. I‘ “V, A MWxEENGflGEHEw r y under Ehe (;01‘I’l1‘I‘l&f'id 0? his Excellency Sir THGMAS I*‘.AIRFAx§ ‘With 2. Declaration oftheir Rrefolutionsy as to diséanding; and 3 brie fe Vindication «of their pz5E:1c§p3€‘£ and intentiogis in relation V to diwrxjiwzndgaluzw flying: fiaggefled A _ A dgxiflfi Harm. Together wichthe reprefemations afthc dififitifi faéicions ofthe Army, in relation to the late fiefoluti-V» 0215 for fo? iadain désbanding : {'newingthe pm-ticu~ iars (if their x‘.0m1er grievances 5 wherein they élid remaine unfuisfied : and the reaibns tzhemoi’, .unanin10ufly 3.- greed upon, and fubfcribed by the Officcrs and * $ouId§ea's of the fixverall Pnegimems :, at the Rxrzdezwouz nears New- Market on ‘ fiydgv azzdflzmrdagy June 4. and 5. i Préién prefemed to the P A B. L M M EN 12. V ‘With his Excefienciss Letter to the Speaker A % fume the 8. {cm with the fame. ‘ ¢ §%:_§%,. _ ¥§?%? . t f S E ___,..—~—.——_..~_ flasher in Combill mate? the Royall Exchange. M m 6 4 7w ...A._nn ted cache Gcnera1l,and byhimm behumbly J Lazidaiz 3 Printed for George Mairtingtan, at thefilm A _.. « -‘av . :,_ , -h» " ‘mow .,’» ts é '”"’%”"‘ «W-a:~ éw-#44 M. -5% M4 testy: ,~~-3-3:. N my L'a'£tiiI promifed to fend yozrby“ the ” Refolutions of the Army at the late ~R:me- h c2’eZ»'ZJOm%~:tI havefent you; the ‘fame ’in;tw:QM "__ . Papers unanimouflyhagteediiupon thereg, " "by both Oflicers and~SouId~iers : I-—finde~~in‘ A '| one of them divers things which you r”-later proceedings fince the RefoIution"0f disbanding may have givehn—-fatif-4 iifaétion unto~:< But the Army having tflien no knowled e_ thereof, it was thus? paffed and ~de1ivered—-to mee, an I €anI10t4‘b11t{€I1d"it to them : you naay»tfee,vvhati theythen, didremétitmunfatis-fledin. .. 4 “ A t underflanding, that his Majefty and your Cemdmiflioi % ‘~:.f”E!€rS‘W€re much firaitened and difaecommodatedi in the *¥“Houfe at ~C".7z[de7'[6j 5 I went‘ thither ‘yeP:‘erday~ ‘tote-advi‘fe withwyour C omxnifiioners about the difpofall ofhi§7Ma.~ jetty, for more conveniencyd to himfelfe and themgthem that place did afibrd : The Commiffioners were-'IpX‘e;ifed wholly torefufe‘ i iving of any advife or-opinicm at all in = the bufineffe, an, therefare the King declaring his_Refo-f .,lution \ not to goeback to Holderzéy, unleife” he-he vvete; for- ced, yet complaining much of the inconveniency he ‘fut?-' feted where he wasgand pi-effing ‘for temove to New- MrWet,i and ycsui-tCamn=1ifl'ioners not. jud ingit iincoina -~ve‘nient for him to‘vhe- thei:e :*I otdeted C0’ ,,WIm/ley this -"-M...-.u—-w 5-... -- -- @_ g I -— thet“ day ta attend_hisMajei’cy,and theiComm—i;fiioners thit A P. 3:: V next anAcco‘untoftheproceedingse and r was I -‘ ' t her,wi::ha_-tru ind fuffictient AG u"21r_<;i’» Ofcwg R*Iegimaj*tg ; f Qf 0r%fe,..which accordingfly Wa$Mth1n oftheir common gzzie vances,*’and the“Ofi- A pars (s'.XC€§>E2§$.i bef0I‘e),c§§d a,<.r,ree%‘upon 2;jNarrative accompt of the _ Jgrouazds, fife, grad giggrcwih of the difcontenta in the Army: and cIx:g.i’1: fraceaéiaxgsizz re1_ac:ion £he:‘€3Jflt0_,With ;m.j,0ve;tuVre0f the-.bei’c 621- V _p:*. 32:23:33 to remoyc or 17,-; gisfie ‘the .fam,?s bQ£'h which were 5-..yr§eiTen-— ..n.%.%z:efl ee.i"tc>}--the‘ef°e;Ame Mee&E'ers of the Héufe, laiadbyeehem géepdrted toyihe Home,‘ and whereas the Parltaégrnent having thereupon voted, and A oederedl-“fume p1r_cieuilars,;one1”y eow-e.u~d~s l'acis£u‘?c-ion of our grie"- vafieesm hath fince profceeded to cereajne re£.0hJ{idi1S‘Of fodaine, (W3 M bémding ehe Aermeyeby peecesywhich refo!ue§;0nsb;eing taken,ancRrm~ he executed before full or ec1_g;2.1I fatisfafiiafm f given‘“td' the whole Ar-~ my; in-any; of A the geievafices , befdreeffeéhmil performggmce of that fi'Eacisf.1&ii6h-yin para:,*whic~h thepreceed mg \7>o:es.feem3d to promiv;Ee_.,e .a~3‘COx{Om&' of ‘thee-grievaneces, and befare anyecmnfideration an all of fomeothers mcafi metaeriafl, aswby the re¥u!