1»warm-«mmwwwwnmw«we 1'! TVV O PETITIONS _ TO T H E » I GENERALS‘ EX LIELLENC Y, O N E From the County oFHartforJ/nzre, con, eerning the Papers of the five Regiaments A N D I7): other from Rudand concerning Ether. A L 50 _A Declaration about NorthaVVales, _ anti the Taxes and AiTefFements; An Ora dcr concerning his Excellencies Life guard. Some V O T E S prefentcd to the General! Cornice”. T H E Generalls Letter to Mr.Spe‘aker, For the keeping oFPromifeS and mgag'ements upon Articles approved .__P *7— 1H- --—.— "My. ——-——_____*._. fi—‘i WNW-19wa“ew‘cmetwwfiwwwwetrerrW-WWPWWW £4 ‘3 Novenib.l.164 I 7 THefe Papers are examined,and Printed, and publiflaed according to the Ordinance of 6027) Houjes of Parliament. ‘ u I aiprimatt'n, G Matt Printed at London by Robert Ibéitfon, 1n Sm1thfield , ‘neer the (Memes-head Tavern, 1647. w “mew”«Memwwwwtwmwte weHouwwmwwmvmwt ”anteater-MM artewmiafimw 4 I; . ’: - >9 - C J , ’“u I my , $3? $19 @fiwefiw' WW To His Dweller: ‘ Sir THOMAS FAI FAX general! qftbe Tarlmment U1 KM Y, retired for DeEnce O F T H E The Humble ’Pflition efdieeaws, your Excellencie: and the Kingdom: mg]? bumbleServan o (momma .. > em Sbewetb, IHat ypur fiPetgtiopew havie Mm rt, RoghéYoe dc ac Newly asaifé mmany c’ a was Mafia; 5‘ {dainty {at $453131 yogi. Exeefl'epc ,at‘nd Armyunder $1: Wad, mmmgm [m the Lemma of the mpg-e; dome,- and mane :19? yr PenftiOixzrs, and all she Maria «214me m6 cane ;& Army. Aa‘d ,obpo,C fining mitt-{dim dowmp mljthifi- afieficd 4% we: miss :gm 058 $3673: 6017 : Aggley fiat? “private meetings and long confultations,to :hc gramme-r131:f 3 A2 ! ;\}"O~.‘<‘13.. “’9‘ (a 3 | I ()5 $§§ ascmcnmghewémv‘ ¥ ! y 'H ”eke... 1/. HZ, ; 54/7 1%? "w— G‘ ' ' ' ' (3‘)} - 091th}? Petitioners, and many ether of the: Kingdom: moi! . 3rcau [€me 3 , Wefdfi ' ”$01353“: 57,3133; Witseare'thatdi eavoum ofan therewho up- 6n the [call occafions‘; are ready to take alLadvantages turaifc,‘ andjomcnt new divifions may bee‘fruf- traced ; as alfo that there may bca fazlcment of the Kinfiom anfwerabsle, mdjaccming to the folemn . nagratio and Dccnrétions put fértirby your Excel- 3:1ch and the Army “landed yonszmmand. And1m Petitiamijhxil 11321253113 3pr41 (23:3. (‘3 ”3 ""h. {K X"~. 3, (\3 3 His Meliehe Sirmo F1”. 1 14mg!“ (Canal; Gemmuyfhe “For/f; ces railed for the defence of the. K1 N 6 D50 M E3; 3 m $330115]? Wetttibh of the 1141145:th qf tbe' County 0f Rutiand. ’ 1" , J - ~ . Wywrhflufihm Hoc‘wiéh an thankfullacflE admow- ledgeihtgiut car‘éitpair'is taken 1)} youeredleacy- to re- 3mm- the iMnegt‘rmchms,&xmm3umues.of the frgebo 111 Sub—- ‘ 33.213; thsmtzop on‘Ies liming , , hive; gently gym“ with men! we} . c a It W03 Eytfihc %:’ (t . Eb zopafiitho {£31335 are there aidinkale, whighinopent P (am mmmtupfih ulatthekailpfmemefiatd. n litre; omfimmdhpéfgmof1mfidfinm {be-z .3 3:1“ PM: 1:);— 'J .:.