-o 2” L , .5 E 3,‘! '{ v ,3 A v‘ . u' 4’ V .. . .. W5?‘ 1*.» er’ .1 . v ‘ ‘« . wwwwwwww $E?¢s%£*¥‘a?%’;?’vs“\’1i"ws?‘«‘z:’£°e§%‘*M1‘2s»‘” ;?x??««9n‘?w%t? ?~¥fi*s3;33i5%§§2‘§§§?§33Yfia%§i5Ef%»;%?,§{? ..;3%} % A A K ‘ 7 A ~ -33* o:3~-.~‘ ’ .OETHE fig V S O E O A % . - %$ ea m, and about Lona/gm, {rem the unjufi Afperfiims mi’: upon their former Aétings % if’ for the Parliament as if they had pro- ‘ -mg» V s :2. . ¢ meted the brmgmg cf the ~ 3% * E; 3 w%‘(; % A _ M to Capitallpunifhznent. o‘.‘«'«M~« . ~ % VVITH A 3%. «>3; A fhort Exhortatxon to their People to keep clofe. R . “Ah _ to their Cavenantwlngagement. Ifaigh 69.1’. for Ziozaxfialige I wiflrzor hm! my peczae, and farlerufizlemsflflge I will _ yo: 7'5‘/9;, mm’./I the 1*‘:gbt€t3:§{3; efie téereofga forth 5»: l:rigbzneflé_.,ar2d the {atwtian A _........ _......._.........a zbemfm ammp z:hac~é=z4rm:’:b. % % M ‘ I9:c:v.«z.4»m,z 7% Mfyfon, fem» than 1798 lord’ and the 1{?ng,anal2a2ee1aIIe$2¢atm‘:b tlaermfimt mcgjvzzen to change. % A ‘ V V % Fer ilveir :%aIam&gy flraxl rifia fzaddam-3'); am! who Igrwwétbzbe ruine of them both P .- WT M L ONWD 0 N3 %% H N V M;%%fi:>r T/9. “CJ2:2der/79:5/1‘M':a.t theBib1c in A A Waodfireet. .1 6 48. Lé P-rintedby . ' ‘ t _ I 4 ~» '*-'\ _@,1 %4 dcfighes,%rcvenge, 01‘! other -ed mg séfia rm.» 1-..v.4&‘;.;~.'$ ' 5,?‘ =55” "5 “ up‘ , ti. _, fig‘: V I 3: ‘ . ,‘_I~:$ 3‘; I 1 .< ‘.._ ‘[3,, M, M fmuflsxd r. ‘ . ‘W ‘ m_._’ 2*?‘ div A * &~r»*:‘ 'd%*~$' w an 2* 1 d‘ » + ‘*5 o"’.Vé}V . MW ‘ b " 5'“; " am-v‘ H a 3". g - Q3!‘ kg”, ' rvlwn-w-MI 3;‘, ‘ mg. ‘ yr’ Av’H“"§.v bflp '1 ‘ (lawn ‘ A; Jun . A « x , s ‘ ‘fit. 133*.‘ 3,»: m . -‘II 1'1 y.-1;:-pd‘ ‘aw I ‘_ r;f'1:. g ”'?*':o w*.'.«4'%;,q"‘3v’:fi". V V," > \,‘._i i*_}.;:‘,, kjfg . wm M M W%&m*»Wm%® V I N «D TI 0 I\I N-or THE “M I N1 3': E R 5 Q14 AVTHE G 03 1>1=.1:. in';3Ud43.bOU?.L(31¢£lbdfl, from the unjufi Afperfions ’ cafi upon their former Asftings for thePa.r1iament, A as if they had promoted the bringing of the ' K IN G t<3Capita1lpunifhmcnt. r - T cannot be unknown how much we; and other Minifters of this City and ‘Kingdom dd that faithfully adhered tot!-xé Parliament, 5,: have injurioufly fmarted under~tdhie fc:Uux*ge . ofevil tongues and pens,cver fince the firft deruption'oft11e unhappy differences and unnacurall warm betd:ween~t11e mag and Paxliamentz, for our obeddience to —'thedCodmmandsdand rders ofd}:hedHonourab1e Houfes, incheir centefis vvicla his Majefiy, and canflifis with his Armies.dvdd d A * A 4‘ it y ‘I’ d ‘}"" d d 3‘ W'ed:arenm: igncmnt of the over»-b*ufi¢ cm:"erm‘edIdi'ngds efd Prelates~ and their party V heretofitire, ‘in d overérulihg civil afféxirs cc; the great cndangering of King-d.d‘oms, aridv oftlxis