M t t ‘ ‘ 4 . t ‘ L \ . ‘ . 2 t e. I” M M ’‘”=$"‘t \ W“: . V .. ,, « ,v..~, N ‘ M ,. L up I "(:3 “u . pa. Defignedin the 3/tar 1643, when the afiaits V flood in baflance before the {écond com-- 4 ing of the Scot: into this Kingdom, ficmn a dame to have kept them out them. WITH A Difquifitimon how the {aid Projeé? maynow be m-- t A duced to fit the prefént conjunéhlrc ofaffairs, In a Letterfént to dirt/er: prudentperflvnx of all __[brt.n Fm" preventing the Sam bringing an Army into Em» Jma’ a third time, or making themfélves Umpiresofour affaires. M By acordiaI1Agreement of the King, ParLia1nentm‘ City, Army,ando£’aHthe peopleoF this itingdtome A A A among our felves. A ,P7'a me pmfmtc Swmtm , komizmmqzw pmteriaz wiginzg, mi/Zia wflem mutmwrzmt.-~~ ‘flgmm ommat éorzi man remflawnt, gain wit pm my N we! memm perirem, arm»? olecarmre pro mmfizlmte realm’, quad 65“ win» were €35“ vimci Zmfluafam nip. fbre pzttzzwi. A Cicero i%lt0f4t. ad ‘flgtigvitn puff Redit. % % Saluéwrimum efl Reip. [:7 magam ifmperia diyturna mm fimr, mt temp-arit madm imparmtm qmiém fzmrzx mm patefl. Tit. Liv. Printed inthe years‘ 164.8. ~.1 ' d ‘A W ‘NI ’ , V‘ -.,;:\ F/< fl ll 2:1 l ‘H -..»fi‘:|" A. ‘A; , W J. I ‘I “ , o E 1 I‘ I , a»»W@@@@@fi@@wM .3 ‘ AT’ E 3. form A dixl/ersrf pro dent oPéfiia:. ,lhm&dHMm Hzmzbly pray yonl to take the poirlzeo to .l.fl.; W % @® :§P6WtfifirfiW the Declaration oftloeo Lordo ». - ::;l« iilwmcl Coimozono oflémlalocl in Parliament, of ‘.,}T.r_M‘ tloofourtlo Aa2z(llJis.olI/Iojefiieoloft/oeo ltwefili AA A .4 ‘A “A {%0f..x4ugnfl.l 64.2 .. A/4 tloeaoz tlooy oonfiolow mo2o;z:lo;l¢dm;¢d to the V Lord Major oiocl‘./tillclelwzozé ofz‘Jac:l~ City in t/oeyeore I (54.2. Comparing tloeficozzclf/zeot tl9er+- apzm bftloo Declaration oftloezirmy ooftloe. 14., oj’7m2o I“ 64;7§fi°omo f/oofi wordy; “oBm‘l il éocozofi rzoitlwor iA/oogrogztizzgl this alone efivc. to t~l:2ejE we olefire that _zlJeAr’ig/or ooclfifoedomeAoftloe people to roproffmt (,/99¢. ] l_oz’zotlooélc5[i plooo¢tl9o‘,21?l)l(‘l0 woo A layecl i7z“‘tloo lCor"2fiolerot%i'ono,o /zmolroloicb the -army V ozzce ltloouglot‘ fifimé,oozgAougl2ltofizpport tbolroloopo cflioozzozomzzzcl ogmzll r27gl2t,AA°oi;zlclj’2"§'¢cloozoofoo«tlJ_omflalmoo, onrl tool! the fi~oeborr;A» pooplooftloio Lzmcl, o«tooomzaob~ lozfure oofyou mzgy oi)»- toirzo flow _j/m0§t1”W¢d72 y otloor greot7ocooj?om*, onol wit]: do mlgzclol ogtleoiiorzlos you moytbinkfit ob ll9eflo2:vl‘z¢poIz= apiece. A o ;i2;zomore¢:>»o:¢zI;:, booriozg floeféa ootbouglotoh in yam‘ mimle oxziaizle are rleoolirzg it. A " V ‘ A ’ I.WbBl‘6 A e . Wketfaeeeii lrezefizot bee: iaezzoméle fer tlbe King am? 33:33 Party, fefefer the Parliament merit/oeizmgaeza’ eg2ee°te- Me five met‘, eteelbmzwe Amzmie ee Peezee eepeez tbe eeweeee tbfiriifi defiTgnee£'et ebe time efeiee’ 2e2rii*ieeg tbeeeefiwbieb were we -»~ we tieefiéffi nerve e‘ oftbee Sco ts refwetieze ea eeme izetoe Emu» 1:end—t£2ee firc~ee2e! tieezee-,ezece’fea:~eee e cliejere ee laeeee léieiettieeyeee wee eieeze Byegeeeemgmeeeezg veer-jeelcvee. . ; _ 5 j ‘ I E Q... W'lee2%e‘r (eeezeleuf fiwezxzr, mm’ zviflo all 4. if weiteee) éteeffiednee I§eeI2“z;zeree£ee2.d'eee'eZ2!e tag, 2tbeR‘e;=- fiieezzeeioee mere’ eficzMz]7;bi.eeret ofRel'z7gz"oi2 2;; ei7ee« Mgdeweee“ efEng§an~d zmeflmland 2'22» Defiezlree, 3/Vorfieipye D{fezj2lieze ezee§%Ge7"*? * jw am MT *%6lome%*o 7“r~%e%“emzzrz%: qfAirhi34<«%_Kinga[dme;A¢ ‘whom ” *¢=e;“=zge.%z:t lagvfigll dz¢e*>fizE2mfliaéz%fév 2}» Ah; t]Qe»ARw%zz [mg ‘e]fecigzlly5"%‘“a$t*Aa ift-iz:tL2e¢A ivbén,,L,tbéfé4i§~%cm2du&% e ; A 1‘b;tM:ft€1 may be‘ yet lavzger r1ij?;~é§zizrg§zed'éyA:4%1%éohii;zg.:;m 2:5. eAmgeIv¢;*¢”aaploicIo %oo‘;zwziri.m A attlaew pre e72t*'.. And i72«‘”pa1£ticiil}z}' )f;(m~: .}o,§~¢:e,f,g~g§,J " V be '%Mi15ti4A»5??f‘ be ‘€’-Vcuiflv, 44'“ = Wbflée” IJo72ourab.lefiwr}t/ae ‘ *1mzg,4%«uadyexAa: »afit%‘f =§?F€l5i5\V1?cirI§2i7¢}é}fiti2i7i(i’ i-13101532; % A Ivzz?}?e w2«ufl*c*§rzw‘¢A‘or§e:* raw 7 D A f;,fiQI,-rno%%;Gopie1df~IdéVtdk§nirzwriii.v2g, mar cgnyrnezia Iwi» 1,,w;(;,g4ta%w;;;mde“fieitber off/ae P rojefi, or of ~tbi«5f A Let--M’ zen; mztill .VI mayfintit{e the] 0ppo%rm}2ewfb~f the? A lifiéttioifii Wbewsh which I A616 mt: as yet Vééndfbr rim re;mm%%¢kaugh I ;mzya» V2ae»z ézzflrmzrgto eafi: the- traublé3%wof tranf2ribiég,I hag/«e' mm we to ¢bam-all the; Qapiexénm bwn@¢ping,%“fi‘ I rema”i;ze4 V DatcdAI»»ié*-41648» 44AS2r,%Your111ofi humb1eA'fe%rvanu‘ *t:heC1ir;:aé’!;erical yew A *rofch;s4»Kin"‘gdaLmAc;% AAIN »; Pog¢_fiE6‘£7‘éi‘’a1‘1305’’g}1?1'Ifi??5l5it‘. 2¢eée4[I'w‘_7A:for we to give 10114; AV53~iéj}§ X r" ‘ wt 3 aémmt 33119} I did 522:: pplélifbt/oi: Prbjcéi 732/me “it mfirjz defigngda: £2.41!tbe~langtime$fitl:r;‘nce elapfis’d,.am}ljet%hm2e t/aaug%l:t:yafAAoIai;¢cg it“ A wpw} A Tax»! mi£)‘. tberfififlrt fllenfe qownderfigmd At/mtmy pturpa/E dz? igéér/I ta: #z4zzm>inzed.tnva[opie: t/vereofi thaVo2wtA,Te:01?F‘9n;7t/ér: at7a:sé~‘%A4t;.[O%;f9,rd;»V A $,t¥M'??".i'«?l{9’.£l€*'1}-?&E;g'WF§f.PV9j’4d5é'r¢??,0fé¢'i7?g».?7?PW£f!P"3m€4[Z~: AB.%i)t"Vf56'fi7”%' 4¢'”0fA?’-W A V‘¢fi}262‘ %r1az;«',AAit%;;v4ap;a.g_.ta my kgzawlenfge »2,*k4t~ Vila; %&m'ier% 7offtAA/;»‘éA‘ Cdnfg“d:r}:rim;g‘4_M Vbgzd gflzxamkmmi-1é.r to lam»;-, tldem1pz¢tv¢i#;fa\~AA tla‘.