M 0 D E R A '1‘ E; % Citie-Remonfirancetg a %PRESENTEDf'I’O T HE ‘ HIGH COURT OF PA/RLIZMENT . ~ Containing~fevera1lReafons Why. Tubhfbedaccording £09,467. +_~ ~ L.~ C. . ‘ . ;~ ‘I ‘ I’ .4 A /M) .1 V 1 2: \, ‘V ' 4 . \ ..__.x mm -rm-warn» , M? —u_..._.__ I % E PL T1-{E . the 26 of M14}, I 6 4 6- A '3‘v %manyJwcll affcétcd C 1 T I z E VNAS I A A cannqt aff'ent%th%ercun%to.4 % A — v "”""‘ L 4LoN®on,A “ A Printed for Wattbew Simma'7a5':'3nd Hwijy ~ ] Q 13'“ Owrtaié in ‘Pages-head Alley, I 6 46%. i . ‘ “ ..«_ ‘ mm ~ ‘ ‘ I‘ ‘ ‘ ‘V’ ‘ ‘ . . ' 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ \ an ' V H‘. ‘ *"'"—\...»""'r ~ ‘V : ‘ ‘. V . M _ V. “. ,5 ._..;.a..._—K_ _ .....4an‘n‘ ~ .... N A‘ ‘ \ ' .' ‘ ‘ ‘ f- ‘, V‘ ‘ «,, ‘ , ~ - _ . ' ‘my .:. ‘ ‘ ~ V ‘ I ' 1- H ’_ T. . ,5 V,‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ V N *4 in % §§§§-‘ " . Maw “J 719‘ -::a;i§_..s. \. §érau2“’$"m"7‘ TOTHE Fxemonfirance. 4 ‘3- Cipic Rep7.ref?:ntat$ive; asi}: is 1133.52 A “ “ . A tip, and chofen by thc»%Citie collefliveg dable , for Inch _betI‘Ll{’t_.cd with ot‘i1er .4 fig mans good_., to behave chexnfelves to ~ ~ 3; ,&3:’%§ their tmfie6s.%l1urr.: A ~ %V A ~ There are fou-redcafes whcrcix14tI1e City colleaive is xmtbound toghc City»Arepre£ént:1tivc, abut. % ought in duty to diffént from it, if not ca proceil; agaizxfliin ; ~ A ~ ; ~WhenVAthe City repre13hta1iV¢4a€tsizmdirefl, evi?d%::nc,:t ‘and obvious mannei' 5 again& the expreflé %Awii1and word -of God. V A s j ‘ T L 4 ‘ s %% ,2; Whenin thelike plaixie, anddirgfi mé1nn¢‘r,Vic gainfi the apparent WeIfare,peace, and good cf the %Kingd ome. ~ ” A ¢ ‘ A ’ A 3. When A Jr '1 eodemte Repbri A . 3:. W*henAit>~a&s eftet the fzimeimanne: againft theii.,p1_°o’per,:~ A end ofits "own being, the Cities welifate. e 4.. i When it a&3”beyondttthe bom'1ds, Iiirr-tits,rand.~eXt¢fitS’ape-is pointed , iftd the \- endangering ‘of all“ its) iimn_1unitiesAe,;'iaitMit fzteem d.0n_1es. _‘ ii ‘ i Ail whichigrantede-(as cannot be denied) the It-:riz§tr1,j&"“t9i2tmie.:t nation of the iate ~Ftemonflr'am:e and City PetEtion;pt:etTehteEi"A: to the Parliament, May .26. 1645. by the City reprefetnt_ative,iiii,i n 0 V yee1d,s.mmttera:1d reafon fuflicientifor ourutter eéiflike o£:> i e p_rotefi,etion- again Q’ the :f;ime,3z th :itsAe,V,wiiIiappear*:if ; fie >13, A. ‘ ’ FirIi,the .Nar‘rative and Ptemonflrative part of7ita.i -Secoz2d1y,,AtheiPrayer or Petitioner}: pi1TE..;0'fiC. ThirdIy,.the probable tei‘ndecy,8z.dangierous e,fl,e&eofb6t‘h¢>A.. A V E’?irIi,for the Narrative‘and'7Re§fionfir§tiwpart A, A Fitfl, ti*iei‘ob“{ervetttheiiPl1rafe, StiIe,gLnd,,iaIe,Atl1e1:eof,.: carw A 4:‘ tying afullrcompfyance with his Majefiies wAonteclA Declarations againzft the i?zr1iamen~t,A:iandi'A Jésvif indeed':‘dr7awn up byAAthe..A, fame hand, flamed by thefame head , infinuatin g into the peo-_~t ye,» that all manmertofaherefieis, ifchjfmes,-aud biafphemies, are“ - , tolerated_«, and the fomentors thereof, with aloifivarmesof Se-«A é.ia.12ics,,a.~re etleouraged, emboldened, yea ,-admitted¥ into'pla-«A, ties of profit and trufi, A in Martial} and Givill afiaireét by the Parliament, and that under “a pretenceAof a‘Chriflian 1:efpe&‘; tfilvito tender cont?-:ienCes,., C-evidenced id their late ciaration A , they, d 2 igne ta toiferation for an t-hefe.A*~Il whit-harre dagngerouflyi infiuuaeed, pagefzwe; . p A S condlyg a clofe, but-cieareintimation to the people, AA that 3* A V {acted obligation liethupon them from their folqnne Eeague mit unto ,P’resbyteriall goveAenmentA ,A though and tCovefm=xat,; untoia dowm-right;. fuppref,fio’niA»,of-A an tho{e=- whorout A éther ofweak or tender confciences, i A = T -Tube. “A V , hefrionfly known , that the Parliament dAid=:promiie in feverall Dec1ara- . tier: 5, a gratiousrefpe&} unto tender , confciencesfindedid a?& a;c:-«A» . eordin IA win the beginningof c~hi:sParI‘iamem: ,M_reieafing mafinxy poorémen. of .:differe‘nt*judgementa,from-their heavie preITuir"ies,;;, tmderthet ctueil tyranny of the late Ptelats "to the generaIe.cot1'-2 A eentment, joy, and at;c]amationsA’iof*aI1Athepeople)fo.r nonaconh-»~ fiermity, unto their; govemmenti ,.-though<=..i efiabliihed by them- MWAE EéW*f the mat‘: evfiti is¢,~rIm: tlm.e»a?:e‘nd:a‘o;€ A Covenant Wa.$ nbt at all ‘a rigid cxa&iAcin~.oF Va~ V forrc%d% miAFor‘mi€ V ey~uu~co%E*resbyterial.gowemmcnt,4upon 1:1ie.fi1bk7&s~ o£'E2zg1.‘.z¢2d§ A aundfsche % % _ 4 iarra titmall tAhing,‘, once thcm1"ceive,tjlriat ariyrf ’< 4 rxéva 9 iatendsadzhzytaus prefe:ntAI?;1r}iament inthe impofing t:.heArof'.ForM A "m:i%isa’ii% :hings;aconfi&ered).;_;..~:iqim: A?;im&;;pmia1% Xu¢;1'¢‘:§;. . % Firfigfictwld any fi1.pp<§iTe% it could confifc with the P&r*1iament%a¢ A wifdoen {wear t:hcmfc1v¢s,& enforce the peopIe%:to%covezaairt‘%a; ;: 7 figuncfl 1:-hfatgvchuirch‘ govenmeiatVw*¢h‘ they,» nor the. ipeog. fiIe,..di3%:'n0t 4am"imt*¥tin1Ae mAadcrfiand?4Cpu1dic ent%e.r-into zxheifi % heartsyat Ieafl ztoli-magine Xthat-fucha blind Sacrificéiwduld éveii atcme theAwrath c;tf‘t,?.+:e Almightyfor out former Aabu71E:s%w*%%in ~n*1at;.-s; mfs;“of“Church g0vemm%e?n=t:,% to lay t;%he% Afixfif ~=f’tona.A of a; ~bIeflE:d? Reformation in.blin%dne{1éa;nd ignoraz1ce,a;1c1«Jfo%to *defiroy;«*Pre+» lacy:by~Popery?f;* ' % < ~ Secondlygifthewyrdid underfiand"this p1at~f<}mm:»—of Gahurch-~~ A AA g]§)ver11ment,*to what endwhwanh the Aflém bly been fearchingoun I -~ e will of God A about ?Chur'ch-government ever flnec the impo-A fixzionhereof ?‘ Was it “ ca frannexzheir Pu:forma%tion"accordingtom thweWord,op-Axhe W0 r‘dAi according ~toAch*ei%r 11=e{dIucions?Ii7}idlitteheyw A ”fir{=‘t refolve and then %cnTquir.e?: concludc,and%14thcn debate 2*“ ¢ If any reformed;-flhurch‘muffbe the exa.L;; S ::1efléinfiVnua£edAin this Remonfirance, pagethc¥3d.;%=V . f AButAyot; will fay,; the very; expreffi: iecter decla;-es the % *it:A is 1-.hcrvery~Te.xt‘,‘%"andnot..the ;interprecatiOn Wh3C \~p1cad5 beingplain‘ agzd abvieus’"to* everyAAmans eye“: %We’%‘r‘ep3y, j Thelettcr thereof doth nocty3*éjus.tb %aperFc_& conformity to A :PresbyteriaH % A%VChurchA% in the"W0r,ld for wee are ty*ed~ by %our%Qovenar1‘t4uz3to~ ' A «a !5ms2re,, real/,*%as2zbi"ca92]hmt i2zdeav?»zrAAir2 azzrjévemfl .Irel;a32d, irz%.DoEfri22e3 IVm~[bip3. whérc isgno %pofiti~ve detexminationofanything.a~ , : “ V, «awn: 4.-Khndf the whok Kingdom: 5 foif 11323 ‘ g0v:‘cVrn%mer m ~~aIreaMdy efiabfifhed %i%na?ny' %:2efc;rmed Q slingr, z}2e*;r«e_f?;:b’*7?z.sztia2z offleligzon ix: ilye L ~Kingdame.rof cHmd% Difc;€p1ine_.,\ai2gl Goverfimeéig ;:z;%,tc:>2r::1~?Wi % izzg is té§e:%: érd Gad , iwzd.» %t!2e%efirqformezi Clmrc/?zex.%V {hit ; I ' bum engage?-%? menjt% uncfi; ai:1i%.?¢inq}ui(3tip%h. afizar the fbéfi and th;eW0rd% of Gad? rtob__e 611;‘ chief¢%inf0rLz11e”r%~, and direftef herein gzixfad we%are%:yed% “” —1ik8Wife§ tw:'he wlike e?%§i¢'eg;z2ai£?i*éf0z¢r flea gmiv’ 5?ZReligi0’l9 MA _ ;DipgE%’a:y%~f:zrn2z;r]19ipVdflziCa2iecbi2;i2zg,%viz; accordifig t0Vthewiord< W ‘ =ofG6d5y phat Apofiibly.f%w¢;i~#3aung*;fo%A:‘haatA A if our BrethIién=%%qf’%Scor4~;t ‘ “ élflfld ha7i‘vIeVtakez1;%%Vthc£f3tme~'E3~€>TV¢I1anIiwith‘uAs§;Iéh*¢_‘§*:araebozmdaasf T v§r_e1IV :07? heaxfkah to iWhatthis%KingdOme4’% fh%a:11”::.pz‘capound% um:<;i% achiemé , A as this Kingdameisjvto Vc<)nfider?*wh%a}t is tendred fi‘.0m" »t%he1-n to as 5. 3N11ci#i€,thcy have not Vtakezz the%vfI1*nJe Covenam: ::ouLr ‘~i‘A»A»:Cds*¢:‘2atz: LMi119,%café: . thizé, . ff%c;92zjm5i‘£a2z}:zizdm;2§f‘t2:4«- jcqnfqflié7z 6y‘fizit/J, fime ofCL’lmr¢/1* Gmrzzmenrg; with,us;4%, yet we Q-r‘ef,".'b_()l.1!‘]§1 by: 1Kingdom.