i¢—»&9fé‘9Zes§aWé‘h%9%h?e§?2’%Y5’°Ie‘sE @ieI0'9is£,. 17.Fe1arumg_5 1A5‘4:7”-~ A 7.a,fl‘emb1e% in Par11ament%A {That this Home goth‘ apmovef‘ =f thesirder ‘t:aken=;: the Com m<1ttee% In to 1bmng ,,¢ hat no 111OI‘€ Cp%i‘es\.%of$this% eclaratlonbe. u%b1‘;:fi1ed t1~11‘?: further ’i1‘der.;,, And“ fh‘at«t4heA= Qommittee ota ordertlfiat j111:edF{ w*_i.th.. the, a\$3/,, %¢a«,. mendedg % %.mez.r.*P»rz. sm%¢m%wm¢*¢~WW==W%¢ ‘ ‘ ;' H.» r I ‘ ,;;‘[ ‘ , 1 ‘ \ «$2. ‘ . M w ‘ 55‘, “W. . \ V “ \ ‘. \ , > ‘ ‘ K “ 1: ‘ ‘ » \ ‘ ‘ \ 1‘ ‘I 7n,‘ my “ ‘ ‘ . ‘ ' ‘ “ «m?"""‘* ‘ ’ ,‘ .~ I ‘ _ v ‘hm. “ . ‘ ‘ » ‘ 0 j_‘ ‘ ‘ I - » ‘J : « Aw ‘ ‘ " ‘WWW A WK/rit* Vb, thmfmitten Ma, At/mt we amino: 5: healed awe lookedférjpeace, 3 AA there no good; azmifar the time ofbmlt/9, mid behold traflélc; ” %% % A _g,,,.V,wlg¢n tIae Mrigbteom wrnetb mam} Iframylazls A rig/ateot¢_,/34:/'5, “ ‘ j jcammittetbifliqfli{y,and%d0tb accardinglta all the atéominzztionr I 1’ M" the wickgd mmdorb, f5al»belive ? rt/Z4 }"igl9t£0Mfit£f{_/541 not A4 ¢ _ \6e~m%entioned.-A % bit £52? /3133 treffmf} that /it /math trefjmffed, and inhis 4 % f£n«t/Mt kc 1a.ztI9finneal,'£n%%t/mrifial he die.) % « V % % %. M- , v ~wré&vv4j .f A /aw’ W ut. _“ , ‘*3 4‘ ‘ 1'1; Ctom AND Two A ~ A Ge as big -‘ ‘ V‘, 1‘ ‘ r V‘ V‘ v'.4’I€“ refine fetling or me? % ‘ ‘ ’ “ __._... —-—'-—---0‘ ‘H-In pun:-Iunuuann-._.__,..,,,.j -——.—.-——— v _ ‘ fi5&mngrhermmug&hc* C-4 enbyarn RE MON 5 TR A E. ~ _w “ 4 -- :—————*-4 W Jeremiah; 14%. A '\ tlaou utterlj réjefied Judah ? or Imtl: tlgy ot¢1l6 atbtd'Ziion**? ‘B07956 : Ezekiel 13.24. ‘Wm ‘ “ ‘ ‘ A '1 J * . _ "U 4' 4‘ yfliament 5221617 IQ'ngd0ni_.;, . nifiry, and FunVdafY1¢f1tal Laws-0~fthc:Land ggndforthcir1Rcflora,ti0n and Ef’ca.b1i£h4m¢;n;1-4 is now~pub1ifht to thcworld», byway fof tb4t}% "flrcincedixyzhevear, MDCXLVII. A W V L ;g££«§£$_££££%3%%.;%%%“225§‘§§ éfifiifiififififi .10 Excellency sir Fm 5(;mera1bycheParlian1¢nts C‘omin‘ii'fion«. { gymfiarry Impumpan tb£:V;unh.epp)~%neae;y?zgv V4rék~A5w;iM A w you afjwr%%wo»22tcd relfgiom am! ‘dntzjfml adwplja7§ce~~ H H , " the ‘7’drFiamwt*af.EhglandL;% T701! /M?1e—»at4lof? p:»5!itlt‘[-39$» 4: “z'72 tI3: Efl‘¢5e_mqfgadz:7 mm»V;q?A‘word%4in% f€'a*f‘®1‘I*,& V % - ff“0mon;’4iSA%like applemi-‘goidin giflurés fiivér :3 fife;-_}”ew¢%;;,5‘glJ;;;¢izzEZ' 2éa”t’,£vz2t}aaj‘ufi‘l2rfaam7ti'lf ‘ bmsdv it‘ wfyfif % ;,‘,w“,‘¢» gamriwéd it, ;t“£r;ztfvc’}:2ei‘7z' Gad camé:«%rb‘c4§?%%~aAzit~t the C“0zjmfl9l.r‘“% ., thewiokedsW"'4’¢”{‘?’?d‘W3"‘””"’5"‘1°*""?%“’*¢J““”‘@5'$.?€*” ‘*’5W"€”f* Q/'},»;¢;};g~‘t*laz= % danger, lrewiggcfaxfli amqngvthr crmdj;- #36] e A *{,g:M cjzzrrm-L ga;gf§n4hkgéd‘l7_yA~I2iattt. §}'c*m*CI‘@welzm2{ Privj 61,‘n’a 7¢‘i'v$*'e.-E M * gm-5m4;af .q%%g§4d"wafl~apmrénae {lat} ~la2zwmade zwénd of tlcfc‘ ¢ _ K A , W qt4rgm1~~«apbktbe‘farm&r fun; 4. gselfg 1-Jjg1;,“4¢~% it Procéedes 0712'} frdm ' % war? ‘A ram av9F%fi"€€fitJ‘A0f%‘?’“i* *"“‘<’+*7*”"%‘s ‘P .”4’?‘“A;w sA tr? 4%%Wws at gi»*é‘VA flo ‘I/Weis>W?Pé7?W:“1%*€V Tfvwfswbw ¢"r2«=*r~rMJ"er*zr& A a‘5*J?As5*¥é*‘*%5f#’h¢ W9‘. /*.4*’?’P3f”’“ W 4f**’*“ “#53310”: W? cw f7.~’”‘fi'?*¢= g‘ii5laW;t71é"d2z2:gc* 7." Wzgfpafl, Vnff}5e~righrfk£l‘ion,ta?z“ake‘4zi1r‘kv;1br»%¢t%y»""A fiwire Wfwvvfifi: Wf" ‘?’J?’7A1’r?**‘f%"m‘*’ Vi’? Prim "7W‘J"T4*'“?¢?’**15«fi7*.“If}‘1€i V zefifivéa WW4: 4fW‘vv*. %é:fiz‘;gv%tfdz&w.;defqrl;z A “\%9c*¢‘Jfi42z“&L"a:t1DA brfiyourg «bfemi/2g‘ or c“2*z¢j'?z “*VA‘a*éz$rb‘w‘ “ cm‘, wlazzjz‘: *?6}3*t’I'ar“m%j‘AA%“Zi“c9wAA %~in’r¢:cw:‘*~ b 2‘!- L}? 5%: §. 3 W % w'arIi»;‘v‘4;>e*«:,s»ag4 anwm fbémfiivwx ../,;;¢~azx;9as;e4~¢ 5” "5‘*“W’%T°f*”"*‘M*’°”V"""’i?’3 ?=W?WY*”%£??5’**"5? 9?”"€4?"‘ AW4W’?*32“ eflecmV_4# %%ct¢Wijr;y. on bfz*“ff*é7*“df“é"* D‘? figjnr‘ofordéfi?¢g*ar%&‘ffe1r- t’}a‘2#‘.#3”¢?.'f£2>t"i*tI23itt;V”ffi7/sic/9 13.: nothing elfc 5fi§ 1'Z‘0 fi¢b'vé1"t the F9’nd%2?n&vrxt 2%}? Lzmd, and defirbj Religkiazgvwlaicb your V (slaw: pretended to fig/at agairg/f,for tbePm‘1iamwt 5 412% 1.‘/ax}; while [615 V‘ A % % A '= .... 7: 0': u v N. fi‘:W~av ( M v"':!.‘:IL .%*A2~m}&,azad t£mt.aJ:7g2xI1f}4rpmt/2: /armor? of¢m4njJ a mm. ‘A . g;g::A:.£;af.':f};c'ccfl'4;»: God My gi?Jf”tlaz;; 1?.zrli4rIz:?3?;}0# laaz:«e jfiflfitwgg) A in p£¢c:.r,:md'in% :[‘ri/aém ‘to? £1935 Ki22_gdam,% “gm *ym% fly: burn} §: ‘ >...¢-"""“““*~.~m1avo$:-s3"' ; _‘]kg‘r:o3;v-it ta ée trim:/ya: Majar Gaga. ’§I{ippon 5; the: F;:tEe2~ "Off. ‘-5 €3~ gf%:be:Ha;:}eLaj§Cém;agaa¢:,% 62124:;\;baf¢..:I;¢;:Ia;;4/5;: % "ff firth ef‘Jm2¢»wt1iw%fi%1varéwfifé iéfiilér , ., way". -*v"“‘“? ‘ ‘ % {327}.’.t0.1’I£?‘flj0I§t~1TE£’1?7.§fl46 % % ‘ 4f%3;d’t£€:*"L‘?r‘d. ' A 4i0?%I9d.z1ld>g~Mvthéfl-e¢dcw&0f Parzazezwams the fleurawszag qf 1?¢3525§%«;.rbéfi*1%3‘§;%°f¥5€4?¢'=‘WiI’?/9?! Majefiiéf: .”’*PP;)\ rm; ‘2sazm..»1jz,a»zz42 fiééd 920:: czanfm ‘£25 jdahi't£»;”;,bLe§4. “e.;rx1a1;r }5r0J§_5é?i{}5Vvif1;o:¢r ;;ee,%s¢u":>mce T/93f?€f¢f¢%’ i1é?:é]244ez*z;;z:é~~ go ~e.2m*c¢_r'/7: jnur mttbaritj f/:2: % *z2ind£cdt*iu}2V‘ of 1}»! ‘?P3;7fl_i.ét1fiW’e1§t9;,i2:2?' «er “.1?-am, WA the? W W the conzzremvrb?4%7avr=C*>r»néiIfiée2; V 1 . A 5.4, mam ) @ m e/1%WW4t0 L~iW- Cfmeral Cromwel %¢mz!/yi; Trim (magi, 4 I for t/96/et/ing of the =-"and gd_om__._, V ing, V1ATzzrli4“mém 74 A A% ‘Heb by the‘ bYefli%:ngVVVQf7 Godi pan the«4 A m-yand :'ot‘her Foréres of“ the P»arliam~énts;; the] adverfé Forces and V-jG;ar1-Ions wit—h4in this Kingdom were» diV{Ii’pared,+V ia,nd red afi (‘Eda 4an:d an%Vl1?aEpefaL11%way %made for‘ the fetlingof ‘a *:foun;1_ ”a'nd1af’éing jPéace,2 dn»~#‘%g*aod4érer é j 7 "fdmtie_iz1;Mer%eafof {me ' Kingtdoxxx, Read efthe hoped: fruit of our labors and Ihazardmnd oftheK‘i-ngdc>m«sva'{} cxpeucc in the difpencing ~¢,f {kite andRig~hteoufnes.,and chefetling‘=and uphold in of ~¢¢mmon A‘ Right '_and Freedom,‘ as if y.ourepenpcd4o Halal: "your fQrmerV£'¢rv1ce5we founc_i 1-mmediarlyz: die trofs wor- kings of1a-Mpreviglcnt pamry Am. the Army, A who Wa1k~ing., under‘ the £n¥aS’k of Saints, and ofoun only Saviors 5, and by Vghé a‘d3v;nr4agfé:Of"théunfctlednefs of? the Kingdom, affld-t.he - I Agzeat pr¢ffur¢s_ané1’heavy burchcI1S_i I hart: th_eV_Cc'>unt; ry,g1'+oans ‘undcrfitook [upon you to rccexve PAcmxons~and;~becom¢. p§¢grender§ towbfit the onlyfcnfi?b1egncn« ands likelyameans to rc’l'iévetheK§h’gdom%; but in tr«uth;wefea’r% now, wil prove "such of corrupt andprivate ends and intcrefi;%difI*'xcy:x?(:nt= ~fr0m,and"d4efi tufiivew the. real‘ and common I Iitm-aft of the Kingdom,’ even~I:oVob(fir%ucSf~andzpérvcrt 4 _]"uf{i¢f e, to in- jAu”r:e,, opprefi and cwfli the peace-able people of? the King«-» A A» I 4" , . J 053 % V» ' % i$émA1fs1ntheK1ngd01ngsy0uAA ha,€v%£:%%;r%m_}:A fpzred tc) cf7ga,rg¢: It u : fie. ‘ i thatyonéhmg Jundercakc4%thé% j ¢ core: I A 0 po£ter1'ty%“;and in thépurfuan yburdérfi = \;u:m¥Qdm?; 0WAn%i££e££ V E01180: Phéiifaicaidomi ‘ I iormgo ghc ppprdfion 0 ‘all ‘o”therpe0p’”lé r:m‘du*tVh¢ A ' L ?i I the jez4oufie§anbngthégomy ;%aq%&wharfoevs% pen the [»%4P31T1i31nez1EV5 fo A ~51‘ ez!M~Iiké“%“ you luvs pI::yd% % %br1F1yy§a,b1«es% themEV%’*A 7 a ' a ‘ ¥CF‘£h.§’“’,_.fOf.—.’ ‘ =3 ‘ ‘r , Pr¢- v %sh‘e%%Par1iai1aent, r;:££*ev:ed Ira£ma?, _ cafes} Engim-ea’ of wt :5,‘ "Q _ . §:Txes, d‘fet1éd4: Religion, removeci Iealcfusfiés and «»efia‘- examine togethér;w1th the-A Cal ‘or “ V “ & k % %:Acm1rf¢Svnderpretext % T itS»W’*€I known yon are the mm, you -age. the pr«z??=z(?71 :~méfiil¢',~th3fmOv¢sV ail win. the A rmyggyau are tha:VADwém¢- Q "3iI?€5irt5¥1w « A M“ ‘ that cricsjup the magnificence Qf vthis great 1?fiwM,tHe :v,:Army5 .“(; 3CLQk€d %vvi:hTa fhevv ;4RcLz»giQn is V ~x:erlA ” shefébw Divifiegms andw11y.%y0t‘~ V<11f0b‘6d1ence is" o A Iy¢¥‘efént§:d,commitring I»de»Ima~rryV~bydw<);%rfhippir;jg A afiovFe:r%aH%¢ flfiia ._aClli Ekglmd; even th;P:1r* ;?3§i.;$f,‘??; M t" , ' J; '%‘:t~,h» _ “pic, A W at _ £5? ~ V’ V‘ v Park N "” ;h@‘wthe City; ifi"’:z“.; fivfutpcoea A A fmtlx with hemp; .a%lthougfa . W, ‘ ‘5 E '9 A % j ; fc 3; at, 3 that Pm?- mncwa amundsi andjflcafms oEthcAtmies rocTccd«Ei@5; ar71d5 what prefidantg whey“have A 5 A of {peak but“ is in truth ‘4afl‘ikeVdcflru&iveAto Izhti wry of ‘£Par‘liam‘ents,« “ is .a gteat A cieal of clifi‘c:t£ in pmq&¢rf,~ policy 2‘nd7interefl,i or 61% Am» A would4~takc»flaeir A part, andcal aproviclctaceor foumdww V Go&A~h”as given them, and f0~~ta&ke extraordinary ébuvrfes» to«ma§mthe Parliament; and City gram theiry:v;Pm” wean ea, Gmtlcgne*n,~i-er perfwade yéuzto.rJ¢pcnt, mvcis ‘ M 5; ‘F>‘afidA5fl %h°t"%"M00d - A J4 % “:0 the dinxéénoegana fia6v’ouc£ng~»o£»che ‘AF, ? mgm, and «the Mgmbcrs therefiand this*=Cirg, A , .1 ' " ‘lxy . . . ‘ ~32 are %—x+t’ym9fi % A .%mfh**righte0u$simt <%tGlA.haMc?"1€”"@5ti‘i "TtfiO£e;2mmIig%h teous ;d§pings» asnd“ hgorrible ';hyPOCf‘i"fif.‘3}a a'i*x3-G0d‘-—k3at311%ing~Ajug1ings3 or mzisld AV{ee‘VaxxyrothJér may li}e¢FtAr0m»i:1d’ yxo>u%A%wgvuic%»l1 any ‘beams. of f'uccc{?=,;O:f that account you "bhivei to give a1+%%fee1'm%g God,ib0t:hm1- you; puts that IAhwe 0fren%r'h£mght‘yo§u§m »a@erta¢i«"zarI’y“V4be m%~excufi'bI.e;» i$f”%A7yvou~htheth.j;m Aahiapl 3 lack-eve in»! wouild «haw: s:t?remp1wed_it-A and*h:2wci1©w~ ..