é%l:2}z22al;s3 of @"er‘tm'ne% pAerfi2m7c)‘" P?'»-iw‘;q”4lit7:- vwd crvditfir A9atb~Mc1e4:»4”Wd%fi~ndt94t%t~9& term-= flaw: “ofi[la:2Ga2zfid¢mtio;2:,»4vd@ySP1§Oi¢r3i,(‘éo2 z-22’-W Lzvézh/EzE¥adfl_b%fa°ré v .jefl£a:’w¥&mzm& ta. .2m!s:z&m£5WE‘flmVin£tert~ fifwv "’W."€?’?3%79f§€3 fiw. ;¥iw=%,»€m12{~?w, Pmjeffif tvi:§T‘iva(§»§iwg~Imlilwwfl ’1fi%”a“‘..f.i‘.“I'0~mP.aflPe “ ;>2;$« qnog” bfi§¢'gé«y:fww»&fM$ “n of W W» «S’2'i*s*i* W- V zrowzegm 3 W V * " . - Ia. .»..:~"V.V‘V.~."i"?;'T. ta.-::‘~'& ~: ~:'v::;, em-~- $4‘ w?I""7’i““" u i For an Equitable and lafiipg P EACE. Defignefiiinthe yea.r‘1643_when the aflcairsi flood in ballance. Pz‘int«?cdf'in the ygare 14.8. @@@@@%@@€ AA Pafl4iaAmentath9s‘;t numember of Parliament, fitting the Parlia- »cu.> @@@g Q)‘ To T HE ‘£2 Moi’: Excellent A A Q AAndAto the A A “ A L O R“ D S and CO M M0 N3 aflémbled in PARLIAMMT. The bztmble petition of -I.’ . ~ D. ajvlctifle Comztreymcziz, . A;@AweIl~22;i[I2erjw%cy‘”AtheEity, mzd’lo'=z2er zzgf trzttb, %rz”gb... A temfize e"a22d”p}:;1ce5 2724/9129 Ao2’z7Izizzz;¢ze,A.czz!2cl .:¢llAtbez’r.s' A Vtbozt myfubfcribe /oeremzto. A A A ' A A 4fl,40ffA/flAwA2é¢4éAZy/Eewet/9, AA AA ‘ A ; ' %Hat4whereasin4a1“etitio11 of both houfes of %Parlia“ - memprefentedto you15Ma3efty in the beginning A A?4of~yo1urIieigne3iiAt Wasdec1ared,That t‘hey'f0und ~ ‘ I itian undoubted right and confiantpriviledge of mem: #3 meat, onwiithimtheufualltimésT¢ofPriviIedge QfPariiamet1t, V ES M0 Abeitli % ifaned,-or refhifined without fcrntcnce, or orderof berorcrearonsfelonya for refuengco ga»ve4rure;y;+£onhe»peacé. ~ I And*whereas in the PetitinO£fight,,rf1~adet§yourM9Ijefly.v \ By the L‘0rds“at1d Cbmiijons afl"em7bled%in Parliament in the 7 At; f1ird¢Ay%eer ofynur reigneé, it was decfared, That no ofFender,oE Vwxm kimd“"{o@yer,%i»§V‘Vaexévmp:edfromthe ;5x;t5ceed§fi_gsAtobe ufed, A and punifh%‘m§nrsAAtAo b¢M3i11(’1i«5t§ed~¢‘by’~AtheLéwes 1anASitEatutes% of ‘. 1;his%your»K‘é‘ét§fne. ” % A V % V - I And whereasby.-%thé*expr§~fl'e Lqwes and Statutes thereof; rhamis to fay, by theS4V:atx:i’te’~ca!led ,che~~%Gr»eat Charterofthe Libertiesof ‘iE;5,g4l%ar1d,A;[:m rrd bya S:catuca_ Amade im:he:;;A2 8. years‘ ofthe rei“"gnéégf yourmofi noble Progjénicfirt I{ing'%;[E2*dfw4rd t;he7 third‘, it is‘ d%ec1ared af1d %ei1aé’ced;~Tfi2it no Freeman may be A tavkaen?