E» Tazzcbizzg tbs Emtemfi af zbeKV#1, - E L ‘17lJeEnmrefi%of zri)e*%Pmsbytex9 H L Tiaeinterefl of the hmfiepenfien V 5 Va ‘I325: h1teref"t‘. cf tbs C.it‘z'a* of [L 0 N % v< V. The lnccrcfl af 3 3 Q I L A.N?%D,.?m e’i ;@;z;fj;ej»fare now. ’i M" mft3r.. Para?” LW I A-A '.’»“ri:“!‘ ‘kt ‘ H ‘x ' ’ .‘ 2 ‘-‘ *. , “ ‘ N “vi ~ N " I 0;? \v ,‘ ‘A .. k 4 peace 0? ram Obfmrvation am;iM*;C0mexw % mmre e<1ua%I1yCncmcd~ 4 E T'*§1efcC%6fid5¢l‘5F59’%* W§tI1AckIition bythcé “ M®’AAfs. V . .é'~iDnZcea @- decbmm sf; pr_o,Pgtri;‘i.a . ,f?:.;&::. I‘ ax. v ~ « . -. .x 912; Printédxfvzna Dozafix 6 47;. % A fix; .u «g a7: W aw _ or :To the K Imago r A Fter fa money Poormes-I I23-sow jrou willingly Etfézin tbe, ooiflieol Haven, boot tben you muff imbarque a new, andnot in the old Ship-4 W'raCk't dfifigneu rflfid fincer if it are Elattfiry ‘toybwifbyourr reel/_.,o for Jour own ‘sex R5,’ eke, and many otbero, pray taljge tier}: Pamphlet to Pceegreyour courfe by, and, occozmt him 49" good arfiiend ‘to jourfélfe drool. tbe King'dome,,oo en_y_yozobozro Evin acquainted with Ibefe fevenyeareo;,,;.wbo firfi delivere‘ it intoyour bond; :r For, Iom eonfident,rroroebrq you abf0ddt211‘!07Zg_)’>0$¢[_0lCb Qouncell, yaw fbonld zat reap mmb of the trutbr ofyoorr Interefl,myou.ma} in tbefe poor fhectesg, rebicb are but itbefibeemings of ”obfer*2:mtoio22.o. f or r not To the P E K s»- Sweet 3 I B; so :" Let zzot yooor Jealoufie aocufe tbs": Papowofb oz Plot oz-»~ gainfl‘ the State : jZ’r'z4_¢{y Ibave ozddedjour Intcrefi out ofpitty to your corzeli- rz'o;z,otb.czt firzceyooo C4?Z?20otr attaizzyozor June divine, you may( or lea}? open your eyes, and prefer.oe_your _felz2e:.r ( if yozopleafe )2”): or bozzdfome equjpag’ew,1 ]ure_humano.. To the I"N.n;E P}: N 3:) EN 1‘ s._ F R" I E N 11.5 “to You who ezreiified more immediarlgr under tberljrinceo of Peece,o:eg!ot not f o to profecmejieur Incerefi, or "to begin 4 War upon it;. but ongv to remoérze on tbe defenfive-~ till your jojb Liberty be confirmed} and the Princes? dooe rigbt reftoredr, fime Confcicnocemmufloneedhr ‘romaine quieter, -oobere rbe power :3: invefled in one King, than in on Hydra of Pref-M byters; Above all tbmgo you mu]? not be Anrti-parliamcntary,buteooercifl: voif dome ooitl: potiemte, and tbe countenance of tbat Authority mmzot longbeh. mzzztirzg : Award to the Wifé- A the C 1;*T Y4. S In st: N1’) defire z?,b.;t}Jatyo2e4mo}b flourijbgrwbicb comzot be,oubIe_fleyoooe~ mirzde ~on~byo;yoorr ;aeecoolioxr«~I~n-terefoof €l?r7ade.r If you refolve to live and die ooitboPr”e§b_yterie,conj?der tlnotjou can z'l1Ban-r dy agoinrfi the other two Particsgfirzce‘ it%cozmzot be oorek_rzo,t};rat they are the maim‘ pgert ofjour felves.A,Ci£_y divided againft it felfecgnno: fiandé To the Src o-my Ffi(_:ncN1SandC0z1fec}erates ‘ A/eetbis‘ ér£ef:# draught 0f)’0%W~i2iteref%5 wI:4erem°:§ r /aere prefeiztj/aw, »m’th«tbef.¢me iIng»enuicy and Acandoi-3 * that I wrote it. God [ball éeare me recam’,_r/aat.1lzzyizat/aiizg mpeiz here, with intent t0%zr*"o7°ke divifipn, it éeiizg cafigyayy W ,my0!b1ig~a;_-jog £5}: (joyveg-13;-;;:,5 652;? azzeiytafktixfie the world if? truth tvflfierfiiifig? you, Md your {elves 2'12 w/Mt rozzcemes WW’ «Wave happincffc, fafety, Ma’ advantage, éy 4 zwfe demea-% ' mawr,'£/2 order M the conferwatiaiz of Peace 1'22 tbefe Kfugdamyg \ Honifoic quimal ypenfc. M L ~ And new (' Gentlemen ) but one word more to all -‘ I f uppafe mne ca}: tag; jrsff ofience, _/irzce Iflate the Interefis af all indifi'erentAl , Pointing out to each the may to advance and preferwe their own Partymzd .Ijball command to tbgm what the Duly of Rohan faitbvaf tI9e%%St_ate; of Europe, that according M V they foL"aW tbeir prepper Interefis, tbey tim"ve or faile in Succeifes, {a the Parties now on F eat in tbi: Kingdom, muff loolg to flmzd at fall upon tbs» [mm Gromi. . . A A 7 A A \‘ *3} Tha to ,(AI)§y eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee The Cafe of the K1 N one ME iSTATED,8zc. “ 1:24;, tozzclaing the jnmgt iofytlae K: N6 and his Pa-rtie. A A A t i V Prijlmers and fo being fallen from the height of for... , A tune, mufi remit much oftheheight of his h’eflg72e5 and T H E Ki'ng'(as the cafe lately flood wi‘th»bi2'n)wias