in pat*ticu1ar, when ‘Private ‘interefis, ambitious’ mii’ccr« endtg enggaged them m3rc:rr1ddvthe:irdfphere. ; I-Io wbei:.,% iccannot r%ea¢{dom.151yd C345 we con:ceive)ddbe denied, that Minifiers,asdfzz&j¢z%’s,d"being bound to obeythe Laws and cc: prefc‘drvéc}fxed Libdertiesof « A3 V A the‘ (,2) the Kinegdom, asnd7hat/ingan intercfl; in theineglnilii the happinefle of them, as well as others, may and ought, ,( Withouteeincurring thiejufi cenfure clue to bufie. bodies and iincenidieriesi) to appear, fori,pre_ferving the Laws and Liberties of that CoAmmon-wealthAwhereof they are members, efpectally in our cafe, when it was dc» ilclared by the Parliameetg Atlaet all was at flake, and in danger te be left. No, I104‘ as Minxfle s ought they re h<—>le;‘their peace, in a time wherein the fins of Rulers and Megifirates aswell as others, have fo far pre»v0kediGod Yes tn kindle the fire of his wrath againft his people. And yet, for this alone, the fa;ithl'ull fervants of GQd,t%l1aveix1 al1ages,througl1 the inafifice of Satan and his infirnments been traduced as A~x'ch-incendiaries, when only their ac» Cufers areindeecl guiltyiof both laying ithe«t1*ai.nL,,talncl of A ‘putting tfi re to it, to blow up a. Iiingdlom. A A _ ilAnniflksé.aadl1nis fycophants think nenejfo iiiittcxheat the Odin of being the grand Trawler effflwl, as Elglm/Er. Thusithepopifln device was, to chargeitl1e Gumpawner Afreafm ( haelit talten effeeit ) upon the Puritnm Artdgif you beleeve Tartzzllm, even a _1?m! Aisa peflilent fez/ow, ; 4 mower affidizian t/mmg/Jozit I/.16 ‘mt/51, la Arizzg-[e:za’cr Aofa and what not,but what he is '3 Yea,Clzr.~jf hi.znifelf(tIixoug~ili that friend” to Mommfby, even; of heathenifh inflame) ispro-.3 AcAla.imed 479e’i1fmjt0i’C;eafit2’, to open sway Agto;--.l1ise~clePcru— fiion, bytheir I11-3.liC€3"WhOflC.V€1°CflI‘.£fd for the intetelb ‘fC'aefi1r. ‘ ‘ . ti is A A A A VVl}€1‘€fOI‘€‘, ‘although wiib M, Vwhev have had e’xpe..»; tibince of like uflage, it {we 4 f $2412 thing. ta-be tlms it judgedqf A Amz,w1aen we "regard onlyour own pemzticnlar p@rfQi1'S.$e‘§ For, xfetbej Acfzzll like i mnflerof the ‘W/atwfla Bee!-,eeénA@wleéAn»>~ A M46/3.A_791m; t/Eafc qfilztk lum;7Awld E” yet when we». cni(i;deAxi A A how and condemned: all which We muff, and do (3 ) 4 how muehit concerns the honour ofdur Mafltr,and the A A goed oEa11.,a mt prefcrvc out minifieriall funéiion imma.