‘ 4 »v:~;wa~«9<;.»at»«»:~¢~a2»a@~«=w:¢4e¢«a~:»4»¢m:«qa»:sz;»«a~é:»«:a~«:reMe~«::«%~i*zg=%:¢»%«e:~aM2«%«:»M» H 4 D A -A34 ~‘; Z3: metal W‘ V A their n-umbers and qualities th€*r<:'in cifprcfr. ~£:«’-_ . “ ‘> . - 4v. 1- -.-.» 4. -1» , rm 1 % 6* .. ~ .‘ ... 1-. -.V »~ In‘ ‘ 19-“J; : 5;; 7%. . : ‘ ,5 > ,. ,5?‘ iv‘ . ‘ '\ .. ._,« ..t._ .. ‘ ‘V-i Jr“ ' 1 -‘ . "r-‘a; In -:.. " « ‘ ' M» ' ‘Q. j ‘I I0 »» C0nce1*ningti1e fur1'endcr of A W3? %% ‘ ‘ V i *9’ ow - “ Z§;TGrou11ds and uofik V -uaz-ny ” G E 0 are E».L Y 5 Lens with t:heArticIes A ; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% E 5 ‘T E R 3”‘ I 6 A T H E ‘ eafons of p-uttm to vsw death Sir C H A R 1. E s L U C A s and Sir 33', A and .Exp1armtidn of the fauna. A V A .23”; Together ‘vg-nth a Lxflof all the Pnf:m4ers taken, ,* - And cbnimandcd *1:0? be printed and f3l1h1if}j.s.i‘«1i},.m _ .43, ‘ inphe Old 1321;116:573. 2 .~%p%ter7;£3. Jt5,.»r3.,‘ ‘A 34%“»z~ez~»:«»1~ds><»x~w»z~~::=a:;~«L©~=a2»+*::»=%:6~%»¢Wz»‘*z»~a+=A«=~::=«~:v»:«@esa:»w=««~;~»»1.:.&r~z=»«*e«=z=e:.?«Wm~Ai~4a Read in the}-I;oufWe of Peeres upon t11e:—31;of Zixtg. 1.648. 59» Imprinted at LWa'o7¢_., i“01‘}:.vr’J7z P)’/r2"gIL M the flixags Hiffld @- ‘ .,,-{FM it the inu For the Right Honourable Edzveed Earl it Mancheflér, Speaker of the Houfe of Peeres Pro Tem_p0re. l 4.: '« Have herewith ientyou the flrticles; with :52 the Explanations _ann_exed, upon which -it /5,, a hath pleafed God In hrs beii tune to deliver . at the Town of Culclaefler, and the enemy there-~ in into your hands without further blouds-i ' ihed, faving that ( for fome fatisfaétion-‘ to w, «er l\/Iilitary Jufiice, and in‘ part ofaveuge f -,~nn~/» ble, damage, and miyfchieafe they have brought upon theTowne, ent bloud they have cauifed to be fpilt, and the tI'0lIr-r this Country, and the Kingdome ) I have with the advice of "a y Counfell of Warre of the chiefe Officers both of theCountry Forces and the Army, caufed two of them who were rcrxdred ' at mercy to be {hot tordeath before any of them had (flatter affured them. The perfons pitched upon for this example were, Sir Gbarle.r‘Lm.2J', andlsir George L2/le,",i1‘1 Whofe Military exe-y cutiorrl hope your Lordfhips will not fiude caufe to thinke your Honour or _]uPcice prejudiced. As for the Lord Gorirzg, Lord Ca... P611, and the raft of the perfons rendred to mercy, and now aifuu a red of Chgarterg of whole names I have lent your Lordfhips at particular Lift. I doe hereby render to the Parliaments judge» ment for further publique ].L1i)tiCC—Wan(ii Mercy to be ufed as you H r fhallfee caufc. I defire-~God may have the glory of his,muleti- plyed mercies towards you and the Kingdome in this kinde,and in the condition of inflruments as to the ferwice here, the“ Ofliw icersaud Souldiers of Ejféx and t9nfi7zl1@ ( who in this time off?) y dan‘ge‘rous defeéfion have adhered confiam: to yours and {the A Kingdomes interell) for their faitlxfulltdemeafno,-Jr and patient a indurance i.n the hardfhips of this fervifieiareyfnottto beforgotten. . Hierb 29 Aug; t «Tore Lardflgipr hembleflerwentg A A .T....Fairfax. * a ~Ax‘itis=:1?