a very ii i whathath been loft by bandyirzg, he ought to Salve by a wary Carnpliance. That tbi: he may efiea: in a {hort time isvery probable, fince what Macbiaveli fete downeas a fare Principle to- wards the purchafe ofEmpz're *is aftedteady to his bazzd.r,by the mutuall expence of Spleene in his oppofite; agaiufi each other :,fo i that all he hath to doe is to fit fiill, to foment and blow the F ire, and give the bumoursititne to toylegtill being tyred in exzreame: V there appeare a Jzecejflty of one Third to reft in, (which can be no A A other but himfelfe 5 ) and then his onelyylmerefl will be, toislofe with that ‘Party which gives moft hope of Indulgence to his Prero- gdtizIe,3( greateft probability offzwor to hisFriend.r..That neither ofthefe can be expefied from the Presbyterian, is evident for ma- nyRea]g_m.~ And firft touching thePrerogatz"ve,thcirGo7Jer22mem: it: the nature of it derogate: not onely from the Civil! A in generall, but carries with it a more 1' eciall enmity agai-nfi Momzrcbie 3; foe . that they which intend to fiend the one, muft maze the Fundaa A mental? ofthe other in any Kingdoms whatfoever. Palitique afl'er- tions of this kinda {hy-ou1d*be ftrengthned by Obfervations out of Hiftory : But the tender age of this 7/pfiart Hierarchy and the Little entertainment it hath found in the World, yeelds us no- thing of moment to obferve, unIefl"e in our own 1_'/lewd. Foliif we looige abroad, we finde it but firagling up and downs in Franceeand Germany, and in fuch place: onely as acknowledge . A A 9 ‘ lit: e I .1? J I ‘7 little or none at" all of »Kit2gZy power 5 {'0 that Scatlemd "is the onely W-figzelfigngogyge where thlsPefi is Epidemicail, and it was (firfi) Scot‘cblG—h::i1‘i€ytolBaptize 1:: as Cbrzflz'a7z,l. into thelzmme and pria viledgel cf aNationaIl Forme. This was clone during the mine... rity ofliing fimexgwhen the Lord: andclergie rulingall as they lijled, at length parted flake: (though the Clergie then got, and fcillhold the better) that when He came to age; he found the Fable MofIxz'on’: fang moralized upon hirnfilfe afar as he inflead ofa Gaddefz inzbracftd gcloud 3 {O the King, when he thought to gr-afp his Scepter, laxcl hold on .3 Manuals, which kept his hands fgfaflzfiuring his abode there,that: he could neverA&Lbu: when they plcafed to let him,according ta their own Direéiory of Kirk and State :And in proceffe of time this heat of Presbytery prov- ed fuch an Herfiique in the body Poiifique of‘ScorZ.dnd,that t:heSub... fiance of Kingly power was utterly czanfumed, and nothinglefc (as We fee at this day) but the bare bones, the very fléglétomlof a Momzrcbie 5 VVit:neH'e4vt:he%u‘nIitnited pawer of the Canvlenzion of Efiates, and Geyzemll Aflembly, butefpecially ofthis lakttexgwhich (like to the Rod offlaron) is infucll a. budding, thrivingcona dition, that it hath devoured the Rod oflll/Iofey, as his did the Magicians of flgypt, and proves a Scourge to the Magifiracie and People; ‘This is 3% fufficlent Irzjhmce (being alfcmltha oncly one in the World) to manifelt the A2itipatiJie betwixt a. Natia. ma?! Pre3l3_yter_y5 and the civil! power of Common- ‘male: and King- damex, Whereinwhpfoever defires further fatisfafiion,” needs doe nomore but take a firififurvey of their own: i Bookes of Difcipline. A A % ” A * % I A l l 2 Secondlygtéuching the; KingsFrie72d.r[which are FoftwoSm-ts, mix, the Bzflyops and their ‘Clergie, tl1eCaurtz‘er: with the Gantry, they mutt‘ expefi lefle from thePresb_yte§*than theliing himfel 4: may : Far, as ,.Thcy would leave the Kizzgl nothing but a name V without Subf?a;nc°e., fo they will allow th§%%Bi{bap: neither Name nor Subfiance,‘ and inflave the Gentry in thigir own Lordjhipxl by a new way of pagrsclaiall Iyrannie :lFor,if {To be: they conforms l jnot, than they inuflicipbfi in a'fhmft time to fee the mtanefi goftheit Te12l{antAs;l§:7eco1i1e tlieir Mafiers iii liudicaturle-,and?fol what: Salomon V M cal?» la grcatVaHirie,véilI belaPfi112elm_yfler} inthis neWGav¢mment. A3 ‘ “ Hl€l¥*‘3?: A lk~4-I A V "Hence, £henlweA may ‘concluclc, that the Kings Ijztereflxlleacls mm to clofle rather with the other ‘party ‘(called I2zdependem)«ats‘ the onely memes to free him