King C/mrl: his 736468» Ofléring , Sacri—~ %% % Behold! an ye that parrebyaaandfiila and fee the wonderful Sal’vatior1%oFthc L 7oJ% j% 1; W Bléfledaretbé‘Pmce~makg*?xflr ./W-L1“ A 51? 0%/[£923 f’6’~'?'i9”?*..£! . AskeoftheKing, and he {hal giveyu, 3~ _ I ‘ V . V ‘ ,- V (. ‘ V I . , I , /‘.‘w - _ . ‘ 4 ‘ ‘, w - .. . ‘ . I W“ . 5 u ‘ ‘ _ ‘ “ ‘ H,‘ - :_~j . ~ . ' , 1 ‘ 4 ,. ' ' “ ' .;g .' . . ‘ » “ ' «. ‘ - ' T: ' I . ‘ . 4- ‘ ‘ I 14. é_poRjHE on A %%fic¢da.tthc AL-TAR of”P£ A”C=E, M Feat ‘afifc and well--grounded Peace, the Welfirc 7 and h*ap%pinefi: ofall in general}, and every fubjcét ir%1Ap3:~i A %4 zLieu'1ar,o%f'this Hisliingdom af G ND. ‘_ A % ‘ %which_he hath Wrought for the people of‘ this A M ;iiom,byhis%¢ferva—nt KI C‘JH%AR%L . SE..V ottones ‘ 4‘ =n d fheU xwiverfalI haf3Pinefi0%f°th’é “ A - wholeKingdomofiffigfiwd-V A A .. v «A :4 ;....;-" ‘..- eheeeh h l ‘ \ V » 45;‘; . p , 4. er 1», ,,,,,r...~;. I Y ‘ 5 ‘ ‘ 3'," Q .7 ‘ ‘U ‘ VJ. ew W "£4'g.i%a$as§’§2%1*3$*‘%»““3"3‘h”$*°3"°3’°§»"“'$‘V3’”§;‘§“'$"°§“‘§*“’3°°$4*’.i’$*" °$*~£%~ie°?:=”§*vi‘*°i%'r2::§*f;hm h\TherKihngs1nofi exczeilem Majefiy._ J‘ “I i 1' 3' 1: ‘xi’ A , M -03 VI \ T’ .2‘ M ‘.4 ' . p ‘ ’ 5, "flu _,M_ AF' ‘ we 1 A... 4! , Fwy», .1, unit , . _‘ 6 ";' 6 Mg? §zc;zei0z4JWér;zigz2fi M is the laying “‘0f’,vLS‘0!0;‘7¢0;¢ (the penwman of the Holy’ ~‘.;_;; Ghofl, and the wifefi King that ever was) Prev. 21“ 1 .,. ‘ ,T/7e‘1Ci;2g5 lawn? is in the /wnzxdofr/ye Lilawl, meet/9e rivers ‘afwa_te{r";p M/are fmmetlg {tow/aitkerjbcverr/oe pleafet/9: I, at = ‘A A poor. defpicable man,(de{picab1ebecaufe poor) V do pre- ” «fume, omgeoflmy fincere loyal affeftion, and duty to Your MajeP:y,an‘d _ my earnefl defire forrhere-uniting of You wirjh Your Parliamencand Subjefrs of this Kingdom, toeoffer, oreratheeto facrifice,';ny Weak “ Conceptions to Your gracious Acceptgmce or Re£uera~:. Sir, We arealle ;jn:“an; Egyptian Vdarknefs, be You but p1ea{ed to cagfe the Sunefhineeof pe5rc;ure Mercy and Goodnek pro «rbreak outrupon Your poor Sub fleets of r rhisrlgingdom, and there isgreat hope rwemay foon be deliveredr fiom _aehisp_fearfL11 Confufion whereinro we are _Fah1. For my own part, rlhpbfz- ;iee,ve,rYour::Ma}eft1es not rbe-mg confcxousof the rfnfery Youripoore e p‘Seubje&s: are in (in regarrd of the unkingly -refrramt You are for theqpre- {eat u.nIaappi1y under) 15 the caufe You cannot, Io zealous, j as p.otpheer- ; ‘wife you would, no redreié It‘; a114_that.ypour want of A fknow-A iledg of: the rprefe;o=§¢eon}u;1fé'tL1r»e of Affaxrs as other wh-1eE1j rerndersg .YoL1r h ;1>eoplehfg:3,i1§1flr«;i;e1yifpiferablre,rhhat; they are reaziy. every minrutecito we A precipitate themfelvespp into the Gu1f'ofDefpa1r. It is [aid of Almighty Tbererzlcp mercy wit/pa Islam that /ac? mpaej éefmrm’, arm’ /9:}: mweyh “we-if or paeéerz/e. “all /o~i.rM137ar@‘ : pAndj~ be:1ee*sree ( Without leaf: Vflattrery Ifpeak it)_that there is ab1.1ndanCe”erofpM£r¢y1 and eBower3s EMF ‘Compaffiorz with You, towards Your poor pSL1b»jeé1'S, that You maybe both loved paradp feared 5 and that Your Mercy will fhowerr i4; down ‘R’ "z «-’ .-‘ .r~. 1’ A 3 4;.) ma’, .»;-:-_3 --W :1 ¢;,_»' / M l 'to the~amaze‘ment 8: 1‘eproaCh»Qft_hofe,tha‘£.«f€€m not toheleeve ltpnfcfae [ Ifay, Your Mercy, yea ‘and Your Jufhce a1fi_3,=eYen pagaxnfi Your felf, in g « the voluntary clouclmg of Your own Prlncely Royalty‘; al’&d*”‘that: Prince, who fhaclows his own Glory (meetly For thegood of his Sub- tt jeélrs) is a rare Pattern : And the firlt giver of lo great anl(uuexampled)AA;. P A Example, mufi needs render hitfofelf glorious to all Pofleritp-,_ Sit, m the fitfit place, I ptefume (,w1th boldnefs enough I couFeI's:,,_ et will I not flatter you fo much as to fay, I beg Your Majezlties par»... 4 dot: for it)-to temettjgbet you,that Se1f—De;s£a1 is the only way so; hap.._ inefs,Temporal (’hete,) Eterhal(hleteaFter:) and hud it been but a little praélifed on all hands (by the three Eflzates of Pathament) hat the be... P goofing or budding Forth of theft: unhappy d1f3Ferences,_, (although: Ma. lice it {elf cannot but fay, thatYour M*e1jefly.a6tcg1p*foutpazt,.tandghg . very Lepers oft?-£mdria_ one day rtfe UP In ]udgm€ntwagA_a:infi_;__fo_;‘1f1c-3p andfay,ethat—tthatwasa day OF gqod‘tyd1ngS.. and thfiypungratefully Pt heldtheit Peaee , In AYour~a_boli-fhing;A»of Motuopolies, putlting down; , A “the Stat,-Chamber, chfanpulhng the I-ltgh Comfnltfliou-Go.ur\t, outing of Biihops from the Houfe of ‘Peers, Regulating; the Cout~1t:el}l. ‘.1’-gable, granting of Triennial Parliaments, and continuing of This’, not ‘robe P deiflolved without the confent of both Houfesg) Your Majefty anal: “ ‘Pout People hadnot felt Gods heavy haud,as You and Theyhave clone P V forthefe {even years pgfi, aucl »yet;_clo but for me to ptefume to tell Your Majefiy wha~t-Se[]’—Z)eni&§l is; were a mofi uuparclonable of-7 Fence : MA*t'_ld*=, yet, for Your Ma}€{)£y‘tQb€1€€VEthat_;4thlS‘;P€i£6‘6—0fi:e’?‘- A ti}; 3 jwhieh Youzfaetifice to thegood and happinefe of Your_ People ‘ P this fatal“ conchtion Your Majel_‘ty is in, and the molt miferable one They‘ P at-ep1ungedvinto)can be happzlylbegtteevatlthout Selj‘-Denial l(ent~Youri‘ 4 (51 partfitfi, and then all the Peoples part alfoj ‘ts (Io Far as I eanp appre-» .. A heed énfleuffmand Rel; £072) altogether uupoflible: andmby the fequel ;, P of my elifeourfel I; douw to not but to make good the Truth of it at A Sir, look into Your own ~h€al.‘f5'~ and {he whether informerttimesp , You were not-more Your own (or others who abufecl you 1 then Your ~ Subjeflsluniverfally .-A The word -Propriam is of atneert relation 5 and I doubt whether It {its not as clofe to, the hearts of Kings as of ‘Suhjeets, which your Majel"ty~ ‘well »kuows is-«not compatible with; A ;SA’e1§”-Denial. Sir,You area gteattmouarcharue) yet Y-ou _are.but a ‘f;f’tew.A~jzr@l (zzomitze Ac?“ re a fitewardofgthe g-reat«H0ul7e of the Com. moo-wealth; and one day It {Email l_'_:_aA1cl ‘toYoju, as » to the Steward A gm Win‘tl1e'Gofpel, (Etude X _ (hip 5 And the Accounts of Kings 311?‘ Of 3 _l {elf at Sheephercl, tiaegreazt Slaeepberd af u may be defired) I %millall1r~Majef’ty VVll'‘aI‘1t more (if more with Reafon and Religion . following Propofitions. lien I have too too audacioul-Iyprcfumtd to profs, in my 1 ' l V Sir, I: was {aid in the beginning of thls Parliament, (by Pym; . A."3 W! ing, II '5 1 C63‘ kimws yam-V 4Mm&y,A;wnen ybii rVe?'inV%%‘thei'4Ah.eé'd% 6:?“ 4 ‘war at Bag gm, Vifzatfelfe where)'%ha§i not former ifxbpes *to make Yam: feif av g1orioz,1s‘Ki??§fA? And**I I1aveTb:eenro«1d,that this Army%WoLIId % *%§xaVe%:pe::%fwac:{Ca‘pti*v<2 );mdA%ye%t~¥m:r Eérfanf wi1:h*z:heV Vpoweki: ;1:hat~!Gt:5d% fish gi-. % am? am-Ymt;fs;&é?,%a§dcelVt?h@(;}rac~e;he hath Vendued ’y0~u7 with to ferve fimmufi‘ ibgidfefily éofi»1é;%%fdrth ti) i%th%e*iV‘~:1‘edemption %of'Your Subjeffs am: oftheitflapfitivityfl,‘ Captikvfs in théir native’ Country underV their feilow Subjeégis) orvchey are1o{%5;1oi’c"for ever. M % V__ V s V f A W In fé:hiSAA*byifi0fi5TE§£ig&:’1é:y,-11QxE:u;pe;3ieEntVca«i1 be :V{"ai?é Your Peopkfilauc pmfésiice i_é‘f'?§£70‘ur %~’~£aei*&3'ti5;P4‘”erft3i'3,%% ~a’r*i;1*3é*;c{: with Mm} and 15L(;zL?~£’.«:=f;i*;ji4 A'aIind 1 §7<“31'§§: 1?e07p1é,V2md }Zz:f%z'c‘e againi’-’t ¥{3ur7fe1F ) AAAzz*orAcau1dAYt%: ¥.§y'~ tige ‘C?*afi*; whe1‘cby_Yotz ‘ izave obtained re: fella W-%f€61i21ga§ * 5tE?xe' iV;f鑧?i€‘§ ?éf‘Y«d!§f4 %Su%:~ur\Mai§fi3;wi1:not.dimi~nifhor imtrex1ch~ upoI1»%thelibertyzof A~% xficsubieéia bmfiold’ 3i°141=%f¢1f£*”ri~%=?’¥ tfifithfi-é%;4*?§A¢* Ihfiléamfi 3. That your Maiefcy will not extei1c§1%Ay%<3“tir M‘in;tI1é beyond.;-the'due b;:1uI;1ds.gx;ante%d to ypur VPrcdec€fibns,,:.4 mtothfi prteju-— , V d4icc% ofthé Perfofiébf yuur‘ Subiecl:5,_or4 the knownI.}aws- ofthe Land Tm2(zhi<:%h. «én&;yQu'm’4cIefi:c the; pmiAcu;ars%% am? emm -,,z‘7t: m b..¢ V {cg down; a.£i£=¥7 3$F5Edfl§?E59%«§4t1W59$9F-W53*1?