Stra {lords Plot dilicovered; o . AND Tran Parliament vindicated, in their juflice executed Up()nl1l1Yl, ' By the late Difcovery ofcertain Propon- tions delivered to His ‘Mrrtjefiie by the late Earl of 3 TB. AF 0 RD 3 21 little before his Trial, with this linigwiption : Prajoofitzimxférr the hriqtllmg hf Parliumfeawgsg Md fbr the incrcafing offlzls (J1/lifijci-2zI'€5.R:."Z/ffifild mmrb {mint/1enécfv'rc. In which is contained ,. not onely thematter of the llmpolitiotis fuggeftedl, but 2l.1fi)3tfi;lV€r3 lll'0I}g_£‘tnd forci... ble Reafbns to pt"!'i~W-ade the I{ing to the praéiife hercofi Together with his Advice for the forming of Fortifications, and the hringing of tnany High-ways into one , to that none V might travel but W:-th their leave and liking. As alfo, a Form or Model for the difcipline of this Defigne,what men to have, and how quztlified, and how to engage them- {are and firm to His Majeltéc , V and how in an infinuating way to t'l'§f&t“lI1fll1‘.;’!if'k‘I‘C<‘1 Nations , and they Vflmuld never have " known it till the thing had been done. As alto. Seventeen ,ways for the railing of money for the atlvancing of delignts. In all which, the Councel is fo pernicious, and tends [0 much to the mine of the three Kingdoms , and the ;intht;alling of the Subjeélsg thereof , as he himfelf cotxfcfieth that it is not (it to: any En;g,lilh man tofknow. t Bu; tbefwre 1': broken, and blclled be God we are ejhzped. plirintcd 5] Afltkaritie ; together with the Approfiatiawa of Spea/twcr 9]} the ’ _i Honogralvle Hamfe of C‘ammcm*:. V . M 1.0 N D 0 I, Prinzoed by .Rmrl.v Rmwonln, for faint: I‘) altlmm, dwelling‘ t in B!M'1g-ji']a.'rI, net: C1tter;iane.A 1646. I ~ - n 4 A % ‘T%or%he~Right Henwrable, th§ Lords and Commons : V . Affgmbled in A A. PARLIAMENI‘ ‘ Right Honourable, ...-‘ .. Q’/A“) *‘ Ivvizw Providence bringivgyvery .. permw/aofe I7;fcriptTion#4bu)zdantl,_y “ . 'f¢_ ‘A decl;:re.ritA%to}be1NIdnPcrAu[11 Hof- f‘é:11‘cji‘um‘,z§‘=c§.A " I Vc¢;irici*e4iéz/e‘ it my duty tahpnblzjb it, WtVAb£zt all %tr5z»e4b¢}ir%t'cd moi: may 5:: fully fatz.y2edin% tbcjufliéc .oftIac Honamble Houfckj on) JtI9ef Au$tbor af ‘ the Pdptrx, the late *Earl“ofS“trafTord. V A A A A %T~bat;iCanterburywMAtbcV great Engine A ‘ " " M “ working A: lately mm my band; 4 rertainI’zi- V T1:s*c_‘hEpie{i"Ie e:;~m:;caco1~;r. Wow’ 1 if "our itrue Proteflaizf Ke'ligiec22. 3 mid A intro"rI;u-5 i§ing.'of1’o1g“ery., already 2'12 Part , Varied» flxeedzilyh he p7erfe52’e*ct! igitzze/g fqrthieetofhie uw*ld,f hyethe‘ ham! the W. VV. P.,zvhich will r1‘.en:+;=27z.fz‘_r¢iz—‘eehirz~zeA,_e iazvhom ‘the _‘I’o._.pi”/AN)’ {fle- ffed deem-eed at Saint) to h;-zezze bear but little riizg deeply gxzid };.¢liI*i(*l'*\/‘)1 ';fhef14htvh‘er]ib’?5§z T {§hehttcr;t:haé‘efleqiéil 1r4m~ap;mta. "tr’u‘el_y QI , A H t C’ I‘ d I‘€d into the Khhi;;g.gMaje§'ie:& hezndy hy thefaiel Iia1‘laf“'St1‘afifi;'rd7, will alfo demonflrate him. the did“ Earl to./meve hcejz the other greztt E72- gizze efleiiualfy wrought on by the¥PriI2ce bf Darlgzefia, and quicigzzedhlzyithe f]>iriteafA;Reo— M11) iwfh _%A‘ez2tic‘heri§f, _ i*.oJha?ve ezihflafzxeezi the threei b;geciejzrgi42;g*rb¢ Liwxjmzd Lihertieif, M wide‘ Aréitmry Tymmicézle ff. ii??? j ' ‘ fffind, :26le%zfed etlvis ifarli mi; 4éz2di~ble;y}dy“ozzwiiléfb mail; «zeal, iwififl-» ‘their difconi)ered 1 thefe ; 12.2220 mzglzty .eC4.3"“t1”;'4l*.A’1g5?”:' to have beezrmoji ifézjfiljv ehgizged iziirhefe (,ei}'7&17:h2£1E.. ‘iI’loit.c,h,]?iiiIai:tIa he ‘ e.9'vu1’eiimP4?ti4! eeC+hmfim=j"fi1yi Maverick?” We ,"h‘Th%¢ijfga:e“is biélzhen‘ , jthrohg/JGod.i'“ hlefling; 4114 21'“ The Epifilc eDedi"cat_ory. icmcly-rxnrygreat ~n;v]&.:Iom : ,th e.y— are: fa H ’é11~,a‘n~d' We yarefiicaped, ( under God) to-imgzzzfia and lolefloyiou. T/ye height of my emzhitionyeizzgpuhliflaing tbefe paper: being orzely to rzzindieate ‘your: rig/Jteom proceeding; againfi» the faid Earl, To flop the_ member of all _'CdlflI71fll.