-'2 1m;:ie xmtatiaozte perfe8:Vway 0§"Cfius“”c%1~Govetn€? Land rcafonA%them A‘ ;caQh{é;VtQmnformete;;thcm§i;“Bt1;: A L _, ¢ ;~ * 5 % A N La {‘c3y_.,j }g’s,as cIea;rc% asjrhza 'Sl1nTné§f A Athatrz %th‘e;VtriIe‘j% inten t1(If:th'%’§". f0la1mié»%L¢a.guean%dG0venant,»*Was%‘a mart: p?*I;1ineAdi£E0v:r§2{>i3 % ; :1:-he%Pa1*1iam€ntsAenemieAs,andA~not‘f'or%a.Afnaretoth%e%ParI%;iamcLnrs % frie:1d,33aHC1iC as touchingréfo1::'nation:A%in%rna;1:::ersV fpivrituall a§:§f%>& V é¢c1efiaI¥iCa1+1)V~.to;:€oac£>uc*‘A1’opémI’r2la%i%i %wSu;2arj?it%iom,; V 3¢;rme, %1a23d~Jmopbanengfl?a%$; .amd God f;orbidA_.;buz:~A;;hac.%11thefl: % » _=mejn*t, %%acc0h‘ffing my the weird of Gc5d3«j:ithei1;%chat KingdOfi1%e‘%<")f ' %Sco2la22dE2azh done) WsacareAbauz2d(’;AWe 1:ay)m are teperfwadegt Aover, f to ccinfermitie with us, thenTin~_:fi1ch;%a «§,~. Vina? due¢a1_1t;i%;Chri{’cian ;.Way%L,9,{h0_Ifl;d\ be enc¥é:£vou‘teii7 agafinfi ButareWcé—bouud by this, mruine,the Parliamcncsfricnds, ‘ W119 Iovesh not their Iivgs umodea chin zhegearliments caufé? ‘ to we Citie Remonflmzce I godly, learned, and that by the tefilmonyiroftthteif hottcft adv Men cordiallltlo the‘ Statég, confitientiousinl Religion, yea, holyyl Vetfitribsg agzdifor x1olTo‘therrrt-afon, btit their tnonrrefolution, to A fwcltreg to whatllthcey know not 5 as ifthe tender‘ con» fc2teAz;c;eMj3fa;s troubler of Iflmel ,;.» when the want hcfeofis the on V if this wicked world, the naming whereof is an €S?l‘Clt31j);§;5;,Qffv:$3l%l/(i?€gyCa'I10lléflé then a provocation ‘untothefc angry V l A ; A :R£>j§];:;5‘“t‘1z:’#3fa112"§f.4fg'Wll0 can hardly bears it, even From‘ the pen of the _ _ . w;_w.‘t:=.».»: t % V_ _ % _ L ‘ "l?arl1m;:g{_§c;“;;1;;t_:Qf Eizgland. Thls Is the fecond ground of our utter A narrative part of this Petition. A , A ' V! - r. You tellthe people imprint 3 as well as the Parlia-‘— m°ll:1tn.7;lbY. ylolur. Written Remonflrance,1 what Var-vex you bawemade to V .lC0v¢1'narzt ldartrriell cwinformer Protefiation: _., »t0_ prefirzze the Riglgtrrdnd Priviledgemf tlaevParlial»gentr, and the Libmie: cf the L rdoxjzex ,l and to preférve and dqfmd the Kiizgm Mqiqfiiex Pérfbn Azctlaorityg in the 1?'rcJérv;ztio‘"n and Defence laftbe tmelfieligionl, a7z:..lLiberltie: of Kifigdamer; , tbanlae warld mqy beare zvigiz;gg‘a wirbjour Confiicncer, afyour Lcy'al1_!*y, and rt/alcztyou have :29 thought: orrintentibflf, “to” dimirzgfla Hi: Majtefiiuv power and greatneflé, 3222;! dog Immbb refi in we aflinédncer you /Vmve i;%ecei21eelintbe»‘man_y Q I formgr Declaration; of bat}: Houfél, lczmcemirzg their intention: t A to-- lxvard: biafllajqffy, bi¢7KqyaHPoflerity,l mzdtlae Peace of tbia King- dome; Vt l~ ‘ A A lo A V ‘ M n 7 But to what endis all this ?*is it to call for the popular tefiie many of your con{’ta$nlt car¢__., A tyoulever have had, of the Parliau mcntso Privilédges 3% if it was meet for us to remember, what the . Parliamentvhavetforgottenl , to urxvaile for detefiiongwhat in *love,‘ they lime buried in oblivion 3 you Very wellknow, lwh-at "truth can fay tothis particular; "Is it totcall fora popular obs-‘ lfcnration ofthe Parliaments neglefi, of their obliged ‘care; not l to Adiminijlor I955’ Majefiigx A pomerarzd grea:nefié?‘As for the Par- liiamcnt, let enviellherlfiallfeldifgorge her poyfonl ,. and fpezikc her A wworfl 5 ;;nayr,l~in th‘is.caf'e,lfpeak+Malignants, {peak thel0xfardian ~ tlialment oflofiflgiand howttheythétve bf:cn’writtem tremownfimm ted: A Aulit-ml; but firfi confider a word or tvbo, { whatan unnztturall r owarrcl hathtbccn‘ raifed amongft usithow «managed on“theKings3 \fide? how maintained 2 how rguch innAocent.lb1oud fpilt in the three Kin;:-;domc"s A?’ what {la-ndlcrs, havcbeén ca Pr Upon the Pau:-4 lloemte. f ‘ “ene1eld¢c1emela;x5:ailm and 3g3'iDayT1l3Yt0'lr5' 3 Relnefis, a pie rivciy mmes Pleivrdl-1g the poorpeople ? what _burning;, Wafiingfdland” pltmdefing that ' ‘his Ma- ‘ V miffion. from plaims, .aI1d~lli0WerS~ of mares are* lllfid in -cornereganélw ’lE:cret;fc1o~ ~5,&,,,g,,,M1,, {'e;1- £515 by manye-neemwholialllformer quality,wit;h the xfemeenibrance-~ ltd With *1” thereof, nmlzes them wipelutheir eyes, and %couns1;«erfeit encam- ?g""‘:5 mile the fight Gfmen? What-iamperfings Withl *fOrein7* Nati- ea.e , the Mfg R? (mag :fb.r;:tl1elleeu:tlt»er min~ee_., and .perpetueell ezeflaving.Qf thethree‘ 1,511,, to A an- Kl"-11g"Cl‘0:II1€S_-,-I0 a11:evrbicrary.p0We1~l? V£?l5§;;l‘;£ evident, llplaineg and A mho:izc them palpable detewmsglfto theipcrfefi erge.~ofa1l doubts}, and in that bloud)’ £E:ruples;fr01nWh0m5 and;wl},enlcelalle§f1iseha;h -been, the relaé 'VdV1‘:"£‘; Pee; cixxgwhereof will fill volt-lme5,,and will be the affeftingfubjeft the :;~Pai~liement been Pcill «toe maintainellis Majleililes l%lmnour,e bylechargineg all upcm his evill eC0mI{ellors ?._makingshixx1‘n1cer- .1y paffizvegandlonel lfédudd, asif altogether inn ocenr, lnowvitl-14 {landing fall this yalmofilto the verly%regre;t ofchafiity itffzlfe. e lflndeslfor tlaei+rl¢are,of hilsllltj/Iaieilies royall po{’cerity,l,blOud, and family, how carefulll have my been fol: the princely educa- tién eoffiiss Me~j:e{liesl‘cliildren within their qua rcers ’! their boun- ltifulllprovifion, “and. noble ~refpe&s,lf0r, and to his Majefiiesv "°4"*:(‘he:A %t%**d€lFe*‘3ieeee9*r eel W‘ ‘M lllewrhe NC 5. Tm. be 5,», wazrlrelslldzecl »n,_l,:;§,ewl3.et‘~m:ua'memegsalqzllxngeana-flaughtea .. '7.»m7zzIfle{E pofi—- 1-5% €l1¢;p001?.€‘;lllb3fi&3~?MWllfavi:. tearin‘gse,r rlendixagejl,’landllefip-5 ll _ R, llmfcl meme cfiaitesi‘? howrmanypoore, dillrelléd ,%and aflliA'&e_§lle4fathef~ ll % 4‘ Com: 15% and widows are made? M what Wofull,l)itter,'andifizd ,,com-e- A the Readerslelhear-t, in another age 5 anal yehghowl sender hath Sifler , anmclelierlroyall family? All this corlfidered and many ll ~ things more, which may beaflerted, I chaflenge againe nhe Ade-A-ll .-{perateflw Malignancy in Cicie orlfingddlme , on this fide the W _ .gF3aV'€’,l“A'tQ‘l€lI.4l'1lSl.tcingflfl articulate his Confciencesl thbughts, and givelaneanfwer , whether the Parliament hath not had a ‘fim‘&er“'tare“Vt\0:“ his Maiefliese honour, Ahfsbloud, and t}1mily.ll l “Doeyourcll in1thefafli1rance¢_youehaveccrncerning the Parlia- ments lfi}'ZW1‘_€9Wi0?3J:,»:;£5QIfl’‘ll‘*fl‘fb€PQZCE ; of Atlge" Kirzgdomel 3’ ,why. are T ezsehey tl1en~=interI‘upted“in_their Werkell are not they in the ‘e ufalrelll waylllto lalhaeppy l peace , ’%lthat everwe they were in fince vthe warresibegani? land” willgyqu now, obflmfiehena herein 3? doth this »courJfe rofeyburs s,“ ; prO£I;1_Q_te~ in t‘h*e*lea‘Pc the pub- »1ick*e'pcace what vlnowlno diiI:ouy:~zge the Parliament 3 now” 533$ % % totI;e(;‘i:ie1zemoaz%rm; aopreifé them 1':n an ézaflesunto '3 fi;ddain,£- »enf'eebling :h_ci1-VA * * Afirmgth by”? crufhifl gxa cxtmfic-lerab%l€ par_ry, 0fa'isV¢or&%iallfi‘i€nds V A 4Aa,gvj:everthcy hadfimce the warreibcgén, a:1Tdrh%aAr bccaufc they A %will_.nA0t% {W:carc%AaA%(11bmifIicm unto that Church Government, Which nei:her% they n_fioryourfeives yét undcrfland? Presbyte. AA«ria11%G«émI=ern.mcnr5 th.e%}Mmdell% whereof is yet gmffecn? Is this % 7 : A ALfor%7~th&cir ?AwinteI"S% worm have not fyoulivcd ay bysthe%fwe:1t 0Aftheit*.brows?)nay by the expcnce %Dfthei; Blond? is this” inlicu of th~3ir%% promifcd am:-ius?