W % /Yrzgelr H A The Fr O8 122/jeare Charlsa Monarc/9 Z\/Iartyr lz'es.»,.a 1 15272;: Iflngolomex and 13/96 C/mrcioes Sacrifice: His aCro1)272eaanzlSceptergloriom ‘vanity V % Hewavéx, and /9a/Zens‘ to c9\4”ount Calvarie, /J f,,}:;:’:a,§?.:€;\§l.”*' " . V . am.-.a 5 ‘ A I ‘I/I/'/yere ta/iingup M3 Saviour /mfl; /5133 Cr()jfi’, leHia im Crow ~ “ .“’” H m..,.flm, : fin H , wW.!n-uw Ht II} - H. H N. .IlrA1 |“: .. 1 I . I. W /% w. s A n. u ‘ 5//. , T H E ;u E I E c T s s omovv; A g. 0412, e N LAME N T A T I OiN S V pan the Death qffiritainey I 0 3 IA H‘ ‘I’ NAG C:Hfl7{LES, Mofi unju{’c1y- and cruelly put tofleat/of by His; e owne People, before His Royall Palace Wlaite—H41l, A A gfiazmary the 30. 1 6 4 8. V A Exprejféd in at S E R M 0 N upon Lam. 4.. 20- herein the Divine and Royal! Prero ativcs,Perfonal1Virtues,: V" e and Theologicall Graces of His late Majei y are briefly delivered :4 ‘ A % e/INDA » ?TvI1at H 23 was taken awa in Gods» mercy unto~Himfclfc,,A. and for the certaine puni men: of thefe Kingdomes, From the Parallel is clearly proved. 2Cn non. 35.24. Mud all Judah and jerufalem mournedfir Iofiah. A A A % I S-‘AAA! an 57.1. q The rigbteam periiaetla and no man layer}: it to heart, and e merciful! men are taken VI xzzwj, non: confidering that the righteom zk tafin mam} from the em?! to come. I ‘ . ‘ I “ K ‘ ‘ Eufeb. Pamph. vit. Co11Pc.m.L4..c.§'7; *7'urc% fmé bum: Honorem adept»: oft, ut Dci Volzmmtc, quad co mom: fepultum tdmcya apudebae _ mines rcgmzrct. A London, Printed%int11eyeare, 176 4. 9.. LA M E NT. 4..2.0; Thehreath of our Noflrills, the Aneinted of the Lord’ rm./it taken its their pits, A afmham wefaia’, “under heirflmdew nwejbzz/1 em among the Heathen. I Ublique Calamities charge every man with a rate of forrow proportionable unto the tenure of his underfianding, put him upon a ferious Enquiry of the Caufes and 'Coz.f.quences of them, and exaéit from him adiligent ptovifion ofmeanes to hop, or divert them: Calamity, like the flcmd, is now .lifm! up above our Earth, and hath almoli covered the highcsff Hzilx of our temporall felicity 5 could our for- row {well as high as that, the fenfe of our prefent, and impen.. ding miferies would drowne us ; if we fearch into the Cemfei of them, we {hall find thofe in our felves, [:oxtr_/z"hr1e:,] their fad’ fonfiqzeeneey are by fo much, the fuperabounding matter of out i jult feare, by how much they goe beyond our knowledge; nay, . even conjeéicure, and all our power to prevent them : fuch is the inundation of miferies now prevailing over the three King—- domes: Would you fee the hmdofthefe drowning Cammfix ? this Text willmalce the difcovery unto you, The hmz:/.2 of our Nflrily, the Anointed ofrhe Lord was tezhm in their pier,’ of 132/liar,-*1 we /aid,‘ “Under /9155 /hezdaw We /Zuz/I live among the H€».t/93”: ~ « The Words are the groundwork, and foundation, on which i the Prophet flremitzh raifed the whole forrowfull lirué’cure of his L.eme;mm'am, com pofed on the mournfull Obfequies, of the belt ofthe Kings of fmlnh, fofiez/9, (hurried away by a violent and (unto all but hirnfelf) untimely death) made a mourning Ordi- _ immcefor I/heel, and enjoyned as the fignall expreflion of their oygriefi and deep fenfe of the futu re, numerous, and unavoidable .3 L Calaniitieg, l :2 Clara 3 5.2.5. 2 Kings 23. _ ;5,2.6,:».7. L313. lo 6,9 1 A (2) hflalamliciies would by hiszdeath befall them ; mz'.:zh’.r fins having provoked God unto fo ipeedy execution o thofe Judgements fzorrme-rly denounced againft them; that they might nL_')t longer plead thePriviledges of their'Princes piety to reprieve their puv nilhments, God removes this remam unto his jufiice (their good ‘ King from them ; that he might hring upon themthe fier‘cem°j]?2 afhzlv great Wmth,,he plucks downe l‘.h€ll' hedge,amifmce, their de- vout Prince from them, that he might rulh in upon them by un- expefted judgements to deliroy them : there lies not among all. the files -of-facred Records an evidence of fo exemplary and Princely piety, as King fofiah, LzZ@ mm him there mu no King hefore him, that turned to the Lord with all his heart, and with all hzli fora/e, llaz;m’"with~loz[1hz3' might, hcbordihg to all the Law ofMofes, mi- th’It?}" azfiter h’mrzrafl: there :22} lihehim ; yet the {ins of his people drew upon him a violent death acknowledged Worthy of a lon- ‘ ger life; the peoples finnesaput the religious and defcrving Prince they hunt after his prcc,ious.. » y life, and he gall: into their pitr. . i into the toyles of his Perfecuters, He who oodi' the Gap to hinder the my ofihh’ 2)efirojer, that .bulwarl«;e thatliood betwixt them, and theifuriohs batteries of Gods wrath, was now come downe ; jufi: caufe then had the Prophet to feare the {harp aliaults of Gods judgments,ready to-. florrne the"Kingdome of }7mhzh,, and to break out into this dolo-. rous Lamentation, ( as pointing at the fpringand fource of their 4 forrows and calamities ) The hreazth ofwr Nor/lrilgcéva. I-low isthe