"h-«4+~&«t»~:»+¢~t»«t-t+«t~ve~-sm~a:s4»~:~-1%:-u»;-..*hn‘ 33 we» The humble Addrcfs A R M Y V; ‘ . fig ~ V n‘? .2. .2: GITAT ORS of the 3% \ To his Excellency A Sir Thomas Fairfnx. A ‘ Prefcnted the he .4,.oF A u G u S 1' » onbchalf Q ofrhc Kingdom and Army. Wshcwing the uncxpcftcdnclfi ofthe IN T R u- .. h 3 I 0 "N of rhofeGcnr'eme-n into Psrliguncnr, who sfo late-ly U S U R P E D a Per-Ilianaentary power when ' —thc free Parliament was forcki a way 1: As alfu the; injuftice of their fitting thereim Unto which is annexed their PROP g SAL s v Kw-%* His xcellency at Hammerfmitla, uamwmwamww A n .., W on the 5. of this Inflant Axgufi ;. Q For the prevention of the (aid, 4 Gentlemen, and all other illcgélwn 3% V [ Mcinbers, fimug*ax‘;s the Parliammr. '4 W pgmf Landon , Prhvimcdnthor ]'§ Htrrit Prmcor to his Exccflcncy . ..l? '1‘ -9.‘ "*7 ' Sir The wmga *1-«V7 '1 ‘;_'a'lJ'| ',_. .‘ '» 0,_'.’o ,\ ‘R-:9 ,> h ‘ ‘ " . _' . I ~ §@e@ e@%-* e§:a@a%@§=% M ' ‘Q.--. K“ . ,1-M . ‘ *@§W®@§W§w§¢§w§%w%;gs§s%%waw:§wfWw @ { HT) ’MEBLE of %1>%:z>7{a5 5;? ‘ ~of'«the ¢ A A A A ‘. I ‘ ‘ V ‘ ‘V ‘ " . yup ~ ‘ ’I I ' N‘ \fi: , w- " A. r M ‘ ' . _ II ., - _ ‘ ‘ ‘ p ‘ n . A \ .“‘ . . ' ' ’ ‘ ‘ $ ‘ ‘V " ' ” “ 7' ' ‘y’ ‘ L‘ W L“ I. I . " v ‘ » *5‘ 3 ' a . ; ‘ ~ - 1 ‘ I . V - L 1‘ \ . ’ V‘ ‘ ' v ' v ' » .. v 9‘ . I ‘ of die % !» A " I ‘ 1. , L ." ‘H _.-‘U .’ V» \ ""1 w ‘ ‘ 3, . '4v . M V , , I ,, u ..... . ‘ ‘ u ,, ' T1‘ V %~ “ . V To 1; 1 # »%%IEx%cellency 311??’/90?I’W’ %Fazry‘2zx. ' A Prcfénted the 14. of %?Au‘cs A onbehalf ofKingdom the Armw pla.a[e}am:fExc:%llC.71Vcy; H % _ % 4 % I-Ic continued defhtu‘&iVede~ .;; N gnfi a%11d¢d.angerm1s:v Combi- "> 5 tifi. -p¢[rfid%iou~s« men, =* formnfirly *Me m be1*sf: %oVfRar1ia- 5 :11 ¢~:I.1.t, c1:znPcant1y~A.b.1af’c §";?‘f”\Efi V -A 3rl11i€y:fai£§f’c ’hmpe§ andrc§:p4¢6’ea— _.P “ ; %em1eay;oLar.$ and azatdsr ofuours 1iv;¢s%. ficuitlblé, 1. % % A 2. and VI ‘ 4‘ - ‘ Ev‘ “ V H _,__..w,. “,3 "7 "rm . ~ A “‘ % ~ W, rm 5. A — %.. % «A % % ¢«:., . 1 .‘ ' ‘A. 5. V ‘,--*:‘‘*'m_ S”-0 “r ’ ‘ ‘=5 . H”, _‘_ M % «Iv .~ ‘(‘ ‘ t." E ; , .3’: . 4 » " ,3‘ Wm” - v .‘ ,1 r,» :9 X ,. 9 _ ‘J '1‘ ‘ ,.,~ ;..a- W yr if '1 :* . 4.» ‘- in .