Of the Impeached e 2 9 EDS... C 0 M MON 8; Ann cnj 125 N s; Truc1Yteat€<‘- h 5 r ‘ ‘'M‘'':‘:4'’‘'x:, ‘w ‘§.$“ J) 48%? '%-'<“~v" *“' ‘ u 5 («AC W W {W .4,“ _ e ‘ ."\ 1‘ ' I . ‘ ‘ ‘ 5 ' ....t . A... w 4.__ __ ‘ " " . .. \ —.... Nun-nhuvanq unuuuununndnv 1 . .. ‘.,.w e “ W _ Ps A L. 75.; 5,6; ’ femmit eh} We] meta the Lard, trujl 40”} in him and he /hall hring it to fl'e. And he [ha/I hring far-th eh} Rgghteaufneje gas the Lzght, end eh} judgement en the men den] h Anew 3 15* 35: 36: 37338:: 39- Sdhel wbam it 11744;, day, the Magéffratex [lent the Sergeghte; flying,‘ » A Let the]?! men go. Am! the Keeper ef the prgfm role! the’: /ezjing ante Paul, the Magifiratex have fl,-wet ta let‘ joze go : new there» V fare depart mad go in Peace. Beet ‘Pdnlfkiel hmto_ them, they heme heme» m epeng ewcmdemned, heing Remam, ewe! have eeff M he-' to p:r;ffh:¢,e¢77dnow do thy thrhf} an em‘ prizzilj .3’ my 'veri._’)' ghee! \ lee them come them‘/Elva/es emdfetch m am. And the Sergeant: told the]? Wordr mm: the Meggflratexx and the} feared when they ‘heard that the} were Remmex. And they came and hefmght them, A and hroeghlthem oht,nind defired them to depart gut oft/Ie City, .._._ ......_r 1 1* ‘ TU . .I--o.........;.-mm « .. “ , _ . _ ,. ‘ ‘ .. u,_ an _...-on —¢-..—u.--u——..n§~uu" Exatfiéiesés Xsatz*~ 1.44 8. ht -*9 m 7% - % %-f H _‘ ~ 13cc ‘tlicir Ht Lorri’: Ind (‘ammonxm Par11um4enr,1n the moneLhsA Dcclmtkm Athfi‘ fog/7ft?/fit?‘ fl£cefl;;t_y__ 9f the Arm)'s2.8. A : Wdwgtbr *€“‘fl1Pflrt»Anf :51‘: c/1,'rm},% Amer the £0- Md.r- :64?- “‘1R:¢d“¢cm‘5“*'5“h€ i“gd0£‘1'l§ ffdrrthé pr:/Imtkafc ofthe pee» ” % Pl‘: fmm Ta?-’c‘t',¥ -and Fm» qmm,” and t%h¢.'fpi¥evdier relief affrc. lxmd, phcm in danger‘ £40 be irfecawcrafilj [off _; did thfireupon ’ pafs f0£I1a:.‘)?"atex%:an;;{ ‘flcclarariarfx for dz:/bafinding the ‘Foot, and “The X1‘ Ac. W-‘M9 Rqgtmffiztx "qf “H01;/E‘ of'tFJc.:’!rm_j,1nd fendfng them into Ira» Wfifd Mm?“ land, undcrthc Cqmmands of two %M4jcr Geuerazl: Skfppau. b""‘A“fW°’ ‘°‘ and Mn.» .1» ; ~ ’ + particular _ V I: 1“ 1mplQ)’t?..d C‘0mm:_flt'on:r.r fmm bath Hwrfétr to Ch _ com“: the drm},*F0rt§1%t’purpc>f¢, wfihrtjre thary *-;:ng~g»;d many 059cm A,,;f ,,_ m 135 30“/4”?! {Qt thataxgedxtion. Em by the urxdcr-hand pm-% It xzzrg. A A am‘? ¢3fI«"5éI;1‘€I:§?+¢#¢ft%%~G{¢-n¢*5~»z“l Cramwel, and MS Camfedarme Of» V5I1*35‘~‘“‘°“ ‘*5 fiffifl Mid Agituzlark; A ,r!:1%it;f of Alrelmzd was not otily aéflr_.r.z~ W 167 Officgrs came ofl’ ft'0Ffl e%d,but W" o 1l}&fr’mflr¢ztc=td; dindthemajqr partazithc Army [heA1.my_1~m. 3Uim~'~"~’¢é‘*5m W €f1f%t3fiinfV0 2! falmm €2_2gxegeme21r,‘Vnot%to d"is«baud AgitatorsLCt- IIPDH WHY t€Tm$g%¥%$,t_u%thfiy ,had 0-Ivmmtd _/at!-.r_f.zfHan fram Km:/y tcr cu L. G. Hawfiv. to C6rAt1si't1ff!;igh Pvapa/ax: and Damm;« which me crvvwl» f * % ' ’ ’ % ~ March ;;0.Th¢ Wflfi’-"% CW qUl€CLR.13 {a¢ke,,a«x1dAIr:1m2ds better /Iccamadgztxan A icsgw anougnvurixnrqme airg%arag¢men::o Arm: Honor md Power) g;g:m., cundcfcendcid unto.-A, Butthe nonciufian ofall. ;;h_cirfi1‘l‘t 1):» A " %mm:d:Q, was fa far from fmsfyzng xhof: rwfllqfe Spir$t.r_ who i§ad..at£vc*rd'«' tgm :0 entry um; finm vxfibie toaumcn) that they “ A A Q cncomagrzd j 05 /14'4r¢’9,aBd%z1pr£l,and%May Mt, taking mto their for d;§;,a,,d5ngLV h I :7-filly 1.5.. ck AA ;‘*'v¢¥*£Lar2dan%inn¢) weir Cuflody, M and placing §.‘Jf»~thC_it' nwufiumrd s%*updn\V4both"»Hbufesg.- % jVandAnpoAu1d ,them t0§hm;‘ir»0W'n pleafutes; jbeéing ¢hemain defign cf thfiirfilfflkIppEp1chcs%4mWM5d$«it. 4 And no occafion;oFtetura'A¢ A ‘ning,; being given by the Houiesor City, who complyedgwitb A {gem i_g*’all tlgcir gnrgafogaglp g:lc,iix;es,V they :h§_r”“cjupo;1 prc>ie&cd~ 3 59¢ lbw-mo-v< Q A Mi; § ‘_ £ 2: §~ 3‘? ’€ 5; 5 ,, _ A Q 4. v\"£'fi4‘On fi3kl¢%':«damwHw’ J : % ,‘ .W,’;‘ « A;3.w‘(. ‘A iw . fig % §~*~:3flC§1;":“3?;§"‘7*‘ A ~>¢"§x&wai“]% wrAAm; ~~ ‘ % A I; «A.;ri A ‘Easy »d.iir,idc:A acitya ‘and.’ A1‘; A A I A -$A:f§,d:.lh'I£A;WW_;l§.§i3wd'§14fiI’i:$thCf Hoflfigas ca A A Mxmx: aft ,L1flN;f&l7,""“’V1('.W'h,:].0 fl‘ go ;‘€AAh&;wA.:rmy in; proimg, ca: migalzat <5 ~: % ’ A£9«£f§fl30§Mh@Mld“fwithawi-. any ep1iams%A~mt.%g¢irAprrions,%at ' i_3;»%flY.&V3wf@m¢l1§@a<1{z%€d:“ or one: AVacquaiming, the G-ityA%:her%ewi"x hm!-hula v Without cha:rprimyr;«_ or kre=Ian4A%%¢V%afl¢=mdsr W **“°l?‘i°‘¥$ ¢4*9~%the%‘AV¢%N%W+W1i=i*ifi uh¢;Ordi;1:g;&¥q.£ot; mi u1m:4emn,4.; which: fn‘h:%ghl»y”Wflt%s v ‘ «u|\ Mr tffieir f;a:,;£e,;tyx;am;a;tivi~led‘g€*¢‘~-5'-V ind: bficirufii «U113 RcpM%bfihi% jm,_§prw£mr4v_¢;;‘§ giggj, tl;gm .fiox~ xiw ;purpajfe> ; %;% A W hiiché (HE 3751?: mVm+;3p;g1;{e1;A:p:me{armg;1i:d aha. mi %:?Mahda;§r 3'_‘i~h’é ‘bi’? Q,/J -,-, may ‘mmx;%m%%‘ chmfmd f.*i;$f5k!