ggw¢¢w%m¢@@¢%@%%¢¢¢¢¢%¢¢%%%m@m¢¢ fiwnm -13 ‘. ‘ ~ ‘ H’: ‘ “ ‘ ‘Lq ' ' . “Q " r“'I V L “ V» “ p’ ‘ .-.v ‘ ;, 3“ V” . ‘ ‘M 41 :‘,fl“"‘ “"“a>_‘ ‘ V , ‘ ’ ‘ 1 :. x r ‘ ; , - * a A ‘ V , , ‘ . « l ‘ “. ‘ ‘_. , ‘ ‘_r - ‘ V ‘ ' -I ‘ n ’ L: ' f Y’ J I S I ‘ ‘ V x...’ awn 4 ‘ . r ~§u§- ‘-£» '5?» ‘X m 1 4: w ‘ ‘ A. ".,.v . V ; “r .._‘ . . ~_ , ~ ‘N ‘ ~.- ». _ 1.. “ - ‘ :‘. “e“ ' *\ . ' «-1 ‘ .‘ :‘ 4,. ‘ ‘y . r‘ ‘ m . A fill‘ ‘ M,‘ ‘I _ , ‘ >741 ‘wt ‘ . ‘ . - ‘ _V w ‘ IV‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘.“,‘ “ ‘ fl ,’”,.mr_. . . a ‘H ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ .- ‘ I ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ - ' “ . ' ‘4 ' ‘ : ' ‘ M ‘ \ \ “ ___ ‘ ‘ ‘ , ., “ _ V r ‘ ‘I x V ‘ r ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ ' %(3’RuV~ U3I0m1€ F am. A Independent Flie, {H11 buzzing % 4 a4boutCitya11dC0umry» { In a fudden, but n0tra{hcenfure,of[ afcur-%11usPet1t1on5 mtendedto A A 71333 0bfY11d€d4UPD11»%.&he P.arliamen:j. A % byour%~seaaxies~. .rv.:; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%é ¢%%%%¢%%%%%%%%%&%%%%%%§%§%%%¢%§%% %% A Hwcafz‘ nazmm mulmmdinixfzxparflitiane A » A M I/acorolis ut‘prm.r mtiémqamm a'aciéw:;pmwzr;. V ; AA W :1»-w‘}"#m34m:tfl7' 43 tam’ M pro illixpfinimrfx. A .1 1 P#%xin7t€*dby% T.IV,%.forA1 0“ M3 I R '1? 0 N4, ,2 nél fiirf: to be \ A £§:)1VdatAthe figneoftbdwhite Horfciriféyzuls _ A ch¢ur«:~h~yara. x647.” % %#%%*%%%%%%%#%%*%%%%*%%%%%%%¢%%%%%%*¢ K ‘ A 9% -*%€%%e%=§%e V ‘—.*»f.’~+« *% %%%%%%%%¢%%%%%%%»*% Shcwcth. I) A _ are W \.9 in V . gg _ 9 ww%%xw%"w»..: @"‘“** ‘M’ ®;@m ezzeazaazsazews V%:*¢w:%ars«arw-éWs Tasha right I:*Ionourabie and fuprcme Aut’h0rityV of this Nation,the &C~ommons in Parlia-A ‘mencAflE:mb1ed. Thchumblc Pctirirm ofmafiy thoufands, éaruéfllyfl dcrjfiting thc%g1;:w A ry ofGod, the fircccdomc ofcheC-ummon~wcaI%zhw anti the: p—:::.m A of all men. A ’ Hm no Qaverument '2': mam in the %(’w«.zflz‘rx:z.taFa¢;«.e_, ‘ )1 time t/mt of ‘Parlinmmtt, /alrzziziiaggits foxmdzrttan in “é.“/M“ T’ free choice oft/.76‘ Pmpfa, and 4.: we emf nfyafi gawrrzw “ Hf 2, mew. ix the {my mwl f're:dmzcw1of%tbe*gzWarwd, awn if; /9 tbs» pewplc of Vt/;Jz'.r Ngzrianim all trim? J‘*/3:.z*a».': rwJ;2fi;'j‘§;-~ A. ¢ 0. ¢:+ % flcd /amrtyafléfiianx mar» Par/iamefigtyym %z/52%; rmfla ;Py-gpar rcmedier oft/Mir griemwcas, Aye: fizrly /mcia ézew :.évg%9~~‘;v4i;~;’g‘gr~d Apalligy zémfe 1§71Ja_fram timflwta time: /name i»dm"o.<:«x¢n-.;2’ to firing this Nm%éar2%%‘z'm» "tb $and4g¢,ihkt they Axum in .a1zAAtama:,%¢ia W é=)"»””’tl*>¢r“ agryfi-aw~gx1g,agr;m "liamcnry,dep?'§w£cU$b¢ pwp/.2 ¢:f"%téwzi;rV ldopair ;’ ]€aw"r;;f;¢zwegy“wiwmfi téuw ?I.;m‘ time; far-ageing I/aw‘ ‘P.a”7*I£z;¢;?Ia-Mr: w£!£’flz:dXy J‘-17"}!-‘m'fl'e;’,* *w:lgw’1 %”’mm%..-w may on!) mm; at crime to mmtzmz A Par-/immmr, ém air/rw I~fi€1t"t>7‘a"ta’7Md’c§I6'~* ggtiwc mice ( gkc mcfl dtf:/z‘mEfiv: to _f"¢’c°d«vme )«o 79,.,+1' fizmdy ds?[fa/aria» "*5/afltd z/a;-.~%fmm arm! %5cm%.e t/wrap ‘, n3l:rz’1.':ff xf3.:~ 7223/able Lmd W;:za* awn“? _/,]o:j*;'zazal Will; all’ @1951éfojvpr.-rjflaxx4w[’$)Im}2:e¢7,f-€;v:ezzdy’Lmhg‘%%9:9£l7 M ffiax/w ha‘), mm’ rim £92“/Ia roared .;a;»:%I#)!fis:1.:?¢'2’ at my, :.’¢zz't%/3% cawgzlwéfirg I/my p%d-aflg In (gcner.-+21! 22.-m~xc[]1 a’,.t/mt {lazy w.’9[7f:flQ*cz't‘%»{*»¢#2«z am‘,/:1 %:1.m»~ ,9»/5‘ ¢z;¢M,rm.;L awn» 3“ r~;2§z.r 1%’.,.;n’i.=».~as~;¢’*.«,~s’-.-¢~%r$:»a&.:.—j‘ i‘ % fret mzrdgaéflxw/ate 57‘ My ‘:°¢:%r/ims~;m: N§'J.:;i’t raw 22:44, wzd i;2~»:a£5z'lmg wzt Mwirii " _.»-J 2 % VA % % paw? A 1 ( 2 V A A A paws)» fgffcient ta deliver tI9e=».;m4’Iao!a Natiazafwm Al1kt.M‘fi:! ofapprtflafi AM A “g;r£g4'y¢g}¢{,"gA ¢/gmgb agf newer [43 £on$_r~::%a2;riz2%:¢:42nceV mm! :0 M3213: it zl.o.efmq,/E 35. [plan gmafm amtiw in tém nwld. “ X A A A A A A » A A A A A % A ~ gxizéd it is wofl tbflflkyffllziy. m*knawledgc%dA that fax have in order 1'0 t /gs’ ‘fweec1ameafzl:»cpeapZ¢,, /fltppraflcd the i:r':’gk»Camm:iflian, .5'£Ar~AC/fldiméweg A and C 03355]! Table: calm! /same. the éanrfkrci, a'cz’iwa~mf _['m:.b 4.: 239;;-Q,» imprzfinadfir Amattcnqf canfciexcg, and Abramght flame lbeélééagumts ta “ 4.eJAr..»,»m pymzflamjesét; rim: Jan have fxtpprnflfed ;t/9: B‘£;7fi0]2.t am! papif/'5 % % Laydymfiralifkwd E’pifcopm:}A? and that kiwi of prelérfizrfij {mid per/eawmg gowermmmr, ‘rim: you Aim-ave mks?» mam} 5£>iywmane],mM aiz’ mw if'[:ggz,’[ P:zr—e:m wbvreéj t/as imam‘ of all the well» afll fled were znlmrgaog’, amififu Am'—A;arz2Ab aéoéafiaezat kept; that thy fbzmld /mzvew fim long era :51’: at com- A plimt wemw ail of allgrievzjancex, and the wlyakpcaple det§*'zwred~fram Al! 7 flpprtfliazz az2;rL% fault or éod}. Rm /3366 A1’: am*%m{fi.'r}, I/mt 4;/car «t/at ex; % % pence af_/To muck pnvciaux timt, blood, and treazfitrc, awdz/3.2’ mzna offla ma. ' My réxaxfitndx Aéoficfl F4m£l1':.r,A5;2 recovering am lzécrtj. Wee flill find 7 $53 Na; jam apprpfll-d zgzirbgritvancer of tbefame d:fl:ru%Ez‘z'w naturemfm». ‘ marl); tbaug/9 pmdcr aflfier mtion:, mad 23:éA}:icb arcfb “much the mafegrig- was wntaux, bétzmfc they are mfiiéh-d,in t/ac wry time: rafthix prvfi-;m»».e2:' mzar mnaaiag qf multitude: zsf*»Fo1miZie:~.7IC:t;grz:wang'e mgrmt andpaaln M61: )1: any in 1})? world) that aldamd ma/5 unegwalfptxxrflmcnt of main. A ‘or imdnfirj. f,gfip;-_;, 1'; flxll cantixfledgw/jereéj 52:13.: [:5 mm lvmd 1.2%;-xm are ' a:”!£;2£vlé to we l¢mt:,cmrpo5r4ll pééncs 4.6 mm}: rnfiiéhdfar fmazl1’,m'_fbr gram!“ 0flcM€¢!,_ . V .moltbar%m fi9lma*,cwalMfiaw,¢dfiningI/mt are long you: may év aé/Em... fkdifbmet/.2iz2‘gcfqrmll)r amll ta A Negative *aa:‘£?r,lMd~ téazzpl jail lmaylé: ll izzdrm-alto lay .5ylj?ifl‘r..fErangt‘bg lwbiclaiumlcr» God l.v’4tl:=v Iaitlnrrla made yam pawerfexllxa allgaad warku,<.mbtlqfl~ we-I . “lm-val yer aim; to lllmpk, A land. yea gzozawr M éaelpe, and 16} azdrfi/am‘: :wemz:gla‘t gmlry afl tlmt mime amd flazwm}, ./.n}:_‘b lwait/mttjw:rV fpeeal} /Jalpfi i5l:llilzelt‘z2farl! flpon mf, yox:rfi='l'ua:r -and tllaa;23vl':ml¢; Alatlloiylwclbawel prefixmwl ’1“’2:1If}We‘:Ial am» oM:¢fi.* that plainly, ‘lancl.l4zr‘gely.\étfafujm, ‘grind alas c.¢irm.5fl‘«."}: z'mm=:m:~ tbzztyaxf will» /Em up gamv .afi?:r52‘:a2=2.r_ my a z..ea1la¢£:,lloz2e;;;z2£drmdar 7:'*eg¢2?‘0'f~r;'?fvtlJ.