¢ 91}? fovix, 17. Feérmrii, 1647. Rderedf b the C0%mm»onsaf-~ € fembled in Par1.iament, That <:,% ufe doth approve of them".- der ta.ke11 by the Committee,in pro.» V hibi§§i1‘1g,That n0mo1*e Cop1es4o¢f V this Declaration be publiflaed ti“ fur... V thcr Order yAnd that the*CoAm.- 44 u -I It V‘ "‘ ‘ . '9" V \ ‘ - H‘. u‘ ‘L ‘ ‘ ""v'w ‘ ,. ‘~‘'L-‘‘' : ‘ ."v m ' ' “ e“ ,_ . nu ‘ “ \ .. ‘-4 A . "-'s » ' ~\~',,g ‘ Lu‘ 3,.‘ V ; ‘ ‘ g \ C J ‘ 1- ‘ ‘ 2‘ ' ‘ '5" 3 ‘_ E“; ‘W77 = ~ ,1 " V.“ « 1. ~'-\-,~ 9“ .' ‘ ‘ .4» ‘ . ~ \ ‘ , ‘ . ‘° ' ,,"v V :? ,1‘ - ‘ av. ‘ - 14-. ‘ 4 ,‘.‘:‘c-nu ' ,‘ ,.‘ V_ " gun a . . ‘ . _ ‘ ‘ w ‘ ‘ M 4‘ mo.“ :H alt I” ‘ R if‘ ‘. V‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ , . “ m flu‘. . ‘4_.. “V ‘ v “I W. I Q _ U ‘ <, : , ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ mime dotake order, That thefaid A _Dec}aratio11maybe Areprintedwith V % the Errata amended. A $ “ A% Elfyncg€,:Cler.’1"arl."J).Com. A A A f{cm§bIAed in ‘A PARL1¢AMiENVT5 W4 ereupon , P by the Com-9 mons of«EngZm2din Parliament aflémbled, . _..... Die Jovis, :7. Februarii,A1647.V ~ That t/oéfe Vote: and Declamtiam éc _f§9rt}2wit/J 1:» E 2% Przé?t€d¢”41mé1»z/éed~: H;Exrynge,c1er.Pa;:.1>.com. % ,Lm1m, Printed for edwmz Hméand, Priziter to the Honorable I-I mons, « F6-é;I 8.1647; A D D R E s sjto the“ . % Rclered 25] the Cammo;2.u:_fl}’mé1ad in Parliament, 1 COMMONS I M % . A I % ‘. e‘ VA 1 h _‘ ‘A .1 A ‘A DECLARATION; 0 F T H E ‘ w e Affeinblcd in PeLi*«liame11t.2;;, Exprefsingthe %.“Rea{ons of there cnfuing RES OL 11 T 1 N s». % Refolved %upon the QL;cPcion' by the A V Lords and Commons in Parliament A V aflembled, 4% » TH4t they do Declare, T/mt tlzeja A will melee no flzrtber fleldrefle: er flpp/icetionx to't}3e , « TV % Re’ V éJ:««<4 £W*€"m* P?‘ % e ‘.1 .. 4‘ I ::‘0:t/524 lflng gm} p V W '2 ‘ 5"" ‘ .. “ ‘ ‘ . ‘ .j‘ ' '7 ‘ rig‘-:,‘__:3,“":I, ?,,;.I‘ I ; 7;.‘ 1- “ ‘ _‘ n -‘ V - ’ I ‘ ,.. “ \ Mu . .. * ' ‘ .‘ ‘ 4;, .“ \ W I ‘n:l. ~‘\ ‘ "‘.+‘; ~ .. .‘ » “ :‘ \ u ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ ‘. ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ w " ‘ . t¢1{“"':u ‘ ‘ -- : ‘ ‘ W‘ ‘7l , "W ‘ -“"‘ 1 ' .3» " ‘ “ aw’ : ' ,1 W‘ ’ « u . ‘ 1 .,,-. -- «N 5‘ c‘ ' ‘ . = ' ‘ ' ‘ ~ 3} “M1”, ". ~ ,. "~ ' \ " “ ‘ ‘ . T“ *‘ ‘ ‘ 1"‘ 9 , - ,“-3“ ‘ A r ..‘ .“,V, ‘ Wu )‘.4“'\§$5';‘ 2;! ma ‘, ,. ' _,,. -‘ ,'i'' ‘is ' _ 642! 1,“ M‘: ' I7" ,3! . , . ‘ ‘. . » ,7 W, ‘ ‘ ‘:'_5‘r:‘.' v , ,A v 3’ ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ I . M %-J‘ T {I % . er.» M W164;/aever, mitbowi z/93 /e41z2e_4%% %ARafm1veMp¢@ me %%Q;L_2gefi b§.zg.%%th‘e.; V we‘ ' Maid st, ""‘ .‘ ‘ 2 5 '-wm" ‘ W W . “ ‘ ” ;g% cm we Tenalmg ‘pf wt vbe»%er/én M/Mi»’m ‘ f Vma/{eémzc/5 offitbisw Oroigzfg, A %Réfi,:veak%up“m; am o¢;emJ;1 “by%%%*:%the A l~0rds~andi‘??Ofinmons; f " 37%;’! ratrézregzfitzise z:0%%;z:%%%0#4iéé[d&VzWz3? %_ZM’af/C-' Tu” 4“~“%¢. . E‘; \ “ H, \ “ ~ ow? imga z*fa{Aété2of“eit£>er‘AV firuia~Eefs¢V%.oua*f0rri1cr4Addrefl7cs3h:2vc A T; been, to the K,ing, is fo well, kzmwn. to. ‘§’4rli4nzen.t,; or i4toA my ‘aa5»»56i';; W 9 V-%.