% Touching the eight Qmaere’s upon the late Declarations and Letters from the 1} Army, touching {edition falfly charged upon them. A _ VVh‘ercin%a.£«ho fe Qgseres are refolved, and thereby.» ; I the: prefent proceedings of the Army are 4 . proved to be Lega1l,%]ufl: Sc Honourable. .._.—~«---nu-g, By DAVID JENKINS. Prifoner in the I TOW}? of L 0 N D 0 N. A Gflzfzlr mlerit Graccbog dc fir Aditionc guerczzte: A Printedin the Yeare, 164.7; ff“: L ' ?.l-‘;‘’‘'‘ A V ‘; ‘flu 5* ‘ I «'97:. ' ‘;‘I AP 0 IjNOiG I E AR M Y. /I-Iefn Tireafoniabla and infofent ~’ mrie: make the A ; Army the Houfes Subjeéis, a%}1ottheKings. flrgflm fa 1' ;_ 5 ‘ None by the Laws of this Land can in this King- Smfirdf I .s.'*e:-§,:.t;i%p dome have any Army but his Majtfly. in ' ’ '5’ It appears, the Annie doth now evidently perceive, II ‘:’$"»' .. .... _ . that they were mifiled by the fpecious pretencesof Salm "maintenance Papali, the maintenance of the Kings Honour, and of the ofthb Lawesoffihe Land, and Liberties ‘ofthe A L \ 'Subjc~:éi§, to ta'ke up Arms agiainfinthwir natural! Liege Lord Mag. Ch.~,¢r.' andnsoveraigne the King The People is theBody, the 611- amt». King is the Head; Was t:heBody we when the Head was Alffhfi A3-' diflrefled andbimprifoned? For Lawcs and Liberties have CODCGI-“flingi not the prevailing party in" the two Houfes deflroyed an. the King, ‘bove too Afis o~£Parliament‘,and intffeéi: A/Ilagzm Charm; Church,ancl @-Chozrta.aleFamefla,’ whicli‘ are the common Lawes ofthe Churchmen. Land? Doth Excifc, thd I‘if't’h"and’1”{vtrcntieth‘par_ts, Meale-A 253 E,I_. c.;._. ' A L A 2~ A mo... A ‘ j.‘.t2.. g9_.El. ‘ . . ‘V ‘ "h: H ‘ I ‘ ‘tiibfiéy; incl” many‘ tum burdens which this land never" heard of before , ,mai’nta.ine the Liberties of the people ?’-2*’ You, and that pattie oi the two~H_o.ufes, made the Army by efeverallhfleclgrations before engagement ,;: believe that you would prefenve the Kings Hot;1our'tand Greatneffe, the .,LaWes,‘ a.-nd~ Liberties of the people ‘V: "I?.he>Atm»y. and the ‘v"§zho1eKihngdome t_how.hfzE2aw£dent, fee your a_&ion?s,~ find A have no trc;afoV;n §CtI3g_¢f::1‘_ to believe youtg Qathcs,,;httVtzWéS.t ahid Declarations; and fince that party in" the two Houfes re--t fufe to pt;-rtormt any thing according to their {aid Oatihes, Vowes, and Declarations; the Atmie and the Kingdomer maye audyoughtgbtath by your own ptinci gg1es,andt«the Lawes ah the Lxmd, to purfuetthe end f‘t)r%Wh%'1'cl:i they were rgifcd. And {'0 your fitft r§)‘;f'fi€7'£' is refolved ; whereby it is maniftfl, _ I A that fpecious pretenccs to carryaonambitious and pernicious.