. A A'A‘A" A AA y 2 “ ' ‘ K 7.‘ ‘ ‘ '_“ R n y i V A _‘ I V - ‘.“.u‘__ ¢ A A 1_ 3 emonfirancc and E ctman of g‘ éfifi Em Lord Majmg Aldm*znen9% and Coznznonsj e';::*§i;§':c: City ‘ ‘ - I ‘ # g . «5J=.r._ ' A‘ :=«. w.-.:* r ww- ‘H: x. I. : XV ‘ . :2 »--4% V/Vherein many Fa1fehoodsAintho{Ac: Wm Pam-~ abound, when in an hulrxible and Van ordcrlywama; their %p;ernici-— 3 . R , V . v “ u ‘ - ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ; W ‘ ‘ l i-- ‘ ‘- ‘ ‘;V‘ - ' v¢‘_‘,, “ . > 5 3‘ ‘ ¢ : - V , W V ‘C " ‘ “ 3"’ ‘ , ' s M . . V , I,‘ 3 . ‘ ‘ ‘w " . .. “ » ‘ 1 .e A‘ ». “ . y ' 3 ‘ . ., “ ‘ “ 3.1" r ‘v: my ‘ . . _u,-, ‘ ’ fin ‘ ‘ 1'1, ‘ 4 ,, ., ‘ , ‘ b 1 op I-IE % Icy Rcmonpcrancc. ‘ . . A T hath bec:n’:m an.tient% fix'atag:¢~n1 Offiatan-3 ‘ ~" infi:mn";mm=, taelay Ehe%chm'gc0ftE1atwhich ’ themi?.'Ives do praéfiec u ‘0n’2:.%hmi‘e aha-i:-indew I vour1:hc%difcoveryc>f cieirfubtfcconlrrivcw %%n'?¢n%%ts againWff4the% publick pe%a;can:iFafcty% ' ’ A bath cif' Church and Cummonww-'mlAth.AjiA$ A V ;«4témw’iwb4M%her 5615,’ the mutfhercr orif"the_feed- fiKing.t[£'i B.~;)y% 1,, am uiurper of" the Kingdcam of jazdab, when by gxobd zCl1run.a3.j jraiflrliwdwl? thee Priei?c, with the nmmall afiit1*ancc4 ed? the Butlers of W the pzoplcz, Ihr: Captains and the guards when were all bound Vzziwrazazxaatizy by Oagh .~md‘f<;JIe11m1 Covcnamfl {haze was dcéticfied, ~a1“1d Mw;; inMdevc;uri£1gAt0 fctcle the Ki11g~up.ori his ‘ Thrtme, and 4 pm: t’neCx*0iwn upon his head, cryed out, Treafon,»treaf;wn, when as {hate her 1731.5" was cheonely Tmytor. “Eveufothofe diiiurbcm 0%" the quiet andApea«ce both of Church and ~Sca3.I;c, 'vi2s.the Hm» ticks and Se‘€taries‘whi€h offllatcingthis4%Nation Cieefo Qhlfl. * . ouspraflziiés have been Remonfirated $0 both vfioufes of Parlia~A mg:nt,wwithA_ a Petition Aforia redreffizthereaaf pry out upon thofe which»%ind¢avour their difitoveiiyg %fa%sA the Gnclypertujrbersof the Parliaments proceedings, as by tvs}'o1.-ate LibAcI3,V%%%p}It forth in an» fwez’ to the CityB;em0n1fra,nAi:e, and in defence QfAChQ£é.H€FCEiCkS A 1 a}V~:,»c_i_Sr;:(‘3caA,ri%es;it;:dQI;h,§1ppeare.;= A i A “An AAe§§1aAtninéA%iViA)A1’1AVéIbéx‘€‘i:;f; 1 Eagethcf Aiwith aAr:§cAai1;e éificvcry AOF AA;€Ai1‘ fraud andAfa1{Ehood , I fhall naw indeavour to phzféntyou fix/ith‘. . % % % A A % A Thamone is intituhéd,A moderate Repiy ta the Gig! Remonflr-.:mce, the ;;0th£_:£‘, The i:z2erzfirf~E72;gf’as2d maintained. A A % x ' ‘ '-3 ‘ ' willbegin withVth%e firfi, and taiiie in by thy: waflas IA;go".glcmg, ‘ To much ot”AAthe other as hathiany thing in it, which I find 1-mtgin this. A A A A = A It begin3Athu9,A 7252:; TlreACz'ty Reprefewztative, at it is” madwp and cbcyénlyl the Cizfy CulIe.5t'z'm_.,ja fbozzld it 5:55’ fiar “the gczaai of we flemeg, ?m1«*;.a,_;it *i:r_more;= cammm than pummendable fin‘ %me22 betmfiad % mitbgi atiaer menlgacd, ta*A.’JeI:2.:t22e¢1§2ea~pA‘zfl;tl’2}e.r to¢12éir¥}4iru_{?eeJ bzm. A A A A A‘ V % An] "er. W3 true thatthe City repr.»;fanratiz=e, V192 the Commem- A Camzcell, is made upof; and chofien by the City calieéflve, and (‘Q is % the Kingd0m~——repmfinmt£ve, wimthe Hmfé1ofC0Amm0m in Pa EH21 menu % . '19;fl7z3:Ar1A"xi;a:l«)ed,;,% ma1dcAiup of, and chofcnby the Kingdmg;‘d‘£zll£ A I? hope will charge in that, this to%%%AbeeaA cAri;iic,i3f%pd;t:Mé A fiIr_Aevi%11f‘th'iAs“iris no err0i5%.=: A N A A‘ ; L ' fl‘ A But.%y0ufay _.,. Irflm¢Id?a5?foril2egoad cf ikefzme.‘ _ u % ‘\ “.A72fiver;. So I arm {me it doth, and you gee not aboutas yet to 5 mnely you teHuAs,Té2at it zzxmm common ibeii ~ . _;;fWm *yezrufiedzgoitb%4 otlacr me.-mt gaadgto by we ilsemfizlmr tr %t}2eir1rp¢ffea: burr. . A:s_[xm Wee afiént to what you ;fay,A and ‘lament the Frequzrncy « of-fuch faliAéhAc:oAd, W.,bL1t what doijh this reflefii upcin the C2139 reprem A _ifintative50r its Remozzflmuck? « I:hAIA7atI.irt1c ii?) odefiy you have yet Ilcfrg 1 ;;~wi;H£:not fuffexé you hiuh.c;ft0. wlay xhis to the charge of them“ % ém :%thei r:Rém0nfiran_cc;A3 A A A A A A ’ ‘AA V “ A ' AA A ” %.; .But.;;becaufe»you vA§ziIlAn70t A;teIlA xis againfi%wAhA0xn this chargeAAA‘A.isAA£ AA gm, i71mclIyouagainfiwhbmitistrue, viz. agairzfi Athcm%w,hoA % ‘ ‘ %‘;.iixbcing‘betrufled with thei'@u1csAAOf a; pAeopIc_._.,f .byA.thc fme and fulfi ~ 5i%A%A€’3wiceA 7andAcomonéco11fent of at Congregation to3bAec%thei: Pa}- A ' A A A A A fiflra ’ _ ;*2%m1r',, hath infiead offeedmg themwith the fincem mam; M“ tgw "wV0rd that they might grow thereby, Fed thém‘WithV%VthefdOmLh%i .‘ fiaqncies of their own brain, and in i-feat! of building them (1 in their mot’: holy Faith, and keeping them toggtfigrjn thcbgw of..ui*1ity,V hath broken themm peeces with rcznts ;mdd§¢g%1-";{?,m««‘:?4 and in {head ofimdevouxjingg to n1ake‘theznm .f};FiVg togmhm. .fd-M the Faith of" tha Gafpelg have occafiszmed them to rent 'm"i:n:f;¢~;f with firifes andcontention; thc£E:,.thefi=: are the mena which as} you fl1§,r, have behavedthemtélves for their Tmfiuees hurt, ax-:d I heartily wifh it were not mare cammon than cdmrnendabie, Fm? mail? HOW ada‘}’'‘‘-'3 55119» 310 C106. But you gee can and taflusg that ‘ there are Fotlrc cafes wvhemin the C3i:_y calleéfi-222 not immzd in tbe Cg... ;: gr reprefentatiw, 51:: aug/9-.2 £72 dmyta dij]1':zztfi"am 5:52)” mat tarpraufi W . 4 afrzfi it. % % I When tlae C 2'29’ Wprejérztative 4'5?! it: :3 rlirefff, evident, 4r2d oZiz:£azg; manner agqinfi‘ t/Je expre will wed word-Q/"Gad. % l : ‘ ‘A ~ am F7/9er2%4i?%2t1.7e lifig plgim and ‘6{:'r'{9(5}' warmer‘, it cEC§.ragaiz7fiVtbe kppam % rent rve[fm'e§pe¢zc:,azndgaoz1af tine ?Kingd0r7z. ‘ ‘ . % W'£m72 it 431: czflgr tboflrma mmner, rzgzirzfl 21:3 prayer e2m’.s' ofwitx lam: Zaeeirzg, the Citiex me1}’m‘e; % aéiclamzigerirzg bf @211 itflmifizztwzitfex a2zdfi~eed.~}mg.r, % ‘ :4 AW’/:»en' itmifm 5gy0nd‘tl5;e lvamzdt, limimdnd extent: ¢zp;>air2ied,fé £53“ Anjw. This is the platfonm or groL1nd~Work ofymir after btuiI- ding, and trucly it is fomewha: futable tlaereumzo, asfl {hall %in- Adevouf to make itapparent, whenl come to vicwtI1e1 févcrall parce}[3%»QVf:%; far 1:: all bgc gm z1ted,th#ac you ix-i~thisafl§r*n:,wha¢ then 113 the: Ifiixe or concluimn of all this 1' you e% inlllimzategasif the Parliament did delign "la mlerati- can for all tlzéfé i: ?but isljthcren-0 differcncelbctwécn Math and ly- A 7 ing? iblufh Forlhamlevat: this yourdciublc and fieflceitfulll dcalihggli ‘ _tel‘l chlellfieader, ifygu cangvszhich bee the words in the phrafe inf Vthe Remonfirance, which dotlllimlputephis as done bythe ton- 4,%:%tEfmt of 1zheParliamcI1!:: furs ycuconccive that wha3:%yc$u%{’ay,Abee ll % ‘A itright lorwrolng, -muff by yfizaurdacelived profielyces be adjgzdgedl 33% 33 tmfgas Gofpel, and that none (hould everjsdam w’ ,p§~efi’1xneA“ mm“ A A exami‘nation of what youlay downs,0the;*1vife4yQu_w0uZd z1eva-n thus inconfiderately averrc L1ntmt:hs,A A The words ii: the Remonfirance whiclfyoti call the p!irafé,fir§Yc,L and di“aIeé’c thefeof; Carry it on in a cleave contrary fénfe to What; you affirngasl {hail prefimtly make it appcaxgthe Words are the£'e_.g,;«\»?% m'z.%Wee cannot but bee afioniflxed at the fwarmes of Sefiariés, which difcover chemfelvcsevery where; it: doth n0tVVf‘ay,Té2.e} are A %i22t:9m*a;ged and z'mbo!dérzed 13} the Parliszmeaatjas you would make the, worIdbeleeveiAtdid,5 It fartherf31ith,that:aif by theirindcavotzis they {hduld with rcfeI'ence to thegfuture) get into places of “ proficand trufi; in Ma2~tiVa}1 andACiyi1I afl"aircs,it: may tend much to tghe }c~1i{?curba11cc_.0f the public}: peace, both of Church and V Common-wca‘IthA, But it doth not fay, as you expteflé it, 7643 they are (with reference to the pref:-mt) azdmiltédima place! of proa- % j§t.a7§dtr‘5i~fl,i72 ]lJartz2=zll.