% ;..: % H10 1-; I W "7, ‘sh 5?. “ I W ‘a M % Now afexnbled at V A W E 5 T M 1 N 5 TEP.. ~. moderate and loyal! Gentlemé-n,Yeo:11en, 1 w and Frecholders ofthe Eafterne A ‘"3 ASSOCIATION. V_ ted to the ParIiarr{ent_., but forthc: rea- A %~ A A Fons rendred at the latter and, V »Q$.l” LoNDoN,A Prmted for Ralph Smztb at the fign af @§§‘.=.kIf.1‘; @231: m H! Cornhili acer [th6‘R.Qya1l'EXC}?ai'§gg€ IA 6 4. 8. :%§The Humbie Petitions, Sé519iousSuggePci‘~ V o11s,and dutifuHhXpof’tulati011s offome “EH3 ‘ 3? Thefe Petitions, &c. had beene f0r1naIlypr€i'Z3n~"[ lll$§i.}i@%?° if ’ »....s"‘2... T0 the High and l-Ionoumble “Parlzef mm.;w»c,f . mgland, no Wafiembled at A We[imirg[%'er..i A l *1‘1gg‘hdum’b1¢; Phetiitiolnsl, ferious Suggefilionsgalnd‘ dutimll Bxpollulations of fome moderate, and loy» l all Gentlemen, Yeoman, and Freeholclers of the , it A Ealtgelrne Aflbciation. V ‘Who neither are ,, not ever were ful'pe<5‘ted robe M align _% l 113111255 but fueh ash {incerely wilh Itlllch Mercy and Peace ‘V » A 5 l%.tothis fadly diltrelled Kmgclome. " - - .. El need not put your Honours in mind, that Got’! , , is A who is the Sovetraigne Lord of all Principelities it " . " and Powers in Heaven and earth, doth not lonely i I] Q V « -permit, but delight, to be earnefily pleaded with if‘ .. .,. by the finfull fonnes ofmen,in cafes of their extra. mities-; and hath giv en Cofilnliflion to““Subj'céls, to argue free- ly with their Rulers, when his Honour, and their welfare‘"ha've been upon their utmolt hazards. A l l e » Nor are we ignorant, that yoizr Selves have pleafed to ail»- mit fuch ‘aslought not to calpitulate vg-rithe you A very boldly,‘ anfi proudly,lt0l'~h€ €XC€mV€ grief ' and perpetuall reproach of the i «whole Nation; yea to the exautorating, and well neare the ad. nulling of our Parliament; we therefore humbly befeech you to A givehs leave, in this molt perilous pztroxyfme of State, not 0116132‘ to prelent our fulfil feares ancldelires , but toiiexpoflulaite with you fomewhatclofely , yet very refpeélively , conceming fome things, wherein we dare bono longer filent , unlefle wellhoulél A l‘rel'olve todare God to break forth again irrtoju{t,at1d ‘ho*tdif- [,pleafi;:rcagailnf’cIIs.i A2. A The The Bitter hDifl'entionsl oflthislld‘li-flrafied‘ Kingdlome, The infiapportable Oppreflions of the imperious A Soualdiery The te--A are fo deelphr intelrefted. dfious Sufpenfionsrofthel undifpatc‘hingA Pa-rAliam:ent,. have layen for long, and heavie upon thewearled backjsaof the Subjefls of this Realrnel that we are amazed» to conlicl'eelwith«: what deafe ea-‘res, their hoflns are dayly hearclto-lctack*'curfes upon the heads offucha as are the:Caufers,andth.e h€a1‘E$- of fuch as will notbe theCurers eh”ereof,”wheh they ought; and rnay; They ~ begin to crack (0%: load, that we hold itlour bottrldefl Aduty 170 “fpeak fpeedilyé, leafi; they ctacl: theml'elves,Aand. the whole Kiesgdomfi all in pieeesgbe-=~ fore it can be prevented) » ; ~ to j at A The Difl7:xi"fions,areiboth Civil-l,a~ndEcelefiaf’tiekl;,~to flared thele lntollfoemany fabdivilionsl, as they have fhred thermfelves, is more then yoL1rH'onours,we or can atterad. We {hall take leiaveto {pea}; Mly fo the mo{’cgernerall.,an_dt E3.—p1t3;l.li;l f AA ‘ Firfi of fuch as concerneRAeligicm, wherein the glory of o_ur' mercifull Good, the honour of the Gofpel of Chrifi, the profpe- pity of our Nation, the fahvation of our, and our thilldrens fouls- Is the Religion oflimglmmlv, Right: Honoo rabl’€,,;Whereine we, " and otlrjfiartlaers have ebeeo fo-lonlgiotPcrué’ced: A, new on arfhddera ecome futha rldrdle Are the Scriptures grown of “late! fo ab» V Ptrtrfe 9- Is Chrrift fo. divided. ? Or islthe Parlliarnem: rratlherefol di- l A {tempered That nopoffiblercounfell can be given , nor taken. for tfeconeilhag of the dr_ifFelrences abofut Church-government,but. by grantingfuch aTolelratliont as the SE{.fl’.~a.fl€S defire P: Whererin. they would liaveazl, Articles; of oultlefllablillued Confefiiorg laid; waltre at once,.at1dra“Minel p.rov.icledl tjoblow up thereli. as fafi aa ' mhayh be; Is not alllthe Piety and Wiffio-1fieofEng1.¢nd ‘able to ere€c a; Throne of Truth and Grace, for"God to dwell amongft LiS,\NiEh~w-- out bulld.iogCat11ed1‘als~fo1+theflevillanld‘hisCovenlts?s Is this the belt and firlbgftttit of our ofl-‘ct-inlgsa to our redeemerfor the won». A de1;:ft11lewoMrlts.hehath fo lately Wrought: for us? Have we rooted. out Blflmoops, Ceremolnrea, l and Supeafi-itioosl,e to ‘A plant Errtors, Schifmelsgand, Seé’raries,.i11 their rootne E» Dowe‘Pcudytt.ol canton; the ve‘::ity,,ah’d Pcabilitylolf our religion amber minds ofallt igno-,4 - aamgarnd camalzl men 2 Have we prayed and fought allrsthisr while: aomalte out: felves» an hifling--ltocke to Papifts, and Athreilftsli“ Havewe been at fuch. immenfe Charges for tremrgortall peace‘: ' A a 4 an and {hall ,wefnow iaygrm1nd.wnrkes for fpiritiiall, and perpeu mall ~difquiet.? Shall theend of Ourdefenfive war ngainfi nuriliingi, he the beginning of our ofienfive iagainfi your God? Have we fupp‘refl5ed~the R.ebel'lion 0lf‘othets,i that our {elves may take up 21 y Rebellionaga.infiChril‘t?Hdve we fet our {elves freefrom the nfur- pation of man, and {hall weynow imprnonGeod, and his Truthjm error and urn:ighteonfnesPy Have we fnhdtfxed nncxvill 1nfolenties,to e,X3_.ltnnchriliianprefumptioflsP Shall we now call that Conl'ci-i l gngéa which is nothing but afailfe fume, and 2. vaine vapour 2 Shall we call thofe tender. con-fciences, winch are fo a-;uclac1oyus as to tur- cafethe revealed, and fealed Standard of our ialvat1on,and con... verfation, to the tniihapen models of their intoxicated phanlies? Shallany man have an immu‘nity to hold an erront, becanfe hims- felfe is held a Saint»? God forbid. , _i‘ l ‘ , i " i V] . 