¢;b¢It?f[F§*f93“‘*%5¢~ ‘. J % g TM-'_ ¥@fiV~Wifl§aa¥@n$ amY«Pér:f0n% W195 Ayomflfivéé A 4 *?“¢»»and-ms F01‘ ¥°“¥iP93€Fi§i53~f3~1¥@sthat»?by ®Wn»V$00d~W~% fbandry,y;oumay be the better mabledtoreward"‘tho{¢%. V F; 1 % wvfita $51.32* 1;; , .9.‘ V‘ V .. \ , ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ W Petxtidmerg but fifft thabycu ‘VVIH refer It to t"Wo]u'dg€tS tY1eI.'a”w,» to cért-ifieye1u7the»1ega~11i’ty%of3ie;and_;hac neSubiec‘t(or1the Crown) be any way «pVrejt:&iced by'Air; and if7yo‘m% Maii3fiy.‘be‘*abufed in ic,the]ud‘g mbe hig _1y*punjfhed, and if his dye be-forcA the difcovefiry, his eftaze m .i*arisfie}icm~the*C‘»:‘oWm “‘ “ A ” AA " ‘ ~ " % 6. hat yoL?1rLMai$e&y '%profe;fl. ‘4 Tt‘}I1§%A’;jae::gfcsVr1 Fr)?-no% Subjeéf‘ €55: 7"deb::, but only your m¢nial%fervants; arild yet: not hisAGood$ or Efltates neither, but all chingsf, @xC€9!t~hf$1?>€rIhh,-£0 be liable -tn :he».Eavv. ‘ 6 lbove amoncths ; bu-taezfor theiri“Gonds*or Efiares-atafl. %4 A _ 8..°Th‘at yéuf Mafefiy Fc”w;*t;s“ Ignent {hall defire within the Kingdom cf Englkmda That; your Majefqi ing_agcjyqur Telf, 7"That'iFAyon’111#$l1ai¥i'£’c%a1§i;,v Viforraign Prmce, you {hall do 1: out of ybur ownpurfe and pcawer, not ‘ confiraining -any Subieét, j or%[preHi1;3g them any way, but what xchmey fhallwillinglyt douoftheir own accord; _ V A ; _ “ ‘ " % ‘#1; cs; Thafyouf Majéfiy wi11%{.évVy nothinfigkyyfT:Ix,Vof"afiy yvaywidfitrae A Vryfl tothe known'LawSofth"¢ Kipgdé1fi,'butk2qHa¢ flxalfbéW¢rdavincd & ActAAofPar1iament. ' % % ’ L 1* Vi. ThatybuééMajéPcy %the"C;harte«t' <$E,Loizdo:¢, %an'c{ 311 % Corporaticns in the Kingdom that {ball defirc~it,% not prejudicial an the Univetfaljgoed gf.the[Kiz3gdom. V M , jazz. ¢That*your* Méfefly will ”fit§dne’&ay é:very7’I‘ei*x11 you beixi ith£iToWn]j’in g:V?2ry'Capzr:v::«.f' fmflicsf, at‘PI{:fimHinflcr%, and th€i*§1_' 7. That yomf%Ma;Efty will give no \4 ‘pron’-:&ion to any perfoh a-— A tb’ hem: the Cat-zfesiiobfr men o2j1}y.,":£nd to'lay‘%’%y«;5ur %revemi Chsgrgeg} that the Poor,the‘% Widévsfiafiid tfiéfi chéilefs have'¢ifpeedyV§‘]u£7c£ce§.% % 13§V¢AfThat.yauEMéfe%{%y w:n1§acaanAcc, ThatanjrjudgLthdt:Iii1ua1I~be i foam % guil y‘ nf Bribwcrygfldgfl die forVit? "and his skin to: be hangédjéf the Court for cifiérg‘ *4 §¥%"~T1WY¢u§'§§35éfiY%¥i€3¥fi15P6i9iViiiifigi%!A.§i*¢ri‘§€$li?t§¢?:1¥?3“F1i5P50” .yman3~~judg, a1nant%yeffceemetdetotbetan upright rriang and yotat\.Maiefly¢ taallowyhim 200-tt1~P5W”Wm-*‘o ” I t V 1;; That yvourymatieeeywsn appear in each‘co{mtttt£¢etmyers am the poor, who {he in forma pzmperzix, and your Maiefiy to allow: them~t~5‘ot.I. per aynmm, each Lawyer. \ .' t V (-1 ’6.A'n At°c,That every fiFthyCaufe that final be heard‘ iynyany Cot1fi,fl;§;ai be ‘the: poor mans Caufe, and calledt on by the Judg for the poor math, thatxfues in form: Paupcrix, and the party that is overthrown by the poor mrmfluall have a fine fet upon him For vexing the poor man; and if thiit thepoor manbe found a litigious fellow and mahcious, he {hall be % tguniiljed as (ball be thought fit. yy ‘ 17. That your Maiefiy enaft a fevere Law againfi: Adultery, and o:g¥high fine and punifhrnent for%whoredom. ; V . 18. That your Maiefiy caufe fome order, way or means, by Act or ¥ otherwifey. fora fpeedy ending of all Tufts againflt thofe wicked Dilem- macs %oFtheLaw,whi‘ch are the min of thoufands,and only the inrichingm of the LaWyers.' h , 1 19- Thét thé Commoné ire! theCountfy;ih every Parifhgbe fold. andh E113?‘ P00? allowed its fol‘ many ttatfe [0 poor, they can makenoetutfe ofthe: ‘\ V. 20; "T hat your Meiiefly daufe "hall Acte for thebcnefit of the Foot,’ to be ptzt In executton, never more need, never more poor : Ahdtupon ‘ gomgltunt;youteMa1ef’cy, yourlvlaiefty to redtefs it; : W2‘:7h'I;he robe {etied For the paytnexatk and fatisfactionofali Inter€{A.’cs,whichyit willahuitzdantly do, itjfome years, if it be Farmed ..*fi¢3 ??é°¢1T3*Y T!¢d€ <35 Pifibiiiga aSyyfl1ah51,1tbct1w.ughtybteR, by Qe.rpor.a-A " A “ B ttPu?:a“d9¥dfl‘¢d 38: intH011W;ht Etthe partiC;1111f&t0013Fg“3 ’ here] and neithgbtead, fmakbeer, . flefh or fifl1,ttobaVeanyExt§ife fet on: ‘ ,.,ihefnabu_t IO be-highly advanced onTobacco,V\7i»nes,St;gz;17,t Spices, and §l11 Qut1iaen<{i¢f11commodi¢i€$,Go1dxand ySyil.ver1flace,8,tg:;V;y - to A A .Th3t‘Y0uf‘yM3§€fl}; afifoffidte fetttingh on,;’~eFoot the ygreahthzi arid“ , : 22;. non nt‘sbt¥itw§ri??e meg rmae for ghh-ms ple, breeding up of'Mariners,&g:. it.cannd9"td be imagmed how much? the Kingdom wpuld be the better for 1;; A ovttenw choughton, ncve:Wfe4t on foot; % . 3. ‘std pafiéd Fofrh the f'upp1y0Fa‘I1Pom', vdyotmg _ amongfi whom how many th0Uf3fid3 Of .m3im‘“-‘d {0U1d5fiY$» and .P50_P1€ \ fn'ad~c52hi&rab1Y?”m‘bhYh5h€{€V'73¥‘5§ h0“3bm’fi h5<'155;h ‘ah df0h5.?3k€i1h ezrarcifofr in ad way,o:zm;=an3;h‘ xvhich ihalid b&‘hd;%2*5ep'r€H‘c:éi; +m« mg sf’ which the Kirrgdcim flmlldbeat as %‘1:irdtie*Ch‘arg._§c ‘as now t3he§r»a‘rzé,*‘ and evef have *bee‘n : Eeind tihisfhall he p17ain?ly matziftficd whtflbtrcafiofi fhsdi be we large tofiéprcfs i}€F(?; dwhzc§m{:*11%':>€ to thedglorfyi A A the education of young Chfldrvcn, the“mL!~1-n?Cfnf1UC€' 0h*o*lc‘i4* dehrepid people, and aprqvifion for ajland gjVC’I‘}’ prior Ifllén, Woman %0rg:_hild in éhc“Kih:1gddm3,d«chm3gz1 ‘bh@dnd,hhnd, <3:rVlrc1":'zt:3 ;>4 as thss%§:011rfem;1l. obfcrved, therc:fha11no£be~‘ad Beggard in ~tI1€vK2t7gd01n of frzglawd : -W-A Pi0?’3W9‘kh‘ :24. Tha‘tdhYou~r jefiyd’pa?§~h3; I%ri&er.!M%;th“en*everfibrthdehhpuhiifig :hd%d;gdown of Alchoufcsg hchmugh the whole Khihgdrom hone: ‘far can" '"that' now is inand about this City,w<~:n: too much; {'0 numeroiis the'y*a"r1e; . ghat almofi every third houfé in the fiubprbgis an Nchc>ufc,VL_c‘3cuaIing. M t0be«reg~t1Iha-‘wdditi a rifivifidxhhnh-hr 5 i{o*h?ig»h1’y“—is‘%Ghb?*difliondr&dh by "it <13 Cbdhs ihozaxfé, ‘Cir? a h:ChandKeri:rhatd‘i‘é1h* i=*’ard1dddA1e,’d cu ur Sh: the poorer for: undone, and fo many thoufand idle lnfiy Fclinws, dan h A young vqeuches and boycrs bred up in that way, azlgi the m§.>fi_ vpatg of ’£hzismony gtzittééen hy A 4; :6 h tisfic thr:ir Dcbtg, their bddicfi not to be kept in priibng dgiving all they haveno;the.irCr«edimrs(if?le ma}mohc é{"ex*ve;)*hor £ff‘.th2s *brmot doné, -2» A fichemrhéberlefs~m:;mb€f4oh men hit‘ indpfifonskg, dd howhzany I:%he~u£21nr¥sj(“y«é'aax1mbé:%e3‘havediiwfi ~Wd,:md hyctm~¢Er1~y%db3?d :5. That Qymmagehygaersm amhm am the{cVVars~on»bo1:h*fid;:s a«1v<%3d«u.t«t§::'i*«ly iundohhg ‘i*1o:: w&bk?.Tb""p3y anything}. Shah} ;t;hcdy.~1ieindadiprifitdmnéi i£hhE*1fs fiarwerbvg? 4 If '~thtS"1:ahW ‘ha ' 1'32 a‘-nafi.u,eo §h€;S€3t3a%:73l%1w‘d%°“§~h§v wbe done in ME» ons, and all Fees of all Courts of juifiice, bcbzrought to a 5: rate : It is 9;. flvxgame, yea: and afin, thac*aAPhyiz,;:Aa¢:1and 3. Lawyer £ho»u_ldV have §ucMhgtcacFces. V . . ~ '5 ” r;.,.,% the their I)Acbt's,.4ng:ne éiicepted this is ra:ienal~and% r+e1igio;.1s.AA % M A%2,8., 1 A:£’c, that name of Yaur Majefties Servants be chofem of the 4hiki1... < Him fiaoff Commons, ,1?té9r I1O=.fcWaDE[Qf ~21 Lard; Who £31463‘ Wagtf. of An AR, that ric$Lerd m' Per,fon%bF Homer, or qther, (1ra.114l[3;5z:gwicg:€ his Letters, car ufe any indirefi xneans to procure any man tobea M§n1ber—of y:ioe%Hqufe%c1% Cpmmmmbun1oIy»:lc~fa;ccuh& Coumzsy ; and ffiénds,u1aonAdifco4vety~mbe dcurncd cam «me Beak» I MFt*és cf Laévyéré ”2111dfif3h§2£‘itiai:is, ,Attumeys', Cfiruygié ’ 1 A ipfliallbe pdrovédt Fhafi any:¥vIctnbe1: hfifih 11:» carmfizcsiu by 0! 53:0.’ rnggamexings vows and C,f'1;afes‘_be’{'<#} ma-eaA, am gas’ Poor fufffliflfiflas .bug£h3_:.£h€~ J:§i;;g:4rMh¢x:, h54Ilft1fA§0¥ rim 500%, of the Poor. T3 1.; Tim ytpur iefties Em-* a»1ways%b4e Aopsn t‘(3 hear anyI,m_m~ “ p§1ii%n!:,y and "ac: pu:1,~fh2r;i~t,; agaiufl: any.ffic;€rMEh3tyou< have;§lact<;{’%iz1 5; ‘»C.£:’c:Y’:“;|\ Ceuacfm 8-£c._ ~ . "Vrh ““' ,, . __ . 