-an - ‘ '. ‘ I 7. W,‘ ' in. “ ‘ ' uv.‘ , . .2“-‘V . ~‘ ' ~L‘ ‘ a r,;‘ *‘» A4 &F!ar1i~§-A fibzeen {Hem but avlflf 0t=h§fP'VVa.yS have hith:err()tVVp;:é%ot:e;Ef,:i'0 A ‘frt1§itIVe%*f9s1,%a;t1fl »~wrz@eed» as m men, 4f:-zem.-W5 hope1vef%%5.*‘,A.a;n& % df ~.tiéen,=y0ur fE~xf.ends ,.“ your a~r@{Z@m k =;§®j Ian maCI11v11msm~%mcy;,::11*hax‘ ma» flm gr»e:a%tA ,t:emprt;armns,% m— A % grew :- and of hhefilain ttuth Off‘.j\G,h9é1$"‘?:hQeEfeV\7 » prgemi w,ttAwhich'90:;ffeiqfietmiifiepIy»te{~youth. tfelv ~ and yet: would hnQhtAi11l0.W. m to the. AC1A:y,e;httAyoer ap%~{? A otchct good "hand 05 con. “makingygoed thee. dagvzng .aw--Au ‘ d‘o_7o.f thet'go0d;amd+whoi _ thameiiafs eeAn:,«§: A W: LN ‘W A: ‘ "‘ " «L: w. .. V in \ ~ H,,__W, ‘g ‘r_‘ ‘w V V"‘V‘w~’mi’\ 3‘ ptoich intfahiofiilé t"tritmAI1er_,e after ajlleethc «blqpd ~and“‘:t:;:eai7im:, hh”th”isA:t”iCityA hféthV expended whict;Attis?“a«I-l~At%t:I1he:t p~ifib}f¢” ¢a1iI'e_?bf::all tthat triumph aha g Iotibus ;vi.§}Q£.§1¢§ too much artrxbute to youttfelszcs,firxthifuszfifinfulvtnegl4 complaint, AT/Idtyau remmécr not {be bgzfza’ of ¢jbA;A,t»L;m»d5 ,:2ew tine dgybe delivcredjazt :¢.-tee.-‘gag 54 the wt tA;{4tzzt2z§rtb»~.t‘{}1t fgg Léec4ufv_AN“bt?Agr4re W5tAA4éo:4*fi;z'A2d malginhge A a~11§;he{eA‘ifhyem; fucceflest £0 tnanyargtimefms, th2tyouareAhis sazms,Aana O ~emag11“t1‘;dettake.fuchA eourfes asA are indeed a;fh3mC to Reliw ;gI.0flhs¢and thate»hee’ven thew1Ckedw;Aateafl1amed and %b1u{"n at ; evgrlhcreae ‘ A ' ‘ A ‘ “ - ‘ ‘ A ° - .4 A an A: 114" ha;ttc_d lEiyeI1”thht hbefotefus; and Aifthofefucce tesvhw A undeniable figntf and Abadgcs“ of GMIA -1o=ve ,; yet It reVmaiqs, that you make It out, how God hasgzveq ~you_Aany Cal Qt ; Warr3‘nt to eundertetkehthe medling sv1thetI1eA,%fcth' mg‘ of the Stateand of Religign, which Ithinlc ut1{'etIing ;~etto{fing A the King up and do’vim.to,the danger of his M3jeflics‘Pcr-5 fon, fetting periods tQ5ParIti:1menhts, tgkiflg upon you to tprotefiagai;1£1VthetParI1aaient, and {itch Izke : but A to 7 be~ giqi with you, where yen began your dlfobedlence. A h A A hFir{},e Did you not 3:3 Hr)’; ehémarht, and efl'eWhe1'e, without all cofoutof atuthority, contrive and {ct on. foot he in the Army,“ and many of them entred into 2 mifchievous ‘hand defperate Engagement, hefides the fitll Petition ten--A ; ding to theiuhvertion of the Freedom ofPat!iamt‘nt, A and] gofthe Liberties of the Nation, to the fruflratingt of A thofe ettjiufie and publickends for which fo much bl00d3fld.tfea}11'urIt: M A I ‘ 4 at A lovenor‘ Iiilc.afid%~Mf‘p£fVntA;1n%the ‘late: =%tA0§t; 2©gain:(}%iP%ar1iam«3::§ ]3.i1d§%MKingdom:1 ycm>4 A tV~fnm*4*m0:1:~theVC1ty"%jasV wcl;L38Ccm:-c~vj1Lfs‘%io1)§yAm%$1iet y0uA4 vfiIsar1d%fwfiey<:’urV1;1f¥=*:11:90-%$1rb<~rJAi>~ar1mmtms l'0r22%_e A¢A~ftr%angeandAunheaArdofTte:rIon,«rimmn%ArmymAu:%v “ha; brou up;1"ga inf‘: the Pnliamenc ff0f_Q?’€.€ tI7.3{'721T.f.i67‘:A‘5?’51Z}Ci€V‘: the /Meméfers, or a'«:: tl}2},0£fJ€fA"1tfJ:fi1LgfV5,Yghith‘ they ‘ W0uId;vg \ 311 the worlzj mufi iyneeds fay,4%Vnhawe%fa%in dqinepifVtherewh been the»! adOsv4%0f%.~].g;(H6650: Reafon, }[0I" C’1"I‘“H with-M: -0.i1t*the {apparent Violation Of yheir: CV0nfCiené‘e§»~ hive fu fa-“ fered: t0MbeVd0ne «.5, *and what 11 ndfit‘iFu1 fpeechesg §vl1a‘tfl&iI~ A 4¢;s.g;1d %%V“r“cproa“ches, ’A~é1nd1 what %trev21{”onabIe attempts ydu ¢ % _ thenmadlef11pOmhesParliaflieiztand CVity;~~‘fui3:1y.*$ you in-,-1 % by?yoixt* d;ayIy‘ pt-;zcS‘t’ic:es,V.“ncver¢%b¢[ ?%%forgor:en:%:% m A Be p!Aeafed tb4reii?*revv: the~who1e4% Iournal of mu: ”A*Pr0”Cc”c+“ AA <25 5V9”‘fiDCe_Vyou4r4 f»fl".-...::’:fé.££0bédEénl’:’CV'"> %a%nAd7 tra iter‘0us*%A:~A{ % COmmem 15]5n1i%‘tIVa?e. }()ir’d‘i :1£t11r‘-;é”}‘r)%F VV “ moms for d‘isb%'zndingAy0ur%Army,+which mough th§P"ar1f+ j alum; c ‘heteiuV~+t¢x§prb.P:16:0:beth4ei1iflcar§ ‘and’ d4uty.'»t0:. thi§:4‘V & 4 [ Kingd0m,toré‘liev%e themfromthe va{¥char§9;e4of:..2'n Army, ‘I W I _ and for rjehcving% ouxf %di{’arefl'é:d bréthren in %1rel{md;:- yet:the%{ufferingv:w4of bothwhich finc§.,tI1roug_h yam: difi:>be« A A Aiexmeroo %and c1amorsIupo4n%t»heParliament are bat_hrin~ L t{;>IerabIe;and~withOut“Gods great mercy irreCox!er3ble, and4 hoxv you have changed your principle with yo.ur condition‘ A l¢t%thvcW0rIdjud4g 5 %.th:1E whe11%VLeverA% the Pat‘1i~amentc-Ame % ; neVe“r4»:roiwgrar:t:yot:kr'défimst, you% flewV0fl’, ‘fir-i.C’:h €I. giving‘ fomg}: furthéri interpretaticin of your .formAe_r,’ or asking %oV”threrfs,% whereby theVmo&char,itable, that isnoc an engaged plzfty 1 ‘ “ w.ic1;.,you, cgAnhard1vVthink tL1ofeACagria<.!es; as they of’fer:.A: % A t.,he't:1fé-Ivs% tooizr co;1fi.deration dailyrizuhip1ying¢b*»be%cona % «fifient with %%grace{ and$,0d1ir2efs; becaufeVIxv«ouId pAm:}4 y'£)u-"upo“n-rlxeexanuningy0UI:1"eIf, givemel¢ave,.iris but» A B R T fev’enaLpa.flEzg§s,t tie: them work fo muchtite more yaltlty u’o1:a your <3onfCie_zt1CeS‘V&S%ir%AV£10:~offl'e«:£ b.0rh*im of ii25:*’87?2?W€§?LiéeNy 0f‘¢%V’¢*?/?iw¢€:¥%IWfWfivW M »:'=a 4r¥veSv1r1z‘¢rr We Amy. %wv¢hichbein~g ¢v*Wew»¢iMrrxlm the Q1 .{iersi_,I1 %COnCIufi0.n may com 61:0‘ 1' ram whést 9. as ?fi5.!V?5”*5~:Wuha*’¢45f¢%U4;%1“J ¥¥1@’4Ai%I3fO»s4V; M9110: -défc-n»& %"%%4J2sI.£m-5, but W111: prpvomtiazzs you have {i:»1c:e] Apu A fipan P a.;rliz'atmerztAzz2z;ZCz'ty, as :h%e%1;zg2zc;_>,rerz2ez2t {(2 tine %‘ETzzj,;a.,% M,a’% we firm a7zaZ=vz‘ole2rtez4p.mtbe w.o£ ]uly.you knovywel enough’, were but theeizil efi?e,€’csOfy(Ju rgdIf05€é?1'€fi6e~ méd4‘Mg4ge?i2?m‘~4 zzg4z'm‘frl9e P%‘4rlz'amezér"%¢t% B my and Ngm5%2:m{’et,myA 5o€youj} Egfiegingibe Pd‘Vrlz}zmeizf:, ‘Mad of that 5:214 fezfare of Ms’ 2114 jcfffies per/‘Mat Holméj 3, all which being conAfideAred, fit WiI2~ppcar', the Defign of 3 NfvW)~W4?" i5YO*3I'f'0Wflv ; fllidftllc. zzzafljfar youhave bin forming iinwthe b;c§weIs% oftheKing Jam; ‘ IflonlyitfiemsWyo”I14%VV011%1:;l~%ta§{€V%4 L iéerty of'C0I¢f6i-we to fame: it fome whA<:rc’%cH‘c- A % 4A ‘A " A A “ V ' 3 A» Now; ._th_C ncxc thing to beenqumzd into A is, M- f?‘;}flzz:e ta.%AS:§int .'«1:légz22s,‘ 4 ~:¢zé¢'2? yaw; Summons “¢1zdACon=r_ti2ég the City ragam you leave to érealv Ike 1’ rr"w'lmfge5% of",2?;z9{(f4.w2e;2t, for to defirty tfie very éeizzg qfitj or 50: £1, which %indcecI% ygu C31 f_7ufiz'ce agaii2;lZfa%metbat we Parliament ])7‘0ME5?s *5 t1-u.Iy.{hen were mad in :.m4abf01~ute r’ran[Ce ;-, % fiqaryk blind, what with '}"Oi1".1«I‘ fair and peciouspretezrzces, and by the ac11v:1nt::ge~ of your former gooVdAfervice. together with the préfent %7A,£t,¢m,pcrsofArhe Kingdom, or elfe you might we! enough :th<:r1. have come {hart home; iME:emed4tAhe gumwel was this._ :;(‘be APzm"lz'ame22t ms; refiflrved to dzI:iFMz2alyau4a~%: and you zverg’ ma - fbfvd nattg aliséazzd; Novvyoumuit break the re mper of AI-ion flor elfewyou mu Id nciavar e%xp"re..Aither]ufi?ific;tion%%‘fc3~r *what%Awas pagfi, s;,._9r indeedimp-Wt} _&;0§i"eteffi0n for } tizxe, tiTmr:A Lculagvrs IPW‘; Whmmhe (.?.»i(wp*1*efi* jyqmc1zpart%- A B 2 ' 4%I1»II.~ calmwine“-daeysverc c r you came for “ Air noc%trut‘:»A P 311;’ zzor then ,~tof{'r:d up “a21*d%A gzrncmf you,%¢:mA;mm}a;2d4wboNA_fI:;21jme «pea AAG.¢a's%Vmemy having 16* gooci choy cc of Gevzrlemég Houferllatfiandsfaffrothe %’*'W<*:‘~‘ E%,J34**«¢’,%anciA% % Icng afc;-r you agreedro Athc? Vi1u:nbTer,) the1*1VVthe";n[M ‘1:h0ughno*t w1f1;VciurV~mucI1grieftayouato leave fo anybc-49 hirid, “you may be putu 11;; ‘ ‘bet were {O fin 2.1 : 4a1z1dsv¢:sV1t"no: ‘?a§”‘%% tr~ue,%,tba;%‘»%%z‘t;4% crutch %22?/deiré ft.dz'cLr2a‘t itrb:p1’1m%p% A mu 1133 had no%meremAen;hen ¢hVave tam’: %youré Tre.-gfaiv, you h:iv%efufi“crcd for the 7W1'*97'5‘)'%bur % V: to i’nC]uir€d "ii1tO yazar Prapafzz/S % am%n¢c% wiliingtb to mfegy om-, notindcedW;to:;myV of tbemajas not doubtmg but fomething may be! Worthy pf - coufidcrat10i1;~» but yetthiere is not {my t/924% wM0rthth\'e Frgé T quarter ywhad whileyouere mzkingthem, r.o§ofth¢" A I; ‘ ’ ‘ ’ I W ' V . VJ W»,-V‘. .‘ L Ixave been fave ad you than ()b:?yed the Par/mmeizt‘: and ‘hoavcontemptible yqu have rendereddthe Par'l2'd?7;?»ét, asjby A V many tméeaf“ w;,:.yn 1-0 by your Prgprflzls aIfo%, let all judg in what; daxger Relégion ¢Is*z'i2._‘,* mi 15:7 %[P.amda%nse22t41v~1 Lawns qf the TLa22d, mm; weir} Zreizzgof 5125;. Cgréambzz-wealzb diff’: I fay; asall rhefe are fihaken by yozgr iandervaluing the V %A wvifdom of Pdrlzltmwt by your making P70§’0fd/*,f%) dothejr A _ alfo render you more inexcufable before] God, vvhb is the G 961 aflarde? and 22%‘): of'~ca2:fujiai2.' A Truiy IC}mI10t»% but tb ink you flop‘ rhemourh of C032/?