6 mxmaa¢§m£: \‘ Fifi Mia '1 ‘ Wm mé$”$?‘V WK‘\“‘""| W‘ W .i?I*w-4 3%’ 2 V M (9 2. “ «. A Aam 5% $160-T AA N D42. ‘M V% ; L» ‘TH ) _,g rim " ¢;ij.iM"}:.’.‘« ‘fl~:“MZr!~.§:‘::ei"§¢, d4ir:é7a—2f“fi“”¢é£“iaf;?$*2 3 &&%%£7£“@af3%-E$écE1&;%§§§§;'», V V ‘ ', y ‘ - I .- ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ 4 ‘ J’ ‘ . “ - . .‘ .‘ . ‘ . ‘. ,1 I ‘ _ ; \ I - ‘ W» '4 ‘ ' “ . ‘ . ‘ , ‘ V _ ,. 1;. r...‘ z r A *1 To theehi€f,}5r>mat¢ria§i’ T ‘X A Heads P%afTagesAir-1 t11e?ate‘®eclz:;im~tio22j‘;,,% . caxxed, :rm> ac; Ar>\.4 1710 N of the W Kiiigoflame S C’ '@T LIA N D; %% ‘Y Hqyfiz} tliqy Imus jmtiénttji im{ezwor%ed,}¢ecord'i;~2.g5 ¢ '’ , . A to C0'vm;»z2¢t, MfattleaReligion ttzzdvlaappj pfttce‘-‘. 2 ‘A 9] P7'Ffl134gt}!Pf6’W1iflgrPWP0fil‘50m’3* A j “ ' r A M ..Their%.4 patience‘ was f<‘:cn,_ when%af:cr»«:~ I‘ A%:ythe“;’rhac1“"faf’c“e'$néd i;héVmféii/cs in n°gland;'they concurged ndt ;toN__fubdu&C%thepower..undcr - ..,./ ._his~Majef¥iescommand, ,n'aor_takc h1s'5l‘€:)wns,,‘% / 1’ /‘ I ‘\\‘_\ (Obvious to cvcrjr common 4 under{’candinVg«) % andwhi-ch thefptrfificd in to thc legit, and by” thatirneanes ’pr%c-. , "fildiccd this Kingdome I-nil1ié>ns.% " -According-ta Cammmt :‘ hares thcir«l.imitai=.io.n-. %_ _ M L ‘V A % ‘V The. Covcnant,as Scriptures, ufua1ly1s.expoundcd as the*opm14onsA Abfmcnjare .- But why thatflaould not; AAbeT.ow:rmuch fl:o0"dupo11,0r;:. v kept over clofc unto, A Confidcr : A Firfi, it was rqade inf Smland, w}yen*;h‘c p,;rz;,;mm¢;.v.poAwcr was v_cry% low through thg prcchcry of , the. Hothzzms, revolt of Lordsand. Commons to%the K1ngA , andthre . 6 abfurd. managinkg ofthfc‘ Pm*li(ament.r war ; §3vt3‘e“re‘iMr;%4th¢ Sfar: (Sam... 7 mandcrs I:ad%?the chief Pcrokfl, Who knew how mi make a httlc work . Of ' it”. A got: a :g‘re at wayginfomuchfisHm~rcy5thcn.bui:ar1ordiha1fy*man,c:cide A %Sc£:ondly,it wa's§that which our Comfiiflfpnwxfi W{m~1d'by. mb mcanéw ~ km btoughta but 9o¥1!d act 90. 129*-tcr-» fI'hirdIya,.;, A A l A , ymhirtlily, it is imbhiguous: and hatttl to"be-runtlerftood, £532 fie?/eilyef e ~ agcced as to the meyamng R: an en_nnent- Lawyer being asked whether 7? he LIndCIA';l3.'0»;®d gt, when he A tooketm.j§11j\{weeeed,:n,o_l; It: being replied, ». why then;d%id, he...talr1cIudctd , but that they that are for bus Maje..,t 1 f’:-its icdming t0~L&mlm2 to treat; are fo far .fr._c:»mt 3; good ~3.fld' haippyw pcgcc, that they are_fo_»r anew war ;'for if th_ey«intend pea_ce, they t ‘ twilltavoyd differences, atndreafon W11! take place as wail at Sm/3,. 4 }.74W¢PTb ?:Z’flS Landdn. ‘ T/at Rmfim Why pzpezfflyrml? re.«.¢z:y2.}:r \/76*’/ll,5€6‘a12'¢f2' fi'rfz‘or/a‘e7'mezm: have '!3ee;2‘i72Ef]Te5i‘¢:;:t/Z. *1; have gone fevtrrall times in a rationail way éb0t”Itt~at5ufine{fc,‘.butitliath» not fuc‘cecded , *th<~:1‘er' fort: I willnow go: in an itrationall. But admit a Treaty‘ , flute its V ‘ttndttmeant that his Majefhe and the ‘I’arli;eme;¢r vargue the bufincfs‘; ‘fOI'[thC11Eh€y will (being fo many) be too hardfor one; if fomcof "A his,‘ .andfo”me Offlnr/inimcnt,then it hztthfibeen bt:F01‘€. V V Secomdéy, the J(i;¢‘g‘.;Mr€77;ja'L'¢z/l_fra794 Parliament [mt/2 ;!7:=m fl.!:'1Q'2::)‘7L37.... 1c;§1'gecf'z‘}JecuIzMfe' -éftlke ‘£31702? . The Kings reincwallfis :1 g-tmd Kimgmras I not 3 for Kings have frequently been‘ abfcntfi from -I}c'»':'7”'../v'¢'.I»?«'.’r’17°§-'€"'7’.lxi".; the Kingscoming as a goodKing, intetlding ptt;*z1ctf~*, czztmot hurt: 5 but what’appearcsthathis Majcfiie is other, then wfhen he wmth<:t1ct~:? hath he not the fame C ourxfeltl, ; f1*ici1ds, and A takes he not t“the"fame wayea? 116 eve; faid he was forty for thetxnigfirries of his‘Et"t1bjeé’ré:, WT/azrdlj, 29221" Commzflciamem j_o2¢£vot%Ia fidex Wm}gi*veRwzfiwz.r. Proper M ‘ Cammifnamr: that ca;11kgivéRcafons’ nowhere 'bu[at‘Lom“lm,n0r no w1’1¢:re; bt1twti1‘erc,[ andwhmthis “MajeIty' is at L0flé{QE2,«0f’P1‘C1E:’flta A ;Fom;*rZal}{*,“ tlzse‘ 'I(".iizg may /9421: dz:/Er_e:" M“ ~;2¢zarve‘Vfc;r*:4.Vr!;2£* C:"7~‘;m7,+%:z,,,, Atxd God lfflifbidj bit tthty flmuldt be con{Vi:Cl?érri2* iaim,wit/g“az¢r_dif¢am~/2: (agar hex;-ffij-li..v V on ag.4infi.T'lxerefore the*Parliament are willinfg to a perfonal Treaty 1 formal’: things. f7f1ae“ttP;ariie”mentlnéVi{Z not give fzallpamsyg :39 tzxgrtt * C'ommzfl?wmr.tNolt will the Kingtlome efscoltland to yot1,~l11-or‘héw¥¢; you anyfitch: nor is it fit you or theirs fhoulcl. A Muff allthe Kilfigs and Princes inlChrif’cenclo‘m meet at zl—fe:2:g/fare, “‘becaufe their Ernbail fadbrs have not power to deter'1nine,wi_thout fitfl: fendingethle Agreeé ment to t“"ael_n as its madeheadtbyhead ? exeellent Scots realfo‘n.' l '" .5’i¢ttl/az3prefl>nL‘e'Wi/! da lame‘ at Lomloyt, Md make cii~wfz‘w2.r," its 05-» jailed : azzaclténty zanfwer, it ammo? e’2e‘,far laeelmtlg 2210 Arm]. ‘ % V ' It did upon the Scots at Newcafile, and Abefolie : or hQWllCOn‘l€l'“ they‘ totbe his chief pl‘eaders , that were fi1‘f’c fighters agavilnfi him? A And had not that aplpriehenfion frighted j., he had gone into’ Sclot-at land, arid not Come this'Way when he was atlNewcaftle.t _ A if 2448} were efleemed em.