V A ‘Die Lame, 15.. .$%’e1:t.c $164.5. Declaration concerning Rcprifall$}of’ A Engh]/9 :3 And that the C%oznmitte§f[F the Navic do wt-ako care c0fthCPTiflfiI?_%$” Shipsc {cm into the unitcd»Provin¢”cs,c bee forthwith printed in fiutcco/3‘ofinocc; o1..hc fame. L W gy % E//jmge, Cler. szw. . cm Rdcred bythe Commons mfem» A A " bled in Parliament , Thajt %4t1o»Ve ’3"WW”¥’5“fi"%“fE‘?§‘?”M'M*r@¢=éW?%‘"%‘?aiI ‘:5 ‘V1’ .‘,~ N‘ H n‘ A. ‘ ‘ -Q‘. . M“ ‘ H I, ‘ M*:‘.‘‘ ‘V ‘ “ V: 1.; ‘I. ‘g N; ‘ V, \\.«g vg.»‘_ 1% 0 -; VI’ ' -- ‘ “ ' 4. ‘ ‘S: ‘ ’ « ~» 1 V % p- V‘ \ -4 v :r H I \ 3‘: 1 . W M “ P J, . ,,. .. . . . . 3 H, K‘ ‘ ‘vi 1 : ‘ 1‘U . , th . an 4 “ ,. Y r I I ‘ m . A‘ ‘ _. 05 THE 4 Afilémbled in P A R L I A M E N T; W W$% AA .\ ~ W%;W« V-w'w‘ OFA .* late Ewzraordinary A M E A s s A D 0 g_ s 4 F R O M The High and ighty Lords, A T HE V OFTHE UNITED-PROVINCES5 Conccfning Refiitution of Ships,and th.c “ A Courfc of Trade’. V - "'-"Ian, au$um2m , ‘ . W‘ Ipnumvtnluuumuun ‘ W , ‘_ A M Lamvomfiw §; wfipflnted 501‘ Edwdrd Hmédfld, Printcr rothc"H<:m0~— rablcfloufc of Commons. SCpt.'.13.‘I§45. Rim. mt.‘ _ " ‘L; ‘ - A’ ‘ " ‘ ‘ ., ‘ ,...., ;_ ., L _ 4;.‘ ~_ :12‘ J, !, _ H95“, » p . 4 ‘W » ugwr»- 41 ‘rxswg ‘,. MI , . , D ., Wm . .. _ . " r , . ymwp» W ~«A »W ,: % A % W w L 0 RD 5 and 60 MMO mg; The whole Proceedings Vwith the “r f“ f" , ‘ ‘ ‘ , ‘ ‘ W “ ‘ ‘ ‘ _ ‘ I . N‘, W, ‘ ‘ o‘ ‘ nL ':'_‘h J ‘ ' J - ' ' » 1‘ ' - Vex.“ Q‘; ‘(C ' . ' " “,;3,",'£". “ ~ .. " A Sea. ‘‘| V n s ‘m ..r« W _ é V H E Lords and Co}7z’z22o2z; Afi2nEvled A T 5,, the f;2&g_I;% Cam ‘tf‘?¢rZza‘me2zt?f i ‘England , Iabajrzz-egnotlozzg /infce (11- fimtckt: mzifo T0it‘M'OPt‘ and ¢ an .0 [ A WW” Mightyi%L%oras5a %A:z2~rwmua¢o{ c’4udinCgs upon ’t}: e ¢ late .42i;bczfl}*% Tom? L;orcl/kip: in the point of Irzte;*pq/§ii0'?1f?:?A lzetwizézz the % mzd the ~‘Parliament; Tt72e Supmz2:rz; Iz4¢i'icam”:'e: A aindReprcfi*rttati?z>e%."6’od} 3/ A tljwév %VI{;in(ge{o7n,A are can- A fident t'7aéit~2”our remaiiz ritzy?’ ée¢»%y9mmir;cee of the Lords and Cbmmozxs of both I~Iou1"es with full power and Com miflion to confider thereof, and 130 T1‘@%1t With Your Lordflfips AdmbafTadors5 touch» ing the complaints ofdamages and matters aforefaid . h Hcrchup0nV,fi:veraIl Conferences were by that hCom~ mzccee had wxteh Your Ambaffadohrs ; and afger fevc... ml1debatcs,,th;e Demandsh concerning Reflritucion of h5hi—P$ 395 Damages, were found by thceir Lord {hips Jawn diftinéiionghtobe of meta two feverallnacures 5- A M either Le) ff5l£l‘l€r,—C0nC£fr£iiI1g' the i3flblj‘E1%,3l¢ iatfieteflz 0fYou1“_§tate,_,t or? tl;1el”p»t‘ivt1'telm:eref’t~eofpt1tltit:i3latApeffons. * d: J 4 he '11:dettl1e_‘lfi;:{l lxezidgithey Reduced otilyflfhtttl A Ships, The tVtrelclt1t,t C."tpr.”R‘irck!5az:el; the lTh01n:tse “B01:t€.lVf.’.’n:'211i'€, T/émms lséwzrper M.-filer; ThePaul, A Mhftet‘ m/Jim Smiffs 5 hand the golden pm, Mailer ~.D;"t[z']j‘"e' MMm’/er. A t l l 1 This Ship Vtrecét, ttslwas alf’Ermed,lhy ‘You? {aid A’mb1{lTzdo1's, a Frigate belQg1§_;ilng‘tolll‘t'hle States; Generall, and by Ordet‘ ofltluct .C1<3bLl_lll~f3lll’~"l3l"llIl1€ Ada miraltj;-r atlleatterdaw , appointed to god Noythwzrd fotthe guard and Convoy of their Fifher-meng, But the Ship; in our Service, meeting with her at Sea,up- on Ex1mi;1ation found on board her , one Colonel! 031:, a man in ‘RebéIlion,andveryaét~1ve agatcnfi the V Ifirllam ant, and other Palfertgets, With feventy "Blur-ll rels of Powder and tMerchandiz”eto be carried to the Pottofscarérazaghlthen held out lb)? the"Rebels °2i-” gainfl the P..trliame,nt , "and had aboard her, A divers Letcerstdireélcedl to the Marquefle of Nemmféle, Six? the t13arliamedt;~ Although ttliilsllaétion in itfel ,w.1s molt inconfiPtent$.vtth the condxuon we then were in,and the fame acknowledged by Your Ambaffaet Hhglr Céalmley, a'nd7fot&her perfons in Atrnesl a lairtfc he dots, and the Lczders were itnprifoned land punlfhed f by Your State for that oeffencel; yea: being melt Wil-l V linglto edntinuelthe Ancient Friendfllip and ‘Amity, or rather to obligeboth States in a Pctonger dAl.lianc:e:; Ilpodthe bate Aflirmatiton of Your? Ambaffadors, ; that the eConvcyancc 0fthefe;Rebelsl and **Atmnuni-= e A don in thatship", was a matter covertly Trancfziéted hythe Captain andcompanytof‘ the Vtrick, With-c A m«.1t~the:lealteknowledgelof the State, werctnofl: tea-g A (99 pawmohrhatCommhitm. to WTC an Orher