4 i We eannot conceive, Right Honorable,with all the underPtan.. ding God hath given us, how an inlightned P£l1"liam€lS1t can enaft ag Toleration of any E1‘fOf,agalfl'PI any known Truth of God,with-- out {inningwittingly,willinglyy and prefnmptuoullyz ofwhithfins, this Kyilngdomie hath no need: Nor fuflet any eflentialel Truth of} God ytohang in qneftion, when he hath given an Ordinance to de- w eermine it,without wilfnll and finfnll negligence. You were pleafed not long finceyto proclaim :21 Fall more then: ordinarily folemnfor theifuppreflion of Errors,Se&s& Schifmesg. lhoiild you now be prevailed with, in your next fpeciall Aci, to grant alihertly for them 5 we fl1allb~e humbly ibolclgto thinke it,“ thenloifidareing peice of hypocrify,that ever Englifh. Parliament committed : Noreen we conceive how a State can fuller two diffenting formes of i Church--Govermiyent, in tone, and the fame: Policy. unles It be a finite, whofe Religion is little elfe but forme,_ and Policy,i-f theyyhayve power toihelp it, which bleffed be God i is every where at hand, whenfoever you willtall for it. i to _ The Scriptures a_yCll'l‘lOI‘.lll~l‘1‘}1S, that allholy Covenants, are e{’ca- bliflifid inlthfi blood 0f7Cht1llc, orin the bloodof thofe that make, nn{d;brea_ke them, anclis our molt {acted ingagexfnent, onely plighq. tedinnnhyallow froth” or common feurn? 150111? fivtflallllingll iC0Vj€naI1EifOrrna.EtCr,_andforijne already become an old Alma-l nacke? Shall all the liacred Oa,ths,.of fo many Chrii‘cians‘given, and taken with allytihepiiety,iandfincerity thisNatiion can afford, _ heprol‘trated,.and fruiirated, by theprofanepens of’ infamoulsi iefirfons 2fhal1.a fielieiousrariiamcnnnider nhnnewiigiousixing, i A l A A Al * ~ A ii i , domes,‘ dome;touu‘dergoe ‘fueh=reproach,iu’allt Chriliian»'iAKingdormesr7i*oF theworltd,to the utter fcorne of our Honour? and honefiy, and; pafleit li>yirr{i*lencer.<"A'God~forbid.r i i A ‘ A A j V A A - A‘-MoiiAHo.uourable,wei ‘moi’: earneftly Vbefeech you with broil--l rkrenlhearts, andibowed knees, that you would now gird up your loynes, with all frelh, and firme indeavours to order the worfhipj of God, and his difcipline throughout his Churches, according» to his prefeript wilytljufficientlyrevealed to all that will ‘fee it, and notaceording to the wits and wils ofcorrupted, rrzifguided, and fell‘-ended men:For we are well afl"ured,that that one way ofGod’ may he found out,eif you pleafe; And that you would not onely +permit,. but efiablifh it {o pofitively, and fully, that neither Satan} nor Seéiaries, nor any other may elude or evade it. it very ill be»? u comlesa religious Parliament to dallywith holy thin‘gs,,efpetiallyA foundatiom ofChurche.s. it i ” i A i My That our folemn CovenantA may he praélicallyieelebrat_ed,~ -with all firifi obfervatioruwithout delay, and that generaAllyfrorn the very highefi to the loweft, under yju{’tafi:enalAties. Your Petititot onersi dlefire in fome meafure to fear the Lord, and to dread his fearfulljuclgements. iThei(3od of England isa jealous God, ha‘ aconfuming me, we have lately. felt him to, vvehefeech youtfor Ahis’ tender mercy fake, that we rnay {grieve his Spirit no more, ands that you would notexpofe us againyto the deadly firokes of his“ dreadfull wrath. A AA it it it i s .l A “A «L We alfo mollhumbly petition youpavith all importunity,that you would pleafe notto think of any Toleration ,* which cannot be clearly warranted by the Word of God :If any thing be already pafled, whichitdothnot allow ,that-you would efceeme it your higheit honour, to repeale it :i For we undoubtedly beleeve, if God intends a news edition of good to this finfull Nation, he will never indure "fuch a many. headed moniker ofl-iell, as the Tolera- tion our Sevfiariesayrme at :Yeabe not your _H0nOLl1“s iyoflended, if we proteli inythe Name, and feare of God, that if any unlaw— full Toleration bdgaanted,~lwe'will never i give the Parliament of England reP:,fo long as we can move our tongues in our months, or our pens in our hands, till it be reverfed. eWe humbly ibefeech you to pardon our pious zeale herein, whereunto we are com-, pelled by theimpious folieitations of Seflariesi, and their Adhe- rents on the other hand; But we”_lha ll a labour to pray, and be- leeve, that God will not onelyguide you in the waiesaof_;histruth,y and ‘ A poled. M-,d“nm Qfgheirl defiresgbut alfpzperfwade you that iris‘-ase rm poflif. M bit: ‘a State {honld be fettled in civil Peacettll the Rehg1on,thereof° be firmly and fincerely el‘cablifhed,as for the hnmours of a naturall % body to be quiet fo long as the loule is difirafi ed (and, idifcorna Although wearevery nnwillling to give ofiencfe to anyl Member i ofParliament,yet we know not how to avoid this occafion, to t inrreat fhgfe Kmghtsyand Bnrgeffes of our Counties, and Corpo- t ’ rations whohave cleaved fo clofe to Seétaries, and the armie, {tire ' ., ‘ I ‘ ’ red {O fime againfh T0lerations,and fuch as have fo much abfented . rhemfelves from the Houfe, where their prefence and afliflzance have been fo reqnifite, tormderftand, that as we know them well i an; preient, fo we purpoTe to know them better hereafter,and truft l them lefl”e,hoping that all other Counties and Corporations of the t Kingdom will do the like : For if firth as thefe either feare God . A truly, or love their Countrey truly, we are either ignorant, or true l A Jitira. charitable men.Onthe other fide,vve gratefully acltnowledgqthat a. there are many in both Honfes,who have abnndantly tellitied their ficlelityltoi the Stategflooyd orthodox in thexrRel1g1on‘, held ton, {’c-antto their Principles and Profellions :. fuch as thefe we humbly « intreat them to know,their Honors and Names are written in out a hearts with letters fo legible and lindeleble, that whenfoever they i have occafion to Life us in any fervice to God, the Kingdom, or themfelves,they fhallbe able to read them without fpeétacles, and, l'hall.find.that we have been fenfible of their. great diftourage» ~ rnents. i A a t A 7 it i or Concerning civill dill’entions,we {hall onely mention three or ‘ four, whereof the prime and mol’tr1rreconc1leabl%e. 13‘ between our King and Parliament,and.that about the Negative f5e_aice,and ./m- a Astwe are fadly grieved , i that ihisu Majelly is A fo inexorable in l. e thefeftwot points of State_.,wh‘ich under fav’our,we apprehendGotl . never did,nor in his .wifd-om ever can commit to the difcrerion of any one man whatfoever, in his lapsfdyyeltateg,Nor that anyKing_or_1 . earthy that is truly and.ht1mb{ly%ywife,ydaredefite to keep in. his fole 7 a eultody_ the Key or the being“ and weléb.eing