=mie.r t}.24*t: drew him from Iflgxzlrliaalmmff Ifllotet are tlycjr t-lmt‘ /aimler /oi: ieetmn E’ V ' he he % l ‘They that drew him away were otcafions of a war, therefore ene-~ mies, antl for that end did it, T"11el’at"liament to prevent a war, are that willihgfjhelcome untill all is agreed .- A l:'LI‘1ClfWhat«iS that com- Ininlg to l’.tmtlt;»rz 2‘ What iftllere were no London, calnnotl the King azid l*tufllan'1ex1t :1‘gree ?llavel~2.i11gs been loin love with London‘ A sand Pa1"ll£111‘i€‘1‘ltSlI1 times 0‘fpeaceP King flame: countedlthe one hi’; hell, the 0tl1€:x.'l1is' purgatory. 31¢! M75’ mzw ]’ro]ro‘l/,it£a/ms‘, t/oe_faz¢;1a2’zzr£-— an of‘I’ez72ce,-m/.vic'}.: concern Vfleligim the z'ntcfw~’efl qfvt“/ae Civbuabrzgt/ac ”Um'a;z m¢d?c>_y7zt:-comce25nment afém; 1t the 1*etal’bms bef'otrel:»l— audbeeaufijz‘ ‘there is at gene1*:tll advel1*{ile{l'e to the taking it, more then againll the mattler of it. Its the oplinionltol‘ learned Perlgiwx; l:l111t?}2epI—“}.'mZ did not fm*ificel1is daughter, lzkuttdidtlmt wlllichlwase- A qtl1ivcilex*:t,21ndbetter ;forney the Parliament; l ".?*/:2el;mt7*t.rl(» "éavbicij Cabemwr are in prefer?/etimcz, txf,g<“: abtmlil to def’cx*c>y lit, Englerldwitll haEz.7:atd life alncl eftatefor tl1e1n’,andtl1ei1'lfielllit blood, Nobe-tcet*lqtzal1*rell to fight; then when any will dell;mg,r%llt;,;:tlters5’ beg * ll l ‘ V / A3 , % t ’ l C.':tu1t§',¢! .4) I "t’ahl‘e not of their-Religion.“ Fbt ReFor,m.3ti0n..‘ it~i$to.be actor'ding; i to the~wc3“'rd“off"€_3odl,l and belt reformed Churches: for the sword of l a God; that rnL1l’cl3i€'_-.§1s the Parliamentgtolnceivey ;» for belt teformed ’ “ ChLitches,i;.What haiike‘youlagainl’t that in the N.ethet_lands,y sgwherei be n1any,dif}ferent profeflions a1’€‘t0ll.Cf~£1E€d_?" . _y 1 w |- is A n_ X‘ fHz»'ZppI7.=:zcffe of the I(iag. As he 1sKi.ng of England, fare the Parlia aime“n.ti'lo£ England are as fit }uClg€5, as the Parliament of SCQ.tlanCl'i5, ' as.:heis‘King of Sco“tland,iand _therefore.may make their lawes. for oy his happinelle, as wellas they in §§cotlland_.;aand.nfo no i.nee-d England a l 5: in ward to Stotland. Peace ‘amid fgzfezjyi of the Hare: ‘lfiflgdomgy , The bell: iwayfor that, isto" deflzroy and keep [under the Common ea nemy to all, and they'that.”conlider how the Scots, p,1“.0f€Cuty€i the wag ’ i inlreland, niovsg and long fince too much favollfing the Rebels , and at this tithe upontreaty with them, toidielivet what they there hold, the tranfaiftors on the Rebelis fide being I‘{‘0.mllh Clergy, as by ttedj... hie Intelligence is certified, “never .ha.v,iin_,g for years marched -one foot, or made one {hot againfttihem .~i and how aéiiveiwitlx fmaell - help.theEnglil}1 have been, and viétorioiis: infomuch that had the $,.cots done what they could,» Ireilandhad in all ll.l~Z€'lylilO0Cl been con... queted by this time; which had they as much tninde..unto,as to {ub- due their. enemiesin Scotland, would have agpearetl by thelike atti- Vitgf, and to pretend fupplyesfrom Englancl,.._is idle, they having all nt:ece£l'aries.ab.onut.them,and yowingslriclx .- As for England,t-he third ikingd. howlforwatdi they have been al l_L1 "hayet not forgot_,that before the I I Members went awzg-rllong,an_A1'my of: mtanytthoufand horfc and foot.was x/otAec_l to beta A »7a_ndin_g Agjujnyitfor jthis‘Ki‘ng‘ Eafi:byN_ViAth féorrytzhc Parliaxnentnssvcrhletting fai1thcyieaiii:7word,thoA thecm:m:»ra1'y »0*1?'*yoLIrhLoyfaLAAAty. [pa . . , efljrdizmnssp lea'z=z,:e3flox,»:i* t/a"’&_/z‘tt“ir.§_"p_r"%ajftA}E*£A “ V A” A h hrs“ E-f;§;?coztisMd, buEyAhEhg"1yan“d: What ohfthyat ?'they aave‘£h$1Ai:he‘ 1c_wi'n§‘.-A» A 01T£t.‘AX§i1'}g;d0m.€ of Pcrangc Aopinions indeed 'isy‘hb"r’ca11'?gi1: A ; A I forthhy h I ‘ ,u,.,«, met: fl9A+t‘%?:~t all tio4ufl1ei%1j cred-iAt‘A, Aw1io:hawz;eV%nm l:ai"did1‘l}7."0f’th€lT} v319Ao'n« ghciirfiacks-‘byéfirgumgnz, nayj dec1ir2in”g ma way which wasVjudgc_c_L~ b,é(£t.,.;;1 ;m’o£t%;ziMmcs and ~p‘I”a4ces,z:o makc allmcn of a %nfi:1dA%in m;ax;=cAc.r$;: A A Q:fA—Ré1igi;OIfi ;,,A af:1y.gi[ hagigh-e,ir"dcba.ties been morcA;;pL1’cgl%i1vk,»at1iiA,adm;i~tg-5 _ gc;d_c> f' fobjec§"c¢imc>n_s‘A,%?4vpo Hdoubt thbfruit bcc;n¢ Abetter; 3A3u£“m%u&; A «A ghcy fit%_aAl~ways'A;rharz%?w(peoples: foulescricw 3.:1OL1df0Mi‘th?§ir‘ i7ctNL1ri1e,;, and._:xuly Vl,inc_s_of ,com1muni~ca%tion% arc dowrgqé and % they ’may~pa(Te,_ :?ha,eis,% a1~11tgl§Aa:%haw:e‘noz got better livings within. ; W V. wf ~ Pfqpqfitiqzgafféglifig “lleligian in England and I acfcqr. gfiggg t¢Cq'z2'¢;wtt,A;:55 %¢otVdqz¢e , ém‘ infleatd the £*Aqf,% 4=’7.i¢t:cra: fiE;».