3 %M3jefi“y pafs h€‘:n“céfg§jrih.Ba&1¢ttii1 boxes ‘be ufisd in both Houfes as in thcstatr: of Ve2%iae,) the bade t great, ‘ the difpatch fuddcn; and little partialicy will bc then cxprcflltd, but «every man wxil do as his confcimce informs him, Without Fem or £01: A Favour. V 33. An A& about Gaming, fome mbfi fevcrc Aft, For {:13 Rmne of the Nobility, Gentry, and oFt%1c: ‘City : It is not hard to pre- % %fQ§ib¢_Aa way to abolrfh it, {b as that no man ‘(hall be prejudiced in his Efiate 57 "and ifany {hall break that Law, to ‘be higl1lypun_ifl.1td,r to bfifar % HQ i a1;3d:‘lin;i:soFiGahiing. : M V ti6n'iine this Kingdorh‘4’;~ “this may feemihut of‘; a fn1a1I“conm3uence;i 3 Kim it is upon due examination of a great conféqucnce; as the State f1'1a11% app i ove, fo a Further%%edifcoyexy may be m_ad¢, with the mmedl-es“ N A AhiA& For thecaliing in-, andinullingoofwalhhis fefiies Ii)i’eic."la“zé;-' - ‘rations againfi both Houfes of Parliatnent or I sh » A A . A hgxth ofiendgd or feemedwto offfendmphe King’; 'a8m&ii7[7c)0§ f::1hP§;fii): A 3:3: mulling of wall fuch as’ the two Houfes have fer: nforthiiagainfi‘ him or his Friends, has {hall be agreedfonin the Treaty. s ‘ 3”-a 3;, Tihatiiaihhingsepaifedbyithe Seal madebe jth ' P“ 1' is I Afét into a*right‘~ord'er, V-yet fodas the Hondar of the iifings 1na;;1:§;,i§:’nE§ touched upon to pofierity : This is a weighty matter, and requires ‘the. i gravefi and wifeff heads in the Kingdom to fettle; and yet it mufi of Eieceflity be fo,iin1‘egard-ofafcerequeftionsg I‘-leave it E0-.[h€i.’IEreatY..fl 6*}. That during = fihe T1‘-eatjiz (*wi*hiehidoubtl*eis5 ifthePeopIe corne- with equal hearts toi.Peace* as the Kingdbth upon thefe Rf foo‘;-..' f = i 1 V A his Majefiy will take fuch cirdenthat none of his Parts’ ‘ fl1al‘f:o(inuet:.(2:rri:h'?§' in In Amanyt milesof the _Court :_o1: who fo doth, {ha} be by his cf ecia]; liceufe,and’*knowled‘gi so given to-the ’iiPar1iamen t, i ‘v 11;; v Maia ~ Y m anfwer for them, {on %theinot~ dmurbiiagnielhe Peace..o£i;:hef[2rea;y_ ; v If your Majefly {hallbépleafed to ‘fidd ‘oridiminifii ( as you-are Fr‘ee;i) Thisnisifarifromw beingby fme intended ‘other, then to fhcwos heads of fo many neceffary thi-ngsforithe good oFthe~sPeap!e~e e whiciliconceive your Majefiy might conferupon your Pmpg according tGgRmfon‘i a§1d,Rcligz'an.,; A ‘ cdffer» i l M ~tr~s2 A egffiertthefe «voluntary Off}-:58 of Tom‘ Mfljffij ‘T53’ P‘¢l’P[?;;”'*fy what: Tam/balltpleag,/2 to add, me firth: rim? WU izeceffarjziyforg Your Majeffj to make tlacfis Demands, lama! W/‘; " A Tax; ofinfl 6: pleaflrd. ; Gabe fetled int-al1your.Rev=ent1eys.. l 2:. lfobe inyefted in all your;CnPcoms.. V 3.. “ The Tunnage and Poundage, formerly given to your A‘ncello”rs;" A ' and=iyoi1rlIelf',to be <:o'ntinued,inli'evv whereof your /74azjcfr’}.wll main- tain the narrow Seas Fromrflyrates, as» the Cufcome was‘. ' 4. Thatrhe bellowing of all Honors and Ofiices, throughout the ab Aiéingdom,” by Sea and Land ;,_"all that were Formerly your Right, and never ~h€r€t0fOl‘€ qllf:‘PCl0l1€d.a.:r.ll1 any Parliament fince your : Raign hqin your-i Z1/Idzjéflz_)’;_»3l’1d your Majefly to place and Adifplace all perfons that are in Oifice under you, either by Sea or Land, none excepted. , 5-, rim the comet ‘Wards be again fetled and regulatechifneedl i "be, "013 if in the Treaty it be agreed otherwife, thento give lI~5loooe>*l.y . l per rmmsms=,1n lxew ofzt. 6.. The titles of Honor, of what kind ‘focver, V your e Majefiy fhathl» conferred on any perfnn fince the beginning of this Parliament, not to be difpnted, but held good, For the Honor of your Majrflj. A AA a 7-l.lThe—naming of all Officers-of Ir'c'1m:m',. in the War for Im’14_71d.; it beAa.War,ytore:&'in your fl/./azjzffj. A f 18.;i.'I‘hat all youtMajefl£es,:Friends, who haye any adhered. 't«o?~l you méthefe Wars, otothE1"iWllC,- to poffisftsall‘ their E1tates,_and no. man to lofe any part of it, though given = away or clifpofedt by Orcli» nance of Parliament; by i A l , ll Fl 9; That-. the Oflicers A your Majel’ties«Army, and thcsouldiem A, 5i§Arrears,be. fatisfied. « o V , A 1 o._'Ifhatthe.oPubi_,1c‘k Faith be {aoc:5;§1a.d, A A M r*3.:;iAJ,o’i5E11aAt: tAh:3AA‘diSjb*;1iTrfemcnt$ fot.Iw.;;uz;i;o«ma&o by :53 City, » be‘ og ‘ zzsfied :oot:hemo.oooo%:o 2 A M _ I “ A o _ v A 12. That if your M.a?efl} find a way or means of gourown, not con trary to the Laws, nor oppofing the ~.3‘z¢o&jeoE%£; whom. . éanzin 7; or 8 years redeem the Bifhops Lands, and pay the '#~§I}tt.TC1-R, tharf the Lands be returned into Your /14%-ejesji‘-£35 hands, having firfizfacfsficéd the ‘Debt and Intercfi payd for them. AA » . 3. That For the ,%m=m A Mkfefly, care be takenofor die fouling of her Rights andoolroynmreso, V and for the cxcrcife or -her R.e}igion,. as it ought in Ham? and Rm_/a;;. : I 4.» That” the Militiasficand as Jit forznerly did, btfote the beginning? fibefe tfoub!es,..(withoutL difpmiog,) LAand, if -it be trhouglmt firs, 110"" Afirengthmit im:AheAoha11ds of the ShcriFis, more for the Pc‘o‘p1€3*Afatdty§‘ than advantage ofthe%Kinc1. . o A , A o ‘ W A‘ : A ¢ 7’ek0mtz'o. o LL the world now fees that ycmare the’Center*'of Peace. I A therefore tfxer moeft, humble and moft nnwrortlziy of all Your Mafcfiies Servants and Subieflghavi-mg along timcyfmr-n~n1y very fm;x1,.? grieved the {ad condition of your facred Perion, your Royal Coniorrg afifd r.rroftPrincely‘ and Moe, ‘A the fadooané‘ olaoguiflaing ‘Efiare A of yourwM.:zie£¥ie$ rhrco K£ogd?oms,. aha horrid and d*ayI‘yr bEoodfh<:d' of your? poor Afiéxbjeéjfsgo p€?I?pf:‘tf&‘:tt3di by otheir owniohands, after fame’ oarnésft? prayers to Almighty God ( From whom alone comeah aviary ogoodzmd, perfect gift ) to enable me {ome waym expréit tqyour Majcfl} and A tIt'eKingA«£om_; fomeching which omight,‘ Mt «Ieafl, point out the Awayrfto a happy Peace,A and a perfect and right underflanding between you "an-cl yet-1;r%_1’co;>le. It hath pleafcd Cvodoof his infinite goodnefs and xncrgty. A after A 4-after fomé embers Rudy, V for your Maiefcyfif you are Ieiseonly in your Maiefiies power “to build and \ the puinsy to lay the 5 J41’ wmrcia whatfoever. VA ducero a (are and We m ‘I have been efo prefu Renfirn or Religiafg, r ssh: fo“p1eafed,to pafi througlx into the Tempe]: qf1’eac;: ; which Temp ineArhe%y‘pojuverr ofirao mortal man rbefides: A your {acted Maiefiy:1nuf{.;aukg yinufi bcg'inbaod perfeéf this great work: It is you alone that haveforriid the Art of Oblivio_n,_ as well as you have thepower no oive an A .33 of the high:-Pr Oblmon, tharrwas ever read of‘ in the Agzuals of any Your Majefries many yDec1ara'tions to both Houfes oi’1_’areKingdoms,have fo deeply ryfeized my foul wrrh be,1~1ef,_ grhat I am coohderur, 3IQur'MaCi€fiy Wm mt iremfe to do or ofierrany rrhrng to your Peop1e,.m your power, that may com. A 11--grounded Peace, I . h. A- reau prqudrcedrrn What 0 13 K 3“ uy°“ “E “°‘ ‘“ ‘h° grear a% Servantto Religion ; and ‘for this poQr"]'_'-1% out ha] : hath vouchfafed me’, and which I here,wirh my fc1~:',$;1$th:?m;)lyEr%eI firare at your Maiefiies Peer..I;hope you will not find,tha‘r inythe leafl- rnptuous,or proved my [elf {web a Traytor to you)’: 35w h%Ve—05"Cr€d ‘Wye ¥i01CUC€, imhe leafi“ degree " IFyowr Murefiy, m rherperufal, find it fr; ys my Lord the King to difcern goorI”aL‘fad‘7 Thy Gadaihall be with -rhee,and fo.(r§a1I_fi§_ to eirher of theru; know,as an Angel of God, had. Therefore Thy, Lord, ’- for ever pray, who rs " dje/fies: s5ubi¢<5? an3~ 7%:/yard Farrm as open unto may the agar: 5; emanaé auvaerfi rPc:1nd\;!rhe lair Prone in this t~_:ru;1dyng; Wu: ME you arefo‘ great” a Mafier of, _R.mflm,* and to ' ‘ ‘A TIE] I .