yofaawhole Nation, nor that.ianygNatio7ntwhichyhave the principles of .men,. will . ever i hetirnfbtheir lnres_,lliberties,lavves, and ,eltares to the prudence and fidelityof anyone rnortall rnan whontfoevenifithyeyyyrnay avnid in » Se» ( 8) N ‘So on the oth~erfi&e;,, we are not all llittlief‘totible&,' that t a*1“ar'lila'~‘-9 rnent ofleatnedland experienced Pamotts, cannotin to long time conttivetfneh an intermediate away, bymutuall felleff counoels, “ rightpartitioiis, direptoportions, rationa!l1idi[iiné‘tionsl, divine lots, valuable hoflzages, by al.tetin_g or iabating the Oath of Coronation, or fome other fafe Catitionaries, fo provide for the dignity of Ma;'e{’cy,and fafety of Subjeeis , that no periidious, or pernicious mifchiefs may accrue to the one or the other. i This diPfere”nce isgrowm lo high, that if we may beleeve printed’ t 8: licenc’d papers, or comon reports,there are purpofes if not prea pat’3.tlO1'}S,“t0 clepofe his Majelty from his Rule. An Acfi: too ttan-»' fcentlent «ferns to interpofe our flnallow thoughtsyyet offnch con... cernment to the State ,, that we dare not but be humbly hold 110‘ ptefent thefe our urgent Pe°titionsyto;tliis Honorable Aflembly, That if itbe poflibley fomeiimodserate and?mercifi,1llimeat1 may» be mecliatced, rather then fneh an.Earthqt1al~:e made inithree JKin‘g~..* domes, withall their Allies and Confederates, as may too pro.-l bably ‘fubyvert the very foundations ofonr lives and beings, by a» wakening endlefle wan upon our Brittilh Scenes. by A VThat7yo1.iWiosuld be pleafedy to conlider humbly and timely," that as God doubtleffe‘ha~«th a veryheavy con~trover(ie with our King, fono qiiefiion he hath thelike againlt us fubjexfts : If his ’ finsrbe {aid to be ftarlet,we wilh it might not be {aid,onrs'are- - of a very deep itrimfon ll; fo that we may truly feare, that as God gave us a King it1.h1s'at1g€13 fo ‘he may taltehitm away in his wraithgé yea in his deep difpleafure againfi us as well ashirn; V ~ That you would take care that it may never be Pcotied that la a Fatliamen’tofiEngland in a timeof Reformationt of Religion, dew .termin’d any thiftg tapitally; againfi a King upon 'conj'ee‘tur’als Weifear the very mentioriing of lo heinos erimes,w‘ithout perfpi... .0115 proof, may reclotznd to the irreparable cliflmnour of both M‘ Houfes, yeaj of j the Army it felfe. report againli tan ordinary- Elder, onght.nott:o be received withotit twoiaot three W_itt1€~l'ltj.'S:l Probables will not‘ev~inee iineteclibles", with poncle-routs men : ‘Int things of fo l1ighnatute,wthat- cannot be proved, the “way is to lyeaveylilhiiim to Goti,sattcH:oelpray that he would be iipleafed to find?’ out away and time” to clit«fco‘~*e r~ancl revengte them: National orayd ers in fuch cafes are GotlsOt‘elit_1a~nee‘s; we thereifore*hunibsl-y pen .n i tition yotir Honours, that what is ‘done 11Tthts ca€e,may be elonew a N at ionall gwet ‘could wifh to an nnivetrfatll fatisfaétion. t i ' ' X?Ul1t-?ril1m~ .9) Whethet a Kingbenot ,a littleli I.aw-"-Ioofe, for fomepetlbi-‘ \ nal‘vices,, if not bound bythe eztprefs letter of i the Law , we do not now‘ difpute : bntthat here eccountable to his State; for A exorbitant crimes. that are Political’and Coronal, weidoniotf not. Only, if they cannot be apparently proved, but ve-A“ hemently fufpeéted, we httmbly conceive itimhe duty of I V State to lay him folemnly in fnch kind of Lavengier as grows.‘ in ti1ee7.“OF Dewféfvflvmj ,VWl1€r€~ affutedly/God wiiliindl in his wifeft feafon? and M likewife fully difcharge A the State ; it is an ordinance tnfhtuted by God for clofe nefarious» finners, and ought to be _ obferved in all religious Govern»; ments. e And_here.i, X lefl we ll101i1lilb€ thought to .Fpeal< too moderately: V A for hixn,welhallprefume to addffhat if {time thingsdeclareci a..; ainfi him canbe proved with meridian evidence:-;iF all the fab? jeéls of his A three Kingdoms befides our felve:;»‘, fhould cry; . Virzzmr Rcx’l1€V6tifo‘l0ud , we are refolvecl for our parts to _i I fay Ameéntfo foftlyflas neither Godnor man {hall heartius.‘ A .“‘Yea further if upon a perfonal Treaty the {halil'7not imanifefi fo much true repentance es to condefcend to Religion and jfieafonig iwelhall look at him, and hlsithrfe Statesttwiitnas fail and moyflieyesii, as any man or member of Parliamencrijje tithe ‘fWl10"hC”i\VllLé_ A _ a A‘ Wealfopetition veryihumbly, that you would lie pleafetl to apologize to it the world the jreafons why you now proceed in upon {uch Allegations as we conceive iwere not unknown ‘ twhcnlyou both t-pretended and i intended fuch pious and tender refgeflg toflliisw 1 iajefties ipetfont and dignity in your forincri ‘ ;DecI_jarationsf,,‘ Ren1on‘flrances and Co‘venant.~ It is our ‘cl-in . . to‘iprefurneyonha=ye fome new iOvertu’res, or further gtoun 5 thenileweteliformerly in light: iBnt~wee humbly conceive ,1: * weteaijneceifaty point; of wifdom to publifl1 them , lei’: the Religion‘ and Loyaltyii of 1+: nghmd, yea the Gofpel it {elf}, may ~ tfnFFetoxinote’then an etgzma is worth ; and fucceeding Kings, in tl1:elilA.a-, [as 11eceffi:,:ate$w that grea-tffi cam fiat: Ga1a«Vbe fupgo-3 {cal to come off Vwirh§:0c>.d cpnfcienccsaxadmredirs.W n —% As far aA?P¢rfona1 Trea~ty.,_%and’{yot;1:;V{o;:es. fo;bi&1idingaI1,. * addreifes to, and from» the I!iing,,_ur1d4er;A gamfl of A death, rhouughg webevery loa:hAAco {peak any thing to, In. yet wcfdarc: d9[nQ.~ Ms thenhumbly petitionymur Honors, % -That you would vleafe tovconfider feriouifly, Awherhexs AA Gocfi; a‘Vt:a£1f3y time, ha%th:giv;en,.fuch wfevfire prefiden: by, fegting. Vhinijg WE» at fuchja peremptory difiance, aggginft any King, Kihgd6Arfi§, at m:m,we. thi~nkmc agajnfc Sml;a1;s utz:-erly, to inhibit: A ;';i1lfac-i.;. *drefl'es% to and: Fromffimfélf = 15 h¢Mha;:h,_ the cafe of many of us fubjt-flswisvery doleful : but that it may be fo; betwlégt ‘ and man. do%ve,r»5g:. much:&A ~-qu;’:£3tiQn.