%ioVr%V+§r1V3 pxi£2jn»ed.bl1t%Vby the ”laW‘?uI‘l judgement Of his Peers5 T ‘r by the awawydf :1-‘vé Land;;—nor withmat. bcingfifouht to age “ fwer by dufiproceflé of Law: And whereas“b“‘y twobth er "A 8:3 of P’ar“liamenwr,5the one made- V in the 3 8 . year of your fetid glorious anceflogitis ordained and \ aflénted "Th*atalI that tto inconvenience whteh might have aceutted tttteugh any tegati ptoteeedmg: either egtfttttt tttetfitid accuteet % petfeesj or their fectet aeeefet, can any way eetttttetttttle the It many fltifchieffiss whictt have ettfued eupmt theintettttptiott theteefi Fm: itt your Petttteeets peete ebtet*vattiest't gtouttdefl on divers Deelemtiettt cafyottt Mejefttt ettd efyeut two Hen» -{Tet er? Paffi&m€Ut3Cpa3’ttCEfl3t?:§7 that at taut Majetttee eat‘ the tweitth at Aztgzgfl téttm and that ether eat" the Leeds and Commons at the beginning ofthe {a:.%dmOi‘1€t'h~9)[§1€O§)w tttttftilotmf fiufttcefittthts cafe flttft: hath been the feetttfieteet eccafionm Whether giver: at tween, at 3 We tteppege in the cafe of many ethet effettdgersi anti‘ mere efpeciafiy mt’ teme met tong beferefiand ofothete frmtt after by Pettiztmettt eccufed of the femehettifl crime at having intettdeeii’ tbtce egttitttt the Parliament, which accufétitm natwithflantfing w,:t1r P&t‘§i3m€t‘tt$ mad the vOt§“;€F between the Parliament am your Mejetty, wttich hath fince t’.‘tVrf:.‘t‘t'Kl[l thiswhttle Lane? wtth tech vi.et‘ettt:e, that no jpt*t3ett1ittet:ce of the Ctowneg or ttbetty of the Sttbieét, hew tt1e“:§etfteb§t,fi:e& feever, have been abte to {tend before it_:, But fzl“-t‘C€ t"mc0urgs;hot1t prevaiting above tigh t,, a fleet Qt’ COt7t‘{t1{Zf.d dfi otdet brake in uptm us, and aface of b2.1rb£tt"OUS anarchy t“0t*!~a time ceverefi this whale Regime. A A M A in tender ce>ttfidet~at'ion tvheteot, and ptevetttimt of that utter defovistttott, which nmft needs fpeediiy ttvetwtteime this imitetabie kingdeme, ifatt othet tike floud atcivtit Wette fiteuld ttfe ttpcm it? your Petitiotsets humbty pmfttete at ymtstt Maxie-4 M Meg (rs) {lies feet, do there implore your graciotls proteélfion-: Anddo ‘V man humbly pray your Maiefiy as they do alfo your Parlia- V merit, ethatfdue andfpeedy juliice may pafle upon all perlbns, . ifwhat degree or qualityfoever, that may be’ found guilty of i any intention of over-awing',ior over-«ruling your .Majeft_y or i your Parliament before orjlince the beginning of the late Warg; the curfed iflhe of that highellt mifdemeanour and trealbn can» A be devifediagainfl your Majefiy and this your kingdome : and refpcétively declared to be 1" uch byyour Majefly, and by youri trvo Houlesi of Parliament. Orifthisgin which there feemethi tohavebeenfomediflicultyin timeof peace. lhould now be- grown lefle-poflible after folonga