鑧}s"rioe'$,[%»1”%a1ad~‘yéhng mm of, clue. §3ity,e,.¢wje!mmt,a‘m9r Arum at.i;u M*; vamViewWicph»mo:fié£ P?cgiticmo"f -t-h¢i»r:cm:w.m t§m~bpt.h Houfmér VtxvFvdf&i§M}1éyL%‘mbhi firatedyshajt-% ithcy= wm*e2héim%:xpipV‘§*rwuc‘W tih'€T*1¢iIii§5.*,3«51ih6}i7e%- " r, gfid Priv+i§_e%d4gcs%thdy¢a:weccA£w«i:xnv §tb f:d¢£c~3Jm:%d%%»%~v,%~%Jana» ”I’H’e“f~:H* g mc(ofntim¢s%mamaM m mamca1n.A;rme%nme”颫a§Mn”gmtiécm cies;r~AilLi§:ia%w wwgx the €£%iti,es«:B&rah~r4ig ht; tfiefi; “ ‘A % Cha;*t‘gr%$V cbnmed in ;Pa.w1'i;mnI?eAntis., d‘cfetic4e%?V‘\1i1Kjtf@%‘0nf%»*”t!'1‘%e“y7‘ t;‘a_4 ‘Id-'1’Q3%3~4ifl3§Cd »thairA1:ive&-and Vfmtaznw W f€m‘“i'IéS*a"sév%%“£'H3EA 453% myzgand 9 hacxzcitom utéfiirad A itxmighe “she; Mt med-w into Vv ‘ gqghigph in W'fls:.,§yu‘t.hy:»the. *w°hdTB Cit:iae%s¢dnféfl!3,‘é % V A WW6 of ;h¢4 at Mfiayvgg Upommead1ng.t‘hefe ¥’fei%1t£i‘t'5h$. Aia~<“twha A % Ltnfdsfl Houfe, tgheyii wrmfw pmfed. mt revolm !i*I5'*¢' ;Or*d bmce o*f= A lady: 33¢ ‘-’3:;fl;d mfume.ixh;wm.0fUMayv'4.1‘by*”a“Vr!€W; “UMmhfi%”6f‘ ~. « Ind} Wllfisc ht t;hey*{&*ntei;b Wm rm mionsi: where é AppramiceTs5;wAeVrcV‘cwt:- camcfi: ja.mdi1u%tfg‘e~ntwg‘et‘rh%e Mrmflwi ¢ p¢..£Y,d3, refufipgvtc2{uff:m:£amAeA M~cmbc’rs~to@g0 om ofthJe~W0uLfi.3__ V % :i1&1.zh::y,h~ad pa£I:.~*:d% mm na:w;O»rd%xn4mc»e¢ flcfm: frcm%~t.h,e‘I:mfd‘Vs, oi‘ t4g:cam%:LV0ucyAm£”%chc Hwfazr »A.inm«: Mbbyg‘ Whicn they Wérc Av i~dc:cLu;pon the flute, a,.bc;s)uriMr,1aci'£ai&b»,a:c1?a[h¥scy»paMf¥n:d :r*b*:;t1ft§’ of‘: hg: clqck 4 Wham: pan mmizé cw :*?h:e** 3‘i&ip>59 i*i?ritVi4ces d§t‘._’[3".fl~";1f"t‘t“d % quiz tly i133cokth¢z:CiV%1,W“%%Zthmm?:.my%fmrhté‘fl d«ifltW‘b*mc,8; V inm¢Vditomie£lyA .~pewfans;,:.ot%&fiam M‘aliVg‘n:g*:§::s,x8z»dAisb‘mded - ' A A A Souldicrs; V goal: f ;A 3 iggi‘;.= fib*c"~’Kpprcnt%i'ces (by ‘the‘~in&igIti'ofi of‘{oM¢iMIIi‘g;‘ XIII zvotcd-?~v= M .T’J9:¢l:: tF:a* ing ' jmzd cdmarto‘ “r:LWddu ta? jfm-ig %t«syA «scfiaries and«P~niend&’oi{ flu: A;rmyP).A gathered ahgnut ihé A mmo;ns»»dcb¢r md ~gmw,;wcry :FaI1;r:a;Wgious;,;:«9a3|izfdii:;i1égAAt_ wfipggkgrfo 3;:akevgthmfih%;i:;;after‘:athe:_%IrI;;:rm‘11ad :Inc;?«j*@jx;fa¢c3;;’. ; ;,(uf1°“::ring%4 Ahim:or%t:h§ Menibers. @?:d§i*pa~rt'»théa: Hou£ej»,4— ml “shéy;hB:“;_);c!*» "t :5 u aw . A 3 about an pdflt-'61‘ i‘ffi”?wih.§cfi‘~ "v#ii:iier1*€eJt‘he;~$éI‘dpvir;a;j;£ *%C'attqaLf¢l af.V1L;andag; b¢ingAacgu7a1nted 1:245-$,?;fl‘lC}~V were-«fitujng‘in dig % % $ui1d _P-I111, they—Vpr¢fcnflyricntgfhe Sh4;=:r:ifi’:£ Wz~th;%gfut§‘h~afliflai3ce A % mw9!imil1:th¢‘nmu manning; * ;I_3:W4as%ready at-hind (the Miliriw'th«i=n Vbeihg%i«fiVxn‘i;4n¥etledV dition:$ :bYth£:1Houfcs\oiwn Fm&,I ind 'c«mhtradi&ing“ adifiances) gg {upprefs d;;e.Atumu1t,% and ‘re fcuaf thve Mgmbm wnq mm,-..» upg_n:1Vm[t%ingto pr:/fminfter, “%did%%t‘heir%~.AbL;:it endcavmiitgs jeffgfl: its »;!;ad&m: -**[:?36l}fit;d5x?..£ha. ;unmly~ ro%u;t7 ,::.w:ind% ‘aha Spculgehin xfafgmm m:»Co:ch:;andA ludigi»ngra M W46 ‘oi xlia‘ ¢h;ck”=‘%at nigbt,. whiqhjwas as I much as:coi1!d“*bd 15 <-:*72p1e2'&&:d from4 tin: City, = i:j~this:i&1;tepval:of A their N121"? tia’s% uxmfandcmenc. Thu” 4% td5~#éi&1tned :hci:;AV%VHgur¢; cm Fszyday morning V; the: “Com * w , 'ngi~;;1_*u:£era.y;;3agmfi~w_h;¢& §;gbe»N$w:..~¥¢fl3RM¢l11&d rmiliriae Vp%rov1d%eda£ ‘flmng Guard ‘for’ A A ghigk Hoqf;vA~it~{elAf:Wh¢ther$~ tl1eSpaiker améitmarmwbcrs repaired mi %b0lHZ1°4°f.¢h!5 ¢10¢1;%h§ ;hI%dD0 fuck th0_ught,amd fcomed to do itch‘ n bafe, ursjufl% 'I;id.d11fl1onombIe afizong 4 and AAwm;1d rgthgr dig i§nghg?»Hpg{¢*gqg4¢hafr, t/1cn%dafizjtwt*btmfatfmr. afdizyltbznmltxi 1 x Which:445!siI?s1P*0k§nAA1ntheFbfirshand Prdence pf God on the ~..- -»- ~ W ..,M W V é _—~ -- A foletnne‘l‘ai%tday,when he wouldnot.difl’embie;imaltes'ruioi’eit~ a men tonclude , his ifecret departure ‘to the Army the every inext day, proceeded not from his own j'11degment~orinc.1i.. «natzon,eebut from fomc Pttong invitationsor menaces fen: from the Artnyby thofe who contrived this defperate plot t to dividee“the‘City «St Houfea, and bring up the Arrnyto in- ithrall them “Both. On Thurfday Morning early the new re- d inewedzldilitia of London, to preventali future diiiurfban- ’”‘5‘35 ‘I0 ‘hf? Houfes, made publike Proclamation throughout the City& Subtirbsfic let up printed tickets at V\7eflminfiet 96: otherrufuall places vvithin the Line, that if any jperfon or ‘V perfons fhould offer toeddi£’curbeither of the I-loufes or their e 1Vlémhers,the‘Guardsfltould apprehend themgand in cafelof r l lrefiftanee ltil or lh0Otrllh€m.Y€t notwithflanding the Spe‘a- flier inthe evening Role away through Hide Parke in his: Coach to the Army, and went to ‘Winedfore to the Head» ’quarters,acttom“panied‘with Sir .zfr.‘H.afle7*ig 8.: other‘Mern-- bets, wholmet him‘ ;by‘t‘he way. 