.“": W/Wawa M-46? » A A -W jfiwa gowcrnar At/dart; ‘V “of %P4r}/f41Ivtjcfm.'A, in the temfi A res ) j jeareeffirénry thheflewenth; Item; added’ P‘oyni'ngs L‘£'nv,h A emufe Se‘:-‘Edward Poynings wee Governor afjrelemd, when than V V59 vraelehin EngZ.'4t,tJ,offerc‘e in Ireland; mm’ the » K {reg may eat-ave-fl’ [ufiend all the Letwe: there :5 that Lem. Bfthat L2:-we afPoyn.... Let)!’ me; made-‘. That Law, made all Statutee, thattnvere hefere ings, (H £3!-we: t/Mt wereefier to fheprefented at-the Farliawehe A in Ireland, mnfl hefeht hitherfvr etpprohétim, e5efbr;- we} . L eeeelelheprefented to the Parliament there; twine Parliament Amtvfl he 5'4/Jed therghefiaife the e.ue_/is of “ calling the P4rle'amem',' “ and the Afieete he p he that Parliament, ezrefiht hither e and ezpproved. 3;e;ze that Lem new ,* met]? :§efu:'}ene{ed.~ Fear:/eeree :5”? Letter: to the Lérei of Ovmond,-yoflfiwthe IC7ing_doth mat came: it A hard Bargeinee; for to make A Law in t Ireland, tafnijfiend, er toettake emm} the Fermi! Lemre.r, eegainfl " Peipnflx there, hthkuthej will help Him here agwinfl; Ht}-I_’ree¢..~, e.f?eteet 5‘uhje,E?“}. When their promifle wet: -emtfeie , the Deelnmtim L my: net rememhred, wherein the K sing doth declare, that upoti no pretence whatfocver, he will Tolerate the Popiih profcffion in Ireland, or Abolifh the Lawes againfl Popilh Recufants, now in Forcetthere. Ht fart/Jerfaithe in unethee: Letter to my * Lied of Orinonde, that rather theme!-Ie will fa“i1e of making a A A Peace or a Cifffitionewith the Kebells, He would have him en-~ e A gage himfelfe to joynewirh the Rebells againfl the Sco1:s,andr T the Lord fhcheqnin, which is the maine vifibIcProtcRanr For--' A Aces that are in‘Ircla'nde: 4/lthie £3 exjeyneei to he kepefi-eret,fremr V “4l1httt~twa*or th‘r*'ee oftheehiefefl Rhehel: in )7-teheznd , whemyauf e henrd emuedih the Leeem. Tau me} fertt/we ohfirvee that 4* ‘ 4 Peace mu Treated of with the hR?ehe1l:7,'; etheem the fame time,‘ that the King did Trent with the fIfl1‘flIMd’nf' here” caneerningv " If-eland; and the Kin ayi/heei '4 quick“ difpeztch of the Peace there, V leg/I Hefioxeld (em 4 .4 ‘Feet: herje” He eeuld net jhrwfilvh‘ ' Feiva’ttr to the Irtfle; "are He intended: hThe} are the Word: A qfHtIt' letter. Tm ma} fee hjafl the‘Létter:- to M}. Lam‘ af'O‘rl‘n0nd, ~ that the Kingelil little Weber any ththgdo gremt to the-Rah:/I1’ % fer ttt‘Pe¢gce%)vith‘h th/re); ‘hm h‘ewli'ttle Hrgremted t0 the Parlia- ment af England at the’el.‘e/fhhTeeae;e, Ihapeeetaflf/M~~hW0'14 W175‘ \‘ /We 1<.v4W§z' e A V B ;“3._.;‘ u ' I h Aeiifldehélért.--.M “(:6 3 A _ %Az:£m.ad'zierJ/iaMiz.rA.: % zfieg-c.gm:% two principalltffiings offcsred by way ofprddfe, of that Kings ow fie Papers concerning the Tranfafiion of is- fairea in Ireland, -to c0nv’incc%th%c: King of Furl/Féaod, and éramffi ‘ ofFaiM,in tWAo~fT9%rm:r Prafeflionsw IT ht: fitfiis, Where be pro; % [ mifeth my Lord of Grmand , that He wi1“} fwfiend ‘Pajwings ,,Lzzw, which they 13.: y, creffes and coritradisflts his Salfimne Pro-s teflation 0f]maintm'n£ng the Lawex, gaggazinfl what oppa’/£:ia;z'fl9e~g ,.~m*r,a though, ‘mi?/a I/as hazard ofkia being}. And the {mend is, 1,-hache pmpuférhuntc) him %..V T6: tdfing .¢zw.<—z"yof mi’ Wcnafi Lam.-.c made. azgminfl Remflmt: in Ireland: Vwhich, they {:1 y,“ is‘ poym..b1ank:: agaiufl his oWne%Decl.4mriou9 which hc7Print¢:d; when he hada refoiutim to gm: ova: inm‘Ii~a/and, wherein he docsAa:fi"ure a11hisASubjI3&s , That: He W«i‘i1:4e'£I¢7' CMfi'm‘¢ 11,04» .w.égzr pret.e:¢cefomzer 3,‘ L foam Ta1¢WMiw¢af% Vt/at 1?ap;i//2 Pfafiflarg Mare, 07' t/ms-"”;x1&olirion4 aftfie L‘a§)V6:.im2}?9'winj€2avr¢e,.J flgaipfl Tupi‘/& » fl;Rc§?¢.5t_5_fo?t;z3tJg in that I(_in(gdoAm;:.