§@:%%@@%‘@@@@@%=@@@ f%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%®%%%®¢%@¢®@§¢@@¢@ « R. Do here in the prefefice oi’ the blefled Trinity Gad t/ye ‘ Father, God the Son, and 1C/‘ad-t the ~H cg G’/ya‘/z1=,:] profefs to all the lwerltl, without any Equivocation or mental Refcrvation, that I now do,and For ever will Forget and forgive all kinds of offences againfl me, either inmwordhot deed, coxnmitted by any ioftny Subjefls offinglmzd, A and co—h’tdihedfin4the-Afiwhdfb1iviot1;?iani:l7 this of my» own‘ free will and defire,I do, that all my People may fee and behold the Candor of ’fHY_,g,E,{CfltC,3 eandel “do here bitty. in the grave of Oblivion, all things cofitsiihedl in“t’he Ad“ of Oblivion, in my foul not defiting to remember ;it,at:d vowing never to revenge it. So help me ‘God,and the Contents. ‘ of this holy Book :_ and thisl ccnfitm by the taking of the Sacrament. T0 £§é£$2g£$,£3$g§ ttttttttlmgéféttxtttthtzttwt 4 d~ ToTHEl~ . : RIG 'I-IT H o N OR ABLE THE} Lo Ros ahd(ZO M MONS N ; Afl}:ln'3led in PAR L1 AMI ENT- . u The humble Petition of RiChoZ?’c1!{.Fa£r7’d7’,- Efq; A ‘v V, S/aewcth, l h t f V Hat (as an addition to his Former Expedimt, For the Peace and To} of the Kingdom ) he is very confident (by the mercy and goodnefs ofGod) he can exprelé fomething more unto His Majelty. lo convincing in Rmfon and Religion, whereby there may be a fud-~ d_t-ndand luphoped For happy fettlement of the Kingdoxn; and that (in 51 way uoanfwerably Rarzomzl" and Religioz¢.;,) For the fatisfaflcion [hoof allloterells l(whatfoevet,) and of V8ll,m€‘ll_, (not wilfully" and wick;-» V’ edly oppofite to Peace, ) who have ahy fpatke of Relzflm or Religiagz» left in their hearts. * A , A V 1 , “ A I ’ A j 5 '_ Youvrl Petitioner doth,there‘l"ore,moll humblypray, that he may have‘ V" free liberty from both Houfes of Parliament ~ (upon the {core l A ‘ofhis own abundant Folly) to go to the Ifle of W‘ ig/11%, andlthere ~ ‘to prefem: “fiismls/Iaicfcyd, ’§7‘&7rlitingl,d;s7_‘itl1 {uch pattieularsd .as.7yout‘ M Petitioner hath long fince Conceived and prepared, For the lhddenfi ‘ahdhappy’ fetling ofthe Peace of this unhappy Kingdom; "(with-! out further {bedding of innocent blood; which hourly crxleswup to Heaven For vengeance on a1lehands:%)”yout Petitionetri‘*‘beingh M more confideot then Forznetly ~(lifpol'fible itmay be)‘ that he is A capable (by the mercyof God, who he believes hath enabled * him for this Expcdimr, ) to anfwer any obieftiong Whatfoesfer; 7 A that His Majtfiy {hall be pleafed’ to alleadg in oppofition to hwhat your Petitioner {hall ptopound to him for 3 {aft and well-- ‘ A grounded Puma A A as i;¢'dm_y they 42?: banmd, da1_)v.{y pr.-:z_y, an-.~. ‘ A :1 the Whole ingdbmg. tvitbjmztj l?érit£o2zcr,[/Baal, I I0 msoort:;eor2roure arxwmaxzayouoocne omeo o. Affembledino; ‘ ‘ K ‘ notable Houfe oFCommons, the Roprefencative Bodgvofthe. H I? N o RA Koingdomojoffingzazzd, fince I. have taken the bo1dnefs.(as-asfubieéf - _ a7nd*Serv2ent to HisoMajef%y)» qto fignifieto ohimoowhat" ocoopccisfieyfiis due M gyooto be in tho fm:11ong,Vot .towards the,ofaofafé2tndo§owe1I,.sgro;1t1kiwi o %iéd?P,-mes’; of‘Give me leave , I‘ humbly pray; to fay%thus ‘rmxch , at *3%@aI2»,;. that the welfare and happixaefs of every Mexnberofboth Houfes, as of jghe whok: I{:ingdom,f liesat the £’Cfake,% either For good or%iI1,,aC=... co:c;§iri%goAasoGod‘.fEa11\move your;h€art§ in th¢%tr:jnc1c:r&ang:1fpeedygfiare of ’toheT?eace? of thifs Kingdom : a11d‘this Pea”c;3 you Canneither wellbegin, J §1or_h&ppiTyend,- but by following the example offlis M ajefly, (Kegis V‘ %ad..;Eoxemp*!:¢m,‘e5~c.) in taking out and practifing 2. true .S"cufi’...»Z3c°'/2£.¢zI, ‘ofeatgiyothe 1%ea£’c privateolnzerefi of‘youf:o,wn_,_ .either of'Ho»nor,Pro-fit*,or .- Roygngeg making it »fubordionat€ tmhe pubflike good andowelfaro pf: Kihgclogn$My%our Nurfe amd"Mother, 4 whoexpects a fpeedy accompt you ;~ at theprefent, {he being wounded all overfrorxi heaotofoot, _ weltrifgoinoolxor blood; ready to give up -the "ghofl: ;_»_ as God doth like-'. V wife’ look for a firictJaCcom«pt,and~ will do to all Eternity, A .ofyour cm-e ano Faithful .per‘Forxnance ofyour dn1ty,_fo1: the imfizant Peace and’t ofthé Kingdom : To.this—purpofe yoouwerc chofen , forthat end was % your Callby God amdoihfian“, and nochingwelfeg .bu:c.sthar, ought togavco wt % E «em? y 1. .4 * «I91 o to . ; ;E€enft‘om othe beginning to the et~ad,you_r care and Pcttdy dityattci txigia ; {but how yet: have ptrformeti this trufi to your Et1doavours,(atnd ::ighK;c A tyeatstfi%tting) - and wlzgtt fuccefs hath been, let the world, not I, Jmigtt o"'l‘h;is,I amtttootfure tthe ntzgleéttof many In attending theitr»tdtutty at. %"‘:[the Houfes,in the begim'1ing,t’as if they‘i:1ad~nothev,i:h_. out any good fuccefs to the liingdompr content to maoy=ofyo,urt own oparticula-1‘ Members, owho have varyed, many ofothemo, avoofiom fiovenaot they once A took, For what tools or ;II;]t€‘~1‘€17CS I know not» I V zsmatiotttfotget to put you in tnind, or ortmember‘ you olfo, ,t'h€.f:3V€I‘%1 Dofigno of the Arm}, andtthte Gnmdee: thereof, ‘u1‘Id€1‘.»g~thE»-‘E#£?’..‘1. of t A Bax, though they were putto a nonplus in it; nor of the backw‘arcL~ HE‘!-S to make ‘Peace, tvhen tt tnxght havt been, not of tthofe: wtho.f: %Counfe1s modelled the new Army, which ootyét max; athoir t..i.flL1‘{k.‘:-@ : Mes, (f£1ccc*fi'€s,TC0Hf€{3;m@i1y,,areaC;3“d high) thad’ t;‘13..¢&.’?‘1.I3a‘:i‘e: ‘iitghc t a";'E0f‘E§’l€I1‘i‘f"€)t' ~thettfettltement7tof;the King at1c1t1<;:ogs:1omt5»as;tthey tm;i¢§h,t, o‘o»astth~ey ought to;have;done ; who" yet ;not §1},1Qm€‘;thS ffinflfé hen $136 (~15 rm] wvasoatlxletwrmmslgar,1;: gsotat qt1¢Q£ig)1J‘,MWh§fE§‘1=3I‘;£:h€§§t;fl3QL11d Jtaévte boot to Army, ot:notoArmy;;t kcjp,t 2,itbtotmttdis1:>a«onLiod; .- ? or go: ' A 3? .tIomi~t thfir ¥i"{.€";3§3iH if. nQ:;Eu@fons bf Lmi! You that cakeliberryto tell all men: ~of‘.the?ir;1f$Lults, not you be told ofyour own? Sure Jam you have as much "need (if not more) to be put in mind of " Self» Dmia%Z,V%%asAanyflprofiafifion whatever 5 and it had been happy For this pa1:unvhappy:?KAipg66m,if“y%ou, who profefs your f:*1ves»our‘ ihegherds, had pta&ifedita%:li:%t1e bepiter then you have hicherm done : The A0- e ~t»tIm‘ %yéuof’the. Uléfgy of this Kingdom ( for I exempt neither ads) are m givg go _(;0>§1‘ £\;1‘£«1jgI}ty atthc: great day, will, I fear, he % ' .hf.3&![1L %‘~33 '%H1a§a?vy‘onAym1 :' Fiim fave Iamfixad you been (What you would have‘ % Kht? worm ef%:eemVv‘cm)=j the Embafl~'adors of Iefizs Chrifl:_.,%_ and hisM.mi. % Peers, you4VwoitId~4never have a~*d%%%e:t‘e'd fa much oyl to thisifiame, as you have am-V;‘ 7b‘°u4:: on The % contrary, youwould Viha-veLbroughr the‘ cold .«Wate;_- of V patience, humzlity, 1'oveatid« meeknéfs (czmialil hahds) to have quemggd in ~g>m-d th§So'L1i‘ Saviour (and your Mafcer, asyou call him) might yo11,an&»a11the World : Howthe Cléergy of . this Kingiom be- haved themfelves cow:ards*~%=G‘od 4*‘and.AtheKingdcm, in theirmzty can bath, before'che‘begin11%ing bf=thisVAPar1i%amez1;>,: k A1eaveAtoGod and tho? wéfld {Q mag; but h*QW~~unanfwerab1y, ’diam€triea11y comzmry ta the exampie and precepts of our Saviour, you have déemc-:aned- youryj fe1'v%es;both% in the Puipir, and in the Prefi, fince thefe unhappy <:ii&"«;E~—- revises’ b€tw»;~en the King and P'.ar1iamVe11t and~~hc>w A great Encendiaries and fomentefs\—you have bcm,-. n%ced:moIVwicn=c{s%-A to tefixfic: }‘-lad the. fikzrgy an the Kings partgand thé Clergy on the Parkiaxnents part,plaim~%» Eyaifi mnly (without FearorMfiattery)*to=1c{ bothof’ themtm dange: .gnd~ me devi1%1i£h‘nefsof.{Aa*War, 7bQf3h?f()§iffOl1}. and body, the Wicked» n?3f?s ;}a‘nd "urikz1xvfuIm.