‘’w‘ H v, ‘ v‘ V‘ : " ' ‘ ‘ .’ flu. - _' .1“ - I . ‘_ ' ¢ - . ‘ ‘ " ‘I u l . ‘ n‘ In ', 1 ’ 4- » Wu" _ . :« . V I I A] "5' 4- V" ' -‘ ‘ ‘I’ ‘ "U .. ‘av’. - 4-. ' ,4 1 - O ‘ ‘w 4 av fl!» " . .‘I'n ,f ‘ E I "il- %«¢¢%%%%%@%%%%@%@@%; 5‘, “-2-~ % ‘ __~,;:1'” , , u I ‘ :3 ‘ n I ‘ wilt, ‘. ‘ I 1 V , ‘ i u I‘ M -.9 ‘_ flu. 1» . ) V . ' ‘ . H‘ . . , - W ‘V I y . . I “ " 7‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘;‘,."|> ; D ASSEMBLEDIN %I1lJCiII (3()‘VUR. F PA R L I AM B N ‘Pi The Humble Remonflranee and Petiti- on of the Lord Major, Aldermen,‘ and M Commoiis of the City ofLom{on, in Corn- ‘ mon‘*Cour=1cell Affembled - A ‘LONDON, M % Printed by Richard Com 4 I .6 4 6. A A u H ON 0 Va A B LE th L f * ‘ -'s.- ‘ ‘ .‘ V5‘-1» ‘ v ‘ 35- ‘V “ - at embld V5,? 73:‘ A :«~ V .~" ‘z; V . ,_ w ‘ ‘ 5‘! '» ":9 ‘x ‘ ‘ ‘L High Court QFPAVRLIT’ % %i’1;‘I.Ai_e Iamizblé Remflonflrazfzce and et:i:1‘z'cm_J "tlyei Lord Major, Aldermezgand Commmts oftlae Citxof L’ondon,z'7z GommanACou7zceZ1&a_jé7¢2g-A VLIAVR dut:y,in the firfi place, doth lead %u§ robe» gin all ourAddreflEs, as wee moflc heartily and‘ humbly doe xhefia, with aIl%due>a%nw<:I humble ; .; ack¢ntts,, in the eflingdhnmet “Of Em glméd, lS'cat1amd_., and %1remd5 are fincerely,” reaIIy,tand cotnflanttsé , Iy; through the grace of God, to endevour in thtei;r;{évqr”a1l Places and Callings, the fitfarmattiton offieligiofi ih-th;r:King-‘L dometsofEzzg!:§nd, and Ireland; in I)b”rd of 3Gbd,hand A» the example of the bet’: Reformed Churches, and: met to tncéleaw your to bring the Churches of God inthe three Kingdomes, 7 - tothe nfietfxfiflt gotiiunfiitont-and unifrmity, in: E¢IigE‘0‘.!I‘5_Gv:0~«"-raig ft-i=fi0n«t.~of Faith, Formt of Church-Governmant, Dithtéiortyhtthfdt WorIhip,t_ a~nd.C;atechifing, that mice and our pc:vf’terityfafi:ei‘i us_.,rnay_., as ‘Brethren, live in Faith? and-1 Love; W thetibord J maydelight IIQ dwell ittthe. middcfi 0f us; Tand',in~l‘iketma.n-. mar without-t rcfpe<‘?tt~0fpt:tfo13;®gtotendeamur thetextitpationzof Pkaapcryg ;Prelacy5SGP€l€fi:iEi0n:y tH¢réfi¢,ttSch:i‘finw,:,:hPrQtEnetmfl’e,;t 7 and whatfoever M {ha.»1?l tt:con—.> V c;iyatitin%t th€f‘p§JW£:E’ ;¢fafiytt9t'hL%;h domem é% M «A A . . W Wee cannot alfo but with revercpce lopk upon t%l1is*H-:;;n1o~ ra blé Hou‘{‘e5.