«- , culateh (’:tQl1t‘t_g0Gd names , beingirx that relation, as need; A full” ta others, ash atgood httonfcihmzc to our tfelves“) we h » daragnothbut .ftat1d by :md.tafl"crt the ihntegrity toftmr h hea.rts,and the innotcencyttof all our aéltings ( inthrefeé rencetozthe King and Kingdoms) for which We are It). n=tuchca.1umn§ated and tradticed. ~ 4 This we are campélled to atthis time,‘ bécaufeh there are many who vary confidently ( yet mofi‘. ttmjttfltly) charge us to have been formerly imfizrumcntall, toward the taking“ away the life of the King. And hecaufetalfo thextc areothets who in their fcurrilous Pafquiis and Li; A beds (‘as well as with their virulent tOflgt1€St’)u»p1'€fCf1C’uS to theworld ah a élatmgv fedz’tz'm5fi’6f,t ma’ traitmm aé-V fi2'mL?m, ofwlmt and téegadly people cf the Kingdam: aha at-zmgflly dgzfin-fear eflaélzflsirzg af'Religz'm mdPewe, inthat: wefiick atthetExec:m’o2¢ ofthe King, while yet we are (asthey falfly affitm) content to have ltimtcmrviffed j from our hearts difislflaim: before the whole World. A Forwhtet-1wcdid fitfc cnga he with the Parliament, ~ (which we did not till calla t hthémcunte: ) we did it with1oya11heattsa.ndaffe&ion towards the King, and his poiterity. Ncstintcndingthe lead’: hurt tohiskPcrfot1_, but m»tf’cop laistpatty from d¢ihg~fut'thcrtt hurt to the Kingdomte -,, mm; to bti::xg—his Majefiyhto ju’i'ti€;te" ( as fomc 4 nowi”;ata;k’)i but tatpht himintoha better‘ capacity to ,‘d0€;_ V juftice T 0 remowewe wit/ma’ fiwm éeflre him, that /15? tbrafltmig 1:: he. gfiaélifiaedi M riglmaxfmffeg not to dc; thmncavtttjatid delhtfoy 11im,;‘tWhith ( much fcarm A the readyt way to.»t11ct;daftrug§’cion 0f”al1t.this tliiingdomhcsg (4; ~ Tfhaxwhicflh puton anyof us at firft to«a.ppea.—r for the‘ Pa.r1%ia;rn%e"nt:was, “Me Profflfitions 4m1'0rJers‘0f we Lord: ~ §£;11d,(',A"8‘flV:.§:#"?4£\V3.?¢S 17;: P.1jfli4mem§ (‘_Iun,.1,r:.>. .1642.) for bring,- ing ink of moms y and plate, ém. whe_re1n44t~h;ayV affurcd. us i;~hat»vhat:focver flmulé be bmughn 1n’ thereupon-, fhould not be ate.-11 employed; upon anyotheroccafion, then. to‘ maintain" ‘T/;'e_ Prat;-ffm¢t%1£z:lz;gio:¢, ‘T be Kings at/Jarity, A M’: Perfim in 12.55 myallolignity,‘ t/92{fi‘e2z new/efi afjufiice, that Lam: oft/ae%.£.:md, z/ye Pcaceafzlve Kingdame, mm’ A2:/ye Pri- vuileafges afmrliamenfit, agaz'7¢5i‘ awyférce xwfiic/d‘/724/loppafe z»€2e7?2. A A M A And in this we _we1'e daily confirmed and encou ragad gnore an d moAre,:: bytlheir many‘ Iubfequent de<.:1a.~ration5- a.xicip1foLefia:ions., which we 11e_1d oL1r%fe1ves4boL121dVAt%b. V bclecf;-V6,. knowing many: otthem to be godly and cone» £cien£20us44men, ofPubhI<2e fpxrits, Mzealouflgz promoting- z»1uecommon~goad,a,vnd 1ab:>urin«g to free this Kinigdome from tmxny and fléwcry, which form ew.ril1winfiruments4 gbou: the I §Zi.ng,fl endea.voureVd to bringupon the, Nation. .A foxgthe prefem; %a¢7t:;1gsa an Waflminfler, -fince the {Esme that fo ma.-(;yAof;‘11e Mem;berSa:we%w1'e by force feclu».