5* The rand {ea of Limit? {,0}. $0/3!? £Azfz’!9z:r;aVe', A Prmogatiam. i’zi£‘0mr inrim Tuwcfrimf London, agasinfi Ehfi prefcntzyrannicaiiflcufe 0fLords,.wh§chhcde»ii~ V ‘ AA A vfeawfl bfifiemzan opcmflcmmittce ofthe Hrmfe¢0—fAC¢n:£»V A mmmmhe twenteth?d”a’3}. O‘f0£?aéar, 1*64.7’; Wh%efMe§’ % Mr.1o%;2 C./’M»zj:;mrdche§.aWyer‘h.3dthe A % A Chaim“ } §V;E_p'§_~£fi’ffl7%4‘?‘fi’3 V ‘ A -7 V % % ' ‘ % A" % 2 ;. %_ % A ‘ Havfi undertaken ;a»mi%g“m.~y hard and d§ffiCU1§WO*1‘L”.'fi, to ccrgmefi wish {'0 Amsmy pmverfuiiaz1&gr€2;m1eh of this Eimgdome, A Acomgoynéd in,agA E-£ouf.e»%o£A%Pccrs, (and tfixcrebyciainwing the exermfé of 3 ggzeam paw» A 61}, Ehfifl my other Guam Qfrecord in Ewgfawd) {mt aha‘ L-MT¢,*::'s and E%ibctt‘§AcMiA1:¢re"i:? fiwztwhen 3 read over the 29. Chap; aftfi/fogyzxz G/Mr-1 m’~mgd%zA%e- .AP¢z*%£££:;=:¢ af?'§g«'%r,V mm’ other 2‘/9;? €g‘qad,_,, and jzwfi !e\_now;éc*, aggd dag/azrqd~ LgW§_ A of gm’; gwgdame, madefor H':2a_ Cammma good, émefiz, pmjfitA, p?f0[‘-gflzififigflfifldfpgjf//gyfqwz-,3,’A gm 0}-"r.’&‘e 12'-225$, ls?!2ert£:;v, «arm gfivzras ofmll :13: free Denizons thereof, and ‘£"crioufly comfiidcr of them, and comparg aha prefcm houfe of Lords: violent and m:reg}u~» lax‘ “pAmEiifts%and‘Ad€a}ings~4With me thereuntofit Wnxakes my warkc torfeem very f3ggA§=g;::;%p1c:a%*fancmmd fcjafilfi péfme :_ And c%hcrc’for¢-, for“ the ” clcariigg up of me, §,_A3fi¢,. ncflé oifmy y’pre£’cnt*Coutefi with the‘prefe"m houfie of Lords, I than dgfimfmm “you a litt1e libcrtym ipeakea ftvv ssrmdg un;o,:wy:> thinggbeforc: I come :9 my Vmaimc Plea. % ‘ A «And in cheAfir1"c pl cad inmate a{h'tt1ieVlib¢r::ie to? make [omc {hart £'¢p¢ti5ion5~ of m.y;«de{ires%*unE%O%t‘h‘C Committee 'I‘h;/N: examined my b%ufinc{TcA¢ng;Av§q;aboug 3 A2 A A Mmhetlxécs‘ agneg wlberaé Mr; U75/[aréiza bad 2/7: AC‘*l5m%ireAA;%% W igiczhof L Vkngjw“ gagmo 9 but A rem€fm.ber’that‘at my firfi pE€adingAV of my caufc bkforc hirh;and;4%tl1c;re{% ofthm Qommitzce, in the Inner Guam emf Wardsg? Amati»: 1'‘: my eflrwq-[f defirggmta thaws»; ms A:é.=eyAwanZa’a’mZef%f.zir;ez’ier.andiz‘/iliefwitlvHg: La?§iry;"5*6nt£:~~é;‘;' f.m.z’dg 4;A’¢, WM _ W ma;A%$/o»W5‘«4tt!i&r Vwigfit; W 3vsfl1yié&wp3m'”€AAA0f EA 7353} M15‘ Ac'¢a;;fe¢':A“a AcAAaamp!“mnoft/he Lard: 2/émJ‘fE1éoa;;,%;(§§v%/e;£;:Ag%tlqzgt; may sxz\a_V;gMz‘:5’,7.~:f* m4mggg~_m,~A[,.wg ~ vfitfla Hmtheng Pggwk, Anamnx to cos¢dmg7¢”méy'mJ2m€vefom~ Ar/:«z%zn'/Cw W!Jic¢}:A 5.9 mm/¢~& % bdib )_tkéAccw[ekf4cetofm"i§, efiulmw 2'£*Zverty' ti¥;fV gmfzverfor !9fm_/alficawwrxigag the crfgm . 1334 fi£~?5”fiAA himiflfis 3 5:»? 5+??""’“'%‘ "~"’?’f?"€ AAL’-"*?*‘:”*°A/1!’A’J*.9»*”»*?J7’¢A’¢»’ »**’5~*'* ¢fi3#E.AW”~£ w-?s’g”?AJA#~ 5.6 A» fin5:iu»,2mp;¢;s§d:afendzhaif%VL“mfipye$;v-{mi Prafior: t0';t;Jé‘ Ccm2Wss7ttm%~~tap47aéaa¢f2jfag»e4;tf.gg%»m&mmiA AA Q‘ g‘/Mt‘§ziI3?ejg:»,y12£;gErt wit‘ fmdkmnbfl fi‘#:'«?.€ préfi‘ mg pm'jZ¢’;s§f.,>:' AA fig m; my own bufiucflég ‘lwmrcupén “Mefired them to gave melcwc m fpeaika mm mm rhipgs. mm? 31% fir/7% was ta matter oflaw. 333.5% the {mnnd A m mmrw n§‘£~”mfl+ 2. A find firfif m nmtter of Law} defirgd 155:»,-tj % u flanding I/mt tbs? Lprdx originaligg , ficd in thc~po§m asmy fclfi-, mo. Aéidrbaj all xtrxxmiwowfl déclaredtbcir fzatixfaffiaw, Smrsm-: are the trace %:xpqfiwr:% of 3, And fcc~ond1y_.;, I dcfire liberty by way caf int: ‘ % oecafions ef my being fummtmcdwbcforg the .L0t_C13 tgarrc in jam: I 64,5, which were thcfmchat after my de1Viveran%ccA outfof Oxfard CafiV£,c,A I was byL. Gem. . Am. under the Ea:-is offlafwcbefler which ma E (2) '. % i , M14] éefare sésm m7“grAo3fid7x,remfTamA§ Md grgwmfrfitr (and to rcadmy law pzoofes)_;;v1a£:/9 didfnlly, camxincc my mw£:=:rw% fzfid :l3?i?29;:r&'Wr ciréw ta tr] ‘/aim or W P1 [9 gdgmmzr 4g::z':a.:]E% him eirfiserfar {ife,.fim£w Eiéarty at cfigzr. But Mr. Mart£n 3 told me, that forhis pars he was as fully {Sexism and [0 he thought was :11! fthe whole Cpmmiw tee, and chcreupon addrcffcd himf:1faA~V4unto thank to (cc Whether they jwere&%sr . without my me :./am [am- pling, and tbcrcfare commaxécdma damn this affarrzan then écfma them, TIM: 5 r: mfiv :1/as Lara’: bad bad £32» ny)]et difi Aver aim! mamla‘ éy p¢¢rt2c:a!ar.r*ma: ficgall formallitie in anyofzbcir Pmcczdings with me, (and thercfore alfa vaid in law)fumtm‘Jning me bcfore any charge, impeachment, or indiétmem was flied againfi mcgwhicb was mad 5': exprcfly agaénfl 2t'aef;wa’xmes2ta!{cammon~ Zampf 3/as fwd, «Md affsr zzgainfl the 29, c/mp. igftfl/[azgna flazzrm, ml the Stamsex afrfae 3“ £33, 9. msdzs, 8.3 4., :mdz8. E. M A the 29. ~+»cImp. af,/Magna Chm-mj, and“ What M meant by laxn-me them rncntioncd, which isas all thofe Statutes {hem Tim M ‘mam 6-Epzxt tame/’m=r w£tJ9a,m‘ pr;/Tmtmmt before iuflfcey or matwr of}-cwrdgar £3 dxieprtéccflé ear writ original], according 729119: old [WV oft/be iand, anaiéf anyzéing framlbenccfévrt/9 5.»: do»: :9 :/as czmrrmrfy, it fl2.rz!1ée azrxdewry aft?