%.. V ' * , _;Andtr_u1y,thc mama EngineofVthcirdVctra:_§“tion-andCalum-2 Enyi‘, ,_mu,vcs ixpomhefctwo :Hir;gf-: ; has two pzarticular A_,I7;5pe,q_;}_zpé;c#t_:, help afihdf?urthcral%1,~£he;»drc[t ,-:tmp1»¢ ~fwa11ow,-,’T hcjiiing wcfito bccondemrscd indccrd :y rm miky, 49 a mum Falfavto his oézditiqm V, but am ing falflé unto his ~ Vrnrm-A ": % 1,=F01‘} amongfl‘ an th0fc‘VF!a3af:r3{,. thai;Va:Mffc;,* Vcr§}I;,cimcA ;£.~?.vgu.~;,/3, rcvived. haw:y be“t=.r’1%:;V»mfan%fp1antedQnitfiqf .£eu‘»‘t%”1;:,-‘Art, flajglax A fiit%Q_:%%%thc Eaglgfi N Crowns, there is“Tcai*cc any"dn¢; 'that4»i21i:{Pera%tcsv thaéenuzyof he!‘ Majé/?y,with more vigorous andffcfl1er%VColatx}*:;th€‘%n ,1:his% % Jvcry L4w.A .B=2c:aufé:, éhat Abwythis, W gnaw riaonc ;h“im-{ fa mgzch; as T his , is thc*S#lr‘ardinatz'a;¢ and‘Depand¢znz-e ., w%’éi53 Ireland, sham upan1r1:£s‘»Kingdi§m¢ cfiabiiihébi" am: ificfélm/$5» gghar gm Em: A (gm “T5~“ar firfl, ThJi§Luw.,; trani‘purt[ccI whale Calaiziex of othef biihwes : 50 that , all the_ bmuc:h,'for an Abafémcnt 4‘ of the Snéjaflfi-‘Libertgr, asfor an Aliay, buntathc .S‘zipe.”riox4r’a- =‘ Power: : ifflputtht ‘Dgpm-iexbin mind, Gill, tha”’tth-$i1‘7Auth0- A rizy was not Afifiplute; And truly; if theKing bad prdmifed ta ‘ fmjfiend this partof that Law ,“ (although it was fomewhat: anu A " likcIy,thar: thofc of In-la'm!, would put any thinbg,“Whibch con; cc-':rn‘d the Supariaur: Advantage, into the} Su6jcfl;*Sca1e) "The K"i11ghad not doncwell ; for; as in making the piélzurc of 3 Crowne, there is more Art ufed to paint it in Cwahrq. 7 fo that it’fl1a111ookl4'k§?bGo1d, then to painfitbsf i!1P#W’ G016’. itgdccd : ~ V A So,in making Lievutcmnw which arc. but fCofltrtt¢"9Vrf:4it;r‘of Kings; ~ there is more Policy , M to embellifh ‘~ them with the flmdowes ~ andfi-mélancex of Rdya1ty.th7en with thebRea1Ij]m-fies.‘ “ ‘ % Buntbc mg pmmifes neither t‘.hi9B,t)0I‘" that; as the words bf Letter. XVI; A his Later piaizily‘ dacdcclarc; and thctmth of the whole mat- ‘. btcr, is but briefly this; A Peace in lrfflflfidp was zzoW;ig1“ agi’tati~§- _ _on, when the King wrote the-fa Imrers tomy. Lard of 02-. b ‘ mmml\:?a4nd tbmucccflitbies c>fél1cKingsA££1ires , pamédfcfir all, quick dikfm-latbcrci'n ; That difpagchgbe King apptchéndgdb, ~ asit: was indecdgaltogetbcr Impbofliéleg #149 eycryparcjcular 3111“, -A . ‘VV‘ A ‘ K upon S awe ..fm3on.e§?ery particular cmergcnthoccafibn} which mfighthhfaéma-' tare and expedite. that work, xnufi firfi be {cut hither, and then ~Ienthacktagain,wirh the King’: /Ipprvéatiofi CO 5?: bfifflm CW1‘-’ V Mi; could pafle in Parliament, ( has the letter of that .La»w re-- ,quires») the_paHZ~.g.e being fo ohfirufled as it wa.s;and the waycs Io dangerous. And therefore theliing, «in favour of thofe af-— 1. fai;~es,chc quick tranfaétion whereof,-~fo neetely concerned the good of both his.Kz1ngdomcs,.promifcd'my L01'd"0_”77"’”da 19 take no advantage againfi him» t bx 9°~’:*J’m”g5 Law a If h‘: P3fl:€d fuchBilIs . as might promote thas hufincfle , .~w§tbam,fiug’mg wéem over 147230 /aim : provided, h?“4P3fl}?'-‘d &10€hmgf_h3tmIgh€ beprcit1d§ciaH::o.;the fllfttj of H14 7"‘0’€fi"”'f S“é1‘&‘: 3175! the prefervatian of own: Rajtw/1’ e/ffitborttj; And , this j,,,,.m-,,[,,,.- mfpcnfion 5 of this partzcftfar Branch, 0fTa]nzugx Law, limited to this particular Txme, and_ro be no farther extended ; doe the Rebels aggravateand heighten to a Sufi- penfian of all Poyningw his «Law: ;yea,, and of a}_1 the .L.mw, that were ever there made befides :5 8| if th€rKlng pl1l*p08’dv, to dcfiroy them all, at one blgw, and without any more adocaz wichotxt any the leaItr.ega:d_had to His 3Q1€m.nCx‘.Dwltmt-io;g, A and ‘Proméfi-Aor~th ct~tm.¢£ntain3ag fheredfi 7 V ‘But at is this 3 h Eraflfng and fontrndifiing OffhE'KingS'OWflC .7WOI'dS in his Declaration, where he promi {es to maintain: rim Lame: agazinfl w/Mt oppaflfion fixer/er , tbaagb with t/Ja bamréi nflazk being .3 ;I.,cananczt think it. For,.I asktz but this gt Of what » kind of Lm.