% uasfmftéd ‘With "2: great mare &$F1'the' AfiiprcMrnepé)w. er of rhisw*Kingdo1n,and axis is the rep;*efen?t*ativeof7 thewhole Nation, outof 'wh‘ich,.and by whom, the JMemAbers':thefeéf. arechoién, _dIoe fixnur hgartsthe nao%r1et;p0"n thefime, aihd db‘: byjthd mercyof Godf, fo long is this Kifngd"0m d0fh adhere t_d our Go vcnant, progxziié our {elves now and in % all future ”a'7ge%s',* A A “W great - greatbleflings and affuranees fro1i1;the_ endeavours adndnfabciurs $\ A of this Honourable Houfes alxd 113 1‘€gard:0f nthisddignityof “ Trufif, We have and do fubrnit to all Priviledges of Parliament; yet becaui5nitt‘m'33’en«0Wn bec.01‘r1ea T€neUF€.,f01T1t1f6 5 if this privi- I€.dgCfh0ll1;d _—b€€_ foj madetuie Of by;fi’1Ch-MemebeIfs of “ParIia‘- ment as owe great fi1mn1.es of Money, and proteét divers under them as Servants, Attendants; Qfiicexag yea, and their Servzmts, if all theie It-houldt Ab-ee exempted from courfe of Laws how %nta-5- gny Citizens of London, and other Subjcdcs of this Kingdonjmay bee " undone? Wee doe therefotewitll a1lDntya11d_'[ hankfnI~:- nefle? put this Hononrabwle Houfefintnmindee thatT§n aRemon- tfcerancetto the Kingdome, 15 Decem£er,1642~;~-J.:te find this ex-- ed preffiong Viz. T/mt fort/9e matter of tPrbm5"t’io72.r“, tlaeLPzz'rl.€a'- zrzwtrztiefo jenfibIe;qf.'ir, Ma: ibjereirz, they intend, to dgizre nalmzfiggmar eafe mkagy fl-'a"7;d aisvit/9; Hamztrt a'72d4]ei[}i6_‘8 , ‘Mafia’ fife‘ ifizvaza %_ ‘paflJ'77g fa*B2'll 10' give jatérfmfiion concerning the iénxe. find now that the Kxngdome is ;aIrnofi reduced, by nthieh meanes the F.L€V€;1me.s of the Kingdom willbemburthened, and d the Cttzfiqmesnand EXcii72i11erea{e, and tbt- ptlblikef change of \‘ theetfiingdonxedecreafegnow thatetD€1fnqnents doe. datifly-;;comTe:: in and"eompoundgafnde*now that the Enemy, hath butfew Holds leftawe hope that the great and extraordinary Taxese and bun- thenston t11tistC;ity,: and-th eir T1'ad€5fl3fi3-Ifitbe‘i11jth€Z"fI3lti1I‘€'Qbat€C§;.. A thatthe Debts owingto1th_e~Cityf:;; and'Citiz_en'$.ttdft;Laizdcd725n .€ifi there fbyhfparliCll13’17dAtfl1ll73.1}C€_5r‘QfT the ttPédi*1diamentt 5 ‘;ior7L11potn the:;; pu’b]1'ketFaith of the Kingdqrne-_,f he taken Carefon ‘€tha%‘tdifEhaf:?. géd, as Well dsdtltofe affigned upon the EXciie,ja‘nd;naay not bee deiv-ertedtftomthe nfirjs appointed byt—fQIfl1€:£.‘*A&Stnafid. Otdinané’-= ms ;%tIjIo‘n*o'rf2tb1e Houfe ,l,1.ath;: lately tdekelaeredteoncen-4' e. A ning the extra,o_rd>inary Wayes the Parlianient lmtehddeebéen tpirt up-we ed on tfot procuring t1\_lIo‘neyfo1; their maény preflingt Zoccaitthnes and hereupon .we,_,_pr4eindxne.*to opt-gefenettatto the tCdI1,fid€1‘afi‘iOi1f0€ . thiisr ‘€532CfQm¥§5ii’tt§¢'3'5“H4"9‘”’4“fl39’¢*%?