'OnlPriday“m’orning about \ ii ‘I 4o.Me1fibera or more _met at :the‘Common’s I-Io.ufe,expe&.. ing the Speakersl wcornrng , whither the Serjeant coming 'WllEhr01lthlS Mace, herng demanded where the Speaker was, iaanfwered, he knew not verywell, and that he did not fee him that m0rning,and was told he went a little way out of =.EOW1‘1 lalt night,but he thought he would return, 8.: expe&- ed‘ to meet him at the I-Ioufe. After whichbeing fomwhatt A .ll'.tric“'tly%% interrogated by former Members about the Speaker, he fuddenly withdrew “hi~mfelf,and couldnolt be found, till the Houfehad chofen a*new'Speaker'8tSerjeant,and:procu- red a‘Maee;and thenhe returned with the*Mace carried afa- " ‘tefhim underhis mans c1“oke,'.which he faidhe had been fee- king out alltheftimetof his abfence. The Houfe, after~1:wot l houresattendance, fent 26, of»thei'r Mernbersto the Speakers houfe, to inquire what wasbecoeme of'*him’; who returning the evenin beforegoc was not likelyto.return that day,and:‘% reported fgm his fervantsgthat he was gone forth of town i t that they conceived he Waswgone to the Army ;: whereupon they tefoelvuedrto Vchufe‘a‘n,eW Sdpeakers after fome debalteg and calle metaneurtime the Lords ’a”lfcAgt}bling in éheir Hgufe upon fpel-é " ~ A r l 99!... t... M d .Mr§lHanry‘r‘I’eZlm}2r"tolthe Chaire; after which _ A tzheyichofe a new Serj'eant‘i~nlthe abfencerof the old... Imshete c ré ) ~—kci’-¢a;}I%1*rder and S‘u1nmonS,%retc9_ived a Legter»._o£, emufe frgrm 4 ifi1e“Ear!<-3 of Mar:che£‘ce:for h1s‘abfenCel_.,‘.bY T1r:ca_fo114oAf“ fen-kg indifpofit-ionbefalking Whe«re‘L1;po‘§1"the§r_7ch(5fe"‘ t11e“’I.o‘rid V Wi1”1o%ug’hby of Parhém their ASpe‘a1i;er in his mom, haviijgé ,fre'quently changed M thjeir“ sp¢Aa1;¢r«:his Par1aa:n¢n:;as thffiiy ’jfam-V ()t Vtié.fi%oAn f.And abcmi; th1‘ce°’*0ft!heVC~iOck'that’ d"¢ay,~t11'€: Cofnmohs pm;refented4 their ”n‘e\.%v j Speakgar fftothe %Lords”fit~4 A }:ing in tfiéir Robesafterthe‘accui£’§o‘m€d 1Tiafl1‘{6r,a pL‘ A proved of their choic.e,4to%_prev§rn t dx17co1}tV1.nuadnicc;a11wd fI1ier‘of' the Parliament Forwant of S ,ieak‘e:rs%,tQAA%;ad&Gama and coniiniaé it, and ‘pfeveht “afl Tcrlxples Wh:iCh1Ii1igflht% akrffe vth-ercu%p0V1i; % ‘ms c10“r:e they pMroc€édAedV«%t0‘4v0te %aiid¢§L°cfél‘5s.« aPs;:‘rlia.ment, i5.rh,icl:i thxzyi might1awfu11;wdo%e..% FiV1¥f’c‘~JtH@ej.r ‘ wvoted in the~=el«:v%er1 wrongfully imApe"ac;hed‘Mem£%erx,‘and% iofthers iL111jL1{:’tI%yqL1e{‘cEor;¢d u3r;cmma>e1z; a.”11t1; Iriis co2zj"”c:;ler;zmc% prams in {he A 4;mg¢;%.n‘a:§1c,’.c%g‘cakemziy ’i:hciV%‘rwyotes5 Bio V % fgztteizli we fiemggg.ofig/4.g%%;p[ag¢Jfé,w; 'wh1g11 th¢y%..;1c%c¥ord1ngIy did; Next: "they %rc?/"Ive: az‘id%fé}tIf;1p i ‘cm ni=it%§:%¢fe for “the [S af€E_j:?' am Omliiamzce: of%%Z*aAt7a?“HoM'fAi'; zt:?»¢)“9/a0ri#s$iJa{§.t/a E’77¢- "tajay2¢}2%~ A Mwipb thefémmiztee z§A.7:gé;;fefAz‘arec&7 fapwfl byaft-:+~ ma V0}: lidif?h&‘fiCCS”:.g3.V€$I5U&W.é'f“ ft of 'TtTi€f€ ,°C€i> 111 mi Ea‘;- A izeézs fo%r;p‘11 é‘% JZz:Af.7‘z'r2?q£7¢fl‘ ragfing qf +%¢%¢?z,fip&éinr£;¢Lg %c§}J4'cj‘%*' “Ci3m;§2:z;?£az'er& 7ézé§aJ 0fi5c¢rx,"ij]?¢§zzg mt 2:712/1z.m'ra»rd zztnémkmzizian ,z,‘§J.e'fifetyarz2i %dcfince¢of.é_otIJVi.HézJ£~& and fly: Cz"3z5)I,,%ozrg.%zir”z,/3 .;z;.’vi’% ficcl;2a:»’:7a 3/730141;! j$rci%é!y iikzwzde thaw : ”wh1ch Votes, '& TOr-}- ciiajanccsg f}3 1Uth6if fe1f~d¢fcn Ce ( vgzarranped %by%(%’,;%,Tv¢£y“jL4w% «a;s:m»w~e, as‘ we Armies J3;%bZ»%vréz:#¥¢::; ané+rt¢>w:i A 1301: put in ‘eiv:éé‘Lit§Vi%0n,I _ti"l1 Xhéi Ar.my.i1fider‘\S}i r?‘ZT1ao»F;é£r}’m: g fifetrzxitédiéxfra(§'tdiha.fi4lAy7eve}*y‘day with%o”Lit7&” %a?g2iin%fit fl1('"l:‘ Hmafss Orders) were an z}m'rA award; z*o1a::zral;*L¢?¢da%z;,e:?“7¢éq/25 mntempxzxazz Hiflféejcd the Vote: azadfietftr %[7ot/Jifrfoizffxg “‘n éggbfiéitimg I/swafgt in copy: Vivi:/aim .39. mzza:—gf #7}: CM 3 I.e§tcVr Sir‘ Tiaomm p%u‘_;:QfVh;sv great hun1i1it.y1.jef fo 3»mzz»l.aj ‘Mcerfa’/.grjz‘p%4 mfiver, ayitéwl-v\¢2%?na%t£cera7‘::' W here L1p011~~tI1f:V::AF'I“wj di‘aW’i fl n,e:3.r]Ehjé: Houfca an-d;City; in %?(iéi\2*arliIin "thisb forci 1e and di1honoL1rablé,,manner.,A not.t<§*Ibe_patterned‘ in any agje; After‘~wh%ich;th,é: Generaid an__d’~h1svwholeArmy; marched through the City in greatct mumph arlijd; Statcm £116 n, eveflrfi/liam the “ qr my A 0f.hiAS .4.S¢uaAc.c{I'c&rs« A d1AdA; Mtakas po£I'efI'iog1Qt' Tower,»AAcnr§1es«ou§ the “h0n4efl:E LiicvAtenant t«h€A1"€,fWh0; royally antcrtamed ;h«:m,A wxthout: A an yxzaufc ‘afliggaed ; d‘i~fP'laCcth“.A xnofi Governours in Aothet: ¥[_orts” and.7Gau:rifons, A t‘h~ough.fet1ednby ‘%Ordinancé z£;ntdA {pen Ciiall Votes‘ Of'both;HoufesA.;,- a%Lcér5 tht’: ¢./"M'i2itz'aAoYthe‘VCit4% A 5:!