A Full immommmmommwmm W ~ Thé great ‘V'iaccn‘y'F obtained by the :-_;. Puuamzwts Forces under the i " Command of a; LICVC Gen CromW-cl a; A G A I N5 1‘ i r g The Whale Army of the S c; o 1‘ 3,; m g: T dcr the condufi of ~ ‘ g .' Duke Hamilton - g .; «ea :3 ~ With the numbers (hint: and taken Prifoncrs. “ T Sent. m a Letter under the Lien. Generals cm: % aband" 5 Which was read In both Houfes of Patna" ‘ ' 3' . men: upon Mae/dz} tht: a; of Aug. 1648 ‘ ~ ' 4 {-1} : With an Ordér affarlzmmtfbr a Tbmkygwmg é ~ ‘ Die Mercum 93 A (E 1648. - 3 A and 1)} flag Lard: Aflémb ed in Pmiimnt, Tim $ t .. Emmi! Creme]: Leflcrbo Mimi/1 pf???- a ; Job. Btowt: Clcr.Pat1iament. . 3'! :‘ re» a!» Wréxibrauhe Kings ””86“ j ,5 . «My», , 15". , ‘ {0 Old BRYICy'c 16489 ' 1 . -1 tymtwmmawmwv u. I (k) ' ~vt' v d I It» I» z a “#7 ' uL‘, '. i ,f figluéwi -.afiisgsfivégfiydéi‘fi‘hkfis ’16:) 3 i , a. _ t- . ‘I I ? . 1 D '- '3‘ V .. . b , q ,,,. a ‘ s 7. g... 4’ K. ‘ ,~-v.;-2- _.' '( k "5,. ‘ . ' .lé' _ ‘ .;- Lf.’ _'2 T". l',‘L .L' I . - 1;, . 3 ' I ' L. e’ I : . sf . '4.“ ' . ‘ if ‘ufl’2' I' ‘1' _ . a _ .' -.- ' g; Fbe‘the“ olfodrableemllz'ém Le ,. I 2“ £3qu pea er of thé Houfe’of Come "5" . . monsfi. Thefe. . I. if: mm {upxnirGedde‘mhd {‘26 give youiii 7 an‘aoeomptofrthegreat and good handofl}? . God-"-tnwat'ds you fit . late vifioryobtg‘i-ffj 7,, 1/ 1; &&/ ""7, _ _ i‘ - 2:, 3.: L he, (had 38. mt #:51ng n-thxffparts-L , , .1 my} theeohjufi '. ofeharparw‘ Whia‘ési r :I ’53": I bxoughtwithfinge out of Wain, With their I - - c —. ; [Nomgeme Forcés 'abosat Ktmbmgb Rad ' t Wmmf‘ésieaflflgihfit thememy was adv : 5.2. I I _ . fianced‘with their Army into Lafieafiire‘ ‘we marched the next}; .' ‘day, being the 13 of-thisinfiafitfluggi', to Uaely. C having calf oflt Our Traine , and (Zinc it to": Kriz‘zrexbore‘u bf, becauli: of the: difficulty of unearthing-r therewiththi'ough rim/e3; and to the end we might with more expedition attend the Enemies motion )’ ‘ and from thence the 14. to Skipttm, the 15, to Gybameg yelp: 1.5.1 -. I to HM“s Bridge, over Ritble, where wehid *‘a ,COunceH'Qf War, at which we hung cmfideratim,Wh€therm 31mm mareh to? -~ Whally that nighgand {a on to interpofiesbetweene the Enemy .. , and his further 11%me i360 Lm 6”,. and To SOUIhW&I‘d,..Z—L which We had fame admrtifémept the . up intendedfind fincez f mmthfl’ihhytfifblvédfitLénflvn‘itl‘ elfe; or whether to?" _ s march immediately over thefaid‘ Bridge , there being, nQLQIherii , mmwal’m—andingage fhéEfiEmY‘fHEfii ; Who welsi’ " I did believe would £1311th ground, became we had infotmati-éj 5 ani‘SFaIt Che lathForces under mtmly-eamewtef {unfit}: . which W Of. moo. Hprfe anti-15601500“ Were-Lori .theiri'; s__ margh tqwuda‘Lmangtojayne-mith them'sek has] :boughti i‘ that to ingage the Enemy to fight was out. We ,and‘théff \ :eafon aforefaid giving as hopes that our marching mth‘eiNOrthiE? fide‘of Ribble would effefiit; It was refolved we (Should march?!" .{ over" the Bridge WChaccordm 1-? . aha my}; , . '. qmmte’wnhe xfifiin‘the'“ dstfif‘d‘dtw m. Sz'ozz‘v;Hu;n-umIIt..-- *' '«.._._. _. ~...-_’M _ i e . e-.— xk,‘ M...