Ar1*aEgn€c1., Ccmvified 5 J ‘W”":mm nmihimg; bafi: U 3 0 Wherefn yam t'2im_“y“‘4£f.WC}2C;“&“$EIj,~' «;i'if&;«:—1'n AH the blcfllwd F1*uL't.s 02“ t1mi1'£~.§1@v*€.*11‘1’eza1*s Sm?- fion, tfllldillg to the 1?’j);z_';’3;aimz:z:~" of G053, the Rzzimv evf the :.’.;’£m2«:r/9 0,-*' ti."/’m_',/¥' in zthis; Ki1’;g;dA0m1, the TJfl»{*:'72_{gi.n;g* (If )f":_£A'srLrhvb/’l~:’:";:v:j.s’J/f}*., E3143 D6-‘fl"r245z’“z’0fVz qfaatr?’ Lmm, [HE £'%7}li':«"c.=:’¢i'2{*.»':;z;v2v zz_]‘"‘]‘:}'z"mzi;{;',, mild the pm~pet'2mZ Ifarzzlagge «;3fUra .§“;"s:w:~«*'J0;«';z Pwple. ' Written in ti1&:?”mzr q‘fI»Vo77.s!ar.s, I:>c*:Eng; the Eig,;}1t:h %V‘x”ear of the: Lurcls anti Comrmms cliflbaafabicci at W¢y'z‘n2.£;:g/1'::2*; % V I4: “:31” Tom TY K A:.1~:rI~:H:> ~mMMTw:; ¢ , zz[27.r2ms*, _ M i 1 M E R C U R 17.) S ]W. .l:';x;4 Z‘w7{:'yZ7¢27L}:}.31 _ ‘V J_. V‘ 3 {WeIl~w1fl1m* to all frxch Pazglgrmientts) A To thcirEv€:rlz1fl'iflg Gloxw ..4i;*2c2;~z. ¢ Prinmd fear the Publick Vieaw M at! His Mas.j:*fl:w;’.«,: fr-.airh«~» fm!%S'ubj:3:r.5Es; and are to be‘: Talc} at the mid flfign of 2%: 23134} go Leak. Anna Dam. I648. v ‘A 0 all or none Haétflyle them/Mélvér with the 'T}'tla of true Englifh 5 yetyozz mi/lfigjy, t/mt’: 48:11}; % Well, let it 173/25 the Ifingdom [ball lam/:9 at Si«’:iI1;.,,% Head, and E-Iorns,~ and the %ParIiamem: the Badjf. Hereyau may flee, and not/Ea :3 lmzm, Jifldfiat hear; W judge, flflfll mu: judge; what tint Author lymz pm.- fintx, is for yaw‘ own, not at/2er5,Gam’ 5 you mm mm» der are wary /irorzg Delzzflarz 5 the God of tlais PV7rld barb /Ettledufmr/9 d Dimmfx an yaw Eyes, that the ‘ Catarrhs are a1mo]%..irrccawml7le ; only t{as Author, pm: of am aflefiianate Zml to the publlck Good, Imt/9 campozmded this _COlIyri11m or Eye-Sa1ve, ‘ whereby, upm t/aefirff Receipt, you may mflly dzfcem _yom'% pm’/i‘z"m’ Imzedom, yam‘ pr:/Em Thraldom, yam-A Sovercign’s ‘Mifery, ‘and the Subjaéfs Slam Very, pww'l’d4i72%pl4in Engllfh, by A A V 1 Tour welI~wi/Mug Primal’ « Tom» TY1iANNo»~MAstr1x,,' A alias M ME Rcwzvs MELAZVCHOLICZJS, A 2. Ta % A To Me W52?/5. Go fizzle Creature. in szhyr, pom‘ %Atrir‘m And cravea Kifs at ievcpry Hand than meets ; Although "sh-:3-u halt nu Merit to admire, H Yet he the bulder tho‘ thou beggefi: i’rh’% Streets. If xh’a:f~k, what am*?4 bid them lock; in and fee, Then T%en% toflne: but than fl‘.mIc% welcorrm be. To 221! true Szxéjefin As‘. a Cu-partner in your fad ACorz*:pEaAit:ts* A A To hear rbe%do16ft1~iSighin;gof' yeuzjfinuis, V I tnlly ibrrow, yea my Spirit faintsg. % To (33c=.:% yam perim :<:h%ro%’}:h%e proud Conzzmuies” Of F.e13ion 5 yet Res: this your Hopes mzrintain ;% Tf3e‘5'un‘, K/Jo’ bid in Clozm’:, will [bi-flfi%ag4:?w. CZ“a%&t£2cAParIiam¢nt. A They Rumble Faun, that going, gV:a.z:=;o:a Stars 3 Youirlofry Flight ‘doth piredicata a. Fall: The fiveetefi: Sinsg; vvvhcn *fl*1'ain’d I20 ::h"*~highef’t Jars: He2.