(¢?0?‘J"‘, (who inopartially: pan-derileg thefe -plot: fug- gefleel that great o1\/Iachavilian to the utter fulwenf/ion of our Lazvyand Libertiey, camzot [mt hehereh coozqvinocd in aheir confcimcer of hie: defl:r=vedfz1fering) y and to profefl: my yprefi to ferwc ihi»: Honourable I’arlia- ment ‘in rwhatevver employment may fate with the utmoff ahilitiemof him who /54]! ever he at Yong; Honours Command; PROPOSIlTIONS Dlelirvcred toVH13s Majeffie by,‘ tbeficzrl of S t-r'a~fibrd,‘ for tbéfecuringof'H12s~MajefiieJ‘ Efiate hand the /Jrid/ing of ‘Pzzrliameiztm, arzdfiir tlwelincreafe of His K"e«zIeIzzte._rA’7Izz>zV"¢b" mare.tbe-n‘~it-i4‘.~ ’ ‘ ' .» _. txons or prafiicés of troublefome fpi-V ” A V ritsg, then to fol'irtifi"<: your Kingdom by l1z5wilngaa‘ Fortmlllé--‘in every*c«hief~ Towxrand impdrtant place thr:t'ebF,furniflJed with‘>O1‘tlna‘nce5 Munitiun and faithful men, as they ought tobe, ‘ with all «other Cimum{lancr:s_ be digetflved in a bhfir1eflel_§5f this nat~1ht*le.l-» ~ 4 - A” T A V“ * Orde- V. R . ..,. Trayned (2) Ordering witha1th+eTrayne-d Souldiers of the 50“‘dim- Countrey to‘be. united with one dependency with ‘Foamy’, TbarMod¢mkEaxrre,yfa: rm the {aid Forts , as Well to fecure their 'b‘egiz1nings5 ass to fecure them In anyoccalmn of Stiipeflrg and alfo toretain and keep their Arms for more fecu. rity , whereby the Countreys are no, l.Cfi7ii‘ to be brcyught into fubjeétiona then the Cmcs them-* felves, and confequently the whole Kingdom Your M-ajefiie having by this courfe tin: Power your ‘ownhands. V ~ V The Rcafons of theft: SuggePfiion§. Flrfi, That in Polikie it is 4 great*e»} tye of the people by Forte 4224- NecVrfl2t}% -, tbeiz me6?fl)’..5yi pLo‘m and flfi?26fi.on%4~‘-‘»%4& Y7qrAék_by%‘ the one , the G07/errzmerzt fefl'£?I]y4‘ _22%1r4,;~,.§_/é¢;z;4;;:e 5 but by the other, Tmv%lmgér H?:W£".'I2L %t/ye Peaple are zvell cmztevzteci. A . % SC?_c_:0I1d1_y 3 A.Itfbrqetlé,40/flirinzvie.{£Szé17je§;rf‘ to be no more _prefumptuom A T7/36272 it plwfeté/of Tom- M4_j.eHz'éw permit’ them.‘ ;*4 ‘ _A _ 'I4'hAViJrd1y , T/with %I&.5arveV at State m.zfurr)z"/7» t‘6{, 55 tfigiéze the Vléridle t/J6rwfiwm*;: ta-be Subjmii, I ypbcn. by A tine c*anfrary -it ‘re§Az5'e_tb oiielyi m tbé Frincey hanclm. % " _ ,4 long (5) la» 3 time in winning , with fetch charge ‘At! t ’ ~c“ttlt_y* as no Snhjcét in thefe time: hath any i h mm‘: prahahle to attempt them. ’ 1 V Fifthly , Iihet-tit. 135 afitre remedy ageing e .R.8b6”i‘0i2J‘ and popular Mzttiiziee , or againft Forrazgn Po were, heczmfie they cemtot weI1fue- _ hceed ” when 12 this war e the 4 ttrerzt mean: “is > 7 taken away, to feree the King and S tzzte upon at ;el¢m'I2tful F ortzme of - 4 fet-Bezttel , M the ctmje that tezjotzieel h the ztztczzdeel Izzvmzfioiz agaiiafl theglgmzd attempted lay the King of Spain, A k5SixthI y , That Tour M4zjwefi3ie:hGo«ver2zI?te_et':t 72r“}zewfi'cured by the Peaplennoreuhjefitien 3 and hy their Suhjeétiom, Teztrlhrliamentttmu heforeeel to alter A their S13/le,ean'r1 te l9aitttce7zfi:r- mahle to Tezir If/ill tmclI’letzfztre : For their 2W4e..472d oteofflim imfiortetb fiot/éiee» Where in" Tater Mejefliea" awe‘: hdézck” tatele A hwithvtlhemwhat Tau filezzfé , being ittrleedh the chiefp1trp"efe of thid‘ Dzfcouffrg and thefejcret iztt§gtt4 flaerebf, to 534, a""”3_céalecl ‘fi'0!?