¢z;ia2a2%%A of Pregéjtqrimgovcmmmt,Wit/cam life arpower. % A ' V % " A ~ M The Covenant runs,SetlcARc1‘giqnaccording to the word %of,,God_;;.:A han4b1”éfVtR§fogm%¢d,C hzxtchcanzhis is expounded the Scar: Presbyte.t‘.y,'-f xkrh-ich indeed was thtrword of Gfld ; iand bcfckeformed %C_hurCh¢$. A in Athesix. QtAhg:i gxeag ‘flick ;is,V Jbccatlfe there is not at’ Cocrcivc ~§c§wqr‘tq.%1.«_»:m~»*_fox:,.~ins=q beingcoVn‘;rafm,.;co;3ar-A g1;§én}¢;I1t,,v9r;Cpéxepgqtgf j1;P5:VA_A~x3Q;“.{qA_,§nC§&2wed Ybyl’a7fP?.l?]i~EL1'I1CUc§"» bum: aggrcéablfik‘ §h¢f¢‘~'1.m?9*~? fUI7¢ {mere :9~1'§%l'“1011‘C;Vm0i‘f€V .”ifif; no Jcxpéuxtrd ' £4.‘“¢i¥F9Y€nant4{t¥%¢Q FhV€1?Jf€1V€9s [35 :9 £0 thcmfclvcs; <4; *. ; .; ‘ u 24314‘? I773’ 13 Wflf: 5¢6‘3l#fl.° it: Ordazigzedtfiat nonafifilffia f'arz?z%.7IA ta rig; AtAfl«?1zé递%?”€eaMz2s¥%isms-.:gri-fivepa ?_ic2onf;d¢r T .57oAu1~a yw ix; Pfa&Aerr—B99%:whcn fencu:st<2?y.ou».by:chvc 1€’ingarv?i‘MVo1r1%dA:tire‘Afiiraiaafi m9‘:§9‘3nF§ W“? AVWW: i£°§*¢M45AAfl1.9%uAld%AAbc %iFeALfon Qrfpiety, aha: a A1?Ax::ng:eA% may coympell h:speo;1m:o;‘V bfiéof his wB2e1ig'ion»,L as what he fats up ;_an'd~* fQi»ES pfoflibleg. "Cf-i‘lIh€1§7;‘ minds ofthe I’?13inc4o,‘._‘;01t~«l:>3r_rd%eaths5 thr-fie: A0p==f¢v<511xg ~1*x;1te1=gt;‘1Qn§ t;1a3ni%b;é-%?in twcslveyears, 1as.wa9 in the —% d‘ax,’res; of 3‘ Hémjvv the e1gfith¥~f,‘ Edw;zrd4the fixrh, Q_?:I€€1-'%4—Afl’[dV]«_+~A3fldi één 7i+Mé'Lét1v A=A fB3¢t“'A0?¢7f3*33‘A % tsh_e%t2*1a¢e‘&;'i?elz;g;}o¢¢; tlawwefare zz/Z mfg to éa~%u'umpe!/ea’-%‘unta z't*;_? prove 1 Lt~haj: it was givfin y0r1ivmm€dia~t~A€AiYV .ff°*%‘**~ GA0dJV 3!“? ‘fpartr .n0t*" ; bIi:3 w6”sehammer’ed out oi”; the: hea-d‘sV~o«fi anaA,V~» mnbV1y: off‘ §«:cors» or» Eng» Ti-‘ffxflivines ,%A1t:—here is no fie afGA=1a%~%%tha~t c'6~rfipu*lfion» "‘fl€x.c*ru1c§‘5A~bé[AuAfk=:&.. whcseinfallability %can§mgz2 bx: m.2£<;Ié- ggddz} _'T'4E¥e‘"»}'ew$rs; p'ofl-;1es*11ever «ca m pelled». c/+3*nd«vw%_2:¥rcasu%ar V@;k'pr§re;gded;1j[é»rkzgrA,, £4;- qn{}-~ £;z_tende.vl:': '!"oA.jud;ge:~«G.finc%wc;1t+iiQ;1 ;: is gcar- to God*.‘’ ¢ fflve Lora! ‘tfiié A ym?};¢4mrAvV.~ ’this.aeamn=citib;4r:.Amaamz Q£%aw_;¢0Atc%I1‘lrd~A‘.~% Q A W _ W 1751?7*e;¢6j tcriavgmilimited‘ fi77£‘e~i; ’ a§1‘l§a?i*r1<:?n%ut: V "théy make. k{noévm.mcA 7ofkem«t~infi€v$:A~A :5 ‘wwisli * prove,‘ a%nd%%VtI1[é1jc!?a1 fm-13 fm+u:y.a,%1i,;Af€At%*a% nin1c,__nm 9-11;\of7d§1E1ilg¢;‘Q~r€int€»I§t?tOwaltér4 ,,b"utA tofprevént incnnvegniegnccg po‘£fi:b1*é —V magwfall by M 1 db: éipefié menu, ovr'ApAc%rpcj;tua.t£ng. aa.La:.w 2a7tAfirA{%. *1-’~a%1‘d’0n}~%A %EAn“g‘lA;a¥1éd.-’~,f iF¢nhey’*tak¢ not Presb3'rlA1:¢ric_; izponi me. biaive %ré:%c1ommen:c§;1*zi‘o1iAiéf‘Scotland A; its poflible We may thcrgtn ( ;1§ to p¢jc:r£e_cuc.io1_1);¢§'c;§I"‘ ou't;A.ofr{th¢’ p;;aAn.j11}t+t> I:l1't:~.fi;rc.;.AA; A. : _% ‘A v ‘ « a , V ~% % A W " W Tide fllintflcri.-;waA=~w axclndaf namiframt Sncrzzment,AAA E4; "tbé: Z;Aa1¢_/Eartbim(;fit,,tbmg1mgainfl.t}9&ir c¢nfiiag¢c*¢3*~.%~_V 1_‘1gt.‘a turn... gab out_is hc1€e.P no w.~nm“114mu;f%”‘ h~§1Vé~libfltf-Ey‘-1éiFC£5I1R.‘?(;i‘l&C$3i1Vd“fmlfil aft in judg¢:mfintAand%%nikghtefiayfgatsffg: V:% And A 1&9 tliis :il1t:a %~§vcdPr%:$bytc;.. rian M1n1Pcers omlygf :ihew us awpvlwce o4f’.‘:‘cr11jture, gr 3; goqcl“ mfgn A this, That ypiu .{Hot1ldThavcj:~1i~berty; a1*1d othe4r$ ‘compéliedfi A A u A 2. AA.f1'"l:mP2irl£zimmr..a!la1123 mt«in+ rljiéburck tlj£‘VA‘i4_/Ts‘; (£4113 % Al'1AwAthaI:5_thcy th1'nJc°a,rci_ §4iire:ADfwim,»and«4Vfe; " Am,-.;%go¢d% itfcy o,vcrmuch% ;pApwap1nmo;them handé,fVu_nc-3li%Athey~~=fee hqw» ;’ii“{'&”[wi*1l _ “ will have, more :»md11;wncwlygilaif§tLin pf¥W¢f,gfQW~*fo‘PjfOjA1d;.thg{t’ 1-10A A g§0uhd.aanhe1d.Athcm.» .~ A % A _ A _ ' -g . é a é ' - ' . in ‘I1 . V ‘IV. «. A.: ». ~>~ ,;I‘-7 . Ib: ta ; A Awn;V—%=a1ljmw wmxyuflrffix tlmf}:Wx{q¢;%V‘*ée.«;;¢4‘ % anzinfwmcx A Look~theiHiAfl:ory~ afihe JCh1xi¢h¢$; Aififld yeti Wil 1-; A % fi13:d¢AaAf0mtatimas ‘avCbliflffilmittwivout;i*t§aéin§xi"pu%t%’i;;; ?a;41di;; l1c_:n¢xt gfcegp - Aomé.A4;A:4%%and;if pb~rfécuAtion»m=‘; chromng;33ut.~bVc~a‘mark, -fi:trcAifts4»;- A» .r.._ A ;;a°£.IicrA.Vth¢x1‘..error_._, A T33-A. j V Cw "I_%— Pgzr“;“{iamev£tA*g%'?3‘W6?-¢tibfi,fW %%3Wa‘%bJ@tAre}Vai':: mygimn» w}¢£e;;r.N ‘Ibis is Abm: Afor_.:it%ri:1?1A‘,v%1:Ao Tcé whA*ci;her meg; coaih; ch *Gi~yitI’1AAPéacc;~w_hich -iffidt; iwifl €fizpprérfe% ighzgm *fid¢A;s, am we 7§’*resI:$5%ttAr§’“11%WCAAfli"%1t ’Iij3erty .:z'#/yew»,-; )5}, niwwzd war? man” 2% Am ~aZaAym to arms-. = A " 1r AA:vze’9“z‘ ’!£aré'l¢'n.,&!“a a;t_%1jj1r12::l‘z_7.4 \ThAa*t’% the %bzafinefl’é,A A A A of tht ~‘I7pi£rAiAt is ,n~o‘1_j~h1ng }fh'é‘fl,éfh‘ly fWjor21.'