and his frimd:,frQm the former‘ Irz- “ _ lco2z1Jenz'ence:,and'tl1al: for thefe following Reafmzx. A N ‘ A A _ Firl’r,;becauf'e they are the onely friencls to C Tm‘! lgovernfng-gm in the World,4Ieaving it whtqlly in the hands 0f: the Magzflraté‘5 ‘ pleading exemption in nothing but their Cb:zrcl3~m_y: Wheras the Presbflers claim’ not cncly -alclil’:in& power in CimrciJ~afi'aires [as l y0u‘may'read in that Branch of the Syzodi lateV¢onféflfon,which V . fpealies ofCburcb~l serzfizres] but they borrow alfol {'0 mu?ch”from the Mazgijl-mte,as will inable them :0 compell mans Confciences: And-fo under this cunning Preltencefihat the Magzfirate is bound to ufie or lend his power to fhpport their arbitrary c¢mjfit¢stiens [the Proofcs whereof they Fill: out oftlm jludicials of Mefeg and fome places ofthcGc@ell mifapplyed in fome of their Ar» ticles] lurkes the great M_’y[1‘ery of .Inz'quz‘t_y, wh¢rebylThey gaine a power even over the Magijlrate himfelfe, who in thiscafl: mull ufe thc fa2orcl~ (for confcience. fake) wherefoever they pleafe to Advife orllcemmand him : Axnd {'0 bath King and Parliament . l mull‘: give waymxd cjampell others to fubmit,to Whatfoever they lhall ordain in their General! Afimbluas fa Hbe wefigoverninglaf V‘ the Cbulrlclr. l " M l V A A A l Secondly becaul}: lip is eafiefor:t:heKing toll!-I1ingleI7zlt’é'.}" raft; l-with the Imleperzdents _._, and A oblige‘ mm with thlau which is”deny%ed th-em by;tl1eyPre:b.yter , viz. I_il1€rt_Yof£*o‘12- J V? fcierzce: llln whiclh Particular hflel caught alfo toipretend “gre_a‘c tendernefl'e ,, it being his owne calé at prefent: to fufier by . marémyl V preffing Tliipeftliliiltfés ,* to take the-fiovenint , and lpaffi! things A of high Impbrtance llwherqinlhle Wis llnotfatlisfied, thelrefufalll V wherieof ’LiJp’on’.S’cr*uplli:: of Gartfzgiaticelis tjheeinly caufe of his 2zcin- .accefl%totheiParliamcf1t« ‘ M V >1 l A Tllirdly M, bedaufe the Ifidepefldent Principles ~lead them ltd -afimittl rather of * Mcmrcby thanwl ; any either“ Gawermmnt, afi beingl that under which they prcfume €35 grfififér Ifllargefil l meaty, than when Maw} rulellla who» are ufulally. mofilaptm — ratificl 3 fafltibn Vi{1V".t;,‘hfi Naiio:mIl»Cburcb with accrumcnwof worldly ‘pomp and. power, the, l9€t§§I.f £0 fupport their 0W:_ne5l l Fvmwy 4 Case)» A Fourthlygafiere is. a dioore of Hope opened"tfiis.way%for the , Eifbop: St their Clergiegwithi all that are for theLeimrgie” and that} Govérnment,Wheras5ifPre:6)trietfake place-in a Naitfo-nail mdega then there will be F orme againfi their Ferme, A and _Policy againft, theirPolicie,Which»When it {hall be a&uaIly“tWif’ced with that of A the ~State,ican never be removedwithout length oftime [and ex-h i treme difficuity. Where obferve by the way, how it was ever the gtmzd myftery which Setaafet on work in the hearts iofthofe , V who glory in that ufurpe-diTz'tle of Clergie 5 fitfl: to intthduce tat.’ plaufibleflzolitique, Pmdentfalliway of Government in the Church; asthe only pattern brought am bf tbe Mamet 5 then to A _ W ain it a fare being anderepute With men, thy were Wont to t ‘the power of the World to countenance %it_., and force a%Subn1i£3- fion thereto by all, under the oldjfieciam pretext bf'De'c‘erzety,iiCon-' formity, and Orders and lafily to make ~a.ll~—faP:,the Cufiome was e in ‘Tome of ' to mingle Irztertfizt with theflmre or the Prince [has the Bzflmp: A lately did= with our Kz'22g:,a _ andwthe Prexbyterti doe noweewitltv {time great Om: andithe City] and fo their Fmzdamentall: being onge poys°d_ with the others, then Whafdvetfhali .p_1'efuIne to, movethe one, mufi fhake the crthaexyatnd prefently incurre the: brand of {Editions djifiurbers of Statetiandiffingdomes 5 Which: hath been :10 meane artifice of the Devil! [in a.I1_ times hold his Kingdom in tin: hearts Qftmen, againfi the alike faulty 5 But if thefe have tine to fupplant the Bgfbkopx, E35" tiheyt are in a fair way jand otver«~a€t them at ttheit: ownef gt£?l1'5_’,¢. They are left for evenwiathont remedy. But M at 5; _‘ * M A 'Fifi:h1y,” by an immediate Clofefwitih* the Inafcpendent,»aand;?