“Idée nae heing,pn¢' vthcf g'r¢3t¢£trT§1ZiF’3V%¥1Q¢$et®f i2.11i"3,:C!i‘33’s‘§‘ea.nd*fWhi€h§? fodlongaeit teoxztinueedgdoth hinder the contgourfit ; of*_peop}e' _ A ~therennto,and tendeth much tothe deflrnétzon oftohfi Tnadegatld M Inhabitants thereof. % A e ~ t , A ~ finddueatlillttbwléiigement remenie e And A 9 ea eeenfeew efxrieeeubcembueeeaewzziegmehempzsae W -: maxim fomebetter n:eatv1e.Ms‘% andVopportun1iey for the Ifeliefe of bug e ‘ b1eedingB‘rethven in I feZ‘e}'r1d,i and” the fixppreffing ofi thbfe,h‘m*-- rid? RebeIse,iam:1r reducing 0% th at Kingdom, zvhereih; befiees the 9 V ‘blink ‘and ecjominéorijl > tc:.1‘5‘-efi wee are pa1*tiCu177arly eoneer» ” ' ‘. . ‘ ; 3 '5“ “ v-.'w@" "‘_v'~m»:».,.- L afily, we efl1eu1d‘hav¢ niuch ta fay for this -City_«,; M ifwe ciiizm imagine 1:ha1: its fidelity 8-: conefiam: ierviees and éevetiorfto the Parliamexzet c7ouId either be qL1eeflibneWd‘ er ‘forgottem dgaiflitdé V-we‘flial1 exprefle; on the< pairt‘ of the City,eis, not no riepeafthow ezea1ous'wee"have been imjhe C1eti1eOf*God, and i:hiéPaI‘1~ia.~l‘- mentg how we ha::=e1" pile. our b1o0d,Iand laid out our {elves and A Efiates i11ema.iI1»te11ance t:hereof5V how many eublike acknewfi ledgements Wehave by us (95 thefevourable accepetazece ofchem, ~at1d;pi*oemiies‘to leave Tef‘Eimomies~ the reef to allfuture ages; "but: ionely tobefeeeh this Honourable Home :0 eonfier haw 'mu“ch-our” heartsmey iufilya bee deje€ted°, now that A God hath ‘followed your endeavour9,‘2m'd (fur prayers, with 170 many fife"?- —eéfTes,e and,broi1ght the Warre to a probable period; * as? etzef; ienfeof ‘Mam thatethis;Ci":sy ihould yet in us; receive? fo g‘jreat’:V aj nmrke of the difpIeafu1'e “of eehis eHomm~ab1e HoLif’e,as that}, the Letter flsnt: iisjfrom the Parlimgnene of Sicatlazzdg fl1ouId‘fiiII« be detained, though petitidned forge Vifthis‘ Honourable Hoiufé e wereeloubtzfuleofour fideIit:y.That ealthbugh in~tI1ev1aft Propofie tions to ;?hiseMai?§fiy! fee Vxfiridge, the pewer ofthe Militia. dfthié City? was fixliyrepreientefd ;? VA that it fiI¢n1_I;d~ new-j bee reaafrfiflieclf and endeavoured ‘to be altered; 5 to ‘A t:.he%~1ez1dangeri'ng‘ tbzie City," and the Parts adjacent, asifwee now cfeiE:rve&"Ieflé~ ‘ ’ Trufifrom this &H0I1ourabIe if-Ipufe, then a ‘twelve Mozgeeh‘ agoe; That foxxrelfafe Petii;io1qs”of thisCfty*prefépted§e»'t1ii§ Ho?-.4 norable Houi?:,fh0uId yeelye unanfwered: V ” That Quwtérmén a‘ notorious Seiufy, one whom the City not long finch-~e eaefi outf A forehis nxifdemeanors, fhbuld prefi1me A ,im;hc contenapii of the‘ 1 priviledges and Government thereofl,» 1:6) en tar: ~ thee City, Aa1:zdV :07 make proeIama{:ion__ -with Tm V 15%, withdut%aCq!71ainting“§Ii«:7f Lord ajor therwithsthc like efwhich(to our béfi e kit: ewledgeg A ~ in no age, when the City Was moi’: neglefied, Waseeeverefijs j ~ asatcemptcd. 