«.v ‘M; (4 ) and"’atpre{’ent thteatning the ruinci and clefo-’ Iation ofthispoor dillraéicecl Ki»ngd‘ome,i con- ’Ptr;iins us once more to addrels our {elves to Your Excellency, to improve the Ptelent oyportunity thatProvi_clence hath put into your 1hands,of nnaklng them il.'1..C3P£ibl'CiCl';l pro:fecu- tinigtlieir milichiievous purpoles5 being fully confident that though their former treachetiés « were more ob»lEux‘e and iflEl‘lCa.EC; yet their late unparalleld proceedings in violating the free; legal; Parliament, and U s u R P 1 N G A P A Rm 1. 1% AM 5 N T A R v P ojvv E R ,t on purpofer to have emb-roiled thisinilerable (and almoft, flilli, bleeding) Nation, again in blood, ‘cries. aloud to Juflice to remove them from their A s 11 R P 5 o , D e s T.R u c ~m,v'z-:« P.0.VVE~R.- Seeing’ thexefbre thofi: Hoinoral§le~M ernhers of Parliament that difchas-ged their trufl, have a ~ been forced to fly to this A~rmy for refuge-; that ~ they might enc‘leav*ou~t to f‘ecm:e:tl-iem to fit as 9. free and legal ‘Parliament; and your Excellency f twith this Army have engaged themfeliics to improve» the utmo“l’c of iyouzt pofsibilities to ~ that intent ; and . feeiitg» chow \7’v,o't.tl~;ily’ 'Me-m- 7 Ibers arelinowagaindiliinablcd fer ~difch.a”rging,, . thcit lTrufl5ii thmulghv the l1{m:t.xlr n.:c,:..?r~,,,t: D» r (t)l r ytiixrxust on or rrross l1S‘l1RPERS,'r e and th,eir_afTumi*ng‘ to thcmfelves at Powcrlof voting amtonlglf’ctl1iém,lW‘l\C.r€l3y thofe dcfperatc ’ ~ nerniies to the Kingdoms peaceand'welfare,w do again oblcure and" pervert the true. Parlia- iflmentary power, and imprint thelmage ofthat liiigheflf-Au-thority upon their own .d€figi15CS, ‘ proteéting themfelves and their Accomplices i ” - We can not buthum‘bly and earnefly implore 1 your Excellency,That thofe Vlhrpers of that fu- pream Authority might not be permitted (even contrary‘ to the Lawof nature) to fit judges of their own proclit ious _Trea_chcries.ey_. But that ‘:alLand every perfim, that have l.flEC_i;n that pre--3 l tended " P2-.rl~iament' , or adhered to them or A their Votes, when the free legaleParliament was by. violence firlpended, mightimmediatly ‘be declaredl againflt, as perlons — «uncapableazof - fitting ortvioting in this Ptllarljament; That to r a.ccord.ingto-'o.ur lali Declaration, and our for- ‘ met Propolials tendrecl to your Excelltencyfor “that end, we might fecure thatefree and legal i y Parliament, til the differences ofthe Kingdom fie compoled, and the Peace and Liberties of I ftheycoplcifirmleyy '€'fli3i1.1fl1€dv-- "NIL . >. ,3: [~.a%° *iiw;§:%*a%%‘ ”"’"W‘* “*‘“*‘“W°‘%°“ “*°““‘i“‘%*‘ P ‘ AG1 1? THE 1 3 ‘ “V - ‘ > w ~ . u ." ’ » .