<;hewor1d,4 ah.at»it may he exp£:.1éi$,;§«§h¢fl” ‘Sam; t;imc$,:1gada . 4‘ fif3pE%im:i£;nsVs.A«tg3 Jzmd; mndfrcd * “35A%f>%i’iaia:ei*“t?€«a% £1mV¢miASAhtA%@¢¢¢afi0n%t+I1e~v<%r391~to;iudge, not Qntiy 32§:;:“id%cd up aux ‘Wil1s»an;d:Af:- fl: E:].=A:J:;tA our Rmfajnalfw and I fa); % €13’ at fit W 0fl§en= any mrgus ;g%,;AVrmm.vc , A %% 4. C) In xsvexty well; known,“ ‘than, chcV;?VP1iqApofi:ién‘sa. Tcrlt t0%thcKi“gA%Afit 0.xfi”'a’» A8t1dVTrcamd onlajr Midge, "Aw e—r'c°‘ ‘agreed A by -1:heA“ Parliamen I55 » of both Kingdoms, not oncly as Jufl, but Neccffgry’alfo‘ for the very Being of *chcfc Kingdoms ifi“ afetdad Pcacczmd Safety. A 4 AA “rid ways arid ‘D'cnya%ls,~n1‘ight” have ca;ufe’dA Aimprovc tha" Advamzaga of ‘ that gFrc‘2W1:V Sutzcéls‘ And a1thoughch.e Kings? 13cVrfiflfin‘ _g‘:i'n his wdH:;L'V' (which it plcafcd God to*afi"ord us) %Yc:4%whcn§ PIis‘Armi¢s we:-'¢%a11 br0>kcn; fo"1th3t*in Difguifc A % He flcdfrom Oxflvrdtowzhe Scots'at'~4Nenni+k,;;%and3 from thexicc wan: to Newmffle ;& and “"t}i”ac oiéfird; "V A 2gn«d5a-1"rnofta1l‘His‘% Garifons wer7cEaI<’c:4n,* rcrnfi dr¢:dAat" Nema/He Pro}p0fir{ion$‘,the Aifhfne in effcfi [which had+be*enprefentcd b%c‘fo;re Linhthe midftgjff 1 a»l1His Strength a.nd“Forces. L V i’ ’ And ndtWiEh‘{’tanding'th¢4Change of His V dicion , and Dcnyal A of ‘ thoFeJP ropé)fi:'ion}s ’%af;¢*f;Vi 9 4 H€=W3S.1€f£ tothc C*ommi{file*l not forget -how dam-I % minus and -void. of $uCcc~fs aux‘ former Trcatici % ‘ ad been, and that a P%crfoxw1a1 Treaty» hm been D;;cla~rtdby bmhHQu{yvfhdI"eV£hai:; " knQw:* what pafléd Vbecwccn the King aiudaoug‘ Brc‘-L th:{enA~the;Scots«;{when1:ht>feArtIcles Lwereagrcgd ¢ and Vconfirmcd in theA firrt 4PaIcifica;ion, na:1o‘ng’ ” beforé thcf‘e’VVars V which, ' as {con asche%r'bac%ks, were‘turn%ed,‘and1:h€ir Armies _¢;) ut of qfighz, were diVfavo»wed ' again by the King; and by I-Iis,Com3- ‘ mand p~ bIik§e%ly&bur:1: at A%1;%ox.'c'1oza by t«hc"Hands. ' A the "Hangman. ; ‘ Which yet might ha%'v'“r: béen f{orgo*:.ten,4 haii %n:ot_a cominucd £1“3Ck Qff.’ Breach of Tmflinthc , h we Kingdoms,AfinccA1hé wore5'thc*7Crowngmadc J us (:h;ough*fiunwi;IliAr;g)°torememberLit.‘ T V n%~e=p1*.ear1ue 1,.%A,.%%3,,W. W A:-a~ es %,s~%or~ 4::a%t«he;rs%A;M:{cvh <2? ,. 1f 1;: m,g&g.1-K t;.;-«film, denor AFOTQIWD; But wcare now forced «:3 fpezzTk4*w:haac fhgath 1@ng‘%l§-cam V%fufi:-'e;md. ;m0o.m.uch¢ A iflehacic. M V A ~ * V A V *H4i*1fi7-M5 * in’ A Puifiiiqne Svpseches ‘ and V Daeclaraey t%i®n*s,« 31d;Iaici;a fit fougndiaécifan ifbr mi bi? ‘M5 W053 %DA$9f¥¥11%@>ifi’€ ~:Max"Ai:aw Gt‘ i@r%i4neipi§,¢%’:% faamm avofw, Té1;_avr%%E1emvetla 4; «rfmmfit Hf VVH53‘ ,’5‘.51'}@?%?3f%%f»:? mm, 66% em’ glans; and M £21: *t"/re ‘ifoufir Ewfieiamewt, V joym$ we fépex4v:¢,g., 1147?’? ‘ii? MW,‘ ‘@112! #6131-»1ke,;ar Declhmqmy Law, A , he ‘P=r?‘i*v-are A~rici»c‘~!