» ~ Correfpo‘ndr:-ncies ofche *prefer1t 50 A1 MITTEAE of Es-:m ‘TES A That part of the Some Margina1Notcs%an3 Animadv’erfio4ns, MAANDA entrcd into this Kingdom in Hofiility, % In féme meg,/z1;red;£fi*awered 5}‘ ma W A A . % P A C K ET 5 ms L ET T ERSV imsrccpted in the North, and ficnt upto the M j Houfe of C ommons. WITH AN 1 NTRO DUCT IVE: AND‘ A 59} 4 private ‘Pen. % ScoAti/77Nati0n Vwhichis :1-OW Thére ~z3.m goal in /ocwzmxz tb.~.zt% rewmlgt/a Secrém #:__._—u Rdérm’ 5?] the Common: ::zf]'€;§¢5led iza ‘Pdrlidmmr, fTb:.e2f t/aefij 'Lctrerx éefirtkwitk primtedaznci pulzlzflaecl : V ' “ , A H:E1fynge, Cler. ParLDC0m..A A 1 Eadan, Printed for Edward Hwjbénd, Printerszo the Honorabla? A A ~Houf:‘ of _Common~s. Aagwfl 16.»: 136 4 8‘. A V kg-—_—A7 _‘__;,...; ...T-u U? A A l Haw: thegrealt arrdaglorious work of ereétirig ai? tharorle" for the Lord Chti.Pc,&lpt0m0ting the powers of god- linefa by a thorovv Re'forma*tion in V Church and State (which is av pririti pal part of that Caufe the Pa relia- mentr hath hitherito travelled vvith) {hall ptofper‘, and»~notWith1-la fiiafndiI'l"g theliftaudland force of men‘ orldievils,‘ {hall rid”e0n?con4«i qiueringr and to conquer, till captiwity be fully lead ‘captive, an& t grate become glory; no piousheart but btelieves, But whintlmrlthef Lord will honor this generatiotni of men,» and make them an irr-‘ firument in hisfhand to accom pliih this wotrlrin thefe King‘d‘oms,= we cannot fo fionfidentlye determiner: For, when we reminde our high Rebellions“ agaiafi our Go‘d‘,.our”war1t: of‘ real and pt‘rl'oriarI‘l Refoirmation;and*negle<‘t of eaecrutlintge judgement upon the Erie.‘- miesi of this Caufe(pin which fence it cannot be denyed’ but our folemri Covenant haithbeen asfolemnlybroken) welmayihave" caufe enoughetolexpeift, That the Lordlwill l‘o*vilit‘upon usthofe provocations, astomake England an Areldema, or as1Germ.«,mj, a perpetual defolatio-n, and bury this Parliament in their own‘ ruintes, by the Lmjultindignatlion of thofe very people, whofié life" and*welfarelis*bor.md upinth-eirs; and yetlfendelalvorin a blinded? A zeal, Sampfwrz-like, l to pull‘ down thofe pillars that "l‘h0'tilCl:fi,1“p-5-j port themt and‘ let fall‘the Vindication of his Cat-1fe,to be’refim1’&? by frame more faithful generation that {ball futceedl. Yet if we do‘brit cort:fi.de‘r, with what Viciffitudes and‘ Alttemations the Lord hath been pleafeclito clifpence l his pro1vidVences,e fufFeringiua "many time: est to be brought“ to the pairs-brink, andteiithence as often‘ a recovering usa,ancll blaftirig the higheeftexpeétations of thiefine--l my, we may ?with fome“ reafon hope , That the Decree is not yet gone forth againft us; but rather that he beholds us, as once he didllfraell, with a troubled heart and repentings kinldled toge-: A r then when he faid, How/Ml! Igive tlaeelzzp, 0 Ephraim ? Home jzallff 77152‘/Q.’ fbel'e‘ .4/5 mama» ? &c. as it “were unrefolved what to do with Eaglma’, and England: fometim esedear and defired Pars- liament , at if we adcle thereunto the eorificlerationiof the’ T14 A 2 A i ~ mane»: W ”? “ an. W a 9 A Cttffid in the Prel'E-:tva%tion of this I?arliament._,T‘hat in £l161'l:li£l’€ of . tar l r rrnaner of our Deliverances, wherein he hath imprinted generally lfome charatfter off ecial favor and there A» and l‘ of the ~ teat and glorious things he hath done for thtsParl1atnent, thetmeer works a of an Almighty arm, to which the creature could not pretend, not 0H€ly_.