9 V A % AA A ‘V? , ‘ .1‘ ‘W iIIgt&$6£z$t3I:4c:§ {Wt 61*, ' 4and‘n¢:t be‘ cligcd tb n;aICha_,5C>\'c xexummiiles a L A=«day:wgand:% t1«~l%::*2;£* fi1'€h%_(52tl%c*r*i IS «a*ul‘*é1~%-ietzs as are %AInl=fa%bi~ “bitants %in the Citieg, [j_‘ha.Il xe)cei‘ve- ‘*f1f£”e r%l‘x¥:}Aer-ti*ctca: & march outi,%or xemaid:«c‘A ghcxcin , Ww_ivthenr¢ being ~¢A%<:;rmpeJa!eda”’r¢o_% t?§»1cc*rf.ap%/Pi‘rmcs%‘ a.gIair;~1£’é44_tETe» Kingg :rAnd~‘iE:“;am So’u«1_dieja-¢s= 1Lg{1d;~»:apo"n:_«t1aaei;~%:r§%a;:cI;, &:*:g§>jn§{&V C-fir iaéges an‘? A'VC”€'a’;m70’d‘a§t;i;Gz;s -. .fhali3éfp+f ided:f@ux:ihetn'z A ‘H;”- % -Thar an I.ords,Gc~ntléménégfiiiefrgibwtfifiii,C3223«- laines,and Ofi‘i¢ers,that {hall chu.Ie to goebeyozad A L .Seas,ffhall cqarct; avzay« wfith tl:ei’4r'J"f:,1Il A_rme:$%,for A ché:”£wQwne tfiat ga *$c;uIdieIs‘ 1 A§ha1&:4mmhA?‘amy~‘vy »;ae;*n:ra;1: Amxes ,'qw:;rfi*%V*. a clmfe -£11‘ V‘t_y17;@i‘i:': itranfpi'drt3ai151érn :5 ~%ithj‘P§:£n¢sg fhal*I“i:1jefe*léy-Vd6vWié~=', a??n~d< dc:fiver‘¢tinto*% the ' ‘ 9 ‘G:ove&nbu:»Qf theanexr‘ (~3;artiion¢4%be41ongi.:}g:.t0Ariie. gP‘a»?r15i.@ix1¢1§it§£13?»fgi@3G6%erfié‘i§;4p@if§¢i%!§fig* 6r»tjhjc;i~:¢ ,i?fi§f"eti°e~dumiAngMt‘f}1dtfiiX71é er their~?da*jbo,d?e1.thci:r,fWfFxe'f§ théy-§~f}I1-a l:l‘=;b*&e;a$ii?£"cédi" 7 E>§;~ pgrocuflng {’fE*‘1*1‘$‘ 4 am5d*7fli4ippiing; -ft>'r?t’1fa”"e}i§ it~r2itifp&»rtat:+o%n t%hWe%-grgéf- '-.CUfiC3l'i1€d Katesr 3;, 4 av V, J “ W «(zinc Q.fiif<;e1fs. “rand So%ldi%c;rs ‘, .' ml‘ - I—-mm ‘ J: §’I§P2i%1*ve ‘free’ i?*‘t‘é“i‘?* ?5‘t.*’7 ;v4{€nti’e-one daycs a1«1(:név‘eg:!, to provide for their‘, A A‘f"te,rV which time’{ha11‘ be expireVc;i,¥««t1m%’a paying forclxcit V .Q9§~1‘::. Co W‘ 3' ‘Z. af€er黧 fiiall Have-Iibértie to nayun::%11raip; :*iV"pigg be.provid‘ed , a,.nd% yazeather -f§qfong«bIe .3 wand that durin their flay, er%”*Abc:£‘oreT%,4 +;%y1rv&f?!1a:1rL be peb- f n1itged;_1‘ atanytwo of thffm fliéygbey: 503% £412; 3 % pg ;;~_e;;t»wit%i1_ any E?@rrg1;%%e%; An; ba (man 3: 50.1? V ;fXg€nE5,§ fozjai ;Co:#nmifiion :0: be; enrmri: awed be: V Ifyémii th~*=:,.Ssas.~A , A % I X,-: That; nczzheuhc Officers , iSouldiers?,%~:i‘or av %ny pcjrfon vv1h1.a;r{oeycr,j1nthen‘ g,o1%ngr.utz%f0f t.heg.