happinelfe of a Kingdome twilied with the wel-a. fare ofa religious~King P how clofe doth the ruineof a people follow the lofle of a pious Prince? A good Kingpis a Ram pire and fecurity unto his Kingdome, that being flighthd, the delirue eizion thereof is an eafie undertaking undermine thefe their owne fort-i cations, as the people them- w {elves P fazlicer nimihm hamzfifim harint, Suflirientl} happy they hmmv the thing: which helanged aitntoe their welfIzre5 Sufhciently happy, if they were not fo indulirious to make themfelves unhappy ; ?0_/iazh was the heli-of Princes, yet by the afinnesol’ his people, pulh ed into the fatall pits of ‘his Advert-— faries, and his fall proves the utter defiruflion and downfall of the 5 yet who to apt to fap and. I3) l‘ the people thernfdlvesgthis Confiderntion makeethem mourn: for their deceafed King, weep Elegies and lament thus+,‘The hmzth of our Tfliflrils, €§°c. y e i 7 » ._ j_ . - A fpreading and chick Cloud, whence laiiing {homes of tears \ might continually del‘Cr€nd,7'/mt the hréath, ma i y a , The words (riot to torture them) offer unto us two things : Pirit, Gods Letters Patents of the Royal‘Prerogatives, and be: A neficiall privilyedges granted unto King fofiozh, and thatrin thefe 3. eminent and fignificant expreliions: I . He raw the hrmth offheh“ Qfigflrilr. 2'. The Anointed of the Lord. 3. Ofwhom thqjrfizid, vi’:-' dér the /hadow ofhzlr wing: the} [hall live among the Heathen. : Secondly, there is the nulling of thefe Letters Patents of fa--l fihh, He mu taken in their pits, God by a violent. death reverfed, , them. . l The Prophet and people of . 7mhzh well knew the {acted and: royal prerogatives of their deceafed King, yet acknowledge thefe; glorious priviledges taken away by his death for their punilh~ ment. .. The hreath ofour noflril: : an high and emphatique expreflion, borrowed from the chiefe and choiccfl: worke of the Creation, Man,wham when Gudfbrmed out of the draft‘ of the earth ,i he hrem Gen. 2.. 7. third into hh noflril: the hrmth of life, and he hecame at lie/ing finale ;: thus contriving within this trunk of dull and clay the» inimitable hability of his own Deity, and from him is this fignificant and cf. feétive operation ; in an inferior and remilie degree attributed A unto his Vicegerent King fryiah ;that as in the naturall body,life,; and allthc Animal faculties, and principles of Afiion, owe their Originall unto the infufion of Godsbreathxhe Soul; So a Man ;- a Subjeé! confidered in a politique refpeél: , bath the life of his Civil Confiitution from the King; and as the rationall fit-CUltiiCS W planted in the Underftanding, Memory, and Will, are from the j Soule : fo the religious aflions of men referre their growth unto Rom. 13.4-' A the Prince: in which refpefis 15 it, that the King is tearrned, mvtgyag, the L2/Iimlfiar bfGod : an Augult denomination, implyu C““fl“‘l’~E°“‘7-*5 ing him the chief Officer for the exertife offacredl Jurifdiéition, great in regard both of the Authour thereof, God, and the end in thereof Mans good. i This royall Jurifdiétion confiiiing in the le-. gillative, and iexecutive power of Kings, to make and execute a B 2 Lawes, 2 14‘ I7. ; sgm. 2.1. 17- (4) . ; d’ , . - fmcn as well m the outwar . lanng the aéhons 0 A Lawes, 501' T55“ ' ' ‘ l A fation- thacas“ V T - A aslm cxvllconvcr ' ,3 and religious \!l‘V;3§g;.:§’td?:eC:(ECi’Orpo;a11 mntizm, and ranonall 4-, the Soul: 1st r . . l A ‘hich the Kin is the , A dzvz/we and lmmamt (of“’ gm”, (0 the Lawc: o - A - c ll ciwilan religi-* he éegzrmmg and mile of a Proper Cgfloj) are t M . - ‘ T {o the ' the llfd of Amherst)’, ’ om “mom gfatllld as trh]'jeé‘tisl: Wleezre not (whatever phantallique menmay prtfume) {ofpiritualli11~this life ,“ but that wee (land in need of outward‘ repre:'entati—ons to carry on our faith and hope JJHEO ‘ things fpirituall, the greateli favours unto lapfecl mankind are benefit of Chrills fufleriligs unto 115»-:.[h6 fuollimated en:l«m'e?ta.- phyf-icall Profeffouts of A our times endeavour too irreverentea..l elofe wi ch Almighty God, they will have no King but Chrili l,l no # Vls.I/Inéiriolxahutgthac Oftlie Spi_rit,whic.‘.-1 is not that lobe»: and p€aCC- _ ;, 2 able -S'p.z'rit.t/94¢ Imdttb into alletmtbi, but theSpirit.ol’ giddincfl} ; “"43 "'1 Elilm’: Sapiritxhe Spirit of their belly which leadech into ‘ alll.e1:- lthet.tS'acraments , where the_xfilible and corporeall Elements. are e the mzanes to convey l’)«y.’..hal.Cl1 fptrttuall grace: and -«the whole ~ ~ rout, tCarmllinne.rellsAtc0tnlitaining them to {bake off Gods Go- . vernmenrin Princes; toeffefi wl1f[ch,ptl1e mol-‘t compendious J wayig’ £Olttl'I!fl0"W‘e~a'll’C~$1‘¢m031Y;VVhiCh isuntq liPli3i0n»’.%51h= Seaboard unto jthe Sworclto prgeferveicllfromthclruli V ntcmg t, €rmt.F.rm{i.* , p e p t p Man-l.xz.c.x I of. sKinlg,“oE.l?riei1i,l of Prophet, iofsfl butch es, of Tythes,fi'and C*':a$«“i5wi9:t;x1x1;‘g'#fl.l"1¢‘ ib€&ks+)‘;Thel,n”lic.;ed regards to lV'n~5~iion.. . re «s betwixt thetnmtd their fact-ilegious ends, they mufi be~rcrno--~ E5‘°d“9l?