~a~I<,%,% how 1' swift; Vengeance‘ cranks “must F uneml. The? Heaven hath fee.-m'%’;’d to fmilagamd Tirne comply .~ A A Your Doom is juflg mad _yoi.1* cozidem%x‘fid~to= die. a-......... A A Swpe flmflrcz ‘cam: pmafixig ab ilice carzzix. A ( 4' ‘was ) ~ W \ 5 «‘ l ‘V . ;y: \ . ' ‘ ‘ v ‘ , THE V _ Parliatnem Arraign’d, “ Here ftahds,l al11.ll1lflr.andbetwé,en’£hTel&,.4:~A A lamtick andl lllflucalidanll Seallslg, lftalredsj wlilth all ‘t‘]:."e‘ lchilefeft Trca;f1;;17e;s,_uflll ll Nature; for =‘M-artial A‘¢l1iefv€:m:,mts~; hnnourable through the World, lfanmas, ::li;n::;lth;¢l PT*:1‘odu€’cionTa{nd Golvernmentl of 11'l}aflY; gl~orill;;1us-ll Kingsland Princes, whcre Pealce did fpmai(l=;ll3leI_flll , filverl Wings; and Chriflzian l.lnity., '“f:l”‘QlW'l{l-thfl V root of unfeiglned Love, did branch ltfelf1mtoAl the farthefi: l Boulnldlariesllof the Landl;all:l‘th;a«t~th=e; n ,~;::.’No* foo1ie;4r~was i:h.i3s Hue. and Cryiim fzeveml Gfipiesdifperfed no the;aMe%fc§7 mf the fou%r}W;ind%s,7 as “if Heaven a”nd~A* had comfpijr’d to- gether ag.ainIh Treafon‘ and %Re~be1}i&onw, Eflaejr m:nirmt4.heAiVrA% Fm"ces:, .th*el 'W.imds Vbellaw, the V A ;MiWax£emb%eAat*, the Earth tr*e>m“b1es at the Thmaght ‘fimf «;;;i7u;crh an h%ideoWus Malefafflcofr : O%Affit0e¢fis of all degrees, fufpend the .naceffi*ty~of thVeir?%acn%w;n »Af-» _f;airs,1;g>%%p1*o{‘ecu»te tha Qldmmand. _.A.t laft, one §”\«I1“.7,‘f2jg‘£b‘h”¢2f~Enq:zif)’u Canftable fO1‘,t he% City of “J>.?{”q/?~:¢;¢T§%j?er, (according to his accufl:{0m’d Vigi-» 3ancMy)i“‘:t:i§>on Vprivy‘Search?,Vfound the Body of ‘zhi%s%T’raytAor divided .iI1to Me%m.bers: fame of t;he'zn'” i,i‘1V:i?$?1 BaWdy~l1oufe., fame i11Tavetfns,7:fome Lin Toba‘ccoéIhops, fofm”¢:” licking their Fingers at fa; Thrserpenny Ordifnary.,vf fomc lappirig Indes- p:ndenj:‘}E’lumb-broth _ in’ the Devil’s Ce-c{>k4room M V1~ae11%inWe/imam,/zgr, ifisme at Goldfmighs-‘ Hall ”atDi.nner,11nade of the Faf" and Rapine pf A the ‘Pm-x>16a ‘f'9'm¢ making G0m*poufldS 0fVma»n3'A fim-- 1P1AeA%Da1iu‘qu€=nts, fomeA héa found €‘t9r:m4enting 30u14s‘i;iA :h¢~ACompofition of Tarber. %fomecafiing "itr:a"n‘g‘e§VG,u:1S%,, %and O?rdi,nances," to ~b£:a:t down Religidn ahomut the; Kir1gd?0m’s Ears, mid to 'bat‘” .terourfuAxidamenta1 Laws to MOMS» awnd com» mand the}%z$?l1‘o1eEItates of the Land under their Xfame, as bu.fya s "Bees, gathering A the C«.r:-.- 1 ¢~rap‘:umHQn¢Vy¢moneyA.of this me into ~th"eirAow%n Lfiives, A %' Which fevIeral.Membcrs, Mr... Di» Z.zgen%:,g%%E22qu£ry having.“ gleaned into a Body; 1 y1,mu"gYiAt%f%b‘¢fOAre% Mr.