_ abandoninge that eurfed Principle orf uiziuerfali Campulfiqyzfl. as well in opinion as praetifeg fiance there at numerdut f0i‘;C‘~ of people in the Kingtiemg that will nct bee fatisfied, with-L am: the old external! Forum ‘of Die :tej}zn' andj eLeimrgie5, its e1eare‘thcngttetthat£t I7m'epem1ems;tmay help to Im{’zate'I?hen1ee- t i%nhthatttt F orme againeag .' upon fame vifiblee aflhtange, that; " _1zarocbialZIn'qu2]itigfl.. % tthemielves fl_1alI;tbec left at tLii&ertji,§ rather then betitroddenv J 110 up--, 1 _ Kingdoms, '0fCbrz'fi. In this Pameular the Bzféapx and Brexbyterx haveebeen‘~h_ dtown ,;~ by-‘."~vat‘-« M0rni’mzll=‘ on two] of *13ran‘t: no leffe monfirom; [Ip_eFh‘a.-P15’]a {aria Igaarmce ,_ than pride 1. in every»- I‘ (6) ‘A A The left Reafon "is, beeaufethe Kings Vfiion withthils party A mayfo abate thefury of the Presbiter, that (livhethe-r Peace or Wfizr enfue ) thofe of the Caurt,Coziece!1,e2¢d GVe2ztr_y excepted from V pardon,“ andthe refi that have not yet Compennded, cannot con... A tinue Iongat this diftance, without fomeeprelmble hope W, Than AA reconcile 43 within the Limits of an A6? of Oblivion. ‘ Humore altering, and by the mediation of fome the rel’: being 1’ brought to a more moderate temper, it may be no hard matter to And jb for tbef e Reafons I conlceive, we may bolelj eflirme, ‘Ilmt fimje ytbe King ‘barb no hope of remedy from his Friends here etAbo”me,*er l abrolatf, his true Interefi at prefem 2'4 by flame meme: or other , re clofe with that Pattie in tbie Kingdomel which tbegv call Independent. lb The Izzterefleof the Preebyter and his Party. ‘e Reebitrie was no {boner born at Geneva, but it was nurjl up A here in Erzglandtin~the W zfbe: ofmany, as Heir apparent of Epifcopacie, For it’s ul'uall‘ever in all wordly Cimrefa-reformatiozzr (2 as Well as thofe of the S rate) to finde fome men, either oute oflconfciezzce or e2w},difaffe&ed to the fettleel Government -1 Out ofEnv_y, when they mifle of that Preferment which they expeél:-L ed by arebange 5 out of confcience,when they fee a greater glory of Lzgbt and Purity beyond it, and therefore will not live by it,but beficle it, or above it 5. The truth whereof Experience hath told us in all the degrees of Refo rmation this Kingdom, from Paper} to Prelecie, from“ the Bwzap totthe Prexbyter : And. I {hall willing-A ly allow the ~Pre:byter5 (Who reckon themfelves for the old Pu- ritans of England fo-‘much charity, as to think their difiiafiefiioh proceeded“ meerely A from atConfi:ienee well-z'nformed,e becaufe I; obferve now an Imprejfe of divine glory and excellency in ma-n my of their Prafiife: 5 But yet I Wouldth the other Pazrtiex, 8: I-1mfi:ofn\ect'f’fi‘Y ‘DY ‘i’f‘“£’!**.§’”.w§‘*fi“3*‘5 %f,.,~1,5,mv_, hm-¢a1e4;;he number their E1~1emics,&~in time éxdfieraté both ~ fc{f‘a::2‘, that nothing will iiatisfie but an abolition of the m=wF,ermV_as immodtmteg and a rmeftabliflaing tht‘: 524, upon4 more afllnéiincke ofzlgk 4 55;-z} :‘ Ti1«;n:efo1‘e the %on1y~:12mr%éfi* oft11c%%Prs:éy2%er: :is%_t0,a11oW the **** W Ixdepemimzts their*Aliberty of C5m*cf%:»maj, §:eei‘cee}I1the:n 35;“ 3??» 1-;;;-£7; , {and not to make difference: I33 c§rcz¢79¢fl‘az?2z‘z;z.‘£s.a ground fgr Perflacmtiwz. And tlxisl fl1I:1Uf¥.1I‘£h€r1HUfiI‘3t¢by’Rt3§/{OI}... Q % _ A.,EirAP:,its as mmrh madiwfi 1:0 perfizcute me13,b€caq»fe ihcy are Ifloth-ke 135 in apéreziam asitw were toVqduar1*eHFWith$ '%t1*:;e:11iz urfirsn {hwy 1fefcm5oV1”e:t1~s % not, in ‘outward wnzplcxion. Forfincek we: 10% perfeflcion in ‘fldgézmg what evex'&nawl.-wig xrvee attains to .A1mur ,_‘is’ %e%i:he;: fifgrd/i,A'by" fhe improving ofnatura1“indow:ncnts5or sis Dzz2z22e,\wl1xch 15.31:: Infkzfince from %Hmver2 12 pan thc‘; Sa:¢1:..FOI’ theférmci‘,W€ a1‘e=?b€h01d£i‘I3 m6d.5* g§,t1yF tQ%_;:4hc b%ogn;t57 %0fN¢zzfim*e said 03 1‘ ownf =:Iw%a’z{s;/2 #3:; {Of 33fiffi€7‘I”,;,% % immcdimy Vto God 1!Tlfixerefomiwhérc.»?E&:e:;.fe&ran3i ;‘aag,g1g5s:;~—%i:a]::dgé» men: than our Salmes, wé ough‘t'to*Vlocakixpyon themA"aQ£dep!or5£3Za'5 % ’ rathcrythgzn Vdpzmmzivl Uain mam Wim maderthe difference betwixt Thai: agfgld thy \3;*a:azl:%B;'o’thei'? did 1:z¥&3t% rec»grm;'£§J¢I*TQr3WEzat lmflflzazg‘ 3.'kW.tf.§§..l'_;99343 dzfci/2‘ mar rezzaeiw .=?..5¢zf}:i.6iVG05%?9%?.}/§i‘i$’1‘§f£’é?&’é'»éi£»1'c§ gm 5?: * dmé % second1;r,% the de£3gz:e%of:::1%i;c:;(’1:7;ts Fa:/§zra£;Aaz:d §,fiO1?