‘l3-’ :5»-,1%m2t»‘.t and'treun:thle;~hazla.td if? not -Oftemparaulflamecs» ye: certainely (withouthearty repentance) of the E”*verlgaPcing hur— ~ Hing: _-7I7hell7el';‘m‘e::1whowill bfi f0lc1y~~fW‘ayed by the-guidanceof then.-fson/ne fpirit, ( which beiin as v_a1rious.as the fcverall [Cmo pets of the Continents it mha . ts) will make Rel; ion full nonfun- certaintilesp, meerlyimaginaryendilwlhollyldepmx ‘fig UPON the’ doubtlinll Infuliiciienttics oflnmens Wealte Con,ceptimns»lt. £0 wheat; ‘T A" ~.n7r::l mks of wands mull be {etc unto them, they willup fun: + hereby the eflientiall tfuths of Religion mulijneeds daily pdepcayw . the fubli ~’c1I:1.s“'.'-'C]tll-4:1‘ t~o‘lT.‘be xecluéced into the fmoake of every mans » , unbounded ..Tribcs, that the} refi_/fed the K zng-‘dame’ of G’ ad in ' verfion of-» them ( no memory of A aith he)!/mt they moved agaiq/f Rehoboam, cflaél1{l.g';2g,’,o;J,- Sn». ' ptice his life ai f o igh a rate, 1;; and neere relation betwixt tlxcmj, ' :1 on I: all the members ; So tlle calamity :mc1’[ tixfflex-ixgs‘ of’ -..tl'1ey‘f>1'o1‘Bi-{Cd unto tl’ft1nleTVe‘$ a (H) mbgunckd Fancy ; and the Chriflianl filth “J11 d,ie-"bye Butllnétion puts Gods Dominion into the Kings hands, ‘that mull notberefified ; for it is the refitting of God hiznfelfel : It; is the very language of the Holy Gholt unto the ten tevoltcd _ A of t/re S awe: of ‘David _- anti fafép/om aflfiines tlus the Czlule of the fab- l t tin being left) 7%? fe=c&rz'o;2 o';,,mtfor their King, was (/3: origimzllfaf %t/9:17‘ _. ,1 was at moi} wxcked and xdolatrous Prmce, yet God puxiiflied V the —Trea1on of his Servants againfl him, lyecaufe he was Glad: A 710132; toad ,- Many {acted regards are by Hnlétion conveyed {tom unto Princes: great caufc then had the: Prophet and people offe- A. dam to lament the death of their good King fafuz/9, ‘II /ye’ A;¢w‘:atcd Qft/as Lord‘, T/Mt I15 mu fill."/A072 ikzrleo I/9e“irp1t..r. m 3. Ofwlaom We fa2*z'd,V72der flaeflmdozv’ of/1:3’ aarimgi we Tf/9,1/I live‘ dmang t/ae H eatben ,- Kihg _'7'ofz22/a‘his1'cga'll prcrog.;itives Iliad per- fonall vcrtues were a proteéfion to his people , hee was the foeumaine of their lil)'C’1‘ty and‘ Ctfcty : The happxneflé of Sttlajefls ilepcnds upo11"tl1c‘wel-beingof tlleir Kings, and the prefervatiofi of the Regall aignity is a: flute pledge of Gods goodxuefle, a11d*I:l’1e . -continuance of his fa vour unto a people ; for -tl1i$ cau{e.is ‘it that whentlzlc Apof’c'e had exhortccl tl'lz1t])7’%1}’67”.[]79o'!»z/($1 15¢-‘ fiazzde for all men, *1 Tim;2. I . aschough this precept were too xzniycriézll," hoe 1=educcth"it,ov. zamro K ing:, and addsttlac realm‘, tbgt gr: t’ lead * A quiet mzdpmceaéle lzfig and for the 1E1'me cattle did‘ the I’tophe‘t 2 Cl1I‘0RLI3£'32 Arz1iq.l.9.1~.I4L~ I 2. Kings 2 I . 23‘,?-'-(:. Command the Iltaelitess to prayfor the Kmg of Ba5]lu;:, “c-‘;bI»;—‘: Iemy. cb22ta'iz;rz;='..ttr ,- This confideration alfo mzide Dozvidrll ‘Sub j‘¢f._f1"§: tap; :»j'o,z“x§a;a2 I./;_;t)’ /rfe wart/2 l”6’/7'1"/Jtéiti/:?;!‘1tf 3 51""-3'3-3-V of mm‘ ? The Kingis the Heud.llleoFtlf5‘eo»‘[5le, gthetc is’ lat i';1credW‘‘5‘‘‘‘’-'’5 17' V ; ‘i W or pttine in the l~l(:*tr1flant reccipcTforIc:r.rned and pious prclats, whom he_en:cr- V t;aiTmfid and ciheriflied a‘-‘ the Srarvants o_F t_h;: grca %od,,:md Di/pew 'm’ 1'7"‘ “' fer: bf tbé myfterimaxad means ofgr-44¢;,;;:.;wdhich,a§*?t was an fifp(:‘Ci*.- zillgand Vin%Fallib1e%markA¢ of thc fincerhcyéof,his:h%umbIeApir:ty,;, fin, ' ;IfhI'@l‘.ghV fapcrciliousdifreligioxit of” flf1t:sLih;! h‘.Z.V~if moi’: endeared tum Lmm Ch%ri{}ians)dmw n%::g1¢:,¢..*"c%a11d qon:¢_zm7tAupo11 Imn, from chcam (and Athofc Great ones cmlwlm the minim, Ldidthac %(which V ‘love nothwixagof Ctm'I’cianiry but thc naked name :. Hz? Icncwtlmt % (Zh%ur; h~m‘ain»rcnance was%thebefi%NL11'fé of Religion , §1ndWlCIj)(;‘1”e$ V [fore nqw¢igh9%;~:ofdiffiaillciés ,;Q'Oim1“.d’ f®pxefTg4»upw®x1V%;; 1 4"‘f%~ta11m ‘fiodsnmvvs %%t*h¢%MA%-Wiwvvmfifi as 4 ’ ' I A ‘ » ;gW.me which .i fmm the?facri1<:ggousmwfion% 0? '1'hc)!v<:'rs «2i!*'wthef‘¢2 troubleas “I V(%wh%VoV%:hqughc the ~be1,'t way tcuflmkwe ‘mi? A»Gm/crnmem: was;Artodee- may Rc:l3zg1on,%aIad‘the mofl eflcxftual and quick c0u;r%f-no deflroy j1fu_::1a~gim,,t%o 1;«akeaw:a_y Cl1urch~maintemncc,);Hc t:cndA%m~d§m¢jAfaic . . “A That greacm 79¢ am[,WW1dflmWfl£.flfl¢A0%:'fih¢ Vafltlflfifthri ;%*4:airn%hcts><§km kccpw.clmThrarm A ‘ , h‘ “" "V" 'w‘v' fa“ *"" ‘N ‘ " . u. u " . . _ ‘ . %;df>111~e of (sod Ala; hx«sVS_eulVe msconfcxencc)4znvzo1ablm,fl-newsthat 4 ra£;h0_ughxIA1ce%,&ma»d¢ has .3.b‘o‘de among men, ycthisacanvarfarian M; Wwas1nrHeav‘er1‘*“:A The conunualla%cknAovw1edg¢d mic V {sized wich,f'or cqndfcming (agaiWnPc the dié’catcfo-£h~is mmwcimfme) « mi-12:0 the Eagle of Jjtraflfardx §;h':a»th,¢ {pea ks angry A * 1 feiTed‘*‘W£7i‘thn'aArr0vv A A A regards of lafliri and ctegnall intereflés fo‘}tl1atAofAaI1AtHe C%h;%rfi3- {’cian*~Kingsof‘rh“1sIflc,AAA Hcmay be pofitively {aid tlje pm]; Cbjfié though it be fairly n1eafi1red out unto us 1'72 Hit “A A inrafizifc Whcrcofgis the fupreame ciE§ of ocCt1rrenAts;a.tid%With a fing11‘Ta1£frovid5nCe ox»orabIe%$adworr1ug1~or*ro%gArea£ :aT‘C~bri/+2a*r2AA4i?AA ?”’iI1?,%7rit)*. ;?and?