TH . at»? the V ES 0 LV TI N AGITATORS A Y Concerning the profiecution of their 1a.teRemonf’crance and P rote-fltation againfi the fitting of’theAlarel1{“urp£:rs of Pszrliamet.-ta*ry power in the Parliament. A V With the Reafons conflraining them fb rcfolutcly to adhere to that their Proteflation. % - V V As they were prefantcd to his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax Septemlv. 2. ~16*47- nw. 6 _......—. _‘_____"_‘_n‘~‘ _‘ Lon 21, Printed for flbn Harris, 1 % I Til” ,V %%ofthe % I, 4A and the‘ treacherous co‘mpIota- A ‘ ,4‘mc11ts%of4 manx%PVcrfon%s formcrly % % V ' ;afi:cr%.Aa~fi“tixmhéardbf htirrid ‘ Hcicmbythé i§ n:fo1cncy%Mof the City 71131‘ forcgdg ar%1df°orFc?cui*it4y of t.hcir4V%ownV lives - ccorifiriraixwd f@:%;,refuAgc and far asmmzh yam Ar- have ingaged both to: »I’rarliarncx;1~t% zmd ngc1«o%:ri;t<)juéI’e their utmofl stndgavoursi r{:« Aixfcaté them iI1‘tfl1‘ei4r%Aj’u{l: and ~ frééc1o”rfie, V L A 2% and A. an:d‘have¢“tbeeg1t mece(Ii~tated;t'o~;de¢1.:te andiprotcfl thee hfitringhofall _etfholfe tn-’hP*€ltE1;iametnttg who Iarelmf 'u ‘]t'I’«3“ef~ Pétlieeameélttaxy ~....-pb for Ehe Betiter emsrchtcir tb’1QOd¥’~?t;iiT1E§3eflf5®i15alhe31§i*3;5Yfhicir eprehféntine, Ix trufion bbftruét the irteedom of 3.1 Votes; nothwii:h(}.1i1- djngcontrary to the L%lfmiCS1R€II.'_lODflf_I‘3flC6 and pro- A tel}, and the Kivgdom§'hhe§tpe6_t;zti%Ipn of its puxrfuance, thofe:Ihn.trmdersh;are*1’ziI f3sE‘1'In:it.teciit.t0 skofteas Metmbers; we therefore humbly conceiving that the policy of thofe inmxeders flit‘ prevzflstq the danger of the Parh'a- A ment and? Army, ahsh appears’ by fheir late Otdinantce on fridey Iafl-,, wherein they notyonly tdeclazred agaimftjthe ‘Army, by ackn0w1edging‘t%hhof'e ufurpets to be the tvvo= Houfes of Patliamentr, but alfo have Jaide the founda- tion ofa dangerous :1 ilafiory way of proceeding againft all the fomentors o'fa~ ne w war, and Iiftewtifct conceiving. ‘th zt the Armies fgithfulnefs to God and the Kingdom, befpre wh0tn7thhey?have"ecdi1~s? <:i<’fe't°c1"e th‘eKi'ngdoms Peace. i$“”the+%¢onci%nt1;ed%defire ofus whofé dnamcs are iublcribcd. 3o.w%2%e»m;? M ;Ea'm.‘ 5éxM5j'wV ‘rmz.Raiz2réarore 77£'9"Wa».g5 Will._anggfié}4M .Eit5.]of§i§jb22° A A “Geo. _7a”j-Ee A Hmgrj ‘Gitbings ” Fm2z,&WIaz'te .u”Ric~laL.1V.lCv'rxzziatA&%A%NA Edw. Vaughan % W21. Pryor A s+f‘:N4tb, _ EJW. 7"wz;gg «iv-d¢13’015W'r<4m Ea’w~ 0’P.W ’ “’ jbbzi if ’£l_l§ A W17.‘ Icnnllesi }¢jbn5W}‘7f'o}i A §'o.Ta1yler» 4 A 3’ Blaze-ze:r:r:2==ae% Wil.Wz'l£*I'”fM Toéiad Bridge A N AA % AGea . Stem]??? _Wz'l.* I047?! A 74; V Rjcb.VPlawer 77530.". Sbeapani‘ V 1E*£cf§1.“7 fbo»zm' . it, Vndéfwod E dm. Garza: 10;..Waoa.' 1,: V ; ‘ %C're%ed Sr¢:‘m Gov“ Tim Midwi- NNWJ. Kmlths I9.¥V4dmM ‘ ‘1E‘i¢‘f2V.%;*1'fisT£x;z2I1 ‘A & 14‘:-oé *AS:k}22tn¢rs‘ iV;n;¢5a:..:'rm'l1a:;utv, y