%a A .§His Excellency A Sir ‘Ibomaa fairéfstx A Alfo an Narranve of a Conference a1:A‘cb2lderj1ey With eeee - ~ And what pafi at this Conference betwixt Hi-s Majcfiy ‘@&@&&&&! evwweee 4 Another” FROM to the Speaker of the I-Ioufe ofCommona, ;A:'_ A A A of His Maje{‘ries rernovall from Cbildevfley’ t0 ‘ A 1 A A A A NeweM4r1{et , and the grounds thereA0f..A V A A AHis Maicilyha His Excellency Sir Thoma: F aire:fizx,Lieut6113nt A A A Cr€n6'1‘.31A1 Cmmwell, 8:43. and the Commiflioners for thee g‘. A .e Parliament about His Majefties renloveall thence A A “ A to NEW-M AR KET, A and the Generall,and Condmifliouers for the Parliament, » AA A A and the fumme of their Speeches. _ ‘ Alfo the New Rendeiveus of the hArmy upeun Tripale r Afleathnearhe Rcyfim, June 8. 1647; A Publifluedfor the Gcnerallhfatisfaéfihon of A’ ' A A the Kingdome. A A A A A A A V 1% Lonpom . @ % @AA: 3;. e 1 ; Printed for Lazyrcnceflbapmdwfi 1, 6 4, 7., §"?%*"hA M.” v A ‘ I A , . A»,.wv"M,A A o ‘ ‘ 5,". A.A.» . 5 ., . I‘: A‘ ‘ A. (Ax V ' - ;- !'~.‘A A *‘ ir¢i+t¢s++ss¢¢siss¢¢ssssitsssetsrsrss i ii is F 4 I7 Maflef Speaker. ” ’ N my lafi I promifed to fend you’sh}rethei i " i refolutions of o the Army» at the late «:r’:’1'~> next -an accountof ptheolproceedlings and A Randezvous : I have fen: your the‘ fame intwo Papers unanimouflyriaé i Souldiers : I finde in one of them divers things which your latter proceedings fi % p % banding may have given fatisfaéhon unto_;, but the A 1‘:- my having th A greed upon there, be both Officers and or nee “the refolvtion of dif- en no knowledogel thereof; it owasithus pafled and delivered to me," and I cannot but ’fend‘ltlitr‘ tothemgyou may fee what they then did remainenn--l t A flltiéfiled in 5 Underflandinfithat His Majefiy and your C Cornmiflioners were muc firaightened and d1fa.cco-- r i modated in the Houfe at C'bz'lde;fle-ya Iwent thither . yefierday to aclvife with your Commifiioners about the difpofall of his Majefty for more conveniency to hirnfelfe and them, then sthat place did afford; it the Commiffioners were pleafed Wihollytorrefufel giving of any advife A andtherefore the King declaring His Refolution, not to goe back tofloldenlzy unleiie he were inforcedjt yet‘ complaining much of the ineonveniencyr hefuffered, whereby he.w"as and prefling, for An remove to New- or opinion at all in the bufinellc, Mm~é_et._,l andoyour Commiflionersnotjudging it in- r convenient for laimir to be there :« Iordered pColon-ell W/mlley éthisidnyto nttendl-lis Majefiy, and the Coniéj * miffioneirs thither, with truflypand fufiicicnt:Gnard oi" it two B.egim.ents ofllotfe, which accordinglywas this “ * day done, and His Majefiy with the Cornmiflioners i . on .gone . axe: Ne2v~».Mnr;é§t,I But: Vzmt . throx-xgh A C'2€AIf2l'Jri,;;fg43 "f'bi~é%1){1fi1i);é1iE tfl£.1];§Hi~xig I1:'{;'the%}vh70I.e ti~r”ne Lysc%{%e»rday§ it being necfiéiary B13 Ma};a%fiyflmuId4 be difpnfédi Q§,bCfQ‘f,¢‘ih€.p.1jflC€ of R.aI1d€ZVOLiS "%C\0Au1c:1 well be re?» % fQ1}}ed2A%g’n_, A A This morning at, ACour1cell of Wzrrre it? W3-Vsjxgfiged.i~n”c:;ar3veni€nt,’ A andfcarce pofliblb t‘odraw“ ¢ A W 3 Ran_d€VzV0us%Ato} morroweaifly eraoughto di{'p:;tc~h 1 my Vth.i%x;1*g§",#&V%I,heref0r¢. it iS_;1ppO~imt€d 0nVTh1au'fday mm«ni1:.