/jib}: .S';“.¢mt%’.r im car; rrizaag yr‘r_/&n}t"Kir:g;} am’ Air; that A6? I 31:32 abagijfiviwg the Star ('/aaariaérar. A A A A A 3 :13-m¢furzhcI'§3'cnt on, to {haw multitudes or crrorsin ad} with may and by fpzciallordcr andcommmdofthat fiL0mm§:tea, Athb 6. of {Md na£urifa'£;7f£:;5z fiver «my famgmar of Ex *5 A M gm 0?: to mama: affmfi, wlaicbl did g7;d* laid £fdA£&’£a>¢ aver mfiwhich Y then and {H11 de« A Q: £tg.»md,that there was not the Ieafl . 3- 3. «M137. 6’. 348.. 43442 5'. 3.3. i'Pf?3i=‘v’¢ wéd afn Alawmazasd /A:m1d:z2.for%err6r,a{1 '1. % :19: .P;et£ti.cw rigét, M in :22: ggfaftka " 7..Acf:/5: King, #153; ¢jS%ref?:n¢p A Pariimmext, far‘; M Aihéir prciccdings .N:?*z:em$. I645 .“5r;a;:g1cfzf fig: my fl¢i;2,;plcaAi:; Amrxitfixtg snd:rN2§zy¢/:g:;id,% a>m’t!5§: 9; af : % Jflawgmlv. 1646; ‘D‘éli22e'%-rd it :¢i';12é-.éa:aaL7:}:f andwfincc{c3e3fe& % it ta be Vprintca Aatid‘ 1An”tiz:u?.nEf} Aan flnnammy aftfm Lord: tyn; in point Gffaa I dcfirc to reffirre my felfe. Crcmnwciil meajhcs made Major to Ca}. Edw,,K;E::g, than Gévcrnour of 3qflan.g t6'histru1h.and committed befidcfi divexzstraxzfcndcnc imrmizies and‘ mifdc-1; A mc.mors,4 for wézicé by the rule: cgf mar;-e which ¢ afigb: so Ewgiafl lain‘: life; pf‘ ‘Which I aVc;c'Qrdi4ng IO V ‘ m:‘{%ca:3splas‘mdA4ta% :;x';v ;G::acr.4ll‘dnaI Limit. ‘gm. grqmwcfl , A §flX1fl$§#?£§..bgrd3a‘@§; iwfi my, to which glen i odufiion to my plaza to fiat: 4W. King proved unfaithfufl 4 b~O£1‘i hcwmd. I 4, was uzidcr)'%~:é4+é%TA‘ my duty a;ndf.trufi rgpefcfi = (3? 5 V fitiage a trfallfar l.2 £:;l¢:fe 5:fo:{é- lm9$6¢lIlji!fl'*Vd;?‘N» But asw fl ¢lI3nC6liV€ realfidlnil A ‘cflie gthgit it1AA[:er’cfiA’o‘Af AK ing: t‘WaCbapIaim,5» EM? Lac, Md Mr. M Gamer. with tbfii A «A lEa*rles‘.tw”o Chaplaincs,Mr. A15 and ME. Agaodol not the Committee of Ltlncollm «N ;_, jZ£r.e,‘nor the *Magiflratcso£fio/fan (who then lWC;N3A pcrfecuccra of him. as W933‘ If as my fclfmcould get; no cfiefituzwll iuflice upon ham , favmg the camgerxng h1m~l‘*~ Mm, or mall: of hislgx cat and profitable coFmmands- Whcyeupon {H flwglgfia %4__ [1/1';,«._ Q_'/"7/[3;,¢A1f¢;v;d£,-has <_/‘l/Ir. %Walley, ;z11d.oliw"r,t0.f.rI;)£ Commntce: qJFL1xcolnJ‘%;re°_? jyrgfbrred 22; Amiclex to we /aolnfe ofComnaa.u.r agmnfi the fafarefam’ (‘:2/2.’. Eizwnral King in tip: 4&3 AI 2 . 4rtic1e.:lofVwi:icla they cxprcffely pzccuf: lnmfar écxrajzmg dram. land and Gran:/mm» ifizo :5! {wads of the profkfledlanddaclared enemies of the P33“ ’fliVgme;jr,% and my falls in difchargc ofmyfduty‘to* my Counttygfamd the -Pafliae an-em being an afiivc prolccutor ofAzl1!:': {aid Col. Ec1‘W¢rdlK£ng’ tu bxing him ‘to a tryall mus Haul: of Commons upon the {aid impeachment, Whereupk-A on by way ofdivctfion and tevegjige to {ave his own head ugon his fixoufdcrsfi he malicxoufiy and defigrxedly conledcrates with Dr. ‘Z33,/lwzck. and upon the llxz. of IV3!}«_l1645,'j0yntly under both their hamds, fund into the Speakcr a lmoft lnalicious, falfe note by my ofaccufation againfl me. about 60000.!‘ that than was {'3-,idAco be (em; to Oxford by the Speaker, whereupon without bci ng called Mto the Houfe (cbcughthcn at thedoore) either to juflific or deny 5 he charge V fix:-"d upon me- lAlW,a_s by Von: of the Houfe committed a prifomr ‘ to the Scra- jéant as firpzes, at1d"lr0m,thcAntel§y Mr; Lm>:re[m*¢ W}-’55mk€r,ll Wafi l€ml,[0lN"W* A gm; add baa;-;g tlleré, thcrclviafi ancxprgjflée iorfler ofthc Houlé of Commom ( for any thlng IAl-mow to the contrary by Col. Kiflg procured) for the arrcigne Eng of me at Newgate Seffions, A where I was acquitted by proclamation as guiltleflel of any cri;;1e;“and.aFtcrward bythc certifying thereof by Mr. 911%»; Rcclorder at Londafi to the Houfc ofcpmmous, I was by%votc%thcfr¢o;f the 14., 050 c'565.15a}S- fi:eelyAaAnd clccrly diféhargcd. = A A A A V 5 A Bmfiffing being confciouséof his own guilt, and judging hlmfélfb mt féifa V nor1g::g.llivcd,unle{fc2 he cmmed me or» pe;cces,,and- thelfoxe mzvfi nmlicnouflygand nflliufllyadpon the Qf exfpril, I 645.«cuntra‘ryf to the jufiprivlledgc pl Pan'.lia.«- lmcm: mo; cl13eVComn1Qnlaw of Engl:md,b caufcd meat PI/_e/Z‘a::«;£nffer ( a3'A1‘gVas following my bufinclfe) depctsding {and than in agitatimn bcfbre the halls of . Commlom (bywbotn Ipught ghercforc in iufiicc and law" to have ham pI‘A0:Ec.’&-» A ed; comming,’fll:gying, and ge1ng,tillIlhad bcecn dlifpatchcd bytbena) tube arrefled; by‘ ;heB,aylifi'e’claereofimo :h¢Cour:;‘ of Common P%lea_3;in ah a'&:if~'J.fs_n f of are? slope. l,“ pretendlngtliatlll thcdayf I%wl1sldelivetcldAb1j@:A Qf§Nc‘Aw... gate hacl faiid‘, that he ctzel{.e;il~.?;co1, Eldwara’ King mag Trayt0r,ai'3fi§lll%l:%%t£{?Q_z;il1d A V prove mm olnefivlzich according to your Articles of Wa:re,or your own on ‘dinanccs had, ahd {iiill iseafic to doe,‘ ifyou will doe iu{licc)A Jwhereupojfi A by 5: petition to your Houfe 1 prgfléd hard Ihét he uponhls imp‘eachr:;cm: might in 3 fpmdily '1 %3;=;,ig&)'9z. éjé proiz-éffeézj’, 1 @2553 55? ?