i EMMWW ELETTERéi: From His Excellency £2 #8” Thomas Fairfax) if; A N D g: £ VA Councei of VVat at Uxéricz’gef :7L ‘ JUNE 29 1647 551% ITobe communicated to bOth Houfiesof Pariia g“? merit, and the Lord Major, Aldermen and Common- €%‘ 7 g . Couneel of the City of Lo N D o N, {:33 . 0 F is? a Th: Armies drawing farther back from the €ity of] om’m ig'i '- . and the Headquarters that night at I (in! em , ‘ . -fii‘3 ' , g In Aufwer to the V o T E s of [20:12 Houfs. 15: 8., ' g W 1 T H g3; A perfeét Copy of the Votes, And the Names of the “(‘14: § Councel of \V A R $33 ---~ .____ »~ ~—-—-—-- 3-23 g ET the appointment of his excellent} .Sz'r Tho: Fairfax, ”g: and the Comzccl of War. 332 E Uxbridge,]une 29. Signed -- $353: 1647. . ' JOHN-Ru5H»won-TH. § g — -—----—_--— -——— ' London, Primed for Lam'czzcc Clxzpmn, I u x Y 1. 1647.12; . p . Cue “why; 13;: "learic/ge, fine 29. 1647. , ACotmcel of War was called by His Excel: lency Sir Thomas Fairfax 5 whereat weref-:_ prel‘ent as followeth, His Excellency Sir T bomm ,inarter-malter Gen. Ireton. Fairfax. , Scout—mailer Gen. Watfin. eLieut. General CromWel. Lieut. Col . K elfe]. Commiilary General Ireton. , Lieut.Col; 5417mm. Col. Sir Hardre: Waller. anrter’mafter Genflrowfrzor COLPleet‘BJooa’. . . Lieut..Col. Ever. ‘ . ‘. C016, Ingaldyly. ' i ‘ Lieut..Col.['chl. , ’. .. Col. Lambert. “ . Major Barton... ‘ Col. Rlziiarl‘oroagk. ‘ ‘Major Sander.. ' Col. Rick. ' « Major Rainylorwgbé-i ‘ Col. Hmmd. - ’ ’ . \ ,Adjiétantchtz-Tréwkjr as, ‘-., Major Whira ‘ ‘ . . COLUké)‘. " 4 ~ ‘ H CGLLElfmrm ? l ‘ l 3 I: “ Major M650”. .4 i Col. Scroop... Captain Blaclavel. Col..HA‘rrifon. Captain ‘Difmj. Major T Wzfletqn Comptrol— Captain Watfim»- , .3 _; '2' 5 .q ‘ ’tey. Captain" Mm]; ‘ ": ' ‘ Cmmiifiri-Gmeral S mm. Captain Cbébtt, At this Conncel of War Letters were read from both Houfes of Parliament to the General, and certain Votes 'pafled both Beetles in relati General this m on to the Army , which were prefented to the orning by the Parliaments Commifiioners refit. ding with the Army; andthe Votes were thefe, m’zz. 'e’ «fixer 5.x *5“ - A 2.. - “391.63: <53: H00 Mir» ,"‘¥‘1'_1~‘_!_,=. ‘ anal-aux. 7'; e * 29o Lorne, '28 zone; ,1 6 4 7. Refolved upon the @eflion by the Lords 'and Commons in Parliament achmblcd, of the Army, from and afier tbe puélication 0/ this Order to tbe Arm], [12a]! leave the Army wit/your the particular licenfi and dI/c/mrge oft/2e General. Refolvcd upon the (lchcion by the Lords and Commons in Parliament achm bled, 'Ibat toe} do Declare, T/Mt tine] ~do own tier}: - 9 Army 44 their Army , and will make promifion for their maintenance; and )bill take order, natfi joon a money can be ecumeniently raifed, tbey flJall be my § . Joh. Brown ,Clcric. HzEllynge;C1cr. Parliamentorym, PagL-Dg Com. ‘ Pic , ' I 1 Aw-w" 1 THat tbey do fleclare, T/mt no Officer or S oldier' paid up equally with tbofia tbat ‘bar'oe "ls-fl {be x ’ . ( 5) . Die Lunee; 28 Juniii i 8 Z 5'.“ Reibived, 6:13;.» ‘ Hat It be referred to the Committee of the Army, to take into mnfidemtion how proevifion may be made fir the firm}, m pier/umzce 0/ the Votes thie day paflhd. Refolved, 8: c. That it be referred to the Commiflionerr with the 141*; my, to be Very‘earnefl with the General, That no dif- couragement or obflrué'tion may be green/by the Sol- dier], to the due-levying and bringing in the Exciae, andether Aflflmentr and payments to the Tarliament. H: Elryngc, Cler, Parl. D. Com. The Councel of War had a large Debate ‘ 0f thefe Votes, and the Proceedings of the Houfés in anfwer to their Defires 5 and upon the "whole, that they might teflifie to the . world their readinefs to comply with the 0r- ders and 'Defires of Parliament and City, came to this Refult, A ' ‘Re/elrved b} the: Comm] 0 War, That they hold ”it fit to admife' the Genera to remowe hit Head- quart"; tow/“kale: ~ Am! —-—‘ <6) .. . And accordingly Orders were preIEntly given out for the drawing back of the Army, ' and the Headquarters to be this night at IVicka'm , Twenty feven miles from London; ’And in further purfuance of the {aid Vote, the General writ a Letter to the Commifsi— oners of Parliament with the Army ’5 and . another. to theCommifsioner’sfor the City of London, for them to acquaint the Parliament and‘City with the proceedings of the Army, and their? drawing farther'back from London. The Generals Letter was as Follows “ M Lord: and gentlemen, - Y the Votes you pleafed 'toCommtinieate to methis morning , I finder théiParlia- ment hath taken; into- their confidcration ‘tholéPropofidons of the Army which ne- ceflhrily Curved. lotus Iatisfaétinnhel'orethe withdrawmg of it 3 ”And that their Progrefs already made (though butit Pate) meets with fuchacompliance in my Councel” of War, that it begets in thema'GeneralconfideanF " ' ' the the Houfes fpeedy a(nd full anfwer to the re; maining Propofitions 5 And therefore to tel’tifiethe readinefs of this Army to obferve- the Commands of ParliamentJ They have Refolved to remove the Army to afarther dil’tance, and the Head- quarters to be this night at Wickem; believing , That this forwardnefs on their part to litisfie borh Parliament and City, will not retard , but haf’cen the Refolutions of the HoulES with a full latisfaé’tion to theparticulars n0t yet an- fwered ;and allb acquit this Army of many Jealoufies and unjultAl‘Perfions call upon it. _’ U x B R I, D G 1.2,} _ 28} the appointment of 1911: Excel- ‘ _ June 293 1647. [may Sir Thomas Fairfax, and _ the Ctr-ante! of War. Jot-IN Rus Hwonrn, Tie the Rag/at H oneméle Lord: and Comment C ommfiflioner: for the Tarliammt in the Arm], to 5: communicated to both Heufi: of Parliament, A Copy of the forefaid Letter was Iikewife deli¢ vcred to the Commiflioners for the City of Lenin», to be communicated to the Lard Major, Aldermen and Common-Counsel of the City of Lendrn. . EINI‘S.‘ RARE DA 412 1647 .A446 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI- COLUMBIA LS C RRE RARE 8 31400 DA4L12 1647 .A446 0—0136096 Opam00046594