% Cm: {ha_11bme%V;*eproag:31ed% ,;%o%r;:l1.;wcEanfy é7.i(grace- A fuIlAfp§e%er':I1ei= ,” ox affro ntk»%0fF€r€d unto untéthem, o1:.any of their petfons , wronged , rifiéd , {Brat- % shed , or their gpodzg fcgizcd , or taken away from VbyLanyiperf(m whaefocvejr, 1. fiiéfii;.CF§fi9léih¢$;:CT0%§n manAd-em, QmC€rs.’anf§€1§ 9@1_11<*i¢r?sC%°=*?Priz~ecLAin*the£?: Artitlesafltall be air hIowedii4&8ca_tI_ii%ed. in providing offi1m..C1€rmCa~rria- That% the Govemour, Lords,.G¢nr1emen,CIer~ % .§¢5 3*‘f€3f0fi5bj1¢ R3t€S%-t0JCarrY.% 3W3? 1 r.Bagge, ‘J Bafwgéaiid G70Od.S s 311?<1 %that%,car¢b§ rAak%‘e:nAbiy W $126 =futuE€jG0V€fflOUI0f 4 Vthc%faicEv itica Ifozt ~the« ., .~. Va ‘ if =fi¥Ch‘%ficke%<2.r wounded?-:0 fficers and Souldigrs as Afhallbe inAA$;‘Athe:C%i«“r~ies an;d%%thasr‘% %’»P0fl3€C9V¢fY;_ they ;i1‘1a.1I% have Pafiks ma: Arépaiiifa wfiizéisé{vm<:..hé>u£s;refpc;&ive!;;.¢; %%Kingdom:e;, by Amhpri A V J B 2 xmxrhac ‘ I ‘ W. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘we _ n 5, ' ,- "7, ,4 - "3," . . . ‘ ‘ , I. ' , " . ~“' -I . “ ' ‘ ' _ I , . 0 ‘ - ‘ I . L ‘ g%%¢:{i‘hat%Av »the RaliAamcne;;F%o%r¢és _c€mie n&e% ?irzm5é’hlc % Ci;:e‘:un§i1‘I this Kings E¢o4rce:4be marched ant; ex..~%A " cepizogxxe hu"ndt€d:acnd flflie Vfoog, audicme %TmoApe“* : % 50f-HOff& W1.thfhCi1' Oificers; ’ A A AA X I 3 . A’ Ih%aht~»rf1£:) ALO;-ds,“ Kinghts, Gcntfcmer71, i’CIcrgé€c:~% A£iAI11er1—4, %Chap;laines ( exceptfin&g‘::hO{Ef,% who are by { n ame_excepted~ by Parliament Aétpafi by them done ‘Tot by anyother by their procurement} relating unto Vth: unhappy diffiéreni %.c¢s betwixt A H is Majefiie and me .‘Parliament;they‘ fubminting them felves to rea‘fi)fi2bIc%and fnoderat%;';%'% ,~m.from pardon and " cQa;1po,{iti0n}* Officers A ~Ctr1'zcns ar1d* Sou fdier‘s;, -A “ and all Gthcr perfons c€>mpr‘izcd withinfithcfc , A 13.; j 355C163 a {hall be quefiionedor ‘acc_ounra'bAIe fo1=any{{j conapofition for their Eftatesé, which the Gene:-all A 1e-vv~_of any Aman:sArea1%I,Eftate r‘eFpe6’c'ive4Iy} .a ad‘ for pt>fitiOnbeiI3g made, :they« {hall have imdemni‘tie ' Sir (Mama: Fairfax‘ {hi I1'rea1ly £%ndc3you‘g4wjyh :hg...~ — -Pair! iat-nent, that i't{haI1“"nOt exceed two yeares van < *Jpar£bna1I accoxciingtca the Ordm:1riei*u»Ie, "notA exceeding the-p‘r<;;po;x%gtion aforefaids which Cam. W1 ibrthcir .perfons, a—ndvA€n}Oyt':heirEf’;ates and éri-‘iA4% .qt'hcr¥i,Vmunitics,A‘ without pgyment aé’ any fifrfi dr - 9 V j tsgv:ei?1ti etI1T part, A prjany.iot_hé’t4Tax‘es C31‘ Im‘¢POfi“fi*“" J Aomx3s~, exec-pg sjgrhzt {hall be M hcxjeafter charged upon % v: % them in :c0mm.0I1 3 ‘A with? oitl ex: A SubjeV&s of th‘is; - Gl§afirlaifitSa‘(fl¢¢Pté A in , mall‘ T~ha;ve~~ it: to . *ge»eafin%rm» Wf Efie w . Garrifons, and to haven rm thentikff félvés and