‘ fets up :i_ncW Militiawin Wcflmin/{er and Sozutlawgfikdividedf fi:orriaAthat of Lmdan,j(:ontnary~to fevcrall 0rd£:mnoa:,»andaA the Ar‘tAic1es'A of AA7*I;I-1e _,Trea,t y; -“C3-filfifiith-~th€ Linc%~and% .W£3rk“s»a-4 =bo utitfhc City to bcdem91i{héd3A drivcsaway ;;Amo£1:;:?éf‘ : tflég Members, by Lpenacin g_1Daci4mtiam,proc,urcs ian-.A01*dinAancc» by m‘éercAAAforce°and violence topaffe the I-Ioufes, Adeclarin % 311 the VoteS,0rd€fS, 31141 Ordinances %of~one=or :bAoth How-;¢ f€S;ffFoni _the 26. of Iuly to the 6.. of Augufi, to becnullandv Av91Ad,;:Wh1ch Lb: ‘Commons had fours“or:;fiweAAtimesAlai”d and réfitféd togéffe upon thcgfléfiiion ; "and Athe%n;byr—coi1fe- dc‘: racy with ‘tlihfugitivc Med Aers,proe»utedA‘:the ALor;d: 11214;‘ we and diixaia zildermen and Giti;.em_T-, ;of' Landon, who had: - V. ‘31¢%PY€d themfefves mofl Afaithfull and wac’.‘ti4ve for the V Tara», % €64 ;=!1!;»t1A$?A€¢;.: ”AY,\I£s£s:.,4Ar3.<%done A1'etvic¢~ amzhcm; “ "'**‘"""“'*'**%“*" them , , _% .. ANS} , , t!1cn*any1n%the Army, to be impeacheii of Higb in-éafiarg and-Aihut up Prifanmé-infltbe Taper 5A procures the Recorder, Sirizalan Mayfiard, and Comwijfary (opley, without any 1:» ;ga:llhearinigornexaminacion to be“fudden1.y th‘ru{’c‘out of Afmhe%I-IoL1fe , and fome\.othe'r Memberstow be fufpemded, and ‘ al%l%thoAfeq%uc{’cioned'.who fat-e M Voted in the‘ Speakers abfence,~; Vandwpno V leffe themfeven Lords? (‘vizy Time ’ 4 ¢pIaylm:Earle fofljncolne , fzzmw Esme of 3L1ffb1ke, ?amq£ :E21:%rIc=of‘MiAcIdwl£fex; Geargé Lord Afierkly Fmazciq Lord fififillaxgialzy” ,' *?a%/m 2L0 rd * Hmzféion, and ’ Wi1ii«m;‘Lo%rd .-mmii,wh0dwChad!eir::1x5 adhered tolthe Parlia mei'itj)r to“ be A impeached bf High ‘2"’Tre2¢fi2n*g ! fequePcred the VI-Imfe, and ‘wmmitmi tatJaz=’*2%lz~l»¢a'k Ra31 , who Vfate and‘- Voted in the Houfe in~Vv1:he4«S}5ca‘kers;J abfence «colour Of‘ 3. fpeciall Qrder Ama,;deTbcf0re’thcit dep2£rt:ufe7,T that; %every Mam?»- htmof »;the??.L0rd'sHo‘ufe fhould there attend)» upon pre- L 3% “1:Xext;, tlmtAtlae;g kadlévyad ‘War?-e agaixfi the?I§'ing, ‘%J’.ozr“li:z--4» V2m‘§azt=[‘:e VVKingdbmé.;VwWmh&ez1% as they aéhzd nQLhingbu1:~in‘ % 1;h;§:\,;;H9Mf¢;",;1.C&£.: atr1:he%~Vt*C0%m%miu;ee «of ?SaFet “and the ‘ U!/[i1itizz.by?:xpreH'e ‘Order ian“dAAuth0riVty of 0th How» V j fes,for theA‘Par1iam;:nts and Cities inf’: def<:x1ceaMgain{3:4a muti11()ué“and rebellious Army then marching up hoftilcly V V againfh;hem,~%;Acox.-mi~as:ysto bo‘sh;HoL;fes'Votesv and V01*d-em. %%waMxot1n .anyV.am:hbr.ity b‘mi*~th€.iL% >4 . A:?fT‘h"i>s the tsvxzmc: Afidfttz of 12! tjhé; cafe-’ bf ~ tlié ‘imp’ca%c11ed’ I'.o’rds,‘C0m4mons and Citizex1s;vvh§o‘ have: beem« eagerflggroa fczcuccd bythc Army.and~ their ConVfedérates in‘:he4 fife; when?thofewMar1i"gnan:: ‘A I;or§:1s4wAhd *lie*.(iAeciA a.=€ct1?a.!l i warf?¢% ;aL- A gainft King I3’.ar.li«2£1"n€\ntt j*and«I<_Zin gdon1e;‘exempte4d»4 f1}* bmA Mal! pandanht r;e1;ofo%r@§byVAotes~ amd?01*din%wa1xces- of both Hum. f€Sy»aS'r'F1‘:11C0£SI%al1d .ub1ike%Encm%%icsto rheLKinV dome and » %. g 3 ‘ 1 fL1ffm'ed.to% go nnprofécuted, yea pkéadcd form the Houfesi, . make«go0d'theCharge..} . and p€rmiI:.t¢d:;c0 wav>l}a~fre¢1y abop1an4;fi%heCic§z«,4 amglirepaire to. thc1<£1ng,.% in the “Anmries ;QyaArte~rs~~%;5>% ‘while 1th éffl7~faithful‘[ Lo«rds;,* Members and Citize:ns%are~fl1u‘t up 4prifo41f1eArs ~V, ‘land’ » profecnted day sbytmdayg. wim-out; any»V.proofA ox gzfiltto ‘Thtfole quyefiion thén%WiA1lbe,:;wh§arethe real‘! Tray; ; megs, agd a¢3},;‘a_11%At;Hr}dc%a*v\our€rs~0rA mifcwrs Qfika Anew‘ Wazrre 3g.gin{§:. ' % A % .KT13“i“/ . % '~ V :4g;gainR thc*’King,Par1ian1cht andAv,Kingdom%e, "in this Acafe; ‘V .mheth3c%r impeached Lor%d55 .Mcmbers,Va%ng1 Cit:i'z,en§,V$ or (the: %A4r1fny: gncl Eh€iT4CQI,,1f€dCI&t€5!.f9 and _“fu~.giMtive;‘ aMen‘x:bt3z‘s, V who veyzcissed tAhj€m;?%f0;1I14%f¢h mp gthus;mo»Lo11*€1%orr.VAaga:ix1£¥; both Houf€s‘and E116:Cit§§1”,é";WithOL1t'anj? .A;uthdrity7 from the King, Par1AAiament“',.«_"1{;ingdome, aa11d~4*Aco%ntra;:y7 t0*V%b_fin:h 1?erf(5.;'i§.:%g:r1,;;y bqjudgcs? ,, or 7Umpi1ses :in; 1iI'1i~’s%i:*‘a1‘e‘;* mil tzfie co}nfciencés% of die‘%ac€L1f€:1‘S“chemf¢M1ve§ %b‘ef¢I*;rd"g'駑Vw‘3, »thofe Lo rds, Mcmbers,;and ,_‘Ci£izms liflzing andv1:ajifii1Vg Afore-, _;§e§ ongélyk for their,ownAe j 1:119: and‘ »nie.C€fl'ary defehce by gexiw srPE€f1?¢+V9f£1A11?ramc§95A M0;tésA;~’ax1d10xc§§rsV4‘4afbo:h3 vflmafesmf V ;.4T’k@€rVliar.n¢;nt;;»4Was~vfic>Jfarre fr;om¢£;seing hi"g1fTf€&f0m5 vbr!l‘;e:v§f-4 A Wi11g+;qf . gggnevwz 1frei?1f1;V them, that :it. wa§~A;:a+ jufh :**nece£Fa§?y mandfi %laW£7u1l~ i11 tI1€;,r11;, b0,1:h;:4 by .thcQL9.“w:%~0fNat1113:; Scripture, AV,1:11.e;£;$t;ati1L§s”9f ;thv¢ Realriiej the ’pr,afl*ice vanAd’*=refb1utionsi ,,qf §;Q;l;h}}¥EdLif§$, fan;d”o£ Mth;c Army ‘it;felfc~ in;:;.h@i;' éI~ef'§:n.fix§¢ %wf;u'r%c«sié.gfl,1flPfthc:.