%whar,? {. VhaveV¢hey%abeen wallsan;l BulwarkS toy4ou.and;w3ll yAoup:~ove ~ = , -%bri;e+rs%and thorns :co»the'm?have thAcy_watch’cl% whilflycau fl¢e;pgA V % vhazAatwdaddangcrMfor yourpéacclundcrgéncfuth fizparaiziops ' from t:heAir;wi.vAcs.:vand children, friends,‘ -1nd families’, {uch J Ahardfhips bf. bungerand thirfl‘, cold and nnkedneife, lived ‘i (1 4 the villcyfandihadow ofdcatbfior yours and chcfiingdomes ‘ 1 fake ?: and lhallLondan begthe unworthy p:%t%tern %ofinhuVm4anc 5 uAuth:at3k%fuInAe1§ totthc WVholeKingdom?YOu refiiit:i,sfiedAinthé A ' A J A] VLaffimnceof,theParliatnents rctpcéfs “to Atht-‘7 King; but 302 ‘you T: 4 1 1 auto tirisficdjinthelikeAaIIuranccMofc~heKings r¢fpe&snnAr.o A Parliament?Lec4 your Confiziencek fpc::k,*are yo%u.foAfaAtis%-A- ,fifed#2 ziffo , }V{{h1 t:iA3 ghc grouudpf this pcrfwafion? isA7ic be-« A A czufcwf his late good words5fair,lwect,and pleafmtlincs ha V vh%:thA4%:;iA ‘his*:Pa%rIAiamef1t %A:QfT‘Engl4:Inds*A fitting at Ffffifi‘? ‘V A fbififtai“ for to‘ his riAgAhc‘tAm{ty,a£x4d w¢1lb¢1<.3vc“th*?%*VLOr<1 1 V iox, Aldermen a:V+nd:mmmQn- Co4unfi:l1;of London 9 Afihow can 'V A ‘Lawton be thus 4 . A luckd? is the wordAAofiKingnoWfb taking yqu have not plcdg . H A A watcrs of forgetfulncflé, to j his Mai€fl1¢Sfl1CC¢1TeInhI8 Prerov T nes,I?o0kAbac*I:;aliz«rle to former‘ times ,Iu:¢%ly 1: was ;’ nojrIin:%‘the7A ; «» A” ;h“o:W hath writ tofl hisAP%rli&m¢u€, A%fc),tI1:i<=%twi::!*l;7L”C;$ ~ A * u iagerthaac you hJ;mf¢a* (or at leafl fecmé» to)j£'oAr-% Vin» 65 *41.*‘.~;r%zgl;zrA2Aiz.-I4 fi.:mingatW¢fimfiWJ}vrs dd: %fP.‘?Y_1E ’- ‘ nw .: oftim M % 1, aE'cci:,in This‘ [‘p_rinted&AAD¢cIaratibn,sf5ggthe P=F¢$¢HC5§<:;1 = s A Hon‘hisrartimemnWgtminflmwinhihawhile‘ ‘V am. R,ebe1*s,Tuy}mrs, \ me.umureck»mcruincofhim Vand % % C A 5 hi$Vg;;m.as;for imicm-.t: Aneogzowrioufly known; how 11¢ A itihg%al1%;¢rr( 3 with V A: ‘1“.%rt?¥S»=¢flg¢@39Wi*i8F11§ I A A A finangehx ifitbiiicate the” Chief _OityAEof thcliin A wAfiil‘I‘"fri’Ae1ads%, OL:A1_~j53[‘AS‘fA»‘;AA£7W,§}ABI;“'6AlCA1A'El"€I3*‘»AAAA A » A ‘ ‘ H. mmn % ] 5*‘? . a ‘ ‘A1 “ ‘A V * . A I ‘A ‘J ' , A ' ‘ . WA A‘ A ‘ ‘ ‘A « A _ » ‘ A; \ MA A. . A “ “fig 4 ‘* Aw‘ 4'‘ A,., A :‘« A ' - ‘ A, H M, ,,. A. A, V .~, A A _ _A A ‘V x_ N, \ Auk)’ ‘ , ~ ix W : ' A F ‘ ‘ “ A‘; . ,.A ‘~ A ' ‘ ‘V .A A '. _ ‘a a ' v ‘ ‘ : 2 3 M t A V -A 1 , ‘ . ~ . A ‘- A ‘ A ‘ V , I. AiA;A>oiA1A§:AbfA‘i§:A?A ”eim~’s hmheAAV0fi%fedJrh¢ 1‘ ci§~Ie:sn%‘ Aas tfihAeAWagAeA§"OFtAhof::A who ‘Would hclpl A?Ex;?i3sAda£- % iignAé5 tTHAA1i(A3h }iiAsAit'1116:.f0 *1£:r1igAs'f0r? How¢”n1any~I%Qfri€fsA%A;0Afm34 A AplAAA3I'POAfi3 ;nayyou“rAead,AA%ir;aA1aceBook1ca11cd Tmtbi~%%it:‘%fi?fgr2ff£fi, A V A —‘ whAic4ihA as - fame {"aAy?;‘.,‘ cfalls a” Scotch brthesr the A A A which a1%.ri%x2es,t‘Ir1atA;Abnce he5*22_iz» theAiKing,_p1atted fatfiér ‘tAh??r€i>f§ ,4 A nA2bAicM9é% m7z']édAaga§nfithefVgS’cqt.§?,‘.it0;cai21e4“and *' limferzz4 of “Et1g1AAand5‘ ?a2§di1i7%faI{€M the flmyle 0f? Ifdon, wad: p.17. 1;iz1cAA\L1r“it.AA and A after that, tempts the ’ Se:m>*A£dA A Awit5hA‘hi%n3;in?his~defign¢d%4w0rke,AAlrzmd A A X A A % Fame, ‘Ana; F :bIA¢jMleA‘ "of I;ndAAon*A‘;A1m‘: Ldljb fhefbnre‘“Cggnf¢§w nedreadjaémtwz¢2aAtbAeir:Cais%+&tr:gyfa. Ybe%-adjcgrned/2erewfi‘er% A A AA A pag; tah:}e‘eigf*hAtcenAth5lAin~e arid can a C0urtCom’p}en1entA‘fl) A gdomc E?2g-7-A- Iandgjnow AtAbc‘ premi;£E:d,“1$%Ath§at ‘~wiIi o A \ ‘ +. 5“ W H, '1 ‘|H:7‘w./I" Q 1»; Am)‘ \‘ AA ‘ 1‘ ..'A 3‘ icsfleééfiit V £4‘ % gwgéin Pc we Em,€&*es=, tAhecm0f5 2A V Why? C V? A A‘: A Le * W» ""T:“».'",A’ : U AM A ‘ ”“ -gr yum‘ & “-“ A‘. “Wmfifimwhwfl H A A A ’ AA A“ A 4 % “mu “.&4s.,A A,, W, ‘V 1iWwAAi A eéd:AA ’a§lzAAg{a aI:l’£cmghA;- L A , ,A AA A ~ A [ peopxefmm reveraAu 4 ” % A T" AArh£Aéé"héy ‘ W; ,A A A x at ., I - ;;, A-"-Atr VA, . N Am. A "' . , a , < e _A ‘A , Aand fa1th_fi1'1*n£fgiE§“A tmthA AanwdA*1nccgm:y .:nf our; W A mfirm win them“ P A 1:0 che41ieIpA%:£¥4pm>3A % ’AW?Fm¢§3A%9f%Al0ve5“V amicy afnd A . 4- gflanmm ” . hanéis 5fi**h¢€fiCr=ali11g rumoro¢ “ % w M ; iflii¢Athe¢Ki71§gd"Om;Whethcr true or; f5ali%vy*em[mow%4not, wich;@;§ V¢5:!?3‘1‘11%I1Vt7 %th1s.%n3~CA11ref ,3 Afah-hough th‘e£3.a *a*i‘;3 jealgoufies 05 V‘ ‘ ‘ - ‘ ,5 _ "1 . .‘ ‘ ‘ 1 2:» ..ii‘~‘ ' v ,v‘ ‘ C, V ‘ ‘ . r 1. w ~ on www ~ 3* u \ U ,~ b M ‘ ‘ I Km A‘ ‘ { ‘ : “I V > rm. ‘ ‘ rhéfiérftiiiPé0P1¢a ;%Yfi€A¢anwe har51Y%TfUPP0fEsd«thatbm deam A Bgejt§Am¢ti5Afétft¢rfA0ftIiany“Pi*otefl’a;wti0ns%Q17*t4hcirAVbrothcrIyiAAlovc;¢ A A » F0-;fa%crgeé% 3,113 f0lemrie7*aA jC%OVcAnAat3t;; A .1" £“!I%:l?x%,l; 0FA?i6tY$.at)d*ho1iA¢neflé 3 fi~TChAZ*5afIe far a’ bIefl%dA I» reEq+g4 ' that afie1f«a;Il t{AAhi[$5tAhvey {h0uId%%prQve%%oL11jgngmms_,% Ae1:;e:g;¢e%,£o"rAba1:= deefigncs; inq?d4oubc1em5:héy %wvery% fkwieil%kt;ewTV,1F;_nhatgchat.Ggwiiich" fh a;th,beaten’theApz?o-~ phah§21e_flé thiswngdyomc rsgwillfcourgefuch ?hy%poV-A w?ith 3Sc%o_r_ io7ns5 %j~cha1: thay‘Vwi1l%then prove thififilffi-T? borne‘ AA aAbofnaEnacidn;s t";o*Gc;>d* and n1a.n,”t:h”c% flgorne ‘ar1dAodizm A‘ ofAé;_HNati§brii$‘4¥§ W?e‘é$~a*I*¢A AQf'h'A0p€S3 that‘ iXcLcmmot“vfland V mm:-yw4« feenAeA Tchem ; chazx-¢foA;&cAA chis%p1+e~rni££edg, ’ A Vtheugh wei+«dAo3rimfor qpexmon out ~S;c;m bj;rethrens7 love$anc1} *'re~; AtO%*theéPAarIi_atn}e11*t% “yet A%hAA.We~weeAthe%fat11e AreaI'on,* "to A A thitilée fofijvcfl %AoFA“VflisAA'M;ijc¥fies[Alovg,asof thc~Scot.r %.?__Levt:vou1: i'iA€‘=%n"s;" and iu;dg*eme>ms% *g”ive anfwer tojA:his qkwfiiorw 5 %Had hiAS"‘;A A4 ‘ Kingd.0m7.¢8“ go *3flas%%%A h«0pe%oi1rA A %Brcth’i*%e~11%%Aa;re N ?4AIf A 01143: to all he did gm dnemy:1n%w‘%‘Sv~ot‘lMd5 A» 4 A wh?at%Ais~~’uE%s¢An;¢re WW ?‘JtAermey% .;.gaI1(:i ,‘ . Ea A thy A wt;11eé$.ncfs~fie ~hono9rabIAe j-3ter%m‘s 7? A %TheArc * is" A ng:"4d¢u§c,buc‘%thatiafl1 5 4 % mug V u4rea,and“:aIfet:deagu“mn::ha:#4whz¢hmsMajeety ca11s:A%umm. mare are«rnwe&sm111seaAb1eea:ng=2 If his A ‘Ma.jefi%y '“%1i»§o:%ahéKingdom¢spcaeghow is in c¥I*g§ < 4 vs V nquw€qi+:en&er, Franc! thw: 4‘ "Aflremfiélveb inAabemserVcapacicy:¢ gco: k“ee~p~and ‘ s4caune,a+gaan9c mg paxtiamenrgthen gm A W this hfiize 5‘ furrendfed , A the A A%waArr.esA%con~ iii“? I” ‘qg, n ‘ c ‘ AAA “_‘ -. B2 ffimanyflcotx com ‘A 4* fibéitfuligfilf:4feefccrs5rhaking“'Religioniand *womrm-A alcafling aAmi~f?tAAtA0%an1azc=th£ A %Air1Ahi6 ~MaiePties=quar¥A tma % % rhéywereinVfinceche w Mod Ne % to?Tr¢afonab1]€r11en,%%'Of%Ahisreau 3fi¥€Yiti(iI13%f<5F. 5 @11»&b=gazx? gdingcocheSco::~(an,;thingsconfidcred)¢bef'<>4%fuI1%ifamisfa;&im§;I»4: A finuacions.,:¢Vfrfiluentété1mP¢ri!3g5’sto DW¢:D%tcbsF*m¢WAIr A Englij7va;to_%Papif*?é, Prelats Piwtfiflamsa % AA % unturned, wha:44meansunmempced tjqwfprdmotc thc‘fmmés2w&Doe 1 A notwuthinkhiscominsktothcJAScotcbArmy%WasVa: axlafi cafi,oné ”tnbr e,:%which ifitmii?:arry,a:1I1.£AI‘as,g* A ia;1as,&whé.t.fi:Curity&dorh‘his %lVI!a}eAfty&;[givé you mare ‘V A word? Andi: «this:fo%forcingin Lom3vfiIeyes$?D0e ~ % % anyVVreatll4retx1'orfi=:— upmhis hears ?“anyrelemings1.foi‘*‘thg " A % A 6 % cenc%b1oud%wthat4hat1i Abeen fpi1t byhismeanfi 3H%¥¢%»~4?W~‘anY” hear~fiy otfmperfonallAreformarions?%AvWhaeabecome L % 4 dzm#%re1F°n?"Had younotas good wordsconcerningAtheblecd-*A ‘ 2:15 Cfindieiwibf hi$.AA'§1ifhfefl“cd fubieifs 5 %‘andA.his%Ah¢art7 Aendeaafi voursi*fo%rtZhi: %P¢%1€e OM16 m0gd0m"¢a'in4% thc»AmidfiA?0Fhis hbfiéfi A V »m:-Ience again?! Parliamentaas he%hathgiven5Iw? nowiflall experiences%,thc*i2:vera11waniiaions 3£0ttifl=aIriIba%Vand E’1£?iI19Lwaritsahavfimzt th=d“P¢fid¢figw’sTA Qmd ; Faircit th¢im0&4d=ii=erateand AAhorrib1cL4a<9-‘ions: ~ [ardthcmefi zealousprofeffionsadwp=fi%?v[Aprecarious.and A ihangeProt¢f*ation$abe¢n alwayes dm30Ve175di3§ th¢€a!me4tim¢ 511a‘fi1V%Imdvv be charrn’d Mb)? ¢hef¢%int0 %rx=i1'erYa‘ M P€FP€‘U3u33V¢TYa§ u£f¢P%?fi»%und0Ubt€d1Y5 * V thé%»tru:hwwiIlA%d5 i£Englm1;I:4Parfiamcn:%fb6uldjnbwbegfdif-4. ¥ Veouraged?3h%11 Dm4maAd‘thac T0 noh1y,beenAa A fPe¢i%11%inf*rumentiii?