**ie7¢te,a$11d Qf f ucfh motion as you % VA might moretruly think from the % Spzrflaf Gaza’, then any A A A .ofrhofede1afiaIz& vftfre VD wilyou'fo oftén can 2 prwvidema. A I"me'a n, its iaipoifi X '52‘... _ ch Vnotorio‘us',,p¢rfidious%and d:un-- V4 A11;zbIc12vefI'g?3I,as you have Vallalozfxg attempted: 8£‘CaVt%ried on; . evep%fince}o{qj:,ref#fiflg {é'%d:shtn,d¢M~ alreadyexs % V pm? 1 A-j ‘ _ l.pgefi,l4Aev¢nlthevery beftof your fineflzv butcheawlg ex- T? flprcfliiinsééltll«ylulrgilldcdandfiI1OQtl1la<‘3:i0ns,as you think, A M Q’ buxllsindeedhorriK:ll_;z*rd'bl~3ck in their own zgartxrca and may A appear in thérir nakednefs and proper colours even to indifl-%re_ntmcnll 3 MA re yo u never upon yo ur 4pzl1mvsl,l or ll ‘1‘u3ny ~ of yourcarzrezvzlzazizzioiislllputd upon ' 1:0“ ;tnil&7g§v~i‘ngs 5. AdgakeglllégeeldofPl£r.zrao£rslha'rdheirtlg ltakclll1celd Gfidgivc you - V dli3bt‘0vetto”y0urown lu (is, and to” belécve lyes, as ifto dice ll ‘ ‘lllfircljy 21 Kingdom, my three Kingdoms; and tl1atwl1i::'l.1‘ d All far crxceedslall, «to dcflroylthell Grfioe/of fefwtga lC‘£rx'fl, L A ligion, the glory andllaappinlefsof this N;m'on,-andlilr1deed:lll Of all lEm‘op6',' vxreré ro‘d0Godg0Od l'erv,iCcl.l I am {me I V llklgggy che“fime when Hufbizd, OM93’, B}_2(£',"1'é?',dG'rz‘772es‘; W"2z.«"flj12’ A and» man of rifle wh0lc»C aralog.>;uc cjfthe drivcrson ofrhcfe V dcflru£’cive dcfigns to ubviert tl;-e F rweedqm of P4rltdm-éhf, A was [0 honefil and low m that own CHZCCIII tha*cfr~heyd1d:x<":— countthemfelves hardlyvlfipro havewaited upon thleM5e_;n- V ll “ bars of'l12arlVilame*tit tothé P-Icbufct 5 andl mayg pofirlively affirmk would not then _have intérmedleclfo :r,ay:e~rou{1y ftol£l‘.trul1. »tl3.C true Pzlotsout of~dQors, and flearlrhe All {hip of tlie Common wealth thegmfelves. \/Val, lGentleme7fi, “ A lwoulditladvantagethe peace of this.lKin‘gdom, I could,‘ Wl1€it_CVCr you think, implloreyoulrrepenca mace wirlj ritr;cr's oftearsl, to fee, ‘Lam’ my God,.~m§.*11, ’ln1ypro1felT0'rS : of Religion ih”u§ to bréakthy. L asv.‘ apdiub teachl,_m»enl%”fo to do, my tgolpurufhmen that ml not do f0," that cannot in dconfcience and duty to“G’aa’ and chefarliaments but mlalcé Q good the C0‘b'mai3t to oppofg": thofe ungodly doings» that his 1ou1ablhlors,if it”were for nothing elf: bultffor thefe difl'em- vblings and juglingsg feelcing’ all advantages and occafions to draw Amen into lfnares, provoking the —P‘arliiment and 4‘ Citvy todefend'rh'em1'cIves 3 and making lyesyqur. réfugca accufe them with wharf A vcr you know yémr (elves to be guilty of,as aNew :5 andwhatfoever elfe you made‘ D3 . l VAI3: A II. V I am ‘Pfir:fW4’%d¥€d.§YQmf.>Witlidiri “ V % ‘zxzfflgone fo far, that ; IA£omen‘mes_m I1 ojpe, &as«it%%,rj ‘ ‘ WW. e as avlaczzxswrerc’ put to ’, m?.trx::z'I1§3$fc:>r*~ V fegjgnd ajm%z)'5z;:*¢_;, ha. jg. 'V7ef£% 9 .1; 7542: TP='W4! é%*¢‘%’W:W 404"??? m’.feé’r 1%! ée vnmffifi 5B5:the former%Vcrfes%0fthis ~cz2~m5 Lyon; may %jf¢cy0 tit‘ Af€A1V€3 i~fIy~0m*€0EourS:4§aHdA -7 4§:%um::%<2 athar%yo%u»rmay knomizn V =I0%youi- Peace: .Wore frhey fie A ".ffQ113'y,Q33f , Mow mg/'9, :22 the /42/f day: [9e:*'ilam %z£z;;ae: {M2 coma ; VFar%%me;z ~17»! he [.9 ‘;:em1oft»6e272fié!’z2e$, Entxezggm-3 Téggxélgzfizzgéem ers,di/‘oéefdiezzt to ,y4‘_re.zezs5g4.»,;za,z,-;,,¢»{,;,.,»; iafifliafia ?*’%5€é"e-Aé:**e¢z»9m%,%T;WeV4me~ f:3’75;5’3’9’357?9‘2’1fi£”?a a’€f:W"fi*r°m_*f%; Jj%}t£2rS%'5 5e:z5[y,¢%5:g»§z~mLi§2de;!, Lia-2262's eflfjfaéfiares vmafé“f’é'fi2‘[(7T;.*'gr’3'W;jf % % ?T 6394? 3 ,1EI:z-z;i12_g afér2:2%’%afQ§_vqdlz72e/fgéfag a’e;2)zz'r:zg I/Je pazgvernfigyvgf. ,. V %0f;.fi§mfizrfi tw~m4m.$PrA 2 ac f L‘Ii‘5ii£i0$3fe‘5, mZ1e§d$: ‘ptzkze l2;«9??E£’}2ZnZ6?I£?»’Z flis‘ A Th ‘A neXtAbou% your km) :thnI1dcring Z) e¢i!arzztz'o?2£ 53- A‘ Lforeand%;2fte“r you: 2?44r{64t/aroagfi. Ike if)’; in Vwhich "y.ou} p~{'¢fi; to jadg M31-’ arlmmegat tq afarp‘P~ar]z#me22r¢rydnzfia~ MA‘ ri¢xanwa wiwfi%t%e*£flV’i¢menr: And‘afrer you had :%“*’§1?"‘?”’*’A’3r?;2r3d this A4Cim: asis. roa’efiii+‘ai=9e??Jf wdfwe; then you % fl ,4;mr;k~e ;z_ttdjt‘¢1 tghe of 3. 1j%raI3ge_ _ géfign x:o«mak;€ a N§$WW4”% hefkwh you re! me:whVa~r« before exprefl, f A V _ A A d.m.a2_*5 L y ,%not%w[:11cm_fl2cm th¢n;Awr§tt€n%¢1z1your.4,0wr1% ‘ % ¢ % M % % _ M Ii%’%§§%V d~’3???s , Ejwzf [eaV?z:'m‘gra,v2a’;ze?,ierha 3‘[e to mme%ra +r5ey.;mm1g4ga£z@emg. A Now»; fdimai am’ A faméres ;.2>z'r5. T’ 1 fiezazi [22 do tz/aefk %re/if? 4 Ma frgttb 54 m£'2z%afrarrapt A ;"m;5;gds,‘d %x:pr££z:Vzte'to}2:émiz¢g%theFaitb A V A V 4’ VA fdrzmr gondA%ibrvi¢€i~.~ p or rim: W'hi¢i1*isx*:®r§€ by youzf ‘ {¥;amzmg;:.afl&»C1€gc£1€raX%1flgtOA-tumlt IMO %]Wf?.5*3W« gmgxWé“:r~ar,§xxw¢¢Ia,j% ‘mt fogWW2W9;5z¢f‘ I 0 /2eV%;wJ?’afl :: (::Q13,if-i?d:€."‘E'}W7h3Cj.3&Vmflt‘ag‘:+‘ ‘"311 Aforiso F mVenflo»v~» the Parlzlwméizé ‘Ma’ l'4 Q1Zk.V¢1';%‘? a!::*.¢‘2"wr*z¢E34*w~ ~_ <; _f"3f0?32:_‘,*t7m" I 41, 2‘ (E fE>3’=£i’.fi‘% ruciuélg r-I %%“fl~.c two lane :1?MemjIz'zv‘2::y% 4ir:?twi:‘u}ed3v17A5V&-AA‘&w??9é/€%;~*.PmIz'&-*3 of /we é“am>% peo;v!e% rm fz4prwiz9?.%«4«%#I/W*rit,?*?‘f 5515511499412»: V wfgth '0 fervat iw-215‘%A%' to Qn§)i0f%4t11em:" An@v"'crApara4Ie}1d b::£oz:c* A W Y®‘ur1~3w;‘mwfa5v: bug:-~now~,» wvirh 'b%’m;zea‘fac’d' 1lnpt1d@BC€*_.,;« V ’ c]3.i[fii what 5 they pica fe» anci c}ar:1Q'r‘asVth:eyAVp}eafeW2%ga;1nf%:~‘ A the:‘%P‘Aar1iAame*nt;:% u my *1’: I3i;s'grouCnd.a :that it‘ Ai'5'::; the’Li‘bEMVy-€ A Atmay purchafcczt for them }pr07m-ifedy I90 them/u:.;%%.%w“aflZdf which is but-the fame thing 4§i:neffc&y0urhavef0Arcd1:h~e~%~. ’ .% ’ t7. ‘ A‘ Were. [111f!EUa1 ‘E>étw~v.ee.n:che$V Dar-Ha “ " p1“en;ViFulV%;m.omqy was, %andtLho’to~?I 22} 4 fmjV}zom¢%£; '4rerriembem wgghven-¢rVhe a4fFeé7;i:onMsa ~ ~ m«ents%en¢m4ies5.A. :am:§% VIM h0pe,4wiI,m&nt@~ éégain, prove :13? fafe~ g"w;g_r‘}t':Q %I'3n3I€f}“l'3‘ ’ €‘I"C” U0 ’jA%f* ' } tny"‘1if1,A.E_flg.. l;4z;-ml. Btxtyhmtmfi;thginkayeur this fa4rci;}guhs' P~’ar1AVi¢~r1=:mr’2t," ta Vote; %@iL‘iUnv0Ate“‘:w~h'av ‘y o1"1-pT%€a Fe; makes M ~ me:fi%ceknepLu%héin %m0nve_v::if5 JI."‘h"fCi"F pmffes,:n%_l&tym;1‘~f@e thfl * d%i»fFerence« A between Ad-uti~fuI~; carriages to: :1 Par1iamenVnw A ug;1c‘1utif'uI9C.1rri.ég::s~a'n:d fLmd%*cr0‘uS accu fations =bth¥ againfi y «~aand=tihe City; I daré¢w»a,mjmty0uAfmzn everfeeiizgh A ‘ pwufvfesw in; this “C my; um:i"I they fee %-the“ n¥ia:mA:c»nA righted , a1:1d;th‘eir MemberS%%weic»fi4 the-*’CAities reflzored, ~ than V every— ba.f®~.Afel1.!i’0W 1nfa.yV»r nmw as k; of ‘the JParIiament%%Aeven*V * A A z+11i~ng§sA ag;i~nJ£t:- their* C%onf'cicnca% and: de‘flru«&ive1't0 Kingdom ‘;v”a1fid+Ayet%d4u phr‘3;~i& th.ey*ci*em.y,;it:h fome%[ “ A ()fy1%—1»r,l .2«f¢~~€0:m’%H*‘pm%fidenm4AL {qr ir*'g&e+w7eu4A:to~;%%the: {Ion-pI%ufing. A f of gedfyw Senamerfi ithew; Fr.eedom~4.:»Aand:Y1m1<1carioa4A%4% w-homg 4% ojftiii%sKingdOm tiiay“‘be;%%ef{ab1iI7ht.in Peace aforefifid desgnsg sis?rhi<:h byci1.fiotn:[thoi1gh fineiywbrd nua1‘p1y, Ibgxmewouxa — ad in th%e‘AwneXcplace;Particularly robe thé,m2m"y 41E:x:«er;11~%%I;etr%e%rs a%nd‘othe*r &Paifages, in; O§"dfi%f ~a %Y€I*1UC?€*-fd fP€3¥<5.m0r€P13i“1Y¥0“F*%m¢A3“ifl§Athefif0Fm€"f* 2 I %,as our~Letterto m *_Lord Maioraridf C0%ut1%> _(::€.HQI‘1?"§9I2£)’_L. Yourcot1t%1:AnuanC4eV ‘as:an%"%ArmyV%»« A Vfrom everaptempting the fading’ the Kizegor Kingdom, or AA releeving !r;é!‘»z2m’, o_rtaking any ofthe Taxes from off the the %p'Qor,CoAu:1rry, wirh0ut‘it%M.beto ‘take Qfl” rh%rc:e{cox=e; I;houf3%n“dpbu%nd .3. mc%neth;}and:putonje% hundt€d%u‘pontI1e4 Kingdom in 1i}e%szv‘rthereof hbutasit is an Ixmziarakldaffrontig tothté Cityj medling wirhajthat you haveno#co1%our*v of an- > . A * _ but IE3» ; u ’ ‘ ' ‘J:\,»¢»*».Vr«’f\¢.aw«%I§3'?“m‘“mw&' Wm ‘ . Q . . thofi::y’for. {Q can you not expea: r Iney fhould blend or dif- prgy <5 % %hAafE§n5%th3rARcligiori,and Peace, fthe gloryan * “re wicwel flopflyour A A *3 .% 3y‘%*%V 0 Eli required fojr;t:h,%eiro1d .;n:£tch1cI7sf’;1vors ‘to your though it feems by you now forgotten, orvery‘un'grw;, Vt:e~’1.1%I-My Iy remeunbred 4.IfrheNteA be any rrearsdue, upbnanykw OE dinanre of A P zzrliarzzexar, from particular. cxién; who»havc3vr<;f0“;V laid otit'f*themfelvesLA%Ai'n their zeal for the Kingdoms gQ%o:L4%w L that they now wam;it,to buy\1breLad5thoL_zgh youvfo ungrarea fu1Iy‘%requiterbem. % v\.;~‘%haz:s thirz to :heR€1Wfe?I=ra.t£z;¢: bod'y .% ofth~e4M City 2’ from whom youcamnot in Reafon expcét theyihouldlend you 0negi‘(Jar,“ befoie you term-n%to Aaéedience, jaati right the M“<:mbAers#oF both on {E33 andV this City,y‘oufh.ave foAm:ai1ici‘oufly%and fa%lflya-ccu fe<;i in yourfe-wr,4;73% D55.[¥¢7'¢Z';Z.035a “‘ A»ndAfii[whe1-4 the‘%,1’d"5#*’7’¢’??,;—%%i57: 7 9HPOY13-Y3Y D53b3‘t954‘3fidfi€fi3’1~Vé5i1P0fl3QY dertf§Athe %Péa ccV4an%d:4:V%SetIémém: _; of A the A Ki‘”£4°W:V%%4y0u’ ,fet:A& A Japan fon:.’1é]debateA'% itlyour; Jmfo Tor méck-j4Pé§liamen%r3% * meat}: u ..:an; the A General M Councel of A the Amy, to flop it 3" A 1~§yjng; it is againfi your mgagernent: or pro Ceedmgs, oaond, “fly of the V‘Ot1€5‘fOf.d1‘Sb3ndiflg“ theétfirpeflrnuomemry Forces of the oKir1gdom_; but the vvo1jI>;i_fE:es hovvoyou ufezhe Par-~ 1igmem:, Qizry andoliingdorm n';;ty'the three Kingdoms in howfain youwould ,1 riayooo you wil b.