for fie}: Ah éifchargc;, which “W35” ~accrdhin»g1y heifeflcdg whhihggh I h Order -was as foljlowcth : ih Ah ‘- . Qie/Wercurii, 4.. Sept. 164.4,. A h :fh_d(m5Ilfl‘:I1'blittCC:h0fAhtl‘i.t‘2 Lordsaitgd Commons, appointed M V lto Treat with the States Amybaffadors. i«h A “ E aomrei-ue that no man wit? deny, that .2: Ship ~ “ carrying Powder and vthherhfllunitinn M A Part A 232 ho/lility to the}: state; an only the Munitian, hurt the Ship it :3: by Law hcanfifmte: Tctfhrafmuch, 43‘ their Lordjhijas ham upon their Humour: vzffirmcdmhich is held ihgrw ejhem hy this Committee That the Shiprvcrecht W is 4 Ship of War immcdiatly helaxging to their Stgte: AM that the Powder, Mcrchandiig, and Lemur fiamtd in her, were 14:14:91; on lzard ghit sbygby a mud ‘counter tit raw 4:; am without namhc gash At:.S'tate,; ‘Z422 the Ldqlers thcreafihh him hm imfnfimed and puhi/hedinr that ofiknce. This Committee in further Tejhzlmmy of at air great defire to maintain all gone! carrefyohdme with thofe from whom they arc fim, and the gm! Jmiljgétw Pusan Ijhia Kizggdom 475 thfi State are hmgll cfimtczt, we dd S i wit er '1' no 1' an Furrzi“tt;rcm are A ahrek .. \ The rfext th rec Ships‘ in order,wcrc thcifir Bam- 4d'vmmré.With her lading 91 hC0a1.8=:. thc.;go1dcn Paxaat, with l1¥er.ladWing4of Coals -.-, and the Baal; with hcr_Ia- dit_1gpfCorn%; ofwhicln Shigs ., with their Lzgding , YourAmbafladors—dcn1andeh Rertixzutiehn . for that £h.eYh.£%%:Ix?e:m}!m:;to be {old to b: madgs hifh in pow%d4é1‘., Arms, and, Ammur'1iti.0n: The ~Ma‘a¢r, 7/m:.m+,m mm wn %1~nV¢ead:grya:~;d 4.>~e1~y % aétivc againflfthe %Parlia”me“nt; 7“:i%gg"ainfliwI10m,wchad VA;1r'fi:+caufézo~h:1ire ‘proc=ccdc:d upon :a C:har;;-_;e1’ Qzf high 44hin1 ,::o~ &j%VExé¥npI§‘ry c%ondigncVpun~ifl1m”cnt4.w ‘ :~ W _ ,, - The fécondgofw the-fiz thrc:Ve«;_, 1th€A:;g'D[a'.76.ffi'«% mm, ” upon ‘*}:ir.(>7of,A Was*fdun¢d5*to have carried from Dztzihrk, a1s,was.ta*ken a4ndA=condcmVncdafUr gobd }v1rizc;an,d 'i’o1ditw.o‘monc:hsbcfofcthTisdetna‘nd; j “i A Th‘e~1a«f’c‘ofM.thc7f’c S%hip’s (the Pak/l)L wT’as~;ték_ewn laden with omtim be”ca1‘fié°:d%to DubTYizg;fizicVé :hc;;+1‘:$rc:c?n.dcci &Céfl’m:ion .£herc._, andghadaal, Pafl‘e from Ea4r1j%~of~::o;a;,. , % :r*»':md,onc pf the Vchifief VR icbc1s cifk dnhar~: I*::z1d4xnccrcftvrhgmfcrves w 65*‘ ‘VgQVods ¢fit.%ArnAb?afl34 ~am:1 &,,d:vp¢gronseTo£mcn Rcbe»11iec{:1e eaegaae“ in memv:eeee; Bu: ebieceaeuifeee they affirmed, Eh0E‘V'513?¢;7?w Ships ’jwvereataken§fm ;5I;-mes eewi»:11*mhe‘ee ,;B'0§1’éS§;ee0£tl1":3t State, and reprefented the fame as an infringement to A the Lieberties.,and% Detowgatipen to the Honour of that ;S?eeta;te7:% eA"Ithe0'Egh it appeiared byy Your ~ own ‘ 7.n?1'itEen= 4 Laws then produflcedetci Yfeur Amba£Taddrs;Thac'gfiej e I3kiI1g',Qf*th0fC Ships 3.: good:~:i‘r1'thi“e plé2ces;Vdid}1Q: render them no pnze:,butV was onlyea perfona?I;(>ffe%nee imhe taker to Your State, fQ1}yvhi‘Ch%l}ad A 3;:¢:d4;puniflamenc in Y’%our State : 1 Yet fiweebetrqng unwil;-» ling [0 allow of any a6}: that might in the Ieaft maneaf prejudice either the Honour or Imzeereflof thgLte*Stateg,’ Our Ancient Friends zmd A1eIies,e andft:‘e_£) dcmonflrete 1,;.;,,,aw;;;¢%Eu11 we eewcree ;;;‘hing‘s 2:? gm::d~‘Com~* pliancrfwior ~eon1yyie1dedero**R €*‘*i’f?“ti¢“‘§¢F £hb‘Ifé";FhrJeéA Ships with Afdamagesg, ;but=ali?:‘;>’ ‘QUE eo_ffpcC1alleR¢fP€:&s unto their I;m‘dfl1ips;ca11 E61‘; the {aid Mr; Tbs} gsbarper t«,oee?be~ rexletitfciilis‘ Hi-i-0 AfiP f*'4i;[“3’5.fie‘vV"'r""'"*h‘ *4 ¢ee*orwps.foerch¢%irdifpoe:a:ae.ee - There folt1tieons~e£3ftVhef rb'rr;;1~rraittee,cc57i*ir:e1::i%i;1g4x:e1fii_%9 tutions of:hei2:;breee; fl1ips,de1iv.eredV’ohfthe3oe.ofA'zqv. A 1 6fl44.tQ'eyo‘ueneamb;1f§%aed Ors ei;n~yVri?ti rz g,Weere4_i ".‘{} (’}7’£’tI§“ .“ ‘ . xfdraamzltyw C'avzar3‘§W571ciV?7z&i»jti2r7i%zz1;:j'ex mag‘ ee 1/ac born as =Bbn7”ad venttire, VIf“ee2zre”cb;¢re;¢te;¢; in makekgfleimtim eaftbe S’/aip zt2m_"l2er ladiwg wzlrla ’ fi¢zde21y42Fzbee",$’éip (Paul) mixbbzr z.m&'»z_g,, A , ; V A :2: ealreadyem/?aredV «mg I“/jé owzzerx“, _fi£gz fc*gzte;mfew%4z;e~; 2fe2:h.:z;r;g;;ic:1V" % +7 4 1./122d’e.¢¢r.e:eAte‘eee;§%l2e.‘2-Golden Faulecon or“ 1,13 rat,‘ Wee \ #36 ;S’£i;>e .a::.m’~=l2c:r eladingdzypfid cg"fN; ziééd V1 T }:i¢‘\:erdz'*rzg: A an Me fzidgerkerzte of» we elmzrazty cam ivlfiereflarewe A e ” B: a 4 " {I78 with démdges, Wrex tfwmfiemfitaflcflare the value We filwip moi rgm!.r, effing to Areceime the like fmisfgj» ma»%rmm:M Sfiitéa 2'» Mfiwvf we me me. % . Rcfolvcd, , ‘ 1'54; the prcteiadadddmagefor the Paul, 9:37 tflv 5;} f.