3% “V ‘X the~Army,«andby‘the1*i14%f11:».1ipto~t1tePzgyliémefit. V‘%;'<'I”5'" The third to the Bard Major; A1dc1;mefn ’ '.. A )'I77ze&%Cl2drge againfl ‘”tbe1‘E’Z“e§5**ei§‘M Mk LE} x ‘ mm 7% »' ' V %?¢mv 1:6.’wq7.;« Mutt Qgartcring nhe%&rmy;% r- " “ L: “ i m If pr w. 1‘ I 7., 4 mm. ‘< ‘ an ‘, ‘4. x...‘ mmltl-II’ M u g 9 W 1347. % :? Limdnu,%Pr£1at€dfur Larwcmce Cbkpmarz, I/u1~I R 2.8. 1'%6’4;..fi A « 3irTh01mS%FaAirX> .*Th~€"OffiC:€fSa:;lqd~DS‘1itfsiifldflf His VCoAmma=;nd-{ ~ *3 ‘ mi 0' fifi-%“‘:f§3€*%*%3%3‘%§T=£e 1 . 1~moas¢%e:a»¢m t«oAVthé7Par1i9£if%emts C@mm:Ifio;n¢¢-§‘nowWir& C01-*%1¢€1} 9f 4th¢CiiY°F UJAND ON» . A‘ 4 uAh€iA5amher%:An%fwer cxf %VtkfieT[Ar£ny, concerning 1:: 0 —%The%Gr¢4xznds of the Armies ncar¢r%+‘idvangAe to a«hcI>ar+ ' M ‘ -.. wfilfo the Rfifillt of a. Comical of W A B. at We, $1 -3‘? % ifi an ‘ .1 fiiffi - % appaéntmenr of bx}: Excé/fancy Sir‘ ‘Tho; Fairfax, ' % V #144 ,;‘,b::; War. % A . % Barkhamficzidg _‘[un<-;- :95. " A 51‘£§“‘7d 4 ¢ " Joan VR.us%AHwoIt'r1-z. i3fiX mmunuuuhfllj.‘ “ 4 as *.%‘—-3; . ‘ 3 :1 1 7 :- f. _ _. A . ,. 5 «ts ifl _ A‘ V !: *‘f;_. 1; ‘ ‘ t 3 . _ if‘ 0”‘ “£55.” ,‘-"iagg 4 < 1, 4 edit ‘j 4 fifiée a u ‘ .‘ .. A Refulc A of‘ a”hCctmcc1-bf War at Vxbtiflgtt, 26- xem:awcaarmgtasahe Army. 4 flTwas fafi+hight"ereft>1vcd was Generaland Councclof War, for prefent not to Advance any of the “Army nearer London; A but whereas the Foot (being all quarterecl then at W.«.z»zj_,+”c;»;a-a",‘Z2.‘:.¢.-.. A A 6rio{geAand C'olet(zra.eK) wetevery troublefome and'btxrthenfome~ A t to thoie pIaces5 It was 4only OArder"ed , That the qua ttetsof the A Foot {hould be inlarged for the eafeof thofe places 3% whereupon A E (by atniflake of that Refohrtion in the fetting out of qttartets) fume Regiments had'q;.1arte.rsAaHigned forinlatgement at places lymg much forwarder towards Laminar, as far as Harrow onflae .ehHi/l:'H.a_yex, C mnford, ~eHm*limgton, Bedfbnt, Felt/mm and H421-_ t?W.#2 5A This morning ,‘ efo-4 Ibon“ as -;W'asv t1nd€I29¢0‘qd'eeembyhthc ‘ ’ General and th€,Q1fiC€rs, therewere Orders itnmegliately {eat a nut to fizopx the Regiments ‘, and nbwh none quartered nearer Léhnalanh then W.atfa_rd_,' Riflipg, Iksbam, c/l’i2wIo;¢',w Coéwleyg ‘Draj- t ton,%Hazm»f)a5brt/2,” Stanwel and 2S’mm=.r,* which makea fine about fifteetjl :érf1ateenem'iles"di1’cance frotn‘.Laav2lon..:A:AndZt0 avoid any I adifquieting to the Pa rliatnent or Cityrupon futureA a pptehenfionts, A I‘-Iis‘Exce11ency and Officers do promife, That there Ihallhbc nofartheru Advance, either of the Army, or any quarters Of if, at-xyi nearer "to £andaa,:witho'u%t timelyhotice thereoifiwandt-tofi Reafons of 1t, rott~hee*Par1iameht*aand City; 5A AU :3 It alums 2,; t; J fB_)!tIae.azppaintm:nt gf lat? £’xcaI-A A4 A ,I.une';».6.h 164,7. f lam)’ Sir Thomas Fairfax, and h A A A M the Cq.m2ce(gfI4§’.ar.., ¢ ~ 1 at aweeho at T 3,. Tfo A 3%)‘ 1 ‘ T0 “h<°=Right Honorable» h Wi:‘n'cfl'es "agaihnfl;7t»hé["Géntlemgni at e/iléanr: MW the: Lm,soeh;;.;h g%&$%%w$$a%ggs$ hofiamifsionhers I of Pahrlikamcntf. A _ I hm I-Iw0u‘I‘6':of'...COm.moh$.'Ewhidh *1 " gyrcccivcd from hour this any pamculars, and to hearwany t‘hc*Ar_my;}§vc fhhahll be bold tb minflcl¢;y=i)uW,, Tha'ththc“hRcmonf1‘.ran*cc firm to you the lafl: hnjght, to‘bc_prcIEnt€.d t0,hthé4HouIEs, do ex» A prcfsing thcirAhrcadincf5~£o reccivch firefé1thc‘D4¢fir¢s"(5Fht'héMArmy to have the M embers charged to be fufigvcndcd from fit- ting in tha Houfc ,. which (if not granted to uhs”)M we know their intcrcfl and prcvalency is Rich, That we can exp:-':& but fmall fruit in 2. A 2. ' finrthcr ”fi1%;%f 6‘-M er tzsii as W ~ A A ( at A ‘. '~ 11*“ is the 1<:2nga¢m;m« of an happy ea,¢d¢,;;»as+ 1:QE—1g~i.aSse mm of their _" intcrefis amidgrc,vélencyihgggépowef3:0 j.uf’cri--M 5 may be ablemcar A d$eaV”V7en;d_¢avor al 1, mcanspofsiblet4o. inflame this KT%iVngd.om in a. Iccond Wm: ; ’7 $5 »:i;'~1s¥% tQgthe_; L1£t€IIT.\0BE=,0F ourpdvvers to‘ apply 3.. A A means %W»&ikn.owA‘of;:m.%Pwmnm nhc yin&vqol}vi¢ng§~ whiz; »e4i0Ani:fl*agwiup —im.gB'»l nhm%;which Q V W % - Y '5 f » _ ; 1 I ‘V. Wl1??1 9 s»WT~h‘9:~~~Ev&1ff3X,f4§3 4m;l...tIzé§ Wair; X F Ru mw an «me D<=f3r€$%.oF% thfl A * ,;:}ase b.eing~thc~unAcIy%Wa.¢y % mi T221?igh:H0nmabJe,.'Thé Igor§ A a§nV&“C1b.m»mr;msV.ommifsioncrs 1 I’ a1‘--Q liammt Iinthc Ax M &r;4% A AA (,9!/ly Clam’: amdflegtlwxm, _ , W ’ Is} anfivcr to your Dcfire ofiéreafbn of aha. rmics A A A ‘moti0~x=1 rh~is:"dA*é3y, I ‘V:31o?«u.g;h~c%fit ml lair you know, an: r “rm:;:x 5 22am: mmrc co’%1.rru€tcd, but not weave x: ' Lwgdon £hfff1”E1’}f:‘.y wczre bef;cur:, %nam«::ly,at:‘ FV;:rfbrd,, ZAtxEfz;:'dge, and the Towns zzbcmc them: W: haVcwof:c‘n.4 4 {aid we g;.‘mn%ot‘ (hm :15 I‘oLc":>ke rs on, to fat: the Kinwgw-T dam tufmc d’ by the obffruflioxa and“ d‘cn‘i*a‘l*of _IuI’crce 54 Aansd chmefoxc wcd~cfim' you toe mmn: the P;1r!i:wmcm* V we may n;o£ be hcld Pc'11l%in:: d©.u-ht, ‘aml: put; upon the dngfpuxcs of thftlr c0mm:.1nds,, toi-wllic-.h ave fh“=allyic1d.MJ ready obc~dican%c~c, when we fcathe %i,ngcI"bm«~in at poi’-I fi’»bil:xty of fctl’c2men¢r4;,. whiaiaw waethinkl eannot be M un- lcféa ::ha~s, the tcmmainv _I;I,é‘1wfGTt’I‘ b:~cAAA dtlivcrcdf * ~;gmg;,,_ rh.Q1‘e;.:11:1z;;c4ox:rupc in..- V By~'zI}e~ .appa2‘nt7rIt:*;1tj1f3”i*3". , V 4 Mwmflead, : E.wallbMy»« Sir Tim :1» ~ mg»: xamm Felaigrifcm amluk Mm-.vA%*A4 , A ‘Q % J (61 0fW41“; % A }j’;§e;wN~.. Bipé;s'Hwm*a<~k;1'H~.*V~ % T0111‘: A V Majeox; ¢A1d‘ermen7ahned Comixxon-Courfce:l~ % of .the City of London, V e J\4'yLord: mgemzemen, Ehéveinhallthihgs dvC31t‘.C1€A'3f1yW::3.@fld- tig1;cHoenorab1c he ~ V p1ain1y"‘with yrop, and hopewe flnall“ & conti'nueAePcill to do Io: Aseifoongas the Wor-Q ” thy Aldcrrnenand the other two Gen;le:x‘1e‘"rif;oh j(ourflCommifsioners, came thelaflnight to us, we acquainted them with ourepurpoie, t'0?