V ‘ . ‘ ‘ . X K; AM( \ ,-;:' gr ,1, wk‘ "‘,‘,,‘ " ‘ .». u ‘ ‘ :14" Yr‘ ' ‘""“" ‘ ‘ ‘ “ II I ‘ “:k‘w‘ ‘Z ‘ h V “I J M ‘ ‘ ‘ . '-. V m V { V ‘o the }’;:a{_;‘c.r do deliver rlJcm in r/aeirfeweralfircuitx "SEVERAL % 01: THE o A g L0rds&C0mmons§ Amzinblcd in ParI%iam%c:nt, A Concerning fuch as take up A RM 3 A G A I N "S T “T112 Parliament of England, or Aflift in fuch WA 3. W herein is Declared, That all fuc_h Petfons are . "E" R AYTO R S the Fundamental Laws of this Kingdom, and ought to fuffcfr accordingly. L _ ‘J A 20 junii, I64 8. A I . Ihlered 5} t/as Common: affcmbled in’ Parliament, . '-I § Tkazrzo/acfe I’79re.r ée printed, and ptzélifled 5] the % A S/aerifi} in ever} Z1/Iazr@t Town, in féwml (aunties, at ' ' r/we max: .fl".'{'s3Z7';(€f'dL5l)'.r zgfter t/ye receipt iaercaf; Anal that «wwweww A‘ oma«sa2m':~..* “o H: Elfyng¢,Clcr.Parl.D.Com. ‘f *- o ‘London, Prigted for kEdW2zrd Huflmmi, Printcrtd'thc' ‘V --g.’:'‘‘1 ‘ ~ fit 2 , , .,'',.”£ 9 W’ .. A Honorable I-Ioufe of Commons. }71me 24 {T < '7" I - A - I . , I «mm ._ ‘M ‘ ‘ ‘ I M!’ w... ‘, 1, \ 9 Wfla . “ M 4, A p, ‘fl’. A w. -.«‘ ”"n,“fi.““.‘ “" - ‘f'”‘}1- ‘Io ' "U-13”‘ -i“\_"' ‘F H‘ ‘\o ~ M‘ - v Q \,.M“$'- q,_ Wgfiitgwhv §|4’,K"\'W;»1,~.‘*,‘:l§"' /V N 4 It 43:«~‘?;::3 4&9? mm@¢@mm _ gm“ j,-3:“? “ 2 j‘é:nii* **:i6‘4%* 8. % _. My‘ k~ ‘7‘~~—-*/ m-W...—“ ur' / «:23 ’ *'.-"‘ . - kn ....... M \ $3)“ - , fg ~«:&Ev’-~ %2a% M vii ‘I ~..,; M M . W SE V ERA op The Lordsand Co%mmOnsa%{fcinBIcd - in Parliamergt, Concerning fuch ;1$ ;take up Arms againfl the Parliament 05322 land‘, or afsifl: “’.i“'i1l..%fiI$C1*-1 a““%;=%",W ‘ [ A H¢15§aas"%%4th4¢@7. L*ord3% and A 4, mQfIlH1¢)l1SjA*i1T‘Pd7’li4men£ » ' A AA 7‘3}fl?€ITnb1¢d didupon the TWen"tiCth -of 4} , v 6. 4';;z;;% for % A 2 ::th§ the preventing of the late VlViat‘,xpa#fs tI~iefe“:hree~*Vo%te$ _: /mt it: appears, ‘I?/mt mt/oe King (fio/ucoa’ 5} wié/(Ed Coom/el intend} to make War zzgdin/i ét/oo7’o‘rlg'4rnen 15,} 132/90 2312211 tbkz:r‘Cor1/oz£¥dtionf‘oand flffionw, \‘x .‘ folvor, but the careof t/no IQnga'or1g5, and pe-zformzmoe ‘all Duty 1 and Loyalty to 1f1is:Terfi2n.” .11. % 7"/an w/om 5 or tfiellfiing mzzket/9? or upon the 7"arit}zme22w_t ,e_Kit 4...: Bron oi z:/mi 7‘ro;tZnjee ojfeozfiin Mm 171 Hz'.r;‘Poop“/e,€ ecofitmryé ‘ to = is OW/9, and Jonding 1:0 7tioé§'?i/gfolution o of tho}; Qovemmeote. III. 7'/mt 'vi‘e‘propoflm’ no other en‘d-mtato t/oeviow e ‘T/m$t'1aab0/cjeruer flax»/I »/tvwe‘ eor” Him in/uh/9‘ W 21~7’.F 5 are Tray/tori, 69“ rise Fum£4meen+wt&z5l Lzzaam of Vt/oi: Ifiingzfém, is bawe} ‘ebéen aziifizziclcgeal [a)e”‘“m0 X3: %af..‘,PzzerlizirrIént,$4716/Jougbt . feafire Triytori, 1zeeRic11a.rd.je%“2¢. "1!H:en.. 1 And Wheereas tvBe1*eeare nowaif t11;’1‘i:S- time divers perfons in Arms,” who endeavor to raife war againfi the P at»- %liamen§t 5A The Lordsand Conimons. aflnembled in Parliament, for better enfbrlning of the Subjecfts of this Kiengdom 1n their Duty, donow at A this time Declare, That it ,d:oth.ap—- pear-r, That: divers W"h0:~~e have af-é fifled the King in the late War a» gaineff-V ; /w, - fgainfi the Parliament} as alfo di- ‘vers»0thers do endeavor to feduce :the;;peopIeaa, and do ac°cu.a1lyLevy VVar ajgai11{’c the P aa1“1ia1nent. T113 ts; -W.hOf0C*V.'Cr‘, a;1l* m aka War “'«agair1fi: ache :Favl1ament of England, =Qrafsi£% in fuch war, are Traycors, zby, :tahae:a FL1nda1nental Laws "of Va this .Kingdon1, and have beenyfo ad.- judged by two Aéts of Parliament, and A ought to fuifer y» as Traytors , ..1;17§ic.2..%.1h’en.4.. : Elfynge, C/Her. M J Tarl. 7). Cam. I ~ 1" a , 1. HUG -4 ..: ‘—-, J. w -v “ ” ,‘ ‘ V "fin "aa 7" -a War. M « v ~. ."""'r.‘. 2° W""'= "zo funii, 164.1. 4 ‘Rderedéy the Common: aflemblédg in ‘:Pezrliem1ent,e 7794i t/aefle Votef _ fort/awit/9 ‘Printed , emu’ Tuéli/bedeee by 1/76 Sbierzjf" in ever)! Markete ‘Town in fiveml Countiegat tize next fllezr/{en day! after I/ye receipt /aereofg A/ml t/me. t/ye fzeafgej c/0 a’e/ever t/gem in t./aeir Wm! Cz'rcuz'tJ“.e H :EI13mge, C ler. ParI;.D;Com.=. WuTl ‘ ._..