warreg, That thenfor the time paft your Majefly of your ovvnePrincely clemency, and A by authority of your Parliament would be pleafed to palfe an iaét of oblivion, and to grant your full and free pardon to all the " aforelaid refpetiively accufed perfons, and to all other that may “ be guilty of the fame mifdemeanour and treafon 5 as alfo to all I thofe that have been involved in the late warre through the ‘r failer of due and timely jullice in thofé original! and critically‘ A to And howfoever that for the time to come the Militia ofithel kingdome” may by a.:.10ath asmaybe devifed for the fare binding ‘them (117) them give their Votes according to their confc:ien,ceSini all : things put to the queflion. And that for the further fecurityl anclcomfottofyour people, your Majefiy would be gtacioufly pleafed not onelyto give free admittance to fuch Committees V of both H oufes of Parliament, as may bechofen by them 13111711!- lbly ‘to reprefent the reafons of their Refolutions to your Majen " i fly, and to give fatisfaéiiion to any doubts your Maje» r from Notiagbamf fiyfupon advilement with your Privyor Learneclcounfel may haveabout them, before thegiving of your conclufive voice, but thatof your Princelygrace you would condefcencl ifo farre as to oblige your {elf likewife by a voluntary Oath not to deny anything that V to the beft of your unclerflanding to informed, as afotefaid, {hall be really for the good of your Subjeéis, and A rthatmayadlvanice the true; Protefiant Religion, oppofe Popery rd-and Supetflition, Iiscure the Law of the Land, (upon which is built as wen your Majefiiesjufi Prerogative, as the proprietie Al and libefortie oi the Subjé&,) clonfirtne all jufiipower and privi- lcgeiof Parliament, and render yourMaje[’ty and your people happyybyagoodundetfcandingrwhich are your Majefiies owne gracious wordeofenghagement in two of your Meflages .u ‘ «aThrat becaufe thedefires andtninldes ofthe,Co”mmonsof1;his V ki-ngdomelcanrroecertlainely be: rutidetfl:ood by the Votes of _ theirB.eprefentantsii1anyoneParliatnent,(uponwhich,y and \ many otheryprudent ?.CO1'lfidl6l‘ati0I‘lS it hath been by aourwife Ancefiors provided, ,l that the Patliatinentrlought to be held at e a leafi once every} yeatgafter themaking; ofwhith provifiéi it was at . long before any Paifiamentewas continued to= a gtearerlengtlg) at T hat it may beagreed,that irumed iately after the eftablifhrnent r r 4 of all things abovelitid in the mannernaforefaid ,~ this prefent Parliament {hall be dilTolved.by rthe.lfteeconl”ent of : bothHou- I M fee. . But