¢t km}? Engltfhat 411., either Cotmcelleztr h State‘ ‘ or ‘' other:. A " 34 ht A ' 7 ‘ ' *Eor%tthef§ §§t:ht€te~t.Wei§hty ufltéefotis, be Q 7% A B con- ».l~s v (4) " confidtered in this place‘, to make Your Maj-effiee more powerful and ftrcmg: , fome Orders be obfer- ved that t_ are ufed in Fortified Countreys 5, the Go- vernmentxthereof importeth as much as the State tliemfelves 5 "I mean in times—of Doubt andSuf- pea: .3 whichare thfifc. ' Ihpriinis, Tbnt mnewear Ar‘m:.or Weafvom .1145‘, ei-= tbkr in Citie or Countney , but fuck aw Tonr"cfl4’4je.&‘i¢~ may t/yin/cfit tnpri-viledge 5 and they to be inrolled. .4 Secondly,” T/mt ne .m4m]_ Higlmvzyr 4: conveniently mnynbe done, may be made pajjlzble tbamv tbnfe Cities. and Towmfartifiéd 7;, ta eon./ifain tbepafflnger to travel tlzarm tlfem. ' Thirdly 3 Tbet Sonldiers of Fortreffes are pm- time: cbafen qf «umber Nation, if Suéjeftfx to the flame . Ifrinaas éut--lmvfoe-uer tutta be ban: in tlrejnxne Province, tr within fonrty mile: cf: the Fortre]]m‘e‘,.A% and not~to have fiicnd:'—0r carre/?‘ande‘ncy~neer it". Fourthly, mulled ?-nTown.v, be 4 pointed officer: not re fujfir any Nun;/eneavn paffenger ta pa/£]{ witbtnt 4 Ticket 5 flmvingfram wbenee be came and uv itber begoetb4 5 *dfid"t/ant I/2:.G4te: of each c‘z"ty]lve pm: arnig/1?, and the Keykept by the” telilnior or tGn)ernonr‘»~¥3 mlfo "tint tlrelnne‘--leeepm do delz?uer«.tl:e name: of ‘ all 3:». Mom» fajfengerx that lodge in their banfge. 5 and t/fey fl."¢y'fnj]u'tz'oujlj at my time , to prefent tlaent" to the Gaver-5 nonr .- wbercéy dézngemze ferfons"/E”eing‘tlve[eflr1t7 ebnrfeig mfl be more mar} aftbeir nétiam, eaneit/2crebytnif:.'biest/one Attempt: will fie prevented. All which being referred to Your Majefties Wife confidetrgttion : 7 A e ‘ - ‘It-giameetafor me with-ale"-to give ~Y‘(‘9"u- {om-e fatiji. fa Ctione cs) fa&io1i'of tl*ie'charge»a, d time to perform what is propofedjtlrat «youma~y—~not be difcouraged in the diflicultyrof f the one , aorprolongation of the other; Both which Doubts are relolved in one and the fame reafon. In refpeét that in England fl1ClI~Cl'1i€f Town com- monly hath a ruinated Caftle well {cared for firength , whofe foundation and Ptones remaining, ‘may be both quickly repaired for this ufe , and with little charge, and made firong enough (I hope) "for this purpofe in the fpace of .one ,yeer, by “Ordnance, according to the Rules of Fortifica adding withal Bulwarks and Rampiers for the tion. I ;”IfheOrdnance for thofe Forts may be of Iron, and not to disfurnifh Your Majefties Navie , or be ata greater Charge then is needful,ato maintain yeer y the I~"orts._g Imake account in ordinary pa?! Three thoufand men will be fuflicient, and wil require Foutt-y thoufand poundscharge qnnum, or thereaboutsgbeing an Expence that Inferiour Princes undergo for their neceffary fafety. All which prevention added to the Invincible :Sea-; "Forces Your Ma jeflie hath already, and mayhavea will make You the moft powerful and obeyed Prince of the worlds which I could likewife con- ‘firm by many examples 5 but I omit «themfor bre- vity, pp 7 4 _ t I n And not rtotconfufe Your Majefiie with too much matter 3 Your Gracious f_l\/lajeflie may rfinde by the {Cope of this Difcourfe the means Ihewed in general to bridle VYourl*Su‘bjeél.