%' Thatit was thfimanner ofhi&.o[wn;pe0pl€%, Eiefiw knew- h&svAAmina; to‘.femgma%«da0r andr fiat to the moiti¢apitalw;¢Ma1e~; faflcbzr €VCm»I;~m:+thfl ‘very firokev e;;F~ ;EXscution; V . I % i“ That: it Agrcat picfcfi of evtry fubjefls Birthr1gh%t%,4. the very-meanefi, it he. will require; it:.,% no he admitVtcd co Aplcad; ' perfcnaityfor fhimfielf, in; any Cafe oi.: Court: of 17uVfii}cc:."withim.V ghgfigalmj: A-ndr criminalmfes ir.cianno1:beA a$at:oy.deg;L; Y"f‘7"“—°1I1&i.f:nx:V1é;1i"C¢;$.,.. mersen then: the Ifle qf PVig/91,, whcre::herc_ %ma—y; be %Aro,s;=;2f111iA%% andg; : fafctyfimugha. ;€§>r‘rath¢r nah:-.rcf thtn no Awheré ; You bavin“g_ icm: EtrLiI::1gth%Av€ry% ready :9 intend yom %A Asia isf ourdum, i;:ib rincip1¢;fs fcaf:-V Religion§andM;. 3rtfa£?.E:‘ w as c‘(§_n~. vsfern ehc4%:.Afcécurityf bcnhmf Parliamem; andgecplg nor make "3?0,u,§ VA A ;lm‘eany.1awful: advantage. which. God hath gun imp ~y*aux.z .!1;a.I‘;1_d$..~: »an‘d:tha£ youmfiy tsfie f*1¢h%fitrnA1sz:ors.» A’ upon your ‘cm- -#fi.x1tationsarid;congLg;f§b4;:$,4 t;L1:a£yc;;;:.fid;;:1Iity may be ctpwnecli ;z:?»’,%iz:h%o1:.1r;trar3qu.ill§I;}z%,for%m:4,r;y “ages. " ~~ a1f0.humb1:kbeIeéchV 3;%v¢4qA.,4%if 4 4Fo;r§eIe;: neAA<:eITary§.r% ‘ grouaas% _ A our . r \.<_ _ . t getoanas to romimit 'l1gSJ7»!.:¢je/if to has lThronrz, amt" yalr’ woulAdA pleafe to do it in fuch titrraAancl& manna-A, as maylpmr. l*vCf'tIifall forcible endeavours t?T“ro1*r1 o‘thAers, and rathor gain anti»? fwfeétlen, thentexafptraitetthxs Spirit towardsyou or us.~A 11:41“ rrslifar better he would come in upon a {aft 5 Free, and cordlilalim-=«= vitation, than upon our fears, or in {.1 way of triumph. A t 3 Iris alfo rumou»red,frhat there is an intention to rejeél the A W: of -blQOd,Oi‘A-~n€Kt * ilfuetz AWet know not how‘ ?Far«,thofo’A lworar {maybe ioir“e‘rre'red,A t>_.utif'%ofa1l the Royal garanchesl. owe?” humblyA pray ‘you? to confider , “ ‘ A I That God will look at the Juflice of fuclir an 2361:, as‘wc?léA a+swella“saA244rm;y.l to maths Prudrnce-t“_ “ A A A A A ‘ That Hgflrj thcezglrrlthacl an Edfimrd, T arnclfl an Elififléfitby Tharfiorlé elteemtd it a great rnercylto promife‘ ‘hispeowl iple a‘ coman: fucceflion of Kings in a continued lino‘ “’tt'Fhallr form of our Royal Stems are now by Gods fpeciall permiifion out of our reach; but hovir foon, or by what means A tltey mayrtreach us, and what Errors At‘thryimay* iafterwarclst dill éovér il1Aourfproc€edAings, hard ‘to tprefage; A‘ That you Woulldpleafe to remember well , that tho Sttb»j'.e&7$ of Scotland and Jlrctlczm" are Copartenwers or ]Aoyn-—trnam_ts l with us”in aKing,and how we’ {hall fue out a Writ of Par-L“ tition; or how we ‘can jwith juftice deny them at 1':-Iead for tlreirC1f’owns, _ orA*le"tr Athem havelonel‘ of the tightrllmstg A and om: ; l"elvcs none, without continual hofiility, and» invafions upon the Land,isf'ar beyond our knowledg. ~ ‘ A A A A ‘V F AIris FuArther whiéfpiered, that tiherowarelconfultarionsrabout 4.. A “ alterling the Frarrior form of ourltAoM12 GOVETn1h‘El1t.:‘1fi£13.6: fo, wqtrufi yqpwr Horrors will pre-— cortfilder W§hVat«a~ perplexed A task it may prov-e,A for this kiclrlflér Iflerntlgoverfid by~‘Royalry,, ever finco it was an inhabAired piecerof lioarrh ,, For ought welknow; o nowllto fulffet another kind of rule'to.?back it oz‘ We fadly fiar,»i:t Aw5illAlaow thé n€wAAR'idcer$ll lwillfistr~rrhellfa«;ldle, though in A V bféa‘kal1AA its? git-ths,’ yea ‘itsgowtat. lneckArdAVV”t profcfs , for J oxrm parts, we‘ are of the bilrds or Fowlsr mirrtlll ; who, when they éozdftxlted about a King, would rather. choo ft: to be ruled by an A Ejagle, though he.hadjbutArAhé. wings of afiy, then by a Cozmcol“ ‘ ofanylothcr £OW1S,atm€d.L rvitla Eagles tallons, A B 2 A A That 4 Tfmyéu mum likewircfarefee:.heWAdiF5¢éItV~i¢wi11%.6e%toV A FQund‘va ncgw Vfiovernmem Witlg any ilabjgicyg till mg §i:1;x;xfe of nh§1'erpendibcular,¢ in a true eqyuanimirybfPar1i2n;nen~ A -twaryi Proeeedingfis, A irn.cau1fies of fuch,fub1ime.confi+ derarionand 1. "lofty ,confi=:qu.enCes.e ; “ A v . are conederaoe fins archer ,N_a:ri%on.ro.ber: ut; meafutegi bfinfurlg the hearts _ of + r robber 1ockeiiir+u~p in -~‘obfi~in’acy”-andr itrjpenitency ;, :;d:;yly' i or A V provoking the eyes ,of Glory, "to jufl f AwraA_rh;"o we ‘ ihfere£orebr¢hope wilt’ nor‘c1ifp1eaferoG’od, if we~ A . A A‘ ‘ B“'3~_ purfixer A*pu:ru”e ana'peaeeroraras we may; = M gag %--mo:e‘we‘*£org1ve one %another, the {owner he wm orgive us thrsitemporallvpurufhmmt-% H A A 4 _% ~7Ihc principallefi rea{'on* which perfwqded4u§,wa$ oi1rAfi4ii1Wvva;'¢;4l fE:17,t€S;th.afiin~thiS dangerous Acrifis ef State, our Pariiamen-t mighrbe fomewhat vaIetudi%narious$,V A and pofiibly Iabgur cg fume fuch diflempers‘, as mightdmake chemfomewhat unfit, A totranfaétfuch tranfcemisrzt affairesz We conceive it" is the % cuftome off-misV ALamd1;Mirhen Ma Ngibléiman is j%fei:?atenc’ci té de}aWth,‘ thcffen'tez3c}5% is*nor*: aupi<:.A A %;_W.<*-‘ %:m€&n; new all "the Parliament,“ n0ra11%th¢ P€0P1¢.= but the gmater part iof b0th- Thwdasaly complam aw W \‘ A ‘ A A haftlie’ P#fii‘a1i1€rIIA.adb¢r¢sMA %:o<>much to 5A¢ctari€$» and die -~T9l3afi?1th“c*y‘Afiiffirja great part %c:>'F* the Treafury, colIt‘cted% di- V€rS Wayes in the liingdpmgio mifiggarry, for “want: of A due in---» fpe¢tifon,.4in£‘o; the; too large Fees _;J and‘itoo {born A accor.1ntsa" of f);rfic;f;*r$, orbyf bfimgzdifpéficfid W pardtic1:i1arA%;A p€?ff04nS , beycmci: tlaeirp €fer%ts, or ffC1‘Et1y,.d§pOfit€d~.-fbfth€AA§11’1y; to majritain tlgem ii‘1‘Lfo"tn4e”cic-figns A‘yetflunl<1icwn. VA 4 That” they too né‘adilyA %”ix1;ab;r%aicA¢:€ unjufi %and‘ inftifficient irii-3% m‘ . peachmbnté A §i¢i¢1im@nts% f”fo’m”tY1M£r:i1y and V M _ W . V 1Tub_j;eccsA.in; that-, I1‘I'ing.dome, Twheé nhaw been held r~Avery Fgmtihhm ab the Parliamentary ggufe, VV_hiCh«i:8 ~4E0§)« well ‘p1¢a:fin‘g]» tbi *;zm advarfwarcee“. A V‘ -A ~ A I V A me;ArV Adifiereritszg mmafaiverse. » That thVey'fc:rfake :the% Am:iemRu1es of Lafwg ~in~4théira§>rd-5' c;eed:imgsaga7 'I711atAyo11;;a«r:eV re 1‘ cl}: m al%i;cnat:1%fi1éhV I;ax1ti§;::i$_'L4Twerc$ giver; .; am1~:confecra&¢t«ec1.. mfflhurch Aufes which. many cf¢ncei%vc~wom1d; makfi gd: imla;:g¢;:xawmss%;;AccsA_nhh,.;: elivinfgséufmznyv poor and FaithFulM'inifier_s. ‘ A A ‘ ..; gpu h3§§’€*:b@€.9fLCQOrig‘;) cc»; thfii we11§d%e{erwimg=~A‘City 3 L anA;t11<;VA.11;,tirea.[nabl¢:14 mm1ona».nE; thf: now 1ll-d€ierv1ng- Ar-g= +wA'I§he Isruzsh of t-hQ17£than'gs~;we.amer.noz:;..beingremote From%~cha:.