~c"of a generaiie Councafil- ~ A efarre onfiaazcerday, Mm. 9e;weae;;in gmeraii deeciarecl ~_.‘, and Vie: M new more fu1~ly’dem'Unfh*ated fin [Iarcic<;Ia.r:‘by a repa‘e{ente:ie:§m there~upon,.:r“agreed'unt0 by us seweeall cajnhot but looke upon thee” A fame refolmions of diabané:‘s-ingué in fwefi mzmner, as-;:pr0ceefldi;ag:.e efi'dmeheA fame~*m~mIieioms»y and I'nifC'h‘i€‘.'VO"{BS?'PI‘iflC’§jplf:S5 and imenei- ~ ‘ Om, andifmm the like in&‘ire8t*pra&i{E:s?of’ Vchefamevperfons abufinge % %_ fzhe«Parl£amem:5 ind isfasthre former proceedinge again {b 913 befdreee mcmioned did, and“’noIg without ca rnaH+ae~md'b1oudiepurpaI$:e~(fe1r 09-them have not: Ruck t:oed*eclere=0r—im»:Vim.asx:e): afizezflazhe beciy ofche Armyflxould ebeewciisbandedgt or the imluiiers divideti; fmm: 1 e A elicit Gfficemr then wtoqueffion proceed again-fig and f exzectate-"their ma‘1ic’ious:;eintencions upon all filth parfiicuka.-‘tr Qfficersg and .»fo~uId.ie1's e firm the«Army,‘asv-had appeared:.to a€bim:hee2»P1*emifl?2sifi the behaife ' t=>fcheA=rmy%;eeane¥‘w§1-ereas txponmlate Petitiormo she Qemvail efmmxhe Agicants, intbehaife off the £o‘uIo&i‘ers gioun’deo’1~ upon the pzececding eonfiderasiona,e.relating-to the fame refo1uf»i0ns_0f"%% cm?- mnding th~e.fame gcnerafl COLm.»ceIl (if «Wam‘e¢‘e£0'p£fevefit the de. ~ger§, and incenveniences of1:ho{é.di*Pm~rbings,~or- eumuIt(ne>usea*8ei~ng?a3, m confluences» whith the~diHétisfa&ri0rn~-;:and% jealfoufie A thereupcm .alfo grounded ~,,Werelike-fodainefiy-‘t6— have Pmdueed» in ,«~che;Aeri4- myenoe%advife1:he Generaflzyfirfi to cc3netra<9H:‘h_e'ifl;Q\a;1:1.rc1ers o,f“,e.£he C Army 5: \andv-"chen:- to-ed-rawe..~che“?~e fame4t:o eax1;;order;lye .;flarzde:¢+ A "e2om;Afor fatisf:1&'ion-Aof ‘ail , and? that, his Exeelieeneie Awoujld immediately fiendup tea move and defireyxghe~Pa4er1ia%meVm£' m A {Lafi- pend any prcfitnt procteeding upon thefaid Rcfolutionaf" d~if-~ f ' b”1.ncwhng , A to refume the Confiderationeof the gpeiirances, and dg... éfizeii f¢etwe;f¥:9¥:2vth¢ érmyg. ,T5€11E19‘¢9«di-°*§3;“@~ite%5fl piecccs before 1 e L [I cs) ijufi and cquall fazigfaciiian given tothe whpte Ar;d where as fame ofthe ARegi%m§;.£3;s appqiutédi 50.1" disb?anding.1uponnotice‘ ' thereof wir.hda~awing3 Athe:1;C:.hr¢s from the@mca;rs ad§a;ez;t“tq ~ A chv: ap;oin$t~:d RaVn,L‘3=, ZVvous;..3< draw-mfg £€>‘»*v:MdS the Quar- M rem 5-md aha‘ coQn£ra&ing t'r1eir%fQj_Ia’€ii31&VSflfcflfsfifig wth<;"L1’idad-- - mice ofcheVCous¢.ce?‘l%0fWarrc; ‘ 1 ~ V Wke the Officcrs and Sr. uldié;2rs 0 fficvfir $21 Rég’z'm€ u::s hereaft<:r M % {Lame-;1,g;e new meg:-11:3 gmnetaii Razzdtzvc-us,and thcRCgiw.m%rs apvwingfld uaIaf0r<:{Z1.id to be r:T1sb;~;:m:%.€ J..,.%3a.,V€ no; ' appm-;r,d,r% mm- 3'.’ $ :. cm z'ap‘p:3m3.; buc ar::* rcfoiveclnot to &p;3ea;r~.? at the f’cv&:{a?I%and . refpefilve; MR. 1flTd€ZVOu.S, appL;*,>inr,cd.asVi1€§:}r:";,2iA ‘fat to ;.a-bufe {he Pm;§ia.meI3t and:-he Arxx;y%(?’ars~is‘;,afc:2r“§ znemi%@x;e#de).i4n1:b.e pafi ro;:e;d§n‘g3 .»aga.inPcihe Army may f:.Ir1:?%hcux:VfcZves, 0t*%anyVV%oHicr:rs,or Saauldieiis ogfahe . Armgyur .0uher petfcms that, have a‘pp&m:d%‘to a& any thing fl behalfzz ofthe Afr my, or how‘ far the fa;z;r.