C011ce*mmg A‘ ‘-J; I «W» 1‘ "V ‘ .£.,‘ “Wu‘x......u-H The griewznmr, and e5M"ai4di%e: Qffi thd ".‘.‘;‘. ‘ "'27:!-‘;~‘. ‘ "k = W ‘ ‘ ~ . .’'n‘,., ; “ "* ’ V . ‘Y . . "*3. I :~ ‘ D 4 “W, » V3. ' ' ‘ .u;‘ ‘ ‘ Q‘ my *3 w‘ “ . v- Ix‘ ‘- "". “ M‘ a n .. '". ¢‘-mu , " . .. W a .. % A % MGHTLY Hated in X PO 3% Tl NS.% V VVIII1 Remediex prefcribed A for thé {peca- 3y help ofeach ofthem :{ r Kirzg, 7 ‘?eapZe£72"Ge72Verall. { '?arlWev42r, Q, flM%are ?1oz»2edwI»md.:s%% +4 AW?-zy, A 4’ Z\Zemters73 ; Aflémély of 7Dir'virzes. A V A €:.2vxrv4aZie;*',«,37 A ' ‘ L Citiggens of;I.o22don, LScotw. J _.... B3? 4Bo:%R I A L ‘I 5., " ‘¥ L0NDON,F P 1' imd {Or 5“’/””"‘ 5Wi’”4”%»15 t9\4iiladie::a,nd:I§gmgdzei. h jhj‘;'J Scat’: ( to difpatch them Erik, ’ hbecaénfee they hzwe it ;'Cb;rI11€‘ W ?€I1o’unCe‘honefiy; f'none therefore are grew; ‘ reripiretenderstort; They areiingular Schoolemenin '--' '.-w“‘ 'J A -3 M ‘to , . iv} :-forh_Jin'Pt;mce bah ;Theyirc;tn h1”€atk.thCif';1:f;i_i.iti3 and keep their Covenant, come .1ike'BretI1rei.1 to he}? @553 iE~’?3”W’1: %1f1d.t1;cvfier Ptriketilroak for them, but at ‘ New C./.zfl‘/e amgt Giinna¢i:Fr;o,;>:;ee,‘ of the on"e"::of keep it“, * the‘ other to leave it}, becdnie: it "was w'orithiriérfIiore5 and yeti hate ‘With hperfe-& hatteri,i thofe wtI:xatdid better fertvifiéiibecaiife they did‘ to. e Theold Modell and they whilit it was onjoot, were thenfbaree Brethren, but now they and the A Qf'H.MoE:ieili meni.'agaii1fti‘Ehe~Army,’ aricfworn Shifters. They March’d to tfleaeférditihend backiigiainfi hand all the way ‘cornming and going, took the ‘““‘i iziurthefl home) are a people that wouiti be though»: ‘ 95 i1i3§)IC'Wl{Cthanhhsflififipfg and yet, beCa*ufet;irttis ndiiwifu , ,Stare}- rmtteArs,rmtican tiiitingnifli to a briftles bredth, r iwirtde oFt'hdiEnemieis Gérrifons, as if the plague had been in them. JF \ the Parliamejnriwifhhi themeiadvance Southward, they retreated North-~ award by a Seoteh figure. ibecaufe the North of England, is t the South of i .iSca:l.end, And lay 111% {so long before Newark, till by private confabu» larion, the Kingcaime to their I.eague.r, and then and there ‘broke their word (but kept Covenant with the Parliaments Commiflioners,againfl: their promife carrying away the King to Nawm/ilgin all poft haite, as if ' theyhad meant to have invited him to Edinburgh, in frcedome, honour, gndefefety, but no fuch matter my Lord, touching the Kings dignity and grettrneffe, the Co.venanronely bindeson this fideiTmm’,t for beyonel it hee"s1itt1e enough, but it feemes they have bargain’d with him like the two Tribes and half, fo they rnayhave ail‘ beyond Qarclim, rhey"1e fee him in {are poffeflio;1 of7Camum, therefbrevfbr that end rnufl: there needs be at . i per-iona11Treary, and an inviratiori of him A C whom they’ie~ncere inivite. into Scotland) to Lamdamm honour,fafety,and f’reeciome,the Kmgstswn words, fiddle and Rick, iwhich makes Pmgmat£cm( the Court jefier) ready to "ieape out of his skin for joy to“ heart this tune "played upon the gang}, Bag.