% 7% 5¢3¥~0,f¥°5~€iiC§1T:*iQ%?1s» ti13tjfi1Tqh} aemzthc-; «murAmurs of Achfi peopluin t—f;;i3Jife:Wag;1d4;q~;:hc:1=~:kmd§:,,,ithamtheV%éncien;:Homo'z;Vandi?o‘wcr.of.our~% fanzn4:;:A_%I%ax;M;a;1x1ez3zs;g4.; Ietcm co:-A be, almei1?c<~;mually‘ ‘cclvzpa b»yi*r~h‘is« \ %;§s1Tc£n1?13i;,amd :ha;1at<;fl¢;pgm:s:k:li;jxgs,; nheariézomfinclte regarcls-«A H .Wifc cd«amongfiCLhe_g¢neral§ty.. A 4, (I5) l Wlfc:.xi1Efi;"ivhehtlreytferio11fl weig.l}wthefcthln'g§;§f'El1‘lleé‘ fa,-it:h;;na:g¢grleftttfotlthe deplore ~eondxt1on%t of the Kingdom,” e e . thenjghegllrcan or date eztprefé-; 1;; T: A l . V. M _ ‘t A M We tlierel"ore molt humbly and eameflly pfettt-ton Ycur Ho- 4 note, *tl1a.t«y03,1‘WOuldt be exceeding V "careftzl, not to undo the Regkn, by undoing our Parliament, efpecxally by the fame, or ‘A very like eourfes, wwherebythe King and his Bilhopsv have In lately ,updtpn%e‘e lthemfelvresg I It ‘ will «be very’ “led, ‘ if; ever this» IA.a11d:lAl'houldlhavela;9 full ceufet tolgtfoaln under a. 'Pa’i=li"am_em,as gggfighl under a King, wham that Patlia-ment thought not*lwoe-'-T thyof his Throne ; ,0!’ that it {lmuld ever. be whifpered amonglt goptl me-n, that? 33 I;’.arliament,tl 0F ~19 nglzznd afied the alfairs ‘ of’ State, fo obliquely, that they dared {it no longer, then they : had K ;gaI‘tlt AIITIY } 0fttrefra«‘5t<[>ry_ Schifinatlclcs for theirj Life-ft hat yoilxfitottld be pleefe%lC0teagal11 the love of; the peotylc ‘Parliament, mhealingtelallbreachesandmrixxg thewoutldsboth and honor of’ your Affembly, by makingliacha Clofe of this of the Common;-weal£h*am:l'(3l1Lirchés, lnfetcling thetlpreletzézel‘ and peaee Qf; tGod axnongfl ‘us ;: as mwaynotlonlyyblot ioutl all A regretings ‘8g3ll1&,y0H; butugreatly finlarge the hearts" ‘F V all 1 loyal £ubi'e&s%_Arpt$eblefs Gdd” far your pl€ty,"‘j91'l!d€nCC',lal‘l£l‘ ‘in; A dulh-yimpro"€redinAthe cliificultwaffairsltofwthellivingdom. .— A A # ,eTh&t¥ll£fh¢£€ l)€'\a_m? "Members; t;o:r;Meniberl'of.*»IPa1=l,lzimettt, that ‘afe noted to be very tllfcandalons rdtifparagements ;Vhe“; Houfe, twat wquld plea i‘€.€i£hflrV‘-tel‘ awndxmte their Namesl‘ or A 4- difchafigeA;thei11..perfons Fc§r5the"Kifigdd1nséhdn0rf'ake;.:;t ‘Onepr * asfew execrable p»er[qnstmay:,l£inder thefefivice {u“cee1“s of * man}? able wotthyltmem ~1n”fpecial,;ttthet you wdulcl: gi7've:1ist”lat:5fpeedy ‘and ii-patftietilee enumeration Qfewhalt crimes are treafombleand capital; whet- ‘ Vin wel”eonfel?s*Fortthe prefent many of us are benjighted: and* that ylou\L would ptefedtly put us out of all Fear, jfthat ‘all your % Pl‘QCAin-- terruplzl Cb_3.AAEf defigne, then fol c'o;1nmemdAable 3;“ and awe their like mow fo punilhable 2 V‘ W§;l’¢l1elC0mWl*fi’3‘?*39.T7‘ilfOf aztAe1we»tilne 1W,e’*A’3efl!¢aA and Evil» fi‘.pp1j:e.ller;dedlll»fo: p.exzll1;maeseA;»leand aretheAAArm1es»felzmgof all; at 4' afl7:f€li0lnLs"al;;1d _lnd€alV@L1eI5$e:lZ10_ln£€.1‘I‘LlQ}I 81.. very Mpicious cleflgne, moi“: 0%flthelGarrli‘l7QB5 fthle, and immeafntablc Opprel'lions,, which this Land hath, and cloth fnffer, we mean only fuch as have been impofed upon us, fince out Kings coming to Izloldmfaj, and the,Ot1derA of Parliament to dishanid the Armie; lhould we give the I-Ionics a particular nccompt of what incredible luntmes, Ex»-. eife,A»llE:fi'ements,..and that devouring Preequarter hath amottn. ted to in our. Shires in generallforin outfeverell Towns, and Families, many timesbeyondthe means of otttylnhfifixutee, the Rents of our Farms, and the Livings of ourMinil’cers, it would rather yield matter of afionilliment to the,Patli:iment,an,d of wonderment to fotteign Countries, then any found hope of re-_ lief" to our felves. And that which makes us judgeitoppireflion. indeed, is,thet all,_ot molt part of it, hath been mifpetit upon an Atmie more nume‘rous,__then needfnll: It being publiqnely ace-, ltnowledgeydihyyyoyut honours, thatour enemies are wholly fub-a dned, and no faceof watre, worth the looking on appearing in out Engliflm horizon. . i t A i t , _ A 1 i A ‘t t , An Annie thstithavet done l_ittlei.or no other. work for la loing ’t“ll‘31t'1,Ei1;i5{V\r’(i’ know of,b,ut ,l‘CaEt.€!.‘€L_'.‘i, ,theit,poifonons (il‘UgS_ in plaeestvhete they i'i%:W‘C been qn:nftet’dl;,, ttehled the number of MnlignItmts,exa?perate,d tlteitiifpirits to the highefi degree‘ of rage, , l and tom: olitheni uttereeiluch f<;.otnlnil,;s.nd nnutinous ,.iEttl7gLl£.l-‘égt-3‘ .sgaii~nltthe Patlianatnt, as none but 211li’£:L1}7tlfIi, Nation would, or i could .endnte; that have tnixed ythennlelivesiwitiihl“nei~i drggs of men, aswe ldsre boldly afl‘itttHt,{£lm-£,,Ei1Ciyat€ not thoii: c;~;.,é.';d, mizaflm, and‘ fltithfzsl , w/aicla fellow yrhe Lczarsit ‘ in las1s.mt:r2r'c:,.:a.S tome pretend, but at generatiioz-iit»hs.t want eommoin honelty, titi-.; t t lit)’; and modefiy. .-iii? Ar.tt1y,tha,t ton-s.th€la.nd every _wee.kiinto' fntch Arrears, .' “ ” t; 3* “ “ ‘ ‘A iEi1'&l;.. that we caoofee no poifible em! ofoor exhauPcmoots,tHatfind the A Pariiamenrt fuch continual! imployrrgcm, thatlittlo or nooothiing can be done, box: attendance upon then‘ occafions, and pleafures, that have irreparaifilyblemifluod the Famoofour nation,biaPcod the ffaoogbroken the ftoaffi: of our firengthg we zfrean the Iliuflirious (Hay of Landau, whofi boom:-sous and unanimous help in our time ofperill, ought to have been bottor re-membred, and o rerqoi. ted. Yoa,unochri?ci1y,md prophanely barcerd away thoir own former Waiiwdeforvedhonour, for jufk reproach, and dif.’ei’ce‘eoi.. An" A~rmy,thathave (0 long fwallowod tho fweetoeiie of on their msoscaresxaod their qwnoeafe,that we much fieare they ' will never fall to anyoothor craoé, buctofludy fazchocounfoiis, and inovem: {och projefls, as may give {precious prcteoces , for them tofpémd the resmioder oftheir 1iV€S in idicoofis, ’aod too many ofchemio mpino, and Ioudnoiso ; {fill perfiftiog tQc’érVE;‘.‘ out {och contrivAal1s,as neither the;-n1e1v‘::s, not all the wiiedome ioj the L:md,knoow how to doe or undue: The truth isgothoiz: Waics are to crooked, that the‘m{%:lvcs»cannot coll Izhis ;week, what they wooldhave the next, unleffe in be; money to pourfue their owoe 'fins9 and our forrowes. , A V 7 An Army, that havedone more harme by exaoirr:ia:ing,and cowing tiho Spirits of Englifhmon, by their gracolcfs do;moeerw- ing over them, Wiih tzhcir odsof number, and other advantages, them halfchoir heads are wo:::h,a.od fo air will appeargif thoro~ be any new caufe of aryali, ooleflc againft thexnfelves. An Army,t!iat;harbour:a mm amongihzhem, “as would not oniy cut the Kingdom fkxorcer bythf: Heod,buc by tl1e‘S§‘1oulders. alfo,oiftt-may could, by the bereaving us of the mofl %hoooou:%;;e.