% gambled in Par1iamc':nt,‘ Againfi Ciwrge Lard Cimg ' *5 A % %inVgxecutioizg%f0m:h£.%sfaf~‘:ty Klqzmtic-s.% _ % A A V4 rfbe {:':c6nd4%,% A Order of both Houfesp for taking away 3% % V ) Lcvying War againn the%I’arV1iamHent and Kingdom, in "taking up Arms in ICENTA and 2 5 5 E X. %Alfo three 0 R D 1:. As; A4 J Thefirff, An Order of theComrnons in Parliament aii-F 5 r “ ;g;_ A »fembicd,fo"rw%putting the Milifiain thefeverai Counri‘esi A ‘the Court 9f%VVarda.. ‘ » '1» ..m.uW'-'1 ‘ A ;:.._ Mffféthird, gfvirig power to the Committeeof Phmdred , % * Minifiersg. toAcom111itm_fuch%Chmchwardens as max! 4 if % A xv;io.untem;nce 8:: fewp Delinquent %MiniPc¢frs no preach; A %Together with an Ordinance of both Houfes of Parliae m5:nt$, for A pay%ment of Tythes. J “Rdere;lA 6} the Co.wmw2:% ajfemiafeei in Parlizzmgé}, % 4 ‘Tim: tbrér Declalfatiofl £76 fbrtkwit/9 printed 9d:¢d p.u§5lfI3flvc§L; % «Q N % I-I:Elfynge,Clcr.Par1.D.Com. A A ? Lésédm, Printed‘ for £;z».x~m—;:z Hwfbmd, Printer to the j A A Ho o;fab1eI:1"ou» I60 5 ’ Commons. fzzezzae A1 5:, 1648. -n-.v 4.‘ 7.,‘ :1‘ ~ L01"éS¢V% and COi"I1YI10I'1S,'.1413 APai*li:1m¢e11tAaffelnbled do“Dé.«-' ’ eorge Lorworinginralsiaag up in I(en%t andF%Efléx,i"s/a.LeVy1ng: "of VVM againft the Parliament ar1d~ Kingdom;1Andthatthe faid Cjeargef Lp%rd Cjoring ought 7t”o%bc%%%¢ Y0 ceeded » againfl: f0r th&*,;fa.m€,¢ according tothe m%1i”aIn€I1t- V w; w w % Pgintedandpuzé/%z‘"d.~ % § % _% H:Elf}%ngc,Clcr.Pa.r1.D.CAorf1, 1 x cI3"f]¢.~. That the was d%on.e by i%fi~1a*l Courfs “land roceedings of%P%ar« rderec/by we comm M5164 A ié¢4*‘I’zrrlidm%£nt,‘Zd/54$ z‘%7ai: ec/zzrgttikon be J ” ._Ag . I €Z)z'~e’V ‘ A \ ‘ ‘ ' . - ‘I. H‘. ,' _. V «a. _.t.! “‘ }.. M 3 @2e%LW,” 22. M422, 154.3. That the '4 f€‘.V€1’fl Committees in ~*thef4Tf¢v"é*cvblIIV Rc1ered up(m %the& Chlicflion by dig V Commons in‘ Parliament affembled, A and refpc€ti4Lve#Cou;nties,andfiich fans formerly intrufizcd with the VMi1%it:-i’a..by§ Au:th’c}r%ity»oF Parliament 3, not fin cepa'rtiVcu-- larly difibled thereuLntbA,% beherfcby authoris- zed and req.4uire.d to p1_1t in execution¢ the fe- vcral powers