¢mdCiwi1Z agfilairw by the Parliament. It yet ~ further {a.ith~,thAat._wc cannot Aut bee thorowly awakened, when H‘ weecon fid“éer hoiwt;hA‘”c.faid Sefiarics doe i‘nmurage tlxenifelves by ,their?111if5:o11fh*u€’tion of that cxpreffion, inAth“eI.ate Dcclafation concerning‘tend«j:r Cibnfiziences to expefi a tolcra%tionA,,A it d@th§"’not % fay?as‘youphraIe it, .7__"=b.-at undqgapretence af 4 Cbriffimz rejpaéhznto %tez2$k1%er%Cai2fi;ie2aceJ{:%evide72cea1in'At19‘%?r;viz. the Parliaments late declar- rati0n)itbe_y"defign a toleratiorzfir all t£»ay’eA. I Now let: the Reader judge, nay, I appeale to the mofl piercing A eye of the grearefi Enemies which the Puemonfhrantswhave , whe- V A therthcne bee no dAiH‘er¢n,Ce,‘nay,Wh¢tyher :hériebee%%~m:5”t a grrcat: A difparity. _ bctWcenethc'WQrd$”0F ghe’ Remofifirancegas theyarc there éxprcfi, and thacwhich you afl'irmeis fiadangeroufly infi... nuated by them :A as for?‘ example; Firfl, Wheth¢r*th£fe words, wiz. Wee cannot but bee afionlfhed at the fwarmcs of Sefcariesa A which difcover‘th4emf'eIves every w%heAre, bee the fame with this; AA A Wwhicb youaffirm, viz.T.1mz% they are incouragedkand imbolimedélsy the A Parliammt. Secondly, whether that‘: A words, 22gE.z.AThat ifby their A endeAaV0urs they fhould get into %%pIac”es ofprofit and truflgin Mar-A A tiall and Civi«l1a&‘aires_, it may tend nxuch to the difiurbancc of V4 I the publick peaC:+€b0tAhJof Church and COmkm0n~Wca%hh base A A thg fame. wit%hA%thatw1;1ich~youfay,‘ wifa. ';Tlmt17JJ)»arg A A gap»;-cg; :y’prnfif:andfmfl,AinA ,a4ar¢2azz%and~€?ivi2IwfimwywkPm~zza.- Wiis 4 ( ) mat. Thirdly, %W:11echerthefE:words,%z.'iz:. Wee c§t11no~t4bz;gij'b#¢g thorovikly awaksnedwhen wee com:-1fidcr% how the faid%Scc?capi¢s da incourzlgc themfiaives by their mifconfirtlfiion ofchat fixpfefligfl i?n%the lace Declaration concerning tender Confitiences to fxpsffif Va tolezration .; bee the famchwith that which yam aflirm, zwig.7'£m zmder at rag/faeéf mm tendgr%CunjZ~iezz~:eJ, evidenced in téeixjlate %%Dec1gm,% tia2z,‘%%Vt;Va%r.aj, viz. %thc~Parl%iam6nt%,d0e defign a toleratiém fin‘ afl mg];-, %% I pray you therforempon a fizcond review ofwhat th€_ELem_¢3H.,; {trance E§{_p!‘€fl;.‘.53&fldOf'.VVhaC youdeliverf}-omita tell mac,‘ whe. that you have dealt fairly and canciidly 'c.vit£1 thaé Pgemanflrants, or whether you havc not fhamcd your {E1 F, and abufed them in » drawing fuch fa1i?‘:concI%ui'io%ns‘ fmm tiaatw_E1ich.iswRemo%n{}mggd VA by theme The latter part: sf ygtxrfecond; page, until} y.:*-uggme to the fifth, Whichis thefecond ground 01-‘ yomdiflike of the . Narrative,part of this Petition, you {pend indcfcanring upon . fame othcrfalfe .;c0nc1ufima s which ymzw have drgmrn fi9om fgnlg” M expreffionsin the Remo11fi%rance, cczncerning the mwemm and 7 pin anfwer ma what you have writen. the late Deelarariara ofthc H0353 of Commwzx concc:'ni;3g%%%t%he famc. A Two things I have to A0!-‘fer t<3s_th_ec0nfide1*a§i0n of the Radar,‘ Firfi, To defirethem to take notice that whatisafiirmed in thc Renzonfirancc cmmterning the Covenant and DVecIarati%0‘%n;.,,:is delivered inthe cxpr-::fl‘e wmcis therof; and not az1ything‘q14{E;~!,m;% T azmely this, wi2;. Thatzinpurfilaflceofiihat Noble Itffolutign of this I-Ionotlrabla Houfe for the due obiérvation of the Covenant, V and their cxpeflcation of the confo rmicy of the people of England thercunco, cxprefléd ifithe hate Declaration , VVcc: doc refblvc by the grace of Godmot to receive impreffionofany :2a;¢¢d%mF,;;1r,:,,. % A fiion thzereef : And fmm the bottoméoffiour hearts do: firioufly profeflé bpforc Alnaighty Gad, that was d‘0e %%x+1m: Aconccivcir: in A A f the p0wcr;ofan%y%hum-ane authoriqr to difcharge or abfolvev 3.13 A frbm adhering thgréuntog and indevuuringin gout” FcveraI1 p1acg;=% and Callings maiAntain~a:mddefend Vthe.f'ame. A :T1hc fc%cond% th?%AingfiAwh;ich I, define: in «ghis “to ofl’cIAA to4.«th¢ Re“?3d¢fi1 “"’ cénfidara:ion,is3youxnfur4therfalfa andfbréédCo1.1e&ions whia. you li£C'3.Pl.’621f0{flS_:, which you brizngito. prove that A the P...ir1iamem: ‘intended inotoby impofing the Covenaimziito Cattle o time PmzabyterioallGovernmexmbecanféth»at.in them, yu onely in thc:ge:m2:~aII Fpeak what pleafes you befi, and yet fafien now thimg ci1os::rei:1%_tIp;€.3n theflenionfirance, andothercfore my work in this being; omsiy to Vimiicato an defénd tint, Ilein chm reply I1;rti1i\:ilff;U};70I1 :‘,70i,I,diZi‘iOi1;¥,i1o€H‘€ exiough maighi bee faidoin wayof i zmfwmr but come ‘no your fouirtihfieafongix-1tilieoloié ofvvhicizi as freqixenaiy i1ez:cto=iore;, fO';fl0W'&gaifl':in thiosmyiouiioharoge a_no- that fazifkiaood nzpo;'1ti1z': Fuzmonfira neg, youihalihave it in y”o=u:: own expr¢oiiI1a»:1s,ooiz.iii -K-f‘£2‘:V:_7fZ‘.!.)# mesifl zzlzfurd that A they (viz. the Par» -1im1z;*:ni_) fl:;z.i.‘[ ca;m2pqfi= aim! irzjmz “time Crmm¢mt§ and other! flmll pm twiro .wpm lit, mi mdwaztr rim irzfinrcemmt oftbeir amzfmfe bath iuomiésemiarzdtba xv/fioleilfini dam? mflonaile eo fa on aim zmmed A Q % ’ V5’ 1 iizzibia R-emrw'fln.1nc€,pag»‘3» r i i o i V ‘;'«/if1.*zf-W. Iwwiiil ial F0 in this give.you and t;heB.6@3d&r,$ Ithe iwflrds -mhiochioarcoiraithothird page of-zzhe Renxoxifimncegzhat thereby V yioui mayfiee y*0:m'ifailiiing,ax1d they yourfollyg, in ‘thus; againfala 'ii£‘;7i11§."§ whaofiiiithfio Renxoniirants afli rm, the Wot-dis . are thefé, a.vii,z.o A ;Wee_ doc refbiveiby thegrace offiod not coreceiveiimprieffion of ' any forced confirufijionoitherezof} ; ofonheii iCov¢fmn and the W ground A ‘A .‘ cm; ground of this refoluciazn at" the Rem nfiramts, is fromhthag which thee}-Ioufe or Commune in their eclaraticn of the 17 of ,.4p;-51 ;6.h.;é.M dee expreffes viz. Wee doe expefi that the peoplg of England flmuld not receive imreffions of any forcedWCon&ru&i~ one of that Coxvenantfivhich in cafe ofany doubt arifing,ies only to beeexpoufxded by them by whofchauthe my it was c.-[fa blifhcd it1thE.sekingd0'm. A A e A A A = % A Nowl pray econfiderjs there any thing in this tendingmhhfizch aninhxxuation, as you charge upon the Remonfirance, that the Remonfirantse ihcmlde put their hfénié upon the Coverzant, eahnsi that they efhohuld endevour the inforcexnerit of their own fenfe ‘beth upon the Y-‘miiament and the wholeflingdom? will not all yOL1r3e{iI‘DiEI§_.f teach yen to ciiiiing ui{h between the Remonflranes not receivhzg .imprefl'i<;ms of any forced Confirufiions ofthe Co- venant, when the Houfe of Commons expreiihzh itfleo heetheirh expeftationfrom an the people Of England, that they ihould not 17:.) receive any 5 andethe Remonfirants putting their flu-nfe upon the Covenant, andeindevouring the inforcement of their owne ;iE:n{‘e,both upon the Parliament and the whole kxngdom? 4 Surely, you have been {'0 long a fearing for highfin new Iighteg . andelevated Notions, which neither yourfelf nor others know _ to Englifh, thathyou are grown ciim-fighted, or alt}: Forgot ‘sh athleittle Logick youhhhavefiuv long fince: learnt. And thus have I “done *ceithi'the flecond ground efyour utterfldiflike of -the Narran A tive part: ofehis Petition,,I come to year thinly whieh in a fem?