§,2>ie Ho:.1"fo of Po-eres,aod degrading them from their aoéirszxt‘ ol22go and ufeio ‘:lraooParliam‘enot,of England. - A A An Army_:,t1-mis Apholikioilieflzneao thaccan be fuppofod, to o-: W pen mother Fountain ofwarro, and provol~;‘e$n‘ew fcreaoocs“ of blood amen flour felveo orfrom otbsero arrow wizzaefonho 06-- V 3 J ‘.3 nerall digcooatentsfindozxaoorcnuringsg-Ache1arte,Tuoool;s, and tho Northern c§1r«22n:ninAg fitorms ,'5tfififlg againfi their daring, aod oprow voking coL1r(z:s;aood when they {hail-foo black to-omoefics 3 coming; wan probably find tome uoosvordzyo oflnofiz, ms fheltorofor och;-:-mu felvos, and cxpoicithc Parliaxment .t®;W.ii'$ ozher forces tofavo % themielvesmad usif ihoy can. 1 An Agony that eorertaiooo 2% omitituéie of ?onna._r and iam- % _- -I . . , W. gm bedient: waves. ‘~7’f5°') his when wanting hush Wit and Vgrace, hafve laboured what they can no debéunch the faithfulhand able Miniflery of the Land,that nhemfelves may‘exer.cife their hgifcshih”‘"7publike Congregations, A and play the Apes in Pu1pits,€oig%nommly and impudemly, that in his a thpufand ‘fhagnes Em: a State Eoifuffer fuch mawlepersfoo-3 ier%.::s,and horrible exofbitancies to pafife unpamiihchd. An" Amrgyé that‘ have donehwhac they may.,w pave a ‘Way tmé a rekapfe of ufmpatiun and revenge, fevenkfolcj hworfe then in times paft, if the «adverfe party can hutoncélifrup theérhhands to their Head. A A” h V ' A H “ . \ h_ - An: émnhy thtzatxhave brought the »AFfaires of thfi Kingcicame in- toiuch cc3:1¥ufit.m, ancigchrf: Stareirxto {nth diforder ; that the hon.- neftenand whifcr man are, the ieffe nhemrknow what they may,_ or can, or ought 1:0 doe : umiceffcit be to repent them ;more of: their {'ims;h,“ht‘oh hm: by hxinhyco look up to God onely for helps, from whom alzssne it mmhhmw be expeéfid, and in the means whi1e,.hco keep hofffurtixer evils, to farhas they dare. An Amy, which put us out of all hopagzhat ever the peace hf: thf: Land can be£'et1ed,k>lmgas;they are on foot in their difoah We: would noz be uhdérfimod (Right Honourable) to cehfuré éll the Arrnygwhemin we Imps there are divers truly ggodlygo- " 5‘? .h . ~intend‘only Sr:8carnes,and perfons devotedco all cotxnhcclls, and attfimpts ; ‘againfihwhomif We have fpoken high? wjehpray your Hcmoum, to flea their free quarIer,agaizra{‘:hour free’language,thr:ir tjherg, miflcsdhby ir>~nomnce,neccfl.i:y, and mm:ia1lSop_hi{try; we hungry teeth, ‘haghainft our angry tongues; and no confidher shat. mheboldneié of our fpeech,fails far:-5 {horn of chcinfolencies of their aékicms, your {elves being judges :j'Irufcingit will prave h m great mfFr:nce,‘h:hatw::1peak What we: can hf}:-r our lives, while A we are ipeahingfor the limes Qf cWoh”Par1iam::nts, anti three. Kingdomes, Théh dva2ep*ien.cc: ofzhefl: ehings,havc:omai'i.m‘:cd us« inch Lmctifanhc gricfb, and himptrrta-bid fbumhaafns, as inevicably A Am»mp:*11‘u8h tohpreferre nhefe our hmnble Ntieiensto b<>i;huthe.h ‘ Hmnourablfihflcufes. A * ThaI:y0u~ wcauld behphzafed fea.f0t1a*b1y. to deC1:areMt§) ghee Kingdome, the true Reafons why they are hconh;hcir}q:dm ‘inch great jnuznbgrs, andhlw fo great chargucsqzhat0-uA:gim.i:5» ~maybe‘fo:mewhhatheah-:d,though our epuraas £n_aynoc. Em: om: Parts gm. wnwfi n9«{9t§erg¥%>msa£1$b%h shfihh -3: . K24“ I I . They are refolved to have a To1eration.oiF their impiorts A Errata, and ibpqinions, which they call L555‘:-:7 affm... f fcimceia that its the prime purchafothey {chem my aim ag, i A2. To.ipiace Government. and authoriityita the hands of finch, as {hell proteff them therein, againfc all oppofitioo Whatfoever. A 3. Torriaioititin their Army in Full force, till theh: their ends be fttily aecomplifht-d5 and all indeavours againit them ‘throoghly fiienced. it t _ A ‘ A _ 4. To fttrnifh their OI‘-Beers, whereof many are rifeo from mean trades and eflates, with fuéh“inliargemeots, as may keep them from falling down again, to fuch low con- ditions, as their pride, and (pan-new Geotries Wiiioot V indure. A "V A A A ‘ 4 At ; tWe rnofi eathefily obtefiiyohr Honours, that you would A doe the Kingdoms that right, to fearch out with all idiligence, who i were the firft -Counceliors and I r)Pcigators,r~1ot to disbzmdgitbut‘ to purfue thefe their defigines; which have not only retarded the tier» 7 tiernent of our peace, and the recovery of Ireland, but reiogug. fed us in {o many new feares, that the vifage of things looksas ghaflrly upotrrus now, as when We were in thehigheft hurriies of our 1ate‘concufl3.ons 3 We neither can, {nor dare exprtiie our thoughts of that Parliament which fhould rife, before {och men ‘he throughly Fallen, if they can be difcovered :.-the efiates of the-fe Proieétors, and of the chief perpetrators of their couhiels, are fine A L tei-t to pay the late “Arrears ofthe Armty.» “ A Shiould your Hoooursieejuft cauie, that a competent Army ‘ {hould be {till mairztaitadg for the foppreflion of {hitting and im- placable Spirits ; which we apprehend 1 very nctefl’ary% ; . we then 'earnefily petition hothAHoofts, that you would be pieafed role: every County and Shiréraiie, and keep in a readinefiha fufficientt \ number oftrulty, and well-armed horfemen, tincierknowne and faithfull Oificeris true to the Leagttcand Covenant, commanded A in chiefe by the ‘valiant and worthy Sit T/flamw Fairfax, piaocedt prudently in fit partsof every Shire ; who with thee fpeedy“aid'of " Trainedfiainds atid}Auxi1iaries; We queflion nor, would dothe work,.with more acceptance to God, and the Couotrey,then Eh-i$ trouhlefomoand unbeiloved iArrny :.Which if your Honours pieafe to grant, we eafily prefutnemot only our Afatiate C'omm‘e:,hut it til the Shires, andgitiee in_ the_Lanci, vgiil performcat their owt; fret; Fm chat’§es,lookug=~for no recotupence from the Sate. e ’ i If this be not thought meet, ‘WC then molt eatnefilyiietitioui youto perfwade.