~~d»Mdn after G0df%owr2e bmrt, inch’%Wér¢Athe'iténder imprdfi‘. (ms tI1at%~A& cverlefc in Him, as Davxd wiser: bee cutofi’ we :I§z’r:ir4 pf Sauls g:trme71tAA, bi: bear: fhzate biah, gnd indeed HisAMajcfl:y fbuénd "that fat: which the Rabl'>1nes aflxgtae unto David: ffiafi, that‘h‘eAtf011nd no ‘lJeatiA”f1‘“ his cloatlms aftc1'waxrds‘A3 So His Mae jefiy fomi”d n%OAtAAAAAAtAhat%¢co%mFarting wezm1th%ix1Tthe advifcs of 0.. % tl1crs,wl1i‘cl1 he did in thefolid Conncels of t11at»cvér “to be‘ho'- nored Earle; How many itlvincible A1'gum’l3eAA’riACl)e.r0f%H%i:Ag17zAceI,“arld A ‘t%he%abfoIute and cq,n_1 feat c01%1te11tat*i4on (Sf pz"et}%fhirA1‘e% fdrthin ..all H54 Speeclm mzci ;'4'§7io7::? as that hzfifi great Patroxxof Chri- fiianity, Co2zfiantizze1I)%c7Cr‘rc;zt', wculd%ha%vc l1is%Efiigie:AA1{22eelixg ezzgrazrm 'o7z.bz2r Cz_ry22e,$%%%witI) b23J’}Jc3'72C1J' ffrcazig c-:7zLHJ.ir€_'}*€3:¢Adve1rzced toward: Heaven. the pofhlrc ofzm humble IuAppl%ia11t%a”t; the *Tbro7¢e 770]’ Grace 3 f0 did our late n1oAI{rc1igicwA11s”I{I ANG %wdefirc4tI1atAiA unto .that His Golcfmj Manuw miAgbt*bé~e prefixed H;i:'?%tI£eprefr3A72Atatiorz5 _vb\ncelir2g« , contevming at sz'empmy _., Izaldirzg cur“ £t\flZ*d AAS4zAiau1*: % Crown: ‘sf T}Jm‘nc:A ”, M and A A A afigirjwghunto an Eternal! Crown: afAI§;z};pi— zzefle 57 W%h4iC%h Aclcarcs » ,+%“;mfiHi$larg¢ SouIAAeAwa9nAbtA emp0raA1AlAAc0n fidéxmiota s,’ f but wiAAtAh‘&"t%heA jfizm. 7% % AA A . From his piety let us‘ pa.H72 over unto” Hz}: A pmdcAnce,_AWhichA rcfat piety; (the IAY ¢011Afi3%re33A' éiA*S'iAAi5*3S%%fi5A1va5it fa good und«crfl:z1nding) ctmora difing ‘ed W?“ 4 we wads; AVW*?,I0;W"€i‘ Ail‘! A ‘”j}éé1i‘e§ ‘;+eLp“za»..é V ' ration Eofitibn o£c11:ng;+5c3m%4*atcainAéjunco M A A *1‘, \“, § 1"? 57‘ ti1Vc*A'A£§’fiLz12A2A‘AY§17’4AL1, “I:+IéA'gziifiiE'*ci‘A”‘iri§A Ah iSAAAj5A*AAox1n _ A ” , D 2 V rprtldeficc; cvidmee me‘ "in bumam-9* afiflcirer J Ail»! m1ére%dfule:Vbf%re£éflm,V WE‘ fliall fihd ’ A His Maiefty nobly accomp1ifl1eCI'WitAh :z;zr“vemze; fi1r'ri';{1’i A A “among m«emoryo‘fthinV1gspafl, wifh a Afm:md jt1c”1AA their ArcferAcI"1cAA¢ and“ rclatlon‘ ungothinAg§:p¢¢;*:fant,*j % A f andAAq11 ickapp r eAHé1é1fion to’ dif¢é1¥fiAth¢4 A of5e1*ati?;ixisw4%A‘* dAA¢fiAd I Kings 1.1. I “.7 m.!.4.c.I 5. Eufeb. vic. Cmljf. V fmoxfne {ervant 4 unto tizttion of al?fc:ber',;g}ave,«.*wife Prince; w1l1ichlw'rll Fully. l:*‘C% \ v nt _1Atten.=da:nt,v «and l A 4 his" princclyprudcnce) but withwondczt Jrcflc flit upon His Kingly Eloquencc,H'is flowming and (as Tacimr fgeakls or Augufftgt) King-.becomminVg Il:iIe,{wcct, pure,accuratc, pm?‘ icutmsl,gr:WcAlfu,1ll of copious-facility, and clcgam felicity? wit 3‘ hhf t attitum; orftltvil élandforlccd,in1itatiomfow that had Hetnotlbme mama]! diffiéultics in plconuutiatioh, He would have been” fipproved the bell Orator, -and pcrfcéh Mafia: »afLanguage (as he was ofRc1fon).;:that~.ci‘Icr Brimimyctbrcd; ‘ ' butlwholcvnrwitth more juclgcyrncm: bath ought thoffiihitngs that were to Bclfpoktn ? )4 or Wha lever fitted his thoughts l A with alflmom handfonacl and cleane apparell Of:fMch,._alT§» 5 ' ‘ 4 turity Qf. Weighcd.word»s ? This» Age £h:wcsnM~l»*fimm»lll " ' . J W A ( 1" ) ' . tmkeup I-1;isPi*incc:Iy 1:3ennc,'His flile may Wcflbe the objt&"'0“f" V mens yviihes.-, never ot their imitation, A ‘ ' ‘ . A 1 Thié HisPrincely..prudéntcereceivesIikcwifcfimzhcr AAilIL1{h¥;p.. A A tionsfwm btixiutviicte, in the free and equal} adminifiration there- AA oftrnmwihtthall , fame finwcption-s~and co1:mptiA0ns in parcicularAAOF- Aficers 0=fStatc§;, taswtheyt are not to bc.hdqfended,. fo(.whiIi’c men 4.7;; arc men») they ‘Wi11h.havdly bchAAavoidedf.: but ch: fwc.ec1nAflumcg Maje[tie:A»tjuftice upmzall appears, in that peaccolf His King.-W \omesA,- thefcrenttity 0f_'His» People, the tranquility oFtPublicke affitircs, the hincreafe ofTrade,_ that growing rithesof I-IisMhSubA. icfls, :cu1d1hcAL1x1tivc:rfsi1I hap.pincITc of his Government ggthcltr :_ A three.AI€.ingdon1cs hbeh1gA- thrice hagpy ul_1w£i'11-.thE Helm: of Gov- jA, %ve1=n~ment- was Wreftcd out—*of HisA-{acted hands; and now Wee feefincc thefe Stateaexlnpcnickes have prafiifed upon the, body politick,wAithTwhat firong cOnvll1I.i0n‘S‘ a.ndAmorra1IAnia1adies it A is affcéicdt : Themofi experienced.P‘hiIi,ci;m.t1ndhcIrA H%ctaven,h,and He oncly whqacotxld have cu red Erzgland from the dhifeafes ofher A diflempenghwithottxr. opening her vc':ines,wi,—.s takerfaway froni her; _ _ »1he iiheast now in the hands of ycaunygz and def pc1*atc.Pra«§titfcmers'5 §Aih1 witis to: be: feared. unleffe ~PfCYCfl'£_thCVi\,.%l7 violcjnt aulmAiJniPtAra- gyh -tiAons and AcoI,‘r0fivc* hhlzsiotnsAyWJ.thf¢A.AA A &"\.