‘ “a“ ~fl fi-- , __, ,1 .u. .) -1. We We- __. , ,- , , in'g MASbe'rBume: hoofc', a place nine miles diflant from Preflan, R #95. View "early the next morngng we marched towards Prdion,having 4 Pf” ifi-felkigence that-the Enemy was drawing together there abouts / / “‘13 mmhfl hioofithuért‘efs}? wefcfli‘eiyout'k a-forlOrnof about ’200. e ”a TF'find4oo. Foot,théFHo'r’fe"cdzfimifid-Edfby quorfimitbfbé, ' C 7 ”Eff; aéfiy‘y’Mgbr Poi‘me’ll‘; eutrvdflomof Ho‘rfe mhrche‘d‘ With- 4 inié‘imfle 51Wh‘er‘e skié Enemy" was drawn: up in’the inclpfcd . grams, byrnfim‘cni ”that fi’d‘e‘néXt us 3 And there upon ‘3 Moore 31863?heife’a'miiedif’tint‘from'the Enemies Army , meet with meagsico‘uts ain‘t! bot-Quad; and-didjbehlgve“ themfekv'es With ‘ ififiéfié‘alafifendmontage; as made their’Gua'fds (' which eonfifled b'eifieof‘aerfé‘am Fade) to qua: their_grodnd,'an'd tooke'diyers p‘iifoner'S‘; holding this difpute with them’ Until! our F onkoene‘of Eoot‘ciiné up (for their Juflification; And'-by-_thefe we had op~ port'unity‘to'béiiigop'fiour Whole Army. 'Sofoom as: our Foot and HotféWEit: enmeupgwe 'ref'olv‘ed thet‘ nightgo ingagethetn if we icould'g‘iéfnd' thei‘efoi‘e‘adyfincing'm‘hi om" enemas; and putting‘the' "refi- of ' the-Army inm’v-as" good a p0fiuré a; the gym“ meld?‘-beag‘egi(“which was 'tqcelly.‘ "inconvonient foe 931:“ f ‘defe ‘5 851115 l‘a’ll' ~— " in“ elbrdrey ”ahd ’m‘yewe“ ground ) we préfled hpon‘thenmhe Regiments'ofl FOOt were-‘Oidered‘ ‘as followeth , There being a‘ lane Very deep: and inup’m the End ' emkes Army and leading to the Towne, we Commanded two Regiments of Horfe, the firf’t whereof was Colonel! Hmifom, next:WJs' my own? to charge up that Lane , and on, either 1 ' E213 0fkf'kiéfifafivdnce ”the Battle». whiCh-WEtc ”mm“ {30. lbnélfilifieédhholmallDednei, and Chlondl Pride): on théfight; 9919:1411 Brigbt} and'fiiylord Game.“ on" the left: 'atholot' nelli‘fl ‘f‘o’r‘z’with the tang xvi-em ‘ "tnéntsinieferve'; We‘oi'd‘era <5!!ij 69:11;szg% andwonllww mm; 05 Herféé‘risfiéfigkr; and: diréf‘fil‘fiimtfif more? die Lane; fig‘jggé‘3fiefifihnd Hdtfeonthe‘ ere"; Wharf. a'élé‘ We ‘ca'me‘to‘ ‘ shedgé‘éifpfitea " "e ..greét'efl 0f the ‘innprgfion.fr’°m*ih€ my my bemgtxpon but left wing, and,upon"d1e‘Battdi‘onboth‘ f 435‘ £116; Lang: and upon our Horf‘e‘inthenhnfifiafiywlfigh p “$841133“:qu was famefrqgn“'iuar-~grdhpd’*afiee{de hbufésediffiutea until’we my“): 115.3 NW: “3° “WWW“ Trams of‘my fig'gimem fitfi'en'tétEd‘ and being ’wel’liffe'conded Pixflobgc'u ’Harr‘ifim Regimeng charged the Enemy in the Own: and" cle‘a'r‘edth‘e/Stre’etg there icarne no Md: Of our J , pp :, A 2 F994 v... --- - inane fight that ary, Bh‘dtd‘iz‘é'nh increainmzcsur 55am ' ‘ ,folntion, amongli which Colonell Brigbu, my Lord Generalls . LeLithenant Colonell Reach, and Colonell ,Afbtmr. 1-had>; the greatefl worke, they often comming. to ,9th of Pike and to clef: firings, and alwaies making the Enemy to reeoyle, and indeed! mull needs fay , God was as much {eene in the-velour. of the Officers and Souldiers of thefe before m’entioned,as in any aaiOn .