-x, will a rcafonahlctman contseivc, that ‘His Ma- jcfly there fpcakes-? -queftionleife , not of thofe, which cons- ‘ccrnc Hit mm: Royall Stare, Perfém. or Dignit], ~( notwith- flanding, thofe areas true and as neccfléry L.me:,. as any othcr) bccau{'c,I it isnot imaginable , that the :Peoplc flaould 'fi1fpcc.‘t:,' that He would nammintaine aims: : But, offthofg: Lmum wehich concern: the Subiefis 1"nrereji‘,tRi‘g/yr, and P-rapegy 3 has being A moi! lyablc to their fufpition, that the.King, by; his ‘Trcraga- Jive, or by fomewn-ialepr and mm.4mr4l1»Comfc..or other, might” gentrench too much upon them. Now, what caLour‘o‘f;Cmtm. fdifliax, or Fazlfiiood, is there in this Inference 5 T,hc~King, by V V ggfzcajzd Tramifé , mgdertakcth 10 diiilcncc with atrigoroui -sfiffiflfilé ‘ .. _. > , W ~ 1 V " ‘ ‘ ' A *5c§rcum‘fl3:aFée of aim law , whichonly dimini'fl1cs anEI mVfrm3 rates a Httle, the Grkmciaxtr and Hanmr ofhis awm-A Rojuezll Ferw fim, am"! D::g:az‘ty 3» thmsgfore the King breaks hisfir.fi‘*From:)’£¥, 1 % of*mfl5xt¢fl'.m'fig the Lmamr figflififl w.;’asz‘t oppafitianfawer, which % only concerrsc His Subjafis 1:~:t:re.é'1‘,their Liéerz.£:%:, axfid their A 4 % Prapertj. Thcreés nothing plainer, thenthat Eio1:hthefeproa- mifea, may well comm’: together , without clafhing. Bur.,if the Lyon fay, that the Foxes eczrcgfs, arc /mrnes; The Faxé hath Mmbre wit then togaingfij it : And, if thc Rebels at Weflmiga flea”, fay, that tbei?iigne of St L«.mrmm-pa'ralc11’d gridt'ro;¢;, is the figmé: abf 3‘ Peter”: Croflh K3)” ; the Citizens of Lmdan, " have £70 Eittle Wiz:,as nofto disbeicivc it. But anyman of came- mora feznec, may nuw eafily diPcin\guifl1 between the F437;“ ;.6o.»2rd, and the V2’:-.ard, and make: him mir th%with 2/Mt,‘ in bi; % owns /mndn which afl'rightc\d»hirn, %buta1ittIc before, updn . aimthers Face. % % % M In that what Impeachme-ms of A6011’/Hug the Laws: made dgrcinff Re.m_.,;fm'tJ 2'74 %Ire1éma',%no:withfland‘ing Hiaformcr ‘Pro-‘A fifliam, rim: E-Is: would nawr doc it ; I CQnfefl‘€,thcrcisf0mc- thing which hath ::hewlom~ and complexiem of a Crime , at: thr:-A firfi ISM/75, and at a air‘ mace ; 4 and thcircforc, 1 {ball defire leave, to come a Eéwie wearer wit, and tolook be tter upon it , in the diiiquéfimn of rhefikg cnfuing parfickzlarq and pieces; which cer-V» tainiyg, cannot but diférovcr ii’, if there: be any thingfiruly Cri» ~ mimfl, *—..vithm ii‘. Firfi, we will confider, whetherflthe Aéoli..~ tin» of theft: I..me.r made againflllecufixnta, be izmfelfa, a thingthatimnjzg/i; Secondiy,‘we: fl1a1Icifi10=n ,* .whzch in the very mrmm at‘-~f” this Thing, .W€r:.:= inrrinfim/‘J’; vitiom or eviii {anti {itch an 0.. mi miseisg may be , to mf‘uf§‘.?f:0 ‘W““J7’5P ‘§I_‘5f”%; 3733? 5 $0 Fiffufg’ to m.,,,. 13;}, himfiafggcgt :,25,;+:‘.4,_mr 2/:¢2t.3E3'2.*nfi€i‘5 w1!s_ hardly ref: _m'§.»m 2f.:.),$:;% A yetwv<:=u3;:1 it nazfbrzaxghr v.:=:=. .€‘«:,»§1m.xf , Tm: §;ecaui<-wtis that :,,;ff:':5l§3£§Csl1:’S§U; that i«:§m’3, §}1n:=;zkf§ be p#m'J3M’a 5thcrcfm*e {he-" gflpfggfgggfi M;;%gg;i§h‘;atci¢s z::?;jz:_(§*,:“¥‘::e3t ififlifis 13.0 puwéflfézext ?;z%po;3@ *g‘§-“mp, BfiCa’L:.§{fE*", w.=:: are :13 E<:=::u:;w;r%,% v[th*at f:»%;z2j?z'ce., does no: a1?-= . m;a}7{fg f};{§I;_;.W {E73 590? 5“ GfM.’I'23K gfiffl. E02"; .35 7 ‘ dams mt fbiluxvg that, Emécwfrx 3 Priszcrs lééerm’, if he give a % Penfizm cf a tiueufaxzdggmaz par a2'r22:m:w-3 tea ans, that IS a well &¢fi3;~-vgggg Servant , éfézvisz §'}as?d5»“; Tfifirszforc, E‘1e§.~3j’27&zra':':z7A»ar:d ' :i1’Z»z'éww2,éE he give him not a fiafiqzayg Sc, xmizher £3 ii: perpmuw aliy cram‘, "War, that z»{«é'mg,~wE;ic*h%§s v5:r3= dc2z:=c,VCannoa be,ba2«t¢¢:a§-.mflzj:,1<:t alone as; w&yfce,§a»r.he caicof Bimsjfié-e:¢ay: wwfiiaiwzth thf Iiiiag migzhzvizgfizy pmaiflw wi‘‘th=‘dcach , if-hci1';‘oLa%Icl<7; * n*:ak4.: aV%§.aur:a=ga§nfi it; aszm peopleof zfiwl di-::3.: andyec, w*~:éVdue nutfaygfle ia z¢m¢fl;b:?cauf:» dwes not doeit. A sopar- Epifl» mi jfltxrvzetx % V Biztg if}? of Commatmian »w§zh‘rhe~Church G? Erzg/mad, pmm-;vbur1an~0mzfidnof the feccmd {in-r~,% tbafiifis an Omiflion of a thing, which hath zmthirsg of Em‘/fin 1:; further than .E‘.