~i‘}1:»1HVfi£1d':1ft—t0 biV€}{‘{§g?;h,' t41:t¢%;l\#I«<¢atla2s;:»- wan,d:2k?w3~fe @2211 fiD.£é:zj;;?m(as it cw-.r*was;:hro@ugh ‘mg;aa1%iJ.E”wro_pe44in ma:;c1*s~%ofRc1igim‘a.:.%‘Timwitchtrafiesefthés jam». . % A % fi A 5:1‘! « M A % *%*$4éf it A£i1raAMr0L1’b3e our ‘ifimfia For, it is agaihfie mmI1‘1i107n%{' ctiéé AA ands; reafam w e7xpcéE, ithati ever men win ‘he om inspimionAA (mhe‘Hm¢. Wm 3z;;gé:A.¢s:;»2 f2.»1df,f Chm Qapitfaa, tot Se:2f2>4f,)%fo_$th3.tq§h"0fc: whichen_deavom_~ VVz37m.'55 A Ml-t if:€:.m€ tQ.mt"a?351f~5h€3l:%4m€ant £01‘m%pr1%f0n .m*j.o1.w and aiihas * _Som A1321 3.; B:ggg(as~t£tVs {aid ;;L.»spla2¢derx)% ifince Opimian blowes fxronie. %_x;.»,e:ry*- pcmi: %oft"11‘e:Ca’mp2zfi‘: And as a co1=Azfi21€meAnt*ofthc Wind ;to:1~..¢.A .azm”;1£ss A.Z\A1z"zAm.4:;*-es» Wit-h%3.‘1'l E;m:h-guak,‘foA ta rob the .S’a;¢1 ofits: Freed‘om_ ;A&7AwhicfiAi3%far more agile: and diffufiv€‘)wm11flcAnc€ds caufe a Colickfwith in’¢tE1e‘.b;oxvc1sAV"of :5. Kimgdaw, Andgtherfore. till AAI/ézifaria. A :3z4.%iry%-As?9a¢ra::%¢,gwr framflm-w:z;%again{’c Bret/armA wrljcw }’:;i:;?1‘;gi':1,;*i‘V$ff?a”1’bEiJ;ii31l7V£§§§Ff3‘S~ %h;we»theiKingd0n1 in 3. Flame, andL(ps':rhaps) aT1:,é;fi%;felw¢>:Ama3rbe the firfc in .J_fb€:.~ ” V % A A Thirdly, m<:n4nnd % A nditicm tflfficiyzflgri ::.a~1Vz:crs,1ro ;1E§;m&:nd@:var1%e thczr»Imerq{}:,and~‘Pr:ncA1pl%es;A V 7 ‘ U ~ j%F0:%11‘th§~y, if as. rigid cQL1rfi:fl1oz11d be pmf'ccutcd, and fo :1 Breafdfi .AAben1agi¢-2 b:e::;wi:~;tAthr.">1E:' vvi‘£<:2 (for the major pa.rt);zrc W by Solemn» Ca'q§:wzm£:,the I ?’»?17'6’}l?‘.7-A‘€A’2?z_(’!¢5“.‘.W.’3A‘ having tlaagt; iuvixicéble Plea nf Se defm; dm.:%a Q1§1"§€*1i3 fldfigtiifi *§~etAhi‘>1Aae%¢caz2zd.M!,wi1AI retort 1:po;n% Y‘ the ‘P mama: ;4;1gi:ih§if;%;;b¢eV,vb§gf;:&¢3A; ths£m:h&e:;J72zo£epm2pZmz%z~A ueccafionsi the Branch, by vofipgfing n1:i'c::I.<:~°:t;;:<':x' 0f*A*A%Athe»€i.ffoven2+.1A1t for "Am: z¢m_";.“qrme E§e-forma‘tigjh5 -;a~n§3.vc:~r; 1‘.h§.AtI:% ”t;‘h<;°: C€wA€n:m£ in A%its‘éxrezzt h:z.i,;h thig :¢!:imm¢‘%*%Li1rMx1ita-4 ~ %tfii;:;m,w‘;ri;:;*V.e¢~;ard£2zgA;i%:g gze:/EueAA‘§p\mArd *afGadAV.A:V othcrgw $132+ 3" ’If1}1c: wh(;>lc2~rc:_#- in ;115;i";;E:i1?g,§=§ :>1~lle=i1‘na1‘3-l,,,,,-..AA"I1flvA'-fizififl N, c.if'.;b0Eh 1; eziuced toz that IE.-we _,, Let Gad and good mm j11C{g€(f()‘rt_1'1C %<fi**'w-IX €a21n0t%)whq«»f¢ zmijig ‘Km A2B2vmz‘+Ia%.A.A ‘ A V ~ ‘ A » A AA VL;§»£-7:157 2¢Aw.a4l¢:~:%~,szw *(~7az£2::~,t”¢gf‘2:'*¢2rx.a*z€%:2n i~11,¢%1:k1e.‘%P*7~.:*4;ré}'tcé2' will“*by” .i/2*o}JérlZ*‘ H . ' A .“ I A. A Pfléfly yer qpprefffian though Tfometi%me wife enough) bflfi-» }5;€€imc%xr=mA2’,az}d ;ufix.a113z:tra’n1p1eA»downallfielayia rz.r..tO make way fdti a ;;{;':‘££|H‘?‘£‘;£‘4a‘)m‘f‘.€??’. that ‘gxves hnpe 0fthL«=: lcafi rcmea.’y,‘a1nd%ast.he co ?;:W,i,;,;%a,-,cA§ prottet 3 Btuimréégwtithin, and‘ atfiwallqffirafi 2!Ab.i".5!.'I1ZAAE1fi"'i5.".‘* *7’H Napmm Whgncex mace agfi‘-1t“'i€‘.v1I1§’.{_frI‘,t1.&C fair: am-wji of the I’j"e.t_é]'_,,.. " ""3 W M, 353:0’ :cott1ttet‘»wovt1t_rite wag tn h1‘5‘I?“'E’f6»’.?":‘::fi,; as~t_he1_r ‘ggfizyzgl 9.». Pefim 3 by Cm.¥flP1yittg\V1t1'1 the Imleptendmr, atmd 1_t t3t1ghtA to be thmr ‘wifd.o£Amt to lookupon AaAlI~m<~:n,tand Cottnfellsm th€_1t'”()Vv‘t‘A;€ Paw , (wh¢t1'1c1;0f[h€ P.r».~srp[;e 0t Sxaégle mbe ) that ‘Lf'!'am~.w[¢r tn the AbehajJt"e ofa rigid Pt“esbytery,as very Maligwant:,iutkttg amoang them tlljldfir §’§_3‘r€t€"1f&C€ O‘f1\icfaA*r77mAt£Aa7¢,AA to draw tn the left wxftaetttd ttzote woAAr}dIy ficrv zezoz;,roA Mt fQ1‘t113ftP31jW I}nd¢1‘Aa,dzfgmfi Whflih Th€$*AAP1‘€* ma moft to h3tt‘,’a1I:’id by tfttlm1nat1ng_agatt»Et 011r_f;1fl' frzerzdsy as He- .rEt£q#g3 and Sc1oifmmriqm::,Sc c.Ato fh1pwrack_ 11:3 tn the Raven ,% and, Cafl? all the: fixcceffes ot th1S'P3.Ar1131'fl€n'£ by Dzmfim A A ‘ A A * A The Imerefi 0ft11A€TIMdetpw2defit Party» in t— .5 P7655}/terie" is the Kiwi! ef E;;§'fi*ogacie,i.o fv¢dcpe¢¢Jeé::£¢$b§~ ¢ ’ "Eng c}fa117high€r S trm'{1e,ti=tt:tn t0ja~dt_n1t‘0"f humane prudeaice tn . ;C;m,.c;,_.gwgrnment,l1er ‘P1‘mc1p1t~s {»tamd111d1fte1'ent towards ctther: 91-”them,as may fcrvc moft fm“ her owme advantage“ Both the other tak¢int1"ome of the wifdamegttd much ofthegpawer of yv0rld,:m<;1 fo fl1“afé f WithA the Altfiizgolamw of the world , to make up 3 fihurcé, A»Wh¢1i¢1,3, they draw“ the World afterTl1e-n*1,A b€'Q3.l1f€_Ath§Z'3 wayts fa fi1_1-5 “bk tt0A\W,x-Mly Rmfim; thtts ;C’m»mz/1 tfl1€I3‘\AV1,H €V€1"b€Af‘OfAatCti:1‘2:12¢'fZ Church : But I7¢dcp'¢wdemtxAai:f11‘m€ the C/mm‘/9 ought to be a jf¢’:z:¢:%tz£A-.23. at bl1i1di11g,fi‘_am€d of “fiICh Zitm’) flaw: as art: not of the World,‘ nm.