<:,;tf7'_f7'"0ty‘.‘5‘ in‘:/mE'ourt Ad'mira’1ty,t0 £14‘: tranfmitfed . % my/:1; ;6;*nmmz'ttee,;a22d bare Acfimlged. : I ~ T *VB?’Li?t*Ywc)‘1-zr fb fl'adoLrs%no:wil1ing ca receive can-six -tentmentby this fo clear Anfw¢r,he1dA~the Commit-» xzceindifpute imgny weeks, to the great ebflruaion of the :;V1Q1-M; pubglique M-FaiVrs F I:his'KingdomVA; pmficd for ‘af.fm‘~:hWer Anfwmgj which the C ommiuec amgmg othcrthings, dplivcrcd themzg. September, 1644.‘ C ‘ "I51-143%‘: €Ommi»4tt§c%A% dflth now further iaddc >c0‘ncei*- V ‘ n"ingutrhcfs'1id 5115.9’: the PMY1, Tihatxit is a"l?rca*Id;z agreed; 30. ; ?l£”/Z:i6.4«4»& ~upm1;¢baec%:h¢q had between thaé faidLords Ambaifadors and the; {aid Commitgccg, Thwihfi d?:?¥3~3%9 f£1f_¢th¢A; Ship (thcyPmk1}isto be maé‘. 3PP ;C3§Y P1'0Of$ 311 the [(_30u1‘E”*Of1 A dvrr71*im1ty., q A go 1 eraxx{'m‘m:ed to] :h1§. Commnttea 5;: and hem :4adjudg¢d whichfliis "Cohimittce doth nowfwle numb, ;ifl’ci.ncutitb44 that it flaall 13¢ p¢rFormcdi.= Andfor~1:hc.fai‘d Ship,the- Golden ¢.F4I4l_co2v, aliias, ;h¢AVP»wt,m hcrlading,» which are alrcadyfold away angl gone, Th ygxe as formcrly A they were, g:m'tén4ted efl*<§‘1‘t*”tIi5i:5x>2i"i of the faid Ship and g;oodMs with damag-¢s,thc value amd‘dama?ge"sM” to be made appcar by proofs, t'Q.~.’u _k§:‘¢"' madcand taken it“) $171: {aid Cou'rt%efAd41ni:;a1:y;, to»cf:a;mnfmiArmcdAtm:hiAs’ C ommittcc 1 and here adjludged. ; And they further addc, That !thc,A.damagc:s, £Fany'»"be,; whichmufi’ be fa-« tis fled for the goodsin rherfiamm 3ij0}MrlriImture,ff1u4fl: likcvvifiz be madc appear1b-y Aproofsfi, » made'VV%.an,d_gake:;V. A A in thtfafd Court” at A.%dm%im“1cy, and E_1§3l7I{Iuifl§tCa _ gm us; this Committee; ind hero adiudgodo. I o ‘%NAotwi:hflEand_ing,thcI'c fevcrallAnfwers»1,nv:}:1x*gg Your Amboaflhdors to enable us to do thcm+Iufl:1C¢:,; yet: to this day there hath not been any proofs 4 mégdc‘ ofifhdovaluoé and dam agcfs pretended inany .rhc Sh1,pSl afo-rcfai‘do’,whcrd:-y__ We might-_ m-an fiitisfaéfioozi‘ "ante thereupon Progeftacions madcbythem againfl us. 3W¥rd5°r8‘oY~ o A o A w % H A Lardjég ;;~w; vehaéoozsoohmraz:hfuI1yoI2:c down.o to have’ ma V ‘ 1 By In tranfaiétcd o";=o°tIchirT1g th?oRcTfiinn:ion qfootfco: ‘SF%it*»s»o~ fuggcficd to be belonging norkhaco Your Scat: Your; Lord4fl1ipos‘upon cVonfideraouonooo~f all ‘they circuom {tan-e» - n ‘ - .43“ find truly fltwhio Whmowiorh‘ Wehopcd to‘Vhavcgr¢a:1oy mcrucd of Your A Lord~« ¢és5m§y.cl¢@F1N f¢¢aooh9?Wo¢rx0‘39I‘dit*1a~;'MoutCQ!mpIoi-o fhips,and hav¢.giEvcr.;4.vfuIh1’(;ont;:n.cmcnp and fati-sfadtiw dfl;;9”fi‘h¢3‘-dfifixqg¢.‘9£*’m%ur Amhafhdoorso: ofiucccmrrarszo Vt:$;\o~:u.l,’!““l.; (as thoughJghcyoooinrcmileodo no» th”ix1gf“V‘xI’f1@‘re thféh 3il"puIfcs and dif‘F¢'.'1‘€‘nCQ5) A 1 prcfc‘ntVe«d certain niotcs 401-papers ofdamagcs, dclzwc-A redfunto thcm byothé int“erci’fcd Com lainvan:so,oand I 1 infiflo. rharodamaozficsiem 1i¢1uoi¢13F¢ aw£aci~sta~ final? accérdrng o.r-0 rhfi Dfimands vflfiqhififfi ow» pci*s.;m”:d tfiatV,\Vit1iC>i3t. %fuortHcr§3ro’of "Gr difpupcg K V n ’ Thole pgzpcrsoulfi Cj0m?mitccc, according to ;t:h'c{irW former ReofoIut1011so:o.d,:fire«ora;mfc;‘no thcfliigh Comm of; ta§1,tyOFthis ,Kitfgdqm, thérc 9:0 rqceive .«_aI¢:,,-o-A galloprooflrhat all pa1jc1csin:e1fcfI”cd,\ rrxighi; bye» hoaxjd A to thcfamc or ~Thisa thooughotmfi rcafonab1qLand%con~o T0flan.tor¢ooth¢“.ru1¢%5 °>1?¢1i11i1¢¢=3!1:doP1f?«¢’§iof$4fa11Qo1mo~ ‘\ tries, waso oyoochem oouczeay refuted ana¢acnicd,oa;po«1 % ‘Tl ‘:43 1’c«~s/A-grail mee4zifigs%fp.en: méuiy xvéAe%1:s~vfx’a'xe/Won of we 812%“ we ” I RdttfilfdamalW7?79éfg0oc?sAW1Ladivg-ml lllfll, ll Tl1:1tth is is the fmh §3rlic‘z1la1‘lSh§p’m“;z‘z},d' lEgo‘0ds_,' upon;lwl1ich thlcl Tremty lhiitllh belen _bEt en Athei*rA L0rdfl1§p'sla;nd itllfél Coznfnilttelc T oil» olrdsi 5imd AComm0nse,= Anclchatlall the l'c>ur former Shgps ‘and their l:”1ding”s,bly the conlentl of the [aid Coziimictce, :o‘u;t: oft the defirclAlloF» the faid oiénmlitteel collllcomllgjly withflchc {aid Lords Amlbaffadorsl ,lel'pec“i.fally{.fortha: all the {aid four Wm. wluollyl of publiiqlué im:ercf’t,havc lbccn,»and are to be rcftofedl Aaccording toth¢ir'(el*ei§re;, 5 andl7At;h&’l3.