~ax}eifa Ncxv j‘§j7Var, »*§5?ithou»t they wil“ part vvitE.1AotI'fzeir '1io1ig;;ioo, their ~ Liberty, and afreeoPar41iaz11ent,~ to have o;1e'm;s:de up of Mechanicks, add fuochoof their fervants as are in the Army, now indec:d% their mtzflersg ocontinual ~thAreatni::g oi’ the Parliamcntgand youor‘Iat”é threatnigigz:"h_e;C~iryofoWrTi}:u:=nding mozgey vvrhilefs yon take free-quarter, meat anogji drink, on the Country: all fat fyouooun prcttywel, thlaj: a man may almofi conclude b'eforehand, what your next: atteznpt mm’: bé,in«order to your ée fign, if they be but“~io1i«ge11r:o.oobfi=:r~* o¢9§i1P3FE‘Y0UFooP”39¢P1'0C€¢di”§3o"Vif3‘1Eh3 Prefmt ”*f2iceooftA% 4 iéxgs ‘o?D4“a're you promife onevcr to%force'the‘oPat- A I-iament more» <5zrxvhiIt: you fhootothers to1&e9.th for your edg.{ think foiizi-s;5oasthoisL[1a?& weeksoo.Dfiz?m4l‘%fayso you ; o7fFences,to\P:i1 theonoifemilyou notcompleattheLeveHets begun tmreafonsa »*an:oi turn out the otherA“po..m;eI of Members 4 ymourfe-loves,‘anddofaroy tfhe Govern§nent.o”f' this famous V City 9 and to fay novvorfe, ‘make "Ktng, Parlxamcot and City all yourfl:ive:~.= at a clapgr they fay you t.?.1re2ten.a fiidden florm,o[1foooM:.Pem§' proyonotéfaIfe.oPropf:et: If you talk of Monopoolazmg, thus 15 a Monopoly .vmth swit- J néiégy to Moonopofize the Religion’; :L“ibCI1'fy ‘and. pzjoperzty of.WI-figlaim‘ and Ir-e!uzmz’,, all underVthedevorioo:n» ofan .Ar:-~' myme ace‘; no &-q‘01?b*t ifyou ocah get: your: patt:£=nr ofealed," tfiough with blood, you wi1,o '~h;1v.ir1g left; a: blank; in; £"cotlzzz2z1:1 frerv'vatds.o A V 4 T §Eze glzzz»2'd,L thofljet want‘ ¢;es,tofV:-e, f W£I2zéig4U4I§¢S4z?2ts are”dz'gg;iz{ggr4o*es fimt¥5¢oe5, A V 4 ml 4 VI. 1 c:»fym1r.pr0Aceed;I} ) wMhale}0~L1.r§1:a10f your proceVcd%in-gs, that they fiwor not ' ‘ A ' A \ ,% (I8) 'A"2za’ mix]-i smfi;'zgaue credit MA theft: klvves, “ Wm firm! :6} zpealtmfbrto Amwkafit zbemfglzyes I ‘Ilwfe EI}p0c’2"Ai1‘£'5’, tfim:gbclatb’dAw£tb%" &6{’_/9455 ea/, ;g1Ara»t&)cAa6:;¢a:ariz?azta.]‘A'¢m‘A, defiro} tl;>yAAAWea!.,; A * A A TM)’ are méer axt.fi%&’esv, £m"£;e M holy %to12e,% V. ‘A w2"'4etA are Mr de=z2z'lA5* maaséea’, e'.a'e.w_)ta.m*. ‘A V%T&e£r A8z'a225 tezm‘ to Muraéw, Luff and Pride, 1 sa~cr2£e.¢{g, Tzeafim, ¢2z414.@;z*Es éefide, A Ea:rAfbzAz,mz ikbeiz fr} 120%? fii:§,g‘:m.tz?! )9: wag _ Pafibape, rara~azeriagg~%tl£=zlr%Ca¢2f;a;z'ra¢£3:». I ThVey4;a‘!r£1.zAmr22a«i12, m"i;aE aémt 42¢: ml-4&4 AA , A%tb‘birAé4A Elzgh W99¢Id.L - A th¢1A§>}I2aCe,% A ;myA thing you havg ~:A1maveche1ca£i fhéfdfiw of reafon, or rmrger, % tc) wav- ; whxcht if they vvéere»garanred+,4. byL;mcr1:£ie2‘mdfrAaud4 through ye: xsmerero Amuch iuglin, a,.Vav:.. * «mil 5 . . , — A» V were maxamine I*1i:A:n‘;feh‘", and fay”, Iwdff ff’? ’~W”€’” 114:5? W’ 554% 2éma12ce tbe a£jaE¥< of.¢Zi}aur% /Dvs*~,zA)*a zzllymr prayeriazzdpmzfisy mm rbmmmfer 4.; .»:z’#sud: ThcAtmth is, to dea1#"'€andid1'3x* %wi:r:h ymr, yous!1avewaIkcdimhe clouds; ever fince} rhofe mr1happy¢ backffidings of yams, ifarllfl forts of men be new mif’tak'én. % A 1,‘ Firfis, H113 Majeflvines1;ireA;;mta‘I‘ e gm efl:ab1ifht»by A3: econdly, .'Lieut.C:oIoneILi/:5-111% wirmhe i-yen mac %"»free~’c>orn people, you may rakcztirejALeVeIrIersyfi amongf the V A of parlz'4xm2r3r1‘ts ; rxot1ght4You refolve to~VenteryaVbru1hrye»r wirhboth K‘inrg-4 L V II. a Grand, dothC11arge_you_wirh ymuchodiffemblinigg and hyv . y pocryryrr a A4 that but indifferent Proreftants ébOm1'gIXlat€5 iyou review their_Pa pers 1; porn maru re de1rE)er:u:10n,ythere jgrhayrdly any treafon or mrfhhief ever attempted‘ rby them; but they fay they received incouragerr;1e11yt;ro~y1@mve% your countenance and concurrence 54 but 1,: may be, you wil fay; fo they fhalg, when their defigrxsareripexburr us not time yetfor me to appear. 4‘ A . V w.Thi:d1y,TIaehoneeee Independerrrs doeonelude you are now under a remypratiom, and dorhink that you hflare taken too much. Liberty ofC3onfczence to fhuflie andcut‘-5, I was informed that Sir Artfivwr yHa/lffwgrmuclx doubted, he then mftarnced rm to yyou, fcouldfiand with graceand §.=:Odl1r”1e{s,ro when‘~heeAtoeId you: ,(f you proved not an fiofiefl‘ mm, benfouldizerver truft a fellow with agrmf 73‘?f€~’flgW77, farjaurfeéeg yrrxtsyvery like him, he very dow n-right u fuall y accorjdingo to his p_rinciples. A Fourthlyj The P‘fes‘byterira»nsrhreyfland amazed, =m‘our- ning in private, fpending whole days it)‘ prayer.» that God would give you grace; and that the Gofpelr might not be rdifhonored andjwouruded through your yfides -_-, if you would gbui take I10tiCC.vy“O u m ay Tee 42 general " pa1efac’dnes rhr-ugh 1;l1¢,yI{ingdom in fome forehedearnefs of bread, :1ndin0-r ythersforwthe grcaizyrcauferrofoyferar there vvil be a faminerof the Word of God, thegrear contempt andfcorn ofthe MinifiersandMiniflry; couhrenancihg aeyfevv diflenring brethren, neayrr abunrdraracer yof diffolure and Jefuirtizeal prin- cwiplfedperfons to affrontrhe godly Minif’rry~and the Go» ‘yernmént f rjefusyy Chrifi, f to the apparent breach of the 2 Cs.-’c'J€7zai2£ III.‘ urr.’ V¢V%c::e-qezzzzzet youimadewmche high %Go:i~ 1::%%:hac?‘p;;1%n«¢,Q5; % oppofigg H¢%re*fies~.and Schifms , but ‘you Fpcak Las ' as you live, you can never wipe away chatpalpabie b_‘1'6j3Ch~ ofthc C oveniznt, that‘ not on! 4%fu fi°e1rcdL:he privi1VedgV;-sV?’_ 1’ dW’W‘ E0156 bf0k€fisbuf"llavefiftikérirhemwur sfo’. impudenfly2ndnot0rioVufl‘y5fl:ghat4'HearI1ens'wiI7E:i:m&f you and_repro:1ch Re1§g£o%n : Tlxere is taro remarkable‘ ‘ex-+A amplgs of G0ds w raz:h“ “:1 gamfl;C%ove11ant-breakers and De- fpx fefs 5; .the one%D1v1nc,%the; ;o7t.her\ H umAam:woschV your 0bferv:;:i4pza :as,A~ 91¢ » AML 3z i=Iz::Z ?Cmiengn5t zz=iil57 T58‘ Gibeo-nites, (710f§W‘f [7_fZ"¢1«?z—'s"!l72(gr_4 22;}; ézzd tfaf2‘z'{y ‘c:'rm222%t','eizIed agm’ deceivedfoflq ua r.’/a.~:wz‘;~2) 2:51‘;/9%rer;2,zz’;mf Vz'22'z;:£a!/:5/e ‘A 4-9; mqiagvitbemc/2z4la’re‘n of PI Q-.géf)‘5 12'! »;—t~/ye dnysqf If‘ zlirzg VS 3u},i z2v,'€2a;z°2z \ T 1-ae}5‘%wbici5.ér4;%e4Aizor our rt} Ifizzg _1V1'-:15“ days, -zz»;€2oA9avzz;;fare[y: ‘ - bia‘ ealé £:.m' (1it;/hams) /Zzzz'i2 0fWIl9€‘-_G_i‘bi3Ofl§Vf€§?;!Lf¢c5i" V dewortdto {M954 6/f._’fl7‘0}’Ea’ fbem 4!/from amévzg the Ifmeliteys Hereupaiz the zavrnzbof ti)’: Lordwgs grm-3_/)1 z}2ce22f.eAriz{§'az'223fiI {- .'zJexed zpwitfy af.mrfa/%F.m2z??2@A%aarar6>waz2f2i 72015 ég.,¢[Jpeaflm’, til I50/Ly Dgvidjzz jzzfl rgveuge of'Vtbz§;' ég"ea:cb~ of Covgngnrgbad dc/zwerec/up zmra we G ibeonires (4.; zbqy, 5} God: milyéad demdmiesfy of 333 [5 59223 a:r5'V22ezz7?“e%_fz‘? ‘Kzbdred ‘¢tai\%z54@ /aaézgédéyfrkem, as z/we/y~zz2%ere5 w.a22./1 tber24. (a}2d’:z2ottz'! 15822) zaaas ’Gadpac2fied, Mdtbe P4772572? :’;»72772e§_a’.?l¢zV2‘1_'y{ ce:z[Ie%d.% Iogi.‘ _ Md: Sam. 2 x. 2:. 1lIa.«diflaus Kiag qfHunga1?y;, 4I24?Aza;3"utatih\~ I:I‘.?>e jgfedf V A Emperor if Tu pky, %afle~‘2c fiew~e“‘%$zwz7':» r£s%et%weenF¢;Ar:f2‘em,217:4-.:.=z;z'22 ‘tom’/5Mz'e°6i ft hbdgigy zmrJV6aa?2or¢zé!e% »pzm’:e 3% = tbé fézidi z'fig;%% Hungary,;4g;;g.;fiz9I'fi:t*vz?gg ezztréa’ ‘into frxlémgz ‘Leaguemd ATruce ' (§zl:l)l A lz‘f2[2’tlerz?62z’zegéalla 222rill2'7a=.:g4s;, fezzleal ;zl?:c€‘a’e;li'L=~€_reallwé;4:)5 A other; 720: long afm-,}u1ian,aCardinszlaf’ Rome, */2arz,~z'aga A l 3 ti’3éI(z';v2‘_{g off-iungary lfecretly ]}S""6[}l13”86l ??¢?f;__{§lJt} _fbr.g:e.v z;c[.a!er:l'yta z';¢w lie mzalfirt zggzaze Vibe Tm-ks §f”er:ri:o:»"z’,e_sfi, and-A 21' at’ V egwmed /5i2?zl«%rol7leza:‘olz1i2ce‘ zmzl’Uie».l4ret/Jir % Colvenant Md murath tbegrmlTurk, at lafll/je¢rz'@g‘~oftbr': z;z2e.x~pe¢<%ea*‘g;;;q , =yaf;'a2;*_é_ylu1:{diflla11s,.m4demzgbry prepzmmosz, ;225€[éf¢z*ly3to_ I H opfégfe/Jiavis lezzrrerlzkzraapz’tc6tV_field;zgl22'ig;‘i l.,rs}::r,l.-9%.: ln’ef3A- A llmurathl, qéjérviizga mzgbgflaugkrer of his; 99:ei2*, 4:;.wm.l 7 fel , and bzlmwfioleflrvéay 1'22 great zlazzzqer ta £2‘ a’i,?amfi‘rzez4gllz:2a* A ;6e:6olalz'i¢g 4//"0 272 we H ungarian~dr]}¥:la}'ed- é:;i222crs,j'z£?e;rz'£?zere of; Crucifix, be [)?"t:fflEi2-£l}'pl5£C»é‘lf0‘?'£l?1'56 VVri~ting cut .32‘ my-‘ éofbr¢2,wl7%erezfxct‘bellzzte League 07* Covenant '2-:mzs'cc-i92pzr;.«l_'{I;*a.2{,«z"i2cz' I l L l /aolllzhklg it upzf22lbz3*l~.é»zzi2d,llz§a'z”r6 bi; eyescafl up to beayeiz, befml theft: mard5.LB‘eh0Id,th0u crucifiedChrifi,thi3s is th6League~l thy Chriflziansainlthylnar{ie§r11ade’with me,whi«cI1lt,hey have . without tauf: vioIatei~. ;. Nevvif thou be a_God, as they fay thy name, a,11d~ A unto may a_nd {haw thy power uponthjr perniciouélpeolplégfll s»*ho in tizcffxr deeds denyithee then‘ God 3 prefezztly after‘ zlmt, ’ tlae figlztl X114»; fiercely. fallowesl on both fidem, fiat it plmfrdtbe Lolingsl; A‘ % tlmtf U3.a4dl~iflwxus% ma pmta tlae morflb a9";-a~cz’z':z 21:3 figl9t,flm'n ,6; one of l - the :’IQ1rk$ anizéfics, anl:l~l9£: lamdlcm of; amdprgfivzted ta; ‘Amu;arh,,;§ Atlas mialf‘ oft/9e barrel, Wlaa cammm¢dmL"it tq 1221?: repay; z‘l.7e.top% of Lmgce, mid carriadup and dmn%¢'m1o.;= field; rd Ijbd’ térror of tlae Chrié? Jfiiarzs, w/zialprefentlyfled and left Ari'3Lv1«ralt’h,-V total V2807‘, Wit/9 rt mbfl‘ m:'glJty'aml l4mcni'azé/elflauglaterafitlm Ciuifiims. Framéatla \Fv‘lo;?cla ' my/Efpregnlmt and emlinmt cxzzmp”l_.«.