Againfi the Carried on in the County of K E N % ‘and eH‘whcre, under the fiaecious L; v %Name)ofthc Ccmnaies of Kent, Efl%x,M£dd!eféx, A V and fihfermtions thereupon.%_ f %LonJén,%Erh1tc3 for Edward I1't:jZwrrwi,Printér to _ Hpnorable H ‘ p:*e’te4nc€of P—cticioning. ya 3 ATIO N ( publifhed‘ in the _Sfl?rqy',‘‘;flfmy under the Command A V A % % 3 Aof tht:'Lord Faxmuxx. Papers of dangerous confcquence, I ‘ 0 w; W ‘E " ,.. - ‘.‘.‘..«qu.-ngyqoo-4-ant-.qp.p's—....... n-fl“, '‘ friw f}Jf53%13§{_%?’?fi?iZ?€, Paptrsj Ami Oéfcrmztimsy {re jg; A pr::zrcx:£::;sz::l}>::l71}§/keel. .—-u-a.o-. .. .0. 5..., .4.» . mlhons 8. 16 ammo»: V%‘:}jTe=};zZz1ad4 £1; Pmzliametér, A Cier.i?arI.D.C0m %% « ’. -F.‘ - ."~' m.7 V . t u \ ., - 47¢‘ "u*,”..g«» . 4‘~.‘{- ‘ . - . ‘ ,3 ‘ .. ' W» » ‘~ . - . :' “” .- ‘,..:-s;.":«‘.~‘ .‘-i.*‘."<“'-' . »..». ....~,r1* .m., 'danger“0i.1s gefign againfl: thé‘ ‘ r %1’&€lr1%iatI1J€n%¢?ndKin5<39¥n»A¢¢ai'1”Y¢d I and 615» ; unzder p«cC1us;pfret4ence : I-{cf *.:Mp=u bi:i‘uc AVEi§ae*mi:&esfiAA:Aof airlia“-3-" ”‘ ” ti ma g Kfnigdbm finding 3,11 “- u ma ys o£%%;Em:cc? effa ;Vby & A “ y w I; ’r4bf1ut@;¢ncfs,v éc:-» A ,ixzi*cscA6:~ch4e“ p ifapflerty .¢ayn dAI:ibérty%V”oE ch‘: 4 By %€h£mflpi raVid€11 C~€ of“ the A 4 and «:13 ed to 1 A 2 " pcrg ~;§“?:af ix 4“‘lr=.s'=~ s?»'+ ma; 17’ gtiifivw “£2 an ,‘ I *“ " .11 w ‘ '5 »- M ~g.,}‘ ‘ L «f ?W5Vifi$v%» *i'Mt»%Eh€&Par1iammt«S intemim in the;£‘¢c*r41%4emdv%en r:"of tAh¢pea¢c the my {:39 ct; p“"foVidéV%” fair Sécm?ity7thééreifh, that fi1tuVVrcA5:tcmTpt§, which the Ambition or ‘(.}jve=z:ou f:}cfsz4A.0f‘ dcgcm: ram-e men mayw incite themto “,” arelikc to xzififh ex-A Heme hazard andi d=iffi»c;ulty :~Ic hath been jizh-»eir_gNreat%Endeavor; to impmvethc Libctw, tywhich the %P;u:1‘Via%r1:1e;1:t4s%‘Mercy hath é.fi“Oi‘¥’ dad, in 3 pcm1i£Ts§on‘A'~to~iefide many part of .1:1<1*€:. Kingdem ,,~ %fwi‘th.cq H; al ‘fr;:edorn%" 1:ha.;% {the A mi de&1ru6>cive%% cihke V15ieacc%”A4a:icI WE1F§z<é of 9C4a:n‘fufiQn;V%asA lpfcfl:Am«isé.%ns4’ ch ea- memzs aownecefsitafe tha§«A§ Ans, which by an orderly fdiice they have not _been ab 1:3»: 0.; qo[mvpz:f:A~s. Ai;n3'f0 r this fijhcy have ’ihad4r.%£h€i%‘r Emiffariew }iu::f;1 w ;;Ai{§‘jg€?‘§€{C;fl_t;a§mi£15 fofVa411v~*%tbwc§%AAPan1i:;mcn+rs A.;;.-ail-73$ if £3dA@a;vinx:s .; Vfett: Iii At mbuVta.;ry, ffit‘i‘f2.i"’)57l'«A, y*:2a;‘7‘?E1i’centi£:> ([5 3' @7fWhatfbéver%falfhooid ighth¢1pm‘dVe1u%d4c an*d; inE1‘amAeA thé AA :“Vingdom into :2 .%genera»I iCofifiag1*a:i%cm.J.* And bccauféthey well krilow t»he"1‘¥fl"ocia%tcd” counties un expcrienccf of “MT 5 5% I171 5E F A 3;, rcndrfid tnh em “ more free:-"p iiivc o F dawn gemuis Him pref» .fions %thtna,.tho£E‘: % ‘wk 4 have by the fihart %Bhéirc4.o‘f“%l%earned "go vaiuc P'caée‘;L it was amt ¢c-he; leaf:-$305 thiéi'x: Vartifices ~ft:o% iingage thofé :A*c0t19n4tics%* “(and ~amqngfi:% t'heV~rn7 , lfient; as: 13.4 =l«eading:* one: %*W‘ho~{c7*d7tc}iar;cdV~ a&}3c5.’tio’n4s én&* V~;.a:d7hercn€cy so . they P u U E“: k :5: aukiz: me la 0% ‘IQ %m~ , gLhtV4V4=-:fe“€mf*tc> En:ciA=t1gr‘%h:cm fto mnré %%%¢;fréedom than rihcrs ,?fAAAin”A0VH?