~'=ste (2) Ai*rfz”cI”é.»~»A¢greedzzpan the 2713f Aug. 16;4,8%,ib}:a¢za1:«&et;z.~e,e:zz¢g the Cgmmzijfiarzerr af bi! Excelmzgy file: %Lm*d Generafl Fairfax 0:1 , tl5"0.*ée ]?”22V*r,":£fld”fbe i/)4}: N0rWi‘E:§v,Ld7alCzi4' V p'eII,%.a7za‘2WM‘2h1avies Ilft2’€4aSr;afiz“tb%é di{ber~ pm, ‘fir’ Mid ifofiécervzingr wire Iierzditiorz bf":/Je 521-wax cz¢22d%Garrij9n ofCo1che{w’zer.v_& % * ” k , Hat all the Xiorfeé beléngiiig 130 the 0P§CcrsgSmfldi e_r3,anc§:* ‘ Gentlemen ingaged inh.Cr)lcbefl£?':- with &SaddIes¥a:1d¢B}rid1e5»«% >‘ to th”§:m,:.fl%*ml1~be kbrougih4t into %M%in‘;5e7.r Churc¢hv-yard by nine of; th@‘CIock ?t‘0»1n”~0:°«rbwnw‘r;3'i1‘§g5 and’theff pare §3a.dd1esand BiAI‘i-ff A d"§£€3ixitD$ %t'h§3;t Church,‘ a2nd,de1*Everecl_ without svilfatfll Afpoyle to .% men as that Lord Generall {hall appoint to take c:hargeA ofchcma .;If.. *~"1=“I1%at%aI1 %rheA r§n%s*,CAo10urs,a nd Drums belonging to anyrfi ef tiéw p%erfox'"1 5” in;’‘ Cqfclyefler a‘%i)*:f)v%c nmitioned, Vfliallf bee. broL1gbtf 5-mo St,,.:j~’me:;C"hLit~c11by tiex1%oEc?I1“eC1uck to %momiQpv mornizgg and? deiis5e1'eél~'WitI1i31i‘twilfull fpoyle 0 1* imb;eazin1ent;t0w fuch _a§=;% ,. a§e‘th'e-‘:iL6rd Gén=e.r2'L1lI [lm*1Ia'ppoint*to take charge ofth%ez;n. M Thagis all private S01-Ildiers and Officers under Captainesg. fiiall 9Bc+dr:iw11e togethcr.,.jinto=the. Fryers yard adjoyning to the, ;by*tfg:*‘n.~ O’f the~ Clockm mAorro'w~=moming with their i ®l‘m1?re’§%T=£‘nd'Bagg”age,% thairp"erFons to b'eA»~rend“r¢d into the_cu--A V-fixiéh as the LorcI‘GeneVralIw [hill appoint totakc: charge T offi,l1'en13“a.r1d‘that they fliail have faire*Q_Lmrter according to they @xpI’am.ac-ion-%»madLe in-the a‘nfWer to thin‘ fitlf Q‘:-are of the Co.m.., nfiflifmns f1:()m;%%Co!cb;a fler Whichsis hex'cL2:m0% axixlexedg % A ‘”~3WTh1at?4t%he Lordsg»; V and all Captalines”, anjd ,fuperiour Qfli.» W .V cérs‘_.,"'a'ndGentlen1¢n~=0f’ quality. ingagediri Calcb_efier, fl1a;II“bem dffawrné togethgfto’ the Kings Head, Wit;h%th¢‘irM (:I].OC_hCSVal']d‘_ :_ Baggageibyyelevan ofthcUCrI0ck. to morroW%Amorniz1-g., and =th¢re- reiider themfeIvesV to the ‘mercy ofthe Lord Generajll,-Tinto the 4 " hands‘%dffuk:%li,.é1s h»?e5fl1‘a%1lappoint to take chjzirge of them; and; ~% = A th‘ét‘a Biff wdf"th‘e names? 0fVa%l1- the generall Officersfin-d*«FieId~ oflicers now incommandin:theTowne~ beifcne out to the Lord~r Geti¢ra]l*by nine of the Clock in-the morning. v.A~T1w;%a11' the Guards within the Towne of Gfblclwefiér (ball A B€5Withrd'PflWHC fmm the Line, F orts, and other places by eight @f§:hcACla:sckV‘to4m4orroLv Inorniug, and {uchastha Lord Gvene~ 1‘al1;fh’alI'appoint.fi1a11 thereupon come in;-o their roomeS~ ‘VI. Thag,» V VI. That an the Axmzxuxaimiom fhail be premvd m the places whe:%%cV%its»AIyeS,‘; tvohe; dqlivemcl to b.h:€ Gofinptarcfl $61? cafi his Excel»... lencies Train": by ten of t:he7C10cI'< to morrow‘moi'ningA5A a‘AndAAaI1 A ~ the Waggons belongizzg; tc;m;;heV. A Sduldbry, or perions engaged, With; fihfi H&Fn¢‘§fl~39Ae19ng~§ngA t‘hm:eAunto, {hall be bmjught to fame convenient place An4'.:AAAareAA*-dA1AA I{§mn1L1xiiti€m, 1:0 A.B'eA deliverta to the fame peribn by theA;-fame home. A , _ ‘% A VII. That ‘fuch as»‘arevWouAAn=dédA 3Hd'fiCA3k'Ail'lA t~h‘e*Towne Ihafl ABcAfhera kept; and pArovAided* for, withjaccommodation requifiie for men it) their co.ndition, M and, nyo.Ar.Aremov“ed AthM_C:_1-TiC€3-lJA1_1t%'1-H-,[Hey AbeVrccoverg.