- hng and a fearing way you thus exprefl7e,,w'z. ‘ \ _ Tbirdgr, (thy yeu)_ym tell the people in Prim.) em wefl m the the Pay. A liement e}:§1j}'03£‘1' Wfliiflfl efiemanfirwzce, mm: -zzewaxjm lame made imxiye Cwhénazztg ~ A Anfw; ,hA1%1Q]e1c{Tahymyou1~ jeareis this, thatwhatis ihere Re-h monihgted, wasoncly, hastheworid wefiknowsa intended to both HoufesofParliament, to whom the Remonefiyeance was an eineee Px*cfe11té*d,ahd“immediately by the Houfie of Lords Orde red arc} ebeehxintedgtogetherhewiteh theirfg $ maxed he and did mt%yout'l1e Week oflowxng prefent ymur Petitihe on to the E-Janie of Common s,» and iemmechateiy, though with»- *£.mt any Order, canted it to bee Prientedfimzei therebyhlikewifeg‘ teli the penpleg ‘iffo eycm’ call it, all thatyou thezfein eiéthex‘ Narratefi mcious anfwerthereunto an~h (11) to , or defircdhohf A thefioulé of Commons 2 but chit which is Ta? viceh and blame-worthy in the Renionfirants, though done in on bediqsncc :0 an hOrdcr ofthe Lords, may yet pmhaps in your eyes on-uanyQrderofauthofigy. _ A A V A N ‘ h But! come to thacwhzch you cute out of the Px.emcm{%ra=zacs:.fi ‘bee a vertueh in you, and a commendable a&, thoughdcme W:z.th°' 1 concerning the vowes ‘Wee have nmde in our Caveman-:5 asweli ha 3 “A in former ProtePryatihons,w1th your Anfwer therznxahtomrhich takes , h up the 5,6,7,3,,9,1o. and part of your 11 pagcz, Wh€1”ein3a3_th¢5 Reader maypleafé toiobférvc, you fpend many Words mhliutha h purpofé, withouthny reference to “the Rcmonfiframche, but yohul take liberty to your felfe, to expatiate‘ .par::!y upoxu the {MA ef§‘3sf3:.5 off this unn'atum1lWarre, which We allfyxnpatllize in ,, mdihw men: to {he andhear thereof as well asyoug, part?y,,_ in commemw fiatibn eff me Valotn-3,Labour, and diligicnce’ o€hc1m=z.mz;r§whzc2a hem: yetamy one quefiioned; and partly of the good. {hcc:_efi”es; which G051 hath givcntol their endeavourss, x2v'hich. was all ac--A knowledge, and, as our duty is to due, wee as heartily as any bleflé God for it; partly upon the Kings cumnxing in cqthe h:Sc":0tchA Army,and of the Letters hee hath fentm the hPa.rliamehhm: % andhcothe City hof_._La2zda7z 5% and cf. fame? Former exprcflions ,in theKings Declarations _., and of the offers hec hatlx made to ah-:3: Scotch Army to come againft the City 5 but what is all this to; tholé paffagesin the Purmonflrance which you lafi Cited; and from which youwouldfeem to take an occafion to fpaak of thefe A things? or istherc any word hthercih 1;hatAcan Nbgare A the fbadow A offuch afil pczrfiali as “ you Wfluld make the World beleevc-,i Mac. A That the Remmsefimmts due dtflraztrage the Parliammt, % or that they preflé h “ them 522 alllmfie mzhzhxa at jitddcn enféebling their hflrerzgtb, by cmfiiggg 4% cmfiderabIep4r1yof% athcordiall fiend: 4: ever they had fincefije Wlwrrex H began; and that bebaufe they will flat fweare 4 fuénxiflion mm; that - Cburcb-hgawermm”é2zI,wbiqb (fay you) rhzeitber ting; nor jdurflfive; jet mzderfiaml? h or is there an thing in thofeexpreffions that hfhcjuld hoccaiicanhyou toupbraidc e City with a. negleaz of the Army! A om’! mal:gilwl—a.reqm'mll bf their Fflntarx warlqa 2 or from whatgggfi prefiionin that part af the Remonflranche have you an“ occafibn; given you," to fay: 551311 the tvbolé Kingdom: that war almofi; reaé 21 all it: guarterg, tocongratulafie with Londom;f7er Jflitx lammmtbraw fikievig 3 3Lil9§r;2. ‘ in which Wee ‘a1ief?wo2*xaunt%0 its by a Colemu andflzcrgd this °f0rhL022d:m to bee érzflefi with MaIignantL%az2gua;ge 3? Est for c §z]Tt51e‘fEt§T0$£g5¢!, and6%r:.zm'%g¢??’2ha»*J%j9kzZ¢'f;icefi;,Afe¥}a?Mrair;4“~W;w,‘% % A and Children, I'"riendIa22dNeiglv£2mrr3 iWue amdalwe I I_.*¢::>ndm1 nail}; ' mirza Mg LOnc;§Qn éegirzx ‘ta deafim war Pmliaruenta tilojé x'a2ia°lJ% tZmKin_g,[..:%3I1don 2% ;*:v§te‘2 fi4a!igmaz;tlm%;gu..~ge3I;«:az‘Mf0%z*§ mRe;v;22u22j7hn-2re.r to rfye Pa4if!z'¢m¢enr:preg;ir»;g;’iqe5” Lm1dor:-As Gay? 2}” Emglafiid Awrmg as Lam)”; caxfle to keepe that covenan:(whi¢h by com. mand of bmh %H4uuiEs c.>fVP¢;rEiarm:nt, they %are%1"w0rnAunt0A by a Sacred Oath) %n0w*bec::>nm iand.r‘rt3i11e%?;0ris L.a>::::£m3' mW.;. ing the pm-*§?3:zx,rat§0n of t1m%pa‘§vi;'icdg es of P-mjliaavmentg nmv has come L07m’.~;;r2.:" deciining the Pa3:HaI1’3€H lZ ? or Remonfirafizz m the ParV1ia_mem.s Apregudice or is A %Lo72da%r)J Profeftation to prefmvc the Efings Majefiies Pjczrfon and Authwofity in“ the prefex’vati0"n and aVefencc«%oftE1:: tme Religion and Libcrtics oftbe Kingdams, ?.’hat A we world may bear wimcfié with our Oonifiiénces of 'oLj1~I_gya1;... szy, ax-ad%%that%weehave ma tlmughts or izitentions to ‘dim3n.ifl3Vhis A M'ajei"tics7jL1f’t p£:3We:*and greatngifiég and all “thisdone I;¢»s*z{«'a’or2% in cibadienccv to the ccvmznand and authority of Parliament, um»-%% 1~1if€.~Pcedin the clear, pktifl; and cXpr::fTe%wo:ds of me Comzemmj Dam“: : $31 Londazzj to b ¢i'-€'70me E:22g.E’m2a’.r woe? dollbxléflé aha:-,»:‘I%Waa'e D0- &rines0fVa7neWdate,afxdneer ofakin to thcsie which many xaaw ad*;aycé$ doe {Q much boaft of,‘ or {urethe %z;n;,~,[n% had a n1indet0b%ee a;z+2~gx-y; "and; therefcre ‘rcI‘c)1f.'cLi*t0 &I:t;:~5r~ hi3 thoughtsj andthm t0:2a*f’e_%hi$%heart, thotzgh thé B.¢n1GnPcrants.. % gave him 1-mt the?eaf’t occafion thus to doe"; ‘ For doe they in thisfpéak any Mthimg nxomrzhen ‘cheA%Pa:%I§a‘-%.% m4:nt*hat;%h them ta «rmthm: it:fh0uId‘bcA%a*mattera F7 dcrmen%t*%toNy0M11toA behofcijt? ifprfoinybu-x~anfwer yoftgxfizm; fig % ¢a3cprefi'Za% it; Is itrfmw in yaziizrzi e;.zes~a bIemifl13t%o% becownie c~av¢1:am~. AA keepers, and to‘ ‘bee mi%n&r;=.~iFu§l%oAf what. wee have thVe:~e"in nyom 79:» % Imieed, Iwell reh1Aena&bcr%*5;§;Vhat one who is a known% o%ppo.iér?of this Puamonihmnce hafthsxp%rci1'éd%i%n the z%pageof at boqké cal- ifiélzéi’ Ezzglmdi %Birtly~rz'gI:i2fg;% trvfafn-ccrni mg tzwhis "i?22’t;_fAii‘i{fflI!kII“ Yéza, h¢e+:al%1si;c, make-Jmte, V“pe1jec1tti;uVg1,- %_,;’i%~51iirv--g’e~jfrq;»iz¢g,EngI.a1Qd~di7J§a’iflg amdmzdoing Cowerzmswg I “ Lcmddn lvrgimm ‘ i I fights- A , Voifinanta T/mr%i:4 §«3%4~£mgp¢;fl3Z7:z,‘e1xb%V.7:ae i-«pr, MVmifllaaxtf3e%Frame2€:%4anaZ f7'7ml{eN pvfit bzzzgg 1-;+¢j;% A A A T f ‘i I ,.m:nMvha"t .-ar1Locsx;:11:ex~A’f‘éinh,,=\Aw}viuhAg:efc.rance‘ J*?:5f0f%th;isA ?C«£>'ai;31aax*m,;, ,; A the? iMm~g<%;-n’:%0fA4thH%fA;p13gé ~Qj‘?§?hi§» m:2i:i®a*nati0n ymiz. %@at%toV;‘*z3iaIate Mr; A ; "gym 7 AA A ‘ E’~z>t1rm‘hijr ,_ tfgpon:1}:e‘Rmzm1fir.a:#it§ expmfiidnsa.og;ge:y11in.gme};- % Iltapcs of a%%i:m:‘zmci 1.v*;131»g*rrJ”u 1*2ii%effi'wi€pEaacc¢*I’n’% the thr?€‘;fi%%K;%ingciOm$, ;‘~,_.,Mg 3 W .pgrjzzy3;;; $2 @335; xihéfwic exprA;:rffi:ana5an-d&‘ymttxyizsmixdegx... ATn1éz17t7‘ati’=Ema as ke"ap:A~;h‘cV1v C0.venfan%t;5-V:are:VXofaimry;§1cevia11‘i;énCe'.~ gm eaéamimaiwle cziidacmxjéd -€Z&:z.zb,._,mt¢;1§ffi3san[iri:¢flce.»zzmi:oV=~(3':agl3,éréivévpgv Gwdwm 1 upon‘ their Pariiaamrzxgs fpgj_edy difpatch3:>f?rQpoi§tions.=t0 §«1;i.s~I\{Ia«-» je;‘;%y4, ytmfi jfid-%1~ ai *q1y‘151b}i mfg], and Tdefga mi.xi1g‘5.:i 2353,; I lfjrem-id::77;:a%_I3.22! %2.;':':«m[%altered %:£wc.z S;!dté3' a;f7”a_yi‘:::i5C€‘J5i}2‘finztf?iJ8 éP.arIiam¢zg%i”wm}* Prsgaqffriazex 0)" Praszive »m'o¢m5;J’¢.z;24tV :12}; f§¢m~~;» %f(';,ing E3228 cum»: in mtbe Pmviémemx ,§?_f§w¢”4i%ex: jriendg [tar M m2v."i'i3wz£«~ my, .A.»2dfi¥pp‘0[§r2g I126 cnfiw Aim-g wltam;‘£(.i5 mzd%:I.w ftriarlg-»:%tj;;wZr;5;22xci rzam V men will mt give farlz/9e%j %Coza§grgz.aa¢£i.:;~;;f izmtgfg. mf wlmzywéizzld. %6:y"z72x*e3,%z ram A A Inf: Mujgfly 2?: ivzq-2ezMr;or:e §f?P‘:.7mfwr.m, 4' V That far ail this 7tvea"i? txmff it;b::::»th"Vdm:h imti *;7szii%1{*c2¢a=;d.w'fw;'i:1v. “am A y;a»*7»fc§m111e1 and paflcy Par3i%ax1=2em“:A»AtoA*% mmlxtinxm» thrifty.‘ 'f'0rn1m:re;m. fiJ>3:.at.E0i15 (and ¢hm‘:i*n”<:‘:ur saiTuz*aa3cée»s m '(:oiIr;%c:oMrz1*.”E7mt‘~ax‘:dfirm A mnxfomt all thq lovers “mi? %'*I’ix::12%i§;I3; :Qi;xf:d i?Pcmc£::) ”t;o Tl;a3fA,l1%0?w:i mm mhé fii-R , opp«rb:?t1mity%t$f procrxringr‘a;:;{?afia&mind w:e:31+grmz3x'zs:?¢d % P»:..*ace%in%t%11e thmie “Kingd6n)es%%,whicHi Wm: %?iI1;5.i*e%~.f§x#¢:;&t"A %%C%za;&i"M'.£> flax‘ V 3:791: meEt1wrdefir£2rmrV% %ctz3wVi‘I%AIde%I%%i‘ h»‘a::i‘n.[ ,: W ~ V ,, V For the fifffiafi ‘z2fi£":.;7.; Thaw of theA:S"E‘aiel§ c€zm?m§mg ta 5.-:af%;x:’.*"i%e3 A «you: naixhcm‘ cfz7§%{"l§%.ke awhat wéitzfiwa0;i:{3’t1~at4::fi7O :':.e:i?tm=.r dczt §Tmh?:i%t ifi/'{3L1—F8p1y,i%*an%(§ 3;h‘<_’;2’fi§‘()~I‘€: in this AA-wee..\:~1g1‘e:i."’*.;:a;«1:zC3»%ci.0ie},T' maci fi:~.».I 4 cmrze to your fixth, :v%zE:>;25 his, tzléxzuz we&~:%A;% VPu::.‘ifian‘tm§L‘ii7’tr;mé}.am%a?¢t%%V:iar£e «manner that ?wich1*mmrencelciok% up“o~ta%this %A1r:w£I1.mm.1ruiéirsicrHm: 2% “as ; :i:mPcefl with a great: {Exam Of the fi1px~enw.powep :c:»M1i:3 v¥?