-thechief-oommaudets of this Army to purge their Regimenteafnd companies of all mutiuous, leditious, and Sehilmeticell ~0.ffieets and Souldiers, and the ‘refit to fobmit wholly to the wifdotne and will olrthe Parliament, not medliog instate matters anyfurther then other Subjeéts do, which if they would perform in the felxof God, as we lhouldbe glad of their further faithfullcfervice, in cafe of need, So we doubt not but theheatts and afieflions of all good men would be tenued to-y wardsthem yfo vufainedly and labundantlyuhat all i pail: mi{i:atri‘- ages would {con be remitted and forgotten. A We alto humbly petition that you would pleafe not to ingage; or put off the befl pledges in your difpofall, for the pay of this etaving Army ; but to receive astfufiieient to repay our disburfe- y ments,upon the publike faith,which out ptefem: and urgent wants conflrein us to call for. l e We alfocvery humbly petition your honours, that you would it * fpeedilytttecall elatesordet, as we conceive, which gives leave to ; soeldiers toentet and take up free quarter in the houl'es,1 of fucih as are tetutn’dml"olveut of their Atfcfments , which every man is not able to pay at the time required, many good Subiefls ta- king it very unkindly, that their former freenefs to aflill_the Kindome in a time of need, mould be foon requitcdmthetjwxth _ air point of Turkijla flu-very, then E:-sglijz equip}, egtetciled upon ‘ them by diffolute Fellows , not yworthy to be their fetvauts.‘ We undctflzand oflate, that fundry godly and lmowingyymen, begioto=mnke aqueftiou of paying wthele continued Taixes, for this Atmy,las formerly ofLoans,and Shipmoney ll ajndiprobably V we {hall ihortly heat of many, that will xfetume l to thofeflioid Principles, as not to pay withontlcgall dificrefi"c.~ to y A l 4 e t We therefore befecch your Honours, fa to confident confeieti- ces fincercly tender in this point, as notto tefignlthem up for Ptey's to nude ysouldiets; but to order Collefiorsy with the help of Confleblesgytoj dilitain for gwhat Atft:at,t it: a peaceable, and reafonable maunetgupon llfuehas.won1,d: rathfir yecldi Pafllve @- bcd~ience to Authority then be afiiveagaioft their ownijudge--i ;,9gleeifetyou plea e, to ice fume equall penalty, for what ‘ f D A A {ball M.f"~ we-; flaali mt: brbu,g«E1t-;iemE0Me. fe\S.Ke.a7W' flmeivcre Mi fiaeeies prefcribed; .e Beet chiese we mew :mt‘::I"1t.iQflae may f§ .'-£_I'€dgyhi£_» y£:u~;.ple'a{*¢ mg g¢;§;.;,3TEA;‘1£e of ec3uere»eeforemee teeneiwerefi in ffiei.en:c;;e;ef£?rfi¢S»~.;::%: ,e~; mper; ma Mme A " 1; L7 A V. . : “weaflfcm humia»15a :befeeeh 5%eu::f1e:e* aliefipleafe «to VA - Aeyrcfcfibaeeeeethcm f fidigy‘ ar”M~c¥l“;e¢er*1;ye* iwh ’a;T1E~*«c4?1*:exeeiw“c¢M er :2» whee caprtalléeammgit»erhcmfelvean in tMi~'1‘~" Méftiaifiie Q®l;fl3$Q“S§;‘ garid team e::.le2:‘7'r:m AA lD.OfC$»«. to then‘ arb'itr*:ar‘yig;31m:anee;eeeande.{mMgu1k Lmdeeeeflandinega V A A and 15 we *gi~v;e~ li}beWy« 1-: t:7mJ.etSub)'e:vEtS~,.;_ Vwhenfoeenzer 1 are wronged by the ?iAnfi§1encifeiee- ef 8m_1ld1ers,.e ta; compiam .ei:ehc;:jg tag, ehee*“Ef1:*‘¢.fetsi%dF%the erMAwe1;-ufi2m~ces::o£;Peae£a, which ,_tI3cy.;; ; A % Thaa’: y” eewou1ee«e eheeeeseiax-eeey: efpecfimlieecere 53 eearetehat fame.Seaariessifthegebeeharctepuua ee&vvfl1.: Mra m sea; as%4t!'16_3f"%<=';3’fA1V=7A4%*‘“3,*W" Cmftifific SJtakc% libmy, em ;¢my% aym: 3"h1mp8§, find» rflflljmthcm a gain, whcz_1. we can Wgcit them; VWc hear; oar gV?1d¢“?*53‘¢$ 81‘? g9flf~'aAd%A9r ggwg, andgww chcywz1I‘V%go~= VW1*h%?‘%m»A %°== mthcm fafias tmy «cam % “ 4 » ” A ~ I M 2 4 % - v A%?WelaJ3fm**‘humb1ypétitin«n%ym31:Hcn0urs,tbawouwould cons»- fider, how unrc;afon:zb1y% the Lame! is %waf’ced,A% innufiacradblc mL1lti‘md:*sE0E ?ObbiFi;g § and b€ggin%gwSQul‘a§icxf§, andathggf ~_ygggfg bonds fwaffmiflg daiw .3? 0%':“‘ dW$[5’ 'iLt‘;“i S ¢4Vi"mp97flibl6: €Q??.Q5;= ~t~0 mai~h~t%ifi two Amitsa 0fl¢‘0f’i‘¢i§f7aY¢rS; A3miA1af1¢.t1ie4r .05 £a.k;eJr$; tvithuut u‘tter*fink’ing%o¥f our(’cocks5a_nfic i’catcs : tlwcrekstm to be fo many Pcouz walkers" every ‘nvh cn:,% thatif thcygcan plot their Rendezvous and ”3.‘faw atmcs, they asfc abkto troubla er «wry fi1iminth%eIan&:= Them are %an‘i‘{oa campany%o£Amunm;r¢;¢ Egypt‘ian4s, that when: cv¢rAtbMcy&cam¢, they teach {oiitary and diffcontantcd‘ Woménthe dcvillmfliskill oF'fm:c¢ry and witch; _craf1'. A We dare"“'tmt forg¢t ‘fargottctm IreZmd,% to whéfc rclicfwt importunamly ’imp1orc you to fcndfufficicnt: aid, before. this fiimmcrs Sun? bchatg lcflu allhopcs of mcovcrimg that Conn-» _’ChVriPciénity,or"humanfiziy canfior %w§l!,or ought‘ to Bear. trcyg. ' ‘and avcnging that quarrel}, gmw utterly cold; ; fadly prov fefling, V that we: {hall labycwur to wafh but I_}andAs“ofAthat blond, by infirant praycrfifhat God‘w0u1dAVcith€r fhrrr: up%Amc%a%ns1% to ax- fpiatc his Wrath forit, or' to cbargmt upqn thcirh€ads,;who have éithcr curmingly or negligently .impcdcd that mw almofl: ixgfefiblc fcnzice. A A A x , V‘ “ Were thcfc cviIs._but a: trlanfictnt Tragedy, we might, uphold mar heads A and heartsA:Withfo1ncVI1QApc_ of at timqly‘ ~i{{u?c, but to *1i*¢es 51%-“h<=, mt-pine away firm cvnfinufliclammwt 05 c&>nfmm~‘ ption, a'1f1d éc a1;ami:ty, fdcnfbrcfid UPON us by «putownA%f::£vanta,%»,,;a*t «am: own %cha;fgh:s, we mm by the A1fimy,A i$%mo*m¥th$n”&cithcr~ D24 M New; (28 ) Ncxt untq God,” eyes have been upon; your» Honours; iim-~ to wh-ofc hands we committed our {c:lv.cs,, cxpcéiing thatyou would long- are this, %havc*cxpcd1tcd us ~out.of thcfe deadly fnarcs, but:yaurdc1'ay,cstrcble ourforrows. Wc.t-hankfully ace- I’mowl't:dgc,.; wlfilc ye were a_fu1l,_,and“frce Parliament, wcga-.~ thcrcd full clufters, am reaped rich harvcflsnf your fidcfity, and ihdixfiry, but mw yen arc I?.:aAr1my-p‘miend. and obfdfcd with A Scétaries, and ’theArcE3'y fo divided among~.yous:.fclvcs, that pub- likc afairs ftickxin. the Eii'rth,.. even till. the Mother, is ready to.