¢::a:;°* zermafl d€fl_9mi”flt£0fl'5 as hr:-fing {hf Rafi!!! of fame po firivwe Law omthcr, Jthfgtdoes commm-zdir; Then, .ccrrainIy; the fémef"% pnwcr that emat‘-Fed, may 4501:’/5 it :# ‘perpatfiitf, nmib4e%g'n‘g any: whit e2’{ImtiaH Lo 1any?;p0firivc.A%La.w, to worm):-w'it unto thcenéfi ' but Pawer, that z't»1na y be {'cvereIy% kept, and may roach thofd? £~'t1d:.r,fm“ which it is ‘coiatiimad. % A nd therefore, th&veryPAhi‘~A%; 1ofophcps,%by the light of reafon Cmzfdobférrve, thacnqrhing. the-in Pam/1LmwM%‘; Itb¢ing%tbea: ~ pr£v%£iedge (If all Au:/aari»:}v,iwbc:h%er D132-»m+,< 6”i»zrill,,‘.7”atarnaIl;%“" ~ v;.=as%¢;m%orc e%a_fi1}rh a’£sjv5im/aéle; ox‘-% Dr/fioticw/7 upon'%emergenr:Accc:afions=, imhmgs which are 1;¢a'z}j"7gr;s:¢;%;t0%%:nakc £.:2we:,andf'b by c:unfequcn4t,.fimm.:: wAiuh:. . out addingthe: }€aR:mtit}'t‘;fi>'t}i?I_fi‘thingfi t'hcm{c1Ives= , w%hic‘h>? ~ A cm*;rinucfiiI}; theflme,w;hcr.:her they be cammmded bnelWh+iI¢, VI Qimanuthfir ‘€v:hiAE~¢'%;*']‘é;r5¢’a’d£*hA. Ansdg that wflamgwnian wi.tlwJse~<‘ ~ - A A; * 7 V A A A 3 A VA C/atirris ?:»z;{2’*,‘~ % Q Efiglwzwf 9% inthe mmner df¢Gods47woz3]Z£p, it-,1 Ema‘ % A73 hA1ng,u3 MS owma Zvfastnrmnd éejiwe my Lxmwcommanding it \ ' 5. Indifarefitg. 1.vi%3 cafilv be madehappeare, by this: thag 3.3 i‘»nme’“ *~=r:Ferio.nsar<§ pxniflagzéia by Law , that dos: refnfi» it ( 333 in gar M pre{f3:V1t ::a1=::,. of iucil men who arc:?Rewf¢mtx :”) So, am gggigfig ' I pm‘{dn.~:-iJpMn2}fl5¢z6;’6 by Law , that«wfl: it‘-,7(as, in the cafia Qf pm--" % A wfons»e.:::cammwa2i.»mre 3'} which could nevcr c-t:rm§11!ybr:: aziom, A .. g if aha T Ewing it feiéis, wereizl its ownenature, 8225!]. ‘FM, the A A State nzight as W611 command a Anagw ,; to for fzreare hi.m{g1f¢ three: or fI;,~ure,a’ayes togatfier, or to £'0mmAz't fldfilter], tlweeor Afour&nz'g;"grs~tngeth:r, by way ofpumiflvmemt‘, far fame precA.e.- «ding S'£nm=; as, to command him, not to Cammmaimte wit/9,_t«be * C bmzrwézvvaf E 7~2‘g1a'FM[ , in her%pw6Z£qa¢e warfiip, ifthis Mt cammgt. «wimtimgfiad that .Entrimfi~m!!p:tm:2r}“roeted in the very mum,- 1-02‘ am.‘ Thi‘{Kg_, which , that Forfwmring 5 and cammittfing of ~ ..zMz:lt.w»y, arc acknowledged to have in them. A ~ .Bm t?A:m:~fcL2:vJes , Awhi%chi:1Athem{civcs are Ammawe %,% and Afubiefit tit: aa£v0fé2A£an, witVhm1tthe:lcaPc Iujafliae , ‘ (whether we ~fpc:~:.»zk of fifxat whéch ismmjufiimzature , orof that, which! isiin rim‘ 3 may x1cac\>%;7i;%x{$iaaAV;a'£iz2g ?3 efiher to 3. Tof.met£M ofjtha Catéaliqm Religia»; var had gi... A W2‘: Way to {EEG /&‘é3e#z'tx'o2=:% of 5/30]: 1Lmms‘.r than M fare: againfi Rwmfimts, upon any Tcarmes wfiaatfecver, which the Wm of anah camld imagine‘ be moi‘: H0murab‘§t=" , or A Advan:agcnu":,% cam» E0 him at :0 Eraie; Kfizvragiozneg be had‘ dame, not only aha: w‘£mic%'z is :2mjA.~::ji‘, 3:24;}: thamrézich is impafl?5%Ze% ( as 'c‘me I.awycrs aft: Arc: b€Caa1§E',e:3‘dam efi 5mp0fi?5A£7X_:im fnerrés cév N.a.>:;ame.-L F. cmum-’ T.iTm "Mimi: §s§mp«::»1'IibEcby£aw,is as fame from being dcine, % t‘F:a«:=.:At L.»;3wf§££§::7 fidoneg as that Wrzich is impoffibic, by Mum; E fimding:Fhr:%¢awdiziarz ohms pmmiifc , which is the/326... % .s'~?mm:.e o§ir,,:«md £?za,a;:ding xha v£ra'am,<:J£?a2scc:%%of Tirngs, Pi;';’rf{)n3,= Piasmf, am {bah iikc, which az~::j”s».