¢;.may%Furchs:r p§z‘cws.'aiAlé%.:2o the Mdangcr 0rVp2licjudica4o£ the Kindgogin raifing anew wane, or om-ware Thierctfczre for‘ the better »p~revetl1tion.of~alI fuch dam- gers, prjudiccs , For other inconveniences Acha: my ex1Iu;c:»;;”:nd ~withal1 for bettér fatisfafiion E0 the P,ar:liament and Kingdome, toncem'mg4 our dgfiscsof con;E.:i*ing to chejauthority. Qf xthefifin-g, and prtividing thcigood and quictoFtvheot%her,% ~im:hc pmfénc af. vfaires dFdisVba:ndin g, andAfc:1r.a%;11€:>itcaffurednm my wherabygthag a{. A faircs may cometo a ccrcaim»i{ful~:,%(to.rwhichwpmpo.f'e wesshmzc. in ‘humbly implore the? prefent and continued --3 fiifiancev off Go, the Rigbtecus judge ofill) wee theTOfficers anei Séuldimté ofrshg Army“fi1b€i:ribinghcreunto ;doe hereby d«::c%Ia:rc5 agmc, and; pre- %A Mife, to and w~ith%~%each other, anti :0, andfwith €h§*Piu:Iia and V7 Kingdome as» foliowc Eh.‘ A “ 7 ;. ha , H; . ~' :3’ :' _~- ‘ a * ’ “ ’*~‘ : ca. 5» ‘ “ :3: ,p.‘.; W51»: I..."_{.: 0* 5, ‘ . I “ ‘ ' u y; " . ' .‘ ' " - ' V % 33;. -]-~h?%1»t Iv‘ » b vi‘ 4. K .. \ ,5‘. ‘w -“ Am‘ A‘ V j. hat wee {hail chem-fuily an,d‘ttrea7di!y diabetic! whee: A thereunto required by the%Parli8fl1ehAt_., or cite [hell many«o€ ‘ tut] be willing (if id-efired) to ingaggettt ‘hztther Services ‘~€'iu‘ 4 ther England or Ireland, having fitii Rich gfattisiiafiionto: the Army in relatien ttzwottt Grievances and deiiret heeetotmei ii fore PI‘&fi‘.‘.D&t€d,‘aRd tfueh fecurity 5 That We _Of‘iot1r«in'eivet; (when disbanded , and in the C-Dndititrn of private men} or other the free-home people of _~_E7zgla!1d 1’ imwhoome the tcoalequen»ce or out «Cale doth equally extend) {hall not H A remaitte fubjefi to theiAlik.e oppreflion, ttinjttry or a;h,u1‘e t,o ,as.-» in Tthepfemiffes hath" been attempted. and putt_up‘on us while en.~Army by the fame menscontittuanece, ittthet-{em-e laredfifl . and owe: (e'i'peciAaily if as our Judges’) who havetin thefe pafi proceedings againii the Army ('0 farre p't.'&V3i._1~€d to an. hufe the Parliament and us, and to endanger the Kingdome; and a1fofuch,feeuri:t~y that we our ielvfes , or any meme: ii of this Army or others, who have appearedto a& i any thing in behaife of the Army in relation to the premifles before recited, {hall nott»aftex:disbandi‘ng be any way quefiioned, Q " profecuted,troubled, or prejudiced for any thing lb eéted ,3 or For the entring into, or neceffary ptofecutionof this new ceffary agreement : (we fay‘) having} firfl: fufigh fatisfafiion and {ecurity in thefe things as (hall be agreed unto by :t Co-uneell to confiit ofthofe general! '0fficers of the Army (whohave contcutted with the Army in the premiifee) with two Commifliott-Oflicers, and twoesouldiers to be chofim it fovneach Regiment, who have concurred, and fhali concur with us in the premi-Hes and in this agreement. And by the major part of fuch of A them who [hall meetin Cotmfell for that purpofe when they {hall be thereuntocalled by thcGe~ _ nerall. I A A 1 E V A A 2. That without fuch futisfaéiion and (ecu;-ity,ias afore- fai-d,we [hallrto-t willingly disband, not divide, not fuffer A A our {elves to be disbanded or divided. And whereas we finde many it A smge things ge{’tec“:i or mfiacfied to our gte at prejudice concerning dangerous prinu L eip1es,integef§s and defignes in this Army {as to thE§V€l'~ A ‘A A A t row (1o),"r¢ uh-cjw bFMAagiflraéy‘,tEe {"uppza’£IEonTJ or%h“’§ndermg ' {Ref} A byt2qry,ti1e" eflabliflimems oflndépencientgovernm‘enc,cxr‘ haldingi 0f 3 general! Iic_¢h€iOufne‘{TéV in Pce1igiOnJ unéet pre-J1 » t¢nce?ofLiberty of .Con!’cience, and many {ugh things»; ‘we? " {bait vcrjélhorcly tenc;rm§tic’Par!iament a ~V“i;1dica ci<:n0f~ I:4he+ vA1_‘fl71y= fmm_gIM'uch' (Band 2133” to c1earécju;* P1~i1‘1ci%pl’és%4%ir; tcfatiomhareunco, audit; the meané tiinze we doe difé;vow%~ and difizlaimé all purpofes or defignes in our late or Apre%;(enc%4 pmceedings to adgm-gee qr infifi upon any {nah %in.terefl; nei»-%- that would we‘ (if we migilatand “ ceuld)? advance or . 