{s% <>f ‘* it AL/-Qdn both :fig{1es,)i and» perfvvadcdi them: fibth’; tg, java, ,.meekf1*e17s; am: £or~bearing Vane another, cold: che‘I{ingg§ V lusisicwn}, and the~ Parliament theirs, ‘ and yet nothing but truth neither (a‘ccordi‘ngto% rhewbrd of%‘Goc§V;)MM"I doubt whether it had ever coma ‘?m{ a%Wariat a1ian1A’fi1fe they would never have been fo forwaxid‘ on ,éithe:%~&I’£dé,*’.4 as ‘t11 e3rwvere ; The truth is," ( I {peak to the { hearts %¢of alfi h£if1e{t’é‘%tiienV*)? éhe Clefy%o11%both%fic¥esi‘(had they been of the mind’ of am:{ '2%.pcrP&1‘es-)~*fhoLIld* have preached againfci it,prinI;ed? a-gyainff it; ah'd“if*% ‘*tI*iaf*%Vwon1djndt hav]e%ferv«ed~ the turn, fhouid Imve denyed anéYPi*oph&tFxe%Sacra»mmt of? the Le¢p1e; a::c1I’am?41ccnfid€r1;: botIi4fidés wculd ha‘vef’cc%>ciid % as La gaze, anci not have beenfw €o.rwafrd,- ‘asthey were,% perha*ps~ not 731.?Aa1lproceeded ta pafs throiagh fuch at Sea afblmd’, as they’have%done: A sm‘z:1‘h0\3trtna1iy <;3Fb‘o*th< {ides have pfierifl1éd4ix=i*Acha¢: A red% Sea, ‘Fmm this **wm.~1d;<%a:4 Vghe b§:*f’t;,'”(I judg.Vno2:~c:£‘ we r:ext;3)*’k«:Bm waschis cyour-fe mkén youfier xfiby“ fame, far 1‘ tax x%1c>~t9:1l)%yI om wzmym”: That A was Chrifis Legacy ; How well have you difpofed of it 3 or what exeeue. tors are you of this his, lad’: Will and Tcilamenc? He abrogates the old ' Lawin t~h-ateparcicular,wherein was {aid 9V‘F:‘Di‘H&".> gm eye far 45;; 5]?” em” ’0W«?f55" 4! W1“/9 Bet go)’ oz¢2z;a*}é;;,£t;o~o/M1! é«-éfb am Wee; You final! Alcoa)/our emm;ie.r,c'§~c. ‘And beheld I érizgg47a;¢g ;¢e7;7_ Com, mmzdmmr, that you [am am: «another. Thiswas fpoken to all the 4 world of Beleevers ; much moreto you, whooprofefs to be the ‘Em- bafladors of ?ChriPc,; asyou do : You ’t_;a}.:e2r;m»¢£ eChrifi,ie£ was /:rg;:2aaz}€Z.éz;;r,Le.:zr2z cgf.27¢e,f;ar I ;:m¢e /mmélé meek:OGodlk ;*h::ve oyoo of the;A;Clergypra&ifed: this homilityeand meeknefé? Nay; haV,€.ryoo noerboldlmfrothe woxjld exprefij theco mrary,i11 your «cc>nv:cerf:;tier;3se? :.oHad there been Palfié in war ftou§uesA;(YCm‘ rdflsfifis §e{e,e[%on_ «fire Jfrorn heil, .a$§heApofi1e {peaks} and in your % hmdsgw this ;e1§ingd0i¥1*\hadbeen happy __: 3”"; nzkgf rgyq wreak £4-pan jozxz, ya f:3w.s' of ;.Z;;2ic1"I fayf you do ?_.You evmjdid, and you willido, till the; r»;;rimeeoccm§ rrha=:34:e1e¢/?i §b€;P£0Ph€€o {E¢?1%5e0f»‘(1lh0P€)e I3?-‘ereré 3* ham! oee»;;hen yoo.beIeeveA4; wexjeyou true,Prophers,youLwou1d tremb1e»é;i'the Text, and *by the Spirieofmophefie difcem the time: 444.22%:/as 3. 3. He \ W33 j/7,4]! ‘fit akdfraufiiier, ozhflphrzfiérafi Szlwr r; ’a«i'id_t he iliall'purii'ie ‘thefons of Lmvi .~i -And doubtlefs,that is not the 1{.¢fa‘r'm;zrian«rhalt”’ you preteiidi» to ;i youdo but take upthe ‘Stone, andturri the other fide; HIE is youthat have put us 3.ll7ll]W aliarne ;wi your _Tribe' hath done, i andlaldothiit 4 all 5‘-the A worldfiaifeif 3. 13 Chi-W‘ 3173’ EV” "**l3iI‘:~“?i:"_l°*“>o rather this great evil? in this "K1I'lgClO1'fl , ¢ and hare not youdone it E: flout ' have either done it ,~ i or had the 'gr€ati-ill {hate in doingnitl is or not ihiiw; da-ed it H1 wheri_ybL1:i1‘1lghE ; you leek your own, and Dolli2hC“l2l1lll-gS'”‘CIf1Z- God , ‘God forgives you -_-r why . clo*“you F101;‘ imitate Saint Plaid? Ra-l Jv»ft~1lawer: lvfiiérils l 215“ 1i-?''W0fi@W/3 ;ii??i9llih€+lh3dit€rr€d that iufilot (Which hc"could’ihardly1d“o)I: yet he’lTf.orbid‘s torfollow i‘E"‘v;".:‘ arid; I“1"'ll.1f‘i::.’.«i\?‘5571&‘i’i: follow you, when you command “things c0ntrary;‘ tdlclllflfij‘? —IBl§€£EE5',:i jg yourDi4mi,and you voyce"ilhelti;l_iigh iipgflie isffor y*out‘;oari11g)but.' an Idol, {he cannot Rand, {he is falling;, {he is Falling. Out Saviour fays, He that irgmatef} atmcmgfljm, flmll be the lmfi‘; and he that ‘ is leaf: among you in the Clergy, would be greater then the Civil Ma-4 ‘V gillrate, if he could Oh the arnbitioiiof the Priefihood 1 (Read the Prophets of, Old agatinfi the Priefis :; and is not the Priellhood of theft: times Wor{e?coi1‘ipare them togerherg) What Aaron before Mafé: E i it was not fo of old : Nor will God ever have it fo , where his Spirit governs. The Lmiferian Pride, Ambition, and Covetoufneis of the Clergy, is not the leaii quarrel God hath with this blatioii; what will you fay, or aufwer, When God comes ‘to makeiinquifition for ‘blood’? Where is the Urim and T/oiimmimg (in Am-am breihplate it was) purity of Doctrine and Integrity of Life? Ifear, it is not to be it found in your hearts, in your Doctrine, not Life. Ogen your eyes, the timois~yet, iR€p6DEv~al7lGl:-alnC'i1Gl~..: ti.tCitea;i.wiuL1Ldh§:i&h€t;;i:2§z...t.u.hl%m.Ef fuch finners,mote then for any;ancl great wouldyour glory be here,and hereafter. Remria, 0 S/mlazmice, retmv-¢_, rcmria, and b€‘I10t8l.hamf.”d to do it: Your example, on all hands, I am perfwaded, (ii? fiticere) would Pcrongly build E13 gip in a better way if? fiivorfe then ytou have can ht us andawor er on we arein, onto 6: , is not. I the,A-ll bollgle fay: iContezatian, flrife, debaita, is mrrzril, earthy, diwllrjla; What is Pluridering, Murdering, Ravilhing, Robbing, and Confolirid- ing? I-iowcan a man of God appear in a Pulpit, and not Preach, andipeali againll it,pray againli it,ptiint agaiiili it?arid lo,you have done i the contrary : Shall I praife you ? I praiieyou not. God forgive you, A with foul I beg it, V i « ‘ To @‘OdS*fak€,Wlnf01f‘l'11 ., Iamrfl P001‘ W4haA[Af'Warran:: in Religion to Fafi for fir»1fe,w antdto givethan%1gs%1fg4g.75" V1étories,.V4aAnd fliedgiing .b1ood?% a’both fid€S»_KlDg tmdf I?arliaAmem~ % have,;done;i:4: God%haveA mercy on%ch«;,m-1 fcarxt-A AH‘0*§’VCan )?D{1v:a»p«.Ii I‘=>r<:>wsof: it, yet {cans of ALwi« Look; “If-film }?‘D1;.H‘. Corlicxmces,~!Tchofe:, AG1a%IIesiwhich,wi11noMt, ca1mot%4fiam':r; :9 an~d‘faY:.A. HOW» 9011168 this 130‘ 9 Where are yOu_?;.O5; Ggd, That I59. poor igmrant Inangamforged‘ tb““tel1yQu,an&'.th€ wor1d*Eh1S !»;§n1end; andmhat .{“udd<:=nly,Prcach love, and prafliife ii;-A“; :1 B/ejfed z3s~t/9nztJ/erzzanf W/astm /aw’ Larqiwiaen cqmex} jgmzz fimlcj.i;» doing ;_ orAa3.thcvfi‘x1Wnow 1:;1es a,~tyo1;;u: dgoxj, andiithe whleé; Kingdom,+ it;.is;t.0 be%wf&aredv,_w1l1:curfiayogi §§)I.‘;~1,tr {q¢a%~I1;e;avy,a11d fad, unexpeéfed A phnilbm€n£:h€I_‘At% wi111iiug;1iJl fgafiy “t1%t'1‘iinf,‘ :bu_t ‘dtifirifig to*I'1a4s'rt:“ paeawce ma mmén); is, toiLperYjJva‘d;f3 ybu 3’in; ‘Wi0ié>“fe *hafii3dV the pmv<:1“(;‘f ~t:“%i*i€ 5;“.-‘-’Ofd Ais) mm firm; would reLmffe1nbery0%LTa're E1‘lg{ifl1i mm; that we*ha9ve“‘o11c'%Com1non¢’i«1'gt};er;( t?hc liixfigdam w’h‘cfeii1 we We J Xflihoffif *bow<:=l"s ar¢day713*rippa:fi L1p by this A ‘blwody uxunaturtii ~O1"C1 Fairfax, VVhe;-‘n * tfitij S‘o1"'i¢;=1‘s;i11%’4thL? New’? T cfiatn€fr1f,dL*1i15111di;d ‘c;F‘}":r2i}':.>;z‘_;, . Z'V£wzt_ @311 me do -1? “he: faid‘ u:;~n:,o thc'£1)_,*I J0 r:,»;~ZHo%;Z5,::g¢,b-eV;fo .~+AA¢..»;‘;»,:»;§:_:;-+»,r,4 m=itber‘= A fljlf; mfzd /72' b‘2}.:2tVc}2§ wi‘ Mr 3t.?;sfi£§z.I‘c’5 : now, i11g;:~h‘orlow,%LCorn1n7ander or Orficcr, fhoulsi dcmamzad of mi‘ what ht;-j ih0wu1d%~do,'r1°c an“fvv:"t:“1h1m"as %4S. j7ral'c>;~1 “ didl: M D 2 " _ ' :s_ gall}: did there to thhofe Soltliets, and yeeno mot tlef'tiz1Cotmn.2nd.nFoteyour Pay,to begmthere, OOCl"l01’l)id you} llhould not haveit atthe full, and that quickly; eegard”3von are Chrifhans l’WlllCl1thOf€‘S0llll€fS: were not; not m-itlxet, but Romans) Lflaalltalte the boldnefs tolfa tv—You .have ventured ‘hard for it, body and foul : My Former Expedimtfar Pmae tznab;-S~afe;. z}, exprelles my dellre in that ; As for Liberty of tender Confcienees, I: wrote it not ougoffilearot for Fl3tt€ry;l}_l:1t whatI%did,and;clo,beleeve, ought to be: But I innit‘ ptofefs I aminhnitely afllieted to fee the hzgh calatnityxlike to be gteater J which by a molt bloody tntelline lWa-1: this poor Kwingdome~gtoans~t1ndet»-;;eanollfain I;.wonld;lfind an Expedieztt “?,.tat leaft I would fpendxmytt poor ralem, to~malkle'fomlelfiopoF this great ilfuje of bloocl : And therefore I taltethis bolednefs to [peak toMy_outEs§cellenley( the Genetal,.) allntd allfnbordlna te;®ffic;e;:s. of'_ this gteat Army oftlhel Parliament, (not leaving out all thofe, who have been, and now are in Arms againft you,) For my difcoutfe is to all ;; bilt my chief aym and hopes are in you : for I am perfwaldecli it. is in your power, next to the King, under God, to procure a.»fuclden-Peace, n (ll‘,lyOl1Wlll? have A it the right way, whotodare oppofe it? ) and fol filddenly to {till the raging and Furious fire of this mofl unnatural Wat. flfyon will but ptaétife thatlleflbn (whichl halvetdiflated to his...M£- A3:/Z}, the two honorable Hou1°es,t and theClergy) of Self-:Dei¢iatl, ]‘e’ws»l y much more thsetfl 5 = ether: our Savxonr how exemplary will’ ye be to allpolleritylt“ and A how well will it be-. A come yon, in the midfi of. allyour Pctengthand power, to decline it ? Imean not to lay all down’ ilnfiéntly, and let your enemies (who, . Godtknowstl beleeve, are Fat fizom: defieil1g.»;geace%- theright-way) em, Viyour throats or {ub;,et‘i;y.ou.r {elves tothem :, 1t were folly tn you to ttuPcth::m,l and’wlel{eelnel'‘~1ne fo to connfelyou-5 butyou.tobegin ‘fitljc {ff though motel§§owetfull{.? and to deftte Peactgandiendeavor it : If ' V therefore yon will begin [alsjfaitl] with ~.Si‘e{f-Dmigzlof” hall Semfzflfi grerefzlxl;lbe‘it’hohor5 ox: 7profit;.totVw.hatever itbe , Peace, I think,may{I eafilyobtéiinecl VVhy.tlolWe fight.,ki11, andltuine one anothet?ll « He’:/éflrfer eve?