that before thedrifl’olution t‘h”ereof there mayrlbe an C18) .eF:?;~pef¥°edf°0rtfieafluraeceeeof’an aemmfii P.;M§eeneen*£ in the meme manner that emeneieaifl is new afiueszd, wieh H efie necefil» My fie 3:2 pfieeaeeeaflefldieiens ehereuneee A A 24: 0 One feeehe eegeiaeieg efEEeé?e§e:»ee in {ash e meeeer whee eh+ey be more free em E~::=:::’§‘e chcaeg~eab~§e,eee ‘%'*¥J’»€‘?H 4 the €oum.ee§7,, were the peeeaee ~35: eem‘peeiei danger, how gieate or certaine to» A A ever,beingfuflicienttoA excuiéthemforehaving faiI“eAd. in th:eire A duty to theirfiin 8;country5ei_;1jere"by concealitigitheire mir1*ds,AA orby ede1?"ertingrt eirflatibns, before anyone ofchemloflany AA foneedropof his bloud,which hath been the occafi6%of'A{‘oemuch A bI"oudfl7ed*oftheirLfel1wow fubjefis 2 II; being vifible thgatcheg-fig" '?cou1'deheve been riobre"achbet:eweenyourMa'jePcya?nd your two " Hdufes‘ of‘ Pafliamen r,if all their refpeéiive MembAersXehadcé;I‘nti4- Anuedet Weflm”izzffeer,e_and had there avowed their“*_beAine.gAof th“e fZ;meVjudgemet1e,wh1ch they have fi[1AeC€dIfE?A0V61'6deotherwheféfi, A That theepubliqeue debt ccm:tArea&ed by occafion of the char-- "’ 8550f thelate warre may be borne bythe partakers thereinone A that fidegwhich cannotmake”i”t~Aappeare‘th,at they hadjufi cdufe‘ “to A take up armes j becauf e they could notobtaine juflice by the AA Law of the L and, 4 A in fome thing that was ”ei-ember" of ébfélute A neceffityto be maintaeined for the publique weale,or”3g leaf’: of A I Tfich importance ‘a£s?waswo1~1:hy to becontend ed about by? an:ps;A (tAhereIbeingno ottierfuHiecient‘*eCauTe for‘etheebeginninAg‘0’f5 aWAc’I-7 “ * A .vill_Wa.erre, even by them. that have unqueflionableAimtithofiti tomake me :) And if both partiesfhould chance4~‘tcA); failew in the proofe thereofi(whicheis not impoflible in the gen;er§1i§ hbwfoever‘ it may fall but‘ in thiisgparticuwiar cafe,‘*)_.;thé1r“'t'ri%% ~ vem: eitheer every prfwateeman may bearé filcb péirt of7th4eAcTar1§1«aAl-9 Agesash?Lis’it1 our hu*'inb1eede4firesby fubfcribinghereumo. " e « And laftly, that becaufe there is fmafl eeufe‘ to hope that -rims VV Kingdome can be at peaqe againe either withi:1"iefelfe, 03‘ with your Majefties other knngdomesgumil It and they have made. gthei-r‘peace wxth God;-, arid became there 13 me much caufie m » 7fear‘ethath‘isValle-feeing aendeIe*all4-cliifiserening Majefiy hath been highly provokedby more fthanone of thrflemeanes, which % ‘hath been‘ufed to pacific him, and nameiyeat firfi by "thelcng A; C:0r1tinuedejrreg‘1eéi: of publiflque humbling our fe7u1se;bef'ore”beim,; A