€1‘iAng thseif 0 pi--- mans co rmcmingl they way of *th%e~ tim4;Pm:itionVA%%%the oufe 5; im:an&uVn2- zaemr, i2»1rma4t§;%b%y the Parliéimehtstakingi ofiénce‘ ass. their’arh1édgPeticions3 thiféy‘ ;,4mig%htframefp ecious Argum'§°eni'tsAA:ofr:he¥Pé.r- «A+a.*s;r:er~fnc{“s:%%to Wpe"aik:::c - an d" enmitm~ A §%§%itba*tMaI1owed.A: bi::rthri‘gh*t~ C;f.i.?‘Ch€‘ ASuBjé%&5,A*4tu» .7%ma:{kVev%¢ th£.iAr‘Vhu;1?nbl“e;4 4Pr:tit3”on‘s% to the <.Parli‘z1§.~ mild ff B1,1df¥€t€d$% and, V us and Bow pr§fiti~n€gl«+ hcx%ctofox§:«> (5) »:ere:¥¢fm:e ufhfewe themF:i”vcs~T% iié.{i‘ert5*ii's’ off ;theipiib1iiiqi3e‘iRi\gh txsiiland Libeiritiesxi (ia“niii“by iizrths and iCdVCn31h1t-faré;’0bi.‘iged,f"fd’-§t0 do nsw enftinu e) to pari£akei.with *‘the‘i:n in ia*rene*vving of The aiZk1i(M4rre,l f0l.‘i"‘IZei)iC'.i§“i.‘1iei§)‘i”'/"C.e1'fii3iIei1‘iithififfdi; i& introdu c¥i an ‘irbitraryGoverrimem:,”i‘i1 the mofi: certain ‘wayt eff icontiniu anceie; by awingih-e Ea1*l~iam}entt.o alfubiierviiehce unto iSiavery.‘ A‘ And hiavingcarry ed on this defpfc-, +:;itaceefign.iiiunder 2; 1%/'1<',tfi1l: they had g:ofI:- item a fire-ngth together ,ie fufiéient to difpute it in the Field 5“ and being xfi rmly u mired, .1',Per'fWadiI1g wail thatgwiere deluded intoatheir iCom‘5in‘ati.oni= ,3 ;that: theeyiwere its me iirw. 4conci1;eabile%;tdiemmandcrs,_ and neqe1Tary.' provifitms of Sh%ov&tIs5‘?S padcs; M“ajtr_ocks,Wficel+‘ “Barrows; E’dg-e-Tools,%&+a. To make dcfe1ices%a$- ‘A ga%irn4{%:*’:PIor£E:, aIndA4Areflrworks, far-«VM%g1fqpetee‘rs_.; 4é°=r7.~ A ~ 'A:1d‘?‘Wha:A?‘ cAci1i7i‘fc ’fha1‘1?be~it%aAIeen%ih;tt may V 5!: mere, Drakes and Fic1d»Piec»es.j 1, , ‘ _,,. Tb fortifife“ t’h1e*B1?Io‘c?”1<~a-‘A411u17e%-at! G»ra4vcs‘-Win’: V fu"ppWIA_iMed eurof Ewffexwhen n"eedf1is.‘ A :o:cndcavor~fugp_1ics out of Szaflkma. ‘ « flare; my , ;%:e-xre, Whexhex rm: 5;-eccj{i°ai‘yt‘0%fortiHe Rafiééefiér Wftha Lincand;~FortS.._ A . % ’ ~ fu1a%ndda&ngcrous;.% 7 ~ V . A A%IfA%.t-hcfinemybc fiF01iUg5Yf,13€fl“VJ¢3éfihfll go taka murfc. fetrccreat beyond edtmy. Aw,’I_'o'fort‘ifi”e4 B%x*i;cig§&»:L‘:S,4 ‘and 4wh”i¢h to “break detain, to: {top ‘up “thcA"?Foa”17*d‘sA; “ J " Au gm whcm:rAA%%AtorczfieTun9Bridg¢caa1+e§andA the Bridge-=th;cIe. ‘ F AAIEle&VVC‘ounAfél“of VVa'r,;%n9:”of.»vcrymany,to To rakcVaWaya11 Arms AVff0m% 555 &°5$“fifi‘6 W-'%tj5:V7«¢-A;q amino fi:c"ure the Perform Of fucfhas ‘amnaofi gpowcra; hor¢zBr;ag¢s;A «which m»nm"rfi:”za Mb; romam, ma; avoid cE§zift§5fi<5n'4Vin d‘ebatcs,e aad‘té> §2rev[cn_t dif§<§%\:r‘eIy’ ’ ofAfec.rets;‘& A, A A ‘ IL Another Ccfunfél or Cominitree co hear and xii-«A fpiécwh 0fdifl3Ty%A£hingi5, that (ht Counfelof q, A. no: troubledwithovermuch buAAfine‘fs*. A mere, how to order a1lQafl°a'irs when we; Wxcuh our Pct:-:i6n,ar1d toffccugrc~M4iflWHe,4&c.