‘h¢%Par1iafraentsihaidsato:fa*@é%theKing=-A A ‘lame: fP¢n~tf0A treafure,J1*ofi%fi>AmHthuId re+eixre”:heir&% ting;fp‘irics‘, and . " ‘H \ ,__ --r _. A A _ )':{:;oA cgngratulatewich‘ Landm‘, forAa1AlA its IAove_:,A AA % 'au%ld%%Acal?5¢5;WiIie8g jand .pnrfcgs,‘ and their genAerallA faFetyA(throu’gh T .Aénd“AGvd ddt/2 mmtifitlb W1 §Z}§AAalItly¢parI3‘§;f Kingdqnuf. "A HA % Liv‘ . _ «"3 A A‘ A. V {A A r a, A ")3 W‘ A-v‘~AAA»A‘ 9 A j \ V 1’ ~ a11its‘-quAartcra(confu1ci A )meA.fiuitherscfithr<>WAbyAthcféthoughts ? and win: Aféééfiearfissand Pa1eAFa<=es: Wr5n%iflgA h'3“d3a»3fld running I ‘A¢y¢fg5A_;¢1;A4g,m1;1¢ir wages, and children, friends, and ncighboms, A A AAA A I AA \ the fiaxdem Lo1zAdm~ b¢ginsAto e10i?:AwithAth¢KingaL=-Mon A vis theAMélignams~:AlAAaAnguage!ALMdrmg P;emonAfira:es, no A theiABaLéAdiam¢nt8 prejudice ‘Wil1LTnoI:~AtAhis pArAQ_Ave A the pgrpetualli . A A languagerf fiiccei%:ding%ages5 thatf if;T15-0714071 1h0i:JAId nowde1’er::A to Vheféof) Lon-dam Citia 1? Erzglzmdi Atvoéh-3 7 A A %A%i;;.Aflf-‘om-thly, Afaflftirtber acknowledge! tbgparticuIarAa_fli4rzmae AA A A bbnouziable Houjé bat%bAAA’agdiflA}gi?Ié?I tbe AnA7bgleALand,i73 A$=19651'VIatn3 Dew A M A claratian,lw1d0*f’3?fi*flA0PP0rWi*ieV °fII*0¢“**"=gAafe’¢fe arid; % A’well-grounded; %I’Aea¢e i2zAAAA %tAbAe% three Kir2gd0m€J‘,a IAIV/1l'¢'}-?}0#£6AAl(ilI1>tA 71-5! A ;hmaufablAefAHAmj§A‘*mill Apurfggwitb aflfieeéy déffiatcbof A A pofitianrra Majéfiya nmwbillf @0d¢A4d0*’Jfi Amercir’-WJAAAand mi- J A A A goe Aalangmivbyaur im:AAaAl1 the part: Ao,AfAAtbeAKinge A A A ATh"atA: Declaration, that gave you this aflT1ran.ce, %.aAfl'ur&ed A you A Alikéwifcg. AWas,k£:heAA thing way not donegbuc fuppofe,‘ V I A '7 pivridcntze.;quice~;a1AA;cring:the»fiat:ofaffaircs) theAPar-A% A’ A %Ali;m;eza~cAAiudge Pmpofitims AfOF.‘f at’:-?nAAo£AAAnoW mtable " {<3 A A f‘eaf4ablé=‘aAsAth¢nA E,h€YWB1‘¢s:Wh¢n}*¥hi¢5’A%PF0mif€d'ih¢:fiim€Ai mufinottheyiudgg, is mofiAAm;AeaA:A :c»A%AAbeAAdcmeAA in» {uch ag cafe? Propbfitions for Peace, are to bAeA tend~.redA to enemies, not It A t0:flficu,ds:*;,.AdA0thAJ1i$AMaiA6fiW:Qntmu¢;heAParliaAm.cm:s(enemy? ’ iffoa AhimnxingméurAAQ2incers=isA §Vid€ht1YAth¢A5iI;~{3‘d€fiSfl*¢ «A V mf1fi:hiAefe,A5nd;iot$ofpca¢c ‘avndAthem‘l1thA is,an!ci1emy Awiill A dos:Amor¢rmi£¢hicfsA his advcrfarifltiklartcrsathtnAinhis owns A 7bu%t, he Abemxr enemy, and"Ayct'in~AAoI1rAAAhands ,A;Afuch Propofit:i- V beforeA%w¢r¢ may:An9nmnfifi% wifdonws aIWd.pi91i0i€;sA;t0 tenAdAerAnmgAth:Ax:af¢isf;AaIemdAsV the Murketis A A faflcnomn Awill no: g“ivAeAfor the thereof} as Athcy A AA would%AbefOi'¢§4noW.wY0uAfEe hisAMaiefiyAis%iIl'%V°‘.1I'Own}A A A Q‘ 9%‘ kfrmier zAiAg.of tolims of A L xheBm:lianienr,anddAtyrannyonce get upinthcthrontbi means F'fFh‘¥=;» A Fiffly, V . V ‘ ' ‘ I ‘ 1 .._ ‘ '1 V H/,':;¢. VA" 3'? V ‘ ; ‘ Em ’ z . ~ v V “ - ‘M a- /’ “ ‘ ,6 ‘$5 ?Y(3u~ mihdef,£:he 11'-’~arIiamentw »of‘ our Eaaws V WW6 iflwiwtwwgage Wwréis »G,fm{: {m2fi2,% né£2ez;_1yetj‘tlmzve:j¢ %a:tpez:3rge%=zzt*’73 o1{11e3,« in 329?/9'qzt«-Cfiwgiianj A % ft M4 ANatim% %mum xiiwlzgd wfitfi/9% % J«{9.dfi.b mbe 13veaKco‘z2diti0v2.“‘ Fome::be:2%.4m1A:be afwe }e;are5 h5~§)i?2zd7)ie2z¢z¢re}:1up”a72 wa"w2E7gem} ' % med: :W’ P”?P4V34A3‘ W’74“¢ ‘W’ 1W9 fmfiefiflmdfvr t/9'5‘5Q4“fi5'? " weir %o z:v2z Kingdamg fi5ccgJfit1£ :e?)%ef"%firIbe Jgod % Fmieex’ %?tl2eM~j%(I0mm071: rfiélvcit preflzmf%bap;e:“* i§vee»%Vb;wqa' bfia>:‘weIl~}3il2d IWMM-<4wbfile eeJ?ca22gf»éa§"éze4v ¢i2;2 ~ %' :b£«.r mmwall ‘2fI7%iii¢?*¢3‘7 A céizfizit A bfiaztéw 419-nie22t4 ’t‘lae~ :jea+ “ «» 1oz¢fiéJj‘n?/2iclJ rlJe?E92em’z'g.: ofd'Mrl’eage,‘({fzip7é,*a:nd gqadGqz§é1if11}mn'£§, \ A Aoanow flrizze tr? beget l~et‘jrveéé§z%baI‘I2?%Naf?50”J5%“%tremble..aEirlaefl;d % F % t7JePar1ia-A 0 j w ‘ ‘m ' = %*It%i5%%?:1’1QAff t‘Fu€,*their*iIove,and §:i“hdfl€; iS ti3‘be\ for=-; % R gottémfora1thoughit:'isAtmc5 A AA ~ w A ”Firfl‘“ that thx Vwnriwer: am jinxbarqwd 5 in 0ne:zmd*‘5" Athefe»1fé«%£Ztme a‘nd%W€E‘,4~firike&4 'andjfWif5‘I5 1’W1d%andA~Fa11‘ ‘ n:o§g*¢fhe“i7"at1ti~~»Eflg3d7i3W r;1‘ii17@1‘%V¥'t7vii?lA‘%fé‘fzSw£141¢d;r * , what ev‘¢ they havgdone fox:-us,it'_is yircuallyfor thQen1f'eI§§ e4Vsw;*: A afid AA - %1%Seccmc1‘Iy, chuefq Vn?’asil%rab‘I~ié%w Wai*res,4« blotid ”yhl’d~W¢S.§ (D s--c I-an -m xi ' ~ fell’ upon vus, wjcre‘firfl+:atiempmdffo1~7wr_Sw"tw@ib&éEVhgen;,”’ A to;%% J:ti‘nna6w%3§1‘*»W*3I'f69~ -4aM“13*Y %§FMfiVLA‘mea;n'% kept A wows fromoup Msgattbmechren as ail c;fi1.‘i*Witnd7é a§nd ': 221-AA J 5, ‘ fl ,» V F h « % . is; M %form7e ofzhvpgnlzf A Scéatlmzd fdWth§"' ” A i A A ~% HY obf«'erve%AA% mama}! A aE2zg£a7‘1d:-%P;1"r1iétt1%raflt“::%j(%Auhen‘?Ei11i%%%Leyeing‘) rwozfid t’f72oc though_., A ; A V 4 M _ ,5. %_ ,j;:j; V 211266; A as? t%I'1%e'1'r» g”%3od4 in 0§%ns;.¥ m€afuri%:V1g their! _ % v¢%y¢h¢m=ndea~. ‘ vouré¢,_,ahd=:An=w%evem;sA thxwmomh ba foneverfhucupa V a*nwdL~€hatVghajrxdwi;i§er5‘%&‘W1§iGhrfl1»afI malicidi1flY*%fpeék,; A 0;f|WriCC\“ % the’1ézi9c‘w%(:)rd, tcirffdment }eaLmfies;bdcwecn%both? KinAgsc1bn1es;‘ a an%di’c0n7fidémt%'I am,f.At=hat m2s%heaviecurfe%winAra11 upon name, ioyliét of fii'1?;”e‘i”1‘“w«§‘;13?%vi‘cia411?a“»11% %?I1¥_tere_fi 5- .'and~§bai‘¢ of and _ tine: 1';'0fi”’I<0fw1}fc[9i mid j ‘M W : % y AA fayv?‘you7ca7zézat-= with‘ lo‘q1{ 22: ¢b;'A,% V wit/9 av great fbare‘ ' of.ihe%fiL¢preme pom.- % 9;: gf;h‘z3y%f‘Kiuga'ome ,f ~1an:d M zit/9e reprefintatfve of £133 whole Na; % wla.e~% I umber! t%J9exeafiare%abc;fi:7z,dae- 4 ‘?/?»wéieg&ézMaa% were 0fGod; ea VB $3- (5 fixe*yaurV :*a.cs;2z-;~..«m j.3;Iz$ng as-“ 1% da£}:=*a&beg~ehvzéb f‘:Gmnant_,»pramifig your félfq¢.r'22o$tp;%%and gfl f:'m¢2{je% JtgV€J'*§ > greatbleflingr and aflin>*azz'ce.r% “ tbekmdeajvourx w H A *lz¢&q2§r: Tof % Hmzonrable%Hg;¢f§,; ;4m1 5;; reg . aftbii ~, yam’ b4fic%V@?3d%%d0e%~3 v=to%%%a%lI:Priui"le22lge: of 3*“ fimwfir if Np)-iwi2'edgé4é bejj$im¢déufi%qf$E9vfu¢%bMémverw Parliimdezat % amégyeaflt‘fi{{;1‘1 ?meI§»@f‘fl/1.0719)’; 4’;2dprWeEi‘}divgrl zmder mama; Se}m- % ‘A % vzizviim3‘At%tenaiamm5»:%A:flag ;fT9ei’“r xSTeWm2t:: 5 gall, Maejég ” flag» & m+eea§e;mp;e%W fiom saw]: cf :tW~ y %mg A ztzz;en:VAqf A0113. ~ :4 V I f'bia“,FwPFel]30fl 5 v¥z.€1‘.1'/a%p‘2:f“far%AAA the mm:er:V iafPm+- V A A * 4 z§wda‘>ne.?% you doe Aflemm iwfzzzce % to H29 %;%%é7me,% ;.'_1 December, ; % and x rmzmerk4 7 ba¢l~r<*ai -‘J we »*“"t?=%1ve"s% A afTum~é.rwnco*f 4 ”‘ W(“%@WMf V . ‘ V ~ 1 % % % A * ~ *”fijh3wy#bw¥rAave%%~iao»»}"mW A v 4 W 4the;*W*ho1éiwréiéntativé A ? 4% % A % ¢%mmW%%W“? -¢hereinA?Atrdiffoawhyfay‘yq _ 4., % 7 %,your;AP.,idd1§,AA;A;.;;gl~[peak 1£our%‘]uWd.gemem;dece1ve us, , \ ;%3If¢ wiA1ling% ‘t(a‘).1‘WE’e" informed-**aWas thc11ke1nfi:1ua%ti‘ an}ddiv1+’4 A A ding principle eve:rA fuggcfled uncouth: common people 5A¢xcepMc;I ' u,i».ta¢y a W .:;uAn£o1afi V it was from’ his Majefcies, %DecIaratfion.s?chere isVlitt1e,fd;ot;!bc,thac (nowemhecicy is blinded hm-_in ) the are ofchzsaqatingxia came i,fiom% C{c:L1\r%t,4T:1t:4:t: t:~1I1;e,j of 3“ 1:it:t1¢‘..'_; book:1%]C¢7Y P1113‘ Iifhcdi, cntituIed,.A full-xmfweig to t72eA%Plg4tbe%Commqn;zity % AAA % -London5(eiccepé.he% himfelfeisbecdmeA~%%et¢erv2ztm;AinA {his judgement 4 and rea.fonA)1‘randuplik¢AaAman 0fright‘¢PrinCiP1esAsand4trL.Ie. A ; .51-,e5%je;unccj ,~and‘p1ead chejufipower of the Par1ia~mcntV"OfE77g"' % A “= “:gl:.'l71d , A”Tas% h7eha’.th well,%donc ofthe C0fl1.m0nAsAofLoAndq22 ,”a1nd_ A A % therbyhe wilifhewhiAn1£élftnh¢?arlia»§mir freind; as hnehitzherto A % %.hach%%dOnAe%A: But What d0~youme;1}n?wh¢nAyOuAfay; ?th_eAParliamentj:¢ A A ‘ A%%XAPFiViIedgesA may now becomeggténgzrefiarlzjfé .3 “Surely hadxhia 7 A paffage beenffound foncbf the 7 old ADccI.1rationsA f14Aom0x-5 V ‘ firdagainlt ch¢P%ir1i4m9*1?a itéould novbeifidgcdany.rhiAnge1¢1‘<=a A but»: notoriousficer, beingof‘theA:AfiuW1re ;;f--; A A A finicywiththe;1ikepaAiEgc§Afpund Pe2$etz(al1Parlia~AA,A A A meh;t,and%an‘werlfzfliz2g Par.1i:§§;t?1ezf2t.IAf%Metti*rsAofthat Houfe; A doc Aamefgreat 0ff.MOHi€I§, ,%and%prate£idz'7)er: .:bAem Ad: \ Q .Serv¢w?I5AA> A?1’/9er¢5Jr<%f;A “ Ai?1¢4dA€WmP*i0”fiémzhedm2Wf;l-cm?A5:and fa Ac:z':izer2:%4or ow1aereAi%V aremdone.:Aarindamznaged lecxhé pagrtics; ~agrciv’eAdV fra“ine th¢ir PjctiAtiofins A an_d§}C0mP1aine of ‘ men %, and_$,lec not Larzdon remonfirateAAthis to» the ~Par1iaments preiudice : his very truc,A_the ’intenAtionAOf the Alfarliameftt is * A " good all, Athe%ht:u5t Offnonc %¢vgry% mam beneficgno. 