-'4dgg; bftabf plc’.é.g'fi ‘camééamandédgp .J’.*"§a;“./gf ;'".lJ.r%§‘rA__ pro:€£%din(g},,-£§«ig“g¢{po%2:‘ 53$» £wpMcf:222ezgt’;4( than Vdeycnding in fife ‘ ho-fife jof ” g(. L§m:z1%§23 3:23 zxafigbt tit/yerée £and€m72£A1ar‘i.a',/?£firgf3 bug! ¢g_u1dVge%¢'ng Bfifv-fmi‘%%tof §ré€iCif0n;al4c¢hobgh Iffdiiowcd 1’z;_[ wizh all zhye; izjtexflh %»m,2g"h¢tw%ap%%d ftrmgth i hamwherupbon being in very great fl i*aits,i_W3“3 ‘n?‘e»ce;f{iaa4t ej& :9; pén my pélcg} fa} ftb I. Ifeewsand prim ?it,‘i‘:1%.%;£4'hL-C penning Ofwhicfzwfi was mzcgfiijn stated, for my own iafiificaution, to touch a 112.6%: upon th‘c%Ear§.«:~A<;§/1:C«z:ec.b¢=Q: flm Iefufingto doe mc aancft%l1ekingdome_i0{tice ant? right 3 in an open Cauli- c¢1lVQfV9./at_ag'ai¢"1gfl4CQI¢ICin_g,anc§ having by L G. Cromm=ZZ.»- Amemcs been: dieégfily;:«{kjit%hVhir3“3“§:tig%agé.,d‘<~3g%ai13fithcfiiidEa:Ie,fina&iVe‘1y gs-(3-{ccuting .:.5‘_{;‘ha‘g ’%;mpe%aChz:1cm’of Tmsun and breach oftrufia which heexZ’zibitcd myuur houfe a;%0L1m.v:;> ye;ares7agAoe againfi the {aid E:-ufie of dim»;/aegier, he‘: the {aid Earle V Offl/[a'a%¢c:’§=:’§?€r izfeing than Speaker ofthe hcnufé ofL0rds,,(and ('0 chief fudge in Lawn ciaiéfi) c,au{'5cd me as F conceive (though mofi‘ i1§ag*a;}ly*;a;jnd uniufily) upon %z°‘!§2£* Ag ofIp:;gm 3 546* ;q_;’9.-,= ];mm.m¢a’¢¢p to ?2‘£7”{£r fmrrai‘ IQ anfzaégr (as by {hair wfirg. $3-~31: appcarésj /mi? "zéingsax E,/l;0*.v2!d £6 z%r9er€€i5drgec{‘n?it£1_,%%fbr Writing tI'.?mt _.{5‘ a(: Qffzflfl, which it there had been anything in it fc:mdaIousj,iz was only uysabie bjya I.'»1rjaf myM_MPé:r:%qr E q:m!!.s(whfgh’are Commons or men of my own mm?- ‘¢iEiG$ié>MV%%a7¢fthe €w5?#¢v'”Lé?¢r.‘Vthe hfiiflffi °f"1:0rdS%havi.ng IMWBY iiwv the 3ca& “®LO?fg11j"iz,2fi“ceAor‘igiri{d%§394:i.jC5n in hc%h'é worldofir, ézm:i%Vt¥a{r:,fo%r;é 3.4% t}7_g?is“T3z)2/,a%£c‘a6’.c°.4:£'a7ifa"Eg;a’» gap we ‘me,fi¢om%»:béV% ‘éégixmiwg M, the we are méfi?l1.ég£Z1“¥!nd wfiéwflg mm‘ swam agam , e%#di€e_,, ‘_%% , A % % AA ;;VF%n&:*z%forav?iié‘:ha¢thirdpm Iwmeumomym» Why thew 5 mama A ’ A%“renairecHis mum you, thatby your owx1LDecIa“racionof¢hc 35 .;"vof=‘De:emém A 3i54z,m:{d 17;, af Lamflnry, L643, mm the ’1:2',‘ oflmly, 15342.‘ I find We "Imp afziée ~Jflfld?u£”& flag ardindrycaarfea_f1i££flice, M11542 13} you 2% wgygmm éirzla-rfig/it afar’! the free :57; ptap!e1ofE;}:gigm£.“ xv,“ part book, DCC1. pag.7.- 3 3 3 9,’, 4.59.. fwd “in ymr D:cZ¢.z}'4tio:2’ofn’ae V33 . ":2 % Qgaétf. 1 642, }'0:4 aver, qr/mt i: z’: the Maw. wigéfit 522} " 31%: mefwefl ioft/7; qmiwamltj gf this K£ngdo‘me,tg £ni¥oy% tfre fiacdqme Vgéd liécrtyés cf $193 lzzwex bf the (mad, %6e£?mg”(a4s theffi you fay) ifititulcd zmtoir ,} €W£tht1kég'r£4tefi _ » Suzéaieéf. T he inviolablc prefezvation of which in divers of your Declarations you declare, 5: 1/9: mainemhd principal! md0fdll} rmf!Ir 2t*m'erta¥kz’xg5,4 mmmaged bead: V I j¢g;qnxf:;%a7z€.g‘and f.§§=%¢nce%1l:4; find thi§is‘thac forwfhicb you have A compelled th§e ygingdmmgp**{w%ea;;g.dgeérs oaths to maimame mm ch: Au:t¢;m1oPc hafzzarda of ximziivcs ma cfiat¢s,;‘and you have ali'oimprecatcd(inVyour Bcclaxations) the fciarec Awrathand vcngcance ofme greamfilod Qfhgaym andearch tofallug... myouiwhm you dcclinmimfe cndsa % ‘ “ ‘ A ‘ V A d A A “ A T5 3 T fcgnfi?:§cr';'ng all vthafgc firdur ‘%~W‘5§‘I5§iVbr6sgafl3 ‘% J UWn&¢éP_€ “’kVfi%49Wfd%%€4i&fldiWd¢i‘?w“diI?£ iiflhc WW5 flf ffingima, bx; xfhe m‘2é&i%ze of ‘vzrmrsh youAhav: get .1 ;:;m3atpn1f’c ofycaur cfiatc, and by §hg£jfi‘fl;{‘[};SE;'g'"}fi ~;»i=h»:::‘rcaf V jywtm é‘+;‘3.'i.'vf_‘ffiC‘E wcmlara gmate in 3*}? the worffl, hawgrgflg fig’ pfoprigtjy‘ iii th5‘sC yfifi CVC[y fl30fl'1€3i'?{0fTi'l’fl3A m;”hgvc aH you Ahave ,A mkcza froyzn y::)u wimcszxz remidrc, by héam zharis zfitrangcr than y:::~u*, and the:'f€fCSj1'€ W€3§Vdid‘°€’7‘[’. -9°}??? fay 5“? his fpfiécil Qazaiggfi‘ ghg; E3;-is of 5:?-.:.ef”o.=~a’ recorded in your own boiuke o( }Dc:'c}amti<:m3 , 1 Mpart: pagct: 14.0.) rim: rise MW is rim: wlaicla pmm a§if.«»r-cum :9£'tW§xrg00a2‘ ;¢zx<.c{ av»- _ vzifiz’/, b:!2.vi.1c.tjs:fz‘ m1zz’!4¢?€j!4’_,‘g¥, éfyaza 25% away t/ac’! law, 311 things will falldnto C01‘:- — q fufipm, evm-y man wiii become a Eavv unto-»h ;mfe§f,, vvi1ich%inth%¢:‘dc_,,?.:sv€c3 mn~ ‘diatom of human naturtt, mufi needs produce many great izaorxzrgmlvssg Lufl: wit! become a law ,} envy will bccomea law, covcceouineifir and ambition will bfccome a 3am, and what dibatcs, Whacdivifioxus, fuch lam/cs wiE§§?r0da.1c‘c, naaya-afi¥1y be d1fccm"d~ &A A “V A Ancf :1-uiy Sir, neither the Lords. tam-you, can lay mo my charge». thsit: I amleagafly C0nV}&€d ofzhe Eeaifl mmeczaac doth disfranchifc me, or reader A me in Ei.1.Cl,€afi“ uncapsablc 4:s>f ixfioying the utmofi bemfic and priieicdgc that ~mcI.aiw ofEng£a*"z3dAvyi1iaffmdtoatrcebornc EngM‘n%mam; nei:l'2crcanm*‘~e " Exirds mzyou, §ufi“!y'prc:’end"againfi me, that 