%King an%d%h‘1s.%‘afl7a¢i1:ng f01‘cc%s;,.f’ :13.-\l‘/id a *c:l»171$- my «:9 their Ciovflexguant aancl.’Tpublikqi;fFr1gs[?c r,in‘g'éi'“§Iad H ‘ ghgmj 1.111tQ;.,, i1,nd~eri :13e« liaineji. OfV:.~Pcrj11ryg*a}iLdNfreafihery _bQr;hym, t%he**K1ng%;@t;a}genAv?1oIently:by~b£?commanded party ut;Adof.,Hbth E;ieuf¢s;c1;ftodxm;andwd¢tained4}rprifoi1erfrqm them in tl1e%Army aga;x1flA%,£h€;1£.VQt.£s«a!nd%Comgnandsyémd to thev»vKin“gv¢m : farce, Tmufc nAétds~:fcr1a?$a;Linc%7ITrar; g~xie£To1*s Vf§m,mdi1r€1~«.)iEF’;QQti‘kiwi ‘me: ztzrtc;-%t/aJz%2e](q'.¢i%L~1.‘}911v: .}Izr.;* To :a*Vdit{ . 'W»h3Ch."‘da¢1‘g€;ro us: wmke, they forccdV Jzhe %H‘o"ufe‘sC! ( by? , M41 itlatg/L”c;;%2?1(fem%£v 93%: ;afartfv2;*§d%‘in. opfibfim%‘1pf¢/gem A §A-»=1“fl0.I‘€j hIfrihd:.Aftfm‘:c i:I:hc11 that 0:5 Mt.h€:M.Apprentices, % am;d_dr;h1s n1§n.ra.cing %T%reaf0nab;1e %RemonPcr%ance4, topafffs , A A $3 mgvflrdimmacg «M5 '“ .% ‘V _ Q1§7B5¥4?~°2‘»i‘:.'<7./Ii; a0rdiimdwot:%~wV4Ipaj]2'd am or éotb Hmfém‘; f:11c«€»A»t%h3e §0rC¢2VQn.3%bfithgfliillfesg. we (9% § ‘..M4%71,wfbr,+ zieclamixag §z£!1:‘¢;4»I?*otm , ;m§‘,%:%11%n,1:idl mhcjj fixrLpf?.stl3iwpre/mt V - Ahrguffi in ?ée%}22g%ZZm%d 'ao£d;%.ufpurp0f€"t0 cxemfE%A%.themfeIves . A A f1?0m4t}}is’ve%rVy Aguzifl; of I~'1Vi‘:gh;Tre2;f:::$;1a;, in !eéying wmc»a-~% gkinfi ,;;tix‘¢,n Kin .A?1{in.gc1=’m%m~c and 7 Pafliia men}: vvhicm t‘he3& % \{Va0u1”dtm»0fE a',1f11ta‘«1”"iV’o;11f{15nr:f'11{%’*cit":‘A 1j3. %%upon~%?otA§1e?1'$wh%o»:£g.rE in”n0- V M C£.m:, 1:4.cwd4<:c%}rc;i;m:év~n1: gm%Tlzinef{é- 7% f % ~ ~I?>ut 41ieifit,k€s§ um: m;mwi11b;e Alongachwsmo~cke.d«or:~ J dC1?t1dedMAbyA.fil3£1n :y,an£:1 t11iAs“prcAfm1tAAA,gr: and;:a.l1y'futLm3 A __ I£QnQ,1ud$3":. at; fin. £1 £pV%m%~.0 5 pp ofi 1% crs.am4,Ev¢afi¢;ms4,; Eha..:;s;«;thmv.Gmemzzm ma re» ftlfiu g,;t;:Q ,§:(1‘i$b.?3«fl‘dWsi1,pQn M the ancE‘%01‘di%1:a1m:%s ofboth I »-an 1r1'?ki$= ;"feizii1:g_nhcKing5 mad m€:fcu%ing hi‘m Frotm the %Com}- 1W1\5:fliOfl€f5$¥4*40f bath Houfczs with an armd party, maximin ‘WE m4‘~§;ib%§75' t3c3:%.Lm1dom agai2g‘f‘c«,.t:h.e% Houfes_ca4%p1*e{fc«c94L11«~.% "%'3;»%%i.;¢338atea1”1%'%?.PA°izz.~i.L1grim?"BIockmhm1f€91at.@%rWfif€&1d«‘b’Y .f‘3“""%‘-*9‘ Wiiil«:£11§3;s{1a33g2_§‘x?t;é%r;Egfqmrz oifi"A°.’t‘15ic Ganifmu ithefie fttttilrrd A t¥r¢%1*1«:xz11f<:§ fa.l1aLng A%=v%iol“r:iu:1%y; n~pon SiriWértVV€Pycsn1e11 in V%Eh@ir;q%r1:Crs,,an'@fiwmglndiilgffomc0f1:hé:m nee: §]reem32£cl;v » W.1mc¢;M:Wexcs;, Ab:i1lgm;1:¢d¢LAA*.:.by%fiche oxifésw rder,withm1n % V %iI1;$.?,«Pm‘3v5r5:m¢d:Meh17bets, puttingl a Quatdiqf Hot*f8mj1¢€1e V Exact: of l»thel§A:rmylaupon both I-Ioufes, threatnttlg by farce " A 2120 keep divers tmembers out of the Houfe, a.n_dpull tltem N outbyr-head..land fhoulders if they ptefnmed t0 intrude mm them‘, forcing away molt of the Members from «the Ho1;l'cAs; manchitig ‘tlttoughlthe City» in triumPh, throwing downer, A - Iheix~lines“ and Wotl'ts,feizing.upon the '—T0W6’9"‘0fL0’7d0”oand Ifle bf ‘Wight, beleagAriAng the [Envy and l6at{q~eHa%fi'£ of Par!ia:ment% loft purpefe to et1fotceA them at t~he1tp'1€afiII€, .fendingftran ge and treafoneble Remoln{’cranAcAes and Ifapers ltoltr the He tries to? palfe cometary to their Votes:and~1udg6~g meets, amid A utterly ruining the Countrey wxth _TaX€5 1 Free-quartering upon them againfi the Peoples wills; M14 lifting twice the number allowed by the Bltablifhmenta twhen there is,no apparent Enemy in the Kilngdomm not Order of the A‘-HD¢L1f€"lf0r tfuchAllir’tlrlge Atecruits, their violent‘ »l.mp‘eaching>of thefe innocent Lords,A Mfimlblm 1‘ A and Citizens,A and 1" aying publiltely in the Army and I-101:1.-A Yes, T/mt the Zcmgefl [inward muff carry it , and the Army will lwe tin‘: or t/am:,A wfaetber the Hazwfcx will or not ;A and t/mt.w.e«m~e all lmrtlfi/aeirlcazaqiwreci S141/e.r,»aml Vazflh//In “W” A all we »1ak>zeze it t/aéir:,%V A/saving. wanna it the fward: and e the ‘Aslpeakelrs zmd Engaged Members onfedemey, and Engagement to live and die with the Armyin thcfe their Ircafonable proceedings ;» is no lejfl: t/9:971 High TVM/W’ in l goaal mrmfl «in «them all, and an aflmgllt Lwying cf? Warre azgaimfl King , A Kingalome , PAer1£.m1enAt_:,Al and City gu fo r whilclx‘ God , and tnenlwilll one day bringletlhem to Acu- l eemplary punifhm.em, if they unlfainedly A repent not ~nhemfelvesg’re only cul_pablc. A‘ esf A it , and give fome Honourable tpublikel reparation to l l thofe Alnnocent Faithfull. Lords, =Members ,A and (liztizcns-4 they have t:molltl’all1ytt:ind etinjurio-11l1y impeached;a11d»im~a ‘A prifened fox; thofe~ very Tteafons and pta&il‘esA"el’ whitlml A jrhise. ‘A _ impuolomkj of the oomoel A oftho Arm], o o moft arrogant ) Reprtfénmtiott, " Hoofl.