§;%%$%%?‘?%%€%%%é~%:v% $ .$wm@m@aAawaa;z@w%e REPRE s ENTATION ‘ég fSir .TI-IOMA S’ gala FA X % _ And the gene~ra.1lCmm3el of-the A R M 1*. A EXPB.ESSING+ awgaawf thcmihlves as Sauldierr 5 in which they defire fgattis-faéltion befeire Disbanding. A Tendrcd to the Right Honourable the Com-- 4 A miffioners of Parliament nciidingwith thc:3A R M Y, 1 Sept. 2 I .. to. be by rhemreggefented to“ the A V PARLIAME T. V %%¥$*@§*§§ A AB31 tbeappointment ofbis Exaeléncy TH o-9 ‘é M A 5 F A! 2. F A x zzgzd the‘ gerzemll camzcell gf the /Irmy. A A % ¢ 1 % 30 HN 1: v SHWOR ‘TH secret. &&$$$$ ~WWWWWW AV‘ LONDON:’ V Printed for .7019?! Partridge, in B1‘ack-fryers at Eh A ” § Gategoi-ng into Carter-Ia'nc 1647. 53‘ @ $5.?‘ % 2 $ 3 %4= % 350i M 1' T From his Excellency § . The efires~ofthe A R M Y in relation to W .d-W"-*::*3 A A x , ' ": ''-'el‘5‘ J ' "r /.9. ‘ r r ‘ Iv ‘ d’. V‘ « I * ~/\'gz‘." M 3 0. A ‘V’ ,4 \ k .\ "tr " H’ . W" W ‘. . :3 ‘ m” -i . “ ) \~:\ ‘H E. 5,. N ,‘ H11’ » C,"MM\ 1 \ M , , . // ‘ / Rightflonourablc Aléawzs‘ 5 Wc:~didexp:efl£i'§fii§ggagePn%e»raIl termes, what IN oiirRepreferitéitibtibrhI§e<§l*araif“i0nTent from 'St.h We defirédh*fbr"t"he:;R*tliing’:2iT1d”**feé:£tr*ing of the Rights, L iberriesfiszachewy amndhh Sgzfegy ofh:h:ie;,~Kingdome~-3 and fince‘ then, as tI1he*ifthra.@ci“0nshh aiid “f rh@iAr fifewin Mdin«1r¢gard%th.es+e»r2e- 7z:x:vté;i.zi«e4s;r%¢a..d4i£faci%sfa1@ciawm£i3Wn”th.c Ai*'my,“ gimgu ppqn=¥u£i?e "I;;_fisL:%&iams?‘m % ” " \ ~ ” liihed at the %l’mandcz5:ou‘z of t_hfs Ai'n1y'_.,at ‘.Trz'plae~Hecztb in order V "to our f atisfa&,io1fs,‘ Whereixl C3112: 71$ taken for thc abatement for free: *Q_r,1arte‘1f,=Wh'et'i Mbnieé %hZavt~: A”bee«ri receivéd; éiid Cmarters «D035 4C€Q§dViPy8§.Y f3F?~5fi‘?d.f5 bu? Mn0.%n9t¥¢¢ !3'§V°iL_1?! °f7'P33? -“eysarrers atLAafivrin1cb3$’ofid °vi‘@prur«Bod3¢5 +orc1o4fencfT?=,% <>FP9-.- 1We% in‘gunartering»A:13ere’#hathbsxn fuch 1’car¢i:ydiri V"Prbvifi9fi; gzhat ‘bg%th;:“O’ffic%crs' and“S c>u1“diers ham been““put:% wexcrea;n:‘e _éxa penc¢s‘4.inL; ;»>r%ocuri11g%:1e%ce{Taries tolive upon; and all” this at %fuchAtim¢ vgrhen noMon’1es*hAav e been {ant us, apdw hereupdxgy iatoceede 1f‘m»éd‘é%§tO‘ the‘{‘ev«e:1;‘a11 d“edu&ié)né4the4rea fizér Mfpkeé tified‘, w:;hfAich%we¢L%nq§;1:¢;;f_A”%t:ht:r;'g,Mn[qr4yct can 1‘ee4 gocsc1%Vgr¢xand’“s fcire Wefiutfibiy 0] H9%ut¢s wan? be pleafed fro re;{fumeMche[ O6xnfider‘ati%o1i"bfthéfTaigi Infir‘t1€tiOn$,] and thixikeuponyfbfiie expedient whenéby our“Dedu&ions% fcir freq " Q_L1a(rter may be modérafi¢d%a ;aS T53 %1nfi$'u'€tif a Peage. V A % % um; Ar3dit¥i%aE4ncé~*cdt1cegning provifion% for M U maimed Sou1di'ers=«and the Widdows andfO,rphans of men "Y‘ "1ivm‘ in the Parliaments Service, may Iikcwifc be made an A€t‘.T. ‘. Sixzhly , That: to the.%r<15inaAi%i§:el}htef§Mrpa-{Fed for Indemp-- nicy 3. .,there maybe an additionall provifion for faving hafxfij-2 V % e c, 5‘""-- . "1-Icflévanhfl indcmpnified the Army and allhtheh Menibers~Qfit, as alfo all that hive a&ed*»in-concurrmcewith it 3, hand A A h »u... ring ofthem from all trouble, -quefiion 1., or pwéjzidice far on c¢.n~c¢rnin:gA any chinghdohnc, in , upon, or finhpunfuanhcc of thc Petition of the Ahrhiyg agreed‘ upcm‘ at4Wa»lden4 in *Marg}2h«lafi, or upon the Papers fince .the.n «prefenhtgedhhandh publifhcdfgamthgh Army, orranyh the thlngsvchcrein contained, or furor cczmccm... ' inwg any thing {poke-11 or done in relation -ta car in vindication of the Army from the injqrigs or extrgmlcxes pit‘!!! upon it about the {kid Petition, or fince; hwhich additionaflil previfions mg dtéfirc hhmayflaacogether with thefaidfOrdifi'an»ce§Vfoxfi7fi1dcmpnih;% ty: )% be pdfi into Afishhatjxzhe fetling of at eachegh hfdash warm oghers, may not (for what we have done or infifled on in;m!_-. ccffatéy defence or irindicatiohn of our fizlves, as Souldiers, éfmm ruing‘ Or‘ infufierable injuries and opprclfioria or in bath alfof th,chC.0nim0f1+VVedlth , for the ietlfiinfi? add ha£é,during@P«%.hth¢V Ki htsg Liberties ;, and Peace and 8a A fubjefi: to the malice or preffures of ours and the Kingdomcg vantage. I’*ntney, hS,ep¢1A:‘.’2hr . A 647- By stlve Appoizzmmt ofhi: Exadg lerzcy Sir’T Hhowm A s A1 1;... [F A x, and the General] camp. fez hvftbe. Amy. 1°» EH5 W 0 RTH, Secret. ty thereof; ) Vrgmaiti” Enemies _( whom we have ogpoféd) upgm” any futuneggfi