=~tA ‘pf theAw‘tfdome ofithc Wamtbu: found~ed'only ttpéfl‘ the 'tvi{ ‘c{<:>‘rt1e tit? G":2‘a»I,'A t'cveaAl<éd in thté xtr01"d‘AbyAA1tiS 5P3?5T§"?’Ah§‘ TWYA % €fi’3€’-3.35 fi?ffiC5€‘i1tfi74: m cot*r{titAt3tt: and naaitttaittt 3. Cbzaxcb, \§i_1thbttttAA31=1y? 3fiiP£afl‘C€ from the Kmgdomgg of-‘the Wor1d,whofe‘%poAwcrThey I¢.':1_v€_ef2t£re lmttm Thtmfclves. M A A _ _ A A % A ‘-6 ‘ L ‘ ‘ rTht+Su1mt-1‘ is this : t:ot~hA1}ifbap: and Praxéjtenbythtxtf ChmA'ch.[.. i,i"01iCy,Aff3.AnC"t Competitors .,\}vit.hA the "A./l”:f'zzgi]?M.t¢ ,g anbi%Ifidap:22a2Pmt: Aleavefiall to himfave tmly A tlztr I;tT'i;2galoma~af A C'}JAr,iff,\Wfhi€hA'('if ytm yvil.l take his owne Atvo;~c‘s~) is mp: otftr1a{sfwor1d;,and4{o can t.1o«trottbIe to “ it,r,m1c:~fs Hi: beiwzt:“0t101<éC'IbyIf~ A “ A _A A 1 V A By this tltzfli than iii. _;tp1::2t3;3tfes , t“hat_,t1}§: jGO*y’€rr:1;ft%<:t1?:lf_C0¥11~t mmgd f5b1“?.E,A‘};”E1‘1C“ <.;a?:'itv»f;-°1‘i:A’t-."fi»-‘At? 7wAc7eAA1’’7t>I1tt.e : and fit‘1C€»t‘hE1I't’ Pa- ’ '3 A B 2 I iitiqrmt? my-it IN tfia; A t .t7;£;qfl£5 render Them utterly irreeoncileable, A Imlepemicmie ( which: ownes no Policiejbeconies the 54/fencing power betxvixt" them it And A as it behoves either of the two, to Pctive to weigh down the other,b§r atimelyeClo fe with It, So the only Irzterefl of Imdependenrie is ca .imhrate that party where an mziangproctires mOfl;__]nd#,lgem'ee and little or no Scamiall : Whichl conceive may be expe&eel__rathe_r from the .R074[[vEPi_[C'0PflZZ-PJ.fCy,l:h3.n the other, upon thefe fol» lowing Grwmdx. L l i A vi .'Fir£3:;Thongh~Pi'inciples of F.m‘t5,fl1ot1.ld {way the Pre.w;m»:,ttt:o érotlaerzjramity \?cfl£l1_ the Iml:pende:zt, yet by their driving ifo fiiflr oufly upon t-ermes oil-' difeipline,and through their eagernes tzponmzzi fivrmity in the Létt}er,{lighti1‘:g that glorious ynitjin the .S"’pirit(whiCh is the ‘very life Ofcllrlflfilalil prol'eHio.z2)tl1e5r give little hope of favour, but rather eazpeehtioll of a fiery Trjal/fleeing they begin to bear the Fnzrmcei al-1‘€ady'. e e t f H '4 _ A“ 5 ‘ i ' M i i Seeondly, though Biflop: {land at a great Cll£lI3.I1CC'5 Yet" ( fctting ' alide that gtofle mixtntfe of Ceremoniax ) their difcipline were far more tolerah-le,notwithPtandmg they ha.cl“power to exerce It .to the uttnofc with compt1lfion,hecanle '1"y:c:»1nny cannot be fo great: in the hatzds-ofi.Fezav,as 2:«.z.zf;z}*,; So that if het'eafter { in cafe oPre.rE tgrie be {etleic'l): onr'foi1*me1jiplagnes be not a thoufand times treble upon us, A we mt.Ifl.13.Cl{mOW’_l€’Clgf: our prelent freedome , only to the cwrte 2:: and goodtzefé of out at -zmzflerx‘: But if corrupt timer‘ come on [as who can—iaifl'nre us they will not ,. fince the old mjffery of imi- qgizy is now in the world under ‘anew F arm: 9 ] What then will become ofloue p~ fiet"it»y5twhen the yoke {hall he faltned to our neckes lf>y;m,2z£Z* a:fPa"Hi;rzfir£clI¢"t? 1 . l ' ’ , H‘ A IV Thii*dly',e7though the Epflopn/I are eenemiee t0ll)¢;lEl’1« Prexéyters and J2¢d:pe;mle}2t:,yet confieletingethelie have been cmeme" tivill in ufing. ltlteietf vi&oties,and may nowrnofl; oblige then; in their me]? tontli; tvie’on:’e‘;;lncl’éit bei.ngpoHihlethat~bothliitheitj intei-efls.hn1'ay fiend toge- tl1eti(,lL§1i“thlzéiéfiérctimi ) entire ,then? Bllll-’.'apS qnit the V exorbitant c~bmp:2flEx£ée‘pioxn*er, and the-King given afefirr:-mce agoinlt for Zj'fie7'z‘}' af Cazgféiéfieiei, the enmity betxvixt hint and the Independent may ibee l’oone ex_tir:gt1ifl1ed« it A i A A A o,*Eouz'thl_§zi 3% therfe" $3171 be no fcanidalllto thfilllfxdependeflri, by fnchani ..w¢Im 4’ I3) \\‘ ' paoziax ofimterefii, fineetthe’iWoefollowing f7cancla‘ilhelongs 't0g'gtX71€11’} V ll"31yway ml. by whom the grounds“ of Scandaligatett neceliitateci.