€’\’-P961716‘, who loam‘: ; full‘ to prcfcrve%yoLxrjL1f’c Autho.ri:yfromlasl.1 gmrjudice.s of 3 Negative lpbafiln and trujgeljm, that yau will firiomfl; ccmfirlerl zlmtitlaa Md gfym A .;rafl watgfregdamcg lanhlelizraranclflvmllall M kind of lgrialvmgcexl and ‘‘ ape ,1)” flan}. i Andlthat rhcrcfare ih%thc firfilplac'clyou-l ‘will be Ciztccdihg career Voice (5) volcé inény perhfdnlor perfonawhétfoevera Wliich may dll‘able.V5l0u,',:=., frommalkitag that happy rcmr11.e.ulnro thcpeoplc which they jufily exa- '_ pcfc,and that you will ‘ncas: bc lrmdxlced tolllay by your flrcngth-till you A A of the primitzivel inflitution of all lgotéecrnment. l. have fatlisfifid your Lxnclerllamdings in the «undoubted flee:-urity of ymurl felves,and= ml’ chmfe who mve AvoluncarilyA, ancl? AA faithfully ladhamdl co ylouinallyeur extr€mit1es,.and¢unrillyou have fwurcdl and Afecled the: Cowman» wea.lrh in Afeclcdl peace, and true-«Afrccdomcl, which isAthcAclnd > z A S_eAcondly, that youl“ off all fen¢tcnces,lfines,Al al:I=d~iznprifot1-. meats lmpofirdl on Ceznmmoncrs by any lwhomélloevcraWwithout Adult: V courfe ofLavv,~ or judgcmmt pf their cqualls, and to "give due om: to all chef": who have been fo injurioufly deals Wichall, and for lpre-= A venting tlmlike fbr the time to comc:ltl1a.tyo=u will cnaél all finch arbi- trary pAroccedings,Ato be Capitall Crimea; l ‘ 3 l; l Tliirdly, that yotnltpcrmvicll « «:1am:l1oms:ylWlmifocverl cc» compell may pcrfon or pe-rfons, to; anlfwerglzo my quefliozasl againfl Athernfelvcsl on A ncctcfl rlelatimms, cxceptinicafeslof privatchinterefl between AAparty and ‘ I party infa. legal! way, landAtoWmlcal'c%l‘uch as fuffer by i:npriAAfonmc11t,or A othcrw-ire; for réfufingm aziafwer to ‘fueli itmcrrogator-icSA.Al A A ‘ W ll 4 Fourthly‘, chatall Sm:utcvs,O.2.:hés;.alr1d _,l 6 Sixthly, that ybu will For the incbumgement of inclu(‘briousA;9pcl:» pIe,difl’olVe that opplrclfive compimy of Mcrchant-+.AVdve}1turers,lfA a1r:?11d$AlA4 thclikc,and~prcventall fuch others by great penalties for ever. A 3 A A A A. P” 7: Scven%thly,that you will létclca full, lfpccdyl, plain, “and u{nbuAr-l . dcnfdml way for deciding of A Contraverlies, and fuits in L£l.W,”a,?nd A re.- dub: allhwes, to thleheeréfl agreetnetmtlwith Chri£’rlifucfh_ A ptmilhmcnta and thattall eprifoners'may”“ a Tpeedy gryall, that they be neither flarved, noArtheir1Fami1Aies ruined byoloofg;at1doling1;iogi1fi- ; prifonmem, and thatimprifomnent may be ufedoonlv for fafe cuftody 4 utntilletime oftry'all,oand notAabst.4a»puni{}1ment:i-for offences; A 9 b Ninthlygthat tythes, and ‘Hall Aother infoked Amaintdenaoucegmaybe W for ever abolifhedmado nothing in ‘1‘ thereof‘iii9P§?f;dadbut1;tdhgt dajla Minifiers may be pztyd only biythofc Vwho tvoluncarily Chobffi fhflmaed A so tTenth»ly, that you will take”fotm‘e-tfpee‘dy and effefiuall-couri'e,to xgelieveall fuchi pri{'oners‘for debt asAt~are4a1:ogether unable copay, cigar theymay notperi{I1_Liz1.priCou' through the hard:-hearcednefle o€M=a:a swswvavafiezvaws”3:sa1«a:«»a:s=1w:~azea:se:€a2saz~a:«azsaz«a:sa:sazsw azmxs A 5:»; “c Dilfcéted ogrheana. M xomy ofan Indc-pcnd_¢ntFlie, &c. % < % H rough yam? i»zpartm2ity.: I F.ui:w*¢::afl awpyfimg mm rsmrnejau wit/9 an A Axtigtqré zgainfi in , ' pqyfbn. For /Jawfpeciow fat‘:/off it ma'z}rfl.-em: to fame,m' w/mtcmr pretend; removal! afgrwwm- ca: 2’: c-arc/ozng, jet upon at ficand ~w'cw,]a:¢ Vmzgy cfévfimve at continued vein of dangermxfip/ézjfrie . Iamrflinpemfa/1 %oft}.:z3jfazfl‘io'.v::"piec‘.a “W/9r'Z‘£7 f_ Wrap!‘ tip in! Equiwacall tmrmyex from the A-ginning to t/at wzd .- % ‘tlmt raundccamve am/lmeduing people it would rqxzirca more flzd A A animaalvérflon, téum my prcffmt lmfur? er indeed m9z'lrtic=Zr cm: Mafv fardyax. Ox):/y that I ma)? not W/90/1} fry/irate jam‘ arp; Elation. 51 am comm: ra"m4Qe 7*/57 falfk 4/iftl: merry with ta/fi'g:~g ofit :r'2;*‘t"7.u;~ f/veer 4: mm ufi: to tofli’ w/ocflp: in 4“[7l:z7~.rkrt, 1'12. for pgflimc “’ ‘ta_;1’.. “(mam aIiu%.1.aL;c11_.i0 and my tb:"Frenc/9 Man fayex pa: mgmiere “d’acguic. that Awj1I1‘hin&1vevx aVSgrpghtsfi efutrance, .muH fmaii13y take hm-‘fl to Eheififlrmaticm"oF’th6:“héad;»vHi‘Cfi‘o11cE ad1*}1i‘Ttx;ir:CfA WI”‘}::5L5e;'17‘.YA‘c:é;*»' ix}: the w”ho»Te”body ;%Wher;cfo1-‘cl ¢V'i1Ibc;,rin at the’ ti'1:_E”e% éi”ii’;J'f1hr:;{ve;1 izhe whWo1«i*“}:>icc<:" 3: 11) {O dwcajixag I"”flra1‘d1fle..‘:} a Set3ary“of“wI1§Jm I A A dpubtjAnor;to¢v1%11cc th at"\vhen~the~ir% r’ ngues are finQr>the{’r%Atl‘z‘ezr z11*ii1;ié’are rb13ghe{%. 1V‘%hEfi t!':ey _e;1ve faif%*'cf°c4 1:11*1gU:1gc5§ fHei“1f; ‘Pi nen,rions%ar;:A rw¢fze<% rzegxmrya*¢{“ezag+,~iAi$~g 2,‘-;;h Mc~e¢z;r;%i&1 % b1€{%..,t’O%pipe,0i1t"gflrgm hi§".€Y€S‘”é.i1d imitaie Izholé £ih€té\*€f$‘,fi.% T05 ;W1WtHmufiCk¢- _ ” A % 6 7! ” ‘A % H ‘A %VBtit7wi'ithdraxv t‘1CC%m“raiiI1e_r~0\vA 4" To 1%: right §Hanv$£raé/a gmd Sxlpreairie atitfaybwj bf t‘b_i,r7:atiai;i£7¢°Com’mo;2: «Afl2*mZled.,” The /axtmwé Pgtifian, &::.% Sbgwetb T/:2zzr%21a¢%%fGo2rérn—‘ % mfg»: is more!» t/Jcw?‘C’o°zz_fHt:zm‘on At/newtb¢tr%afP.s7*-’fa1mc2:t: ]nyzl‘ _ A2 A rhefe AA A?thefi: toggtb g=r:.én&V4fpeI1.Athem; you that pretend%'% {Q ,__c_;rea:;~%4;,;c:.. Ac;u g1ix11t1aiace“»vi%th fthe cOI1fl‘i%£f1EiC:>1?A 0?’ an "En_.gii‘{hA P‘a*r1ia1nem.:~. I A di you nzzver heare Aofw-9 tfie ‘ Lard»: [Md % Cawmow, ;& c.% .115 ygum 11f’xi‘:1keJth;=;% c«onih':'uti0nmfPar1iame1étjm+é_,x doe you% aheizmke the coI1juR11‘§“Ifi:QI1 of” both hauies L11:£}u(?i :9 Who ;ar.~:yg>11grhat cake iupoh i_ _ you to‘Tegifiz:n%ate‘"<;meof" ii£1é1’E=:7 tfi/%i$‘z1s az1d%%f%baHa”;rd1z%c.=: the ot_£Az‘er',E“ A Are youuiglnbgazan how they haye been boxnean.-1 togm£1er.... This was the 61d plot, Divide‘ C?’ lmpem. The "court a1‘m»e,nodi... X%videAL11eVtw:o%Hoafe$ 1:h_ey_ 1<%11 <:wv4 wc1l%e1joug§1 the fétll of ‘the « ~ one would be the evcnmg of the .other:s ru1n@_, zl1a*trhe,%fi3:£%. c:oizId 11oc be ’f%1;_H€d, b11;II “tf'1€f_éCQI‘.ld‘. would be flra13gi:e§l~.3A%% iwifl you put a Nxtzeww cape, upon;, )w1d»i§niidV.%. % ,Z'1p(fi)I1“a ~Ma1ignam: fbLi11d&fi‘Q1}‘? Smjé Tome 11,;-»v% Eight ?ha%rI1L _ 1%di%;{{;overed Izmto rH7§Fe‘men,, howto. make a body”1ubi"1i;%=a.I1 %Of7i5e?1}*,for%tr}*aIlwherefthey age »'v'hétri11g apace‘%~toAc‘ut:"o£?. ‘aurI’ar:iame4n’t atmhewafi ; Thi‘stI1e%rea2"onw'»hy .tI1c.%()rutafi1ke 0ff¥eéd<>mc%%Y0u mmeAlmari0:1iia¢%fTe«1¢aa~ is ex}iedenta%swcl1_ By Wh 01:-: %I:¢I:1.<3I1rA.0f' 1:P;ms..0z:f@Z§vrz:az;i¢:zzl1C‘" Petiti‘onA .a5c”by::h¢ repazét af2%arwaraF»j.pé¢c6 A (Mf4V?4~r/Jargéd waitb ~ ~ thifiarasf 3P‘ 336 pearei: byits ?¢omp1ai1it’bf'%iheWPcc$i3 <3f’ibis?very#Pfi=tirjo¢11and 0-» %. that ix; the 15.1’: page, V» »Now wha‘cg;rean%difL. fierence is were %beE»ve.en*? ryrann%ica11%~, *aVnd%vficmi0usLGm:e«rn~. « went? Are norborh Arbitrary? Th9T*%Pmg&pl£afexb% “ meg, thc oxeherdifplegnfeghxirijfc . A ~« ‘ VA ;ev:»1l ‘mo muchflvay, '1?3,*x%a1any; V ; ixm‘2pd€I4=1 ; gourd .uAcaei1%€>1%r ..C%'}3I2fL?1}=£j).fl _ ' _ % $ _ uh,e%.;;ca. fioth up1=1old<;2nI;a 1Wzght£z11in;,g%y between the popugacy and ho-1_"riE1:wei.ngra‘titude to rthrcir bravefi flaptgaizaes‘ and fCiiUiz%em%nfn1m .R:@ma‘z1 and At'n_eu1an Apcople. HVL0;;vA&;:¢r:;§;¢:J..:;pa,:n4a.y1*camer=i11xaes deceive the eye, with the 1;n;)o;i113g3fl;'E~::0t7iLs.«gia13:y f-31rfé1Ce,Ayétxve1gno»v it aiwaies lyablc gofigxmg 31¢ gempcffsgsg r;ha;Las ixucozufiaznz as we Pmmt whczniiz i1'1ilu.i;nce ~1novc$%*i 1~,~1imV,§,V,..