§.ix1.;ig%i:«3§‘2x: % " *7%~m thisyota tak7e'grea-t €3£Cepfi0vt1?,and;:,$k nh.i£~.= rL‘;;;jj!.m‘(.’§W'4§’.§(2‘\»l]r5‘g,' w:1:.£.;w;vDm5 A "?.W1£w'; 12*)/90/8%~f1tpreme p0r&“er Qf ICizzgdm9z rLefi.;fe-,.;%.:2”eér2”€ zaxmrmfacf" ff}, % yammiz mIby»wee. J%i¥f/MAA im71e%ma%fl7;z2'r:e, %]orMv;5j‘»§ am" am wz~'m;}§:é§:rl¢:22*£a' ’ a*MdlL{%¢%f%(a$Vy.m%11 p1c;1fi=:'t0~¢éaTi iii) zmd jfiewlz; usam .;::.21fi~ thus yam pieea%{“éyo%1in£él{"5:w1ith: yam: mvm f;a:r;cy,fi':.pp«z>£¥ngwui h,aw: now ?~mtcht‘t7he%Pt»émi:brm£;}ran«t$%i&n-—A 0t.W~nét ”-“hm: Vta.M a%’Wi%r«i?{:*% >:i”a%;:s;H1h$? V % % Y 1 g 3 % tmth i".h$aH % eafrfidg-‘ A‘%yiQun,aq}u;éfl£0ns %i"h21l I,— 7‘ 5.3a; :mf7uMa:ed, M :.A"z11A1d.A% ’ youif riddlé un~%fc:zr§ded5%§a%nii?i t:heh'E heme y0L1r~m£rtvii=1 %?x,«3c;*£7‘wcd,A‘ " zmd me Rem0M’:»rants%V ‘Freed 0%ut%0ff y0L1rh.and$.A A Fiyfij cmufiderli my «jyou, ttmtltshei ti*m.rd’AHm;iféVs of Pur’li;-anzemrg ‘ M * M M M‘ V ‘ - M 3 “A F * M _ . V W A J . fie; the Lords. and Cotnmong with theKing§ whofis alwaiee in his Kingly power prcfent with them, though in peefon (‘omen A A A times(asA‘now)abiTent from them ,are thofe three Eflates ofwhich A thefimdamentalltconfiitutiyon of this kingdom is made up, and e A have in them ioyntly and°’together, all the *1’ upreme power ofthie V‘ kingdom,and n1ot,anytone.ofthofe three Eflates confidered apart, A power ofthe Kingdom refiding in i t. V end by A it fe1f,A, cant properly bee Afhid to have the whole fqpreme Seco"n:dIy_.‘,I pray. obferve to whom this Fteniozéfirence was pre» A tented, viz; to thefloufia ofGommons,whi¢h is but one ofthofé A three Eftatest , of which the fundanlentall Geo-nfiitution of this kingdome is compoundedmow in an addrefle to one of the three Efiates,to affirm that the whole fupneme power of the hingdome A doth refide in it; when as every one of the three Eftatee : hath its fhaAre ebelonging totit, is to weaken (that Ifay nohmore) the o»... e. that two Efiates 2; and became you {hell not refitxpon what} fey A ~t:onAcerning the ftxpremeor A Sovereign power ofthe Kingdom ,m'2:... A that it doth not refide in any one ofthethree EPcazes‘alone,t and To not wholl the Home ofee~Commone, as tdfifiimft and apart from the King gmdthe Houfe of Lords_,bee pleated to hear whet A ‘heath Houfes ofParIi-amen: {peaks to this pliYp0Ft:,Wh0f€ Autho- rity, I hope, yen williudge Authentiek; you {hall finale intheir ;,RemonPtrance of the 2% of Nazmmb.16_A,z.4A it«r1the%Co1eIe&ion of A the Printed Declarations, ,pag.t7A27. ~tthej{¢t their:evordts,:tt xvi.-e.A Wée did4nddaejZz_yAtbettt£bet Saoéraign Apanver 41:11: refide in‘tbe.Ki¢2g A am” «hath Hoejéwf Parliament. A“ ~ AA A V And thus I hope, youware fully fatisfied both in the {hating of the Truth, the anfweritng ofyour Q_tL1efiions, andthe unfolding y~of*your Ptiddle; now theFef01"€,A I pray youopenttyosunnegand .{cttusat‘liherty; that wee may with more facility ‘and, freedome A A ~goe?Aor-1 to anrwer theeremaindertofiyour Reply. , A In the nexttworjds you thus fpcaig -viz. Wm the Zzk dividing AA'p7‘ineifile ever fisggeffed mate the eammanpeafile, game}: it was [lazy (I * Mejefliest Deelaretianm? there it little doubt (fay you) that however the City ieteblinded ~/aereirzatbc oftbes bufwc Ae eaneefi-am Germ. A A A e finfwg Hteanfi/ver,bydemandingofyouAthefi1me»Aqueflioo,anci V let the Reader judge Whichethathgmdfi rcafonhtintitgtoure to«;me,or A_ A mine to you; hWa.s the like dividing” principle eve;-fuggefled to , the cm (so:-' ,,~. --.m.~~, #- fivlm Commtm peopm dvizd. Thatthie wdholé. 0%" EM” A Eiingdome refides in oneof t%he;1idrée%Efiate:s3 §’.‘1"_'s1~ ihe }Z~%:313sf$: BF Commons apart and dif’cinv§c ,fro_m dth:€\d.King34a:f:d,f1*dm%thc.§ Houfe of Lords? d*if‘dthis%li;iee ~o’nccdadnaitt%:d¢, A it than %une2v0yfdaB§j.v f tends t the prelim 1-wine of due ftiziadeznfiiednmtalldC~ox1{’titmiOn»d0i-" the Kingdoms, for thedfundamenjtafl power of theother two E15 flares, @225; that ofthe King, anddthat of the Lordsgarcabfcifutea Eyby thisdeflroyed. ‘ ‘ $ V dd . N . — ” ‘ i A d Pmd true]“'.I think ymidoedex mime dintend iofo;_; for I!rneei:' with exprcffiozis to this p%uWrp0fe,i‘11anotherdOf theffizain fiickiera 4 ngainfi this Remonfiraanccg +z2iz.. Lievtenamdcqlonell feign Lii-A £mm,in his Letter to judge Reeves, pag. 14. {peaking of the Smwdd flute Laws Of this Kingdom, hdee hath thefifi Wordfi viz-A 17%’ my ztdgtmmt they 3302 rm: pofiriwegy and Iegalgjv hold my 3: ]2¢fi1‘c..};nAt% femrigy v N 10 Iaedge Mom ta keep 2722 Peace, andzajprejirve the fiadlendozzr as-zdglm-d d 2*} of —r/mt mzderizzeof flrfajeflj, and Kingfhip, t/mt inherently refider itzzfbe pegvple, or 1/9eSrate;z¢niwe1j4“zll, tbs freprefizrmzim a3:d.d£%riwtior1‘ nr/aiclo, is f¢}mm1iya2ndlc‘gaIlyint/at State clef}, or r£}779f€W4’~?_ti‘Zh?, #1233“ 9 none eljé to this purpafélikcwife {peaks your Lpartnewr the Au- thour of the other Axlfwcrtothis Remonfhfancéa in 1115 Book a called the Irzrerefi of England, pag. 27. fpeak‘.-In of dthe’ power of the Parliament, bee caldlsd it The peaplcxpawder, W icla z3:(faith heejtlw Szzprcrm power..d d ‘ A V 7 And when you have defiroycd two of the thgjee Efia.tes,;% in; whom all the fmxdamentall and fuprcme power ofthis kingdom‘~ doth refidc, it is npondgdod groundstcb be b%eIceved%A‘thV'acdfdtht:n you‘ will quickly r.=:ndevour« to divefl thedthirdd dEdfiait‘ed:, Iikewife "iofd tdhaddt » fixprenae and Soveraigndpowcr Whichdyounow affirrne to Beeddind» « them, efpecially, if wthey carrydon the affaires of ‘the Kingdowae ‘I in any other way then yourfanciesdwill apigroste of W,-, Em befidEs*‘ what Ihave before exprefi, in that infiance I gave you upon the parallel! of the firfi of your foure Ca{‘es,,i1:whi-ch youfaygwhezj ~ the (my reprefimtative afdcs inda dir'e&,evident,and obvidus man» A mar, .again£’tthciexpreHEwiI1 and» Word of God,‘ thcnithed City" ‘ colleflivc, isnot bound unto the Cityrepreféntatm-,d but might” in duty todifléntffrom it, if A not to protefi "againfi Viét; wherel.’ i-‘newed that according ta your tenenteg Mth=éao1lc8cive bady ofthe V Cmnmonspof England ought to d§fl?cn§];d.fmmim, difdnghtj pnoi: A ;m(§3?} tefc” aga.itif§ik% the ParIiamenti¢nfitI1éi r$ m&k§mg4afi$y" T;;MaW€$yi2*€ri3mt€ver% may b.c,§,.§r¢%mmen$t, cmfzquently thereby. g;%9%%A;“divc&%u!1em at their S:)%vera%;g%n:31ndL% ~ SVL'Ipr"ema %p0VW5r%jth"érei3},r.,4 x. ’1%findai{‘aifi%‘%anOth%er cppemof this=R¢mm:i&mce,~Usz. Liam g%§,-new §?C0%I0fl€u 1”” Li%l:jbM3‘A”’?5E;'iF1%&"fBDOkcc%2IEc‘d~Englair2r1f B1?z‘;Et,€:;. r,£gj2t,»fpsak14ng to chm pm:p0Ce5 h21v*mg* ma few former %’pafges%%4{7p“g;=% kermf t1ieVbufinAe[Te‘bfVA%Sir%%fibn £mz£m7Z!,,~ and; ~f;1nc5.*ing7t;;;5 h§m.;..~i‘ % felfieaE*?atCbY4;?*=W.%%"eW~?=¢»:» mi cbiefifs a<¢fl?1g*'iW=mm' are m igé 4: ifnutfkjyre‘ 17202?) ‘i§r;zQ:rze,:zjI2}:%i$;.,4 t[:~;m may mm-e*%btzfiare% the %Pm~l£me22z A fiegarz % #2235 many tifizef [g)I}79e PQi$9IjfM[i_i72te7’€fi¢gf a%F¢.~z5z'02é in tbe Pm» V l£amw::5 ta%4%faz2»§' Iéméifitiefi t;;m;g,* fare tffiréé" (;f_ tfézezlfii mm.-éer; ’ z.¢p2gZ¢j2z;~z,;;gg $2 cs~ea£i2x; rims é»iaz;zrie:‘y‘z’/ma I, zrzzzz? }*ea,%;12i2d « f'f’be£5"% ;e>;m;2«e* “ Ji’eF,30:*dinai1céx, Dealgzmtivzzt 4221? rd"- M%,zae‘2>_z;&2§22»:V~Tg2é2r;gpL;;¢:Iec14i¢é&ig£* fde(:la1redL_4méaf 14,3 t.ejfhz£i0z2:%,g_*%Aa:;.;Vi;€,,=§l?¢9%éxd mzwa€:%Az.1:a¢¢2Ai‘: ‘I’ ray, oz11."tI.7zf: z/-:2izz‘g,p%com. A jiderééfi dmzg/2: ibé”Fréé%$é%M§r2 rxf" E=z¢1gM'i‘:*1‘, %rar:%x'z7z7kbwzéel.al2omed%;?:52 tbafé 4 fir;;ying;tim§Wr;§¢2i9 tv Jirefzrve we Parzzgmeniawz klavei'*r“ A . %4%z*ros*2W%%*a£ W; are iféwrfiéezfig kind ingwire weave aj?.mm' afierfié t!)’.~'3é¢1Z1‘Z¢f14‘Pt‘i*”.;Z?*Zd ‘mrrigzge .».:4 f’z‘A§7"VcIj.7§ i,»Zm;j,'1‘},f:v22?;Ie chq/grz? ff~"“ V fimda £5725 fime c;;zr22e4%irzzo‘ $5.176 ,‘ 5:279“) rzezver‘ maade any m()t,{;m;r~ 7% H do: ‘ “ J L V/”..‘,*:‘ Mo,‘ ‘ ‘ ,:‘;“‘%x‘_?' 57' ,, ;‘ ‘* ' “W ~'..