% Thiait ¥p%>‘ra*fé’, ; ~:Sir1:,y“en%1?ha11a»be&qf“thisReligien ,; Wm «,*N~i¢II"you, “&nAd~ :nA.g.m., ~t>1:‘hc:(’r, %'h:ocA*f=1ii:z1I%*yAz$ Cimjlj H1?al1“haVié iibwer 1:76 Printih England, no, Wnoibafiy b‘f’>9c§1é Coh1mi3H?t%oneté;;%%‘% Foif cli%fcoi1fi:’,A”,,V -you ktfxovvudifputationa vvere allowed En the %U~Aniverfi*ti&f:s, and gthé il5v2{’qA~8tho,i1‘a;*fis ever m+1d~£ed§Aco mé%‘i%fit%1i~?n%'thfa;:% vvmach Avvzas c~o:nmry cg; réccijvcd tri1th9,aé thcAbe”f’c ‘srvveivtio findeA%o1ic vtxfLit‘h.% It v+vér[t%V1a"f’aa"¢1 1f"mi’Wt=4‘c+faI%l ‘bi1rXtr3dt1biE sétrd °fi1fFérihg;«ifvv& r*If1i‘gl1At hotdifbourléwitfl. 4 Vé)ut%in‘rprifo1i1‘I:¢:nt‘ and ba-n‘ifl14men‘r, " arid upon any TuAbjcé3:jAMrg11mb11t A:iaevérdAi.d4t.rurh hurt.) L ” A A A i 7 A ‘AA ‘ A A A f A A wmid 16;:-:2:-,rl:c Parliament raw ha j?wrgv;erfl,zjZ7a‘<_{2r,4 ;m2Aa' VééFb€ng’y5 and ranfidertht dflfivimx bdweflzrbfaiirbytfmwr,‘ jfi-aiihing A: Di; «5"tW:‘;?}’5?,fi'5W'iW?‘”d AW0?*;/77iF% #”74A;fl”¢¢fi‘W€%% W4?’ fi~fi4¢’- ‘‘ f A AA“AAI:it’c19r:r¢ythe%Divirics have clone fIiA'ei1‘r‘};m”1f,dr they have not ;” ifthéy A 11ave::ot 4 1%¢tAth%€mt1f1%dAi-t,giVc it 1:0 the Houfes,pubii{b imithc king-g ‘AdA<3m,;a11d aAAvvayVtb’ihti1téharges, Vthereivsknothing on V‘th¢ir part Are- . ”’qui1'¢d, as tAoc‘i’cabAli11-xihg pfitgf be %ddnc,'vvhy arethcy yet. ‘ %1KCTrf6 3’ they were gajlcd but tojadvife and p;“r:i'e11”t. " A A ', A I25 Hmfi*;?0rdwf1z}=dwV Fdfiw rAexti2~;52z¢'Zk)7i of~Hu*c:flek and ’ A: Axe Ijlegcfies aiud ggzhifms 1'0, becafifc “contrary” _t»é’f me vvci:‘r’“thac the Sta—cé,;d¢¢iar¢s f0;ti1¢nzAIWh€I1%§1r6y>A. Vhav@;mad¢.; 4 “{7c~i-Mill flavv; d€€1a§iI?g vvhat fl1a1lnotAAbc,%a!1d What (ball. d:e"%rubj¢e1Aoughc Vto, and nddoubt v%vdiylel; give aflivé 0rP'afiiv<= obsdijcncf iherem. : J Ce*Wanr~'éind€w.A’f0 0éfi’5*d s and_At%rIs11s?%ifth¢«%Kifig”.Ab¢ foV@bé;m— fidenp among them, thcrq. i_s,Anecd% Qf Qthajr r&nainA1,1erbf Wtc2\u'Arr‘xs Ain A England;:and‘ for :Eng;13¥?d“, dt11<:n;in» $.01‘ f0r~3A<'<>B"an.d 7= %‘A'Sé€PrCi' Vi1€4{g¢ of: 1?arl,iaA» 1 menu, :H0.W may; 0F3c0rl.ands privLiAIé<1%gJcsA% have AAEI1gAland orpits A A §Par1i_2{I11CII11;~3;ViO1at€d. ?&,% I;tfiw§:rc vv:eA1f“ i£%.;Sconla-ndg Comxniflioncjgs ;c0I:I1dAAwa£h,t1i€ir hah[ds4%.%#4s*7AwcA11”é»f »!5fi*a;3<%¥igI«tLhA¢%:p:‘4iVi1¢3g€sA0f Ehg- ~1anVd§?ar1ia4m€-M-.4%A As Af0fn>a,éfir11? sP§¢%€éA;bctW¢enA thc;ALA1§ingsld;i1s; ‘the A 1?arli‘a;ncAnt% and kingdbm AA of; E;1g_1afi_cf ,i'u1;j: ‘I:*;u%w£&r.<: not liithervfo “been wanting, when it{1:1alIbe wc:Qnfid§rcd;%. whg; they .VI1q,1%c» Ifuffi-:r¢:d, V ana _yctWdo r, a_ndA%w11{at; thgz _hwayc.pa;ced;witAh to ,Scioi,1iar-id. A A.If§c5r{... Afcfi; and bath b-f=¢n Vaéknow-1¢d%g¢d in W0£d~?h—A§1 d6cd,AAchatEng1and AW35 b¢h01difl.%§0_:3FQC1&11%da *W+1‘Y :3fl'1-1155; ;an_d;A £nuI5; if thcy4 kicknot sd0W.n thanfoopofn1i1k,i:Aw'iJ1 :acvetAbe f@Arg0ntcubiyd::his NaA:¢i¢h,;; .Bunrhis may bc. Faifia rh¢mirAA,ow?n i;m=¢r€.fi W11 faf€£yA‘%Wais ’%iziv‘r<§sbyters;vvh4o hav%itA"iM1i'“Mai1I;% |'.E~iI:§§1‘§Sy)a‘~ 5:1; g1}i;fly.éf1atc, in éheir; 35 V % lmlpits, AP1=eachcd% up;:this%%Ao1_'. vthatfafiign, .;;«t;h§;g;“%w thén Icfus*Ch*riPcs4 I :£>i%ec°tnine%r5~%‘andLasa~:“5“‘af.%¢ ?mW11‘wt“ha.r&‘er fh“éfiAA to iP%ro1vi¢j?% 7Sé€h1ri¢S§"di‘3€id*€d betfitfeii théi "‘»1I1'\d""h’iS,pE‘O;PiEf!?‘ “fiiijd,th¢%V %%..”fI’%1“ *‘%} 1té“t::1i:c">“ Kihg- ?%‘arc %t}41t3 Presbfifvers in Eflglmfazi ‘(§”1‘71:71a}'('::t‘(1‘e: jfih 1 ‘PW 3’ arc the." Era? : .‘by’t:‘rs'anfl I'.[hty“‘t},1“C?'K.i”fi?,‘5 pt:‘Qp¥tv.V?a Wl3yV°a'Cava1’Ic“r,_ more thenfia; :L$.¢4&a?‘Y;ita1it1”h¢*t*;:"10¢ifi1*€17¢%#iV"id¢? bY‘f€€?i¥1g;far:h¢r‘inI0 rhé P1013 O.L1I*b1‘011d % ithcn others,t‘hgxt, would fa1ntgpatch*up**ah;unfom1d }'5 EaC€L YT:{k\é l’“1‘3cré étwo cxpreflions , the firfi: of Mr. Siffa .- 6"/Q£?zf.- Wen {aid 11¢‘ M13“: “ A __3p‘l1a11c¢., '12 tntrbnsthefi ‘11§€V€r~‘-trufi S;*grZ;z:aof5 who ha'v(:“[-_1-y..". ed’ him oV6r%&I1.d 0V§_I‘}- % 7116 Bthcr 0fan“"hQne1:°t, and wife: PrcsByt”ci .r3'5.'n Is/11n1Pc»e:wrf, npvvm %J\Zarflr/9;“/mmpro2g[é£r;,{L who ,”ufe<;1,§hef¢;a,rg:%;¢d‘;, what yQ.L1—Wi~U; ‘and. doe. .W'ha§ y 0.11 .Will% Witghg the 1€ipgv-now y<;»_u ham 7‘ I%§1i'":-: A :,ma;z;aaxhaAa rcuer';%4im%o Yifigfikériéx, ma-n¢:1ae “P31:ésbyVfiE1‘s,fV%vvé§51?§d been this mifé:rain‘1;€*f°c ptop1*e in the wor‘1d4by"th‘i§ {timc :; favnhd rhiswas faid_ .upor:;occ:a~fion of aircomrc of chcdmtclc at .;Z\”.A=z_/A’zééj. A *4 f *7 Tm: namit; .of:=Sa‘intV!‘}%*is;jui’tIy’giiren *ti:>;%1“1*r;>‘15;r4 ‘mieh ;fant‘f4itg}% is ’fanE1i.; 4f~;i3s«=Liii;r>n:f t¢fi€V*fiiih%V mot ‘aA‘fW%earc=vr,a cirunkard; _,»axK*hbr_ Atnaci°Ae<=rs“% a*1'1*t=:4r , “:1 thJ¢f3 3%.19%1.'-Ifncferfiil" ; b‘u:AAI1¢%;what p 1'ay5,”rheTdi4‘ ;;t2LtL‘e%s ,% \ 1‘l€3fI5.fh§:W 0fd\pfE3.Ehl€d, doth no hurt fiohis nci%ghbb11r,&isJa .faint.i4NoW\ if.M;‘31‘A% 57° fiinrs aim? ‘afc IHHS.» affirmétivc anti} nega; %%Tt1vea4 what %4P°¢°r¢«“”¥¥11:W;0f.5*aint+s¢4arein¢Eng1mL4a4nd“3car~ _:3b1nzl ;?