~:ofPtzr1£tzm:nt, D»1cambh.v 7. 1647. A Who though in their former Réwonflronoeg, theyha.-d plcaded this, to he themflore-.n ditazj Freedom aft:/lzS'xthjeEZ.r‘(fincc Vocgd by both Houfcs) freetjto 7* ternity havefrequcntly * _foro.e zopohhath own’ ‘the hwholo (:7). Thisbciiahgochctrue one own: impoathed and zmprzroneé per? fons cafe, we may jufily [tandamazcd at the Grange infirlmcj ind in othcir late Httmhlo t(aIi:is.‘ prefcntcd by fomc of them to the moi!’ of tafetitim that Pttr/iammtwithottt refimim; as fomc of their fra-A yet they fall pel-me! upon the Common done of late in a ma/2 féditiotts manner; o format]! of London only % for Potitioningtho Hoot/Etfor roliofof their imprt:/ozteo’ foflow C1it£— month ; wand on the Cémmom Hauféohand Momhor: too, in this moff A faucy language : pag. 21.22. Aim! how 45% we mttfl otzrmsfllj a’cjfiro than the proccodingshagozinfl thofi ('£ti2:t:m';mxol other: ltttel}. impmoht, ‘ M4} to haflnod, and out ofitheirfino: and‘ con_fijIcoztio2z.r,¢ jbmct part of reparation mtg)! hotomado to thtf" Cotmtriox‘ ozofiatcnt for the zzforcjfltij damages, which the? crimes‘ of perfin} and other: in the City did (I) hrihg upon ‘them 3 ‘And indeed," ample totothort; we do not fie (when it /ho/I withdraw) with Whtttfitfitf or; firwdome that ‘Tarlitzmotot mot longer at VVefirr1inficr,ofi2t-oitzll} when ‘wofind the C'om”-"-A mom Cotmoell (through the Parliament: and (2)Armio.r lenitj) to Mk; the holdnoflfftzlroatfy (in the face ofhoth) utohhintorcotlefor tho roliofami tzoqxtitttt/I (or mthcr jxt/Zi— fiotttiott) othofh ihtptvzohodperfow, (who £m1ooti.ore hm fa/Jowwlclitoqtttcntth (Wet olottht) to cell) at! “thtttfo «Emil, \.£7nW3dMt?,‘ and 3) horrid at 1‘{ottfoJtof Parliament; and the Io?/jiozg _o f War“ in tthotmrnt andproflttzrttion tthoreof; and ofthtzt oonottrront (4) Troazfomhlo engtzg:- A mom‘, were tzlrmtty forgotten hf them to thaw hm: 41211} A A crime ; tho oonjiolertttion whereof, and oftht rt'm=w:otl t'onfio.’énoéh‘%ofZhk(oflei~ Gewtcn, and fame A other Mam.- “heri of Pflf1it3fl§’8t1t;(kJt0W7t ti/9151716 hem ‘pm-ttzlggro, not print ipotllt in thofizmo things‘) whoyctg) prefttmt, tmd vtr:.{t1tfiE*rtd to appear Jzgtzitt gin of that C'oom- A and oinv this the-Hottfo théfe ‘ ac" A ‘V t V 1(I)R2u:her the Armies_Rcbc1g ‘ ‘ Without fomothiitg done oozgozizofl thofi porfout for ex... 1 % iouiagainfl: the Houfeo; V (2.) It feemsfthe Army now rapk Athcmfclvbs in t cquipagc with the Parliament :and it is their lcnicy, not jufl.-ice, than we enjoy our lives and efhtes. A 3) Your force upon the How- fcg and rhcir‘Mcmbers, was far morc ho:-rid then the Apprcn- ticcs 5 yet continued even in Trcafonablc Re»- preféntationfi \ h o $1») Your Engagemerxts not to A 'sba.nd, '85:. wcrc far more T real‘ onable. t (5) Iris morcprefum ion in V you and your cromwt? , Ircton, thus to ms: the Houfetqt and ‘Mcmbzrs, than for. thcfe to fit in the Houfc,‘ bezng not 1111- pc:ich<:_d:: and no Iucu T1'uy-- toys,” as rhcfe your Grtmdces. h thing: % zmda word to % % C133‘ % VV jig}?-g.p;;Qgy~g: hm’ mt é§zéw~fia=mm'bfizz¢lr%, to ;ffg;¢;1er tlwflm léj]? my; tlgytf c0mz‘inwi;¢g in 2/spit kzgkqfl trz¢fi)& mgkqx 275 éegin to fi:’.zz73 “r.b,zt, % % ‘W/gileflv-mac‘/J oft/.wf4meVl£z'wz {tiyrozzgb lmizj and mo... (6jf~The worfi:.oF them is bet-—~ a’c~r.»ztz'ogg.z, air 1efté,£/:7i;7o'J,4'.it.m.4_yféqrz‘[)'fi7"6¢zJ,'tiL/ Efézrgfi‘ tea: and lm'n.efl-er then ~C1"077Z" the 6 war’ 0 t/oaelerzxeznrb./14€772éer.r "zatawit/A zndima xvcllylrctozzaorthe.bc:£’n0f’§’0u54§ ( fl f h % (I J/ii ‘b if Pym} pmjcfis bmme _ %t12e£r%doéé./;'1e c‘r3me.r)ée ‘again Am/led ' for J" ii-2,4 gzrzlejfl *"t/{if} Hmfi= (éj flame ex:/ézfiége ref 91,-mm: mzdpracecdimgxj 51$; z*imczjr*prevwtrbej"ame ";,:we% /cape 2‘/€7£"7‘c’f2J?‘£ t/are Para % _ V%2';1-swam: xvi/122755‘;/a%r/aeféz‘bi2¢g.r,i,zmifigg,;ljgj/»(5;-5 g¢‘*,§g» /7] OM17 the Speaker and Members who figned the-‘ E~11—~% gczgcment are %concr:1ncd_% in this an‘? ire, 33 well .35-V011; net . Md fimetgifig ¢‘0‘?W ’” WM? /33”’ féfigcifiiéy) '5” too E) % é‘o;.;wf~:Q [;£t .lmj,?)rkcz'r ow;¢_/£gfi=‘{y ¢z:.m.’% rlgyg ;;‘;.;,ga»'.’%‘ damwf: % 2:’0t$ am‘; azzrdflthe xfz'?77¢iE.r,’tk€iif %p0orf23rz':mt.s', the H'ou]&.r. .I‘1Z3»<‘.I3Lt«?_,§¢%I'_7:_£’.«—A_ { A i M . 2 M M % By thxsApVm1tc:d% P.a,I{age,.—t.he whole world ”may_»plau141y% dif‘covcrA *1 “g the unparalleld"xnfolencyr,%_ma1z:ce,.,.injufcic¢pf chej“;9,;,;;m and -’ er, 2 ‘ V ‘ ‘ " C oimvel of" th¢"24rm\j‘,@vh%O *:3"e.x*£éa’dwt}3rfa/;=ry~1dc°6’d5 wibhzzl agginfi thewrongfully i111pc*acI1ed ["z‘t£.;m.s~f and %/7Jrrm%L5er:,~i.