-'s , that may «either i I I B 21 be (5) be clifcont-ented or obftinate. So l"il’«:e;wife am I“ to cnclude the fame intent particularly againfi" the-pelirverfenehfleof _Your Pa-rltirament, as yvell to fuppreffe that pernicioushumourg as_toavo1d their oppofitions agarnft Your Profit 3 being the fecond part to be difcourfed of. And therefore have firfi thought fit for bet-teri prevention thereof, to ‘make known to Your Ma- jeftie the purpofe of a general Oath Your Subjects may takes for fure avoidin y all rubbs that may hin-, der the conclufion of tl’10i€.,l)Ufin€flvCS: 5 ‘ It is further meant that “no Subjects upon: pain of high Treafon may refute the fame Oath con- tainingonely matter of Allegeance, and not fetu- pleks‘ or points of confcience that may gain pretence to be denied; ~ T ? t ‘ " The efiieét of the Oath 13.: this. n h 2. Hat all' HiEs S’t1bje&si do-n h acknowledge You to be abfolute, King and Monarch Within Your Doniini- one, as a'mo‘nga the Chriftian Princes, and Your Prerogative asagreat whereby You may and {hall of Your Self by Your Majefcies Proclamation as well as any to» ther Soyeraign”1?rinees doingi the like) ei- ther make Laws, 0~ry.r_eve»rfet any made, any 0,lIh€1't3& fo great a tMo»narc=hl as Yours Self (7) Th e Selflllmay "do ,, Anal that without further cornfent ofP‘a:1*liamem:sl 1, orneed to call them at all in filch cafes. Confirmingf that the Parliament in all matters (excepting (laufest to be cenfured as the high Cgutt taught tolbi_e“lfi1&bje& to? Your‘ll.MajlelPciest will; to-gi_ve the Negative or Affirmative * Cenclufiohn ,tand1l1ot&to be conftrziineld by ‘ their i111p*erteineneiest t4: ‘antyFijin'lc'011Venitencétil appertaixiixig to Your Majefiies Royal Au-- thority 5 and this not‘wit;hftand_ing anybad p»retence.:‘ov1= lcufifome . to the coIitrawty*in".‘pra- 0 étilce; wl1ich<(ihld’etel‘d)ltwere lfiltterltoll be of-V-t fered a Prince »‘ ,ele&ed without: any other right , then to Your Majeilfielt born fuccefl fitvely King of A England ,\.Sco.ilanJ~,% it razmel and Ireland , and Your Heirs for everl, and fo refumed not onely of Your Subje<9cS,_but alfo of thewholic Wo'rld.? A Q How neceffary the dangerous S*up.hrema"lcielof" Parliament-ufurpation is to be prevented, the ex» ampleof F Lewis the .eleventh =I‘s'iiit1g;hht:;o"f«t.F'r4ric& déth mlatnifefc , V W11 found the. like opjpofition as» Your Majeftie.:doth,'.and by his lwifeldbm futiprefhitg and ~ ‘ th’atltolt11epurpofe herelirxmtevnded,” which&srnofl;‘to » putdown alfltbgctherPa>r_l1aments and;«thT€lfA»Uthfl9 A B. 3 my (8) irity (being inimany cafes very n,ecefl‘ar.y and fit) but to abridge them fo far as they feek to derogate from Your Majefties Royal Authority and ad- -vancement of Your Greatnefle. The Caution in offering the aforef aid,Oath, may require Tome policie, for the eafier paffage of it at the firfl , either by, fingular or particular tra€i:a- tion , and’ that to neer about one time over the Land, as one Government may not know ‘What the other intendethg fo it may pafle theeafier, by having no timeof Combination.or~Oppofition; There is another means alfo more certain then this, to brin to ‘pafl"e that Oath more