¢éfir~z:ie%;«x umo4 it; The King I could newt aloe fit. Ana? z§aerefioz*e in the third piact, it A173 high time we flmafld leaks, whether this Promifc of mar m%z,«y/a;,~«.g. zimfe Lmw:.m0w% to them, doe not bind, and rye up that ozhcrzr 4Piromi-{'6 to aéa/if» mm, which ha fimce made am my Lmdof Grmomi; as b£°ing§m21poJ{,’?We to br:Apc-rfor med by h§m%,».without? m»:r,;%czazzm, Md 211$ breach of his former Pmmife ; Whichuis A as iaézpajfiélc cofwflice. ~ % % ~ ~ %~ AA % A A ‘Now, :hatrhr:inEuenccof'this fir]? p+r'z.vmifcg upon the fii-4 rbmlproméfc is not fmzbgas renders thatfccond pmmiif’e,ci- ‘thew éwmpojfiélg "orgwhich is as bad, zmj'»:fi', it may be rhefé two fevcrafl 'waies dezn%g%n{h'ated . Ffirft, by way 0? Asmé/ailagian and 'ar0id}'z¢g of thc firfi promifci; and fccondiy, by Appliutian . A of shat Erik promife made in Gem-‘M/Z, to fuch fa vcrafi partima ‘” :!s>i‘rr, mi{£=:;and yet, not begivjq/F} The one is. by d.:fi:v££A4ofAa Cwzditian ,§;Vit§1cm£ V»’h‘iCh, the partypmmifing A conrraéfs no aéligatian. and§1it3wz'a*4{d,thcy rfiferrc tEm'ca§e; A Wlfrke at/1¢'rp4rt},Afi?fi-,“da}9i¢0t fegéep b£m»ard; For, Azhe.AFe.vera1l A W branch.-:3 cfbnedand the fams: c7anzr~aEE," %i:3AAth”c{avéralIA par- *tit:s, at“e butby rife way ofa Céhdftian; as ifithad beézn FnrméI~ M ly thus ¢?xprcfl‘cd;T/942: Ipromif: to doe, ifhe wi!!a;’a;: rlm't.And :f0,tVhi8 ‘Pramifi oftbc Kings, 1513 t‘ be 247431/er“ Aztvorala’ ca;:.2/Zint tat/we »A£olitia“:¢qf_t/2a.Law:1nmdeiix Jr£[4k?tf—dgginfl R:cu[rmJtk:;_. ci- « A A (-44- “the? fithad rm Comiitinza at 2:33, (and than the K311‘;-gcozzrrafls 23:5 aélzgatiofithcrebyg mr.,isbound to lmepir) or, it was inade, ‘ omhis 'CoMaf‘it?e?I;9,tnE1at His tWO_ HcfaL1i£s,%wmi6ffiv/i confejzzt, M :3/2£rHia prcfent %£x,v%editz'm for Iralmwi, and’ put the is/Iaynnagirzg 7an<:i Trui’: of thofe affizires , inm Hm ha::r.ds: : In whi:.:h;C‘wm’i» ;_ 3;”, may breaking fig-Pg, on zéeir parts ,:bavc 1eft%%%Him unob- % ligcdon~ Theother way i3 5 by compa:»2j2zrz‘em 5% and them, they tclius, .tba2,zha1: which-We have pwi1fxi{&*d,WC may Law» fuliy nut’ performe, and YEP; not be rcck0r:c:*d4w}sxr:;'sr}?: when that which we promiic-3, andperfarm: nor, is; but 42:? équail worthifi i_ put into aha: €€caI€:j._§, withfomc other timing of Ours, which 2.311.. % .~§a:{‘tiy is derainrsd {mm us, and reflafd wt... And,f0._,,if the Kfing flhould be-cake this am pr0mifc,Aw.b§ch he made to them, year A Aware he not xazsjw/fgbecaufc he wmrld fiiii‘ be behind hand w ith lthizm , For tbofi: z‘tc—w%teaol promifssss am? ?‘$?gfia¢xj£eal9%O:it}1€s,%ofifii-' A gdelity and Oéadéence, of S%éie"£££am-2;:1d fl’[lmgz}mc;g,WhiCh thcy V Jhax’eAgz;4t?f6;%?and,:r;.zo{eagaincf,t0=Him,,.az1ci yc‘;:t ha;v€.érak,e them AH. A A % ’ 1% 4;fT.hq {mend —way, to dc:mon£%rate,—t11at there mo Imjzsflm-, mt canmmgg¢a;am ir1}ih¢~f&:two promifes; is, I:«y .flpp!§carém of ' Qthat Hrfl: romififc,madein.% enermihro fuc:h5»f¢:veraE§e p:trzio°z¢z!:;é%3";r, . AP . A5 §whichAcou1d never 9-mfi:;»m!vZ}v be ..prefum"c_!,” tOfb3.‘i'v campmé'£v£_n« A _,ded and.aant,¢inmd' therein, Whfin the promifi: was x"1‘¢a*aL'%;«:-:. And to this purpofmobfcrveablcia t!'s3t%.ma3:imc in the fifiwifl. 3I.::».w;: A §£,_.obligat5o2:e-“ Promxflfa Ge2u¢rtlz3_m%on trpzlafixfmimd ea, ‘;avdfg£z¢e wetfgfmilitar pm- %_fiP;1;3 Pi£”- mittmx, _/z'iz¢% fl2;:.ci¢e.£ntaxrogatmfk:gj’7:;»g1miézim;-fl’ aéjigaflét, v;fiatA V A ,1 a ~ *‘istoféy;Nov.Gmaml1prdmife,¢ia to bcwd.raW..4a1e and extended auto theft: things; to whi%ch,%,%the pavty:p:ormé:%fizag,.in all likely- V hood, if H: had been thczLqL1e&.i9n”d in ~parts'cz:lpzr.conccr;;ing ' them, would never havc been aézzged; and wcapply it thus. The~King%,hawiugadcfire to Apafii-:-2 aver» inm Irdesasai, and 5:0 ..fupprefl"e theR ebcl1iox~3 there; whi1c%icwas young; and being willing alfo, to {atisfy both His Hm1fcs,‘that, Vin;:hewpurfi3&nccL “ {thereof , He would ufc %% no diflmnourabic ‘ans’: unwor;"thy gmeancs, makes this fo1emnciPrafefl}a22,rha: howw¢,vcrnV;¢ Re.