¢;s Vagwrced, i-in qgédeg m .t;hefl Match ‘with ~Sp5tw"n -, an Ch oft _o%th4er Parirvéuc AT. ‘t’iA,cflAr:s 1:; A ch-e em*~l2' %;%:2r«riae ; Afo“ ;p,mjujd§c’m;i= to the * gaec, ‘S.a‘f:eU«y, ‘Lawns, Rc»i‘i;.gio:n. cf 7.. $— bfifhcfig :mfi~»t1T€ €(?3*fiV£+%n+~t~'1£:P~a;r3‘?ta;ta ent in =«I‘=i_lIae~%*{?oco;:+..d~» 3«$§§a§.§?‘§"*“ %g;r1 am eommang the Acalrhv V ‘ “’I“e-mmif 626.4m°he “ fl A , 4 M ‘ «of 'C% 1"fifg§!.3Lf V £119? of j 'tB:¢;cki¢¢«s1'mm».A, V ~"cW1-g's ., imfitdhéefa Aworé 5:; ~C3ig:s}v'a7-;v%e;z=edM.. £1 ,;Lwo,xds,ata Cqnferenm-2.)‘, A " { * A ‘ 0V¥7W@,?14 mLW,;. Iamcs Memory ij:gmaxj(,;atte'ndi¢g§ M A Majfifly inflifl M92193; A in t‘f19eTwa Vdndt1uez~1Eietb9f«EI§s zgyggiug 45%” 1% m {be Eims Q/flckne/5, an AAgAu~e__, 91d :22 due and nece_[flzv-91 care ofand {far 4 z;kwec«o?:>,e2%y i9e4lA£I2, and prei[e,ar*wztiom} pier (4&’“x:,‘ ‘¢zpV@2%2 cznd‘ afagr,/é1’,erdl% mixture onjigltaiiamz < in »t1mé1;ve!.laalf bad am: boldergqtfgweml times £122: firmamanéfla refiilze, dfifdég¢fl“’U*€ Vdirefiians, 1m,t“iaiA,fig;fl1.0L§lc§ be "aP'p1‘y‘@d or —gviven L1 m0~ V His kgy Way 1>h%ifi oryes, during,His faid *;iaci. ‘the I:rimA¢¢;&6?f i,at?ad f«His %F~int i5r1~ @heif;1i*d? guie, ~d~%u Em c~:=1¢wt*in‘%ua11Jc:cL~ " ghetegf, .11-5021*:%aftervefJ§.~»rii§&;m1t;ie1 Fit , “ y "'7”‘a%i.' ' iliwpreviriéd by V?%12eing»d«z%fm m We M¢aj~%cPc*iesAflz‘id f3gdckam~6e§§, @cg-§_%;%4; «hfgzry tolyiyidzgtyj a23d%tI2e,t€nd€?4¢4 refiaejccl 1b79»igI2I2_e V oug1?f ~f0%%1We. bad‘ of aiefiies mo]? Sacred ‘ ‘A and afler “rim .C0?1fz'£'5ta2‘i6m3 @{é%vlze.tiem:; fllireflizazzs a2zd\TVar73i&€g dfdrefétid , %@73id zierzfierla V ’ tAI2e?Zz;*4:,;;wit72kout»A¢zr2y 1?mrrA.rm€Vl)?%{%admini/Zradg A -zmm f,vM%aj%ci7cy% , pr@cure4Afl¢c124 MA % ¢,t]f%E?s*,a2s' tbdtflame of rive/aid tftbém @123! zci.m2sV%% L‘ did%altoget7>er‘Adifillaw tl7ereo}§az2d«zetterb % tom?-ddle Wfi¢rt79€?’fi’it’? H1?fl156i1‘*4%1i¢&Y: 1% til tbofi: plazflefs wer.e4» renzcmed, being %mjudi«% % j" Tcial talzbe Iyealtbof Majcfiy. 2"et;m¢::er~a ~tbele[;, tlaejame plat‘/fer, 7)r£nk 0>*;p@£ion, * ukfi A?149i2ic£27:e».t/ze /aid % 4. ‘ A V fireteaces, «didupora MVO r1Ada;y the %0iH€.@ 519971‘ J thi€t’]J?\¢.,'dd‘yA ofM.arch', inthe[Tmai2v:i;'ftwe71ti8t79- )j2.=dr¢gforefizid,:wI2e7z Hi; Majeay (5y%:bVejudg#e~%% . ?7_Zé’?1tj‘0_f HV'isf«zid T312}/icians) 12oasir1j‘t7>e decli 71»ft~’4 tionA4of ffisaDiI”ca}fc, cciuflrmd pracuz‘é$4t7?é;4fa.id * play’/?erT tolze applyed to tbe~V@refl and~A%%WriA; A fa;idV Em Maj Cfiy .; and then czlfli, “ 4tA%c2V?261»2i71% MajcIA’:ics% Fit‘ /2i:flz1'd Agu C ft/aefii Méanday, emf»-at firveml t,t3:rzs:*5~,‘ J22itI2i%n;V%V,tmAo; ~— [fours ‘fvefcare the fconzirzg aft/aeflmei‘ F1}, 472:? [>6 102%: « Vmajeaies ram ”cold‘Fit w:u;paflE»d%, dl.d"? cielirver 2:2-zd cczz2fl:"Lto Ive» ‘delimeredg fl2fU4era%l;‘qu;; n—4.. tities c2}’ijt72ef£zie{,Hrink pot-ia72~to bi: lat;e_d.,M4aj;p+ A A L R’)? '11‘7?0;:%%z72%ere’u,b*ora,% attbe" "times, wirkin_ tine fi*afo7z_sL in-z‘"72czt~%Zzelzalfpfobiéiwted 5} M54 M‘aje{?:i€s; ‘ P'IQ)jqCi£_1 ?:15‘iZ&’§Zfg7f€fli£1’)5' A z1id~Z9y7t/aé zncaiif ahcl:pr0~ bfcoldtkr‘Q/‘fiméfl£r¢4ffiEi¢}2»t§}1iid flt;g}2$~ cur~e?