eafily, as alfo your proét, and what is pretended,which here I omit for brevity, re ,uirin_g,a long Difcourfc by it felf, and have fet it owninparticular InI‘trué’ti- ons to inform Your Ma efiie. The fecond part of this Difcourfe, is touchingi Your Majeflsies Profit, after Your State is fecuredg wherein I flhall obfi:rv~c~‘bot’rr£onre' l‘rea“fonable con-y tent to the People ,- as alfo confidcr the great ex- pences that Princeshave now adays more then in times pail’, to maintain their Greatneffe, and fafety of their Subjeéis , who if they have not wit or will to confider their own Intereft , fo much Your Maj efiies Wifedom muff repair their defefts, and force them by compulfion. ‘ Y But I hope there fhallbe no fuch caufein points fo reafonable : To increafe Your Majeflies Re- venue, I fer down divers means for Your Gracious Self to make choiceiof, either all tor part at Your Y pleafure , ii and to put itin execution by fuch De- .t so i ' grees greets and Eonditions as Your greataiwifedom fhasll think fit in a bufinefle of this nature. . W — Inprimzls , The firft courfe or means intended; to increafe Your Ma jellies Revenue or Profit withal, it is of greatefl confequenee, and I call it a Decima, Bein fo termedin Italy , Where in»-fome parts it is in ufge 5 V importing the Tenth part*~*oFl all Subjeéts eflates to be paid as ayeerlyl rent‘to the Prin’ce.5 and as well moneyed men in Towns, as landed" men in the «Countreys their value and Eflates e‘-n fleemedpj~ufily' asitris 3 .to‘tl1e true value ( though with reafon) and this paid yeerlyirrmone »5wh*i“cli courfe applied in England for Your Maje ies fer- vice, may ferve in {lead of Subfidiese, Fifteens, and fuoh like,Which in this cafe are fit to’ be releafed for the»Subj‘e€ts+benefit and content, in recompence of A the faidiDtc'irm , which willtyeeld Your Majefiie l more in certainty , then they do cafuallyg Five l hundred thoufand pounds psr~4nnm a%t»le;a=Il°. -. 2. Item; That when Your Malipgithgotten “ money into Your hands, by fome courfes--to be fejt l downs, it would be a profitable courfe toincreafe r ‘ Your Intr4tu,to buy out all Eftates and Leafes upon - Your Own Lands , in fuch fortvasthey be made no lofers gwlrerclfi‘ , having Your Lands free-Sand rent- ing it out to t etruc value, as it is tzuofl in ‘ufe, and not employed as heretofore at an old rent, and {mall Fines: You ma /rent it out. for»-atwleaft Four or Fivetirnes more t “en the old rrent «comes a u:nto7 ; [ Soas if Your Majeflies t Lands fibe-~ already r but ‘Threefcorel tthoufand apoutids per aunumg. by this: eourfe itwill be.aug1nented:a.tleaf’:"I‘wo¢hyndr¢d~.t ’- thQnfan.d:‘p0M*@d$£.w " Ami tglmyvi ‘#3131 111? =. ’I2¢.:xaritsA ¢§rs~s ,«wiIl-a..»mmA¢~.. m1Ft§Mby~;; 1 that c'9urf;e,t;Qa1Iaak}€4;11tm¥=10%-l¢Qf¢ES§Q0"I1fiSi¢riflg t._h;6.."L- gains A they ham a1%r¢ea;dy?r:m:a<1<= ‘tumn «the, ¢ A.ndAAthi1s;is:¢h.e rath?ae1:w;% be‘.d0n¢ ,%.T,an%dVthe }~xefenvt4 Co}u-r_fe ¢;ha%n%"g¢d:,fi b%¢cai;;fe%;;1t«.;4ha%th% :b§Cn,;L Cluflom -, 1m":;e’i'ly¢ toc¢o;z¢n%:heK:ing.% $1 3.j Item,Whereas moi’: Prmces, gm 1*¢c§:i.3z ¢i},th%é be; « neg: QE. ;S}a‘1t.%in%;.th ei1flOWn»1;a11ds- ,3 . as ‘ T11 1,1,1z3,:I:t¢r,1,Qf grcIa¢1;. p;rQfit,1 b%ecaufe\.theyre—ceivf: »it“a1s the lqwefii price .poffibl_e,»and V7_jémi it witl’iNdf;>u_bl&e ga-«i-nj,y s:<:_1f1y 5 the‘ fdmrc courfe ufed;%by; Y01arA,.MajcPcic%,:Wc.rc‘-; wbrtl1 §An.:hI,1nV17¢d:qn.d%~3fifty th0u~f;;m'.d %p.0u'nds_ ate lehffhfl ;:J,It%:is.ufe.c:,1 i;1,:dthcrA$paV1,:c.s*;;,, Vmhm» :*a11$ Weights% 2 2I}FL Meafures_, «M (Df.»t‘hc, »Land'-5»;-¢i’th;¢r ;§_p.m.