‘0f‘~0lCl, whet: his hand was [0 lifted up, that all" the g world law and confeft his marvelleus doingsr in hehalfofh~isttfer- A l vants ; but even that now again, fince thelilte troubles have been renewed, he hath repeated the like Adminifl;rati0ns,* giving us in the thidlt ofom; dangers (by {'0 much the mute formidable as re- « Mlapfes ~3gea—ttworl‘e then the firfi difeales) many leafonable, and a little lefs theri miraculous Deliveranees; as, in I/Valet, the North, 1<'e;§t, Szrrrey and -elfwhere, the leafi of which we ceuld not : F want, or having wanted,mull: F1'{)lI)3.l)ly'h£’t‘£/€..,.{I>€Tfll’.lZllZ. We can-’ mt without a finfitxl inlgtatitucle ,: and inobfervante of former mercies, which With God are arguments and ohlxgattons for fu- tuteg. but think that he will yet do this Parliament. good at the at latter end ; and having been at the cofliof fo many tnerciesanda miracles for them, That he will carry one this Caufe by thefe I hands, tintti a happy and iblelled illue for thefe Kingdoms;lr But in nofort of Dilpenfations hath he more remarkably appeared,andt telhfied the continuance of his Favor to this Parliam.enttar1d his a people,then in difcdvering and difappointing the fecret Plotsand Machinatiotas. of fixch_., asunder the charaéter of friends lay in our» hofomts, to which he hath always hitherto giverrfa tnifcarryirzg womb and dry brells; and in untrzasking and taking off thofe rfpecious vizards, twherewith thofe apofiatized friends,'arrd Qther l moreprofefled Enemies that have rlfertupin arms againlh use, A haverhclothedrtheir ur:der%takitrgs, to lure cur people from us, and profelytetthem to their afllfiance : By means whereofiand bythe a good hand or God, the affeétlons of thofe that firfc engaged with us, and were in fotne mealhre withdrawn , feeming to lleep in the al-hes oftlifcontent for their longmntizrrxed hurthens, and l rlongldelayed reparations, have heenreinlivened and recovered to us, they by lheh providential Difcoveries being brought to fee h afwel the wicltednefs as the tmfhtcefsfizlnefs of their Deligrrs; and V ftonfrrhence gathering eaufe to refelve, That asthe "Enemies ma-~ lice levels at the Deflruftiong fo their welfare isonely to be fe- this (3% this they may hid lGood-night to all lfnture Patliamentgeandl in theehange ofgthisl have {mall hopes of bettering their con- A clition : A Freflz oeeafion ofthis is given in from our Neighbors oi“ st-atoms, who being entrecl this Kingdom in open holiilityi. yet by their plaL1fibl€ Declarations and publilte Overtnresfi wotnid have the world think their etranclhoneii: and honorable, that I’ they have nothing in their eye but the good of Religion, the Pro- fetvation of the Kings Perfott according to the Covenant, and thofe other ends of the Covenant and Ingagements in the joynt eelarntion of the of ?a*t$tz’¢:zr)'; whereas by that which fol»- lows it will appearffhat it is even amongii them felves a quefiion, whether Dnhe Hamilton, who commands their Forces in chief, be at all a friend to Presbytery (by which generally they unden- liand Religion) that thofe conditions in the Covenant with l which theDefenee and Prefervatiotiéof the Kings Perfon is quag- lifieel, are wholly forgotten, as»alWalys_om1ttecl in their pnblique Exprefies; and that miiead of hrxngxng Delinquents and the 4‘ Enemiesiof this Caule to condtgn puntlhment , which both by «the Covenant and rented Declaration they are Joyntly With us ingaged to, their principal tafiiiianees are L raifed, and cottefpon- dencies laidwith fuch, and particularly thofe Northern notoa-A trious" Ineendiaties, §ZemImm,.Lnn_gohzle_, /Mnfgmve, with Hart-L * fem! alndiffailnnal, and other Southern Malignants _.; and, not to beinfinite, That their Intentions of good to this Kingdom are [f To worthy of fufpeei; i%asWeteethat the Lord Lnzmlerdnle, who might Al be thought (thOtigi‘1h.I8il;2}.1iCi€d) to have