‘ ..~’ ~ Ate not we brethren may not Treaties end-it better then the Sword? R,emet11b’er,; I pray1l}>.ou,; What: flé=ms;¥- {aid to §la.eé,, ,Slm/Z119: Sword V le? fatee that accompanies Wat; um- £602:rzlater/a.a;lwit.wi.{1é*e éittemq/ylin t;}}e A ~ ltE£9‘>Zl; A v i gtcanfiotbe av1oyded'I’he quefiion willthenvbe , Who bid you go i myvvar _>; 5, 3-obn bid you ,. Da -violence to no mam : and Chrifl he comes but a. very little aFter the Bflptifl with Forgivejanrl enemies, ll A~way, {saith he , with an eyefor ma c}'e,.a tooth for at toot/9, 856. (that. is,_wrongfor wrong) Bleflotlarm‘ T/with cezrféjotz ate. And furely it “ were the befi Chriltian Courtfhip to appeafe all differences by Peace: gzfigg b1aad.rlairfz‘_y~mm¢, faith the Scripture, flm/I not live om‘ /M/f /azér :dxz_y.r-: andif he dogrow oltl in blood here ( as Few do) yet j.7m[/ be mwrfee z/2el’Lorg;lin the Land of the Ii-wing, ounlefs he get it with at hearty repentance ;; and what hope can he have that dyes in a barrel; killing, andikillecl .9» whofe foul in the inljtantof feparatiotuispywrappecl l 3.I'lCl.:€flV€lOp@d"LVl[h rage, revenge, blood,-, horror, and heightof fury A iagainit-hisoppolite; (as the body, for the moPclpat't,.at the fame time, is environeds with dreadful,ifounds , howliugs panel rll1riel4ings,p‘wirh fire rand:- {monk ,_ the very Emblerri of» Hell it ltjffif.) An u what {ayes our Saviour: As the Tree Falls, fo it lyes: I would to God, every fouldier would think of this hourly, and beleive it even. Suppofe, I pray you : A common drunkaro (whole praéhfeilit is clayly {o to be , clyesdrunk, by afall or other accident, aswe have had many 'fuC:h“lli'3lTfi1ll€Xampl€S;) doe,or can you in any charity hope well offuch afoul? {hall he be received into the everlafiiiig joyes? the like ofA.,. tlultery or fornication ( I {peak of a common adulteret and Fornicator) whofe God is his luff, whodyes in the arms of his Dalilah: can you hope well ofhime I am fore it is a high prtefumptionfoto {peak :. flare I am hiseafe is Fearfull, and by the Rule ofScripturewe may be boldv to judge nolhapineffecould arrive that foulifo dying. The lCafe is the fame with thofe that dayly fight batrel1s.( nay, who long for it if but a little retardecl;)iE war be unlawFull,.(I difpute it not,rI take it for grantedl :1 antl:I am fure by the new Teflament utterly condemned‘: Now, iffomhe that dyes l>ls 19MH‘:., my faced e..aK::!a*z)rer/9 im. cgmifizg? azmiféw/Z éw... ’;_r,.;,,:;//7»,¢;;g,+Egz.*;g~.$w5*. .@V/l02a7f}}?**v(zest: §3.~,.Lj/f. ~- f.5)g- iLor:£ et/9.42: fervent 7e=:é:a‘mze”z2z ¢Z &2;='r»’-£2’ tbifi be’ Zaafqet/7 {earfw /um , mm’ m ‘a‘2:¢ V 1.20112» that be 2;; :m‘2?« azzfaibve of?’ flmll em iéwzm a,7}e;eder, and rzppewzt him 915‘ parrim ?\3Wt;"a-H7'p0£‘rztIw§5 there fig/Z W ‘Weepzng, aizdsgflmg/72zng afTeet/:2. % Om: “fiaviotzr d‘ex1ou11ee'th A all thzswoe, bug for fm1t'z11gpf a fElIO.\/-"g.7{fi”I"gfa1']E.; xxxl1a§Wo}f;1ii he have: afazq 5-of P1und%er1ng% *, Mu;~de_r.1r1g” eRav1f'bi1}eg , gr. ~ter1y+r}11n>1';z;g rheepoor, thf.‘ F£1th'€f1ef{'e_, and the wxzfiows P Ihzs. 13 V20... eélcnce '}vn'ef15"I7‘.I;_1§‘l‘l’ fiegree: and how“ Guilty vthe Souldmrs QF th;1sliand, ( cm ‘both fid-cs gimg an_d Paerhament) have been m .2i1l"thrse”fevene yearswar, I ‘eleave to (sod (0 Judge ; and "thofe to lamenut, who have feen and "felt it. *1 elmow VVc;l1El1r’3'CO1I1‘:é3:10r} que:Pcion 5 {ball we Rand: ML, and have our Thr?c»ates7crL1c“? I fay‘i‘101Z' fox 1 eknowe offences mufit come: EC'i‘i’t‘1“fi;.f3.§,’§‘5 it] but he likewife faith, Woe "ewe erebemeév} W/com ofi-",,«m—g; dare come». And the Apofi1e‘fayes.,!mve %‘Z>‘e1iviet/a all 1; mm, €¢'¢~'é¢ ”paJ £3151"; he doe;-th not For all thaetadd ,‘ebut‘”~i'f you cannot “have Peace Peaée‘u1e1y,,»fight,‘km, soc. 0 no, he could not preach fuch a doéfrine : M eshowieafy were it re ifpeende {beers of p:Lper=to4.p1‘oVeth=is by very texts -of Sf~eripmre,z:izi. .tI1€%i*mlawi1u1nefle and wickednefle ofwar: [yet I am ‘ he Anabafp-tifi.,]eAre the works of war from the 1’-rincipleseof light and love, if fcmvell and ‘good, happy your fouls; ifFn0t,aIf1d there be .{e1{~i11- terefi .m:»e:‘r:., Px7ide’,fiMalice,.Ra'ge, Revenge , £111, yea ill indeed is it with ‘yc5u’r{i®LwIswitimueeR‘epentanc«:“;[ no man repents who for:.{akes} not V the evzillkvayj I ameiigzreewthofc works come out of :heePrineip1e of , "§:ii§1*=e.:» and f";.")‘t1"-“04't?l‘“’L“§€e»!.i1f7»_1%»«I%:»h1e~ Chzildrcn '@f€G©dv1areeK1ef0i35 off Peace‘; .Be.;¢ze1e*1e[.mw wit:/a yea; , was Si;‘i=V1ii0L‘2'i"‘s Legacy . To ‘econelwe, no max1ee,ifaye5no‘eM"an mnxfiodoe evil *t.??h‘$t~‘T:f;'0Qd xnay %c(?..14'1*E1£‘;‘f»eof :e.»amxlé1: I am {;i;re»,va;>ur 'war?i€oz'eeeireI1e?{e eightiyeears e.I.?12;L%*z"I1e0I—~e>“1:m‘e»e no gdod Qhumh? 301% {fife eezhough ‘God ‘i«mouIs befi ‘wfseafie a Chmch“; i53$1‘1d_,W€ pGo‘ri1bje@t‘S~C:i11 -=M:~Vthee pseieme {Carceei difczerza A whe-re‘ fiesta ; i:s,i:;+:v:zo1§.m1-3 zeén ml‘ zhanfls iw eh :xa»iefcri;:»s 'a§tid‘ ru?ienaee's:}]-1ém’d mgany‘ nwaajgbe eh Lfinzp-;:muee;or* Efilimgfié am or%1"‘h:;p11b1ViCk, Ie:ei12:im.;;.::ie¢i:a2a>:~tme.fin 7&3 A ,4 Lga:>e=ae:ere;e ec-4h+:e1*1e great iL1~»E~ht‘e§,zt‘»s‘ \ :05 A A e ‘,eE;3I] --A A 4 .' ‘gram; gm begin he : we 2? she h~,e;.;;es wffueh were feaeeeimie (esn God cam, dam, and mil) in wemid be f'=l:»mzd,% it is a.§Ye‘ijQ¢?5¢5**i“5"fj/3:"; 36$ mfim p;£,%a‘3 gsfxd éfiewhet they aw; em :9 fight 543%‘ Rsh‘3;..£s52{»"**’:»“ ffifehefgéf fammziara, he ‘W0 the: eel» my hhavé:e were W “in u; 1f1‘a,e»the§.7 3 zweweflaeme A of Wax : 1 fear, _«uh;z_z*. will pox: ehdifeover the pmaife of.S¢»:§Fs-Dmigzl m heirtrue Liberties fromTyrenz.2Vica1hGe>ve.rn1‘nent,VandArmtraryehevzgeuegj V yet emmede .you;. and had yeti, 2111 your defieee for ::a2swo:1e,(as M C<§l?5é35f1F‘ef1i¢,ihh§0u1‘5«i¢Y3PY0f€fi30I3ahK5-m85'3‘M3 Suhicfisehavehraree 1y,or never db:-aimed their 11opes,thereafom is,th“e blem1;~»tI1a£ is$fbY5ht‘h€1I3’ he fpilc, which God a.bhors:)e Look upon the lsfing aflfimie, fee his end, kilid in a Battehby onetofh1's Qwn fidegxte is thoughgaend fee yet how his eop1efare,and what ref}: have they pr when are they hke to have any?) Yet what flmll it prefix 4 2mm, faith Claw-zfl, ( beleeve him ye men of A W er) to Win the whole world (chats more then a Kingdom) and Zofé . 122;: oxissvzczflml: I {geek t:ehg1l~e%whehh‘a‘Hore and date on thatHear:hen G~:;:.d_., Mar: (Wan) rightly interpreted according to the Dialefi of the Holy Ghofic, by the Apofiles, in divers places, {he very Devil himfelfi New 2/a:eeVh‘~\?99,?¢/Q26 ,3/ae“ fief/7,. faith S.hPa.m’V, Gal. 3.19. are m.z1rer_y,}7 6’7’??55‘“50?’1*,11r2b!e.¢22zsae;”.:, L.ezfi."i*a»£az2]:»arcfii, Idolatry, Witciaeraft, Hat;-ed, Variance, Emzdzztiozis, Wrnrb, Szrfie, Sedifzeflx,‘ Herefies, Bzzejings, Martbers, Drhznhenmfs‘, R£‘Z7f[57ZgJ'm andfncla like ;.A af the which I re}/jays :«zaw,m M I have m_';0 taidjou in time pafl, that they which do finch t/airagx /ball not Mam‘: the I<'z"22g-. dam afGod. But ht/2eFrm.?t qftloe Spirit is L02/3,. fly, ‘Peace, Lang-»~ fzzfer£ng,G‘wt1emfl;_,Gaadm;fl,Fair/9,,/74'eelQ4¢ef:, Temperance, 2zcg¢ziz¢_[fe fad‘: :~I£9em* iiwa LAW .