-ypipss,‘ Io that heeile goeneerei to want afhearne, to ‘time upon next wfeeke, being reconcilfid to ,this1oyai1_f2}tern’ity. _f_’;t1tthe};} tellyomz the raéfon ( ind for m Wonk; ‘ is‘ fox! y<3u%’1nu& ~ gi§nei*is now in perpctuall mono A th K In“ tcers Ecclcfiafiicall, ('0 {bar It 22,. 22; fig, i;1v:¥S.:o:l.2:sd, »...,m u in the is go make 3catla7¢dEn‘g/Md in thing§CiViLl-l*:, an tf;‘&%an in .$’cax[am‘ , HQI um-ieth*= ta theyfiic‘k‘:e no:ro‘propofe to 3 a H ¥ V th ‘sabured he wholeimz the F’? 13:0 t a§§m'cke @8065 61 % we ‘ onacecoherence 0 . ;f0[c%ry %upth€m L P: a‘ 1 k‘ § ‘ 3 f - «I . * ‘ ma €11 U‘-‘VS m ‘ mm gediam arqnyxi pmd \\ A bar, 4 d P«zm:%, :}gLarm’;« [peake to the Ihriianzent to 6% d%"5?’77 %/’PMk?-‘L them in print tatlae Paapl_,?,_>\’/aicé tlagy Iqasw /0 great It t/ca: Pasrliammt,‘ j W» ivfivite wdweigbry 6» 1) . cuujé ¢aiali»g~ltibe4 Wégazr. and t€,;;4W54?i5t‘tWi7»’4't«W' 5x231» W?-Wzire4 X jgrefénmtifve, amvlltlmiis it/gs tawmé’;:, xbefiiifiawnag jtaoimychL9crpmt;ine»wi{2l0mc¢ toflzmd with tlaa innaC¢1gq;}§0f'D.l5Z{¢.£, hfhizrzke not we -nfqrfi nfPr:s.r£ytery fie»- caxfé they Idolim it, Eat [at power ofgad;’z'm[fls' mm’ pmity vfniarjhip gas [amid ig1I:j,¢znd_ i’Ler(i;2 It ward) the .P':.'Zl'[!4??3.f’)’:’fi‘ be zirm za;tb:'z'r trmfl, mid England ii taitl/94/[iii ,?IIi,y lfiglitingfor Vclieir . (i'o.;;;;i;riy_, ghem noursg, A Kingsiin Chrilkfldoimeei I fnowwi1of¢.cheiz:§_for.:~fighiring aigai;3l‘tVi:',o a fifiU(qE12’{f w.4i';ic¢hi(cli;i~:ilr owng: lore: fa.rliieris_would;i pails uyozah t’ha11§2,; wc1‘e they alhivmftioil.¢:ciiilu;;hfcl¢lgxsnerape ftemmes grow oocooor finch Noble_lloclfli1ould:not4compound, %o_r at leaf’: pay Adoub1;“Exc_ize,A ‘as wAe11AAAf'qr?% Newcraliw %as:1;he¢§AtAhc%r for Rare 9 ‘ # , ibeing equmy huggfall :hém?b“”orh%'AAAgpcAf{¢»t Q A N¢Wrtr§That%¢afiAflafid+-in , ‘but cafe;4fi1Cm of??A::Abo‘t‘?“e AnamAe,rh:g t“ Ahajvéc%ralAents of cfie“ hi;d’e A w ) f®Ar'‘ their gQ~OAJ‘:VV~H1S‘i. v A A V A A V4:h:i‘:AAc3utof7 ;A A “A A‘ Aon,%mi”fpriA have A bAeAcai1~fewr;A[aey Afete the A _ fottpleafute "andpicnty,a7and failingthereof they defert the Caufe, being like them that followed Chriil for loaves. « Sta.te--A rminians, that drcam- ing of an univerfall redemptieon, at firii came flying into the flock, with the wingsof free-ll-will and comtnonigrace, which in this SUE‘)-fi1lfl€Of l receifibeingmelted, A -hlcarm-lilte, they are Falneifrom heaven to‘earth,ro.. V ” ta11y,if' not finally, openingtheir mouths againft the Parliament and At'- t , my~,like hounds upon a flop, having no way elfeto cover their ihame, whofc principles foundcriwith long travell, and they lilsejades tirebe... fore they come to their journ-eyes end. i l V” ' T/9,: Remedy. i ,1 0.Fial1_tnenthefe ought to be brandedin the 1forehead,never to be cont. + V Vfidcd imfuchmurmering {pics that wannngfaith to go tl‘t0I‘(WV-n‘1'tCh,ll'i-6 tleavcut to {er the people in _a mutiny at the skirts of Camm», that their’ Carcaffes may fall in the wxlderneiie, Theie ihould doe well to repent ? (ifpoflible this finne tnaéyl be forgiven them ) and doe their Hell . works. i for falvation will come gfomeiother way to—J3»ghmd_., but they? and their fathers