~;._,$:VA¢¢_%.;% ag3;i»§h;y<;;u1*ei whrfiam cvcfln noiv 11; finiled u;pon :% I91: €f*§i7~:: We Thus‘ t%heVunbrid%%e§cql m11l;i~;udcv\rhcI14Vatthe calmefi want l:ut.r31V¢zr»fiat» . V 1:,-¢%ig:I1a%chiiadden1y wrapped it {bf up in fi.1r;i~ « V3114 _ the .m:hd£:can. »h a;.;xdI:y gd0d ; i117 that the i»ni?::=fe1:xt* have» ~ m this the ii€3§3l11hA,.Ay:6%,§: 13 there I1301£‘BTl?1‘0p~E: in » tering Oracours to blow up tbczir waves rii1Mth<~‘:;y fimzbie quad I g,2tL{1»(j:r,[h§g;1“"‘f:Cg)-Eifliff by m:w:Lia,1l ,_a;2:1:tri;:io11,rhc%1a maresand rage «ti 11 the 1nai’mc1::ackcs usJdq:r% Lhe faylesg the 1-udder decewes the ‘hand%% ofzhc Piiotaand a~11o2n;'h€:v[vhr)1e ‘Ship of mi’: A-Comznon-wea§tl1 A fpiic againfr sthfl .r0Ck:esV oF~thWei%%r‘inconfidera ceneffe. “Every ~head" ofthis Hydriais%anoth£.*r Ea/M who makes ufe of tl1e%ipopuIa«rA V wixadcs rvi..-:,.;~;:heiraA£‘f}e:.Siio1ns, to reach me haven «of his :pri*xr;1~te A aims; 31161 ti~m;n%fla»j,Ft,Eor yc1mf::fe1ves. Of Ehi4S t1'ib-C1 femn'es «:03? me .t.h‘€ p?fi7I1§Iei27zfrnoa&r}le=%c>vf7;:l:3_is xI3ct;i:1;i;Q11,wr1.1o11a . I x"rehe11=1cz1":lyrfu£7-3 ~ .- ;oA%,,oe~1‘om¢ Lici;zm4%0r «Sextium that gapes for t:hefir{?c ii~L1i%»%t<3 waziaimgfitbc World; I mayi'2erc';e2<,tr:ea111e1y%%puz1"@;1 Al1;oyv»4to ’ rye up” the.c;1)d_ofGo@;v&¢11n1@m; a:1:nd~:a{w1%m:-utmainbesmy %~1%yta&t«oxm1e‘Vk.z~1@t;, %11?;:i:.; j that with all my tuggizw can I tzmke the 01‘1e§endrbadh% the W :2 I theml7;,.){?or wh‘at ;%11eed‘Gbv%k:mmemt vvhex-<3 c:~v,cr4y$%ma11. ac:..c0.ndmg tothe& b(*2""h't‘S 0w.11%‘Goxr%cAr%2jpu4av,r»; doi» thcéy -n’1§!@'15J. »m;h7c:ir* GiQVCI13OL7fS5fi—30uldbe %}Mi‘1{::-gIafl7¢ <-:y»s in 51~i‘n““d+ V max;3..l2r,é;,g‘¢;1vw;¢f}_§;%}f1e¢{&1;g4a1anot ufei’. ']Ie%I 1.“'11S*;l‘ITJ «pjiam t:ea1=ms~‘Wha»t *yQu% ...., mama E;_yA mgfi,4&f&1u;re xtmz1.«firwA:If7ymu*\,rnea1aan u41r%eflf1:g:iV:i~3t‘»iJa1%%$10,, ; ixnggood, tiseeve;gr:nxue_;.Paari§zs wifla A 212I1a&t;»pie§:;y mad~v@tnu4e~naay:4 (,”'9.~ %% U U be the wayesto honour in;::%r1s 112tI01i. aflfl Athat‘héreaAFtér A goQd_rne_n ngay reap fame other recompcnfe be(§des% -the ~co%n%1&:i,. ._ :cnceLot' their owne wellxdoings: but ~if~ your fiznce ofabfotute freedoms firetch to an Wunlimiitcd free'wi1l,Lo doewhat eve: .,{I)a1lfeerI1erightin your:eyes; <'Ja:’.:i' yo_ur owne dreagmes where augiwhen you ypleafe Without earciof ‘CODEIOIJJCJ contenipx oFautho_rity,alI which yo1.1¢Vd-aiiy pra¢?:ife;:his be thc,Bu%u; ygu {hoot at, give me leave to 1nverc.yo_ur max1mc,apd cell yam chat < LL11-e grid of all; Government is indeed th“e1taféty.of'theGoveméd*, AV an _curbing that licermous a1‘:dVabfw1utcFree;dome here aimed at, %%.Wandi;1 reiirai nirsg than Liéerum ar5itr:'um,»1n; c~oncez%pt2 % whereof‘ allfiefh is. an prone to fivell:..Bu1z: th-is; isn'neicommon* tin or'Pxince V Laxud People who ca‘ug,htwith tjhe, fé1%l1a§y, wherewixgh the A {Divan foylcd our firif Parents M and. now:c>m:e1acwvith the &A1‘aFe% .f'ree.:iozne of knowing and doing good, A are “Fri-11_f21ncyin.g¢ 2111‘ waddiri@na11perf'eé‘tion Lfl.1th€}’Ta3.'<‘3"‘ ju1~*1y~1'Cf’C?)l1:{aé’7‘4;9[/q!‘f;9gg I042 V bewayle Vchelofll: oftheij: originail p0wer,La.nd»i%t%111*f3:o1n tf'1eiAx:f' .primizive efiate offreedome. M .4 4 A A . %% N ext ibflowes a CLata£o;§ue ofzhcir grVi%%evax1ces~;-They biegfnil withthel1%Q.11{§nof;Lords (though not vouch{a%£k:dmh4a:~ A ri;:}evi~z;.. 4, ofa houfe whc>1?: jufi com_rez'1in4g of.&De1inquem's Zbefcfg-ctbem, “ A they compare, to the Fc>1:me:~,fi1perci1ious procecvdifigs of ‘the* «C.Qn,nce1l.board : buthow jufflywwathall fee, by examining Vthc” axtgurmht. Some .,..€o1m; Lordswhn movedbut by%meA%wireA " bf‘ ‘ «;th_ei;:,m¢afler%s pamom did amifl}: ; thereforgrno mbre Lords ax-e’s ’£ob;ecrufied;.: Dim-.rswp¢ar%ticu3ax: Noblemen‘u{u;-ped mu ijle-gall ¢ .Vauth,ori;ty over t:h7eir i;1fc_riour.<:'; fomg “om; ‘<»of a}.r1vog_a=n4:;e,%%othersA Y 01;;%(fly‘«by%~iirj1if3,t,iQ»1“];~‘ ‘;;,chj;.;-:.reFc>rt: vVy.£h%e4A% haufém “()5 Pe‘eg:-cg; flow? ‘ afiing a9 '&;,COU1:[ of J1’-1;~d“%i ca_;ture according to «the». kr1ow&n~Iawesj;4”~‘ ~4n4 ;def;‘.rM&i 2/61‘ a#t/M ommam « I1’ 58’7'{}',h how does; 3 this qomparri1’?>n4hoId.%« gr. .4 A 1 1 V 5 AA ~ ; 7 ‘ % ; M V A; V _ x .; tfierefar: i71'tl.7:p[a6:'t_.]0tI willée iexcecdiug A4-pm,->f;,/1 M P"fi’~?‘%i¢ yaurA;‘zzfl;.zga£»ar:gz, frm’ 4”“1ir::i4dice3r%a.f' v4A,m;_ga2~2«oe% 'vgi4j¢‘_in: gm)’ per_{&,n qr%p:r_finJ: 3’b*’”.fi’”""7"T V ~ 355- 4523“? ’fl’Wt. _;1az5 will * 73 V fig: ée i2z4L{t1£'c’d't9_/p1)’ £2)Jarurlfirepgt/J,ftiZ{)'ofl /94¢): fATl;fl€d]ofifi~ 7"? flydgrflandiagra in Mei m}u7anét6df_?cflrit}f5_f)'0#? fE[f;!’/E-f, w,:Vown‘ :».De qMihg.¢”tit::_fl#,£¢riI '}Wfl?dewa’ir, ém _Ei~h’é*~r¢f‘u«mry-'-men h*ch%ehref1:srchbechkindled by theft: ]ack~ firaweg, who wili in conclufiqn burne r11exn.felvr:s,} , -:§1of¢.49‘vho 1;: fat (3!) fire By them; H‘ Qrdc'mdVCommoh-wealth, thcrc isnoth:ingmo;rc um] will then I€"'.’.,‘ 5% quality 5 lyctnotxhe hands flrairfc to Iu:15m1hE77Efi"c_Bcad to st c » recs 1 in grwiau-,p1ing, lcfl thchmccgkcuofchch body he thereby %$bmk¢n;‘You W‘ know what b€CacfxI1cio‘~f‘ch£’ dihvihfions between: h.d6j!'mcl¢clo and the Lmnemknow, cm: in 3, «mi mm of Sicbrmgifyog; opiniona.:iy,p'er{‘c5ture h‘t_2 hm:fE: a{_»jé£me!a;aI:, 1 ha; firqmay ifllrc %Ch€.'l’1G€5 when hydui li~tht1e.dhrcazI£ehth”m:eof and hmn~T~ fumcyou. Pray whacgoc Atlaan: by the Pines, imprhiibnufimnxsg _ “ bafzifhmenta of: their Nobility‘ ?‘7E‘Vé:nas% much hhaslfflwbthy thtzir V Agrarian Iawcsaand other eluhcroachhmhcfihtshtofxhc Twibumes huprphn the Parricianm priviledgcs, which ficshofconvulrfiounh t§;!£ingulfl1I:t'ha'I:h ‘flcurijhing Cmommon-wealth. During the Vvdérbncwcen ;:tzehwF1oL.- rcfpcincs and Millamfi, andum. 1427. Thcvpmp%u1arh;Fa€cis¢pnhh a=.t:: F/0;. Vhamrce having abated the ihnfolcncc h‘ 1: their mqvcahlesfind othcrgoods to hproportionablhca taxes, began now htohfwcfl, and not content with pI:e{:E:nc”rcdrcfl‘e C1£,gHl"i¢‘VanCCS, fi:l1%.t:ol _1-ippingupold foxes, and demanded fatiafafiionh arm» No» bilicy fb_r,a1l uncquaflflcvics pafl ::Indigrmiom w'hc1%e.1~r' 1>h‘ad§0€::ob.-- hc :Grandccs,t by flibfcflring ’ vfiqncd ( faith my Author we %conju‘r1&ihchxnh 0?’ m:hc’iNab17Iity and V Gantry with the commonfincmy, ( as upcm che...hl1{chocca1finu« ‘ had formcmrly called in shthe Dukc of Awe»: had .n0t.[d/Jwiddhhflladlm « vi 125 mc_:c,m fly Prop: the fluxof chef: hpaeccanrh smmomrs, hhrcixzammauihxahg the fdlly of fretting. avoid iwvounhds, w hen thcyaughc mchcr to pm- -; 3/cn_1;_ nqw ;. afnd; ifchcirflufagc had hfarmcrly hhanhjhu.rffln :¢hcy. nughc to t.'hankeyGod, who hadhfhcwedh thfcxvay ED make it mi}, and;c¢_m;. lcm;;hcmf¢~lhWes?Wi£h :;>middIe- {flied viftoryh,-A, Fnr hcfr&‘:qr:Imr!