_an_d Stémgs %?:~11 -bei.fm.1nasaints? For Saint, néma "n¢tVb¢confind:io‘fi1ch of VV'f§idge1r:ent‘,‘A:4hed iwfmr; ' 1 A be; &tDVIizi’c% of 9.111 i*I1C11 that thcmgh but: in circumfcances , if cmly ~ » \on«: 1 A %J;1rA’fe1:vcw qinnregryz ,3AbeaawEa: ,,(f2_¢;);vf;c»nan51;=em‘ rjnf %a;nmhé%£V f£1;dgemen%t is-ni£dicn1ous;,:%.giman; i:ufiancAe,and,M4provee im,.and::v yon “fam. M A J%1*nAd“»dcJée§ fomer;hfi;ng, bL1ntd fayAA%ir.~on1y.rmay:1§m;%i%.,isr3i;likg:%léind;fic;t2oazte¢:.d 1apon:you%; »and_'.ifii»n‘wexie ne:ce{I3ar»y,¢*xnayM?%":u€nxu;d éinflflmima A u”akr‘eAtéhiA‘s:§A Fgl1mER@._' 1 They 34e£%o£;Am,wfi%cbn£ongma o;a;n;d;%anmpwby wi'tI1tho%fa:1Ju~h%at7§havé=hem the» [principh»11~»: aaufn: aklji um *4 rhgi; héwscnf iatebieelng in.;thc%fc;'A%thrcc; iggdoms *,,Varq A mqfi? % imam =; \b1.V1'1: inTi*wri;jzin"gi;%%r:lam1:in.s_,; ov.@rmn:e’s¢,:xahd;atAcnmm::;; ” A Scat: Cdafimi£f‘i0neTA£§3 ;_jnotl,thoA;Kingd‘om; 4£:.y¢a:1;amg; ha.vc;Erfi9.—“ W rzcapfu" av y .f 5? VI ‘‘’A they that will read, and con{‘r<1m3;"mra3_z p1.'®Y"@ Ath‘a£wfl‘umt&.nm&;. % A A . 4 ‘ um A 12" bat piam amfpcaceaélc men]/amid be trauéled , émmfe z‘la;1"rt§z';a'xrz/2”“ flgingzy, cakmqt confaw'm£ta.}5}:g:é)nt£ri.5az¢aw:rn}§z £¢2t§agza£%zbq£§9z?\%]Eahd fl wi;Ja.puéJic/qfpseprce=‘,%zimZ*=g;:‘mg9!aj}méZsiw~zio%:@g~den,,.aana(a6’m:zze2zz¢m:2gAg£:%»~bf the CA/aura/9, z;;~%‘égqt_ya;:r dejire. % , h _ A V % % " ‘”B:Z%}z;"§ £1£zi\»\?;r‘ji;.u‘VnW1i3.d¢fi"1‘Il1fliMG‘;t‘?3) ghc mmvsgmfl 4 ::~ emfmh¢;(£huro1w;A :~1:ac3fi1ag+lj.h*p,fidrwiéfimmdsmad “i~£.3&:bn;fi€ *b’és,:?;.ias>fitAhc4,be fwtcadwfétwigaidan gummy tsoaitlae flcamefi A- Tatgtlaqy doefraw‘t%aé£a3%beaznig:,%iaédJ?wZe5?,ab/gar:tré/«xflzimaé geggt?-'*’ ?VW;Y%Wd1?rwt«i0%: 44'-2%Ww«5iwfifleIz¥- @0w=?flngA; :V41iq*j2i%iM%éA7aE!1 3” % % Andhfi: ‘:::B'flt',‘ @f W:it}1:,pflb1JifikIvQfl3Cifi:‘fl';1%d3‘ 914$‘? Q13-"' A .A A AVivcitmzAhq:.AO2rd)dr,a»nd:Gm?c;rnmbnIt \“bfm§E=€é3hfi£¢h5wh§i;QhfiR‘%I ff - ;%hm bcmgmfie AMT-dmmi.bin;g ma¢m_;%.mme¢n¢mg::;;; ghatgwmixgag-A A e vcazr:undE:%odW‘§?r:;Ais:ci&cr:iika ~to%b1eiA: ;t*hxmt1A*uiga:ai;3;iz}lIV.maa€:¢;;£a;%‘d 5 *smrnmci1t1oflvthcéVC1ih%rch basing: uxudserm.'ii1e;d*,.9x ’ A:‘%~%;*rc3§Ms:*%‘%7Visl~l ;5.A€:Qb- “AviZm§: whendw.iEo1gria«'£5i0n“hathfm.AId@ne,auhnAn;;cgm§1ai:AAxi4o1:E*‘hLtidqer His %Majc-fly .ofAmaking Ahié é:xccpt:.iAo'ns; ;; A A 2"AI«/2 A 7'Iggfi1*W0ratTt Hi: /Wejeffy Win/1 ddrzzifé. A . A Thefe and many other youbringhto prove His Majefiigs Negative ought to be allowed Him : But do you “mean tha~t‘He fliallfay fo, and A that is faiiicient ; forfhatne do not urge it to, for if after A.avPaArllia~ ment hath been long-in making l1aw*s,1t may befor the fupport of the V,-jgeing of the Kingdom, ‘and to prevent immediate Ruine and Delim- &ion, and While thefe Lavtslwere making, have {pent the Kingdom many thoufmcis, Afiiall His Majeliy by)thehAdvite of a Favorite, diil i[oIVC'thEPafllaIl1€flt, andfay, He lwilladvife; to what end are Par- tliatnents‘? they were as good never fit or Debate, when inch an an-9 ffwer fliallblalt all : its one thingto give Reafonsilagainli, and an- , ~'0AtllCl‘thingA!Z0 blaft good endeavors by faying, I will], but do nothing: “And in this cafe, if the Kingdom fiandin eminent andireal need, no . ltloubt the Parliament tnayrdeclare atLaw; and fo Keeper” Lirfleton ifufed, withl will advife, andnot do to. t A l 5 wind in prorefiing and.a1‘efemdi21g H12: Szz£je6?.r.r l SL1'I‘€AChC‘l.t'Pafl-'amCI1tAW111 not deal with His Majcfiy, as the Egy- >« . zfaid this Barliam ent,.Tha.t an 0rdinance.:waAsgood, if A His Majeflylrc-« wptians did with the Jfraelites A; . if they intreat Him to take again the ~Prote€tion of them, they will give Himwherewithz Yet remember, V j ‘i'luthatei"Kihgis oft Eztglandintheir fullefi[PofWer, couldnot lraife Men or ‘Money to defendihemfelveé or Sr1bje€is'Without' Parliament : And all i“ know, that thefe two waAnEing, its aeipoorudefencei that can be made. :iAn‘d though Kings who ttfually itudied the weal of their People, were permitted to make War and Peace as they {aw caufe, yet it cannot be _»proved,lrnor feems ll: reafongzble, the premifesconfidered, that de fare tithe t/.”m[*iti.a was fo In the K-mg;or Power of Wamnd Peace,as that he gconld do it Without"coni'ent: ‘of the Parliament, but that the People ‘“1A.vh'0§11"‘it'Chlé”fly concerned, and who were like to undergo the lmiferies A A good incidentto thetn’, were asked, and yet His Majeflry in as full A :Pé>Wc1restiany~of the Kings of ifinglman ‘Many :1 time itlhathbeen A Zfaiid i11<.Pg1rliaments before this, That the King could not go to War A withonttconfentiof His Subjerfis 5 and how often diAdKings,wh;en they in A faw aneteflity of 'War,callParliaments, and communicate their dew -..fites,i andlhadi'iconlfenti fromiliatliaulentt. i » l ;~ l W’/aicf/.9 are the Eflence and Beihg of all Kingr, and A the cloicfpart of A{:‘tkcir?)eAu{y amid F unéiizm. The main Conditions at the C0.X‘0n3.i'.iQ1'l,,iIS iconfefii, is t. 4 ef}7?