houfe {hallo pet-ifla. V V 7 “ V M V.Now to confidet the People inigenerd/,uI]dcr no other notion then as Englifi man. r Thefe are too little : enfibleof" the gootitheyghave g:u'ned.' Becaufe they have not all theywwould,cherefore they diiihife all they have; V thinking that reformation may bee done in a day ( thonghit was many hycarysiundoing) and Without charge, both which are impoflible, the i 2: found “info when they came out of 34119103,‘ the Samaritan: will ' not letthe woirkgo on {monthly either of the Temple or City, Church” or Commonwealth : thinke you the devill lyes dead in ‘a ditch? nothing lefle, his ftrong oppofition is the hopefullelhatgnment of a happy {ettle-A” A ment, and ‘reformation though the ti mesand meanes too, be both in the l hands» of Goth They~lifien too much to reports ugainii their beftlfriends antlbeleeve them too ealily, not diicerning the times, not the guize of V Y men; whonow being put by otherihifcs, imaiie lies’ their refuge. V ‘.“‘f:“V ~ A V to V ] V‘ T72:Remcd7- i V l ' ,l ’ Beleevesit isthe‘ Lords worke, asonce you did in the dayes of thanlhtonfZipphr}"to_fl;172dfirn%P. "Every ffar‘1*e+rr&»z*6fs l:c%;’h'ni’r:i“ ’ A fianhé,‘ inori Ixxdepexidexxcsg bi1t‘cx#y_;m1p:.che4cb’nhc ,3: becaufe hi‘; '£:1*y;c‘:§ ”dowt§e ‘ 3 “‘*»y':‘;;"’v"% 7' A ' h . ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ * ‘ W V ‘ ‘ 7 }?fO}?6'hV0¥"l%“~h A 5‘?/“eff/:_73:tt Tit’/}o;z'4 hx*c-z2hks*,hh_)' lal7o_uré7zgh,té hfizzg1hehjhupT{:mn'.powchh an ;{72d£’T)'buT cizgi1J]’wbrd;," it!'?ZciEbC’T*C£7Zj0?2422t hrohhrz¢Ie.{ofI1ifc*rctio72 , R72ahT'fInW€£ /.‘9«'§iifali?_y to conquer thofe you cnghht to proteéf." Leihn’ot)'our tnzmzhiliijr hc'rems.; dad 2'32 the“ l)2ifl.a>')' hf this age 35 in fohrn4€r,h wheréjou hrs caffed- ~I'I“T’c'zztlJ.é';‘h-c«9"zIQ: Cifi»21€715';h7}7_€?»;fC?JCf?€ to" the ehzzdglofe 7éat)’ot2r rah-t#mfhd,he iiot‘ an1hitibzu{3li1;g: t',*')f5'gr.gg¢. . AI£a:f£cVVofh}\'a1‘i2£zic{{eh ta 'Ch09fh(I?ZdI1(}h«1l.il0V£'A3 10/Mt ‘lctffyoizi t¢7zc:'oe)'ozzrhj"¢h'1i2e:rh;, VI w‘,‘Jat tifl-HF‘d7ZC£’-Cc1?Z}'O!{b.‘2)::‘1.[}‘2’ the Kiizg rharnezzer kept lag’: wa.rdwih~thh; 1;’): (:01m1§g;1g-_-.f “ wmlth. I Icz’/3:,-u hcrzvne, .16.’.-q')'05'¢T€}?E’7;l‘f foo lczteg whcrzyou are inga;;ed i79fmz’c%.x- 'm'cahlcdiflf;utic5,122a i1C?‘CJ‘”,h:t?‘Z£3'(’:a:z2»i'}‘iu7;"5. F ind him. 2rat‘1n571eyto difilandh t.-’,aghArm ,‘ nor for-per mxforrehhta d:fi?;£ve~the. Fz;rlz'.?z27=smzt 5 7 for than good zzig/mzr; _ team. I 13:01:’ m’irhzz1_‘ ofti:¢flac”our2]=e;2’;’p1e'i:’e}oz¢=he.-czzhzg’2~yhar¢haregprej dice¢1ag,c:hiIz"]’f « E‘-l’)tb'§"l’I-‘If"W}}C?3.')'0I-1'fWfhO7Z_}hx?f»f?£{i0~977Z3;;waif)‘{?fl:“(j£’1751.15’d3’?d}7lI‘m‘C7?5'W?.7i€'b(1YCtb‘hC}"i'~?€7 A fa re‘ti)chmr_{% comzfc//ou~rs, hmufc tf)l;h"~‘3__,7h’c:'e:.tt'fi‘fltz1‘I‘::1‘t.‘2".f. P4’e-afe not _}-mzrfe-lvhesg A to _)'our owrzc ruixw :i2':h1.rlJc 'Kihzgdo2ae:,hC§ourt‘}:oly-hrz’z:tcrmil/fiaon dzjfazp. *1’f jog? were better ¥c.rdi7z'{f‘a‘1j'<4,hflhh jzau wm.’d 1;; hsrggr taughi then to defire hthqKz'7zg1 &m1q?:'g{?)'ou in fi-;~cc!an*29,h!>o:zaur, :z7Zdfl.;fc.‘t)‘_, 7:1z¢cI;hIefl”e um: hzér ow;-z"ht¢'h4rrn5h,ohr;fE;h much to C»CJ1«:?2’f;‘.’