fézvzntsg to godunto the'PatIizm~e:;1t to M obtaine their Compofittiarifor their Eikatesgand I ifydefij)-pf‘1iii'i€' fr ~thei"r per{on§;wh1i"ch,_"”?fifiafighit A V pg-Qvgg i«ne§c&u:11l%3‘ ygzt .neverche1ef§: théy f?l14a5i!.rlIe2Ve“ fgfiu po,£{cfTo~rso %% fcmre mone%AtI1s time 17.23;: ‘agfieiflthe dateVo*fAAVtIieV{és ~ %ArricIeswto inczleavour their pegce , orVtoA‘g<)e ;b&#A V y1£md:the Seasgafld {hall “haw; ptafliis fpr A lrfiafc all Hfiefs 5 »A‘‘“55 : Money av? mtheff * AA (}9ods_‘~~wfiatfQev"er%,%‘ as? vlawfull WarAvc% ,Vb'ef0re ~orydur1ns§ 111$ Siege “now; in the‘ Gitic , jbe contiziucd ti: 1 A +m.:%a11.. Oxficms‘,Ge=rirf@men5.A?Ciriz‘cn$,fhhabir-{ e»po%;‘ ’efIir)n efthepxfcg A rants 3 C1er_i¢-men,Chzp14aines,$’uéIdiers,Aand - alI4'ot;-hm: fperi oats Wi~t:h‘in=~th‘e Cit;e,during thc“ti%m_%e' ¢" of: thieitrrg. akinlg their vCO5r¥1:p0fitib mi ,% " t’t1a‘I:I ‘h';av§ f }:§b:ct.=h*e ei“thr.=r to mhabyitc WE r:l1i;n*t!i¢’“1fTa%:t'12: " G £t~iVe, ~fim«wt‘I‘ harm?‘freB~1?ib’srtiVeeat any *'r‘iiI:c~'t*o d%e-A-V . parti 1vi«cE1“their"Fatn-i!'ics,~VG-Coda;Aa nd%V-E_fl‘at€s%,un 1797 ::.n3rpar.t this "Y€i%ngd~om rliefzirliamentsM%q:1;*aif-{EA ~ ms;-,%I5‘c» befrcf CU;m~pdfion* rAmdAr.-,5t1351%'t:" AMcrt:han;:"§ , ,1» T£adcw*:m‘ * " " A Iga§e&, ‘ S:eat2sf,:.aarx£ii AMone§:Ah$ pails, having % A .abovcfaid, {hall enj»oy,AT;t%heb1enefit oftl1i_sand_thc~: Tri&es5'8c aftef” Eoinpofition madegal fiozhm (nC‘-W‘ prohibited by VA0rdinm6C§L<5:f%§’?«arlia1I1ent)to enjoy A a~I3.df§€{'X€‘EC3i§‘-‘Q ~thdiI%%i‘ t'o7fe%;mxs: .3. 01' gm: Abeyond ‘irhg M L V 4»‘ev4er3 smf tilmalis: have para _ egfé-rlfmas ‘wm1§ril~fcd= WM-*1i;h l:«h¢At—i2;i~v«éIll f;l*i%av:§; lu..9n*§relquc£tla; lCer§ifi¢atc;~ :~llu1”ad@:“:‘7 t§_?16*7h’§‘fld: §'7Oi::: his lExléell€mlc*ic it ‘ftlcmm: :Faizfaxl,:; o»»r,,t:l1e 3 futlu::cll~Govern011r (if :the Citie ,,lthatl f.-1chl~P€rf0ns~svcre1 in the Citie ‘at tha'4t'f\ll.t‘i'§ne ;C~ff tlgm; furrcmdring’ thefdof ,4 l and ‘f are A m 7% lhavc <.t“h‘€~': heinesfihc azf 1‘tsl%;efe At:ic.les .5“ X1 That his Excellcncllc ;!i:rw:Tka’”‘a1:.“Faiffflow\-givvfil affuralncés That all Officers and Souldiers in Elm, Parliaments Armie , Wand all otherslunder his Cqmmand flfliall clucly land, .exa&:ly, obfervc »al~l Artixclcs ;afQ“refa.id[: Arid that A ‘if. they __-,.,o-r, a¢ny”o»f7 ttiallrnlsigrhlalll Sm:i'!llln fie”: Sgbfcription (relating thcgreunto‘) {hall be pofed ~ the Kingci-mm.