“théyT;fl]flllkwbe’ »asllrf0:rWa”rd* to llagré «;c_teb“ ca r.ell“o- Iirrg thcl‘Tig'2iru andall‘her:Ala<-:li»ng., altl‘1’0"U”ghl“t»hi»5 9 be we? private im€rcft,lasthe“ir~ Lorclfl1ips‘d¢fire“is;when .thleyfli%alllfindejAuPccau:fe.’ A A AA l Scclondly, Thazfth A ' {aid 7Ship,'”an1d'dé%7§¢ "40rei{e~wherc-in I£1’a![¢zz2az;whereby%itumaji appeare ‘C 3,; 4 jtheir Lordfiiips fay ») Elm ..all the ;AAfai?& gaods; befong ‘tow Martin aim Rw.n zzndt %G01np;:4 9:11 I HVo11ai1*1ad%ex*’s;; “'TheifaidC0n1mi‘ttce fiifl A4 &efivring‘ rcfflu-.ew¢ ?theAiArw ::e15{~.~» -xiramfdimric forwardneffe to all goknd cmrnpiymce Wi_thth¢*ir Lordfhipsgf :10txv&it13&anding;th:e faid;g00%:IsV ‘%a1ref aliccgficiy upon fufiicieut prm0fe‘4’1c'ga1Iy;aéjudgefifigzzm 'mnte1w;3d the nmtteer the.’-re *%;&e~:é:xan1¢A£rmd in *At11lehjTm¢i “Court 0fAdmir::1It.y,Betwm1e the ¢fa.i& de" Ken: and ‘ *?COmP3 Of the Roma gparty, md, the‘ T;1kers~»©n the othger party,% and a;1ljt11e {aid Pa;pers tl1ereAA;‘m:I1ibaitedi in the prdenccimf the takers f mhr::~...fai_d fihipflvho arrem .have‘ power to‘0bje.5’c ‘againfi them if A they canjand that *fuCh¢furti1er proofes *%*e Itzhéxre madg, améifiKflfl1ifl3ti0flS ‘It~akén;5 22*S&i”t:h‘»’;‘:f p’a1*1:yAvma;y+Ieg‘:fi~1yfid¢ 5*‘;-;~e%?%;fi gfggrfan :mhi*s done all to be tranfmii§ted;tVtl‘m: ::ComAm4£tm‘e by them :0 bee &€‘bi1‘£s3C1‘ and adjudged according um J~x*~§g?1t..., A ~ A : I A 2 A A Sixtly, hwfmz-zreasz ?;‘?m:;2i.1.* Lordfhips z1*t4At%l1c'2"iMa.; f& ‘meeting with the {aid Comznittae make expreffibm? ' ‘-Kfiatthey expe&ed,,t11at§h«g‘ffig.id Papar>sfhmuld EeIe~a<:-- *c:=rpteciV0“£’ ‘forfull procmfe ~.v‘ith0m*t fL1rt?im:».e‘:2mmimti0L‘&. "Mike B11fimeiTe‘1' %”“re.;£g1t3t1:1ex*eupQn <§;i.»:md the Petman of .4“ A ;m*:£'iz de’ .;i€”e:«mA a.t1d%.~vé44Cmmp:~«c1aimings property in;.t1'm fanie,, J A A 'W'§Z’£ Aware cor1t%e‘ri?te%dto*1ac‘!:4 them f. have the {aid goads 3?: I%VA%5%cw;:>p0unc1s% under their tmev:gIuc:up0n%A1:his affumnceg , thattltxey wmlfld proihczutrz thczr“ aclaxmefl an the Admiw m1+:y~:C curt, and4make7Vr%hw“.'rtitIc Vmd — propriety there A app smma w‘hich"hath .n0t’A117irhae1‘m beene effeéked, nor iiearcweany further of theixipraceedingg in this caiég A fdthat this state -are Io much c1eere'1oi7ers Bythar: w%ufineflE.. From «this {hip yam‘ Ambaifadours wouflwi Vliava jfom-~ M weeded to the refi, but our Commmxttectakingnotice" aofrhe, ".("321t expence of time in the debate of thfi 7‘_‘y«~ .,geran§1r1e1:" '1ading:‘, and mm pining By that‘ Am1e»h$0W mamyizr1oneths+wsou1d Ea necefl”arViIy fpenti£j1:tI1e rem A reprefénted the fame unto both Htou fes Offlarfiamenm A this time my Lordsfi V%% were‘ -vingaged an very % weightyaifiires, nomflely concerning the m°yA being A 405 theIEKing;Iomes,%but alfo phafiouxiflming of the * A 4 -~ A w A Afivangglické ; W ”1EvaI1geiic:k Pratefiamai Retigiom fbotia in thisjfiifif ‘A M dome,andOther%f0rraig21eSAta.tcséwhcrtmyw:L1» mfliips fic. that¢%%SVtate»ha%d not?the I63 fli%i11t€re£k) ar1 é1“i1pm1 % tlaefe wcighwoccafions, requiring the conrinua£1%am. tendance ofafl our M::mbers,thouo*ht :15: not Areafogma. .fBlet0 lay Aafide thefa A vmufi" have done) to have taken4%Aup tha%othaers into; pm-Tm W titular examination 5 And} ivhile this~maAtterj W‘"&S=“‘&1‘I‘-1-A-=f' ~den*confider3,t1on, your Aruba fllxdafursby a Paper A daw VtcAd7Athe twelfth of Deeemémfi femyumtobotll Hoixfizsfi .mm;pIa,i11c3they c0~u1dA not: 11ith:ertOA0Etaizm A_Iu&ice3the «mntrary wl1erec..~I§, By xvI1a.t}1at11Ab.mn hereby repArc{'et1~A Md, wee: hope your Loréifhxps are fully 'aff‘u1~c::d; A A W”eeJtl1creforeA0n the forme1~A%fE:*n»fiaA%A;VLof ouir‘ aflfairesfi 5; ~:amdAfeei11g t11c;~re Avvas {"01 nat1ir3.I1fan;& fpeedy a way fog the rccexvxng of Juftxceg m the Admzralty CVAaurt,A* where the dcmsmds Vhzadfreceived fume procmdingsfi re» flcurppd jc11emA on rfxnfiver, 'tI‘1ag,;_ fit, thai:A A%theA ‘A *0? ur grfrm/A A,fFa:ir?£é3 (which Wis» pa):-ties Co:i1p1ai1ié;nr§Afl101i‘IH' have fit-fie Iibemr m A 170+» ' ~£”ec:u.te theAi‘“r%1nteref’cs%1n the hxgh Court of Ac¥m1ra1~+ fie OF this Kimgdorrze, forfuqh as had not fieefi ’bef°o»m %thaAttx$mcA: i°e11te11c:ed, 01I'.by\ may of zxppeale fir rr fudm aé Md -‘Been adjudgw there 5 In whack ‘C cmrts we flxoulfi AA Eiave taken care far Right to be dame them with an fixpcclition. The Pzarliamemz Pull referving and engaw‘ ging thc:~1nfeIev¢s by 3:>r4o111i{'¢% Am fizppi-yr any defcfls of jzxftice in zaxlythsz fuc‘i~ Courts upon furt‘her Arreaty Khercon with yd0ur‘AmbafiI2?d0rs, the equity Qfwhicll A C0urfe,an&f?3rII1e of proceedings.) we¢3:‘fi1;1lIn0t Iwtad” Exams:t0*ir1fifi»QI13A%iIft.bein§§; Q?bf€2rved%by y0urI...A0zfdfi1ips:5 ~:.md A 2£1I,o£11.