- giébcflsin 1reland%x‘night%p1ffitend,th=:z‘ they talk only Frsr.Rq=[r'gi«rsn,“ % A find th_at,if they might his but _pé':rmitEcd'ch7ti1'Li1!»erg7 qfj (M. ( K403 A ’ f£*zQcQ:1az‘a',t‘i1»'}y\s\’0L.1TCz£m ha qufcz;yet,AHcwcmT1Md waiver mg/*aa:r;, aipcsn w/Mt prermiefbaezrem 19 :3 Talemtiem Mofztiae "]’apijE %- prafi-ff-f. % flan tlaeramr, Z56 .»fl:o!::,/Yaiszgof z‘l§a_%L»mw ‘new in f&rcm_gm“mfl ‘ A Q°apzf.v Recwfmmt: F572‘ zléfét '1(img.sla%w. This iathrz‘ gewera/1 Pro- A miiég and*fa..ma§2y%pmm-»z%1¢m‘, ix ma; 6: dramvna and applycd :. and I0 aaaany, it may :~wt.f To cimfc oz.‘2c}«§,(VVparticu3;‘ars,, 1”Aai‘th thfifl Laxv, may it be draja. ‘ma ; ‘E0 wiaichthc: A, RH: had been , V intgrrogaxcd pzmémlarefyconcerning them, wouid, in ali pm- A bfzbiiifg-° %1ave aéliglihéazsfeife , when He’: made that Pramifif; ‘- as #2:»? exampic. When the King made this ga,~erm2 Promife, that Hr: Kvfluidjzazzcr ccmfimt [ta mérogaté thczicci avgrgs; ifgh.-3‘ Etzrdsazud Cmmanoxas:,;i1adcomAe to thfiffi pm*{r'cx¢lm':_and faid; M Your Majtifty prmnifiza zzewr to Ca;g/?é:z:A to efihe Abofiition ofthe ~A htwcs agaitjefic Rficuihncs, upon my pretext?’ Wha.tfocw:':r; bur, A A will you ;1ntAconJ!”mttr; aéolzfl thaw, if you {hi-nl<,ysau‘havcgaaa! Rmfian .5’ Your Maja'&y% promifcs mvm to Confcntm itgwhilc A you are Here; But :9 ‘Wm you remember to perfbrme thaapmau mife , whcn you came Tégra ? AY¢3ur Maj'cPcy promifes never mgiw ConfTmt,Athat is, todoc=:'it, W5/lz‘mgl};A But,wi‘£1youn_ot A Afizffér your févifc, £3 t0'C0Am€ whhin the Rebels pmv an that you v muff be Vere’; todoc‘ , cnutytaf Neceflty .5’ ‘To thefe pArz£mlm—:',%j « ancimany more Eikcthefls-, becaufe it is very probable; the King; - would have aéligd Hixfnfislfczr, ( knowing the clean Intention: A of His Heart) whcn He‘ 1nadcAthis Marga’ Promifc ;% Thesrcu ' A fqrfi, ;11_isg¢ne%rn11 Promi{e,(fa§th rhé Lawjreachczh rhofc Para ‘ H xi;-aim; and i$Au¢ppl}'oz‘l'i: to them. Bzmhjcn , if the Lords an%d.+fi~ Commnns 5 “hearing this genera/I Prmnifc (If the K;§ng,s that, ‘ upon V 2zoApVete:4cc ~wha:fo¢xv¢r , ‘ Hc woL11dAa&m)’Z2 A1190/E L:2{m=.r,; had come to theft: particalarx, and faid; Yam: M."-.»j'e{7ty promifeq 'm+m3‘r'*io% Cmfi:a'2fta am Abolitioig cf tbofé ‘fennli Lama: , Canfée, Wu am conficicnt ; we wii1%aHit%y'=0tI5AVifirftducing t_h_f+f: Irrfls Rebcis by Fm‘e,iE-Pxire mc;-:am:,s , _wi1”im:-z,vdoe ;; iifimaz A mould R16:/lagaisztfyou, asvvcll, as%%%‘T/a¢y?%A%%;A wiIAly0uyb§: Izélie. g;r:lby%this Prmifi-, then? Ifwefhould drivrrc y0l1'tOthof3 £‘trciAgbf5s that: lmlcifc the Q3:/aa2's'c]r¢::of Ire«!m¢d.hcIpVyou,:Ihe: Ascbifmaricfl and $’7fomzz:/ix of WEug[a.;I72d, will 'Vdifp€iy}f: ycmof A war Rgw.c@nTg:,md“ypur Rqyoaltiwq Willtalsea away~~ymm«L;twm » W nay; 3‘ ('45) A my, would takeaway jy'o:.1r Life!’ will youbc a‘5/ggeél, this ' Pramifegtheng? To thfifs.-.' pnrtimlarffl} 31'I<_i 0€hers,)-zke cof rhcfll-:, becaufc his mart: than probable ,'thc Kmg would never ham: A @5123»; Himfclfér, being interrogated conccrningt%hem,A%% when 14¢ ma,d¢.chis gencrm? Pmznifci of :-:ar_ /Jéoifiirzg rlwfe Lazm-.r; Tvbcffifi-bra, that gemmll Prmmc of H13 extends nor, pliawe, faith the Law, ‘tee thcfc Partirazlasix. K % % . And fu,byCo;z£‘eqm=.nce, the King prc:«m1{i‘:'2g ta A591,»/zr/sap Lme:,up:$n fuch cntorccmcntsg. and {ac}: rea1"w3s,as Hc would mt‘-vet basic promiflzds N“ W A50/W7 tkfm 5 If Hr: had been 1101' is ap«-» moved p.r«zr£i6‘t¢/ptrfy thcrwnto; Docs nothing ivy thisfiwomz’, M % {hat ei{h(-_'-*1‘ 15, unjyfl, of canzrgdifis, that H18 firfl Pmsniile. So that when the King madcAthi:s ‘Praméfsn thelfiragdid remem-_ éer (though Mr Bromze is plea:-id to rhmke , that He dxd not) V ;,5,,«;; D%gcm»~.¢;;gpg,%wk%ermrz I-Im'az/2 declare, that He wzflmzt 460-A % 1,%¢b_¢- Lgwg;mgdaV4a‘gainfl Rawufa-mt: but‘ :hexKiz3gde;cs flat remmécr any thing m thgtf’D€€1fi?#3?1'0”o ti}atVrycs?Ham, wh He maynot mmbrit ; and,“ isflthough‘ mang fizn§1eACit£fw..ns are may of ibwezi-affaE?ed Ignerancc, t3'ratm;~:.