-» defignwes, fixznot "upon the Army; but ttpon yttu, andathe preww W.iling4tparty,-in both H<::ufe§.t A = . V :Tl:c' 'S0li3‘ti05¢ of'1’tbeW/7s2'ona7:_,52_»'g{,err. . firomiznptifottment at Halméy. It was"High «Treafonto « i-111pI;i{0l‘1~HiS Majefiy t. To Free Hishdajgltiet -ftomithat im- ptifonmetptwaswto deliver Him out of Ttayterous hands, 3 par. Iaey9£t.. I. Iczcoé. tint‘. t2_ 6», 3&5. 6_ which was the Armies botmden duty by the t.L1W‘Of Gad; andwthe Land”, That patty rteftufiid to fufifir His Maftfcie tot- ha-VE.=tW0 of His G,?htap1ati«nts for the exercife of His CCU!’ — fcience. who had not men the Covenant; free accef1";:waAs.e; not pt-rm%tte.d doth the Army ufe H s Iviajcflie foPal1,men fee that aceefll:-to Him is Free, and fuch Chap»lainhes«.aS Hi; - glxdtajtfiiedefred are nawattendinghont E-Listflrace 2: Who ~ A e are the guiltyt pertions, the Army; who in t?Ji5'-fl&t»Om?0Fd€— h livering thetjfiing, afl‘ a«t:t‘.ord.ing to Ljtw, or the faidttpztrty ‘ t T A A who aE’tad Treatbtzfahly againfi the Létw?‘ Who doth ob. fence the Pf0t€&3fi<)=f! bettertthey; who imptiftan;.the‘ir King! ettthey 't:*.zho.fi“ee Himfrom p;ifonP:.- A 7% t " A - . A. . m,»;.2t. . 2 we H. 71,5. I . The Atzmy, t«oth..eir etetnallhonour, have fF€Ed~thetK34E)g; 2 ; ;'l‘;hat-thiéa Army waseratfedby the.Patl1amen§., 18 utterly-V fauén The Army was taifed by the two Home-s upon the e fpecions ptetences of the Kings Honour , common fafergt, u and "the" ptefet-Imvation of*ALaws and ‘Liberties ; .. which how made good; hath been flmewed before ,tNaAncl allthe people of l that Kingdom do find": by woful experience; The two I-Inufes are no more a P’£1rl.i:iment , “thena Body 174 57.8.3; A‘ without 2 Hezd a-jM:*m.n. '1"h'e two Houfes" can make no 35+. Court without the King;th€y are no Body Corporate with‘-~ 135-‘.,.,.,¢5¢,¢,.-.n ounthe King; they. am Head and Mom bets, make one Cor-_; 4 P4;-, 1”/};t_ee ewe gg-,,¢y._ gthis isfo cleot atTtuthJ,; tltet,in ttlxis Patli-3 p.1..;;, 1 2,14‘; A ment; by thelA"&‘ of 17 Cctralzlt1lSCleCl‘a1‘ed..,H That the Par-=. t6;'R,2.Ac,:, L. Iianient flfall not be dtflblved or pgotoguledl but by A.& of 5 _E[f,z,,g.z° . P:1tx1i.1ment 3 ‘but the two Houfes nftay refpeéhvely adjourn 17c,,m,[_ them{7.lves.— Two Honfes andval Parltament are feveral. things, The A5} far V C;m£i‘nfidam tzarnefazcimat :‘ all citclunzfliamies agreelto pfove the gamma, this truth. _ Before the Na.rm:mConqt1€{l, VaAnd..fin‘cetoh this anc‘e*loftt‘hi8» d:ey,,4theAKTinAg13 holden 1?‘:-1nc1pa1,, Caput e§- fi'xm,_that 15, the Pal3li&mént.:. beginning, Head, and chtefend of the Pantl‘fatment,as appear-“ ~ eth’b the T1jiea%tifelbf‘nthe manner ofhholdilng. of Pl;ihtliamentsA V -wx madellbefbre flirlélvormnn Conq'qe{l”;byltheWrit of Summons fi.d§.J:‘2I;?fi“”": A of "Parliamentwh‘ereby the Tteatyand 'Pzzrlerin_P'é1I‘l'la.mer3t A ' to on 5, is to be had with the Kéng onely 3 by the Co‘mmon.Law ; by 4 PM. Imflz-ft: the St:ttnte~LaW', by the 04th of Supremaciey taken at.this;np£,g_ 9 and every Pl.