‘L%cg:a1 Authority, ]uI’ci«ce of the ‘Page and Qgzartzm ; Wwhfl finding the Ma1efaL-- _8;q x€guil1;y 0fmanyA~b¢1d Ab_t1f€S, b1o0dY,~rAeel~A lions, A and Aigncomparabie Treafons, mmmit to theAAcoLn;;g1on Gao1,;1ihet"c ta rem.ain, fwitthout V A Bail w( 9 D A Bail 0!’ Ma§nprf'e‘,. & “~§Loy2-al-Man. A ‘% Common~Ix1tr:re1’c.(’_§‘)Honef’:-Man. 3 __A11egizmce. A W 3:~=; Cflxiet-Man. 7 "Confurmity. ‘ ”‘~%‘§“%“Wc11-meaningMa11. g 30rthod0:x':. (N :3 Enflavin_g-Man. ? gm "Unity. $ ALOR»-A11. ‘ A’ 3-“ (ff Charity. A Undone. § A Parliament, /74C»zlefia:fE‘ar. A Mr. Neccflity, Profmutar. ” jealoufies and Fears, Orphans Tears; A févwfim A Blood, ’ A AA Publick 1'3aiAt:h.,, {A.mffJAA Widows Sighs, A Soldier A(3anfciecnce, Am ~""”” % A.ttorney#-General, Eqmy. A AA A A Counfellor, Naulflribr. AA A _Synod, A [ I A A_»g « Scot, Plai7ztAz7fi'.r for the 273*»;/Ema”. AA AA II1depenAdenc‘y.,’ A A A A dear, eflbntial to theAprgAfecuting Aof:?Am:nrA Wegk Thus the Coprt }3eing*_Ac01np1eAte‘,‘ AI mufi; prefs fome neceflary 1mpo12tions13pon Athefieaw A. MA A ( I 0 )‘ in hzahd : Thelffiyffift’, ‘courteous Reader, Vundezfw fiand that we {flail pmceed as nearas we can in %order of a Seffiontaj whr::a*e the Court “hazing-5; fat, the juryximpafig-:17d~, the W‘i'tx1ei1“es fwmrn, the' is <_:ai1’d no the: Bar, his Indificmant is Aread, and aAccording to the Evidence braught in againfc him, he:' is found Aguiity of High«1"“rea~ ‘fen, again{t God, his Kixugw and Coumtryg, aw» zraigzfd, comriM8ced% and c0n.dem11’d.. Themfam, far Brevity fake, we {hall pafs by ‘fdme%ti1ings asunneceffary, anc:1 pmcseed an order :, T§3:x';.*re.. fore, Idefifire theeto inmgine rm Cnurtfetg the A Jury fwom, f:—‘:"~i.':.% mad the jaylior (:0-%m.manr:ie%d to AfcéAtti1e‘Pr1%fonm* to.the*Ba1x VA . A TheIVndi:a‘s.4,- S:2equeIhj_ations, Phmders, anal all m1&anner‘o4f7AR:a‘pin‘e:,% to the utter undoing a%n%dI%mpnve1~ifl1img 0f"1:h’em, or the mofkpart of t-hem, amtafirig them with Fears and‘ J«2%31Qiu£’ies, and mak7i’n»g? t%Ah€“ffi{ (,1i4‘ke flaming» ]ug%gl’mf~3) be» ‘lime any Athingfi thus’ 11<.w’e1r~ fa f:2aIf::-3,, by ca[’cing;‘a l:&éfo1‘"ré4 timifxr Eeycrs, t‘i171 than ?.w?1’t g:*»ic1~t’d their Pockets ;,and this i1at‘i*1;bee_m;hc:i1j chief Art t§1M“: £eVe;nYear”s,af§i%b§7 ‘WM-7u1 E:ic%}‘i»%t::i*’i»%c”=£I3w¥»«.:7&-V Wye fee at ii: is day Without Spe&ac1£:$.,wh3%t ina§At§1x}erah§,e Tricks have beenufi:dto%mi%1¢%1:t.hc Pai«:*fc“:s' of the Pe0;*r;1<2, under Colourlto m:1%i11taiza~a‘ ‘J\”5"za‘1“ag.rf.gaix1;fi?: fhc King and big? evil CQ1Mfui.