A % Hnotablclfim 4Le224r*72aZ -W A 4 %%%0§‘9h€fH“W51? I5°‘3mW0r15, : A ‘ _ A 4 weNinec1mfan€l%ita4kenPr*fwwrs»Four 1?iV&‘e=houfand J"$ rm A a%4w¢merAjVv4a2fl%é:z5!&4L£#dAA9 “ 1fW€fi;AC1€r;%A ‘ . E W ‘ V I . .. Com; ‘° i/zi;zn¢f%Lm;$/94;; Efq; Sp€:aTa~11.ca{}1irc,: Awc ” emarchcd Athemcxt day) ibaing the % th"is'in:-:1 “fig-m.%Augufi ‘to%O2;t1ey{7having‘cafi 03' our 4%Train.,4 anci‘r%[En~t it:tV3o Knaresbor u;gh,A bécaufé A ii V A 37 kculty of Lhfl marching therewith % *<—t*hV§%g:oLu41a%,‘fCr2wcn ; %4~a:n«d”4 V thfieziu d‘ We migfit ’ mom-; yexpcclition attend that %E.n..e1:niesj %mo%:amv)v%ana fmmthcnce txhé 614 to .S1ch ed W inhin a mile when as A :{c1;e%EnemyAwasAA4draWn up i:=m~th;c inclofc Ag:-oundhs by ‘P reiionmn thatfidc ne=xx;A ms; and [there yupon a;;M:bz;a 1'-A about-ha.1‘Fa4 mil 2, d’ifl:m~t from the Encmi:es% %Arm)z_ met vvidxv their . ~Sc:ou’t:s; and O u t.gua.rd, and did behave thfimw 7 félves wi th ‘that valourand courage, a.s;mad.c theirGuVard$ W’hi..(;h co n fi{’ccd%Vboth% of. Hmffé Foot)» to quit 4their gprou nd,» andmook di- vers‘ .J p%rif£1n.ers , aholding Ch‘ .%dAi’fpVu&cc~ with .:ou;r F(>i'1o.rn4~J:oF Foot cafne~u;p 1f{)If'i‘h‘§i*‘1' W: j4u.Pci%ficatiaE>1771 , “and thI0_fl'-: Wc%Miha.de Vxpi5grt1mi:’t4y;to bring up our wholeV~Army, town as our "Rom: : and‘ I-Iorfe werc».Vcome- I lE1p,’4W¢e rcf01w:“dthatwn%igVht% to7.ing2.gc them‘ if V cH.drrif&r2$* R.,egiment,ch:argcdthe fl?é- A my inirhc ‘Town 5 3fldc1€m;:ccu%tio:n;; V ;8»n<51 fook ab0%ii%t45V€Vh_u13drcd ;Hor~fé,V%V?iIi d*Ii1a~ J11)7.%P%‘%'i f0n %~ very; much“ of this En+¢mi>¢sL :1 b€1i€V€ §‘h€Y;* 1§0fl7f 59.1%!‘ or] »fiV6 tho;uAA1"M%d Arms, the %%number Vaof the‘ L ‘ V A t W5“: \ Wm-e »efo’%rc% ofxigksgo-t%& K‘: A %egiIf1%€HfS*05 @A A j :£ag‘e ’4‘xvu A his 5C: ‘ ”t”;‘:l .;:%am§i£f%" ‘ ___ ‘ ‘ ‘ an . \ ‘ I‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ¢A“~_ ‘ - * \ A V ‘ Ii‘ , V . - ,A .. ‘ U ” \ ‘IF w .§ " ‘V ‘ " ‘ K‘ ‘ ' “ ““ " Ag ‘ ‘ ““ [Mr V‘ ‘ V V ’ A "H A ‘A, ‘3 " V A A)» ‘~ 2 s ' 4 ' ‘ AA AA emA.1 '1 ' AA 1 A A A A A A A ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘L!’ ‘-‘ “ 'r 11» u. " . Q‘ _ _ _ W 1 , } « , . A A %?e%‘AwA%th:aenem~y } “make A 4;%{A4a4%Vbxmt"r1éIr"ed‘»rf{mnmrs;;Vw:I1v¢fié?§.AA: M xmf&@}a mi % u up ~ $ 1; ’§%h%fi;j€f2""fi7(jtIl$7£%’& 4rdacr‘c;:A;:%;AAA. weeks: my H .. A Amino: athamamyunh1i1r'w'e:Gam«w£t;h— it % Y ‘X’ .“ 3‘, It % A WiWfFT°§3Fi’5‘*’;f9NW13’ V‘ ',‘,‘L_‘,.‘ ‘ 5‘ \ V ; 4 AM A - ~ x ‘: :"~ ‘ A/«A ‘ . ‘ V: V I 1' I (1 \ y ‘ ‘ Q J“ ‘ ‘- 3, , . ‘ H .jA.AmA “ ‘v..a";‘ “ ‘ " y * m A , Duk'aHama§l¢m“fi3r:d1w1l ;éd.:::;flmw2i1rd:s; i:*9'fl?Ei;i?g»ftv?i:.,, 7 j A A %;1.-‘eszt0zgxme.:f@&i4d4§l:miAA V V4 A A tn ‘ ‘I “ H V)‘ M E %,%* (z;1 tIwi7‘;+!.‘¢ngt§1 wrhepa, and A wu1&nmwgoe@_‘vvm Ehcr1m~V:wirtxa‘V ten miles AA f Wgrriagmom _ 5T1;-7;]Ifigmefivv ,hi,~%Nw«t’he£¢ M vrt.