8 M ArrmdaingggyccMremember"?yQur?‘C0Yenam,7th¢ PrcfervaA’;i£?fl-%0f$ the ParIiz¢meizt:,,;KPniviIecfge5AiAS at A]né1ain1eIA% ArtiaA1i»:&thcreoF,% if A A A pxiviledgc fprcéves A rcAiudicfi~alAlA theJ“Snbi¢&s.b,encfit a,,7°lW"P A A A V A :fi=1V¢$.faY:AtheY anticipateyourdcfiresabywth aiftfietmfiféfzlze ’ A ‘AA0ft798 1'5 -A rfbeeemlm; 71 E :m'e,t§bezz fin wcyofjqbfling 1:; A Bill: #0AgivefifiIfi«5?iv# c0vcerr%in;~tl2Aef4mesV~ QHYBWE been pafi .« up “.»A t, R v 4%.‘; . ‘ ‘ Acaand rhat%:iM1_'/9e jrKi§zgdome~ decreajé “imp z§l7;itr.fI.3eZi}z- V V géhentxmdae; A255: came: f;ir2~ azzd campnzénd and’ 7z§2z§2V”:bzzt% t1Je‘* Enefigyzi h;1;i£7té;V£a;;:irfé@ A H;ld:vléfz54z2ve ibape "itizzt % the gre;§‘tfand‘ %.}ea€‘traarzzri’}ia¥+} sflizd burtbefl: o2z%w%%tl9iJ%%C[iz‘y"%.:aznd tbejr Trade,“ fl:v:xll?I7e*i;rz:L%'ftba flm1re%%*&bated 15612 W93 Debt: fuming 4i‘(: H9”e%%Cit‘)3% arid (3itz'.%e7z.r Lo:f1c I}:)n%, ;e§tbe°:é4- particular flitrdzzcef ~tb‘e< P£zfIiamé)2é4._.; or L e % ‘ i “ figm ‘Me. ufé: .app§7i7ztéZ1’é?_J"ia?zd 0Vrdifi%zt2zcm..V If fo AAhma .1it€1”e more%;§aci¢n6e,%%yzamfidebts owing you, coming% apaceg, eighcper; .tSe72tT. fhall 1fe*vvarci=you~%for*[it, yep cazn-*- not b~u‘c%k :fee%extraord1na4ty Mch‘ar.gcs4:%*do:a fall appeoxrcig-the:pay..* mfg“ g:Qf% ‘oriLr +5 jI3*‘l0n?g Arrea 1:3 5” %:¢%h0i1g»%h fuHiE:ie;ntly«% an % ‘F :he%%Kingdohie§ fe;rvi*ces;Vémeifvaffifizmmes%~?paid%:toLthe -%Séat%oh»Army 5 t~h6"'l:'€liE£‘Qf: rlrelazzgdig; aind mariy Wayes¢n%_mre5:w AA many \G:irri(bns,€%fo"i3 many % Partiesggfo: many Sieges doc {pray your giaticficea litItI”e'?»Iontger but smufi *5every%particu12;r zhawge **é1{‘£':r{‘l;fl 1;‘g;“e;_;:iflf; rhcfbowéls of iuinmeéytif r_n0%nies1V ’arcV:b3*y figéfl, fpigylvcd, med, plundefid :,Watid%:3,?Liin%d heir.»E&at&s, ma: % ~:1;fii*s kind’“0F :D3aIé& c0ncerf1iuIg:tl1e%%Pa7°1im52e:&£,%Ain; ’Priht:5( peo"p-1233 vie_W).f Vdéth «impo_rt7 mp%IeI_Tc 1:f1en"Aani%avi¥ éen”t??*3h$tg“jé§%4»that men~§i~a-. now*“an1é%;tn% mm%,.%.o£%.bm%A% ken Fortuhés, mentl'mi§'Cannot3or4‘elfE.;(' which is%A=wori"é ,men% bntbepablilgfaitbs flag. ‘be tab\e2z caréfir and dijélaar--» . cl, rzieli .d:%'tI9ofé‘g2j}ig2zed zlpozmibe ;Excife;5 ‘and wfizzyzzot bsziiwzré “are & 't:h‘§P diwfféd fifrom‘ appointed 1/9\eir: ~AE.:* % %0rdinano*e:%*?‘« if:Zh0ne,iwha£%ié‘the ground bftThis%%Vpa*rti¥:u1a%r chl‘Is [ ¢remonfiratad%%? is it becauiE:43>f¢ ibme%% few gratui:cie‘s‘%x1ateIy} Wcofir-4 ferfd upon} defiasrving men_;,.f0F;;ti1eiV:t:v;aHane;,;painfullgartd % A “£111{ér£ricés:for~:.§hi§gmlblickifawfety"“?V%% arre:fucIi{%1f1irns*’§:‘tr*t{§lciyfé§i . “inthe”%fi2:%p”oint e33 522% their aréliwzd 0r2lirzzzn”ce:%*.34‘, thé A gzm2;advira ~ mam Igjaéztlarz ,%%.%ab§gt Vkxtfie1‘3di‘sburfE:¥% A - Alidmevztof maxim Ofthe Phblick Pcock?‘A% x A V -»- at W: V * % & = Ezghdy5,z€yemagmplaxne 0f 3; ' x 7lhe;x%£3a:13m£§etéig;:13:wQrk?:a1:;?Hé§er- Y ‘ A AA dqfberar A fig, gm.-§Hdll3 as it gricva % A A ‘ Mgiignanta ihould be dexcfied, i or further courfé taken, to. finch gut‘,D.elinqu€rAflI$,A which %have,noc as becomes .Ath"emA%Aafl1fied * the; P2zrlioz:nem7: {Lively tl1ey1it~tI-eiwthoughc ~the*t;imes:fwmfl‘.1'o;face \ H “_. V] , \ m or», 3 1 * “A“V § , 4 3: """A‘;, 1 W « .-, A“ . “A v A \ F3 ‘ _ ‘ ‘E ‘ 1 "‘ nae 1:6 the Cit}? O: wig; :hatLA a.:iy«~Am“mr¢: ab01_m”,A'.}aA3 t:hal:“:;‘Lo2m7ofl fl1A0uldA tm‘ne.e1ii1q»u’cn«ts?adA§rQ¢at§;:;:jwc§ . fay no !11oreto%t;his,f bfit~.ir'emem£ieryo#r44VCovéna2zt; ~ A. ‘A Nimhly; 5 «ycm-furchger prczcefidz 3, and ~prwfeflE: §M(ou1::::ze?a£Le;4f'm:1? our bleeding yfimthvrm Of}adiflref£ed[ Irelazzdg 81c. is ad mmién, and A Gods? falmdcze «riotrhincler fa. eggvqqaa iT‘w'ork‘, by WeakningAA;he41i% Rm:li?ame2m«§Party 5_fbyA Aany: mbm3.fuc':h ma A4 Temzhlyl, inthc. Iai1?ApIa.éé,AA3rAouV~»hefiq5A y0;AIIi:Ad4C1’.e-i.‘AnA‘.AA8.‘A;A1AAIA'1Cl;A grievances together: Am t}1Ac*firfl.’j, we“:;confcHé yougdiifi run well S;;.1fi"e1r%no1:*.your Cm.w;nefto betaken away? by‘:y"o1§;z' :d:i!}:c:nAti”nu«f« A A a e in“ ‘y'ou1§'tA‘ b%eg"m1T sgzzes. con%fidm*A? A3..>:%§t2irmeAyou~:d9n$¢* more,“ “t:IA1‘en the Law of Gg;»d;,~ of “n2itfiAlA7e,,‘ of %.Natibmrs ikemgaged you ?~ Hathall x47? finjc Afpoylesy they, fight fbr ?i: s. A Sq3ieak'e~;;yd?ux:~;A:.CnmIizienccsj5 :A»whmr Aimed‘ become of you ;vejx_§y .daAy,;f if the AA rprefgn tr 4Parz2ame:£:»:fiadA“ notA Am you 2* uvizhamf :Aym§1r% B.e}igio‘n% A? What: of your! Er- fifiatcsl. wr&laAE‘.o£‘«¥QE1AVrAAAflA.Jfib€AuE,£i€$?AA Haah;~1%c~n<;w:beem im;,cheirpow- ax: every4dVay,’tomuinéyqu, V%5zea;,,;%anA*d [ézparhmslgsby aaheiiis W31I':.P§I‘$fi?I‘I”l‘1¢fl'tS':€Q.3adAVanCef.I:h6mf:1Yé5 Haflrcnétg tfiie Sabjefis A A,Iaib:rtics%beenAdeare in fthVcir~e'yAes7?* hiv%e:%they%* not layer: Aimder manyrtémptatibnsg many_diiEou»i‘hgetncntsA;, Ate cointinm: may flanAt§undcr%.Vthem mm-‘: .3211 “a.b1e§F‘-Vabide the fame. A .tfienrdid;‘mmy eA1?3rc%VA:thé How efien; Ahaave theyjpxebrem ffled by’1w@raf‘:%o£ ydur‘.w¢d@mmm~HaI1sA,V andV:ménj7;De* a1axtations5;4in~t;hieA% A[.1i1blickA Avipawr of Aifleavenmid Earth9_,%;.th%a¢t‘th;éAfy%- ‘ A Awolzld :1ive?‘with you and dye%L%witiiyoug,»Pca1idg, é5r%'fall% with you, %tha4n:hayr\wouId’ never Ie;:-nreyouA_.,; _tiI1t:heyf ha”d;ximde~~youA Tfffiég ‘ *Am,:>uf ;theit prc1érAw92tionf‘A ayour%T?A~iééurityV 4 %th’eirA% g1A0$‘Y%¢ Y0“? Cro[Wné:‘? . their; fréedomes ylour 'LibeAlrties A vances, weconfider them as theylytse. A % AAS; for youc=A~%gnie» A A- ’ Finmzyouwomplaineg than tlge» Leyterfézztym ;ber¢m;.- A V N ‘ A A men: t0 tla*e:(f~%Jiie %ev’fion]2mnce. ~ mgwfgf AS¢Lest7%a%x1dfl£liA19Ae detained4tb(§flugb petitioned , i[¥A5i:iMA;H¢21VH%rwbA!e&35???? dwtétjfitll c2f}awrfide1zE§y=~Wcfl1ppofe4v .ck§e%{; Heuffiis 110: bwutldttflfffie accountable to yqug though you; ayr.-j Aob3!6[%3g€%d”4t0 RCG€">*=1'¥:1,t (0 them tA*A1iSV‘PaI*ticuIar=;and when-her Achey%, l‘z?edc§?JiZ>x‘;f24§3g? ofyour fidelity or 220, Wevcannot tell, Grisly w3A A w;ifhV they may h.<;wcz1o‘caufé;A Your next comip1;1inwt%is5%that in tI_9}:, L:'tfl:' jF;TgP0fitipfl§_ to 1233’ at uxbxidge 1‘?/:2&.p019'«’€'3" ofA~t/J8. Mili«tiqj%¥@f‘éA?/?if;Ci fw%/reprejézziedg tiled: M/oa»»z21z2o2:vl2eAre-A ,;§g§;;?ged"5 qrzdendeavauvgeggi to»%%be%;Mal;erea', to1l5e.%e7kdarzgeri2zg$ofstwsz C;';yA5 and parAtat%;«adjm':ent; aoflif }01£7fawdgfé_fz{ed‘Zé flé tmfi f§~om$tbz'a. Hofi0urabl€%H0.“fé ax *l9€7314 fW"?AZ2’€i7?€*71€fA*/3%‘%r:lg0€;2V‘ We think it:n0£h’:% % fgffi nQA>ta$€Vthe PAar1i2«nze5?tI$’wi£dprI3e3Af in Arliieiir orderingsmdidifi A * fihg:P0W6I‘ 05 0.1‘ Kingdnme 3 ‘ they 7fha111'ee,Caufc 1:; arldit CaI3n0tA:b€ aflerted ,1 that .rbeimeeaflic--.: Amzfng i/9e flafilgitm of‘ ‘Londo’n:, Aimo ntbeAirwowne/ handy’ 1- 7;; _matzgr dmvzger to the Cit}Vof'L0ndWon ,% and partxadjacezztg without an unwqrthy :ai'pgxtfion 1113011‘Eha~t%»HOn0umbl¢_H0ufe ;%f%fucAha‘%%5rm\»avc. will fay £233". give¥juf’c c31;1i?:it0 =thiA;3I<5~ thatw tlagy dejér've%%&1ej]E A flow :tIa_czt Hoxzmrabie: Houfi? than a _tn9el7Jema%2zet/9 agne A, when they were better afiéfied gzhen foto af'firme._ ThirdIy,you complains and re=m;0nfirat%c , T th%at:fl2me%late Petition: of this Gitie , pzwzjémed to,";t]9z3.s‘ fl_Hb}2onr2zbfle%Hoz4;fi,_]Iaaz4ld lieyet wzranfvered ;A. If the Parlia---' . A man: wgerse bound t0 anfwcr a.1l[=yoL;_1r P%e—t:itiQn~s, and~ that ‘forth~- ; even ‘in your owhe stimeA, AAwhydi:d4 not you rather enjoyn thenVpe“titi0”x1?. «andif all your Petiti0ns fhould be anfweredi «tgyour%’0wncV«contenrAA,A we well perceive haw t;he.