Q4 & QR, _ % . EA Catalogue of ‘all, or moftof the MaMeRANc= /email Vz'5t'orz'er and flrong Halal; ' ‘ obtained (through Godsblefling) by A V ' the PARLIAMENTS Forces, finccthe A Armies rifing from about oxfml, June "1645. A Publifhecl orxpurpore to, drawforth our thanks unto thé% ”Lord of Hofls at all " times, but morcefpecial-by upon the Day of A A THANKSGIVING.% L ®Nz>o prgnggd {qr Ibo. Vndarbifi at the: Bible in Wgpdt. '_ W" (freer, dM_._._D,C_.,X[,.V3 % eflicdtdlogmf 2%? If/k;z:EZ‘073*iz3.1r ' . ,. ‘ I u , « K » .' j , t .. uv . -M ‘ - ‘ at é 4 V I 4‘ W ‘ ‘ R ‘t, A " ‘ In ‘ I 45 V " A ‘- ‘ 6, ‘ V '. C - ‘ ' 4 , ‘ ‘ l ,‘ _~‘ ‘I p ‘ “vr .. " 1»..- ‘ ‘ W». . ‘ “H ~ "" 1' ‘ “T7 ' " , ‘ \ . “ » I ‘ H 0 » ‘ . ,.. ,1 ., ‘ _ .. »A05Minec2’ 5} 25/23 _A I A %‘M‘§E:T if 3 .Fo:~m;flncetbe /Irmze: raiflflg the PAR L I A M N ‘rs. m~1%d»e“xf fithecomnma or his Excel» _. cy : Sir ~73/ao7fim.F4ir]9zx,-~rofc fi'om% ' the lbefiégaing bf Oxford, mafrched againfi: the K~ings’Army% thengin _ .7\Q)Jrt79¢zm1>ton.j/aire,andby~Gods bid: % A g obtaingah f 1 , % in 2- great%batte11f0ught in % A +fie1cl, Vwhcrc all the KingsF0ot wem 1}. gl riotis Vidtoryuihe 14.‘? day‘ of the fame moneth over theEn,emy,‘ takenaiid 1;i1d,%hisHorIe coca%l1yrau::«- A A2} % Wed; ‘fume % 116 4.5". % Tha Ar1~1:;y oi5”’ %azby» ed ;5fP1%” 5? “‘I%Y3%&¢Lr JV .PM vbic1uGod« bléifad 9 I . vi rm>cwirI:% z.TI1c regainitlo ~A.oF that very confi» -""3 1 derable Town ofLeiM¥6r; an*:afte%r.%a long ma'rc1;1,VVit‘h \ M . _ The . relicfof » Tlmrztorzg; ich dohé,bothAr1finiVes»joyn7d%battéll, G_odga‘ve theParIiaments Army I ‘V A great and fiJ.1l\,7i§ftory"oTver qorging; .,f"$V‘efie,l1fi e A fiear %L»47%?2‘-- jaort 5.15: fuddAeVn 157 $a&er ga;V‘¢ tmxtothém % 5; L¢mgpor:;%% of izamer % % R manyocher %v%erfYftong% ho1%ds,%mig;, 6.. Bm7roug[2~C hu~1*Ch,a 5£h*ong’IipI%cI? near Tmman. V " w m 4 7-» Th egrcat #andfiro‘ngw ** 3a‘ri“‘0'i] ridgenvatéf. . % The <:icy .0? % V Amiebled vthfm‘ quell 1the'A ‘~rm.Y.0f 'm*2t§I :;o.=Thea§PcIrmfrgCafflé ofS/aeréwmeiwé A % mz;/my Came i1‘1'*S om e;f~2:..flaz're: And aFtAer gw~e'cks fiege,God d%elivére%%d . M .i%ntot1hehan%dSA0fth%e PaArlAia‘17nent 4 " % i‘ _ 12*‘./Joijhzt Tomt,a flrong Fort com? 1 6 fiarkb Sepvm. mm. P .manding;I{z}jzg5—-ro;zd,and fl1QrtIy'afi:fer ::t3’..~ri*ch,great,.f’c1*onga~ndmd[’c %4 confiderable City of 3BriflcZ15 Pco.rme,a‘nd”par;t1*ybycon1pofiL1on,up_,f o+n]‘»fh%e‘+‘1-1*”?ofSe1b‘t,%1 ,4.5.% A % Arid than Wed’; “ L H V vancingtowards:c11e‘fI)ewiges,Vco%o1; ‘ 4 A 14;, Th=atT4oW ~of%th§"e‘e"i2i{e.r; on the 22?“ @fA.Sept. 164.5. % A lictlc txme M V after Which, AjheParl; Forces alfo " to<%:>I§” % * V as}! cac1§:*l1ou*fe‘ 1111/WfZ'—«fli77*e, aIi1 :d‘3 afilcfin ~l014We2*« mi \ _T%~h¢¢re was % a1fo,Jab‘0 t1';t¥‘I;1 1fit" fifII1“5e‘F thfc:’fi%ege%'7Uf Pafliaments~FoVrcc%s~A :7.CbA2dwi%c@Ca'&I*enegrL,yme,being% &.‘fiP'®I1g;_Ga1‘ifOl}§‘ _ % ffi gWr;#~ cake n gym J %T1m# ‘ ° % Th e fucceffe -oftijh cEizg*li%/E &Swti%“~% Forces {in[ the North, Afi.n.cc_ fm~ze% 164:5, % % 18. The -{ur1*en%dc*rof Cicyand ~Ca[’c'le‘of Carli/6 after many ;iadn,e,th 5 J ¢ fie_ge_;a r~1d0f‘% - ' ' % 19. The I-’c1fongCafiIcvofT0fli‘cj:’fréZ5L zcmieimpregmblecanlecram ‘L 21. AndeI1eRegaini1ag'of%@€vie;,;. % % *Caft1 cin tI1cBifl1oprick offlurr./mm Since which the Stair tdolc bjréfiorme % 22 Carmen FrW2Caf%1ei11Hereforde % ‘ flyjre; % 7 - . V4 % The fucccflé of the Parliaments for.