A» That arccome Qfffrom the [am Y. that 4736 c0m~eQ; from t/ge eflwrgy if Ejare V€17§if§1‘1fil21éi,filflfiiithie,Fififi~1fld.é17&&fl.fl:il"1§§tV,5?¢§W'¢¢§l£5?’ x,},:§'iE+fijgati<)»;n$zvhgni.g‘%nY,.,CO}-ui£§$.,.’tq,§§§{?e1:,%,£§ are e , ‘; - {eds CTfl:iii'Ci"0iL1S7i©fv_ the 1ff‘tjCgr1{E§}T of tour; 1nlE7€nt1iC)nS»;1n oulffillate fully iippeareei bytoiir latejpapets atiii €X§_3;TI;'E*3I’l3i01‘l5l‘5:3T5.l5 the fet\?eralllmeie‘tlings at .S’.czfi’rw.» Wglafgm, and liltew-iife by our late petition to the.,@.enerall, and yet we fitndletibiili §i’eli%iesti.inife ré.*:iilill§§AL.«iriflli'rtineCi;» v*.i’;i‘t‘fi élprfiiiiditei moi’: in ft: ri- oufly mifreported, and tmconfcionably traduted to have prafiifed the- difacivantage of our l"<3”iil«d’iers,7anfél' the fdifilhenotltof the whole Arm_V._,._ and thefe cal umnies fG°in;£L1lCat?€Cd"i).yprivéltzlfi follicitiatours, that many fo- ber and well d'efervijng foulcliers, have been led lZ0MI'l.'llQ'.l'l.lQC their fidelity fl Viwrzc/ication ojfczl/amdreici /even Ofiicers Parliament and their Army, defire rather eixpediericiles til’ aecitimts e:’llili?.a‘e<5l.'e3i“3l*"t>le_lly to iiliat €lfiCi§_VVhiCl‘§f\li]l?l{€ thtoughtliilaiiad A ia_;3w;;§fi§§f¢";f}Wiq;3%of_V;lieir4l&o;ig approved oi’-l’icers. And although wefecnret" in the CO1‘ifCi6nC€« (if our own integrity, hzid téiioilveid lil‘ent"ly to have ex» peétecl ahappy iflitebf the prefent tr2;.%ni'aie't.i<_).nsAin tl1ieeArinwy3tyet called Eilpon. by the iii6rea[e= _c>_f tljiefe reiteratecl ii;m_der§ ;( i3.e{itjl_esf;§nany other PfQVOCati0fl75.)- Ai,;rCi}:Li1~2€W:i{‘€ epiifideritig liowmuehllit comfieineth us tea. prefe rve Ouf'g00§i“:§fff7é€h1'1;Wl:£lfI‘h_DnOblI'ahl€ and heo-nefi‘ niergi ijvereat lafi: induced to piibilifli this oiirltiiiipler explarmtien of the Whfilé?CQL1tf€*0f®uE“ iaehaviout in the biifineffes now in difference amongiiiusgli Wliich weare tefelved, by the help pf G0 C1,; to mlannage with that ;;Ci‘.l~1”i'{iEian m0d€§tlfl* and cleetneffe, that none lhall receivei jufi pioviociatioii thereby. J T9 begiii Qtlien withl . 0-ur’ firfi. meeting at Sazjfratif 3I?Vm’der}, whe-n sf Wiflihm Waller, S‘ fa/an Clotwortb}, and M? Saiway came as Cgmmifiigm nets:-£i=mn »the~~Parl~iamentt "£:t‘b0’£TE'ltlh€I‘1“ifl1‘afF&i'I‘5‘: Portia-en the officers aaf the Army beganltg haveiintelligence me (if theothers j.;,1degement,.touch-. imgtliefe matterS,now in c;le1tbatC.'Ehougl1wee_we,te not at that time prepa-~ red to give at pofitive refciillhtioiil‘ foifouif perfomill