- yecld up‘hcrlifi:":V of”’whQfc. qnfupportablc thmwes, wc are fa *£:nfible,% that W: cannur'forhcar ta turn-our. bleeding hearts, and weep*ing_ uycs towards you, and. to« take up the very cama plaints which the gcoplc ofGod.ha;vc utterfd to himfclf; jiin Athciu like: affliflions; A hoping ncitlicr his Holinc:fl'e,nor your Honours, will be aficndcd , with fuch Words as may make dcepcfi: iimpmffions in your. mindes, and fittcfl cxprcflions ofieur fora; rows; A Give us leave tficn to‘ fly, How Ibng, Right HoxA1onrablé,'., will‘ ycu forget us? how long {hall we take counfcll in our “ 6 finals, with daily forrowin our hearts? how long {ball out op» H prcflbrs be exalted over us R The waters of affiiflion are come into our bowels, wdiatc {inking in deep mire, where thcm is no Pcanding, we arc: compaifcd about with ancvril nct, aux ‘waits arcfcnccd-up; darknefié: is 17:.-t.in our pathc:s,:. Wc. are due fimycd on cvcry fide,A troops of fmrows cncamp about». yea within our Tabernadcs; our cfiatcs. areconfumcd like: fmoak, mar hopes fmittcn, and’ witbcm-.d' like grafllc, our breaei begins V to mm %ix1tca~a{}1cs,,our drink? to Be: minglcd with tcars, we. are .hc dgcd about; and cannut gct out, A our ‘chaincs are vcryhcavy, we are :'a dcrifion to other gcoplc, and their Song alltkazsday; 1 ‘ur fouls are rcmmrcd tam: fram pcaca, nut joycs arc dcpartcd, 71' We have almofi fbrgottcn profficrity. But that which makes us rcady to look,‘ and layout out win-‘ V ding flaccts, 13 our apprchcnfion ofyour inafi'«'&cdncs,with thcfi: A our. pu‘b1ik¢~mii?:rics W»: cry out efivrong, but we are not irca:=d»A;.;4 we cry“ aloud butcan hcar~of'no judgement: Right Honourable, why have you thus forfiakcn us?" why are you fa A fa:re.from~hclping::,1s, AA fund .f'n_:2tm%_%thfc words_9f¢ur ntournings 2 ‘ «um. % . , (£194) " I we fiaendeurgiaiesslin grief; aadl our years in fighinlgfivelileek forjuftice-,but1t doth no‘tover,takeus,; we feem to be ferg‘ot.g l ten as deadlmen awe arebecemelike broken vcflels: eY+.ou‘ ppm e yeureearsto the Army,‘ and Seflarxes, but our {applications am, [but Out 53 W3 lhavcelong waited f01'1l3h*albl!$ bcholdsobfcurity . fOrbrlg,htn€ff€«',l but we arfe&i1l..‘i%n darlmeife, we grape as ifwé, had nae eyes in our Politicall»hcads,.. we mourn likebovesl for e deliverance, but it appears» not,... for falvation,.,but it is farm. from us- A ‘ ~ e . ‘Wel'mo{'’ehumb1y~.bcfecch you New awaken your fglvcs . d 11.; that you are. 10 fhe_Caufceof Gala. and his people ;_ delayazs ‘am longer, to the feintmg of our hearts, but make hafle to renew- eelpm‘~ daies, and comforts, and do not give us caufe to and om, complaintsdefpairingl ;faying with the lamenting [fir-aez3‘;¢_¢$_i Afaulseewe utterfy rejefle #5. A Our lafl and eamefi: petition is, and daily {hall be to. the GM of all wifedome,,and mercy, that he would abundantly pardon what is pal}, and henceforth lead you into the. Patbcs.of Truth : and Peace, andevereemble us to be A Honours mofi humble. l and ~faitbful'l Servants; A A % lintlhewark_of God; and the fcrvice off A ll misegrca:1y.arai&¢aminggamg. <;maA AP¢_t~§.*fiGn$, €§”c.‘.flI;0331‘3l incurmany jufi diflik“c:,or Imfe any du¢;:::':fFc:*é’ts, .‘jf11.th33‘he3rAtS\Cf goed and cquallumlndcd man,. by blfiing publifhazxi Withcaut~V{'ubfcriwptims§s of _~r;_ur»Namcs, «or fwrmali prAcfcminlen?:tmhc«Par1;iamcn%t%; We “holdzt our duty as rcnéct Amm-5; fz;11y, and cl:::ariy,A our mm ermufisrs thsreof; uprighzly pmffifffing, that wearfe fi.m:h,; as Lmerly. abhorrc an -candeelousg.‘ and muzjwmus papers, or praflxfss, and aim we have mane othc: dsfirc, or defigntz: therein, but to fimwhcr aha fpacdy %fmlc‘m;:::n€ %%mfri1eAfna.ra’d3 amfi A?cA4mA1cm+tup1i~~mtcd.A vaflFairs;oft*hAc Stats, and ChLmh:¢m which Wt: aredeep1~;zVbmun‘d, byam: cmtsfcianccfig Cmmnant, a‘ndinatm*a1l'afE::&1on to our C0%ummy, am! pufierity ; Bing v’a;Ly«Afénder1y unwiliingfifiafi 0337 TEW3; 6r 7: héié suit‘ and that xv~:*az:’eAmnfim£:d to this Am%azmm:r 0% afling, by thfifég £01»; A lawing Reafans A: ” A A A ~ A - ~ Am indifpssniéblc ncmrfiiry of fpeakfing fmmewvay, at 0AtAhc1:'..g thafat We may Wafh our har1éd3,'=csf {the guilt of many publikc dif- mdcrs, mv~cryAVvJhcrc f.:e:n; and felt, ta the greatdifhonauroffiod, thc haavy grievances of :A‘he1oya11sazbj:-fig,” and of bei‘r2gA acécfi fury to their future calamities, that are: new apparently anfl dangeroufly cioudéng round about us. A ‘W The mil fruits at our long paticnce, and filame. A The pref:-ntAAconaiiti0n of the two Houf¥t:50f' Pa*r1iament,be-» ing ncithar free, I10!‘ full, as we humbly concsiw. The difiwzfpcfl, that fame former Petitions and Pctitimcrs have mm: Wiib, thaugh wry modgfi in our eycs. ‘ T Em 1'ngag<=:mcnt* of fame Members af Parliament, ta live, and die withshc Army in allm; rnanyof their dcfigncs, which we fuipafi ta be the very womb of omifclt, and feared mifcrics, and mofi liken) prove the grave of our hopes, and happimiife. V Thsdiligmcc of flmArmy,4 an their Agczists, in improving farm good mcmand many ill“ means, to cbftrufi the paifagc of Petitions in foam ofour Cmuntriss, at leafi as We hrzar. A Petition on fact, Fra rn’d by thc Armygar their Cauncellzzurs, thrcatning as we conceive, little %1cfl'.: than Aanarchy, and cmfuu A fim both in State; and Church. A IV . _ The 1n:maces%of fame of the Army, at their favourcrs, to get finch qu::fi§on’d,yea fiquefircd, that aft in any %Pctition contrary to them; fuch is thasir fwfoln Pride. ‘ 4 Thc A The multitude of Officers amongflus, belonging in the Sofil d'ic:ry,who fezcmflmosrc afiivc inplotting our wine, then we data be in prefarving our falvcs. M lyfwc have umwittmgly,and urzwillingly cxcccdcd, we hum‘- bly bcfccch your Honaurs, to take em: laft excufc, am of Ecclqfi, 7.7. We: do: not aicribe much wifdom to out felvcs, we ham no cmfc; but fo much un‘dcr{’cand%ing Godhath left us, that we can fee hchath greatly Withdrawn his prcfcncc fi'om_thisM A‘ Kingdcarrge, and many of the coun 2:613, and antarprifcs thereof}. 11; forlorn), that we are not nvercarefull, Wbethcr we live, or whether we d1::,4 {Q we may die 1:: ms favcnugr, who is ablcto wpar&oncéu%r fins, A though he doth take vengeance uf the invcna tions afthcfs fantaflick, and athcifiick times ;% which we gr-sat» Ry fcar he W111, both fuddcmly, and fcvcrcaly, if we flmut% our eyes. but a littlsz longer againfi his Wales at wxfcdomc, truth and: ' peace. < % “ K 6;; 3-. E‘rc>;11 mh-:2 gaffer}; % ~¢'fi'?0mI1cm, A A * Imprzmatur, Aprthn. I fa, Cranfim’; May 2. 1643;