%ga tnir;‘e% V Qf and in regard ofHi.g Maje,fl'y gaing tQ_ Neza2~Mar«’<__¢zj._“ it was thought fltby tI'“1 ¢ CIounce11%ofwarre,That theplace offiandezvous-A might be altelfied from New-Market Heath ‘t»o!:r,»,'P1w,,g .‘ H¢3?ho A T40 VV_I1e5% fha11’take Vcarc ¢haw;%Vyou£ Qgnmlffinexgs If they come ‘to VNezv-Mm-lie; A .wintmenr,4AIretanailm J Yiourrnofi Immw ~ A The M K3 A A , Mm» :1ae Honourable wazzéum Lenr1wi1E£quircn M % 3?¢ak:r wfwfltmourablfi H0ufeof"€°mmons.¢ A A’Copy bfthEAWafrantfiom his I-?xce&1&Iency,’$ir r'—-r-—* §F4irfiz;¢AtQ%%%iC010neIl Wfbalgy, tol attend Majefty . withhis cawmand the Lievténantw G€ncraIs,PLegirncnt (’)f% A’ V A M ,“ 9 V“ V ‘Hor1‘efnorn%CIai/sieagwflgyjtoNew->Mm«-Igt. A A ‘I"HeKir1gs Maiéfly Being fécfirédwby a party ofhorfe . 0 f this A;rmy%,, upon fuppofition of adeflgne or fe-‘ A c:i‘et%i-ntent—i0n,tojconvey away His Maj7e:fl_y withcut ’ may _11vafvVé;ri<5%tiC’e éfthis \aT‘te1jVfitAi*on gfrTom%1;he former ap--_% 4 % bot: einhermy ccanfentor knowledge, and brought unto» A % 3 A‘ the}: k ‘ R the Lady Catt: her 11OUf€at3C/;?i/6'16!” fie}/, thr1a,Vnhh*pI;:ic’7e be’-~ fmgnot able to afiford conveniencies for His Mhhajeflyfiv A and Commiflioners ‘attend ing upohn77him;,a4nd His -M3; j«efly declaring himfelfe,“ hThha;tHe willh*hnmt.=r;etu1~m.f0” Holdenby‘ except he be‘ for‘Eththe1‘9e unthog, ma ~a1fo.;1jhe 1 A Commiifionérs of Parliament wholly iefufing to ad-~ vife or propofe any way for the prefent accomm“oda.- tion» offlis A Majefty-‘(hthough they were thhcreu»~m§;, eafn¢{”tIyhdefi1‘Aedby me) that might M vconduce m the fecurity *ofHis perform or purfuance ofwhat other inv- ih*u<.‘?thi0ns «they hhahve received: from the _P21I‘li,€1I1'J€’nt3 alleaging their Authority to be already determined at hréturtiel from Irlolcilenéy And His Vmajefiy having A V therefore been importunateto goe to" His Hohufe at hN%:w-Ma2~l{et,, -and‘ the Commiflionersh not Judging in ‘inct;»f1vex1iher1t‘fohr»hhim to remains there -3 I haveorderw " ed Co1*one1l%H/lmllejz {hall to” marrow Qttcnd His Mae- }‘efiya“nd thecommifiioners thither twith afufiicienth and trufty Guard for His fecurity, until!" the Parlia- ments '_p1eafi;11*ehhfha11 be Further knowne :. And: for‘ which purpofehl, have fent{tore<:eive their Ghmmandsv hhereinh. ‘I g V : Colon£:11Wb=sJqy, Ihc¥1hehfi1‘ey(‘)u tch:>...:4ttcxh1hc:lhI-Iis'h.Ma-~ A h jjefty, and the C Qmmiflioners. accordingto thefer A direficions, with the Lievtenam Gene1~.a1l!s ‘and; 44 W your oVwn"Regiment'ofHorfe. AA A ; “Giw&nundermy6412d«4tCahmbridgetbe8;Ah A 5 ofJ1m.eaI647~Q A ‘A A .’SAIZRA)‘A A A _ EfA’cerday‘theGenAeraIl , LieutenahtC:A‘:et1era1l,~ Commiiiary‘ Generall Iretzm,,Lieut.Gen. Hams - <6) (A ht¢m;2d, A: and. divers other Oflicersof the army, wentto the Lady Cut; houfe(according to His t Maje- flies defire the day beforeé ) when they came there, . ;they:were(aceording to the ufual1manner,) received 4 by the King butwith 1itt1egrefpe&A5‘after fomegenerall Adifeourfeof things, The King went into theGardcn_., and the Generall and his Officers