%=cz2 CK{j.M(jH:/f V OriginallCaufe of all the Slave Lig-%I1tIf:3ini11g % $3 0 Ra . _ A Difcovery ofvthe main Lgrounds? gxy in chc\Y!’orId, but chcifly in ENGLAND; Prcfcntcd by way of a Declaration of many oEVthc wcl-affcficdin that Countyfio allthcir A Poore opprctfed Country-wmen of E N G L N and aljb :0 the Conficlemtian af 35¢ fire/ant Army mitritlve Candufl Qf 35¢ " Lam? RA 1 J; as mx. ,Q$ ,...._; V ‘A A rife 6 Gad, fudge than $59 Printed in year § 4. 8,; g ¢ ""5? ; -n.".W." . . .» :41»; .-l ‘ ,4‘ 'nj',uj ' .. i i '., ,_,“‘ ‘-4? .'l‘[{’i“' - « «I-4* ’.~ ' :51 ,\,<"~/4.’-1-i'"?":“.;‘:-i~u"~'5’«i"‘»«'*' ia§'~‘.:‘-Q? -T7 r . "-g.—»...- '/ Light mininginsuckinghamaiireg Dtfiobsry A of the main ground " Aiorzginal Cam;/2 (fall A V26:-Slavery in tlzewarldfi but cbeafly in England .- pm-~ fixtedby may af 4 Declargztian qfmauy 0/t/as m1af- i feékd in tbAr~iCa}1nty,ta all their poem appefi ‘ “ . i ~ _f53di.Co7I22t7y mg?! vf ENGIJND, .e’;7’c. i ..» H ov A 1-: E L ‘I. 6 H1‘ in: Createdi Man . ~ imageiis his Sonne Iefus ,He{2. Inrerfe 2.. “g ,-...f * whois the imageof the Invifible God i: new ’ Man being made after Gods image or like-« ” "’ ”“ V nefTr:,and cneiaited by the Word of God, which word was*made~—~Flc:fh and diwelci amongtt us ; which word "was1iFe, andzhzt life the light of men, :1 ?0br-29 this light I -mike tofbe that pure fpiritin.mar1which we cailfieafon, which Jdifcufléth thingsiright and réfleétethi, which we call confci--% encei 5 from an which there iffucd out. that golden ruleiiar law, which we call equitie : the fumme of which is , faith Jefus, wbatfgeveryee A -would that men flaatalai Tdflvb" to you, daetot/25:11, d the .fLam$- mi tbi;-‘¢J’iraplaet:i ; and flasmrar pals it the royali and toj1ive~ this iprincipile is calid a* good wnfcience: » i and the creature}./Ian was ptiviledged wiith beingLord over 0- “ that inferior creacm:es,‘but not over his awn kinds; for all men being ‘a‘71i1l‘b fl“:ry<-3AWhiat“—tI3i{&ry ybr:Af'r:llrr', fom;hAey were incomj- ¢ n-ua1l"War§<;gbr9ad {and at ‘lait .Adivi$gi§d inn; %divifionsA%and1hé1d%% two? Kings A: “Eben V\:’ha}: Wofull cmll Wars aI3d'mu1-(haying-. or*hea110£%hc~r Forrhe Kxxugdomc : A«IreFeryo{,1toAthe whole bag}; of Kings to udge'%dAo~’: but read than of their.‘ firfi King %Aéime-..~ lack.rAVA%_crue1vr‘4y hick‘ was: Gidi om-. bafiardfludgex 18 _= %a1adA%A%§A2\£"u rt%axiAtI1€%§9, o%f7f.;zc15gv;r, &«C. A therflflhfi Akils ajhiS==brothepAqwj:h%: % V A ‘% cmpanylof.lighmellows ;% and Has Kings areVthc érooc LofTyrany, folikéwiféfighey;»w€1fe‘th€A‘firfl: thercbrbught in wars*,t fee Gm.I. :4. for their greaTtn€iIéxnufl: uph'eldAA‘bVy%mur:h¢:r and cr.uc1....