121 11 p any o‘1:herp’ar:icular party,oriinrerVefi‘in 1éh‘e%Kingdom;e (char . ima‘ginedA neve.r%fo much out; mm) but [hall much rather (as far as may ‘be wichinourfpheare or pewe%r)fludy to promdm-;< fix‘ch% anefhbiifhment of common andgquall right and freei- dome to the whole, as an might: equally partake of but thofi; ~ that doeby denying the fame to aghers, Q2; axherwifé: rend:r* ‘themlélves incapable thereof’. " r ~WvuonI ‘\ A "Q: ' 3‘, '” 4;- V7“ ' w .. ‘ ‘ 9/_y/‘,% V A. , l* A, .I~‘A I ///NA’ ‘~ vlgfi. . l A AA‘ ‘- -- A‘u“nA‘ rm ualfnnnuninunuuiu‘ntrgnnnnunnu - up Iwn“I_nuuI IIWE! : humnblg E S 4E 3N T A T I N 0f‘theA.A‘oDifI§1tisfaéiions ogxhe A B: A M 17g,Ao AA «in,oA?Are1aotion‘r~oof the late efolufions Arm (TO A A A {uodd*¢’n* Diifbandiafg ‘A fhewing Athc A ‘parF1Etr12'1_'s‘"bF their former: g1’-ie... V vances whereinrhcy did ooremaine un{arisIied_,,o and the Reafons A A.the‘reo£. AA A4 _ Urianimoufly agreed upoxrand fub[’ctibedV by ’ "the oficemand Sou!diers4ooof che‘1‘eA”vetalA. “ A Regimefirs it .th¢'gP$oétid¢ZV¢uZA n*eer4 ‘N EW-VM_A‘RKEf1‘, , on‘ ifriiday and Satutday, I'''''''" R''''''''''''' ~ - ‘..u. :-p——.. 3 w Fm’ . . Prefemad t.0A_ the,G.cnerAaIl,oco be»by.;hzmALAhAumbly A reprefented to theoA1?arliamen~:.o A . or oHoufeAAo'AofA#CAi‘o‘ mm‘ on s o11“F1‘iday ofM4}oA 21%. concerning‘ thc~‘gr1evanoccs'of A A * o th;c,“A R M Y’,.AThatoHoufe wasopleafcd _-% ~\ _,«: J _‘.‘ .s * --=A=-~ 1 ‘ A": A. ‘ o , , ‘ d" ‘A A ~ 1 towards the fatisfafiion ooof the Army ‘A 3" " A following (‘May 25.) to paffc "divers A ..HereasAupon }tl1”e; Report madci to "tho to paffc AAfe?verallAVoteswfeeminog to tgendo ' “ in“fome‘o*"particu1arso:Aand on the Tfiefday % ooF§¢fQlutions upon a Report from the fiiom mittee at werby-A A B 2, ‘ A A hoflfe i A A T ‘ W eamwaegimentapm fwml A%Ad¢c1afie,A That A , . w . '- ' . r H }oresd*i:>f %Frid‘z¢j1. %d&cm”n: fart: _ ‘ &1m*t% of fatisfaéiimx V %as[ca%m¢ {aid gArie:vam:es;,) 3 013104 $1162’ b¥«%A%th¢1Ofiscrsin sh: ¢0ncImiqn,o£ % 2v'.aza~;2.;z:;+:;;:s.‘ Ehat thejlatter Votes QfTmfd»zy xmportxng I a refo1ll'fD‘."&"0’.1:?ga"t® f¢~t~::1?E min mm ffifmm‘ ¢w1fifi§sAafi¢% mm- V 1i:ior1:1ls5;. fab i.§i$7b«uz.%%A:x%m%fQVr5€«Iih€!n3 ( §&¢€x1[due £0 krhaaz: mm was AW€n&h’’3'b§»i3~§:Vr€9- 5“ WE paéizimedfeéfi‘ wrJ&rscars;%and fa . ifi_f&£i3féL?€%9n l2GW%rdsAAr;veates bmtie +-C@'_Il}mitt{gAg'f(;5‘f the“ AAr‘my,*=weAffin$dno4 cmifidafatinn. or ncga1sd+Ah%:1§eI».;of j1¢m.;-» A A¢d4i?nA4 A ffifme/r armyos: fe1:vices,A, whié;h"Atuo%tl§e% mofi Aof as are~':2much~ Agreater thtn ttmfe Auhdwi i.theVNew-~ r ; ada2'in;snded%;,m».Aifiatied. €ammi:téeAfaé::AV&the x(a;$vthE’:3Y£71‘fA ésof:' thw-;Offica§A£s mg. A»Dcciar3A.tien:%%,,@ ~ .illg§i*nAAA1L:§§t{: .*h€f0r€£%A; We«i~éam1dEbL?1t:w“nfide";5%.~e*Eh::ct L(wh3:£¢1_wen:Fficc%xfg” ‘7e:i15“¢é’t:£i1&:Es4L1pGr1sebfintzureé: may pfomz) gthg ;pj:i;¢a,g¢; 35%, V %’?é~ier§vmay‘4welLmake:1itt1~e:§ac;t:ot:nt*nfV-whageufkr mtg; his ;‘Ar feafs her.rece'w€?g=; n%ét*i.b¢f%ore diisba:r:cE;ings,%f; 13$"-t§h&"’R&9;fgng Agxpréfffiairmtfiéée c¥0A{h%w;:%& . ifiné whgrkeashgm f@'f€<'3*m¢» lnfiminis AA7éE1AA'Al.—;,()§difl§§-n;é£AfAAf;hflAAé Qf Arrc,Aars,’% ?v_ve‘%uridz€'ri£3za4;»nct féizxgaflt 3*;,,.A‘$;;}*:;Ay’§'x;.A?;y\f,§A.A}gA&_;§1Q A abated e:oPom-I:foL:1diers ffmt-arcexf, ?whiah:%b%emigé%:oW§, L 9“ above the rate: thaymiould ltavc paidjfian; :t.hfeZi1zg”£e.1ws if éBy:VA ~‘hasd.APa—y: Whafnewithzalk :femi1;s*1§~&r3a4«ks;a::;d§ xhei pbcfs fieulfigér A fildifllibuwa ".ir!££).’«,‘Ad\?,««-‘£A‘..4II‘D3$;-L’»‘_'.lf§.