£1liament,itl‘dloth manife[’tly‘appear,,_ that 5 FEL;-£9 g outthe King there can be no colour of a Parliament. l ' ' l‘l l° A ileilow manv Votes have they revoked in one Seffion , yteag . and Ellis PA‘AAAW'as theteeevcr the l‘ik’e done? "Nay , is notthc” confront conrfe of Parliaments violated and "made nothing» J thAeteby_P ‘=vTAhey ‘are guarded by armed “men ,, divide‘ the npu‘olikeA Money bmonglthemfelves, andthat patty‘ endea-aw A vonrs to bringgin aAAFt~ort§tngnA to invade this Land a'ga1An.,w...n “ If" they be no Paerli :1'1AAt:-.lelnt; asf'c1earl'y“they "are none with-‘ A out HislMajo;o;ftie _, they have no APrivi_l‘eclges , butdo exercife ; hm anA-Atbitrary _, * Tytannical and Tteafonablen power over the A P3“P1.¢° t A A 7 l A A 2"-VA(4)"".~ “ 7 15.4.2-o. 5- *BytheLawA of t]he'L:‘md ,; when Treafon or Felonyeis A 8 13.4.3. -con[1mvitted,‘iit lie lawfulfor every Slibitélf, A whAo£fufpe&s In 9 13.4.27. Ofliender, to apprehend him, land to fecure him Io", that Jo-J % 4H.7.18..A Aflicemay bedone uponhim aceoroliogtotheehw. ; 2 7 I- a You fay, The difobedience of thehrmyis afad publike ' A Prefident , like to conjureuoa-ifjitit of univerfal diioliaedi-— A A enee. A I pray objeffoot thatAconjeu-ing up to the Army, e "whereof you andthcprevailiog party in the Houfes are guil- ty, iwhoAconjuted‘up the {pirit of uoiverfal difobedieoce or agairifl His Majefliee, yout and ouronely Supreme Gover. A’ A 4 hour, but you, and that ‘party in the two Houfes ,‘A and even I i then when the Hoof:-5 ot Commons were taking and did i take the {aid Oath of Supremaey “P. For the Covenant you mention, it is an Oath againlt the Laws of the Land, againlt O the Petition of Righrndievifcd in Scotland, whereinthe fix-It, A it Article isto maintain the Reformed Religion in the Church “""c°u'« of Scotland : And certainlythere is no Subjefi of the Eng- e°f017d- iPi“£- lilh Nation doth know whatthe Scotilh Religion is. I be- 3°3_- _ lieve the.Army took not the C-Zovenant. No man by the Law PA€f1tA10De0f:l can give ao4O‘ath in a new care without an A8: of Parlia- RlBht§3..C‘{”- ment 3: and therefore the impoferesltherieof areivery blame-; 3 P4" “‘ml'" able, aAndgi1ilty of the higheft Crime. A 7 £9» A A The Writer of the {e fieriet feems to ‘profelie the Laws ; V A let him declare: what A Ad’: of Parliament doth jultifie A A the tendering,givi*og, or taking of the faid Oath: l he know- eth there is, none , he kooweththat all the -parts of it are defirufliverr of A the Laws and Government to m'aiotainA which the flaw of Nature and the Law of the Land had ob.