_y Jun-: dogs whoovcrh-dt3es’.h ’Twas'2n ancicnrharcm.-um,hNa2g«:~ina.a::«;rar:r£.sm%« lit5_‘¢,whma ziehhfimgfilw; ..¢4ut*ham.M?xéqjuirare '*W§.hx::”shver ~dhfir£c:?§ . 4. ;.M A » »the M FiormtinheiHffhwrm where he, fljmll fi:1d;chc~'mutuhalI .(:*bfl'ifla4tE..h.h pc=§r{E."cmfih11As3h?df 4&- fiions, ever barking at hhchtca,px?¢fc»1ahc "govhs1fzam;en‘c,hh» to have ~ éh-ahngzaa . . (ti) A with Comméir-wealth, aild introduced 1‘ Tymnxiy, mider ' wfiiilu thzylyct groanc ; Htrggolgratiara diffx; alrllcfie [do ”: fid A we l-mm A progmti: laqui ct]? inganiam new mom-rat, ueccflita r¢:g;‘t. Vclé ’ A % ‘Im lequidem -zmbi: place)-c;,_Q::irite:,fddriml:a male mtfictfzxot e[fr,8£c.J . This devdlving {ou1uch,u%pon‘lth¢lpcoplc cauiéchla double cvill.= 1..~Hsnlc>lrs=are heaped uponjfiich as having never cuffed chtroflrclifh them the lc-;~fi'¢:,and lhavt; lcffc occafionfigoing without them) to ‘com. bplainl. 42 They arcfcakcn away fromfuch, as having been a‘.c¢:‘u« fibmcd thereto; will ricvcr rcfi till they be réflorcdl r as these: all h re: a flormc“ new ‘-lca”vcs tumbling and toflingtill his wms are By:-g vcllcd; T husxhc in‘ju‘ry on lchconc part, outweighs thc benefit "on" thegchcr, andfor fcw frlicnldsyyou make many cnclmics, who will alidnyes be morcreadyl to hurt, A ch_cn’tho{'c to help you 3 Since men” at‘: naturally more: pronctto revenge of in juries, then ” rccompcnfa-~ tionlofbcncfits,‘ thisfccming to import dammagc and loffég the ~oc-hclr profit andplcafurc. V V ' A ’ In the other lbranch ofchis Article, you ldcfirc the Parliament not c«o~.disband,Abcfo~rctheyhavcbwell providcd for their own: fafcty; andthcir cheirfidhcrcnts, that Iknow; would b: A glad to»fi:e‘AEmitsldisbahidcd, pluses‘ difgarrifc§n'd, land-the ‘ppyorc. 'WafllcdlCOhntri¢sjinb{dine ancafurecafi-d; as Toon amhc Parliaé-i men: {hall judgcit fife, whole very being induced t‘h“crcuntol islaré-E gummit enough to theirmddcfi friends <25"? its {safety L. A ‘ But who link’ l ducCs*thcfffl ta devcfi thelirlH‘fr»cfigéh*? lmyl thing favc’rt£tfoI1 P fawcincflb isgxthiisto charge Supreme Authorityyvvillth {'0 V {’upr*cgn;y wcakntlflkgllaslthar rihcyl arc apt co;bé induced tolthinlgs againfl thélh ” l ownlbunderllandihgsh?Ihtyl ‘know their¥ grcateflffl Llléngch lies in the pebplcs hca*r'”ts,Aand‘ out bfmldcrc: ~rc:':umc§ df love have intcrmincd :2‘ tr? ct" c~1rc“oFth¢ilrldisbbufdn‘ihg,as far asblwifirdom will di£t§tc;B*r1lt ,,,v whmtolld you‘ «rhcywcrt lvcirihg dame the Army‘?Na *. " TEW ” the~co“nirra rye»: by their late Vot’es For at "new cflabllifhmght under Sir‘ ’T’ham;u*Fai:fax;‘:lnlcfTc you in térprgbt :h¢»Vbting"?e>f 9 fame Txoapcs‘ " for lllraldndmdisbanding:however it “bec,thc”"Votcswcrr: yal1-’ A _ rcidy”pa‘£Tcdll¥:'long bcforc this: ba’flardl'll“Plcrition “why bd;~x1c; anH;h whl‘i*“clh4~ rcndcrsl your ‘impudcnccl in"excul(a';ble’;ih your ‘r'n‘a g‘3flérig1_’d¢&* mands oFundoin‘gvuhat you knjclwl fwasalrcailyldonc;Bu°c‘y6u‘ love’ ' f to wilk in‘*c~louil1s5fixidmayyoiiiaxllength é%mb:hce«aii?!lohd~irfé" fléléfll Aymar@mbz%t1"0n°Fd ,71W'»4fhsAM bu my Amy pmm¢ wB.%ngIz.{h “ gm am Imrh+mAf£€ rhizfi by ifm b_rd.ivifi¢ns ~ exaf.:¢:2%l:2:1.:4¢c!A. . upxm A w;a@fg3{i;,£z1«g;h%3m7u rm: f'.r»‘fz..;:;2;pm: %whmjm ym1%:himxim many pmyfiOf’,AyW£.V€;#t;ama4gmcy:,4ziyguv.fam:ain ea. 3:94;; fmmé «-mixga am gff; th%té§i;j%;?%fmtVh¢»ts: V=s1flé#:; t,h.cxefq>r¢:-%.I.mwiHain%g1y ;.{.I5€ :m9y.quil.! dram fmdlingsa yvcm dmzwnt The bulk éo,4f:“thc2 Amnfy arr: omwrwifci phi}.- {¢l]°ég;A,5AThc {aunties pars bfgin no fmc1iy¢om* 1*Q;€t¢n11¢fi7¢; I kxamw % sw 1?? AWhnt%%zni§f01'jwn¢Aa §l0:"1%I ,havV¢ 219:‘ T9 <;1::>f¢ gm: yqur.. Lawéalgm 9f,1a»i¢xWtr%bat y<>ux*41‘v+?¢irnmg~sh:;ar_vc appsamd. ~ A 5 " _jz. 7‘»(14t5}rm.vii!;gé1e‘afi‘"¢ll.SgnrenaM, Fiat: and impafi:da22% Common! 42e}Vw19amfaewr, witbom aim-Vcom~fé% of‘L;m, gr jadgameatI/;»cir.equ.2l!.r.2 and M give due rspazmtmn: 19- all gbm 32/aa 12,422: é-.e¢n mjmriqafly dealt wizloall, and for wprawntimg ting likv‘ ' 3543? A:tiw»:g.ta« came #54; yaiawifl A/Y [arm 4rHi?,'4I’}" pmtcdiégm; M czjime.-€.¢ %%,AHgri;;%is:§1Afim3q flqun:%%x%1A¢: rAqfca%¢:ch; thm€7l3mp¥cg; bmzar whatgzcatér enemy to trwh then Tikeizbqmd E’ If ygu :,}nd:er£&m:_«g!,, $VVh4ator‘dixw’&ry r“—’«Wfi*-7f 14:? whait Mai~i;gnan‘t~c-2>uJd»4AA f;5m§fkc’ §z.j;gl“ar:x Iangga SE findra i4hr=wr:AAcngane wh%crc=wicAh In kmrwrw drzhsmm V wAhaamV%¢Vr filml3=¥:r1?iaAr:ra%¢:nfl&~7harh«=fmn r"crur%ingA izpchcf¢,:fi.KeA%%~*!rFA;;tE,9: owmgfihmwk diwam: ArtiV¢19:sf our Irraeu ;$o when ymxx dm«I~landr rcpana- A AA §iQn5m Y0"-3 mufl unfuld tint; I:id1¢,.fm'vnar’Aily‘tra mm Fgnamxirs you fp%¢g,kc;i41parabl%q&.w I ehitakbcyou in;c;.nd_;no%c~:Q¢Jinqs1,wxim;t.'om+ fiQfiti‘;msqq rc;fior6d. .7 alflfiozigh its} % E116: ii an gVc~.t:, Ifirxmp A mfTc.h:§x' hznds cg ,auv11*RasImwm« mt ma ..~~}mv<:» -mifiAnd%~:1n&mn;4AA=in; nhis.A%‘5Arti:»4 Y % X 3 I Poxjwhqm tflfq hash rm I1a,1sl5i'a;mr?rpc%fimrd;.Fcn¢ impriu ~ . i’r0a..iI$ £1um,,,,_;1 %haci.fia1:g5>x .Li!éaatzvna,;A_&;whmf¢ ‘ Affixiings fur .acV-léaT?*’I;e€te“r§‘bt rdcdmmanda*cievflgta‘h"is>namc~'fi Re, A ' ~'(7§"-"EA 0* L")“""[ K-01° ##fler.»Fm‘v the dfiir:c.of :@rAan£i~.Mdfl%é=r7A‘of his J r’%m,ncc. T 1 7% } _ V % A A _* 3! Tbdtyompermit izwawrbaaaigr, sac. )Aga‘i1m,Ib' fiercezfor; 1ega-* ?fi?1‘§‘1g»fffa.y~V3*f3H f__3§f:f1f”?I:~tl1i£~' goggi 1?u1'1‘1cs1_1ir‘! But I am * Aa=fraiAd .yC’i“ikx A 31“? h3fld5“W1tfi It at the rrexe t~uf‘1111“1g.;I%11 the meaure Mme V Iefs-gxaznine whence cmfieth this zeal againrfl an Oath ex Ofii. 6*!» ; 13 u:11ot7”becau”fe they abho‘rre’$the ver5r%11am*e Ofdflzj? will )f0t‘1~a;llow- never a«graiz_1e more cg ch: Pdriiamennnhe-1: S1:a*t~ <:haxnbe:‘?% ufi» What thus affumes; For the pi*i¢*£”e:w121i£:V¢—b:: umvarram~ v£bI€~b‘eci4au17b the Aofihmz ufed it:?fI1I}drj* emewrgeidciesdailyhappén .v%,+i1iCh% elbape the forefight ofthe mdI¥p1:ovide11t Lawgiivers, Whbclaeretore fiavc‘-2 m €:verykState, =betruI°ced i_'mmwit7h“ a Pre-. xéogative, Vvherebjvthe {irpreame M;agifiracyA%is~imp~o»vred E0 [ pm vidc in cafesi ex:m14ega11~t“or nhe Ccfimmdzué vvealrhs ind‘em~.p-_~— 1‘1'~i~fy‘.. ~ ATM‘ 1‘l1‘1cI imiceal? tr-filmy hoiéfi“ emu‘ tmemr fI9ipfi¢w pm- a‘¢?v’«¢;‘,. BM if the S-(ate judge it expédiwr for timdizcovery ot’:1u; n~y4]cfi1it. ‘Or ]d£~'i14i%ti-ca%I«I-+--wfliaiil ncvt” cha Pwblimfi o¢';$:ta»:i11 that 1%-.-V the _Lm«r avilowejs in” ' cafe: of Pri7MteM'%\ii:m:-rcfz? ?e, c‘féare’it0fifcién‘c¢*;£"&V2ts= not Vi:h3e“7%t0ucfr* {$0113. :.~i1-“id; Whcever imrarw ;mttA Harxfts“ f1*om 't:be‘Vt;:ia'I%lw isf" ‘t’:i1efi<::i¢11 ¢a%dce»t‘i%%bemu?k%:4' co11teVmp;ru~ o‘us%.*' *®11s:f1y*fuch.Ac3w%Icés4¢ya*9 yowdmad di:fwv“t*ty21;m, A % %tF1‘et€Fofe,w‘Y1*‘a‘tev?"‘e“f yéti b’6* 053“/Tour flew ltgffirtw tl‘I6‘y w_1'.<'3 artbefiib1it*c:mdlélzgbt:¢.