‘%W%hcr21 A we age gone, AV to take fpccial order forin=tc1vl'%i,g»cncc.A I A ~ T 0 appqin: an ‘{O1“Eccr or Commifl‘ary no delii ver " Ao;1£VArAms, A Wh;0 mufi not“ de1iv;srA riil he is well farmed to A3£'tA1A<3 £10 tak¢:AAn%ociCAe of ~cAhc:ir~Aanames.’ % ‘T%h‘7c'Trained~fB“ands 0f'¢V;M4fdflonc«Ahave_Ic1fc: two» fiuxmariesg cfiw. ciAghty:A'gm5 , Whodefircto have 3%h§»mA Vagaing and that the Auxifiiaries be Aonhcrwifch filf . . AM ’ % A A T0 a.AAAim 01o*neI%s,€a§pr*a.ins Aamd 0Afficers over 31! rhc Afrafinfid-AB2ndsA.4and to .r:oriftdcr coaching V eg- A Hm lmnziers and Auxiliaries, .... .A $7 C9)’ >.. rremtrozrowsanocherpaperaampbrttangrs: I ‘Wm! A-civites & Propofitions to the inga;ge&‘ gb1i‘ty%it‘1 1(¢n':,toinduce them by force to in—-A; rjficiupohthe Defires of their I’etiti.on, arid ctincerning the Way how to eflieet them. I j.I7{;:ere‘ié;,irsG_Cteditta be given to words eripiromtifesjhut A 2. You cannot imagine that your county iiflatii be free fmm theiripower;andothercounties fubject to the V 3, Treatiesandepromifes are to the end oneiy for you to farm eeafe t~hevtpt‘0fecuti0n of your affairs, untilthey canmake ream tiy atpewe-rto fhpp1feiéyou.4 i A V A: M , 4. Yeoue ‘catrhave no betterfecurity then their Votes, andaii ‘men know they changeithem daily“, and the fiaughterof the men, and the juitification thereof by aVote of theirs, A "i9tQ.i;.bC ewrcted by any who oppofe them. 4 I i andrhe hanging%9fCapI:ain Wtxrlcy, doth evidently thew What A 57,5. tN‘0thing can fecute yO!;*!,‘bL1t the reftoring of the King at-M hand the Laws. at % A v % A A VA A k % - % . ~ 6.t’Their power at this prefent is impiqyed in_.:he%fup-preiiing of othe.rcQtmties,who haste the fame ends with you: V,An"d their Army for them;gimht’p‘ert.thier#eof; tisr%divi‘ded into feveral remote: i parts, as Wailer,‘ eammzzrche2s@;—;19,szg§r2;zfi2;,i &e. 17:: that your can never have foopportune time to eifeét your de[ires,&.there- foreto lofe this timegis to iofeigfour bufinefs and to be deftretiyeti. 7.‘A Letter to” be fen: to the Lmdwzm for their concurrence, . hi and tr» perthitti‘th‘emr‘an admiiiion tht"ough theiCit'y, as they had 1Int0"Efli’x and smy, in which Letter ireciitefail the Indignh ~ ties the iflotzefesifand the”:ttArm“y have puttupqn the Cityafrom A time to time, asrthewcthanging of their Militia, taking from titfothe realperformances0f'yourdeiires,&Athatfpeediiva i them the Tohwer,t.,and;leaving it new empty, the {laughter of - «their Apprentices, their imprifoning cf their iMayore and AL e dertnen ,&i,wthe Demqlition of their Works , the rejer9.ior*1 of their Remonftrance, their Triiitnphant Marching through their A ‘ ‘ V A A B A A ' flirty % ‘>J % Cifiv, t:hefiz* di{%~1*L1f’:i7ng 0? the City to guard -the ; oufcs,mak1ing “ of Oir&ii1f1ances‘to take ziway their Votes. in chafing of City % Officers, and Atha: Alatge O‘rd;ina‘%nc<3 for the Miligiafto gzhe City; left zit thfeirfl pléafure to rem: Vifhfn» they Will. -V a,’1‘._hT wgs are b1‘ought .:mha; pafis,tha::‘tbe treafireyofthe Kifigé v dam is exp0rf¢§1,:i'AayVnebrfizeizghting mac ti"tt'e_%r1y décayed, dearth W incrca%1‘Eth,w a Forfaign Natitm wiy!:1c'm*;1éin, uiilefsfdméo-the%r -1' peedy way be taken for the fpcedy refioring offhe King,which this Cityby~cOncurring with'théir» Neighbors, at this time may do, 0th%e.=:‘wifc all the miftzries that {hall enfiicg mafli be imputed to'them.. V ~ . % L A " A “ f . Tixis Letter win he ofno effe&,u7n}efsone’0f thefe two conxrfés — A be taken,’ either to‘have«it d%eliv~ered and read in a Commone- H314, ~where a¥!1J:hel Citizens are a*fTembled,driF that cannot be, ‘to have it printed and difperfed twhréugh the TCi~ty, and ’_t‘hE LE1?» text muflibe direéfed to %%4the~Lord' Mayor ‘andflornmonalty of % ‘ the City of Londm. ~ Send to jchc P ‘nee for Com%mif7sions for a Commander inchi€§ % and fame other Officer”s,%. 8.: have a {tanding Cgunfel, compofcd’ of four perfons offivery of the afi‘ec1atcd¢ counties, a"fia«nding A ~Ai‘my,~a—~ €omtn'énder in» chief‘, AflE1fmenzs??%%uAp;on the Counitrey n;omaim:a,i:'1 them,and thexjein a {paring _0f the common peeplje what poflibly may be; A 4 Oéfénzatiozzqkan t77e[eV/flfdrvices, 4. _ L 3. fiythe am andthirdAdvice‘(a;sxve1I;$sby‘ the former recited Paper) irappears, Nothing mufi: :§1avc imaged, but their covntinuance ax-id cncreaffing ' gin H3“I;»I‘EAI'I;1'_1i’.“.".i(.'1.’?'L'3‘\Ffi‘§.ll'€, £91 force what they Peticioned» for: “Sea chart-hair P~e1:itia_"n was but a preiencc to CO» % vcrtheir ’D::'ffgn;, ti'l1A4cVhVeir% Por<:cs~ might have been made ‘Id cqnfidarab-is as to ‘command %Va-n"A‘, ,% and fo formidable, as that the remaining" p-am: ‘0'f“£he " éfirdmy in thofc parts, migh.;}no: havcbcen able to Qfupgrcik Ehflffll. % < 4 42.By i M ,. I; A By.the¢f¢ct>tnd ms clear, That-ih¢ miai-ninten»: A of th6.pX€§€§fld€d Petitiorxctswtas to cafitlofi-ithe AU€h0fi€iY 0*] P3§1i3‘m€“‘si3“.d that my mild €34 mane 0,7h, ,,§~th,5§ iii3‘,‘i_¥5 Svézoxd fiwuiid give ‘em-:~ W P¢i@iti9$fi,%¥iIii]???mi3ii?¥iC«»3-iifififii£1???~7% i V 9 4.. It £§iC0fifC1}1»Th3n thcit:$.tuiqgjet&s tghefi fecuritgr E6915 irtthe ‘Votes of 4I?3r1iiaJAiY3€W§3 tiwhfitnfciifigr art“ tsiotfé» diam? amd .£_Qr§{EiicfltiQ@fly.' iubmitimd We and 0%» fetrvedg, ,.no‘r isithei iftciutity the lgfs, becauft “theft Votes itwmayi receive changes or tamergdmcnrs:_M°Eht fioufcs pretend not to an unerriidgéfpirii, not a1’€;.‘i§O=t‘ ’0'u.g'h[ the iCounceis pf mm to be ofiiietirtnal Obi-it gation 5 for what_1s now of great qfe antitfafety, by the change of afiatrs and prov1dem;es(wh1_ch are cmt:-=» iy'intheAa1l- difpofing hand above thcmjtnay be 01?’ i. deflruétive 03 tdangcrous conftquenccgif ptrtinacié oufl adherci unto; A A ~ 7 A _t M A ‘ " B312: it may be confidently affitrned, Thattinna [fort of Reiolutions bath the tPar1iamentbiet:’n more it «xfieady, then in makingigood all ‘Capitulations and A 'TranfacStions with thoft that have rcfificd their juflt A Authoritygnor changcd oftne,r,i than in abating pu- t1i{hrncntstoDt:l.inqucnts. _ They call the execution doticiby the i Parliaments Guardstupon fame of thcisurrey Pctitioncrsfor their tpewn and theifiouies ntceffary defence and prefctvaa‘ titan, by thehaxid name of A Slaughter: Butwhen the \ wptld fha1iii1_t undcrftand how" infolentlyfomcof ithic ’ A Pctiti0ncts,tWith,kt1own Malignahts mixed attmfngfl; -them, demcaned thcmft-Ives“ (asin theitflmarch :94 rwards, and fo) at thefloufc of Commons-door, and rhow many of ‘abet’. So1d§:ts;W§rc difarimédatnd 1‘99C:k:€ i B2 A“ ' =d’6'#}vm C12) dfbwn bAef6§re%ihey1'ma‘de% any refiflance,‘ and‘on=eI:}bF thcm4%fl::,in: bcforc a b!0wfh‘uckinA,t11eir dwn defence A Orvindicaziora; thfey v'viI(Ij‘ud,gethé Parliament" cauid . % EOLAAWME in ;hV(:m0wr and ‘prudence; ’th*tn 10102kup7on acccpranca and ackn0w‘IefdVge£I1%cm‘; , the Sold%i&rsferviceV3%§id‘”fii%fi‘”ér%4ing.,f§.sf yiI"0£thy chair ‘ Fo;f4kC;zpzain Burlap’; ¢xecutiiai1%wh&n th*ey r‘e. A iéngmbcr themfclves, that 1: was done * by a due and icgal Proccfsw and TryaI,’accordingA to ' t’he'k’n0%wr,i Lawsbf the Kingdfim, which the‘Peciti0fiefS$‘atiVd '3’oMthers fiicarnefily Acor1tendfor._,v they WHIA doc term is'S1a'ughtcr, but lack upon himas the author of his [ofwvn%}defwlrur5‘tion, who beat up 3 Drum, andtaifcd‘ ,3 Mutiny and'I'nfurre&i"on., without pretence of any " 4 Authority éwharfoever, “and in his and tfie»Iikecafes4 ifmay rather be wendredwhy the Parliament have mad-cm morafixampics of their Jufi-ice, then why V ‘ he fell under it. V 5.’ Fr40m their Negative,,thcy §afs~~in the fifLh'ma.L an Afirmativc %m¢ans of ,fccu%m4y»_:-‘V’I‘is wellwheik ‘mindes are known, and that :he%41¢R“efiiruti0n?0f the King , wifliouc any previous %condi‘:‘§bn‘s of fafcty granted byhim, will {ervc thtii ”t‘u'ms ; . But th at the Parliamemfafter fix year§ bloady W'ar ,7%"f}hou!dArc— cezivé him i"nto Power and’VT’ruPc", wit1hou%%t any vifiblt é;fl1iranceof(Afccuri:y inch: chaug¢ of his heart, or ih: Vfi;~r¢ea‘fiLI14g bf 31!