=d, or %aAb1ewit!aAompréjudice to thcir If1eaA1L11s*’“c¢«Aj re“ tghemLasAAar¢AVnowinm1;he.%ToWn_e. A A w A V A _ VIIAL That: all AA Ordnanbe in theToWn7e,tviti1 their appus*r:i+ move, and fl1a1Ih,ave“Afi1ch Chy*rurgiG:1s“allbWedA t0A160ke to %n_agpqesfl1aI1Wi_th0ut4 wilftzll fpoyle be left at the feveraAl1AA%.Pil1t3 A form¢e$, or places “where theyare now pL~mtéciA_,‘and1l:>%dé:17iAveret£ A to his ExCeIlcAnCAies Guard‘AthaA.t H1311 take thecharge of thofc pla.-1~ A ces re("pe:€tively~ A A A A A A G. BarnaArc1ifi0n~ A . A1 IX.V That from henceforth there fhaI1b¢ $1 CAeflAatio11’of Arms on -%h.m;hApax?ts,but the F orces-withAin the Town to keep their own q Guards,‘ and the Lord AGeneraIls to keeps: theirs umzill theyAfl1alI be rexlnovcdaccqrding tochc Articles aforewgoing. A Signed by Us * '.TbcCammifl5meN rm» the belmlfe of The Cammifiozzerr on the behalf“ [Jim Excellency the Lord. A , tlae E. of N or avich, the L.Ca~pe1 -~..% A A F;1imfax.AA .1 and SAz'AAr,Charles Lucas, ,;_,%Ho. HonywQod~ W‘IlIiam Comptcnm A H.IrcI:m1 A A J . Ab. Shi man. w Tho. Rainsborowe Edw. Hamxwxoni EdWar‘d ’WhallcyA A A A S. TI.‘1ke A A A V AWAiA1A..BI‘0ys A A » WiIliamAyI0fI’c% x A Bram.Gur:d011 A A I A A Spa1*r0wt ¢ Ifiac Ewer _ A Tho.A‘CAookcA; (L1£rAiVcAs: C4) ee4oe»:~eeeei«eeeei»eee:e«iei~eeeeeieei«ew=ee Heiih, flzfgufl 27. 1643. A l l l LQt_1eeriels propounded by the Commiflioners from Colchefier, to‘ the Commiflioners of his Excels- lency the Lord Fairfax, upon the Conditions i fem; intotheA'I'ow~ne. ; i A 1. A Hat i: meant hj fairs Qgarter .9 n 2. What rezzdfizug to Mercjh? ‘Io thefirfl. i l ” it ’ \ BY faire (garter we underliand ,, Thatwith Qgarter for A their lives they lhall be free from wounding or beating; ..~{hall enioy warme clothes to cover ‘them and keep them warm: ; {hall be maintained with viélcuals fit for prifonerstwhile they lhall be kept prifoners. A A ‘To the fécond. y rendring to mercy we undct{‘rand A, That they be re-nclrecl _ or render thenifelves to the Lord Genelrall , or Awhom hefhallo. appoint, without certaine affurancne of Quarter 3 (‘Dials the Lord General! may be free to put fome immediately to the {word ( if he fee caufis) although his Excellency intends chiefly and for ‘the generality of thofe under that condition, to futrender chem , to the mercy of the Parliament and Generall. There hath ,been~- wlarge experience , neither hath his Excellency. gi;venllcaui"e to ” dout of ‘his civility to fiich as he {hall retaineprifonere, al-’“l““ though by their being xteridrecl to IAnercy_., he {tends not engaged thereby. l « A‘ A ; A ; n . .e 1 Upon returne»oi' thefe Anfwers the Conmiiflioners vn ‘ . lchefler ptopolmdcd thqefe two further Clqwrieg, % l A, — 3013150,’? L V I-Iethef Ihefi: thht we}-X furrmdred to ezzjzj A their wearing clothex, zmvell thxfé or: their hacly, .4: what i other change they have; 2. Whether the Nqhlemen ems! Oficerr [hell haven ezfla inf iheiri lahme A Haafix to theplace: hrhere they jhallhe confined. ' To ivliich was anfwfred by his Excellencies Commiflionerls. 