{atc 7 VHo,ufes5»,:Shw0ps 5 or publ1kavM-arkpts ,4‘; flat;-11ldi‘V».b,e.%: vi.ewedVt-owbeve.juf?r5 :md.f¢aled, oncg ~a.y;<:e~,1:.,3 paying » to! it;h7e P“rincc £Qr»%it Wh:i*Ch~ £ngl4m1V%a»pp1icdto:A Your: Marjefixie with Order topay six pence.:fQ1‘ thc‘ ; fealing pi? taclhfgid. 1A"11m._..;%A ..w;o.u1<:1 ! y€i.61'djy@~C1'4Y.r-Sifitythflllfand.»P0u1}W15xfl(f;lfl??fl}lQ;,, A ; Item, .Iha!2a.»11 Gauntfle s. ‘pAayjA»-WMMIA. for- tranfportation 0fC10t‘h,,andAfo%11kew,ifc in ,Ez¢glmwI; yet it%1.Sp:ai2} thfllfsttiS_Im;“pOf}11QDIithe Wo.o1l.,,4Which is fo igxm; bgnbfit and«;Wej_a1'th¢ the 4AS:heep—Ma+ Hers ~,, as they may zwcyll pay: %you« Five; poundfifer A Cmam pf nhg:§%At:ru-e valuc Qf ~t; fllearing , Awhxch I cémcemvea Wluabe «VWofrth~F1ftee11 thoufand4ipo;unds V}2cVx;az12az§m4;:_ ‘ V ” V V A A A W in ‘ 5+-~Item,’Whe;jcas the LVa:{,Wy'crs Fees and .Gains in E2iugl4nb1~be}.%excc{fivc_2",f; to Your Subj eé’:~s=. prej411diCc, ‘j I: w;em2to YQu1:.:MaJ¢fi_y_ ;twu»%%m.gk%c -ufc%44 thc;rwt7, 3- and V “m .' ’ ~.—‘-‘—«m-p......,-~.._...“_,,_* W‘ ‘n to"ii!'lj:’df'eon allCa:u’{‘es fentenced with the party to pay Five pounds per centum of the true V;1l~'t’I*e that the Caufe had gained him. And for a re- compence -thereof, to limiital1La‘wyers Fees and gettings, whereby the fubjcét ll1~alllfavclnotré2 in Fees and Charges, thenhe giveth in Gasbtfla, I believe may be worth one lyeer with another F iii ty thoufand pounds. - % 6. Item, Whereas the Innes and ViCtualli”ng- houfes in England are more chargeable to the Tra- vellers then "in other Cou-ntreys , It were good for Your Majefiic to limit them to certain Ordina- ries,and raife bcfides a largelmpofitionfis it is ufed in 7‘-afawy and other parts 5 that is, prohibiting all Innes and Viélualling-houfes but fuch as {hall pay itg And to imipofe upon the chief Inne! and Ta- verns to pay Ten pounds ayeer to Your Majefiic 5 and the wvorft, Five pounds per ammm 5'And all the Ale-houfes Twenty fhillings per‘ anmm more or lelle as they are in cul-‘tom. Of all fortstthcre are * To manyin England, that this Import} will yeeld Am ‘ hundred thoufand pounds per antfimz to Your Mn- jeflie. 7«. Item , In.7’ufcarzy and other parts, there is a Gabe//4 of all Cartel»; or Flelh, dr§Horfesefold iln theMa;rket, paying T hreeor Fdur‘- p’oun(l§percen— um for w‘hT9;t they ate‘ fold“ for; \vHiChl~by‘C0fl3-Q9 Cture may be worthin England Twenty thoufahd plounds"pcr4mmm, uling the like Cuflom upon F ifh e~ and oth‘er"lV1é’tu21lsrt (tb‘re:id ‘e)tcet$tetj) and for this, can!" e all Flefli, Fifh, an”d‘lVi&uals to be firaifed and fold by Weighgwhereby theSubjeét faveth more in C ‘ not (I 7-) not-beingt coz.encd,,ehen. the rlmpofition imgorteth th¢mo.'i," ii .l ’ ii if 8. 11;»; 3 t In Tufmt; iguf ed a Taxation of Seven poundspcr ccntum upon all Alienationstof A Lands to the true value , g-and alfo Seven. pounds per centum upon :_il1Dowries or M'ar‘riage—m0I_1”eys the like i: If it be jufily ufcdt in Englaxdjt were worth at leafi An hundred thoufand pounds per amm .