%‘ i 1 ~ « A . MA . 7 "¢7a:tV‘n5/?fl;¢t’8te':; i%0’atk’e.r ma! cm.-n¢nr:< Md} .@;a'f;r2'[ia“2t!ad 53:23. '\_’(i %fraE*aifa mbu{‘}i** fi‘arté1‘it53?’AAi*s»*?t1e§t‘e:*A %l:it!0*l<;éi1 om '3’;*g;”92Mi11I*»E‘“*%c»%1f1e our ‘S‘tatutésVt.?MA¢7' Did I-;.«;c:cI:fceA+1:1% y what: A wmjticl? E§ecqme5oF3z*ou£tjp1ea:sA V f'd*rlEg3:li’cy?l4 GénfiIé‘me1fi aém? alfémdy skim’ Frk)m“%..t.11r2 Lgm, 2 ft) éfhllbj G ;;:~:r’?é«‘t"Af'.3it5t;1‘si‘j’~Oimi1j~a;:nces'“\2Vhat: h. ~bi:1:r;r" pifI’1*i“§ ttih i§*’Fa:n*e4 C"<)V‘éh‘a&ht** 1g‘é{:3= %Q3%15i« ri*“ilci'ie: s: who *1‘ 0% eafily 'f\avjia1i{1o»%z'v1»i;ogx% (they i“wbo11*‘a3t z:h"e‘~ 'mia1g’eA«A4 <“5f‘digbaz«1adi;;;;}. cai1zao%cAAdis—- %Vgc1f"%“t%I5Ae*§fov“wfanf: ‘Iofi %%?t1d¢isj4%?l“i*<é§_‘ f1é~t<:i*‘a3::, r.f1?e?ii¥r*il*1“éai1%i1i fort‘ 4 why it: is «at: fibififibfttflwhérfiby t%f*1t;*~?r_i*3Mwu’*r3‘i—v1‘2<3fu_s% fip"/§:M$#2%if¢;:'* fife? dimbiiivéh A_;i"c:_;;1”I_; ck;iaxg:%iaé«id‘Vwl&an}»i\ng«¢~V1:gmvi"ay4 !o*ez;u_i ;’w1i*x>a[Me*»"ffea2ggwm%c;tJmi*iVi2 ,. 1y:gxg¢i;&g%pigt:, :Who° a}ft"f1“<*5u%g‘2‘i? ‘ '~wr«i‘l$l’é1‘1%i“‘«"§‘t1*fl}?*» 7_cM_9:él:?1’é..x' A rf§‘acLte}:s,y“e‘t ‘tefls you'*1i13:e:;an«11dnéi"c’ 5i"4€3:[~’.:;1i‘<.*:‘4«v:1*1*’e%eA A A A V % 2 . clarzffiam A AiA::becaufeyy’it wgu;i{he?sy tbfiézile A e ~ nit iyxillao the an egnvh’at;1i11paraI&c1C§ema}a}§§J:tne1ie~1:; this rig» ydeman {nee rogation or our lawes,', the nuizity at cm.‘.fo1em‘ne ~v4;5wesfiasy farA§om1 asthyc)’ may becaxflrmd re £he1r~AmG1c'fl'au:on? rIByA »~m§n {hail they be eqzzflxuged _?_ by you ? xve; m=.~A1ia1us people Pxelaticall tyra;_1nj7,wizhour anym:her' ob{’ci11_acy,‘1_1ad con. V u:ti»nnued1:beir;Vviclndrawings frompubliké:wbr:VflnipV:4 Bumow that ,&:h¢;yfurbifl1; !;he1'wo1_:d 4 and’ whet their -teeth iilkej fiuaijp ar’x:owvews, ,b1owthe»: usumpec.wn:h tharmanbf Bcliral’, LE2/cry M» to 1113" : mxts-= 0 ;?‘fi“r4#z1It{'iShigh time tomb oubei~es,a__11d§wwa:ch’%their%prdgmfiZe.‘:Iad ,a;l_~;ey4¢.:om1a111cd cl-mc:1II1fe1v]es%vv1thr11-thé1r~*f1r{’c Mdefircs , and Buck to % A .Wiihei_r._,R5gq4t:x, rl;ey;~m~i¢ghcfi‘il1.%Have.p1eadéd~tl1c:‘Ac~.z~jé‘*z»frpeé&I§e%4.%breth- ,2;m:But thataimarJ:<@E,S‘».fl1011I€1‘~be‘open%tovtficrirputid cérrouré plain». ’ “Iy flxcvvs they nraver%1ntaVndmd‘them 0:111-;r%zh‘¢11fdAr faIc,‘an&I appeals \,wt:oVg,11 undqxficandinvChi:.ifl§an¢s:%:and,i%uch :.t..s.cheri{h the pr.aflru¢ the griovving x=eFc>rmatim1in Germ-my? ~'I"l:r<:y Wcqmplamethe Pjarl1~aun»e1'1t_%a11d%;~A-ffetnbly’ have done lb l’itt1<:*:*I“h21f::31«:*s ~ to thefe Kflmoraxr? They fhoulddoc leffe iftlficy c:c:-[uld Ahiizder thémtz. _,,CIhe£Te verr;pVi%ne?~chat.ferr1;1 ftwrc you+:%§‘;:fe mg A -3 T .% % they 11 M V ¢p%§.ntundet mac} mad=*S!eg}1¢ fbrépubiike :vem;~‘ot*t 1ei;:’* aI?fe*~»v{ayésI;;"" A VW1 % A C=21o.':)« f $m§n¢whén you dqew =fee.fA«A it; ‘Path agps ym; A'm2£}r:=b:é'5 ix-1j——f~:2§' dreamfi, V ~a1ad.pée:rmps }r:L¢z>u%aLI:;1ti AaH~AAu.he% men m 1:i1:e,Wm'1«-‘i hme been“ Arfo,%: :wh%€I-I A. -theythoughr they wé':re.Aawake, sin :1, than only-Aa wvaike, A~Awl1*em {c1é1€Y “ A ;h Qfighc they»;::. Aflemrrife we ch2m);lcr1g'eAV»n<;ot:«;m is « A M“ *4 - ~rbiIi-I:y A05 ~ ¢rVring, ca:_n,we»z1c>c bezihzc than: 241} mugVhtV%moérHma;i~‘; ‘wA1I1ereAAFor 'bugl‘ft Awe ;k11oW, Fhey%'a re“ iAn1aitiated :imAo»A %~as*a-rrazat Adeec£sAAA7of’HVa¥r1%£é15I¢1¥éAA:"if; A A ‘chéfenfche Bacr}J»¢n::lzZn;? ‘IAm1.‘r1 me A’t:h?<:~3~f’e%AAAA%.';1AtAA*1cI*A‘th'e~’Gé%ntrérrj* ‘ bapcwiflick . Q01] ve11ci;c.%es*A:ri1‘21: bum >E00=~para*IAe1~I§N eMaer;i»v~i:1~1 ~ ~ ‘V AA of ofcharity Vh::m£ji::’isfic after céfa familymhg fiifi igncswiny .tqrcndg A aav;m&3H¢rv’f$114*?£A% 4 A ;catnmi§c2s=dA:tcéAh:és <=ar.ceg$~::iA:!M4.v raw ;a:;;»+:utz: Amnyéefiifilw rhofcgérrofl mctzflam A#ndtcdA:£¢§r % ym1xbt:si1d1,ng= AA¢ndfvwich«nux the ggxgingg. wh1:r5 Aflxalli ’fm1§>x§:4Icd,,r.¢>gL@$;klecI:,$!Azfiiph [:%th»cjrMinM£i,puat;n g,Brokcr§, np&m §£rf.!iA§e qgm it bmb W imall 45:4. I ’ w;i1,1:%;;»bxa§nd;4 ma mi km ,1 mm .« 'I7”‘ ¥1¢j?:§ (itbfix %4m£fl$;%V.1fib6§gtr§, \ m-;,pj;ng Wm re c~hcy»%m.vcV§n%pE,TeWfi£; ;wm»th1»¢flc drénM;,.V %WVh0;r?.n l;‘y.m;5» smbimga «l~iw£‘i.._i¢r*rs¢pxc£cnxe%d,‘%£h¢n afiiezjutxa that; fab: arh€r8.%baxl1%¢§+_t® cx*:crm”! }:%Vtheir props: Gore, flcalcrs ofcprm: ,;;for;thcir cszwne p;oy&fio:3§, i7hdh%{irio‘1as;for thm'xfel,v"cs Ara all others, unpwfim blur: 4-, The, ccjruc 3Pa flor A is» rm Io.,~bu£~;lA;wk¢‘».%aw Bea?nmxrrxi£Jus;”j%x1-;of?e£;ifi'*&’$'fi, my’; p1;¢ju3- %d:i=m“:.;ga~.zhc§:s%4ihi.$:.% ltimnfga, fur mIh£r¢‘s;%'¢a,timg*%~.a:S pleafamu aws~:p§vQfit%db»Ee:4. ; , Vi Ya;Jr;ag~aV,iVne~.«wfl' am am. =_(4.;::T.r’fi4d {£4},C'QWN"Qf?Il-'7_fi‘¢J*fl9fR€[I;gi0}ll"€fl3fl‘ wnfi~m::n 1 be afimpwifijw rtg44£a1a'mbf;nm} :Nm“,anhag:’s :=6”§\1€ec%&(1i‘:-up‘C)!1;y-all ,ar;:%n{.}‘;;:%¢Vnty ;wc:l:1 rc!c)1_;_w.d% ,a»gaimFh fanififaéiigm. a,~ =;t;m dmm.mmWa Sr*ax:‘ca.xti;W§~:é-;.t:g; .mti*£:c»C£bE:%pW{ed«;,:d;gbQ5;fi~misfi¢d,nQfpnfr-3', A ml:c*iricr5!A.e(33g>b1ea.;r::fi:.zfit17E mudcixoiaompxtbrnd film r€aT0nss~ wfifiich; uegfd «shut'ataiF rlalgragiincp. fwimming,‘ and Fwil 1; not ad» mir of:irmrmcflion'* 2': M"?%ha:£ fiche Iinkscr tefl us. Kb: v¢ *hi¢si7*V*mr£$i#g A‘ Eaufcflialmhcrc h&%VfiEgfli,d1aWC3A the: barrfill day, tl;*1€i:lufi'ts% V}1,~imfcl ;§:broa~ch, mad mfgmcd byflmm, wind, ;f'pLim;Quri,f h-i_8_; -fmrh rx_g§;fga}}@dsmr¢%fi— tlwrfmn¢7‘w¢&:ih?;;'l?ruly~fir,m4you :mn£i:mme (595 .yem'r>fl&1l:a, ; md:::hhv't: this bum‘ ;into;3i2!ou TI'hat: nnot:;.!:hc”V; Ma1;g;i;flmtc *;0l3ght fto%;rcVm”*dm:7r yw;!‘%“rcarfon .% m usch Icfl?: Guoi'rc}l:;, 1 R115“ arl:L_ his Cl.ndin3nccs% ; Qbua . A A A ‘ A” gn5c#;?thAcm with dcm~wond. E3odsI; woxd %cr:jm m1,md:&: ~.~5mw%%‘3%m,. . -.:wimkwc* yfmx ‘” :5 rs § 3' 7; : *.“=:AIat&. 4.1m fonnéofi ymeoplcvéflcndisinipoint ‘of; %RJt‘.l4igiom [amt Aharma. “~ %:dcp,ramd hot:iomaf: God, and his w~oJ.={hip,*b1m cpnfinhd ms th~¢mMV¢$; : mam thezfc dfegfitrm zitcachcr, rathcJ:thm't;a«cor~mr¢1*,Aandasto»%b¢:~t*g”1=_ c1Mifuf¢g:¢AI¥¢iA ’5nii%"a‘¢d *%*h¢rA=h=fi il?HVisss%b¢cauf¢;_*lg:ffc 9bar8¢4b1c.%;hercfo;cinA daumnding ;%.!I7wf1‘¢ A/I?¢€é*‘)"; A pldiuégufiémrdm/Erma way pf deciding Acozatromr/5:1, % and Atbeygéliaatidn raFv#rL4%w:W‘€~gti179ayoudo:l*ikcArh¢ f'onr*¢3 of‘ Zqéedm V and ask‘? Y°“k“DW I?C§VW;h1:F- Sm‘: am in firm: and -o:hcrA parts: Wiw-‘ W? $663 99:6 m%9d€f34§€:Aa,nd thA¢‘Law2j§.in1thcir;owncV "hung ugj;;g:A?,s_tAh”éArg<: a,rc;.va;iA htqndrcd F:a.mi1icJs~ pp .pug:~onc,%uctc%r1y ruirzgcd by»¢fuir%gs:WAVhich’ficontimyic from Father to%Sot1%1j1c.fCv"c11 ‘to: the third amid _fourthTgcnwenaticwtfif for \"mhcrc igcofis bu:Atwc1Vcwpcnccm time, ‘every %oncaw;iiIr'u Ii :45 thti 135364‘ fitigm, md whmgc jam:-ry W0_ru‘1,e.menVc%ank¢r’d fglloxv cm %haAv!e:«_his fld-+ A yocgtc: gm Ahis*11é¢lVfc*crow'nr:¢; the lcafl; P:.;m£tAi1io .1nu[?c: %b é:¢ :, pleaded,’ 3!