and the Co-mrniflio~ nets went together ,and conferred upon the whole car- rAiaAge of the btufineflé-;: Age The, Commifiioners feenfd to bemuch ttunfaetisfieck A whereupon the A Kixigfiomming ;uAp zrgaiee, the Generalz and theCommiflioners came ‘to I‘-1im,,and Cornetffoyce ( who was the man that ma-e A naged that aétion offec:m*ingIthC King) «was called. be-” fore thVeAm*a1I:; fr, AAT/ae»=Ki72gc/mrged them with _/Zzying He /me! t/ac cozizmzjfimz bft/ate nv’/aolcedrmyfior what He did, and A by Acorzflzqzmzce 'b.;zd~ ttA/:13 G enarall: A 5 {Hee being A the priazcipallprzrtqft/ae Arvzy .-ThepConA:1et replyed and «didflavow, He talc! His‘ Majg/23} be lmdnot tbeGcAA12em/Z! co222Aw2flIAzAw, 222/Bezzftl-.~ve K mg olidparticularyzf deménd it af A£'ir5;’.3AJA/$735; that t/Je King 4: Qt /aim 6} ‘what ecommzlfion bedid e F t£:=r;wzeA,2€*z:f&cz¢reHzTm .* He ;.mfAWer"d t/wsAICz'7zg iftl‘-:Je plegfed ’ " Aw Iaa1{ete'a£xc2z¢t;/betmiglvtféet. thautlyariyz e C“w¢.:zzzz'2zAg the A Tmmper: tZnztrve§z~e.readyr)mt7zfec1) Whereupqtzthe King publiquelfyfaidjto thewhole compa1:1y,A ‘A1‘A/mfiit mm t;9z;eAi;:2;:!ee¢£He didflzyfi, and it was li£>&eA222;_r'/E tmet all tbe tGewz%x$Zz;zi;e;zza6;;t zvAAeg'e mounted cm /oarfé bark did cf} out, A ‘A Ag2‘”i‘;d0 it Iwfllirj 1T}.'6fl’* G3fl1’~‘3‘“: m:e.;;¢ t/:é¢zrAA%Ab2~a?ws,_qb¢%*AMe$%’;A ZZ7Jf5‘?,v;fimfi,t:’%e}I i%are«Vteizder #Wr ?{'€3i3?f‘l72£3§i?9‘fZ9¢3‘?€t:‘s? w%i~/Jwhf flgyle M «pm Me: tofc—Ne1az.awzr~A,v l1:=t% Tim G,en~em1£ pr0m%ifi3d ,t0;go 1:0 Camahridgeband, rcitu»rme him a p@i1tiva4anfwVervthe lafi [night 5, There was‘ Variety ofdifcaurfe. befiflaes ~f’ZhiS, molmgeto mm: % ticm: f1aa1~1oine1yV;obf€rVe in gmer%a1l5»4;d%%%I7ha.?t% thé» Kimgfiis Ap,d1it%iq%ue and fubt’1ert.o,1.:1y hold upon&anjythi*ng ‘ for; his? %owne:VVA%~aciva1atage,, either to comply with tha Army, or C0mA1nifs1Aon.w:s to be againfi eitheras’ He g ~ fi:~es? .it' wfm*ke&f0~r,,his ends; and very high and pofiw . tive in. hie,=fi.xp1:¢Hions and demands.% AThe lafi night ,2; {tax his Excfiiezmcy came back to C;’.I‘n.bricl;_<:e:_»;+A fen: { thi3iflC10i7€d t0:CO1.WPJ9'/.7.zIe}/s afi:e:1~fo1ne débate with A v the 0:‘%:~?;m~s) by Way ®VfwAAn=fwer to His aje flies d'e~:- A fi.rrcs% according 1:0 :p%1"_omifc and inwgagement. I A This day accordingly His Majeflty Went ~fi"om-. Chi1c‘£eri3e*y , in-5 tencledflby the wayof Cambridge, bu1:‘his Eitcellency ” perceiving fome inconvveniencieés would happen HP‘ (in it : -feat to. CoIV.W/mll.¢ytq?Aguard Him to Nc~:Wmar- ket fame othe-_r way , and%AV‘{o:[;he went by Trumpingu A t”Qn,:%H@r’e wasirnuch“pgepafatimix forfflis ~Maje{’ry~%~by ‘ gfixvewing the fireetgs ,“ cutting ‘downe ofbcmghes and preparinigforvbienefiers. The E.ofNattingbam and the A u;th7er Eom»mifl71omcrs%1V”a3rat Plickridgew lafihightgthcf *i7cnt~to the:Gc*in’erzilI‘ %:m; dgxy ; to khow where tomeete Himgthe Gene1?a;l1Adefired at Cam%bridge;by4reafon the; A % _; «B.andAezV0uz is deferredwtill to moi'roww_,a[ml’ then t=o¢b,u A % Triplme~he.a;thAandVnot%:m:A%Ncwmarli1ét§hc2Lth by :raTea‘fo?t1ofwVt“h€ Kings bcingVtlie.re,* Sir; fiflcfi r r ‘Cambr.idg¢3n%ncf ’ % T J A 8» * %mrm2eIerwn:- FINI&p