‘ L therefore thatthe Sctziidiaz/Z may cleareiy report upon 1fre=.:&yr:r as -1 pt0V€dbef01‘__e. it muii ) the Independent ought not to adf-mitt of at iEreazc‘i7t£i\iAl the ml Dragon begin to play Rex , fill the Where pte-3 pares. to dye. her Scarlet a :«zc=W,mm' the pale H02;/2’ qf imprifiwmwt and exile threaten a Range about the Streets. . l 4 I;afil‘y;. though this dilcoverytof Imewfl may item, to pohrtenol A tuine to the Parliament, yet it is far othetwlife 1 For I22a’cpema’m«2tt - ought not to looke upon it fo_.,as to negletft themin whofepziwilmfget A and fafety all Lilvlmy is involveel :But withall tentlern.es to have re,» gard unto them , as the only Kcvzmpire againftall kinds of 'l:y7"...4zmzie* 9, iincc all prcceedizsgsfl thence againii them as Herericvég and Sp/;z”j‘ma~ /tic/Q; 85¢. are afinateti only by fome particular I-T1t‘l'l,WhO{C‘ defigness being laid 277; the dm~»’e,Tii11e aloneintcfl ciifcovet: Bnt that which will Crown 1fid¢?P6%’d£i2t’Ii'itC1‘C'fl[Lmd which indeed true 1’4rh'zzmenma» 27 Inter-efl;, tl1otagl:iPrcv:[2}re-:~z'mz drive anotheaM'a5r] is‘, to reconcile the King upon inch bomr¢m:é»/e, Termes=, that as he and they are in all ,rmfm.g'bliged*to €iOWI‘l with the Degon of a rigid 1’r.:=.:z7 ynerrZe,~ib the . . iiigzzgenieiity may be manageei with inch .L"7m«stioz¢,for the fafety oftheo Pnrliatmefltfillld a{i‘;;ranyc.te oi Lzéergjl in time to come,as.may remove “ \ all Ieazlazafiex and lay a fine fottntiatiohn for a Zzgflzhg Pam. l t A The Intmsj} of the City of Landau ‘ A “A Hist City beares the name of the .t7v:{£tr0‘D0[t;fOf_Eng[;1y;,¢£9 the A R ojall C /:r.czm[rer,t he grand Empprfa.’m,£i1,e ram’?/e2jfla/I, En 5/aaange 1"-'or*rray&'c~l<; to that her 1ble122méefli_s’ ‘afrce T male, w_here,by having V acquired large Dame/5¢6I1An all P£it‘t;~'-,fl'1C maintain-es a cohfiderable in--t flnence uponthe l."VhOIC‘,l’VhlCi1Il13hE31‘l€;I‘i]ECmd{)I'itf}>e-tot“, looking A dovviii with diftlain upon ail, as unable 01‘lll1\"i’Q1'ti‘.y,_‘L‘O Ptand in com- ‘ petition téyithhet“ _fi'zzg[eS«:31i‘~t‘. This conceit hath i3fCl1n1Ljd1hejghg.. nod by thofe large Coazr;~iéa»:r£ae:then<;e,_which haveheen the T-very Sz'm~22wAof themerre arrainft the [fa all Pm. z -fo that it’:; to be feated _ 3:: ‘ J’ l fan I . the .Ht1geA glizimal having fntincl its own fitength , ~H1:iy_pi'QVC,E4m, Pam, and eontemn the BridZe,1111iCl.S,a little coi.'e&ed by 1?¢3.«:f22,ag_ A Tiicrefongl I thtnlt nice: to layr'«Q1own;E1‘LEft'E§],£liir3‘gV£‘&L’;?’fl££?£f;f~‘Gr.£‘l tiaxza, A A A A ' B 31 th'r[t,tltitttvl1at they Allftvé llltllfiftt) tdone, mufltnot he look’: 11 port as done by their o~,vhel‘ttengtl1 attcl Rlllcllfffifiitlt only f1S‘lIl'iCTf3f<3CC1VC".'d.‘ -an ttt"hGt‘ll:y ofPtf :=u"laz'££.:Irz1«AzAi1'a t:hAf3ir Owne h:1nL’t3,a’r;/fzfizzfé‘ ;§%’mmA the x11gdt}1nc;,I11‘;1E«:.s W5/6‘ mm‘ ‘v”\713§.ifP53.'I?, zmifthcgl mcriutt to ciigiozz: .[.?:.c'2c?z0cr¢s1¢7z'c? , by 1'€2IO1V1f$g the C‘g..o;q,i;T;¢;A_;p;g;.;_;- z1lcZarmw:;;t12%d Cammsm c1a2vmca*1!%intce V of powéti“ in th<:‘“‘Ig01*ii flfzizjar, {;1p0PI4[a1A?"SNI»Zf£’» A A % ‘ % % AA % Sixtlulyfiwqxxld l1c1vi7Ca’*‘lv::24”:»~.r; WIia:V%1ai~:a.;:%&£ %fl‘1ic";;%é*érir.r and x?4’r~»"m i"r:*riw £6 10%;; ?;:=:;n: %:A'xs i11Wthc:iz‘l"a%.:a:%1e;‘;s: '$,71fl‘1§..LI"i C0111 fg-gm n;r.z11?1 to 4~I11AanA‘2uid“f0 my (»a’c”.,z:r1lZ‘()“EhC' pi'(‘?ji_[1§§i\C€y E xcomm#mAic.4r£a§z;, 1‘x:a.£*sn;2»~¢«m”;»,; Aztheixf 0wncApecu1i;«1r,wlaiclxrnetyintrench ¢.?“,/H bt'i‘fUI‘C‘ znmztV1oned , or hinder thcmfrom as :my om: Carp;-($22797; M6” A5’z¢éjcE13 . ’*' F;~zcE:'c Bmafiw mm §22'wi'~ 2z2'wz,,zw: cmlas Caij mm. :f‘:(:.~§t pflE:% (us) A % {Zgmc Rqazjfiéa fart t;n0r¢*'%px*ciTii2g, agaénft the“unxneafitrabis*4£Ee*z.r;mm= Apbf‘ their kH¢.;’Z: a.r1d;fcvez:3.{11Campmaiex, ;thofe%in{21tiab1e Gulpbxxvhich A f \i7ézfZ'aW_11p for grant: a parmf the ICi5¢: ail at once, %1_;,:A£’c% it bCaCC0L1flt(iC{..t_;iA§’*zJz'l:y§,) And i;1%t_he ;:nci3§nL ‘timfz ~V£O[ Rand ne::m?w;zJZ4 fo fab: as not tomake a diflimf} pzzrzf, ;(*1m: vd:*ivc: any dfifigfif at Home or at PVefEmizzfle2*,by/bat:/?£:scg_11pf2z.. _3*;crn#}W;¢crrzi*j Voz‘c=.r,E’>C pulling down alothershWithfiemjafg/?r»zz‘izIe or V"P:~¢*£:£arz.;zr] 0.3 :3-criex, but to {cm the Prexgéjftgrigzn cam]? ‘to fiaxjd 01‘ fi1Il,V‘$ b}f%1€ca.a/3224" mid ;/«EH56? deflate in P:sr!