=ycanrmt {ma this 3 ye%:, I hopc,_therc~may be fame, who may Iya umciczr thefuflzi ,:te‘on»of having fumA€%c0mm0l435:6*m'«I¢; .am{,I am fare, The} cam:-M M mot, burdiiik:e%r11ci1:-4‘ -‘M 1‘ Browwze. _ T/5: rzcxft are, the ,2w_;een.e}'lctter.rkta ti}: King; Mam, 9-0“ V ';pm_yfEe bar Aunwearied e-mica/z/wrr 5} Seat and Lazm{ra;m§fl.= Far» ,c£’.s' agaiwff I/ye Vlmélinment ti: deg/$260] inn Tmfi:-e,% Sir: mdfcéaih ?‘1’j4rTlra(22e:%gt £1 ¢:na5:d, S‘/as rt/lxfl z2m7m'ém. ‘in tké Head ofam arm}, .mm’mfi:~%~iHarfilfl: we Cjcmgmli/flma. A You mayfizefmvtber ire /93? letter: , htbe great‘ Intarcfl .S'_/dc’ 94:5; ix tbe‘K£:rg.r [’o~imce/Jr. No ”0fi‘1‘vce',cvr%‘]’£'.lr2cc*,c‘m: dzflvq/Ieai afwirb. V V out /mv. Tam mejfic Iver Z:it¢r,r,/war advigwcancarning Pe4u'e%.%%Ir¢ maégxg Fm:-e , ‘S’/74fvbd*zI%t/7 flzj»6e”K¥mg M‘: :%z>«;:;&m:dan t/safe that .i:mz»e%ferz:ad;“Him , ;forfiw2*¢ 2.‘/aa}%fi9rf.¢ke;" Him in $13 fiaéd : A .5‘/ac . expraflét/aw/tam 57/we m:m:w%r/1;; I‘/9: Big,/1652px," muéglt/ye paw’: Katha- 7 ~j _Jz'guex.‘ ‘She ml’?/ifs:/y -2753 [(533, far the /aémozwi cfG'od , AA tI7;§;%H¢$ jrztfl net‘ bim_/_£~{fe 2’):- 0ur izarziim. 5 % if‘ 1H6 gé‘&’ta% Lontldn, égflzr: ;% Tm fM]V , 149?», A V A VA ‘(flag 5 )1 M1? Letters; iaawaffiwe Ska :3" witla x;1-z3;;g,‘;;,v1;¢,,.,:,;;?,,c 64%) -% 3 f9r»%fi22dz':«“zgMawer 104900: mm. Tm may fi’6"5E'}' Advice mam; “ $¢:7?r:g rI'9.aI-r PM/immnt; S/En.’ fizz}/a , 7'£wzt;perpetM/I Tarliwmeht " émafl éedzkfzazded 3 The raj} Slaefhitfi , M‘//fiallow .~.- ["55 ](;,-,g aomvlgmdc ea ‘.2’-‘amfe witéaoztt NM!‘ 5 5 19¢‘ WI‘/1 MW France”, £19: faith, ~I_aa:mflzre, }a#%m.1warfqrcget ;l9e;fl:.pa'(fage-.:, A eflnimadvgrfians; A % Havingbcsan fomewhat over Iongjn thfefe "z1n£mddw:ffia;:§,“; .- which paiiupon the Seflhangoing before: I‘aAana‘fi1ayd;I~fl;aI[A ‘doe %by%thc:fe vfnimadwerflam: “upon this whichis next tmmA 3. 13;, as the Fcilow did A, by his Characffcr and Difcription oftbcf , great Cfmrcia , which he reported to be mmmile:Aat%A1ea{}inA I-lemgib , and when be perceived “thccompany were notvery J forward to be1e~iv<:»it;h¢2 vewedgthatnotwithflanding all that, it was not abmc two Imbex in‘ fireaaltlm, and fo tiuought that be A 1' had Wcllmendm’ his M4ftarV._ for, all that 1111311 fay, will be x V H .% noirhing but this : H6r<:1s=mucvhVof‘ Car: 5 in a "P1'omAand mofi; « flxemplarj Qgecnc; A Ahcrefis W nothing of Crime; And He that WillAr:hinkt* tbc1wor'£"c.oF‘TGaaa!‘Acowncall, bccaufc bi'sxW{fe4docz4 ” : g'1'vt:'it";% ‘Lm: fome othcr‘ana11thinkéa"tt:r of his«W§fc then He A ¢,-Jéfaex: and let Him net ée/mew it. , A A ‘ r ‘Mt’ V‘5Brawm'. T A A T1¢t7ae“lICing’5Lettar$ to thaflea-rze ,_A youz%im:y%[aéfirw z/aafa ;fbl!aw'ingpartim1arx. A V A - A ; V 1:5,]; 1-1;, Apgzogy mfflar,‘*faronlling~m»4Pdr2imb2mt,’attéw _ my/2 Treat]. Itféemc: fbe mar aflénded at: it , Anndjamarmjfie 5] :%i;yI5%1¢r$ter:,%. with wlmt-diflicuilty he did “it; PM kefhitb‘; that i}f."but& two more had joyncd wichhimin opinion mV:hs:%c0ntrary,A%§r:c‘* A A xxroixld «never have dene it,yet=l»2.a barb télol Am . He wiii keep all €hcLA6%s ofthis Patliarrxcntixuvio'ia'c»1€.. AHW tbeficm fiend ta-A gg¢ber,',l¢*t.alZmAm?t¢dgégHc"1ba¢thtold' g:a;,thathc%wi1l Amaimaine V the Lawesgand obfetvcthetxl hiutfcihtgyat you majfégfae lay%¢.:'-a AA 73gj:]fi.;zt'.;’§[o;gp‘lv0j3“'t'E!£; Kingdam "3a¢l:ai$cla [fwd in tiaefi: W~trrux4pa:m Atb&.,flwdding%afth"c Innocent Woféd 3 mi 56:‘ CW5 5?: OVWY 101% 4 .§l_;1"&_Afib[‘dg “-«.,,A v ,3, ,¢‘g), M, 1,. may, 5/zwkefizizbbe nil! méimzainc. . A6437 51;-afibr~%d; gjfiot my Iiard pf Strafford ‘mm: cmédcm ,/Igimadikarfiamx. ~ my 5125;»/25% T§heKi:1g¥iS»;%herc Chargfd with a l3mce%Of Contradi&ions;~‘ Mae he héver ree.::=ivc more hm: mm any orhcr B2,~:!le¢.% The. firpgis , thaf PM meégy am Apology::0%th€'Qg1_«2€nefz3rcaUfr3g ‘She-.:~ Rebels at VVc{’tx1:in{?:cr,.¢2 Pz::9*_!im"'ru’=%ts and yet he profeffcs, ha Wi%1H3.=a=p ix'via!;zzé[¢-%,:zZ.