?Zc773C£;'"‘T;'.‘»€;a‘/"8'fbflf‘ do 7 L'3'ra:]})chh7zct rnore h.thmjou can }:a!d,?hh~_1eht,N aw « bc,aat.117z‘w2__?oy‘I2z3:r2vice, of repair of their la[]'e:, who }5dz!c?"v‘evhnIurecI théir firm,’ la"{f’théir ”"L{,’%ate::, ‘ho r_2zhth.»:*h hrunt zzrrzd he4thf~rl1é day“ izz a%*tJe17;)*c'::r§”‘hardfirhz*icc- to hmairztain _}'our fi'ee£Io7neI and the ..Kingdomc55 :hhmh2'i-F‘: ~Jwc£1fi'0i7fl th::ir “own” hoines, wivsmand r!3ildmz , “ rvhen x15)’0fl i71f9;Y JW *3‘ Ad” '3 b 55' ~1 whirIe5 W a§3zd)'etI ’£1§’}2)/jotth fzotjour fhzzrc in timhohour a7zdh_{?;;cc*fl’ehof;timw4}§, sz:?mr, do g,‘1fl::dghe‘h than to/u'4r;rg, who for the puhliclgfujfcr not ahlittle5*i72 tlmirff atvnhyhhhprieg me condition. I memzh thhfeoffithcmthatintmd tlacirrirufl more thenh hdcfigmg; whié*h L;.jh2ov:h*ninh72y'hhhdo, and: me dcfnor, eating tvorfc51neat-,m"zhd hizzfa :worfmna7i71£r. th/)e7z~hth;‘z'rhh7)er_y rvantsivehrqwgnti xg gati ham 5*,‘ wI:er,calfl2 m? to preach’ :. feeinnwthoughythey t F Thtyjabound an KI,‘ A 3 flm1@dQ 5% that they £‘qaga:m B.a~tta1les§ «ihou1d%§W be¥%theDc¥i1§eedmmcn mié% his *3’ M f8 fimivfl It ffiiriz: cf m'é ‘Mam’ Twéo/I«}}D 333533 drive :¢i2;?r£:g;g ; ham 3&3 T? t1a.sn :Lar,é:;a Ap9{é1£{5€p.$A»AI Ccr.;g.m my 5t‘£0w¢r:ed%wat a few #6 Cbfiifi, «$3 W $mét@ Qimjqef 929%! 1 reawed» E§m§l%iazsin #9: gym srmxax af t&¢ir P::g;:[}fi, cw:a$ w¢zém\ Lmi:1wt§c,fo.;»%%xvlaicIa :Jge;-gagh:fi ta * \ K § avd%:kare*af aw »as%zo»»«sa»>m&«zzm. % ¢%:»VGad49a«vé%%lamtfqam ?Bs§-Wye af ajéirft figgicbgif Mb ~ slam %uszderfim’ filfiarighraéids wmn4far ;i§,.;>esg3i»v&? am of éw:eri¢«Vi viuégmwars Pm %W4 giffir ésmw iwamfiaceiéx:mara%ar:ier%£¢afidaVA afldméét gwgc a;fl¢:tzgg§xAa5:Wa2Ir» 9;? ..;:y;w» that are%gm5am,cammg»icgte I9%f£’fi66: ‘QM! ‘§5:#”fi9 m.e§mz%an.mfiaaw~mm&:r: Md pr£j;mte Cbxi3?£aun;,: a:%id;‘&c w0}t193;m7 A/Ia» grist: ap§niwg.,%¢ the wer!6”ffi* « ordmfnqd ;G§'£fp@;:;o¥ rm-g.;%%:f:s¢£:le m.eq~:»a ‘. pgéligxe {M114 ;Ck*§£?’9 &b4$§flJ &:;4dy%na¢ canfa«;&6«aas,%é§ri~é4k»‘%wt atwza WT:lw5?.~%§fA4E£~“i?é% ¥Gburr19sr¢ ’IT:M¢ii‘«”0§Wf¢6t:#¢0r% we %€¥£‘1¥§§§¥fi!%”’%F‘§ ?“£?‘“Z‘?3?% \:%%q¥Wt%«§£%a£‘Qf ;iAagm1g2da.m2ah;;A Sal! .1-?§iui§}i Emfi" 4246: cf Refigim, Amt ab@a£%#§?m@%fi£6§ M53 W5 *r 3-§“§:,*"§?@” C brifiinn camm.t«mian,m:d they km»: 720:} WEN’ W 19]» §J€ g &é§:ii{ F913;: ‘% *9 ( 0) téarzéyazot.¢fA;ame3affaizl: m.re;m:me :l;:%n::zxaff»s{.éhwce,;,'z;zr prof. %17)'I‘6’5 mdxéege m,s:m.r, zlmare anger: to tb.w_finmre Tmj/Ra? 9;’ \ lbs‘ urd,% bérne mlfimi dmo%h$3?%fboli/5%jzznglirzgig for yéur Strmam \X?fi2i¢’6 t¢m{.t tafixigh/#752} andpluralitybf opinions, cand»ca«no:: to Takzxerian mm difpzztdtion, WA/with ::(ld_. Dod (W/2a]c %?ucr7‘ mar.-M preview fir /91} praf!rc.<;'l piety) ma} mm: tofpal, made’ km-ttbc xx arfm ‘long time after. And :';m’cm’ at prafiimlhcarted C /9:ri§t‘idn%%% Ia'vc.t i¢0tL :oAbmr Tmzb 53036:? fir that mark»: faiit/J%tia}\c">find,a1rL:a’ tke whale Soul Cavtfiqutrt/f}L IE? Worflgibtst (/96; 1 are ordainedto other-‘ ufr, viz. to be A n~%Iaet-flour :5 our gr.4§€1% ho: to our W:7t.r.. Snob prmcbz'ne zmddrift, comparing}§irituafltlJi2z;;5witbf;5iritzzaIf; amizzot i72cobercm~~' {y«maIQ'7zg it ]}5eal’\wbat[it‘®7zever meam. Tau bwebeen *Ui57or‘fo 0vcrError, therefore let notError at la]? get waary 6ver_you, like the I fi'a_e1it€s that Im- axing; comuered Idolatergwmflvipped tbeir Idalx. cry new Zi«."