Tome honeii principles +.l.left,"is jndgjd fit to be pack: away to ‘Primes, as a likely oppofer of their bad e.nds; and the Prince“ him felf, who is content to ufe their ayclsl,tlonhtst to tttzli him felfamongli them;and not without 1 rea fon,ifit be ttue,as tnanyi wife ohfervers of Aiflhits helieve,That t t Duke f:7¢vzm’i"ton, with the help of the aeiive Secretary his brother, A hath got hi-rnlelf in the head of thefe Forces, more with Deliegn according tolforne old ptetentions and prediéiions) to get ‘ the Ctown‘of Scailmzci, and the eonqneli of Efiglbzfid. to him» 3 gefelf; thenfor any ierviee to this Kingor Kingdom ; and T'lZl.l0i.lg;i1l 14 fftntzeh of thiisllayi hid and nnfnfperfted by many t~tlellem’eaning men n iitfthet having lozli their wayzn a Scotch rnilit, and out of zeal to i i.lPtesbytery,in winch both the Scots and the y eoneentted}Wete(in C0fhl»"- _ C" 5 tom pliamize wli:tlr*tltettI)gon% further olnthe ‘malign*ants etrVat—1cl ‘lthetii ever they intended, yetnow they tire printed in ~fi:ch’leglblel Chat ra&ers,as he that runs may read].them,inltwo packeetsintetceptecl; e ‘which having ll-‘tatecl the occafion by wluehttltey come to tl3e~Pat~ ~ iiamenttslhaneds~,ewithout further anticipation‘ oflthe Readers judgement, {hallbe left to {peak their own fenfe, with thisonely Obfervatien lpremifed, Thatmough muclr thereof be in Cipher, yet thofe ‘i1‘1firl.1m€I'I't§ vvhiclte God h‘atl1“*qua1ified witlt skill to l openthem, will be able to emdence tcrany‘ competent tmdet-4. . V ftanding, thatthe language they now fpeakeeis mall’ getmir2leanel~* natural whichtwill the ratheerebe believed 5 if itzb-E: Cm‘1l'§d€t‘t?Cl*thétt 5 J A the tranflzition putuponl the jig!/'€é)"al‘ld ether Lettet‘swl1icl.1 came in Charaétersg by -the Deeiphererse were nevereyet difztvowa V edorcontratllit"cecl”i~nltl1eleafs; But now to the OCCafi0n§‘WH‘€H"‘ the new Committee oFiEfiateé nae allt things ieteadeinlefs**f0r thelrlexpedition, anclmval1ve*e»ntraneee mtothts Ktngdomg tlieyi difpatchlt from Edezaéwrgh (upon the very fame day th'a't“Duk'(‘:“ Hczmilrae, entred into 6‘22glm2d)l their Vauntactzrriet or“ Agent Mt. Halélmrtoe, tolgive the Parliament anacccmntelofet (theRea-:- ‘ {ens welclarmlotlcall tlxetnj, but) Prfetenees of then‘ mztreheand ' i'€lZ’i.1I7l-Y1» into this Kingdomg by a ltettereende‘ Declaration from A‘ them, andanotliettothe Iiing, for wlIichlhe* wasqtzalifiedbye Comr11lllion,ancl fi)1‘~tl‘lat onely; upon confidence whleteofghe aptl pmaeh‘es Major General~Lamém~; Qgstrterslfor histlpafi and ; l’afe-ltconcluél, ~wl1ith~wasnotdenle'd him; bet fincllirxg mml poflelledl dfdlversethet Letters cl<>ub?tfu‘lly cl.iree'tecl, and by7Lharac‘tets;, lzeeaufed them to be put in acafeltmdet betli their feels, amdlhimete to be fairly wai.ted upan by perfqtns of trait and credtt, thatthe judgement of Parliament‘ lmlght be hajd concerning the fame 2 Being thus lent up l (having inlxisl pafl7agelprinci4pally defited con.- ferencewitlx filth‘ as vvetetmowtmbettexe to the Kings cattle) thee Hotzfeof Commonsfi tlzough tender of the Laws of Allgendiesf 3I‘ld{—PLlbllq‘l.l€ Mlnilters, obferving (belldes ltl‘1at‘h€ pretentlednlol " Commllfion for bringing thofe other Papers) that the Com- mittee of Efittltfis in chattpublique Exprefé to the Houfes, held"? fofth as one eatzfeoe" theitmming in, that they were imritecl by diverse petfons in thisKingd0ml‘engaged in Covenant with them; fot?the meteltopeful difttovery of the gerfons tlxatmight have A A ' invited l linviterl; tl1em;r’elereA1'nxy,lcall;e‘d,y mand l well paid wfor~zhA:;t rServ1'cey , “from tho. Siege of Hereford Llowlnlward (at which tirne Treg- ties and Ncgoti::tionsAwcro admitted by fona€;pr§n'ClPal perfons in that A:-my , to which " ltlfi‘-S Epiljtlf-*1‘ WARS I10il21‘~afl:3,<:I3 With Sir M'*’iilz’rzm Fleming in the l{inv_:::s‘l>el1alf,) w:".lllr's3al'o11- ably judge, Tlmtthe Dclign cannot be of .3 much yonger date, but l;1lrl"L'l‘lC’!"J.