I fdt“t“fie“pr§;eventing,or fpeedy determininguf a like Mandy A Warree iVn~*?t‘hi§s kingdomeeg ofwhiche we feemed fo fenfile in rrezms and fince4by appointingciiverfedaieseto that end by § the divided authority ofy0u1fMajefiy and of your Parliament, by fafiingfgn cho{fec1ahyes:.to[e{’t1:ifc anzdrdebate bate chiefely e p1éefuming4”tOce$méihtoe~the dreadfufl :pre{‘en“cc* of God upon ewhof”e"e‘dLalyeS withhnuch leVfl‘e‘ouTt:w“ard expreflion :01‘? humble re-2 verericemid rear ,then hathébeen fhewed’by11eév;her; in the like e A ogcatimag eaud»*w'jth hearts fratxght °‘w«1eh bxtternefle and‘Wrath, A and bandeful1eof‘«:v4i‘oIenee andbieud .:- eandw by the manydffiw cofifonéhé Confeifibns, Peeitibns 5 A "'~.a’7ndu thénkfgievings have» 4 b:ye’en;put" npgo fiié Divige Majefiieeuptinfthefe arid mheredays,: 'I‘hat%‘in ameiidmen~t'ofa1l‘éhef;e and othefiour failings, and 0» \z.er--doitjgs, andfqr V't3heec?~3‘eanefin»g.eofall y'.ourMaljeflies Realms, ffjrfom the 4 blood ee‘wl:ierew~it!a they are cetjmixiljr defi!ed,; éif peradu n . C23) advermare any party, or perfonl may walh hisrleor rleielrharrdée fromrhe gullrthereofl) fome one or more daies , foone after that of your Majefliee meeting with your Parliament, may up-~ A on their Petition he fetaparr by your Majefiy for a melt fou lemoehomiliarion of all the people ‘of all your Dominiorzs. 4 And (as a neceflary preparative there-unto) that there may a‘ be a convenient number of godly‘ Wife pérfons chofen by your Maiefiieayour two Houfes of the Parliament of this kingdom , and the Commlffioners of the Parliament of Scotlmm’~_., and . that tl‘rEi‘}" may be authorized and commanded to make a pru-~ A dent and diligent enquiry after all the moi’: crying finnes of all - r rhe Natlionsunder your Maiefiies government, and thofe in A fpeciall for which it may mofi probably be Colleélied that God hath vifired them all in circuit thefe lair yeeres ; as alfo after the moll proper meanes to appeafr the fierce wrath gone forth an gainfl’ your Majeftie and them, and to prevent the like in time E0 come. FI NIS. A@@%@@@%@@@@@@@wm C25) , . ‘A~ ‘ A ‘A M A par t ofthe DAMS r.A1mAArA~I low of his Excc:llIencyA»Siir Tl90Ifl.‘M5" Fzzi1y‘§zx~,r7:0KV 3...,m*Ar.i Fairfimg with the Oyfi1o:.:rsA and A H A SouI"diers%of his Army‘, figned flolm Rfwfbziiortb Vsecretary, “ and dated yam» I4-. 