%whofc; V ;p¢r1%nc1p.:1iw1%Profecm‘ar.r‘a11 :3 /flgczfifcrg t11cy are ;,th1s :Eeprefi=nmtionW_1 ” % ybfiiflg fmt: 05 Pm”%POf€A 13.0. . pr"omote_.th¢ ,LAom’.cM .iz2¢pMclamemt:‘« fnthe ”‘ ommmf 1‘17o‘%z%-9 jufl Wh€n%it%Wa;sé%;thewrew& deba%ting,1:hough fince;1é.id7' afide f0%1’W&i‘it OfP'1‘00fS}L and IfIA-fitter, to [rn%ak%e%AL1p« ‘a cI1arge‘again"fl:m Ehfsm ; and yct§:hey,.WithtImjmpcacheVd” Alclcrmm and Citi::.erz:~ n1u[’g be flill p.1'ofec%uted,;imprifoned,.:and not rcleafed,%no1f the ~ % faJfiy% impeachedand fufpexudcd Lord: and Common: Are-+admitte‘d% A into the I2’o2>zfw;for. fear Vof difplcafizag thc: ¢ Gegzprazil and arm ’* See 4.-ha P151‘? A Comm! afrlae Arm},_ whet arc: reafly gm31gyVvAof$alMlm%~%t%I1¢ fiacximek and i4 my projeéfs L G CmWm_ 1.61.4’/€é,% and of‘Cornec‘;t;3}‘cehis_;;¢¢zzc/15:/f,,== Sfxggfiy :jin»,p"1u‘nderi%nJg ivflicia My def ‘rim Kimg oL1t.0fWtI1€:?I?a_1"l.1aments Doifc ;19n_,» whpm yct theysnrzver n1on&m53:.AA _qg1efh011€d,« nor xrnpeamed for 115» - “ % ' " “ 1.‘ -Ifthis be théjz%1_/zlicém c/writ Trmfim: \vhich’t«hey would fa.Ifly_¢h4arge. on thécfe: no {gxeufe i;her1‘xl- ~ lyofthéféjTSé2?»2%:,.tBefiasmzz am. %; Cozmcfel qf 1>“331g2r:(wf;1~C$ 1=xQt_’ y_é_-t. learmjd _ th§_Li‘t,;i1€f{‘O’1”i_flI1d'¢c§Qn”1..->;‘; Vrnon 17111:: of jufljice from pm: Saviour; AW/a,.1rj?oe%zk»e2%j;}74a wqpzlalj that T mm flzmld dc? uiztajow, :2?/enflv do Wta Iktfm, fiar .rki;f t/aé ‘Law mad. A we Praphetr, Mata. I7?-,s§,N&OI]that‘.1i‘3fl‘On pf f‘a[a22*B.««zpt.ifi “(ea émning W fl3i:a?i}zg.lz;gkf, But} yet; ni) ncv\fbx1e)I_§:ixepno ,Sjo1a’:'m&:l1Cfhf elves‘; Do violence M:-"’W7.\7’~‘*?”:: m'i2‘19€1’ a&‘¢%fi¢1’?J~%”¢4”f41flJa4L%I~uk¢%34‘%Is+~)-~ O wceede 1 (19) A :*'”Go%§d ’dé1iV€r E;1IhO1.1efc and innocent Pe.;'“f:m§ from £1511 nm}i‘ciom profeCutQrs,4fuc11 L1£11“1ght€GuS J Lzdgm and4* mm 0f"z,IV,f0/wwg ,-V Bu; I’*f.1.Ax4m. .1 letwzhis beVthef€ r¢Vf’traix1e’d¢Jm2acwt: cordifaIl.,%A%‘ azzd t1m:~i r P£3'rfi:cu—' M , gst,0%rS_ |Z¢r1'0r :A'%?"?%M<9v5//;/5611//0Wttr'5;é “violent mm/z ta'V%b3v:3}"t‘/97023: lama.-"‘;?"‘*"W"”» \' ?"L?2_?(A7"ii .M]J0_i¢/J13 amp lg.-is‘ @,«“£¢Z'€..'/2'2‘ ,;z'a,»:g[_£;;:£;r I munxé‘ _ COME C10237}M§fpon /913‘ flown P.-#6. .— hath fpakcgj is; in his xuxrara: %31Td%it1h@u«m0fi Certainly 001115‘ to Paflé in Ins Adm: time, if théy man but with"‘faith.A7and patience, wait upon A hinatili its accom:; ; plifhment, without fgintinger defpaixrm A “ A 7 A A NOW becaufe the G'emiml!, ACawmc'ell and Arm] are fo eage1* in‘ ‘preHitig'"AfQr'jufficé upoil fohnell/Ieméérs, and the i;np1'ifor1i.=:dAAl- »~dernée:4ArMd-*A:Ci¢iz:cz2:; prctezudingj them guilty of the .a.1ppre22ricéLr jfi;?ce zxpomflae4Hanfl:;r‘( of which there isno evident proof ) to]%re+~ ';ql"Ii'CC~.1ZhC’if‘ ‘kindxméfllzs we %flaal:I* Vgvidemzly %den1on£’cratc thereai‘s, zgreaterkcaufz for che.Houfc:*s and City to crave juftice againfl: . °thCID,Nas%bcing far more guilty 0F]%rc*ing the Hazy/Ex in a /own'a"4 A L% mmmziwner,:‘~% Vt:hcn%;V[‘ the xdjppreiétipvx, who} 513:) fat AthE:y _ 63- n~*thcfG{r€ifP€A<51'S¢:I_ - rv ~ V. .% A v. - f Iaim;-,:hcy¢and thefirrizy marchedup‘ih*‘an;i11tirebodyfrom % 1; V ighgirqxggarxcrs .toAwards Lomlcm to ‘force. the~H01i1f?;‘s,” .againPc their ,2AexprAe{fa;Vfit¢S; Qrdflffi. and¥the%VCi;ic~sLdefir€s; The - .21 pp>~e,-mm 1did1‘i1.7rd;_:1 2;.“ would have bettc ; obey;-d— ther1Lt‘11e»A1‘n1y ache? Houfgs 1Com-;.. :m:zfliAoneAr§.’:1AA.’*pa * 7- " A ' ~" A ‘ '0‘r,‘fliFCk.S inthtiir hapds; :g;11d~‘n<)t above Que“ ?thoL1fa‘r‘1ditflg')‘1‘* two fiat AMm€ifl Awhcrcaswf:Arjmy.wereIal1;furn1{he%d with SwGrds,- Mail - ~kets;AAA Pikes, .19iPco1s, "Armes, Stavc*s,'and“a“t.I:éiii1 bffirtillery,‘ and “ ma?rchedA up withfiamzm < alfilaied ; 7a~bb_”dy of filftecfiv thou {and A A?fighting~mcq;1ormorc,:l A x V‘ V \ Thirdly, A the Arn1iesforcc and §riolena:e:p‘foceedéd i*;r<5m? igzhgifi " . ‘ _‘ ..g . ‘ I‘ V "_ , ~ A", "W * , . up *w‘V 1 A, -I ;_o_1.m1%*mut1%nous d1fpo1i1;1on5aAnd.thc perfonall mal1c¢~Qf~fo%meA~* at 4 A *~:;heirJchieif 0fficérs»againf‘t thc= X3‘; eminent ~"Mqmwr:.<,j?v and%Abtfm-rs who4c1fcn{i'eg1,tlieirVvprivate dcfigne5,With$out=any iu~f§i1prov{oca;ti”on A,w V or precedingVpA::efig1entAof Iflchra Vforceaned "rfeb‘t;=#1Alio1ii11**a«;1y Q[t:11e‘:1“- ii- (2o) arm: Parliaments Armies. But the exfpprezafim force a_s”it was fucceflive too, fo it was encouraged and occafioneda by the Ar-- i mics to revive the Ordinance for the Cities, Militia, i plaffed e by unanimous gconfent of both ;_Houl"es when full { and: free ; ~ which the Generall and Army had forced the I-Ioufes to repeal i when thin, and under their power anditerror, againft the rules of Honourhand Iuihceibefore one quarter of thetime for which they fetled it was expired, without. any notice giventto theCity , p or new Militit, or charge or cxceptronsaagaxnlt them, to which theymight make anfwer. ’ Fourthly, theGmeml1, Cozmcrl and Arm} in at forcible man.