‘ 1 (r) em: bodies comnnonly have flow Birtlns: N.1tuz‘&l1lt3 ol>fc1 , That the Elc:- rplaancgoesr-tl1r'ecycrars ‘v.’ViEl3 yongs but rhis gr-ca: Lord is (yof::o) of <.ju‘icl~:cr dilpaach, and may‘pcrl‘)aps repcntit arleimrc. _ ‘ y y r » . V »fore Tlaft our bufinelé is brought to form: ripe- (a) In lmh bcenan old ob» A yneg 5 .lfor‘°- H§j;““°“rwrites, That this dayohe lccrmtion, That there was ne-AV " entersl’E“,%§°*““ ; ’but“this Bgarer will more particularly DillE~nting~Brethi*en andrnonu y profecutiorn of the War by the ‘ ( 3 l A . fore E'‘;;‘‘’*‘‘‘‘ and I have written th-is epclo-fed to: him, which you will pleafe to deliver: it is only a tellimon-y ofour refpe€ts,and an A laflurance, when ever we are able, of our fervice. 5' ‘“;2;“°"r thought: . in E: alfo to write a general Letter to the L0: Hartford, which is done; and Ilhave from my {elf written to “‘°f“;_‘;F"“', Ilknow not if he will tell it you, Your Laclilhip will pleafe to addrefs (4)15 the City or ( um ?h*’’ 353*?‘ “'3 W4‘ 197' 193' ‘mdl ("0 ‘ml’ mend‘ V‘ which repm-ants them ) the an the Clry. I can aclcle no more to wheel wrote C.ommon~Cour:c<:1ll1alltal«'e.fO fully by tl’l€ lalt Exprefi, lJ>U.l'. that I am molt faith- occafion from lvence E0 pill‘; 11 and unfainedlyj Tel’: upon their Members for clifcovcry of tbofc that have -- Y our Hlofi humble Servant. ‘ invited the Scots, or cor:-6- A. - A i l " , A l {pond with them. tlley llnll I would not wmteto your Brother Ngrtkuméer. juflzifie their lntegrity , and 1m, but none is more his Servant. Be ypleafed to ‘W 9* M°“”*“"‘“* 05 Emil‘ lend the copy of the Declaration to L‘3"§"““. V Praife to all lucceeding gene- l -» 2 I9-ti0nS- A A l A£i¢0l0?’_’/‘l’d)-A( Coun:.flC‘arZ¢fle. This inclofell in Ill: formez',l‘:*'tl1oa§;l2 witlllilout any Srlperfcription to di- A; I656 It, mull 3.-:cr'1‘ding rl1e"inrimariAon in rlm Letter, belong ‘ no 3 1. A the Earl of Hollczzzd. A _ l A w;:1f3u:‘:‘;;;’: §:::c:e::;2 Mr rem iordeilp. hath we I0 Prudent interrmfil ms: v'a1'iecl 1 3‘ l {any Emma“ Te..fi1mOn1€?l Qf your Loy Aaw ah.el.A,‘1at¢dAAA W ,(,.,,,,W“,,,. to the Kxzjg, of_ your goodAAaffec?c1ons to both Kmg- l lrariozze. e A _ dorrls, then: lUmty,Peace and Happmefs, and Of your 1 (5) More f<3ll>,¢r55’°5y t0 his particular refpefls to (.6) our Nation, Thatywc" thoughtit fit E0 appoint this Gentleman to wait: on y_ 3 _ v - q ' - «I ‘ mm of W high 1:: nu}, be {aid} your LordfhA1p,to_acqu_azAnr you wrth ourfiefolutxons, I~1icrmzarc]7':A0dzo mzjzrs fceZu».r. and our proeeedxngs m orclerto all thofe_wel1ave~ A A bereboengavged foril I2 we heard notftgfiught xtdtcfi pu zquea way, At e ornrmttee o aytes woo ‘ A have laid thus much to you. Be pleafed therefore to ffliwe l‘A'j*0_W Eff hfimfnyou let us lmow my We may (:2) ferve your Lordlhrp, V “ml..’et‘°‘ 3”“ ‘Rm 5f and we “dare anfwer, ThisAK1nc'dom wxll ever be fcaszoxngacomperenrfum(wor l _ . . _r , -~ f. at why yeurlgrca, obligations to ready rogrve relhmomes of _then re per 5 to your A him) for his ranfonu. A Lorclllmp,as we {hall be particularly to approve our ’ felves, My Lord, « A r A Your Lordfhipsrnoll humble Servants, A A ,Ea'¢=m52p;rgk_., :;7z:2_’}' 8. l A .Ld%de?‘dA¢t[£*. l Ilarrericfi l .r -¢ M. A Y‘ Lard, lYo§.1r Lo rclllzzlplhaclx glis:-en {itch cminfisnlt prm? of‘ »yom~ Loyalty and Fidelity, as that we arelconfidcnt (now While H15 Ma}€fiy .15 in 2316 e.x£rem1ry.