*'jb\f¢'We hflihsgtteattt teténperauctcwhiis ~¢x¢mpIary,cbdfl,£9' 7 athwcrtupi inA>=a Prince; haf {ga&ive; firmfiehathcqnflittgtmnDfdttffarrc fife ft‘: hunclcaneffcgitzhhat it; fin6dt~P&1ri,&~y; {rm $11 111%- ~ A Ax firs ;;‘>‘ we" ahcwhgeflcumr .fpe¢cht= 4,336+ A ~ mohlmcon A, anA1m1vh.hAA;tA '\ ‘y A _ 3,, A é * aA&i’on,m,t ’ilf§éfrF:;“¥1C0 V " florcd them L1m:< ~uhc®hmrch*,comeivi+m 4 AaeknoWl~ed~g*e!: A ’ (224) ~:z:&iox),’o'and his fobricty in dz-ixikin g(__w!1oom the Sumner all the .‘:3-‘oxxos L:~{I.A11_£11 ever fawooovercomc or difguifed by oingm*gita4tioArxs oof1}rc.«ngLiqL1ors ) made him unconquera blow by :.Wine or W0- A His divine clemency ‘cvenhu the: heat‘ and cr”ucI~ty of¢«h¢;b1oody ~ rage ofhis Advc1*l‘a;:‘ics~,»~~isacohtcmplation will raife usoupunto the vcryo top of adomiratiomwhofe lifcfiafitr they had btxtchcred his~7dcaor¢fi“anodo‘ nearreozfio+8:cwaontAs)§ did he take aw ayar? 11 ow‘ many o%t’I1ois]';mo{t; a,&iv¢%an;‘d A regfvcd Enemi as ~ infh power, did %'5hc?c difniififc wi;mAoo¢., :-SAavioursj;;%aveAaunto t1he~bli]nd, man, Sinneona more 2 His Majcflyin this odiivine clcmency( which yet fomc in- « terprctcd : 4 crue11yt'o~oHimfeZfc. o(ior1a;itating= Itbg F4tbcroAof"mercie:,who .makct_h~tI1e Sun of I25: favour ocqually t0 thine o11:~the“]u'fio and um- jufl, being (0 foarretfiona prooctlringor defiringthcodeath of his Enemies, AC L1‘I]to"Wfhi‘Ch'rh: A wAaintedAA_Ano inciting animofitiooes from others) thato~:hc‘o:fcen wiIhcd*;thoat7bee could recazmftlnafe that were already dead» A A T ‘ % _ » s % Nei ch er ‘:21 mt here "Wanting egregiousl”Monuments ofohiaomin ga- Iy mm2z‘ficenceAaazdéliberxzligroogothrfirgreaot Aacquifitionsooof hisxSer~ van ts under him {haw it,frbn1 many of whom ntwoithfianding he I-iadothc: unhappy retumesoofingratitudc, dcfcxrtio1o1,and«dii3~ loyaAlcy..~ J A A o A “ V A 1 A A A A Andkas.u.n¢€o0ooooo:o4h:i£*own Servants h?e°vvas omounificent, fo efpeci-» aI1y—u11wthofewhowocre fetapartfortbe flsrvicaof Gad,o*ow;%o (With tho17z:religious olfiingos,I:Iemkia}J,‘i?a4*ab ” ‘ en.mu;r§1gcdAo A ceflors ,“ unto tluem, tdré oveowv A hi*?”i1ot'.‘ fthc ham 3 ofTat:ri-‘- legions perfons, he ufed many pious indcavors, and coompoourné dedocompenfatzions which could only have inotrenohed upon hi}: v his“»oWncpmfito?A; Ywhcn foimcr G1*ants from othu-oGrWnéooF A Jo‘?/I) alowayagreaoi ~I mIoproop;x'ia..m,&;oiwLAoo yeawdct¢rmLinmd ; “ 3 Wis; bufi an;d~Amofl*royaI1 right toothe Goodwofwo othoetsfllhmfchzfiwhmoh hc?Wa9“’5 omemoarc by the~LaWes;o%ftI1oco Pnaialfmfi invéfifidof) to beomhac c&?"£ ~=+1*‘v ” A " ogmr and Difpnimonoéoo ‘4 Emd fmm A .PrimA:a1"y o%ooom%m‘n'iF ‘owithmll othoodév AA «mxhmbaoevmammcy~ma;y,-1%,}; ~ as Q. A wha;v~cAA ta? T 'w¥¥mmui?cu:1atrmnoocmiomigeo A = - -,TI§1?».fiflrov1ovfg¢F~’a?4ii6‘f qf we eflbumfig “ * ' ' ,.pV"' my proofeflion «. I” mmAoo—m » X 5 ‘‘ A;.5e—;:1_-.—% I C233“ ~ . 0 way to i'uppQrt‘tl1”‘at.i' was by Church nzaintcnance-i: folnihvat b'y" his bounty, the ChlJ!'Ch(;’Sin the zlmfe Kingd0n1cs~iWCI‘:Iifttidl up out of; the mire of’ concamipxiiblie ipovr:r:;yA;,i A andiClerg;~mcn% of‘ _n0t'€d piety and grcitcli abilities of learning, daily incrczm-dig : Io ‘ t«hac.fc;:»::it-iixg alidéfonitefew, eicherilliteratc,»wan4driz:gi, gzock-» bra1n°djdifconitcnced or ‘l1l.1COI1{Cl0l"l3bi€ Lcvites, who «were Lin \ the great rcfl-rwof the faeriilegiousand rebe1.lim2.s .]croEa4~mx“o€,i ' our time i(ico,{ccurc t:'h_ofe twq Calves of :heirMGovi:rtiment and Wolrflmxpi which Vtlagey foughtflor) no Kingdomes (1l'~I:hc World : ware befflltlfifid Aw«itiil.x,l"omany:L{gb¢:of41rarning 'a'ndpjat as Tthelé F I l 'Kingdomc:s., i A i A i " A i ll Obferve the divine gracesof this glorious King, the unmiafve-V able liability of his faith, afirme Rockc ; which n<')i._Pcorim-‘s of popular rage, orifwldlingfurges ofit.he1nultituide’. noriall the piroucl«billowes»of hisi~inf.3l,ting Adverfarics, _could alter or un- A ifcttlc in his pious purpofe t0r‘pr¢[¢rV¢'£hey Rrcaitellzant Religion i and th Laws of this Realme :.bow great was:ithcMintcncion ofhis ~ f;a.c1'c:d7laap:?lat1d of what exceediriglatitudewas his €kfl?it]‘,=W.h_lCh ; included i and enclofed his Herod’: and moliimortall Encmiés : B_iiui,i:,i;hici li,veiyf.caicures, iamifairelixaeaimcnts ifimcfifi anii vir-- tmzisieiara ffbsiiand inor¢n1,arge1y?iidimwneiounlby A ahié «owAne_1fenci1l, . H29: warlgexipmtz/E: /aim—img:be Gaze, his writings préfcnt If1§l;lthCi* heavenlypiourcara.li&urei.axFhis dii~v%_imi,i.iliarige, andilgrifping Sbfilifia : i ti-mfe» ( whale tii;eiy»ar=c wamingi in rvaluime, necunipencing all hun-i dijcd foldiin worth) are the Repmoryiofiallihisi A&ionsi.aI1d~ ch¢ zr zrueamex oFhis,vittL1es.: that Book isthe qiiintcffence ofknow-j i»1lZh‘i3'ir{Ci¥rf¢“i10L1f&‘3 of the ripe and choic.e.fruiiis.pfC;liizi~; flian pietiy, chive wine-meprinciplersuf ~=Rielliigio1i.perfe6tly dig.c:Iicd,fi- inmiholiyl prafiicc :] 'it~he_V.tr;Je.