‘ ,Di:figns ‘jagainfi: them when‘ "both Iigifxgdoms Lxpqnjoynr ::~md«féd~ Advice had re- fbIv;ed;’That:i11It-turity and fE:1risf§:&ionVwcre given him, thVcy,couid¢not agreetb his return? in-to thAef‘E g)arts,Aando1_1r Brethren wh'0lly4réfufcd his‘proffcr”'d yxicdfifncc amfengfl mam inw t~hVat- VKingd0m*)=-no ¢ 4 W * fobcr _ cm A :£9bm:A 1”‘1ffiz‘1fi~ed? tnéni wilt thihk reafzmabir, A A _ 6. , The fixzh ;{hcwAs¢evidcnzly3 That thisinfurm-J A »‘ fiiom was (fithefamc piece %With ahofé in 0111:? yam; and that the ”D‘»:fign¢ was genera} zofiit up the pcopie m*xd“é:“r§%1*«”Delt1fi0:1 ofdo7mg'th4eir bufincfis, xcjafily m V make?tthc Malignams Mafiers of the Parliament and «Kingdom: for which deflrufiivc ends, they Conn ccivcc_I_th£.sconjiin61*ureAof time to be moft opp o;r-- A tun‘e,"»when%a greatpartof thcfirmy was nccdfarily difperfcd into rev¢ra1remo:—e parts of-the Kingdom. ;. 4‘ 7. ~;The'feVemh%'F9”acleardifcflvtryft:hci1‘fu%btilc artifice in aprctendcd condoling the City of Lmdws f£jL0;nd;%i:i0n; andghatthe enumeratiofx of divers paf» ‘4V'fagcs.rclatingrothc Cizy, doth notprpceedou: of 1 anyre‘a¥1fympath"y with them ,’ 'or*fence7 of their di- ;~m'inucion,ih Honor orProfit, as this ¢ AdVvicedot;h iéem to infinuam: But rhcaforefaici engaged party Hyperceiving that 3 right underfianding, and xnucual cmjfidcngc hath been Kandy [09 effirecuafly renewed -Tbctwefin the Paziiammt and Citygand thc[rcby4tb1c Defign of Amha {aid party’ rcndrcd more E10paié:i§,they Alabjdr: rc~pe”aminfg= “and. hqighwtfxigig %o%ldr J::;a”IV0»ufies amd Gricvam;;cs, and frammg xmaginary onea, to ,b1owup;(i_f _pOHib1E)’thfi'G1£y§‘.o fuch Difcontencs, 9 as1may~maEzczhem t‘he*m0rc capable “of thc=i‘i'”r Maa V Iignant Imptcffionsfl AAand4dr’aW mm no a Gonjufia A fiiofi with thérrifehfesin thcirwéwn horrid Dcfigns, A f engaging the Kingdo-m"%in‘ a new War (wider the V fpccfious prelccmc4é‘sof Va? ” fpeedyPcace) % for she com-= A pafling thpfelvlalignans Inzergfis, which were the firfl: and jufi grounds of our latetroublesgxad againfl: j:vh:1chVchePaxlxament hath conggficd wet fine: that A firfi fitting; TA A A The A W "§7he%a&vice ef &e§Aivef‘izag t{E&L€t:tey at 3 9 % fiemrmawn-%Hal§ m°“elfe di=fl”ert1in§g*Vit ‘through A A4t»heACity;_( *fi1%eWs,VThat tht-ir‘c:hicf hmpciwas Ahfizaprcvail by the inadv€:rten€yA d§~ the 4muL.%A =tit%ud.e,o1§r by Pcii-ri%%ng uiéfuch heats as‘ am ‘-u~{ha.I in mlmerou-s C*0unce1s}@ to éffeét their Temis ; for wh%ich,aVIfa .;tBcy%Wer ei refolved Vté Vvcx~e%1'cif‘e va. =Pfa~flisam~eI1t.%a%ry P7»0W€f:fiI%Ad c the ‘plaufiblc fadviacc 4of§fpa%rifi¥g the common ;p¢op1cin%A=<{TeITm¢nts, knowing them to be moi’: {En fiblc of fimch Wburacbens, and by fed- inwgap1'efc:nt«café‘bcmade%in1’cm.§ ” men tal Uffuch ’Va*fervitude*as% would foonhavc thci%'fubjcé’c’cdthcm tounjufl: Payments fér % ibeyo ad the prefént taxes ,n%%eccfl'ari1y ~imApofed4 forfafctyvankd@grcfEnvv%ation 0f that Kingdom. ~b!l‘Y‘P$g_P£rC;‘;*!3711." i-"g1:JIA5.3g' the far2m:f t/ae£r.CamH§§§Fa:mt£§g.% “ % %g%aam—,%Ma,z9,1648. >mm¥mand ofa Regiment offlorfegconfifiing ‘fi"vfehun— 3 Edved, as» Ccr1oncl»A of thefaid Regimem. A-AGiven«% under? gm: fézands the day«‘_andy€a1'.abovefaid. A 4PBiz.;;rz:réI&»May6r» ‘zflagwz Ema; g Lfidagmrd Haiexl ‘A Wtwax {Basra}. V ‘ -’5~f'é*;é'¢:rz3'.