‘~«A;.“‘r A draw the Head-quarter to IIXBLUDGE [owe might contraéi: our (Q1,a1:ters V, Which” haV"edhith¢erto lyen fiiattered , - at which ‘place we hope to receivethat which will be I3a.t%is_Fa;- étion tothc Kingdom, and will remove Obi‘ flzruétions out of the Way of ]uf’cic«e,%where~ hinwif right were done, We {hou1d_lety0u3nd ;1eN«~.~thc world fee; That we .would»be foeefar A from prefiing near A your City of Lozzdori, hit: fbould bc\‘\i“I|1vd"IfiE._lr¢§1t‘-‘t‘|0‘~“‘.,)‘ u,§,t:o march not only towthe udifiance prefltribed, ‘But to any part of A o th'§QJeKingdom we fhould be commandcdto by V mo bythe Padiamenc “: . We have "asked nothing hitherto but right _, thexhings ’a1';.e khown as? mothey 1 Were T4 pfohvcaan .~ e % _ ‘ ~ e ~ * e games before them from whom%theyeheave hhfou ght them ; which if granted,h hwoujld hot onely be awjufiice to the Army, hu4t}nTmoui3: 1:611 A the.Ki«ng<:Iom foee~theFountainin‘a xzgray to hC1€2.rCC§A,”Wi.th0LIt \‘.‘VhiCh n9oth,iI}.gof Force or hPower‘WoL1Id'be a fecuzgripy togany man; We , vvifh the meme» of P R.,I,V“I Le 13 Gas may "not he in. the ballanhcfiehwitzh the safety figs. Kingdom, and: 12heReallity of:ghKin.gdom, Vand%theRe_aI1ity of A doing _IuPciicei5,W\vl1iCh as We have Liaiad lb often, we c;m.Afiot% expcgft hhwhiI'ePch the hpherfbns we have accufed are ichme Kingdorns and our Judgeé, aelicele delay wifl i-ndahrig'er‘h the ‘putting the Kin%gdomo ~,,1.~nt'O e,B1o0!0d.; nbt“withhfl:arVideing~ Whit; hhh2th%,L[hbeIet1 fa1d,1f1t b.ehconfideioed, Thatin Wales, befides V A under-hand workings _A in i.your,._ Cityevande other plaeeseg dM'_en are ra1{ed”;eand’that in no {mall number gandarch not chofe men in the V P2”1rl‘iamcnt,”h”who have conhthihnhued féithfij”l"io hthc Princieples of Common o§=nterePc from the T beginningo ‘v \ a ‘ « :17“ if ‘ . ‘ _« .u ‘ . .» ‘ E , ‘ . J ._ n v\ V‘. ':H-‘-"v-“ ‘fig-¢ rig r - ‘ , begnamg 0 n 43, A a “ * ‘ “ _ H V‘ w» ;.w ‘ -_fi « cw V ‘ 3A4“ . was par1iam~Aenc Qurs ;;;n4t:1’o%thcrsA”to t1iA&i'f'i3xVoors 5 exp en cc *(f:af Time:wi?ll be‘ their Advantage on e1‘y , who iintctid to bring Atyil puqzofes to pafs- We have "Written this to y9U f0t' your fati%~sAFa‘-» Q éition, that ,{E5nothif1g%m‘a;ybe done, vviv:h0§Jt giving you a.‘ pcrfc€tACco«u‘nt of om I‘#i}1t:tf1L~ tionsand 4E1j;ds,ian fl:i11AAtoA con tinue om fur$1n¢*c”tO you That {hould eAccl'shi4ty bring us ne;a.rer to‘ the .City,oi1r Former Faith gi:Vé,f1%A you {hall bc obferved inviolalaly, them béing A ‘nothingmorc_(n6xt to thegood cf the King,- "dom)inourTho%ugl:1ts an&iVAD¢‘fi1{es,thenthffi A ‘prVofgerity of y0urCity. ‘\ ~ mrkhamfiéad ’ flygbe czppaizatmerztcf A 3;;“n¢%¢5. 1647. M cel.lzm:yv SzrTho;;1?ai*fFa5;, A . V ’ and the Crmnceléof V Sign“ Jo H N H R 1»? 5% am In \ "1!" ~_;...__,..., If N I 5.95 M % Ad A ' . awed 4by‘th~e C0"‘ncourfc of Reformadb»;