§;z2;¢awxr,:hatLb€ing the‘ Iciffi §o0Ié‘:’t* upon in ft; rxgz-Mam 9. time, They nxray mjoy their City and Pojfq/3-ion; 'With£');.it 13:237., and theyihakmAKi11gdoq*1[thcy%kéepmg ¢P;il1"] may 11:ive,% "time to (atria, and rccaver:hep%r1fiinc health and fpiendor (4)? :1 glariamj _z’14{o;~::»zrc/9:35;‘ % 0 C " (:3, (Was, qme“ 'vo5Dc.vmm*i.:z ce;p£2“3‘ :7-}Z?€I¢::'“I2*0?1_c3;/17i3?:h:: ivflza é'w/Za—m0't1W“ig- ‘Lima A % TheF’m*erej? of ‘4§v£'0r'}.f':-'jr;;.4':.'."';f?~. A Hatwhieh had been ‘long ihdeavoureeé, o beingaehmgth (thr,ough_theprL':de11ce 2. eaujé efh;e5hed,I11meane the “Ufliozz of hothe [3~mame.r m the pe1“{os":‘:u mete ffozv-im~e;%‘Eer, that thadpeoplc Moist upbn timm 329% as i:c;f:érzom~x, and th;:mfo~rcV n1m‘?t ‘z1cedsfw},»/Zhioh with £;miz'g‘;m;,£g;»;:3, if Eheybufie themfcslves 0%Vr:r—mn,ch m the afifI:1ir<2s40f gwxgzm _., Rfi0wTiz1g M E3913; % high [come it W315 ta!-«:<:.-‘n, [halt they fhqpld clai 111.6 .a1'm"2¢t'.emg/Has orxcjs £1163: had the boldncfllz to ci<:»<:',,.% in their ‘P.»2.»:pm~ given into the Tarliazwwzr) in dzfivafi/Zof 1na*m:3ers mm/~ly 1*r:*1.at:ing w our V 2w2:flzrc A And f3nc::paHJ rrmazza know, that t11%0L1gh thczy w*<:rc admitted to ingaqge here (mvcsjjfiy ib .w:.;~:qu%i+ icing it) as eqzmzix and campcfitor: in the fame mz¢fe,th€ I{ifigp£:2me.r b€i11g‘%f'§m- pofim1aqz».z;z/Z}: involvcsd intht’ fame common dangergyet were they inched bizdét .fl4'eme:«zm'ie:,in pay of the Erzgglifi Pax‘1iament,\vho might have l'1z1d(z"cr7r~m;a§.9 01' Sw£flTs%.r at the fame mtg, (pczrhaps) no morxf jirajgzmlice to {he ‘,Cg;5;g[rjr, % %‘SecoAnd15;{,%I1nu& coznfeffgic belaoves the ScoLt;2redicgz;¢rA ( Vif%p0Vfi’ib1c+; m fee fpéfiapzcy caflnbsredrooc andmbranch, and their GW1'£€'f0TiW6’flx:ZI‘6'd Xhzrre, “in Va. fure: ihcceflion, that fo 3. c0r2'eg)ond:Wce being cherifluéd bVetweMm%.’CiLer~ %gv§;0f§\11€fa111C gvzré and }7m:4?o%m~,in% b0th%%‘%Cozd2¢tm'e5:, thCy__ anay fmfejy 7;,,fl;.A i%tl2:m.éie2v—‘[7 off; of e.xtcamm‘z-z;2icatio2é, on both fides, to gr:~1tif;ecacI1% otlxc-%%:*,;md f1”o%ibe‘ able to ten*ifie :11I.L0f:Z:iuid (]e;¢t2*y,|ifhfiE.d3t!~'‘r££i;_ w11e:‘<:% bexng/'I«1j*mz.cZ.r0f m01‘<'3gem=Mm foules than in ,.i§7’;:a:.£»z;~z;15.:;,l;1ey :':‘1w.11%;1§;w::.zt;‘s cxpsft a flymg am‘ mm am;/A émi-‘€m€5,th2.t 3,Hi§€_M V'E1‘1ird1s}3: A 1 ‘Thirdlgr, ifehe $2-m plead calg/Z7°em*e For éxr£rpimg the Government by” ' f:h'iflg9p:,las hmmcl thereto by cmwwzzg yet f€€ing'BzjEap is every jar ash ,,,;y,;,,«”f5mc» a§wv01*d , amol am much Sm’pzm~.el!: as ‘]”?‘c'fl2}'tcV,&11d thae mar we;1- A-,llt poll?» . lély b§CC',,/07&’:,g"'l£si‘3¥'f&i, here, where the tlaz‘rzg C0nt€ndc:“df01'isl0 ill Z9efi"ie:»m'MZ,, , hut mull: 0§€'m4cc%f/‘Ely, he t,1'anlla.ted,,_tQlv:.u'cl .$lc‘o2"Zpzm[, Whfi'l“€‘ it lmcl its 0rz?a giam4%’2',,: And :l10,el,ghtl1ee'eScat.r need not fea1‘e,being Vélllizlllt ellollglu, amid h”.:1viTrl g one 4zd»Z%'4=?i:'£?«2"§‘e’W above all other men, in pofiefsing A/em/5 that may mn- exita men to a <:c>l:;qne,l’c,;yet it wilbe C/;9.~:.«flfz:,/27%’-a*£2t ez1c>ugh,tl I e beatenlm.me,, 43.’? .h’.€:'p‘t_htl,1e7fi"dL§':3Wlllli‘ld€2l.VO1lfE0§)l'C.h£1°‘v'i.':{h€3l'3‘lfClV'LfS againft all {nth ‘.3.b370V[é1’Z:yiI71C?’0t9§C}f7?W£71?93!.5' under pmrmcne 0l”l’3aZ,{g{im : an d tl10;=.:sgh l: he pre hen teal. in :1 new lcirevfl, czxllecl R¢_f?Ir:lm2:’i0:/2 5 yet rliziel: in mufi prove ml Oehel, l:h-.m an e/t’ij]haa,:%_{7:7;2;:z1'z7c97: Of the‘ .A./Mk77I,'£fl7‘fi.~é7f:é,3 Aancl 91 fi.’c';a’g!£‘z7zrg elf ‘Chi: Old ‘}7’ri’z/.te}.tenfi the fa 7;.*e?t::t.’=23 west tittt 3??-££?££i”‘3d,j“3‘€£fflfa1’311$ fettttzltm ‘ And idtfite heat?‘ tfifttfi--‘;i‘3‘"M t-etfitt hetttg Esttti by rt §;t'ett2er® tetttttft ?i‘3jj§i3£’£» on {web Met, in matter of tciigiettt tom. ee;;;:;'neztt,, t§1e;te:t£t‘.. mm. ztttterttg M 3-17tt‘t‘"tttt‘3'tet":t2e&t§,At1t3..}t be ethhitttaed, ztttd kept teiflttitlefiget that‘ -t%;j:tt;gtt”«t;t»‘=: tt _ 4 % , t A_ D5r.t'a, e",«*i’-- flflfififfifi tttttta«»§..ttttt«z7mtt;e eettttttttktt E 1 NE St A4 A 113 peoztpk, impatient of ‘th.€‘}’0&,3W It isttet men at‘e;f]3n9o?%‘e3 afld.~fl3“tthE mote eafify isw By this title {h€§,7fl‘l&y"jt1dg€"g, A ”éyttjr£ttt: wmfé in Etzglmmfi gain upon the fame pretence , and ~