engagemem, not were {uffieiently giiiffifmfid Q~§..4O1Ii'£:<{C1411-1;§Eii€fS,v%i-UCiniai7l‘£iCi_Ql:l,. yet «we thought it moflc fiitahlicfivizith um: batman ditty an refpeftwtiie ’Parliatmtenit, -andlmofiv t A 1 A A i A i ad uantagious. <'3“5~ ' ad<:a'ntag‘iau4s 5 tes chesmiia f€fVi1C€‘7ff€€lY' a1id~rc?adi1y" go ‘ I Ration to.:*imp‘r;ovcto‘ t'hé'utm70ff,du:finticréfi’witH't11e'Offi4Ce5t’s «fifi firs undazr bur’7refpeé%i¢ve Commands; tzifo pm"mo‘te Ethat impfoiyméhtg i iiiotii d€f3cly% reprefenting fmch things as we{-flaonght rhofc apt fit)? indute‘ tfi€Ariz*1*5% to ready mrxbraccmc:nt 6? that fcrvic’e,%‘re1ying%on‘thc par1gg_m5;3A:g%a,,g,yV;1~¢°.a A dm?ne=:a~n%d care hcrcin,.%W1*wf ch _wc ‘1oo‘l’<,cd upon“ ‘as'M“a§r1"eblig*;atur§7$'ind£§t%:-5 meat tézthem, “to fatisfie tbs Army inAth1c:f‘c nécéffary dafircsg Wis‘ rm‘ infificd am; rather than by capitulating with cham,m difcnvéz‘ our difé ~fi~rufi*» of their care t;hcrcin,% which might in our apprchcnfionsfaavc: pm; ducetd very ii} coufequcncics: and th‘dc-wtrc thc%V?réa{ons.’ we"dg{}'mted from t%h¢m?ajor*pa1rt ‘oi the‘ 0&3cers@thcn; *p’rc?fent,9, '7iF(§i*7*t1E2A¢%%Vpctit§bn W*E§cB at this“m“cetihgi»Afirfi §difcov~erVcdV-it fclf ( fat7'w'e unacmzgcnag t(§_ tr3‘c{{fi; ‘Ito its fem-tain«, )*it*bcar~ing thefAnamc bf the wholaA%:riy5 aha! bcgikég‘ bf ‘»gc‘m:r21l»¢onccm;mcnt foal], ought in obi’ Vfjudg-zemtnté 7to?ha*zc*unci“s':"rgm‘x % the ~d«¢bat¢ of_;ja‘;Frcc%‘%and general} A Cc:-urrccI1% of: Warrci; %-at to‘ 1324i: fhié Av-i%fibl‘ic% w'utitcnaricc?~ of the Ggdnbrallg Gr {mm c pmcr‘ fuV%p€ric5r1t"ufificézrgjbétgti -bcinA.g that ‘high %¢¢snc§¥nm~¢nt’¢A9 coAt~hp Army awk%i£1gdo:::1e,~fnat-;Vbeea wfxpdféd 5:0 fi1‘afCcript izmfiy %{dm.e” privates, bcfom’ we could’ be Lécquainffii -with the «vgauthours Var g"r<:iund$ of it, -‘or ‘any’"ir1tru*&édV by us"aé1miAt%t¢d tb . xsdébate thmnaturc, matrer;,=form- or c%ofi{&quence*thcrcdf,*béfidcs*Wc5di‘d abundantly Labour in “the ¢ want of a Prefidcnt of fuch a p¢:if§7g;i *’f‘f;3;fi‘; wagers and f<:e:§AdAim=s+ toFaAx2gr,cIi1Vt%e‘g‘uIv:.ted ?fArmy 5 mar was *:tzc‘rc acjghis «ti me anykgcncrall d ifcevntcnfs a. wakcnefl %~amemg;&% 5th: it:!u1c!icrs*,* ‘fin? if there were any,*th%cy were as yet] confimd= ;o»{o:me particular i?cgi£;:,$cm}vg, 11c:ceE>ri{id¢if,ab1c‘iA p’an; f: the?‘ P§»rmyJb~€£n‘g??A iz1"vt;:;1‘v"’;k'IV "§Hcréin*%~:§?