given to them by any Ordi-~ nanceof Pairliament, for the fafety andprgj fc:r+vati<1n_.o£m.x.1j§1:ir A 7 " A’ A A ' Ordered by the Commons in Par1i’ament aflémbled, That this ‘Order be f“o‘rthWith4% printed ; and the VdP1;interd is rcquifed “:6 4 bring tiietfi to the Hbufé to moxxowAb4y Twelve of the clock at f2.rt:h.e{%,and that the M'c#mb’e.rs], “the Houfc do fiend co%piMe%s of ' them in%to%the five-ral p1accsforWhichthey% iErVe,d we t A IV commonsJan‘emb1%e in Parliamenft « _ ’ . , V . ‘L ~ . _ ‘ ” ‘By a.1-..fi¢q-vaf’. For the takmg away cf the ,2,,(4.,:i,2_,¢4a..;,$§ H é I "Eva.-xrvf 55 3*” AA is this day Or’e;red.w%b~y the Lardswand “"‘”“‘f' “ commonsafiémbliedi;;§*a.r1i;mcn:,Th:m A ‘%W:ird£h%ips ,LiVeri4feTs4.;,§ Ie.é~<;Mains,%a11d%~all mzher ch[ 2V1~ge‘s» in q;:i¢c’;%Ac:1t or a-+5 % % % rifingfororAreafon (>i”\Y7'ax*dfl1‘iP P?5%?¢er%3¢;¥?2é £2: taken 9:WaY [And 3.265! — aw bm.age,%*andiaI1 .Fim::s I. icenfes, V Scifu res", ..a as guma»aons%A1ienataon¢,and an §cAh {3,1‘ge¢s. inci& c?zx: thereu htogbé aWay~;%And chatall Tcmxresl S“e:§'vice,~,t:ither of His Maj at others, for A _ or SQg&c4zge Capit,e éf % ‘ AHIS Ma;c&y,% beturncdinco free zmdcomg mom Lsoccagc. % We ggfi n%13ém@eéa<:A:fl5A~YmemE~th¢Ty@hes4andii*;er’Pxr5i; ‘Ah Ordixiaiistei f<5i”1<¢»ei5ir; i:i:g9;§11;:MiEnifiers A %;m:uxx A A ?i»z3siftar$f er f’efi;r‘e€1iaf“1r‘rc¢di1n£ and‘De1i2:iqu‘¢1§CS:;béx:¢~.beea, gutogxmf mi: Livings tics‘ :of'thi;s~%~Kingc1@sm;W «aefw2~%i9ays fcandais by Authority of PV3f1‘ia”rfi6‘fi‘t‘, i$.t1d§%i57d1y%, Learned and A 1 whrzrezis e¢.%A%AzaAznaa1»§c;Afi:§ :hereanm¢AVae§mg;ng*~%{acA ax » fits::u%c%b§3%1:hePa%ri£hi0nets§urttmhe%Mi%nLifi¢r$~%p1ac¢¢! inxlacf id CthurchcslayAuthoriay]afmtefaid:; IA \ ‘l A0rt‘hodox% Minifcers glazed in their rooms A1151 H A *1 : aid AS%%cA'xnjdfi"1otlA$ AAir:*1in;qs..1cE1t M;i;n. % I???f0W¢#s935:9ih¢1'.W?3Y5a hm curried E1;P.0l1€h€ AA V ¢¥i£A%§%.;@§Qd €:333?%¢dV §h<*'-«.:PfT¢31H<5i1%d0f?frh¢-Pérf0”ii.34*E5 a "dj3;gm"d;; b*y..;AA1:hc.,fa1 iAfI;.o:1*~ds;;AA"an.Vd4A , %»Aw§a* (Ztr‘:fS”,A :4 all A ?‘Ji‘.3§§§t:x ;.