}7?l‘;:¢'e?i ;9;m2.m'.maf C/"7«!’a:m-ra/aj. A e Qafcavem an.d"Pf0tie&; but they§ife~b%th accorc!i':3g‘et»6 Law; 4* A % T‘ a3;‘efni3:{g*'tke "1 HQ-~{§{i71, you; azreeeozizterzt it é3‘e=fi=er!ed fly, flee £t%79';r;11‘§1athi_t Pevandfo prefemly e;e%i1ew';uV\-’ar~:ee‘eeAs for eMajef%,y,e no edo::Cm;et*he ..P;-1r1iaement,; when ekeyefeze" Hizza fo moeveed, as;teh'.at “He is. corzzliel for the Liibe-fmzv of Subjefig The Inteerefl .0f5R5e:*1i:giom,%~ aé ag“reed,e noedoubtf: thegf ‘ivili be 21-93 e.gaei~n to%rep‘Qfeinl1i1n~;§e ‘and until beA‘I1atehetakenw the Cove171a1n:'e yourem ember? thev.Negoti~ation with " the Qaeeri)‘ you are neither wifli~ng‘ehe have tam: zlzr-i%'z,A‘0.r.*a my..t11ing»e1fe For His PoPcerimr,e you -know man: the-:?i1*Iei;‘ appgren.t hewthrafifid ;. where he .is,e:ihow;. he ch;er,e aflseand moves-,. whazt aflixrance Agh/en of afiiinge better tI1~e1;1e his Father; a11dis"n0t:t.’1'1e Pa‘“rleian’1ent‘eWi{c‘ in being; {hie how they in; mrxmfif tkieire Life“? zuidf Dea.th.%, and i:r1to :who«fe,;.~ J}-lands‘ theye put .that:r ~I?owi-Em; : As. for; *r0e0.tmgV<;11p»et’he fo11n‘d?~atio*rre .o£~Mon“a1~chy;;?i;:g.but ~m.A.e ,.fl'ri;§ti%ng it, ;t11¢reb§7f§=.1*2OAebrmg:iit3 etOeebd;~-confifient :with T1: 11¢» Peeitiplese» wbentgfe.ti1es{‘ci£k;‘ti3%1te_is ere0ked.: emuffi b(‘.‘..;1""C2+1'.L.f5I‘(m3Jrl‘.‘e;,ba.ltim€§I.Eh€_ contrary; f:wé..y,.Q1“~‘,:iE'WiH.Iifi"V€I;1”{)_e*fli:r?a.ita:f“;.7_A‘ A. N M e ”.Ifetym Wowldeyzarlaaz'z2e‘yMm22zmla_y? a«.r»_/agkwax Tjrarzzgy; Thfc Father: :weou1ed"i:g0t have Eh*eSoen eeetsalsifeeee-évi-Ee courfes, b.m:‘yete gives way thémhe “ehave::he,Iam¢ ea11¢%Wanee,.co«mTpeny, place, 0 p perti1n&i:ty, as beFore..,. A e1 jam imeanxe kivtze zqgeee 2‘¢;r:;:}m: firming‘: éeiszg up Emgiavnxfie V Irezic¢Wz‘25:ere~’ai_ez¢a Hmwjtg. flmaw:eGm»~.{3fiam*ee4 ;‘L¢md‘;t/;2e»ra£m fiend; Vmpgf do. 372‘, and wz‘ ,w.c-)'.1'z'mj'~ §tnee%I(z3vzg;;z;¢d J7m&jc~é1’*. G -1 ;:fheeParIiam em: (31? eEm_g£;zm{*:;1ken. em: not’i»cegof7"whaftgyem in M Kflcotlmisl eoxitihire:£OEi'eadi*sb,and};4.xie11 “:w‘Vo11:r1~d”efaL;in ~hm'e.4 Ause. "mked%;omce« A We"; aeithe éf%e.ibep1‘iEed r.Axdve£fa;riee;é=;e..e eGr.e~neee_d,fl. again 5'/eealg help [2 Pee "teh~é Tmihede binds; we: have had: experience of a.7nd;"ef-eeriz :t"he) mifizrableje ix'iem1venien=c‘e inr Lamlm andfiormtrey, nff taki*ngI1oeeL1fekeepers ficom Tm d-e,_ TvV1ve‘s, % Clx1~Idre11¢ Ja11d:Seafv;ants ;,_~ and“ how m%~any.teh‘ou1and.~ h£1..YtT€?:‘I%bGC’H'e‘1IhfCI"@IC33T;; LInd0n‘e:»P1.1~a;nd:w gthe « ':l1ath t*1xeee1'eb:3r~bfi:en; eeimpglmreriiiied. ls: ~HTc>;,1e +¢a1'e:;neoA:e:.ignaranet,. se1*.‘.ehs.trim'-otheexf parts of the world, the P1eow.andA Trade‘eApays. the S01-.. e£?ir:e51'«;*,¢,.,and:4t;hM:.£,hbfe..whora;ree.rxe>1:faln upon thEt.fig§1E~ef5 _I::2§I1; were th Erfew A . V A ’ ; " T1‘ain€Ci?:: 1,, “- %‘I‘x;a'ihed b*a”nA3%sA ‘Sefiaries; théh bgrho méans ”Tr‘2s=;i"11ek1A banE1s%w011Id,41i~o‘$_t adowcil. Afitgr the Armies infl}:wi ngiI{in$’gV and Su'b_jec5l',its2140t%f0 ; £116}; am kept on foot t11atA%;§&{glaml%may not be i1av;e1toKin%g andvSa=qr!.«z;¢¢zf; Wbaflyaflr eA':»*m} Wtzrmzeoii}zra_V$t0%t:Ia*jii%d:g$% z7z"1’L?a;'§:V_c*.:\:']7c°6"2w‘:s°;*~,"% liéZW€fit dzjbmd rim an Ex'1glandj:4 V7\/’as*it7? “fu1‘"'eit‘ W.as%%nToAlt’iinttgined \ £2zgl;mcl'was fo much fool} ; fort1Aé_n}11at hath been%Lfaid.‘to %t11a¢tb‘c:forci.3 *Farther1:hus", Were there :39: a.11‘Army;in “¢5?_2‘zg!./A«zz%2roA{,‘ what think you would become of Presbyte:*3v, 1ct* any r%c:if<§na,bft: Anmn judge ifit would ihuid a momhg ind 1~£otVbi2*Aroo"t¢§1%ou&r,f :;pd%;_VtIiw‘ew&p;jes;4¢her!; %a1’1d.;p'rr;$’3- fcflbrs of it :*D0 trot” think tVo"decéiVé‘“the tw*‘4§i‘4ld .With WoA:€rs, isegzgm in general loves Epifisopacy betper, and Popcry, as well as Pr§:~:_sVbytMe£ty ; for in time of’ EpiiE0p:1cy,they had a“I1thi2_1gs% ifiplehty and g,ood f’c1.; low-{hip to boot w:’ who fl1a1.1IeXp€é‘{ to cnjoy l3i{l;opMs_ Laigdst‘ winVl_4__ie;_1% theirmoncy you%had,, if',no Army whenVWi“il*=the »Par1ia,ment§d¢bf§ bepai&wi:hb:zt;m Arri?zy~?, 11ow.wi11Amo4nicy Ijé*11ad' Vcpred:zcA¢ lfélafzzgl ‘without an P You fee1c ;afn *hard!‘y do thefe%thi1jg$s, V in fpight of P3.r1iam«::*nt and‘Arrr1vy, Cqmmo‘z1~;P:ayer book; and w.