-; d_¢{Z1,d;;i§f€IS§im ppifoncid, 9«7r1C§4@t11¢”rSi:hereupon w:ichdrew% ?1=omt‘rm.hoL1fc~: of Com.r~non,s.A (2Lnd:;. t:;h€'t‘€ natbeing that ~ of the ; “two I*-I0ufes,44 as heretofoxe ")A we .:aze wholly. unfatisfied"4 thcrexn, beCaL1fej’w’e7 cbnceive ¢,t13e1117 :tTo%§m foAfar;je Rom being warmrntedk byfi1ffi'ci§z1 c AL1=r:Iu1d defend us in it. HoWever,We rcfolve rather to be of their nurnbcrlthat tremble at his Tera A * raw: Wl"iQiS at conftm1éngfirc,l§.nd will not failtam/enhge > ‘ til: qzzarc/1 of In‘: Ca'zn:mm,, upon allthat contemn it, then | to be foundamong thofc who degxifie we OM12 éy breal'-¥“Lcv.x6.i jng /wk Cawmm ( after lifiirag up the law!) although E““l""7’* Samar. ‘ it had boot: mode but in Civil things only, and that with 2’ tliewotPcof”mon.i ; . M V M C. flmges‘, D Proacheri of the Vvordjiiiti TezulsLoml. t Willlgonge .l.tPe.Iit0ro£3/actfizers. ‘ Ea:/m. tm2torzD'l,D; Pafior:%ofIQngfion. A 4 Tbo.T€mpIéiD.D. Paf’cor$offZ‘}cztterfey,l' M " B2 9:93‘ ( 3) gee. W/<¢lkJerP ai1Am:‘%of 701m Emng. V M J%".~A:dm.Calm/zyP'afcor0:ff"lderm;zrzbm9u A %{*er. H/bizmfier Pafior%'5 :Bermw.zfe)z- ‘fDm1.Cawd7?e3J 1\/iin;i%fi.of‘ H/illiam ffpznflow1\/liruifcgofflac/(nay. MA V L4, Sem:wznP aftor ofe/{Z/9., fircwiffreefi. Simeon fl//are ,Min .. of fléfibbael flaxflmg/hzwm ‘T/30 Nlifi ift. OFA/fflgdm »§H/Meet, A 5flcb.Trc)fi'"et Minifter :ez.t.F0§ler:,, W V a /mm. ‘I/9or%0'wg00dMi11ift. of Cmyfarc/. Edam, Coféet Minift;oFC7‘«9yde7«¢~.. A A % Hana .%)b0?’0Mg/9 «Paftof of Leonard; Ea§‘£..... C/?5’4]7- A j ‘ % A A .4 flrt/mijfac/gonPa{tor offlJz'c/mel:W’0od.-flreet. j‘.%z,, .7\Q:Zto;/2 Pafiorof Leomzrc/5..I7flerZzme.~ M /a0'..Cma2ton Pa1‘:.t;f @artkoZomewesExclq4ngg_ C/Mrlex Of/fiyjfing Pafior offlnt/Jolim, V Sat. Cl2z%r?.{5M%i%tj%i£fer of"Bem“2et A ‘A fé. Wm’~lMi11ifh:r0f A Alia/9aelCorn/ailZ.; 4¢ ‘Emn; artim in t'h€Fie/5/SA; WI» Mai.” Ha"vilazn:dP afi:or%~o%f~7'rinii‘y-~ w\ j30£'nS/98/fiéldAMinifier <)”fS327it/aim % William ~Harry5n Min-iftcr“of gwzcec/Jurc/9:» I/1'/7z'lZi4mj"erz@n M*ir1ift.40f"C/7r§7?c}mrcl9a , jfbbn Virzer Pafter of {B2/zttV0ZP}.7 gate-‘ A (>9)? ‘A V Fran; fZQb"ert5v P aft:r« of tha Church at /1%-—~% Elicfacl filazcuflwell PaPcorof flndrew Vm/erflaégfl. ¢ j‘70-/mcrofliv M inifter -at Ii/Ipzt/Jew»; Fr%io/ay§free~£.~. j‘o/mFuller1V.lini{ter at Buttolp/9 B?//90])/gm:e.V A I/Wlliazm 7&4)/10¢: ~~ Pafcor of Mel)/aens >C‘0lemmw~ Water If/it/:24);/1 Pafior of~zf71l7;zne.rVVObc//}%réet.~* Fmn. SPEC/Ii Péfiior of 5\Qcb.‘flc0rne..6 ; C/ari/Zopbe2*7L032e Piaaorormme fllder[_g‘;zte. fobrz I7/7431254/M~i~nif’cer%»%of 'Mdrti7z ]r0nm0¢2gerw‘iA lane. A T/90 {I4/at/672 a[’c0r-"of St*e17enk~ 'VVéf0b2{; Pl/il/Mm I/Vic/gi'7fz: Pafior offlndrew‘%Iz/flbard, A V 43 ‘ ‘]730{%..¢, ~