‘ : ; 3,‘ ‘_- m-.“=:- w y; ~ ~. - A ‘A _ _. , ‘V ., I ‘ ' ‘ V 2‘Iaer22_.,;_l.2eJq r%e..zg%7:,v fifiaziz 72q.féJ>"£?;1V2iq?zrfi:0#t‘b.r;wVfl9c“§“7r2r ‘B ‘a fi2‘Wiz.“ k ‘ fame? 193?)? M}! ?*i’.~£yal3;$>:é*2iA»i>%&f»¢ir’f>2f%=v~?l “rim! ?5”fé?*7¥5Ce@1??e 2:: the AP:.&:.ez*;eao,~¢ ‘;__1;'_2f‘:a2'¢_=2(x.*-':;:{1d{}/ ,.’ :2I»2fer2_gtb:2,é tbq:i C£vgfé mz(1,’%}’fa*:r;z'z? It wv¢%;éw?*4A?W! W I z>Ia¢¢{a@ fi¢rA,fi%iWg “ ?[-‘W N. ‘ ( H b%eg~4“w;2hdAfi§ff¢}+ “mm, in ifxéir % J‘ 9? "' '~y§'MH‘? 1;*.’i‘ ‘#7 ' "m 1 I “ M * 7M "1 1 ' V V fir rvz?14fP€:f€4fé’! W?” W» W £>“4?>’€‘fi7'7Wf"fita .« rpm? at» we amwfia¢;M ” IédciiremAfiieadérfffi¢°*>*f%i:?e‘sLmttheheévié¢cAha:*aéAWeb} this man V1aye%s uptri ”th.cw *rt‘hjr“Membem in cheraauae Acgmmonsg %Vi:>:;; Tbz:£1%¢*»%91j3 ti:‘4‘2e*I% lsydwtbe~pam2erf§all%"%3£zéter.:fi a f;z-“ 4515012 “ (I7 fl=.#iM?»»9;e4aAne, twa; ‘%za;lm;e rbe~VIwwne-fiwrepgqled arkgl*declargd“I}aw 4:/9a~'L:%‘M;»aT5?edn M4 M35?‘ JPW9 Vjamb *%*0rdinwnqewr;, A ammd Dac?*ld”’rafiam, pg: L ,'f:be}%b%zzdnewr mzde tbe:,1z.A W%hat doth the Heufcojf Common; V [u»£3fer‘a Fa]8c'ton to prevafile amoragft thém, %yeaA,?fo farrcto %*pr¢vafl%¢ asinzo Yi01M’¢‘ the A ’={“9WMa ; l1§f1F8p¢a1¢da="anc;l‘f: de.CIarcd' 1aw»;o;f " Land; yea; 3md.;th‘c:«1EQWme Vot~es,;MQ»rd1na:nces5,a DceIara“1:ions; » V yeafindall e;fl;li§ tpL%favc’on¢.%43:wo iér ,c,hArec& csftheir MembersA%u:z;%«AA deiervin A Crcdxts? was there ever the like charge laid tolhe‘ Hgwféo .“C«0mm0n§? and yet this is by one of them, thmynu fay V are the~fa.ithflI1lafi friends that ever the Parliament had fin‘cc_1;.heV V’ . V Wanresfb¢gan- W i W , V,‘ V A A ’ Secondly, I pray-you takendtic9Ava1F0wt]fiaE‘%% he: Afa.Vich_,:. rthaft « 359} 174;): (2222; an] my flnfaitkfufl and nmferviceaéze j In the: ,”_%g,,g. 5%, gmndedzy fufpgaed 12» to fvee, ( which all thé world In: om, 1m«e11s. they will quickly bee re;_.. A c!yt;0\4»d$€sVa§¢f%w*ifl§ in?%E*1[2:,}kgzt cbufe 741331 V"fW”bem, mgflaazze Libam <_:Imf¢"_m:m2i f2z'tb~ f,,[M1,4b[e,;:m{ [getter gun in tlaezr place: %A: ; If thls bee njotM j in & the Acoygmg ‘§%qmm4 take the?Fux1dame%nAtall and Supreme %power of I ‘~ ‘ ‘ R‘ ’J-awwnm 5» /7 ' ‘ 7 Hf ‘ ‘ ‘ H’ ' ‘ ‘, 1‘ ‘ ’ f A let: the world%iudge,»amd in iuetging“ {Eric _fl ly 5!“ «w. ch: Lam'::, tWo“"f Acomiicugian "éf uyhisv irigdomels €0m{J®unded; aglfo from che Comimon%s ufly confiderhw Mans Tenants do¢‘Ag%navoydabl%yA mm, Power;wa* A “ " 4 v‘r‘‘ \« W973) I ‘ ,£;»‘> ‘ :2. ‘ Jm may tru‘1y1fo beV1ca11€d;: ~pp0f'crs~ of V¢Prcsby-. . *;;%e A ,G:0vVcVnn»ment; Mr. 4IermVi4bBm§raugbIyin his anfwer co Dim, A ’%tIw: Wiéh he~fi:tieh»i$ I; qubfiion propyoiéwd, an A son fhwl*1iw:PaggiI 2s%.qEchc+i4ficfl::g1m “£61.ThcA,gV10qi»o»uasNam:gofi t 7 {AF is A A m:fi’1on,ih thw ofclm ‘. 4 ?‘ ‘ "1" "3" ‘ L‘ ‘ l :..v,' :1" ' » 234;" V” ’ ' é E ‘ “ _ . H» M yr an ‘ ' “' er‘ “‘ ‘ ‘j ,1 , ‘J " . .- "*“ ‘ 7m J 4‘ ") ,r ~ ~ M can “ g; ‘ ‘ 4 "M, "3. v ‘ I L ‘ ,,‘/‘v M V ‘ ‘ ‘ O I», fig" r . a: a fl %d:Fufi¢0u : A . ‘ A‘ A§,g?1?ea: me inflame f iizodc~ * flewezwndgrvmUmfiiciallamkdé T M 1.539150 mm id cbufufiéngurticilflr%mevz”cb5£Iz:l ma! l§€i31=%V“t5¢mfiIzvei, A A tbe%VA%wbéleA flare odght to ficfiér >muob&ef¢3g~e i5"A_flJ0&tld!?£IPa z"£Afe[fe R wa_je.m_f'refifling 7A%%b1tt z)‘_yaucanjEtppaj2é%z2 Parliamemtvflgrré ra_alk.=ge”.$ gaggle, m‘!be}.fl0?7u;’d all cenfpiretagetber with the King M a'e57r0} )6: .Kz'ngdom_.,mzd to pofléfla the Lmzd.r' and ricbe; oftbe Kimgdam tbenzfélzzeg, M in mi: mfé, whether a Law aims wo.s:ld72otA wllawaffhzrzdiug up to defimd flflffilfléfg yea, to re» aflimée 1122 power giwr: to *tbém,A“+- to A%dij2'barg¢ V _ rbem%Aof max: power they loan’, A Aa2zd"t”o]étAz¢p jéme 0:/Jergf Ileal1scA=taV, tbeliglai % sf’ NAturetajadge. % ‘ % 3 V » A ‘ 2 Tamvi£ljZz}, Tl9iM‘a:nr;qt‘bee, £=?e<::mfé' the £vig!aeAr1f:amerrmuflno¢ we refifiedbjmgy. A A N A V A % 3 % A Anfw. This fnjotproperly M W; we pmeg», am »ta‘f game we V , ;>smer,%t0 flettbe }vowere1jénv/9ere.w _ ~ W A A. = , W A N ax: you invite the Authou-r of A alittle-B9041 Intiit;u1e_d,,= Afiull flssfww to theplea fbr the Commonalty 0£LQI1d0ri (exceptbim/elfba ' ”””12e09mc$ E zzérmtm in £137»: jmlgemerzt 74nd reizfriizi) toflamd up 11'/Q via man of V rigbtprirzciplex, mid true z5m'eunto,anc{ plead Vt/92 ju power 'oftbe Pm Jim.-emaf England , M (you are Vpleafed m fay)‘i9€€«lmtI9“ well dqné 1 * qffiecomfiions ofL@ndon.“ A Aizfm. Sure you m1f’cake“‘your Authour, or elf}: you forget%thAe: name of his Book, for the Book you name, 15- writm éagainfi th”é~ , powerAAofthe Commons of Lmdmg AbAutA% perhapsyouArA~AA«mAea*1i1m V was, tmhavc ‘i nvited :«thAe Authour_Aof the A P‘le”ci fin" ’tbef1AC(34é£ Lozsdazst,“ and not the An(w~ererA fth-ei*eo‘f§,A. %if1t him you smean, hAav.eC0mmiifi0nfro‘n1 him to aflixte you; that accordmg to your 7% ¢ defiz:e,»kheeis as ready to p1ead.theiLufiApower of AAthe%VAParIiamenu oFEz2gl.-md, as ever hee was to «pleadV4th¢A‘p¢ower 0£%‘fih%eACbm-:4 mfionfi ‘Of La zzdcm, bum d%0ub‘t Aycml %i?Ac0m§1%‘1E”nd A‘hi'sA.P.7,}ea'%» in %a§A you id‘0~C in?‘that,_w henyiouf ti-:”c &:a:uingA féfll fa.» ; pfeme povtmrof the ‘Parliamcm: Cof €ngZa2vd5. as indeed iris; amnd A A qugh: whee,’ in%theA ti1rec%E.i1aAtes% sbnjunéfimj 22vi2:1,ofth”eKAing; Lard s.__+,: atidff arid“ acc.0rdingIyAAA pleading for iI';A'a\i=1'fl" mm; u%iAn;chAe?%H0;1fe of (}jf7%Pa«rl’i§fi§f&xa1”I:,AA=may ‘ 7fl@.W’bcaomeiaAIgen”nAre far life, and that thé7y'*f3a§'§”ift*f1i8§§if}1jWilédge ’ '4 ’ ’ “ ” Vfhould {her3Ieies~rbee:f’eemede;;ui{e bf, aethereby {itch-sof’ them aeeowerigrgae fummes of "Money, and prote& diversunder them gfhould bee ex}; ‘ ’ empted from qourfe ef Law, how manyet Citizens of Landau, and _ otherSubie&s of this Kingdome mightbee undone; t V , Anfzv. Itis very well Imewn that: byreafonof the Kingdemee A grea-tband weighAty oecefiotxs, this Parliament hath “a1readyt{a.c¢e more yeere , et;ehcn=re.ord1;n%er1e13fr Perltameents e ‘begretofetei have face A \ A mo'neths, and‘ long may they {hit fit, tf for Godsglory band the kingdomesgood, neceifity requires it, etude-therefore for th=e*Re- A I mQnffI?ants,ihumbly to reprefent this to the Confideratieon ofxche Ptaeltiament, vie. To ccmiiderof fame emeames whereby :the prisfil. ledge tehicheits Members, their eSer,v‘ants, ‘tend e;otthersreenio3r,;* by “being; proteéted, e-tad exempted frem beingrproteeded. again1’tf'or‘ their debts;,may bee {'0 qua1ifyed,(net nullifyed) as that theSub-w ‘ _ .'je& may bee able to recover his pwnin {ome due time is I hope, will neither byrthe Parliamentebec adjudged a breach of their price eviledge, they having already in their Remonfirance of the T15 Deceemi 1642.. Declared to the world, eTl;.ettlaey are jénfilale afie, and tbateetbey intend therein ta give wiaatfoeeier cafe may flared with ham» dinner and jufi‘ice, more then which, I am furc’. the Remeonflrante never. had thoughts to defire of then1:,nor would it byrymu, nor anydther Subiefi rf.Of'Eflgland; bee e.fErmed or canceivedi te: bee a. breachof em: Covenant, as you ieem to hintit, unlefle you were One of them that are thus pratefied from paying your debts; C Andttherefore inthis, though in nothingelfe, yeouwould have t us;»m~y carefully boundtowkeepi oureteeeCet)%venairat,;that fe yumighit {till bee at Iibiertye tom keep your creditors witheut"theip;oevn;’ ‘Q ; For your ievcnth, ezzzzmrwur Rermcmfiratmg ethezternow the hinge A dome is ialniefl reduced; by rtwhich meaneee the Revenue of the . kingdtam will bee unburthened, and thetCu(iomes and Excife i;1q::eg('¢,_ande—'thc publick charge of the kingdom decreafe, ‘i“inm2e th.at;Delinqucnts doe deilyieenie xin;endtrCompound,e and new 1 ehatritbe tEmemy heath butfew holde.