{V the A53: #323 PM/irw¢e:¢tV3 This is om? ~ h_&;>rribie C0i11,tra’&i€%iQr1,2;‘nd4 all mm m: cailcd in to fudge,howw \ ,;», ¢{,3 gWo“ce_mflzz2:rl iag%.:tb’c—r.4 Theaficond is. That: the Kin%gV %¢gu{2=_- thgy paflkjfls zf/as placcofche-Parliczment 4 fird; AFM1, what-Aa fimplc 1nEc’r€I:£Ceisthist I é“g;2ar,«z22ce, rhremgh theprefiampti A bring in Evidence :,=_gam[E zh%e:n,% /mm bis: télisfl aha’;-m H€v.r‘iiI maiizmimc tfacllmvex and ~05/lvrw z‘/yew, ami yct he calls the blcbud of my Lord Strafard, Er/92 imzomzt Howl. afmj Lord Stmfiord] which was {had by tthelmav , which he faizia,/ya wifl meimtzaéue; '3." his is another. For the firfi of zihefi: .~ Tize King may kgeep imyéalaéia all .4£f: thaithavcbin made this ;P{ar1iamk:m:; that'is, an A6}: which have paffed Bot/.9_E{Q§zfl'J’,' f‘ and had his awn: Camfmt,'WhiI%e Hi: was foyncd witfa 5115;315:130: th .1 11 they were a Parliament, and apart fcffi Body: and yet the I{?ing51my411ot account that excrementiriotw Part 0? that B ‘ A _ A %_ V ' V Ody,” whlchnow rAema1nesatt Wrflmmfler, to be a Pozrlmmemts be-. . no more tbcna man fwarn»: aSqr4ir_c of the ‘Ba;a’}"to fomfi Prince , AandVdc$i'ng%_, the Perflm of that Prirzgsai all Xcrzzicc, ‘can%zhi:_~,k¢ hjmfcglfgfl bound to give: Rem-rem: «cu %I1is[Zoflv-fiao/c,%ifir flmuld, to ~ cbaidCe,b:i;broughrarzd fezdowngin the P7_':.'/§*m‘e. W V , 1 And then, for thatfiorhfr Charge, ab~_v'M::.-woi.”F*I*v:Y.*~'” A ,..fi..‘§313¥'Q:‘.£ga. $.13? ‘and b 6-3: ' ‘ I ., 1* ‘g on ‘ W). . . ., W ., ,, m.mze:=é,.. v;'3eA@:zflw,A~A mz5m:’£; swam? -5:206 ‘wivsolefi fiwe of xiii: sztms 3: 9% “ 9 ' an no E _.A'-.‘.‘§§.fA:-w.v~.g~<«.,c;-I-.Q“~* ;g"v.g,r,,, n LJ.E:..»..:2.Am...A~..~.»~=:- 4:»; ~: Mu: pcrcfizance ac7fda::—g§ e. _' P#Efi.52‘?$ {:~a.zr, {iii} the fame $0/?. 1rE-gas mt:-5*&.2;27*5§'£'TJ1’5§fg2’f§5?;,’j§A¢’3.‘?;:f’:E37¢‘?1":JnZ‘}i‘3§'£f;W€”giSfi‘3i5§ That am Yfifézngg :~¢vp,::gJ.f£az~*.£?;~,/25>xz:*:efv érz ..a'A.¢‘Zr«.=.=, f??,,\{r§:¢~.eésae,€isAto make as Bmgawze fem‘ Emim, -rvv mgag‘ Aiike ENE? Shcrifii-is dew; fommwiwat °t'§*:.cwazga;EAa%i%t écsmiernrs Religion .3 which Vis’:.he4 fin-azezgefi pajrnz‘ 53;‘ A ,_ mzég, .a:I:sAm.‘.9~?12.¢'a‘m2 m*p5r“e_fl7Z? avmta Her.’ t<3~thiSAA_M1‘ Brawm, ~ "1 sins: amflicaxiié zanncr, sgsddcs, I need mar mpm: My «A wardex.‘ Bm:,. is: ;:h»:€é,:r1zv.:s¢:rA*A«z.mrt§1 Chef?-‘eing, and ms the worm Anommmmhc. ze‘»Ai»m?&ra l‘*c1cusEmare; on re mtezhen1.Y;Jur A «:5 Ci%izzmA+s:Aare..uikdro Aw!ae:irz’o%22: ;fa_ndwvi11,Iike%it «well exmugh, . AUS?‘3€{Y€,3foi1thi51§¢c§ mam xhsertn. A V Axzd i”;§“x‘é!.§$;, have you fee§a*the bdttc1m‘e é:}£ that Haw-2*; ‘which A I ;t‘§m 5s;;‘&’épt11rc*C*aH»s:mfia£?’6;J£~¢5’1é- The (‘,»a&i'.wr %é%la,:.'Z1V%‘§smp,arte;~i I?:evQ15« 2.5 *3“ %t<:;~§:a::&2, {O p.e?:rfc“-:%~i°:!: an Image of ti'1¢\King.§ vé:-tfy TI§‘“dg;¢g‘i¢t.§'5 mat ;rh«-5;? Rzicficmfld nut aflbra} a clcarezu, ‘ V”I'§:%é" have of7:r;'n‘“ V motniféd to make him a Gram I(éncg;% ‘am? nA:‘3:J;m (as 2516 High A Priefi, when he prophecyed) they have m»:£.¢A lain: fa indeed, Whcn¢t§1eynevm' mama: it’; In Bnzad «L2H-_-1is"7' brag Kimgdazmcg, A ‘they hiwe qndaxvmi him with Few: fcverafl E"2:£g=J£rewj; _ Far fuo; V xlwg as ICimgx=o%:*_ Cémf/Eiarwr, fo Eong aé'PIz:;ré.:ma’r [%0rA’%fi{e:a& £13311 live Lapoaéz thishabitabieearth; they will all fubniit to am: I J‘c~evéer%af HQ Pemand Cmfeffc é;he:zif€lV€6fi¢5d;¢.éu~:{, in their ' A 3C§“1i£:E’i£?o&~y; whi}cPc, attributing that iufl: srencration, which is ~ daxefrozn a_H clmme ,c:yes, to ache ’ Maiqiflerj of that Religion, % % '£‘!4qm:rcjr, fhdgcmcnt, Wit, and’ Homcfly, which rulcth in this A A V lmflf compafition and fodainc flile; They will never gain: this Power over their écliqfi, or fan farrefmédne their mnderflvzvdmg,‘ \ as tothink, eithtir that 10 cleavyeci a Iiing, as Ha hath been, \ could Teams fuch Papers , or, thatfuch ww Rsbclis, as they‘; A would fainc he thought, could ‘Print them. 1 mg, %1s.