‘t‘hat hath beene performed, the Enemy making (thoughqhe was .flill worfied ) very Rifle and {hardy refiliance, Colonell Deanery and GOIOnel'l Pride: out winging the Enemy could .n0t come to {0: much [hate of the afiion, the. Enemy lhoging downe towards the Bridge,.and keeping almo’li all in relerve, that {0.) hemight bringfrelh: hands often to fight, which we, not knowing but leafi we lhould be out winged,.placed more two Regiments to inlarge our right wing, which was the caufe.,they had not at . that time {0 great a lhare. in that afiionr, at the lali the Enemy wassglt‘into diforder, many men flain, many pril'oners taken 5 the c with mail of the Seat: Horfe and. F cot-retreated over the Bridge, whole after a very hot-.difpute betWiXt the meajlaire Regimentypart ofmy 10rd Generals and them being at pnlh’ of Pike, they were beaten from the Bridge, and our" Horfe" and Fact following them, killedgmany, andtooke divers prifonere, and wee pOHEIFed the Bridge over Darmnt and a few Hbul-CS there, the Enemy being drawne up within Mufquet l'h’ot of us where we lay that night, we not being able to attempt further upon the Enemy, the night preventing us 5 in, this pollute did the Enem and we lie the mofl part of that night; upon our entering t e Towne, many of the Enemies Horfe fled towards. Lancafierfin the chafe of whom went idivers of our Horle, who purfued them neare ten miles, and had executionvof them, and tooke about five hundred Hark, and many prifonersg, We. poMed iathisFight very mneh of the Enemies Ammunition, Ibeleeve they loll cure or five-thoufand Aimee, the number of the Rain we Judge to, be about a thoufand, the priloners we took were aboutlbur thoufand. . . In the night. the Duke was drawing off his ArmytOwardb 3350», we were {0 wearied with the dilizute that we did hat {0 attend the Enemies. going off as might have been, by means whereof the Enemy was game: at leafl three miles with his reate before out: go; to them, I ordered Colonel! mebacxgb to cm- r... e " ' W135) . Cemmand two or three Regiments of Hora: to follow the Eng; myif it- Were pollible, to make him {land till We could bring the Army : The Enemy marched away {even or eight thoufand Fact, and about foure thoufand Horl'e, we followed him with about three thoufand Foote, and two thoufand five hundred Horfe and Dra goones,and in this profecution that worthy Gen- tleman Colonell Tbombwgb prelling too-boldly was flaiue, be- ingrun into. the body, and thigh, and head, by the Enemies ‘ Launcer‘s, (and give me leave to lay, he was aman as faithfull and gallant in your férvice as any, and one who .~often hereto- .forelol’ttbloud in your quarrell, and now his lali 5- he harh left , fomebehind him to inherit a Fathers honour, and a fad Wid- ' dow, both now the intereli of the Common-wealth ) our Horle flill profecuted the Enemy, killing and taking divers all the way, atlal’t the enemy drew up within three miles of Wiggozz, and by-that time our ‘Armvaas ' come up they drew Ofl“ againe and recOvered Wiggou before we could. attempt any thing upon them, we lay that night in the field clofe by thetEnemy, being very dirty and weary, andhauing marchcdtwelve miles-of fuch ground as I never rod in all my life, the day being very wet We had fome *skirmiflfmg that nigh; with. the: Enemy neere- the Towne, Where We tookeMaior Generall V m Drudge!" auda Col- lonell-,and killed fome principall Officers, and too e about a hundred prifoners, where alfo I received a Letter from Duke Ham'ltm - for civill. ufage towards his Kinl'man‘ Colonell Ha- milton whom he left .awounded- there. ’We took alfo Col..Hurrey, and-Lieut. Col; Ennir, fometimes in your (service. The nexc morning the enemy marched towards W arrington, and we at theheelesof them, the town of W iggon a