1! ham: drawne my {word 3» gainfi, ,3, ( or qgl1,er“w1€cApub1ickIy or privatlys engagszrd with my inzcrcfi in Eqg1at;”d;f(jr éhé d~é’€flroyin4g) fthc lawcs and *iib€rci€5€§1creOf}., may.» {"0 f:m;c.r ~ haveVI%‘btEn;.from,4 my ofthofc things, ;that I do4c% Wish 77c[onfid::tm avcmit,‘ that I have‘é%s freely m;I1 myfword in my band‘ C Upon Vcmr andéthcir primi- givc dcclarcd principfé§)Vadventurcd my life and blood for % the prcéfervation of the" lawcjsmd,11b¢r:icsA‘o£ Ebglgxgd {with‘asAmuchrc:’f0iuai0n 3.9 any Lordin ‘Eng1and, arx§:Eth0ughV'it “mayxrrxiu my bcgb:uc::d“ 2i;bjt0ad%~t0“$;31y%1 dii"gtAace,4 by the Hmxffe of Lords, or ffomcothexvLof:%r§y* adverfarics; ‘that A am new falcnftijxifx, andfor{akcn myfitfi principalsg. and wouldhavc-;” neither‘laW‘nor~g0vcm- « meat; 3526:: zfdoc jxyich abundance ofconfldcncc avers it, V that I am not (if! 5<flOWf 5;11y o%Un%%fi¢:t%fi§)w chan;‘z;*:'d"o£r fal¢§1‘fr§)m my firfl prjncipIé:s1‘n the leaff, but that’: zhthords “ f;themAfeiv¢¢s ’jarc*thici;rue ap’_b&ate‘s” ; V, and that they are the: mcn;th‘atgin5 theiriconihnz praaizcs now of « ‘iate yeV‘a.i*cs%; ffiwfiagiy‘ A¢ma’m'z*zom‘ W ieffrayalz [wand government: and to fat up in ihémfc1'ies“ rm a;bfo1’ute arbitrary Tyrafnic; WOW: than either Stau%rr:‘Cb.4mé;er3,i C'am2celZTw&j1e, on High»£c0n:1mifl3dn;ox all three 0f.£h€mput alltogcchcr in‘ one, gwhicb I doubt _ not bum1‘r ny fqllfiwing plea; zomake aPParan-nothis*Co_mmic;ec¢;a“sQ;:hc A ’Sum:hacfl1;m:csat noencA&ay,.fgz; whAim} cud l';dgfir}c‘ ghxsj C’0mm1;z_c_c _ to-ta_kex hmticc in the firfi place... A Iha 4 9. AndbythePetittot1 oftightgmadc A N W A allthofe lawes, 9ndlib€.l‘£i€S‘"aI'€ mommy conftrmedl but it l8tl'1€_I,C‘ina&7€d Aaztdfully declmcdaathatlno man be adjudged or condemned, butby the lavves ielttteltll font and equities be bound,’ but by thcttowtt ‘free ‘confents, neither in realm}; tttllzce, 61‘ eqttttva can any: be lawmakers tothem,thtta:e fl’0t‘ tlteteunto «jéiltllly lmgmwred by them, which theflottfe 0fLOrds atet.totiml1eleal"t3latl?t I ttte meerly and altogether the cteatutet of the King made by his prerogative: fame times ofthe bafeft and cortupteltofthc people, being the tneere tffue ll ofltts Wills fitting by his cammancl, who himfelfc in telettence to the buddies and eflates of the people, is lytmitted tmdbottnded by the law» _ _ A 7' 1. As for lnllance by the 29.th oFMagm Cbarta, the King htmfelfe can» hotimptifon my manfi not difpoflefle himlof his freehold, liberties or free" _ _ \;cufl'0met, or Outlstw hxm, exile him ‘Or any Othfifwlfct deflroyl hm, but by " due procefl‘ett:»flt w,’ igccording to the law ot theLaad»f neitltet can he fell, dt-.~ cry, or deferre, [0 any mam either lufticem: ttgltt. ‘t L 2. And by'the’Statute nfthe 2» 86lV$7é'.€$".'3'2 3 8 and I4. Eolvmardg, ttt:ttt‘Aé¢"?z%¢e3l;»é¢»tV?h:57"Wtfi-Wifim’ 1% ¢.,f:§W ’”~W’»‘ the}*”:;1“rétI'1e’vcf}5 W0i"dS‘0ftfie eacceltflmt Pefmzm afflfgbt, bu: ch;-rc 1§;t}§n3 e2IE2§-‘ AA blifhed Law for the :u,dgcn;encof;h:Lords In an? fihmfl W%“¢5-W“? 1?*“£ P. ‘L’-' ‘ C*r¢%aV:ar%is«n¢‘:concur:dn=%Af9=:_—th¢L°*‘*SfiS§W ”€¥“?°§Vi oziT3’7"tliE1"e', hoi?“b"YanYV¢1€&‘°“s Orpowcra ‘r°m~dW4P¢@P*¢» “E 9-3 cf honour area tedmnd. made ,b.Y€h~‘3 »Win}*9f the~»1§iv%$0%a~fiifii % him!“ befbgefi and fiimm“ % ,arI:armea:*%=a*Ach¢»ieamrwxs Wi*h°"¢ihfiwxim E“‘““?‘ my i “For in tine Writ 'c€FError, Whereml £3 \ yes the maiE2is“aiid princ§§pa£’poWer of the Lora? 5:, there 79¢!-!_/3' féwz ‘1"’etitia:rz3z‘aVt/de‘ICin£g_for t/ae .;z;:’2’o1mzm'¢» t1a.m=of.- and the %I<’7z"2¢g mzrg/3‘ gimt-' t/cmé; as pzzrriczdazr fawmgflfazi , fifidpvwér to m,é_.e!(1sgv2z'.z:oz7zce 07‘ it ‘éefbre §l9:)'c¢£3ziaz2.*'z2.~s'§2z.e!rrf¢1’i§Zz;a22 ofm, as zsclear andplaxn by the e°xpre.f?5% we rds of the 1-4. B. 3; 5. which Statute isrhe principal flrength and-bafis ofthe"Loi‘ds power;%‘ but my. cafeis neithm: delay 05 Iuficicein an other Gears, nor cormptfion of Izzdgement in another? Cmxrkt, »which is all the _ca‘fes4:he Lords"ha%ve jurif-s d%flion.o§E7— by Law , whzch IS as binding to them as to any o:~her‘Courts jof f1_1fiiCf3‘§n »E:*:gland , M as" is ~ else: by the 4.1-1.4. :23." which Statute "pofitivfily declares, ‘T£t=z3~ afizévarfiarzaf the Law krk-eLmd, for the Lam’: ~ar£g.Im2z!ly to rake cagmizamée of mag/’£°.r,; --42'?‘ to ozzerwrzizie =2‘/aejzrzfl and owdizmrj ;5ra‘mdingx oft/Je _ b Lam in az%er~a‘nfa¢£aav»Ccwrt.v:%Z *5 Neither was them‘ %:[%made in mgrcafe a'ny;Pstition'4:to the Kiflgg nor any? ~“*CommiH¥nn of his granted to the Lords to autho-- ” ¢ rize them to meddlcavwirh me, and therefore :11!‘ ‘fihefiir proceedings againfi me are illegal! fromw firfi »t;osiaf’c.in EhC~hig«hE‘fl=r:a.tLIIfEg *;Aga’ir1,:Tit? is V l’a§.n%b5; * »-the Law of the Land , Tlmt: ncwmm v_/fmli Km pmfi$~¢soi M V flnfwa?*wif 1aam¥?;pr¢efcr2t mm: éefarcffifiicex ,‘or;m.m*er recaawi, - :or $7 dm“proceflE-*, pmdiwrzit 0?’z:gi?.’o1[l§§ I « according ,tv»~4wt1ae “aid Lawof. the ifiargd. See ghef A 5.4.; ;& 259361 3.; 44.6: 2%8a;%£.A:;. 