\\fPtflflCe%y,1.'I.n1agEof 9 Iiing ; icimg;-. that Goild4':z~/lddnuafl, beVing.»a»fi:—atelylbuilding oifiMed%itia-:¢,~i nuns, Cizinliilicanims,;EII"hyes, Debmg, and Deyocions , raifediia upo :1 emiqrgenc occa-lions, ivinhlfuch Jwiciious Aarci.{ici:i ia:ig{ré}0éai i adiamcd with (0 rich ifurniiuurcisijof »iw;i°t%tY‘,l iiéinlaigcsdi iwithiifq many} A fioiimgomesandcpnvenncntreceipifsfor gmacg i'tihim;~it liliews liiis-an V Bbifl“VW[‘.‘,:.l'.' gas ‘the.;T§mpl:“flfitbe.Hal] ‘iG'i-bafiu thercwasno i \ cornex*0t;~mcu«tyanhisgrcaciandl«glorious SW13; - ubl: "f (wizlwui the» hcjiighit ofzm%;i.Hyp:réale«)«i_ v i Welhwvc oE_ .:hislw.1yi_1{i~mgs ii ,w(2a,>]:@"A:ar,bufl;i. ii idanrly, ,i De 'vIt.Co.‘Ifi. R-1 -CJ. V .72. Sam.16.9. H. P. . »1fa.AI4.I'8,19, and mo. % .A<€ts I 3. 10.; <54 .__‘ Y (2:49 . .tiant13z_gr»c4-paired in thhcloffe or Solomon: phyficks, For her: ism {hop ffi h of heavenly’n1cdicines‘forya!°l the “maladies of the foxjjle 5 romm; jthejn is At:l1éi”x*7 fin“thagrcater, gwhofe nmaficcz defisr hédAA11‘s~(Jf;\thoAffie other lacerpicccs hofflismawjcfiy. VVhat a “ca _ hAWehhAa‘vehiéfiithe great:ePc* moiaummtbf pietghpf an Ki7zg:;§h(21ftcr A I * 4(}ddAh, ashh‘bei‘n,,i be Pewimhen of hb*z'4Aow7ze diflme difiates) ilinA~Acc; the Chréation Vanhd A all have~hcontinua;lLand tmjwearied trmrclls madé.,11Anto it inlall fanguageshand KingdofmA¢:,?hAby al{Men.¢md 1%- men,AwhoAknow,hIo-ue, "d7henour,hhpiety",prudélwa amid” divinhe and morgllgracexarzd virtueg A%cVf*cf*ry of whiCl1l1at~hits1Iv:vera1;lAat--” ch‘iv"(-:*me11t and particuld Trophy ereéfcdinfi)ia*hhmze"jtvorl§e,Whichh Wi1hlhb€‘a5‘lva.ngAliv€dM Tim _” A AA “ V AA ‘I conclude :AhthhisA*fhort anhd gehcrall f'urvéy?‘afHkhMajeI?iew‘ pcrforzgillhzfirtuas Cworthyhofiajuff V alumna? and ehxfchcccfi in g the 11»- mics afha Sehnon) with that‘EuIdgy and Honour of , Praiifc gi-— vcn huuhtohCcnflantinehtlJe Great Aby*AAEufebim beh;Aw2z¢:A;:mhoA;fl dew “mzta God and prapofédbim «great anA4he,~m11¢n:example ‘pf mzbaly and reiigiowlife .hllhmen:AimitWo11!4h- A The nxemory of 13:2; pie’ty“ahndhglo1*ious reputatianhof Ahbidr hwifilmr hf5dH[7€‘_f07'€‘Zl‘£’T gracious , and whatever Dog: bark: againfl z‘; , 31.. wayeshrem*aine¢a,fixeddndfbining Star the greateflhmagnimdehhin 11:: firmam¢nhth’hdf*Ho2ibur. And thou cam all Prophct wl1o*‘walkc3i lay tbeliglh of A wine awnhqyexh , and callefl A tby darl:Meet; the: know“, h.affliCcions arefirh Tryallm and A hthti A “ addmam $1.3;Why;-hw;~:¢1;;Asbecmne auhth¢11AAriCkéhAAfromAh» “ K Stern P;g{t‘r):_.»-- 2;‘ r.¢»=, _ - I “,3: * foimpedc and troubIc.yVou¢r Counfcgs; ( am zzawiazzx éfihgrézce endglav-Matag¢da=:Gabs1Idm§~4%an¢L ,§I3mfi>re?th¢ chiet¢%.mari£s:;9"f,Gqds,Afavour;:f,As4ounmxcioégdfiiag gsilzaarésss. ywho,wasva1fQ' {fly/WWW}: the 12?:/étdvomcw ‘xn.:§i9si$ft8¢£@}' unto” him»; which thou.cvmtA1';o.11,mt:o\the::'Iham¢ a»n?d»coI3ft1fio.x,I pAf,t1.?YA% dfar;e.',(;.%.a1£hough. than Iraqi} 1a;ardt%¢dw~it:%):fl1a&4! f<£<2.i,q n1g;;%a p- pfoachirng day Qf Eqwglm1d$V€§1?l&fP.§FYs:W*§i§11.'i¥3 8!’ S%%"€%¥:R%T.fi 1:9 cL1m;d.%and;* h‘.3&'.Q€.dH ghyx g:t1?AY‘-’?¢”":’IffM1-’ Wfiiflfézi is 'th@I§:«¢n§¢d£1,;n9:£ ‘'10 have giventhat Scripture fuch aVv:o1entrIh*etch afa FQ£:fifCi.H€it*21;s to%makc i:t/Wachifrom 9/fJT)‘ri.« unto. 6’ land, 4~toV:%‘tra»vaiIe;;f@ farrfifof 3 reafon W19} 4J'WJ’A%f'5oI_!mat:. lm_w 4 R014/(Ware mam wwirb Hz2.,.¢_1wz_cn::"£orI";%AA?the=%Cauffis-‘:werc nAearer4thcc;» Lt: ms: A Wg1Ifigne»them,: 7 ,:w, W: iFir&, it ha%.d”bq4éi1{aV Cdi1dem.nafi}%on\'6}' y0urV~felv::s tqhavewél.‘ Jowéd Him fo,lc_mnC. aJ1d=King1yFunerallsmmto whomgywygagve fo un1'uftand cru¢ll»a death.‘- that were rol l«rgildA:4p 51W/Mt. jonrmr: _a¢qfiv1z?c’dt9t1Wr0)'~+. I rm V j i: W; L: ’ A‘ p: :.[ 4'“"‘>.5Y’1I\":3 *;;t'“z _ Nflcxt, you coi1ld110lI;b11t‘kflOWathflt‘fth€ nCighb.ourboo.d:oF His fagccd earnhly rcmaiinps“ muflnced s ,I‘Cff-lTC3CQ'tI1(:‘.- fcp.rcc: ;3kinn‘Td forrowcs of Landon 5 whenw they (hould hayvcfuch Aa.-ftaztiding and {H11 prcfcn; MonAum¢:n£,o1'} tljcir former ; ha p pinwflké, ;in His MhjeA.“ A W65 Peaccablc G0V¢r1?mAVen.cm; amd[AoftIicir n’cAw&Am.if¢ny4inAyour ‘Ty;ranny,_ which Awopldmfitsvfi éllfo, (,;his bciing mhc p.VI‘;a_‘ceof= the greaccfl: ’cpnflL1€nC€%)A”D0‘;1'€C1‘Ui1€‘ th<:gri'cfe o£%~4ch:¢~wHoIc"MKi11g:- .dome, and prbqtiably beget fuc_hicompun6tic'>nL and ’relu&ancy[ in lioth Ci_ty and Kingdomc, as would tcfiificjl; fzlffi, by their ac- A yo%n.c_1ownc-hcadlongfiom your new and;t V V ‘V“Vnc7e irpn_n;th6fé‘ifi1t€>tii}nomhe' h'mh'V«eon6Vgnéd the chief V ¢xmire c‘afhisin»éur=E '1hworId,Vtif King Cbavlc: his facrcd rdfquts M864 ‘ **i€ht“ni0V‘91€m.a$W03wivflvr. andVthcrcf;orct Windjir was néafc V II.“ ‘* V A hBut'frotn‘ it-he tvigwof H’ tJl‘{lqja_~:?e: aimimiaéle mqtcblefi Virtné:,lcti‘mpafi'e on unfldtflxatt of saferingr: ' ~ in sinfuilwxwie ncv¢r*f*'a'lt%~to??givcn- a"~n‘xa1Vi:ious Vattenéanceupoti V -virm, by how much Vthefmorc Vie V is illuifriotzé, «n wich—n-fo» mu¢h.nM«he%i»gpeat»er V dog V ancl pctfccuwitg’ and? the-téForej'Vmany are tbatwrkéleiof tbe~riglm=om ~;~ and no ( meet )' man had ever more, —then fighteous -I{ing16bdrI2-3~ iiibehold and fee if an forrows and {ufftings wen: likg unto WI-1j"s.