€;@5€Ah§?s31"3ae$§ fisffihizsj ‘ ” ? ' %f€afiEsAL% “of 5Pti‘Tfor ’?Ehe‘ir: Efarficixsg ~:tfi»g; AA Ffim:s;,éfimtf¢r2nad;®tn&gm 1933?: A % arce-rs as A thirc14Pa¥»rt%‘ef?Attx=e% wlmle @my:«u;a £ntxen;artkueA%b¢mxa.fexf i;£hmmf@l1Me$ W.-a;n& ?fih“ci~r‘ fi«osfe"s; be: d%se>fa«lk»cd,~.:&nnhmugtx1’th@~4fu!1 :P;a»yefm;* cheer hiarfew gs; zaemé armwea arm 1anl€$‘=:: km make %Aa‘es3: am they k:e,g:eJaci£,;f:u1§:A&u4 A *7’ . V allowarice '§0£i‘m‘:§em afiA19eaaiakby% V8;,Fie}d—officeArs. AWe”fiflnd alfo no prov 3btil¥:li1ersi01§“l§+jI;%djr*i&§%;%WTAFOWE; A i)i"i‘T: A A *ah"o£+néc%ih«G&grxmmon, xelauiamig. ~.:m_mmx:€m~;¢iffi4 ¢ éWa4f§€fi$y4¥%§ieH» % ‘#H%:mhV¢%r¢Nfi%5fi1£l A m*j4§bm;iM A‘ ~=§@Wm ifian mzgtde fof privsgw . Cié3§ d A%J j:~§iee£{:a&i%zap.mi:s f;dfa;r:ers%%é!xiri::g ; are eisné s_vhe;- v . "‘ r.h¢:% ‘tbey=.hafivex-paid :Aj%-Quartersitfm 35? part; nfihei €T3‘mf§f"?@:E uo,V Awhereas we ~knawV:afl21redly-and ..;can :z12a£;eV%%ap.pe.arc7, §A%?]*1m; 311 ofghemdu it’1g,x;hcir fervi,ce% in this Army (saws! » mdfl; ofi ~zhem%in their frrvice A~tl}ef§3rrt1er Anmyes )~;i3av.'.e‘ ~..;eallyTdi»fcb1$rged~thci1:?Qt§artér«s ¢ ft:3r=?a%;%vVV¢£yf_gr:2arpa rt. of ‘the time,%and many ofxhem {fir mimic tim, the.n%by~:%:h&:pi*opor;im ;of pay iredeived, ‘they were‘ botmd m hm? :don"e,. .Tbmi;inig. F without refpefcs totha: many"cimes%pg1'dAvfrecly, Aas Af;;z:re'A ' their money would hold our, partly cur ofdefire _noc,::o be: VL%bu.ri;:hén{émeJ‘%%a¢ 3511 sic: V:_ché’%f»%‘Gmint1'%y, asfaftfi, ; as th¢‘y;="cot1ld, ».a%r:d%* part!~y&‘;zpan gxpefigtion: ( ~VgtQu£1ded 1iV“0D~'%£b€ many .pro.«~ rmztea 8z»%ofte‘n renewcj:d,ef can1tant.p‘ay;For‘cimL¢ to flame) than zmony1‘wou!d.come.in%Acime to pay them: up 8-c%rC.1mbuz~,{‘e chem ‘theft fuifllspay=agaiuivmhou:Mdefalcacttm fQrLquar£er2;w.e find ‘it g#1“Fo‘«prawided5 rm Trcggpfir is cap;a“ble.¢ OE 31l<:!9sr.a.i1£:_¢ ('3 *:qtf‘%dehenmre for; Ar:e'ars;uf1l h;TA %jd€ii.\?:¢%I:%« in; {itch Hcn-(E: d «.find V~24§rmee.s5 Awith which he“ ;%ba.th. fiaxfv ed on ;a ,Cei:tifi£:a,tg, . hat faith? lHO:Fe%' and'%i (Arman did * mt Ajappextaineg the ;Srraée,?':or~§eI*{i: w,as»Io&:iin afiuayl térvifce, cl1?é.ext€nds“ xg; ‘totalltiakiixg; J rawayr .th‘iG>f.§ or15e_[*;;;g¢;_M1f; of the States which they have med and preI?;xszed~ig1~c%he§%'%S.=.;rgg vice, Aconcrary to%che,favour% allowed ;'and never ( that ~we‘kn!'-‘W +05)denied-ginthézdishandirig* any V“o§h‘¢x%_g;§my: 1F&nd;i£ch“atbeing~buna n2axter4~o£;favo11rhqg$¢mg;;;%i;; _ (, this “£zuE%%'-éice be thoughx;'z1nwor‘cfiyiqf.:ix,»%}gx2dA;%mufl;;1;p%oa%&V«3a§ % I ic‘oiir1cfax*L “the;irA‘A~iAAra-ems; ‘j.ff8.b3§€,«f0l' fu,ch.Hor(’¢«*a§1d.eé¥I:m$'§ V ‘V aw‘ j @153 disbatidirgg.th§:y444th%o.ugh:Mtp havebfififl; igiivcrmhgm, V yet 1: «(Items hard .that%‘4fuch asgcannmt dcliveg gggfg A ggaggg V " Hb!‘m'fé’~and~ -?Ar«m¢»£,;V§h;iC}1,.-3;! disba‘ndingA;he,y; fig §;1p.§5§;fl}QQ§,i A V 4-: héig bwueggand. rQ...’P§!'h,3F.$ .;, haw? ;,f9.14. §€>fi.?€1iW§@, difcd (_hou1d.;far may ;;1oIs~:_;t1ei:t;%A;1A?;M!;:}<3.:1[f¢;» ;a§,'1,_t];e;a;r§_¢,;;; be=&»Viig+cap;b1e”:o£account Lg:-§Adeb;ncurc far; Agax ,».pg1r;; .:E1§r£~s " :4 ,. » ~ Fzygm.-tb!y,The vifible r éuticy forpmfiééArtea}§wth§btiI<3 . %berVAp2ai~dAd21b;-gagrsng (which me Votes oimdaymag §e@mgco?proxx§‘i1é)gs;+ic:iiandapsopcunskd in %Af;hc Votes’ C91 3 2;; appeares‘no: ibrigfi f‘éith¢"*y":a ?f¢ci1‘ri~ci§ {ufffi 75§ir;:til;f% or ":6 us vihfiblhem I5... Becaufe that f§e%cziricfe’c$£“- Vthe4AEm:Aize A in ‘Com-IE A I ;p::opoféd °forVtheA~ %Ar7‘i*eha.rs’ of‘pri%rg4t%aiSQu1diers and infjerior ?OfHcm:s Vise 1éVnbw*peA-Atfio already . pre-.-in'g;ged~ for we afl Summes?1%aniounc'mgjta above a A , ”Mi1lion that are tbmt%ak e‘%p!a;ce~ Abefojre Vthofi.