é:,\iné may prafitazlzly m22k;ell—vtl9i;“pe244‘ V 1t'i;a;mt‘%z4fe and zipplicvztiom M Tlmtl Atlas Lard dd batlia imrrder‘ ca‘ §‘f€¥- ,» pea tatlsre exafl pcrforrnancc of Lt:*£g¢;res~ am! Covenants; 72‘}4€&l6'__7¢01‘: only '?twz'.,x_'¢ Man and Mam, Chtifiian andlChzfiHi3.n, but evm éemzecwn ,ChYifiifiln=s amcl‘ T{,1'=;‘kS$ or I n%fidf:‘-IS ‘f:/I:l€lJ at the Gsibeonites and tb3;‘._.‘Aél imuraih«wvfe)l«0‘90W rrvwckmvfélfwerli 4fi‘€t‘3e4* and /ezimlli Mfr pargted, Wis? he%=éa;fbr tbé lm/:*:2cl:i ofiCov¢:nl.2nt*s,M made bctwixrfhis ‘own lgiloricus I-lo3:lir14'e{::,llll1?ol.2;o at Cbblfumingll‘ lfifr2*, and Wormlling-Mang. ‘ l ' who zrtséift in his pref 3.130% f l 9.3 l l Em; _. fl;,'::'0fl72f oft/9%€Cet:.?2£raz3 mafzejitm 47'83ifj/t‘>‘1"g tbe"C0r?:= j; M @2222 the %r72efI2a’:}2g nv£7affbe~'z)er ix amzf’, % . z:¥ef:i¢a’z'i:gg the nor don¢any«i0‘f rh>eiéj%:h41ng§Ayou %fupp%o&xv¢‘wfh1V€ 5 A ~y'su rev;i§es3é»”0‘u?r%Deaa«~; liame22f.A Indéed Myour Declarations are fui frzwghit with many fair andlfpccious Apretences, and not witlxout formi- 1‘1Ot01‘~i<3115§0¥1Iradi.¢%iOB5a andA%arcfin truth all, from firfi to A laf’c,eXcep:§it1gcyi1afr r.fhey%€Xceicd, the very lively relation of t heV-afiing Ofzi 5/k1¢.;:.25 Treafon 0%: again if you % rea‘d 4 the A fiery and your awn Declarations and Aprafiices. Y0 l1 findthemail along run paralel : But in particular, all % >r0ur}?r¢t¢11¢es cannot fobIindt‘h «. that the Pa4rIiameI‘1twas a before you‘ medIedi..w1rh% themgj mdceci had 1: been your ‘ goodfortuzie rohave changed%Trcafons with that Rabble Rout on me 2 5. % of 1%? ;. or%cou1%dyo%u,w§th&aI1%youmvir, .haveprocured{'ucha boutbazfore %your‘VPetition amd%in:~ g;eme*nr, Ao1=%yom * refufizsg tod.is.&bmd andadvance to (St. «WW» might: for ought I%[vkn0ws have Cozened the ;v;xé_i{cP¢,4andI1aye ruined: W‘ with agrea%td&eaAI ofvapp1a%uf?e,V%the A A mVofii,t1:noc€nt in a;Ht11;c Houfg of Commofns ; V A and in Read ' 9:f“€IfEbV€D-"§7(H3'E3‘ dozens! them up irafaggots for the%fiAfe%Vi:)b’fy0u~r fur?y*. ‘But‘you'mui’c notthink we fhalal» 4Wavsbe %%u-ancea f<=af$ya%nd‘d§m‘gVers coz;ri%nuing1<9ng%the ~§mdjY0ur d€fignSafT1¢nA?1AWaYs for%f0ber f men A co:ne%“to%themfe1xaes;tthink ‘the4 .tuming1Aout V o bI2ey%_w:il Free A }M¢mbm, ’A ord ‘Q ‘ .“‘ A Membé‘"t*s;»;by th«e4powAer andforpe wf amdAz-mymrd eKtFa4- rycourfes, is %theiwa%y to makea 1’V6eP§1r/z}1772ef?2t75“ ea, Ichink, » its the way; to makea 7”1y‘ree Pm»!z'zm2e»'2£ L 1; amen t }W;,3js, Tim: i2a£¢m}~fl7o‘a=[;'Z take no; ice ;122i2.‘ /9022 3', zrihzfi :;»;,:;; mfg, ifEh€y.b3fQfC& £O}j1€"aV'¢.iCtORV-j?d‘}?011$‘fL1I'y: I vnsreménuber tihcgoodordmaryold w ay%0fhav;ing 3:’Free[ Page 4‘Wdo.¢¢wif£Ifi¥35&Vww[15oftémfiHEW:You 11'::'s:7r:%% anexr »%%jti+mrc}in~ary4%Ca1f01 this y0u":i‘excra0rdin.ary4£§gur~f§é’;. or it:“w “ ;mTuf’c; be expraordimxrymercy that mu{%..}3.1-'r3€>x1 y0Aure§m'a4 % I _ orc1»«i7naryfin;% fur upon thacfcore Paands a114otherA ofwthe A %mifcIiiAeves you prc:ten~d"::A0 Aremover amid indeed areVrea1Iy ‘ AA the fi'uité*:.¥And evi1%efl’eéR:§ of your difob-scficnccg. which y%%ou;: = Pvéry welknowv W0»uId “all vIanifh,.i1f the éaulfes your difioé bed~ien ce were removed ~,. which makes godlymtzn wozlderk A y‘0u7*d:arc thus dim:-table z;opreVtcnei%.the; Wremovzng of thofc % ' miferties, you do; my you run R; as hmg as y*o=uz are an Ar:-~ s u 1; . ” A A but AAtheir~VArmies' And% that or no it has ever bccn a;ba'.:-e& fince you have t;ik<-ifi upon g3;ujgA%1ti;~>§yg;» VMWhat has 0cCa.f1émed- all the’ you the G overnm am: of tI’I€KiD‘9;."dOm5. 0L$=evmf.‘i§ like torbé, _ ;a.g:f1masyori-cofitinue, I Awit leave it so a‘%14£$Vrarzio1n.2aI? A ra@efu«&*g:; Befides, Wm: WEI Esme of Zllagm Ckar«m~,_ .A — the knownl I;a.ws. of the Land, of the Subjefis Libefry‘ pm;p.erty ; what of our ReI«igio=n r"h=ink we"{}17::zaE. enjsoy 335A % I thuCh%»as% tl‘reM’a1jtyrs d:1d,’em§er to ram er 621.7%. .Do~;you= A "t*l»finI{ the I{'ingci0ma11sfo fog»! t0‘=b%e1*e‘eVe$ an Army4 C‘mv*¢4~ N _ A ‘veg-fet4i‘e% happy P‘e‘.1ce,%wh%x:leyommdercszkc t.11eFe-unlawr-I fu%1‘*c‘oiurfe:~ £'?Cert_:amIyym1: are mad, I doubt yura xmke itltl‘ application of th%e~f'ootflepswL of C(3vds% prov-idencé tozvardk ~. “ ygmfin ;t%hcv(E3ve1‘§zEft1écce4H’es hegizve fiI1thefc?* I:m::VVars*‘a4 _- you rm grown dr unlc wmh pn’de;., pa;ffi<0n‘,AV::nd‘*A1*d?fd:‘ Tnefs ; attrdibuxsiang to felv»es: Go&si= only preeivus owes; j ,‘as?I= have he:atd:%‘fome ~fawy:,% they new abrixve means: A therefore now ¢0n€1’w&eg rlmt bramu fe yeuxz‘ die fign5':have% A‘ A4 p ” thcrto r xherro fo We Pi‘0fW-“ed mt zbmvi ~G0d>wibY W bY5%flCYf0m¢d¥V*fl€ revel o teaordinarye C 11615530 L f S th‘at 4 % A cesa,syo;_u-s, tho; meson: itsetmlye rathereflf A -d ‘ 4 ‘viiifheoremgotariooe takingtheadvantagggeoftheiSwoVp.pore::e ' F to $Vit‘,t§;1€V:f:€V()i‘d iréoyour i13:2:;f;togeri1efwizE1 the Vneefeeofejmzmsnature» to be m€d1viUgA?97§‘th:_{Q[bi&d€I'1fI‘Uil'§,3:75} 1. 4 firiiresto drm.you iinéeeetlxat Curo.{e*Ain‘?Dew?-?#t»:e Dooms“ day is eophafi V so iodeefi were w'e1 !fo.:fe _ ;1‘f2:t:zzgb yazzee1:smr;5e Zfiaeriflf of tfieo’ 3, er fa/hie: iizjmronvio/eedieefs,eand/e}:jeu]?aa! have peace Md per, tkazzgf;jaz; :mz2’l%e.irzViVt£?e g€‘zz£2&5or;2:2efs" qfyazzr T aw: hearts; ‘ How many times mczzshe Home 95 Commons given 31):? fevers to Petitio.oer¢, %That it isthe duzry of't_§.1e Sobjefis of e Efigldfldeo erqwieftein thewifdom and jufkice of the P,ar- o A Q liament, J and ef;_*sec:ialI.y very 1ateIy5ofinc'e~‘ your I1on+-Comte ipliance, :zsAyqu oil it, but indeed really “ prefeiringmeyour eown before theirs, einviciugche people to Petmon you for ‘ M Q \ . A H A M ‘ V .. : ‘ M ‘ ‘ M I .‘enr,the City: to fséveit as we! as maybe, wirhout%‘?COI'3+ , trzofting too much -iifhonore-oirfeemingoguiltineie, byowrxiée ” io‘egeyourfauIts..a e to recoveroowthe P3r1iaments%oh’1onor, h ave in-- deed given Way to your Agents to fcrufiee in Words in their IatePeritieon, th at mig!3t‘out ofthe Ieafla fe.=1c'e~ofduty you owfto %t11eo»eP3rIi-eemeot, move you to meet t.hemwirizhim§ b-races:- of Love and ‘tezirs of.Repentai1ee,eifyo,uoproveeg1oc V P»rif1cip1e- (‘bakes as_o<»s;eI as P1a21et- {ha ken for’ Godekizows eandee your own eoofcieoceée tels you,a11 rhofe diflaoeors, ‘a£- éfronte,e*treeafoor1s and force, pm: 1uponVthe Parliament’, are A ~from‘staid5foiIoowed¢your difobeefieizce and“ firfie ingagemeoeg heard che:ee£o.rmadoes fay; they took; eexamploeso ~frOl3;i . you; b.m:“‘e‘if‘ youicanplay»theo‘MachiviIiahtoedmvvw% inthe 1 A City: to betra.yA:otI1eir own innocencyes and1;yy¢ur:ma- A fonsupontlgeireownih0uIders:oIwial {ay,i£Z1i€;1ifQ{?f§€10rgféé A e ‘foam us) *—”d2’am.virereetioevv aI*sive,theywere btit foo1s“to “0!z'oexCram:é:el. fay Lieut; COIOHEI 13515147’? =wi1 rdifclfoverrthc time, nd thus mucht-c*anrt‘:e1r you;;AA*iif :13etredoes"t-notes oEhetsrA[wi1,A its: fezifonable, vvithout your "9P«‘WM€6', which ‘ you have 9 and defign"you~’hAavebeen.rdriivingrpm A alltthis‘ j whyuee: A that is more pri’vy§Ajto your defi%gnj§ther1re*yoAu fh=ifik_0fi1«:wh:en» A A gyaVereafot1 to h.1flen,confiderinAg theblow God he rhr1ate- rgzgiven :0 the Rebelsin zrelwé wI.1ich dam exceedingly difcover your A ?'ti61_65to be mee—t?.yA”m%11i<;iro*ufly invented fromythe pride ‘ofAhI.f:,1rtA, that you could not rule all in the Houfeas wel as in the Army; yogr notorious A falfe afperu A or {ions ‘you%c+2_{1y"eteupon that i’tIComp.;;4r;af)hfe;L ‘gallmt atqAd.go31y‘ Chr1tr%1aniAASoh.t1er ye Mmory (;'*(°.“1"l€‘!.‘-..A~7=fI Singparz, to the endan- getfnzfif, as much as yrifeu can, the total gxvmgtxp of Iralmd by to ma RebAeI*~ merCi§e§A;7t hanflsar, the utter rfieftroyitagrof all our I?c>r<;:e:=s there';,, for, ‘y.ou mL1i7tythi;§k,vnone or or 1I1gA-‘ifie th‘‘«€‘)l; 1726; if A ever you fetidr any, ietsylikee tod<%{¥ro‘yriéofrfwe~haVev2Tr~eé1dyAtHere,arid Iofitsg -t=r.-eh at we have gained, to ;E:l‘}(*.i¥ wfigclx as are ofyour own Fzzfrionyto my Lord lmivzyuizzs as he héthalready decIared;.$2fnd‘§p-fay fucyh«pr;ymksA&.as you do» 1:‘22gl.:z;2a’, to flrhe defiruftion of all (together: VVhat hath been» {aid to any of your pretenses is fitfficient to fiiy to alylyrgl they are‘e+4AA quglzy without the precinér of your power toperform; andrheoin pointof Hypocrifie, jugling, tdefraud.‘difI'em- 1 bwhng, 595;. fa!‘ frQAm%Sa’1'Aflt5a A you rnuft needs be gu“i1ty} in fave orfly t_herre!1efoefA 1rem22d,tethae—t‘eItrcnfeffiyou have fotc’d wxthm your power to 4 perform, and ade very lirge promifes to the Kingdom upon it; but confidering A the opportunities arid 'e‘atdvantages youhave e had, . together Withall your de3Yi~ng~swith‘trhe ParIi*1menr and Kirrgdom, A andyourt fiatyingand breaking the neck of rl1arAArn_iy they had prepared to fendthirher, under-the notion,r tb:zt"z': w;,z».c A A 4* defigzz ttoférerzzfv your “Army I fay, as we may guefs by rh,a,t,~ what. “wfiar P€ff0*fmfiH€E$ €‘m.,§htexp¢& inte refl» in 111 your power fo truly vve ,m%a)g_ féarthe b 1o¢;iAQf 6Wi1%fiam‘%"PéflY°ur% f¢°1‘¢Vfure1y%it was jwfign» 4ifanyat0 break Arm)’, then y0ur?V”d,efignA; hindering 17¢/4734-‘ £6565 I0 kcep'an4 Army upon%%ffee4"V‘ tfif: in 553 441%’: %only tV0eff;b?ii111 your f<§:lv’es and Your 1 in éogzgineer 0306? and gfififl./we t./5~e.R5z22acz’qzg2 ta ?aflggr4';};i_dr}. VmufiA;nced¢s»be guiltyatlfza gf 1:b¢% mmyjgizé ::m4Ws: aizdwéeiz Jawmi/g¢JW;m@’y¢%rfl2fis~(ivéx {mzfice to appeafe the fifatiézj .mi2AdV¢izf:az2.:en::AAay"tke Soldie¥;3_wVA; A when kfince; it appears, by»yéufr, pmsl:-iceé,VV yduF I1adadecpVA- AA hand in:4your‘feIMf,% Aefp€ci:3Ily byyour V late camplfzzzzre ae- A g; thefirmer Lzjgefiztx and _yaz§qr}22azl.