~- % ty,rrasafb:efaid.,in femuch. that in‘1fie,'v-el.> 143. *men=ci.c>n 13 miidc . of in ugly b:3aPc‘—Wiah .{r:ven:Ai1€:ad«s;a:3d ten horns‘; which horns :. did ?periecute the 5 Saints: no wt. in ~Rew=l'. 1 7. horns. are %% there; declared to be‘King,s, f(_)’that Kings are %oFthe Beaif, -which is ~~ a power that makes allfubjct-69¢ co 'it,;_bL1I’0nC1y the M Saints ,; &c..: . ,Re'*val. 1% 3. and 7. A And faith the. Scripture ,' the Beafi: hath: jits.-pciwerfrom the %DragQn ,% .za¢~%wez;a 3.Va11i%d«4a» and: the Dra- gonin Ra"z2e1.Azo;.ar.%1d.x2; isthe1DeVi1I:%:ii1AdA.S‘a;tan, fo%c,haci§jsg‘ V plain‘ , ‘ that Kings a1=;e.Ao;f thfi Beafits, a1;dXfthéBea&is of7cheVD£:-- 4 Avm,-,: andAic.Ais:as plaxn, they that Worflnp the mug Worfl1ip]:he~A' Brirafi, and they that wor‘Cmp’thx:- Bea&VworfhiptheADevi1l,« % Ewe}. 1743.andA4¢v¢r1Z..AN"oW letus~a1iccl«e bw chold~ourvEng1i{h«%-: PQ1w;érs,% an »w;:;ch isAc1,}1<:d ‘:VMagi&racic% is A7Fram=Ai. the~,,1{;;nVgs; A Pattern»; Aandi h1SA1S‘fE'bt1), the Dc;v111;f0mhcVK1ngsP;rcdecAe'fli:;;=s5 4 T;hen.out1a:md:{}1:%ba£“:ard Wzl!£.:zm%cameMto%;bCaKiz1gpafle1I& 1aI]dS5i;t isfrorn raking chc: %AB<:afi§A;;;axf:k: M haw c>;bfs:%3r9ve the rich poiI?:fl”ers,incr0achers,i»m:lofers,&eyour A ‘ A %hefding§.,y(3tir;¢If§t;€§;3, .a_n.c} .§har«zcr$, and Lficrzngiis from fhe A%3.;, M A 1£4.ng,_‘; A v I A _ A 'I’iKil1f2*A, and alltenures and ‘holdings of lands=1s from yflur King, % yea%.a1~«AVVriciMngs,A Ind.enLurés,. Bands, ”Le:afes, 84¢. ism chi.-:< mmc‘and4aL1thority Df“h£ln»', ; nay j your rnoney% not lawfulg. it be ms: tiie%l§ingsAVcb§‘1n7;,‘ and his pxfture and fupcrIcrip%rionj "Sothat obfervc", tPxeAKing is madeby .you¢-your God%on earth, asGodAAis the God‘ of heaven , faith ypurLgwyersL::.A ‘ A therefore a11L;Lw¢s,. %Wriis=,A.Summons, %Wm-rams, Patcnts.~,p_ ” “ ;&c,’mu.Pc be in «this mama 5?; -A «nay , the ~Par1ia;ment7i%fWi11% fat... tie 2norhi:ng‘ WitwhauAt..:%.him’;,i yea a1};aHonI+o¢ursmu& ”bef;ro%m:_ h?im;,‘ New A then :markA if this be not all from .:h,e/Bragon 1:; V A aI1d%%theAAPrie{ksV toverifie this, fairhAin“tIhe‘ir hingitalled Prayer,%M ehé Aisfupremchead ofchcir%Church,.Ecc1e 1afiicalasACi‘vil,next:: L :%Aundcr%chee~%andiAthy Qhfifl; ,% for that he is their»%third1r»Aper{on» of their; Trini%ty:5j fo the£riGod% ,A‘ A«::fc:n%der of their Faith; {NOW hAer<2?‘is4 the blafphemy in .1133; «azerfl a5%.% Afindinthe tScA0riflr1 Covenant, one Article ,0?