[ i Sec one of the the potent Uwomzrbkx ofEuropc, loved" zit‘hoVtne, and feared abroad, mofl: injutiouflyandflriéivly Imprifoncd,» debarred from the Vmofidearc focietyof the mofi virtuous and hell Wife,-, from ~ the convetfe and fight of his tnofi fvvpct _and hopefnll VC‘ixiltiren, from the attendance of his‘ moftfaithfulli Servants, from Gods houfejrom Gods publi ue worlhip, 8: all God as; Scrvants, fordd . to cohabite with Beaflzs; rutiflyfavagc, and wicked Men,h& theft} . i to be made the Inflrruments of their ctuclty unto him, who were his fworne Subj'c&s and Servants, upon whom an civiiliand die» vineobligntions of duty and atfcétion unto His Majcfly rotted,‘ and that upon pmmfiom offltligian and«Liéert},of which Hewa the trmfl and ma]? madqnbted Dqfmier ; to lie under the wjci A t 85: wounds offo many uflzandals, teptoachcs, wants, and mi cries; befides the molt gtfiévqus fenfc at the fuffcrings A of his Kingdoms and befi Subjcfts, to be daily tortured _with for many itcratcn‘, mtcafonablc Piopofitions, and infolmt Demands, to be racked out oi-"his untioubtetl R0 at! Rgights, to make fo many~Concc£- fions Gcfuch great Gondn tentions; in his ptopeniht-ii unto pcatq, which notwithflhhd ing his Enemies never meant ; to bc_tormcn.~. tgd (ifit wereIpoffiblVe)"unto perjury, fhcrilrdge, and Atlrczifme ‘; and to have no other Conditions propoundedo for the Enjoy,- mcnt of his Crownes and Kingdomcs, then that which the will made unto outt Savioug to/Ill th:_‘f£' wiH_Ig£n: thee :'_ftl:m wilt fall dawma antiwar/bip’me ;% ‘to 0561‘ his own: that“ which ncvct was theirs) V to deny God, which God av_e him to hcknow; ledge and worlhiphim Thcfo muit, use he fortowcs and fun. i A ' A fcrings for in all thefe who cvcrheard him murmure, rcpinc, A committed again&‘God, and draw A Avcrgeance upon them for it. e A fnevcr fo mifchiévdus, as when M) -ferings as beyond exphflion, s_ to above oonEe{$tion'§ -fin¢$l,! terrible tefts; aandtrials of all his pvirtufisls certainly no manihird ever more, and more firifi examinations of Gods; graces in him, all which be fully anfwered with a lea'rned' and invincible piety‘; or charge Godfoolifhl} ‘.9 who ever heard. him accufe, railje at,or» threaten his it mofl confirmed Foes P with fat, his eyes-iffill ponarod tear: unto god, whofe jufiicc in their grcatcill: injul’ciice_..~he acknowledged. and although he vindicated his own: Iunoccncy, Afhavihg where. With to jnflifie himfilfe hfare imam from lthciris ; yet mt hefiirc God, he cleared the equity of his judgement upon him, for ofling againfl his Conjiicnce in the Earl: qfSt1‘aH0rds death. A , But it was the great and crying guilt of thefe Nations finncs t ,%(€ngLand: principally) gwhich made this righteoussman fall into the pit: of his Advcrfarics, to ripen Gods judgement upon this Nation, by that great "addition ofiguilt [the /bedding of ihaiainnog cent hloud] who had Io many acharaflsers of Gods fuprcme power and fpirituall graces upon him, as mufl needs make this Crime od ufually rpunifheth one finne ~lefshe[i'e and impenirency, which fills up the hynofvgroofjini ;brirng- full for judgment to take it off : fo that this Princel felling the very corruption of Chrifiianit}, which is of arre more maligne afpcflrs, and hath a more malitious influence ofimapietyupon the afliaons of men then Atheifme it felfe, sforrthcnmen ,profeI'fe they know Gadget in their work; t_hejoi:n};,iufi11g{:"i1e name of god and‘Rolz:gion, vas Conjurcrs inttheir Incantations to perpe- trate thofe things?are:moPr contrar r5mto"God, and deflruétive unto Religion ; for as the Devil never doth momhnrt then when he.appeares:i2r the likeucfli: ofozn”A/Inge! aflighr l ; fq areimen they drive on wickedsdefigncs nun,- der thCjhewofGaHlinl5{]}. . A . ‘, < 4 England: former ms which cauféd this Gods jufi dcreliiftiong E 3.. lob 16. 2.0; ghi5 TPW4? andnnavqidabie A A fuFi'elring»1’i"iiii1:IAI1i¢rs‘ierto’ fall R airttootihers, and thofe cuflomiary iinncs accompanied with pfcni; A ‘ 8: the abandoning them" up unto grcatezgwere theiirl'oa:ooedioAg e wA ppxxry,ih turning the-gmae afGod(tcmpOrail faV{0uFs)i:m mngrtonhm r , the long continuance of their ‘peace, the maven": of their Trade. l M ._._.W,.. s, pf,__I-, , .- fin - " . riches’ 518 ) ';i‘icHe§, “hniif"pifci1fy,ibégofliiuitheitz atigéiaerxlit :m“roIenc3z_ and wide; ~*f‘o that ’ when %rbej’wwamal -fit,‘ dike» fgfargan, tiny kickEd- againfi ‘god, inithcfiiuthqrityvand regard» due iiuntio. his principall Offi- ~'cers,-l the? “Prince, andthc Pm/24: Henice the ipqople or%Engzm their g<:1'1ei'al»ity:) b€c9,m=e’/331;;-‘7-Wi//ea/,,la‘eata{], high-mirzdmgandi in»- 'corrigible;' t-h’¢y»:flm¢dered thefigqtflgpi of ffadx‘ /Irgoifvtii-d’, /‘mate /aim: Witbit/aeitangue; conmzde;l Wit/9 Q'a;rl: Prie/£.r‘I;~ andiufurped that far’. A cred Jdrifdiéiion Ix§vhich:Giod‘ iiadiidel4égac<:vci unto él1@m,~a5 thofe Coréifpiratbrs did;( “Ta ‘tiiifiéitaibm mmé: upan}au)'e’v1S"_oz¢1‘af1L€i/i,- firm a/2 tlae“ peoplefj aft/zie Lérd‘are* laa{y) unwderiprccence of die ¢Am.