‘ip%I2'ed Trezzfazz yofi: have fince bui1”ded%upon that fbwdafivfza to the afloniflv A Mmtlit of the god} y s- to fee» you thus fin againfiiofir éwawledgg A AA%to%theM~ w0und.iI1g;0f 10“? Wiflfieme, that cannot but knov£r”’,i ”~Té‘4t A;o»5edz':mce ‘bad éeaiz mz;cb% all that has been faid, and many 0tberAe*Ui¢z:’e,:*:§}:?é, " ‘ liny A b;g ):wecounr,L yett;herc.bci1}g fomew Treafaiis crept in among thecraadg ‘whiclg neither the Peoplag nQ‘rjazqfSalz;z’z'ers, not J ygzggr [Elves either fees notA4“or%‘ tihinkgthem not rizfich, for your A §7€dif3tO. be Teen, jwflrive {(3 much to thrufl-:A themin, in thedark; Therefore I fhél inflance in foméngore, befides _ ;2‘»au_r E;2‘g4g«emejnt gzzdforce dagze zzpazzwe Patliamezzzg ‘much unlike ,V y- R”1€%L.0W' A5“"’?'0’ hath give1?i%:y0u,% as a7l41‘"th€“)I’e4 flrgnge A exprefiiaxs zmd=L~ e.m;mmV.zo1ra’z';:z.9em1'i¢0?" 51 All which youe'*di~d req Lu're in that Dacia-A mtiorz, of the eigghteentlx of Augufl; whic-hI know-: "you would fain have oéraifified more clofe-Iy, ~a'nd%ew1thoo Alefs noife in" the Kingdom, 4 if all your» poficy ea’n'deAepa'rty«*« ethe Hou fevcould have efFe<5°ced it ;but youknowing your Whole Courfes {'0 deflrmfifive, not only M Zbe=F%eedom, flute evmta the way being o_f'P2'zrJz}zm'e22t:5 and your {elves in fuefr Y aVtotteriiggeai2a' dangerous coissafirtoiz, not only M dgkggef to 1ofe.you’r'de{ign, buff gevento e teeeiire your ??1t§_{1"-‘e.AeR?§:’Ll$lf’i1i*o!e'$E*i»3 refolvedee ‘ato * Tadde derunlrennefle; to = thirfigi -send make thee,e:P..eA4 I34 E:'_N:Te the 0” E 9N 13.3 12 $3 " 1‘ .., .- WD{3JA e . A throughrho»€éd1fi3cuIr%e3yoqhave ti1etwAitA1aaandfawa‘ A metal calm through the Afiiflgdom, :hrAenA%A¢ jfolilwmight wellen ughgas {arr as he faw,Icaveju_ggA11 A Q _ %%j;ak¢i:3g fo much pzdns to {iudy«for‘“fine phArafes,orgI;V1 A met; no: for commnxx Rig A Mpearsinhxs Colours, » and teflsyouhls jVu.~;‘§*gmentA'wa%sgM& pretctiges, to colour ovm; your black defigns, or for inore A_rticIes4.Aof Impeaghmencs andwithoutf any mom adb, t21%n,a:;da1ro%che verytrick ofmakiqg rhe .peopIe belefive Gm’ ’~=* °ffi0”?00%fedew1 and far you th,-%ringaged% A 4 in’ thVisquarr€1a; and hath done a great partof this work, to aétthe4fc1f~famwe;tI1ings your feIves,in the face ofthe Son of God, whafa fhanue is this tothe G01‘ pal 9 flow zril we eatbeizs, trizampb zz/2.:!fzzvz';£=e4l me/2 rajJay;g{_I c:1nnot,”,V‘;wftI1(ju_[; andfay D W54’, Win iymwe fimt I acaizkzed t-a, 51922315124 Mefetb and L to? have 41¢ £2zz£iit:ztz'az«’»Z'i2 ti:-re I5-eta". of’ ICeJar.% VVhat% retn&i nS%th€re%- fare, but that yOu4Préfi2fit1y4examine4 Yoiir own {_€Ive$,; and forefaid ends _; ‘ true it is, ~ fiad %f'ufF€:rs. it to be in you hands, for our fins 506*’ may iuffly fcourgé H35? Yousand for gther endsbefi kn0;wn% tohimfelf 5 A by: fbr‘ you to" Cali: thefc5un~ d:.:ztion~ Gm’ has given you.A%toaIterAaf1,d change the%;4gQvem~;‘ A ~m@nt both of C h»urc:h%and“ State; thué boldly to teach,chec:”I'<_‘ “ and balarice the }5bwer of Patliamczmp, tofozjce them to do’ I and undo what youpleaféa toaappg>inc%%périods to 4 Par1ia:;¥ A ments., a;nd~g~ive rules and diréfffions vforVthew’7fLicceIfion; gf VP d?7‘[;1f£3”9‘*?fm5%: E0; take ¢:Xtra.c)tdi!nary C0uI‘fes. as -you think. fit: make themmor part of the-Members punifh V W 3:13;: mgjor, a4qd%to4xreq~uire rcafgnawhy fuch»g£1d4_fi:ch M cm?» A ‘b¢rs~ g1Ive:..Vt%he1r.coI2f’¢;}1:_§ §oAf\:7:otes,a:nd;t~az:a2g%*na adjudg an§ C _ V4 rhFusifinfuIlyw44tI:g.a1;cappIicar§O£31ofthAAé p O:w?- ’ erAo”fth¢Sword,rofbe by Gadgiven you for"an,y~ offth¢“a:-A condemn L mentioned or may beread it} your 'PVi’?“«’d P4???” A ~52) e'c”on~demn4 Members in your okapers for things done A; A ; Houfqxvttht at thoufand other partxcularst, e1ther~_bgVVi -~.:ftice$’;' which if the whole Cétalogue were the whole Armj,hI pte/"um: to be conjideflt they Awouf A to fee how they have been meerly ahbufed and dtawtunf the ctaft ‘arid fubtilty of tmanye of you, tteyen‘ with at deal deteflzrttiaiz zzistdihatrea’, 3 8_(;evene6re : efblack badg oFthetGut1powde‘r: :r4i:m,as ’theitr~ Egtfioo * whof¢R?elz;gz'anis Reéellim,and who{EFat:%[z is; T ‘amhW1(.5 deflteyoutr iizgenuitj was {u’t:h.;.thath if all hexpréfliamsfiwd all the érmcihex offmv‘/mmeztt prz'1.'z/edgegaizd ti” téemrfififevés, Ah though very nearly drefi. in the gzzwzfy‘ 242- A "P4Wlof‘)'0&£?‘ daiflf] fifletwfif,» fhould have been gm-efévzted to you, at once, it1tanyof' A your Geitmzl htC0uI2t€lS, Ayouh would ehave fitid, What am 132: dag that 1%flJtmlv¢i daettkef,~~1‘bz'n_g{; and, atleaft, have fermd i:z'mA at ymfertxed }'oyce figs» w-4-mfly- iizg the Kz';ag;t}2mo theft: Sozxfierfztgn 5 % diti wt, I-th Ma, A1. . "t ‘ “ ‘ W _A 4 ; A A. . A, ‘ T A ,1-3,51 ice, t{mt there 23‘ 220 Law M: the Swords, and have ,3 {[1 hcountenanced it :1tIeaf’t for the tprefettt, as being more '34» fhamed toowti ir,before %menh,then commit it before God,‘ although you punithed him with theelofs of his Comets pIace,to be a C dpfaifl, or from at C 4,05%!” to he a ‘ Mafor: But indeed if youwil but the that your {eh-*e9,tthat others fee,‘ £56134?“ at the Sam at noon eddy you may fee, thap"31A1_ your Papers’ ma’ Ctzrriag e5',f;-om fil-Pg to1a{},3.;emtbz'xghbu: tan«*er1f?‘4{§'i2me22t of hh’e~th’ewAv’hoIe praceediflgs of the Hrwfecf A w’Cammpm3‘ and 3 Cammendiqg oft/we Wi/dam and i_7z¢[z‘r‘ce ofyoztr; ‘ V Gefiterzzltcdumel oftbe Arm} éefbre them 5 rmiteroufly imz’ew-4» A riag to‘ mm: upfm; tznitxerjhl diflrfigem among the peapltg to this P4?”-4?7?8”l‘t;A handif you cou1dbut 1ive‘without Pa)/,4 a2:'a«ijet~ P4] your quarters, peradventure you might always rule the flflofigand the Kg'izgda=m éee/it <:or2AIe7zt.t But, Qgntlemea, the A KiI2gdamAA ‘llArrm'AAAfrom%§0Liflg : I fan Asltlrolughrlilt lham 1:03! E A . AA » bl A A AA 4 A g WIW’ ¢0%”1:?’*dsl is A 7 A ,_ A pp,‘ a«A_;~‘£o£}~E£2 A AA"-lrreafuwrc;, b6fisd~:eAS Awla «“ lfirl'l?»iM~’*ir¥£ MaiorGe‘nbra1+Wk>£0”s4ll“"g” H3 A A V lasAw*ouldl have payd yL%nA:l-AwhlAlelm1 andzmvél mm ’CKz'22gdqm, a~nTdh;wewelnigl~1f recQ&lé‘£'€£l*AiFS’*’€?”5l9'Wf%"%’}’55%'A l 7,42, A an wort’; have freed us. from :A_lw»o,h: fearsllm, now l”1ellun*a A data’ and you cazztiizftghl/y’ fiacrfia/3: wz-1:l1 KW, D Qffgifi laf own. or rw‘*1.ewz?A0?I¢ Avior orl«‘orher»ro gm t‘hmtIe2' Aagdvérzragell to A ,:ll“.ifWfhfii“e3SA 2lAiI%AWi -IIAiA3Y _F€3ld all gzgzgiyfegzfloiz.qfyaz4rAmAgtéff Aonlywt ‘be: with Emmi}, to get tl1AeVill - aiia tlhé «?lo?m7i2t%tft'a9I2l AAbl?l’AY“llf51i‘rilA{él <7/es z4.z*“l§1lc‘:‘ll lYbfir”fi§tciel’ over all others; and in truth IS: what ever You preterm, the * prejudice, trouble and fuppreffionof all,tl1atappearfor % thelllzmtb zt;2»;lpowerlofARe[zgz'o2z, or _for_ we Rz;gfiAts and Li. égzzfges afthe Kiizgalomgtalt/3e_M1U4i26i{2_Q'; gttlnzcea éotb ofcirufil a’33?2'Eaclefid4[fz'cal Tjmmzzy upon all tlzeflz ggmfzderatzbyzr 1 fay laying afide what eycr yourfvits lmaly aAfF:.;> rclyou go Acarp at, A either inrefpeét of the pla1nnefsAof the Pale or any thing VI e1Afl:» a1Arh0uah;"A Ewdetxcc d¢;fireat<> ¢anccaIec1z:*;~ A Gfigdsmaefayg temper §j£€I’§t'){:. of? W9 , a u 8. ‘a .n- Vsfiatirer, «Sm G50 mich-sci-ipcure44 T Tmkee:gwirh%yQ‘ur;ba2¢nimpietiessin tihefe days ; sb‘ut- fa;-V«i &:Pe3<‘§”0f41W"“’% and Srotzama wyflqur ftbuls-fizkesg [mm in to your -Tobedignce, e mi #¢m-lasyoa; A 1?herefor?c*I y@u,%for ‘g3;?2::1’£i2 y:g;:¢;é[aZ‘z}és, :z22alf8e2é%.t%/9&;L9rd,% iv/fiileibe fzmmg cal A £15977; zrézie be 212- 22.21875; 1 while yaw were iobfcdienf, V‘ VhnAote::*§»%you with mafiy %Vi&ories»Vhonoryou«»G odnow; in} tflhg c§,‘g>£‘e,A w.i:h~%this g.Iorious‘Cot:quefl;; cvgn over om: ’hc.r1m%sA t0. t he{ubdu1ngiofaIV1 your lufisa ivd%e‘iaAnd~a % tAig>fl*:fzi;, thgefrfeducx-ng yo1iw%roAr:he obz:édicnce%of thew‘ Pzu-.11‘ ;2~ment;’ 13- .‘M. ‘u that in our and mercy vs’ %m2d:V.%Irz¢2b %&m;% «meet» fagytber, and‘ % _VM,w% A ___ V ‘ . %% «OF. 6’-K» term’ to- ibe~gVre.<2£ 7?" 1" M qf.£c,eméer IIL1‘ at £0 econsfumw ' % " .. 2~ mu -r»-W. ‘ -Key 7 brmgall W“ und%€r‘th%e.fi9W?fand.f'!fl?J¢:% v:tio‘11wof*~ thewils and1ufls o£fdir1%‘éiifi’tH£:Z‘\fi113z,-, by theforcejéilid powérof thie LSAwox"‘cI. A Etbbvg tbofwparenta TA " » be¢n,‘%”an”dv n:préV%§h°a;t%’m‘ight.be‘ faflid; it Iefiwafi “ A %%&:béPr0€W?¢:g's ofthis «4rmJ»€r?14!v?2g,evewwfie A éegimmiifzg?ofI,’f£»i3‘Hée§éflz32:%—zzrzdrefgzfiizg‘ “‘ta Dz}v5wd,VA v % um » f¢f's:'a‘nafTt»bé'«6éfgélf E ?c”II?£jL9‘ §,‘m4?% 43:} fa tkzffahéverfiazz A bf §1:?reez;?o‘r2z% 457$‘?! -'T;B~¢;?2_g ‘afJ“53P a2*lz'ame%22t'§’; 2 -m «I,»¢5emty~a_ ma: W 3‘ at ' w ,?