‘ their Religicm is cancer-s fining his ifacredf Majefiy ,A 85c, and Kings arcithc orxlyuchiéf e.upho1dersAofBaby1onV¢: fee how-theyAw.~cep achcir cinwmfgll ,£e=zx.».I 8?. %x,vhcn ;buyingafid fe1~1ing.ceafc:th,v<8cc. A ~ ~ L g %NA,¢.w;£1:iends.,wi1at;:11:we we to dorwizh any:oFt:;hefe %unAfmit-z A ‘fu%1lAwc3i'kAs bfdafikheffi A? ’ Atetus take Peters advice, I Per.i4-.3 3,, % ‘Téza time‘pzzf23 afaggr %Za§}‘3’fm:zy‘:¢flice tk»¢twe%%.I:;a-zgeA«nrra:;tg}g¢ fig;-jA’f mu; ~tla_¢;- gantilexgw/can we mzlkcdin Zafcéviam luflx, exceflk wegf*22.¢¢i3¢e‘,Lia.=é'z{?1Zi:ag;: 5%“ lvzznqnettinig, and aéamimrélei idolam-}r.; 4l€i‘3t?l1 S« mix: receive’ the Be7aPcs~mark, .le“a0c. that the %doom%%%ix§i ~ ATRW.-414%. 9,1-‘o. «befall none of user: but Iecus “oppofe :he:Beafl1yT power-s,4and follow (fie Lamb whitherfoever he gee ch..% A A " I ANLDWA here is Ehechief ground. why; wicked men {Rand “ii; A AfoVi:A5:a uphold alt-1 I their confi1fed;%';:cx:ue1ti%es and in; A j 4.c¢i’c%s%%as%A:i? fefaid; .:1 amid hefiein upholding? "him7,:hey~ .upho1d«{~thjm; A AA i~pf£)Wéi° that mm up, ('by~=A: Y vChri.fl: 3l1ath*called:!th*e’ Saiuts.< tmlight theergfotef‘ .Vthey are to walk aschi1drenof.lAigh—t~..A V _ A A . PA A ‘ M 3:"-,‘.; The Saintsiare to have nofe1lowfl:1ip~wi!:h~Be1iaI:A7buI:: thepowct aforefaid“isA of Belial ,1 nherefore hgavcno fzllowihip _ A Thcpcafigeris tfV§eArcfiI¥ édA3£; ar%1%c:{ feEeA%thep15;>mi%fe,f;oa: Adcmption by Jcfusg cc) ret&orcA all,.A:hings.%; faith ]atnes,Rej£/1‘ the ‘D¢"m'l,A zmd/we mi}! flee fram%wya1:;:.. flzis we have experience Aofichac wA=henfoeverAche Kings paws: r % was manfully refifced, he fled from the :r=efi£‘:e.rs..A A _ V A And therefore rhofe ca11edA:he‘I.eve11ers_, theirArprincisp1es%tjo VA fi'eea11.,a1ikc'Vout of flavery , are A mafia 4and hand’: in reafew 1-rence to the matter of freedome :A for% it A is «the: end of the re; A And; code this, the 1:emovall%of“the 7King1y power.wi11 be 3.-~;" main*forwardn~efl%:A and indieed the King1'y.ApoweAr‘ is the %b%::--¥- ing.of‘fI'yra;1;jy; for 11:‘ n0'.‘K1I]g"j no LordL;.%,nor:§0EBa§3yioL1.S;Ware» abm1:t:,:and they wmtifint ' 313 about their nfé‘c?:k=thr:?y. mayvsbeethe be‘titer,Ahear&,&c. New ifthe mug go fiown, ;whac will beccmeofthc .Priefl:s were think you? and Tyches goes down. A A A V .