Me g < ‘E » -_‘';-I ‘f ere Lords be om l Allembled in P A RL {A M E N I’, A‘ THE ONE, l V Declarmg the Duke ofl‘E‘nckinglm2n)Lord V Ha/lewd , and Lord ‘Pete2~éarroz¢g/2 Traytors 8»: I'll €56 S3 And for their Eltates, and allthat {hall adhere to them, g l to be forthwith Sequellred. 4 lb The other, For fecuring all jul‘: Debts and Engagements %% to fuch as have been or [ball be engaged for the Parlia- % ment before any fina1lConclufion of a Peace. % The third, Declaring it an acceptable Service of all fuch as have or {ball ferve the P A R L I A M E N T in fup... prefling Infurreéltions and Tun-mlts. Alfo feveral Votes concerning Major General Skippmz. éy the Comment azffeméled in Plzrlinment, L .3! Tim: t/34’/2’ Declxzmtiom and Vote: :53 fart/awit/J ew printed mzdpwélzflved. ” H: Elfynge,Cler.Parl.D..Com. ~ London, Printed 1°01‘ Ednenrd Hz¢_[bn72d,PrlntCr\t0‘ the H; notable Houfe of Commons, A I} 12. 1648. l,5.,= rt-...v‘, . l .».t, r -,, », ,‘ , V1“ .\ ml. " '"¥;,I‘‘'‘ ‘ Q‘ ¢ ‘ '.“n,?’?r*~‘~'!f“l‘ rs‘ ‘ » ‘ H ‘ W .27-' lflb-'3" '1 x. ‘ V‘ " ‘” , ‘yo 3%.!‘ ‘ we! “.~,_ . ,3 ‘V.:.i_,','i ‘ U,“ ‘N _ ‘ I ’§‘;’%% « we r 31%‘ .327. R‘: 3”? ea % %%%§%§;%%%§4i we “re éb e %(a) ’ za%¢¢¢¢¢%%%%%$%¢¢¢m¢w%¢¢¢m¢¢¢%¢@¢#»a fife Martzir, 4 ]14lii,i 6 4 3. Lc>r&s anzi Commonsaflémblcd in Parliament , That they doR@folvc aw Declare, Yhat bcforc any final Cenclum flora of Feasts:-, they Wili take efpecial care ta i?;:cm*e all jufl Ddbts, and make good all Erik»- g;a;ge:srn mm; m all pmfmns that either have beam 01“ flmfl Em cmg9..,g@cE for the Pafliamexm Efolved upon the Qgeflion by the Ewngge, Cle3r.‘Parl.$.Caz2z.A A .’Dée Iarfvzis, 6 M11}, i 6 4 8. Q7{’__eg/z}lwd;. we. ~ A - ij-“Mt this Hamé &0th Declare, That theydo and flmll accept itas an ac- caaptabie Scwice in all and every flush pexfon or Pmfiims as E"mve1*i1En,,mxfl1alI r.iié, A and .'a.¢7tiz1c;>aa'a.;%s%:ar to the ¢3;mmafira"*zgaama{fi1pm pa“ c%{§m‘g all M fie ta?s"rsfm§?é 7’7*:f'?L.‘§.1'KL”:§iJf.3;E5 that “Jfi ‘ II "‘ I I "3 0 ‘ n W “ ‘ ' ‘ £31 ;;'+J;% E b :2 mm {as (1% fit: Li? «:5: E? 1“ L 2 A»2m*m‘2 13% m the ‘kw ‘ ;. 1 .* ,% ;.,+ \’ 4:‘... v,, I’ * ,._ A a;:.:xd;umg;e:m em eahfi ‘I3?’ mm mm Emnga@mn.% .4(P«.«‘5i”i. ... A 2. % 1 Dis fDie Veneei.r,7ffz4/ii, 148. 7{§/olvedg, (yea. l ll this Houfe doth Declare, That the Dulce of gut/ginga by/am, Earl of Ho/lam/, Earl of Teteréoroug/9, and all that have or {ball adhere to them, have and do Levy VVar againfc the Parliament and Kingdom, and are Traytors and Rebels, and ought to be proceeded againfl: as Traytors and Rebels. W Ordered, (ye. That the lfeveral Committeesl in - the feverall Counties -and places where there lieanv 0*’ the Efiates Real C ) Real or Perfonalsof the Duke of Buclghgbam, Earl of Holland, Early V of‘°Peteré0r0ug/9 , or any other that haveor {hall adhere to them in this Acflziorrof Levying VVar againfl; the Parliament and ’Kingdom, do forthwith proceed to the Sequefira» 4 tion of their Efiates Real and Per... fonal. V _....4. V-—.-....-.._. fiie Lame, Io j’ulz'i,164.8. A A I IT is Refolved llpor; the Qqelfion by the find fcanedelons Libel. W Commons in Parliament oaflembled, Thata Printed Paper entitulcd, A‘ MotirvVeA to afl Loyal Szilzjefis , to endearvar t/2e H: E4/,»nge,c1er.€z>m.7).com; *Tre]errvatian of His Mafe/fies Tar/on 5 owherein A A Major General Skippon is flmcleroufly char»- d with notori-ous falficies, a_ malicious Mei ) IL 6%:/éZmed,«z*s~c.i T§:m.tV 1:h~is““*._;H0ulE dotlnjyeclarc , That it sfloth appear to th;em,AA That: Captain Ralph, ;,cjh3;g¢d by*1V;M1;; Oséom to Vcanfpirc the :3... A kihg aWa;:yA His If»/Ia.j'eAf’ties life, is not Son > in Law toM3’jm* Gemral S/€;Aiplbon,’ neither hmzhazwy relation untohim, 3,3 is fzdfly V ._¢h3,;-ged in the {kid Paper. A II I. 4 ‘f{_.»g%2lrtrecI,@~c. A A That it doth appear to this Hcmfé, That: Mr. Vfiiolpla who is Sm in Law to Major Ge- neral Skipper: , hath rm Command in this Army, ’ nor bath or ever had any Command in the ifl4:eAA0f,4Wzgi2r. I V. ~ “ V@&e[aZr'mdf, we. W That the foL114Afi:»erfi@ns in the {aid Libel -cafi upon Majmf Gene1"a1Sl;V2f¢v/me, minded to Vblziffhim in his Reputation, 1v*;:a,*ifl;=: Mu- tiny and Sediciwn, and m Fair is: t£1¢Ahawtred ‘ E M7 the People againfi h.%xr2,*:t%»::r@byt0 ran» dcr (7 )‘ Herhinj metals in tltxefe difcmsfted Titties} ~ A he being a perfon o>ffueh eminem worth. V Refijlvecl, «Z96. That thefe Votes be forthwith Printed, and re»: up inelthe xnoflc publique places of the City, to fiifcover to the peaple the wicked Defigne of the{’eLibeIe, and L'(» Vim dicate M.aj0rGez:1em.l S/eippnrz in his Hummer from the Falfe Calumnies hereby caflzupon. him. H: Eflnge, Cler.Tm*/..D.. Cam.