‘i}?,: Awhcfix it was toe rum f‘fi;:Pebple, to imp‘0svaax*ifl1 r;i1Ae1-mi and bring them i1iVt4<)%irrecc:wve:xfa‘b1'ie: Slzavery and AO?m>a*eflion11nd?e:1* 3 tyrannical Parliament, aind more than g1 tyran- Anical and infalting Away :, 1:hat~ have fought all to murder A3A*/*‘_%z;§%1;:t%1%' Prirz1;:é%:,%‘ ~firAfli, ‘having pulxed %ou”t of tJ*ieA‘ACh%i111ft}j, Bifiaapg, +a*:51‘_<:1 ci*r‘y’¢f dawn‘ aw11AAOrder.;anc1 DLifci%pli~m, mi pme in their 1’cead,wBabes 0f%C:w1'ace:,pu_rc~: Paxwjzzides, Indc-a pendants and apoiitami L€?f‘iteS., S¢*d;§_{12?ic‘,z:, .Z3"m'» 3-.y:~., Mawrrial, and the Whom Tribe of /Mz:zm3y— gdflésg Aand"A owls of th%:% Aflémbly, that you Imew you cauld make preac'hw,~ or dm what‘ ydu%cc;:mld defire, tho’ never fa co’titrary ca Truth‘, Relim gion, or Reafon, tho’ to countemince bloody ~ ::m‘d7 abhorred Aéfidns, mu"rd‘er Kin€gs,% %and’ thus like: That, the bet;terA t:‘o«enflave"At+i1v3 Pe‘”o1pI—e:.1, V A A B2; you )2 mm,‘ ,; ‘.4’; W" agnfl ‘, V “ ‘M. * m:«mm‘a &c‘iflg’5T0‘H§~ m [W2-izaza m «z::~..ta“@fluce I ‘ M »-=. «.‘~ ‘-t,» ,.:;a A '. tw..l‘t €39“-;-;'1.7§‘. Cue 7% Q-M ;.».ii_s:.a A ~“ ma c.":*£Z£:;:«:?:t ‘T“a€is7m'~3 : Jafc 1;” _ 0 J 1; '., y rm ‘)9 _ .-« fantasy mflteadi mic 2 That you have ufefi * I I w ma ' ‘awn an ~ . u . glmmfifli‘ Em ymga Ezfimzwcryg gwmg ‘ ‘>«“:‘;”h,“ J3; « ‘ H: -5 _. , I 1. u up ‘P in ma‘; h;;~v".1’¢...;ve.;*..k.3. M Umcfi, tgzmnmzxngg mm; 4,’, 4 "air rm "" """ r '\ flW»~-,.A ‘ ~ ‘H n 6 3:. *3. "“x..v.;: ::;1L‘IJ. §C}$..bE.1°+I.T3: C. {J3 iyfiflpifig ‘WWII 3w-N5 ~ ~. , »»e.T~. .21 *” ' ’ . us ;i3M,L.::M’*6;3 ‘V9; .«3:i1.«-93.}. bum ia”i<'C“R‘.fl% and mm" ‘ ‘ .' ‘F ‘ M71“-“hr .-a 5- """m"' M‘ W-~x.*s.”! «(L ‘ M: :0: v “ *r‘ 3 I «. vii mm*«°: 2. mu. tmm=-v"mfl= ufld V‘! a‘ M ‘H'w"”'l no ‘it ‘.#.--~“ 4 uh 5'» M 0 F 0 ;:¢ W ,3 % «w-rtw 2. ~« » ,-~. M:». ;;..~.— My , -;~ « - ‘ . ‘ .‘ s«m—;u.3,’ .1. mfimfi“. wr;:».h. .m::~.,na. no zmncieni “’ “ ' 1.». . .~.».- ;...,,,m, M‘ ‘A '.".., ‘ ,. ,;:*2s::1‘;;3, }w:"p M ham the Peoples E»."*aow%2<:€<:wa. ‘W %.3.1;1g,g for my Umnfcneaaaey thafs. ag war :2: as Heal} melf, as may appear by thy mdi.=:s fay cancsemmg Kim Prifbnw ? Ccafl them an, Cagyar. if any’ Man can give Evidenme, or fay gm}; mung againfi the Pmfoncr, let mm cmm 1mg‘t’:a% m Kim: Prmzimnmv fianda upmm ms D«€:E;;1“mm ramtea M Claiwin. Cam in :%.:<£fo.r;§'?€5 Fs’;a;:~*::% .§§§’;.»:9;;7a;f3 §r"§7im naywzavx S.a;_g7:‘.?.¢.fi f)F:v‘p2'9.»rz;w Ttm'£2»'"..% zUe7a:'§é7;' Saf;r:%:’*2A"5 game fgrfih and §m:0i1”»2c‘:.afi;<::1, Wm '02” en mum" amecogaanzaancea aC‘;>~:;w. 1%‘;v+Z*v'«~:-W Mm ‘imggn .I‘i3mnc;e3 mjgmm E5-‘win M §m1afmmm:e:a‘M;u. The Wita1e§'i%§ i"”"w’m'm «a. his ”i‘i;§.z“mwk=dge, ‘£20 gave a Q 31 he Kmggg ai: W53 L'm m g t my E ( I3 D Clark. Jealoufies and Fears, S~tand’Aup.. »What can you fay for the Iiizzgé ageinh‘: theAPx'ifoAner A at the Bar? 1 A A A , A AA L jml. and Pam. O, my Lm:*'d, I ‘have, been made ufe of, upon