‘ : cxrfsad they tlsmzt czre C/arws, have crmzfied hr/2}? fiefb mt/9 tbe¢ffeé?ie:-J: and lwfl: : We live in the Spiritaler m mlfia .e ‘ e h ‘ A -walk, ~ _d5%mli{_izat rice Spirit : A Lat Am’ stat be defirow ¢)f‘2/éflirtjg/orj_, Wt]9ro;va1:j:sg km: gator/aer,e2zzzyi22g‘tto;zeanother. ‘ % t % A You have held out Reformation in’ Church ‘and State, *take~heed'of 4 $)eForm‘ation intboth; or rather utter ruin oftillz where is your -Com-do :.;gniffi0no % to proceed in blood? Lmm afmcgx (faith*Chrifi)t. for 1433:; imméze and meek: Is there-meeknefs in War? He that m/(er/a up we fward,'f/Emllperif/awit/:1 the fword, (faith Chrifi.) A1-know ‘well he once asked his D~ifcip1es for atfwordghe was anfwere‘d,there were-A 3:370. ;he {aid it was enough, and perhaps thoughteit too "much 5% he did-not bid them ufe it, nor did he ever make ufieofit, or comman‘c1'it,', butthe dcoroxtrary. You are Subjeéts, as well as Idam ; remember you aretfo: and you are (or were) Servants .alfo to the Parliament, who employed goth ~Afl=b'oth parts according to »Rmfim and Religion, and then [hm * leeding Kingdom {hall ow no {mall fhare of its happinefi to you ~ but if you fail to do it,‘ aflhretyonr fc1~ves7"the end cannotbe good ; L».-gm 2;; 7/96 ffilfil/{fig Of the-Law. tNaw the God4%afPeaca, muittbe Peace of God-W/aiclfprzffetlmll zmderfianding, keep Jam» I/aem~t:‘m¢dofmindJ~z'n the Fear and ‘Law’ of God Cj-c. ‘Soprays he (that bél ‘ L ihould dareto‘ fay the Lords ’Prayer, Forgive 13;!" our tr-£:z‘;:;;l:a .fwgive them that m’f;mflr~againfl m, ifghe man his hands tinthe blood ofanothetgbyt War.) who is, A V U A M H A J Lord, V o ‘Y0.u*1:ExceIl‘cncics o *“°‘*h"m’=>1¢ scum 9%‘/94rd Ezrrzir; I . M t \ . ‘- H A , V ‘ H t t o ‘ A . ; _~. _ H‘. 1 mar ‘ ‘ " ’ . ‘ ‘ W “ ‘ t . ' *5“ ‘~ -Q r ’ N “ .-*‘“'* 2«“*'*'“« 7 t..*.. t A '” . W’-A':3 W» .1.» Jr.’ vi.” :4.-’.-..».t v “H «‘Mg.¢‘ .4; . ’ 3 ‘L J. ‘ . W ‘ii. §t‘J;»; ; J: - " t ', I, FF. V Q ‘wk ' I § ht }‘~« “-3: u V -met t tttt.4:»w t- J. «G 4€tét==§3~za«t~«twt~~t»et»«t=»xo«t~~zA-z~»ta~t«~t~«t~ w=at~»t«t~~t~~tm*t=~t~~t~«.t»ta«t»»t~«t- rowed t RIGHT HO N o RABLE THE Lord Niajora The Riglxtviforflfipfull the Alder»-5 men, the W/orfl1iPfu11 the Common Coung 11:1, and every Fr:-dmatz ofzhc Citie of L 0 sxg D 0 ‘ 5% A that [having fo boldly adventurcd upon the Cltmcsncyof his d ‘ . Sacred Majeftie, the patierzceof the two Honorable houies of A THis’great Metropolér ofyouts, lifts not up her head fo high,hut A A ', * A Patliaxnent, the h*€ed0tnoF'111yi'pt€Ch to the Clergy , the high A dpriefts, Scrzbes and Pharifecs of this Kingdom ; and the hazard of di« .{tafiing thtf Army: An Army, andfuch an Army V, as hath made‘ yout} pmud dwalis (bake at the very fight of it, and For ought I kno w,or you either, the deart:h--quake net yet p:.tPc:] I may prefutncmto vcric ;% ttalaudxn yourgates , and to pmclaxm in your Pcreets, that zfany citied % inthe Chtxfiian World , had need to be fummoned to "L5‘e:"/_f¢I)m_)’:s:a’;"; A It isthis great citie: whofe Inhabitants were gtoavn fo pmudd with p'£‘0fp€’riEy,tha.t~thfy {'aid,in their hearts at 1:;-:a{t,{ and too tnttctmcxprcflc t ‘ it in their words and aétions) as B:1byl<.3I‘1 did,t{cvt~1. 18. 7. M236 jzzid in /§¢’rT}7c’4§?’l‘, ,1'_{2“t 42 &z"ecn:~, I Am tzawidazzr, diifdfifl-[!‘“"4-fie zzo J"orraf;a: ,% t}..;er¢)€m2 /7941! [car __})l:«t‘-;_:;'zdm_m9¢¢»-3’, And did hm: you. gight or ten _yearsWfincc,»fit as a Qtxtth , in yourtbed of S=taE€a1“id rah? but 10, A1-. .. t M d % ~~ _ 4% y ?* {mighty E343 thighty God brought war into your gates, and the {word iuto y}ot§t‘*’ » Stately "Palaces: and your young men felt it : you made but a fporttof it at the firtt , you courted the forts of Mars , and you dtfeovered» all your Wealth unto them (as Hezeluah died to thofe that were fentft-om ‘Bzthylon 3 read the place, the 9.20. Chapter of the fecood of Kiogs,be... ginning at the t 2. verte, uutzll the zo. VI-pray God, it have uolallulion in time to your cit1e;)auol now after {even yeatshppreuttcefh:p,are you not tveury E‘ woulcl you not be made {Cree 2* Rtrl‘-t1c:fItbt‘!: thofe.—clttyts of’ peace 1, when every man did 631:0’-'f his ovuu vine, and fete under his t own tree : did you utulte good of e cut it P no : you grew Wamm with eafe, and proud with folly , stud tltetc:‘Fo:‘e Gorilrieut war aroongll: you: your hearts weteealtwayes vartous ftomthe Wayes of God, and therefore God lltfhred you to he tliveffly miutled , to make way For your dL‘fIYU(ClIl0D; and how at lal‘rf<_>r your wiclteduefle , hath fuficered the lfpitltt of giddtneife andtlivllioue ,' to he even in the tnlcllt olr your Itzitie, yea in every corner of 1t; autl It 25 ml’: wxth you :. foryou wetefo far from 3%’--Demyaii , that you deoyed your felyes nothing you had ayymimlto; (I palle by the cxcellellolfpride in apparelglllte Princes rather then Apprcntifes; and for Gluttony and Luxury, the world could not t“ matchyou: I fay nothing of your Epicurifine every yvaygwith your {IE-=» gle& of the poor that clayly hegld at your doors. ) Ifpeak not this to all: I am confident, God: hath afRemoant in thts Citie,., who ferve him mofi faithfully , and who are not onely free from thofe fins , but "claylylalmeot them in others; whoyflaud in the Gap ;~ and for whofe 4 ‘fake tl'1iS (‘Iitie hathyfcood’ to long , and cloth yet Hand: Great hath been your Diurm of yprofit , aud' you have faerificed fo long at hers fhryue, out of hope or fear ; that if God open not your eyes , and that you fuclclenly repeut,yout def’ctu<9cioh IS at hand: Go into Se{,f~tDeny;z!!, V or you {hell have no peace : luy afide all pro/ate and fell-iuterelts , that _ 7 or the Publiclte Faith, disburfements hot Irelaod,Bl{'.hogs Lands,E:ttife3 A Cuf’torue houfe.8e<:. and repent; not uphraitl your forwardue{Teyat“the t fitfi toehelp ou the work, had it been holy and pious : The out} fliews plain [.1”1QW13.l‘ld it did long fince appear ,, you chol’ it for your own eués ; it was fear or hope ot profit put you on, not the Zeal of Gods. ' Glory , the Honor of the King; or the good of the kingdom :f “I {peak not this to all, but to the moft; aoolchiehy to tl1o(‘e,_lWhofe p1‘l--_ ‘yayteintere£ts,_ engage them,novy, fo hotly in the progrefle lofa war; “ that the whole Kingdom is m hazard of utter Raine :']"1ook xtto your own hearts , and faygy how true or falfe I {geek :. tftrue, Tmel fkzpimst fiar}g.::.r. Do . it; and that quickly, for Gods fake, for theKiugs fake, for your owui “fake, Forthe whole K-‘lngdoms fake, delayoot to do it; and heleevea r y me, 11:18 better go gave willingly, what you may fpure,‘ then to have I: :2. it ail [363 A aiiyou haivé“t'a1{en from §ou: and who éanfgivé §51i lei beftere hofiéié No mancan fay, who wiilbe i_2hCfV1&o1‘ (1 t fee a Forraign Nation come in already; and perhaps many of you ‘I laugh at it in your fleeve, and rejoyce in it : Alas poor abuied fouls '3. e Do you think you {hall not be the Spoil, who ever is the Conqueror 33 V Be not (0 fottiih: There is no party in forms already, or like to come it A into Arms, belonging to thefe three Kingdoms, but hath jufi caufe to braid and reproach you; and will certainly ruined you at the lair. In N #114 Fide:,Pz'eta_@t¢e virtls gm: eoflrxféquunrur, V Said the wife Poet, and a good Chr:fi~ian1dus%thought V frown? heart» 3 Nb3»thé$" iin in}? 900? ”appr¢.h¢rIfi0r1 ziiiglxrnrlitft‘ aS‘%éi%5i1b't1CfSs (HeA4iv.i11offi:rAanii Plkeirfdrxniall‘ *rha%té1Lwh¢ §?éodV4;qfifiis I"séop1t*~;.f)A% i:an'd)b:«hEfWffe‘I xhem ‘ffzk-y%;11?M*app;ea:‘ tothe‘Vv‘ho1e xcingdorn, ‘aha: His ~ '7... *1 ”3i.«”.;;; V » '»V..,l’I"'~7:':‘ 4:3‘ 5;; ,, -. ; . v ..r é M ». ,, .. A Ma,z€f§y, 11?§4BS“W1Ch§{fr~3?