* dezbaadaiémieazg fireuezs it V evxdencedfancl made mdanxféii by thzs I‘afl:De“c‘lam:zb;z;%i% *whié:hi£y0u pleafe to compare with all t;;h”e‘“ ref} *Vth%éfg p%r€te%9S%Land aflings €V’€§SMvay, tbgether Mch I vvieizts‘-léveral %Vo%tes andvPro‘cced«ings,and.do»bz-arr trace*:_-A” A A Both %in\tbeir owpmgaét, an .;ra1%1 fihaaffronts Wand:fira‘nge%._Pe4- titi0Q’5a *~a;.I1 .M;*f’< ta V 613% in-4 deedgackra ifid” ut%Aone«a:n met? e thing re forced ti) afs HoQf¢*’fgir } ' A %;&myA,% the peopJt%c5k*?a Mg: o1a+nE4Jgs%%%e.;%prefi rajwgheirsiugson the a £a%ig1‘,:;;rl;;r';zA-A- A ??2;¢f2t,‘1 . in ithefe Words;,fay"they,fpmc fix-':i‘t1gthe;P2tI_f§a1fi:*n't§ . V Que Arm “TL enities, pfefu‘rii€; IM1’O\:n0[_ jtflhzpt 1et°44(”If}~é aédf ,th%msamu;ch,%tl1ar, I th1nks1t”herc* 1s’no‘nebutf'corns my mmc V d¢¢d,L rqgiwalfi a‘.f‘z2;ia;2*£,.i;.15J:afa{ue: Y fzivormr A mercy from them, then he‘ wou%Ic'1? Aacmp: at the; héndsofieFhAe~mee*‘*upQn than ggh-way, which is 779;’;57"dé’f€fl'a W I 3i*s~if I1 0t clear Vt0vaV1f31? ?1;}11Ve tvcA§rf};§',%{ tin: .thofe< mien: 1‘emi-ébraid them.an*d4t11e%A,H%ouA1h liojivmr Fth¢¥% dmcesup and and; baizeayers ® reg 2>f1d*C<0"ver :hc hc:o!< w§‘it[1 gildedflacws % A A tiie‘rzghte<>us G9d,w1rhthis~pmyer.TW%zfz:’ my; f5é’%Tf¢?f¢?;5A¢f &€»Z*¢gf0J?‘fi%5;i5 1_,F«~'lfw;4rTr§;s p.a4ceV‘47l?d F6: taisrmy czaihiéjt again a ?0i4w e warm ziiLi»:hLig1;f ahd%many‘ ._checks %.of7 Conf:;z’encé”; the A whole; it g;)%f%ti1Acj.ipD.¢cIara tion;;: i§ V4 tf'u7IyA%$ a“ moi}: mimrozzs om men: afzd an Wun%dutifu‘I and £1 mderouscomé & d=Tb§if;7Wh¢Té m%E颒i/2%. 011 $143’; A i ‘, . > ~ « JV v3i*if??2’4i颢§.f?+’%1"%.3°-i2‘¢;€5.? €fi‘.?Wf?¢8;§1z;€‘Wé 0?‘ romré 4’ we-4 W! €r¢evm:! mew: of Iariv: Eo‘r,%yo tn zzy beMLx:§(§i}%fidén:; ~G§;a'1éeaf€V~Him7fe’IF .ofuc“h' as walk 1:hus%¢op;:0fi:%c qnro him“: But mrerurn unto my intern- déd. gurpo {C3 MS 31114 &114:0th€r Qffl1.¢:ir Der/3p€i‘Cuti<§n and tavol 2“;ifngMF4ofthe%;;L eve//ar:i%a?a::* ii?"i'?%’»” feedhed% ro%opP0fe=%%tharAt~heyv havé"t%h . flre.,i:h‘cy“ not ’ weIA;payd A Homrmfny -J:h1ind1:ed ””thOuVf§nd“*p0uncf“%hath th1s_{I«¢t1€72{%tzmzztz?;’g COR the , ,0m ?. /tiherfireerquarrerthey have had [%,LandVrhe fe-M-4, veral fifty thfnifand pounds they had G-mic; as f0rthe1'"n 1'fl3*ifA'Arew%I7“¢z§" I leave‘ to "the;-. zugmeow G 0 D “tho,u~in (5.15 ;.;1ue< time, wil pay themall, nomdoubtz. They ought~_ % [to wait; I am fum; u-ponjthe Pzzrlz>zvzmt»~,%and non4fithus'[ ‘ ir1,aAfr)I?*er2tt1yV ‘, “to » dornineerbverg it, az 1d‘cIatter their Votes 35G11t.._t:he1r ears ,% thus cof1trary[to_their Commiffion,:é thcrr duty» :13 Enghfh men and ' Chrxfhans, and 3.09516, if «not Jt1‘<:b1e,tyedbyvPr°tef*ati0ns mi‘ Covenvants they may fay What ~vthcy% wig but phage is: n'€ithcrGrcck%xior Hebrewgnotany dmbi-L: guous termes’ in .that” clauii-":% of the Qioven‘andc:%,w fozf. AVV%fre:AeII24cbarmnd Vmteof Houi'e,A wh“ich":::mA %f;brrea"k1ng, upouany pretence vvhatfoeve“r, Aflandsthecafe,VV[th¢y%are now fo prefumptuous. fhaw: A refoI7ize notbing flJ41éA:fiwemz;gn I/mt pafletzb éazb 1' M 1‘ fflv? &2’:femlz'i2g~tA£re priwile2'gLe$%A of Parli4m¢nt,;V.JAA;AAwhAi;_-11 A; A Eworldrnuftneeds fay, prxmarxlyconfifisf paz:A"eAferxz1'ngA A: M a g,. K B"! {vetting A0fA_At~he%‘4 very beingof AAPar!z}zme2zts : So. A as A A _ A ffaufesa »~Wat%p#[]?tbVaJa>dyArl9ei7?AVat§s, %iA£2a'&be4Cam%a!A I7 A:$z;Ws%A&: atbe{721Je?a;gnALAor;1sAaml MafierséftbeAKz'wgd'mz A become an eftate 1“ ;,.—o theyA%not—%mcan that fl1,"]i11f€fVE?A”f®i A aA;ml.‘;4f]mAt%4,w4'and. ;foA f;1ve thé: Lzboriof azA1ywP erfimzl : V A A otAherrwife,%I gm furqwe h-ave. goat! r.%ea.f'oAAn ’ to coraludég A AA A?A'T‘/lat the} mem. the _1-7 az§'Al:§fmrzer;t A/194! médfzlre Meir‘ corn ~£t¢llie14.; they mu flr:Ven:i6t the fence of the Army or do: mm- A T A2. Bythe Armless pre1udg1ngthe%Lord M2101‘, Alder-3 thingin mama tI1e_,Pea%ceV of the Kizngiom »'..but' 1 hope“ A:0%AurAA God wil be féér-n in rhc% AM0unAl: At;:kc::t“1:eifigA.%yg,'we bni»dI:e a%I1d%1’t0.p them in thcif fir! Carreer 3 '9??? G?>é’4r3??:A4fld let {mix memieAs éAe]In;z2tered5 Ma’ lg: 42/! tbem zbzzt bAatebz'mflat: 4.u1v""“ ‘ , ""““'¢"’$‘1i’?Y?9Y&’§??“r‘4>«v'«‘>I?£'?7>1;-‘*iA‘,_ “ t§nenaz1dVCirizens,A and rAhe%AappoiAhtiA11g Atlje difpofing ofrljé ~~ eflzszteé in {ash an ur:uI:A2aI n1anAner,«AAa$1sHvery~ much Aincon-e fiflenc with the Liberry’0f rhe4fubje&. A ParIia4ment,A:mdby »rh‘(-*:~ mfiqtlrrer thereof. . 2- " 9 3. By the contrac1.5’cing0%fthe 1afiV0te of the F??? aglisézzizdiiyg the [z;;2er.vmmerq2-y. forcegg many Qthervgrgg of au:-%1 ; By the moriey, that they. Awichsout AQIAAIA A A Athx‘iry,denmndAed frotn t*heC iryyand the tn annertherr:of.;,A.; ; 5 By ch: wo4r%kfthéyhéveappoimcd xhe Parliament forrheprc.fent..A.4. # . & 5.; BY r~fife%:t7i,ffi1%.*thi:y have 'I“i"mEté3 £5 4@tIi c Pirliament Eb .c‘i@,4 AA ztirrg whichisbv Sétu%rCIay’"neXt;- L. ¢~AAThc%inmu&imsrtheyhavégwwsothe Parxiami z11at%Atp@wf¢,;. A A s.ByAA . ‘..._.m.,« : ' vi ~ ‘ . Q ‘ M‘ . 5 ' -“ .,V I " ,;. r_ ~' _ ‘ , , ‘ ‘_ m . -‘. « V " r; .3 3’ ‘ w » ‘wt, 3 v " ‘ ‘ ' ’ 5: ‘h~‘T" ‘ "M V‘ V w‘"" 1'» ‘ “H. “I M W 9‘ C‘ ‘ ~ ~ ‘ “ sn. ‘ ‘,.f,«2 ‘ V ‘ I ‘ ’ ,_ ‘ _ > I . r ., 3 W” ‘ l‘:1)“ ., ‘1 . w 1 ‘Ir mg“ 4w 3 av ‘ r ‘ ‘ ‘ M,"'i551,» $4‘ -‘ 4”” rL,‘,\ M‘ “ A war 1., ’r‘\ 33 ‘ 7:4 v 39‘ * M m A ~ 2% «~ aa» w «+ » ~ L» . ' w h A I g » ‘ ‘V ‘ ‘.“4\<‘ aw ‘ ‘ W ‘ «r M 1 Mmy¢A%who1eV cdujfd’ dd? e w fe ‘L + ‘ n~,.,.‘..,.. ' I » hatérengegadwwwifif n» w_ ‘L _M h "' ’ 1~ e 4 > A 19. ;By their taI§ig~g1.noAt‘iceVi4 and *%&pb‘rrai&in¢g I ‘ j »“"‘ ,, xv‘ ‘w-\,v v A \, ‘ ' a ’ *7 gh ’ %% 4 1 ' w‘ A w w ‘Yr «.. ~ ‘- ‘ “, v ‘ -« ~ ‘M .‘ in ‘ 4*‘ am , 5* “ . W ‘M \ ""~”+~ — . *3 - 33h." '« M V ;= é ¢ 9»: 1 JL . 1"~~. x rr [ N % ‘,M '5 vi '.T," .“¥'.. N -* ax, M T; * . ., +%,Imqra1fe%%Van 2-%‘*=; 3p:r¢it.w[o; rd mu. W I ‘E Q,‘ % § %‘ = ‘ n ‘ % A %W”f”“?w,ks*evfitm}s~znwomas«Fa k AVA V ms, owe £;egag§*mé%%r$w¢d J ’~'1.1’*; I A 1:, “ ' L 3?‘ v ,3: ‘ emf- ‘N ¢ "2; ; ¢ 4% ¢—9~”t%i&5E A F aét % %t'IA1eir%tru.I’c, nor defertthe (hip ~' _ M AA ' % Ats~t«o4b&ave«géhei%r~¥v»i1Iany Cd"? ‘ enftary Authority 5“ I hope; throujgh A Tr ‘ ‘C 25¢ J %V 2 A “ 5 A _ Wfiar.*eéer Kt%?¢.€i€°i?’: rharrher d4d4the1r‘;d3e%%~and would notkgbecny ] ‘ m wage: they ta kc the bo1dne?£$;s:e% «the ” afI’dfaff‘r;C.1nt%*Aof4theVP4r‘l=W72e22t of7%{3i2g/M?/:%';éz1d$%t0 the petpe-1-, of this Comma): zvealt/2,i%a1l~,.%4 F1311 Wfl15m€%én3r€Pf08Ch 0f’R¢1i§ion, andAth¢unfain¢% P'“***iA A A y A é *0rKifigdomwhere:n they livesWevc1¢Arnot%‘rIIe¢ byzhd»goodneB%¢f4ourGod," which gives; me grew caufa ;ohop¢,.He fiarb Mt qrdiefirfizérn tx=r,‘.on1yharhi.:iihis face IN Qflgéfl bf%Pea¢eand“ha4>%pin¢fS: Eh»¢%erernaV:I%i;n‘f I %.a.ndrhameom:zs generatibn of meg, xgvhofe.c;a;-magza Vh:.3V€1‘:M1»c:aiuf;t;o «"G.0d»that~1;¥¢ of f0 A 9fTILar¢;». 1:6 fééé feduced anédetctg, rhcirg%~inteflti:j a{4_z,_“ys; ii; profaffed canfié/ardtazft 3;; ; gghc; ;w;{;a Qige; 4 L: :1r:‘»m«..~.. L- “ ‘ » " ‘V ; ‘ ‘V ‘ ‘V ‘m WW‘ . “ ‘ , wl1i¢l¢e:v4aVn ** muAsa%d@m:n4e.eI*Es“’W;¢r zgqggggmg-,E;3wj¢;§1%A _ W , V‘. , A thagtmfclasgput Atheffl _1i;m?r:;1rZait?*PL$ jef.1na%ifi air er, wAeA {eve lz*r:l6:é amr rare 0f ??b’5:‘1?d£/f£:dI€¢?m5 perfarmdfzéf, V+*6?* éfilwzéfd Jniefs; feems to be.,wr.a%p“t:up in%o.ne:ba:f?e£M§7E£§ :97?/9,4? .t,'01“"Ae-_"~’:*’V,~b:&‘l %r;éeA:wf13;;i:é4v2zdeel ~-b3¢%it;:g-flozrifparcid Wh at ~lam4gwagé.4.y0u.. fi~n.d%.i.:1 thé: ~:1,;‘2A @433 h"the;,(7c v by%‘aV1“t%§mcyea théir§,»+&abs~%.to % :z:;#dbems,waz2darw Ezzgmzafs -ve4~yjVé&«e;';z~g,;.¢.{p¢a1;;f,g :0 a=t:bu ~ cazzfrzvti A f?ca~‘tt;af'n~1e~fsam%th£ (Mirn- hzat ; ~4 é~0fi§the Kidgd; ~ which can %neveé r:b;;,,V U’, .3 mw ‘ if2e:?t%Aufiéf0r* Go&;";rh:eon1y fiézuazicya £wich%;wVhaisQiarvtajefiies A j ZMPP 4 And By; rheinfinv§ta:ionsv%waqd A s ‘~:'fin11gp:1We$dr;awmm§z"31Irfhfféfiedjamdg%2dj4{1b1;m§:1mg?‘ ‘VealAl4 w’ _ ti M A M M . g M ‘ca 7 W . V‘ ‘x FD V i' V‘:irrW1 pjmovéfihigppmmity3of£laae1?r;4l2"eéeZ1g;j¢1;,yz, Am drygfm‘ AA “ " A4iFehieAf%:t11eY’ACan hope tI1%‘,I€VC7’r?? ’?7t?’*)’aA e{pe¢4ix11y V \ H 5 §he joyV;1¢d._ “*Pa:rI%;;imet.;? mp+§hmg% fl1%l.~:takr: fi,'Efi&,‘:1,:Jé4¢9‘:£O_'§':7’fi‘_,%“;@{l‘d‘._£V@;€"‘;[‘fl_01 d;1ffi3a%~t”cl;1 ‘- , _ ' “1'r|‘*§‘.I|.‘ i‘71~eernéighborsL,-the hate offm-~55” “’ A 4 an .9" Q \ ‘:1 ‘W 1 W? ‘ ; ' 37.?/ny.,w ' furely At”hefe4AaVifé4Vnv0 .‘ 7§az'nA;g;li;(22’ xi § I ‘ TO Vmi>i?”€W€!°?*l%7y4"%t1iid*~m.a*1~ice ~ nhorfe Jfo wcLEdeférvinjg;%f;om ‘V .»them,and%?i'vel kuownto aIlw4r«heW;€au2z:ry,xxgrh::rerhcyquarterw V - bY:'ti—(I16§"’% may we: ¢enou7gh. Wi’fl‘i c,,I1%cyA41,1%;;a:A,»[I2%e'L;er v ‘fe£’>2¢fl24ern,.,:{’.%ai1d:feeAwwh4o«degfire and have dgfignéd§%1:N¢ fiw”&f£z?,A thé” Ifs o€a;11,A:h‘a§ A were near a{nd7de”ar%ito usr, ; 4 pragare f Tm0t!1y”du1‘»gaodcwmngesa whichthey%‘cann0tpI4un:- % % F z_ %dCi'_ W 4w‘ lfenefk oft‘hgeirW€§£?¥mf: %;and;the and . A 46Pay:f pretended h0W‘T€¢* more dfiaflywhar r%heAirefiAgn%‘ z:hi.nk we:%Aare «Io w;=:akAA to A m,,-: A ?:yro~ am; out, ‘ AA"Uj5d"715'«9: as 'theyA“‘Nw1%l»c2E1f*It,“ Axo.be t2zf£ as an 0 ‘Derpl A M? 4 A A A ‘ ‘ . A f;(})jf.x;if'?.