all lOCCall§fI33'lS, ;tQj dfh€i'fes and Aims, Bodkiiis, Thimbimas, “v“Wc‘iciiiig-iiiiiigs, @’-'c. anfi a thoufam mmrie iiieii he iiaih ufed im miflave the People. owe, Solcziiers Caiifcieiice, Swim up, and give Evidence for the iiimg, agaiiiii iha Prifoi-mi‘ at that Bar 2’ Czfyaswm Gaiii S@i£iii':i"5 flflnficififlcfim Czjysi" Li. us > V ;C';aye:~. Saldiers %Cc:»%ni%;icnce, fiimldiersv ConVfc:‘i--V%‘ pence, Cosme: izxm Hm C1sm.“:jz;“;:7,%AanAd givevE%videncVe; for the Kia1g,,%agai.1':Fc*t‘m:a Pe21‘ifa*nerVat theifiar, or eiife yotxfmfefit ym1[rvRecagniza4nce.4 M , V ACle2'“/ii MT?’ NYC}-. 11635 flipt away, being afraid to appearin the ‘Face off thefiourta"’“tis1ike1y~ he is a partywith the Prifoner. A f” A ‘V ; Rzgla. f3’:m2’_g»:?. There be A Witneflés enough»-witvha taut hifm. M_afi'erS of the jury", ‘yet:-%hea1~=4w11a»%t is prov’d againft him 5 MW traitéra11::;¢:im"hmh been againfifi Gad, luisflging and C@u%nf;§y; aygzinfi ~ thve fund%%amenta1%Lqyws of the *1€ii1gci0n:,<;?in-fih$avt he hath renounced his {warm AME}Aé¢s;Via*fi.g;4é§;%%when it 1sVd%ec1ard¢ 3 .%'c“- w'+',;»m 4;‘Tiaaz: zfm2y?1’e‘rfimflmfs' pat in %Pr.az5zfic%é,%;?o .c3zfi2léue, perflmdté, _o%n%w£r i£mfmm any of I92": fl/.[azjejfy’.r Smlajfifisfijom H4657?" ’%u%0Iaa'.f££e2vce M . ..-. U“. V . ‘V 3 u:i"'Hfl' , ht: Majeflya Aim 1-Jame at _SZ2’6'C_'6fl0N, 0r?mW%eArlaemj, or may 6 t]‘: :~t/ofem, to prazmfi 0¢bedie22w Atififf arlgcr PrT£zzb'je,% State, or Patcmifate 3"}:/mt t‘fiJ%e22“?[v%'ryfi2¢*b w1’erfl7.r2, tlswir Procmers, A Cam2fel1o7~.s;, A£‘z;’e:>s 43;-zd flJ;;zi2zz7.;zfi2:e_'r.r,% flag]! beaa'jg¢dge%‘a£ Tmyt07'5. V , None can,eT;w Safgjgiygygggg flaw; ii". Charles, mini 192': H'.eir.% .,4zmi i::uii‘i9» mad Trzzzly flmll imam‘ to Mm o_fZ;z:f& flfemierg and Hgfiauym find yaw flmll viezibez/~ ;in72aw.,, 7176'?” i:2m:2* of my 1/! 07° Damage intended mim ifliiififi z‘!';vi-75.?“ 3,534 flm/I 710$ dd’-=~ cam ; 39 help you God; Now 4, C :7) A N0w ‘(pray n*2ark“it{Jury) you "arcfto Tc.‘onfi'a‘ fljcr, xvhccher thiAs4PrH"oner hath an§;P.c3wer %a-; gainfl the Kirxg.; or whether 'the.Kir:».g hath ma“: 1 P0We1*t0Ah:an‘gwhirn Fm hiS?mcii’c%dcn:tfl'a3bktTrea-~ §Ch£:'r7'y againfi his Pcifong in brstrayingfl Air to Pi'i-«- Ton,“ ag:a1nf% thtf.‘ Li1w%~of‘G0d,%ANatu1'c:*,»and*the: Law OF the Land, the Clofiicr to murdzzr. and make him avway, as may mark: c:*'viiu’Ven;.1yVapp::a3: bythe “EAxaminat‘in{§rume}A»t E0 mAak¢%1aim%g»- Way. grirhfrbv i3’oiifi)n, lor Pifkoliing; 0r%0thci'§- W51}: The King minim no %Supren1'::vbut God Aa?- lone; and it ié hfuéficiitnt Punifhmant {o"rhir17i,f, becaufa‘ hptnu1£iAc5:;;>_<-€i:G<§d%to%be the Ré::iVeng€r if he c<:«mi*n‘irs any Wrong;; far every Man if; under tfzaKi:1g, smci the King und~:.