3*&v;&:“g7.§.E.~g::.*18. I 58:: V42.» 1;, 3. 3.: andthe ‘P€ljti0n‘~~0f~ ‘f’Right the ‘gd of : E-he°Ki‘ng: ¢wd~=.%ti2e jazérvlz:/»5ebi%4=tfae%‘%‘%Sé.zW‘%~%V $C'19£2m;5E?‘~z‘}>exI’;'_7. c3f'!t/ae %ICi2:g.f4 Ami ;S‘£r4‘?E;dw:zrd A C%Qo»kes‘Expafiriamf L/'1/fa:‘gm(‘ /9.52;»:-a, butnot any Qfxhis, was done irzumyfcafeg; fozmthc aLo1=ds=.fum‘~.-=% % §31Q1}€d«fB€_~0?j_'e,texm‘ .b.ef;ore:mjV;cIm"gi€ was ;;fi!ed.. at-“F ,_gainPc me, amd examined meiVz*’zza -was iup0nA.im%i: r-3 ;.me from firfi 2 gfnjzlfi. 2 % ‘is, from the 29 Chap. of Magma «CM/9a2'7"tzz Vmz rim 3E.1x¢<.;% and the Pt:t%it-iofi-of A %:.&::B,§gh%:,A Whigh. expzjct fl3r%‘*dec§azes;~, ’ ?17héen.‘n‘:‘3.-:{.%f_~,, ehziez is,’%m%e2_z of/b.iso‘1avjrz_ca;¢;2itia;¢, Comma»; only being peerex to com; ‘ 27¢;§;vz:,aSM§§.:Zit‘{317&3 of Pa”reliame_11t areepeeresto Barons of ‘Parliament. :2, Part IriPci-g A mt. fQl-‘E53,. 29. 46. so. where alfo he declares what title theybear that [are come? prehended Within the name of peeereesof«Par3eiamem: , and aifo what tieles they“ have that are crnprehended within the title of Commons. And notable m= t.his%eV:_%‘111:_'gsof¢ is :e"e.e~eReeo of Sir Simmm’ de 3er£;'rf9rd.ineth€ 4. 3. Ra. 2. which Ix/1;..,EIa;¢;«}?;/V7/;f:z}~r£:e~”'r;:1ci‘ fxjom meaat iarge laff year under. the hand (if the Record-'e Keepereof‘ %%th\eTb.ew;e;ree%Aef London 5 the fubfiance ofwhich Record is’, Time E. 3w. in .:.“W'F’Z per]‘E;a—dipi_c/azzrge tbaHo:¢fi;=‘of Lam’: to give right mi lawful! ?z¢:z'gmmt' dgaz'mfle.5.ir-Simeoned ede Berisf7o1'd far .5255: trmfazwzm,’ 'mz¢rder immflrdaring lair Fe?-L‘ zlaer Kiwg Edwin. but the Lords to the King in eParIiament ‘fetid all with e.one. I: 'if0=§C€g'IfhIZL;I2:tf1;1‘3.af0r<§-f3.idfVSi1fiW5'}'??¢:7?Z”-73745;fi::et~‘W9¢?i7“'pee7“,-; 22b}§7eréf07'e‘t}Jey ‘wake eta} &'m¢(Zeéee an w*ehe:ir';1§1r«3ceedi1a gs%7?wieh«:“me’e ‘jagfe «?é?1eei‘¢7i1elee’*éiieeand 111?i¥<¥??¥a'.é.ndmutrerlYt new esndee-xrm‘d‘iz1i~ : _. i A1'gmfiem: againft them is“, ”:~‘.Q'i1ian; the Laemres‘ofe'ete‘fiis Lae:d5i;~;2;o A age is e_§;:_«§::;e;}T:;IdgeA ‘fi"{}l,:‘l1.:§:$_‘.': OW;-3? 531%: ‘ H; 13%’ .~;v’oa. V 21;. 5.E!.*fi:“3ier;e2éo. and Des @1015 ‘*$iz°Q“?§*é:‘é7’?fi’fi7:‘;'i-‘§*£.:‘3;l‘:{,‘€32'g’:*I3raI:C*Qr£‘C90k?sR-£§_3?1ft5‘yg yvea. a.1’1d—.aIi{1 A.:‘?’c:ofe A:tPar‘1iamem; -in f;;chca 7-iv r 4 Thei‘e%f0¢ fie e?fe7Le»»1*dIs ought mt to have% ji'zdged%thi.e caufe ?0f’h1ine,:e. fOr~t::§:ea”t"Lfé .;cqneeeg3s t_1*xe.,n“«it ft3;E'$,’€5;. we-etV:§*lea€}‘% 0ff4’&i:'¢c/s'£ffier*Whz.» was Sp-eak¥er an the ::three:fe5zerai1e§;1mes I‘Wes;i:ée+{f01*e; ehezrfiouie, who With thee r=.::fin:' feeiiuvyv A1.£«0£.df¢eeeWere1aee, engy, Pgncxeeg bu: ['ampl4im?;¢tJ,;‘Perfic%zeW, Wirngg’ ¢%:,‘;1m»y w 4“. “ z ‘ H H ' I I ; ya; M “ 152:’-5 arm: lfardgéx, which praflifer is againfl all the Lawes of England and‘-the formes there-- of, as you your {elves notably confefli: and declare in the tale of t‘l‘l<‘.‘.fil.’fi 5 ;Members, 3; part Boole Decl;pa;g2oI. and a greater aélc of itijttfiicei then ever I heard done, by either the Smrre-(’/mméer, [’azam'a!!-.C/3’oazrcl or Hzgiaflomnzzflfv a ma (hart, inthe clayes of their greattit tyraeny and ~opptel’iion. :6 If the Lords judgement originally were binding inymyteafe, then a. few Lords would bind not lonely me, but all the ‘Commons of England, who all one after one, may he fo ferved by them, as I am, and that without any hope of veedteffe in the WO1’lCl,.,(WhlCh both Law and reafoo abhotree) either by Writ of‘ t Error ot "Appeale, Attaim: or Certificate of"A£i'ize to any Cot1rt'vehatever, no not to the Parliament it tfelfe, for then it would lcomelibeiiore themfelves agaioe , who would nevercondemne thcmfelyes not their owne Decrees. A And if the Houfe of COmm0nS.fL1fl‘€r: the Lordsyto eacercife fuch an a_rhitrar3r rilluegall tyranny as they have done uponme, and without all grounds, rules or wformes of Law,fufFe1*thyem tofencl for whom of the Commons of England A they will, and at their will and pleafure condemne them in what and how they lpleafqthen the Houfe of Commons‘ Pcands formeere cyphers, the Judges in iVV_ef’ctninfter»-Halal for cyphers, and all the l.awesitiEngland for cyphers, and we the Commons of England are become the perfeéteft Haves this day upon it ‘the faterof the earth, and by this praftice the end of all Go vetmnent is over- vthtowne, viz. the weale and flifl-I)’ oft/ae people , as your Honfemdeclatesit to he .-in yourinotable Declaration of17. Apri/,1e.4cf.2.p.2rr BaokDeci. pazg.879.Wher6: .. you alfo declare, (but I may fay by your dealings with me, without any intenm tions to performe It) t/zmtjou will not nor ti7?}f5)' coloatr of any aatlaarity derived fiomyym, flu all z':erer7’z¢pt~ t.1s'e- mlmme comjfe lofjafiice, in the fewm!7~ arm‘: magi mlicxatorie: 0 this Kim alamemoic imermeddle in cat at 0 lriwzte ixtere , at/flew . 