- Mag-C1Wt- liged them. The. Oath of the Covenant makes the I-Ioufee A WP-1- 55”?!" {upreme‘€3ov,ernours in caufesatficclefiaftical”; the Oath of 157190 1915' SL1pteAm:aey mailies the KAit1g,fo : rand yhet both takenkhby the ‘ ml-£01m’, fa‘met-~p;:r1oo§3¢etthe fame tiAine.f VWhat “£rCVd1i.t‘iS,lt»qo(‘b“‘e‘ giirezi and many 0* to perlfoos; who make neothingof Oathes , and cootradiél: A '~'h51?.~‘3*3‘f11¢€§ themfelvea P” Howdo theiCovenant.ztnd the Oathaof SL1-P A55 Ed-4-19- ptemacy agree I‘ How do their Proteitation and the Co- at ' O A O A A e’ * venant r e (5) _ A Vane-ntagreePHow do their Declarations and yoathee agredh ;Th.¢ Lorid he merciful‘ to this Land for thefe Qathes. M i I t is a fad thing to cfonfider that {o many Gentlemen who profefle the Laws, and fo manyworthy men in both Houfes. fliould be fo tranfported as they aregknowing that the Laws of the Land from time to time, and in alltimes, are contra- ry to all their aftions, and that yet they {houid amufe then;-. {elves and the people with the word of “Parliament Wifhogt the King,and with the Covenant ; whereasuthey know they are no Parliament without His Majefiie : and that Enghfh ~ men thorowout the Kingdo ihould fwearta Covenant to A preferve the Reformed Religlon of .S‘catl.v:.=d out of the e fpeeeh and meindes of every faithful’Chr.ifl:ia_n.m:m pergfietua A ' ' alIy‘,fa%1=fly,and zra£t:remflyp:arpafixg,% an-ed iz:nTagin§ng rice perur. d ' petunia! deflmfiififi Of the King: fazézi Ptrffim , ma! fir2a;!fi£n5'uef— d % /2072 of ‘this’ Realiivfi taking upem him Raye! Power; anedg-.»:»tr'qez=~.d 4 ing to 1952?; than Ifmgsépzapla in greazzmméers , >[»y,fe{fe , fpzéstil H : e iihagiflfd lmzgmrge 3 d'”6{fi’dit:’0:4fly'm4'kix:g “ax [Hrring Rééeilwe ‘diam and Infacrrr£i‘z'o;-,;mdereMco!.9z¢r cf ?ufl=ia.r,v for Reformation 2 gf the Law: of t/:ie_/[aid Isfing , Maééing, (?'m1r'ga'g and fiaiiing» e , g2fcat..pnr}? cf./.'idfoz£t1aftel pmplm eOdurdfi&id “-Su‘Verai~gn Lord thealiing confidering the premifesg wi:hmanydoth-.er which n were more odious to remember ,d by advice and confentnof A the Lordm-foreiaid, and at the requefi ddofethe {said C0mm.onS., ' fawn;-,1% bydedautherivty afor.e{:z-idee , nhadth’ %0rda—ined% and AE-ftabliflhed A that the {aid 510;”-mc;;.«,;I.s {hall be reputed had , 'naxn'ed, 4::-M den elared adfrdje Tnzytmr! Imam? Sam-gig» Lard’ zi.Fe..Kz?aég ' ; and that all his tyranny, afls , Featsand Falfe npininnsn final! bevoided , abated, annulled , defiroyed, and'pu-At out of re- mem brance for even : and that all Inditemients,and allethings \‘ depending thereoflhaed -2 nd made under the power of Tyran- N ny, {hall be likewife void,~annulled ,-as bated ,repea1ed,and