‘_;;g§,+%{3{H31 i xx} gs ifgrcatlyg‘ *f»:;2i*¢fi'§d tIiigh%’t%«th~cfééby be di1a4Ated',haf;t1d?figtéff ‘*f‘céIdé3‘fi‘es¢%f‘ ‘ai1‘i§d?4i%fiéAsé‘Ef¥- :%pcrs.rai{c§I Iss:‘fmigAht**x&ot%‘ cafil y be 2113 iii %t*»1é%§i:¥oi:‘1d“%E§v¢W4*un;~§ér{%é1”airlity Arrow Aithcincxt day We uridcrflood bycoll. Laméflfh:-Wfifcl to be prcfcntcclias tiicigdntrallfcncc ofthc Armic; thcywctc indecdpublikciy rgad, bums ” hi [a1‘1yi “feared . to , make i0bic&i0I’15 to them, {'0 they wen; per¢mpi¢m-tj1yA 7 ‘rc”quirc.d, cithcr tbagrcc umothcmihin that form thcy w-mg prgfintgdsgr» ”dcpattthchChurch where: we were aiftmbl d by Fi¢ld Mat1:l1gu,.§'kgp- pan, is i!jI,l to the Coznmifiioncrs of pa»,8c¢. his cr;:mman_VdAA:% Vwejiflgc it _Y.£T)!' hard :0 he i1n91§;3§cd,with o}? thc%rs,% in: a% matter ofthat wexghr, .w1t_;bqut :myj:furthcr% an.-“ans to facisfia our .f::h'6$;,thOfc G{¢nt.Are’ntr:1&c& bmnjg not any way intcrcffizd in us : and we ‘cafrly difccrningw.fom£fl1ing more wmmgmt, thcmwas For tfie‘: pr:-3 fr.-“nt difcovercd,they‘thcn difclaimmgall other demands not concerning mam as Czzagzldicrs, we wcrcAc@nfl:taincd, though with great ‘relu,&-‘may, ‘ go d§[f::nt,TLa{1d d%idaccord%11ngly% Adclivcr AtA-he Fic1d%;Ma$1ha1A1-Lr this enfuing pm. K ' A " ” J A To t/:1’: Hoizaurazévle Fieldfildrjhafl Skippzmeé-c. A \/VHcreas Co1!,L4!u6er:xaffirmcdyeffccrday? biéfarc yam ( as we un- dcrflddd himfihat himfclf and fame other 0 fficcrs had in their A hands fcvcra1lr%cturns and anfwcrs, mzidd arid fan: by 1?:vcra11%R%gim.cntsk uponythc communicating the Votes of Parliamcnt ux?:to*them- according to y.(auLf commands, and that; he with ;thc&ot'h¢r O-EEivccrs,*’in:endcdmga. thcrthégmcrall fence outof tjhofe fcvcrall rctiurnsmaac the farnemight be prcfcqtcd to you as thAc;A%c~c3;tnmon fence ofthc Armies, AA A V « I WcVhAi1mblyA_dcfirAe, That allfuch rcmmsof gricvanccs, difiqmpqrs, or Aothcr matter fent by any Rc*gimcnr,TroopA or» Com pmygmay be cxhibia Jtcd before yougand attcfl:cd,,anA-d-that fuch Officcrs as have received thofa AA;cru"rfjs, may fhétw what warrant Atheyw had" to rake meme into-,;thci_: .Al1:ind”.=%;%, or vary in anything from the Full fence Qfthota gthat mad: anti T=:n;t thcm;which> rc qucfi wchtgld ow:-fizlves ob1‘iged to ma’1$uds:d:$=i%:3 t=hain“f¢nce%*,»%from‘whom "in ibmc gsayrgicgg Iiialra *w«a'A%:1mv::*.,§i?fl i*i3"::n1r«:“di, ”?&‘§&i::’iidlo5c’ at‘? wiI1ihgne4{f3" “avgrce with thofé, who ham cxprflféd Mair: a3cadinLs{1?:ftol‘ay%drJwnV Arm”s as the I-73;-V; A iiVameut§ ‘cammmds; I not doubtinag i'bu£ in their W7? fade.-x'11"s~ {Cb Vverrhcir j'L1“Ct c1::fircs$in paint emf Aszffa arsf as-’ thcfy?l?