~—~cafe" would Pcand with this .poto prove, and him ‘toj*c¥§a«« fend 5 Candherein yoi1«wi1l befriend our%intd?Ie&s, a}1dhé%lpe‘trs%Z1 A r«::; un«d£rig’c gm! "hat: mean by» yum: dSv-.a &a% Efcézé ;5géiz§&~i w?h.>zn%y16t14fcrL" mu.chf >flickfIc* in thisVR€mVon&ranc¢*%A: That%th"e&* ] {Dixie caftizizxn 0I:1t.i("ZJi.Z. from’Mat£ha?Ifh5p*).Af3r*fo%Awee=> j A p*reflmc"Vy0ur;meaning~35, Athoiwu gh you” fp€akc A as”idiA%fiu:be3%, that the; Rcadcr\.»x,nu{% fiigidyfito finds om: yct1rimea%:ii;§5g ) %i§':i~fl*& be denied “by one 0f%~the§ chiefcr apromtatierisi‘ gbié’:~R1c:7th’on¢ £'.’er;-2 nice. ,% te‘xAc%cp I: hev%h;ath chi: ngstfhis ;’fJg¢fJtIiex1tAiiaJ» izhe W A vernmengéf the_‘Citie,(asfomctimes it7falls; t;Lit,_wVmenVMcdnti-¢ .1 not t’rxeir judgement ,~ ‘tipccially mat%t :ts of? gAove%m~< V mam cwm and—.:'¢ce:1cfiafl§call ) for i1;:‘ifthcr> % @itie‘.:r£pre{I:ntgt%w$~ ,»z or 7c~ol1*e%&ivc‘~_., but the % I3::‘rd~ %Maj<;>rg4:AV VA andV%Co1mc*AAufAldermen, thsgt % putbim%Vout3of i:tl’1>e 5pI aC¢;~ and 4iEn~elyv=, they are no morr: the Citie Fig %Vthat%1§1&%w eXccpc~+ the C0mm»»':3n:Co«mi{e1Iagavéé them powcr§ h‘€r:.4 in, as%w4c'e ca n...;. ‘ ast0tundex:fhu1ii%«they :h‘av%c*~) gihen any ()1:\h€t§CTit?eJuflfices, A (>r,A%f0ffi£§§riSé‘in"‘£h6 7i%aii:e~‘T(O».* AsMbmifdemeanqr; ,,,’n0n¥GF‘ _% xvA¢reu»rged 39. chcVA7ycaufes- ‘hereof , except this “was his ‘crime,1; A ‘ thatomc Ma*rfl1a1l7{h‘ouid £wc?%chc Gitie. AudAthou%g’h itsis av V cmne E‘:/rcumfhmtiab1e%AcoVa great aggta‘vation¢ for 770m: mam: gowrong a Vwhc>1‘eCiJtie;jye::1it~is%more{’crange(b*scaz§~iE Icaffe r V é11*{’uaiI~);c‘h3=tia rc*Af)ref'cn:aitivcCi«ticfi10u}d Wmng” %aVp00rc?I V mambyzakixag awayhis good%”nam~c,f angH‘o~hi~s«live%Iihood‘ix1%y§ A fbfis prefénz employmcxir. As for hiegrcat"tranfgr£flion herein; fpcci Wee dare prefumc, cheprmre manis ignorari%t0f Chg‘-4‘ . Git is.» pri.vsiV1%cc:1g;es, it«'thisr» beA0nc1; i that this Pa~r1iazfi‘ent of Exrguji !Wd' C-,rn?r»mt~:r1:+a!{e Prdcwl "§%in“thc Ci;ie»4c9ffL0rit1W5V \V*i?flv‘ <7i24rAot~herwif¢ , 1wi.theut‘ Iicenc£%%give:i the I-.—«c:\rd¢‘4 M+a;i>r~o¥ Egs3z§Q?l'a 9z. ‘.l‘4£*the#ca:I?2% be thus;-xvgllvmayy%c>u~%f’ay,;.~%4«:h the‘F.i'rAl”i%3’méfi"%'*<5f;E=$igZ:t22d?jiSkbtitléu FW it%h¥“il» %é¢re‘%%0f!l2¢7~;,V V fi¢pf’e&'m;3‘.e]ao& genera}? i72fi>rm.ati0;z.r,i wbicbf it may’-%% L amm ayzdt/as ['t’tie.A ¢ I * ' % % A» % M _% If generall informations than doc gr'eatYy concernc the; prA1bIiqAuc‘dangcr of thciCitie, orK'ingdome, ihould bcV%»f@.A7%far W ncgleéhd, as nt,fo"much asato make an enqu i1=y,, according» thereto {how could they,Vto whom theyfldoe com%c5*di-E:haAArge:V w'¢I1T‘be;Ad,;g_é;wd might .dc}/Igned tr} dfvide bgtxizoeen % r/ye %Part.h.-41- -‘ &?th;eir7con{%2ienccs, and Cov>enant,m God, or tbc'4pco.plc:? The » W‘ 1-;"‘mé;3 rMajors ffiohfulmffc can never hurt A him ; aand a FairhfuAl%k man, may Iic_,under‘fufpitionibut wilI}raA:kW c%no[% oAEeAnc%e at at '1' through4pu=‘gation ;,.as we hearc his Londfl1ip,_him'(clfcdis fuf... Aficientgly fatisfie"d ;%a~nd fiformer?faitbfuln¢{Yc.flm1.1Id.for‘even A A difcharge all fuitu rc jealoufiesx though but ge7zfir4lZAi2Ifa”rm;2‘i..;.. mu .btgi*icnofdangcr%e) the two Hwwéuzmr , and mzny**mon:, h might,hav¢ ntowilivcd , and by this AtEmcAA"fcen the Pnliament W and Citic weitcringin theirowm blond; H: 7; A mt ‘I . I . L/'1/£a%rb; m }i1aAry pgmb; and fiy {E3117W~§3e,*V%.and“:gZ§cAi‘Ay 613 to un.d¢er&a7nd, CW.he:rei$n.wce ca“.n_.,. fiand A firhcrrziln WE:‘mmn:%@a3” man ?w4ith<;%§*ou 'in%i:yAc>Aur d.tfi*%res* ro%;c?1¢‘Pa§:— 1iamcn¢t5%Wizh Vrhereafoxasthcteof, whichis the;»fc*cond.$Agene~ A tall h"eaVdf oft) ur preG.:*nt!?rm*t“h%L»dA 5 y?@I.=14t€*fO1V~€ your«%c0mp1.é.:ix1cs A imoip,rayers.:“$ A A * % A‘ - M ~ «DI. “I3/r4t§f%37ze%' Zzndflyeédy %c:?m*3*f'e1427a}v be .Itdl ‘ 1,; ‘ ' ‘in theirprivate%afl"c;mB1iesg as fureA~wearL{é. yourMw¢rds%da¢%% A impcaxt, abhc$;r?,d;,;be your .r6;q§1¢13:;rby‘? $s>dT%%az§d*A g_Gi,‘3dg gfndf é ‘ the%Lord~pre\%em:tt1e Pariiaumene fr0in.ex§:r.RuIfl;51invgi%%a ’ {’coue.A Wha:f_.y;:eu *m€m‘, wAec:datIn0t}tc1l;%rW¢ac*W<3t1§_5 n0t::'Adeé 7; .1: e,]%weesdue%n(at know whgargwee scaI1n<::t jcayne withJky%ou.~inA this P<2s:it.ic:«n..% A A é * 4 v This is the 2,. }%Tb.m4!i% ,&naba£;1x~§/3:; &"6Wfiif2E,&J_,. He2*§tigj££e:, I ‘ "' . K‘ ;.» I‘ 3 “ H v,,“‘izJ A’ . "a ., V-V I I ' & . I‘ ‘ J’ H; L’. w fclfc {mm at Bl;.f,&!m2,m~.s,§ m~7§d.».£E.llw[1WCzJ‘ .3: »fZ.m:-.a“ as »c‘05>§fa2r'im.4::;sr?\,tr2 tézepzagwzqgte %,w.,,,l that & Dijéfipigm ¢:;¢a%»:z22;{r3:m,* aw m we cfluzblifbetf Ia; ‘P~a~%I£a£mez2:,%»mé;‘;VVzm wasin ghé 33- ft!!!-'] decM'r‘*€$§ ¢;:2éd'f{w;2a <£’Jff”‘f6fi‘!4a1/Ivafifjéféf/€tif2irf}46c£3dw_ A fl10P5 j(3’i5i‘~"'fi~,-;; 5-zzg agairzfi. ]%2?¢r&77>%pt?15f5:?z.«fi*‘;. % § % L . _% VA 39¢ €?c«§_11,;};ci1e 1 Firm;sé/'§‘f2¢;z£m£;»zi*;‘§%J‘§ .Bmm;§£jh‘, é‘c,"in the~Ki:?tgs Declarati- lwthe Epzfcapall ' V % 1m10o1mP{,n VtheFc,whom»j,mui:nif::anAweECannotyA¢tdL :6 1! . V this as the“ i-.A.%Secoud1y,%%if=a1H'uch%Seé?arAiw a74‘cD?{f‘Q?‘w£.,*?20t2‘0I5§‘l'._PZtbZie§‘?t¢ Pm}, Cmmx emsd;id%%a1wa‘%j4c$:%>i1*m:md the Par1iams::msfi'icnds gjaxid % W "at A Daifcigalirze seflwbli/bad or to be eflaélfledlvy the Par!g'amm‘r,’7f%m:¢fl:é¢ my rm ~izdi&‘srs; thfi)’ ‘”g%-wififi frrrblwrfwsém hid: amlbecome 0ur%PresbVYt¢v benjoyned men‘ rian%%bn:v*thr¢n*;;;7Whichrhdld&ifrcs;byce"ry§‘t4aV4 b:€j,'i5‘e”‘ dfwifié 5 > m fiveare to carmot%%fubm1t%%LuntoV Commiffioners“ 0%! the Pfresbyte"ryr,-% ‘ what they k . thr::ugh% ei1abIi{hcd4 *by%%tdinam:e of VPa:MrIiam¢n.t Stately the ‘ HEW yr —'t'?hIS % they know % mum haw Rcmon&r‘ams:& armocofthat Dplnlof} ,. but »th£:y;;b’e,¢ Athexr %mm refom feet_are‘t:akcn in the:%{ém’ei?y{hareLVt'héy };éid%f3r;thfiir bréthtem M % upon what If :dxis~19etit7mn4Afl1omid ha granredmur?PWsh§*Vt€rian %*Vbrc::hre:1 % _ _ aswwe1I%%as2others, mufl: % be {uppw:~:fi‘é:d and for izfmt :*ca:uib not 5 and {o rt: fi is a flap nee‘ though no (‘uch a+I‘lowance% isigivéfi byflilfimzfinpg _aheirVweak f;,_.%,_,m:, igopary‘ ‘brethrenV.)wechcaxmo1:.A§oyn.§.with yen in tlaazPE§i£i*CiF1» ¢ j ; %%3.‘=VTbat%4mwea ane+.al1::S?wb]:E?: ofcme Kzmgdgmw,fio.afl:mg£m %egua!z, ' ‘ \ v ‘l ::&nmr;tl:fe T ‘ ’ er i0]b_»e]?!tf0ffl1~@/% tbs :Pm?ZiM§&;ér§ ‘ It A TaV;-efolvegm;fubmirwta %whai.%t w%c§‘kn»awMn.ot5 mmeA:3¢a£~ ’RcIigion, and to ‘Petitibta the iupprcflion % of ail th%a;w«;wi1l&nm: % ; %{i1bjc4&* tihergiuntci; i$%%*jagA;tin{’e the?%Yp“r‘irxc:ip1es;:g::fixR4e1igi0n and RAcafOn_3% wee cann32*coznceiva.*at%.ParIiamerw~"fo:;t’eI.igiouggg fog « V"ra%tiona1L,wi%H:prove: fo irreligious, fa irrat§i"on:av1l»,.as to enforccf I AA % the Sub} .=.-&sto Rifle the 1ighto€Athcir%%ownA Confcicnccésgand let: God arz:dA%cc)nfE:i§nce fay wharjtliey w;i1lAV,mr»V~fwcarc~*capfem mitie to%”theA willgofman,in:m.:ttteraAbf,Church:«Gavert:agentwig, A wrs9ca;1n%9tioyrze3rith 399 in :hisPe*i=i°n~ A4?» Thar % ~ _[i,-:foArt£i, or to be jé: forth by the Parliamemt, may be emplcjcd inig-» _ A to the’? ggfifiezvwzfi f§"1:zczé 4239 fie:/foflj‘ Zjafiéfied % to,tl2e;PrexI2ytcrizz]( j?G02;ergzw¢g1§:5; E0 2 79y;Pl£(.‘é'A0f[}7#5flick,7‘"rwfia _ ,. « ; %% A _ N A our b & ~,v;§£c,:~4j3u%&gVe?*mumfel{5riasL,Aboundk;o1¢avc,:hat4bgfing{fg.M;o%4;h¢ V did never ro. Patliamems-wi{d%Qmera,—as fuppc;fingfithcm* bgfl able t_a_ji1dg¢__A Pdblfquely. V W11"atfA$fs”A3Inc‘£t..iQ~bc*dpm':*in%that parcicul;§.rgIf’m&:n ppoveAf;fi}ch-4: :§:1:.";:1hf61:§" full in their trait, in.t:_am.perable by their adv¢r{aries,A f1,l(;3CAfC‘f*9TA Mag1ifira.ay. 0?: full Ainflicif Two—rkc, -umsainted in their integrity, 4901-H.‘3g~€0‘J§ A this K-ingd~om., cin .ehci;éAI"crvico§s, Scc. fuch rn.eAi1arcAnot ufuailya4£;em,;mg‘ V A cxperignces of +{'u:ch ”pvartiVcuIaVrAs%, «pu;t%‘fQL1t":,é;£ th€i‘r,_1pL}bliCI§ gzkrgufir A ( though Ehey%fl1ou.=ld1bc{ an Armyzci" Turlg’ ). and «whyfgmgn M A (hduld be ydifizhirged fijom their puéwtick. trufigfor fo. I~':nawl%lAAa punfiilimas difference in judge mm: abouc%VCbu;;h,G~overn-A ment5Anayg{o;V?Tmu;h% 9.8.difi-.‘.flfi‘d'!Sz:i@Ifiiftg§);thQ;VPf¢SbyC§!§ia1l;GO&:§r£L¢’4 % % mcnc,4:for:nhaiLfs% yémr wexprcflfmmf,:§Jvej*f¢e;n-g=»c and; m_;; IX” i{=.ct.1-i4s;deri;;eama1cL~%b’;A g”l? 333lmtC»d§.a‘3'j'~ rim 1ta¢qds,~;:the ParI;im_11ei1t§= firengthfiould bcmuch aibatzfidg, and? t‘heVM:;Iig- nan: Royalifls Very %»m;1ich Aplcafedmwécawnénes Qfthcm,wwee~ W A canndjt Wi§h‘»y@$I;§Ai*fi1a Psbtition-‘W A A Hmmqryblé ;tfe%‘ia?i1£}>Al¢4faA¢e L+:’4:£§0‘3? A 1??‘A;a017p_«/W,-£4 ‘ anrt‘A:a btknliwajmflyrgfa-xfqflimgqfgas [fife a?z,d.nfle/l~gt'ag4rad7g‘2£}:Peac: my :9 Q‘ . mazzgfi 323:1,azfitgr-figJqzzgrandmzrzdtmmilgz Wfa;rre%. A * % A well grounded peace is our hr-:aArty_ defirgsyas vgj-:-1~1.% a_s;p_ yfifluiks-§3«)HfiItKfiffi3t&aéE‘ vIgw%‘he%fm;1,gh&:;.£a1£§lV‘44t¢nd‘é::;zggg_ Rwpmfigti-~ % ons from the Pflarliamcntg to his M &jcfhy:», t1£1§::;W§f4d \ PérIi%mEnt5?A§nb.t ~:*m_n:ee; -d6it€,f7f.1:T44ifi§3%9 9 V A ?~ J'1¥W@t‘3'w V mcc toAAtaké*a;wAay; pguiizlhmy life, 5.;if: fl:f:eV;com4»bat¢gE¢ ¢.0Y?5TF5Ar=:;;, and the p”arzy%Adi{'arm’d, and his weAapons,in¢g4mine;oswn hVa,nds,,,_; It:~?in;dcni;;:fie»w.*:m&d1a~.ihé~?fl1al$%*=:1?1*a%Z.v¢€b‘i: ovév2einf12medaeftzf9ze..L 1 .1 h ‘ e vv1l>l:1ot a 1 all %1z%1%1vfe11_11'1cd-#;‘ - ; ~'I'h'is"*~ Peéietione implies ‘a Charge 73 7 I I‘ '~I.5” Tbaet>al7pz£;bI£_kg Revennar”mzffieceeipixxe 5-my 1Ezee;eZq)1qdi '1 toe1pz';kblE!‘.11 z;:jZa:§’£t%l2;;z“tifi-’tlozé Taa&jeé;i*¢2ftI:*e1 C-ftyemzye be1abcz1'ed.* 5 J.‘ " " My [£4 >1 .19. W Q We §z11Vgwr1o%?pub11ke Revenues imployed a; all .;h:e;1 _ amen?! bf A*1*E;2gland’,rf0r any other than pubIike1.u{f:s 1;§;.121*nd if A :Pe:1e1211:1ay1 alfogccherl i'e“c‘117ez;: afi;zerfioi1s,\ of :Our.,. :5 wg_r:h§r1§»er{iamem,11:e 'Gan’* 1f11Ily1i:ioyi§?vJit}t V cm :i1_1 this {}Ja“rtiC1;l_a1r;e; ;; fiate: arid Compafi:1i2m: qfi§Deli22qm"é1rzr.r§ mu}, ;m;--”-; ~c0rdin§¥o111 tbefingag-figment! "by: 011¢2';‘nar:2ce:P1arliama72t,:1 be ezzjzpgied-1_jf .10 difcbéifge the greutf1mimef‘o1wz'};zg=to Cit} and~Cz'ti:z.ef2z:1. . TheVp1,1bI1ikeFaithfonthefpzeblique debts" wm be*1i*;1Ii;ki inane‘ ‘feafG’i‘1 ‘WiIl1‘.f0*aPw§ii‘77¢ {we % minde eke m1aii1* 717.7»¢iywt1?9‘e 1Cr2mmzme at.:H£ibé1f’dh’{h8rs-hafl 1mqy”I7eprefé71t1y 1 d11]?jl<£iIé!H1*‘i;1q“rAaweaflfi l3ii1ai1ted2;1aiid1regul1i_tzed1, that the Git} ggmgy « ‘ 1 ~ 1 1 *"* This*”Pet§Atibn4fiemsa, ir111:—ehe1firfi1part1f‘of it, *=to1f.xvour1 Malig- .3 ‘-nants, we remember 0111’ Covenant’; 'ewee~éa1inot «clofe with you it1=1thei1s»;;etbe*l~2Zi%e‘r*~%i:s ‘051111¢¢flt~4fW€0f=» andfi; to %imer}2ret tbe.f~'m¢'5 d¢fi*am14fi"gl?.< 41736’ 19W“? :b£artit fimerelx, and nritlmat any «trends, om»? 902222!) may % 51F’4m A in:ém1ed' and léteaihetlfirrtla t79e.J?‘dN1?:=4;*;¢v” « he ibé l’¢?Vitixm€N;a« Wbawwe averM'9@Alzfi£d% wi1bd~maw} %AV:W”‘A%4” % J172d't9bacall‘Géd, tEe5e;ircbe}*cJalU2c§g1rt.r,tdm§t21€fi;f’94’:“%‘¢cQ”4? ,;5,?1gjj?0ib95"_CQV9"4W 471d1~...d“t)"«a5 t"’79€imeal6a dw0t_i0?1g~am?: dbééiifificeg 35: W4:% ferzmjzt ' and 1:g_ro]iy?gz‘te% afievgr tofiarve tbe:»Parl£ame2zt A 22:-Aztlaflgezr ,%Live; and Eflatax, again}? the Engmie; ofawfewe 9.104 W13} ‘?}”?‘j’ km dfbvtb Nati0fi:7againfi 41IVappofm ‘mb:&tj.é‘eV",ver‘:'lj’ir ‘H\:“ ; » A This is an Apologia for w‘holebufincflE.5¢.ga AA ” . you laaveca§1,féfuficien4t,4arj1dAwe Wigilyb¢1i€i*E"i1i§1ik¢»~Ft€i11Q¥1f. D" ' - mzac.e, and more%tovAtbe%1?4ra1i4ménm?id to min%mineAA A XV menfof Eng1m2d.Y0u pvcpulci new havathem 1 ~ . . Y 3 k ‘ _ '. ‘ \ “ -W . ‘ 51”‘ \,"‘ »g‘ ‘A M ‘ ‘ _ r H“ ‘, W‘ ‘I’; , .W _ . ‘ ‘ 99 V ‘. .; _ w 9 ". , ‘ . .<_ £3 ’ ’ V l ' '; . ‘ , ‘ "dig M‘ "9 V A 1' .. 4 ‘ . _ K was wagn¢ve»Akm5§£ram the any '-up ax: £.f'1ib;€y":,.R_»€fi39?2f£r5¥?33€ ézaw P€1‘Jii.§é)f2 ,a&' ;¢3yV'F;}2£§gatfiéflMfl2¢%A t d¢1~&and%img‘w114cnthey read your Remonfi%mnces%V 1 %;:V:Vf1&w é:ann_m:.%joyn with yen in this ~P¢t;iti§0n, tot acc*epfi, ymf: — % hgnézardzleffoufig that?-s,vd¢fire‘them C0,t‘h¥(3Wwb§é‘5b¢i£‘.;Q§155fi' 1?z%ram;¢,1Aanc1;gradn%t your I?c%cition3 .3. y«:£ »wce;% f1Aux3‘xbIyg;gd “ V A4 EiiozibuxjabfefLHot1i¢*,%V'to pafiéby ail *pmvocatiOnS héffliflfi afiTd.‘t® “ ’meafurc tbeirme§}3eV&s§ 1:9 thi$;f&m'ous Ciiy _-M105 3“5<3€517i!?g; IQ: fame ‘few wezzkn efiés_,~*wdhVichjthrough Come powarfull infiflljggin. , j @,‘n%s«érr};:y furprizc: th€fan3€,9.bUE*t€)_;£h€~.i30I1}fl?ani{,‘ fétled, fwd jig-vs * faolxged pgaéfifcs the; Inhabitzgznts ktherfleof, efwbichV?we¢¢gre.V:. VJ¥%¢on4fidcmchb:e argnaanythoufindgchacarefiill ready :a+ifi.:¢% ¢;rific:e7 Athc_niIEIves.¢to%‘%thcf ‘ 0F} the Panliament the mea@ngunde:%cheA1mgm§% to pretégm both 1'18-~£md‘ zour ' V % ,Yot1,ha_jwe dane*1with¢yourVRe% Vnf%’c1fanc»e5? but have ygu?.x1n~»« K dexjfi‘ what: yezighm dime ?-Laws mf=p@und~%t~wo V Rmrligmén l%tv£1Efl0W‘:£th¢J_. nature, V €primary*Vpa):£ern5.g9.nd3 ,-. % .it‘fhis7itpi:oger%fi)r?Vor£é{mgleVCarpbrati¢nv co"Paemz§£ifira;éV;4 % up cb§%¢Lpgo;;{e :heig+Agrievanpes,.or .ifid€Ed51:*'3t€I§«A %camglai»n%:sVr:w_aé ; V %thema1€~ flfifa AQTIJOXWI A “éteii uuderfland%%eheV Parfiameny ts!AL31=hority— %!‘a4re;syo1i b¢COm§f_.» j ’ 1 Apular e1§am"'p1¢ ‘Fm a1i»£he~ Kingdoriienf +iah‘ z;zgpa‘raI1e1d Bgemonflrance ;?=~;.‘a»i%‘e% the vMagi}fafacy»@qf‘ 1>bndwi2,%% and1gV¢Afix:h% a» prams fayanea, mm-,, firm: make - ~ ! T_ th§$j5uféVo£i«t,thaf’viii{d€*me%»ag;d%Wfiakn¢f35?m§§r:h@@vé% hf-%ab‘ié1-% % A A 3 j;ASe¢ondiya %+g,fve4ycéuantH6xi A A %o:;‘z;t'aII%:withi'z‘i% their Ch’am:¢xji%%? A ifY9“ 3&L%s%~A$ivbif&$Va(WIa&fi”?ir:AybunoWn Iwrfozms; have liberty fi*3.V£$«vfé; ‘ fi n V V iheijr A thxfiwh n i%and1i»gw&Mr A ewn.perflIsbucAfi?you§{a&s : ._ x£p§_‘e!E;§§5%AV% yciuié bounds, to Athefiitige ice» 4 r '\n - ‘A 'fi!2%?V¢?.ifi¢¥¢¥'83V¢ §(0iI~furth;i¢:‘%authoriay,§henta a4awiamn% ygmiarv V _ all»-u-a — .. ..g._ ' 3, -.4. %t;=¢rioz1;%%w?( yegromearmes%aag Iatxte-r,":}1a'§y g;¢.»predqr:3i«né»nt)c ieirefi ” ‘W A ’ vlemrxsf ?»th’fi?5§€3‘5§€&SMJbfindagésWélt%‘1thct:I1iéF¢3*f'ra£nersofchis Remcma % %firam;-¢.%vA3tm2Iy, 3.”t*rhac%%hearc wasright z¢r%r1sepa;‘12amc gm \ A A i ¢i~*§r&I%1:e*d thi8‘R:6Int,f0r they a‘reb:xci4inen ' ; ajné A fmenefore it is this arid ‘ABOAI: the pa.-rfons «~ are here M f0a1flf3,fvauI£Witha1l~..$ , % A { & * “ x . ~ J ‘ _ » ‘ :«m\) 1"‘ 1%.‘, ‘ x %%ema2v~ r fPhW'en‘3’3 C*AW’Ch¢a? WI‘ stand if )7 <51! dd: yozxyr . be +irs¢thA.ey’i not‘f£‘ratndbyyou. % %£€he oM'?P3Eén~feés,, ormtn that b;;fiI%d»s ;Vhc’iI*f hou{és% by v“ % new to some :0 the Iafif‘ genera1l4 head ,‘We Vdefire‘. th‘i;.V1m...- V\ nmrable City iérioufly §:ocon{i&ler, what arethe dangeroushtexaw V [dmciessmd efi’e&s offrich kiflfiiifihffifcrfiodfirancesg and that in kwpartibulars,very%briefly,fc$rwee are ‘unwifling :oha1~Pe”;tO0 A M Tymuchupon this‘unpIea%;fz'mt»firing.; A ; ~ % « % ' . . . . H g . 1%4%:?%%Fir{t,it cend.s; to :heAmaz1i£d’c ;~gri§ying..gf thél ‘0.§%bm, ; ‘ faithful! Parliarmits. who fer om: fakes hava Afuifiréd mm aié Vi ~afFr0nt8a3in3°*11“iAesa44ar:dl0fi’%s;aL théflEVWRITYFh\r3:i;1tiient~£iitbegins ix,-1 . " ned4?haV¢¢hw~nm-« br;e>:aghm( ,rQug‘ih‘Nthem€£C)f6f(3;’I7f» A ‘ .1:-nu-thé . V‘ h?iFéf£1Y’a"'Wah0 VW€r¢ fit fihiaiepramgocerswhaeréazvf 3595:1335 Oiitintbe fsvfrefilanguagéj chefiileg the % , L ' VdiM31“@‘§?Wf§Tm§tce1‘ ,4 dae not: infinuate%Aprerogative3L ad... V , A throughout forVpunifl1in:?:n't¢1H‘ W Athema_skeEI“J"£?£%2§a?¥¥d%i?f3~ . « 7” .g’:‘ ;'_"'Ef:I‘ " .. It is aha’ great Lmhappixxefilzinfw::3IrrnVeaxzimg and A Xguffied d::£‘ign.es¢ and to.h%aveLVr11eirAi:r1nw%!21~%d Tdecciste, and hinder the: c0ncurrcncecni' that}:mu!-tit%%L1de$‘Vwithw . . out which their uIzxmatet%end cannet be attAa*inéd* : There:Aw:ei¢c 7 rmvo huhdrcd bin j‘emf:lem‘( that r1cve1*wifhed ill» to%%Dm»id)wem; V A H ggjlong with Abfizlam in the Iiimplicity of their fpirics, (knowing A ;n0t;hin%g)V who yetgavethe begin’nin*g ta that horrid R.ébfe1i%i~+ ?>bn4,>' i in which he cndearvouxfed t0”deth1jonehi-3 Father, and dvszé-A .. wprive hip1'0f Iife,%Wh0j4féAverall W’ayésga.v”e him his, w‘hich“pra- A _ V % &i’té‘(wich the pare1Ic1’i1ih—:ja'r1:d)althcmgh it be fa~ordimry1‘ am a Dcfigne can ha“rcHy“be"’ irxfianced (ma: be afied crpenly_§v Vthét hath not rfirfi obtained % credit by the pa’tron‘age af albufied fimplicityg appearing in it) yet ic*fi:ilI%takc3%Aas often as it is at--- ‘ V temgtcd, Iikg Stratage1ns»4mzl:tary;,"where th-ofeof curious con- trivatlce are 1l}'1‘any% times abortive "Thofe that are every ‘day pra&if&ti,* doe nomrithffanding-e"vcry"%day% take F or ° the \ A fa.-kéof fi1chVa.sg:re fo abuffedg it were Ea Work worth the chari. ” and ¥la;bot1r% ofa free Ieafure, arad an able. peak to undeceive the . world imzhis particular A to flat ‘open the windowes ofibis ‘dark Cabin er, to di£'covver.th»e MechbdsAofthe1é’%impoflm‘s , 1 rd 1 Iétfimple integrity fize how thefg «approdacs are made upon it, A h7ndA to unlock t-hoiécyphei-sin"which (unknown to themfelvcs) l. they” maintain zidangcmus intelligence 8: V correfpondencewith A their enemiesgwln which in'1p2oymcnt,~if Ibme happy Gézzmr " had before this time dffizroféd it iE:If'e,gi1: tn-ight hawc prayed an Antidote to thisfpreading plague, =«ahd might have prevented A ghc; birth of tbgc Mflata itdncbptior-i"%wi3ich;nov9%ca;lIs it felfcthc ‘V 3-0303‘ 1 W ‘ -fin-Hap ‘ , ‘ ‘ ' nv ‘mv ma. X eCztzeRz;ma2zflr4Izce:.« E¢em4mfir»zzzce:eftbéAfivmvn Cburzceilcftbecizia ofLmdan.%Eor ii;: eannmhfi;ii!?3g3t1cd,that.fo%m§1ny.~h0neA& pious men.( as che%mAa¥ pérn;o££hacQounceI«azre kncwn to be, who ;vhavc'~vVhitht:Arc::x; ibevired themflélves in all. thefc%troub1c:sfo fA§3ith§’uH_7A’“d4cV(A3ted 1:0; A % fefnve;s§ji§§}i~1”$t¢re£’cof freerjbom Engliflrmezz, in adhering m_.,&; de- V fcndizlfg the Parliament ofE22g1.md) fhouldnoiv bcA.brou;gAht (by. { p:u;c;ii}g {Q-1?£h‘«A8cPr6flA1ng W35?-€,m0fl]3r&nce)tO {ma thc iznplicate% A A ** Q trip} notAqAuad rupha) fafiioxlxwerc not they dc--5 GCAifV§d; fa-bufgd ?by*t;hc fincnéflEa.nd artifica éhefia IAmp0AI‘c.0r5;,A % waging _t;.h-em from th€iBduty_.,Aand;- im-0%mii1e; L1zidera{pec'i0AAt1s- __ and ¢pio£us»pret¢nces3 them {elves the while [proproundiAngVicvcraI1 % ' cnds,jtlj;ough agre¢ing=in% one commontile defiruéiion of 1;hae% % lifiertymxd freedoms of the ,E72g1fifla Nati~or1.though in iévmkiz ‘;md‘difl%ring dcgrees.$ And akhoughi the ‘times WM ndt,.now¢ ~ pre£::r1_tIy be-a%re fuck an opening‘ this»: %n1yi’cm<~yVo%F4.I11iqgg1icygem. A i11ight%AVcon;vin%ca%A t.*h~ofe7 whofe maligniny 5% prejudice ,..or ( per—- Q haps)g0od Aopinioniofi fume promoting icr,A.. hzivgé i=?:A;IdAAtheir.’ éycs and‘ mufi9leVd% their ~%ow~n undcr&and:izzg's,% yen: thofa; w%h%0:fi;%5 V cpnfiyjggace hath been aiyvafiad, and whofa farA:‘i:l.c§ d:ifpof3airons éiakr--» M . rind %dt21§m%A%i11,Athe ge:1er.=;1I prowcigor wE10fEpi«étjtcak¢m.:winli the A fpccious £h¢wAof Ii’w*€ornm%ation 3, %c-Un§f;2>rrn;icy ,'% hire: djefined fiari-.:-*~ A dufly and nqaturely to weigh the-zfé f;w;‘1inesway bf A m4%-d~vewjEa7z% upox1* Atfig’-1'E Eemnfiranga, gmtfll rtIi1c;> times=firiall %giw- 4% leave to gone m©réco4mpI¢a“r,@ 4a.~n~cI¥ dcubwfot but {U»ACh.;x.aA8L fhafl rémember%AtAheir ccvgnahtf a~3:n~tain =§$;Wi:1edgé§% ofi PA&wléia¢~; ‘ A r1;ient;.a’rid“co¢ntinré1e§A{’ciI‘in a* fé«r1£?:: "of dgxty ;Mo~iz:)x.vh3ich %I:°izan¥1 \ shjx3;sA h0:ipred,_;bxarfxed,‘ 8: car:~‘i*ed%“c>1i% i;n> delivweringy the ,yI’§:jh:1“g+ ch%e~V~‘.éittzem§:>£s%«‘0‘r3 nymnny, 8c.%WAhSich (in _p;s‘obab§1iay%r 7 % the %¢0npurWréfl€€;0fA3A¥1Aef{A¢i f1§e~l:>A1~eH3_t1gVt»h ey>%?~;-are ii%ke?%.td effcfit}? ~'£~ % A it%%beIAxAot AA Hi-:}d7%Ar%cd ..:mdA mid&t1g&w;3<;i~}:wiai%I be »A1}11;:“AFa;v3 iAaLt‘?34fiad%AA fi1AeAr"e.--- . b3r*,ii as to eA{A*ce¢‘,¥11_ it AA a$V ii%:?t’._fAe jfhr Ach’é«in% x*e;wLz~m;gf§oéa% ‘t:7hiA8 cixziizl; A ask:1%t%‘¥wc»reIigiot%s ;t0;be%caMAad.% Kemqmfiwmirx 4 r; “ - r - ‘ ‘ . . ‘ A A/A1'E“A,0». A Tfim : .1’-— giwfrzg l V ;‘3c:):§a;xI1::i;.~" % 3‘: ?'w iLord*_~, we “¢n;oy:=w‘%4c<5mE»:5Ar:A inzwogyy w ‘x A A A ;*3a1:idA’fi*9i‘”:Mfift,A % by :reAafaz1* {>5 thi'3A~ quid: rxieflfidft%1§§.?fi1fI1,erc$§sgraf1-~ A ‘A Led 93:0 us_-,,a‘fcc1j mzrAm%fi d5}:fL§eré;tej1a}ovt1'$kév5<%? A apJg§g.rcd2 - . s W ‘ A) 5 Afilodemteefleptly A ‘ peered utterly to haifet beeneovehrwhelmed ; A wepraifia and ‘gfhrifie thymercy and goodneireywho pitioufly Io0§Wdt7HP0nt A~ ‘us when tweinour owne £2:-lveswere utterly co»nfohnded‘.e But ieeing , O Lord, that to receivyeteebenefits at thy hands , and not H «tobe thankftjllfnr nhefame, is nothing e-lfe but a feaie again{tA 1 us in the day of judgement 5 we moi’: humbly befieech theeh to 4 ~ grant unto us hearts fa mindfull of the calamitiesn pafl, that we, ' continually may feare toprovoke thy jufiice he to ptmifll us with the like or vyorfe plagues. And feeingchat when we by our own powerAwereAa1toget11er unable to havefreed our felves fmm the A ‘ tyrarmAy of I-hangers , and from the bondage andthraklome V A pretendedagainftus gnthou of thine efpeciall goodnefle didfi _ move the theafirts ofouif neighbourst pf whom we had deférved no filch favour) :to;:take uponthem the common buhrthe~n with * A us , andfiforourdeliverance ,nno: onely to fpend. the lives of: 1 many,~bu't alfo to hazardthc efiate and tranquillity“ of their . Realms: and Coemmon-wealth 5Grantfunto us, 0 Lord A, that ‘ with fuch reverence we may remember thy benefits receivcdnzhatn after thise,Ae‘Ain«out default _., we never enter into hofiility againft the I’nealme.na1jdt» Nation of ~Ezzgl.'md.- Suffer us never, 0 Lord; 7t0‘ffa1letoethAat ingratitudeandndetefiable unlzhankfulneffe, that A “ wefhall?1eek~the;dePcru&ion and death of theft: whom thiou A hafi made in7{’rrl"1;ments to deliver us from the tyranny of merci.-A Alefle firangexvs. Diffipate thouthc cotmiels offiich as deceitfullye .‘ travell to flirre the hearteof the Inhabitants of either Realmen againfftheeohéher. Let. their malieious pra&iccsbe their owne" ek 4' A confiafion _a, he and grant than of thy mercy that love, concord, V and tranquillity may continue and encreafé amonglfl the Inhaes A hehitaiaets of this He , event A toAthe‘ cumming honf the Lord hjefiish Chrifi .,,by whofc glorious Evangel, than of thy mercydofi call us both*t0[unity, peace, and Chrifiian concord. The full per- fi:&iOn whereof we {hall poflefle in the fulneflé of thy Kihng-e» A A A dome, when eallwoffences {hall be removed, A iniquity f-hallbe igpe prefled, andmychohn children befuHyAenduedAwich that per-- 4 ‘fefizgkiryg in thewhichttnow ourALord Jefus Chm} rgigneoh. To ewhbnm wit11tth‘ee,and the Ho.!y GhAofi,be all honour, pmifgg . aud.gIory,,how and *even So-bait. .E.l?C1~5f-