4 A ‘N 7D 6615- in that Army; MADE M . O A F PAR I; I A E N T, A:f6i‘c* their érawinig back the ®artcrs of the Army to a further difiancc from __w L 0 N 0 N. A fiagctbcr witb téc, a£'aW q” . A-Wm-am.” A EONDON,‘ Prinm by RM hard Eatem 3 1.6_4;. ~zew.wze¢ea:z¢&~z~=:.»s==«zqd:»v:k4é4r-&~v«&«12«:~4b~:e4e»:aM»x%«:w:e»r%L: Tb the Right H Amablc the Heufi-:3 f .3 - .‘ g ‘ ‘ /--r. -««« vs‘-«'2 f’""“ Tr-.--. ,,‘”rm: 3:‘ - I‘ . . I A. y __4_- “ , I-., _.u M-’2s:“.‘..._,. . -¢':"l"1"""'p1 2?, ma" £513" ”:‘:?T'" ‘g ‘~,;.£,~ v -'» KQF %A;;m' tam.-ea as am omcm%V % §nam~% ARM as Excéilency Sn Tbamzw, Fa£%jfirm3 . h;,;> *‘Hereas“tBc;;Right H3Emora5b7Ya Cicims» fireé mi-know :§"rmm%ué"wi1’€imzth§Anw% , x ~;.,-..:.:~ % . .. ~ M H % % «:3 ‘wee doe fipfiretvfi be g3!Vf'Ezl‘i"iI<§.d‘b€fDI‘s}.’ . . ourj-drawing back t‘h_a"' tmrtgra of Krmylzo a $furtlhe“r VA 'VLwia’ar2,up0An%4thie’graming4w'hméf fwleé v£}i1l%“inga_ge 7‘t?0“draW1*«“b‘a%ék*5“‘WEE ' M A ‘ * A 4 ‘?dK;~eViiVnanfinrtr”*£he‘rénn’t$‘fin,m§3}y pfapfifi m‘e[‘e_: p;;::xi§':u1arS*’fo1lowing{ as whaft am.-:05%p,¢m— ' ~%%{Eij1,t x;§aeffic§Te’‘tm3s‘;; “ A%nd%%%%'doé"ive¢%% atlprcfentfléfire Kb fbcéa‘ “ gi‘anté’ti"it§””c>”rdcx-4 "to *”v;7I7m; 'A*%rmiesV "ai1 ag;>pz‘ehex1ci it fame prejudice to their: mahzivc th¢jz'parmicuEax~-_ A . Aclzmgzs-3 gmtw. in, and lye: wpwn t?c1em% fb Inzig t1nd<:* &e:*n1ineG‘g’ V F “ifié’a'2*‘i7:12£;W;‘:=E&E: ‘willing ta fofiseare the giviragg in afthe pmtictné _% ¢ lam ;~xg-.r:i21f‘c themftiil they may witheut §m}m'*rup'a:§0:~2~t04chm ;;3:<~:-3§;3'.“a"aH Affaires-be immedftately P1‘OC'fi€d€&Uf30H.;, ¥:1~ut§.F E1126 A }:IQufe‘:id0€ thiixak fit the ‘particulars againfi them be firfiz giafiw V-._;f:*.r€:d_i:3, We {hall be‘ reach] to doeix... A A AA . _ ¢% M A W ‘A Whcrcaswe u12dez~fian&'rrthat me Members chargefia ~ I1,.;;w:: defined have fiom thci,Hu3uf7e% to wiahdraw fivm23?£7sZva,s,;- T;§ra§:;;a'11n%0t but take A mmiaeof the maooisfiy themofl A fa flaws . .az:ha.rtfWe are conmam-0'1&E1;«::rcwi:Eafor¢he% p2*efentn101*e qtfi«c:t“‘ kprzcéceeding to iétflke V the perpZemc§ affaireg 05 We kizxgciome %(sw§i3ich witfimm a'mygprivam anintaufitics againfi perfoxzs) is- %¢aC»r:na.:g1"e*a.tei% end? 313 Wijmfi wee fioeg oneiyfwee dmfziare that. %wm fuappmfc «$E1ic¢fG%,m titcmemhemfdves from zm-: j at induélecifhemto cfier thisg,,%.Aw,il1 fiillfazkzéarz A A c0ntrar?%ti1W:ématters~¢@n¢¢rn%ingWmbé hm rc% " dttmzminedap-or4[%tmmka a§;x1y'” newintex‘rtiptiOn ‘omdia rbance E the pramcdiing upon, or fettlément nfthe gel-« heraifl affairczs ofmhe kingdnmcy {'0 weehgpev anfi f."naHV co m} %fi&ent33*,Vw=P€&"A than me jwiFdomeéAndiufiiceA0f theHou!‘e= wi31.n0tiad 11133 anWfifig& toxhe czontrary vI°1m1¢ ?ir w an Eiamzxztd gihcrgeofl Abunvwfii ufe= fufficiant care and %%ca%qti;ox:b4A%a#°%%'**' g,aiVnfi%amy,fuch% thing; Andfqzr the bringing eogf-t‘h“<:)«iTe ‘M: m-re V Aersmltcyall when thc houfe {hall judge it more fcafonabifi “%?“&{3ff€ 5‘~%5b°f0reV=4¢3iPWfidA~ W ~ - * - l A mb;1age;:;»e.. V _ _ % ; V A 33: we appvz“mmex£% ref $23” Vfxceflmcyv A » A V * Sir‘ TfH70M‘A s F-%A’AI?n‘A%-r%‘A%'x§‘=" 4 ~ Vaymitlse Caumeli af Wmffe.“ A % A Mgmd jo. Rufliworthjg Sewetary; 1 Emmhy .mmm§t:cd m me m%%%%w%%%%%%% M»w%%%%%%%%%%% mfiridge gy. jmié 154;, ~ Hema,si3 Mchwt omk 3:‘ 5mm iihfi Grams»- . zrafim: theCoum:e1}; o€Waz‘x'e3 Com» V V miflafiy Gm!) hath ififued out W”.-3:7- mats m [mm hundreds wzltiuin Eff}: thezwmifie Mflgomdamfi to bring pmvi fiom fmm thence Exam me Armygwbich he pretenu acdm beam be emdezmuzed between Ema/M mm ‘whereaa mare Wm ma fuch thing m:dere& eithery the Genemflor hisVCm.mc eIE of Warm ‘Em £5 therefore this day ,z'dere,d by the Gene raiefi % mfi msicfimnmcfifii afi Vvarmfl that me {aid Com» miffary =4;'.‘aw£y {hail fiand committcé, and‘ hecis arflmaii from whence A { 9 cc difcharged umifl he hath given fa» ‘hee is not w mfaflion m the Commifiioners ‘-foxfithe City of ~ mfiing at Vxér5q’gea ’<~*'i i EflWr@HC €t&l'y& .