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V p*rm4\”3?ifi‘c%'i*;‘Ct;t‘f1Ii ic$pp¢:t;t;ufiity::44 #6 alaexv‘ '¢u;r 2;ff’*cm.g Aahsixx 1‘@‘fl'e;réaci and ri%inc3']eir%§1=a%1e”,*V%f%zzcig’~? i1{mim’:aiii éi%ri'd% ,c’:‘ firm: ¢h*c%V1:1wfu1Ipbaeininig -of cum-ight§ &w,j*Vu&pfivi1cdg.;. ;.¢s.tII1e;hf1:I1em‘fa‘£nr‘e*s declarc tobé: :r;e‘rc£ore?der::a%rc, m7i:t13ftim32§/“=Vbo”t2i:'1<%¢i:,r%for t§11¢}_w1i1é€t¢ie3éV*fJc* Iiévré 1?cC¢i[Vez;1:ff,oni V‘ _ :.A_ V*V:»H€”r'casthefc4.hath»been zint3zpre{Te:oF:h'értafl AA . .andkhoniourab<1r: x?ntcn1t1onsA,., andgrounds of A 7f'€i1€"J?ici"é!~W?g:’V'§V‘f€lt6« Efi*c;’I{jh1Q'm, :wj©5;fxfLe~‘fi3‘nd (z1'*zit«e?<.=Mr«”¢f’c«L=f‘Vc~”§V- %Sb‘u:fil1cVi*n“ %Pnf--‘[ ' *1121 wr¢1‘1wg1§u#d%a&~“§eé¢@,: 111«a5‘zf‘;cga:€;["f1E“A£?7f?:*i-zc pxaamih iagllli livnbur :V :viwgw%¢41ifare;;‘ W: to’ ‘I: he‘ 1 eI€:i2t1gii4,[’lP*:wIiamAent~%,-eéncl? Kjingfiiom, and 'th:~1t_twhC1'C_n1£ly be V ';n;"©i:.§fl71iafa7:~Pp11(§1‘§fC‘?fifi~fiOi*)h»S:5 as uf‘u5.t~l1y publikcf aétions .aVn‘d' _Jm‘@3,y¢s¢"a4*et::%1ynb$e jm_aA.w»=_a&e* ‘glam a pp¢ari ng in the “.¢ey@gmmj;*m<'4un:¢a§quai&it'edfiirr%th;c’ibLifin¢ffE, i:md*‘i'n the A .2, eyes eycsVoft’1ofeA(w11o being p1'c—PoiTcf{'ed ofg'ui1t‘cunni»ng; V - % ==‘1'_~? ~oppm%*;v W¢%”?ffir%li’ici+ Eié‘cfate”o”u.j? Fcfv‘es~»*f1—éc‘fi-pY1fiipy f‘€C1‘¢"C A %iintensv§.oz1s%Vi1m1, rcf7::'.rc}1cc to the A pifofi1‘ot'i§i$n 7ffo£'a_ny _ p.zrticuIgu::d¢fi.g—nc;,., O1‘.'0m?.O.W.'n particular 1:1L¢r:§£ts;5&;.but ar<:f~:2;bfo1utc1y 1:aifi:;;:I=an'd‘ mV%ov”ed% (in our %fcl'vcs)%:V A ne- A . lcetffixgfy covmvpfia nce *.vi:h4t1gat.A1:myg,1p‘A;3nL4%g1'1ofg...7gog;)d;, 4 %%c1=cc:%c;msd=found:pni%n¢ip1¢e‘s;,:whicfiM:%t¢:1dEt%1j:k?b»VVi2f*héX .p"ro—- "1rno.:io11 and p1totc€ti,Q*nof x jeuffice, am':1 chc;1ibcArty the M fubj7e&,,_a1s 1iith.cr:o¢(b.ytl~1c' manVagc;1n~cm,4¢o.f'the afifziirrs ~ % of F0 great i111p011At;;3nc;<::.)-'Al1i~21vc: appearcghiwc fi;1:1l%l no lam: endeavour to d’cfc”x1dyvi%:,h-,_ou; li%v,c§ mid c*f'ta:es.,; The law... ‘f'a:}1= d‘cfi~gn—es of’t1‘1ofe&trLily' wclil zfiféxffcd S.o’u1%dicrsA then. fV1’ C." w»Ou'ld opp0I‘c,a for1?eigns’iz13?afiOflV.gn pI?C;V€r}t 37:1? ir‘x1d’i-- AV 3'63: o%rL1n.xvar1*aht:a1)1c_W;1m‘€,.0u1:warram;being the.i§3¥1 éi ',A7foA1t ‘pithcg nztcLn*A¢; 1a,w,; and ;thc; I1t;‘~»binffiing_ ‘A V vve flaall thcrcfbre: profécutt‘ the d'ifiovcry’ ofaI1'pérg~ Fons c:0m.p1ou;.c~d and c:?;ombim:fd;ag;1i;n.