} d1¢VAflNa11€3 <{iH:f?r¢r1A¢¢Eb!E1?€§0 @ AP1‘¢;>C<’:‘fIi‘:.A. There: is anoth-i~:r rcawFc>nAof V qhéi;Arm%ifEJhicf'c:»:AFQr where :3h5:'%;‘?A%Law_%; is ~fl0£ VIQCkt up, as in :Arwem: :;.i7rJ‘a firafng:#%chVara&cr,4?as with‘ u£;.fbmthc wayAAeafic,:rmAd Ache dé2orcAyopmd f§og_a‘;ll comamrs ;; Every“ Re »1_,zaCt1;t$A {cun;ne:Ai leap-3 mo Tth,cA *~B%7;1AAr, ci:1l -Lamvya:r‘sV - A A rmfi 13ki75L7OC~£3:fl8: 1:51 ‘ Prudy7. xzluff. ~- V‘ is-I A_cach4Vi1IagcV :o;iaw; and FormcAn'i:rAiii3fifion§;:f0tAAA, tank: of £’c‘3.r*.=A'3%iI’%g;1,%l‘:: AA " ‘A ‘A ‘A ~ M D A A ‘ ,;M"fD;or:"¢ “H6-i%o3b;?wb“?Freq%gé&§P;r 1&6 r§r;awaA ofimwm :§ei;«;hbw;A_s.A"A: mzeerzy fgsgsegm» ax“ éhéig“ e§ 2 (“oak ‘_. mu,‘ '. A‘ ~.~:~ V 9% @€~-- Ag, .,,V .,, §;:$§pplAcg "W AiIA‘I~?‘AA‘ ngvér Ifié ‘Well tfiu %A1ii1iei‘5z%'I*:g*ye% fpygi _ gigibfiws -Afyvfiulfif éhéy‘ E§nfl’e,;"w;+Ab*e’t1,'they Ami g,htAAd1‘fgq1€t others“‘w:a%tift1;1{:’t:l?’é- V 3‘t%ft“i*ix;i~**:?c:-r21:;'vi:o A 4’%”t’iAiAé:1*§A{e;1ve§* 3?: A%pm+A.=I A¢‘;vvhi‘ch »a;er’c:‘che5ka1*IV i*erfi0=veCF‘ we "IIs*o:i;‘;d¥rc§"r5;§,,1%gé;e; MIA ofA*‘$~rar§;vI-e§w A ?5eca1 2{e f&11?51[ of léadefs E eve:A?AA”"a1s*now xhei %.s::i_;:it3”i %of'goi%n'g to La%.;v;remp¢crs4 m a‘:=;y~AAA%Aneare& to Ifiaviidbvn ‘and’ % mz};fle’fAtn t:hc§7r~ %é‘u£tm ‘ 11-;._z?:=cI=r*>§ng%;; whoa Eh a:dV“%i:!‘1e"3z in‘ §g?i3i};}* Envy,-4fh4=Aw% ve kI%aqA eaAnnAtA_" " I; A but; A A rm ?%*;g."::“é Atimeyfi crgmftflnr W %acquFe”'QiaAr IEHVVESVV '()f’fn_itrrf;?iA1:q:% no%%?£1a‘ey ' V £?;,n?:h€:r ”r%e«;j11wi;rL t%»zz‘rt&vieyzL%6c ’rsdm;ed? taflrw 21eereflf2zg;figAer5zcz;:t z.-,~)"Li:»ef~;r;"/i‘:!'¢4:rA:*~.f¢'~z*;;z~’% m2~ allpracefl 4nd»Ap1jm!"eA:dimg:1*/9:rikr nm5¥ M%£va:77trpzc¢A _,»r‘a ts" ix! nzgpmu; my5;-éfvfseci*zif'§::11:unc%hri{i~i'2i*11? %4c’;“onféfTeA the§r”‘*¥:iAré§ ":1n¢_i"éz%x3£A yht?’Ca1¥A }1a"i:“d{y belieye K Aéfmd 7f’er~che~ héisiflaweg fltom Cl::‘ m,, 01:; that Qqpa W fibrcfiaWtAhe1;s»Ahawc§~» fin»ceboi*roWed my 'oEA?Vt»f1eA~%V*’Ff11L1*Ic_i{~I1‘% %A1¢6;f~aijEA' A;q;-_»I: j*»:_:*wi§'Ia.A %Tm%w:idA~éIthougI1a1I theib have g;m:LeI1Aehfi%A ~c?<:a‘%z1H'i"tzz$«¢-%-.‘*A‘ tipnsg As impertinencw, is the ochcr”Vcha;:‘g¢;"oF unrruth uporf rhgf prxinceedimggs "i s an» Aa.~r ranr- Fa"»Ifhood.“ 7But-' give 'n1;gg,%%AéhiAIt1A‘¢ hisi f*Abable: ’AbefomA he ‘Very ll» E¥upp0fe% now ‘the A%EggIifl‘x- V fw‘icho1-many“ ‘ablmeviaciéon; all ‘few limi'”fed:ni‘cks p1e;;{e.Ayo'm« {elves Vwztlm fiij§e;’4I*dea’g~,. vetxlgn you feexnep to»fi!1d&rr-fix ‘and I.‘=h€«A;"»W0r1Ad‘AAAA:as;; %.i*;*t1,A§:‘AAAA‘AA:;&+4a-,fi~ 1gmderflam11AsAAg;mrAM fa-alxzxacvsal, zhléfbe thsa«c»> ,‘ you fay -thaiaasé , A "little "Fab: t Vmg»ular ufflallgij Fat; “of” a ;"PP1yliti*a1i’s«— *‘bu::» t:en:aeAA%;{h1J1inVgs. A whfithem :«o»»ursAAca5;¢»%ox':§ 0ut,; DE?”oflenrm2i1.3n:4.,’IA%..’kn@wmA0fi%bYA1iFi€ane§>it=§'s ¢ome?VAabeom~gi ; tixaabenwecn» rhe.;Ph.§rfi afar: aVnd4sAspavklE£§tyAmany~ ar'e»p1;1};.‘“g§cid’§(*)E ifa A;..‘ % % go1d«i1n4thei:£¢~p}tn( esgaismhem A I V i3sa.bomt 7l:h?e‘i1t pi1ié$"§%Wh%Gf& 4f7aui7mis 2Athi§¢;mw;:»?A%%A.’c rcachffifllfl he fluid va;we:mr1i:heiAStam"esAi3Im1iMc=;rs ? 5132: wex1e%tbrcVVAG&ance&1o&rs,hiAh-4 % f ~iégalL fee?» ‘I la . " i'&cé,rg§1g§at omit. A*a=1:1AA==wht3.{é AA1AIjup;esi A%*1ay:£N1 H1;&k<¢ ;a:nd:fl; ~rch»irc1Iin at 11 i:nWmae' mufa 11 M erhm1dAr;‘:1icken A hisAA di1igenct%A‘wi%chA ft<€1«9;~_"ATh@ *1i%~k«¢ ’ ~e nece4Iiity;t-in:heAwiiaeeiesmm tn‘ %the.:rol~d» E? Nag “imam fiéarmt; mmc Aierzguinys Aademanét: 11,12“ mi Wgimdé», Afiwbme MMCAA io1sx=VeAAwim '»Va1imimfi"9 A «id i’.'em,;E,e mange {ms may now bmlixaefie0-fA1ia&;urghtyxco1aw@rnm;entAbemfitfiflVdwfi Apateh_tAAw&:th lveflh ;tfoi1b1«eVV%th€f1 a P€Ct§7.bl1tWk1iG%y cart fIanA.AbeA0.p¢A3§i€df? as gwu‘@n»a atvmr s» p'a%.i1=xs%he =<’:Ai’"i”i:*' izbxiflardi gV&m’mie A*;a:ea.dVersA"%=p"éi11»s%§; : fi§9&‘::<:~a%t.i&~sA;A mam&dAAAPA rci~nh*er in Achae vvell Acmxing sa mac&ArA:ev?eryA‘il§ufi13eflfc% hath its goidexu houre):er in zxzhe: Xmzmher, A 0):‘ At3he 9ch;*oi?c€ I 0f the ma:cer,nrAzm:1a eexpéfitfiflm, Aa lm2=1dre&2way’e%s:, lard at "it hmfiwyou can, amaétive fairthfizll mans Apaim; arcg£nv~a1uab1&_. a&idAA2i11;rnaA113I «ra- ifesA}tmndr: Aime‘ weighed in amh an 'Ba?l1v1a1d ,this ridc1I'e.AI 1 o_:yA :1arw;a:z:rr:;Achm: A;rt:he:Pi~i1db&jdg"if’r;arrjb‘11gothefhis ;menem:s*Tbm~ % %A%’s,é: my hfnmea and admingflred 2‘m!jm;r% sv;&a’#&!*ci:;~jF»Gaé1*é3y Ws»iuh fa. »&r~i1'!e%be%1nad’c tzflé: p(wfA%: Pebplei of 7! Wafiringié Iiclievve théir fiws Mid Gmermnewts wttré Aum'Aa»v*Fu1;l; Vszfia-cha3Iei1g1ing to 1himf¢if.~:- By % wgwes we wog.xiiz%;z;nc‘¢V_o#f all both ‘EcécI@{;21{%wica11; Ac,;ivwia&A:?1 n1{at~ tats‘. a'f‘c?h’0"t% gwwn big’ %et*1‘L<>u_.fa:_2j‘%1.¢«+tr>%%V ipctahr a%§%7:A A A Vth&t§fmm6'»vhi!fp?cfi i'2?1%tffi~E'§~i;r Vfp1_r<:éthmé*1t"sfl ~ ¢h'mit t£x&}*-é dr¢‘.fl7:b';?.g:;"‘;5.'m" " %1rrnarI1:rt§‘a;6éj&wreaév:ule»%2! 5b“iifil*$é1¢iréwidf je-"t wfiléixtgs‘ H.%“irn.g ~§?*i1jf:-‘ii A ”Lgwe9am{m{% bi>A_di‘s?gr?aé:él”;MMt1?ti~at2'éo*%i~i-xifcakd asA_remmée 1 ~ WW.» ‘*W‘:30W1é aflffléw-vii .q3F'flh"¢“._(}'61'¥){§:f?<' .A P‘-wtfiWrezit7{V4n$ufl $6 ‘bééa~%zFe4fiHW ,, ‘J’! 3, “M, ‘ W, mi % ’:x1*4i:;J A; % % I’i‘£€‘.Z”1d \ .~.:; M W‘ ‘ ‘: é ‘K M ‘ '‘ f‘,J)<‘; - “ 3me_nd:ihxmfé1£téwArtm% p:co1:g1:e,hy ~ A _ M _ M _ A -ou§;ia1'xd:'»ex,tra&}nng:$a. .AqL1xwa- e£I'¢’nnz.:aH Law Our. _;of:_%h1:s»xtncr.1ca1I coz1:let13i1*hi’%Zflg‘oi1r~% Statutes; ;7;f"€)r‘..V%1k:ccA%fi-— % % :ix4c:IveIa?ciom1s;,;xvhi<:h.h“isASe¢°caxz;i.e:s fhatil C&‘,.y «IJp%,‘f7_<§.3;,? Gof"pa1I.{. ;W:h(>f:>— ' ::4%Vg.g+er;rréads. mm ,2 head“: «bu up the. 41ives%.oE~ chelle ~P1cbieoiaa_, V%and%,’at7;ervAa .§Emoz1eth Jc~r%:Vcwo‘sM% o;bfex:vati=m yornflna4lI%“; %fi:lad% 4 them finging ldéfglanr tu‘11e+.imVév%er§w: cornfir up: 'thc+:peopIe.; M Tav-w:mdm'r¢;nrc good andrgglat '."" "3‘d“1‘I'.b¢'fl:\1,:'.33'-' ézarmmmdmpmtflit to hrarezjaov ; }0:ft}I4¢t Jc*1m_G‘nfi2ell ¢mig%/Jt 5uw%piee~vm€l;im% the: éawd:vaa.tb%4r* taker}: mm:/Mr; /24:54 mu}; carafe- % «mi:gbr.vam 1¢}v¢T.0=Im,' and: mam,-M/4 61¢ =t!5!¢m 1nflim.:'Th»e wholcbem: of ‘;¢1A;ej.;— ywit} “all. t:h;ei1:. turnings, A and; wi z2di11_ag;s.:.a12d férches, Vnendxv but to V ftjhis,:opoflE:ffew4.%:l1e.p.eczpIi:- ag!aizat’c;c:he;prg:tl:.’-22:4(3Qvernm’ent,-fbr%gchis wnh%AeyrAéifl;ia%1ne; A..nrian dixccrs. fhapes sas. Pri*<2zt¢w'.:.;v wjnla tl1e:hane& :%£niVn"dedM;ii1fi:1:§u_atwingfla.126-1:nai~11* mi[%eriQus_£1ri~¢‘r1g¢¢i1E of convetfation » Afwirh“ th*<:”:a,rr1bitfi:m,§1¢5f, %:t~l1¢y%.dea1e;b){ r:omm«uni:cations% oEA*€hon‘Qurs , : xellingvthétn what: a%”11vecr_At%1ii1g 1: ;s_ 1:0 rbélookx upon as ch.icfT'of'a» —party% ; "*I='f.1aEf its b€tt 6:r=1.b.