‘le“ft, wee hope that}: the great and extrabrditnaryetagtee endebutthensr on this City, and their Trade, fliiall "bee in the future abated, ethiaflt the debts ‘owing to the City, arxdrfiitizetas of Laredo», either by ‘particulwar ‘aflhren- er ces eaf bPa1*1iamentr_:,e qr eupen1tethecer«Publickt eelieifhree two? the kitggdgom, tee taken care for, anddifchaBgcd,ae’weli.ae«thqf& aifigtxed upohn I A 2 A ' A t c (20) 35h "e Excifég; talnd may not bee diyerted zlthe axes app0ihtedA formerTA‘t9cs andy0rditiances;‘:i AA . To this you ywilh us to‘ have at Alitfle Apatimce, and in ajearing way tell us,fl'/mt our delatr giving m are cqmmiflg dime, eight per Cent. flmll reward m‘ fer it; And a little after you fay, man]? ever] partiu easier lwrzze A22: charge imbe bowelgrofit M? A l l ‘ * AA “ A “ ” v A V ..z1zefw. There is nothing like a charge, either: ln all,’ Aot any part of this you rccite,nor yet in the whole Remonilrance,Abut: Ait ll-emest your long defired Liberty of Confeience, has you have hitherto called it, hath now produced at liberty of 1‘ pealcingany y thing, though never lbfuntrizc, as by“ the multitude lofy fallltlies I V have all along..inyourReply difizovered. A ‘What, is itnow cometo that pafle, that when the City dud Citizens of London, who have«leIl-N: and expended for theule and iérvlice cf the‘ Parliam]6nt,Am0re,_and greater valt fummes ofMo— A may, thcnever any, eifnot alllthe Cities in the lLand have dpneg fincc England had the honourto bee called a ltingdom. Nay, [AAA prefume I may fpeak it, and yet keep within I116 * bounds ofmo-P A deity and Truth, that they have lent to_.,and expended for the ufe e and fervice of the Parliament; more monies than ever any City in the whole world have at any one time done to, and for the fan. A vlceof that Statein whichhit flood, and ye: muff it nowtybyam A Anonjmm, a Libeller, ybeeftaxed as charging thelParliament5When A if onely R€mQnNflfat€SA theirlhopesfihayt the debts owing to them y either upon particularlaflhranccs ~ofPar1iament,or upon the Pub- lick Faith ofthekingdom, bee taken Cl1'e?AfOI', and in due tinte paid? I appeale. to all the world, whether the;=Remi:mftrantS_.;, I‘ thus cxprelling thcirthopes, bee any Way.a*cl1ax:ge tzpon thetPalr+-AAA ‘ liatnent; Nay, doth not all the world knowgthat it is,A%and ever will bee the honour of the Parliament ta make gaodt that Pub. lick F aith‘ of the kingdom, which by authtoricy of Parlianjgnfa they havegiven to fi.1AcAh as have lent them m0nies.tAupoy;n. tt:he”1’"aAmg? andformy own partAthereilh,.tI am F0 farre from {aiming in?myv hopes, Athatwithyy-confidenceldoe beleeve, that Publickl“lFAaith will ‘never prove publick fraud. A A A A ll ‘ A A A V 1 l A .A For that which folllowesllfrorn this;till yem coine to thelPeti;- A V At,ti:p.na.ry pmef the Remonltralnce,itfisforempty «of any thingjlbmjl l A, a few flout‘ill1ingAwords, that! atn tmwilling to {pend any more A~ A A time ,4’ A laudable and:Chrif’t'ian H t?h¢;Satint‘ts, and as to thefet,I amhaffurcdvt all the P\.C1'l1OI’l&l‘3I'lt5t: t V M‘ ‘timei i;t1:fp3EaI'fi‘i»ij»g’ téititig %-eFpeciVa:1tIyttcop fideringtthafi in ]nyV:p‘crlILff‘3fl&jRf ohfiyofwrt patth6rS?Bb"6’k_;,‘1 ‘called: “h%the‘tIntm'fl'” h0f.'E-zzglmzd 3% whom oh (thugh hee onelhyineddlcs Wsitth th‘etPctitionary partof the Ro- monf’:ranCe,pa{T1ngWtholtly bythe Narrativéofit) hce yet: {peak}? % ing to thetth§ngsAcon’tgin¢din this part of it, viz. Concernihg the Committéc of * Haéerdtgflaerx ~H.zU 5' the Vindicationgof the Lord fMaj_or, the putting forth of Qxturfer-mzn from being :':\’Lui-- fhalI,~,t8:c. ) Ifinde, though fewer words, yet more matter, fuch as t itis,to‘work upon, and therefore I willapply my fehfi‘ to anfweg them in their due pIac_hes,¢as hee hath there delivercd them... t And for Inow come to what eitherwof you have to fay to the t Pa.-titiona-ry part, ofthislb much to oppofed Remonfirancc 5, Where firfl, before you {peak to the fcverallh Petitions, you»tel1thetR"e-t monfiranta that yowwilfl give them to‘ mzderfiomd wherein you-A cam, anti wber'ei7z’_you camzatjcpme with tlmm in their défiru to the Par- lianzczztméit/; yotfr Rgafans tbereqf, which, {hall be; examined accom- c1'in:zasyoufetthtmhdowh-h A V 4 The firft Pctiti0n‘is_.,That (om: PtI'l&'ta'nd fpeedy courfe many. bee cakenhfor the fuppreffing of all privateh and feparate Com A grtgations; To this you lay, You bgguw not what if mezmt by A pri-v bm if the fiemafiflranti ‘meaning late.- We and flepara-tett Ckmgregatiom, Exburtatisgm, Rape‘-~ %be~ ptrizmtetmeetimgx of f Cbriflian people, for Prayer, iition of S pmmnrgor may otlvar lumdableand Cbriflimz dzityv amorzgfl that _ ;S'aint.t in their private z‘1flEmblieJ,MCfayyou)/Btre wee are their word; 4 ‘dae impart 5 ablaord (fay you) bee your reqneflr God mzclgoad men, and the Lprd meme: the Parliwmentiotfrjom ez:er_{iumZ2lizzg;ml2zzthflo2ze. o V Arzfwer. The Ptemonflrantstdooenothmean? by privateoahd fépaw ' A rate Oo1:1gregations,t the private nmeetings of tChriPcianhpehop1e;,‘ for Prayer,h E-xhortation, repetition of Sermons, or any other F amilieghor ~N»eighbou.rly duties amongft Will‘ jam with hyoujnh your A defireg tthatt abhord __bol;h by God ahdit all good ‘ni-eh, may all requefisobec, t-he fuppreffing of”thefé. A 1 But thhetPccmtonf’crants; by private ons,doe meamtthofcowhich the Hou{'e'ofCommons it-1 theirRc«- A A nlonflrance of the 15% of ‘D-ecehmb. I642. doefpe-ak of, hiiatwhichz toheydeolaredgthat it%%‘is.fatrefrom t.heir_pt—1rpofe or defiret “to let: loofi-:4 that golden treincs of Difcipline andGovemment in Ehfié that {hall bee made for h h and Rpztrate Gongregatim A A %%QhuT_chh A »\ Cihueehlg t3leAa{vep"r5ivaete penefdt1s,e:ejparcicuMi? C%0Iagregat3eziT; to‘ take up Whatfcarm of A Divine ffervice they p1ea}fie,ae in'thc.Na;e.,» rat:iveAepaec of the Remcmfirancee theyvdld expreffe 1:, which! A V knowyou read; bum: feemes youhadfino mmde to take notice ofit: And I hope when the Puemonfirahts {hell petition the Parliament to deee onely thee which,_cheeHoufé_ofCommqns in ethe'i“r Remonfireneeehath g:lee é1.é;eredecdaelleethewwprld :hat?theg'VwiI1 doe, yone will not dare to fay the fccond time, when ymi are a Ti:A-A» t1e~cooIed,and your epaflion abated, (as now you have dune) that e abhdrdby God and good men,bee~fi1Che §equef’ts.~ ~ Theeefecond Petition is, that all AH&b3.PEifi$,f_»B‘F01?flifiS3e_Herg. ticks, Schifnxaticke, blafphemers, azxdwall {bah Se&ariesaecon- ‘fbirrm not to the publick Dififiplieene of the Church; efiablifhed, A cm to bee eflabliflqed by’ Parliament, may bee fully declared againflg, and fame effefizudl cburfc fectled fer proeecding againfi fuch per» To this you f&jgAzieb4p.éi'f¥: B§~ov:a22:§fi?.r,e!@qe}:,e%tZ~,-2 De-» - elaraiienr did aimajex eizztend the Parliammw F rierzczfmgazzzi L192 fide; Atbg‘-fir, whom the Reemanfirmztx meAm25 you ecznnbt tefl. A e A Arzfw. Though the King~in hiseDe-claratzions (aeyou fay) by gnabaptifig eagdw Browniils, 85c. A die! alwayese intend the Parlia-L merits efi*iends,efy,et the *Remoni?trants hadeno {uch meaning, % for A they Iosve Athe>‘ParIiament and all their Frriend §,fat better than ‘you and your AAAflbeiates_doe ;, And becaufethat befides chefe you can: A notmtellwhom t.hceRez-neeonfirants mean, Ile to help your under- fianding,te11Ay0u their meaning; it eis».this,,- They, ms_ea1_1j; fuch; as both Houfies of7*Pa«rl1ament means, ‘um. fuchkas “Ate Ufucjl fO5ADd % z;‘hem£oreI1egiveyou their meaning inthe: eexpngfle wnoyrdse qf;bm:h eHAAoufi:sf of Parliament, in t:beirIDecla,raeteion uApoenAAhis%Majcfiies Dec!araetiomegafcere theebatraile A at Ec£ge~1!z[13p;«1nted wine the back A 0fColIc&i0nS5Ap~ag.. 6‘39e.’€:vhii:Ah Vyou mighthave obferved to * ehave beenecited in theMargenc of the y Narrative »part* 0fl‘Tthe Re?