% 1* % The like Gfaflbafe Ccsnwremicans ofmen efwhat kinda {'0 what. Bu: naw theyhandf xmnthat would h1.vcwliI:z.cr£y;».c;'3;'cirs dzmzn aii incereiizs uvhatfcever, and to this end. Iacéziefircss common fi:i~_.;'§1f3T11~'i équisyt, which confifls ofthéfe p;zrticui;am fdlicvwiflg. A. AA . % \ v n 3:. A jufk; portion forcachman to live., :hatfo11oaeA%need m begge or 1‘1;e31%e% for wami, burcvery GU63fHayI'—1iV.C3e1€G3‘fl% for2:a‘o1y. ,1 ‘ . % A AVLA 5A A :2; Pia ijuflz Rule For each man to go ‘by, which R%u1e* is, to bé foamciinficriptixre. [ A , -: y‘ ;=., . 3. All mmaalike u0der%t.he {aid Rule. which Rulcis, «:30 ten anozhcras arxotherihould do tohim: So 1;ha:ejze..¢:fbfr:x€-ye, A moth:f0crooth, hand «fbr hand, &c.“ and if'anyonefio1‘c:,? ta I‘e&o::4.9;.iiILc§x-r ~tion?::d in the beginning. A4 A % A - Now in. Hrael, ifa man were poem then a pubiikc. ‘maim -tenzmce andflock Awas ta be wprovidedwi ra%ifc:.hi\fm.;agaii1§$; weuld a_v1lBiflr1Qp‘s"l;é,nds, EorreFc:1anéis,:,ja“nd Ct.b\ay'n-;l§iL:1d$=do .iuourALsmd.%, ’w;hich~ the%apofl:ace;‘ Pa£1?1iAament n‘£cx1%give';r_d*%-‘ T”r§3ai{i1t‘e“r%Lo1*Vd Barons 05 the Excheq uer,and I. kimw no; Whétgreat C?:i?ccl1%A%p*o1es béfidts th€{€“; 3.11 L0 be fikvorne to theiL" dread Sovcgraign Tyrant B;..a{’c,.&c. And (0 beingright whclps broughcup—co%r-cm, devours, rob, fg0i1€,tyranA13ijfC 85:. over. E‘h€PV00T%%P50Ph3% '3‘ W5“ tffitirdread Tyran r, as he hath ;_‘€c<:'iv<:'d_.V power a~nd-dignit%yy1f:'o"m~‘ the Dragon of Devil as afo:‘c{é;d3, c{é>1:h{hm.:er, ifiwrcézfi can ,”A and alléto-bedaggei%chenj with it, with hairy s\ki%z1d R;o1bes.~,re5:n1biing *:hef.1bzle nail)‘ Eox.w§ch ' %§ais;di~r:y tayl. And becaufe the-Lord‘ Keeper, PrivyS:£a1, and T~r€afumrs loVngta£1s1hou1d noztdaggic in the dim ,, "they gfiuft have another VVSycopi1a"nVt flavcapeecc soycmy “up {my them A “With their hatsoFfc:1ox'n%g hmnage to their brc§c;ch,“% Uh hejg gm @:>fva11ba%{enefie$‘E~” What; Wiil they cz=ec=p“in one another: arfcgg‘ . for honour 9 Why, ohkhis Majcfiies breath of Honour itmay be News <::vt2t_1"hirc, and therefore he holds4up his gown that it might b1oW.«him+rhathe1ds it up; and"‘mak¢s~hixn be cal1¢::&' M 5i1's.; V‘ Likewifc“jtho%Afe men thus hoiiouIéd_’m u{°c have a gucy-gawA filvmr .3§ac$.carg-zcc1_Vvbcfp§¢glgem, with a%C mfié a; top: on? fit, :9}- _A % A V A , . -‘ % mew“! A 7 (*9) , they havetheir Title ii-win the Défenfiereef the Popiflr. Erich ; the Lord Keeperlhaving zr Fools-liable like a Purfe car» ried before him .; nowlall- their Lawyers , Lye-rs me twelve jmlges : Bellies with their mwrred Caps; and Serjeancsl With their woma.r1ilh‘Coif‘s and Pericora on their S?heuldei*sl,,i with rheir Barreftersl, Acrurrnies, fire. r HOWb€it,.I:he;_y rob anti. demure the people , {hiring who {hall mall play the i€L ozd—i;n‘anAccs«‘ 7°G’odf,..