[1aI;;; everis EpifcopaI,enters opcnly;,;i;1d menArefg11"e to pay%aziylxji11d5¢ . . .2: "es ” 7 t‘i§‘8%eé‘¥2i*fi‘ és, {'0 Afxriydf Pi‘4&sbyte1*s_§ Vm ay'.cm‘nhé‘ mom ;, arid if you pufit not fog Aits%not as theE1eVei1’MernBérfiwouicf have, not accqxfdmg to the Com pafl wu:hit«hem' a11d%wth¢h*f13arZty%: truly, %cou1cf1>resbytcrs have * bc:;en kept from being‘tam,p.er1ng'witfi Royalifis, to p;1;chL1p an unfound Agrcqhrd, ii;§ pfOb;1bIéS“'(;%'3.1‘i€3ShEid' uh‘! , it never bVee11‘i1fe‘d fo ri1‘uch— ; and édtITd~‘fi:1c11 be’ha%d,Wi&f’f‘lVikeaTFiey% hqbe V*i*~it+Ii‘Acontentdifmiflr’ Ah%id'jret~‘t:iketHis, Tlifaf M1 :6‘? “%Pf§éslg'yté1*s \>vi!i4n0~t;V11gwe~that V,An:ipo*thyr, ‘and ~!fi:>% not [0 fetimé fbr "Presbyferia1f ‘G”0v‘er'nm§*nt;’ « Aforif Llittledp dfitioizi fliouldf Ef0rI*I‘e;. ne§§v“PArcésI:)yl3'5 A ms+wom1«d« choor.a1aea= seem:mei4Ac5mm~¢n;ipr§y¢r B36815, T>amd;~ r¢gma4e t‘11'(;¥ti*1‘4*e*Tv*"e*§ t*H€ fins % é7i:1f¢?:‘jIw’Ai%tfif1ii’o‘r;c ‘ff6*t'é';'fe *ivh¢‘15g0i’ A AA will’be‘%i‘fL1iffI‘ythVe~s,Oblatfons‘,afidA gobd‘Ché:ar,:§1the'r“7’tlien w"a tit théfe;&. ‘ cs/fm2;;7£é: Waive‘ “F07? Abfif/QB" King; 2fitr/Jd7*;‘¢j',- Rélégiérzs’4fid41?*‘i*?>W§I’rvf VA Am my ofrhekfe fov fwrr+e= as %tb¢:c d.é%Iiii‘th¢m~;§ ;i¢w%~ma4n~y da“ys‘:s :»fim:c ;Wrongj1mh% been éfl-er€*d‘to*afl’:thefe;‘; ‘ % 1, A A M z¢alAz«}ma‘prb:AA‘az-‘?fi:c24 mam::7;m;maz’z:oAAco;:zi;gw=;sa’1a‘;zazze;«;; __fyeAtV:Vtb.e»5f}é.;i £~:MEngIandsV;z}}zlA'Scbtlaniis émuéwzrlq-'.W * .. ¢ A A % C ?. A A A _But 4 ‘ A Theo xvdyl to iris not iroiofl-E? It His Ma} Eut:tl1ere,"a no‘ fea about the Presbytetiado pulpit,tl1e_R*oyalifls*dii'l3 pgontengtsiend f:.2fl’erii1gs,iinor between £’:{q2aznd ‘end S5é;1qnbi§t‘bot1gb His Majefiybeinan Iflzindl; zmdlbefide,‘ thexye arelhipsto go between Ex: 1. land and .S‘cot!.«,md,i and were l:i arid" l_iRa%Eeriz‘ oW%r,-fie faith, Thettéilatfeolpaifl ‘ {angers cottie in lth'ero;who‘freqoent St; many‘ and .2§*a,«m;mm-z7%zc;y. i mind ~\’i_7e_/i‘.m{7 Peace mid o’Z)2¢£j b;»:u>m¢x1ae £7¢_g.-:{t)m;r,l ,u;zde2f_ Goererrzmemf of rheeK'iwg, \1’eneedl1¢bt;7cmr%E’:¢e97¢ié.r_.4zéragzd. A bi i ll “Pcyka d£{ien$t,"_in the name A ofsthe Kiflgdotnlofi smzemzfromwhaz the Pen L”i1§l:'iA 11:4 E ;xm+¢.of,l 4 Peace. ; England thinks necefiary For their efeifetyi, agmdlfae good .o%gndl igmng » V It: at mflom-tire other “mttiom, to keep 5' 01:15:73 in rpzzflfl mom}, éamneg people of England ind Scoltland are 4 ffee people, med 53:‘/9} t/am _[/Boflld {War 53% made 4 Tvjzzdevamayzg At/gem .? I l . V ’ _ A V A A A Be afliired of it as a tmth,l the Army is ft) or from continuing onelg \ comite money, that if the Patlianlent ‘can l:$e‘wilthoi1ttbem_.,l they “will i be willing to disband, with Vreafonabler Arrears then you went out of ffngland with; and for the%Kingdoms» i being free,it=wi|l appear at lafil the Parliament and "Army of England will be no inflavers, at;lea& of t}li§,,t0 theiqcreditvand others‘ ffhame: as forwarbeingmadta ttgadg-,1 ,‘ it hath notbeen the cufiom of this nation, not of 4 yours ; its true, as a X trade abroad you know how well Scoilmzdi l1_f.1tlx'i ldriven, it 3 "and truly tobend both Poo\vers;;__I:+ol» reltote Allies, there’s {no doubt Englarzd. wit’! hearkcn;to.as readily as Seéllmd, and yet take Cate to reduce rebellious Ireland befides. ~ X; T A j 7% A 4 _ V V 1 , . ‘ ~ Far4‘1>répofitian ¢}fI’z}zj of Arrears, and dz:/3222712’ all in we. a VVhfy you fhould fo moeheff En land: WcalthCrCln,appe§1rsnpr,bc..: A lcaufeyou are foloppuofite totheiflr cl " igns tending toenh Accord 5“ befides, » if oyou-mean afteroan agreement, would you have H1éMajefty:rcfiored5 i 9,ndvforthwith«I¥Ii$,,ai1dHis p3.rt'ics wordstaken,thatl,theyWwi1l conform ~ t to allthatisiggxeedgaiidltheP2irliament h:aveA0rAily ithefname of azm1;:;¢.i A A Title: ty"lAHo7ibr'ljou defirej t/fie“ fag W7g9%t£te‘ib£ndere.g{f7:'em be-'_?,f l ‘ ll flowing or cor¢ferr£2'z€g',i it eéeingaicbieffiewer oft/ale rC'r0W?1:- l l A But how;£hall'tl1e Paid’ ment, andfo fngland, be 2_1{Ii1red,‘l Atliatnoloe ll o be honored who havenot iwherewith to maint_ainlAit,o botimufto put A : iis. Mafefiyi upon unjufl‘gtout1d'stoe oieintgifi that f honor. Efaixd whethler; his Majd'fy.will not conferihonors to the prejudice of the ancient» No- bilityof Englmdg, and make _fi)lm:_,tny':Loatd$ bring honotintoi. ‘W 1 diiePceehi,’That the Lords. hotife may ,4 not‘ be fot1nded,ifojl ta~s~ it fvvill iI{it1g-éjtrodggaihfljtisqwh grid the Iiingdomsgood? For hoqqrs inf'Scor'¢ lama lethimgive as many as A he;-will ‘, fo he gives not (aslformeirly) h the wealth of Ezzgllmd to maintain " them. And now éthus ‘macho hath to been ‘faid, ‘it will be no greét digteflion to fay, “That there ieemsto be A l reafon that there fhould be ho rno’re”Scotchmen about His Majeflcy, as ' hfervants, or preferred in_€ng1a%:d to any thingthat expends the Re- venue of England , then ttherellare Englifh in Sml;ma’«;e“and though A ‘there he a neceflity that Sco’t"chmen attend I-IisMajefiy,asetin relation: to; the affiirs of Scotland; yet, there is no hreafon that £:ggl.«md: Revenue maintain them, not that Englifh honor be heitowed upon them,lbut that they wait what fallsin Scarlarzd, _ l V ' * A * e , ifl exprrflon: of ?(l.}'K:'1_.