%of a, lOW (oz) Hi§L01'dfl1ip Might &¢.:., c%onditli.on}yoz2rLgrdl'hip%will flxswé your {elf er b¢rtfi.% w Went bimim: as HisRfif-Cu\$..Th€B€2u‘f:£1SCommslndfilélE0r€pr€f€ntfEO_<:ou=I;f<;ll§ng and abetting. the V you our condition and Refolutions here ; by whom King in_ his dcfcfilion from we will earneilly defire you woulcl pleafe tolcomrrsy "“l P”'”l’3“‘*“'” 3‘ which ml‘ to usfuch Aclvxgcs Ed CqI1‘nm;1nfi{lsd3s3,:0L1ll1all think Cy 5 from Wmh’ 3 clear and fi::,f(gr he may ea} elute y slug 6 , and they {hall cox-d;a1 gzompliance wizh am bfi fizuthfully obeyed by,‘ ‘ l Parlmmént can oncly refcue Edeizénrgfi, M ~ AM}? l.01:'€l,,~ ‘ V lungs; l8?a:!j,164l8.%% . lYourLordlh£ps‘m1oll humble; ‘ l «j H A Servants, A 1 ‘ L.:mo{erd»z!e.w Lzz:«zeric*1g. ‘Here Follow afcw (‘of many) Letters of Credence , by whit-h their H V Agent cfilir. H.-ztibzmarz, was rccomznmdcd to divers ptrfonsimhis l Kingdom, fo:jr1e., of .wl1ich yemazn yer Ltndgfcovcred. V .V 3Ul«Y3-ll Igkt Hozwméle, You know this Bearer,‘ therefore I {hail « onely fay, youmay trufihim as you wouldfldal l A Your molt csbedlenz Son and Servant, uL;:{I2:££’if£(.;é:‘,_v '.z":-.."li26ll0?j;Q‘?fl';~.F&?l'?1"}J€”'R5g}:$‘ Homlméie ribs‘ Eaf l.@:aiv:¢”z'~:a= England éy we name of Mr. ]athe§llMa:xwel5Alr¢o2vl er Lara Genriemamlfifiler af t’l9:.= l‘BZ,,z;:@Ra:bl ta t/7:2 Lord: Hcmfé. l thgs. Noble C«:u:-my ihallll not a_vi:;hour clue x-alclclcozxfcfs bwvllk he l§*nm"-.,~.g_ Q5 Dcfigm zigaizzfll this Kingclom; Wl')£‘1'C.’ ht: hath Re;1p:;cl for :1’7:;'11”.\y"’g~:3l~.l.. l “A Hen I*l:i4:'vcf’cs, and wh£Cl1’ATi'ai1l-pllzmtedl Emu ltlxcllolihérgi lifirt: p1"o{3§>c*ré?l ~ into‘ax1E;11=lclg>m, I lflzazzll. thinllw.'e trufito the Bearer hereof; Vfialevergmhirzglwhiclzhelhallimpart t0‘y<}C! from * l . VYour‘fa;ilthful:lSt:rvanr,ll. Lazmeigclg, A It is {ca long fince I heard'from“% Ms; 5;, vl8l.;%44%%.* ‘ought him to this cxzrémi-_ him with Honor and J Advam. " (toll (:2) ’T1's hoped m.mylgaI~"Il daffl not Write him; §l"ll1lf5 llnclillléxtionb l"“““‘°” V’i”l‘1‘3“?»“h“l’*““be changed we will lofe a gallant Friend -' “Let this .. .- ..l .t .. ..-,1" ".N l Beater receive hxs clxrefilons tn conveymfg htscome olimtions, lince you have {'0 notorioufly ‘changed ~ your count only were your frienl.-ls, which certainly we l never lo mochll‘dea’ettred ‘froml"‘l ‘f “fé 5”’ fl“-'~ Men of Honor as now. ‘ Exedorfid, 409. ‘W e ’Aa’am, The little we hatvelmoreo to {ally then bjwllhat ; we dhi J. .. l by the lalt Exprels, will be fully ofiferedeeto you: Lady- llnip by this Bearer, for whole Fidelity and Secrecy I dare abro. lutely engage my fell’, and that he will faithfully obey fizeh com-_ mands has youlhall think fit colay uponhim. Madam,_ w Embrflm’, 367.; ‘x’?"out «Latlilhipstmofi humble and" mlofce V 154. 17. .” obedient Servant, Laneria-lg What‘ ttf: Llzeir Agent Mr". Ffalibxzrrotz was to ma Ire of the great ti-ult anti “ power conl’erredu.upon’«l»hi-in by. thefe abfolote and uolimited ¢Lre-=- ughVwbi1e you (é) without a VVarrant 5 therefore you ihalle be Wed 3m°i“*i—3»fi 135 TN“ }"'€‘i‘f careful that it be not falfe printed: Before you can “‘.‘“x“;L)’.“§_1ed P3.‘;ff‘°~ . . W . . 2.: cm. to Pu ».1 xyom Man» gem: prmted there, we {hall have 1t printed here. dais and em. ‘vrong5«byCu§ I refc, % own Infi.-rumcncs , iniootfzg V V V Your affm-ed Friend, ‘ '.w-’cre high eime now to Ieava Edlmgwrggj, 832x13,’ — % 1: OH‘; lefi It Puck upon you . with the fugetidded badge o o e e ‘ o L'“”mrd”de' :z1h::.me»Ief's Impudence. -- ' F07‘ 2147’. I0hn D01'mC- % -' (b) You have [0 long plow-* % ‘ , ed with ouv Heifees. tha; you» may be confident of the Beafis that they will do your Work : But, my Lord, afford us th. hits in Scotland, andl {hell not envy it, if’ you enjoy that liberty here to your utmofi with 5 in the mean time I {hall content ruy {elf with that eaixe Reproof, Licciait Cl;z{_cr7zezzil¥ turpirer agere ‘: hope you know ths. Story, whzch fits youob-ut too well. % e —--~ g-nuuun-nun--1----I-4----------— u....