€%T?.W’ ~ R~¢ad% 111$fécondAP§ie2¢‘¢:02?‘¢?r¢??§.s « go I*s'a%i'chrLi:Iy: b¢xgeve; ftheififéi‘ we fhiS».P&?i<>p1e,T1?‘~? vv%xt1;iyct=%dcny 4w- -_ «flaw 1/ ~»» % ’b"ua: K‘ ‘V . Li 1"‘ 3 ' 5" . an ’ . ' ' .. : ‘ A '. , ‘a . ‘ imitate the Ki fin: mu remember, lie is your King ; and forget not that Giving loFSa.L§ Jmgmgl, .Feél?‘lG0d, and bazaar the 1€mg; and give mate Caefazr t/mtl -};:}3g'::}3 é::{long.s‘u2¢2.‘o _C4ef¢zr, and Cwfzr will give you more, rather then V lefs, then belongs unto you. If the whole Nation, nowe,lwil1leeebuc mg, and begin with Se{f-Denial, (without"which there ganbe no ‘:Z?m~cc’, no licligiozz ; ) ‘Howl happy {hall both Prince. and‘ Pcgple be 1: If you are not [0 minded, (chiefly thofe who ficlatlthe helm,.) do you hope for Peace bye bloody War? Let no man tell ~ me, Page is the endlof War : Be not deceived, my beleved Cflllflttyr men,i€;you:% keep your Old h€‘3ftS,0f 5€1f~1fit6fcfi:,'ea11d proceeel er) tea neW.V\zm-’%you will find elite gzeaecfi deilruflzon that ever Nation elul : For,as there 27.: no ‘Pmce to; the W26/@771, fazit/9 my Gc2al,~f0 there is no hoa- llineié, but helléfhnefs in War. The Apofile tels you, whence ftrifeaml eontexacion P!'0C€€df3: 5’ ‘é"el["7”’: (3375 he; 3115 C10 youexpeft a b1e£- figg upon Warland blood, lromab\0Vfe’f'onlSWis!$ fuchfin refiflixzgaml oppofing thedee3f3’_'Qf{delrknej5, afld‘Zb'E'fier],dax;.§. soft‘/as Devil, whichis in: them, int31§ee(5ldleA‘2Zaamll;f'llthat»~ ,they heirfia A ‘e‘l3}flY1lQF111iT3§:C0mb3C amdlfirifees .lWfii§h.ian.fYi01¢ng€ within themfe,1mg;; to a:;tpe.ootue old Adam of l1l$,&1“.'0lYg holdlaudl tlareo the Iilugdout of I E-leaves: {fog muelx as it can: be in this life is gotten and obtained; Fm: he that gets ituot here , flzall never pollele it thereafter; 5/tee em: fall: ,y§;'.a» lé:t_,f1v.e/Ilia. L » L The Curie all ‘ muff go into" Self-lDen‘}aU,my difcourfel to them tells‘ “them no lczlls; And lallly, you the whole Kingdom (under whom the four left are comprehended) maul’: llkewife go in to .Sc$-Deniallle For " ‘ all of you in Generall (I exempt not my fell’) l‘13.Vt“.‘.a‘I'l{:l do abound uultlh V allforts offios , yea with the gteateft fins, and pareicularlyl that of’ Blood, 72.: lrearfull and a crying (in ; which how you will aufwer , when God /5411 come no make izeqzzi/ition or Elaod , I know not : how will youan “veer it, you bloody Subjefis of this bleeding Nation , Who joy and delight in Blood and Revenge , who regard not theclryesland the Teares ofthofe poor Innocents , which your {words make dows and Orphans? whole ctyes (yet) afceudl up into heaven , and mull: ~ l (without fudden repentetnce) bring done a moPc_ unheard-of judged meut upon th1sNutio1f1.l For you the Subjefis of this land (who are not Souldiers, ) are equally guilty , in your uwilllng Coéxtribution to bothfides : and how many of you are ruined by your own prmy 4‘? to whom you gave allillance ? And it is full: with GGCMC fhould lb be: A Land {'0 defiled with Blood, that profelfed fuch purity of Chrllllaolty, and hath ptaflifed on all hands,tl1e mull l1otridland‘batbarousA:?ts that u ever were read of. The Father: againll the Son, the Son aguiull the Fw- ther, 854:. And doe you expefi: Peace ; by going on in Blood? beleeve no.M§uil’cer, that preacheth War, lawfilll: (Read my Epiflle to they _ - »Clergy;) when to they preach fuck {luff , tlxat’s fame of the leaveu l which ltfigéfe Scribes and yflhatifees mingle with their other good DD‘.- elnafilsiue, audlfo fpolle the Whole Lump. y A133 ; Cljdfigey not mix: (one: good things with the badgwho would nee: ltllem? yCht‘il't taught the contrary, Vlz.*La-we one mvzat/5er_., (by ‘ fufferiug; never came ill, but much ill by rcllllitzg) beleeve Chrift , and A f{)fl0w,hl_§ preceptsaudlexample: he that teacheth you other,is an Antl- lcl,1rll’t.l Tl1lsmK«l:3gdo1nislhigl' uilty of all the fins,that all__ the Prophets deuouueedl judgements ugalnll in the old Tellament, }_’;mc!, }’m2.»:z/9, or. V‘ loleher:Natiou; I [H3.‘l.JL_BOlI need to name them: Promo. I7. God loam ‘ fieizfieuir ltoe££f‘*f/yeti tezseoceexz fizfiuzd. 1fa.3g,yy,7l.»e T/me feet rm: to €‘Z/§1,("9"’f;.?€j~ V meaty buffs to z7uoeewt Biébiflirhcier tlléaugllts are thought: of.-izai-u ,§2#g:fiwlgfZ£mg.;zuyddsfimdfiozfyat;(u4;l;¢.t/zeir paths: the yoga} }'}4E".rx’;‘6‘€vl"}.l74=Z‘J'Pl ~ genie? =:%ut,=¢~r:5. teed oum.toltlthe~eet1dlof the «1 sweetie: aud«behold,the Filo; V " A A A P "7 ghee fpealtewhht we with our eyes have feenfihxzl‘ do fee daily aéfled by fiutflgrigyjgfit both Gtlestih this thlferable Lana And now, aslif thatllit: .ws¢;;~eg1{_),E enough thatthe Ltmtl hath ’l.3i2.*€l“l.l’1Z1a‘.‘‘l<7i'dl’l§ll’lh€ wtth out Blood qmjggd knows, how ormeh iutaoeeut.) The other Element cf Water; o the Seafih-at mag; 33% died Qfi}, bloody Ct)lQu?l:l3fepara£iQi'3S on all hamle] And for tltat {in of oppteffiou ol the poor and ztmoeeot , ttever the lake 3335 hath been on both {ides within thefe {even years 3 and yet ie-., _Iu ghgofd rghe: gfie of the flusolflthig Ksngulom is gone up to Heaven , llkfl that of Sedan a;:;dGomorrah,8e without {udder} repentance,» weznufi; ex ei°c the like plagues: had there uotbeeu, and were there not fiill‘, J{QmerighteOL,5‘ Lars amorxgft us , {me we had been deflroyedlong fince, and when thofe righteous Souls uye away ot~clepart,G'otls Wrath will lixddeoly raine done upon us, (Without Repentance) to our utter » ‘cgnfufiom gap-en: therefore and that fuddenly,aud"( as I {aid beforejgo» f Dex] gm-0 Se[f..D.myaZ:.- be quiet,let no man force you to fight on either fide, (much leilsbe forward to go your felV€Sa 33 "300 m_'»‘~“Y haV€"d0n€:3nd‘" aid dear For it.] Pray , but fight uot: ,. fight agamfl your lul?ts. and Vvm-ldly corruptions , agaiufi all fellfixnterefis whzttioevcr .( tharfs ~S.etfg- all ) and then all will be well: the Peacefull-mznded , then: pmyemwith the Widows and Orphans, if they; prevailenoz: with . e A h. 11 F the wickedfiuallat one ti11'1c3~01‘ other prove: gC}gctl?fl:::h1gttlf, fgzisliie the Angel that clefiroyed the hell: of 3mm.» 5';,¢.,.,*g, in One night , folfhall Gods Imlgemeuts find , huntout , and def“-oythe Wicked out of the land , who hate the Children of Peaee Eamilaugh at ,fihe[1};] for the Children of God, are the Sons of Peace; - h‘ h old have ? would you have a King a wood King, hethér b€f:i\3fFia{F1I::37;:;uaUtI3{S§)F:7J0ul£i.yO‘u have Peace? Behold : hbe bringsyou the A 0;m=3_branch of Peace by hxs Self-Dmyzzll :. he demes, orwxll deny .. himrethfor Your good, as never King did‘ =* E were the heft 0? yen A A King, it would not be found an eafy thing ; youare Suhjeéte, and yet % Qu cannot: partwlth your petty private Interefis ,. Molehxlle to I.’ e 321:/lountains 0F thofe of a lfimg :] Look upon the l(mg.:e Pzzffm-e aft ‘ Men; mad.La~ve, in my firfi Extpeclitent, and upon his Covenant int mhis rraéi: you are equally fate with hi:nfc*lF. better “fafety then ehe Militia,]Loolt every Subjeél: into his own heart, Furl write tohalh]; ‘ and» deny himlelf but half‘ as much for 2. Subjeeh, as. the King {hr at u King; and Idare fay, we {hell have Peace, al)lt*lled» Peace, V e e a Piousyeacefi [away with a Politick Peace ,. it strilllnevetholoj we t tfihall have 3. Confident Peace oufiulfieswg A away watch a. jealous PC Ct}. ether» nu.-nu - _ i Peace. no Peace but What comes " h‘f.S‘ei2f;".~.Deniai», on all hatidls 2: it is above all ‘ -“Mil i W me fccuriey M V your fl/!il'iz“z}sz’;r, and icafig ~ étrwn all Malice 2: If no Peace mull l3e,till the fearful hearts ancl guilty V . gonfcienees ofafll tmen be fatis‘-F~:.i, then we mull never look for Peace; In whatfa conCll‘tlon ‘€1l‘€"lt1‘!l1], 0 ye .ll‘ll1£l‘l)‘lE3.ntS«Of this Laudii I write unto you all : Confider Qt it-.~. And let tiholfe A .1Ii>i‘‘m ;; be br—amflVed to all poflerity, who will talceot receive no 'f€Cl3ll‘;1[y, V hue: What beyond all hilloty or example,[as this truly nay beyond: all %rea