& a 1' ' cgfemmyfuitea in Law, 11an been: geot’fimctced, and prefer. cured ageipfi‘diy'ers of. yourPe‘titioners : as alfg upon an ()rdiA: {page bf Pia‘rli’a‘rrreq; bearihg; dare rhe ninteqrdrofixlugufi 1647. givihfg‘ fiowe’r :6 the Juflices 9f Peace to diflraine and make. file ‘of your Petitioners goods; and to give treble dammages, fanny Judgments being procured, and like to bee procured,- by‘lbme,__cdvétdus and cgntenrioug, Miniiters , andJinpropri~ :{tgrs‘refididg within'rhe {aid County; if fume~ fpeed'y courfc be! no: taker; for remaining them, it will prove a yoke too heavy. {'0 be borne. I - " , . ' ' . My it "the; afar: (leaf: your Excellency. to take into " 101W firidzd tgnfiérgtiog-. 3131; our usfeparqélc burden and. girth/«inter and tire/E we have“) 56/:er your Extelleircy to reprefent in our behalfi' unto the P car/iammt for firm: caurfe ' robe: Mkathérdin, 4440 their wifdamu 17nd [cam exp-- 10“. And your Petitioners {hall ever honour anek ' " pray for your Emcell'errcy ,&c. ' ' «WereMrrfiwrwwrrrwswarmM, 3; ' By 822 ddmice-oin: "E'xcellencié3:0fliqé;3}i , . e , A i . 3 D E C-LJA KAT .1 O'.N..to the: r x , Knights, Efquires, and Geht'leimen. ,-_ " 5 " 1 '1‘" of; Nortbngléég,Vi 1- ¥ daytime»; ~- - _ .. , . - - - Herein-tum inférm‘cd‘, ‘tfig’t’ there 11%" KeeneleViedf . ;,grc8t bmmesofmoniesnponYouEOOuWies Without ‘ any Au herity .ofPurliament, Which :ha Humid) introveriflreri tfie'inhxbitants, andm’lltoraiiy difimbkrhem, if {he-{aid leiries = be condpuedi from paying their flute of the fixihouiyrd, . , Rounds): \. . , . I. - g 3 _ (4} , ,. pounds a mouth granted by Ordinance of Milkmen: for thé {aim-ma.- of fit Anny, which ,Ie'fsgyourcom/yis wining to; ‘Munto; if they may; ' " 113:1"; I other uh‘wavrefited" taxes. IhavE’t’fiEIffiit‘e draught it fit to let on know : That if you hereafter {hall refixfe the: pa meat 0 any monies at: tempted to be levied without Ordin nee of Parliament, 1 {haul not oneiy protefl' you in lo doing. .butaifo'cafl the {flats to if fitickt aecwnt : Atid fhafl alfo defire you to informe met? 8”." certificate under your hands of monies fince the reducements of your Counties to the {ctvice of the Pax'liament‘have been'e‘ levied, and by whofe warrants, that there mty'be fuel: a pro- ceed iag againfi themps in inflice' their Offences wfll‘ ‘JCICIVQ’ eaeeaaeaaaMeaamaaaa Papdrprefmted byHir Excélleizcies Ofi’icer-r, to the General! Councell, Oé‘tob.29.1647. I efolved, that it be reprefented to the uextgeé' ‘mfl Curbed]; That thisCotnmittec 310th caicur, it is nat‘lliigg to bee effeétgall for the ‘ endinthe fiheadexpre. e ,to In"! them there offerefto the Padiament,’ “1:10:52 within thug: may benefitedfixmngfbrdt ‘16;an T 33.0ch of more moderate rates for canpéfif‘pgs, th‘cn in the laft Propofitions ofboth Kihgcioines, And that {ome- thing be prepared by Sir H. Wafer, Col. 0w0:m,flandi cop, (Deane, to-offerro the General: Gounod,sz (1 ' be there Wed )toboercndmd maths Parliai‘e‘tz \ ’for {one mfidctation of the Propofa‘fis of the A i y, in that yoint of moderating Deiniquents CW2... xiii, (”19.1 H; z . .. . .‘, , wt. I 1 ; .t.-'.~< k 4.... “to . a. Re- A :.. a W .397 - 7 ft 3 .1, a“ {it . m . Refolved that confideration be had ofthe bodies iof 2Carhex'irafls, and the lands of perfons continued m C}: :eption's by pa ticular names to be offered for fur- ' 1' mt fecurity, and the Lands and ‘3 tfiates lying within- thy: kingdo ”he that b [mg to perfons’ within the compaifc of the Irt'fh Rebellion. W By His Excellency ‘ isn- rAHOMAS FAIRFAX V Here.