- ncw allgchisais bn:a§ bArid1es5% in thy jgwws-,Vau~db1incl€s?; A War thy cyess, ?that%t&hOu%%A1f1%Dfi 'bRE3 ruled by tfie'% C;-hutch ands iheyv. arexhy fen‘c:mies,A andithouinuft belctevte them .r‘; and. keep» thy ft.-%1f7a; ’goodVS4ubj<:& to thy Pzfim:_c",, the cond~itio‘n is goo<3»A;%=«:. a3,:2d¥. by‘$a1w.l chcfg: arid. a, th0uff.md% tt«*i;;ksd~ more vr?hFcy% due igiciild thee £oVC1:u{ery:this A five; hundred yams axudmqre ,, awe by rhii x I 1ea‘n;<’; the Kiiiig ggnd hAis,.Crcatures ride”: thee in -::by,. fiatesandxéerfofis and»Labours.AA A % A A ' 4 A % A And-the PArie&$,oAver thy Confcicnce and f<;m1e%, and keeps} zzhgfe ins é111igno,x.'af11ce énd:m31ice;afiA&4«f0r fténydoing thyPri€£?cs% an: thy .Pri:1cés‘and bc:a"re7x:%u1§:‘, and‘ Fcsr Acheirvfo bewitchmg chAee4 they% come by their %1m1ir0pria;:-iznnaand fa: Benefitsi: and in is». _fm¢1;I_1ofe fat Ben;;~fi5ts that~ma}ke-s: th::1;n.;'t1rn%changc:1i~ngs,either t9,“King oi?%Parhafri1¢n!t, which wx1l2.bef’c;.5 fixmifla that‘: kich»irig_. Ti1,1ér€fQté0fl*’ thofé 1‘0r§us- and Alfie angbmore“d€1‘ud%ed byn, =Afiéjvoic%¢offA* % %inMA:he%Scripmres and A Saih;é;%4f4gmii nytifgxjrrtzre‘ Tiths Atcgn chefs %».1*~ijef»’c$~,;;1ea5z.ca*B:~ 6&2’ 4 :fip‘£:%ju‘t:'bxfzii.1ab1e d~scc‘ivcrs.: A 6 ‘ ‘ A AA 4A A M1 Gharf€ii£,P&:M:¢DtS, W1 C°fPW€i°“3AA W&5:dA€V%i»fcdAVA0I%¢A- 1y,_co uphéldifié K~ih gs% ”I’yr%.ifiIiy,GA2‘c~a*tnéi~Yég; Itjfsgug-:rV"c:& Agmnjfl, ,;ijc;;aga1,£e, ;_c1xc»p¢op1c,AdidI.4ri£e £1} many parcgfor their Privi~1edges.. and Right and¢Vh¢Vbe*ing fh’afigh%tsV ‘and <“Akn;Wi:nr:ve:ignAevrsg c. Lgggl ' 7{ife.g'h thLffé,P$ltE11‘.tS am} Gmcers in; allrpmpuliaus Civ... A 3¥i?%$%"M§*¥d§‘T9W“3>¥*5“*i¥§’VS55?1i41"?h¢‘i1?R*&“3‘“°Ehéid $¢1fiW~ A V A _€har3Sm;s~, fl;"‘I;;ff0§iz?%’éV Q87? Prinatifi g“‘r*avg;_, bam¢tiae4,A%“me£r«4%Amm«iz2xtH F 1%p}riric¢5fWau2‘,D’bagié2§azr%§i;5:g~gt:zr%mi 131% ;mr “ avrsimz;«%‘J"of¢r9»a;. W N A AA “('11) _ ~ 1 -Why ?* Markethe "better to ferve-and d£1re{ucteiTors;( « is the end-oftheir graemz ) then a11ToWns and Ctiftams wharus-e Vfoever is‘ due to us and ;our fqcceffars I?‘ We beqgueaethw :10 e2:e- , famebody Corporate; ( and every bufineflé. ¢muii.bee{w’orh,e’e:a be the Kmgsecreatures) then out of that paeckghey ha.ve.powen,. V to choéofe twelve Aidermeen fbtea Comtntmvcovtanfell, and. they an be {Worn again .