-r mom“ but God alone; lwisrrzot infmsiot Vtd %1ié%S:1i:::;<::S’cs; he hzuhno%Pccrz* in hisRm}m 5 he h:2th-thc i7C,vl;:d (3ovke:rrzm<3nr of his ~sx1153m:"1s. "i“%i<:refr,.m:, Mr; P.m~/zmm:,:1«aou hcarcéfi What is ob}-:éh:d againit A A thecg ?&%za:'g¢;ia: Bcépiat. :% A «Did _rgm L yum; (13) you chulé me; cry out for 2 Parliamennal Pm‘- liamenc? Nmhing could fatisfy youbur alParli- amen: 5 and now you have a Parliamt-mt,‘ will you not be ruled by :1 Parliament? Did not ye‘ l bring your Treéfure, and fling it down at my Peel; whether I would or no 5 your Gold, ycmr Silver, your Plate, your Horfes, your very‘ Thimbles and Bo&l<;ins, ém, 0 than you‘d live anal die with me, lland up as one Mzmfor me; venture: all, Life, Ellate, and all ye had with me: And pray what have I made ufe of more than you promis”<'l me? Have not ‘I eas"d you ll of your Wealth, Religi0in,%King, La'ws,and brought you inm the blcflcd Liberty of the: Saints, that any of you may preach what you will, and do what ye lill, (fo it be not againfl lme) made you all Kings and Beggars; and am 1 thus rewarded? Well, London, %Lom1a:r:, ’£Wa-3. «ihou ~ Rliglfit fitwlge. We’ll hearlno more. Jury, you hear his Impcrioufnrsfs, Ignorance, and zealous Folly; that mews what Degrees he hath taken, froma Coblcr rd 2 Preacher, from a Preacher to alCapcain,llfron1 aCa-plain to a Commictceumah, fmvm 3 Committee-man to 2 Colonel, and than ‘heis a Companion for a Prince, my a King himlclfg,-, rules, reigns, and rebels amongll his Fellow--Kings, whole Lives and P1'0fcfli0n5,Na— tures am! Arts, Inwards and Outwards, agree: an all, like Carlters and Gypfies : They are all Zeal,“ A mall “no Knowledge; all Purity, and run Huma- l%h’mlcy;2ll Silnpllciry, zlndno‘ Honcflygland if A l~3.rou be furs never to null them, they will ne- ver cleceivelyouz lTh-air gre:.lte{lCarc is 320+.’ 1 @;or1mn;m Eh€ifKil1,g; their lcall Car/elisl£o,f<:rVc; “Ghdgll A ( 9 ”) % 1 ‘God; for they have no man: Confciem:‘¢ to tha- 0ne,*zhanAFeartotl1.e Other: Tliey givejTh2nks A ‘for Vi&07ri%es when they be rout”e%dV, and rciaté Battles and Skir1_m1’hes as Eye~W1rne{Tes,xvI1e{n IYICV winlsfd for Fear, mm’d b2~;c:k, and Vvith their%Eyes thicvifhly 1‘obb‘=‘d a Pamphlet or Bal- lad tormhe rs-zfi. _NOI.' Pz'!;,:re% 11drAvPrim~e can command him; my, he will command them, “(_:enfure:t~l1erna%t his Plcafurc, and if they will not fuffrer their Ears to beVVfcrrc:r’d with the long Chains ofhis tedious %CollaridAr;s, their Purfcs to “be <:mptied%with theIr1uqdaAtions0*fhis% :;snf7ariatc i~Hum;m11*, and their Judgments to‘be%b1indc-d with tbe*-MufHer%of his zczalouslgnorance, than 11¢ is one of the Wicked, a dead Dog,“ ié"c*.