¢:ux:1n%cs;c:ha§t4heA 4 tr1:d* »f'l1l'_i?~,fl‘nde1'?h1,{afcl%,; ai:;;;d4A.a%;11 if ; %%a , M‘ is ‘,-‘ _ "/4 4.Vi1avcw ' 4%%Lmecei:%ng~Vall«thcArmesiand xAmmun&i»ci;w11:iCh % Tpkéati firmesg mailyz pti’5ff[ers‘5; ag ~ ~£me1sj;or -cex$V2vnew\iEnl1%’%. Licvere:mAant 4LL3fi4£te},A%“h:avc4xitSt4 yct4“tcce;‘%ive¢l4:heaIwi4f¥,V atchw withh;is"remainir1g» hrfeg» e , A 5 2*; A V W; v:;Vm«fe~Kvorét ;c!a§#5th-e? _ will% A 4 ‘ % AA % _ a9;;4tI;éj}rfonimg: vein f:g§'»‘ % 7 aw! + _ lixatmuld% % 2 A A dm: A %;fVAA“V”;:4"%;4ztlk aihahmfigys2%.»:g¢§»,m;»;zmm;' %: «” fifi?N~fiWm‘9”@Efl04§¢J35WTV? WW? V 4. ‘ la‘ . 4" . w ‘ «K. -‘ ¢'1uaiVfi’t%%1the.£%:V‘ 7‘§i£T V ‘ fr tn0§S«0f‘H51‘f¢,,Hfi«X% 05“1i=w%c4 m,4" ~ E V.‘:i"r~Zmi1‘9:;1‘¥%\’A'-§:1fi‘.V,e gnodjés :0 F;Htf:3;;%a%x1d. AA I f1:ea\:;'jci; ~; ’ k¢}gmft.:s%;:ab0ut ;.Czf am!>e;r!a;zd 4' »fl:3;W?’flY;*?=fldi “‘I?‘§1m&:hG‘r f tzzm’4%at4i:+ .;%raflaiz 14,am;’£.*ir~d'er<: 41VIt:>&rr'ml1ss;%' A fv41Dmgc§gnim,%;4VswEi£11: 1; s?\r.®;.R§g~ifin*an§~s -fnor5r7.uir;44;i*% A4 .. rd‘ Gal!n¢4l%£>A‘zw‘a!:garid % A A - 1:51 L¢~;he;L ab M “ ¢ 3 ?.%%41T_s§:‘.(%;I%if¢fl::i:;}n:l1;Eat1::':, to fput%::t.;f11e1n;\;p1:?isFmm£~sno IQV’I1f1€l~"\V3:W'4fld»tS :=i"%’ “ ’ A ‘ ‘ kw %WfiE@@fiQ@ w% ; 0d~r1m%hrg 5 “%yV{:m, V ‘,,,,;.b "i\' ,.‘ * _ - ‘ “T M "W 9"‘ V} W ,% ],?(.§j ,4; V Y » " ‘ - W ~~.,.I‘* w.v,: " ' ' gt % t»h«r:% ‘»’”"“M” Y A . at“T@s§wd:mmyA:iiac%5 I I '1'«M ~ A .:ie Iem?ey%;e4 hm: .;4i’fl1@:npt: ”1I¢“ffa*f13m wmA;%.%rhImnd m rm Aiuiadwz ;“ Eizr V A % huric1r<‘¢iA4~ L;:a?;*2';§fZ§f;éV A cigf%1t§ %§I1r§ufmdJ*fiNX Iwmd i‘€“d€- 66, (‘and 4: A ‘ % flA:zin,b6Hw;iXt éind min rI:o4u{a11d~I3;:£%liiczwi «S: - 7. . ‘ , in- 1X a ~_ ma‘ . K‘ . ' ‘C Sr" ’ were Va?» v c‘. ‘. hm , .»;..;_;] :'"TZ:;?I ~ um I ‘.9- .1’ M . 3 .n.. ',m 1 M . ing in 41mdgesL A_ §I¢11baC¢sij'i"‘rfhfC‘t] the Counrtydailv brmzin er de-~ " - W9? ; Wh€r¢L4’?g4»%/é ?*“3, Ms brvkm ‘\ PM-‘€54 m,.I1:a":¢o <>r5but’t11'=y are éxcéédfiiwy fhW"%T"» :2-I wmI N‘, % ’. ( _ R d; é F am:one%r12o£%ifand %fiXA‘1mnflr¢€i¢..$ H.»- him; and 4%%‘exa1;c¢1, Pu!V1%ito wafer this is vm1+be exalréad; 1£is~m; wvmrd ; '1’. I A are A tageznrmeoa will fbleaexm, menAwmaandfi7véusan&dG0éWiI1 7. ‘ -gfil‘ W fright Ma11yét4r.m¢mi€$s which amubee F prayeresyonrm.o%a aagmafi mmbxemaramucamc and wiMlIfio:?I¢-.avetu?b1'ing 4thei£tnt!,may A _ ' ' " Y"‘AW’:*0%fEhe4Land,ahd1:f?4yti ; A A 4 Landwili"havc%=haPPinfi4Te“by y<>u* ‘ ,, ‘ “ ‘. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ _. _‘ ‘-L14 ‘ ,2 "' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ .1 ‘ ‘ _rn \ W .‘ ‘ «- ‘ ’ m ‘ ‘z ‘ ~ 3 f0u1d1erSa c0I? §%fervice,% but many are mu: Hot 6 much weaned. humbly Mcrave that “ ‘CA . '‘':s\~~,‘ . .‘ N ‘ .‘ 43.», V. ._,. . . _. .4,,_.‘.k V ‘ . r ., "L _ - v 2,‘ ‘Nu ‘ - ‘V k M ‘ 3:, W \ ‘ : > , ‘ ‘ 0 ; ‘ b‘ ‘ ' 1 " IV‘ V f0%e courfee(taken% to difl th trou» . 3‘ I V M K emu Q .-‘