@1TSt3t@3 :a¥.ndARe=p11b1:iques.Ain Europe. ” A A AA 1 And as wethus inc1*cav0u1*e¢1by an n1eame3“Both4.jVii‘flA. “A A C*2;AA A .:;m.d @;v;’¢A V Eanfl‘ii"ori0izrabIé remov1ng.g£*¢om' ringallmifuizdmfimdingsforxthfi AaI§,{An;o1eAflTc% Acarefufl wer4':A%w~e.ff0vr fiiegt €OfltiflU3?1C‘*fi- 50" %and{% a ;;gO0dA scorrefpondence for th:e~ Mme» to e€;0In‘e*..=“ A*nd% xhemu takih inm C0Y1fid€m$i0An Y0”? Am5€?3T3'*f A % dmurs cfifres off % reef‘I1cmc,<3 W theMcrc*ham:s10fAyom'~ $tat‘e§:Afor tI1e."xv‘ithdraAm’ng offlzei::£.r4 goods. from? "thew £31133 and places under the povxver Ofthcifinemie in Re-? A ellimn againfi 'the:13m*Iiament” Acfid by a pubiique jrlA=A J clarétion dated the 30 OVFA-W,gmff I-5%. pmviéic: %t1aA§ t»i%A tzotwithfkagnding0u1*Aformer Ordx.nanceAA. It AflmL1”Id- :md? % might be Iawfnll to amid for any forraignemr fl1“aflg’(jI‘3- fubjeéi: to any: Prince 01': State in am.iu:e ‘with his A“M'a=~-"A jefiyg-witl1AfuC11AA*and ffimany ifhipsg 91+ othts-rA veAfl'e1Is&as fhomld be %:ne;ed..fu 1l to:Afai1e 0:‘ 4 got: unto: the Ports” *0?“ Harbotrrs of .E.xwter,4Ba%£ff3'{1; Ff‘/7”0“f77g “TQPIIMW, 01"‘ other Port’or»v-p1ace.in thls %K1Ang§o~me 0f‘Ezgi.a:Jm£ in defeétiom from the King and ~Pa1~11;2mem“._., and from thcncefiy afllawfuli Ineans. and .waye:~; to. .witI1dramA’% tmnfporrj and carry: qway %~t1‘z&;:ir - gmcls Aanfl» eflgmgifi < which advantage notwzthfcandxng at the fame time B % j€fi.5)ESA mfthis; Kinggiomvzza :41‘ A A A A what D1A:}:c1a1*ario%nA we denied to the befi: MAaf"fe-.f?ccd j V Thi:sA DTeCVIz1ratiOnVAwasA Pfiritcitfl and {but A unto» Mthéif A lrdfhipsfi w.hojn0tAcontez_1red with that fieczdome 4 A az:hmagh~g”mnted upon ( and full unto) tfzezr owns dew 5 ” _ mAa~nds,Am+akernewdcfires as from your Eordflfipsg far an aB%f5o&w:(*: free Trade and’”“C ommercegfiwee R~%111"Aper% A A tfiflungizz Hi‘ cnfianr refolutmns In al‘1A’th'11*1g?$tor C4Oj1‘“ Iefpondgw. rafmncd the : magtfer Ainto.Vcon-fidératicmg , have {u ffiared and {hall Afuffémr A A ~Bml 1nl*regard‘A0f? mt‘: Wmght and A gfe3?fw'3e{'f0flf@.qfl@n@.@ ahere0f;;havenot‘y'm given anylrefdlultiicinélorlconclu five ans} w;hxcl1weh§o%p&inlfome lhjcmt timcavfa ‘ton, ldeegl as maylgxvet f3tzsfaél1"o11At0A‘ ywr vL%«@rdfl1ipj4s5V”am,d algil‘ aim JWVVLM Since the Concluflon of the Whole former neg/3444 a:“iatim1«,~y,our Lordfhxps Ambaflbxlour Ml Qfdinariefil 3lAI*‘xf1‘¢€ver»tz¢A5 fomwmi at all fludienltfelin ljbtll Hflufes A 0fP;:;rl.iamlent,011thc3‘feco11d of flAf&y‘=laflg..dicl by me» prefl¥;=:O1*de1~‘f1~om your Lordfhips, as hezlfifimed, mm pmfzntt unto us your gaodiaffcfiioixs rO‘tl1€:p1'Ofi:ve1*itie of this Kingdonue, whcrc~:oFa.sAwe lame’ A saver been fully aifureda lb W€{?‘fl'l’”;1.llfl€V€TC€afC3 110“ feta; jvery'll1ig’l1' em fleemca both an yam felvesand it A5. At that time bee likenvifczacknowvledged,that true: it wash {Come Fnips formc:=rl_yAA;dcamafldcd by A, the l;;,i;l¢.M.lce;z";;:;*1gj¢w1;9;:cjlin'al2'i2;*AAm-5“ lfiaifiegvvefedlill't:h§"i*gecl,ll bi*:lF“fi”0t' H-3‘fl0lre& in thé: {fate th A were wvhemlmy wc:re'tak'en‘, and upon ‘the wlmle Adecfiy med, might be mftorcd and all intereilédfi by mafonl of thelfai&t:alc.ing 221% cleteyning might be indempnized ofall ex'penc+e:;, dammagcs-andlintercltsflvhicla i:he::y_ “ This Wm have taken into our‘ fcéfioul, onfi:&e'mti+l’ red? that the $l1ips andgeoods taken, and ya: cleteyev ~ %©nyar1dlup0n"perL1l?all, fears that our prol'%;dimg",s lazam A not béen truly reprefianted ta ‘your Lordfhips by your V m{t:mor«:lin:11~ie Anmbalfadoursfi but haope that uplom AyourllLord1fl1ips vievv wf the afore-going P:a.fl"agesj, yawn’ will”bél~m0PcaBun&antly lfatisfiecl, that nothipg hatlil :;w;;m1y»ltime beam wanting an mm pwaIt§i,..%faxre1y.l teen C 3 W A A “ Ml.fiVmX.‘ E’ m%)‘ anf W61“ Vtheiwcz deznands in ‘all the w*pa‘1'ticuIaM3.*s3,&— ?but the *fau1t%E11u4%f%VV%vhQ7;1yd Vreiiton the.C;.6mp1aina%nts ‘in Abeixig wanting m tl1emi"e?ves,£vvhen mb?anésj~‘andway%es0f ma ~&refF’e weI:¢:,, and EH? are 0Ffered¢; this our furw Ether PI'Qt&fi3i.ti?OI15th3;Ei'f Weknewi any other expédie %a-tm: for their reficfe and difpatch;w.c {b.o:;1.1ci msofi ream diiy C~0flCMfC€fl='.'i thcrcuntm fuAtn.me.mh¢~ thugh Batmrd? with fijkmrnw mi:tio:rx{t‘oT%?a;x1cnemi%asPAox~t iS1‘€-fi101”Ed5.'