- Ces commanded by the Comm it;-cc of S1’WWwm’ah%asbe'envervgrearginxhe t”aI{in&gc;f;T~ 2; Da1§21¢yCa{’c1e;24.~;S/area. A -' dmCafi1e-% ‘zisfmf Caf’c1c- .26«Stock!er’% _Caftlc. z7.%-Momnv Corbet houfm 23-»7@‘"0” Came‘ i9-L5”/é11Ma.nn0r-A 3°.» 1132142? Iw!-1fe,.a11 which, wormpfl: gpfithefiihave aIfcrb¢cntake‘n fince Izme rm, E§"64§$ % A 3 r.Ihe~Sco2:s Fo:§ec¢,sin_-LS4-mtlcznci,hatfcalfo bean % . bleflcé wima glorious viétony uponth'e13th%d3y A V ,V4@_£;Sept.t645¢. (which was to them asarefurrefiio-If % from death, %G'od»x:emcmbring{_Wthcm« in their low . . cfllaré, ~,a".ftcz= Méntrofl had over4%runnctheKin ‘dome; Viandxazas maflcr of the Fiel"d,) in which-Avir~i A :o%y~thc enemi=:cs Army was~”tota*I1yrouied3and. V;+fp»oi1Acds; in which fight ourrcthrcn killed the L Lord Crajfimd Gen erall of the Kings Horfe, with« man y or-hetsof notc7,a1id took P ri {anew 6ALotd=s, 16 K;niorh-ts ?‘an»d Co1~dncI's, with -manyhund redn-3~~ % D ‘ r.~h~etpti{oncrs;;.1 , VThe Par1iamcnts%Fo‘“rces a1fo*in*Sbut/iswaley; T;1VndAd erthc command ’ofMajorVGenei*all L4n_g_=l90rnev,. have been lcficci with. glorious fucceifes, fincg: thcthncbefore mc;-mzioned, 'r>z':z_. % g.z,W1ththc raifihgwitb c Gage. from ‘Pcm5}'aa§'; " ;3;*Adg~reatr*vi&.ory ovcrthe Enemy‘. near.Ha=v:r;1‘~ A Vfi2r¢d~w:z:/1,? about the bcginnixmg of Aug.d 1645.. im A .whiz:h manyofthc EnAcmies;wer.c%tak€n §Ckil1ed;’; ” ;4. LTI1eRtakingof~Haw?fbrd:s>oe{i... W W M lfio1d:s._ %%Andfi%na11y 5 _ % 36. The cljearing.AVth¢w%¥ho1eiG 9? =9 .35. Caraw% Ca"{’cic,. 3 S~3.:1f0~:5 manyothct firohg; “'&-mung, was -was . .. up...- ,. ‘L % un:y% of %TwM%@i A . C33 * A 373' Cbefler eingfimmed,andpartofktakbn A bytthc [Parliaments Forces, Lth.eAKing with an Ar... of 4 5qQo,A% marched fitom %I/Varcefiere toits%"‘relief, jwha v7vereV faughe %+Wiih~% by :f,h€ :F0f°iE9» afand thcéforces . under» rhe%commar1d of Major . cncmllaflaintz, upon Rowan eat!-125 within mm ¢m i14cs* of C/aefler, _ Se.p$...2.4. The viétory feHrup01:;* gthe Par1via:ncnMtsAAtmy, and 'it‘wa 5A a very%gIo%rioi1}s ~ ionic; ~.tVh¢'\f Enemy there beingwhoIIy.1‘outed,£:Ahe %Ear%l ‘of Litcbfield killed, and about we others Aflaind, and:thepri{on~crs of theirs taken were about %;%;%qomcn; and 2.oo_o H orfe, bcfi4dc=2s Sir Tbo.%Glan- Imm,and about 1 9 Knights andCo1onclsg 7Lic%u-% itenam: Colonels. 5. Majors. :9. Captains, V 14.._Liicutcnants. 7.: Comets. 4. Cw_armrmaflcrs4;A’ and: abut 40.; Gentlemen, Uc. , '4 an ‘ _. _____,______,, , 4, —..-....._— ""'-"'—- A “ ifiny moi‘: Vicfiorias therchave Ewen obtaincd,tf1rough V A ‘A V Gods blcffing, by the Parliamcntsfirzrccs of this: Weft, of fibrapfiirggof ADaréfn-j5£r:;.o%f;S‘mf}7::ra’~_;%ir¢,arc; A in: Afawrali battéls A at-1dt::nf;r:;auntc_rs, Mmwhicll I ham lfzfc oumt this .CataXogue,nm; bg... A ir1g"aVblc' :o"gi%:é'awjaf£jaccam;;-: or thfim : %Yfa~t ikhavpcz I u publilhed what ha“: is, cvcnwas iris,” bcmg %cncvurag§cd thereto, or: purpofc wdraW¢f9:§hthy%thank8to_G0d.;? % W C 2-am Larde:5f'EIofi:ée 41:2: ‘gfarym F 1:9,;