‘i[ A A A H :4p’i1bi%ic*ic Tru fl:- 2 “but” I *MhAoPeA rhgs “ % 75 ya¢i1‘I£Apc5epL~Af0i%Afa;r into ;‘their Aefigns A “ » ms: HA0: 1 A A ' ‘ , ire. toib’ w‘jfE; mAA5A0t*r A whone fifgj _ m '1'!‘ “ nu, gfie‘ AAA AV % % A ' % * ‘ % . ~ ~ J A ?f*VY’v»w7‘li4m%8W-.e;A; A;fi¥”A¢»AA’ ‘ A they A e .. ;4 g I '~ .4 ., t.hcy;valued um §h3t*5A“fQ‘A 4; Wu «- N T gzfieg é A ., A " ; ,- mhe&» “Sr ‘ mm _ A A , AA «‘5“fu@h"M£mbersa ass.%rheyAAfaya * if pIuAud§ring eof .r;ha'+s:_ “ my ;'f*,VI§nowig;vg wf‘ bfivahrageg ? Fbrsw nb d0ubt,A A A Aw ; Vd4 ‘t4F1‘éf Patiafamemigifiwn *fm-AA:their ..cu:fAn% , :phey~&AfhaIw%€htFe hzrts "the way ,to make; at A A !,, 9"» 1'! ,n3 A fivaneswmtfidrianey%::A:~t Aof thczm; and _tht:i1f *efl:?1msi:-:;;:%:fofi‘ the gcarrying. On Of this 9 Aw ‘7@\:1i‘».1v%?J&i1y 1A"Af1.1inré AA .;QF.?§ th e; zthree ‘l5r"+-."—“ afi {oiufé,r5af’»tfiay*?2weit%m: Mwend"; 5+ bfirsjhfan the *%v;ThAeAr¢fjore,V1 f11oé, €56 giny wfl ¢tmAtezfin’a~nAdA fcom a1'lA’f7caAAr A v?xa«fp1‘undering;r;rher,themfdrAt;he‘"pfieventidntW§9g 71 ériéyfm:50r4tuz:i@fty*;;fdvémags" orwc6fir:tf¢némtcVArgo;A ‘ A %e4:fa:a;1'~4 the eIzgmw2;d* fiz>é»4r:xzy- A,A 0_'f:’.£'b €£Ae =;?>95Am as fVthA1eir of 4 : :01 diets; and aw W =%gIadIy4do,wepe phMe){‘nT0t%C1€CeiVed,V wbuféfdanfi Lieur;%Gen. Crvmwrlawn his Privy camels Aj A fA+.~;4for,%it‘ .may,_bc,heonIyVAa&s by 4 A defltea Vaflhas n0~V«‘~Commz1\ian;[’fo1‘a%Iam;fure,.it~w&§ .{€ten 'reHemi'éifi time‘ f”{ervica,:A find V‘ ~ iAt~*be" A ' w,t%i~it/1A~ fanrias‘ amt fii',tby~ 1pVretem‘e!;¢i§,* fixiét £mouay4c0con»&d¢a,»g :4;/an Reéfliaiz imstfiefimef A ;r~.,An.;1 f.eein‘g 43 {;a22;mz¢es to d“c IusV"m“O¢i*‘€c fLflIy°eXp¢refl:wV* iii” imperious, §;I71_’dj d0min_éeri~ng f4R€PV9f"?’t“t?b”9“4\ you f32:y%,@ We ._»u«~e% 129: {B imperiam and A tr4z'tVemw5A% ‘if: £33 % all f *5: of A4 A .A maugb. not me . fimziar pm, yet?» t*’p[1ey~as"5Ve‘*t}Jbtf'e1l»f5‘%€V;fiz we puié«lick 4~Im‘“ I A jv 6*Lb”e~ t.‘h°E'* xezzce 5453 d’ AA ”fi;£‘eaMpn,( as i F; ivtvv”erenO=t’ mLy.:ru¢%; bfm ja¥%fuffic;iedt%~v¢ar4 1] mm = both» o“”F:Athe 2xW“o}£ G<:>& aghdw ifghg j ggi~i§t%g5 9; trL1rH7fABFA I; dcfife rixoftfto chi ‘ ‘ ~ - I UV dive Ainfit0%V i t,a 4b§§1t%ad:11iL4* igm be true, ? a»Y h0’p£: ind AA "5 fit ay A A é . I wall F men wpioizg igithe Vezfigaf P ztrlz';z772:éizt5,*V1/.72zt':t3'f ;a1I:m:¢n mi?g~mr“t%f3w4t‘»fwflwzwreiztb a*Jfrué¥tzze“% ‘ 5;¢am;2aa.»z-o;¢¢z meg nm.j ar: P4,: afv;%%ee~LHoaf¢e;[ ¢m, gniz§§og.aderab1enumbec_or¢:hé?Houreplot * t _a" t;. wehave ox;Iy fuV(;fi%PAm-liamerit W’a% but¢aVre%A¢a5l€vt0y% :1: - ;;i%tI1Qut%;ag._ain¢t;hefcu:cc oE’the Hon: fewithin; Vrguxm the K4334402224andAK%el1LeiWifa ;, only we ‘W that are A mmfe, A brr couragévusa‘. bUr4a'1;fo.tAhof _<¢1S f;~%t’h§;e;fr?e,‘I,_*hope, ‘vain his‘ enezi1fe’%* ~ A like, thofé A Vtyvq 5.?/.l.rtVz:(?cfér,s?, ;§:vvho f [11:11 df11awA%the{ub-V ; t4,i[U.¢fl,4 1ViflC%9Fp011?cy to compa‘fs”thei“%r defign.‘ Let L.ie.Gen. G;?§??§??€13Hd%¢LhAiSiPf~“?PJCwW¢1k%n0fit,fhat Atheyézre ppy; ~ j A cfgpj’~»4?¢ I52)’ 154? flrdmitfifrefgfifqfl like ?af'pi'e!_y,,%af72zl f?2*t:fwr>V 1?? Goa’ VA4ta%e%;o idtficir rv?»'feW4¢‘}- A Bur md ~cnc1ude; % swam b2m0reAand‘“m¢;te»%V 5%! git =“ » ,« l ift%be""euo gh for fig/am’, t0 be called the G'4ra’ei¢ of % Gadfl? M r ‘ a%Wé€5i0” 5 £h€¢J 1 w *1 59, VA la:1t,agbecaIA1ed%che G4m’e2z¢oft;-»*3+4c World, ipfle§2fE:rZ'~§_“? ’ “ "fez: 0 n V H atom; nu’ eaceafidk e!{'gi MA A A % are the Ltamp/84f fifippgm?/3‘ of a VKz"i2;gabm L; and hO~Wits%1:0vv‘% egdgngeieéby ghe onduétersw ofcdxis Army : for. 1* know‘, mm,‘ "not;,%m~oV{t ofthe ASo!diers,i“are hverfe rd ir,_ :inclf‘ 4 N A W A tgiheyknoxv A.t:he}:_depth ofm * défi n, Burfwhat it Is; thef:=rmqusWv'4’5» W Cdtevbtfm and ¢f*‘i0’?0f1*"4W' “Of the flllamé/)'%0f'155’W”e¥. #111 this whifilé fn,1ot»hered.2m~doppdfed by thacwfiaagon. may ‘*diA{covc’f‘, W§}.@§;t.114¢*fl1a;kiI3g&o£the very foundemion of all%‘*w%0%%dé?»5a?it{ ?T?¢?”?W_’?7?f- 47wiW¢1,~VIet:thcg1and:% j all remember, A to comfbrt:;;3§,tI1e1!;t¢fmr, thaLG.od 1s*rhebeI1;fl1ieId to ¢zjy'pferfi3tj;ihe@Vbpfi‘{afegu1rd of any N 4}: 5912; M549; 93% mam}; m2"Ef2%g; #432/~2:ci7:2?re4’mt"A;»4*iF':&T>‘0a’ ée zi"i¢)+ *? H E‘ .42 #1 flfififiéfi ficgeu )a¢§:;heyA¢annotA%fiopA~ A A) . ‘W ‘ 4.,‘ ,,«.~n ‘ N.“ ,., ‘ ' .v I 5‘ A V. ‘ R ' ‘i ‘, »? A : : 4* x ) % ' ’ V .1 ' ‘v w . ‘ Aupcm? .: V an} kw ]e‘xeaute S vv1t1%1ncM:‘t;‘rfo A A A AA A 3 f‘Iie«““c:vI 3:r:;v r1:md,:u«£:he& in-1 Tbeiggw W xx Vothm.-«v viray4to‘"€1éapew*r1g1eV; _ % cm! : P“*/Iirdvb%bc:‘bebiniL‘“fI1é ‘Red V?b'0231*% be {omAan%dd‘f"A*:!ae4~V .o*2zm§2:z'z2"re+ onA*eachfide , ,y*ct: the“If'ra.eiite canafind ‘arway yindeeed: iscia good in/kph, Aa goAodN urfe to vK¢iz'gz'an~5Bur%R%v/Azgg A A air A4 tIx:}A%V:zr;1atber ofJPAe;w3«?1'f f€{/‘"’;a 1 [ put: V-it! Aintowthej hearts iofiour Pilots, the ParJi2ment:‘~ man. fhoa£i11ldwAAi’gecr~the=4Shipp of this Common» wegkh, %bn:;h;;we-. A‘b"e'enA téomuch ?divided and trampled uridcr foot by‘ thcene--, %m;;;stihereof, now to Joyn togeVtf1er,4tha't% Vrhcx» envious men, I tI1a‘$w£e«*thuS contin1.iAa:lAly:f'owA2v%ing taresqf Divifion in this Kmgd i Aw mmay be,; 3! Athcexrs {dam ind outage, Iis % hxs crfiftgtraughtaamd h%c::1d:t:IVfo§%asWithcéOak?‘ together andcauvght-F*andheI»d zla~,*unciIhe T wa4sAA~de.A fh‘at%éfo% 4VitI1:eirhdpé§;.$liI1“éLm~;apAVajufl:rcward,even‘their4omi A A conAfu{ionj;I For certainly, »asrhAek Agrtificer I wrought his nstfnc focunningly inAthe Buckler of Mz)zerwa,._%¢h3Agno; 3-. M lerter~VcOuId be piclcpoyut without the diffolution 0A£¢£he~: who1e%fraAm”é, ,focannotAany ofthc .M§lnbe.rs,.Of».’thE."HOufe“. ‘flommons b%e,p1ckt outgor excluded o:l1erwife;rhe:ab:ey:~ A Vbm. %%r ¢e mg ye;-Mrd . Qrommel %r<%x:.eeded fiiandsa thgyhad4%norhing;a;gai;nfl ;hiAm:u§Atha%t imstive nagamflc adcfi‘gm,* time A ‘_ A ~ 5 /7 fi;Aif‘mé)or;tfia Aw1£h0ut,A%Ath7¢ %d1AiI0‘14 ~ A A {AV ami; ?:r;éa11h€i;—13g ;f'. a;;,;_: S . fl44J?14mQ thoughmfifium Amnfeflra I9 Vhish malamrzz km: I‘naeh€:is€fo but tax: A Vwfhmc of :12: ;Gr0fpi€15’ [0 Ap4@nt1Lfu iA1yA%i4pt§} 4 unthé Arhckg asim%chasC‘a;fé ‘A A A 'iV$~: F97 % » £ogg;y:.,d frothy Gr er dévil d¢1ufiQflS_~[that!Mf .C‘r0W72jme{5e;I‘traor“fd1r:-ary Cal or_Co’prfe§ Aarc 1)! CPEAIEMA the %rm%c1ilcdAA Wu of Goda«AAA and §:g1teLaws, Ati1d$v*‘?in”iTo;rGe;, Aifi ‘#€flgA/@;A?1a? » %1?gr_i1i§-§% . 1, - V‘ ‘ ' Gin tyL_ALF:ézéeS;‘11ecén,wDissbands.—’and hc:ca}n:é:h41:1fe;i 1iV¢¢a%n : J A V dgmw “ 9 A-‘A 01lI7:A’flOW‘W En A * A A $@%“~ V , j 7 am 191“ ('-W A 3;; but ;:f A ncijl :2g¢:izéd w tijixafi cmaxrezs pmtywcwar Ar§hy[ lea wing-7.; A A ggmazpg szi2fl¥i2a;:;tz7ai2i, Prom! t¢3a€72il;,@#?,_V,gi{ifl7.@?l??g” ‘hfwrwtégaggsé A v fimthfiicga 1,; gAzz:-gum, A .4 we 4i~:j‘."'f2‘?/9Az:'A'72g élfe; %VW£:2wi'f re};eI2,f“4i2;éfé}5 A azzdro黢*diei2b£ 305 I6 e‘z'¢A‘:i4é4r£e4i W1?! 71$ tftz:m:£eA*4M glmvws gm ;:Re;1AA1772[%.:.. ALenAAé1IA_2%gl{{f:~2m=w.{ay %.§ fgjgi m;;1? krgatzm; V th at i; 2 1?oAvi';mA ,: A _ _ A _ H M & rm; a9_,ainAfl:h.xm,;k bQt\gwfl%\?r£mEH€d.;:’I.t baackv w:11;hM5%J«£h;$T A ie1’1ce;.a rlmnhc Woulrif; accept :d?ft:he:C row :14 by 2¢%¢%aj«ag‘za*i;m;i>zra».AiA }%)e’Q‘«I,’ti[,:I’ay’ they*AmémId*Aent¢maih, gAx;;;d,A;4,, Qbfcrve‘fpbef::*1imes;. rtaés Var mMwae.:AA: that ~11fi\z¢ Afag N 5. W pxfietended Ttso bggreatfoarvms Q_’f[37fl‘Z’J.1d€-’§5@;;,v ’ A rxTuh¢y%% A I w W11» rel ,th<*:m.; thtiywltlalvcialarcia dy, g nxe1'1_ Vu gr0u”Ig;;l A . . nu o u..., .. « ‘ g ,\ V’ M V ~ “P M’ §‘---W: ‘ _ ‘-7 ;;~{~ M-,;,‘»3;»¢j'v ‘-.x-% r V“ 1’ av -‘»,.?5...¥;,, ‘-‘m ~¢,‘;,‘ V5,, . ‘ ‘ ‘V . V ‘ T “ ‘ V % 1? W yet: herefbrérhewilfi ;io:i,D;ebai fee It dam?» my¢unr;I%‘rhey fl&y:‘iti is aéné; A ' ~ ~ vré ~:M,.~‘-‘ ‘_@.iw 4 ’=*»m>?Vw:=#12«a!2.w%z%f9\ d%;£e;e ‘ % Whaxtjif j,-;; * Jiflrr, t0-fivav W71 ¢¥6v€*Jée%»uzz;tiAI be:%AundoneA: But chisgl%VaA¢m{{ur¢“’ ‘- KI mu 4ncvk:f‘173‘id4«ii2i:;ny~¢,£ahEir,A4Mz: ac41¢ir;%g:ga;:3-,% €53; assay, A 1a%eJudges%» ‘W-.n%rheraed§1%é4weréin:.2z.yiizhm my _‘ l,. "” A M M. ~ ‘ ‘ ‘f’ ' ’ - "' **~ ' , 1- v~- ‘j "~«»“ cu ‘W ,M '71,, "1 “:= 1? 61%: f°m?‘5¥”? fiwnfé gar; ‘verebur of I1 :very~ M%ay4 not any.number <5? ever qnjzckly as go<=>iA4caI1%asV:he1:1=%%pr¢¢¢¢ge"sw% a,;駑 IfirlvéaimglTmayvmenoughLconc1;iae%Arhey ney¢“*rAAW;éfi.% V --u wag» w 1.‘ It A“ . .. hexrxmgegpfimggi g.oodsWhats flusto ::heu-%"C aA1»either%%;from% G odox: memdco uzzdemxce r‘mrm1yRr9per m putt‘; yv . M“ ; ‘M M ’ ‘W W ".;’),:z‘ AmiT¢%¢3¢?’F’Y1¢5¢*PVré*fl:7Tb;§§fay rfigbémz ww-as varbxs %pur%pofe;r rerarwn[razzi2»z~m M \. w " « ‘I " “ “ M ., ..‘, .. ,,,,;Wr « ‘M, Ag; ,5» “ ‘ film ‘ W §:V”I,2[Il W I . 'ma I» _ V % _ W 1 Ethan de;.%I.are 19 all thfz World, heneva %kVriéx?sr? d‘f‘,‘- 5 ‘ .3 S 113’ 9 av." ‘ms .1; J H1‘ , '¢ A gzhaciizi ;£Ifc¢ur¢fI C1nh¢‘ar :+a;h1;%%"wuich%1 “ha? _ ‘V ‘ «- -\< .‘wxM‘ -in ,, W" 3 %W§’ i4For6anfive‘r % ‘ vi 2z;s;e% d “ f’0ii”gib“r9in“thére%w§is;asthey We db”, .>4w«irh*ou;£ fifgrity %<‘>mM*Par&/zm2:;@“”:h;;z: %th¢Y»had+%bcc§1 but tghatwthwiiéoxzIdAnor%prorecum2he war, 4 . 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