-%Ar~ T¢rea7res,: ‘nor doe wgvee’ know %certai%'ir1lyw that the A A Exéize, (’:whicb is Vyecy bug; te7mpc>ra:ieAA)vw'illA be A conninuedfor fol long A tAimé as7~til1i our Arrears ‘mall come our in ’cou’r¢['e_afcer cue Tpreceding Aina A gagements fatisfied, A V V V n 2.’, Becaufé. :ha~c?{F:;curicy propkomflecl For ~0fIi¢ersAarreqreS, Vzxizs; she profits atifing put of Dehnquemsg efiazes in thefi:-f’: Exce~pt"1oq_%( efpecia1ly)~~being~lii1f1itefl to flab % asare not already~d.ifpol'ed loF,_ Ait“ does not appear: wm; they will amount urito,A tor Awhfat thejprei~ingage~ A mam er pm. difpefm-es‘ by chef: Parlliafrlfiitic may" be, or A .\ ‘whatinvs-\t1t§»1branc;eqsA ‘of begs; ”orl'in1_itari_ons of E- N mfiates V(ag‘they were in the hands of 1:hcAOsvners ) may Tziie upon-the farhe,~n0pe of which we would beany " 7orkt.'E£%e and lvemjfit qfVAthe%1?a2rl;4mmr ;:.‘vVe c4oz3cei3.;efl,V That :.2pon.e"vcrytrefpa1?é,oi?% M voth»:':m« jug dqnc in the War .(.wmc11 wernaygbe 7‘qL}€f%ioned fo&r)% it 7willt%b*e; :;vcryfi (chargeable; and di?E’r‘xcuit::I,,-,r:~itE;jariiltofld cfivc ct ’?<:“le"a’t*< Atxthorjfiy for the fame from O1§d'inance~‘ Qf ?Par«i%i:_z=m€n,$t,’ of T tcj bring protyfs fuffipie-111: to make up fixcha%c:onPtmfiivei.conc:1ufion, . « asythatwit was; ~for%Ithe% fewicé and benefit cf the Parl,iament,‘=cfpe.; cialfy to¢do‘this (0 fulIy,x as 1:o“:meet.»v_vit_l3 aIltl1}:..ey‘a{iQn$ an& clL1fions dffa {ub£ileLawy77er,*%or to convjncc tfie fZ3néesé;>f_ a» Coun-~* A t:eyViJJt1ty5;w;hom% We know;1ot,IbygLwhat mics? or"ri1eafure: they n1ay“go%‘ in judging What was for the firvice an%d%-benefit of the Pa%r1-iamen£”,*or whatnot: ;' perhaps fame of. them maybe of; that mind:-, _'I'hat.~§: had been for the,-fi:rvice%and benefit of. the Par»-W name:-ir;, to haviavhadino at a_ll, or tT- have had‘*‘fe4wj«ér*o:r%n0’ fuck. Gafifohs; %%or;.'Eorces as 3 fame: of, i'1$1;;h3.V€‘fbfifhlfillzgélgfd Min; 6 In fum ;,,"WecannOt think it fife to bclcfc to the‘ fencc:*Lo1*con+‘ Rrufiitin of; ~a.Cou”m:rcy; ]ury,%- concerning thcexigencics of ‘\’Va 1‘, 01::,;duty%dFL a .Sq1dier up,on.4b: g:1r,9t§1bi:f;1l.ai1 Iffue %;. We.?fl59w1d. ‘rather t—hi!nK;,nhe,;:o1d Ifii1<:;,which=+(~a(s:wé~1méderf.3:amg® ¢a"i1c:icx?iaf: ham: »~~p1§q§yid*§-':d;:”fdr rm ~:ca:fcs;; *vié7,§ (Wi;c:c:héxj:zfilim;tlm%3ug; ddncl§rz=mpoz?e;;ye§~.~luéb.,irrlléjf was:mm;h*A:; more cflear "“‘a:md:11m'=-: and ~a—ri‘=~ rt or» O1Tdi116fn£§E£r.0f;.: Qblia/io;1‘4 fQ.1‘§i,.a1’I';1i.rEfpz{flEi‘S'::0if‘ other K~11;in‘gé=¢.%~1b%.cL<:rTi‘=1e; .bV,50ldi€i‘£;i”n atliis :5: Iwéu-ldabé Vmofl:;fafé1?L%% gzpd ‘ ‘ w .. R W * prroafificfixfih the faifi: Céirdinancfe 3t1§0x~v%p*;1 " ‘"6:fjFu&«“- % lief ,‘,.:l§y iCqmpIaintLt«o :(3om:mitt*ee of‘ Pa‘Ar1ia,ment~:at*Lrmdan (which fe'<:m5Lto' bcmeant ‘for fgvving «oficharges to poor m-en) we d9t1hmv_i=l~l prove. aflcryz rpm one ‘.*1%.*x_el~% p, andV»fixr;€mo1'e- %c11a¢rgeablc § ‘f9F;3i::pQ01Z;S0ldi€1‘*I1‘r1‘p§iTOn"€d¢ oArA,:Atrc-Fred In theC0L1ntrey,:th€[n ‘ ‘? ,. J... .4’ n: 15.4 “ in 31¢ (:)]”r d~i cnce (fowr the major pa;1*t of it) yet wexsonfrzfi we~ .fl1;a1l%bc %that;om: relief (if it {Tr-:zy= Otherwife be provided E'c.,t‘h.e*, occafiop of T fettinguzp more Arbitrary Courts ‘~the:;;; t%3acrf2» aim:ah"cadV5Z,%,4A;$VWéti14.fo AIzu:ge a power of. Ira prifbn%ir1g~ any ’PI,;fi‘€-men ef. E:-vglwd, V as £hTe”Op1'dinance gives to that Com-«F mmee, ;_!c£At h<—’: erforas intm1'%c<'fi.%a,A ” c::—Lr.:n: , -refcz1t11evcrVfo%%'ufi: . V ‘ _.P PP P % r. L 91 . yandi ’mancc,¢omprifed% oxfly in thefe Cfirms"C?<‘L’f-Z‘;)i.% QT/)i§¢g'f:2§i’t§f§£?'@'_*'28e}%.£.‘ . J! ,. 