-err} ofmnfiicnve 10 T fit’ of to nfcience, X am! (0ita£L72‘tA%cf%7?z.1L7fc" i77g_ licentioufiicjf opinion, eye mt bun9l}2i;Maje/F} bimfelfpretcnd:decpbtoit,L fortbe fetmz_g upPrerogatizzeazzdi pifmacy. wb4tSnake may not licébidum’eiftbaLt barb w,:am azrceivfxgrawiz A rmdirz fnfiiozz. lit-ertjafconfciem~ewiz7 lvea:comme‘22,> not guilty at 1%»: 52 and of cxqmzf.-’cr:dit¢ 17’iz2iz2eTrutb‘i: almic; t%be_[ame,Lr»ommfle*xi~ ?i>blié nzztur e, mic; not accarding to mem_judgement:,§ Iftl2cju§dgementof a maybe the rule-ofJGodIurzcrrmg; mu: i: tr;gb,and c_mrLerror, whe- it 10 12 B 22% "1 eL3%% of i not ° If, and f/Iejybcimxia/a’ la, Ami inu‘ific»27fi!sle,muclnjmoreér 13izm2zAa_y,far}*tbc %.é/kfown wil/' 0 ad olvligingj which way oemr if be%revc~a1ed, % % }‘021')€‘t/3cr%'/g*jxa- me, or by :1»:mdgzmgb“M72/e mare, mm A braI1a*nma; cc22z¢mand+ Ed fa bi: fan; ' or a'.“o'iJi’ rza.ture,;z’5i7z :I;em'a2z ofAt/96‘ mo %;zarm-c;:in% one ye-rr: tbs? being tbree fie rfonr inane L Isdy, m>oV, ward zbcmore fo%%rc2/%AIea,m1bindingg Lbmufe former}:v;:%4~*:berefo:re L ‘Arm weLawgzmm tbemaeli-:cs~rbem»eofiigiizgs.mi jimtI:cVmore 0pzm'on*Taug}n not tbe% rule 2mm‘re Of tbs iifbifig it ~772e‘rte%z9~»k Tmtbaf Gadgrznd r-bat F24? 0223:, A'wbic'bive ?m¢fi¥_main~ :4»; to we dédtb A 6 the: in ;A;'¢tomfz22_g% ;zna'rbcr;,‘.-%*¢ J£i1ith%.i%heL’ord5fir.646. 9n‘ziL‘x=*n~d= yefhewayes, ai1fidVJfe'e,a%skfo'1*the gm-,%whcre isthe good way%andwa1k %tl1ercin,and~ fin-all find in your’f9n1-1es..~ 'EX.The‘ A A IX; f The ,Ph,rlitImieveniem ands fafé 93 for t:'JEvfe ia* 7 AAA4A5.%mucbffneed'P;zrliz;men,t and Pat-iaricm‘ in t ,)€‘,1Cpl l_ 7‘£f;If)' L“. i'zzA.t}.>c‘AA% Hgufin, LR id_ : A 3~m£1slt'iplying--gIafl7:, ":a7nd%;a1*e fo gzakizn up with tat1I‘t-4findi11g,‘“tha;i “ : ])ar;Jj'of fi¢per7zu)nera”rjw bufinefl}, fI;mt%ez&fber if 2zo%VtwAojrt}J,y-115%: fi!}7'((’m£f A V cogni:;ange, gr2zc{c¢j1TaAry=i2zl ioiwzz 71amr'é%,to be‘"Tt‘_rzz:2faé'z‘e4cI;,‘AA%;l2 orb” fo r your-”§:_¢fE’,. ‘ repma’tiw2,j a2:dA tAbe,.«6’£'ttefrA dggmclz of greamr mam,r;; A‘mm:}1 prejzzigjccd bj ing- A A ‘ I ,tb€ifA4dmifii;’fMtAf *ih?*?i“I’33?’*°AV*‘£*»A“c'4f WW1“ AW9? ¢’??*'.t:6~ ~Etr‘f fHr“Mo&?¢‘V3hz2ke % &mong.,f£_yburA%%’félve:a d.rm;~l1Witl)in(1(2ore;s=%a,r%;vi1%bout.%_¥4 Lemacb, A/.{;:m— lmrAbk;z2Vg h,3‘:,’Shiirho1Te;;liL;tb’oj2*tbat oug!)”t"%fa Fbc for ‘the %Cgn1mon1we4l:r};%‘m}] ; *«»>=‘¢€.ie€‘i’»b¢m ; A W2 d44v1apvfi~Vev«2?*»~%>¢"éi pr M: bed A ‘AA??MWq’47‘aA:V WW‘) we»; 5w%W~*?1‘WW [Q”’*"!"‘*A’,1‘%".‘v»[A‘«%ri? ‘i¢.’~7;i ,b}rAApfiz “ % ~ "A % A V‘: W 1% §~ 46(- A‘ °A.Ar”.A 3 *A:%Mal§e t}9‘e%L¢ir7mr~i1oréiz:tAe1fi5iAlA1e2z72q,1eJ{Te c¢:ptia£:4,y;42:VVd A ‘%%=;1fW%. £37 in-* éiétifil %%?;3¥1z§xw'ib?}-At 2 3 ‘I5’ ti1cA‘4¢‘,*;n5735&é‘ A V.wfo1%’g2'WfiMv_.r&Amfl~ l.m;A0fz'* g+5a:J;j'-33”}A4déxmhtég?,A‘“M J17“‘%LF‘?*?%:3ag}}:wAAitbée, ” I¢*»v’:=ri?Wa "”-”?