~~'(?’I£?@. k 4 N . hbrz Datéigv ARii€'?r'ed,.4%%4%¢That Sir %Wz'1’!£.a:m& Cémpmz Knight ,takc r‘hAe *Eiér¢b? He”reby.dJo§h ,p%1=aAinly ap=pca.f~, their ptefumptian Ln aH11mwi%ng%anoAr1g.ina1powestt o£~;CorIx11nifi;iona.ting+ Ofli’c.cts of \Wa;f (.94.:-xé ufurpihg.a _‘Su_pa:cmc Power) withow; any; ctiva.tion from the %Pa,r1i9.ment, A fmm the £11: King, which is»a1fo$"eVideLnt by forma Paffiges in the fizventh ‘44Advice of thapxaca--. flfident Paper- A AA A Paper containing an ath of Secrecy; A L Roébefler, 3o;’.Maii,%4 I648. ' A f é'°oélz:ge a‘z¢r%fi=l‘ve.r E2}? the faith of C»"arz:/i‘i.4zm",.otiza' £353 boner «of Gwztfemen, mt to:-alzfcover or éezwz} any dc-’ étztw or oamlztfiom corzclzzdwiar re/5 lzrcdmpan E2} the Sit./?fi‘3"i56:r.‘.»‘~_ inents and endeavor in‘e_fl:e£Zzmti72gof 1;/2.4% re_=fl¢lr:.: , laeiéofi; pzakllfurt/aer,fm'tlofz¢/ljaznoi refazmg; to deliver am“ figlgeg " 4Thi.s£hewsthei1-careto keep the people» in ignorance, and: the Rzcrccyyand depth of their,J carri-ed under the rna.s1<%oi-"vat Petition, Whereinto they drew the'pecgp1e,. tb make them" fubfctvlienft to their refolvcdi $0-urfc of forcing thc»VP‘arlVigment;~« V Another A 7>.WA; fw»d7m:z~b§ nae ref}; 4 ~ 3'1... c}?i!»y“,7I 6 58.. % % Eceivcd thcn of. ?alm..l3}zm6 E _ fiche {um of7Ten Poundsfi» fierewidhimifasain wifiim ¥‘%°.§?F1“aW3P“€‘3 my hand: A A as {Q much by him "lezinto the: ‘ ntlgamen Peti‘tvionegs,to J W E-{W121 W%,« 5*‘ 3 , . . A ‘By this Receipt for Ten poun&s_pai& M222 Lazmb Efq; it a.4ppearsV how forward, up.;%~’ an no Security, for iorometing of a pcjmi; c» (Who 173 much cry oat of pubhke baurthens ncceflérily impoiéd) arc to disburfe, perhaps more then 3, ycaifs‘ ;fefl”ments come ta. By wha.t is here publifhedfit may Sap... 1 pear to the Kingdom , That. th ¢ publiké E-_ % n.emicsV are Pcil1Awatching for ourAdRuine,, % anddo defignfl to A.é1€t ‘over again the arm: Blo0c3fy‘T1fa.Vg4#¢d~y 54 To j [which er; moi’: it- =r:arion21Iy.they go about 4:o%A,perfWadeAmi pcop 1_eché.t our gprcfentpeace Cannot_con,ti— % 11ue,&nbr bcéH:2fblidfl1,ed to%Lendure,4 Without: A _putting 3.11:0 theArjnifchief and hiazardof %anothefCViviA1 ;An‘d~ that ahcbragnficlc hopes théygivt‘6F4‘S éttl¢%1nezit by an ‘ébfo-» % 1~utefubmifsior‘:~{)F; Laws,L1'v'es and Li’ber-l- % ties to‘1:h.e W/.i:ii‘1 Vof the K :2 AN @,Vw‘i%!lM‘cbnduce T more to Vfiiafety «.%ca_cc,&4i£~ imbmccd, then advifcdanflclwcIl;.Mgr<}un°ded.% Refolutians of théPéfl%?9» % fb % ‘happi‘1.y;;A ? 7Mé:’ga&ixifl: "a11~% O%p»p?o[fi¢ioAia$A'4%a71id.!»%AAt+ ”?€mP‘5: A 17? 3 F terfiptehithetto%ptei'erve& ft: eR§fg'Bi:4§ tttis % Kingdum, M atftti had i H Isflrobabifityeétettmfts givein the Kintgd0rhAAtht"e hatvePt.ot . Eabrsgexep emzetattd hep es 5itt a;vvel ;gi'_ou.7n ded: Peaeegitf" continual praé’tice“s dfdveriéties 3:04 undter'tniae‘ ati&di’flur‘b th em 3 “had not him.