§3LY1iff5 U@i4C'33A:0f Eh? p“i‘3“3€i: 5‘? ;g%ueye.LieL1t:nantsaand CAmor:1~?.rii%*a€ees «::»f Parliamencin % V A Ai:Iiejfe‘v"eré11A‘counfs:ies;,cici¢§*8c “p‘ia“cés wi:hiH‘:his“KihAgL fc3ftiiAi2v£tVh1~a§5§arehend,% Ao»r~~~c?aufe~w4 ca~beappreL %h:m;1gi‘¢a;él1 fug:h;MinifiersA asrby:AuVz:E1@r4it§7 of §?a1:;iia:- A mVcr?ahavc%% VI;3s:4jcigm.pu:% out of any MCVE1 uwczh“ or‘ ha pp?! £h£S'mK%ifl“g;flQm3‘Or anymsher 25et"ffe%s», 0Ti.**gfiéin'edV fthé V Tythes and Profits thcreumobc1ong%m.g*,@r%f:;av€;,0bA~ I.’c;~u:5ted the p:3yrn_enE of £h€T:9'thi3S azfgéfi Qthar 3E-*mfi::sA dugmby thc*_MParifhiomers mm Paid MiA'ni{‘cc:;*s" mrc i$IA9a55%§«cd by, Auch91:ity4ofPar1iamm-1:, or S&:que£’c3§':>2z;c>rAs A A A A A V A .app@xn3:ed%,gV A 2, ngds, gm: ~¢V1?:m1caes V V g,cQ% ?i»:e.s,,:mis%Vztr;x&:p21&.x%¢.es;:+4{§»'::;;%i:i§V t;§§jg;;ifd%‘i4ri%an¢¢ in % 4' ‘ Execution; W . A;;a4pp9ifi$ued;: *whe2*e'5no Is/Iinliftcrs are Afctlcd to rc7c'4*cIVc*’ wt:h"e fame, and a»1l4..fi1ch per{onsi;as have been -A%yd¢:»ts~,, f g;Abc;m;:s%» for MAfie_rs ¢i~a-&:xhe¢%~premi1E%s,“ A grad cammit them to ptzi f0n5Eh3r€sED:’PEIn_;'&%i[3l7l;1fl£‘i1 ‘fuc‘h?‘fa'cisfa€cio«g” :1-vbc;"madc13nm the;«fcVcraIfi’x_{I.insii’ccTrsIplabed bytbe, {aid % aflthd racy of Ifianlifimenc far shiézs ‘or‘-rihtir d ama”gcs* ‘ :ru.- i1.21:in“ed, as :oc~her1?aw%;sheri%££s;. Mgjom,<;Bayj]«ifFs,?]u?- A V_;fiv§¢cs4d;of 1: c Pcm:e,~% A. ;épeity»§»L4.ie;uu¢4nan:5;oremf- m_icc.e.%AesofParl:iamcm5 013 an y%A-3tvv§()o"f3IA»tAheAm¢A~fliagllfifipié fT‘p€£i[“;£O gjufl, ~-upox1‘hear?ing an; pikoof ma“de“up9n A chfe;Oamof:tWoIi1ffi‘ciem: W:ic§nefi°es%«4%%(vg-hicI1~they%%or A‘ %~‘an;mg4w0»»0:f I;b.cm;a1:e‘hercbybajuzhorfiggdito ad r;1“i»ni»I%&;é:r): A aire : fie mé4qwinm0?*re?&01te; rm1.e» and ¥“(}£~fiEVt %¢&;w«,%of A~}:ha=~xr%e.; Mhcrt.by.‘4pQw\er 1"‘ raiak: *£‘rai»ne!d 5aiVd%4f¢\j?1er§:il u fiéaxifisgma;c;sr*have4‘VAf~Bé‘efi pm-%ed % A xhc{aid#au:h0riVr5f%.ofiPaml.iam::1c; at-idathcyfor any “ iticcs<>fth¢PcaémD¢PueY¢~Li¢%&z$§?z:at2=s, andCom- Aifiicteeibf Pa£T1amcn 1j%fb;s:an3?£i°t;ci1w*%¢§inquen:;:ar Sbandalmis 4Mini%£%ersd,g:gi Many that $¢1:1::m:ng» .by:m:% ”11x1iC§”€1'th€’m,7»? frthaixv ».Li%. fi