-..n—-w—--u-_o.......uuvu.—....-#"'4"‘!""~4v- ¢-,_....a-.-ana-n-.....umu.-nnuu-nu-u.-.-............ .—v The other ‘Packet Wain‘ intercepted 5} rice N art/ozzméerimd Forces‘, “ mad tmzzfmitted to the Hm,/E of Common: £3! Sir Arthur Heme Brige C,7ae1er2¢-or if Newcafcle 5 It Amt»: direéhd ta "john Dozgzne, the Agent to rely: C ammift-eve of Eflare: t13c.Ki;¢g-- e dam of Scotland, at I225: Lodging in Blpzclg-Fryer . ‘ o “ Bnmick: Io ?z¢lj, I648. 4: Adam, I have recexved two together, ()l'1C~f3,‘r 5-and nu), dmw black (ac) You “Fee, my Lord, .1. V f of the 6. ethti other Of the I1%I.% et'iH~~; now I lines '5 b11tconn‘o:'t yourfelf, _ ehoxxghteit not poffible aLeteter“from y'our(aa)Lady- for 5¢‘~b1‘~‘$‘ 3135 eCr0fl1‘S are A {hip could ohave brought me fo mouth tr~oubl‘efas g°"‘”"e“”“% "9 H"”1d"3"‘~ . A b T‘ ‘*1 'hE .; ~ your laoi7t1mthodone,for the fad»dxfa{’cer of f0 many ,‘;,,fd’W,,;:, j§§Pgnf;‘i£s .gal1an_t: perfons. I couldoifgefl theeruine of that hopesolean upon fxxchobgoxm, V Defign (though I wars ran?‘ ed to :1 greater(é)expe- Rc"c“ds*3 and confidering the flation from it then any thing elfe in England) '-"‘}"‘3“i“”CF eY'°‘“ W1 "0? ‘mt e % ‘ ‘ V e 3 Bails eaflevalor, wlzeo he‘ tognnwanded the Kings Horfe inScot£.z7z-,1, we wonder upon‘wim Bafis you raifed ‘fuel: grem: Ewcpwftarions from him 5 ‘you Imoxv who hid, .P1’ae_fl.zt.cxerct'“r3£6 m~vorz¢m ‘;Dz~zcc Leon; guam%Leuzmm Dunc cm-0. ‘ M « _ e ‘ V‘ e A V ‘A e B 2 - -bat ( 12+ E \ % But the great“ 16% bytheim priibnment ofthe Bari fie) Have :1 Kittie. paaiencc. V W;-’ Lard» mid YW _“1fl11A11=%*’€%* Layfl1ipétrouE21£W3\ichA‘% you exprefs in the 43nd Qi’ Fqmfi M*‘*’W me? V02!‘ yam: 14::-%t:tere “Bug: -ma: infifl no mare on 59 rag a mm” W? y(mM'g’t&m' fubjefi" « meiy thus much I? may with rcfifideiice _ , . ,, . - - L 3 . ‘ . -o ~ ’ “ Fawm‘, That except the I<§n,g,who is a priV{oner,m’ne in E22g!m2d.c(3‘t1id%haVe’b€cnm2d<:‘ prifonerg that Sm t!amlwo1:M% ha"~;re~be%en (0 ready to rcziieve as the ‘ % Ear! of Ha/Zmzd, and zwnein the vmrid nmre fa}? ward £0 it than I. % ‘ 9‘ of Ha/fwd, I cozifefs I cannot (3) difgefi, mm yéur A Fmm FV.=:rm*e-We are ftrangeiy mztgieficsci ;_ Egg: A zmtfo much 21 Letter, cxcepa wimt: was d;é:*er:’ém. (“€23 gazzmi‘ 33~*3=°‘m’5P is % in mmmam mat £316 haif 05 she Amm;1:1__ia:icm‘ pm» 5&1 %%"1{=3i‘3f:=?<'i¢?i‘a‘% ”~’Vi!§‘W“.F xmfedgami {mt wgzsh/i:1£Ea%Vx*d (5) af€€2r+d‘ita:a&%z*, afier flmdm yfltéi’ fercvmrcg .1 wxfh % v A W? M W ym. Mt1;md’mLa:§ Army was marchec§;zzom»a penyeaf’ Q5) mmaeyz ;[m;,.,i.e magi.‘ A -4 Emt:z:i1:xtwhxchasaworfi,:sche£h"a;3g.e (g)c0ndx:wmr (f) 31%; fzpssngfs my Lmdi ciemandeda mmargr ‘E0 amour i%zagage:n<2m§ and W'“”‘i1*§ ii Wm‘ 3“ 1“ C*"‘3£‘“fl1em2i:mg."a great ciiifi:“z2{h:xf° Stfilazfidi 5 but ;{‘wig§iA_:"e~A gags, mg: @151: fiswiagtiznughtr . « ; . . a W 4 % ¢ % ,. ,, mu m dfppifigfi am fimfis ma: nothing ofwhac you may read hem; and afm 43,; W fin§}1g‘}1»;«g;gn€yWh§¢E§; yam have r::a:.d i‘c3,%bs:?* pleafedm read it away; yen can-ied hence in :y<:sut*% % 'Y®fit".fi1{?ft E-1Vif;;:t:3i1a}t2V‘S.‘er%V3..ma Raft; f:ia°1ig_h*: defrgy the nhéifge fj;g,;[5»,:»E/Eéij Cg;m;—,&Cgg~li{]e6L ::)fthx§E3%‘p€ciit1ot1o% A:hz“mI~ % ~ A _ % A % I, % mitizinby mm, £m:‘§ Mgnqrby m:1%1s,o- {o~1ew~.xr Iirzemzcsbc aiwayg iaappm-;s§_ . Kg) 3: is; not £’c*mnge,Tiiut4rc‘?afon enomighto~.r3s13»‘1:§: a pssoiiaz-hs. (}rer¢7.fi:‘ W-;«g cum £“me;:;‘§«» £936, to break Ehith wizh Paizh.b_reakc:r3. % % . _ ‘, , . /age émwflq/247;; .3%zmz>£ck2; 19 I‘6.4,§; A % * & A A3‘”Lard,Wehavea*t§a1h?cteived"t¥aeOg1een’s V Ea) It maybe; the aflgiean 1 and PriAVnce’sAp1eafim3~by Sir~I$?