‘*havs::’% aI‘r?.e%ady$ {fig mam-ef Indem:pniti¢V)%*A that. shay snug; 1:ctj.1*r‘n with cvhi¢ggfi,11r§;,rff:;, 133 ~:'h cit abuads and er? W clAlingé;'m:* b:.1~A=%.:<:m:ou‘x** gE=%d em a”f':1rthsa~*ing§gq;:1gf§f;}, their f;=.:rVvicc;r gMa}r=I7~‘164~7-‘ A % A i \ L A A A‘ » ‘ % In what fucccedcd th.13_ I132:-fling» Wis: %-mufi %ack%na"w.1¢dge’¢m.A[¢gv¢$3 ;gm*at1y ’a{’m-nifhcd; qfpcclally ccmidsringthecm:wcrfationi%and prcifi.-f. °:fion"»a»ftbe ficicklcrs hereingaforv nv%hi£Pc{Wa%cx_p" " " fitting clx pedjzenzs fw vegan: {Lari-za ~i<:-r‘cg‘ulat¢:a‘Eti¢n‘-g“§s”?fcsf%£52Fuh:§'mrs w=ithm3t théix Officcrs, tn the ccmtcmpt eaif military Qrdiétahfiidiféiplizié, Nwhigh we were by wt Commifiians buundAto’0bfary§;= o_r f:)ri1c‘hz9"pc,s*to7 have ]b¢¢n ma capac.i:y.%oFbaing fatisfiezfl%it1‘thcAtrLieigrou tfsiand z‘-ifeof-gh.gig gjricvanccs an d.d1TP:emp::rs, %that«-1b:wc ‘might un~.—‘:mizn0ufly% A 4 A % A 4md=iin0%33AflY have addrgflkik curvxfizlves to %hanourab1a:‘¢and 1c’g»i:"Vzm%%%ateTw V $‘A3¢$‘f‘eWi*-th2éf.é- fiédvth¢=Jépp1scé%zsanV~a£ mzrwing of them. Contrary to H011: 7€xp6&acion hCECi0: AWe%z‘fi;§¢1i¢”gfi¢*§g' iz€gc!’En5éci« {t_.g:7b/¢.‘.’Furt}3cr i:rz-Véélvcvdfin mattfirsbaihtngathér %‘%?ai3,f:?=€‘1AdhiFIg30:1ar'h mgn'izanee,hfiam:'1 how farm d§rvéEh::d' bfiyund the prcfcmt pretc‘.z1cc°sw,_e. ‘cwid 7 nothiorcfech: hWchh,hfh;al1 _hr.;;,mc:3tion the: fi?::du£1tyhh,r:;f:hhfi: infirm»--. _ mcnth fnhmcrly mnv€rf3net;h=~“bO$hh iniI'£V}i‘.«igl’;iX7g,j th¢h4;'fou1£3icrS into th§cjfc._ _ ‘:prg&ifi:‘S, rhandh Ahsrzzndrcingg thhhéfh 1QffiG¢hl‘S4.%f~b0mthE§Z ,found chfafiéflhéd m A "&1h4é‘ir%ha2%.+ha*yzs, ~undc‘r Af€V;":rafl}fuggé;{3:hiongméhihms; hrmrh willhwe puhfifn the AA fuht=:?z11 hhlahdtflumcntsh qffthdfe ~13 m:{f;ri}£$ Erpm the x5‘5:f€1I&t<‘a.rs,f0?r {O new AA hhth¢.Trufi‘"eéis.f%e¢;n1::vcry'Ra:gim§nhthhhcgL1n %t,o,{’ch.ilahhthcm2£;1vcsat all%dRm-»h “dhavaus ahhnc?hMufi.¢‘rs (*wh1cb‘»W¢E@'}hmW~h fEf_€q,l_1€i"3T€/i’- hfifién ordi'naryh,-),hhhhhtp 1‘~jfi3.!’hfth.':‘a1(i- *thc:‘irh 7it‘sfi.m2ahti0ns,.;r%:i¥1f§3m%?qch ;__thhhaht_:;;.thj¢y=h hadsh farm hfafcimzcdh A i the ‘fmh1hdi¢rs;‘ir;to« €..*hz1§'e;cie;a;:v~,fiiIch:maz1ncr,fi3rxacm-that raafcn but-not‘ ”jhynimghhwith,h.hrh§m ;j izruhe-“Cc hard cmtprihfcs nl:o;.:Qth¢hr mnfidcrathione being yet held fbrth to the 1'buld.icrs,A but Tatisf'a8c‘ionh,imh_§41711c;ihr Ahrrcharg,_ apd orhcr things “concerning them as f3at1ld£<2rs. Thcf; violenccs a4- vnwcd by no Offim;-:rs,. hcing aétcdupon us only by thc authority of the: Ad iutat0rs., fame