- with ma- ny other Taxations upon Meal, and upon all Mer- chandize in all Towns , as well Port-T owns , which here I omit‘, with divers “others , as not fit for England. And in fatisfaéftion of the Subjeéi for thefe Taxes , Your Majeflie may be pleafed to t’ releafe them of Wardlhips, and to enjoy their E- flates at Eighteen yeers old , and in the mean time their profits to be preferved for their own bene- ‘ fits: Andalfo in Forfeitures of Eflates by Con- «r demnation,eYour Majeflie may releafe the Subjefl: ~_as not to take the Forfeiture of their Lands but their Goods, high Trenfon onely excepted 5 And r to allow the counfel of Lawyers in Cafes of Life . and Deathg as alfo, not to be cendemnacdiwithout % two Wit-nefl'es, with fuch like benefits 5 which im- proveth much more their good, then all the Ta- e xaftions named can prejudice them, “ V 9». Item , That‘ fame of the former Taxations = be ufed in Vscntlamd and Ireland , as may eafily be brought ébout by the fitfl: example thereof ufed in England , ma very well be made to-increafe ‘Your Revenue t ere, more then it is by Tiwo hun- dred thoufand poundsfer ammm. A 40;. Item, t That all Oflicers in the Land great ‘ 1 ‘ I ' ‘,0: .1. ‘ '1 . K T.‘ t‘ C: "Wu $9.. .1 :: A n. '21 raatraarxassur Pv‘iai:efiiies crane, ‘majr’b.e "granted. "H with condition to 1)? you a part yeerly according to‘the ttiuevalue : h A ' Is in time may be Worth (as * I conceive) an hunldredithoufand poundspzr drinurri... Aelpfo Notaries‘; ’Attorney;s , "and Tuch like ,“‘-to‘ pay ‘famespropworitionyeerly towards it; ‘F or bein-g"a1.. lowed by Your Majeliie to praifiifei,‘ and ting elf: any to praétife in fuch places. i p p 11.‘ Item,’ I know can all red courfei ”in¥Your Majefiies Navie, which mayfave at ‘leaft Fourty thoufand pounds per tnrzurn, which requiring Whole Difcourfeiiby It felf , I omit, onelyipromife you to do it, whenfoever you command. - “T i I 2. Item , To reduce Your Majefiiespl-Ioufluold to boord-wages’ (as trioflt‘ other Princeiiis do )-V>re- fervin Tome fe'w”Tablesi {This will fave Your uMa)i€li1e Sixtg thoufand ‘pounds perhchriuiaa, :r'a‘nd ilvlajeliie mightin Honour oit; ~ cafe’ greatly t e’ Subj e&s be{ides”b*ot'hr inCarri'ages and Provifion , which is a dgood reafon that" A I~3._ Imp, Whereas Your Majefiies"Law‘s do command the min keeping of Fafiinga-days; You may alfo prohibit on thofe days “to eat; Egges, Cheefe, or White. meats ._, but onely Iiich that are p contented to pay Eighteen pence per anmm; for ‘ M their liberty to eat them 5 and the better fort, Ten llfillings.‘ ‘The Q employmenteof this _“money may be for the defence of theiL’aind, inm"aintaininwg~the Navie, Garifons and i'u"ch~'llike ,“ much after the fa- V “ ‘iIi.aIi'liy; rI'h”a.ire 5' cgurfefiupbh Catholikegand r 2 Ihion of 1 Criqadt in Spain, asYour'MajeI’cieknow- eth. i. ‘ A ‘ ‘l is » n very fv7e‘ny vfi1£€.fO1’_-Y:~0uI' Majc{tie1b‘e~ing Wifigilflthfiitlgbcd liking as itmay be wrrorught, toyeg-’.lc;1—y,ou'*p1‘,l C (:4) rndr M .3;:1’eafiTwo hundrenl tho11f;m-d {pounds per muym, . by raifing acertarin .va1ue,; upon thrcir&L:gnds,.8C£Qmer other .I-mpofitipns; .5 whi1:h.r1*cquiring yarr long 'DiC- ‘courfe by it felf‘,‘Irwi:ll:ror1ni~=t here ,— rfettingit down ‘ jnLmy.Ir1~{h*u~Ciions; It will fave Your Majcfiic at therleafi Ten thoufand pounds per ammmr, toI;n:tke~ it pain of deat~h , and cornfifcatxon of Goodsiirapdr VL%ar1ds, for any of die Officers to cozen Yougwliichr rnowris much to -be feared they do, or clrfe:.thAcy couldntatbfir. Co rich. : and herein ,_toa1low a fourth part bcnefir to them. that {half}: findre out the co; ,Z€n3g€;~"1 .'" are is» not rmrcam A Offiecrs of Sta cc, as,~.theA Lord ArTrea,fu.rcr,r'(/yo. bci:ngOfficers of the Crown. 