*fhCT’?;70fi7¢>..M ;5rg,.; M ...%$@¢iL=’ei2tw?‘93fi1OUg}1 beIjonging4to perfonsin Rcbélliong vThe Gol.«:z’m PWFMD though having fL11‘ni{hc.&'the Bum A mics Wi,thA1'mes 5 The Pml,thoug11‘g0ing with Cam for their afl'*if%ance.,a1*e all affiénteci to, _ be, =reR0re&, 03: the ivaiuéofthemjw with da~mmage%siIegaHy proved 3; The-Mafler 0ft11eTbom.zs B omm’5v«-mmm» mIcafcd;TI1e' 509 pounds .1Qfl%,acCrue there%y m this State, an»: Ehamfeives never {"0 much asindeavoured to make gorfl A r:heirAC1aimct~t0 thisday, all other dem.i22£.@* , ma % 1 %dM'2:C' 3 fiW’W£ flffiie Ezfiglijfxtian,/ufifym w;fm‘fm?«5: E{£m‘g&0m£;;ef$i2@.A injzarim m»sg,p€g5~y 4 . 1 mm’ dwmmmge.s»a’wze" mm tlzearzzzlsgfiufijaeéis A \ A $356 M?2ife£‘?W7vizz5M§ %5ie‘**»’i;v gmzpilmzis MW . A 1 A L 52922;¢ccardi2§$ojémraF£ order: esftbe 1 Hozefes 0? 4 »arl£ament’jpref.enzed to we mmmittee af Lows‘ " A 743165 Cmmmm af%rliarnem-g gflboirztezi tfl‘..£r€a£ 1’ 4 wifi."fl?3 Smm ./fm 5Vaj]'4daw2%$. mucking A Eegfiaia A ~ -wing ofwééps m2d‘$oa”c§.;, for M Mair/2 m%'0ngs méddammages it 22: de%mm3dgpI £22 tlyemmes oftlm M ‘ 4 T iflwiflsanfi A 2féefefl§£utian‘:arzJ fztisfa {Eon £9. mgjg mm JA¢:ording to tihe/mmli @$i”ifl0Z25‘..' A r ” I x. L I :&»M °C0uR M. E m Ertjhffég That his p Fhe B mm .Ef})e‘wmr:e%0f7 AA AT A Lmdm bem-gV1adm with the faifl Q‘ AA €7£M”'lT€£’i?6’5'_‘(3U0d3m an& with Certain . .4f:*‘\x\‘§[\\\m m‘gal1S’%(wv1m W beam the {End Smtes -m::;h aflmmme am . Trumpm! ,accor&m~g qm rz~m 4 agréaav A mans mads1o1'ugVbaforgibétweens t.11e’I,{ixfxg? efkorzagalii _mQm of@am’£ament af England? A bad pr0c1aim@d~p:::ace'¢in% Ixzdia. A C35‘ ' and thefIaid;S t‘a~ms:1V1e1*e%ii1fimrapej) ~wa‘$I:q;~Q1f1 the 25. wwfmzie I64 fii1£I1g“~;z1p@n :V1afer¢%x’0y-agevfram yflyaw m fi?2~i?2¢ V4:$ft1~avigl&rsi1»o£ M2454, 7aiT;au~1ted”%by tvvU} flniyps beiongigngto 1;,,11® :%ADufC11 Eait Ifldia i’Co1npa£1y§ and after abfoody fight?‘ and fiivers \ ;0fthe_ Company ‘ 35Wvfrtl1€ 5&idAE[per—nmce%flaifl¢, fh€€%aI1d;Aa;H JhiE__1‘: A {aid iAgn&1ng}4, 3.£1(fl‘VA_"GOGCi’S3W'3;’S fazed upon W by t1.iI.I‘3% af-*~ » .‘i»~m1t<01s[At%o:t?::s<::1:rown ufiz, and the mm -JLfl;h_Cl_" tnoik m111w1mnIy4ufcd5 w11iChihip might cIfc_%A1121ve rcture H $+n¢d4 zintea ¢Emglamd~;,V and ”n:1ig11;t:;ha;.vc2 Eneexm w%orth% m we; 1>%etit1om3r4at1ca{t fixt).*thoL1f;1z1dpound.; ; VR oéert Mowltaiz OFR ed2r°2fjj“ ‘ %‘ A lembof Jpfwicla A‘ V A Gofzmlioflpfwic/J A A £‘h.,ap[zzyz2e%Q£ .Ipfi~z3z'clw5 aVnd,f0m§:4Qt11c1*s4AaIL Qwn»~ers% of the %faid*Sl1x p the B a:;2;z%£f_;2erzm‘.‘;e, malm the faIIl€,,CCI11v plaint for the ‘IOHE3 oftheu: fhlpj the value ofthe A {hip fivetl10L1C:1nd pound, zmd fQf{2t%:1l£3u1O%C*~ ViAdr}£Zi:11gdomés,.dec1are3;~:¢oM tI7¥1e> S;tatcsAAAG$encim»l1 to&th{¢»S;r:ates ofzealmag that the Paid Armes were bought as aforefaid for t‘hé” I'erviCe*0f'Atl1i3% Kingdoms, the valuefthe ¢ightAtI1ouC1nd Apaund, tl1ec11ar« j gt->5 oc£rafiAoned' byrhe» *fiav*A~0F them fl freenhunred A t*heinterefl:m0r1ey 7feven_hu4ndrcc.i V % - ' %P&'m‘eJ2 fdé 1;» B we AOf‘LVo;‘2.4!0;2 11:1, behalfeof him 1' GM: . and Company,ThAarabout1.wbr.¢ I639.-theirfluip the Bla.ckeABuc:’ke ofzfwzlorz bein t11enA Aneerc ‘the me 0? AM;z¢Z.swzie5 f3i1eingt0wardsA t 10 Cm-zmries , 4 was in ho-A- Afli1e»mam1er :1Afl‘auIAted,.andAforceabIy talgxsn and car-- V A1-ye:iaway%“by‘ Captaimc Hemicia Claeffeiz ;S'mzei*‘1f T A %C0mp2tny, bein"gWa1I Dutch, in a, fhgipVca11edAth4e how: AA~%of44mflerd.422¢,%AAandAA %n0twiAtLh flan ding they lam both by “legal! proceediu As in A Halami, Aand by feverall ink‘ i~de%avors and u%f¢d~theirv befl: méeanes, yet they have V‘1re~ .% Atercefiions frc:pm‘a_n A bAy.t”hisA Stat:e_,,done~their‘ befi int- A Aceived no A Vre‘f{ii:<:1ti¢:)nV at all, the laifc amunting to Av a:weIvc:thoufandpou1;d, . A 7Capta1n M ~ par::ofthem. A A D 2 V €27) Captain WIbet_[Zo;2e,that abaut Feér?u.m»y; iasfic 4.I64.3;. ‘hm-J ;h9.ving taken at Sea ,% wins.“ withinkthe Bayes neerethe Bri,l1,but out of 4C0mm3I1d 05 any or . Port ofthe States,a Smfé0V0w% (hip caH"edA%the 550, Mafcera William Cooper , which {hip fayI‘ed;A% rm sméorow bound for R?0t‘tgFd“m , 1adre£x1VWithAlead&%, Cloth, Shecépskinns and fomej many .5:a;fmI:»th4ey w}1a4 A cmkea her, two Hafimzd men 0fWarre,%rd§;*ec14by%the Dutch Admirall W22 Tmmpe fo to doe, ’TJO0kef" the prizeihip from Captain VVb-‘iifflom’ ;CV€%Vf¥1'¢<-?1hiM$ flilsiifi K1166? mt into the Brill P¢£r;€ '%s,4~3I1’% I?O€3?