‘ V fired: Thetefo1*e ti€‘t'iSt:htv)pEd,‘thaC the gDttS_dA¢‘ ” peopletvofjtthtis .L*an&d%‘t vtfill, fince" the of God hath foeleaeredt tothem the _]‘€fi1 it:_iC3;E* Defigns now onflfoot fot Adifiutbiug the ubhke Peace , and hindring of a Settle» mjent, be armed for the futu re agai”tiPca1»Iit1i«‘ finuations tending to divifion , andto tfow m~enEfa€tionsandpatttiesgtnd unanimoufly V * refolve to difappoint all attempts jvvhichymahy A t %diPtta;é’t the Patlgiament in their eprefe:flt7D fie bares andttcouttnetcelst; by Gods btle£sitngtt'ui:5‘«o‘n ‘which, it is not doubted butthAey"vvi1lfl1ot't-5 ’ly;Iettle this Kingdom ihatl I.iatp4py4aWnvd u yeacealtile cotfdition. 6" Here follow the Copies yoftwo iLetete:rs,. with a Declaration enclofed, fentup by‘ the parties to whom they were ditefted. c SIR,~.» % ~ 5 new not dcqzmintyozt wit/:2 t72‘e §i7e;!ae .flm}} bef;Qr:.hwi:h;m:0%:ym1: ahifi’ ., as Wu‘-'3.‘ V13%-;dm:::1;é:T”f.::roL:iffeivég {owe c1oLi‘.;::rt§0%:»%to' %efi%v<5i:M for y*0u, in %«z:.l§ Ehé comitics £hrou_;a,%hou£~ the whral@%“ % K§ngd0Am3 affizringoyur fclvesi, ftHhaC%%y¢Qu4*; ~ 3Q Vnge$r?a<3hereun;0aFa&ion, fm: u%pV~t0_deflrV0yz:his. A fl<)11::'1ffh1;I3g Kmgd om,ag.amf¥; fgour ~—Fa~xends,Kindzcd, ypur mm Bowéis, and the prefent and fumre gmid bf j%@su;:A{I‘@.+i1§:rrcjz, whichoughz to §.3;6" iT1 « .__ I % _ A om dr;%:;%:;é" }?>OL!V£h§I2i:_h’1S OVVE1 Xifflag >%}—;:4:;;i; ;: f 7.,If A amide V y«e. 1h;.11lA:;fiVw_a£‘i't;redly expeéi fivcxm as J % the“ T€%AS'3}¥-d$&&?3,d: bV§F:tfi;£ af0refai:d *1 %o;hAerWifei we fh.z!l%j {O ciegli w%i:h)4yo~+u, as fwmzn Enemies mam ~C01II1f%;§€y.»~ ’ M1 % * ma % RE % v you if u. ‘ i'le!ai2*¢“f)I0z£.%taf}£o¢£r o?aI2'dijcre”£ion, cz>ztlgr%efz",:A E %1*e%*5‘*i*<»,%.v May30.z548. %S»sperfcriéed; $unansr.[ SE01‘ C01=%¢é’7<’4zr3kAv2vortIaGovernor. S/arcwfbégv. Thefe S/9?’ 01°/hm’ In this 3:s?asizi“c“IfT:éoafed 44:EAa5%:44§}"3ntedZf;;.DecY§i*2ti¢n., em: titifltdg .‘W7e jaw Declarfifion of Vt/:v5fe~'ver.z£ Ceztizms af Kent, max, M§»dd}efc:%x,~ Surzey;, Vzmta tbs S0£a'ier3 %%0f W58 army flow may give! Gammwd cf the Law? §i%i%£Vf&XV¢ % ~M 1 p%_o L E s£.x{ "*s*iar:;3:gg theié Let£ers[A3.11&:Ehe ”Dec!a1*2,tio®nTe:g;I aimiz%%phiniy amars av the D vAA§%i“g’o%i*6:s W3. 51 fp 1:ea’—‘[;: ‘did c6hfp:ifcAto%%aA genmii Engagement 9;; AVAjV;Ag[gv€&Vd?et3t_ ixnxflzm’ praV<.‘3c1c es h:3,y¢" vth§eir%Ai‘v\§“*i¢}<4cd% and defl:ru<9c1vewi P1?c:%iv5V‘Vag% 35¢» mongfls othefgthis on%e, of printing and d‘iA.‘ fperfitgg of Aprétgrded %De¢1ara,tions in the Name of ficvcral‘ ‘C%ounties as aflbciated, who hav eg%i§éAnJ b¢ttér’TcPcimony of their fidelity and.conPc;ant adherence to the Para» liamcm, th”cnt;o}Qwn or approve *t3f%fi1ch a. »C.ombi%nation.‘ I 7' . . , ‘ W , M 7 A > 7‘; _-._...._,. M. ,,. , . ,, ,..-..__.._