£!l£*d miF!em£;{g‘, £1151’rin@€,‘~”~’=*M‘iflformfdand wifll ahmm %thc.‘half 9:5 tE1aasArms: andA%A.mmz1r1§«« , fatisficd with zi1s:%Advia:.eD* % AA _ 6 _ . A % V . 3» % Hmmmgm in 5.%CWzm,9 tion we éxpefied, yet as muchas he could gm: at who m ,__m,_.% p1.U?Cfim._,,, in flmfierdam,thmaghhgfiaidicvn-g fem: baa (ax) rm ;:2ag1;amm, cuzgcgrnjng {up-» Money,whereo‘f nave fiend mofl in need, And 39. p1yAo£maney£u;~xms 3e1“V.5é€9 we are very fenfible 0f;.andV.~thankfufi~for%% Her‘ Majg. . hadfig Setthe Lttds {mo Eng» flyand~I+1is~L Hi.};~e:14z;eraé W % m ,;t.€.m1.n% D I_V§9 Wh€i1.e wt-infra €%h:1ra:3*t:rs in the"firfi _“ . « \ é é ~ - V ; n V ~ ~ -- ‘fan - 1» gf‘<~s- WK nér 1 Afikmbl A ts ¢ y. V n «:2 9-“ 3 P 9 ‘‘~ W? V - a V ' V now “AM-‘ 1016 1: amainfl us 33 r*ht:'ALacho1's‘ of 2.h1S"LC’£ffl1'3 MWAEWA5 ' thr:%%1'c:fl of the grim.-fe%b:23mg in gtfmggfis 0f; au1§_f”r1enc3{s4111g.:hc vSp_ut,h,, zmdflat 13am» Words';}t-1En’g¥h5V;131d &i+'m1r:¢ fret; IS fad; mfifl Aefpc’c1al”IyA the takmg 0f£he.Ear1of Ehifd “ Pwfofi : to ‘Ahlviridd ";FW:Te;!&-m%%:x'.-B"tit‘%§:10’%ditficulciesrlor di{c0urage§trient% can R’“d""°$ A make .{usjl:fTs aflive, "as we fha;Il,Gc>c1 willing, (how-- @V¢r wg ma_y*be l*ookt_ Lipbn) give real proofs of’! A «£33,133 ximuus repentance. A I VVMQQ J . A A A [our zeai and confiancyfo the Kings fervice ;A and A A ‘that.x*;¢ ar€ mofifakhfuily A Ycisur moff humble Msérvazjts, Pot Lord ilgrmix. Lazrzderdzzlm %Lm¢ér"£cé.A ; j (:2) Ncthing to nothing; % e/{é«zark»e;fi:¢c!ofVecZ.» ‘ :5? ”£iiaa‘ii53§?§ “:3 f::*;:;::;: :9 awe; I642. ‘mend ch: mme1,}bm imiqai‘ lk Adam ,VVe have nowlofi all our hop-3sVin% ty :0 i,,,qugty may mw_.._,_{c . the South; fince.thcE;1rlof 1'-:7af!m2.d§1is {ad ‘Wrath aga;m1°c the day «sf gimsfortune and refhmnt ; but as our Dxijfxcuitzw ‘W-‘~‘~‘*’ 9 if “Q3 P1‘€V‘~‘=Wfm plement; andjchen » ‘ C ' 1 ‘tint War which at firm and you tell main piaih EngiiFh,4w¢iHimp1oy L¢z;».%de74eVA A lafi refolve it . {elf bttt-V can ‘bath in:o"Bel3um F #ei?1i?3Z$£1£'fl75 I£I;ai{&o,-mze, and fines: in Eng» that upon :3.grc:n: mif’take, as if I hadbythat woful Aland Beilum BcLj?lz'cum,'wil1 3: fi[[Ie‘fim‘,l\ pytjtldiced my Qggafigns‘: Bm::. Lmu& V r10%‘rn<3r§:‘jf%’6f‘this,”*1efi: again I %fi%grpw% axfgzjr. You ~ btrtxhat God who 11:35-I in‘_::§>I—cd hdée 751519 m}0re us :0 dutride the 'f’co:5msA 353 and f€fldV5’0UfV4P1<°*Ur€:Which W1“ .m3*k€3-m5nd5;-A imPe=u0u$ £01136 0? 0urAM=A1i7- New for a;:z1fwer% to yourtwo lafir,%%youAde{i1tetcg gu1_;11eI'p_irir¢,d Enen1ics,WiH % “:§%::,‘“?‘:;;~A;i‘:,,::; y0um?‘"I¥ii.fid051$?! alreadyawhichir rsesns you ;Gn{}5;i.m",.S;4 A hadW%not%the:1 recegved; but [jut came that mght to ‘ A know (3): h{>w%i‘ and‘D;jke%H4w£lto;2 ag:tee,I wxjotig “ - (3)118'tz3k:nt<>’figni§eth.é Lm&!én,)VfoyIfhaI~Yn%ot repeatir- Since~~that;ime,; e Lord 3"A?»‘W'?*~ Informatiansfiaré come to Lmzerick, thatffdocg Ans’) Hmszrm andhzm ill offiees inl-France, Xvhlfh ml leaves the difi:am-e._,I do xwhat I ear: to meme it,” but 1 cannot do you the good ottltes‘ you expetfiwlith \ , W e Buke Hemiitoez at this Clil}&ln{€,}’€t I have ‘told lL.%;z- ’T,§i‘3‘5 “’g“§”"“‘-3 3“ “E53” P‘W,",‘" rzerickzwhat a Cham prion you are. Your next qzze-fzgiaffo lhon as, of the afiefitons of Lezsderdlzle to M3. {Pc&m;= bytheir flmfl; cmgg, wlxitll I allure you is as: great as ever, as zzllb to "dent Amrmzs and Cat»;al2fii- Presbytery,tl10t:glt he :~x.lisl1ot‘S theimpertinenciesoft‘-1‘"‘*§‘“"'P‘4“?d‘4“*3 Hfii‘-’5 ‘W forneePresbyters, molt e{fp<3ciallytGz7i¢»@j : Ancl tl1isV"““”“‘”' A a€:’c;eA imzercsptcd‘, you are eafed of ‘f0 much trouble, arzid theythat A V % _gets it may let 1: go, for they;w1i1“ng>t bemnch the w1fer,v»~fm: V tiherctaré no Smte~matt€rs in 11:; _A<:!1€:u_. A » 2 sfidow, am. Thi$’I.