5 P where deter’mimz[aZc,m¢Zcfle it he» in cafe of male admiioffratiom ofjzifiice, wlaarcirz yet./54!! fee and provide that right ée dome and pmrzl/Zmem inflified 44 there ‘/ball, be accafiwa, according to the Lowe: of the ICimgdame, azm’ the tmfz‘ re-=_ ' cw» y_pofI,-va.’ in y»oz»z; y ya ‘ _ x i » Yea, and hereby the people of the Kingdome are left without all meanes A iifto prefervtt ghemfelves,w5h£ch]ovarj2z’~ve.r fie‘), it m'z2c=2' mg/atto éa, being aw old :3 Law 4»: my 51572 the I(z'2agdome, I part Book Decl.pag.ao7. in that you fuffer the Houfe of Lords without controule to exerczfe at thetr pleafure {itch ‘a power: over the Lives, Liberties and'Efiates of the Free-men of’yEngland, as I confi- dently aver it, cannot legally nor jullly be exetciled by King, Lordsand Corn- ‘monsjoyned andagreeing altogether, who are ’( when the molt is {aid that can be faid of them ) hut)/lagzftrates (as allother Miagiltrates are) appzointed for the protecflion and *~preferevati0n,ér»zr notrztine or defirufiion of the people, 3 1 part Boolt Dec. pa.g.15o.yyea a«n.dldafaf%a,habitually to doezhat,‘for?butten--A 84.1 deaxrottring (12) \ cleave-u-ring: of” which, the gm’: ofSmzfi~"oni Jail My head by the clecreet of this very Parliament, and for which I doubt not but either I or my poflerity A /Ea:/I /Ge _ the prmolefi and flomtefl of i~bem~ to do theirs; it hein gmore jnlt, eq;1itable,~ an-ill‘: " xationall,‘ to cleftroy a man for a<.‘?isingl:tt1clcloing of a mifchiefe, then intending i it, L9!fr£3_}?."7:""0{__, heingi.a.iySaiii11thandle jiili. man upon their 0W-nee principles in compa- A mloin of themfelv~es.. t V" W i A it e Andytl1eref‘0reySil.2'3.. if y0l‘i~0‘1'lZi3’@ LO‘rdSl11aall.‘fl1€hV‘Ene ,as:many Prefidenitsti aswill fill Tzmlx, that they have done to others as they have clo_ne to me, 1 Va-- lue lZl‘1‘€m4flO£l.'1lf_)1‘¢?. in CO111paElfOn,t0 the feverall Ac5%s_.of Parliament, and the C0mmo117Law¢ol?2tiihe 1.:/md,,wl1ich. are above- Aflrs, that, I have cited, which age ypyeim; bl;m_kyyyag3.inl‘t their.ii£mipations,then I yaiue _;a dirty rag on the Clllngw. hill, and .[f4;I~.pz:4ra yazcz, that the Lord: in t/aeir Hcmfei-cam mafia Prefidem‘s to‘ de- fifiroye/:16}: of Parliament, (and placket the ftmdamentalli common Law ofvEn-- glamdhp bythe roots) y;€‘2?.,l‘uCh Aft; as have been confirmed by {cores of ‘ Ra.rliaments,then why cloe you eozen,,.bli11cl,;deceive ancl-i delucle the ,peop:le~ of: England, by flitting for ‘CyP.ha_ES\" in the Houfe of: C0lTI‘1ll'i1-ODS-3,5157% t/ae;~e— fir‘: awake and rcwzse zap like me22..,V and pawerfliyllyey and‘ cfiéfimziljr refme our Libs.-r-...- hie: fiam r/cam, Z.mf‘.we doe it am-féZ'Ue;t, mm! ymzziflvgau, .4»: yozx ale/Ervefir yaurm eanaardly or tieeaclzreram see‘-gr£:Ig_::2ce,_ 7. : The Lords being :11‘: meere creaturesyof the Kinggmrnade by his will and pleafure, anclyfeezthyere as Prerogative lpetfons, and yet in Law land by theiriown ~ - p_rineiples,as_ Lmds Wi:‘;hOL1.lZEl1€I{ing, they have no Preroyygmve, and yet have acftled upon mee, without the Kingyyothis. particular Com million, which makesii all they have done unto me,_t.o heynull andiyvoid both in Law and reafon; yea,i; andl mayjuflily fay, th-it they, both inyreference to the Kingland people there-‘ 153,./ape-we firfiitm’ r/aeir poiiazer az;azLéJo:zozzr, yanclitainnot julily -by ytmsith-e Truflfeesl Of ‘ . V the people, (semi 337130/Ziazilci éet/ye Gzmrdizwsiyofytlaeir Laws: .-and Liévertienr any longer be ownecllly. or, acl«;nowledge_d, ei.r.her:in Cql.1l,lZlC9. ., rCafon,y,y_l1onour, ljui’cice,_ fgtfety oz confciencye to bee. E-Iouife of Peers, but a company.0f Apofiatsgfalne A from §Zl1€ll‘f:.fl7cl21iiZlEil1tl0fl and degenerated into Tyrants, and therefo.re.;deferve A at -leafi"fr01n yQL1..,aI:}[Cl the ".jKil’1gdOrm€£h€ Starre-:Chambers cloorneh, L A y Oéiefi. ‘Shave comcmpt pfaz Came, !7};~;‘hc La2;v,{Z4éjac.‘z‘.t ffl 7»77r:fi35€~’gZ'C3- ,F_£nmz2zd ifmpisi yl?-:"3fi’3é”7?Z"«. ' i - iflnfm. Ianfwer :i ,iixPt, Idee abfolutiel y deny, that I did either contemne hot zifhiont theit..Cot1rt,’fo.r I obeyed their VV1?il‘. of'fSu:.nm,ons, and »v,ithall.re~ fperfl: and Comylementcamfi to their lBarre,i (which I aver was moite then by l.,aW Ineecledto have done) where éairzzr exazmirzed ..w}7on., .1m‘6’rr0a‘a:ror£e3* . . 5. . my Ipreflied /mm! to ms‘ de;zZ;.['eg.zzZ} wit/9 ,_y_y_iz:za.’ ~z‘o fieam} c/Marge m writing,-,__ I and to kgaolzire my agcmfer mzd pijrflsczzrorjotfa cf wlaic/9 W55, denied me , contr.¢zry'~.tay— l .Li,¢1.w_m2.5l.1§—ffilz'(€;; ;w_:2 azjzwlgemmt izzmy oz2.z;i;=.y, mfie given 12}. I/9m@‘7:el_v.e:, we 2:/cg, ‘ i ii i e . .Fe&rzza:v3t.«.» ‘rm ,Fe57*z£.azr}éefbreiAgzzin§? t/ae ‘Stm"rE-L”}Jzzm[4er, ‘£7!7#zJ:7?’r;%' r1”<»¢,=}t'zz'€c!¢zre:stf"oz‘/’5’at!z“t i%e*_5"z"’:z’2“~"?‘4§*-=~e’t* _C!:wzméer.rj}ntm6e and all their proceedings‘ me ( Which was upon the ve- — t -my famepoingfor retufing to anfwet Inte1‘:'t;‘:g;:tox.