dum- -qfgwm xs: .4. n , ‘ M ' ‘ ,9: ., ~ . ‘ ’ fl ,r._-‘. ‘ ' <. %ami.‘ ‘*!‘A‘vv‘—' "We ““ H ‘ ufiflgv; ‘W; ‘~~»m.. -mvt!‘ * 3% gm 1. . 3 I’ ' A .4 V ‘ . ‘ " ‘ . r . ‘.11! < A, .'ut!}:‘;§~ " ,2” ' . ~ I “E. < 0 A. A _ , av . % = F . ~:. ~: '5 - ‘ , ‘ _ Al,‘ ’ . V3 C1’) D73 2 t-4 f'*‘W°§g£ « 4 _?a E?”/"£!!ia22z Lje;~zt§mZ Efq; Speaker of the V - Hoztaamble Er{oi;:fz:‘0F Cm:2:zma;zs, _. c<>N.rcERN1NG.* 3' ‘Iv ,‘. 9 :.-«_~.'r,:- .,_v 3.. '1 av». ix;-1;;, 3 W .n»:« xv . t. ‘% yg .*_v:4. v_--."“_«_.. ;' ’*.-~.'?'-<- ~ :4 at '1'?‘ 1- .< N“ u.’ _ E ‘- V . 3 «_;::. ‘W\“;u‘.:(N ’giJ.".7: H '*.;r$f§{%="%. ‘ ‘ ,g_,. ) . , .. _.; . ‘ Which Letter was read in the Houfe of Commnns; A fig- An 0 R DE 2. of the Commons forthe 7 " {aid o/yam to appear within Fortydays‘-%to~make A 5'" good his Aliegation. 7’z¢flrZi/565! éy Q/1/mk6ri£,v»fl .:¢-4-s % ‘ 5; .4§u'v::l=. .W'~ an ,, ' In 1. « $3? W ' -- "'- Lbkzdm, Printed for Edward Huflwmd, Printerflwm the H0norab1e.H;:«ufe.o£.Commons. }1;me.26 . 1648; Willem Leetfml Efq; Speeiefir oi‘ me .i Honorable Home of C o M M: ore s. Mr. Speaker, Avingiafieiy received knowledge of the unpar;.:ileld vvickeci p1*ae"i:ieee of M1‘ 0]!- éowzg from the Right Hoi:ioi*2.bl~e the ‘ "H : ..‘»2w~- ' "‘ n"%fl~., _.- FBI!-P fem me , eiieeéeed to him fieom the iiiid bozzmwho hzxetii bin the chief iiififhiimfiiiityiil eon-. triving and afleinga as {er ass iiim ireerj ehe late Defiigri ofthe Kings intended ei.eape5 wiieeeini it appears , that faiiiog in eheehis Treaeiieiroosi purpofe, and meeting move with new Couoeeiim ioesfiiepioceeds, iziioogii in a eooee aibomioablei VWey_.,by fhemeiiii and i1niieai'eiofLyee,as much as in him1ieth,to ebufe inflame the oifiurba f ed mindes of the people in ehefe o‘ificre.éiedi times 5 and mofi unworehiiy eofcendalize me? aiindthe ref’: of theGentlemen, now attending: the King; and.inti1o{e things wherein his own heart is a Witneie, that they are (of all other} ' 21!‘ 1;‘)!- “. “W a, ‘ *.’.',.’i he 5 gore} Wharton, by 3. Letter xreiiieii his Loni» ygontirary to eruth. Andbeeiogefiince fur-' A M We 2?.“ ~‘¥:iii€¥“C0£i§fim'iE.““&, That in profecut1.on O’fbti]‘1‘ShliS ah&acio:isGviilany, he hath Written publiqiuei Letceis whoth Houfes ofP’arliam¢m,afi‘ci£ing fizchihfiormrid Fa”1fi::ies,i that are hardiy fittei) 13:, ha»; imezd,i‘i:t by Rich 2. wretch, whofe principle he-- i ing faiiénefs and treachery,knoWs no limits in wichwncfs. Sir, My {Ease ofthe iii thatin fuch iim%::*s2.s thaife m”2.yaccr.u"c to the Kingddm by H ihchfibufes , caufcth me to fendiup this hear:-:1’ Major ‘Ralph (though through Wcaficiiieifiéi he be very umfpt for Travel) whomi he avoziches for his Authogthat ifyou pieafc may he examined, whowill fuficientlyi i.£‘1Fo1-m you of the great iunitruths raifsd by that unwoirthy perfbn; Whom ‘I ihou1d.l}ctpai§ as not worthy £116 :22.- king notice or, to Time, to Shame”, as it hath zuhoiie other unworthy Rep0rter’s,, who haves; i »§p;*e2.d abroaci the late faiiia Report oifmy Inhu-- . mane ahufing the Pcrfon ofthe Kim‘, were not A , _‘ a 2:9 _ ._ the Puhlzque more then .iI1')7.i€i'{:COI1C€3‘{l€‘Ci in it 4 5 , - V , % t 33 but the Wifaiom of your HOfi0f$%*‘biC Houfe 3 death, a“mi*i gout): net: wiiilimors clieariy difiém, aim afign ériven at in Rich Reports? and will take cai*'eim: 3. rightI1néeiriisimdinigefthaié what " ‘ have ham, or may yet be deceived fin ch abuiii fes. Fez: §*§3»:,f§§.,WVfl» p;i.r£iciiiair,ha.di I901: hmi thus 0CC3"': tf.t“r i . .,..... - K rloccaiioniedciihy" my ‘Ciuty. to yoti gotta térhéh Kirtgi; dom, i fhotild have left the clearing of my iritewr gritty (as Formerlyi lo liili)'to~the righteous- God,who r_i~fWitli patience men can wait uinon, and truPc irrhim, will certainly confound and deiiroy that PtrmSture,vJhofe Foundation is ls-M in lyes, with fl1a,meandl*orrow to it’s Wickeci builders : Sir, I have not onelyto fi1ppo1't and hear me u p againflthelie ~calumn‘ies,the tefiimo-~» nyofafgood confcience; but to clear me 3.!” .17” mongfi men, itpleafeth God [o to order it, that A upon all occafions given, and that biefore many witnefles, the,King is fo juft, as to vindicate me from all thofe Aljgerfions 4, and fol doubt nor. will all others that have any Fence of honor or truth, who have been Witneffes to my actions M L and cleportment, fince His Majefiies unexpeéta ed coming to this place. Sir, I conclude with this profefsion to you, as in the preience of God the Searcher of h'earts,Th3;t as all the good. of this World could nothave hired me‘ to this Employment, coulclilhave avoided it, or would youvhave feen it fit othcrwife better rohave proviciecl for its fo, feeirag Provioence hath cafi: the afsiiighce of fhal foeontiriuhefi to the tit-—~ me upon it,or rather it upon me-,1 have (and by‘ W of my piowar and knowieége, c§emeane& * my {E-':1—f with 311 dutifi1i,rei:pcé’c to His Majefiies Perfon. , with an equal eye to the duty I owe yam mdthe Kingdom, in the great. truf’tyou; have been picafcd; to place ugon me 2 And this. with that integrity and evemmfi 3, that I {’tandA xeady togivcanV account to Gocland ailmen of my aétians herein. This fétisf“2.€tic>n4 to» yo«L1I~* *fi1’:a£:§e upen 2.13 occafi;ons,by confiant tcfiixnony emf yoL1rfLwour to mel need. 110% now give you; }>'e:': §3einFg wfenfible a. Eictie at fine Wickcdncfé. of rshis mop: Lmzgmtefiai. mawomhy perfon, makc.s v 333$ thus? zmxflmlvs —youA9th'aughA E n aed net, Rea»- :’§onAAi%t‘"{c1f WM picaci fi:%cm*;at§yaga%infi‘: himfi that hmag 9.ztcna§.,«tcd and faéfied in fad) 2. D6» fign_,Vbeiing {ca §rinc:§;p3cd3 as flush 2. mm mufi be; that ¢fm:~» Ms @wn imteArcfl: he Hamid proceed? ttims ta ce19u;r%§his%v§Eiany,,2.s byflhfis 1ateAddre£- {es ten bath Hxoufcs. S3233 {EMU not {umber tmum b1ejyou‘,¢ bu‘t:V in 7 mafia camefi exp€&a;ti~on lmku Eng 501' 3% ¢§iJVer$»m€4,fl*;0m my ig-ntollerablc bur“. ‘then (whichGc&azm?%.a good confcience onely fspports 2. poor weak man to undergo) either a rfimoval of His 4Ma§e&ies4 Pcrfon from %xencc,A_%whento your Wifdams it {hall {gem faf:::% a.n§.fit 5‘ 031 by iyfcitgcr prvjding for it, a, per- % % gm 1(7) {on 161“ perfons more abic to :.m&erg@ it eithefi of which, that which may heeifitfiztc with your ‘ agairsj his mofi: hsamiy dafircd E and that with ifpacd, i§Gwd {Ere it gmd: Tifi when, in tha firengthwf that GM Whm hath‘carrye& me on Ev§?é.fit%B€K“€n-®.§ me? 33 gym {ball imble me {being fufi~- miemfiy gm,rdea§.3g;1i11f%the ‘wow: that Maficc can throw @033 mm) in all iconftxnt intcgrztypl ~fl1al§{im&em7m§t0 exprefs my 531?, 3:}; . W.“ » Y , ‘ gm gm; mm @’mo22;fe.w A « « Sézzcél £13213 I.etm»°, Z r72czvéexa2?2£z2ea% tide .z?7re.e Soldiers, uwsovaere dealt win? to image 59922 affijiing in fl§he%I{ing.5efiape; lam Itiagyzzfl affir-m, med are reaa’y ta make gaoal upon 0a2fl2,T7aazt szefilaer 0sbornw., D%0wc=m:3 7292* my ether, mid them that '$!ye%Z{z}:zCg:;mZzfe ‘ms in dam--= ~ gwryz iSo%z7mt it [ee2mM‘ mm afievéce af F2115 om; tom-;-__ flazmg $329 peapig A " Die .4 fzbée W-cgg, rm‘, 5 4 2. by;theC