hol- ‘sden for n'one::A and etha;tethe=b1ood;o{ noneof thembe thema- _ ofi defiulede nor corrupted , biztby the auetherity".of_r%the_fa&d T Parliament clearly declared forever : and that ail elnditef V ments in times coming,‘_in Iike cafe, under power of Tyran- ny, Rebellionand Satin-ang had, »{}iaI1 be of%n"o Record nor n effcfhe but vaidein Law; and all the Petition: delivered to tie: A [ad/Bzid Ki;-zg ink? lafl Pafliaméitt bafldm “At. Wcflminfler‘, 6.. navamla. 6,ein the 29 of bit Reign , *4gainfl‘bz3.r mindc, . 59» him mm » .4greed,flm1l ire takyn and put in 051im'wz,aut of rcmaméramcc, eundonea voided, annulled, and“deflroyed £0): ever , as a thing epurpofedagainit God and Cotnfcience-,a'nd againfl: hisafloyal am e. . m._ ... A - V.‘ ,. “7: Efiazeand Pgeemincnce, Aand glfo difhonourable and nnrea: J Howe (7) W hwhhw are wexémine wlfmhahth trhcéh infheéhfiéphhf ’ ' ~ §$'a;c!{Cada,ycu and the prefcnt‘preva.i1i13g party of the twm W ’ .Hm41‘esh g~ah§»\e apex; than ,M A mzd.:doe takeh 41?’ the Hajall Power in .¢5’;;;jn§§ 3 10 did }ac£;CcgeIe, as happeares by the faiii Afi ; :thfir many dee not (9: ‘They who imprifon the King pm-w M fafe to dejfroyflia Parfcrn j(.our_ ir~np_rifoned .Kin_g,sa1whayes Wgawmz my V ; mf.£3.f€hd_.fE)u fuck Cade dad '11kCW!1f€ fdjpurpoie, but the Hfsniw 5« I hfirznydohé not {'0 :\~The-f§sid“party m the two Houfes mash Rwhw-i *~ A ,4 fijfyfg1g.mzder:'€0lfiuT~Ofjflfliffl for ~I€.afohr7natian ofrbqLawax; V 7 £0 cfiui j‘Lu:l; hCad’eh.: h Time Army doe A-nohtfo ,but hefireh than the Lawes flxould be obfervcd : _';’acIe_Cade.Zsz:»ied Warreta- hgmzflhthe King, the Arm-ypmfetvesflixn’-:.,j}zcfgCa:1e dytfii V ;ahD*cc[.:zrhed Traytof to bi; ;S'awerhigne Lard the King; :hh’1sAt:» i wmrshhof hzzheirh King. ‘my li—v<:s [0 have the glorious true 1'-ihncrztit afheiaag rem. ’ _;Sim’a~n Suc;%0ArChbifl1op F Canterbury wa’s“’2nhrthrm:fl I f by fackcade W’iI1iam Lama’ Archbjifhop of Camterhnry h wasiikewife murzhehred ibythat partyhofche’txn*wa1-’£c>uft~3$*, ' W hfopthat an Ordinance by La » ycamact take away my mums zs'IEcI. gm hfe,and his life was taken Aawa-y by an hflrdinancehhof the 13- E;d- 35:» cwfa Houfcs fifltphe‘ Army had no hand in it. Many mificd by §:“[::°f‘ %‘:.f.‘,€m faclgcade ,*perceiving his Tmyterous purpofes, fell from 33 A ‘V " ;him;an»hd as that was ~la~wFu11~, rjuihand Hcmourablc, {oh is A ‘ Y - A for this Army to adhere to their -natural} -King, and to ink deavur tofettlc the _Kimgdome agahim in thejuft xafld Lhibehrciéshthhereaf : London: did r:hen—hright; wc3rchi1y%Aadr»- » ‘heart: to the King and the LaWé*s,a:.ndh n;m:‘ht0 fqekaahde and A his 1" pecious »preh:cnces,and it is hoped they will now fa do; 4 .By* this it