-r ,_ "1 ‘ . ' . I Q . ‘ . , ‘ ‘ v - , .. , , ” _ 4 of the . - ‘v I T°%Hi5H Excellency at H4m.7nerfmizb ” % the 35. oF"A 11 GU31‘ ,>1647”V.% ?B”¢f'o”°rer A4 ghe free Pa%r1iamentsercAti%1rn“ {to N W E81‘ M1_ N8 T53. V ‘T A ta;-fucgln‘ as man E : xcell-may with? t«*ht‘ C euncel Vi” ‘Of War» 4%bY‘th€ir'1’~~<3P=‘€*‘?==Ws3%t%i;0n5;4aI?d%%&4D¢CMa~ tions have rcfcrfc-rd the COIIIPOFQIB of diffemnj A (3.55 3+“: nd the AEfE;:1bIifl;ament oflfhepeace anti hip- ’pi7tie§*c‘>fther WhOlC"n;1tiQ1] #a**{zL~f%*ée ‘4iP»Misaif7eé>§t;%V%* AVV/e " £hei~ng;V;ii1m nds eéf 0.t1rVlivcs ave.:nr>%V »%‘d€P€ndi%ng-tlmgnc-x ..«u;pQD; ; j“’afi,_g;:;i o _l}owWda:;xgCx;QAuS_V:1», Conce.r;;mcI1t:iA:: may 9¥?¢%z"4A %iz=f;P°*::fO11;$ 43if:3PF€5*€d I 0” “IE ilfiéée ?"¢A7f%‘f“3i're “‘()‘i“"tT3*e‘ ‘Ki ng?‘cid%ff1%;‘—‘ fl1%Quk}1_rcta4i1j pilacés EhAei3eikn1f, *9 éfd3hii‘tt1- bl y offer to you1*Exc;;-Tlammiesf '(3MI2>111f_i9dVetw15iion3; by you M ‘ _ . ‘ J : " J V uv vm _-‘ ‘'_»,A ,. « . ‘ “3 ‘VII you prefenteci to the Mctrxbe dent in thefltmy; a )§3a’I‘“ii1:’-7' mailer ;. that {ha} a refume P e :3 & 4 % rs of*ParIiamenf,11Q_w R§efi:, ‘ +aIrfl:,Tf1at all t11of;e* who late at VVeftm,a1amfl e11,ufurpmg;; a Payliamentary Authority , dfince% the Tunlultuous and folrcibleex-e97 pulfion oftlae Parliament 0fE;1g~ land, andaehoeice of nexv p1‘etet1dedL‘ Speal‘ar~ V ‘c 8 > A cam-arcer the {aid Exclufion. Laftly, that all former Votes aw gainn Members ~di{»aficé’ced may be%du1y;Executed.. " Fflnéémat. T Eel. Twlgge. % % I Calfirand. l 7-clan ‘Blackmorco l ‘ PVLII. Prymr. Tim?‘ W’/wilting. Geo. fmcey. , Rejnaltt. ‘ Tho. Butler. Will. Taunge. 7 fafepi; Wallingtow. Stephen .S‘Ai}:::len. Timotln Tlaarnéerry. Hen. Cannon. «-Witt’. Knallu‘. lymll. Hall. Rich. Hodalm. «Will. Wilk_in%/bug Ed. Vanglaam. john Parke. Edw; Tamlim. fob» Wellr. Fm-u. Allen. Rich. .S‘altcr, fa/an Wil/Em. Tho. Roéinfbfi. Robert Stcalwdm. Io, Radmam. l _Ia/on Clerk. Hxrfiert Field. N 301:. Lackicr. Tho. Iobnfan. Ruler: Balqflwin, . Ice;-“0. Stwmfing. Geo. Ioyce. Tim Ellir. ' A Jami. Wbirmort. Eel. Sexb . ll Iolml Fclper. Richard Clerk. V Will. Al gm. «Will. .5‘) mend. Edmaisd Game. Rich. lobnfim. lab» Waanl. (onflalation Fox. Iafrp/a Aldamt. ~ Tho. J'hcpp4rJ, Tho. Butterrov. , ‘f Rich... Flower. Talia; £ox._. .[gb_n» fffillaugloéya ' tdmpnd Cbilliaggton, —’vIr-‘-.-v-vr:o-‘at-'-1-gs» 9. ' . ' - ‘'.'',. M» . I .,.,.'.-'1-"‘ - .- ». ,. .m.,..-.. I