€i11gA the: 11ead,of a ‘A Gatgthen thesmile ofa : Lionefl;% B L'1,t:j,d{€.’,&*1C .11 ;3am1,g%a-A11;mi4t11~%. chain 'tI%1ey.: & will ,arn1:fe*~va11d’hold % :;yo1.'1%iAnHfixfpentés bur; )?01;t fl1a}1nevcrr illdfied can they tell you, q being. ,1-cf o1ved%Vto%1Z::i: up mate or leffdfayle accordingas th*.3;.VYi1]d 1ha11» b1o'w,, 4Q%Maflp1;e%%;hig pbrafe% in Cclldllfion. T¢%f/?¢##k:rcfl rtgreemmt wit/9; Cbraylignizrj as A r:ir‘Politi%ca1M-~aA»vAes c 8.~_T;/.mt M1: lz'f3:of:m,p¢rfim W2} 5: tfl1ég?fi;;4Wd‘]~am~'16l€r V_tb£’\ tefliérz uni: »;pftma%wituq A guy ta;.da,eit.g¢pa‘n; tbe«:%taf}im0Igy¢_ofqne%.youfla)r z':c.o2z‘tr.e277 ta“ A %.wtl:e%!.¢1¢v: of Gag} ‘d?}j’6?;0l7-$771012‘ tqxitj-%%Ihi’s%%i%s a;gric:wanceyou:have:1eam*t A A r_«::%by;1"*ew:1a;ionp,f0&fTIfind.;11(2ihch thing:,im ;our:;%1aW»<:S .:;1,ndeedv in fozhia ‘caiés ofemain ifliportsmfifi f'brA1‘%nheVcxamp1e, where _m;my ”cir-- %,{aum{}ana¢s g;ompo{e%a chains of flrqng 4proba,; concurring ~ with rrhc depofi tion of? a ditinterefff-‘deye;yvi%mefTe% I fay insfomefl fivch A rare café, mhe law zallowes puxjithmeznc ',Qffi?‘aV\1';1OCOfii()1IS%.0fEEi‘la3>@r:5 . Ahd‘ whatscan you pi‘ckfe%A<:>ur of%%thisI.l;g,§zne%%now?Bur.y Dltliffiflfi’ b“e ~ap.... »p1auded fin‘, chefowlfi dt;f1iVBr€f;f~‘ from ail bI1dagcv that ,:tgjttz'tzz.él: w4y}m% 3?”! P7‘0P07?h70f1«pflnflkment-tarpfi22ce.r ‘V fé that e no % Vflmflm /{'f7:'L5e takenalvfil.-.l,Izk had] pmzzfbed, 1107? 19:3‘ ,eflztz‘4%:-A flrflited 5:3: Wvfwb W;z!»w24%~£e*1fi4¢Ir¥‘i1£ raafiiv ~%efl/fa deflrrvvfirv/17¢-2% mfbmmr:awhat;y¢ur ‘Sy11ag¢§’gucsj account jnfl: wc.13eithef knciwindr A A *=1\care,:;.}bi1t‘ theigfim 31,0’ mm punifhcdby;tl1eViaw{e$lin 1 any ¢o£= the=f§52ef~ % “ * ;..pé&s A witheuc I c%au[E: Ea; :, Vtb:e~ i .vvI1q1e:.LKi{1gd01ne.;: E‘ng£pmd;f(); id; any 4, many_;rvhu11dré:d: y:eé~17<:sr fi:1 Accrfii s»e1;y«¢A; Adieemrqd.:% W e,i;gh:%]3j, i fr:’aat.~ ailpriifiinertmajbavé afiwedjtbrykzll ';Ainen fosbe vi-n,:4and mayyours lead‘ chi‘: d zinfce, ; A that tbcjv ée nqit/aerfiamzed, ’21o%r%%tI:2eir*:‘tfi¢~» A ‘4mi1ie3%%rai2i¢'d tong av?’ /ifigrzkig‘ imprzfinmcnt; ;.*4:wZt*t/oztt% imp;mfi;a«= W mantr¢&kd;:ly'=nfE?d’farfl:fé g.-/l:fi‘adjr_ not p:m{/bm:nr.: :~ To .4 a *(3e1a%u1ema;1a complaxmng oftthe dearnes mof" Sa<:k¢:,% hisT*coAnap;mio11 émermily tam rwers, Ifit 'w_ére Ma: Aaqfioxrvxue rheq%u.e;rt ’VV7E.".fl‘1OL1‘}d“}1a.V€ f£‘Wé32.§dri1A1].. 'kards:S0 fay I ~,1f7pr1io1:1s% vve"3:<:~% ycr.‘1nVor<-2‘ rr0_ublAe:ome pcrf?311sw7ou1d A 1: be‘mo’re.o14derIy4 ; yc;u.ffeeA%as bad as%they,arc;, 123:: etc are :fli11JA_;ez2ough A ’ found, t.«,;2a:’%%by Vnhcir fbiiy ox: oiafiixaacpvi wi-11‘ vezmer rl1e~gqing Vthhghaefo % .4 But: now V.‘»vhé%Lt:if1:h%ci-rearii”£:%E:a:ime.sVQ1ico11z:L1n1{;¢?,'obAi%i%Igare apinia. yat11eflE:,'f1&:di>tion,’ pe;rtiAnacit':y‘ in peaking evil} of di\gniti.e%s, +~ 5 Bythe praffife %of’a1h:hie CO111lflO11*H7'Eall§f'3S that ever-I read or heard gof,.Impri£bi31nent hath beer: judged the~znoHt:expedic1at puniilunenc. I. B;ecaufc Eheffi crimes are of‘a~dif‘FL1fl3vcmmrcf,$a1ad%%c%h<::rei*bre con; . .. : fii1ez.11e::n: t?.:zeA1n<;:‘fl: 170 er remed 2'. Tim: 1b1itari11eflé$‘:niaha bkeed V P Y Q; 4 % in _rhVeir'mi11d5,r,efleX t%I1c5u;;;l1tsahd fo ocrcafiion r<::pem:ancé:.$3.% The“ ‘ ¢indVu.1genc;eoftjhcmag1~£%ratie~coL1ld pitch upon no milder way}, un- »~~1efl’e heA!houId proclaimé :impuz1i1;y 1’"?:>r all crime; IJCDE capital! ; _ ,?.'1‘hiM§~4 béimg4.'4tf1%e 01‘%di11a3:y5%sgradeitimdy:S:1"fiz=:h t_§”;':3‘;E‘ the rfi fimfr draws . _on Ix11%pr1{b11.nZ1cmt;%:+afi1d«:‘to1'm3t1r11<~:s*afzzje, CM<:~17.wrmu-.21>:z<::«.z'1 In 1c,B:;z,z2iJ}'1.. gwmetats fgirrcpcz ti '3.Li§ Aret'1—1xnfroz:1%ea;;£e, ctr a, ti:-nzvcl gLu.;':A ot the A%f2zznAe I ' }i’0_f1?i11ic,’,dea1:h,'VVh‘at%i1'1t:cr€¥{f3i you :h?L”VC‘.’ in d.L~rp3fec«a:i12g«fucrhpenafl proceedings; Liar yourezzzfm ri¢£'t?C:.*r~xIj1*i3C. & A%;z.Anoch%efi%V t'oo1e§lwo1:~»ié».wflm’maa§; a..i%151%hiyt*/ae3 @‘ .4! otlxr Aflzférméd mm_'m- .;;t mxIt?2c*e mud t/:I;!t~‘fiat/aingifiktplnce\z“b£rqf%£u:-‘ iwpofcfd ézzzf %t/mt all‘, ‘.¢Mf'z';2:i.. L fler: nznjibc‘}d& c1;1:x1'(};‘éJ~y rlwfe W/‘Jo z>o.;’:¢2&r4ri{y c/mfg; 2/sew, m2‘;£;;»m;. AA A tra6i:witb" them filrf/./éir'L&1éb,#rJ.' '1"I121r,i9.i:;¢iinginterpreted, that weiceprixug Landau and the ad1i,u:e1:c$A Coum1Aes,. all ,1vi1%1:11si’cé:x4-~s, flmmid ‘ ;exp'eld AtheR,ea”1me o1‘Englzmd, and hoi;gvma~:1y rhxnkrc yomwouid afig1ef;;3 in wclixe Do1nin‘ion cm-' A VI/?.::2Ze;rA?*: Trlfly‘ %”co11£id¢;5i1agVibe»; prétiy .,~ma3~A agéwe iive: in 51 woxadér no fuch xvhinafycafl; ‘Pe:riIcit.?212«<‘t4Aa9r% thiis A jwfals aver tendred,Humb1y»{11cvviug._4 ca “Tifrgcf vvhfgreas i"c.r' divers ‘ €ar€S.1Pafi4zhc1:ehzivéheenc fi111dryVdii?E::ez1c¢fs%happcnedin .a;1tzda- V if Rcligioxl tmhe d<;I:ri_1n¢"ncof the pL1bli1<.a.peaC<3,M.Th«$y:\v%ou}d gftsbc la Tufpmfi*0n»9r~aim*1§M%mfi$V ‘*l‘.% T < , :?.«:ti.M% ‘tCD%inue1*l1;u%011s% 3, 13nd,; Awcmlaap Vcwsaa-ea‘ T ‘WNIIFRE % %m:Vcmgh%bego.t chetero? I;%«’aawd*12‘ea1es+taoab.: Mwviauh... .%Q§~m%, gyhigleg _%%Vwbuid% bx: ‘£33: fax ’{rO1’!;1’?d14=1f§)1jZt'i:l%7g\‘ at“ A %d,% that f:;.h~e“y ‘V164 ncmzr tlxiaike mfhian,Vym‘;u_ l?‘~P€t1' ti*@fl‘hhth?‘?thB ma... ~»«d‘er ot;h’er~a:ca7rmes; "’1’{:ie{A‘«ni>»dV Pr‘; 3;*&2ri3e”% was ::'71’r Iiikie a£‘3eLa{e find wcreihad enwgh f it 7?»im_v¢rm::d.v _i;ike~Rebpi%e, §;I.ikeAPrieAf%, we *fhafl {ea fa1n«Qus<=m:mwfl&a:;, éi’t;d%_-aw A V 1:h€mW7‘by*ai1th0rrity,’:i's i't'tD be iji;r1i»agimmi.,A%thEii- wmtrig ' ;?*but2i0ns~%w1iI.«flow an more i1berA_.%fly* ?‘ ‘T*l'aeTrmIfiJL211.A, wi ch equall zeale_»:*L::»m§:'.at:F1c% "Spaniards in j the Indiéta —Wc are tioidthere is no jg r:";-undfor Tait/akr mwler {be Gnfpcll. A .fP~1fC}1V‘i‘11 : The whole Orc%h0dox~»Ch‘m;ch bf'U Ddwfor wth’BH{'c*fGuretee'i*1 um: fifmene hurmlred yea%res:, that is eV‘eriiinc4e anyflhurches W"El.‘€-E; v£%ablifl1ied,th' ;:rN=mv”beca1:Efe thefefamatirzk dreamersflnd *i1:'n*ct _c0m:h{:ed?im Tomany:Laérters+.az1d% S~v1a¢::;Ie:s they” mof’c“ fimply yet:.mo71} wviclcedxigf «cry dmvxneafl‘ mall 1'1’2.i'ii!.‘lt£:;‘IT!£ti’1C€£{17£LiUPC!) tA‘he"fa7me*grounda11cmr :”c3tI"1ic/:1:*j2u*vVes : Fm: x:i: these‘ or any other maintenance were never, 1:14;".-A-A-L ,g§:~:‘§ by us‘ '21:; a P1"€C"<;:pit 0%’ the «.3 ofpe1i;,bu‘t as the law offxglzmd; and Wm‘=.<::§‘7 re%i~»‘~ s::?~<2 fevemh Pct-ticion they in effeét demand the alwrogaasiu ~:?,.¢:3'?T757j,:;°3£l:“:3;iC‘r?§I”i'" awe: Hecauié not ex”prefly contaimd in ibe %G"a£p[£1,ithwe ma “:1-md Clargfiianitj “Yell “I ,j1‘1€ €d not gram: them thus murvch for all ; iCi:u:*» :1 Ch‘ri1*i-.‘12ms% ;1CknAo»vIedg1’ng Aa4 p‘2:’i‘?1“et%i: harmonyr“ In theéwmd, A 'E3":«'?a'E rhe'oikie’f%am%ént«i¢s “bdt: C/.nfli_/}"t/:13: «oei1:,?:and%%x:tne ‘mxv J<3¢_aj2*xi3I1zwJ4fi _ ‘ 1:(>b€‘i1njQ}Tfl€ ciiit1.‘£h a ope, cillvwtrr fin'd* ‘its*~‘iAdpofic&’?