- _ {hen out of :his- ftuife, all the ~Bu,;gefl;_.s%eetO_.. ‘choofea thingcafled a Mafor,e andfhe alleto be fwornew the; Kings :” theneefhe {hall be 9.. -_I.uf’c-am: of Peace and Coram , and‘ ehaveafilver Harcichpak or my ca11‘d a Mafe , c:1rried7bef'ore “her; -and fhceanedtxheer twelvee A1L=1rI1 our CQn’que—-~ Therefore lea Bnrge‘£Tes=hence‘ imth beeno mare fa c;Ii'ofen,:. A ‘ %A , i the WeeL:afi'e€cede i.ngenera~1Ie_.. A V" we to Viheweytssugae as 11 canceiveghew‘wefe‘rmthea.* 4 ;;:aw.lfax ee-e€nr.ee+e its 3! Wfiam 39- choofe efueh Burgeflesr fair the Parliament, as will for J < - cum, We gem mray: 3;, A '5 A;eeAeeb¢.; (:2) ;béVexpe&éd'ibyda#Pa fliamient as it new Psafidédi? “ A‘ d i Out for-c-Fachcsrs cheAB rixrmm, being aicogerherm.flavet;}r, did riféin many pcirdcs, an diwoL_1ld_not endure the fi3"V‘-TY “£05? faid‘; then the tyrant and his brood ,- nowbié $0 °V“3"°°m°» d grants: Padriiaxnenc as foiloweth ; eii1ei\P~eop1eEo.ipi%fiY i{t,1."33t;¢- V or declare their minds : to :his (end, to iclfrhoofé me" to ‘W35 3- " as ful1i:2weAzhA,i .AI . The Free haidgrs cd3iérAy County C0650’-3?? M two, which fhould be ca1’d Kmghrs for the County 3 31341 1113 A:Pat:encecTuWns, each to choofe v_EdWOII101i‘€.‘*, whi-ch;fl10U1d be ca1’d Burgeflés, and ti10fErfi?Qu1d_1‘it Fori1th‘<3_Cc:>}1U_U'Y 5 305; b3 -caid a I-Ioufc of Commons; and have a firpixtive v0ice,to aihzrm V what they would have'done,%andt‘h«:: xnagor part to cm-y1t..A V wm;-. A the Government as it n_owi%flandsi: 3. And they will not privc his Succeffor :7 and in King Henry the eight: rimcj , when 2., Pdrovidrsd, that he would have a Houfe ofPt:crs:!:0fit F6? ,4 rfiiin Froinhis PrerogativeWithoucE1ecfl:ion, by his Par€I_1€,a“d A dchofe to havean Negative voice to thwat the -Commons ifahey Ap1caie,and ifchey am-:nced'ro the Commons, then 55310!-lid-‘ be an Ordinance; ifchefy did amt, chmail the Commcms did” Afhouldbe null; and ifrhc Commons and Lord , 01’; 5135 H103? partdid afliznt ,, men the King to have a Negative voice; and no La ws robe made or repealed without his confeni: ; andif‘ he cqnfented to it, then it dfhouldi be ’ an1f\&,ii and motiicty- 3. A Before any fitting to Vote, izhey are id take thefe. Oaélis asfailowech, ~ A _ . A H u 1. Thacihe is their lawful! King: 2. They will not al A _ they camera be Prieii ridden,‘ that he is Head of the Church, M V‘ have ever {incc itaken; V hard , for file People rdcheat z:h'emi : for firfl: A Major &: ~Ald¢;rmcn: and the Caunrygbut await: a A BCcl'i:‘fiaflalIand Civii,dSup1-em head &c.DefZ: A M nder cfthe Faith, and fucirbiafphemcs: andithe‘ieioachesA, as it: is manifcftchey Ad Now obfervcyour Woijthy Parliament, firfi fhc: Kii‘ig:is“f() % , 2% 3116 Mg!