“”U9‘ & 77’? 1%! ef 13n§s1#I1t*«hé?r/adna "4é*%Ai’W. A ir»r4ry»pm%v«’3pa%iW?r vf fiwfirwwh.vvxW'AfIrThié.-SW «Fri. or ~viame A f Ix‘ “ ~M A» é * V L ‘q" ‘ “ g ‘ ‘ 4:-:1-baémségdlmfiaifi A I? : ‘r~v~ba~m ‘M’? ‘M ”'-:* *4 ’* A gxfitmgr-*tr4A«y A fivbliék ~n#“p%yr*w¢@:%w~Wv0f‘bz% Ail-M» 4‘*f’w?t&1Jé4av%:. A ¢_ ;.AA»4yr*'«:r=v1”M'=‘~4-r’-'¢g»:A«a+r-I? Aaeflwic-v. ‘ 1 y V % A _ A T A _ Q fl éhw'5’f§':é,’7"’”4"a:h»“r,0;{ 0¢C1&%‘*tm:.°jf5r* u A‘ 4°? W5s‘30m'A4h!44%J%ffii'r A9f;tyb¢*.,'P«fliaW=tAfi¢ A " %"A’?A"“‘”:‘A‘A‘4“7‘*-%’A”%.A_Af;A7?;~:%“3/32;‘%I/mgtiPa(!f.a:?z'£nt$,71:r»m4}jn parz;gm; wahopmfmfa M A Af""'A1-”'A"AA9‘*;“ 773g #A‘atgAw1'r. ;§’§A5At§?Aacr‘ Cazr;€7L*:é=:r~\}?c2zlt7a,;* and.na]”m4h ‘,; 1 éa'A2_A)Ao:¢A i .3 V *_/?'J%x/oaaxd 4/16 -13‘ hadahd/fltgrf, % %P§Ir.1te:am::¢t: Md -{hair “grifiltédgei rm}? gr :4), d{&m>(ajil:.¥:'z‘ we Pmbplc figb; A A "£g4$fi3I5,.«i.7é§}fkp£Z‘iv£%P1*serog.aiti*c¢«t the} gist for dri?rufii*ve\1Privil¢dge:, n*lc:'ol;1 ¢ ‘ 4s::ézls;{]§s.;a*d4 new?‘ -tA_7:MA1A¢t'A-_f:f‘ the V c;‘’»w1.<,2mnt ,; narftlazin 1 527m ».'-fiber“ mfddé; it % fi7'T¢M0:9é% in AA A % :;g:ga(;I7v1ii ijtia,m:.«,-i /',-,€,b¢¢;,, to .a?twfo{m:n§rI{]‘zgl2t1wqrAo‘grir,éanAta»_g£r¢-jmmg ' % ‘P74 5'/ZA§»'¥¢’ P5?/-A f€7,and7t!:eir !pmrti7c;d;;1r :rau.fi§¢l:xawj‘;Jqam‘;%Aa2v:Ar RAA4i:z';Al¢'iA(¢% .41 V a3Apj;[1£r;;.tJ9‘;7:3JQ§yc.;;é7»dt pltxéd fwr Au Nrgstiv:‘_Vojp:, gm] % ~'£ei/71zslttpirsieyigkatiéetifezj tbiz} Clikmaxcau/Efcithtx A/Mama‘,-" A A gdi/7-faftzor thinking tvw[Z‘§a}_2'e zyg.-ll enwg/9 jw étcamfe they arkvf 35:12: Alfixg zlzrcmfl-;~ May me lzimgwloa mow: Qlziveir ficm“%a;Bgow1a1.?A.;Lgg A ‘.é'1A?310A*3!1:I..é£ admini.€'£~rrdwpqnVa fafiemna Fawffi‘ stfa Whale aAIag(3’;r§ %¢t%k*;/aiéagéjey A % jgféswing ufcm,» Panama»: and §:i_fl.r'an,infirad_ag' ;+Iga,<.;~ pf ¢:411r;:g:ma¢+¢f»:naI;s*;4.«s% A ~ pr: m,z.:y$; ~t/Mt“ no Amy»; %“1.dAz7re£%ly ar AA Wrzzwacarezcz/:%s$ezCwstzwgl2¢);; Mtafvarpfifrg to /:13‘ 5:5‘ jmfgcrmcnt 4ndVicanfcw?mre%,=«’or 2/acpuélfqxae gqad and 46- ~*aam3i:ég*rb by trait; a":ad_nA?a¢ a‘g4iu§3.»if5(f2rrg.h5t’5fIy;!fflrid5{iq fléwwygwkicb __ AA A A}t3Af g¢Af&lacaif'm£ I39-rzafim Md Afiaturé) ’tla‘,o*>.¢%tt;j‘z’!«:zL2_'x2~cz<‘flxzm=ra»3*v;,4 prfigtdeégwr ‘L I alz.r}_1bp:~l:Vin, Parliamcmwmd Camnzit%figc:,A4xd%A “lg: itbc Lregd qAmrn%:véfry%i_J?lr1ghg% %~ii1ar1ziAng%z'7éf'oreA% pr2AyerA:,7 ‘5ut~%tA»7fu,fl‘ %mmA. nemx~tbeAngaM, fir+¢bm;,gb}¢'mg;V ; V we fmasrovh‘hwe§Zgye;»i: perhaps fatoxtzkzrs um: .«;§r%.liA M 4 y tgabediflm. % &t;%.31‘A%Atbergfi9r&'£e not cbar»mc’“d$i-mo [(”c';tri;y%:$6y it, t fl%fi'c‘:222di‘At \1‘i:£»1°fz1r1i2:A 1'*I2Mt{tr“fL-:sW¢’!_ahJ7Rtzle:»ofp7bc3£bIing éeing "mzyyew at ;-A for whflrfég1lJ9I»m£ar:y%s(quapcA1ms;Mm£er;’).m&%.4qfikt % 3% A¢5*2:§*7s¢W’ f4ér¥vf#h‘.’&%+4/vmuficvwmd Mfr-5r?fl6’3 d~"P*i%?Wg%**7s*¢%9¢ W Qrjtfafijx C02A?iF)l"aJ§API\78flltI9,i'A4' pk! om A:?A u4gui§1,a;wA1< a ‘i1Av:%fou¢ghr fir rm flow! to j3:¢d7;nat¢'%0p%§2zt£r*/9? yo f % A U mic: éyfair camplMrA;mc:, who do but ;c%a_:r%ya;5 for it, and ;,.§6éabzflE3EntAAA,5pxafilla~nimity flill kt-,«@ag~u;: e mA~»cAh» Atkawghm 7 \A r A AA?t%ro:;ztA.tA war, dame:A$anz1y;pua«£;w%~thej2 Trgaw£tanm}to% Ggdwdkdg V §?