1 647. Printed 1n the year 154,8; A vx A To the Reader. Tplzrpofie Alaerein 325 M to fAmfm7_,/Z6 yaw with grlae abowementilau A-volz'4me,fa to ‘convince the firm} of the expc~v2'lieme,lor M»-% V meal Tieclmfation at £3 ’cl9e.r¢per'mte ltbm Wyiszzgl the wkala l ‘ ‘ ‘_ l . A thew z:ebe_,7§iy1aa/nick lief/Jan laisfixcellemy meal Jazls Ojfia-A c mamlawd in tlae Pofifcript oftkefiregoimcg gmemllL€t«- can ta winlalimre tlae7;¢fel"ue.s'f;famt/as oiommm impfltmiam A A texj to tlmt%emlo1¢l}', mad mtfrom any will afiA7s=62‘iam zmmdx /azlc Emfe/lezacy A Aba?:lomyAAltlaem, c,;xi"ceptz::¢g LA€vel1ers‘ofwlazzt mzalgfactz/6?‘/‘, ofm”.v_am% the ”.I/I/‘r:i~- % tar oftlmz: Lecterldotla here pwéliqmly prafee bl: r;flol.v4.re maul alter‘ dyliéa, wif/§ingAthem fieedil} ram»-ms, lmfl zf/av éelozzertazlqmléy 2:/mtAlae.¢zA~z:)iefl=;zg~ tame pronamwzcédczgainfl t/gem. V L ’ V % A A A My {on fieare thou THE LO R D3 D TH E KlIlN’G, and med; dlc: not with them that are gisrex1Ato change; A A A A For t‘hé’ir”calam‘ity {hall nifelfixddenly, af1dVWl1wholki1oweth‘thc ruins BE A THEMAVBOTHPM V zwz Levellers all ml/ft‘ be (tlaoxgla pcrclmrce 422 imam: not /:9) ;M.~ wmld /agave no King in England; .724 W/aiclo re‘/Pall I jiiall not mfily 65» l I lie'vetlm.t may Nolzlemozn, Knight, Aorl Gmtlamrml Momldl conflalrelto pzzllA A damn t/mt fl4am1rclay,z»zp,_a7¢ '23?/dick will/o.e advantage “/9? /mtla alvawe other “ % Amen doth entirely depeml : altkomgbdiver: be given out in‘ the whzfl2er.§‘w:f”” _ flan: parry Ara-lrefvwmrersaf that Wild cljfigng, ‘A Whom I laigelvypzjzyl A1202! hozm:.ocm_/z‘o‘?2 Ffjme lly to I leclpzlm A to dejjyfi tlazér ndvcrti/Emelat, Wt to tak-fin % ‘V 7% % lgyinfllit, lwfare itA%ta%lAZ?¢A%;tao late. A Ac/A4?1dlAwI~for%,tl9c,L€\{c1l€¥S tbemfilwy, V ‘ ‘ ‘H ‘ ‘ l ‘ '. W! (=6) éwondmf} Qgitator: in Army, ity, or Cfazmfréy, fl’nce%t}.2aj allow ¢ “vxtamplargzvry Layepr»each1ng,Ilai2pe they will talg no afmce at m} /dzt'vi7g;gW :ygi*z/fm #05 W “ilk: 5%! l‘0.-2‘/ainlgzzxpan : W/9ic*/0 I Mwifé them in their %%majifls¥rz”6z»uiba=wgb::tbV pampm uaraimt/a‘z‘totlaer,I ]ohn, 4. 2,0’; /mdt/a.e_~;z ta mlQ;3' At/9:2z¢Wl1)ex,{ whether wpan flaefame reg;/‘on it éw not 42 cartaziWgfz£t%/J,?t[mt’ M ‘ 'Ilaefi:»ircé;2:I9* G’bd,zz;7¢oI yet fmreth mat the ICimg,i$.e.tbe .S.’o72erzzz"gn; % Pmmaf int *‘ti2%?f¢¢"*¥¢*: WW2 W ’44r‘vfitm* %im, W/War in W, or % few,,ar.many,Vz3‘¢V~ym lam‘: w/amt; For /9:? t/9aztf¢m7*et/at/mt lamomwb) A mt ?tB¢9I{ing;nv/awom be /ME/2%ufc’en;bp%2aé%/5 mid /aefmre Gad‘;w,’oom bé /mrb édozr, flan dejjyg/flag tkafleW/:)am+9'051/Mt%/6"pl¢zceol imzutlvority, and% in‘ timit re-» V‘ A called gods‘, the authority qfod¢/éimfélfié is defl7ifi'd. The} /mzzénot re--» ‘ Ajeffgd zflaae, Wt pbcy /M216’ reje£2cd% M9,. that 1fl_10%[d mt reign o'z2erw%tée}n, 3/";zia%i%Gozl‘to%