3 ;fi1;€T :%A%nd+ fhcfilgh We highly ..horiox: that“Commit%%té€1iamAed. ‘ - ( I8 ) L <>,;c%%%rvt:1ax:2Lfgh “ail thmt; ;Commizv£t:%&A;:«%WareA%as g&:»1?a*.:riozesa ;a.s;we *i;1o1'fe A vafi and "A rbitr?Lry no Va; 1., ;déIz’cy, fi;1}e%ar}q1%j%mp_rifo.n {at their c>Wn»_ pl-eafure or Vjudigemmt 3 aniyjtlilais ;.I153};-(;3c§1»»bfi'fig‘;Wi£.fiifl xzihe compaifs of %A%¢cc>mptanc’s,. amdim u.4;c:crfc::a1mm: gi;Ve aé1€aVr% and«dii7cinc‘t :;A.ccr:~,mpt V32}: ,1 It fi2oz4r1d b,e £2fl7ic;i-mt 1=»«.a;+:4r~.ca%;= d*ifc.hargc,,if thiy A ma, :3 {. makg at}: 5 Wm they hm“ «iinhwezeitécféiv ‘er w~itfing¥yc0n$”é_;, vg:+:x=zed to[»V:iheir% fienéfit ‘ :;éix«2;r1tagé 5; ‘%;g§1ére:+;g%f%% 05,, niore de1mgs,V£%or no * what»:*vaH1€»~=?*th»@yfA{f0‘ (7*f_ér favimr pr %:k;ciMr <);aeh4)%7 charge upon: nh¢m‘1?«%Lw-cs—% my :51-u:iJ~.:~: A :1 AccemAp_£~a: A A We finde a“n{3thért’héng mainly neceflfs.-rygfér‘ cw” .a%r1dAA0-t’her A’ ‘Ams%Ifiderm$nity‘(for-which there is '?r1’o~ prgovifion 31} i5m*2id€ in { thisj Mfhanféj Aéaiizsg Th-at‘ 9.1714 Afisyof CQ'u”"n‘ceI?s i“orjC0tart‘$j‘@f‘; ~ Weugeither cchfure or difcharge of any pcrfon‘-‘, for any caufe. fubfefl E0-their~_I§udgemen1:5._;and the arrants of th€f,%:G‘eneraIi3 W.o::== chief. Commander ,...fOf'€X€CHti-OH o%1?%5remi£°fiofi cf c€n»fim=.=s,y%.A:. :V%aIi”d‘¥a7nc¥=*g§o0d, A Abonh as "rd §hé'~]‘L?;1fii~ficat5t‘“enfii“re§,1 “and * aiiib the; , ftrfl ”a=nd4fina-3?acc~1-yiittal.of tAhr:Aperi'oJns1fc7> difihargedi‘ or reAmi£tf‘1Gd.d W ,‘~Eigeh1y, .fjFhGL1ghthOfE Qrli-cars?" of; che?A:cmAy«%a:t fevera1~'tim6s-A. %~’£"<"':"3‘r ,° e°or~ Eats ‘'51 Am attii ‘the’ rlifim *en”t;« ale -De1inqi1€-ms;AI ha1?€‘*P)é(3ri4%~iird‘@eLa' §€5.lT:ha fg‘<*§d%(i:"(}1°\%i;}ii'ChVx’%%*f: riénfd er; §it’L1rA thia*z1*z;-R-543 :a‘ri1‘d§ acknbwlgfige flie 713a-ti-lif:.*rx*éez‘:-tié J _Lifi-icein» fihfl d4iVi’c%I}gi1‘t5g€).yct%fc>:* ‘rm em if fuck ér¥:di€t~~ ahde int§:grit;yVt0+ha%ve~tfi«eir4:f names brought "fa into pub1ike q{1eI’ci0t3«otv£i.&{’biVVti*njand the ca>ufc;~n‘o“t‘knowI1(s.?.=l*ziCh’ % jn3?ag§I§%€dfi?3%g%rr::aEer) miiée vkeptf longtin at:—€nd:.mr:c2::%:$.r* Ltfi&€1* i‘or%r, ;,ar?Ld-‘ifxofi b3z%~1aei«r daiI5i f<;'<:ii»¢iAraxi:o4:Ls tiof kn»@1%v)&fihé‘hs*.AeCiiférs,%Abr7%a:ny%@11a17g@;afn d7>(~f.01' om of them)? tube %~ - WmadiiaiPri%?f0n€1',{E§ai"€h€df2in<3;}f3m;~111p‘iifi3”far%i11 a ‘d?iVfg*ra;cAeftzI‘mzamsextg: _~ AAw:it13g3t:t?%V A:1utz.E1;n rityf C_a'g;1in£’: the x‘ight;both of» a1 Soldier midi? 1a£’cyto 5_jéA?c:n‘Iy%difn1i—flr:%di (Without. ~, n_y;wo».rd of .=i»z§:;..f‘ V d‘ik':a‘t'ioiif17<5r*c'l€a‘1*fing) Vftzcms but'“a= fi€1édder”ReVpa»rE1tibm.. ‘Niht1§ly;,There l1M‘a~th*y{3=%t~bi}i1not,hin§§ declared by?theParlia:m mt; ' _ (:2;s*in~~ tztfie N:;r~ra»ti!on% or ec1Aa:ration:of:;tfi=e%fiicers was def»-‘1*eVd)~ '“é:o;.¢I‘earl1_1s,.%as~€04 our A_xjxg11t OE .P8E1EiOfling:,_ Apr to .c1ear»the;. f6I°f'{ZE'; ~ V andVi?£ntent%'i01a~ ef thcgig AI7’a1j11anient in: thcir*jfOrdz3r'%‘for \fl2p~prefling«.» :;he*Péti~ti%on-%', 90%r“p~11eA~.%g,r%bii§jdof thczir cé:nfi.‘;re: §n;:>.he,A Dec}-mattio;z= A agziinfi it ;;%T110a1ghv§re«- think-m0?m%an»»can T den3zAA.::h¢: ?%%mattz:m e:>f?‘thc; ‘ A}7é:tét;io13~;t01A hp jui’c;.A.;1endA Par1iamen‘t»«pro¢e@di'nVg‘i,_ fi12c4c§?11'po_n;ai:Hé;~:%~ A fa_vt:1*9t1%%%%~Heads’.@f zit. dcges i imply %,_as»..m1mh¢:;] And: if} emf; A % F§ars% to.fi"6g»Awfi11@i~tIié »gr0a1nd70~r~‘ innennian 0f‘:;i:l"1’c:m¢ Ptandfs nm::A.: ——.. _,,.g explained: athexwife); ca?r~m{0f but %tihe; ;o;r h<=reaf.t7e13 AnotA~4on!3z tn 9n~r»~fe1ves:( brcigng disbandtd 6-%=?.i¢d;i:=-:»- .fP5ff¢d:~ "0¥?€3~Tfi,~“0€7~:'*;‘i5Q 5 % fingle m¢n).A alfo; to all the%Frc¢-bvlrii;1?