‘Ii:t2‘lt’}'t’_flz'7'1_2‘/36:/(:? Priojtofitiéjzrmre lefiézxty” V A If the Parliament make them good, they do well, if not, God will be angry with them ;_ for to_ aft againftthe true , Intercfi of efiingdoms, ever proves fatal, and hiith been the Jalonetcaufe of the eprefentecondi-L A tiott of His Majeftie, Children and Party. 7Bntit/oer: is {aft 0221 of the LPropa_/z‘tion,rbozt Wlaic/9 jt§y:zt{y lcogrcernx éor/7;’ ‘ and ‘timer cmmeziytto agreement ;_ viz. o Tlmrpmcrflyozrld mt be made Wit/J A the Kihg, ‘wikbome the can/En} ofscotland. A I That there isa' neceflity of treating or debating Joyntly, X btcaufe the agreement, is,That no Peace {hall be lchnclnded, but bymutual c'onf2ht,i‘ : doth not follow; The Princes of Chriltcndom have had at long time, you’ know, ‘a Treaty at Mnnfler, wherein each have treated apart, yea,trittarid without the privityoflotheri; Aendwthofe who”havebet;n in confederacy, ~ not to agree to Pearce, 7 bttthyjoyiit oonlisnt go for haw: not each their fe- V eiveral biifinefstld~i[tinrR“froml the othgr,%t as the “French, Dutch, Sweacls-;,. “ I-Iatffians, and others, all in confedetaey :_ \low the Joynt Interefiiseof e feverallnattiresg an"d“Wi.ll take his ' properiplace, ‘and; you have the ex; A ceptlio1nsllaseany%oFi the ihforementioned have ;% but that the Parliament _ may not treat for their own partietilars, Ivand forbear the; other, 1;hcre’3 t A no queflfion: all thelqueftioniyhotvi far ttjoynt ilntereft obliges, for they rm alterahIe_ as you know well, but it; regard it is» onelyl charged ~ upon the Piat rliament, to have left it‘olnt,, it m7aybc after afihmed. T/i€li‘Parli2zment it a£ligtd,'nr» tlacjhm/e Tdeclkiredeto g,-1115,54 _[:;da;»,~i, r 1 fit afideiéfpzfiopdcjr i:aEngland,4nd laintier it:Comingatgazi22‘iflt0 Scotland.‘ J Andiif they do not,_woi be tothtm, for ifthey lhall forget what ‘l A i A i M A e flaves ( 26)‘ . Tiaves H-1ee.374~mvM£ére =to"thefj I;.¢:;:‘e.%<;’}ey pou~e»z~ of”eI?’z'eIai5%ezf»',a%z:¢§ee~V;}%;ggg *5); t{.;3.t Way they fizffereed, e1arid .:eee:ze any fizehfike thing, it v;ere"pit:y‘ but; they fluoaeid be bored x:hro;z3gh7"‘ihe ears, and {be ma~r§;*ede% for eeeVerna1fiave;s‘.r-4‘ A _An.,tj1 {Me the‘ -rooting om: def Epifcopa c.-{yin €z3;Zae;¢d,we is €r._0u§g1'i aIc'nWe‘w*;e make ggod‘a the Ineere-Peg, increafe eUnion,e and ~perpeeu2zte‘ Amity.’ ‘ e The m-2» éZ»£me%zkjZazi:':l*#p.0e;¢ we r‘2fi2},_7‘Ei- medlixg Wit/2: 1:55 ’7s~é.:ztz°e7'- :77 I’w~ce, wad pi‘a;2aJ{;e[a‘o mzzcij ca’ m~2n”z¥ec/geared azcgazk/E :57 P'£2rZ;%:'z:i:I¢’er22‘. ~.As‘f0rt11eArmeiesemedéing, it waebue ti) pm: the great %whE*ee’ls off me A " SeeAoese‘AK¢e1trees_eee; ‘rmd having, as‘the~},_f,_.eCC~1*;cei%s'e, 5:-‘{{t‘ti1'€II-I z2epon’Eng1iefh: bat: is? «%they H1cml<;l g;c»b;zck.,z{s mac thej," will theyimend tovietvthema1A0:2e,,+h0pir=gthe*AI>ims’wi§H«;eep them therefi A make bold with them again; oneiy with th1sejz_'é}zfi*, mzdefor ga0J_[2="e‘e*ié'e a'07zL’1.Z5f1’m*1ia2’me?zt:. ” ".490-ereLow[a22,‘etehef'eetii'fies%” give **-it“ m§eez"-geeezxte‘ ’eo1“bee_rufled,e eeitlgfsr by W King; ore‘e.I’13cr**lifir"11et%t ‘;5 Wreafen‘ ms :Ue€5i?i1éd4ifijQne: people A that g0vem’_}fn;% “it ‘Q, r1egaVed‘ Lth slétiiile >cel1fieef35r 7i%r1* ‘gee ting‘ money, have fl%iette}e‘ ee11nderHan3ifig%* ain*~an‘y e*r?hing'eeIefeé~;~efpecizefly the eA_‘r:et%i1-» ems, in whom Vmleee;is;"e.-and'~e therefore" “fLImbjEa.‘."~E®‘ mm .:P:*ve1"‘al**ways*‘*iVneI~a e week, (2.1- "wreck, ~%~‘t?ze:%~»iv‘e’£*"o re: vs.=-,a*y's.mfit to nzamge V§’t3,5ip()f1!3, 2mcI* mefi;.ur;fiA: tohvfiva V c1aa«2'ge'of.;tInc T0Jfw<3r%vw*here»Va!1wcrapomare ;, ForVChar_1;er,;I?;iw¢i!%<:dg_;;x:*s; 8.5:, %t'm*:;~,%~»§'x::.vwe r.~.f' U311 been <:oz1fir1ned,% and if new %for;f«::i:ed,' as f.u'fi£-“.*~' rm, “ the Fu..%@f% c;2§;:Eix{i;:>:s.2 p;Its:iz101d~E3t:1t%€. \ " ' ' V ‘ A “ % 1 %- 2 . ' .. V. % A ‘ V5’ 5.‘-.; ..5 " A$~f01*.tme:srA by-§;.m«s,, being 2;S.O(),C3’~f{ as an Ail of Parhamentg Lfflfi L . wefie grantaéfl, ~Lo%r2;[o.m.x*a;;11idft;e undone :*f0:<”€xa1T:pI~¢, aiii ‘Ac‘?*‘cs% done in %Gom-mam-C,o:m%cc} :61 1t~i:1g» t%04.d.A£Z‘o:m’cy=:, gare Bj;«-Lz1ws,no Afis of Pagmzi-~ ‘ Q nu q. ‘ -. q , a . ‘ ‘ m<_=~z3t_: mt <::;—:§«.":.:* tz1ey4gwe%1‘*1fcy. Subhdxczs tQ‘1l-1r11ament.‘T0 1fCp;1r of Pmls. To Anm}-ac a. newLine~of' *CQm%mumica:ion. Mad then igivcé.skfiin:dja more mg P1153 it C§:.1’~%.¥«+=:%I1%:; .fl10&1ld%%%th_ey agree that thftf /14' ¢‘1»5r£.az, that jg, £.1‘=';1§ I... . T;-aim.-Bands or Ho:1fi:kCs:p%erAs go to Awewcafzie, or farther in a.rm"s, and all theft: bgxmding, a man had beam‘ be«afl:we in 'fm..I3.f077£’ i‘/35713" more, r/mt 221', The Bill for flat? IV’lilit:i:1fi=22t% to‘ %%t/oer wzo 2“/36 l.»:mg‘e Trcruj. % % 1 % % % VA The woArdsV arc-mo nmre but thefc:,_That His Majcfiy confent that the 2Iz1ilz‘ri.~.z of the 1*£ing*d01nAofEng!;zrz;l, and Dominion of Wzzlex, and» Town of %B.«.zr\a7i¢‘/<2;, alfo Eh-‘.‘:‘1fl.‘.»‘Li'.tCf ofGm~;