<€ his Afailes {mm thcyard’ and carried away the rudder i;A2;f1;q2r W0 monthstrouble and attendance , the :C£g;2eA;t was difcharged without any farisfaélion at all ; fgr thge prizejtlue value whereof was thaufan pQufl€i;..: ; Captain Z asclmy, That abQ:1;tcVv:thejc:g1nnmg;% of March 1219: I643 . heriding with his fihip at %tI*1eg% V}-‘%l'~y9;i;<1 Hoilmmg and 411aving,~befOf€;Tflkfi‘% ~r:wo«Eng1~i«£h >pz=«i~ fie'S,("Ui:"<;. - " A, Hicfl*fi}?Z which came from fioasraéoraw M 21 <&1wa"s Hbounfi for Am]? ewfam laden wi;th“ClQ1:h, Lead, ,.VV oQ1Is and fame moneyes, allttofithfl“ value f fcaven 4thou{'and pound, the 0t11cr:.aK@fChAA laden M W,1i'h 4dA%ammun.ition bom1d%f0rAS*%r;z:»?'§aowom from Wh.iC11 3163* fir{’c%:came,, mthe va1u¢%AA%Agf;fiAfi:y fpound, was fi1rprifed by Vthrec ‘ States men df‘.VVar1*@,%4Captain »I0}W¢Vmgal1 beiag Commander f ofthem all A., whcz fhott ‘forty pee- ces0fOrdn2n:1Ce _:1thim, and’C0£11Im.fldfid him ahaarrwfi A Atheir fhipyand make his ifay-Mr; from his yards, and carryeéi them :2 fl1oarero% wtlaew Fljfiafld Carrycd him tut.» Amftesedam, and thc1'c4ksepthimc}ofe %APrifonerAA; eleven weckes: A witlxoutrciiirutian of the iff2;1d.p:1zras 011‘ any? "5 hrs A :(28 ) V % E ;TvheVA;To«Wn: e b.f§ yfarivéozaia, HA1-at th@qT?§C®n_d4 ~=0f~1'z¢5; , A la££x644¢ %Thre¢ States me1f1_ 0.9 —V*~"A;1rr¢ ‘gajflz 'cl:mf:~ to W me Piérwr ‘AC:i;VIg?2e*5 Gaptzplne A of ia>~D~z;z¢£~m€ver5 * and “ dr0ve~it}‘je’fZ1id?’iF1'iggotylim:0% the Haven A if mrsaéozzrizrj A 4;;ndgfo11Qwe&:them4 into“ the ‘(aid HavcV:11,% and 1-1-gym A gnade {gem-r31%1A»Afl10tms» aé the {aid-; Friggor, and I-A:iHed% A fimgzg Qf he:- 2+:g¢n, A%a1*1d? wou1nd7c';ddmom5 a'2:.d1 d£ve“ArsA’of’ the Afl1OttAmmniAmgon flxore :,k1l1edom3‘0f° the ATownesm "men of Tap-mam‘??? jandrl1ke’Vt0 whave fpoy-léd Am'any mom”. and af:erth£s#%boaraed: time fzid Vlcffeflf in Atgm, {hid A[HAAa;ve‘_n and Acarriegi her w*i4th 4h‘er C omn;1:m&er, ” A and all his company’ IHIO the Road of 2’3.«zmzaz:ti:r3 %°'sv‘hI*iercj:”fhee~xv~as aftcrwards refcu«ed by one of the Pzm limients%fhips,“Vbei11fg at: tgagt timcirx _tIA1c::faid I{0;1d«5 With~f0m¢‘l1e1pe»fr@mA the*{:1Ard Towne; A A In g9M1zeAPorvlei*3wvitI;‘)"W§of1€0ée2«‘t Pakolezg GentIe2':a%:m‘; t119.;t‘i:1 A1‘4i2z§:zry6§4g.,Vthif3 {aid Zeoéem PAAb42‘2v[et:,A 251141 I"1§.3 Partners ,WercPyrat1‘caIAIy1~obbedyV.‘cif :1 vfh ip C:.+1Hc\’l Arm .D o"Ue_&o/P Mgzzlveatzfi, "éf%1cfl%é‘a.ALfC>A»$(frf7 A 3. ~~P’0rt:z¢g.t‘ %Ié3Y?é2zé!&=r u1f<2 I1i‘As.befi: indeavoursfis A both Vbyj%%IV5g~.a11_ yprcceedingsa and? A AVinfe:ce1Iion'%4 4of* Agents of .~thi:é;A \ :Sta.fc, ‘iii his %M:1jéP:iesM nariiegancl 0tI1e1wv;i~fe;, yet“ rm m;~A~» A Sin‘ r1x;fimé,A;and »being <firi1de:bt¢E*d,tv23 Him A‘1r1*mé‘A fad . Id “§£Hrufi0n.Qrfzidsfafiibxl can*AEe*%dbtained‘.= V ~ ;RaqerNo2:rt'1) A Efquifeb thfit%0I1-56 Hmé jy _7‘.2zao§f'bi.z&ying (9 .. M 1 W . .1;a;v~ » A §1emmm“enc dag fu1tAca%~A~aga1z11’ethe>VV1'c10‘W»of the f.+u£‘" Axaaué 0223 beforethé ifirares 0fAF1;;¢“A 2'72? aenfitimem A 9 . A £3 appeared duet) him rw0hufld%téci‘ and [mm Apoimds fi~fi~4~ A *x‘}1i}:1Aii1gs 4:§.ric1.Afexfq1 _penc:c_;»f txvhici: fi1m%1ne%w:m A’ 3: ‘,7 ‘ A M ‘ _M M 1 ~ M M’ b M MM W brazigiafi in B?e§:'°ore the? {aid M agji {‘tr;ifeZ9,A‘bur Before Md‘ j\J“ml;2 could obtaxrm the ifiufl mmzey-3 the B;1y.E£‘£’reA 905 rheAAPz‘incc 0fA0y~ew2gaAa1'r«:3£’tcdAwt11eAAfat?11a-3 and keeqpdfii ~t:1‘1e‘A4?i~"Ci1Am<3 fimn A Athe fiiidé J\7o;:rtl;rt,, t1]Lwor‘i»At1%1£@ 0nC1y$ pm»s mam th:3;t the ffiid Heiary jlrwoéfbmdfyi-11g‘ inte£7zAate5w,thc?% {aidmcmey beionged to the faid Prinfcca and fa it 33233} by EIIAAG {aid Magxfhates fcjnt:e1_1Cfed". “‘ W‘ A W K A ‘A A f "Mm Merc:h;mtAs of Do-*.'.2e2»~3 thzi2tAirA1 S’£[}t€Wzfi1£}*"&-§.\£9#4'J§i\I£2 afiarque CaAU!<3d r11AeI*°oz«"zfz£i2e®f:JV30“Z.W3 J3 mmm*s:'e.E’3$'*az2vi¢v%A% Maficg ilavixng mkexl 111 1"1€3’?I~‘ fulflzzchng of Wicca: A Goafiss ;1tOA,/z'A‘A»2*.r.2¢¢./3 tohza déiiwarmd at Dzarzmffi the (M flmip ard goods comrmmg f7:‘<*>zA%11A()if%:>;*/zarz’w.itI1Athe fiafé mnduét of 3; C‘o1w@y flaip afthis Smmj Awas n0tw.ith~ flandingfurprizefi at Sea bya {hip Ofthe Smtc:-smf I10//.;z22a’,‘NVl1€rt;‘0f .4cfé';z~'izziz (~;".¢;a"Zim» was 011m1‘aI1d€r§ .;—mdAca:ri*iedAAt0% R 0t1:a:»~aA~mz:, wh¢:‘:r(¥:*%t:Z%1e A Md < fhipg g«;-:;:od:A:,) A moi hm“ .M;m*i11eArs mnai.me‘ without rcfiittztion, 21¢!” A fl101::gf¥1 the Lorfl Adtnifazil of EAa3g!.