‘2ne\izt&tbe ;Dukc 5~drir2k~ ,2’? and ’mke~ - 4 di1%»er5* ’qt.4ant—iti'e5 bftlzejaidfdriwzk br potion, Aappfied Aa72;,l.:cgirvAen?mz1é0 , tmdtaken"‘ym2?dA receirved bis, » f4id7Maj.cHy mm/aid“, G1:ea,t~Vdi%PcemperS,dd. % apd divers ill fiimptomcs vapp;ea7~red.upfon» A V Fhisfaid MAajcPty5 inflmzucla tl2dt~tI2ej4icI.pl2j}/2+ V % much: A war/é,-4 oi-g1nsVfindincgI2isAd‘MacPcy%tl;:e«next morning *=‘fi:a;?fi in! the éflate afbt'.s~* l)eCb1»[tl3,_\...d¥’1.dE0gd;#£d Cm-"L A ' fitltzrtioiz tberealawt, d~idA by few: cmfintjend untg the [aid Duke , praying him z1,ottoaoi*~mnturet9 % mimfler tmto bis Maj cfly any mtwre plgyfick Wbitbm .o;;t% tbeir Allommcé andmdpprobdtim. Jim} 12}: ef’ry* j1:iVmfe%uf%= w‘~=“» %>Af€P~mngAt0%f¢nd[ t%11§A1‘¥ .4 ~pr‘m£é%s, AupAC%:i~ ‘Ev Eéit: may f dsiélaréd % chgu: rh¢gy ~ .Vd%o;ab:cd‘ not b;.§;tQ".ha2’é jVud gs men: :27gaix?:;f?c chem: ‘DL2 kt: 5 “ tha ing fixpreffcd £i. f1.1Md.dC9f pm‘,p Q fe 5:0 ‘fdiify "i?o‘1vic% the I PaT1*1iamet1t”;4 %”AVr1d4zi1thom§gh i;1;1e;E-Icmifgz Pm I3.?¥i£i'0n~'?¢ foriifiCWim1~’mC¢s€”$Pf€i§i§1g*$h€if rgrczijtand ”u%z1;verfa1f0rrow%for his mtcrxtiqns to dds: ’”f‘01%V“€=it4sy€f;h0tWirh:fiaVn¢1.irig%;,fi11thi$%;,§11e%faidP%aE1i@?¥"- diflTo1ved.,%th¢I idayfnf J). ‘ Etthe %1ame csmewo s.\ .v,. .. « ax w x U i ,,,,a 4 »..l,,.~wF mm .. .14 w. 5? .;‘‘ ,\. .. ‘M.-«$1 ‘Si 'D.’.!4”.-t‘{[gy Dig-gr and Sir ;1*:ée;«;iaI1y ‘ :* %w’é4re‘”i *jc”,or.xim”itt:4e%A"c”.%i‘ cTl¢of:¢ Aprif<5n&é:*¢s jzo th;e u 3% 3 . “ j ‘ dfir K1ngS:“¢v:m .hand%. % 5135162andkinf§f~flfpii6ns%4afF6;weré£1n,figér”?;;% ‘%«§f§z;‘t”¢;fro¢m rheKim“g£o ihe Houffisz‘*ih%1é%;1aVc~»$'~h”:ad We %?f:1id*CFi:arge 1 ii: Aéifation. the PVa:lije1rI§é;11:3: bfiiélg di11"01v¢d¢,flbfigriozzathére at" are raidxing; 4 ~cng‘t:;_¢.m*,::as~ and: Exarninatiqxzs-5 Te A1eave%¢.c;he%wxldflowco judge, wheréghgd % wj % 7 V ."‘-".~“...‘ 3"; - ‘i E,‘ fuily r_l:ei»v,h<~svsr Rob&e2Vby%%Him T A ‘ A traycchand thereby a fatal blow’e% given r"g5xix§nate%%%1e%vie‘s; 5,73,‘; A t“he%?'apif}§ ‘b¢g~a.;r1*to”rm{eV and jarme th femjéé in: I %037fl1+"We£§t:"%4»:Of': iffiglwd ?fi"nd%.“W4°l;e:3 till they % A ‘ A H _ A g gW1n&Eawdam an parts adjoynlngg A *9 Cam-~§.«to fei%se’4»ps0iTefleA:%th~cm;feI%vés§ g?-11&‘! ‘t,¢:)% 'éQflvfi&péf hdw We czilne “Ftj‘AI5)6”:=1%g;1j:if1i9f f n off’ _ . * oVF% chéLie~uLte;nant rs:aane~fo~r ¢ r¢7€I?1:fih;gA» t1;hemA1AlAwhiQch,*he kn&eW,might»Abe ¢f.;4Afifi-] aienrly $PT0VAA.€’ ; § A7I'oA;Ath»e%AAlik¢ piQt1s.AJc1efigfmA,@,~W€4»ina§if1'¢Af¢A&fF€ fth 3” CaE:>a1A,*f:brw»bri:.19:inAgA t1ApAtVh6A,N*QrthA¢FnA W1)’, A tojover ‘ awethe PVar1i:1meAnt:§rvhich the.Ki;n afcea Land AfdlcmnJ1y%f1i%f;W0WA,A Aw ziafllirzz AM Iwfl?‘ di/F0H7[f:’5fi9fil l4 %V2V~*d¢{lA*4?’é£z7#?0n; A AA mbifi/£4 A/fir *r!A&t»?1]71t;Iz!$’A9'¢I?‘ Tl22:~aeA;Vmnt/2: :=vA€ ’¢.WatAv.i¢"+ % A V1‘ . ? ;BLxAtA%h¢AA now ;:kn%owfifth, _}weA,can* ppove AAc%hi‘Ae,£: A paafac%;:of’:he.a;;VC4a;:llgatnAc;f'%rQmA in ffiltffiylttofi tahtmain Aélors; .;mAd¢"h:;:A;fornc¢vAf”AthcmAAdid;iIrW. «mi one, the mamhsi *«£a12c:«..vay;g an :ime%vfpe%cified * in the~tM‘g:o4ri‘f A 4 A W? 1 A “ B ~ y ‘:. m M J» Four * Lo"ndm, Ax—Af}Ihey1ésmu1d%d1~advan@c‘eV or roffl” 9' 7 ‘ thOui‘3iU.d.’