*ies) 552'/[eg.¢z[Z mm’ mbflv ms- h j:z.eyZ‘}:zg.ziw2§} ;_]g,; ;L£égrrzIe of the Szaréjefz‘, tflififl Law of tin: Lewd, and /I/[.tg::z.4z C barre, meal mzfir. to ”c"o:v2tim1e‘:&z;)o7»' Record, yea and ‘in another Decree gaverme’2oco:;.L . dana;1ges,.a,s__r,:ti:r‘a{‘c fome of the Iudgessmnd Executorsrof that fentence; all ‘which; Ip1‘&i’{:fc3d‘ againe and againe a£’th€ir»Op€I.1 Barre; which was to 11o~pur— ; pofe; for they angrily prefied me to give an pofitive anfvvet to their iliegali qLte£7tions,manci? beieeving in my owne bref’c,.Itf11ouidt'be committed Forre- hh ft1Gng»to“anfwer, I delivered in my Plea by way of[<“prote*ft, agaérrft their Iurif-» 1 dicfh1o.12,t:as-ju{’tl‘y I 'x_fm%-ght do, (it being a maxime in Lam (as I fgtid before) that that which is illegal! in the éeginrziqg, 5} etnzé? of time. mmoztr :5: nzadé «Km-ufzarli) h for whichtand nothing eife, they moftfll“-egally committed me to Newgatte, the I I». }-une, I646; which Warrant Idefire may be read, as alfo theDecree. (I ar:fwer,._their Court wasrro Courtto.meir1 my cafe; £121.?/£.?2g".'i"53‘0" $2/ozrzfi diffiwz of rice cm4fi>,hei1“rgnOtztny of the C;1L1h’;’Sthat they by the :4. &2’.r_:;“.“o"..f;~?‘.j have'r]r1rifdi&ion of, armed 1.1: it had. }*-etvléy I/mt Statute‘ they cw/5129202? mleddie hhwitb o met mtkam‘ the King: conczrrrrwce, and }):«3‘f})c'ci‘a2I! ammzjfiarz, \7V1’1iCh they hid not ' in the leaft, and therefore in a double refpeét allmheir proceedings withme, are mofi illegal}?andsLlnjufi,:md;th€ref01'e.;=ntfzIl and void in Law. — A M A V 3 Butin the third place Itgrc-mt, that co:nt.er'np‘t or~:af~?1‘ronto£‘..a Court‘tha.t hath 1'urifdi6’ci.on.:over the Caufe is fineable amt imprifonahle,but to rafftonhth,con- temne, or abr1£ea.Cot:r.t thathath no Iurifdxétion ofthe ‘caufe for which the party is convened beforethem, Ifay by Law as neirherfineable nor in'spritfor:a— _ ble: As forjinftancoiif atrCou~rt or? Sefiions qg_ePcions me fo.rrnyFr*eehold,;anc1 I refufe totahfvver them, and give them tonte:ro'ptu'ous words for rhedltinflhg with _ A to that which by Lawzthey have no jtlri-fdiffi'it®i1 of 5.t.hey may by ..L:;zwvbir1dhh more to gmy ‘good behaviour, b‘ut..car1not~fine or impriibrz me, much lttflhdifnfrzmcihife me o of all the privi1edges«of;3.nEz1gloifl1ma~h,.o at the Lorcist have dorreto rne,f as ap- pearesoby their fentence :.th.e fame holds gooti tn the Court of Common Pleas, whoif they go aboutto ho1dtP1ea of Murder her ore them, tori: the party refhfe to aniwer, it is no contempt of the Cout't,be'cau.fe they hzwe no jtzrifdiétiom or-o vet fuch tcar1fes.. And pertinent» to this purpofe iS.B2zggI Cafe in the 1I..pat”9t0f ‘ A g_'oa£2¢s~:Reparm,w'hobeing, ofrrrmnoneod before the Mayor of PM-’1':':(")Hlfh,' in open A Court called him cumming Igf222a»va,ar1d {said unto him‘,c‘amcr,{:_i,7e,&o,c. for which the h ‘ V Mtayor dif.F;'anchi.fed h1m,:md it was Eif“i01‘-.f(3d,th£1t the at:/"3-ffgrfldrijrefirrnt mu 2'!/a-t 3 ~" go1J.fu.=mwfl:rit WM rzotraccomfizg toLazw,fa2r z‘.[M.«.t..»I1.?c’ /‘léfrrzytor in Lmv 12.5251:-to prnavcr to V da,z§zf,t and at moPceouId have ohe}yeboLmdthimr.to hés good behaviour. o aS‘o:that.the Lords affirmimg over me aopower of jurzidzétsonhhwithoutlaw, fmm/»t/as K zlrzgr. C ammzflfw ¢zccard£2¢g;.ro to/ac formcaafr/2c,oSmr::a:t‘e in. 1/mt ézckazlfit they ‘ 3.l'.C '\ . . fit) - are no ‘Court to me tn my cafe, not capable of the caufe tr: cohttfoverfie hetwlxt 5,- r us, aridthereforel fay again in a double fenfe , they have not the leafl grotlhd - or colour ‘:11 Law«either to Pme or Imprifon me_.,but at molt (in tale there were~ ‘htlviorttrr ; and as for lteepingoh my hart, refzrflizgfo Iqgzecl, hwlflappisrg ofmy mm: 9;, ;.r4:e05=¢et'hJ aftermy flffi?‘CO111m1tfIl€E1t1ll.CO.nt€mpt 0lffl‘l€1flll€g'£ill u"furpaltlone,.ha- an afl'ron.t, as Ildenyr) to bind the (or caufe me ) robe lzotmcl to my be» .4 wing long before that juftly appealed tothe Houfe of Commonsll am not in the leaf’: fenfurable therefore as they have ferlfured me, even to woo. Z. fizre, 7. yea:.-at 'imp?'rfl37¢»W2‘€%Z', had everllzflihg dirfrmrchi/hmerzt, feemg IE is a Maainle In Law and T’Retaf0n b0th,Th;zt rhlzt n2r19r‘c‘hflo»m.hrhe hegihhihg ix mt valid :1 can he tier he mam’: good 5)! tmé? aftimeg 'or‘"z‘hafe rhiizgr that t>I?’e...é,6g#;¢ fiam e?z£__/,.; PM”, flip 15:, am 337,5? C . attain a legal! or i/]}»:.e, ohjgzl. But iflt {hall be objeeted ,!That this Arglnnem: deeleoves the la - of the continuance of this Parliament , hem!)/E the I(£;zg his mclfa‘ hath. hm ‘ah/.3.=:«zrw:i‘"" J eased hat in at ‘capacity according to tI7e«;S?tpzrrrte ~rognzmlrli‘H»' Claz:e;*;ta2fl?ma1aoi Comma?