‘ (I3: pbféd upem any %p4erE:*m w“h2t1°0ever cotnpriflzd wi'thi;n‘ thefa Agrtic"1%e»s, ‘but onely fiwch as final}? A blade all‘ perfcms afoarefaid, ; not to bears Armea againlk the Pa 1-} zamenr of “Egg-Zmd , mopv fittingmasz * us to; tl~:2ir~ .z°SsPFai%rcs: , .W%'I1:U&—§‘h§i‘YfI‘€im@§fii€,i[D‘ thrift Qgaz-vcr$w.A:%: Excep;t‘4’%the;4pe*rI'Qnjs~4 .;Z1‘ECP,I',:€*.{;l;1',dj fla]2VE;i u?’efimé#fl‘”'a nor wiI4ft1IIy~d0e any A&*prej-Lzdiciali fi=t=l‘% rend6r‘themfc:‘I.vesizn4tQ ‘tbé ParIiW.3fi?enAt 5 who A fhAa1Ie?lauI‘ethem robe fiircxfiwzd %ijf%rfi”c:y;I,I1!%nI«; 5*“. ; That for»: .1-he §l1.I“tb€.t'. and ale-alter» undc.rvfimc¥in:;g of the precedent Artfclfis, it is hercby de‘c~1a*Vred' - that thctruc meaning‘ of thszmisa That 33! pew fonscomprife-:.iwithii1 ‘t°hefe Armies, {had} q1xir::.*—-V Iy andA%peacei1b%lie en*joyAal’1 tlzeir Goc>.{-5, Débtfs ., and .MoveaAb!es,%during' thefpace of four: MQ£?‘C-tI‘:i7?é: nexzrenfuing , and he" {rose fran1 a U 04: E1es5:4,'C oma. mats, and Protefiiiriengzs, and have1:bc1*§§C.w4i;b,;;m the time of the faicl fours Mmcths. incafeficy {hall not meme this cafizapofirion with the Pa 2'1:--~’ ament ,,,( and 1ha.i1be&r¢i2:>1vedAto gee beynnc'E~Ss2:s} to difpofe of their {afl G;G0~.§‘3 , Debts? and A/i{:»~ veables allow-::‘d by zhseile _A:%t§cl¢3s,*~:«a.;:d :50 deggggrz ’” the:KjpgdQfg1e3.»i£.,finey {hails rm; "fir, and ro"‘£a}}w'a3 Paflies for that pur'pfo4%fE,or c=:hc:*~z*».*—.rife inf) Peaj; in ,.‘..._1». n .T‘hat z7«!a4unt».Jf€a~aij’ard,% and 153s V‘./'f’c§1"'.;i «inASr-. 7 120» A _ :a?%:,.;,Parifl3;..wizh the proviuons ot‘<;»“~,7:me :,_hcre~: , ‘ ' V ' . ‘ A mate» .. (M) mt:-ca-*-' &~eIong§xag5 be dc'Iivere‘d untb ' 2ais*=Ewe1icnc£é S in: Tl:a.r.=:.M..='é1!¢1'r-,2"4:arg, or Wham he‘-fizall ap. _dyx_w ts 2-waive t:hem,i;3 2£I§.2sé=r:c—e.o"t"?'tke: Ape-rim ' acescf the'prcccedeAn=: Ame-Sass‘, to mmmw byJfi"x~of:thc' Clock the-Ai’tc.rno0rc., R=:c-‘ingt-he'7f, of-..dp-til; and that fours.-fuizhfientlemen mrflficcrs as his ' E-xccll-encie than approve--o'f, fhallibedeiivzered at the fame time as-Hoflages for zhepe.-rforma-.ace of the fore-going Articles on the onepagtf-, and twa I-Iofiages, fuch as Sir §¢-{vi Ber! 1:; Knight, Govcr-='=_ non: of the Citic of-"£amT::r {hall approfivejpfl and appoync to be received for p,»s:‘£o:‘znanc'c*i*7o.:3- the other para ’ "xx-Iv’. Eafily, that thefi: Articles be ratified.-and'con§-3 i"£rzn¢d- .mutua.!.!y by his Excellcncie Sin» Times . flairfsx on the: ante p:ar:3‘:snd Sir 39%;}? 5_er;E-$9: Einégim - €3ovetn0uAr af 1312 63:32 am the ether yarn. ] I’di3:? §2cfl5:3 M2553 and corfirme the 447:5;-Ir: £56-z;é{_ faid, agreed as éj me cmmigwvers an 2»; Pam flptifis, E5459 T H 0.‘ FM 9; 5-am"