¢0P1e,9f»¥h€~¥a11d.inflifi; like-cafe; andfo this prefidenf(if itfca:-ad good)-\voul£i%‘e;;tend4%j;;.%”;:. t133,;C9§1§~‘.q§15?i3C§ Qfi; 1-lfSoldi¢r5 ’undcr.%4 th§§ Pariiaménfp the 5.VY‘.91?fi £l§W*€s§.;a1nJ%=fm%nd%ticn irf ml g'£iew:ccs 4“o:1:&c§i%*€s,At:-wing‘amt? fern.dng4Vm¢edr{y4 t,’§3.;d,4i3,Cl.3}’§3E_. t11c;;P:':ritio.ners_ .0piniQns7anct #?ing1i:aa—fVf tiq3ns;%iz2;r§la:io;~1%to magnets of State (;_.h¢n Min cranfiéiion, V_Qr§.in--”% " téndfed .:¢o:bcA%pz1tAA; (min «the 1?aF1i?~m%t¢nt)A%n0rA Yét fi3bj5&_ !5Q i%‘~*L£1~}’;§<“>f 1.: thofe %except;ions,g. at~m:h¢r %P€?tiAti0r1S%V:( T<2‘€'¥I£i%fi§»‘%5?.—<:E¥A?? 8*‘ 9 E?I1::*% E dad, moire neceflésr-3% ‘o:%w:nccr;:1i:1g thim the r fornicr. and‘ % ivfit r¢-7; jc&ed)mightbé-5% But oursvngt msdlingfwityh ,_II1z1=.txr.:rs% of «gaps, V‘ ‘ with proceedings’of_‘Panlia;nent,qr amybodics conmcwe-r;13;nmen%tr.Ws bpnij o.,u,r:own,;; ::,¢ndcd~+4 buzrto &:o¥;zt:a1r3 Our particular dl1?5;i(9;fi¢F8 1? mifedg cica:‘1y' :a;1tid fi;11“1yw~eam;:e{d_; lojizzg for:_bkgrga)_ ,m,c1% f@f§a,§_ § V . {tvz.'2:s.; uhematfterjof Irideixa phity) We“ c«@L1.1d;21o£VA('wit119ut¢ Ad~ang€r of%L1tterM.rLzinc)%AVWam after dxsbandmgyj and wthtif-?._ but.d€fired*~in. 7 'zm:h:1mb1e an%d§fi1bmifl3Lve way:,’ without an3g%V1anr=ué+ge, figazadalpus j Aerc£fenfiv.e,%~»%o4r ;oAthcr <,Apa:;t1cL2la:? 7€XCe;I5~[i“—on-; ‘A(fo: V;x,1$tt?f‘ form) {hast w..c h;av.:c~AV:sw_er~«:¢y¢c hem: gmld i‘coV:I?1dar%§?;NZ?Y;i' % Icarn .; fo %£'h,0ugh=iW €35 RIC Willing I9 b€:1i€¥€ ifihf 2: P311‘-1h1.m€¥3»€ ,i‘.”?’¥5 mifinformdd ;,:.aBu{ £1; :01" _.fUFPI?i‘i-‘.€d. Aifl thfi‘ b§3fm€fi€S ; (35 E116 N31‘-‘I -rative d0;c:s;r::i_pref*3). yeti wt %Ac?Imn0t:% hit‘h¢1?to% vundfirfiand, fffimf whence ;11~.ch~ pr0£e§ding€[_a§ainfi:fi1Ch ii ?§‘35?5.~§?i9.fl, Q? 3<-?;~31nLfi DE £0654, iméoxzlci a. *'%A.ife,:.exc<:A‘ptw (in~Lt.h:o,£¢A.:11-M mxi=V‘d£féontent§;kzjd;p‘fbvbcaiEii:ri§ orbring a’%'brI€In»ifl1“EipOh ifaiw M; EIIEO Vdi.{i:émf1"3«sr,E%;fo as “to sign .f:§mVeth:ing *that'migfi{r§nder bdjoynsg _,‘fT¢n~th1y, The Declaratioxi;iyetV%{’ca{1ding in force,;%andnnothihgA ’ publifhedby the ’Par1iam em; to clear .the,7Amny ,f1:om ‘%‘the~%?cse1iif1;r¢j‘1 V it thereby. 1ies4underi,*, Mt%h€r@”}‘emain§%Fa% bra‘ndf of ?IghoH;»ihy-*i1;§_ot§}i this_A:.;my4;to Pofccrityf And . tho fe" Scsldiers? thgzthavei p*roce:eded ~ to aéi:?%Ez;1§} thing in pu§fiz anc7e of,_theirjuPC Defircsixi that -.Pctitibn,~ orjn Reprefetntatidzz of their juff Grievaérrces%_%%t»h¢~1:c%Lapon~ ;% as-*h%,*? and; 1”»-:0.«th:chighe&~,t:€nfi1tc%thztt%may bewfcirffo7doin‘g~.=' A .. :. E.1?~ A Qfliiiff 7‘ V M ;and“¢TyVra1§n;n; twevf tfiifik '”2A'It®’&f..,:;.‘W .198; s:g3;amp1é:,arA int: £1335: Mpi*oa3eedimg;s of the 1;n%fl: Cargrps . ahd Arbitrary Courtég towards the4mczm€Pc %fingI_ir::¢naan, .% vN®w=“: W€;§:1fiV€ I?£1m‘:! :05 thof: Vdgfperate Vprénciplas :iandic§o_i2.fi+- “gage .b§p @§;¢gg;%gg,,and Tin that cx£*dit_ and ‘ waif to catty gm?‘ f;a”g11:%1p1=ag@€:,e,x‘a;e4 P1'afi;’c_i_fe;sM3-..,ow£'7V5,:fizch 4I11ce12:dTiari;2s V,;i.;:u.1d¢A caxzfé thern“ to éfifc0yered=[_and Cfenfizred , f(mfaVI:%as% may_fi=cmfe the PafI7ia‘mént‘$ : f:9g;%.wbci;3g%%§?1§:l1;%f@ &E;3‘LifCd‘;5 ,;and; bath 11s..a;:d;.I:%hc Kingdo%m{- f1;Q;;3»:;_he:,f hk-;e;_ ;o;3 wo::i‘c: 1 "pppre1Tmi:3s..0-1-‘ «D*aj13gcrs;*~ by A {wwhisgh ' ‘::Ml1::,;z;:r_;;g:>~!3::% .1.»-1f2_l“:.\’W3:,\’57ifll& ‘them: ):j And if T herein 901i 1-be-a % -‘$9 .fa_i1 ;?l?9:V%-W5 iQ3%1i*i«.b€,,.for*r§7.~=; .. ;b12,t;;y4€t;-thta» cafe zmIdA% conAfeqmen‘c‘€ A ;§1;1_d.;%Lhavimg;: 2 p%a13ti;;u13r ;b_Qt.:h: mt—h€:*- caefé~w<éf2d% + §Q;1%€§:gu@:2e;cfV:& *.r»,,£;:y.r_; g1s,xpJyM_ ,, %. KW l}$ifiV’_@. ., at A,‘ tha mrliamms .9» lief 301T hopas~,,.ff,Qm; <>Ir;;%.C:L.