‘ Liner impeached divers eminent Members, forced their withdraw-V ing, fufpention, and expulfion from the Houfe; andieneveredeljiyted A . till they had driven them out of the~I-Ioufe and Kingdome i: which done, they prefl"ed“a new purging of the Houfes from many other A Members,~undera pretence of Malignancy, and their comlplianee with the K ing and His Malignant party, even when and whilee, A themfelves were complying and holding.Trcaties wit ,- the prenticcx, never: impeached, nor preifed the fufpentiona riieixclu; » fion ofany Members, not kept anyoneMemberfotciblyontt or the Hqufes, but onely kept moi’: of them in till they had granted, l their Petitiion, and repealed the Ordinances and Votes which the i Army had forced from them fome threedaies before.’ A 4 ] pi i Fiftly, the Am} i mcnaccd and rfojtced the Honfes in andby a fund ry printed Treafonable J,D:cl;amtimz.r,, Rcmonflmnccr, Manfl fgflu.r,iLetter.r, and Repnjflwtationx; publifhed to wift”hdtaw-the Cityand Cohntry from,and ianimlatethem againfi the Houfesiandi Members, for divers Weeks“ and ‘monthes together ; and when ” their firft Demandls; as Soldiers, wereall granted-_:,~ yet [till they yinfift on newand Higher Demands as Subjects and Statefmen. Whereas the e/ajtaprénticanfoptce wassfoon ended, and they did no ” the City and themfelvesp T. at fuch thing, andpdefired nothingpbutiiivhat immediately concerned. Sixtly, -jtheArmy and théirGra.'ndeesi by Lettetsand tnenacesa inducedand forced thespeaggn: and fome Memaar; ( contrary i to their truft and duty), to ‘ defert thel-Ioufeé and tepaireto -the Head quartersyand there to center into a firangC15”£agem:nt,l. to i '(*2 1) live and die with them in their quarrel againifiheinlpeaehedd i Members, and "others who deferred not, butcontinned in the Houfes, and the ClC1ZC'l’1S who adhered to them. And by a Tm. fonablfi Délflamian eAug,uff I 8. they declared all the Votesd Or... den: and Ordinances made in both I-Ionfes without any ’for};.: 5'01“ W4? 25-W egefi 54- ‘I056 Will and eoid ; and by putting thfiif OWII FW0c,31‘m€d Guards uponthe Houfes, by a party of 1ooo”Horfe:drawn up to Hare iParl@, and with (ramwrllr, Ire- rm:, and other Olficers, menacing high Speeches in the Houle, they enforced the Houf:-.5 againft their former refolutions to paflé an Ordimmcc to declare them null and voide ; threatning to taken a all the Members of both Houfes that fate and votedvin the Speak: er: abfence mas‘ Prifanerr W;rr,“t‘o try them by Martial! Law, A and pull them out; of the Houfes by head’ and {boulders if they prefu-' med tcrintrude into pthc'Houl'es,&c. e By which oecafion“th”eyfor4l' 1 iced awaLy.many"oftheremaining¢14f¢m§;§r:,p and by ‘force obtai-" ‘ fled‘ theirdelires; 3cpA97pprentic&:errne;yerdidanyihing half In ll « forciblejand Treafonable, ~asfthefe"r tniatchlelfe affronrs and inm... r i lencies of the Army. i lo I Seventhly, the chief Contriverr and M Aértrrfg of the ll l ‘violence and force againl’: the Houfeeand Membets, were perfidi-~ ous degenerated i (.W[emBer.r”botl‘l of the ékfrmj and [bmmam Houfis, who afted and plaid their parts inboth for their beltadw he vantage, as Cromwell, Irerm, Rainjlzornugla, Hzzrriflon, Fleetmod,er ‘A l with other Officers who reeeixfecl their Commiflions and wages too from the ?%zrliamen»,'.t and dtherefore wereobliged more then others to obey, and not thus openly to force, affront, and rebell againfl them. Whereas none of the e/ffpprentitex were Members, A not anytof them in Commillion or pay as Mercenaries or Set... vants to both Houfes., l r t r r p r r A Their force therefore upon the Honfes in thefe, and manyn to- A l ther refperfis being farimoret horrid and mafbnaélelthen the Alp.- pre1¢t£ceJ,and the “occafion of theirs ; they ought in Law and I113... lfiice totbe firfi, and moftexetnplarily epunilhed ; "the rather, be- caufe they flill perfiit therein even injthis their lafl: R»epr¢fir4t»zim e o£"‘Zl)mmber 7. (as high and treafonable as any of their former ‘-1 Papers) whereas the Apprentice: ended in few howcrs, __ nd‘ was‘ never lince revived, A l A r ' 4 l h n in C3 y A In A A ‘(% 22. 3 V A 31:»; {2;f bié>t»hA H oufes%OfPVa1*1Aianf1ent;.j>%5lg/lam’ by Order the 212$. Iv64.IV.%‘a7i%eo‘? [y1wa{Ue5$ the General, ;[i;I.«i&‘1i1..1:cIi’:a;r1t}7Ggxflerafl,;%C0uncclzwa’4Army,» maregm‘Zty% cf A High 'I}‘1f<%;afon%_ i;z";l¢«z2yi;¢g"m4r zzgairzflw-Ttbe King, %King- ;;;;1omeV,%—: I?arIia.ment,. :'a;¢}:1: ma; ;l2]Zing«zzg§él-qtaarterimg,mm’ fcflingr*So14d1er’s upon *tI1é‘peop1é~’ ’i§2"V%