~we~1y , ;,inFercmcc‘(for We will not :yet1‘1em%fo‘flri«ffly to ‘it; as A bét 0A¥Wa'9-*?V%%*f*!4‘*‘'*'% 4” ‘WA A V44“? %mgga%p4ymnn.:a»d:%m t*Afk;kerA »»,¢;é1«mA gum A A“/C?‘rVédf£qr:s,r44Fh7iAs was mi-.i+:e~IyV belieyemm‘ ;; cant-dc AW: ‘th;:%d‘,bA>res: open anair}m0@Ié1»imau]¢i>1e~ w Aimlighc h%a;::pi13} g,ai‘n~’xm f£m=al1%(eApF%@f¢i AA €S,_V0lIE' wmmumiemmE,g@~a;$s . I A xvomldft-a:kq +fire%~Q:hew¢~l§I§<:G 31?? qtaickiy wAm1m!c1:£liahsw A A have 11»ic>ciAA:iAng l<=.~f_r%,__ cry halves-4 w.1whth¢:1m nexghboursggfi “je-,1 »mi:.~ rn<7u:1 ‘za,A~i~ Seem A‘jrn1;£};er shat; fwmajirigfiarjgznnfl A. A _ 7: 5=¢fi‘dr.;;pm]3nmwy~_6a inflim-d4A+upam«4l£‘ defparam at 2:311! ru:/oar a5ffiinu:e&}~%Vb4mandrA;be parifhfizzg in pmj?mA nbmwglw tiaeiv “ ' limgrédnefl M t/9air~Cmcd1'MmA~-.n rbem5W4'_:aM ajf wuimampgpmr I ;m~rm2;b»zmwa dzfrbiargu Sum wl‘1ifle~ nine maxi-"h czt’ its Aazlfifis-. t:7rqa:,m prfiiibni? mAanya:i%re ‘jallify awn rheyzbmrax Au A~_Aa;g Iqng as they may; aagncl-At:henv1@t~po£’cc:rsmy.finf£~on AA — w A the wort?‘ pmgoreibwiks diam fibeiruinfl o£oneAa1aam_.. who hath fpgphc~his day;esVin«vanicgt anc1:s£mE1y;4and;th*mvh@i‘c~ fhmiaies ,. Ad*‘e£Ei1ati*on 9* "Ehey emze-~~wl*i0Aehi1v1k }1n13i=£h13'iI~:t‘JtS.«» imv.AentedA~»V0mA1y+: for ' A % u{1eA(QfiTTE!IdMS*; tf&1¢y_g1§~e~Vf?;6¢nA*~exaa:=mp1ae {aka and;Awv amen mthkxw-A, fA~xv~e. mot“ many fb1*c1~im@s,v\}hic.h y ‘reaA£om.A.@.£Aagm:Am% oth€r~ 1' mpfldmwen rs V the? are more.ab1e;w~wmm%i I'»:‘Wt i‘**%'i*‘§A"T1%:**14P%A*'t':>3n‘:f¢7»";’?”:“* Ijmt *2! ;nofl;u-zajpfl cut&omg:(n1w Hnlémimmg wvxhcn amy:Amm~ many . nachr f'“oI*?ii7rA?ai1rd%¥1%;,% T‘3fi15P*T§'1i'm*a wimkenbisi £barJfiA angumenws vonev mam a1 A AAWW »'f1:t%iiéT! »F%h*Va;p"gy Vconditiim w:.m:¢; wc,in;;.iFMW.¢_ uAn§cr«%nqV%gr:atex& th&n«f~Pccrs,- Gr a Committee of Com. axfifihéa ha:th%fcn:"1omc of ypur KVmg:pcrdolI4ings to ‘prifon fo»r%chcir rude- andgchiisfl makes you pTlca.dfQj‘ha.rd fbrv prifoncrs ;_All the” rtfl ofchc ’_Af€icIe5was gbgt‘a?ffl1dmi%qg«ghorncro dmw‘on this claufis. But, I would fwifh yoh~?£0“bc‘ md-he mwo%dcH‘a. inzd nut? fioflharp rtc>o,m» uch uu%pOI1X_ % flringlw fori}?vc%1'%ily,;V#f}V'aI¢/émttb your ‘Snp":7fiaztrJVtaq bardyow .254} ».c1:.¢n¢e draw the upauyvurrfitbttfi Q31" MW?‘ ¢”3Wg*?,6 ‘*al.‘l.¢‘£fif, > * M , '1: % 4 V J H ; AA “ “12 Thwtjagt n~£fl.prVm z?2idcfbma paw&vjfm!l meme: :2; @312 V,mm,% mmm hxzdo/:ildrW’fr'2:m 6e1gging,%4#d$~wiciQ6dx¢]fé, st/022? F/9i1;?t%%%3‘7€W'flng%~ ma} 5: no Manger 47 ]luiinetb"C*Iar1]?iazzi:!} tbvr£=in.%%_l t1im:confi${d€nt%t10 Nation under __ ' Maven huh bL~gter.:;?prov‘idcd4fQr chc: more by Iagmcs, thy;-:%n,% ours; nanny A wh§g;¢, Ho11,;ndM¢xc«;Pi:ef§,are44V tIzcy? bect é3: cxcciatcd : name me anyxing-.m ’ ,*dam¢'%~;in~Ghri(’c*cndom?e* wheitc ‘am :f'c~:w1;r%«~ poorei? btfidfis than ’m:u{§2y’ "‘vvhoV’feet1ic poure1.a’m4ong us arc bu:Vcpumcrfci:, ,a}1d~beg_ A qu;;1o£“Avm%¢ ,;;1I’;: 1 « ' . V , . . cgnngffc, 4% Azfigflinem V I h _ .\ w W V ‘ ' V . toAnnc{‘I'¢, out of alvagravnt humour of lLibcrtiAnifine. which the thinkcs. you dfall othtrs Jlhould Imtgain-rfay. Nevtrthclefig I‘.d€nYI1l0t\l?u4“c "theyt'nigh~t bt; btttcrlotdcltcda and Would bcin tlzagt GolvctnmcnttAwhi~Clff ytrlya lo much wlthfiand. IAt‘Cam1otlblc lmknlownc to yOd::‘al{b’Ah[0W » City for their parts; have bccnof late confulting hcrcabmlt 5 , fotlnit illbccmnts you_Pla5ioala,to a<hcM1’nlt!icalae, and to comtrtetalld Vyotgtf fi‘lVf3S to the pE0plEfO'r~thC firfi,ltw4hichhathgbctn abowfi « thcl‘t:l’ttwAclv,t motntthsl, to ; my~knov‘vlcdgc,. in; Vugzt4tz'a:%a,l and th¢at’s lag. \ point‘ btymnd mm‘c»z.BuI: fuch layout la;trogm¢c,jastthatlly on vttc‘mlclit1:§%% A fitrrttto tli1cp;;oplc.that nobody feesithcit gticvlanccz-., but your, all the} AltCfl;@fltl1€~WéptldllS3bll"nd, and hard!) 6'd1¢t},0{£:fl}flrd the Parliament on; ‘gala: tbclchtnefi do: the Europeans. And whence (I pray ) ,thi$l ten,-Q dcrtcgard of the poor: ?ldocAnot wck11J0w that wt are all Irlfidcls in A ‘yotut cfleemkt P: What caArcAyou fbr allthcl poor: in the world,,lth‘at%_t1te: A out of your trongrcgmonsf Vcrily of alllgraccs, you have l¢a{?ccau‘_{'c A‘ toAbrag}of’charity.;~ “AWclla I fay no more, but wifh your hcaArtAmayA hctqhave kept your tonguctcompany; so [hall I hdpe, you may it: him: «come to bc-hamfl E Idem, fincc you arcllaltcaldyl {'0/but Dmcoxx. I I 3 The: 13!’: Aism,Vollluminoutscomplllaint, 1. .TI:gtt men mil:/.261»: tboirlnamex, of.S?ecSlan'e:,Sc/sf/m'fitick:,f4&iau:,cfi-;.l A ‘I15 wtllthcy are A A aflnmc-d ofthc nameftwcrc better they were afhamtd ,o_f the thing ; thcy difavow thctit1cs,but not thc tenants- Their atgumcnt rwurmcg A A “thus; MIA honcfltt people; and fuclhastwould %not;WconlfI:2tmcll to Taper-s flitiorts utidct Epi”fcopacy,thcth¢n prcfcnt lGovcttm;1ent, Jlwttt lfotmetly A moi’: unjufily repmachcd as Puritans,HcrCticks,Schifm’aticl{s,6'6‘.tl1t:r- fore ‘fmitlatr are %wt:llttJu1yfocallrd For refilling the ptefifnt Govcmtfrlcnt, A e/Ilt/amgbnlltbg/2'Afluwblin'glélackjtéc ma ircmawd, and » tfx rm-A fimw/.v; jot; rfefzfé to joyut Wit/9A tidgjct ) :will, match, their Argument 7?andVthtn,ltujtnc them both lofofc. to (‘land or A faltllstogtthcr. 'InAtht: raigl1eAofQ\uccn7]I{4ry, divers ?SAocini_ans A_{'u'pprtfl'ir*g thleit blafe phcmous rem-n‘ts,l and only A Pl‘C3ChjlDgtagaglfl_fl.l2dQ1'1.ClOnr. of lIA.téz#z.::lggrs, W A Putga‘tory.~Ixivoca.tion ofsaints, and cslthct;poPm1lfup¢xfi%icions;. arc‘: j ‘tlic'racf‘orc l:<:akcn ifor A Ptotcfiauts:l 5% and .Atogpthctf wiltlt the llfrog A *tcflants]A pntfccuted as HcrctiAcks for oppoling I9al"pi%flic”allAlGyq;vcrn~ ‘manta. Aficttnardin thfc b.tgiAn'nin:g of , stigma; raigné «=;‘}Vhilc’ the rleformndldiléiplincof the Chutchwas yctlbnfenlcd,-. they begin to pot? A is; from lmdAcr» the Amaskc, andaby dcgrtts td. appear: inthcit own likcé -4' ‘ , l A lntfft, , A , . %(‘“f333“-‘“) A ~’¥"e:‘d5£1z:“}n**g~*firafiy‘~%*fiAm?p1%‘wgaplcg W» r'h'a>& 'a*dmi‘:i'«td *%t=hefm f§fmi:1~ 7fii;a;Vlc ¢i?1*ifi:“th% P*a‘“p;1Ir’m.N6W Ax Frghbfi méfl wppgfitthamgdbd {me th egg: A %bl*”a.f “"$P1€.§“i:‘i1?i“E'$K_ia “g*a’1~rdH-t 4-rftw: «71'xfi~n*i*‘t*y , "find camhm A &»u‘%nad m5..g§e %AV,+m,»g;3a; fa VV%c£>Ainn:tz‘i1fif¢a#‘e ‘xA‘7<’r4ifi*i’%"»31:’i1%<'ii‘;?I3a?§$&i?fl?saI% A W?¢i§l71”£§ %d1i“3:iw»2A?t%h*&s A iaagfaw 3; ¢w,§cg-1h~¢§r¢a¢vOgf;thy# M l:z:»*lv1e¢amWVmbm§ fri'wai¢23??r~3“”b;J%t A*.i4i“n§*’ftr'it*i: *‘"fy cm 1«i-Mfr: ~‘1%E~i’{3?:c§h,.iafiw’d §1e»:m- ips, A A , WM! *1€Hcm“?%:"o¢ghbi*r?F2réc»P% W~hy*,?t® tAh‘¢'Fa;n.; to £ay.i_moulr'~mufi m.wcj:whla¢; y«dw:1wc.,,;~: I';L"CflW3fl!l‘:1¢l5.'.“. l wwhgmt ;;‘,u.».:»;.. l B2:g,g:4 rs hlwdlnm Awmwt tdl‘rbc‘l?G*m1°?%~fl$l lréllamrfi lncwtzyjmah am:-Ali;l 2% A Wi1»ac'a mare? fer ‘I’-v"l£'?&ul'I’W"“l53?@16’“13’3':é7v'lf?, mhlcmt-L shay *@;{ll$l%{‘§;l$§l;»$fi_:}§m'£l l % lpmuendfi. 1 3‘ 7CwQll];§i€fl:l.’1al-'*:+* ~:ak