‘-Caitét‘ number of the Commons are chofcn by his Patcnree Burgéflés thofcaf the'Fre£ho1ders,iwhichhad thcirfhecdome ogiggggdfi mam, and alltfie pcopieielfe {hut by from choof‘ V with :h‘cirNegativc vpicé. ‘ I 3 % G,‘ 1 2-Th-‘Kinghaldgh ai-Ioufei of Pace.nc[ceLo A an if .h (M) The King hath a Ne‘ga:ifve hmfiee ,,4.$mdthat is the third? State to Ballance them himfeife. , A 4., In the Houfe ofCommons it {eh-, the King hath the big» e{’r. part, even meet two to one for rnofi , all thf.‘ hfiurgeflesebe A for-him , and the major part carrying it by voice. Now what’ is this bucfa meet cheat, and obierve all the Cmnieles '£'mn*.~2 Baflard William go [barley and upwards, and fince, am} it will appear that Kings got more by treaties; then ever thheie Swami cotxl.-d have done, and kept it longer, beeeufe new their tyranny was vfetzleai by a Law _., and the Peopie fwom: to thofe Lemfsgthey thanking they have gained mh*eedo;11e when indeed they have given away their freedome by «their Parha-»-~ meats, as aforefaid: and now we fee, had E‘30tGC=d1I}0\‘e’Ci thxs; Army to prevent: tins Treaty , th1S Parfuamemt had umrrlyh cheated and betrayed us into our implacable enemies hands 3.-=“h gain; ai71d_h3d'{€tE1Cd the whole N armme power again over 1233,, B1oodihed,&.e. Befides ah: ngany Cuches the Comrrfihs :oo¥,.; to free us ; {O that 6'/Marla: had like. to be fer. up inm ‘his ty» ranicalle Powerfagaih; but new b1efi'ed‘beGod , the Next is broke, and we are efcapech h 1’: nd for all our tyrany the Prh.fi°s: are our Inchanteres, and ethofe chae preacheeiehit up for their own bellyes fakes. -4 e “Now King, Lords, Commons three Sgatesi, 3.s_it hath been card, the mac Home.(as ieoraceivehn Daniel the fevemhegh nocwithfianding gilchis lighttmhVecen:rary ,Trea{u_ree (pent, % forhit alterethfroxn all «other zyranieall Powers in the world’: H whatever : fczcondly , the King is head ofrheir Church , as 3- forefaid e.-- th1_t'd1y,th€y ahzer one tyramcall way, and feeup an-» ~ ether .:. and ezmnmke up a thing c:d’d Religion byone Parliaa men: , and ehxzfow ‘it down the next Parhamem and fetup anion. A A {her ; {o here is changing times 86c. and trampling under feet. And the bafe Priefls,the Eeclefiahicalk Szatexpreaehethall rhofe Bowers and Conftituzions to be '?1¢re divine. 0 vyretches, Wrenches, the biack gard oFSat-an, what willbecomeiof them. A a FINI&V A e h 1,, Kings 12.. 16.‘ So “W/den all Ifmelfim that tl:eKing bar.-V mad mt were t‘lahem_,htloc People tgnfiaered the K ing, A faying 5“ “what ‘7’o29tihi272 _lm