£t W iJsfa‘ndJ%tl91cf¢ :j.t"1-It dewfircs, tA11a£‘W€. I11ayw% keepe our;fi'icnd's~ and: .N.a¢im frxzcr A f'ro1n;any (i_r1fQ1‘§Cd~inj-u prcjudicg;wh:1tfocv¢;z,¥ei?pé:- g:i;111y~';vé gin;-ing 1;-Q~uf1-d¢__1‘.fla‘n3d.A £:1:1?ar weha-"vc* iron 7.any %in«--; pcniionsto—1pi1lLFth¢ b1Aoud»ojf'any'11nan5t>t no Vwrbn A t:11ci'fn: in Mthfiifd P1'0P¢f&%0®dS% ,a:orf% inr1%¢inch l1P0I1I1h;C‘CQfl-’C.i‘€nCc,[ bf Eafly-,0h1_JF_A-C_hi'€£€fl: carat‘ hcingrJ~ih E11184 F9111: (V ID«§€1arati9m» k imCT7ii1-r€n—tiod.z3"§at121‘E:.f§n:dan;d‘f0~.r¢£uruV1m p1'15Y$€"%f'P0t1<5¢“¢i¢“wirch=%cha4:I¥i‘n~1%~t041iv¢4'0fdY<=:»r¢30yecr o1'%'fi1ficr wiiich. themgzlsr W.ci' a1;.c mutually;c.ngagc'd¥,,«ou%11A* A ‘G_$w’n') ‘the’ S?'ou1‘dje1is.% 1 hjonoim am 1:iv.cI'y‘ho4(17 £€;P=1i rcdr,a xffhcir Tcrvicéf th7ankfulI'y rc‘qHuited‘,§andl a11.cQAr1"upt,per;% VA "£.jZ):1s'i%An. a~u;:hor.ity‘i:n¢ Cou1‘»c~ of Iudicacuxzc. an%d~V”O'ffiC1Cs-rof‘V” ' :t3f”1¢%AAI€‘.ing'don1c % €A><.I‘E¥I_1”?%gx:%%thic:p1'cfcni %ansiVf"‘¥*r:¢~¢°nW1fl1m;!=~s« f QE V‘ facfloryto , N“ 7"“, 3.4‘: 71 .7 T5‘ 5-" 35‘ §;* - 1‘. H; fifii ‘ W ' «bx “§d;;“ , " K11 awsé~t’l1cy3a1tC%v'm1%; + % £137- ” ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' “ L. ;““.-‘c-‘H9 tli ~. afidiflfiiofl OR. jf¢L:1rci’f¢s<2i; ;any, pa:tt;iCn1arAMn1Aans A;y\w?%ants or fufie1'i11gs-Whatfocvtr 3 Jbut .€1t§¢fl.Ci on the gen¢»$a1.lb¢21fi~ and“ ’j4x'i“I¥"‘ti‘mé1fiands,' 'th"e*r1e2:cflity,, jufiice __., and .fin_cerir:‘y g wh‘crcOf,~Wc' dé‘fi’~l.‘C §.*indica,fc_as ourAfi1xv@fs;%' A % Pomfr€t;Jr%1ys e‘genere;11t , Vfo we dpefire net“ to 1{cqu_1rcMan ‘Wt YW%»%Ex%i1%¢n¢y:&% wrould W :P‘¢3F‘¢dw.t*3? mend t11i%s%*aAnncxed= %rcprcI%4ntat~ibh % of‘ Lour‘ d”e(irc%s*to‘thfcA Parlizuncnt , t.(1:%~.pr¢2y'cn.:A»; 1I]ifL1_fld¢1ff1;a§}di%nMgrht§j§7§X§.ihfl I?aEa1ff1iéiiné§h he i;‘9‘@u[~1Mmdie*1*s 0f%1as?=K1~n em *3; ‘*Fbi"t1% ob;cci.riinAg'of* t’1:.,,ei~r j~u~{‘c d‘»cfir4cs“%,~ an tjnwfzi ” to th.€fc prefcht di[1"%ra€tions; z1i2d )fi9zzf%I5etitio;¢er: _/7m/.I1pmy ; A »gg2s2aggggé%%%%2g2s2ggagaagaaaggg V Roéert W13, A ; §C0IoncI1G,crie*1*a1IPoji{;‘;_ w a%gergeV wt 4 g géblohel Berzéklf T/:'¢*Wr.9346f%’€J7»¢ % gin/mt Mark Mz:z**:”b2I” R¢§:%a1°nrs;%L R€Sim¢VnrA%- V % Nic/W5 3=*’='=" AC010nc1AC1on~¢»1?~1°é3e/22*;zly»':j% Téz0*r)5.é.%5’"P$'/zézrzon Rcgi‘micn_;t,"" V £vé=%:'t £!z«r2M4 §§.Cvo1o%n¢1cozze»,m4¢ s;3,zck1aa’£ f I R cginzienn; , .§CoIo"nc,l~ V T RCg1m,cnt iféfiih ME.ld}2tZv4rzi Afitarinstin \>'t:‘l I§c:ha:1re<>fVzhc{.«:«ma1%1an%4:«crpecriéc