% Iri "brief, he is nothing but wvamiflfd Rottennclé, full, of fezjezning Sancfliry, and mefntaI% Impiery, an QUE-fidfi Saim:2m.d'an in-fidc: Dcvil,-, to con- vglude, he is, &'c. A._,;: A A A’ “ “fiery. His Caufeis"foL1|I, myLor*gd,214nd"w¢ fhall, no doubt, give: in jail Evidence againit him; A _7z::/gs’. Yc_ou* of the Jury are fworz-xfo1'%rhé - iliing, to give in yqur Eviclcncc: in his MVaje&y”=s “Behalf, againfl‘£l1e,Pri%foncrA atthcfiar 5% rl1c:rc:., fore yqu arcnovsl, to proceed in your ~;E;v;...% _dence.» A A“ ' A % ‘T)5a3Z‘.§17y go 014:, g ‘ , Crym Mfike Way for the J;1ryth_e1‘e-, ¢ A _“j’ufiige., [never heard ( fa long as! ham been a Juflicc) (pf fanozoriqusamalcfaétot, blaaudy 2 Mifcman~r.‘ 1.; 7ztflice. Hcthath been as gm‘:-ata Robber, hora. 2.S:¢:V.¢1?~ he was 3 B1o4ioi<1~%f23a:l;cz4rs W4 G % zbifig (2:0) tiuing %~cQ«m%.;:*$ m*‘ni'fs% :0 him, zxnszi bis*iP;mn@r A ,.~i*rfi¢{}/ 5 that pear Icimg/Zm-{vim deafly fadfirreeijfi .fQ1fiS,L Lipejéy, at)-or<)1'i<; Thicsf, who with ghc: . ;*c{&.'0f%his.&F;1c‘3:§cm, {$0116 {mum Kingflan upon ‘Z7é'.m;:;:«g_; , :z.bc;L"-jeA _-moo P§,=1;hm:Is-xu=o:'tla of Ciomhz 4M5v~ Lord, mrcas a p.oor% Cloghicr d;;:fir¢sja Hw,é C'r;r%2?._;I(t§VI’_hi:?1‘z. V ~ % 1. % 3%-fl-¢Zce,w_Le£ {he _W:C1t:*,rk dmw it fpeficiily: If fph;:*£'«e;f15h»i.r:”s,'e.[;~U‘S7¢3 ‘tO enjoy 3, Pé::x1ny in .:..1ic:t&5 let _j;h€r::A%b:‘: 2sEI%Carc‘: taken x.:,m'2 ppm hencjlt 13¢‘ K‘hie%Ve;*. % % Ezyter Azvée ‘}’3‘>2.’?}’. ‘ 4Mr~AEr*¢wmw+ G€nt1€:m€i‘3a you Wt‘ =81” agrefd ,_:h2;~‘I fhg;;u,%l;c1gixzj::in_ Verdiéh ~y*oAu {ac the ;(3a{<;«is,pl:awi:3 and e~vid<:fm.A% ;% Mr. ~R£g:’xf?2 .,...«:-rrg. "fo*m flgzall %1:z:ve. my; Ccmfi=:r1rt.o ” 0 jw.r1“g1}1Ai :niprc%%f~}2n;Ey 5 MI anxfmrc my haxrc A%1);&y{:n emhp§ied,; gfl:jd%d‘raia1.¢d§, f’<);r MIY1 5 and yet: thc: T!1i¢{CaE£m.*i me Tray*z:or, laid 111:: up in :11’;- ,:4f_2sfT¢:a2;z23r,%%%%a1z*?u3:‘z m?;;.=u~,'.‘;«;:* 23. She‘w,f as if he would have vtriadq me i~g.w;1#gx~x':g;* Lifc.-5 bug ma CH1 y.ou_rrue, it \Na‘S'fi:;‘a‘ my Pmsazasg "rig: £~Iig,l1 Treafon forany ~l__::m an I nci;.~;.3<:-m‘iw;*2;r2r so rich in ,z;_l1r:fi: ‘Days: V ‘ P0g2'1”‘..~=.j7*1.f«‘??f. V A1351 1 am undone by %I*1irn,% a MCiam§p3ny O§‘ £h<;*Z;iif1£,S, as Exes,’ C1211} thtim, biun-1. %r<;1’-::sjn<2dg9 men, %::*:f;~ol~.: 3 say njxy Bgld M2.1ricf:, t(;r1'1:1%%i1l{eV'a Dragnxu 0113162“, 2133:] p1‘;cfl%c} away my Zon Dzlgfi mo ,, chum f"L11*¢,'i“ cc“;u1di%A;na::1*A%jfzar E'ya=: on%um zines; 3 Was*z~x;”fon 0:fl+.i%211; he mal¢_'»:sA1ne feed upon Bu}fi;0n,% £m_d glad .gh:;%AA¥::21%ve$irmo5% C“mv¢». .;;::g1yA Coarxfent wizh'a3l%n1}{;%?>ié*~afMiA5 wiped ciiéfurad ' (t:§ecnhgx1g’d»Zé~;vc11‘ Yca’rslfi;gaV,Mt!1en Ihzidjhad ;2%'2=c’«=r9«AP;e1:1:3YAa R.