-{ ll Mzzce. " or 1 do A V t t A . SoZ.I Anfwer, That the aft of continuance givzker the .l_Z:rd.s no more power their .r what they had hy the Law hefare, for it gives them fi€)4;l..l"lll73g out continuance, and —rtherefore the Argument lslegal 8: Juft agarr;-.f’c them,rh.at the PrerogatweLord;s. forlakingdthelr own creator, and dealing »t~ttri«th»—me eor:.trary to theLawes and rstattttesof the Kingdom; yet as much in 1:Qr'ce .'etse.ver, and not appropriatin,g..g. «or affuming to themfelves any formallurnew lgower, but meerly {land by the Pri- a genitive power derived from him ( hebeing try» their own declared principles as l lrnuchttheir King as ever,alllW.r-its,a”&c. ftill rurlhinfg in His Name) they have lofl: g their Honor atldjufiice in going beyond their lflfillfildfis and dealing fog illegally, A “t tilrattlcally, ‘and unjuftly with me as they have done. Therefore from all the A .13 -gpremlfes and authorities before mentioned laid together, Ido draw my con-g ~ elufioh which is this , Thatlwas originally and {fill am moi’: illegally irnpriml, “ toned by the Houfe of Lords , and illegally fined , and illegally disfranchized ; "' lg.;'ln filth a manner that in all ages bygthe moflt oppreflive and vvorft of Courts of _. maps in England, wasllnevelr lrnown nor heard of .before , for a bare and .fup--, « ayofed Mlfdemeahor. d l l And therefore I‘ mol-‘t earnefcly and tmofi preflingly octave as my right? thg r I‘ Juelgement of the I-loule of Commons upon my appeale to them againfl: the ,g lords, (.fOl.“V:.'VlLllCl.1I>'hZlVC W.’.1l'L'€d upon them almlofi feventeen months) and that I may no longer run the hazard of mine and del‘tm8:ion, of me, thy wlfe, IilitildllltlflCl1llCll‘Ql‘1,fOI‘COE1tf"et'vesix1 his lnllcituts‘. And alfo I demand as my right and due, ample reparations from the Lords ~ for all their tyranny illegallywithout temorle,.pitie,ll and coznpalliozt exercim fedt2_po11:me,t0;the appatlent hazmrcl oflmy llifee and b€l11g+a11Cl that I may alfer - liave frmn them {Q much money: formy legall maintenance, as in all ages for thefe three or feure hundred ears hath beenallowed to men in my condition and prifon,an~d may be prev; ed forfor the time to come during my fizzy l‘.l‘l(:‘1‘€.. And that Imetylreely be left; totalte my eourfe.at Common Law upon all A jaylors, Keepersef Prlf0ns,and El1€‘Sl1€?1‘lfl'6€‘l0f Lotxclon, ashzwe moPcNi‘lAlega"lly 4 anduhwlarrantably eitecuted their illegal}, 8L'I‘l)lm‘€1l‘y, and unbinding tx,rrannicall Orders and Decrees upon me, and that en owllalfter feven yeares delztydby you, I may alfo m1med1:xt’ly lje put b_V'- f,l'Ql.11” ljlmtle Intott certajn eapaetty to recetve of ’ t’lt‘EllllElal‘rll‘olF .5'zflz:fl7!r2r}’,0lCl.’TSl1‘.H'€i6’7"]"lV4’fi§6,Cl‘l€ Lord Clnef Iultice B‘7‘:>1mflw2', anal l Dfioftor A/lzffil, t’vho- have Vlfible and pie-tatlfulll eltates in being, my longfinlce decreed ’rep;tr;:titons agaitft myStar-Clmlnbefllltdges, with juclt aclclitions for ‘ mylot1gl’t}.ty, latge»e:xpez#ces, and gl”_€.‘£1*.'. troubles tl1e1‘el’0re, and not be put to lfeelt it from the il..of:‘cl tC,’0r:.i;¢gz‘0.e2,- Sill" Framer}: Wina’eée;a£g; and l\»lIr.12¢ Mm, ‘latell ‘ \V3.rclerl of tl1elFleet,wh0fe ell:t'at.es tare fo w;al’ted% and deltrolyecl by lequel‘t1'at1— V on,&e..thztt;l}ltnv.:=wnot ‘l?“.'l1t2l“t.t‘ to Eat? them, and may l3el1e1I-lgli "7l‘i"f‘i?-ill:%=, upon the forelléticl l;mpe;lcl1.:";llez:ts, either to their juftifications or A e.,~',_ w,- ' ~ . _- _ - _ e l~ . Cmluet“ttmttm.s;l attlel. that all 3Lr.lZIS of theirs agCommon Lavv agampc-n;e-for E’l"0fCl$1l?0l§£”l1,?ai2::~:.~ll; or colt“tcet‘tfs.lng the {aid Impe%acehn1ents,_ maylbelloppecl,as m 4 i5tr”.}Tu{3tEee, law, and quity they ou t —§1::tve%At~ofay%agaiu£’t the Lords irregular deem ....,,__..‘ 4 gm: to till they be eith:~:r toudemrreri oi? ;tz{tifiedL1po11"t.’_ue IAmp;ez:.éc‘rm1euts. A And now 31:‘, Iharve done with all and ever" gswith me,ti1l they reply: {ome 0-’- V therothiugs in refere.ute.totth.e Houfe of Corrrruons (Ithink as erfleut?.ail_to any own wetifare as any thing I héiir/eru~§1lr‘eady rm) I-have ready to fay, but that my ggrefeut {treogtrtand voice is in :;u.,mauuerr quite fpentt , fothat I cannot well go on at prefent, thougir I havr,5‘,LaH' my matter r'es.cE;r; andutherefore I earne{‘t1yrin.—- treat driew dazy to fay out tkeérefig and to leave it to your judgment : and Tueil day n:extr(o.err1g; ‘the 26. of Ofllooer r6.r§{7., at two a clock. rrr the rafternorone in 2 thefame plate) ‘oeiug your own appoituteté time, -I earnefty defi~re«yo;ur prefenceo there, wheri and where I doubt not butt" {haii tiemeane my fetfe rwith as much w r honour and reifpeft towards you, as you upon Weduefday iafis, with jufiice, can-=- dor and fairneffe did demean your feif towards me, and the Kingdom:-,fo eoneerueuin me,%in.givingt«me for faitgpublike, free and uninterrupted ahear—- we . that in fincfi-fity’fL!b§‘C1‘ib€5 himfelf, V ing, which can not but in ingenuity be acknowledged a_ great obligationto hint Si r J Yours aaudthe Kingdoms faithfu11'Servant; fobn Lilbwrneg “FIN I S. __-.--v X3.’ fining t?-3?‘ in point of'LawhI',.u_