.‘iP.ii3i.i1d9iii§:‘ iioir Jewels glfeati va- i Inc ,,iVbut:o [hand Negumfs in Vthaitiiciefignea; ;is;ai1—i‘ A A Vréadiyi d.ecIared by fflffl f-‘fa Whqmay betteirkVz1ox.zmi1ei ’f‘Propofitions‘m&adci by Qiawi ( whov bmke prifon i W- . 4 V 1 vu- » 1 33“ is grséosiandwasi, and ‘ V "W I ‘ ‘ ‘ K. “W7 i '23‘ ‘ g _ A i~<>unues i:o‘f"Cre¢ienc“c:“i°rOzI1theKing. , _ , 4 _ _ ~ 7% .Afrer it-—hV.i§,, Vhe~w:.1¢5 ifoi zcifoyiuzze to gs intdscm; land ,-ith3thC, could not-be perfxxrzzdcd , byiour .Petu;ionsi,ito defer that;j3ourney..M Neixih here) Sir §’3abz2iHi22r3.e7jfi9z¢._”, A andVi0t11e1'S, A W A , as the iMPar1ia1'hcntdefircd of’ Him. ii iAltihQugh baf0;‘rcL , in me ‘years One, tliou {and fix» huiz2i‘d:'edi% ni4nej,i at His Nqrgherrx Expedition, di ..SE¢'fetary Windrémé ,% is; knowne flu/oiure .pif’cs i,iV5V"ith_bilz1nkifhects both 4 of % P arch 4i'I’iapc%1*,iLi A figned with hisfifikgne Mainnuaj d »in:ruit % I”‘t:=:a~ ‘v<¥'€¢“L- for Offifflj d€{1:*;ed,% H iA%:ii‘1d 1"’ D my -,3 A ~w111g:h % r ( as was % cleared jar%t!1e*%V:E3%rIc47‘4 45*.£wgfi‘"s>:*a%tfiya11‘) XVQISV faif€dA4AVA1*eémc¢* the A K‘ingai¢mes: *‘jS©m.§timé5 hee ~?xvvo:fié é;ir§?Aet=:® {%fi;*AataIV1V,%; ~ femetnnes A chd _ P13.1.fl}y' ; ate-I1 ~.U$_§f % kmwn 7:0 111m{e1f; “ 0met~zm¢s% «the, cAa%;% m»ui%~‘~ :*£%AVdis35§and; and Theh,;[[ti1e1*e‘W2LsT‘a» nexv.~7fp;1*e‘tj@fim§ . ’ %VhiCh&:iA@th¢ 64% a%fld“ ‘ , E: ,_ V - »,.v., rm , ,—a.._>;«->1, , V n.otV ~ at 13» for %3yV;v€hAc~‘V 1’ e ’ am ‘ ‘ V “ Q :16'gf¢92W€ it fivvit “ P ~ Fm 1{€b€1;1iQn;.§ wfomc» of iCGmm“itftz@é4”? 2 . .,g'. : *5? V ‘V V A ¢,I5md=the c3’:Ia:.:«;:””<::~ of Jzhcigt Oath enjr>};ne%d Jche G€il5‘l'aI1‘?CQL1nC€}l of Rebe1‘I33¢Vas, To émre trae4F¢¢it/Sam’ A/Zegizmca toKing MCh:.1rIes§ A ‘ azzzd by %’zz/l+;:Ammes fa ymaintain 6235 Royal! jI’re4M- ; gative,%4g4in/2 the Puritan: in the I’.zrl:'zzme;2’t% of V Englafld. A And although we Dcc1aredtoAthe King, Thai: V tJ11¢yftyI¢dA thc1nf¢Ivcs4%,&tIV1c V Kings qr (Q§*cn§s. Army; ¢t we,cou1d not,o4b‘ta1n a P1"OC121m;iti0n ;2.gainft 1; 1 cm in , drvers Moneths.~And Thcnalfo, but %Forty%Copies1night4b: Printedi and cxprefl?: A A tergivcn, '.U.‘1({3_t none mfluould been pu4‘b1%ifljcd till . time give him thanks. for it .3 31 A .h~is fu1'thér %direé’cions; as ;h1ppe;1reth,underAI1is.; A % :«ownV.Secretarics4hand. AA ; L _ V 4: A Wluxclu n1ight very well fiaxadw1thtI1::wLet~ tars from Court to the Lord Mmégjry (3 great RcbAcl14¢ in Mrmfier ) who was affured, his Ivlajefly" wasVw§:11}p1e;a.{éd. with what he ‘did gVa_ndV xvur1‘1di%_gx:;~ V thofigh for thc’ pVrefent,ixA~%'didn0t Then Pcandwith the convcniencc of the Kings affaircs, to givehim Publick ¢o11nt¢» " » nanc¢.%And '1‘h;s was afterwards znade good by the A King, one Of thVcLcttcrs%ta1srxty,stC°I¥1mifi"*0nfr0m xhtfimsa Dz V {Q _.._._._....._...._......,.»......_.. ___...._ % J A ed; Hcrmarall ¢Lafley h.1d;myAuth9r1ty%from% Wrhe; $87: eélé %wu1ci~m:: Zifiéc zxgainfli the Rebels. _ a~DivEra.~M¢nfiis alfo %bcf0re%that rehe1110a1~bcgan; 1'1 ;e;was"4;§hfo1#matio“n given upAnA»§f3I “*“‘-'0! fihfi 9 ArcA”hifl3.op ,3c_otI1crs ofthe_Kings‘ O11n{:e'~:A1l,Th9.i£ z£hm:eV% was :1g1*e;1%:. éefigne ytunong A t11e~I>api1°cs, 4 ‘F635 A :i;:?:A‘Gcjmr'&1£ % V _ 4% V _ _ u A W lzmd Aand E5 7b(:*t:» «Arxiamgéd by,dirc.é‘ciovn*%’5fi“4on1‘th::P_0pc:.j A A M ‘ ~ % Z “fidcsA the I{ingsxLett‘c1‘s 51:0 zl:cP4op¢, AT 'W§11€‘?1‘1" Vmhmé jxvzzs gin )p;[4z‘2'¢aA:,{ a nd»w‘Otfit*1*§{ A fillet hiit:s4wAA,%%rciiu3:n, qin:vhc%‘~ ha1fv4Q%fr11cA Dtzlcé ofL04rm;%&‘;é4¢ f A AA fiwhich 1nu£tb¢e;1:¢qLu§ed by the fazd Duke, Vilth a M "I-?or1*:¢1ig‘:f2% Army Fm Invade England, A upon the ~.KAings Vdcfigme) is clmr, that fame; M0n=cthsA abeléé A 7b§Tf P Vforc4% the ebcllifit :.%th.e @A1{}ihfg anf geiit fin; Rme;,;1sAAby[d1ve1a+cif:,4 afgagmfi 7sA;%Pa§;¥fimncm: ;a.nd:%:I{i.n. ~ ac%d£rdmA’aw: %mp;m Thefichargmf ’Ercwfo*n§ aa1vnfl‘€onac of both _A ‘ w Hmifes; antflrhat unp:1reV1iedA€t ofivibkcnccabry it%laacL ' acm1irmiug+:{m. am: ndc;1Lto mt. mme .mon1s,(after‘he had difchargcd Our’G1131'_d5,’idi€fly"= I ing usany,i but wha.te.might _reRrain or oiverawe us) A A »~ wasbutthe Prologue toa b1oodyTragedys had A not the Parliament, and good afleéicions Oftl1C_Ci¥- ” ~ty,interrupted that defign‘; and calufedl the 4 Kings“ onew Guards (already lifled aindtmouldedunder lCo1o‘nels and other O1fi’cei's ) to withclraw a little ‘‘ tooanotherSecne. , M 4 A A Neither would the Countrey more comply with Thole defignesgalthough t-heywere attempted ,with ~llfll1i.LI3ll arguments of armed Txjoops in warlike A manneri to compel them; which fueeeeded M etfolil‘, that the Lord Dzgéy durflnot abide the tryall, but l .,wa.sfent away upon a fpcciall Ermndlby the Kings " down Warrant. A I ‘ % A What his Errand was beyond Sea, WC may well conclude from the Lift of Armsiand Ammunition V (for which we can produce the Kings own!-land) talcenemongft his Papersg, and ‘printedi withhis A Letters toyxhe (&een,at her fi1‘fl? landing in Hal.-~__ § iWhat advlice heeigave for the Kings reririn ? to fome fafe place, (that he might declared himfei fcs) A and how” the Kingfollowed it; wise uknoivn enough. V Butebefore the Kings fettling at York; the notice do A wehad of his C-ommiflionsfieo the Earl of New» ' . tzgfllc, andiColonel1Legg, or attempting he cggflle and Hz:/1, [might juflly'iocc2_zfionlus“to A provide for Their feeurity; ;; Efpecially‘ when wee " had‘ certain :intCil1g€flCC offforreign Forces 2 from” Qenmgrki A to eomeein aboutiI!:§;{l.7Whitheir:a1-é-A .fQ fo Came the Lordifligzéyi, nci-V: divers Comman- ders,WithmuchAm%munitionWand ArmVs,fro1n For-2 i.‘ai§;:nParts.i A A A A ‘ A .g V 4” i 5 V And hadinot tiieismedésiabout their time invaded part of the King ofDmmarlc.sA Dominions, we had rea.fonenougI1«to expeéi; 3 fiorin Thatmwayg no have fallen alfo on H14/Qwhere was then i agree: Magazine ;, aiid before we ever asi:1's: ( FQ1*t}m=¢ - A ;%i:é‘&m*1 Qthers bcfore irxro Dwm-zzz2;»wZ from ‘3Z:si.s';5*;ifiea§, atdazmra gwofiziae .Jz’22!erfi' Md preieizvtiaizsnftieae whale Km 3 w;;;c;;~zz:m; % % mofi dateflézéle A 7?; W’3f5.”?”£ vmwfi Iwfiref W1 rim? to colour 4PN¢#"£2$i6iI£"iR%f@ gr*e'a:t:;a;~ Aa..ultV45.L am! A ¢b¢%tr~¢fewfi¢vf%Homar[of Alvis zm»/sex dot}: ;,"7%)Q’":z wfiwiilprim Tm exmfw if? ‘A ; W??? m€?W*y$Wd@' rmieéiz . v W ,.. ;~ ,M + %*wWed .5w‘%weeu%rbe4Af‘mi!ié:: dkdlizzg; 4 fz1~Ife«,fcanaIoi:s% tchaxtge bf’ That“ Ineimjenrx mafia ourt~ho:%ug11~t::s. that was Abe1.i-we‘ %thc%i:e never was,a ’more:u_nwort5hyV Aéi6%~,d0Lne;by :1~% 1’:-incc;f0 robetra y is Tr{11fl,andj:_pIe,jtoA a forraigne Nation,by incenfin them with fuch an ~=%ious flandeggtmche mama of his owxié Mother. 4 A V‘Vhich Werepeat the rather, b:ec*aufeV;’ whe.n decI“a1jeddLir' Ihvelligcnces wthat%:}€;ocaéerm?2« was fént into D earmark td p~r_o:cinfc forc‘esVTh:ex:1ci6,;7A he King d£fa%'amed;i¢.; cqllifig it .¢rz,<;1e cawda ll, iifljis 472- _w.ér.téoar:Dé“r1ar44rianof’fI2tM22 of Qétober. 1642. T 5 3 win that fame ‘4Imflm&zcms%m fmrafiwaérs He 616%“ T klareth aAlfl?@;a,nhat :sex%p§c*&ed»afli“fiance from % a1I‘hiés§neibdm~fr§ Px'in’ce$ find‘? at fire‘: rea*refi4‘p;m4af that $tat"cs* Fk?eC.-:~fi':O{'Il milg Aa1»f4oM«haveatlded,Tg!mt %~rwiththeueen; tgontrary to“ @115 ofthé Cmwne offlzsglmd (of; a very vafi %%totf”bé4pawncd, or:fol~d, for Amtmunic AA%.‘;md A w*e7had% ;ce’l:tai.né:xkQow'l: *»ge4 bea- “V;2e’d'1m'liV‘dwefomuchasbnce ;1s4?l:l:a!1’H,4*Sh“$: Was.v*gc:As ng» be-% 7 ‘ A I? 3$ea;3”1*1a‘&nbtta:d12i0hs4to-rh;c'¢Kmg flayed X;-g A AA V Jexwlilg Aflth‘at%Aam»oq 0Eh”¢%*1‘7rm\?f0Ans givef1)7bc4c:a ufc‘ A A A ” V»fii'{~‘9“h*6ard5jiw~ A gpxcked u::p=t1a¢"C¢rowm ‘ ’ <34) % ]“?;évv‘e1.1j1S ma ;V.&Biy rw.hac1: w <.=«%**sA«$1g;"ig-1aith%%A*rmVMwhaci % A 's¥wa$$Ivhen» a:1fo”:int”emd:ed,%by That joeurney,,g%i;a_c1«*;vsr-we “ ~ ‘ ” [=¢Bm~ dAawB2ma,g% “B r%gss-(‘bes?ox.-e :1» LE.:Ae.% éf? deathfihe ‘ 1cérs_wer€é toId,,the“ Kin would pawnnhis ]ewe11sfor‘th<:m gand thefirencl » tweragpromxfed t: AA ’ I All‘ 'I7“h.i=s, *af1d:mu- B m0»re~~y¢t*~to Be faicfimakcth 7‘ t1'»s‘fE4ar1d*%amazed at the King AAAS'%o1<:r1c‘1ne A Prore ‘ tions, (0 bftenxmade,%Ca.I1i%ng.C}od1;o wit1ie.{fe Vahd revenge it i1If'0,V;if he had-Aanyvth0ught,» ;Aof%.bri~n?g}ii1A I1'17pi the aorthern A'rm‘y;;:;3A:Ori V tuwage‘ arre.:vv;i~tVh»§his;o12to;:inmd@ A Tjeétsg f‘"“O‘t»7 br4ingiJng¢v n: ‘E A the A =:ight‘s~é>f his 44 A miQne Forces or a$zds~f'rom:~~:b¢y:ondv”:Sea%;%2;z»I9~ia12j(.as ghimfelfé faith i,r1 His I)ieczlar:ttAic3’I;1$)7rz3’o»:¢Za;Z'i2o1WibL émfie this Kimgdome, in fudd/Li/We dzflrzz 33%; g§ée;;B}z5i‘ outizme V2z%é.V/£31221 fvorm;zsv2d%I>2famy;L 1 A 44 4 ~ Yétat my H tfhwhen H Em fizlfe; and “the” Iiords; made -fm:?‘L1‘AAAa~=4% Protfe {Eat Lon »;a,1:::: rar£7e,~.aga%iI1“; Proclzmatienjto reffi P: the;‘f‘er§i.®f:V4 ;rJ:iame:y:{dA . i%%L~rc%3etv§;a‘%n:g.?A~F0%i;fce$ A vy,ing~.iEofr¢es A+;THeEc@%r1mzinH—ed~ A I ‘:1. ‘ And haid %%fighedA;n1m%mVo%&-AVi1Iega1%1‘Tc @m‘mifli;oi1‘A @VfAtray;,;And .did;p1:;i.Vhte*1y' A?cor1tT1~iveM%:%th?24A g5et:ti.ng"; an-t ofthe Stores, Ships or ottferwife, fufch, nance; 130wdc:r,fhot, gs-5: pofiibly be got and: pi‘@Av1;&c{‘~T; .~~'aFar;%24w%7McIa%«222é produce 4 L’etter of"2~C§ fur-re I 54 2V.;&‘1?zm:z’er; bisonzzzzi % banal, t0 Sz'r John Haydon ”LAiez/zramnt : of’ tbé0%d- mmfajtaconvey ;£tV~fe¢retVb¥ dllafiw qmred fubfc ‘E’: ‘H 'pt'1onsfbr %P1ate;Horfés,and %Arm%es.“ A %nr1. A 712$’; % A and? ~alfoi“wi~th» t110~{@Gua1%d§,:C ainnw<>?IiAS«A ancié V A k‘? " ' ‘ ‘ 2*’ )‘ te ijoio them; ¢ »edid:% fVHioare V i1buffl::QUflmC;»Qmil?F%€€§3ff@1f1“ti.UI1»Eb7 % but publique Oflicensml toribus Papifis, T~Tray%t0xs§0tV*Ft-:;Ié§flS§(fuchL A " wi1shuan4décithensyfrzamfftheMrflofl Cvmmggflw ‘A beyéd S;caa,_di:L‘aAtitem,p1:At<:e~frL:e~%fé*4lZ;i $5!“-% fiile manner; an_d thzfgwitlqin % few dayes afiérthfi ‘f01er1>3"’nc¢Prcr>;te£’cat,1bnat~Tos?*k.. ea % ‘ ” ““ “ .“T..1C ;}V.”3°37f1OE/I0fVlgbéf A ’r*e.he? pf©aCIai %edfus~~Ré.BeIIS;%~ and Traitcurs 5pfettingL:u§p hi~s»i’g§§a11d,a;dva‘ga‘in'ftV they, % Par1i3menr:? whichinever 4»any¢1;in«g.ofmzgamdaid ¢ W beforeA h:it1;;sfcIf.%.4 ‘ ‘, % 4No'r..did bvéfanygbilt KingcImzes;“rec+»upmmocxg A P-ar1i€"aI*r1énea.t;0qcfor41,or a.11y§0thefp1aC¢5f0iOpp‘0f.e—‘ " 3.I,i1.@i;; a,Qn wrha’tfoev erprerence)% t a ro-» 4 Iemiosn of Popi‘ jfiroffiifidngzofabdlitidn of [ th=eV.AAL«awesdthe:"gifi%£orce'Iaga1flffi%‘Refiufants; mth mbfi ‘ fo*I%eI?r1~ei;é:dimprecatti0ns5Varhfiat %God‘%VwouId Io” am». »vi~a:h;~ his,A‘aSAi hvé %tOminm=.-d A ;i1a #1” profcfii cam, and imj.iO1ab1y kept jahofc Pr9te£’cari~ \ omit‘ notwiVtf1fia%:i%dinga4bbut t1;Ne4vetyfimeA ti-mejit f A xpperm-2s by Lettergunder» hxfiiown ,han§1, to the g : IQueen A _ tiandtt*the;:‘;;E2rl ~ofOfn§§nd5tl1étixvo'u1d con-E-L A fefto thetaking waway all Pcnallt fvéstagatinft A -the Papifis,both“ in Eng land andt~IreLrwd. A t ” A T ” At A A dalthough we hadt1'i1fficiAentnot=ice,2znd prfg ofmofi of thefe things before; not withflanding all % his breach or trufi, with the Protefiénts in France; A Scotland, Irelzmagandt This Kingdome ;which’ (bear fidcs all other oppreflions by unjuft Prerjogativ¢) t \\ he hath fb often bndeavoured t enflaveg mm, Spant'flJ,t French , tLorra?7”5twt:,~» 5 ‘Mi i and other forteign forcges _.-, yet f r 4 w 9 F % we} ftmghi? ~ his own, afwell as the Kingdoms; abnd4%ha;§}:ii— _ neffe,-,that after fo many denyallég ‘ ‘ Application, {'0 juf’: and honorable,that we canncgt but now <':on;cIudc,He hath W7h0uy.f0r§{OtfCfl, not onIyhi_sDuty totheKingd@mé,Bt;ita1fd the Care,.. and refpe&,he ows’ to himfelf, tjwii‘ famtily. Tbefi arefimefenv; tin- many reafans, wI2_y;4 A AA Ave cam: repo/e, any more”Trufl inHz'm5 and A wlgy we have madeTI2¢fe former Refolutions. A Tet wefimzz u/é our utmofl endezn>ours~, tofeta ‘ A the the pre[::nt;goVernment,4: ma) flamd wit}: the ‘flgmfé amt kappincmfiacft/sis Ifiingdonze. 3 .