of-* us repaired to-the Gcner";li,h thnugh othcrs of us. ” who hwcrc at arematcr hdifiance, hcldit not meet to cxpofc thamfchncs: C to the Fury of: the inccrifed i¥au1id§cr€a- fifipecialiy uiadcrftanding, though: hishcxccllcncy piiicd m%any,hc cbuld-protcélt mom... 1 We: dare confidgntly from what we haw: préfizntcd, {uhmit our fclvcs. moth; ccnfurchofr xmpartkali. and unbiVa{fi:d men of honour and j'[udgc-«V mcntm {3} A “m ant; whétiéet weitmbht f 1?: E5: cfiargxsicl with éouzitménéiag 4 écfiigfié. I oil.-1-vying a%m::w warm, by expircffingnuv tc:a:l1nefl':% ta lay cm was om: Arms inobcdicmcqtothcir commands mat raifcd us, rem vi5b:i¢ fimm? remaining m Arms m rim Kmgdmm, arhavw-ourLforwarzsfinsflz %‘t9pc£’" {wade or ingag-1 any part of me Army in the 1rz}% f:rv:c<~':. cm%Vw%1thW€ A vanity be ixaterprctsrd inmntionaily in us an obftrufiion tar», th¢“’rcIi;¢f ‘A that I{ingdom,;, erh-aw we: couid fem {co the pcrtinacy {bait gcfoluw Vtionfl, wihcx wugld not at any nmc ingagc with as but an that own “termcs: (.:aL.b.-zch what they would have been was unknown% to us, ncvcr ’ "have: bean yet déftovczrcd) ‘though th:::intcrc& of our Nation in that V "Kingdom were ready to cxpirc:,am3 many thoufaAnd%Brittifh fam*i1ics,<:x-~ pofcd not only to bcggcry, but the fiary of their mctcilcfié cm.-mics,ot ‘what dffigncs we could have in dcfcrtmg our diffenting from the: Ar»- % «my, now to ufc their own ~pbr“af6.» we war: with them tacxpcfl: ijoyntly gasmwell dccrly carnqd wages and to rcndcf: our fclvcs therea- "by obnoxio_uvs= to a powcrfull and prevailing party, Ware We not ithercunto direfied byrcafans of honour and" confcicncc in obcdicncc to the Parliamcnnthc violation of whofc authority, w_ouldmakc all us, "who haw: thdtcby bccn ing'a?‘gcd,inthis'\?Varre-, jnflly contemptible to % ‘this and future gcm-rations : For put intercft in anypartictilar parirons or partiés, we ackmw1edgc- nonc,cxce:pt our reverence ofithcir intcgri. Iy, whom we have fqund bcfi: affcficd to thc: intszrefi and confiimtcd go-3 ' , vcmmcnt of this nauon be cftc cmcd ‘fuch. A As for theft: that arcfaid to be: put over our charge: in thc Afmy, we heartily wifh they may have no occafion to charge any mot: this King- ~-domc, but thatAwc may at laft arrive at the {cope of Warrc ,a fafe and wcllgroundcd peace, that juA&icc.%may‘fir:gw down in itsmturall Ih-cam not cvcrawcd by any force, and baundcd wi‘thi%n its own limits. Which is allow: defignc as1t1som:4Vpraycr to him who is the Suprcam