- m%or’*fl’crance5 :22. §Jthe~ Words are e£hei?3,Had:n0f-lei; Jwaiefljgfidfla eed they-emzta by time: P%0pifl9 ¢¢1ié:dPreIaticzll'fiz&'AiIgz, den}ede' e/flifcazzfézzte to ri;:e%VBi£'Ifer tée A éyéatb Heuférprefezzted to laim_,mebad ‘A lmg fixea 1¢z;¢ni_;‘éfiea’Ar:azé:wo$~lcl;,lgv d;}§vel1~/ ettlegl e Refarmatiengmr My FeeegédgfliégafBrz§1f2e§[$2ee”andAnd5wpt§'fme;;Lg’ \‘ V e e ~ A AA '« ‘Tfiicthird Petiti A “neis, {Then as eW'?flE:;3f-¢ all:Subi€<9csofoneking- “dam; fa 9.11 may equally rcquirédm yeeld:~o;bediencem~1to the A A Gevem- %AGi:sverntT15’%%nt‘ fec «fo5ft%H4§?£S;i4&to *be‘c»2:~,Lfiwy-razi¢naU,(;%h¢'y44 Am?’ ownwmrd 9,‘ ;and%%%tharefor9'%%‘I pray beg: WW1 [mam paticfwly ‘ if , 7 ‘ chgyffincpmniotiequfity doe“-‘reqagre cqua1170bédi1;fic: frdm awry V- ’ V A A$ubi¢§7€ "2: r \ (:4); “ “ « sub‘ie8c— of thifs’1’€i11gd0r!*§t0 thofic rdinatlfififi afCbe.r¢h;Goveruae A , $m£5““fwhiCh‘alrcady' they have P"_-‘VIE!-'i{'I'1_:cd,,..':O‘hr‘ 130 Wf~1aet~~A~@c':eo:re£’cai~ cute fQr‘:he lime purpofe [hall bee hereafter Ehefied awarding tdour Cervenant. " A e * A . L V The fourth Petitign is 5 That we perfon d1l7-ae£fe&e&to the Pre... sbyter'1a1lGov_emmcnt {Est forch,oer to bee fat fbrth%byeEh€-Paz~Iia..%$ memzgmay bee employed it’: any place ofpubiick trufh ‘ » A To thisyou fay, Tbatyaa-: judge yam‘ flaletex byfind t;s%!e4ve‘tI9}2t 5:1; ' fine e to the Parliament: nvijdame, M fixppefiggg them-A lrefi abie to jzedge w zxiaxtezlr meet to lveedrme in 119.2: particular. We Arzftv. So have me Rcmoni}rants”a1re4ad"y wdene,A% not onely in this but ineall things e-He, whichthey, havueeV_~eit§1er% Reeaonflrated A to ‘them or defi red of them: fie by the clofe of the Rem0nIh*anece it deth appear; but your partner, the Authour of the elnterefl of ‘England, upon this headgoes fu:cl91e;e on, <~an4d -in pageee8. faitld, W Le; the‘r1?‘reJb~)’tfi?jrJ'_ beeaVflE:rcd,etb.zt fl7z;z£fe5tbriz'e’ in tfazlndefigtzj _ dezztx, being difijayneéififam them, it will in,cemc‘Zz»:fior2 prove toietlagir awn mine,eit£;er by the cirexmwentirzg mi: and policy oy".;t19e King, eedeMaFign4nt:3wbofiAil1 bewrtib! imtulaem —~aml will eafiijmgfler them, their keeper: dndeprfirverx, At/Je; ;Ia2depen-2% Anfm. It: {Eemes yen havea every high7§:onceic H of year félieesg ‘ wheare Independents, ; and as every aeloew conceir."of~etehe Presby-~ ters, ‘mjt;he,eepoineteeofewic_and epolicy, .:that: you dare affuree them of . (their ownj ruin: ,~ the circurixveneting wit; and policy ~ oftjhc "KingandeMal%ignant;s, if once they leave the Independents. L Iwifh them therefore Wi'th-ethpir Do¢ve;-Iikwe irgnoecncie, (which J Ifeaer 37011 little afil~<9r)e a 1itt1¢moreeSerpcz3tin@ MW..i.{de0m5n.' that in vY0UF?fl.¢m1¢§afi9F YW‘5.;PT¢@W¢';¥P§117eW?¢$?Wh@;F:Md eeimieeefalietoev Q ¢"F¢¢“?e(?4¥3‘71‘»f«3¢3113 fihnmfilvcse: kw: » e ~ timetheyem-Wedeifcovcr and prevcnts.net‘on¢1yertheemalignanrs, butthelnpependcnts el{'d,withTa1_1thatsdepend upon thcm,fiiom' beingeiafiyWaj7infiru%mencaIl‘for their mine. A I =- ” e But it {camels by Y;0u?;"}9Pi”i0na W5V°'~~5h3y? n¢vere Fe wife and .vig.ii§ant,%thex:_e yet; necefiityof theirdeftruftion ; fiat fay yang e M King. 4r3deeMa1ignmt3eewfib Imfler:,Jt/vemn ~1b?if~{¢*Pefuee“aHde prefiwem 198 Independevmbcing dé/-jqynedfivm them» - e~ e 0;‘-Ififfl .P1‘5‘bY;m33i*1e.e3!'!3Y0U“;C0B1¢F0 thisfiraitz-whaii A is YfiflrgweitqflitegenesIibetgyotx MR7. ncéds eneriflie for wante ” Felice}; fyeaaend ymz.r:fir¢ng§~h!9os €§Dfl$iEh¢ePQI.pp0fe ‘ nee. iand .1 . _ _,_... av A A A "(9S) amalprefirmr-I; if‘a11xbis”werc%true, yonrcafi: were 1amemabIe_ ingfeedi buttmuble not your felvesghcfe 3I‘(’.'bl1'tl:}’Ic_W’OI'd§fQf Smbafiat, Tabia/2, qndGe:[}aém, and what: is their ain m?% onely to make you afraid, that 170 your hands may b‘ee%vc~'eakcned from the w%prk*, yet I wifh you to make this ufeof it,{’crioufly to con- Tficiier the high cfieena that thef'¢¢h1dependents have of ”ti‘1en1feI-ves,44 and that notjonely T %i"05butev¢1a.OF themfe1ves,as they are in their mm cifieemAovcrj yogu,.a%nd that «xmt onely for_IAhci%rA policy, V“b:1t, £9; zh%%¢i;~ Vpow_¢p.Vc-oo,as they are in their own app_rchmfi0n3,y9ur keeper: andpreférzym 5 were wth;-:yV notgthcir mm words, I flteuld the HE-2 have miI;1dC_d thfim, butbeing their own, I hopz with A on cafience wge may4ma%kevfq1n1euiéofthemg A nd in the nextpagc they y¢t%WipVeak%‘%h%igl=u:r, evenym apamcular add,rc(Tc_ to thc_P;apIi'a-_-X ment, ” Ila give it you in their ownpvord 3, 2252;. I émmbb: dgirg 15¢ ammrable arliamc*m, and 3&5 that are defirom, zzvitlmm prejudice to %.meigb,1b@mg:A, tacu22fide%r‘.19ow4¢lae Independenzx, 5:234 Srpamt;ff?_r lgmg dz?/cbarge51'f12¢p%I4§¢J I-Wfi mi-mm Afhej“ E4722 (new £12,, ‘Afi>betl24er not ‘ A fédtbfttfify, vdlianfly, fubmiflivel} 10 Am‘13a"ri{y. “Sure, /ma’ not they % placefcftrufi Vandconjégflerzce, mm bad, in all Mprabgzbiligy are tbii, been .$roug}Jt4 undér the parrer arm’ domirmtiazz 0f the Enemjgztpsn flyafl t/2¢9?.¢fma1T?€? Fmia £vevnfvW’fai*’>fnl1»ar;4the grfwrefi parrwve mark laaimlseetzdaziaby fljém; A A “ AA 7% M “ %% j » A ‘ A A4 Anfm. Firi”%,,ifal1 this were true as certainly, in a verygqfcac meafurc: it is falfé, as I fhall by and by fhew) yet: rc%member4Sal%a-V» mom count%:IlA, Let am?»/921* mam pmife tk‘ce_,4)zd not “am lipt, 4 firanger, and not rfaime w%wA%mVaurwb« * 1 $e*cond1y,V4IA:knaw man %rim 7 ever iqtlefiiormdin‘ t}2egcx1t:Li:g;{[h1J%,eit$hcr them?-‘va:7Qri1r of%%fa i;hFu]n%efl;3 though inpa‘r§iCuI%ar$)ifitfb¢¢ réquir§d,A exceptions are obviuus en‘ough_.,4 and will quxckly bee made; and for: fubmiflivencflé to Authority, Iwifh yczurgenmall "refufing of, and comrmm pm“ tefling againfi the Laws and power of Parlianmnt, for fading of ChuAreh%GAovcAré11‘mcnt wf¢rc pottao manifdt a r::futaI:'i%on4of this A yburj fezlfmaffilmed %\Commwend:u:ion Mr; Hem’;/&.3#Nd$2in%hia Vindicatipzi o f Churches, commonly callcfd Independent, page 49,%5o55%:1,*32.%:%% {peaks fully out your mindcs in this particular; thgfi a;~.e,hia words, rz1i2:,%.% % The Clmrcb it a f}2iritttaHVK'i7’7gd0m_,., who]? met; Kiagi; Chat, and not mm it it a fiyirimall Republiclg, ,wL-gfa .».;.‘7;g;zy Lam-giver 23: €'bzfifl,~andhot mm; F No mm, rm pVa_xvgf~,g1z‘¢ar1b, bay; fa power mr this Kingtéw, W cérxhgr Law~gi_t?*er %ma_y;im aw Lam C 7.3 ) E2f1:32£J :bmg4a:er%:§me»aV *R@2i%$lE::z§;5 ~ 330 };m27 5g272;.,V 05?“ %o.irg§vi ib» % 92.ndertab3%~3ba gbfiermwfiizagrai §}:éé'3s* *;Cw%:r2nm4:£7:J5:2.*ra S»-zim.:j; 7%N£v ‘ bzzmame 5 pm;wm§fvW Lam; é9;:‘emzedd;;a M ;:;";{?aVe:'riév£ Kézlas far ziiae gwemz;::‘mfxar firm &f"#;m3.r jfa£:#r'tmxI1!2az£f#, £éW3;31‘$2§rifi.z' mjwll ;fiJremg¢.ztz'z«*e:‘_.,4:rzr*}§2.§u?5‘ 2? mzcamnzzmicgbie £0 m.2y,*?t£1 :21! tibapawer; on e;ertifl, €5‘**a.“* V * % ¢ , * QEu;t%th§rdIy_., can yougwxa £§*1<.*»tztf%b1L?:{’h§i1~g,;1=g9on ai1%coi:1VdVview1,{ay% T mar: ;agari:‘1ie‘ V0 11; —m==L%fx1*’?~’ wimA3* 4 ‘J5 ~:2.*i»::.i.%%‘.Zfl5d¢ 1md‘r'2a;% we *912:-a'e§;t2e2&;fz~z'1’222z:.r5,%%H S€p;.z:r%a¢‘£flJA$Ereen zI?iv"7plzaiceLr and canfigafeflce We ‘£22 225?" “ ‘graéabiliay are térzlfg, 1;§£‘:=’?2 Z'r'.r2v:&:,';_/gift» wider 11149:? ‘pm réaridtiarz af 1173 % Emmy. 'What_,’ is there mom: %*l£§é:§;1faz3I% %inP9;r1Aija;1né%Aia5t3 mm was A Mam in the f&rn*1y ? m at Ie:.~.i"c”“ ?‘i;"o9 f'e1..W;7’ if: eitbefi; ’5%§?t.1‘t~I’n~%dépen-{ F d¢:;nt;s,a n&7Sep.arat1‘{%%s5 tihat Imd=imoz:~VAbceh1=Fo:+‘ *j*fi® izi“ fair‘ préém éigsfime {Md 19%;;-‘e 1.435;“;-+;,I»;»e¢2 é9fié3gb2%wmder fhfipc}-x£5er¢%tI9¢‘ Ekée‘mfl A ‘M i’eemsw,,t(h&£ as ti5em:s3:' aszflfniierg-nt%amd zt;z63e7'i*.:/ecf rfidiEgg%i22%t1;epeopZea7¢zi% ‘zzdrze elf»; was L’ievt%cr1ani: Cokincfl %Li.!~‘-% bm¢42;iiii ;‘v~f0 IikeWife there 'is‘f0me% ?i~nt1*i11fi‘<:;=t,1’I %‘Va;’n’t_i? bc;i11t?VverVtuc_.'," L aw;aiityainIndepen«d1en¢ie,4%a~nd4 Sepahra*ti0n”_., th“a%t%‘no‘ pe¢%p1¢,d xv" ' at4W’I’éa‘1&%very fe1nf,bL1t*I*ndep;m*den*ts% and Separatiihfi can bee %‘eitfiéri .fii«iAt'hfu11in thCAParIiia%menAt, orv%alia*ntint;hé%Arn1y.% % Whaceaxa not y%%o1*-HL1fi3ciex1tIy cox-‘nnzcné your own 01' yaw? .§rit:nd%s V,-1101411’: orAfaichfu1ne4H&,iV‘xvhich Weéas ’fu»IIyas ”y0"iz*€an;~-d%€v% «fire,ackn0w1eg3ge to beedue to them and %trué;’QTtI3e§i¢i,i‘"Ei2%t ghé a%ttrib1ité?4i«t5¥%‘as’inA yohérbe, t.:2*~*¥ Fz;tIe§a’e"ni:1::}i3c5j;*7;»”iza% rfi’e=p¥oizé:téF7'§-tjflgemantgafid teparazion, int9hFep0i11t ofp:~a&:&; §~i1fi%%3T$ if*a Scthoole b%Owy1g0i”ng about m, tommend the exccllenacy H «a f%~5en£s Qqcfieg which all his fellowes acknoW}edge 'a‘s w elVl"as, » hi~h1fé1f,*fizo.u3d$ ye: thi%mkhe:e had nevcrAfaid:enoug%h%in h*is;* §gmg1ac:iaAAn5{4% 'un1eH¢hi§&‘fh0 aid a%:cribt::éc,h«a 1dAeI€egé?ncyffi hisgpap-V 779% w~ar:Vcha.e ’gréw% up’m=1 his n"ofé,f0r will any’ma*r‘: think. it was thé‘f¢*%E‘M1i€%%h% refi‘i:1'dj%hi£ fancy3H“i3r' 1'a~if%dLhim up f0h§g;hir1: hisfifluen-t exprdfions? A ‘ " A " f‘ Fofl1“*1'4h[Iy;, % We ‘i*ec‘i t’1s‘&* =pafl*ag:e yé>i11Ijw{%L1p?n3:"1Ta£ive: ‘cdmmendb&§ifi36h*. a—.Iitflg’“ofe$ I39: c:_xpréfl?0 n,i;t7t H V ~®Tf%%*yo1-ififélves a.n~d;afT4dci;x”tes5"theIndépcndents, and Separatifis, fé1ffo‘yio¢u plcaf-e‘ ‘to’C;§IIi§f%}*T(aurV1EI?$zé%s,andthem; beenpr th%”et‘e.~.¢ ”§Vore'%oFfénded V’f’mj“it; ygtrrwo rd§ a:Aat1aefi:g»V Wwffi T,;£2.g,grg;¢t~.. zyfiizé?mb>%§b!ié)'g'"£té3a,Roi§e"@*tbe}:§."‘@ “° 1 A u 3 ‘A M i 3 hi‘$’¢iE3§cwé3Ié§17t3?,%%th§éW Ea;.~1% A H V 7 Wwowx A #31$@h:§?§rccs rai§’eéd"‘firPfi‘:3“ zz‘hEf_$§‘iiitgtiorzi1es. Qaufég; ian%daJ1Ich~oféA— A (273 'VV01*t l;alle8llnwtlaat l'l..rmy«,; C7l~Ol3e~lllttle or nothingin ltlalisfgreafi ,;wmls.?l w'm‘elt.tl2le llnde[3cz1dl2x3t$ anclS&paz'atills that fitllunclcrm went: the l:24um,, zmcllbroke the Ice in the beginning of this War? wasit: they indeed? cl.1clt.l1atH0no1*al9le the Earle of ildlazrzclaefl-er .l ~d0e n‘(3!:l1ing~‘.>;,iI'l this Caufé worth yam &Cl.{lIOWl€Clgfi£'IfLent? lwaa ;‘tll1e rewltalii of.Lym2, and all the tell that God made him the luvs ftrumem: or dozng, 9F noaccotmtl? I-Lave you fargot, or beam you no liél ms ;rclmen1l3er What that Hemlick and arfltive Gentleman A Si1jW'iliilzm% Wlallerglaatllxldaneliln fave:-all parts of the Kingdom?’ A W£1Slll1Ct'€v1‘lOC_l'll£‘l-g doneatC3l:ereto2zDq:a:=ra2.r,¢§$~c; Hath Major Gem . .7xmrall‘Maflze&0ne xzoltlmag m:1zl1!erE‘* the holclingof Glaceflarm. gainll all the powcli of the King for lb long a time, andlagainlllbf MA fierce a liege, law quite forgat; ll" it might not »beelbfi}:.nfive to you been dame W91”: Iwould dcfire yum to n1;lltVA1ntcrxf1edd1c 1 witlnhe x.3A._fo_AA%mi- A 4 7 For them. 31?‘; youwillneithewr; ioyn withnor,aAgainfi the Res- A monflrants in that; but 5 wave it,:f0*~I Mr’?! .i%d0fi;WaV6:;YO.uF Anfwer. % For theAthme-Iaft %Pe;icions,vim- 1531 516157" concerning %9¢'4r<- A rermmzg and the Vindicatiésn of1:he7ALord Majcm, and:tha!;§v£I:-hich youcall ‘the: A.poIogy, becaufizthereis{olitt1cAAof thefein yA¢<)_f.zA$:f Pu.e*pIyA,az3d much morcin ym1r ggartnars book; Kthgrcfoxfe will ,f<;:-xgbcar to anfwcr»%to .5113)?"thiflg...;ijUT£h€-Fifi t.hi”S OFYOUYS-, and ‘r‘3f"'.~ “ply upcm t'nat% which h§¢~Vi§1%.a:htihr.:re delivered, in the 1¢6.PAag¢%Qf‘ his back: Thus 1'l€€C}{PI‘€mESiE.7 V A‘ _ % 1 AFwrilae Vi:vdz'c4tia:72r2fA ‘the Lard 1‘?/fazjuzg flag t/Mt {>2aw'rrpu72 what‘ K99)” V gmVv;r2¢z’A:t}>e;Cr2wazmittee‘% fiat/9, Huaflef arppljed ’Ail7E7?2/231119! i»z%tl:mt fixire ‘}%%,;;;d%frieszd»!}r nvmzwerjta iaim, n2£lZ.ju.2fg_e 1/9?e‘]?/Igor to b.-zzje Iitt1e:‘Acczf§?z zfg , _g,iz;c acc.»2fi.:m fin‘ calfing wear‘ Hm: bufinefiagdm, xfigipb fqrl9i::j_;£2£>22w22f _’ a2m’2~epzzt.z£io.n mm’ fmoiyfigred. % % A A % d 1 % % Azzfmk Firfl, the Lord Ex/Iaior gave not the mccafion of calling omr thatbllfinefi7:3, it was yoccafioneci by the .Common Com-1ce}.A§3 . without: an y tfheleafim0ti%40r1fAAr0mVt11€ AL<£)I‘d4 jl\/I:3iA<)r..% Sccondiy, there came no C0mn1ig;me ofboph HAo1§1{?e§;,§aAs3 ed by both Hcmfes for comnaing to the Lord cJMajar,a!bcf111:V¢V%t.hat LY AA‘bufineH?:_., andforproof of this, He give ycguthe Anfwér of the 4camli?¢g1a=1’r2t Aweritw and We rommwv4«,d#Ame?A4¢¢44 term Wm , am Lords to that part of the Remoniiraxuce where the Vi:-1diciAation . A ofmhe Lord Major is Pcmionwed for, it; was delivered by the: Earl . V of Mmzzcbafler, who was fpeakjgrinhthc H0L1*fc.«jfL.0rdsAaa than M time, it is in thcfé Words : ~ M A V A, % _ A L V Axfta tbgperfizrz qf'-the Lord Mfljoratbe I.:>rd.1}aaI61 a high q/farm cfbim 6 *fiA’3’7*'£’AP':"A‘g1l7V~AA°A“{bP“fié4;g3.b.i5AzH‘9“fi 4aAwmv¢ iim£.i*xPnejvd£r¢ him find wbggxtbe 1>+'??5?AiAI4ffi£1i1r.ffx§JmberAei?2%late;Mfirzdex./9i792feb’agrie'z;6fd,fl9uzZ119ééAfi;a2a'e lwomz untaA}bem5?§bg—fl3aIl..'bwereakiy ‘£22 a l"¢1r1i.;;mcé2mr;y may zja doe. « lvémiglvta A A ' A A A - -Nowif Imthing ha-th~.*pafl'ed the: Houfia of Lords at. anyyrimefi ,3 A in preiudicc.9£, the L,0rg{Majux5then noVCo?n1mitxce of hUAAA§AhAA.:I;I 0U*1 12% by Ordefof bnnli Hmuf}::s‘wcree§vg¢x*1?mI:,u:1to;h_im abom;§ A {am BE1finefi'e:,A I hunmbly conceirma1fQ,{an$d,t:ha,t 1ipt;ix1gAéodAgf«AD~L1ns1ls,; that no Order of the Hmaflz g[fCamiwam was theAnAmadAc for aAAC0m-A A A mime of both or either. Home to. con1cI:C>theLaz'd Majar abxmz A that bu{7inefiE.""7» A l s A % ,1‘ % his true 1.-hereAdid c‘on?ie%to4‘thAéA&ACv k:im%r1:ii‘:ittee of the M£Ii:ia5 AlAE:v.e~ M11 Mable Lard:,apd other wouthy% Gctxtlenge‘n,h_,/Iemhcrs of both :«.» ~% A 4 A - ~ E;A3,_ k‘ , A 4 I-Inxzfim, ( M fi§'*Pai*liAa iéfietaégfj 0171' th>*é2a33,” beztjzmt-{a!I3M<3n1Eem 035? t%i;Lj¢*’(.3_c3§mmi§fii‘et:‘%fa"’%i1i‘ aAnd?A 2111: “tiimrcgrrihgcs bath M = Eji~”¢?“fl?1£l§:i§r:, ;;}2nAd V~I1i"!s:c,_‘%}is2 '?31’@f m*Vhan‘«>zmpq»mA uh e £“1rcA%i01'%‘fih*e Aflmmmitccfi t£'iA’éj,:5 wéht t0V*:AhVe§EO¢*&‘ M;1§mrsAh6ui¥:5 were as you A f31j;gEaii*¢AAa:1 dfriend.Iy ta h‘}€m3,~,V Eur Idare and time eappeah: on the Abchalfe of the Lord Mam to all thdfé 2\i*’:2£t2leLar;.2’.r_, and~ Worthy ‘Nae bmfivyefle was fmoilsemz’. M 7emAberfa bf aim Ha.-43/E of aammx, " "s,v»hethes* that ’which” you at?- firm fAbec"An¢3t AtK;*'I10AIl y fa.%I1E*5 vim. Tkatfbr A195»: i?)0m2w~ meat’ reprttmibflfi, A Therefore for flmme repeat of F0 Fsdfa and fo1fl;ea‘£7uE:mdaII,{'o uniuPt1y,afid yet {"0 pgiblickly In Primg csafi uponm ‘fimaaurable and ev4::rywayf0 welidefgrviug a perf9m,:1s’iis%t%he Lam’ fl/{afar .53‘ Lmd(:;z; A Wh’;at:&%E mm, I Write upcm as czezrtain gm:.zndsAas my own eyes and .eares can bee: the witnfeilfes of,beia;g‘pc:*ibn-ally prew- {%en%c3bac[1Ai;:"; thgM£1it£a,%%a21dAat the Lani M¢aJOP8 bed HCIE, fmxn thebeginning, At1o%tI mAe”%errad of the whole tzraniafitxon of dam bu{Az- neHe,MiwhichAAAI conceivé you were nogbut what you fay,y0u {peak AupdnAfi1me,w*h‘i&hA_the bornnmn Proverb flaitlxa 1.4’ a liar. % For tAh%2it ofgimrtefiazang either youlmow am what you write, A or elf: you kno‘ w that what you~write,is in a great me:-afuxre fame : For firfl you Flee war not siifplacedfiar wry rm:/?:le meamaw; Athis A is?Fa1Fe5fo1*thc Recorddoth affigzu this for a ’caufé of his being” di‘fi:h«ii*A%ged from his place, 'z2i.%.*,.‘.V bat bee rimxzdlaatb 1mm%«my negliw gem: in the execution 1.3)" hia fitigl place. % " ‘ % ‘ “ A» V % ‘ Secondly, That Ffeeiczrws‘ mééa ezzfo lvee fl/.{::rflm1'I# éytke Cxzmmryn Cmzxw cell 5 this is amt» fizllé. Then you flay, 5.’ here is‘ :10 crime" Asgtrged im,‘/9:: # Rexnmflrmrce jfbr ‘wéic/J bee mm: alifilafwd,‘ V%z’2%i>.féz'é?1”*~Al,v,~;‘%iA5’~ ;25)e,»?i5x;_;,¢«~,a r1g:.¢;r;i’¢9m- A 8g.6?j¢f] A’bu&t:*th‘"1's%is nc31‘:A.:1ti%allzA1r~gcefci .a sfVa*« cfiihae%§%1Wsf*hi'¢h%“% hm y %W:is:%A%%‘difp1acctI3‘ -mtg the xvmrdéof thAeA~FLevmoraA1H‘a1i£c*s:3‘ ;* Next you V f'ay,v0fl7mc£ 1'4‘ taken that Mei: erztermipmlirz in 07' new the Paw A liament; butfheWthe_1%caAi”t wérd in th£.':A Remgmi’gra4Vx*xce' thacgives M the 1eafl{had5€)w of my_ 0ffe1%1ce*tal«2%em for any" £ix5f:hthAing. .Leam7 therefore herwaficr to“‘A—W’1‘itenoAxn0A1'e%%t%h%cn"%ymi%?know for T1't1tAh,,f “ A and Qbfic ftifeybti m%ritéfTrt.itflhi;‘;%Wh‘atAyoukzww. ‘ an F .‘N S 0‘. % L ; A,» A _;A V, A_:. A