“ I have received information: of the great V hmhep that he: apan the County 6] thefttperm- men Gem lumen of the life guard, who are not rattle hut ride; in the Troupe, in expefiame of adtomtmee amt gives great ogme. I do: therefornbwke fit that you give prefent order and Jirefliom to Al the gentlemen who are (hangings? and not to: the It '_ Trot : the “my, t at e; ee or: wi’thgio - m e rm quartm'ot'g with the Troope, mitt! [nth time a: there can be fuffidemy for their dmittapce am the by} ofthe hf: Gard. . Given under my hand the :2. of0 a0. I647. 1: FAIREFA X To‘ Captain Crochll, aptaine of the Lifi-guard rCap. Leiuten. In gram. M t.’ 3,," .,.Mr.3pe-tk#;' ‘ ~' " ‘ H’lving latelyteceivod a:Pttition,from divers gentlem‘m ‘ (comprifed in the Articles of Exam, and other Articles granted upon futrenders; and confirmed, or approved of by . the Houfe of Commons) exprefling their great ‘flifl‘t-rings," and ’the many loil'ee they have fuilained, by theebreach, or not per- formance of the {aid Articles: .I hold my- {elfe obligedtO'rC- prefent the condition unto you, defiring, that you will pleafe to move the -Honourable Houfe, that as they have ly their Vote on Wedntflay the6th.of May I 647.Declared their approbation - of the {aid Articles, they. Would bee pleafed to adde thereunto, a command to all Committees, andiothEr perfons whom it 111351 CbOCEmC = That they doe take notice of, obferve, and not refringe *the lame. And that the concurrence of the Houfe of Peeres may bee defired therein , as alfo in confirma- qtion of all other Articles ‘, which the Houfe of ComOfis hai/e approved ,1 alfo defireyou to move the Honourable Home of Commons, thatifmce‘ by their Orderon Prim 23 . Of 0670. 1647. They have forbidden the permitting of any perfons who .l ave adhered . to the Emmy againfi the Parliament to come a- :‘gain'e into anyrof their (lunches or“ to bé’éadmired'into any of the Satieautes- Imes, ‘Imoféom, or‘ Innes‘oi Chancerypr to live inanyof the {lid {ocietiem The Houfc would berpleafed‘ to declare : That the fame order may not extend to. the prey "indict ofwy Who km W. @6168 W4 0 . ”New!“ 9f ‘fizrifonsfincludhlg that be grandparticula‘r y‘,uotto theme- 'iudiceof thd’e; whobeing'mmpriZed within the Articles of Exam, have ince COl {Bounded accordingto the Articles; " .- 511', My owne, andt faith and reguta't'ron ofi‘the Army, and publique inflict, heir); to mix!) {engined in thele Ithi s, I am engaged 'and enforced’thus to trohble you, For whic I humbly crave the pardon of the Home, Add referringthe gar-g ~ titular: to their confiderarion,‘.l remains): .~ .. - ,TourWl:Srrvdnt,~i _ r. PM Max; " 'r ;:;a<.‘. 114:2; u» g; ' Pints“ ~ 9% RARE DA 4 12 16 47 . T9 3 UNIVERSITY OF RMISSOURI COLUMBIA ELL SPC RRE ARE 831108 DA412 1647 .TR93 IIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIILIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII