TOTHE A¢ EARLo£M/2.7((;H6S~€z‘6 7%, Conce1*11i1'1gthe Whole Carriage ofthfi Houfe ofPee1"es in gel-1619.1}, anfi his Lordfluip in particular, during A A mheffi Ram diVRraa°ai0ns... ' €:t:ti11g%f'<¢)rtT1 alfo the mifemble condition 05" E116 K1 N G, 736mm", and Tanya/3, and the * Nmzeifity of a Fcrjiwall Treaty with Hmnouxw “ V and Freedoms, as the onely Remedy“ Non Sm" fed VSeri3'@g V %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% To the Right Honourable th Earl of " \ Mancbae/Zer, Speaker oft11eHoufa% V of Pemrespro zexmpore. ‘ _ V A takea little more reedome r:hen<:$&rdi-. » . A nary ; becaufe I;intendAtAhefr:li.ncs, in the A A natureAof an Aflppea-la unto your~(3on.. fciencc, as weli touching your Lordlhips: . behaviourin particular, as the carriage» ~ of Izhrc I+Ioufe 0f‘Pm-rs Aing¢_nnraI1_.‘, in r this great Abufinrrffc of the Kingdom ;. % whferéiti, how Ffiryour Lordfliip and the re{’c,.have raccdcd. from the ‘primitive vcrtueg and prafbifcs ofycmr Ancefiorx, your many cxcravagant2a~nt1+MonarcI:uc.a;l1proceedings do fuf... ficiently d<.=:tnonfira:c.Had thefe courfes onlypmpared yomfm‘ your owmt; Iirigie 1‘uinc,*4pcrhz17pst=h&: %me“mory%.4:of~rh4cm mi;::»;h‘:; have A¢b.em buried: in izhn 1m3xt,Age,Vand%L£he ill; aconfcquences» (though nclat thc Infamy) might ‘have andcd With %your‘Afc1fa.. Arrdifijby the incognfidmsate fl1i;pwrac:‘k of “your Hamaw in this: :~',I‘cmp%cfl, had; soniy %;pmIA§’d. your ;‘?;pma:geVVI-Iaagféznbouu ydut ream. it.had»b;t2et13i41 vmiflfmtmnc to tfm : parallefld by others be» me and mvc 4 im:cmmpanicdA%~.wimam ;rnm¢% lcA»fii*t2T;;;fxm:‘"x:aec*?1%.;~.; , -‘Batik I :mtnno~t4 butzgproclaimc y.authc: ‘ :mc>i’c unfminmatfi men, jwlmn I cohfidcr‘h%nWj}i0.u1'%.Lam’;. 9%ip_,m:1cL 0,ttmr$;mEnh¢:Afwme ragzmkm ‘haw: mm:»a:unr4 fe1‘ms;in . a-;m0fl:;Rfib&Hi?mmA dcfgxncz ggainfl Majefly;‘4'§?éwhMg:;cud:i*s4‘ 5 Trufi your ;Zloroé€5z' will pgrdcn me, if I‘ 7 ~likf:* 3:0 ~f(if‘"(3:f)diVfpx*fi*Y¢x}!"t:;n0t) l:h¢“:=?d€firLf:&i@n%'0f¢ inffiyrkgfl * A A j;s%NW+ (my.Lo:a)¢&;hgugh V1 .m~ma:V imagine a1t:cha}§:— A ’2a*f#fe',;:md”:%” of vthe.M«Hamfé,. land’; HO11Tés*“.0£ £he~I’;cm'4csvV'o(f A Lordfbifgg A (2,) LWIM4wwu?;«z;rAA:,,u.paAn4 tljmrzlxne af th¢«2\{g»;£»z1;gv;%AA yrt Eif1f:€\/flit ofthings prociaimesit‘, and we have caulk: to be. l§3f33f‘3$W ‘fC!19~"'3‘A 4%! A05 iflwfizérzzrarx *A1~*«ud It as :;th£' mains grotmd works ofz.he:i%r dz:/Egme; and in plains Atermes it appfzms, % th;m,the§7 i-n’t€ 1'I~dl»f:d~. £é&V:orz;gine,4%t0 {hike off the Government of J Kingy,andinv{:i?;,vch::n1fe¢}V¢:sQnly wim the Savemigmy, as F;-3, 5;~,m._,~ 5, and st‘€;£ ”7}f‘y*g~an£Aze o~v<§r%,%:he reflof the 2\(géu’l/z;y,, {hare the whole power among themfelves; thereby‘ to tranihte the U!»[am.arcla} to an 0:!;;gar.ck_y,xvhzch foon degenerates intp an ab» A ii”0i'.2te Tyrkzmaj. HbA\*'v‘f3i“y0£1r'Lord/iyifiihath been privy to: this -% Co;«.fiirp2ay,: I%,appea;1:t unto your owns Camfiriwce, and unto the Wov1'£%d,by y%o;m* Ar.°cions ;'”wh.ich haw: fluzrzwmf, AtI1at%you had 21 p:1rt§in»ch%;is%%Tragedy,‘ before it A was prefent-frd on the puélzkg 4/aw, in.any,,of3itsg1ar£om premzcwt. And truly (my Lord) I i0okm:xpQn* .your4;felfe, and others this Tway”%*i%ngagc':d ;, not as men‘tha~t joym-:c1 iflhc inthefe Councels out o£~cm,r;:;.¢~;z.c~e.~, ~ F.~2fi.'z'o;;_z ~;f" being hurried, fomc:.wil;h% ?difi'a:¢m“ét and}%%n92)‘rn(ge%; Aot1i~eVr9‘,~;»with::£2ifig§¢éririmari~dA24*zim*it:e, A 11:2»; at:t:“ain‘*:** by.*n1ie%‘:ruine bf V pthAf%Ars,%in a t:.umu!tu:1ry%confufion ofaffaires, andbythc pom. .é3r§'0f7thc‘fward, what.c0uldAnot;beI1opcd for in .a% fctled flattré aofithe .Kingdoflm,w%4. ~ AA :75: v;;;lt:;%is wdn‘d%nm;i%:at4; V(%mxy Lbrd)" by -m avny5i%::ho41v;i4t was p%oflibIe*;A sfmmangz%% 5; of ;;the ‘7?§iz%emm{J:1c3u1d‘::4 .:2b’a: d m W177: tzikto A: cdu11re n?amCA€% 7:! ”fQ;c1eerAeIy4.~ ~deflrué’tiv¢}t0 Ath~e‘m*fe=l?&rc~sAiA arid maumgy, A A ,j‘h~at~ %we_re ijf1'1C;)_‘t 5:; ;ab?k:V ta ;lmA0ke::: thrioughr =“'t7I1‘0AfE A “o2 'g@z§c2§fiu~, A %A azvherein men Aand Athingsw:W¢irea'15rEfented before chcgn..~ it ~&:vas§ thc“cux*1__trx:i£2g out: P1“:i:mec;t Rafirmera ItaAfing1amdutéc:érmim zper fans in:them;3pe}«w:Iafapzf£~;:*,;M2a11dtotworké upon :the.,p.afiZom:% of fame, and the mac;;=fl?t¥ex%v‘Of%thfi 1fefl::’;‘?%*;§Aanfethrce lfwcendixriemlandl flgants olftllclirs, «vim. Pry”, Bzm by leaming.r-£h¢m,."£Q7'fi_‘§l « thclétivy tlmixf old Jafipq/ftm, ton,:and«Eaflw£cIg; llapdllinlhed of pgrmitting them tube made A “Magyre: for ch:aw;/2~,Va3dlvance«dltl1eml 4 ; mam: the} onehm. '1'l01’:3;lJ1C‘AifllfllfljrlQ£=0lf€l.’fil§)ll1‘A oflnfhc Law, the mzhcr :».1”Bif5o‘p, and - thle“? Alzhiml A one Tof hiw/ayfitianr, .thC'y’_ had immediiatelyl been mlolledAAA*in the Plafecution of their haljrlv L£::5Jgm.’,l and never l lxeightncdz ~ their Zmle inmAAfo hbrriblc a Gomwfiian. But alas my»L”orcl)=~ alas, this ‘eourfe was never thought of a?t:T’CclurAAt ltilrl its gA;fewAAtoAo llsllt«e>;%;r1u4nd uhen it was valine: tip prefer {fame few (as ';E'fliwtQ the hon0n;=l’loFLprd C/aamlarlm'n;&“ Smt to lnha Mam fierflziploffihle W».rd:,&e.) feelngtlae alefigzze lwas; grown 7 «- 19% it is fitrcfi your V:L@rdfi1iP%VW«as 5ff?ca¢*7’rx?itt¢d;t9 E135‘ A C»zéim:¢~? Gfthis C0}zJ‘fii%'aq)’,,i5 I-lot 1ffl13*?hfm;3W"i;111:W;:dif‘5Q”F[@a 'l€tAit«fuffiCV€i”tO,:kjfiQW§ thmhsc iwwrld lookfid U‘P9n your ;:F‘4z~ r/Ber, {as one that had ra%ifr:d Ahimfelfe *touchat:*Efl4m and H9.» 2wm~,%% throng!) his great; fubt%i1t57, and the many Cormpziom vvhercwirh hé filled all thcife: 0fi5ccxofTruPc, which had Abcgn mnfer¢dgbr1%him+by%His‘Majcy€‘y; fo that it was%neceflEau'yt o %zhi-nkedffifome c0z1rfe,%Awl1ercby to fecure, himfc2if% from,fany flarrmé which might happen upon an :2/temtionof aszfllzir-mic beg- ing more diificulc to preferve, th&‘fl procure: an mlmfzg;/I .%Pz«s:»a/mfis». T hcsrrefore to keep the Eff’-mre (at leafi) within the: %(wha;ai's;>ever;¢.f;4himfélffil he fbsiflg 3 W11 ‘I118-:91 ghmaghm all-%:&Rel.£gio:a.: _a§*ike,M_ ¢ as they m.1gVfit*f¢rv¢:iA4ih1s4t;x,1r1*;t; ; and on the one fide fixfpeéfing the Pops:/rfv more Favburedat (”~'fa.~m A A M then indeed it wias}; onvichc, o?:mj::%;%%fidA4c,. facing the: Pmritwm Pam vém“ gro~wnc¢dAand nhrwughifi4ch%¢;;i%Ti:¢gdeiwéa »k%~n.mvirw4g which mighnV%caArrythe dean; r¢if<>1vA<«1 an %.I222teereji‘Mir1 b‘,0a£mh.~and%hwinitiatfidd NS 9 Elder fim th»cf"e‘viia« {vera11%‘Pazkr{m war i*’ISOr‘dfhip being the Eldqfl ( I a%ppea1¢ yoHr..oWn.€ fs:v.u1~ ranching the truthmof thifi) “W-‘is byhisMdi;rc&i» ‘'5. you ;:,ra;nfpla:xceds; into theflwadgr pmgy, to afl: the part: of at hot--» .headed%:e~4l?m:£r%mz, his tghan fide, %which;; had ivcngrQ0f6Lf%Ath ei;r liskelyhood to%:prevaik-. by reaf0nA of thtir We bandying in F3» W'€r£{U ParI~i4ment3, under pretence of reforming azér«:!_/E’: and V ;€orr-ntpiam in,C1a%m-cla and 5razzre, wherein you-r Lordfhips Fa-$57 1'/aerhad asgreat a {bare of gmiir as any one whofoeven. And as % for yourflfongear £»’rat/at-*:r,% he to maintaine an Imcrcfz‘ at Cozm‘, A became an earnefi ‘Papgfl, and fo continued there as a.%R.9fl»me_;, A %in~cTafe that Party A flmouldw carry the better; By which fine fwgw fling, in was prefumcd ; one of you flmovald be able to Rand up»; 11‘ight’, which way foever the gmml Cmtrawrfie oftineliingw W % dome, betwixt the IEWAO-%‘7’»zrtie.r,_ fl10l.11dfi_b‘52 dCcid§3dby e{Cam% .;; As for 2\[9:rtb#m6arland,,Pamérake,V3c Svzlérizwgy, the world A A‘ ” V A “ wondcm~ ‘ ( 7‘ ) 4 worflera, that afcw Thrqats ofthe mmmox: fhauld be able gm? fy-jgh: ihvfiim {O fimfl mat of [hCil‘.',¢‘§‘£'xf3“_;g;5x»§:?%.-Ta”, it is ks'm.wn,W£‘;en,3c by s?3,y&?M§]€y had what wayes m «mark upoxa him,knmm’ng him (according, cm ahat pm» partisan. mfd«.%»m:E: God hath given him) of a difpwfition ta éc /ed izy W Na/4% any Way; efprscialiy wfim fo [ubme a Tmar as SAY h9.:::§:*n him} m.i1an.dling ‘-‘ Bcfidea, they {aw him one that af- f€&cda g«30»::% 0pinic»n amang thfi: caxwma fart, and to be cried up for :m¢§1cxr:c{7ttma'2;, which Tidcthefe e/Irrzfimx of mifchhfifc had arx;,»,g:Mcd, ms pwcufiiar unm themfclvca and rum ‘lhzrxy. Ti3r:rr*¢:fm‘a: hti‘. vma the more inciimrd ro ioyn with thcm_,Whm he W‘ chem ;md%~che:‘r Proceedings in {ash cficcm among the peopEe;;;l1.'&ving pl1an’i'i~ad m himfctf (law; before) a great hap- pincficz in Papmlmzy, the F 00/c’: Paamdicc, and the wait mi:m“'s Jcorzw, % L A Yet mere was one timing, which gave them more hope of prevafilixngupmn him than any ; and that was the fmfh aflront given him, in bx:-mg thrufi our of Officc = Wherc11pon they found? Em had no fewer mm the (am, but be 101’: his Layalm, to make mom for Ra?/ezzga ;wh1'ch made him quickly forget all former Obligmtiawfix to the gaerfon gum Mmefiy, whcrcunto has had more man ordinary relation ,noc‘onIy by mnumcrablc ‘ex- prcflions (3? Grace‘: and Fmmur, toward him and hm, but alfo by % fpsciall fervicc :3, having been obliged ma him, as a way Guam... seller by Oatbfta be 4 rm; andfwizfijfi;/Z fr?2"amz£ to /aim, mm’ M bf:,».é2- to wisbflmzd all Attempt: again]? his Pcrfam, frame, mad Digag mirie" 5 and by rim like away, when he was admitted to the Bed» cbmmr,andhomourcd with thc Office of Law! ‘:.:.;}&WWbz9V"lfliW§ All which notwithfiandifig ha facnficeci tohis f’zzflz'm, and run on in as high a famine Ofi1'13.df1€S.a with the Cmrer of the Tiztnes, as (hf: m;e.d:de£‘a oz‘2:hm*.e 2211. And now (my Lfifdgfiliaigifl we van» .3’ gcar1cc2;>f£‘7L«az'e§’: Part in the Tragedy, is yet behind. He was Il1cEng§r¢etl1a!: drew ham in: himfelf being 0f€hC.;Cl1l€fCifl the fanfpireeie,‘ and one that had no way A left to recover his ct:~.n:k’c Eflmeand credit, but by proflitutinghis‘ Homer, to forward a‘ gurfede D:fignje,contrary to all princlples of honour and honefiy.» ; 11953 the fame ccmfidcrations of G aim: and Purc_hafc» icAwa9.5 ghge mt, Nottingham; DVcn[2:£‘gb,l;:eSMmfb,rd, aland “therefh Vwverc wound linm the fngagemtnt ; all being (at that time) menof {mall Fer:anrJ5 or fuch as were Wholly defpmm, and cherefdre‘ apt tn imbracefiany Clsmzgta vehiechlmight {atisfie their me-rfflzicx, AA A ggfld givebwings to 1::el1CirlA'mbiriari,b A A V In pzxrfnanee wher_ol';O what firange Conrfes hm}: bin taken l by.aAll then: Lw:a’]Zrzp:.ln general}, perform at nefM,A by hoolze ofby ernnke, to atrasne their feverall end-v 5’ The Land even groanea A under tbebmuicieudes ofAoppreHion:s,, and the fighs ofrhe opprcf- i"€L'l.;pl-£1‘CCACl1C very heavens for.rev’eng_c againflt»1lnjnPn'ce ;land I‘ dare challenge ’ye“ouL‘l Lordflfip lfl lPa_A,Art1Culalr?.~for one ofourmoflr Vaélive Taf?7?f?“Wl'J.._ it"AAwillnnevcr be forgeeten with what cruelty * and eamrtion yaufibebaved your felfe duringche" rimeyion were in elCnnmmiHi£):z in the A}jl'aci¢;edC0””’5‘J :5 haw you fqucelfld out I56 Very heart bloodofyonre native Country, by Affeffmenrs; A Cantrzbzxtinns, and Taxes; whereof your Lora:/Mg» never gave «2.;»e?a,c« nneb th.e&Mte, be but boarded up she greater A patty; bl? eb=em3ee%£”enbnfe fumnees ofMon?ev ten: you by rbeHm.l V fer; fizrai: $be..payzl:*l«::3ln bf yourfezfrmy, whilfl ydu” le la the Soldiern nzllfi fibmxe j€'ll’€~’l?5&?.3'3’Z‘?'$l’*~;3Wfi’f53‘-'¢, L 32:3§Cl§..%'l3y ellfiebiiflencel but Fm- Qua, rice; and Pillage of be l;:*e:i?2:*:ekesel*1eee lg.eLam_ef many blearnedmenlfid be lltnwnfider A 7.fl:QW-£l.llfl3aQflfl1y.};;ll.n£ll meellclenlly‘yen.b'ehaved yonrielfe tlowacledv, yontK (,9) ytzsur <fl4otb6r~#M5%Wfitybf Cambridge, :and mm wickcdpm; fidcntm that%%n0c.M<;?;,, A%méw*wa1§e, which Wayiikewifc to mim- thc famo113Vz1iv::zfrfEiw‘ W.- z“L‘~E“z:@ outward garb, szisf a Pwrlx'na;mers{r,;mr% fins: " E"w"«’?wz*+“*~» iiwi A and 3 L%03*W".»,Wht¥n alaslythc ‘lawn?’ Wa7$5a1%3;’§ - ten hath ttb1nl1rgjcd‘:z%t3~ga:;ng the aiI’w;man:,:jhg; it womlcia a*:m:A,+;¢ be of fndepwndency Aimmediatclyiappointed N your wcll,A?tillAAthé Lard: were brought ¢:.’~?;«.:.»wa:%.-, to fit4am‘bngm:n1? they have proceeded (0 far, as to debate the nwcrsflit % oi“ is", ‘Is:%2;¢ \ more Ipcedy dif patch of a&"airs;(’bécauf-3 faid thcywe haw: bc:a:f::n cxtrcmly retarded many timcsby their La;fdfI;ip%.r,% to thc»: ;gtcat, pref:-1d1'cVcAof‘t~h‘c Kingdom. A % A A Andyou know (my Lord) that when they found (after many 'A%fl'»i%u‘1&ts upon your ‘1’ecmge)thcyAWerc‘not ablcco move van to A ~alac41laondefi:enfio»5it was their .5 ndeavou: to cow you dam by A_ A their high liramda: roan a/imfm condxtiou, thaw by my 1* ‘a wc4 V4 youmndywormyou oucnofyall your ‘Trz'm'lcdge.r. In‘ ‘t*h37S*plaC5: your Lordfhip maycalito mfndc hoW~~’my‘be--5% A halved rhcmfclvcs, in pacing the Earl of Eflex out mf %Cb';x21ifi€:2gE andLt:auIing an Army “U9 be Anc4W~:‘mod~clS’d 4 1xndefzh%u,*m» mandv Sir T’W”m'C 45’fi5v'%‘ ;’ Who though hdwcrea Wm ‘vain’/£ry,yct bcir~1gVofTn0 great: f~;'orcuuc~a"nd c;:nr:,_:who % knew) might be led ‘byfa nliers qupcm hopc PVrc:f"crrn<::‘3t, L was azwafic m1act¢r:A(bychi»s r,jncaneVa)4to Wrcft mg .pg§mcrq£%§h+: A % Swardout ofthcmnds F themaérility ‘For, thw;;ggzIu!44w* F»aé’cwn4 V ' T*Ant.-agbwnifh Grew/la vs; {:29 !3i§1éri£Wa»t~gb»er4IIa’ .tz§29‘@l1.rm':¢m fa; mum ,_and the Gemrml’ hm fzis /Zuzdow, % It is monftrous to confidcitr how maiaparr the Common: were in their Demands, at all flbzwrrficex with war Lard]/sip, for your confcmzto the efiabhfhmcnr of ibis New-:cfi4'adell, afrerichad been fo often thrown: out ofyour flafif? ; iflfomuch that acthe 1afi:%C6»f'mnce that was about this bufincs. the fence of the Hon]? was delivered to this cficfi, t/mt éfymr Lord/bz’p~ yia-la’ad ~ wt to the new maldirzg I/as e/{rm}, the Common: forfooth) 3'09‘ t5: fiafity aftbc K isagafome, mu}? (2: canflmimed ta do: it Witfibaut you : A upon which petCl3:1.p_g0£y reibfuzion, your Lordflxéps were forced :0 yield mofl pufilianimoufiy and ramcly, and taught the Cam‘; mom‘ ever fine»: to iookc upomhc Refolucions of year Hmfia, no fmhcr than thcyfuiccd: A A with their ownc, and (‘end up ¢their. Vote: only (proforma) for “your confcnt.‘ 3 and A not to be: A debated. A Thus Raim5araugb{an iaconfidcrablcflllow, of lam but 3% .S‘I{ip4pm'M Boy; a4 commqn Soldicrin Hall, and a. prime ;Lc'vez'l£r) was voted firfi Vim-'—eA'dm£r4ll by the Army‘; aftcxiward (in 0bC"'f dicncc to Them) by the Cemmam 3 than (for faflliatfs fakfr} the matter: {eat up no your Lard/ups, and though for fomcgtimc you fixif-ly oppofcd the: putting to grcata power in Pl:&e:}In‘han:dg, and propoundtd ajbzramlser of your ownc (formerly Admiral!) for thclmployment, yet you were glad %Ac~%taknche Bafileb and th€Ear10fWfirWi¢kWasA1aid afidmo make way, for [0 unworthy a Compatitar. A A To come-home ui1ro.yout Lordthipin Particular ; How were % YOU Ufldfirmillfd by Cr0mW£1[,fthcnA your Lievccnam-Gcnérallg and by him accufed .fof Breach A or Trfuxfl, and other, high =Crimc:s? I J¥fldt,h0Ugh he were rccriminatedvagain by your Lard//rip, with Ca‘ Cbargaof as high a unsure... A ye: thatthc world mightléokc IJPOH you Only 353!-1flC§f'2.r ye:>u?a1ene Wm imrmcdiazcly di£‘~4car.-; V A dad, whim Criwfwtll fiiil kept hia Ccmmand as one figfggcr ta bcnrnfiedg and th'& 0niy‘iianocen:«perAl0n. It was this «Cromwell AA 7:00 any Lord). Who firfic urged that refilcfik szxzsid ffmxbuicnn ipfij‘ §3¥a.1§i¥é!é€%?¢=4E9a§‘r9ai? Yaw. and baiw 3'01!“ on abs P¥1‘3315i1w”= A M’ "”7'"”” Zésézzs (xx) Thwart; angina: only you, bm: 2515 Whole Houfc ofPéem, dc-3 fying your ‘uthority, and bchaving himfc!lft0W2=m:l you vyich {uch rlnfolcncc and {earn at yam’ owAn Barr. «has. his very emi- agc but _ m&s:m5t F011 tfiuching your own againfi his L5WoIj€fl')?. That {his vf/‘as Cwmwr/z’.r A&, Lilbume himaclf (finca may we fell to yanghng) hath protcfied pubiiquely in print, be- fore the World:And Y5? (my Lofd) more anger fiiilstbc hand40F heaven hath not donheaP!ng;d1fl1onmzr upon youafonwith this my Cramwtl1W¢'I‘§Y0flg3ad to claw for ymn: fecurity.-. and beg for his ends cntfirtalncd yam when you went and ingagcd with him and hisin the Anny-A For fear: of him it was, that you {hook off all your old ‘Prawéyrariam Primriplw, in which ‘Party. you were a Hand, and now Vcom:-cm: your {elf to Iernain to mom bupthc1~’ropcrcyofihisg.:;m'inc«:*ri1:a,g Fajéfian. He is me c_,?1~i’:,».:-mz. refwk (my Lord) and yczu buchis Zany 5 or rathcmhc: leads you, _ andhmtors y ou 11kt: an xipain a chains, and whiiefl you fawmc . upon him: he holds 37??’ /95}? and‘ a ‘$911 over you ‘and your Fallow’. A A * A A YqurLOrd{hip may doc%we1xcoconAaam-too, howyour ii-lfc Iaudthe ref’: have been kcpt: out of all Cmmium of profit, the A 1 greatcfl part: whereof hath%bcen fwallowcd by the fawamaazx, as in the Commmzccsfor thc Rewme and the Navy, 3:6,, And hc1:c- mayo, how liu:I~c%1mcrcft you haw: in exfjfaim, A when many thoufancl manersofpubliquc Aconcernmcntarc concluded on, V and‘fivcral1TraI}fa6’ti0nSfmothcred_,, withoutyour pivity, ‘in that novel Iiiqmfittalfl, the Committee fan: Examinaxiarvx, and many ot%hct%primt¢ Committccs of the: (fbmrmm. And though A you have to doc in the Sequafl‘rm‘an- Cammittm and fame others ofmoment, yet being but 3 Mair; in number tome C’ommam, ion mufl: cither vote along wfitlarimm, orelfc be out— voted. I A V‘ new that their Lmfjbipw have indeavourcd heretofore, to haw: an cgugllnumbcr to them in all comma” ; but in xrhifs szhc Came ‘_.§m::;cv¢:~r carncfliy plmdcd the ancient Mcufimm, cgmugh may” have’ cafiit {sf} we‘lZ-afigh a1pon~all otl1ex~occ_aficms, W lm~c,i;; {mg no: wixh;11eirDefignrs.A W A ygnzza a;%1.7’¢2-&y~E1C2Ufl€:hOW Wu are hzxzfifzim mm mg .:;@»»;»,g;::, 9,n1¥§QE1;£§é§§c.9“’@1§?!§?P.S?9£1i3“a Féavm H9 w;w§£%:@e aizéimr A‘ w¢4fi¢%2:?wgAA j“I§cmcznbe:f* uggxa;-An wh”atA Tdx'me5 your ¥mx£c3fl:&§ps%£it in the VA(:2) dgcggrdggg g',::;MQ(3zI§"ci:'T§:.‘.i;i:IC’, butxurz along in ‘Eafigné to add a n oumv’am:££»axma1LAu£hm'i!t$* ali difpacchcs, and plcafe your .311-cm3%Aman;;iim5,;: m the Army. Is It not apparent, that this Em.cE?o imvét chz*1iimed. thcmfclvcs a Smmboth 1n vulgar ap.-5 ; %€!3a3.:im'i Md ,tE2€ir ubii 112:: Tranfafiians with forrainc Nmimx? F 2 P L I s it :r=2~::::z plainmhat a few Perform have invcficd themfelves with .;_'hg whole pcswerghc Sword being flcly atitheir devotion$.? Doc “ »the§r m t afimnct unto themftlvcs all chc%P”rope~rties of a AState,ar~2d A6’: 3.34% fixings caf m«:«ment_? Then‘wh:u:’c1fc may we CxpC&,°blJt -that “when:-hey_ have a vvhzlc accgzfiomed the Pco_p1cAto thxs way %ofgovcrnmenz, the principall W111 cafily ufurp it Into their own 4 hands. reiefiing alithe Lardsbut mic ortwo, anfl {uch otthc Cammam’ as thsy like not, andthcn. by Ca king in thcchiefc Mtme [am of the Army in their Read, tyrannize by force, and caihire A« both Hmfcx, as well as his J/Iasjcfiy 3 Bm-. ' hjbwfoevcrg the Commons“ (%pcrh’aps)4 may hopebcttfi things let not your Lordflxip and the reffiflattcr your fclvcs,bm: be aflhsed, that as the levelling ofyour 4% Hem/e hath bin aimed at % M %fromA the bcgining,andJinordAcr tvttihis‘, ;t*hb!grea"tcI°t «part of you ‘kave, till they -have madc an end bf the AA work. # A A H, war: ‘fir£’cv‘ %away; you that remained’ "There afifoxaizcd wroughc out of %all% pIaccs‘o‘f>T1ufi%andW Power {which are nowwwholly in popular Han‘ds,) your :2!/(ember: impeached, ixnprifoncd, talk’: up and downgand madcarnockcry; all ycur Rrtvilcdgese-Vtramplcd on, and become Sacrifice tohthc «Lufls and Ambifion ofour Inferiem 3 So be confident, thcywill ncverj ' -Your Lurdihips WeI1,Im'cW;-A. when _thc four Vote: forlairing azflde t/as lfing were p;.;{s’.; by the Common: that your owne Turn), mufi bC’nz:ixt;. andA..thctefore itAA%’wa~s,t>hac you were fo loathto fccond them, till thC[‘0mmom(t;0 tcrrcficyou~)~ had fem Letters, to gmemllffor Aia.P.Am;y f Hag/Band %Faat_.,1 to come and quay ;t<:1:m char: L./:1»[e2w.¢.; No A1 formcrhI1aAdAthcfi: Letters ‘arrived a:.~A W5”dfQ7:“.W1thQ£h€I‘plIiVaE€ Leszcters of Imrcliigcnce, fignifying A ;h¢’ba‘AckWardTncITc ofyour ‘Lm2,f/sips, but the Army immedia- Igr fen: forth a‘ %~Dcc1‘ar.ac1’on giving them thankcsfor that V fou?rc7 ‘Va-:remga%inff the Kifigaand ga;ro*ri1"i‘Iit‘1g td«Al4'~w-f 69”‘ dy:,1i7i;h?tbvV ‘Chm- %% 9*~?10j?M;. indcffi RC6 afnhcmagainfl a11¥0pp amm,?chc ?Rc%m» OfT whiclf L>aclm'a:ia;w % being broughtup by 2%. Regimmts of “.HQl.‘fC va:1d5%A * Fgogh mw A Fomgeo garzrifibia Mme: and W/me. H411, gavg fuch» V ‘j an Aiarm Mme) your Lara.’/bfps, tfAi“‘2at””it3 hope to fecurt‘: your 1 felves, you yzelded 2:0 dezhram his Majfigyl and paflled the . I Vertex with a Prwméle to no purpofe. After thi$ to make on f<2cur:?,the Army iffucd out another Dsciaratiou, which was delivered at your Bmfby {same of their Cmm. wanders, wimcmin they J/jut’: tlmm/fies z'n*yom~mazaz»9e5, and } made fpecious pmmifc ofdefendinwg the Houfi: of!-‘em in their PriviZedge:,that ye: ‘might A61 thcs: mom fccurly and cheerfully along with them, rowzim‘ your owne mine, A and in the and be ova-reached”, as was: his Azaieifie. Up-~ 1 onthis éruz‘fedreedAitA is, that your Lmdihips have leaned V évm? lines with grcatconfidence; but ifyc truft unto it, ‘ AAA”afl£’u_re your fclfe are long (my Lord) it will pierce into yourlaandsfindfaileyfi u. V A A » w“¢_ x .0hr;.‘zr;~':at retreat (mylmd) in tirnegforifeverrhat old Prwerb were qf force againfi any, it may be verified uponthis Szunc-lfilkez Army; ‘ A A ”NItllkxAi/ialé1,}bietrff:q’. wirisqwicaflra fiquuntur. A ?I"he V Sarca Treacherous generatiomthatiie in wait to dc?- mzive, and make vfa af Declarations, Pmmif'c:s,, and Pro» te{t:mons,on1y %toVinve1g1e men into :1‘ Aconfidencc oi?cm.=m,, Yandthen they play the Cut-t/Jrmts: wicneiTeAtheir former . rrcligious Profeflior1s,by Word Aofmouth, and~Dec3rarati«_ %on,to and conccrninghix;M.«zj«J1‘y%and rhcP*eop1c3 for, ‘What Came ofall thofc g1aria»7'r2: Fprctemfies» i.r1ithc:A _F€r,1'dy butthe «+1engtheni~n;g2; of our mifs:r.ic:s,[«1>ya mag abo» A minablc: and uncAhri{'?::§;:%.271x Iéwmié t§1‘Pdz’fl3Wi:h~t%1€ King: >%“and Kingdom-3 % A AA A Confider, thftt my gmeam,‘ A jgzmwirn an:«ient%A ‘ ._§9V£W£[£§d£,:£$! /14} 1’ri€).§[£a{g€sa' butby rciturniflg tzmfim Ms M4.£'A jejfyi, fit: ofHa7zJ’?¢r. A Call up your Spit-:i':s, that at m::< pears truly flOb3€',,&f3d W‘o.*m:hy of ymur Ance;E‘¢«;«. ‘am A gmzrchafed thofea Hmaows at :1 higher ~1*;a_t,e3, 1'€fl_‘:>"‘i,,>§."‘k.,-!«ififizrlfitclvafitxe Ehatim. R‘emCmb»€r (nmw;§m::.z ;£*::.V::'&.§w;;sV%i.m::7: zieldit by cxperietime that Fideli. ty itathfi faia:s:ri:&A;;§#%¢.;2ve1lma. the Camm‘ of a Naéle mmz‘, and :b‘atAif’A2%zm2L'<;.* ‘0iraA4§*"xc:%~Crum2:c be oncecaii Lntothfi dirt, . yams a,.:»r».f:: . zAh:;;:«rrs<.t4:xt that will be "trampled an by thofe their 4632012: lmrue éwttilifmce/la. V L ;n. ‘. ‘ ‘ .5 \ , , 4' '.‘n v’! 4‘ and Sw4« 5i.'€.__‘ aw‘; ';‘~{__., , ‘.£‘,;w‘.a.». M e-'.’—* -§~ Ff"/I £3. » g *’7Z;«;§£,fi?ff{§f'3:E7'?;%‘a1fiT.13§. »€3amimé:, a great Statefmw, tzfmi be 2369 *vw*~ irzsm my a>;w,az;7=¢w.z';»a ¢.::1!l£v"z's' lifie, that war eM'e4w'aured afl Mr M msimgfk/Z Ziéerty? or tbarjimgkt ta pa: iwfiam or mold 51': Pzfzme iaa fi¢5ie°¢‘2io»,,«4 tératewcr (:4:-We togaad end.‘ -And, Mm:/2:’.«z'v;*3ls gives? it for a rule ; That tbofé S uéicéic wwéicfi 472‘,/Izgree mzfzfb téeir aweraigne, cammmlj: live ufiéappy , and I In werft endlcffe m‘%confirm 3 this (thy Lord)by AA ehxa-m-34 pm eu‘:».:o'!:" our awn andotherVAH£/hriex, facing they are infinite; only Jfllali fingle out one moft memorable in the dayes cafour Hwry the Third; aPrincc in whofc time .13;-3 gvme misfcsrcune, A and £116 Humors of t:he+Peop1c facm mxunAparaZ¢lZ?*with‘Amursat fprcfenr, in every pbint. M’Thi3Kjng bemg ouz- braved by :2 ‘patent Faéiion in Parli-— xarneAz1t,msby. thcmfe1*cedVto&r€fi.gne 1.: prim Kaayllfiwrd and Sceptar into the hands offmr and tzvmt] Pfirfons, 0%’ pate/%at¢ 9jcg£AjTisfi%:!ti,Wba firing étfqkt Witéw ;S‘a'z/cfmigyz puma;-,flmu]d take upomhemzhe: who1cAVG0m&'mcnz:.ofthc Kingdom, insthc: fa%mMer:£i1anner,; “agitis now Aciaimcd by your Alévm’,//‘rip andthe gmagdm ofthe ‘Commons; This being futthcr “ added forffccurity A?Z1%mxder the -gm: Smlg, and upon oath, that whcnfocver he at:-A genaptcth E0 aflhmc unto him the regal} power“ Itfbould fie laws? fidlailbixfiwéie rorifé agw5"fif3im»~ anaapparabam, an my oyglar 5:2fl\,(1[1:‘"‘__g5 49965 to him, A A : firangc Strange it is (thy Lord)lthat he ihouldihe eontioehtltoto he a mere ['1'];/yer, who to lately was the Figure of the whole Kio_gdom.! But M pt’OClig.i0t1S,that fo manytchoicge Sermtorx, fo mahy Etttlters and Judges of Lam? ahdfanfcimce,fhoulcl fo forget Godand them» {elves} CH5 to give their afientforthe totall fuhverting of the tegall t Authority, whertasthey hadall taken their corporall Oaths ( as ' your Lordlhip ahdthe relt have done) to maintaitze the honor of the King, and his I-Ieires and Suceeflors. Thefe trayterous _;em.:» and twenty thus fetledg continue the Parliament atpleafure, put the Kihgdom in a poltute of defence, place Groverners of their own chooling in the ‘chief Forts , nothi~ hate tandappoiht fttdger of A/]?z.e, Slmhifi} of Counties, Carorrery, Baylifi}, and diftltarge thofe made byithe King, (as your Lamifiip, and the refit havedone ) took an oath of them all refpeetivelyt Here theymacle the people believe they fhoulcl never be trouhleci with lzicmtiam Sovereignty again; but never more, as it proved ; For, thenevery ozteof them began tomvalue his owne worth, and hamimer his iiiheaid clam: projefix and defigne: 5' that might inlarge l i his ovvne powerand camrmmd. In brief, of fo many Szrévjeéir, ithegr became fo many Kings, and for one I<'.'ir:g there were four zthoi twenty Tjmmtr, as now We have t/dirt} Mitre in @679}-baufi, ( who “jerL1l_e hall) at Wefiwimfler. Bait £»gzmz(1ike old Ralméwjeainnot long ihdure more Kings thiah A one : Great faéhion and dmdzjfiwd arofe between the ‘pl‘i11Cip§’:ii'i: ; aemni fivvltich the relttaking into conlideration,‘ 8: finding thatibyifoimzt? o “my “Imzd: not ox1elyrMonarehiy wasdillolved, btlftFd5Zi0f1V’.’.£l1'ld»d'§:F i it l°Wtev§ry“day rnmialfed upper! th<=rm»fo W¥0Llgh:3 tlmmoll butfi::z¢iia~ gr'eecl,that the IC£22gr lhould he relizo red to h1s“ prz:/?i;¢e"'pqwcjr,Th1s /1’- “,treeWt was “‘3€hEi1Y°PP°f€dr.bY;73135fiveM4m5¢?’£;i%.m9%*5.Wh°1P T T tl1e1n%‘ratefL1llEarl of Le£c‘e_.§2‘eV was chieffit‘ became (th%f3il1'«tGq7¢erpz%,v yea gfriti§iioLf1$4l1?ri2ae¢~ Ehathad‘l1igl1ly’hOl10.1't?(’1 him At, lwhoo rew Laj¢do}2ér:&ithegreatefipart of the Kihgdoml ;iftet*th%ihm,etyihg butlfilir Liéeriy &'Re/z;g£an,4‘tho”Lagh then(as well its hoo:)tox?L7at*d“the V latterend otche W/ammo: zi woArdtofeitl1er. By wlxiehi i inieanesh he raifcdh fo;plowerfl1ll an ifllrmyi, that he ,fi1bd't1€d aallrtheiii;oy3gl4l .1?é1k‘El$’a iitook the Kingtpriifonerfifafriedihiith i&doWn_wih the Arx11Ay,Wfr0iT1 ‘ofpltace tojplalce,” to give couotettance"toahié,@toeeedinlgs. Btit liinowliiobfe rve A ]t..h€ jtiltiee or béahen, hwhoh he W315 in ’tIh“‘e _pr1dte,8c thought l_iim felf more recuregit p"leefedGocl i‘that tl1€Prf1;f£ r ;l;,o‘§_f!§tdela flmifti tolrecollleéi: fame 'i'catteredoi"‘friencis,i which in time gr‘ew“up‘to a13A:4r’my,‘w‘hegcm':th helmet 1:116 fit/iwper at gmeam in Wa7*ceficr_/bir%e%,=defeated» 11419 Forcvm , *and% 431'.‘ leng.fh% hxmfetf was V flame in the-5 Battell: -After which ~(n»ot withffanding .;ha;; ha had A have a. Prince too, whom heaven {miles éazpofi in beenshc very darzing of thepeople) his corp: w_as f%rMangely hand... led, -by the 1m11Litude,%whb wereflb inArag*ed agamft him,as the"Aue-‘ Athor emf all their miferjes, Vtha%+t(forme1'cfpight) th_ey cut offhisv head , luands, feet,«:mdprivy merAnvbers,and 7fc:m: t:A_hemA (1n {corn ) for 'Z‘_a&g:~z:,_to fcv_cral1p_laces. ?I‘wo%o‘f%his fo~n4n¢sw-erttaken prifoners ~ atwthic faiiififig/Jt5I§f)t}0f‘t7gE1'fC€’1’Ch€-y-m3*d*@ an"ef?:apedout'Qfpr1fon ¢ ’ and died Am1fi:*rAab!€: in Fraiemw. A I-Ks Coxzntcflé being b.'1?nifl1Cd,di~cd 21 Nm in Frame. His H07207‘J and pofilzflions were girféh ‘away; And thus ended this firy V./7/.fm='... or.-%in%a {fmA1cAh. Tl1Lzs"feH-ouAr'Eng1ifb Cmilimz (as M.[‘a-‘médm {files him 3) :2. man in flaetv fair%=and hoxmfi, but ~indeed zxirpmwo ingmia, V. profmciafi .perfidiz’£, bf 21 %p€Arv%e rfc: AandV:reac1;e_ro«us %difp0fi‘5tion,w%ho A1:rodWei’n the fauna paftzh ~'wAi“t1174iyAf<>=ur Lord;/£vz'p,’byw’§ndefiv0uTingV”Vto Ad4i- ‘ minifh the Kings Iqhozame ./12¢:/:or£z},to fub}e& hxm to the will of his .I zS‘,m9ja£2‘:,;to pulldowne jkfamzrc/:£mll..Gov€rn_men1:, and fer up a A »fa&A1o4usv0l:§gwroby; ’and %allv:fm1AderAvthaAtfaisrc~ (fornmovn prétcfnce , of A A «refioring R¢§1£g£ai¢to~itAs purity, and t:heAApeo%plct:o thetr%Lib2rty.%AAA Oh (my Lord) lay thfifcthings to~heart,' and co%nf{ider ‘ttiat: we the fame mannef, A as ordained to raven “e his Fm‘bcr.c_m‘0fl jufi Ghgarrall, and redeem A 49"‘-. himfromhismi{erab1e«(‘.¢p:£«zz£:y. Heaven and~earth4fecmtoco;r1W- 4, . V%%\_fpiréj;4agA*a‘i¢i1‘f!fyt)*u; an inconfiderableparty of. the Royal! .S't£cA?klei~.r A A %j%h:W}e,‘fV*b6e%hMable{yoL1f2e)*to¥APcand Aat?*Ab2ry 3agaihVfl:“**tha4t flmttéred wherein youpxace an yiour cofifidtmce and fafetAy.A What A V 7wiHye‘do,*wAhen thefloataijiy draw neareto A vifit you ? ‘Tis A % it%o2’1f’efs’d,t.heirAwming w%ill%beaR4me.a’} almofl as bad as"the D;f.‘. mfi», but yet thejpeoplfcare refols,/&d4Att> Abtar them, rather than you W at this height 0fTym.->mj%.4 % Bu-2/if yo ur Io-‘ales‘Were qiiickncd with 7% any one fpaark of humanity an/d pietytoward your‘ rfiot/def-‘C’dpt;%;-d = \ ~*wey,.mcthinks-age might: yet; takefome courfc toA*fl1ortenAtheirAAf’cay ’ here, though icA%~be%;now too lat to prevent their in.-mming. AAAARA¢-— V Waaaember that they (as all othcfr*‘ ..orrainer:)2feek their owns a”dv‘an- ‘rage, rather‘ tha'fn‘oAf thofe who hay pretend to ferve. j %‘A‘nd it {is 19 Rl‘)e%feared,tliis their‘ readAineffc to aflifl: all fid es,m ay b?ctVoVkAeep A the war by angw¢:1hzl{a»ca,Atill the Ki‘ngdom%‘Abc Afo?W”aAfted and ‘A‘gV:§%_5!.7_“§F1a§§§§£EEBQQSSEEEE4E‘1!§9;;“§‘1.,‘§.’§PwE 2fp<2:»v;er»A9r will V EOE ¥ through difl-afliedlion of ‘each party felf againfl: any undermining interptize- A it A As inducements heretmt-0, your Lara;//}ip"mé1;tl call to mind A the unprofitable Buzrrcmmflé , and tmpleafing caldnéfl} of thel.5‘¢:*oti/lilo foiAle,Aand Climate, theinvitieg‘ fertility, moderate ‘temperature, and moire pleafing wealth of the‘Kingdorn of England : Confi--« talilithe other ,; ‘acme it dierations? which firll: hroughtethe Swede: outof their cold and; . A haetrentA Kingdom, tomvade German]; and before thefebtitnes e i A have in all ageé oflthe world , invited thetNat£am of the barren, ') A eomfottlefle,cold,and flown Region: of thelNmla, A‘ to invade the l more Scwtlaerne, Enfleme and Wcflerng parts‘; either to get wealth" A or obtatne more pleaflng,i‘warmer , richer, or more tornfortable habitations,Wherein they havel fetled themfelivesll: witnelTe- the frequent 1nvafions of the Tartar: upon Claim and )I1_¢di.¢z; the in... eutlions of the Sarmatian: or Rzrjfimzsg mtol the lelferi Afizz and Palcffim; the Twrlgg alfo from beyond the coldtmountaines ofr Carmzfm, into the rich Kingdoms of Media, ‘IPcrfi.e,Zl»[.efapotem£a, Beéjlan, .4/iathge le{le;lll;4m&i4,ASye£4,l Paleflina, ia,«ndA1a igreiat llpatt‘ of owe; the Hmmx, and Longo£mra':‘opon‘ Ital}, l?Loml24dralyl , and part of Fwmce; the Gothic; and Vandal: lilatewife upon the Rama?! I?mpire,AFwmee, Hallcmdfitnd Flzmdmr. So that if your Lard/Zifi will duly conficlet thefe fore--goi —particul:1rs , you c;am1ot“but A A eoneltxde, that the Kingdlom_tuMns1t 1"elfeb3_z~ithe rotrafiaion of this[ivi!lWarrc,111to a condition, of hetomxtzg atprey unto thofe Scarif/a (or other Poram) e/fuxilieriefa which {hall pretend to ‘helpus. - A to AA e What remains then ( my Lord )but~that lome fpee;?;_g_= Iilllclllllllfi‘ A maines to hold life endfoule together in this hm z¢£jF;;'n:g7C<)ni£l1l33 V remedy helfought out to Ptoplthis fu~ti0u~sl cmcrlof fa emzze lmtivr; i we ftcmch the wounds ofliour bleeding Cozmtrpxvhiell hath lfheelfi efzihalilled already to the Vftrykearbfload, and ltl-mt is all mag; re?- II‘ ‘V A tion.Wehave paidldeetlenough (onei would» thirm) to epurehzxle H apdefiieafl Treaty, the only pr0per,éiure~~for all em; milferiel9i::il will not be forgotten, thettthe .S‘mi~re}r-r1‘llen cothilnegltt) p’e=ti tioii for e A it, iniie peaceable way, at Weflmie§?er,?tve‘te many of them lllolllllinkl A humanelly bmtclhered layyour Eimldimg who hefptittltliedl ofyour I:7mfcx.Wlithl their pAtecloL2si:él&.dd : wllxieheves tak”etrfot aCfK26pi:aAl::le Sacrifice, as appee ts b'yelyiet1rleil0rélered Tend’ {97i‘a’.etie1:ealAl ll!-:3 ' V {ltificatieon of thofe:blo0dYf¢’1!aW&f5:finlthefel.1ioiftlh:le‘Me6l.*.$jof”ere??? A Y Hawfit. A V (184) w A A.i ‘I ‘ A . 3% g;"13.x;1__t'hflE'2}€S givento the cbiefe of tlietnatthe “Ben;-A:r.c 0f bath iWere tzotathe I(etsrtzfé-men..AfOr the fame reafoni'ccminter-man-A ded, vviienthhey endeav0uredA to petitionm the fame imaimer, and" courfe taken by the Committee ofthe Camry, by Order frOfl1‘Wcfl~?. A mimfler, to%Afupprefl'eiitI1at loya11%Petirim, and the ‘Petitiwzerx, by Leiviees of hgorfe iatidfoot P So[_A that they were forced to afl'embIe*eir;owt1defe1;u5e,Aaned after, mtiritheredgand wgttied out?0f+al'i' Aby1heAA,fa,me, a£1_dfti€hV0th€r‘£iil3.inS Oft3L,1E’3y€i7"?fi¢}’. A A A 5 f3.vagecArL1'e‘Ity I-Vas-L1h€AdiinA iL.af32,c‘oZza.e=fl6ireA,A in thtowingv meenAheA:1dlongfromA :1 lefty Y7.w*ret~?i what ‘.Baréar;£fmgainoizg{t“ t11e,AAWc!/iIa,AiAin cuttAing~, fla1hinAg,aAnd nmngiihgthtzir Bodiex, and fene- *iidAAin,gAA_t'i1em*iAto Aheihipt awzw forflm/~es%%in fcirain 1’lm/mtiarzx Ee- An,dA21lAi this for no OA[i1{?:'I(€a‘.l1i‘<3 , but, indeavouring to bring "his- Mgjieefty 0?%ut of ptif:m,at1d the Kihgciomto eta fetled peace,by “a per- f_a;2;z/1Tre:zt}.% For the fame rezzfon alfoflit isgthaiti they ‘now perfe- CAL1‘Eé_‘.;h{;: .AVC0Lmty% of E fl}=x,:A with fire,,/mml, and plmzdex; bL1tAiA;:irCi‘tiOt able to make them yeeld up theirflefa/wiomt. A * A V e Ten 13:, ‘211%ye:iLord,AiC is highiteime,thtt.youA Abeteake yiom'~feh'esiAtea1~_h lytoa perfia.zm1JTre.¢z.t7, ;Wi-thf hiAs* l\/Izijef-iyg. The who tied takes Tnotiee" how that yen have flamm‘ed them, above theft: twb. A/Mfmtlagr "witch a fewfiarmntil Vote.» for the fettlement of the Kingdoimand yet no-—h ‘thingdone in the hufinefle to aiiy purpofe. The Czlgzhegins robes- " fenfibleofi that cup of fury and indignation, which Amuit of neee‘f3v tfiityg be'poh_wredVout u.ponHthem,in'cafe tI1ereAbe;anyA longer delzsz';r.«~ Theybehold the ihevitable lofli: ofrzmze in the revolt of A the Na... +32}; They know,1_fthe.war be determined *0nWeithe7r fide again by theifwohrdgthat therewill baa fcourge for their prefent Nczttraliitf; mApul,downi their haughty and r6’éf[[5.09I$~‘Jfi07”u‘IZCk._r. They are threat»-i med,.if the Ar!-‘IWA prevaAiI,to be gromd U) ptA>wdi;rr,& have theirtflrfiw A zullcdgw curtail’d,8_2: the-,ftrer;2gthA& Aglorye Qf their [iry i1efl?:nedi,‘as the only ‘oéfldclax in their wayA,iFthey.j~9tend to bring [heif"1‘~d¢:[;‘gm~ to perf'e&ioAn.‘And if thA€_Kii¢‘g'J; party carrythe day by force ofarmx; herrebeliious Ring-leadersi know the laws of theléingdam wil com fdémlithemforjZ"mitor:.And .tru%ly(my L0rd)being thus ptefled(”as tiheyate)Ao;t1 every hfide,I wonder with what patience they could put I-3.1 p th;é.ttriviaelA1h manly-gnfwer to their Petition for Aapgr/final! T2*mty; A it on the A27.ofI:tiz¢; wherin. they are bidden to refl: with ,:‘am£mp!£-- ‘eat flit/9,in‘jthe-goodneffeand careofAbo"th Hm/km, AAtouchin 4 4 gthe A setiftatbey htinge i!§??;£‘.}¥.¥Ei}‘!§ e!ttadYaIhat w(my Afawrd) you A ‘haiffi. 19 have pafiecl Vatexinepretéiecef0tté1AperI'onaI1'I’?rCagtiy, forono other? ‘ ehd,bL1t(actording to Y0LlriW’OI1E.€ACll co:::rfejtoforef’cal‘li t~hofe@R€fo+A lotions and Periz“i0m', which were going forward in mofl: parts" of it the ‘K i7{gr;[0Am, and therby to put them 0fiiAWltl1:a~vfI'iV0l011S Anf W61’; iftheylcome , that you arein debate of it alreatly. M _ A l A A 4.ButAl-ie,fie ( niy Lord) we fee where the Serpmrllurkslin this glorious flawli»%.’Tios true oyouahave appointed a C0m1TliiE€t‘:_t0_, conficlerof the remove of his Jliajefly fi‘0tnCarz°_/Zvraok-Cal7El‘€,in03?-V A A demo a rmry. But when] {hall It be .9 even when you are like to hold out no longer by force: All waies {hall be tried firfi, and ( if it be poflible) you will wade up to the middle in exam o to a :l'et-~ 1ed?Dmz';2iun.Aed where {hall it be? It is whil_'pereAcl abroad by every ooe,and refolvecl by your felves, at Wiwm'fi2r—Cal’tle;Wl1elref What Honour and FeeedomAAC3.h be expeéled in it pAriwzt::i'prifi;’7¢, the flrtongeil, ahclbefl. accomplifl-1’t in the Kingdom PA what di‘f-feteiace betwixt that Callle and Cazrifbroakf And what can be thele-fruits- 0ff1~1ChaTreazty?fOrA where all is done in private, the carriage of it will be mifweported, and the pl‘OC€€dl11g$ of hisMaje£Zy calum-~4 hiatecl. *Bm:- M foppofe ’ thihga motile com an o.lagteem;r~n; tl,,x.Azvihat V litgabllefolid afluimice cam t,lflC1"CAl3€ in it, what colour of fie.-mlame t tan be put: upon any Aft, done by his 2k./aje/3y,4fiwhilAe he remaines in the quality of a 7>m;n:zm~ Po A Peace thllS.Pl'0Cl.lw1“L“Cl may feijve tofi skin over tl1efafler’d womaal: of the Iiimgdoiti f'0'1*AAAa tim_e,but an jlio-1 norablefijulllgoaififm, anldlai1.a..{linglil 1>e.m,.l vi-Lzhich” may cs-ure and» fearch the wounidis to the ciore,CAAand ireftore the Kingdom to theta former luflre, plenty, and tranqt1illiAty, even filth a Peace cm he- A verlbe obtained in Ezzglzmd, tmlefl75: the I(img,be frceily and abfo-A il.AIA!IAAA€A”‘lV'i.i1'€fi1O red to his jull and legfell-Rights and Pte%rogajtives,with~;i out diminution or telhriétioln. he l o A F0r,.0bf<::rve my Lord‘) ifany.ofth.e Kin gs be Folt*cedZAA A from him, either by reflratnt oflnsporfoh or by force of L-/i?’A7'm.r, it ( can in no reafon be expefled, that‘he {hould be bomad by the cone “ élitions, fince that all pgtéilianx and ocA_ontra:he worth and Nob1em:rI2:~ of your c-/i77:r'eflar.r;aTl1et‘e is a price and power in syolur “ hands to redeem yor?r1rfiloe: and us at this*prel7ent,out of the owes l “ofthis A devouring rebelliousanclcontemplrible Packs offizltoww, which llcsrllll%~ehemfelv*es the A V tame, and cow’dout of all vertuous ARéfiiZat£ao:;*to'becorf1eel‘;S’l2eoas ‘ unto the of ttzeryf Slaw; ;_ whofedefigmv is lto“.~levell? the w—hol~el\lobnl1tyofénglandexcept-rtlbe»two-eor three that are in: ' -volved w'i~th*them in rhrs lafl: ldefperate Cmfizirmie; As~*Afor your ~Self, and the mjarypart‘rh=avtyfitwithsyou , toeeounten:mce_‘theit AA proceedings; they look upon you as not or them ,A though ye vote yalong with them ; and as ye came i.nunto%therr1Aforl ends of your A owne, rather than affefhon 5111:) when they have ferved lthelirtmzlr T upon you, and made fare of the fljominiong they lwiltlturn ‘ youlofl; .a;trd~u.fe youaccordingly. 7 1 £ A "V A A A A V 3, * ~ A For lhame, for {home then*A(my Lord) return in time; andwhat “A I offer*unto yoyurLordlhip, I wifh were communicated A unto the AA sreft of their Lardflyip: with you. Whatla ‘fmall Amatter it were tloi“ ’ ‘fl1ake’th1s}sI;a*w-2{<:+§¢::m 3;-mg xrmiy (th@%*§‘4 ca?aa>tAi%vewA> Ifiwgii Haw ga~—.musf"zy wmmi ya bk:-.5 2é.U»“‘if€Cf.:iV§?d'¢bV hi? IV‘i;fij<:‘fiy, Vwhq by his adnxirsmfie‘ paw» encm and equA£¢mgrwfM=n;;1dix1 aH%condi:imzs, hath givsm ;3}oo.;;-‘ mm Eh€tV’%v"<£3%Y»‘id3C}~”15-3'~11-Ehf;"iC8.1‘lf01‘gi$/'€ his Worftz mlexnics, and m;;n- qu§°::f‘_Z«’azr19y2m is ,% b§T’f€flflbR1 of his fem:ms% and £‘c::.9u~Il:,=%1”;?.% ::‘£j.@?'g"E?flfl"y/£973» max of that [;zim~fiifs:€ l1'un7zo11r, m mink g;,rm.m* .grej]fog2sb«;q.,rm1dthe cureof Pardon; for as in comnmm E:1un1;mi:c.g.; §m:+:;fl»fajaafiy v=»,~'m be «obhged to frmlc-: upon ymx, fa he xviii be new kfllz c(»xm:r1"m.d in point .0fI22zW'efl for the finbiiiagr 0f‘P€';’ELCC amfii % MC_om::aQr*d , and we future fccumy of ham and his) reaiigr IQ ~*f0:,rget a%iip.:a{-% Imjm*iw', and reward yiour p1'ei7::a1tc.;$‘e2~.;f % §m;a%”4:1,<,i"¢2 _§;=t1£:u:E’am tflgiixelfll‘ ziiézr :;*‘:etnz1?n,?nnd zmccyour. §I3;~.e%z&eceJg,Tb rs in ~ *-flu: an.” :f:is4%1Wf:’é1#{é