22» T9‘ the firfl. AA AT is intended thatithofe who fllallbetendred and received to mercy,fha1l Aenioy the wearing clothes on their backs 5, but for A more the Generall will not be ingaged. _ To the fécond. V « V_ ' ‘ ‘ It is expected (in cafe offiirrender upon TreatAy)That all H01’-A {Es as well as Arms be delivered up, and for circumfla-nces there- of there ‘ is to be an Article yet for the Gentlemen and Officers 7 under this condition in Vqucfiion, (when A any of - them {hall be . removed to theplaces of confinement) his Excellency will take care for Horfes to carry them ( with refpeéi to their qualiticsz} A but for ‘allowingthe-ir ownie Horfes he will not be ingeged. A A-~Lifl:—ofA the ?rifo-nets-taken at the fnrrender ofvcol--A-= A c/Jtyier t’he=28‘t of Augufl. 1643, ‘H A A i ' _He Eirle 0f‘ Ndrnéicb C 01» - C01. Tukg ' ‘A The Lard Capell‘ A ‘ Col. Ajlrzfie it ‘1"beALord‘Lo'ugbborow A 00!. Sawyer. Sir Claarle: Luca: Cal. A A A A % Sir Williame Compton COIL’ A Lietzt. C 122. Culpepper Sir'George Ljfle Licmt.A Col. Laneafier Sir Barnard Gafcqyrze Lie'w...C0l. Gozegb. A Siiflbrabam Sbipmarr A A Lieot. Col. Powell .‘ ~ 5'z7~'§tol771 Watt: Liam. cl. Afbtorz Sir Lodowick Dyer I Li-cw. Cal. _Bagg1ey » Sir Hen. Apletrm W Aj I Liezlt. Col. Wifamam Sir Denmtrd Strggtto 5 ‘%~ ALiez't‘.AaAGel.iSnzitlw.~ A SirHug/9 0ri«’ey A A A _ AA t A A A A A A ‘ Sir Richard Mdztbwerer made an Major .'Aefi:ot efcape, but fince taken. Major Smith 4 ,Qz«_zartermafi?riGenera11 Cartex Major Armeflrong -% Ccrl.AGAz'lbnr71e '4 Major W zzrde ‘Col. F arr efcaped and taken M/Iajor Baylot ‘Cnl.Hammrmd V ‘ ‘ A A A A Majw Reade Gal. €/oefler A M A A 1 Major Scarrow AA Col.Tz'l1K A A A :1 Major Blyncatt ‘ 6'3}. t _ Qfrzizzgi... .. eye 6 Capt. my ‘V. = Cazpt. Bmlgym Capt. Ezirdgé %% Capt. Bawtropé ‘% %CW- Lynflw cgpt. flz{y.5di7z§:g§ €492. 0.rlm1fi-0:12, ' Cacprt-. Efiwiclgi Capt, Lqz/ell. gCa$}2t.Caapcr i,, C,:zp;f.~ w132.-dm: ‘ % Capt; Sfiellgrwe C¢§fi§.{% AA C:.=:;:t4; Dzstjjém Capt. Liew. CamT‘mge'~ Capt. %31Vm*d ¢ crap», Bm'._rbey' i Cfijat. Pqyée Capt. I1IeJ:a?z£)2" «C;zpt.?5mi:b A i 6'5 3 ,1 Capt. Kenfwzgtaffi 3 M CAapt.,:Heatl;z q ~ G“"P’v‘ £""""’J/7"”. J Capt» Haw " Capt. 8 ta‘-j.>,_1;;:e4m _._ % tCapt“. Gmnirzgr “;C{'api*, Lxadge % C.;zpt.h[_._y7.z72$ A % _ ,4. C,+1pt.’L.iew. W-‘Infra; A A’ Edm. Gooéyeare Mwrjkéll Gm, A Comsnifllzzgy Gm”eralVZTrmley 71637200 §za'vIa% A azzd%Gerztlem,e1z 65, R “Liewitenarztx 72¢ A4 A Er?fig:mVrywW’ C”"m’f~r A Ser}eWt}431%3V3.» ” " féannfi I mm 3 :rzzI:1z'%er.r.::,o(5V-4»; “fmrz. Lava/afll Mafier qftbe 0fa5~‘ VVaggan~mafiév*%Gw;‘VGmifai’en*%‘ % ;. Scrmznui afléndirstg fipau tl?€5Lc7¢’ra';a'%