appmres,,that‘.chc Gcntlemans mrcourra tuuch--V V h~im.g farlgcadeafalhans haltege :;1mr+ox_1 his — pxrnyj .am{h clharcch ‘h’jh»§éff£he Land a.fuffic'ienthcaufe :0 leave and defer: that;par:~y ; 4 rm Msicia” 2: {a1m;m-. h The Arhcaresdfthc Arir1y(h0§kvheit it is the leafhthihg gzhcy look after yetbeing not paid them, it is by the Law A M1 '7». pars_,Coak: <8». V A A"inrheV‘Hofiufes:‘ A,’pm-fcmwliofervesim any kinée, %a“ndiFs. ‘ A : mat: paid his wag:-s,the: eiefcrtian of Wiat iervicc z’s.warraxa- WW--N-B‘ W9» %=ta‘ra1e by the La ws. (2% KM? Land %: You fay, the I-loufes will 95F~«~i’4y.-,o refomm xi Izhingswizen the Army~%%douh [disband : who 38 H.627. 1” EM Om Wm bé13;~;v@i.zE’ Wiii may belfieve that t:h¢ fcttligg of the H ‘ 3:559-4%.‘ 5 ‘ " Presbytery xvéliéoe 1: 9 Will anybe1e¢ve that 21.1; AMa;e-g- * ~ ‘ A ‘ fly W111 palfe l1h€.3~PI'0pOfi£!Q~’JS f::ngc ro"Him t0JI.‘J£m.+ca!}le~P% % Wfllany man bcleeve» that £his[Kingdo.me W111 ever“be¢_ A Aqmier, without his Main-Pay and the Aanciem; and juf}; Laws? %_ Can ithérfl Membe’rs% of the Army conceive any ofzhrcm rm: ‘ be fzafe in any thing.wji»::hoa1:ja.paardon from His Majefiy 2 A E-Eafieéthey not fcen: fame uf. theirVAFe11ows% hanged before their eyes, Fm: a:’cionsdom;~ as %S9uldiers Shall the King»;-“ ~ don1eLh-zu-c me accom1t‘cz.f7 the many M11l1onsrecezv~,ad of A T that Puhlicke Money; ? Wil1the%%Mc::nbAers. ofthe Houfes , accufe chem17.:1ves% .9 ',Sh3flpF1V3{€A and publjke D<~:b1:s%bVee never} paid ? Sha1l%che%K1%ngdom<2-1yEt:Ver under burnhens 0fAOPPFE1T10if1 and ‘Tyranny .9 A There is A no vifible Way tie ‘ remedy all Ehfiffi; en:or%mities,bukc the povszgr ea? me, Army: E V ‘I49 Vtlre isfflrzxezi Th;-21{%'ingVdome% better »affuranc*e of fgefofmatiééu firom the Army ,; than from the I‘-Ionics, for that&i'n thcfii-‘r’ Military way they have becn%%;u&,fazthfu1l,and honourable, :;hey_~hav'c kepc their words : That party of the Houflzs have A bin conficant to» nothing bm;»i=n dividing ;the7pub1§ke cream - A {are aznoqg themfe1ves_.,%am:lin laying burdens upon chic-% ~,,_ 2; ya, 5, p;eQp1€,and inb¢rea;king all the Oathes , Vdwes, and Pro- A mp. 2-.,, Vmifes thcyever made: As the Army h:ulhpower,fo;now % *1 H;7~?3?-f- adhering m%.~.t11t: King. allthe 4L1;-avcts offiodyrqaiturc, and Ca.lv1,I-is cafe-,< MI Em King is boLm‘ciiAn— ufiicem tt3%Wfl1‘_d f ‘hi 3%D€IiW@r€fS with Hamom, Prgfitfiqdmééfi Libercyoflgogyicicncc, V %‘ Man,arr;' for themgsheir Armies are ;'nfi_.,and ‘bleffedgand me A W W ’z‘o ‘L ;gmren* A A / AM the Exth yyrek <:c>m:aines Caium mics; cat? tipfirmh Army; the new elcfiionsam again-E ail "the LawsA‘mm:... A ncmcsd A m the Margin, and areagainft the eiefhon of‘ the In Hf.4,.‘c.;1.€. ‘ I H6.