§?%‘t}J?"ifP¢ér/£':* AaAlfo7i'» t7:reir H<0mawr:;%..§A*fW 3¢?A¢f%’3%‘-"".31l"AIs54[9*=¢* filzw : ‘ ‘JA V .§'fi#tf5a0n;,_" lefnb Cdmmmzdcrw fA“t‘/9:=%3TC@7eg.j: » 4~'m;;ypzma.~».%;&ogsw. z.»fim~eAu-vm . ?c;z{§ftpa1¢?%ofi4;.fisg “ «A3mg%%¢ Parti.: .&n:,far;5a§?:w'ty_;to“Mk: i%na«ticr wf,“W%d~A6e1% iwgalmmg A’ A % I mrtga wM‘want»tn Win , A M ‘i’5*£r31‘aW“6atb‘*Ar:j:é:zmfiflowfimrxémAt*kafl %ba’rag'e'= A f mzaviii I¢‘“m2v"§A=aI1 A A“ , V ; AA “ A AA 3. A A ‘A “ AA A am‘r-zfitti‘ fim1é’7A irjr&“‘4a%e°*wwra:p»w4 fi -“l2fiIze. %%StuHy;4 all wag} er A A ‘W<' fa? nfirr-rim» as” drfwwfl uS'E:ljF:l:1¢’Ai;i»911‘[A.§3Ar3:a;e mice grgafi, meAA“af;/:eA«m;.;;::.% % “ ~ The AK'ing-1a ' iwing [%1oM_nfg iince Azwvn r%A*¢r‘vAAz~:V’r!‘?'ri3»1 M‘%’3z2: an?» #vm*'»“M ‘#335 We é4tfeé%%f?;if?té’ Mt se9>*A4t€v‘zf WW;/eé? 01’ ‘W2 '-‘W tV’=*~'v51ief?A”i>i*i”» A4v’54r415€/?9??eéAé?~ edb.ochw.A wo:4da'sAa AG,en%tI&%eAm';m , and %%A%11e¥rei*y¢tA :ed::£n1c‘d wt1f1<:*;11~; (‘fOi‘A;AP;;=1 m« * A Mgirtyr -0bfervc5s AT%l1A:1t.at'%V%RdAme its at In 5.1xi*t11:j_ th at? Merchants A {mt jgings agfg £9. ke5ep4 ith eir_W QrdS A§.amL{% Pope1~yA2iiiC§i he “I1zivAe been;-% ]lo ne;A A %~Bi‘cdefé1lb%Ws) h07W‘Ato C¢h&Pmié‘QL1x%V%E11g“1uh CL‘éd3,1lities5 inliiws Pf§p€'13_s A A 1196 calls Godgo Witncffe, &11V0the1f5fiace£‘u'at¢agem ( it:fe%en"1%s heiis not A ;v_ic11efTef;,0 oaths fan dp1:;:>miAfes ) "for not;hi;ng?muPc*bevl:eft: u:m’a;iAd'.orV % Atlllaffaidgalutlfvotlches coxlfcience for %%theA co11tiz1L1i11g of Arch b”ifl1Vops, Bi fl1¢ps‘anc1%th&Ci1* ‘lands, wbecaufc of ‘I; he gm-;at%AACha1*Ate13 and the CLIHEEA %A%AAofA'AA%tl1fe .%fup¢r{’citi0us‘d<5’nprs.AA ' S0 t11ii*t.Ath%e% EccI€fiaf’cica141Apaf*t ‘Q5 ~ *’1VIag72a C]m‘rftaAp1ay n0t:L violated, nor P0piI11E~p*'1fco_paI1 MA13;11ds?aIié;.. 'f"11@1:ed,% ‘EH1;-It”th§ ;:,'1\‘ri11 or fecular par; of it r1myw"'1thout ofFe11cc, % hjsv A Ap4;=_-Joples1iberty,p;'opertVy5am:1 eflates too Fans fcrupIc.F\areChin1ifhy3 %A%in;A~Acon;fci%<:4n:c.¢%5 %tl"1Aa_t ;<:a11dif’cinguifhAW1iAChoAut:2iVditfe1‘ence , ‘whgu-gag-~ A ~ = ~ir1%die¢cl the r%Q"o%t Jogf tlik; ma.-:tAtt¢ArAAg1'oWs% o1Ait of7Athat o1d1'ottAeA1; n*mxi;m¢3 A B?i{h%bp,* ‘no K1n g:A7 A He tI1aAt%ca1i1 Vbrcake711i‘SWO1"%d W11,cx1hec w11‘1‘, A A * A_g61]fcie’I1ccbL1t ofwhat he AW%i¢1I5A;wel111¢ n1aysri1"i11c‘wAri1e, but _ 1A%1}1e*}er.d"étéi‘§rV¢ 1i‘.x¢,A W11 ore na'tureA%iAs :fQ“appar¢nAtIy diI’hgreeix1g ox ; A the CI:lI§i‘C‘:?A3bfilflngmgthA51"€1111t0'- A A A éf41w‘AiAAfhops : Wh ()f£? a1:5A01Ai“t%Aioia he te.I1 s you in This V n'1-cH.a§_;Ae? "A 'fromtI1egIfle of ~W'z'gAbir’,* ?l*1%éA‘can%nOt confcnt to A,% . l1AE£f'aiA1s d0Wz1c‘?:o% the T? 5 U "f14bi1a~f1:l{n.:€“ mm; for fih‘; Vl1av1:1gA1aid :1 fimxc foL1%ndm;’imi of'it~€o %b%ging%% f and cigoes as A1111c1Ae.gt1i1y con*fcnt:o:11ar,% as he C‘1;‘c:ar}y: d7:ff€11t€d“‘ A ui 11% thc:GrQwnV(a.M's iFc%1j1e i1itAe1*éfiA% ofthe Hi 11 g Wcirr: di,v¢1is%Afi*dAm A m " " “ J1" E/4 Ax. W an-d’itAsfi1fety) by}! 