great'andpooretown, and very Malignant: W51 6 plundered 31" mol’t totbeir skins by them 3 we could not ingage the enemy un- till we came within three miles ofWarrz'ngtM, and there the em:- my made a hand at a palle neare W imiclte, we held them in ‘fome. difpute untillour Army waecome up,they maintaining the palle with gee ,refolution for many-hours, . ours and theirs commingt to pulh o pike, ; and to very 'chofe char es, and fbrced‘us to'give ground, butour men bythe blellingo God quickly recovered it, and charging very home upon them beat them from their handing, where we killed abouta thoufand of them, and tooke (as we beleeve ) about two thoul'and prifoners, and profe cuted them home to Wan-ingot: town, where they polltlled the Bridge, ' which had a” flrong Barracado and a Worke upon it, {o O (6)““ WW * V """ made my defenfiwe; as {acne asst—e carrethithetjnl receine‘t‘iia Mcflage tron;- Licut. Generall Pail}, ctr-firing fcme Capi't‘ulétiofi, to whit h l ycelded, ccnfiderifig.fbéfiu1rgthofthe-pafiegafl‘thit Itculd‘nortgce over the river wit-bin ten mfles‘ibfimeW with the A: try; I gave himthefe‘tear'ris; 31%;: he fltétildfifuhéi. , der hitufdffi: rd all his Cfice’rs and cht-rldi'ersvprifoner‘s of'Wé-r, with all his Amer 2rd Arnruriiticn ar-‘d ‘Horfesito‘mfe', lg}- vin ,9 quarter for life, and promifng civill ufageg which» accor- dinglyiis done, and the Commfifiancrs deputed“ by mélh’a‘ye’ire- ccived,a'nd. are receiving. all the ‘Brmesi‘a n6 'Athflghfidfltvhith will be as they telltme‘about fours. thoufand compleét Arm‘é‘s, ° and as many-prifoners.. And? thus you have their Infarftr‘y‘toffally ruined, what Colonells or Cflicetts ape With-’V‘Lieyg‘enant Ge— neral} Baily,» -I have. not ' yet received the-2.1%? The Duke is marched with his-remaining- Horfegywblcbiareebbutzgooo. id‘- wards, Namptwicb, where "the. Gentlem‘éfidfrthe country have taken about 50.0. of that, of-.whichi ,_ . _ _. ‘ ~ " «Hf»: * ‘ , ' ,_ P a’ ~ 3 a ‘ .., ‘ ,_, § ' ' ‘9. 3‘ - ‘. ‘ ‘ ws‘ ‘. -~- . ~ ' - 1 ~ .- . 3- - -. .. . ~, .» 54.)» _ 1. . . . . . V . a» . a ' .- i "_ .L s t - - . _ . - »_’ \,,~ .5" ,— ,, - »: , , ' .Q 8 w , @818 I Welly: (7014:8633 . . i, ”Mien; confiden'ng :be‘f viceflngt maidy are , a.- ~_,§3»;afl dqirg'ed, andm k beaten but 0f>aaatb~fi one: - gfflrd ingx; Our Hwfiafiflm w ' gimmt: 1?”? recrmteéafliafir ‘59} . 47 bard marcbéhgx, very much” i '- L ‘10 which were with me in _ W “ pqfiflcebJ‘Z" our march thithgr. I bumbb »- '1 #41501 to It, 33’ r. oftbe Prijbnerr, the trotbla 1,5, 7 ._ V “ Countr} etby he i: maret :tbeé -; 1"; ,7"? $11M; Dhaka" 8!. fam ' 33‘: 184% mg: m?! u 8 c a i s 1‘; gm- Die Mercuni 2 3 Augufl I 64.8 Rdcred by the Lords and <30me In Parliament Aflcmblgd , That Thurfiby come To {6176ch ofSeptmber next, be appointed aday 0 {mac Thankfgiving tizorow the Whole Kingdome, unto Al- htyGod, for his Wonderfilll eat met ca‘ipd fucceffe flowed upon the Parliament areas an er the Com. fimand of Lieutenant General! Creme}! if»: whole Scots Army under the Conduit and Com ahd? of Duke Hamilton on the fevmteenth, hmenth, andginetemth of this pETcnt Ange/i In Law: iree , 70b. Bram: filer Parlimarm. -1;EIFIN18 ‘ . «’0. WT‘ _ 1 an. Q ' . .mh -a' -. . ~(AV‘ DA 412 1648 . C7 UNIVERSITYE 0FR MASSOURI COLUMBlA DELL1SPC BTEE RE 826315 \N|\|\\|\\I\\\I\\IM\\III\\I\\IM\I\I\M