«m~d m;=zk,ing2; Clem-- %p.i;11z1tAA.t13e1:c0f;tQA% y50 m" Loru:fifh1p5A_,* mCe1v.cdA Anfwmj fluat "ymuvv@1a!AdA*vvr1tt3‘“Vc2f.F(:«£’zual1yAto»Ath«:3 States of No.3-=+ A A iazmgtlaat farisfimian rmgiit Mbegiven 1'0 COITit€i1t3) yew! A am the Mz2m_z1-em mhem‘2mpr1{0ned; zmd ‘t}:1re;u"m:3d m>~ coxatixaue {&;g_u11ic{{‘e they MM :9;fliz*.z'zA1c: the fl1ip»3Hri . goods to Eueimigg mt) M@m1%1iA1gm.z1d }i;,1?0mi{I:~_§d %wmvxr:.2rci4 if they W111 f0AAAafi1z-n1<;:g,tZ:zc V2911 ms at thcré fl1ip- mm! gems E5000; p011z1ds:);mdd;am*m1:zgcs mv0%i*?1a0u{i1n:;l po'z1,ncisA.. fmbiz flfizrffarz of K; aV;rwi0;~;:{, MQfC§3£2i1f9 th.;2z”‘ Hg“-mltflm: £*wenty.fi1{rh._0f x9€pte*%n£::?r 1M6?;3A9AA wi;‘f§“:c%zr:;;» ‘¥,~’V’:.’€.8 1"A.!;£T1}'\_!1g7,f§A.f§“?fl A Aizciior in the Road at £Z£i"tI‘!'9 «.m~az;:: M.w:}~;'ct 1330: I2. ~€'EfiFf1'.?.¢fi‘ F0fCfi‘}C1Y€3M’*i0 Englifll Ke'tc:32ese§M21{¥:cr5 R0". c_gerg?oyi2“e2'* mead A .:¥aT“%z?u;v;_:;g°.»2c.v;2.., Abmth «f}ai§::.fi11‘ed E':>*g,w v A A ~ ff}; 4 zH.*a*«:.::Mr: melveaclockkofdxhefziii 4 e day’ there scams zmo rim fame Roada.,Friggot or flnpo ‘war beI0ng1ngror‘he; States, fiCa_pt:}1iI1¢}P em? fa/mfzw [Of RUWWFM 77% having 5 the K~in_g 0f E izglmslsf En figneon the Poope, the Hub» Z I Flagge on thfi B01: fprir czgd, :.1n& _a Pendent on the ma1n,qM%;1fi;4end, and beingxvxthm P2. R011 {bot of’; the 7 Af13idAKetchews3 did then there difcharge two Mufi; ketsfi and f0rtAhw;it11*%&bo;1rded them, and havingenrredfl his menwcigheedtheir Anchorsz, and did viplently car-~ my the.fi1idAKefchesAand Soifldiers aboard his own ihipfi d.ifE:l1;;Lrgec;l thC K(‘_‘tChC5_, aildthat night: fez: fafle for Z ealgznd, the ciammzzge f'u{hiAr1ed thereby by the {am Mmffazz isAvaZucd;at one thoufimd fix hundred poumis. " 3';3zmes4VGiééo:¢s Merchmt Adventurer, tlmt in NW ’ wmée;A 16347;. Lthcre came configxxcd Aunto him from bizdm to R otAfem’;zm in the E lzK:s.:z.«’r.'>.-:>2?/;2 of L 0/’2’.;’»z’0i?!3 WM- iimz Aa1kiwfo;2,»Mafier, one Packe coAnt;1iningA feavenw men Englifh colour-ed C. I.0tl1est, whiclz being arrive& were truly cntrcdi11 the Cufiome houfe, and thcmbe- ing; inxthe {hip another Packs dim&e& to; one jmxaé Velthufem a. Merchant ‘of R0£‘f€?‘dt'azm,) % who llaving few cretI‘y1m1aden¢ the fame by night out ofrhe f'aid {Hip to d£3fraud[the State Of their due: the fhip*maflerJwas ‘ 4th«2.mupon accufed by the Advocate Pifirall in the ' C0ar.u’;mf Advmiralty, was by fentence of Cgurtconw damned lfl theAf0rfi:1ture themunto beiongxng, aftenr which, the {aid Court {did taimthe faid~6‘£ééwzs his A j Packfiflut of th& {aid fhip, in Read Ofthe faid Veltb.ra« fw2s,3I1dcaufe&thAcAfa1ne to be {old with great loffey without hearing the {aid Giééaizs, nor could the {aid G£él?w2s eveffince procure reflirution of the fame; Io£*iz»Wa0d10fL0iz;iw3 Merch;1m,Athat he having thxs A A A A A '" Rafi, “hi”: yeatefet out for the coin efeuizmxthe Shipmttve A A the Cape Merchant of thefaidfhip in profecutton Of thgavgyageg went m the Port of Cawmrvztiize‘ DITA the A A GOH Coaflt in Gaimy, where he found the Dutch ha& A L + eombined;tviti1 the Natives of the Countrey em havet cleane expelled the E.ng1.i.fh from their ovvne fa.Sto:°y,, which had beene effeétegd , to the very gteetda.n1mage of the {aid Wood; and theAvvI10*Ie Guizmy C 0mP3?fly‘,§f1a& t not that {hip arrived that very day at that Port % and 3&1 tetwards thefaid {hip comxning to thelflzmd of Saint A Theme, to recover certaine debts; due to the {aid z~:%/and; wherewith the {hip was to be reladem The Gem vetnout of the Ifltmd for the Statest General} com-‘ man&edttthePortug.aI1s Debtors, not to pay any of their debts unto the Englifh, although they ‘were both A able and willing thereunto, whereby the fwd {hip mm A t turned home dead freight; A Befidesall thefe, wee have receivefl Ftem l:h€.Ez§{?-~ India Company of London, and the Mufiawie Mere» chants of Landon, by their fevetali Petitiomg Com» pl2.ints,of divers great wrongs and dammages of great value done to them by the Dutch, fubje:-:&s to the faifi States of the zmitecl Pra-'UiJ2cz?.s'3 which Wteldee net hete 4 1 {ct downe, becztufe they are of at “longer dateyandaré, er havebeene depending under debate before perforate thereunto particularly authorized ané appointed” ant we expeét that in duetime tiglmt will be dmtee gzurzs