= bitio-n'iof~the * Clergy g’ and~ib'eir'1gliiike> El.£Qu’:.r uikziv éatz.'¥alg=,j »- ready to bgrfi, with that”~liquor~»?offl;1.tLiousfanid fuperfiéialili «knowledge infi'iI1efc1”inito5i“them "by the giddy~gp‘rehchmcnts,and undigcfted, fwelliiig, afidwtediollg. praycrsiof their Leé,Zzgrer,r,.i w,ihVoi reduced ‘ :11l~:1_{cgligio11un‘to.lipeworihip,and cantingscriiptuércsi) ‘Ii-Iencc flame it~«t‘Q*p‘I1fl:€'t.h&iC ‘coniteimnhing ghcizold p§u:hs,,[ thd tmth L ~o’f#th"e '¢‘~efo_'rm.2zqiap “in:I:‘h=eT 1{w?‘tb]fant:Relzgion,iiichctytbntiendcc£~_u2¢ta;élo;zd to tcé frupfby; ithéik plaarmticé ‘z1lt_z.-aratiam:,% the. iipux: .DoEiriizg and '€vm2gclicdIl difl*»ipljne.cflablifl1cd»m the, C/Mr:/2 q_f£‘ngland;t0~efi‘E&l wvixich with the mom eqfcgrloiy acivemurc upon.]‘acrilcz{g:,hto« carry ghac 5 thtyi Vmufii pI1'1i;dC)‘_\2‘Vl1._'¢‘.5'll11_ifc'o,D./.*»Ic::)'_“, '(che._fwcq aftlaa“ 5‘/,;m-/9) and hE1‘eithE»ICing,*’ as iaz.‘“i‘¢z:rfi.ag Fgzt/m* mterpofing, izhcy"; render "Him-uniabldby encroaching «upon His Prerogaitivr:s,. qmrrelling fl-Iimgfeize upon His Strcngths,A~rmc,.figéz agdz71afl..'E:Iig”n,i Jmpmfi», i‘aid'd"tMni'Mflrtb§r Himi ;, i/liffafilftéellian, though the g:ea*ggftvi.part tpfthercfirfl: Edgagers may bc.~cI1o=ughc,i néveir :0 have i ’ini:cndéd, yet they may fee thc"firiIi; violation. of .thC‘h' ()b'e“di?iience idue untid'His%%Majcfly. puiniflucvdi, by a guilt (thus fame) of His 111;. *noc‘en“t abioud, that that power wilich they raifcd; /jail: it ’: So +dapgerou3 it i‘s:to‘ my fruma Ch1‘1fii&n=Principi)c, or “to doe will -it/azitgoézlémagylceliié ‘qf’it,.;iGOd.D11.@iy liming po w¢r.i mé idxreéh Ii... mitg .~andidetefmin‘r; any éyiil ac‘.’n§cm :A {:5 chaI:.‘»Jook* iovcririhie per... di-i’greFe i’9f”glJ”H5\‘,finncsy; through .5 thcrflz vqraill éfccncsi Ehwrmf, and you yvill find it thug, pmczz beget zvmltf/9,ithat ple;«zty,” that ¢ride, chat vdziizjr, that lrisricifiityi th?at.icant‘ewtiw,. thatwwkdgtfu of the ~C[g;~g‘],. [[1ac'fizc'r"z'lm'gc,. than: the downfall offlz‘/Mpx, that té;g;m). temptoftlae KI N G, that Warm, thatlmpmfinment,’ and tliat‘ the murzbemftlaa K i2¢g,ia mun/arr, the moi’: horrid munchcr ghac cm,- ‘ . i the 9? 5 n_ U»; ‘? ‘_’ "AA r‘F,i*3 7 ' ’ A ‘jisfrom himifelfe.) A A L A .4 V _ V . " '1‘h‘eyi have new indeed made King Clmlcx EL Gi01‘lOl1Si King; pz't.r,~JWth¢reit1M:the¢y, ~1aid £116 fazallifnattesiiixmd ( 29:)» _ t;he,$un. for Szzéjtflmto take away their-tKihg’x l£fi',f without the prefctiptiotn ofea tingle example, or a Law ; :nay~,»cven* againfi “all Lawes divine _andtt humane, of a Judiciary proceeding, teft {inns 3 to effzzéliflj iniquity :5} aLmaa, and; to make God fuch was thcAn1Afc:1veAs Thus the fame: deal it with; out Sa_viout, We /am ‘ya Law, and 5} that A11az,V:7 /J9, ought to die, éecazufiz madefiimfelfthe So}: gfgod, although there was no {uch.I.aw‘ ; but a new-tna'de‘ L:tW_,, .ajAZazr2ta:AAiaiW, Stmffordx law, Camteréurietlaw, the AKix3g’.r Algmv. confequent Lzixvesé Lawes wichouctnames ot cqgnizante _mAzi1dei becMaui'eA He 7vv_a_s_ King. Neither idothi:.iitheir ,'Pmgver any ._more provAe the “equity of this fat? A (A the great fcahdall ofithe ichriflian n;1me,qnd height of Anabaptifiieall fury.) then t«heiD-e«j- {vils power ( whichJis from God ) doth jufiifiephis malice. (which piroy/’d%Him glorious ’in,Hisi P,etfo.nali virtues, g“1oriousinjHistDi-' A wine Graces, buE»imoi7tgI0tious~in'* the Clargflian ”conf2‘anij of His the true Protq/hm: Religion, and ' giotiousfitfgringsfiziGod;.(}zxzfia,A A the Lawenmd Liéértiefqf the it/area Kingdomet, thus. hath God ex1:_<)r,ted tat ;r;;ri._a ft;otnithem%;i for ithzkifinkf tlacynagt qftkcmfelt/ex; f6_nt.t( God forceing theiritefiimony) I/.22} prop/aeficd. to Trie .1-lime after the Forme this is to entit1e,God unto. the green-i W Ioh. 19.7}. t Aswe have fcen His“ Majeflies fiafer-imgr, and their czmflnr out" i fci let us refleét uponthcir pzmz‘/lgmaemt ; as the «Springs from “which ourfomzm ihouid arife. The exceeding avarice‘ and /9}- }2a_czfifie ( twp noted Colnjt finncts vyith A which~.tl:;m. ireateflchri- fiian,PrinceCatxflaminciitewnséabufisrd)1Qftthefiiditz Handceé, me which pious Kin “fie The pride, '2/ézI2it_y,. fizojzrieledge; tre'écl/ianjttand the email 'pmA¢rAt/aer~ of 51% cfllazyfiy will have parcictxiarjudgemcnts Jevelfd ,finnies.whath givciiforee unto this great {trtbker -and vwoumd ds judgments, andi thig Kingdome?,ith’e "'4; I’I't.C0?{f1l..1.4. C. 9| . [H}1RL£’.S’ fan, will be vifibly puniflmed, for gwzimgzmx t A _;igztit1fl_thcf_£i11n;cist;‘~everytnans ,fi.m1eAt:Vé:n pf thofgvmo have i A _f(A1A1,1gAl}.E for, I-jiis Majc:Pcye~wh!@ I1fav_e“yct ftxughte; againfl Him byltheir A A A i’?gi:ven ‘ ‘iqtzxtog thcfe ».KAif1gCiOm-$5*ifli‘i.Hi'S"WI;1fi$flil?3" ‘dczatzhy and‘ ‘therefore .oAgghAt etS1g:_,ryA man IQ pr_“QpQ1‘{i0nhi=S for~tow« unto his .finn;es.e Ass i;IA