€tt€'f is not without fame obf'c:.n'izy and inc%om’3{’zency 3 [mg far be it from this hmd 3.0 adm: or {apply any fence that fccfnms % to be lofiyin the Charaéter cr Dc¢yph<::rér: (Jada C‘u{'£; needs not aux: lye. Bcrfidc, the M " next of the fam: Dmiftion, wimh mus in .2 zznoz-e cm‘:-en; uniformity and % analogyc.-f fcnce, in many P;-m;$ e5:prm’nds% »an.d juflifies this." “ Ou will be clearly perfwaded it was not Want: of refo1utiV0n7 ,, to part, made me (‘£5.31 here fo 1ong,.w11en you fee that fince I wrote Iaflt, Ihave taken a firm onato go» to Frame wi;tfiin%:tez¥‘ A days at mofi :. It is boththe dcfire of .1‘ fignifiéd bysiif mwmv Flemincgand every thing fife invites,andV isfully ripe for it:One % fingularinfiance is, Lmderdalax géing along With7m€, as you Vwillhear fu1Iy»V from birnfelf: I get %a Wletter {rem Izhe Com-ea mittce to the King of Fr;mbce,. one to%”:;he% Q1_3een,anathér’t@ the Cardwinal, to get my Regiment; ePeabIi¢flaed%4%with a1l”advarV rages,whichmrxowAwi1l4V%%‘takenoeffF:é’t,% may it willconciliate V V fom¥:re%fpec‘}z~to%4my afiairs; andAfn:r1di{h me: at handforn %retreatJ¢“. A% whenllifira come off, ha}vingkg(§ta réfuférl ;,bm:h¢whichA ym: " A A_% may make an:a¢€0unt;efi for ?i%t’§s ‘wry iikeithis wfiIi . gm near to ‘m%ake?ain;tnd 0”? €E 2*c:-A g1*e:.;t*c{% ‘%part* of m y~*Amen,%%‘ arid :1~i1-“*5 = V lefs the Couhtrey 11nd€rtake%th.e retrxxits, and that upon: texmé granted byfimme, for the fi1'r€‘p33rmént ovfthe Regimfent;d4and A ‘admifiion of in to gua;rd%thc9I{‘ingF,Vi:Vwcfe ma?dneFsto %10ok“after@ \ itW%any%~mOr€': L;zz:z2!é#r21zz~’¢¥tvii41%l*7 ta%ke%‘cot1rf€% fotf Ad?’dAr€f§, »’a%nd:%yOB; % % {hallhearfrom~us»a~%taI1* occafionsA%The Genczralg Afl"c:mbIy hem” ‘ Q willgo ashighagainm-116* emgag%cn2e;nt ascan beim%agi;1ed,.bz:c4i4 1 {;;)sa:W,r W E3W.( W W W W#*%%%and% 31* %*=h%%*0P*4 had gained .7: Commzfiicm Q for use defiiruéhosa of %cIi& hlfidfir IC_““;‘” ‘u}:’£‘iE3 ."H3¢:.’i?'»’7z'[1¢'0f¢"‘»';8,‘I‘1‘d‘ [7szlér2ioz'az2d‘VhaVe I1‘0t'"‘ Iewiflx Natiro:«:w+f&/Fm; and fepmgrmae me »:'5,:r::za:/a%:¢y.‘%;P’.a£tb, mi 1 A ¢ the A*‘t£e"l£J$\Laf%VtIae~ iZ\Qzt£omzl-1Tre4t£e:%: “£wtAtk4t ~ ¢ % % % 19nl:z'c%/:i“z2r Wbrtb 21,144’ flat rejfh’ Tbgztlmmed Giilefpy U/7/Ioderzztaf Aaf that Revefézd _[feméy,;.HMt;wi/[waver g_ to fry 710 W07f5' ) jaraya'&*3VV1c*fl"flg .?tpanitlazéifaérrfd%7{'ialaztian cf the ~‘]’wz¢éliqme (sf f/qaéiz‘ N4tia:45 i7i.§27dVy.“%géZ2acf;ié:ét% Oélégations, amt? rm ,,, jlpzté a'c§rei¢::i;ér{"/_az¢¢.z/ and re1.€g£?cpgjl}%¢g,;_ A 1 % gage%d?Witbftbis.4%AV%4 M A .F!»**% :%tr+5£“%CmntAe‘ssjaf ':La;L1.«sr;:§::1;Ic.a¢3 %V;[%V.i*vg;hgwt%L¢.% A A A A §73J*19'deambw4rt3 v~ ‘; A:;i;:».e. A Avery xI*k~v::1y% .A *%t‘ht«$w %‘LcAtreVrA »co;mero »pt!~:zcr ‘ _ ;;nandsAbcf0:e1t comc coyou,% ycx:IVAmay ;ci2~y0u, ~ ,. %mmmm %is Modcramrof 0urAfTembly¢. A A A A , A % "Be care f a1 Acf the incloicd Lmcrsg ‘vyou; Vknow A to V1 =*»‘f2'¢;£§a&*:ia*i:éafb11*ré:fexpé % Awhgm 1’ I .is, che%o:her% is%forEMi‘&ArcfsV1O8. .23 .% A * x 3,; 659 95. mm-VA I-% 45 04» I I -60» 66-1 7~ ‘I? pray 4 2 yea cant‘: writ: on che_Vb2tckiqf it. and kfc%ndV ittohcr :; I1 isa11.a:A |‘?~ j 13zch§Anearer;y0 u then :1 V W315 3? Am metaA$C0m¢Ahithcrw3*1€1%%AT€C11f¢thifi ‘ ‘*1’wn.%which wehave ah;is%aday very qui¢=1&y¢dot=e: Thagg Eng1;fl,4%g;~c;"% maxchmur, jand Wain,-A we-%hav.ci made CoI:V%%Ladmick Lqfleg Gm.‘rern%orJ_ _ut;deVr%%n1y ; Lora % 7 f DuI‘