=‘3I.3'~‘¥= Hana 1%.n?i_». bang may two Cowes, my 83%? Land %I{n}'% %Za_n gflick z:o»d1:e1%.~u_m1. and hgd Vought my Landford, "1: ”9i«:>. C‘-3-H ;i:.1;:>,% I :;ay,A we fluafl1ié~ver‘zfee;ImppyDa’ys élfgg A Izimpceiat-ZM'an. A [have been f’orc:«:‘:d cut to figh; for I knqw no: what : ‘IMh:_;v¢ lo{1T;Ij1r¢je Sv;3n§“'ii}1 t!1i$ %1i%n;ff:a;ti1;'2a1' W‘ar,I Aand yet never‘1cQu1du‘nd@¢;»_ V A fiand for what we fig.-ght; t'h€Y_ mat3fi‘{;1s,Jb¢}ic‘ve:j‘c Was f01‘rh€ R€M3iz%i0nA. Lavvs.; an?d4r know n0t\what ;, but am fu1“Cigj. was f;';:>:.* c>Li1: f1‘vfl'_<$}1e;r‘; I hope, God %\’Ni!1__ makc [ them‘ .an'fw44er fijrd ché % Blood of my‘ Children ;,“I am furé,[hc-‘%Scripmg_-'e faith. He t/mt flJe_¢jZ.¢‘{l'!a2g’: Blood, ‘ /¢}{M}z;¢flm/Z B1003 be flzécl grgzzfzzg ha1‘Jg‘him"*f0°r ‘mtg have n1yCon’i"enr—% A “ * 4 T H Pz¢timr~Mm;. lam fare; Neigh1b0u1's; Ifipaid ,_a1;l Taxes, Impofitions, and Scrflfmenxs; ‘"Su%bfi..%. flies, amdffovmd Free Qgartexf ta thztfioldier, be... Ijdc-;:s Ppe:zz11f1fo2;i43:Eg?A§ Court; 4 béiifitsg S}-2.3053, 8:30;‘; a11cL?:*m?u‘g2e9z_:£s-zfzxggr, are 'P’aM_3."t1§:s,\ and i:1bAb0rn’d, arm. as very .Timave«s‘as thy ‘fslfg -1fthO1l hafi: any,’tliin'g to * fay; geaE4:,% fféar AA'x1m'2v the Senten¢e‘_ofV‘D&éth isAp’afl¥i1g upoa: tee.=:.A.A.A». % A A ‘Part. 0, ho1&,, ham, Agaofri, % my Ldxffi , I‘lZi‘£‘7f3 Mc%i“cj7%3iipon me“;-. I byefeéizh"fyour%HQnour‘foArbear Sentence, W623 for ;liefofmatiQnA£aAke,A the‘ Dire£‘co.r:y, and N ew Cz~m*3¢~hiifi;xi.“' '4 , % . ‘ ‘, Goofi Laaxrd dciiver me. % ‘ V “ ‘ 7udge. Hare is no Place: 0?f%2\/Iercj} for thc-:43 : God'§_j’Verw;1~A if-:;mAc:e céni1_£ot—7~bE: r‘rf1y%T:*y%3IA thou. hafi: put thy fclf ‘ AA1;p?c$:1%.i%?r‘;iy~%(.‘.n1.§:A:».*:ry,% which C;O%untry% Ifiath fo1I%nd%r%he gauila :3,-y, rflgax 3‘:~.M: in;-A«.;%:IAA?T_..EAh&:z*t%y_ ta ’p}‘e :.:ui Vfmf my fi':H',' to awam 3:§1e‘%AASmt:é:A;%%;i<: :>fJI.TA_:.~A:A*:AAtch ; but Carma‘ nm:J;A : for ti-qr Gsuflt is ;fo-1;:a%;IAAV%r'E;‘ri»yAm;.:pa1‘=:A;:.t:z.%t: and grams, th;H:‘Aa}1%thc=»Subti%Ity, fit’?! Ft, :3 1?. 3.cj,r1, A than ca An ifygd evi Fe,” c:Azm‘x1”01: Obf}:'1Ii!‘§i§ 1:116:56 frmn ‘Me 'i?ij;w: ;r;xF_TtIrfiicé .; FdrvthAis%CAo'urr,- ugmn ?:;f1%},r;;A'17?;~ya},A, -In afrh F012. n «:3 M: V:2- ‘IA lanjf, Y Tg‘mf‘or1 , _.?x'?5Almwd—i}iei+1 ,9 Mic xjim Legs,é:7§7t":;A*A,; :f;1"i’v;T ;”:A:A=i.‘>w timu art g§!.1i.1t§7 Ofutdl thag;"F“i'sAA='l:ai'fl m ‘ t!1yAC!1rAAA,Argm; :: AtAhAjL=:rr:fore tl1c,§3enf:er1;:e of % 1:h%i‘sr.dV,_%tl1a2_Kin“g”sPardrzm, I befcech yfim. A :»w»akc‘l1im: aAWW§JayI:%AoreA%A. ~~ A g A 4 ~. A _ v. ,1 _A _ MIA‘ I~:Aéb9::£«:f“:h‘a:AAnmEm‘ WarA"ag.-gainfi ¢%mi‘r;~Kin?g«; : A A A A Khope. to feethenx with z:his_TraA}'t€33;‘1*WinVg£, AA A A E?! N ‘I,s.. A A j % A AA I No,"Aw}tiiuA‘mui’t_r¢ceiV