1%L*0V;1wgaI’3I'cr£i0n, “tlmugh he A _ c%a1fa;» r[:Le1d1erfpLt¢fTL: %nm1-9; n or r“aifc:“A n1o1>fies% 54: ‘Auaxid 'therAc:"bre‘ ‘czumcit give’ ‘eA K,iI1gdOAIfl€' andA ;:h%e%+i%Ci%ow11c_ A017-A Gdtlrt tobgpx:€fez*red A tfi A l1iggA¢on(7:m;Ato Aalicnace LtAf1+AbAn1A tAhcV%A%CroAW11e5 “A %that*btca%ufé o%’tfj‘%Ai‘A11i5%,A"~-VA A :‘?WL¥1.f’c,~WliicI$1%AhAeI i‘s»sc¢;~e¢ii1~I1$A;t%0 kécp, but 11%4t>%1;%toperfoxi;;i1c.&.;AA ‘féiaib; i thait 1a%eAw:a11 ;u%oAqm4~AcwiAm ffe1f¢;:f‘bLit.Tto‘-: an ?i1iF&1*1 ibie eviAcncc of his imam» ricsnsA I»=W;AAhew.iH@nmAas roAA‘¥wirhF«1fcM~arr *t‘4d~u«iit1fE:SA*fde ané(thevc?o<1§gw to be2{vc1dAcAdA, andth€:1»a~gm1I%’%ix=i*-’~*‘ ;, - %j*1%-?f駧Ei;on$wc§%5f fuc5¢%fbtm:*AsjOv£ A L§fli'3;,ant11:@c°;A¢a%§inmc§f$:FI9%7§r€©f (bordc:r*i_z;g C o‘ns’mi1{’f go‘ ,.asn«'far:n;:r—} y,m:; ‘ "hAo;xA‘1jV,-,"‘ rstf) ywld ‘the x 5‘g}1%A’tA()‘jf" tI1**A£‘.~ e 1' (fby-a:;1yAAa»tx:I1ox‘i%%t:vy '§5{_£:a~ix:edA only, % %' - ; s L ~ L . V? ‘ $9 i»é~i%:vcdts?:b d %iAn£‘g:pe1-Mychm, gm! fiat smr e¢rearm,incm, ouvmoniesxvill % T? _ «*T:1oj;t%jtqkcn :op[n:ive:1r%:c. A§1%&:1iondgoliéL$§%hm: 15- ’p§%fCL:%e¥1j§‘e$5; } sf;11,&wI;crewmi%Ins f % L‘ gird? M N 5:0 the end and ordim;t%ian% 5 ;_;;»Cf§)ii.'x1e, prrzy, %t:1kci:‘o,u:,; ‘icwndlcifc~—*anger» Fnmn rlaemirfat rm % P=°<fi¢= S tr Pzyrhem 4'>~=‘>'°°»1-\ sreacumuvie we!) aciv-(Ed, Lc?m‘i:1ghis ;1LbL:>dLc_-rtLFIz:>?*}‘;e§f%~L ‘£3 he ‘nc.pes eithcif :bd¢sb;md (ma H11 ;1n d ‘2is?7mLuCh1m:c3reL :1 s W I 1 LL L }._jtx’rc3n1 tIi1<* Crowns, yet with t‘1Ix*t;: C::~mfj:Laf ;} he C1?Q$.s%'nr; for proteL&i;Qn ;1 nd t LL ‘ in it gricvms , ‘ :“i1iLr5i1d€:$} )c°rz°1 Lof aharwhichof a.»l17fot; hér 1113?; Iférggité another L i?:iTi1i ma%LLI%%§%gn:ir:tsquay bchsch fe_!::&cd,;a _m L:1Lll?%r!1F;§tjei;?;’ 7i;aJlhe%:-caftLe1‘VLbe 30:1: byfliis , ,:»g~<;xmd €;;1~a; % fo:;hi€¥:y’.m«aKing-crafg. :g_%:r;;1’%:hf‘%er{¥rgti{3 , ' :Lt€tLL:I1CnLLthu5; to tpultL dovsfné " ? }. :;;i::o:: {a }th].c L *‘ y not LR-c%m ings for L T. % L 1;; ;.i?or§is;La%nd%:L%fa§iefires. j, 17:2 L ‘ aswsrcs ntcé ;i%L:(I fI;_1zow%%Lt.7?‘ t baéigflj % H TL LJ:{.:a;§[j/if 1: (221;-T;:%m~ L g2¢r*?E:§‘:}z2tiiéfzu/z aflizzzgy Lo-;;,f‘3:;if % L : Ti*3£?§§ic7JW1l73%:%L%5!‘t%?g%' :£-’;T:‘%"-'71" Tzzf 0}? W11?)/I :0)‘ ¢fJEm%*;}3 ’;? will iw iwrwe c 5’? 1, _ V zzftc:* Lii ;%LL%l;}z9zv:r%§ 1 MR re arm?) 4§%dLiv.’??3*¢u?1*r?fiwsfiI¢li’: 2'¢I¢W£'? 9.?" c M W: :w«g»c to .5zz¢fv.’{c fl &%€5r**t’I:.zr%tj;i2ofi: tbirzgsgrifiir:/1areé/ivt£{i?:L0_H:Erh13}1,;$5$ l}- ’ _ I1 *¢z7?IW0F§?r0¢fl€6cjive;i; rrill22a£5e Vf*0c1i€a*- Howl" I W “W .cvcfl;eptyLa:£rL%wbr;i xiii air/scan, zzor newifyoz¢co:;!d%!zzzue it, tbaezzdw m;‘C*gE%2feafz’2zzt4/a}}Ee31: Ttlge c.;;¢/¢.- "53 A 1 [,3&(;iug,'[ ;z;2dr:a7:d b 63.1f jlmig % I2i;j}'gfi_a:.g‘}*ott ;r%i%;%:cz;?’c:%, c>:t*ert¢;'zze’t§c A [c:’lom,r, L;§ad_¢%d.I*c5(;?%to tbc /énz: f»:5iemIs'. 1:’:-%=rr;%%e cwaiGem 4rcD bcrefi«rc541'evwwfilfi “if ‘M9 §»T:~»:ef1€¥??v;? in W ' W‘, wbrre46“£zc bszrb ¢t¥ri5ufé'! W %I;aomb.* Ea Eorrarrredform go»i?r=LTe's'W%i%‘f?:€€» :; ¢‘z;1;:,;;,z:%,sfi¢mp: iragjgm him if It5-‘G24;im1ac1,m‘z1:ougb var: mtg’? -emam.yctjI:¢ll‘)’ai¢L5;-;;<5fl*cA: ’ Eiifgs‘ £7185? o*9zz.fc2m;.z;ioiz i5»,g2fext6r;_ /9 diff