-2.1. Old, Members; and M7 rhisit: maybe judged, what 3 8 H 6 “A ¢ H.0u1Z-é- of Cammmns we have,‘ By the faid%AE.awsit;.ap-~A,,; H 6‘: W, pears, that ifany .uniue return: he made, the perfon 11¢... A turn-ed#isVto continue, a‘ Mcm.be1:5t:l:xe S11erifi'es~punifl1men; V is,Atwohundredipounds, one tothe King, ar;d%theFothL'~r'z;o thcpargy chaAtisdqi1y eleéted 3* imprifonmcmfmé a years, without Bayle or Mainprifég; and that pcrfon who is um‘. dL11§!I7€tLi_1'fl€G15;‘f-111111 fetve at his awe: chargewand have no “ gbenefivatuhe end af tfie Parliament, by the wmpg fem. ¢ 1io4nefmdorumMilimm, Civimn Burgenfium ’1?mtlz‘ammt. And 1;hemrya1lo”ftth’c falficy cf the?rr::t%urne,_ is to be-before -the Iufiiccs of Aflizes in ;he proper Ckeunty, or by AA&ion' V of Debt in anyflourc of Record. This conclemnes fithe’ Committee for undue elefiionmwhich hath been praéiifcd A but of law ‘timesm for befides th"efe% Lawes_.,f it isa ‘Maxime A ofthe Cammen Law,,, an Ayermexgt is not receivable as... 3;Ed,4;m;; gainfi the retulrne of the Shexiffif, for his return is "upon 5 Ed~4’4&~*=m; 0ath,;w hich Oath 1310 be%credlt‘ed1nLhac fuit wherein tha ‘return is made. r;The {aid Statutes Icondemne eleéfions c=>E finch men whicI1.were not refiam: and‘ dwfilc in the ;County orVB’ow . mughs ’For which they were remrncd ;% and any’abafi’ve prafiife oflate times to1.~thc *comrary, is againf’: t'heLuw, A and ought no}: to be; alX1owei%.; %4Tf.. ' V’ % ‘Eh: flzafifi faith,'1ThattheVo1:esof%the Independenm A the}-Ioufes werearbitmy,exorbitant, and irregu1ar.,and thaprhéy diIpofed,and'fi ngredV%imore-of the: common" Trem- §ugc than others;:wThat 5 ,_ho1e-flgxre, I b.cleevr3%isAfa1£eInnc§ A " ‘ » A A’ 4 rflfiiriam % A I ‘ (Arc) amacaoué ghbd the Authnur ought to make it gqioc§,0r cifa M » to undergo: the Law of 7'a%lz’on; which is, to infer fuch Apunifitxmcut , failing of his proofs, as the accufhgi £houId_,i;1 W % gdajc tfipwoyfe. mm. A 04413 Il,l.%;ae1**e This 25622;‘: is 21miAnatofic anti! t‘hrAeyamin~g5andt11e4Co1*§;; 'trafybf cvcry Iparr is trite : by the fichvegazzce of tag King sAi1d;'Kfngdz:»mcAft0rn 'theA ‘Eaon&9ge1o%f~tl3at.pa;g_ywm ; ~=£¢:heA two Hcufcs byfm ATinYad7m' ""‘.“7""*“°‘“"’H W3?“ A A laf-‘éifigg tficy-fccure tbcrxéfeIves,tf1cy~ camcnc and picaifcg the g‘11g;§emg,City, and Ccuntrcy, as%Aappearcshy their cmim. gfiaencc tO‘{CC'hiSM”a}'tfiy and the Army; and't1a¢:irrdizArz;g4rJta Liézwy ¢caxfiim;5 A ‘ L _ AA AA V nlfo {1ialiha"c‘e finch renximerfiation as_theAi1f hautie courage and fo ‘high a vcrt-jue A dark defervr: “:_'1'his his Ma):-fly can and will doefihc Hegufcsncirher will not can; ' and God ‘ A A A " W A rm-tad:.w;m41hmazma;%am: an of A A 1&££f% 05Ii1vAi"om'*&gwm'4fl Parléu, An)‘ ti?! ‘A ‘ %K*”s -«M...