1 ma Ihca fumrof all this amountcth to Two Mtillir- (ms and Two hundred thoufand pqunds per; am. 7W.'??- 3. -3;.-‘, 4 vr s ’ ‘ ‘ 7 H I‘ 3 " 3 ,:_.,3I1.pP0f'¢ it b¢. but One Midlionwmgd a half, as i}i;1,;7c1y Y_q111j_ ,Mrajcrftic may make bylthc couzrfgs for down 5 yer it is more than I promifcdejnAmyLet+- :§;»rr£sxr;Y 91,1»: Maj:e»~Pcics dFcr~vice bcfidses, «fame. Sums, m91:u3_yqi;n§ pr€.f¢:nE;b}{ thcreou-rfcs follrowjng. » ; ~:,g;_I. Ian,r»AimrI?,,Byr;rq})c;I?rinces.rMarrriagc.? r 1 7!; S«¢cafid1y:,: E3_zI’1‘3;:r‘Tirn,_Eflg”1}1‘ G_aea‘nsz1§i:*:s,;rra§ in.Sp4in, and»=r1?rinripi~i5r rfmsh Iikq-1 .1.)~.-¥T‘i;."'»i?1"*’5~{J§§3r*’;.va". no pay#T~w¢mty thaufa;n.,d::peunds: 3Pi,5c.$$£Q:Rj.-II...-.~j ~ r ’ r 1 ‘l L I‘ fix . 4‘ .»._ ..,. ' ?-3’-% Tfrhirdly, ;A1f;3,if' Your‘-inrrakérrthem Fefifldirim: ‘.:§.£%hfi$I;Q5YZg§fbQ;QHgi£Q§_1i'Q-fthail? Eaxlel¢z:n1i.L:'Ef:rvl:s-2fl;y1r~ ?.;;}‘,.]‘§.J;‘ A L W 0 svili pgy“; fem: befidesv it as; they,“ do »tO.;"thC"?Ki1‘}Jgf., of S“pia=1niin*theiKingdom of Naples “ .- fQifii¢Ii;{:_ C _:vvife Barons to be »1mde Earls and I5:eteifs;,,g ,i:o .. -‘Niineteient thoufand potmds ‘a»;5ie‘c‘e~:iI third: it t‘mighw_,~. -yeield Fivoihufndrcd thouf:m$d$ pounds ,_ anci,obl¥ig‘c .t’h;€m more“ furc to Your ‘ M:1’j':::?fiiieg 27' Ttoiinakeiuchoici *o£T‘wo buiimlr¢a_.i;io.f:~'thc. ".ri‘c3fiv;{i men in England intififiatégl that be Nobl:c~ ’fmfin, and make ti1emTi»tula5r,."a's ibis 11;f¢>d.u,ig§1-Ngipilggég and paying for it; that -i;s,i a Duke Thirty .tho.11::f;2;.nEi p1ound's,. a Ma.rquefli=: Fifteen tho.ul7andt poux:1.dus,uan Earl T cintthoufafndi p®11I.lCiS~, as Baron . or Vifcomunit Fxvethoufandpounds. ‘ ‘ " » It is to be underfiood‘ that aucicm: N.obii:1ity?‘of’ .%B;a‘rons [and ‘Earls ‘are tompreCe‘de't7‘thefetats‘Pcctgg thoL1tgh;t"hef_e made,M.3rqus.*HE;stt or Dukt:.SL. 'Ihis may raife a Millionof‘ pounds, and mo:re,to~YoL1r Majefiic. ‘ A‘ ‘ - ' A i ' To make Gentlemen of low qua1ity,a”nd Frank- lins or rich Farmers , A Efquires to proceed them, would yeeldi Your Majoefiié alfo‘ a great fum ofmo- may in tprcfent. t ‘ A A i " I know another courfc to yeeid Your Majeftio Three hundred thomufamdi pounds in money, which as yet the time ferveth not to difcover, until Your Majefiie be rcfolvcd to proceed in form: of the former courfcgwhichtill thcnlomit. ‘ ‘ 4 Other courfeé alfothait may mziképtcfént mo; ncyi,I:fl1all fiudic for Your Majcftics fcrvicc , and as I {hall finde them out, acquaint You withal. A . “ ‘V .«La>ffly~:;iT to oiontcludc tiail thc'fe="‘= Difdourfcs ,j thcéapplicatioh of this com-fc_ ufcd» for Your profit, .*J,'~+w C 3 A that (16) that is not onely the means to make You the rjchefi King that ever 1:’ land had, but alfo Your fafety augmented there y , to be mofl: fccureg befides what it fhewed in the firft Part of this Dif- courfeg I mean by the occafion of the taxation and railing of Moneys, Your Majeftie {hall have caufe and means to employ in all places of the Land ('0 many Officers and Miniflrers to be obliged to You, for their own profit and intereft , as nothin can beattempted a ainft Your Perfon and Royfi State over the Lao , but fome of thefe {hall have rneans in all yrobability to finde it out and hinder It. ‘ Befides, this courfe will repre ffe marry cfiflbrdera, and abufcs in the Publike Government which I 0 C 3 were hard to be difcovered by men mdifierent.